LATE BULLEXn^- WABHmoi^N, JofM s U xUj JoliMd lb* Vtilt«4 s u t # u « - Gr««t ^U ln'lD an kcmawat ^djoat* In* leoA-kua UT»Bsnnata as4 p«*- «l

- VOiL26..Ko. 30 - ■ ' • ^ ca5‘»,“g ,ja ______TWIN FFALLS.. A L I^ , IDAHO,IDAHO. TUESDAY,TUESDAY. JUJUNE N E 2,2 .1942-y_ w a - v , . . „ ■: ' "------PPW0B-&-eBNT9-r R iaB -t-eB M T O


MEXICO N A Il Signs Declaration Note to thvaders: Iddho’a Gdorful ENEMY SUFFERS- Arsenal City of immim “Commandos” Aren’t Playing Games G t o s s Nazis Pounded in (By NEA. Senrlce) 8UN VALLEY. June 2 — W ith the incotpcprallon ot oil Idaho's pVc- South Idahoans Ready for Foe O W A R i M l S turesque guerrilla and homo guard M OESERIFIGHI .units Into'ono body, tlie s u te mlUtIa Gigantic Attack ' Hr EDWARD r. m oroan , C A Ifip. June 2 (U.B — Col Gen. 'AIEXICQ CITY. Juno 2 (UJO— will be augmented b y 25J 00 tough Erwin tUmmtVs plant tor » major hombre.1. axis offensive acr«M---the Libyan LONDON, June 2 (/P)-:-Thc RAF turned the lethal, dev­ Mexico formnlly entered Uie war Officially they are the Idulio vol- o c aliu t Uie axis today, Jiul 30^nya clc»ert upon T o b r u k and Egypt astating might of 1,036 planes loose on Germany last night, #{ler, the Xlrai Mcxlcon »li!p ■unteer ncservc.i: B ut Umt title Is have "gone completely awry" In nlmo.9t all of them on ^he region of the nazrafsenal city of «unk by an axla Bubmarlne. scarcely calor/ul enougli’ for range- a Hero* batUe that »U1I continue* bred citizens who have always had Esstfn. Pripie Mlni3ter'‘Churchill announced-today. President Manuel Avila Camacho, after the capture or deslraeUon of The (lecond of the crushing rafds which th e RAF ha^ *Jened a declartiUon of wnr-rfftri>- the faculty of being rr.vjurceful abo u t z e o ^ l s tanks, a DriUsh. and <-fflclcnt. and a^ the same Ume eommunlquTllfld to^.y. made against tho fiourcea of ocUve ip May 22—aRalrmt Ocrmany. plcture.vjue. So they've ^Ireody pick-, Italy anrf Japan. *n>o government ed up such names ns ‘■commando*" Adolf, Hitler's ; m iiltarv compiled with the lajt technical. By HENRY T. GORRELL strength in three* days stru tS Iiy of becoming a belligerent by pub- and -Pnul neveres," . 20,000 Claimed Ooii't get Uie idea, however, tim t CAIRO, Junji 3 (U.R) — Col. Eriii’ln at the home of the huge . IMftJnc Ute >—The ptndlns tlvil rlghta lor ihe »luri-s. ouUiceaK. sparsely t^ettlM Id&ho wns New York Times said today thift follow “when we are joined, a vulnerable spot. It.i mountain air­ bruk. but counter-attacking British tlon. Im p eria l using 2S-lcit ‘American prlvato .advices from competent as we soon sHall be, by the ^ Unanimous VoUj ^ AVILA CAMACHO ports. manned by a few Rovcmment neutral 'otoervera In Berlin, re­ forca:ehi. could be taken by a smalj t a n t r rfre sUIl e n g a g e d In hard^ air force of the United Congress, h a s voted *iUianlmously . , . Stem ,deeUrat|oii of war llghtlnB. lay^ trSm Europe, esUmated StJttc;^.” U) declare war; Uie chamber • ol Invanlns io«e. Danserbusly vulner­ Uiat about. 30.000 persozls were putting Mexico on side of a lliti In able to sabotage were djmis. power. Although U irow n-^ck In Uie . Tlie Essen raid came after • paUM deputies lost fYldny, and the sen­ flchl aralhit aiU. < V m pt to encircle Tobruk and w... killed Ih Uie RAP-« bombing raid of but one night, when bad wcaUier ate, on Saturday.-ilctuatly Mexico laitalluU oni,' mlnea .aniT factorles- on ColMfne and th a t M.OOO were, Dut If trouble cnine today there the, D systerri, Itom- held th e RAT"» great bomb-e&nyl^g had been a belllscrenl slnco Ma? 23, meVs f o r c e s have not yet 'e e n wounded,-about 30 per cent crit­ armada grounded.-af^ the rpam* when Aulla Camacho and his cab­ would be a dlllerent stoo'- It might ically.- go wracUilng like this; ■ smoohM and still'may be able to moth attack by considerably' more inet decided to ask ccngtess for a reorgnnlte west of two gaps In Uie Tlie dispotch said that tho sU- declaration of wur. On May U, a ilbrsn Standard-Bqalpment than 1,000 British bomben on Col- Loss Noted in Tn the pvent of wjir 'emtrgcney in Idaho, ths pletureaque Carejr British minefield west of Tobridg uaUon wna so serious because of OBM. Oerm an aubmiD-lne had sunk Uie 'The alarm wduld quickly go by warm weaUier that special Ger­ telephone or sliortwave radio to ''Mounted A. U. P." nnlt. above, b prepared (e d ^ i through the country­ To prevent Rommel from muster­ *"Loue« LTght unarm ed Mcxlcon -ship Potrero del ing his strength-for a new frontal man army aanltary' detochments county mllltla headquarters. Vohin- side, womlnr farnifO who hare no radios or telephones. Again, British losses were relaUve- Llano. Tlic* government sent Ocr- Hitler’s Hold na.'.Ault eastward In the a re a of the had been sen t Into tho area >o as­ many an ulUmatum. U waa answer­ teer ‘-minute men" would ^rab their sist In prcvenUng tho spread of ly slig h t for m alt' offensive of such gunj and ammunition, load their Kapa. Lleul. Qen, Nell M. Rltchle'e ed o clRlith Imjwrlal arm y Is ceaselessly disease. magnitude.'Churchill said 99 bomb- tanker Faja de^Oro. On Nazi Mass horses and Uic^elvca Into trucks 'Tliree-flfUis of Uie Inlubltnnts -# hod failed to'retuni. and hurry to tin scene of action.'No hammering the enemy with tanks,' Rolf Arlwedson. the Swedish ortlliery fire and bomlfers. of Cologne w^ro being "officially He told^e house of commoos that By LOUIS F. LOCIINKtt helter-skelter m ^. they would be the raiders had sown numerous and - ch*r«o d'afrura, was p^uested'by German Claims evacuated." tl\e Times reported, Foreign Eicqulel Padilla to NEW yORiC. Ju n e .2- (Wlde4-<.commanded "by ojtnm lsiloned of,- while officials attempWd to pre­ widesnread fires lfl4^ n lg h t.a n d th a t -Inform Qemucfly that MoUo li her World)—Adolf Hitler, for nlmoat 30 fleers. And wlUi them would go field vent a moM exodus from Ancben. Uie two raids Introduced “* new enemy. Thf'SwedUih sovom m ent has years a m « tc r psycliologlst a t acns- euKlneerInc trucks and supplle.i for Due«ieldorf. Wuppertal. Mains phase In' tho Brltlsb'olr offensive been arproscntlne Qermany,^ (Up^ ■QQ^sSmat the moMCS w ant Co hear severol days' .operotloai. Some of version* of Uio batlic^sald that nnd Dther-cWts. • .against aermskny" wftlcb will put temaUe slnec Dte. 1 1 , wiicn ana ^ a t they are prepared to nc- Uie .companies also have Ilrrt Cross strong Brlll.iii poslUons had been Uia enem y to *'an ordeal th e like Mexico MoJte dlplomaUc relaUons U pt lu the way ^'burdens and de> ambulance units. ■'encircled and annlhllaled" a n d re­ of which never baa been experienced wlUi th e axla. prjvaaons, ha» shown definite slia« Horses are standard equipment tor sistance broken a t 'Ualcb.-. OM of. Irrany counth' 'ltt ctmUhulty)'*ewr- The SwlM consul general and Uic ot late of /alUng^^ fathom puble the mountaltl terrain .where a-truck 'Oio' two gaps Utraugh vhlcli Item* Aussie C h ie f Ity- or magnltuAt.** PonugoeM charge d'olto^u. rtp- senUment correctly. I cnnnot'navigate. And n t' in meVa tanks withdrew. 'The Germans He cautioned Uie British, however, rrsentUig Ufe-It«Ulaa ond^Japanese In consequence, his unexamplAl B lain i eountv Uie locomotion l.i more elnlmed the .destnicUon or ca| not to- expect all ftituri raids to be sovkmmento, reapecUvely. advUed hold upoa the masses-, b jtradualty diversified. There the "Sun Valfey of 331 BrlUsh tanks and Uie U . States Japan “above the four'flgure scale" in them . ■ > , { supping. cOmmondoA" have traltied dog-sled ot 3;>(li} pclsonen inclMdlng n s n - number, ot plane* adding tiiaf ‘ '■ iBfonnea cl AcUra, ; The moft recent case Ip point b team* for military operations. And tlsh brigadier general.) ."meUiods o f «tUc£^ will be conUn- PadfiU told the soveruments of ills relchstag speech of ifarll 26. sortfe 'o f the country’s sklefti Advices from the de.«rt. batUe- At, Stalemate uidly varied' aceordlns to clxcum- ~Uie 31 American KpubUc*-«U of Thoughtful Germans aroToaklng have converted their peacrllme skill ;r(mt Indicated t^ t Rommel hod lUme**.'*.. wlilclt..e:teepl ArgcnUnn and Oblle, themselves: How could Hltlcf at the lo soldlcrlv loM oppwxlmately h a lt ol &t>0 tanks MELQOURiE, Austra^, JmB 1 -The tlr ministry’s dl*lo«ure that * are at war ylDi the axis or have end ol a terrible winter, whlclt look .younted A. R. r. ho sent ngalnst liie ^Irltlsh posi­ tffV-Prlme Minister John. Curtin, aircraft • the boipber. -ilcbtcr, br«cn \elaUam ^JUv It—h«l been a severe tdll ot o erm an Ute a t the MeanwKlIc such unlla n.i the Carey tions. sw eeping southeastward who has w am ri Australla repeated- coutsl and um y eoqperatlaa-«oa- Mounted'A. R.J'P. .would be living around th^ DrIUsh left flank-'at liiorrn-ii-E usilaa trOAt, IraC ^arf,* sprtac' W ly o( Ihe dshgtr ol ^Japanese In- * telUr.g iheMi<on th a t aext-w tuter up to their *Paul. Revere” nick­ I Dir Hnclieim a n d . up bahlsd Uio ■*nre dcclajntioii. lorcod "eh us vnsloQ attem pt, declared uMay th a t by circumstances, leavea the Mex­ better transportaUon would be pro­ name. Many fdabo fam en have no British .poslUonA abuthw til of To­ ican people with the deep reallxa— vided In the east? W hy n q t ace. first telephone or radio, anci no nelKhbore bruk. "Jopw'a war program at last haa ... Indicated that the nlght^a opent- tlon that Uie denjpcracleV victory how Uie sum m er otfenslvp.turns out ' May R eturn Attack. Buttered Btolcmate." Uons may hav* been of a ttiagnltude wUl faclUtate world*wlde ------and . reserve talk al»\jy the next BrlU^ih military quarters snid thot "Tho eneniy has fotmd his roost possibly equalling the startling zaUon of a permanent regime o( winter until then? / Uie old Colonial technique to bring strength p( the Cologne asault. them-word. 'A rm et^llh ipoHIng rine* and shotguns, this field Engineers nnlt of Rommel may return to'Uie attack sOUUierly adventure beyond his ca­ • right, of mutual respect oinl redp-, . We who heard the.speech on our nt nny Ume, - - pacity to execute," the prime minis­ lU con&iunlque sold: rocol understanding," he said. aecrct radio during Uie (Inal days Idalio'.i Gov. A. Clark t^ - , ^ < r j ^ l l e y c{>mmaryiM'' speed to scenic of trouble in trucks, which ^ S lain ObJeeUve 1. Ca1a>n )) ' rttn used In rough, mouotain terrain. Ritchie's, low s’ still were ter declared In launching Uie cor • T he {CFTClgn office wvnounard Uiat, of our Inlomment ai Bad Nuuhelm . monwealth'fl second liberty loan. *TAst night a force'of a thousand gaged In hnrfl fighting in the .^orlcan and Meccan diplomats In notM Uie depresjlnB effect upon siremft^of Hh^bomber command aapanese and othtr far eaaum the Gennan hotel personnel. Knlghtflbrldge area 20* miles south-- "I defy the enemy to land large west of Tobruk, strlvln^^o destroy forces In Australia." conUnued thepm nslve against woit> posts no*: occupied ^ the Japan- American bu.ilnes.imen who.Joined ern 'OermBny. The main objectives n t woulil b e icW T ntil,on Vht hnet ,ui on the S, -8. Drottnlngholm di­ axis’tank units remaining Imide the The goal of the loan drive British minefield barrier extending were war Industries of Uie Ruhr, In­ Assma Mam. foiling from Yoko- rectly from Berlin tojd us: "A few amounts to »113.<00.000 as compared cluding Essen. X J u n e lo : ■. h a ^ aX Ju n e lo: ■. more juch ipeechM and the masses Square Deal Requested for Jap ^ouUl of'E t Gaxala on the coui w ith Uie *157,140.000 subscribed In Dir Hnelielm. The DrlUah e r \ "Prfllmlnary reports of the crewe arc UirouBh with UlUer. Tliey don’t Uie llrst loan. Indicate that Uie attacks were prcM- .•ant to hear of another w inter of lleved to be using two armored di­ visions and several -brigades" ' Curtin said he spoke In a spirit ed hom e m ost effecUvely. of confldcnce bom of knowledge of "During the attack oh the Ruhr. Their experience was like ours flve Workers; dBeet yolunteers Gain heavier UJhka. Tlio DrlUih' taut forces Include how tho -war Is proceeding. afrcraft of the bomber, fighter, BAIDGES REN EE m onths previously, .our jjroccr. our By O, A. K ELKER "The thrusta Uie enemy made at coastal and army cooperation com­ American 38-ton tanks mounUng barber, our butcher.' not to speak our soli were repulsed," he said. mands attacked •enemy airdromes of our closer friends, literally cried Jnpaiiy.Sc; cbminj? in to th is sectig n o f Idaho f o r \ o r k in Uiree-lncli guns, known ns tlic most d ^ d ly s|nedlum ta n k In Uie world, "Tlie enem y h a d come wlUi bombing In Oermany, PYonoe a n d th® low when we made our last purchaac.i.or th e fielclS a rc n ot p riso n ers in ^ a n y o f th e -woni, arc planes and Inflfcted damage but woj countjlt. bade them (arcwell. They oil realliod FLASHES of having a great advantage In lire DEPOMG com ing o t th e ir own. f re e w ill anti dlizcn .s of ihi."? a re a .slioulrt power over Uic Oerman "mart driven off with losses. The enemy “TOrty-flve of Our aircraft are insilncilvely and from Uiclr recollee- sec to it that they arc allowed all conHiderations, officials iir had sought to come here with Im­ mbjlng from, all these operatloot- BAN FTIANCISCO. June 3 0JJ9— tlon of Uie war of lOU-lB Uint tanka which wcro masters of the Harry Bridges. CaUfomla CIO di­ charjrc of the setup aald this afternoon, ' LIFE Libyan battlefront six months ago. mense novitl strehg^ lo establish Tlieso lotues were nine fewer than rector, was taken Into custody by America's entry Into Uie w ar-forced a spearhead but he tound his moat Uie 41 ot Saturday night— .BOISE..i.J Ju u n n e e :: :S;aUD-U, Clia««..A! by (5,000 m e n . The petition, assigned to Pedertl TENDELliUENIS camp where the Japanese will __ - Burke dUpntchcd ft truckloaa* Amerlcan bombers operating from a n d a t li^ t has been /Overcome." . CantMlan filers, it waa am^ounced be housed; W. Clyde WilllamR. Clark^'WhMsI normal-no OccupaUon la of membfis ol tJie Queens hu- secret Indian, bases have carried out h e said: Judge A. F \au Sure, -'asserted Bovclnor.oT Ida: officially, Main were at the controla Bridges was ;-unlawfuUy detained, managei^of. the local office of Id aho, turned "flUjtip” ria u of tewer.i to the -scene and raids on Japaneee ' some of the giant four-englned restrained of his liberty a«d Imprls-. laborer...... toddytn tn iiclp Uie owner of after wading nrounU hnlf a dny bases in Burma, Including the Ran­ the United States . employ- a nearby suKar'i _.lrllngs. LaocAsters, HoUfaxea and oned byFralicls Biddle as attorney PUI O N fBlilSI nearby su|{ar'fann beat a aliort- Uiey found the bill, unshed it off goon harbor area, a commun[quc University Honor UgUter WeUlnstoM nnd llaiapdcns. meht’ Bcrvlcc; Chief of Policc ige of form .workers at\S th rta te n td and relumed It to Mrs. 01»-ico. revealed today.. .j senera! ot the ynltcd StaUs severa- ARtnla of Uie FBI have the names crop loss. Some of these-punes, among them lent, jin d his agents." • ' J M persons who have thus far tail­ Howard Gillette": Sheriff W. who Bttld s h f wns very hni>py MaJ, Ocn. Xewls H. Brct«t«n, - To Justice Budge craft which were back In action ’ This legal batUe, Bridges’ coun­ ed to answer the)r draft call by Twin W. Lowery' and County Pros­ W ielding ft shott-handled hoe. the about It. \ - American air commander In India, after having been over Colocne la sel believed, eventually fIU end wJUi Falls selective service board No.' I, gray.haired governor of Idaho led a said one- enemy tanker was sunk MOSCOW, June 3 (itP-^-JusUce th e -j(^ s llrst ponflenms blow, can ecutor E verett M. Swccley. croup pf -iitAie employes who vol­ SI«Oil^.NAP*-^\ ■ > and .others damaged In a Monday Alfred Budge, for Uie past 37 y e « s ' a decision on the long and conUo- Cjxpt. J. H.'Seaver. the Jxxird's elcrk. At first It was Uiought that the c a rry ^ o u r to iu of mUsUes. - virslk! Bridges case by the U. - . unteered for beet thinning work be- raid on docks and shipping at Ran­ a member of Idaho's supreme court 8 said today. InlUal unit of Japanese U) volun­ cauie' of the labor shortage. NEW YORK. June 3 (.TV-Swcct Other Areas lilt ^ supremo courts- Biddle ordered "inductlbn' officials have been muslo to nil Brooklyiaic.1 , includ­ goon. Ten Japanese night fighters a n d fire tim es lU chief JosUcr. to­ While Uie thousand bombers were teer for field work would number Two weeks oso. Clark wns nfRotl- ’were routed la attempting to inter­ day inueased "the highest honor Bridces deportedjn Brounds the talrly lenient on 'registrants who 43 b u t todtky Mr. Elcock had been ing J, Rem spencer, is the crack hauling their deadly freight to' the longshore leader was a Communist. aUng wlUi federal ofllplals to ob­ cept. 'i'' which the University of Idaho can Informed that 33 uliriu-rlve some- tain Japanese evacuee from Uie Pn- of Uie Icague.lcncUnR Dodgera'- Ruhr, one of the largest "Intrudei" Brldgcs,-hli ittdmeys and a no-' baseball bats. - American heavy bomberf. Breteton bestow." forces of the war cotopoeed of tlm# this evening in a special ralJ. clfic coast’to do the beet thinning revealed, heavily damaged runways An honorary, degree as doctor of toiy. public, arrived at the Son "However, now they are beginning rottd car. They wiu come from Sac- B ut n o t so sweet—to Spenccj-p a t American-mode Boston and Hur­ Franci^ u; s. ImmlgraUon staUon to tlghen up and unless we,hear soon work but when Uio Intemeea failed and batteied grounded entmy-planes laws wna presented the Veteran Jur­ ,rv& ento. , lo respond lo a call lor­ least—13 Uie trium phant mu.-!lc ricane fighter bombers—went hast- ' and entered the office ot Irving from them prison terms may be io from the club's "victory calliope" In raids May M-30 oti the MylOcyina ist On connecUon with commence­ in£ over the Intervenlnc occupied^ Wlxon. director. About five intnutes store tor the dellnquenu." 'J •- Towi^ Fojk Helping ers he declared a special holiday for airdrome In northern Burma. All m e n t exercises a t the InsUtuUon yes­ 10 suie employes and urged all clUtensI which pcnetrntei his apartment terrjtbry as Uiey dld.oo the night of • later, Oladsteln returned and said: Seaver Uid that he was Inclined U r. WUUams also at^nounced U)- near Ebbets field. places returned safely. terday. the operaUona o^aliut Colosne. ) believe th a t a m ajority o t the day. relaUva lo the townspcopli!’ ofi lo turn from their norpol duUes this "H ury U Ip custody now," Weekto save the state's sugar beet "It breaks up -my afternoon ' Prawlng: to themselves the alten- 10 have moved from th e TV ln T olls ferlng U«lr aervlces for work In tC»ttUm»W •m'ru^nr-CUtmm tt area and tailed, possibly through the beet and onion fields, that 10 0 crop. .He Joined the city workers nap." Spencer, 70, explained In Big C onv^G ets Ignorance, to leave a ' forwarding had volunteered up unUl noon. Of In the fields to prove urgency ot all court In obtaining a aummons address. *, thU number 79 were for the beet while collar worker* turning to.far^ calling lor Uie club to explain ChurcliiU Says British Were fields, 30-tfeTo for Uif onion fields. labor during the emergency. • '' why I t .shouldn't U ne dow n the Willkie Candidate > The. last or PiV general qucsUort- organ------.--Y—- - J Throu^toReds na|res to men who registered in the Or_th8.tot*l.toditf .tup unUl.iioon), : .C lark. Burbcd l a h is old tat cloOies, • LONDON, Juno 3 flJJ?—Another third d raft went out today. UoweVer. aim at ^ork ger of OnUrlo, CaUl.. poUUIy h ar launched by Naxl Field Marshil battle of this kind that casualUea an opponent endorsed by 'WendeU. ' submarines, the admiralty said *TTje num ber listed up unUI noon C lark's Office served a-i his aides In been rcpuUed. L. WUlkle. nearly co m p letr retoizuf^ today. the sugar beet field of Fleet Cory, -Er«'ln Rommel lost week luid ivere on boUi aides ik tanks should be irom Iowa's prim ary elecUoo showed today ore new In Uie aense that Slje inquired of Uie first cavalsy ready X6r I t ‘ • ' high but our reco\-cry ontanlzaUon The convoy, carrylhg American they were assigned today," W illiams Who opcrntes a farm two miles south division WheUier there waa “any 'ta&ay. and BrlUah war iuppllea lo the fled House to Debate «Ad one a n d one-half mUes west ot , He told It was clew from captured ...... 7 welL- 'secretary of AsrlcuUura'lOzk'O- aald. '‘There are some others who slight chance Uiat a glrl'could be. dociimcnU» that Rommel inteivded ______. Oen. Sir Claude J. army, was In battle from May 25 to were aaalgned on prevloua days who Merldlfln., of any service" In that branch of 'ThoinburT. U^delea{ed eandldata.. May 30, Uie admir<y said. Dependents’ Aid . 'The governor’s beet-thlnnlng ji.-irty to defeat the B ritish Annored Xorces E. -Auchlnleck, commander-ln-chlef who WUlKie m lor has t«ken."Hhe prime minister plane attoduralons the Arctic m te aid to.dependents of enlisted aea erty near Idaho Palls but It was his r i d e cludto* thoae In Uie onloai. first experience at blocking Uie beet declared, "and we ahoU watch lU ; lo northern Russia. in the armed serrlcea. • m i e r e Is abo the possJbUlty th a t JaTie admiralty sjlld that the en- Chairman A.- J. Sabath, D.. m., aprouta. v ' . : lurtber development wlUi eozseat Bome.voluhteers aeut to work with- PARADE D A Y - attention. • ' Brttlih eouivea eetlmated that M .» m y atCacka werts'-'heavy and de- ot the'rules committee said hoiue out first reporung here aho because Clart, who earns *5.000 a year as gwemor. may add^bogt to hU P A T E R s6n. N. j ., Ju n e -3 w l' — "Pierce flghtlns sUU Is pnxcedi « r c e n t o r morB o t th e axU* af- tear Uoeou plats ^termlned" but that • the convoy lead en hopM to bring- th e m e asu n ot thU we have no rccotd, oj Uitm. 11,50 ------l o » se rtlo e etaUop..--'-;- lought lie -way th ro u g h . up lor passage tomorrow: taxable Incom e -l sbadow-of of .the Libytt battto have beortW^- T heoT ie Under the legislation « soldier's out. T hey .will be assigned to a Held mortal day parade cahied horlxon- dmibt that Rommel'# p to for his -wife would receive 140 a m onth, of the beet plants for a full day. FLAG DAT CElKEMONIEs’ f*om here and Uieu- transporUUon Ully % Red Cross flag too Urge for InlUalAtC^ve h t n cone complete- gave th e erfceUt Uf ekUlNl rS-SSi. which $30 would be .allotted tn m *Ul-be lumUlisd. They ^ y report •CONFERENCE CANCELLED- ly-«w ^»nd COB him deu- Ifi'mea B^'Jah iimners «hd ihe quality,of the ibouU M tlfa ... BOISE, Ju n e a W-B — C. E. A m er. fiitT husband^' pay and a n o th er tsQ. eiUier a t 7 a. m- J p.-m ., or s p,' slate civilian defense coordinator, W ASHINO'W N, June 3 0I.R1 Sonew here s^ o g -lh e line & «ralch- u d materiel. tanls. p*rUcul«rly new 3«- Chnd^ mother. U n. fn ad t.p ist^ . - granted by the government. An I." Williams, said. _ ' to o land c rtilsen from United Sti^Ws •aid today flag day celebrations were dlUonaTllO would be paid-by uie CancellaUon of President Roose­ er-threw some cash onto the fla<. *:A consmallye esUmate givea the a n d he sicpM d th a cap. ■ '■- * Records showUiai seven emploj-e* velt's regular .'Tuesday afternoon: The Idea net with approw^- V{ben AUsOMr oC etKmy ta n k t Otatroyid tactociea and twn -Qemaa *S' being organized tor* Ju n e l< .ln com* government tor each dependmt ol Use Idaho iJepartm cat itc re have. tsuolUea ih nraghout *>ii> otACe. * conference was annoi" the parade, ended the Red Cross or captured aa ab0Ut.!l80. Thero it mored dlvlslotia and the Italian Ail- teat of hto peaU ti tOM a a ^ cWJd- _ . _. .. ■ (Cm UswJ •• # |r th e W hite Houie. bad ISIB-M la- bills and change. &9 doubt th a t the Dumber' of en ­ dlvls^ had bpend the summer. la rd . BlacU oot, were Week-end . .POCATELLO, Ida., Ju n e 3 WJJ — gueaU-ot-Mr. and-Mrs-George-a. •Pmldent RoowveU ukod cod«tms been -reporting rpgularly for ;ield Pioneer laogueT'resratTirTJael'-HBl- ■ ^ • 7 -to-deelan war on Bulg^a, tSolM Vlslton Ballard, Twin Palls. . work.- Other stores represented Uwell today leveled a blow a t league p-----Hun«iiyTM3-KUni*lUir among 'the vonnuer workers, and Among Twin Palls visitors in Boise the number iorklng today, follow: Monday were Mrs. VaLob Tullock, Stadant Betoms umplre-Mten by asseslng a total ' T he cblBf ezecuUTe, ^ & tersa Karl B ro^ and Doug Brown. Bex ^ells. son of Ur. and Ura. znemc* to tia hotu# of nproMnt*- Rowles-M*tk company, one: C. of 132^0 In Uaes .on players for C. Anderson, one; Consumers' mar­ Alma Wells,-U expfccled to arrive to­ actions In games of May 31 at Poca- Utm, tald thftt thu« thTM cpuQiries Gees t«' UaatUa morrow frotn Pocatello w|itr« he has h td declared w&r on th e TTtilUd kets one: Safew iy sloro No. 347, two; Ullo and Sait Lake City. GUUs M "the instnuneou ot Hll* Safeway store No.-330. one; Wool- Ml*. Paul W ellner le ft SaW rday just completed hu flnt year at the worth’s. five /aU. alrlD ;' Cloa Book for her home In Seattle following a University of Idaho, southern HalUweli Cut a fine of t U Im­ Jer.” store, one, ond Krengef hardwar’e, vacation vlall with Twin Palls and branch. He wlU spend the summer posed on Tony Robello, Tft'ln PalU 'n i e r *'«rc now ensnscd In mlUUO' two. Other slores'are understood lo Eden friends and relatives^ . with his parents. m anager, to <19. Robello was ciiarg- {I •cUvlUet directed ktf^lnst the Uolt- be Unlnc up volunteers. cd w ith uslng-«*‘yi)e language” dur­ |i ta NsUou and uo pltomlng ui » - Retlfter Wednesday Prom ConvenUon Bebelvcs Oegrae • ing a game ini Salt Lake. .WUlle 1' uruton of tbese AcUvlUeir h« add­ Enoa of the Salt Lake Beea was At Uie special session in the court­ Dr. E. J. M iller a n d D r. L, A. Miss Lois I. McCordlc, Twin Falls, ed. fined t3 M for uApire trouble dur­ house this morning It was decided Peterson have relumed from B ^ e student a t Uie University of WU- ing a Balt Lake game on May 31. I The mcauLse did not go to the that -reslsirailon of Uio initial bnlt where Uiey attended Uie a nnual con­ c/'naln, received the degreo of bach­ ' cenate, «lnc« It war sot. In fewloo.. HalliweU also approved flnea of »9 of 33 Japanese volunteers would vention of Idaho osteopalhs.,. ^ elor of science, home econ^tnics and levied by umpire Tom McQuillen on Th« to t lollowi: take place at the farm labor comp education, a t U\# 89U) am iual'com - Max HitUe. BiU Dunn and Bob Pat- “ The govefnmenta of Dulffaxl*. tomorrow m orning. T hey will fill B tto m to Coast menceiAent exerclset>at Uie univer­ teraon. all of the Idaho Falla Rus­ Hungwy and Rum&nla have declnr- out reglitntUon blanks provided by Mr. and Ura. Carl MaJberg and sity fleldhousa Monday, June 1. sets. HltUe, HalUweU said, rode Me- ett war against ina United Statct. I the sheriff’s . office ai^ aUo the aon. Tommie, Irnve relumed to their QulUen from the Russets’ bench at reallia that the three govprnmenu farm iaborXamp officials. Each Jap- home In San Jose. Calif., afler-vlslt- Son WUl Vlait Pocatello and threw dirt at the took tbU actUm no t upon th e ir on-n ane.'e.wlll recclve an Wcnilllcallon Ing relaUves here and a t Jerom e. - Allan Ouvall, son of Judge and arbiter when Mi^uUien approachW. lUtler’i hangman, Relnbard JnlUaUrp or in response to U)o wlshea card he may carry with him, Mra. O. P . Duvall, U especUd to a r­ him. Arguments by -the other twrf Heydrlch, U more aeriossly w oand- of their on-n peoples but u tho In- Tha United States employment denclude Trip rive Thuraday from Pocatello where Ruaseu brought on their fines. «d*(han (bs Gemtans weald hare ■truijienta of Hitler. The« three, office will have charge of checking Dr. and Mrs. Dean ^ Affleck re­ he has. completed two years of HalUweU said h e h a d se n t a . . Had na believe. Jo a tk e cau g h t u? government* are now enga^Jff In U)o .Japanese workers in' and out turned recently from’a .vacaUon trip work a t th e University o f ' Idaho, port on Robello'a remarks to Um­ with thU fesUpo killer on a mUltar7 ’-aetlvlUcs directed against of the camp. Guards will be assign­ to Sail Francisco and othar-.^ast southern branch. He has enlisted in pire Pflrman to the president of Prague street la the fom ot b«il- the United Nallon« and are plan­ ed to tho camp and the Japaflese points. Uia arm y a ir corps, and will visit his the minor baseball aasoclaUon for ■eta from hifb-powered rlflea. ning as extension <^f t^ese actlvltlM. will be required to observe the fed­ parenU unUl he Is called to .enter aeUon. Vindictive Naxla Im m ediately kill­ eral curfew law which provldea that “Therefore, I rocommend'that'the Leaves for Utah air school. • ed Cseeh hoaUgce and thrMteaed they must be at their places of res­ more. congress/reCoffnlM a state of war idence from 8 p. m^to 0 a. ni. Mrs. A.-1- Schureman. employe of between the United Etat«8 and Bul­ tho Hldellty naUonal bank for acme Granddaughter Leaves.' The workers will be fed by the time, left Monday lor Ogden, Utah, garia, between th e United StAte« and Amalgamated Sugar company. Mls^ Phyllis Childs h u relumed Hungary, and bet»,^n Ibe United ’ Shopping Uoan to Join Mr. Schureman, who Is en­ ) her homo In^ampe. after apend- PERRY RI States and Humanla." gaged In defense work there. Ing aeveral daya visiting her grand­ 35 Clubs Booked The decJaratlonJ -of war agalnat- parents, councy Assessor George A. these Utree minor axis partnera w u Cencluda Visit ChUds and41rl. Chiids. She was ac­ Palls, under supervision, and i^ake Mr. and Mra. Glen Jenkins re­ , For Lions Meet 0 expdcted to b« more or leas of a for- companied by her cousin. John m MIL am SUN VALLEY, June 3 M V -Thirty- purchases of clothing or other-neo- riiallty, adding them oftlclally to the turned Monday from Salt Lake City Brennan. Buhl, who has enrolled at Loyal I. Perry of the Fidelity Na­ five clubs In eouihem Idaho are esury personal artldes. • .. where they vlsiud briefly with their the Welser NYa ' ^ ooI.. list of coustilu with which the The Japanese wia.^be. s e ( n u t e d son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and tional bank was reelecUd president exi>ectcd to b e -rep ree en ted -at tho United States now.b at war. 8o far. of tho Twin Palls Town Hall club from the oth'er field workerK^cNT.rc' •Mrs. D onald-H eler. Child Stiu CriUua . convention of D lilrlct 39. U ons In - thU Boramment has'declared war on siding at the’camp.' • r T at a dinner meeting held* last night temnUonnl. at Sun Valley June 7*SI. Japan, Germany and Italy. Gary H&rrls. son of Ur. and Mrs. New pIcloM from AjstraUa shows toielh'er for (Ini Uina the meo' • .It jk’as polnUd out at mis mom- at the Park holel, Edward B. Rosel. John Hart, Idaho Polls, dUUlct gov­ Mr. Roosavell’a mention Qt/pUn-i log’s'session that If tho 35 comlns George Harris, formerly of .Twin principal, and Gerald Wallace, as- ernor, will preside at the eonvenUoo, whu command forees Il«btln( in the land down under; Qeo. Thomas Mrs. — ______Palls a n d Buhl, is aUll In a £rlUcal for an extaoslon of mlUtary actlvl- tonight find conditions sult&ble It dren, Jo Ann and Bobby, returned alstant principal at Twin Fulls high first fof the district elnce it was Uas by Bulgaria. Hungary and Ru­ Dlamey^Ied. Auitraliiui commander, and Gctt. Donglai HaeArthbr, condlUon a t an Idaho Falls hospital, school, were clectcd vlce-pre.ildents, dommiader-ln'ohlef of United Nations (orcts in tha MOthwtst Pacific. Li qulte poeslble more yoluntecra wlU Sunday from Lewiston where they separated from the old Utah-Idiho mania was without am^lcaUon. follow them. It Is also highly prob­ aocording to word received hers to­ and Miss Jean Haag, now secretary district. vUlied relaUvea and friends for the day by M rs. Allyn M. DlngeL The Thera havo bean frequent reports, able that many of,ihe Japane^ will p ast two weeks. of the" Chomber of Commerce, w how avtr, th a t H iller haa been* In­ elect lo stay, here volunla^ 'and clilld is suffering from named accrctary-^caaurer. M i_. sisting that they supply additional work on oUier crops af'ter tfie beet Back Prom Conference Haag succeeds Mrs. Vivian Carlson, troops for the campaign,, against Serious Books thinning and -block^g liave been Mrs, D^rls Gtfodley ha^ returned who resigned. nussia. completed. from the Unlveraliy of Idaho, Mos­ President Perry announced that rurthemiore. advices from Europe ,036 0 - twp Crews Attend GradtiaUea the officers of the club will consti­ B i E R S ' cow. where she 'spent more Uian ,a have pointed to the posalbUty of the In Demand m e 35 Jnpaneso will be divided week attendlng-'ue meeting of ttie , Mr. and Mrs. Stanley phllllps, tute th e board of dlgectors. naxla starting a new offensive In Into two crrw.i and will ivork aa stftte textbook;<;oromlsslon. Twin ^alls, were among those, who ■ B enjam in Prankllfl, New Yorl;. . “ the form of a plnccrs movement on two units. Tliey will be transported attended graduaUon exercises at the president and founder of tho A».‘,o^- Iran and the paueasus^. with their BLASTA' Result of War from the camp lo the fields each From’Belse.,'', r New.Mexico MUliary InsUtute aled Town Halls, waa llie >pfuker ■ rich oil reserrta. - morning and w ill. bo < K ^ ^ e d the da/. William Miner Bultner, aoi at Uie dinner meeting and helped (I'nni TikI' l)n«) As n re a u l of tlie War; Tv.ln -KalLi ' Mrs. C:"W. Parks returned Mon- lion -of Uia Germ an anti-aircraft . and M rs.;^..'B/ ^APgfordl his Junior college course.,' one definitely and two tentaUvely. IDAHO GUERRILUIS fighter dcfcnica, and attacked shlp- study. assist in the regUtroUon at the farm Strickland .OiUllon. noted p;atfarm 'p lng and railroad* In Kollaod, Bel­ This U one of th«; hlghllghU m en­ lobor camp tomorrow.-'Both.^’-Aro' humorist, will definitely appear here. tioned In the annual report (tlscal jPaUtS^iW lasetf gium and Ffancc. graduates of the TKln'Palls-blfb- ,>’»r. S.,c;’Wy»lt,,’iW nli{i'i*i9’a TentaUvoly scheduled were Col. ' One Doniler bombctvwas reported year just ended) of the library as school. ■ ,._j- Loss Noted in Thomas' TcHou, former secretary to prepared, by-Miss Jcaale.-f^oser, li­ suTslcab-.,‘PAU£nV?.1t t / t h e . ' v e ttfan a ’ i l PLAY-ACIING Jivofdown'over Holland and several 1 /Owery also atm ounced th a t S lin hotpftal'iOr'-BdUeyintumctf Sund&y Generalissimo Chians Kai-shek of other Gatman planes wera dax^ged. brarian. Kalwai would be at the sheriff's of­ China, and H. R. Baukhage, radio _ •■We feel that we have continued ta>TK'lh''PalU,'jind will resume’hl9 -launched the Volunteer rtsewe Hardly before the l&st.oMhe night fice Thursday and Friday ■ of this' ie r e . ^ — _Hitler’s Hold comm tn ta tor. lo make progress." she wrdte In Uia week'to assist In the volunlnry rcK^ No dates wero'«cl for the Town • movemenL aim U a forc« U bombers had rotted down on Uielr report which was received and ap­ 26JOO m en U> augm anl th^a a u ta home bases, the day sliift pf Brli- IslraUon of oU local Japanese as wel( Betaijlafte.Work . . Hall programa. proved by members of the city coudt On Nazi Mass mUltla. Each county wlU evWUially aln'*, stepped-up offensive was In tlie /US any Japanese residing In the ' pon M. Cress Is reluming tomor- cll last night. '’In spite of war work county. IMS registration will in­ '(rn a Pm « Out)' ^ have a battalion'or. company, ac­ d e a r air tn^rly today, streaking for acllvltlas and. the fact Uiat many roW/tQ Inglewt^. Calif., where he cording to lb'population. Members lha French coasU clude those who are Japanese aliens is employed it ihe Northrop aircraft ing by her dialect, discuss the war hava gone lo other places to engage and also those who are \ylapanese- wlUi an* old man whose speeph In­ are drawn latgely frcm veteraiu’' Just as the Oennons souglit t^ defense work, there has been only factary; following a vacation visit Seen Today orgaBUatlOD^ gun cluba and other for the dcsolaUon of Colosrie Americans, ' - with his^parenl;!, Mr. «nd Mrs. J. E. dicated he. came from East Prus­ -. slight decrease In circulation of The Japanese residing in tho sia. aportimen'i grcrupB.'Theyserve with­ X a retaliatory ?tuck Sunday, books. • ' Creas. G irl blcy^U t wlUi both knees ou t p a ^ a n d m ust pro^rldo th e ir own county should volunUrlly report at •T he w ar simply m ust end Uils n ight on Uie ancient cathedral city, More Serious Mtudy Uie.sheriff's office for this regis­ bandaged and merUilolate spots ' BUDS, ammunition and supplies. of Canterbury, they annotmced to­ A p p ^ - Before Judge summer," tho elderly woman said. ‘'On. Uie oUicr hand iliere has tration ^aither Thursday or Friday "All the men from the front who ahowltig on shla% . . Mrs. Mary JJrllU are infraquent^cause they’re day tliat anoUicr old-world Engilsl) been a wider circulation of teclmlcal M ^ery Dalton, Twin Pails, today palmon, draft board aasUUnl. lug­ busy people, hut they receive'fre­ town. Ipawlbli. had bee^ the target, ^tween 9 a. m. and noon, oc 1 p. m. had entered a guilty plea in pro­ come home.on furlough tell us it la and other books for ;,erlous study.” and 5 p. m. so Urrlble out east Uiat they won’t ging last of the'third draft qucs- quent InstnicUoDS In lieu of "squads of their night air blows. During Uie-year Ihe book stock bate court on a charge of drlvtair Uonnalres to postofflpe. . . Navy- right." After Uic rcgtslraUon Is compic.te an . automobile , without an. opera- have anaUiM winter of it.“ Although U « RAP’s bombers,'- ot llie library has been 'Increased each will brglven an tdentlflcatlon ‘’yes, th o t's Uie way wc feel' up man Charles Edmonson march­ Other 8tk(«a May Follow which the BfllislJ rely lo paralyw Olid m any valuable reference books lor'a license. S h e was fined U and ing .down stre et w ith J3 rifle -to tnie volunteer reservea aren’t Just card which they may carry wlU^ Costa of $3. a n d records ahow th a t our way," nodded the East Prussian. G c n n ^ ’s indufllry, city by cliy. have been added. During Hie year them a n d having automobllpr Adolf Hltlet^s declaraUon of w wjilch- Is- -efflxed a telescope silting In wait for tlia enemy, either. counte'rcd mist lost nlfthl they v ihero was some new tiirnliure.added boUi were paid. The complaint s ig h t , . Two USO lodles going Ttiey pCTform secassary, if ungUm- will also receive wliulxlilcld etlckern signed by a state policeman. upon Uie United suies* showed. . said to have hll hard at their largets as well as book shelves a n d an- which will certify that they have similar mlsgauging of the psychology through inductee list to see Uial oroui, duUes Uktf collecting scrap at Esseti and'lla environs. oUier magazine rack. The building vpluntorily reglatered. none'of "our boys" mbs Uiat or- matal and_dnunmlng up sales of -lletttm frent Co«tt, .of the masses. , U nited States obsen-crs were be- has also been 'insulatedT How explain HlUer's obvious ganfiation’s mlnfslnitlons. . . Bill war bondi^ And soma of them are "The library lias received mani Mr. and Mra. E. E McDonald have Bamarc\ manning goa'punip for worUng out such helpful, extra- lleved to' have gone over-again .with relumed from California where they weakening in paychologlcal under­ t^e HAP. - • /]■ glfla from Indlvlduab and orgorf^ customer at his garage; . . Pred curricular Items as code, aemaphore took ihelr son, Allen McDonald, who standing? Tliey were prcp It could ^eei, defeat Or sunlve." (U.fii—Allied plunea attain have raided Ne\-ada-en route home. Invarlably I was Impressed with a a rd c n club pliuiled a hedRC of .der fuehrer's ability to be all things airplane (result, piano crash on reasonably Inspire oftier\ weaUm t a ^ n Ues on the Rulu’ river In the syrlngas on the slde.of the building docks and alrdromM nt Uiree' Jap­ pavem ent). , . W o m o n wearing a(Ates to follow Idahok example, and Prussi(iQ Rhino province about 92 anese lnva.iJon i«»se.»—RabauJ, to'all men. He circulated among the "W E W E R E _____ J next lo the alley. the people toSmtch their reacUons. alack suit plus veili^ straw hat. ,, It should certainly give aid, comfort mUcs n ortheast of'Cologne on the Aids W ar ^Vort^ Britain, and S.tlnmaua and Lae, And 'telephone com pany girls a n d soma new plot twist# to the m ak­ mafn lino, of a railway to-Berlin. New G uinea—a n d have Miol down or Today_hls speeches don't-have TJie library has also contributed the sam e eompelilng power wllh.^hls looking very, dignified In their ers of weslem movleal It might also Railroads radiate from Essen to all -J war. work. F irst aid. home nursing dam aged 0. of 30. JapanesA-alry the French "Nearly 3.000 books have been col­ day. hlt-and-nm traditions Irodi grand* Rabaul waa bctnbed and mnclUne- In a cloud-world of hla own, high for seven yeaxa after the World war lect^, sorted and sent to our state AHEAD IN CHINA up on Mt. Olympus, and that hia 'sunned' dt^rlntt the nlghV MacAr* pa. who used to fight Znjuns along armlstlca.'lt# populaUoh In 1B)3 was headquortera-for distribution to the conU ct wlUi the^ real world are the old Oregon tralL • , • . y . 0MAS8. various a rm y campa." Ujur’a 47th cocnmunlque said. Juat before dawn, Lae and Balamaua were thousand Japanese troops, apei carefully •fUtered by the eoUHa of allacked. Results wer^ nol observed heads ot a main forco of SO.OOO. confidants about him. Recent Etilistee in >l Lae, but direct hits were scored have • pushed northward between In short. HlUer no longer Scouts Will Help " State Fair Group nlne-^nd 13 miles along the Can- HIGH SCHOOL >n the runway at Balamaua. and hia German people threugh hla {on-Hankow railway In aoulhem Navy Seriously III . large ei^oaloh occurred neat^. eyes but through the strongly col­ Rubber Salvage Chlnii’a Kwantung prwlnce duHng ored spectacles of hla underllcga. WENDELL.' Juno J - Billy Bui- Will Gather Here All allied plai\ea returned. the post 48 hour^ a mUltary spokee- A acrap h ib b a r coUectiow'Curipaign Eighteen Jap an ese bombers ea* These underllnga permit Hitler to vwiQ b« tnaugum(«d by ^ Snake llngion. son of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. ' Tha ^eml-annual meeting of tho man revealed today_*« hear only what they think he should ■Bulilnglon. form er Wendell resi­ Idaho state Pair and Rodeo osso- c o r^ by 13'tuivy planes tried lo at­ . STUDENTS, ■ river area cotD)cll o t ^ y Scouts, tack Port Moresby nt noon yeater- ReporUng renewed enemy drive fiear. • ' Scout Executive Gordon Day an­ dents, la reported In a critical con- ciatlop will be held at iho Rogerson four fronts, the epoke.vnan aaid the onn«ll planned be paid,regular rates. You will 1957, farm ing for two years In the participate In mass sw eari^-in cere­ the simplest possible ceremony In be j'oineH~tn the fields by volun­ Keep.iht White Flao_ The Hospital BtATThs Ferry dlstrlet before' moving monies .on Sunday, the sU months’ tho Calvary cem el^ ch«Mi where' , o f Safety Fiying to Burley. “annU-ersttry- of the attack on Pearl B ar0/nore'a body rfcited Irt a silver teer workers from downtown Sun-lvors Include his wife iiCrs. harbor. plated copper casket, ready for In­ FUR businesB placcs. Lct'a all do our No b ^ were available .at the Mary Hunt. Burley: two sons. Vefn RMrulla at ail Ihe main navy re­ term ent In a nearby cr>-pt. part! Report for work at tho Twin FaUs county‘general hospital Hunt and Marrln Hunt, both of cruiting stations through the nation -U. S. Employment Service as soon today. Burley: one. grandchild; two broth­ will -take the navy o a th a t th a sam e STORAGE A O .M m E D . ers, Earl Hunt. Paul, and J. S. Hunt, Uma on Sunday. • as you can. Your hclp.ii impor- Mountain Home, and four slit«n, Two recruiu were tentaUvely ac> ■ ta n ti Mrs. Effia Klalnfeldt,,Kimberly: Mrs. Nora RuUedge; Acequla; Mrs. cepted a t th e local office today.A%ey f o r 0 8 l o w a s E. W. Rfcfflaa, Hassiton; Jaatea 8 . Marion Miller, Minidoka; Mrs. were Lloyd Benjam in- Wilde, 30. to n McWUils: Shoahone; Bob Orlffard W. Jones. Provo. Utah, and- Mn. of M r. and M rs. E m anuel WUde. LAWN and jetry Keeoey. Twin M is. and Barah. Renthar. Rupert. Carey, and Richard Claude Pluharty, .The body reits at tha Payne mor> » . son of Mr. and Mrs. Oacar Joseph • •* ^blSMIBSED Uiary pending funeral arrangement*. P luharty, Jerom e. T h e form er, U ft MOWERS .‘1.49. For Details, Phone or Cali at the W. h . Slue. £ m la e ierra, X. U. school teacher. . 8beUoy. M aster LaRoy YoUng, Mrs.' store your.lur* iM t Ye«r’» PrltM ' »de iorc3t«U m senernl clos- GOODING. June 3-Goodlng resl- ~lns of Twit) Pulls buslnvu houMS dents paid homage to war deat] Sat­ to obtain 4Utftcletit lixbor to r th in ­ urday at Memorial day services be­ ning bMU. trie Mereht,nU'^ure«u ginning with a parade In U>e early - or ihe Chamber of Commerce tod*y morning and . an address at the tv«d T tc»»< l tta to obi&ln Schubert theater by E\erett Q. Tay­ Tolunl«r labor. lor. A merchutU’* b'urrail coBiinltt«e Mr. Taylor, attorney at Keuhum. ulthbknfc- pledsea Mon ow serving as adjutant of FourUi noon beVan contoctlnft ecnployca of dUulct of the American Legion, the city's business cst^IlahmenLf in said. "This U a day of tcvetcnce (in* ^ «n effort to Increaae Uie fiumber oT remembrance, and we arc conUnuing volunteer workecm. The campol«n WM belns paihnd today. Members of the bureau utrcued "Tiie l>m imrado, was led by C apt. E. c that the of all employes v^ho H. Ikar^of the home guards, accom- work In fields ■»Ul continue J ,aksiitd i • by' Capt, - ClllJord Bcvlngion. the um r as U they .were employed ' Appear In Parade In the «tore.i. ' ParUclpants Included Uie color guftTd w nii national colors And col­ or* of itoe local patriotic organlai- N ft^diy by H #rry A. E3cock. Idftho tlons; Gooding high. school band, guard unit firing s<]uad w ith Lieut. xMy tires are going Tntknastr of the AmalBamiiled Susar com pan}'. Alex Wat.>«n in chnrse; m en of Clyde WminRfi. dlrrcU>r or the Co. A with LIcut. Laurence Van- ntjile empJoj-mcnt service here. Raid n ip e r in chorKC. veterans of nil th a t 200 more workers ure needed Boy ScouUi and oUiei:s. In the beet flclda. Order of the program under the auspices of P erry By'nm post No. 30 : to last five years W orkers a re oAked to report a t 7 a. m. at ihe employmenl-fiervice of- Was: Flr.M call. Dllly Hill, bugler; “Amcrica" by th e ikudttwcc; ad ­ e i l B i S T A I Ilcr. Tran.iportaUon »nd hoea will be fumWied. vancement of colors, color guard: You could I ek n jfivo ’cin tho riffRt proscription^.. . aod ^ Invocation. Rev. C. H. Noruirop; tllenl prayer. U lo V1;0\: cpmmftiiO- Doc PerkinB over 'w-ith o maybe only 10,000 if you don’t er's nddres.'., E. L. C ram blet; musical I M U l f E S » buttorball when I told '.'What’s tho right prescription?" ho number by hiKh school g irb ’ trio; HURLEY. June 3 -lfu n d re d s of ndrirc.vv Everett D. T aylor: cornct Hurley people and out-of-tow n reiU him that But I didn't I juat said: Doc. ' 'asks. CONCERI SERIES solo. Blllv Oakley: "SUir SpanKled deiiu niel at the cemetery here you’vo roE 25,OOO* miles cominff out o f ' Banner, IiIrIi school baiid; retire­ Meiiinrlal (lav to head an First, lot mo switch 'cm scicn/«j?caWy . ment of colors, color guard; benedic­ b v fre ild e n t R. H. Snyder of Albion thoflo tircB yourself if you let Standard (just tho way it’s in tho picture here) tion. Rev. A. C. H artley: u p s . bug- aia'te Normal, who spoke of the spe­ SETA ler. cial stgnUlcnnce. of the day wl BO th at the wear is even GOOD5NO, Jwi" 2 Summer liiem orlal Itllr* Uie whole world Ls again a t war. all 'rouad-Thon, I said: vlctWy band conceriji #re to be iflvcn Following the p'rocnim a t Commander M. W. Ijtiiglilin i by the Ooodlnc bnnd Saturday rve- theater a brief memorial cfremony III chivRr of ^tTVlEe^. and George T. you come hero once a nftjcs. bfglnnlnK Ju n e 0. necordlng Kfre>swrpt wreckage of Ihe S00-yearnnd will m eet a t )! p. m. |tise to Riches of II Ducc’s Me.^’ "Celc.iUal Choir,-' "Reveries.' diction. "Standard GasoUtic. Mondays and TliufRdsiyx Rnd will K. iT K liig : •'Solrtlerr.' M arch" from A firing squad, made up of Idaho Then have your garage give concerts a t’S p. m. Ssturd(0 '«. Faust; Gounod: "Pi^lse My Soul." state giiird member.% gave the sn Another feature'of sum m er clAMes - Soii-iii-Law Becomes Scandal an old hym n: •■Iji.«t Hope." G o tt- lute and ;Tnps" was played by 1 chcck the wheel ilign- «U1 be ihe "exchauRt in-^trumenls" Edda Mussolini, whose brllllsnt sehalk: "Spiritual Fanta.ila,’" ba.'«t< bugler. Grave.? of soldiers V ' tlf RJCIIARI) G. MAS^CK on "Deep River;" Como Y e T liank- ment •'What’s that?" cl»A5 held a t lo a. m , TJiurwlnyii. In NEW YORK, June 3 cWlrie, Worldt mind 'X'U once supposed to dictate this clas.'i, which Iso p en to advanced h er (ather^s foreign policy, htuv Itlt ful People.” niKl "W ngnerlan ho says. , Mussoltal’s young son-in-law, Cmint M arch." R ichard \VnKncr. pluyers on one In.'slrument.’.memDera G n le m o Ciano,,!.' rnplrtly becoming politics olone since Uie war bogsn. grnvc ttns marked with a red PQPpy of the band may cxchanRo Instni' She WAS supposed to have sponsored « white cray. Veteran* burled at 'ne of Italy's richest men. AlWon, Oftkle) Mid H eybuin were , ments and lenm another In-Hrument. Tlie ^s»ecd•wllh.which IhU hanfl- the alliance with Germany. A beslnnern* cln.-a will b« held at 5me playboy husband of the dic- Kow It is not Muuollnl. but Hit: Drill Team Buys honored with crosses, , 10 a. m. Mondays. nesLitratlon for l*r who dictates Italy's foreign pol­ Other memorial services were held itor'n favorite child. Eddn. hss built L Albion. Onkley and lleyburn. un- thU cltiM will be open only 10 day* iM ft RieaiPT prlvaie scan- ity, as e.i'ldenced by the EKjce's dfc- Bond Instead of Like , a down heel .... no that the group may move along dtxyJn lu ly than the rniHciliy wiih laraUon of an unpopular war agaJnji tier direction of Veterans of Fnr- toRether. which lie rose from vlcr.con.sul ni Ihe United States. elKn tVnrs, nnd a .service i»t A dance rhythm cla.'-i, open lo w n - Attending Meet memorial mortimicnt on the couct- I TOLD HIM. If you walk with your knees out you • Bhnntthal to forelRn mlnbler at B om to WealUi DUHL, June 2—Loyiil O rder of Uie hou^e lawn was conducted by tl^^ ■ lor members only, will be »t_3 p, m. Rome. ,rj~ , wear out tho heel on tho outside. It’s tho same way with Mondays, Clano w u born to wealth m Moose and Women of the Moai.e held PVireIgn W ars Auxiliary. O n G reater Kralp NOn of the.iate nava\ hero ol the meetings Tl\ursday ni their new A temcdle.1 ^ a n d class, nme partlculur CIuWd: U Is said Iti Home Uini young American l.<-Klon hall.' etoaiR ht tiq-w, and then bo careful not to buinp lijto ciu-bs. - culdft»w« In ilitlr Uchnl the dLitrlct convention, and The ways In which Clano ha-' ac­ c golden posilblllUes of marrying would u-ie the money thiw saved to Thrs;Mother of quired h li wealth are vflrlniw. Some K:o Uie Mussolini family. buy a defense bond. A "vleiory d rtir Mky arftfl hM ■SSRUrtrt to one way. After a brlif.spell as n Muall-tlmc Ls to be given at a public rlemonslra- His ofJIclal position lias enabled him lournnlui. he chose ilic fashlon- tlon In BiiMl by the fancy drill team to play the market, buying ilir dr- Soldiers Is Sold fblo and socUiUy aRreeaUlo c»rect a t an eatlv dn.le. when th e women e f/’m aurc back o f Uncle S a m 100% prew ed r,lock.i of prMperou:. com* r diplomacy for liLi real sta rt In plan lo sell drfetwe ^Uimps. 0n Value of USft pnnlfs until he nnd n few cronlr.< .Ite. At the same Ume he considered The war relief coinmltteo-report­ on that slogan of his ... Care for have. Kttlned control at a cheap price, i\^e pov.sble prospect* lor »on-Vn- ed lhal RS sweaters have been tln- Clano's ngenM have bouuht Rreat Uw to Mt“iolml and found himself Lshed anti returnnd to the Red Cross. Your Car ... for your Country!^? areft-3 . of rich'Tii.scany farm land in tlie oulslandlnjt pawlbUity—a soclal- I t Is pltvnned to complete 100 sw eat­ the famous Chlanil wine country l.i acceptable, arlstocravic son o* • ers at an rarly date. . • ■ plannlAc to contiibuto lo the for him. Tie owns rorpomrloiLi. n i^nnipAlen for fund.i. to know th a t I-'a.icijt hero. A Joint committee meeUng Is lo new.ipaper—n Telrsrafo of IvKhorn Ho wa.4 w alling wlUi a hand . bn held June * at the home of Mrs. the money Is being well-spent, —and other valunble properties. HI* ■ Mrs. parXlnson visited ^ USCTccn- Ui* door knob when opporiunlty IMable.Smlih. with Mr;<. Villa Har.- ’’WHAT’S GAS GOT TO DO apartment, which occupies n whole knocked. • . ter. In the heart of Seattle’s down- floor of a m odern bulldlnK In Rome's rl* and Mrs. Alma Lively nssLsUng town'buxlne.^ section, when she nnd- Affable Diplomat— hontCMes. Moof.e lodge members wUl m o it (aslilniiaUle c\iuticr. Is rlcWy meet ai the home of Alma'Lively Dr, Parl;ln.'on were In the furnished nnd Incidentally tlie re­ Ciano is nil affable .diplomat. Im - WITH LONGER CAR LIFE? metropolLf rccentJi’. puted f.cene of lavish entertnlnm ent. poruint decisions he leavc.t to hU the snme*-venlng. and will join the "&'ery service man 1 talked to 1.1VOI CltU InUicr-ln-lnw. corwuhins him over women^s g w ip for retrrshm enta said th a t m e TJSO U th e finest Clnno enjoys life in n lusty way. a dircct private telephone lino be­ the clo,'>r of their meeting, . orsanlsatlon ever sponsored by the He llke.t a crowd of Rlrl.i around him. tween the foreign ministry In the I told Doc tho first thiag ho eovemment." Mrs,-4 J(tfklnMin d e­ nl dinner or on the beach. He pre­ ChlKl palace and MuKolliu's offle# could put down was that ho clared. TAo of her son.iV'SRt. Leo fers eheek-to-cheek dancing to dip­ In Venltc pa'lnce. six blork.s owny. ManvPay Tribute Parkinson and C ert Parkln.wn. ivre lomatic conferences. - A t one time C lano wua considered couldn't buy belter Rfis than he td fju an e rtd In Scjwltlo w llh the NVhen the clwncerles of tlie world ah oiit-^tandlnK posilblliiy for the To Thomas Jaylor anny air corps. ere ffverlr.hly prcoccupled with the succcMlnn to Ulo dlctntorihlp of hli BURLEY. Juiir 3 - Tfiomns Tay- Standard ... Unsurpassed. She was escorted throuch the G erm an-Soviet bomh.-shell pact of faUier-ln-Iaw, a S9 CI of Fo5cUt tor. C4, prominent sheep and cattle­ That’s net Then, I said: bMlldlnff b>- K matron whom she de- August. 1930. Clnno was on the crown prince. That now seems much man who died at Blnckfoot follon'- • acrlbed rut ‘‘white haired and charm- beach at Q.'.tla w ith a benuiemt.1 les.1 likely, becuu.'ie Clano Is con- Ing A heart allay the M patato lives. n, yrs-mnn. op Earl Ollver.^oii, of Burley Flr.'t —or a gas that starts slow dance m usic.' ^ - T h e bloivi Kdda, m other of three i l Is general RO.ulp Uiat Clnno Is ward, official Ins- , On the main floor is an office; a children. Is seen more often In Uie prepared for possible political nd- Mrs. Jane Niekon played the pre­ tho Btarter and battery. So he grinned, larsB lounge room, tilled w ith c

T U C K E R ’S N A T IO N A L A Fine Example In the High Places ANALYZ-ING CURRENT NEWS

A aMMlMtltoa on r*b. II. lb* I«»lw la IMt, u d tMjTwlB r»Uj K m . aUklltM WHIRLIGIG FROM NEW YORK BUOT—The American atorekeeper, ban ii off but the more cynlcal'mer- ftb lb M vMk 4 n ' **«nlnn. vtMpl ttlartar. and flt»« : n O N T —A few huge underw ater vesMli, ironically ch an ta remember W ashlnfton'a hat>- U i meralu. «t li* 8lm< W»i. Twla r J i Id*lu>. >,7 U tike a man who has Just escaped' tk« rabltahlM - listed as "c^otor slUps''_in naval llsgo. are believed* auto 'imashup but whose nerves It of actios Hke'a doc wlUi a bone: by American and Dritlih expert* to b« feeding the _ - sUll so Jittery th a t he dare not Bur^tlns It today aod dlgglnf It up . .. ZeUtmS u ttcaad ciui.ntU aucur d rif t, CsrtAlQ W ashlngtoo b w v - lt- tisoiorrow. MloUlM JR T>lB r*)U. Itiho. 111 b*>pu»iUtMcl In borders of Qrull. it xccms Improbable that the enemy Nelson call.ed the whole thing off day's •katUs. Pilots flying American • T1)uner »ky coromanderi and land *trat‘e barrage o f b ltte r words. disaster. Again and again the di­ cPbased to $145,800; first contingent animates the Nazi general staff and visions were'launched but every blc Pearl harbor marked the;bcglnnlng of a Admiral Raedei*. Nobody Icnows b etter than th e y -a * DONE—Tlie ' hullabaloo about b a ttle was lost. PVjr two long years grcaUy increased public demand for war the flerce melees around Kharkov are now proving— preient supplies is a diilrei’.lng ex­ scatcely any bright news was heard. how much our rclnforcementa of planes, tanka and ample/ of the carcless manner Ir First one general then, another «,-as ' stamps and bonds. General MacArthur's gal­ artillery have meant to Uie Ruulans. Without this whlclt flip bureaucrats toes off half- tried and- eacli failed miserably. lant stand at Bataan, the heroic fight of those aulsiance Uiey mlKht have cracked' up long ago. I t has ba k id proponols wlilcli affect Uii 'rhe>- could do noUilng a g a la it the brave ■warriors who finally gave up under' become vital to Uie enemy lo close Uie sea lane livetlhpod Of millions. New '^ork best handled army on the conUnent tremendous ocids at Corregldor. our blasting UuouKh which leiue-lcnd stuff Is flowing into Mur- headiuarters of- noUonal dry goods under tho greatest military' genius. m anik. They- csUmnie Uini control of the ports and asaoclaUons claim that none of the CondlUons In Waslilngton were of the Japs In the Coral sea, and now, that airfields of Ulater mid Uie lalands wc have occupied' .trade's specialists wiiA.cons\;)tctl In worse Uian In Uie field. Local poli­ devastating ^allIcd assault on Cologne, Oer- will effectively stop Uila onr-w ay trtwle. ndvfljce. When the first alarming tician.-! strutU>d under gold epaulets. njany, h a v e h eightened, .5tc'p ‘by step , the Our experts concur Ui that conclusion. Not a ve»r,el edict arrived in Uie cUy five oJ Crooked conU-actors'flwed the gov­ 1 American people’s determination to win this cQuld sneak UiroURh Uiese dangeroiu waters If a t­ America's greatest expcrta on buy­ ernment. Fifth columnlst/i communl- tacked by land-bft.ied aircraft and submarines homing terrible war nt any cost. ing sat'Up all night seeklne to maki c o t« l with Uie enemy. Congre.-u and In near-by harbors. Posaeislon of this territory would hood or ta lii of controdictory paa- the bureaus were hotbeds of parti­ By the^mllllona, our young men are Joining bUo fiirnlsh lllUrr a leaping off point for Invasion sofits. sa n cllque.1. Superior naval con­ the armed forces; bytho thousands, planes, o( England. But he will run Into some of our finest One of Uie blsgest firms reported struction by the oUier side threaten­ .tanks, guns ond the like are being turned out fighting men when and If he makes the attempt. CAREOFYOUR that every buslne.vjnan had quit ed'to sweep ohlpplng from tho sea. of our munitions factories: and by the. bil­ merchimdlslnff an as Mosonoble wares. Hence a house factories hummed -and eventually called upon to make to crush, those ruthless President's request. It was here that Uie movement pfiRc and conference.wlth the eporta a n hour a t whleh aU citlxcnry ho-i .wa.< compelled to dump Uie surplus enough materiel and relnforcemefiUi He leaves the responsibility enemies who would Invade our ahoree. for repeal of the- pension bill originated, even after editor, wc discovered that the Sho­ a rig h t to expeet undhtnrbed In Uie former before It could se­ were available to crush .oppoelUon the honorables had voted overwhelmingly for tho an- where It belongs—on his lenders' cure ft new commodity. If each cnt- by sheer force of mwnbers. Proph­ Unfortunate,'Indeed, that so many of our shone bas^aU team played its (lumber. shoulders.' He trusts ,them. He nulUes. Higher classmen have acoffed at almost every scheduled %time against Jerome The telephone Jangled- out at ecory had been subjected lo indi­ ecy about Uie second WoridW orld war? ,^ yountf' men must bo called away from their economy cnacted by the House or proposed by Uie Sunday.' Orover Davis' hense In Filer, Onr knows they are caro-lng the load vidual regylaU«i.i. and No. J u it ■» bit...... of history from' th e “ '^ homes to bear arms; troublesome, of course, •Dyrd committee after carcful-study of federal fmanccs of the bntUe. plannin* for him. sen.M »-ould have reiulted. Now the •Otvll V -nut for a while we were pretty eilremed co n serv B tlen ef fleer and for hla vlctoTi’r'M e obeys pre- personnel. U la Uie senate which virtually sab­ worried obout It, ■tumbl^ oat of bed. made ht* n t j that we must-now deny ourselves of usual otaged the T. V. A. fiscal setup, although that agency Cisel?. to Uie letter of Uie word. pleasures In order that these young men may It seems Manager Chnrley'Pethlcit rrogglly to (he-phene, and mum­ ^Vhe^ one Is younc one wants to l.f supplying power for plants engaged In the manu- bought three brand-nr-w tMsebaJls for bled; -irje ." ‘ be so equipped that their fighting, will entail '--ture of-vlUl materials. By a vote of COO. Uie elder trj- Uilnss for oneself, wants to Uie game. Almost couldn't find any. A .b rig h t feminine vole* .a t the lead, be first, be the general, and C L A P P E R ’S OBSERVATIONS a minimum loss of human life. lesmen refused to renounce thelrl preferred place »hat with wartim e .■'hortngcs and ether end asked If Grover would In the line walUng for gaa raUonlng tlckeU. • makes many mistakes. Young Even though we are exceeding our quotas til, but finally located Just three please sell her a (Ishlnz license! folk think they know when often I t Is an even bet, however, Uiat Uie current can­ In the b'osement of a sporta store ot He WAM d a m n l niee about II. too, in the purchase of war stamps and bonds, didate for Uie bench will be accepted, despite the they cannot know what Is doing what we are .doing is small by comparison to severe attAck on his qunJjflcaUons. Tlie great American Shoshone. -s— Croneh and why and .what Li about to hap­ NATIONS AT WAR Charley, fondling the bosebnlLn the sacrifices that thousands upon thousands tradition known as seitatorlal courte.iy would be un­ pen because'of Uui {Jolng. Like the WASHINOTON. June J - Our lovingly, deposited sjime m Uie WE PLEAD FOR HELP youhg teacher we had once. of freedom-loving Americans are being called dermined If BroUier Smathers and Pnpa Hague were glove compartment of hU car. plon- denied tlirlr desire to gander at their buddies In a Pol Shotj wanta advice fioajjome Ignored InslrtseUens ’trouble with rubber shows clearly upon to m ake. nlng to unveil them Just at gnme ot his farmer constitUenls.''.»^ how hard It Is. for a demflpratlc black-robe. ____ Ume. • The Rapfd D lsm 'lssal signals Let's hope that wc continue to exceed our We are. glad to report .thnt our people to apply the foresight retjuU'- 'Dlls Is Understandable In a de- len- Mrs. Charley P, decided to 'iciory Ro^en out In the back yiird sounded at an unusuol time, l^je mocriicy where people obJcct to be- quotas, month after month, until the ^ar Is PATniOTS—Sixty days’ Ulal of the- Wa.ililngton clii.i.\c.i moved o u t of .th e ir rooms ed for its own best interests. rent control law has proved a distinct duappolntmcnt 1 to Twin Palis. S he prompUy has potatoes, lettu and InK placed under unnecessary re- w on a n d o u r boys r e tu rn hom e. L et’s h o p e th a t BO. .Half an hour before game coming up In noticeableradishes swiftly and silently and the yoimg Everjone In the Rovernmcnt who stricUons. 'Tlie DritL-ih have suffer­ to numerou.1 expectant beneficiaries. Local comiinm- teacher headed WsT^Uie stalnvay all Magic Valley, with Its combined quota of Ulrs, planning similar statutes becnuie of war worker Ume Sunday she dLicoifrcd the new Tay. knows anything about rubber Is ed.from the'snme reluctance of free $345,800 for the month of June, goes over the ‘iftsebaUa In the glove com partm ent. But Uiose potatoes have at stump- nearest him' ln.itend of the one as­ warning us repeaiidly thi people to accept' regimentation. conRcstlons. m ight well InvenUgnie opcraUons here. signed. "No, nol Ta:kc Number top os'a patriotic demonstration that we're Mixny homes and apartment owner? lenped at the We don’t know yet what the boys . 1. We swear we planted, ’em In a 0 hope for :ivillan supply B rita in waa ju.nt as vulneroblo in ised for balLi. fairly straight row. putUng the spud Three." called the Leader sharply, Ui a fte r next year her rubber supply Us Uie United. supporting ■ these boys In the service with opportunity when the capltAl became more crowded but the young tcncher thought. ''He with strangers than the Yankee stadium on a world Wo do know, however, that Mrs. slices .right In the middle of Un ntU ie earliest. Y et States. Yet e\-en less effort was made ' , ‘‘everything we’ve got.” wrles day. They aaw a chance (o make some easy Is pretty wbrrjed about her wel- hills beta-een o ur Irrigation corru- doesn't know. Tills stairway Is right we Jire reluctant there to occumulatr rubber ajalnst Indications are that a withholding tax will lome home come W edne^lny. gates. Y et we now find our hunk- by us. Why go round the corner?" \ to accept Uiat. an emergency. As it turns out Uia money for their old, age or Uie postwar period. Tliey He took his own way only to find . hot be necessary In the United States; that responded to officials' pleas to be hospitable to Uie lest potato plant growing In the cor- W hen J»rcsident United States must shoulder the , MR. H. COBB, MOVIE STAR! ugaUon and not In the hill. the floor below hie wax belns emptied Roosevelt load for all of the United Nations the publlc‘a..soluntary response will do aw.-ly- newtomcrs. But aomo found that their tenanUi trans­ of classcs oh that stairway wJth no formed Uielr resiwtable residences into nlglit clubs 3enr PoUle: Do potatoes move after you plant out-a casual ob- on rubber-JThe Truman-committee . with the necesstly for compulsory war savings The News of. the Week, In .Uie 'em? And w)i«t should wodo abgilt room for him. You can Imagine him 6er>-ation th a t we pointa out that compared with our and centers life disreputable characters. Next they turning a big class'’about face, up measures. ^ ■dL%covered that proprietors must ".show cause” why >plnlon ,of a mock- ' ource, Is as follows: n atter. producUon being a: the stairs again, waiting to get back about >t. ed larder for military needs even W hat a credit that would be to our Ameri­ roomers should, be evicted. And should they lose the in line where he belonged-, and be­ can democracy! N ciuc they make themselves liable for a suit based on Tiny Herschel Cobb, of the hote- important as It is In winning thi though the real quesUon Is h"bw sorUiy T ynis R, Cobtjs. is In th e ing late at hla post. much better off wo.mlght have been. "laUe arrest," It Ij sertous busJneM to question Tlie Uglslnllon can defeat lUelT becau:.e Its nrovi.i- movies now. Tlie movies were takei Wlien the war began In 1039 our MORE THAN A GESTURE of him w ashing a pa ir of trouiser WE HONOR ’EM—DUT WE'LL ah'order once it U given. Don't lons and cvlsUon procedure were drawn too tlwht. In ask QuesUons th en ; obey. &nd let stock of rubber '«~as th e lon-est In .'’ A declaration of.war by Mexico against view of these experiences, people are not openliig I'mountain stream near ^Arco KID 'EM, TOO thorlty here work- years. In 1040 v e began slowlj- to oc- Sunday. ’I understand he'll look Tlilrd Row: Uie responsibility rest where It be- Ins on the prob­ Germany Is no mere gesture. Although her their homes to the burly patriots, Cnough is enough, lotjes. We can have Just one leader cumulato some reser\-e. The object and someUmes too much. where he sits down to rest here- What 1 can’t get through my hea.. lem sees th e faint- waa to obtain 150,000 tons by the ‘ army now numbers o;i!y around 75,000 men, ifter. U how come aU the Joking about at .a Ume and we cannot all be tho for any easing of General. end of 10<0. B ut th a t In ItAclf was whose training appears to the observer In­ CUUaCHES—A broadcasting station owner recenUy For further details, consult Mr. H. tho ladies’ A^my corps? the shortage. Dut we do not like to a drlblct~becauso our consumpUon fe rio r t9 that of our pre-war national guard appeared before Ibe^iou-ie Interstate commerce com.- R, Cobb, telephonc.^ 1006 i»nd 25.'), ' Bure, Uie Idea Is new In The Rom! to Leadership believe unpleasant neWs. In ID41 was 7M.000 tons. Even In QUiflts and wiiose equipment Is scanty, the mlsslon to explain why he'should be given a free and »8are ef Srrend Street ;ountry but certainly not ur . Of course one wants to gel to . The th e French and I sup- our planning we fell far short of the | clear channel In eloquent lone.i he asked Uje prlv- ■Isewherr. The Rais are Aiming to the lop. The place of donjer is the pewe all other self-sovem lns people, rwjulremenls. Actunlly, at the rjid southerly, neighbor can be extremely helpful. llejc because, he said, his program would bring Uie HO HUM DEPT, rally round the colors, lake all- the place of honor always, and you are are subject to the same human of 1040 thfr rubber reserve company The zone of belligerency against "Hitler good people of North Carolina and Tenneviee moun­ - "Hitler Plani-Turkcy Offensive grief ol txalnlng. get alons on *21 right to want to bo there. The road weakness. Dictators, of course, have h a d acquired only 40,000 tons I n - A would .Ho" made unbroken from the north tains in contact w ith rcllBloh. In JDne'^— Headline. or so A month, do wliat they’re told to leadership Is the disciplined way no such problem. lUtler saw long stead of the 150,000 tons aimed at. ^ polo to and through the vital Panama canal. •■Thafa not true." repUed Indignant Rep. A. L. Bul- Afraid ha won't s« any by when Uiey’re told. In general. Uiey’re of obedience, thoiaesh performance, .In advance what he would need and Jesse Jones was up against some Including the Islands of the Caribbean. Thus wlnUe of Uie TarWieel state, "We had religion in Tliankaglvlng? taking on a pretty big Job Uint will devotion to duty. You cannot pick he built a synUietlc Industry. For trouble that was beyond his control. every comer of my cou'ntry long before radios were rc1ear.e n lot of able bodied ma' your duty if you want to amount to years he stock-plled Germany with there would remain no haven for axis spies, Bad manasement of shipping was Invented or thought of. Every m an down" my way can CANt>ID WARNING from office details so Uiey can anythin® anywhere.' You do thi enormous quanUUes of s< one trouble. But the Senators also saboteurs and propagandists; Increased con­ quote Uie Holy Book from cover to cover," Third Row: fight. thing that lies nearest you, you take terlals. Japah gidj^ewlse, found that even pfter Dunkirk, tha tro l could be exercised oveV spots physically "Yei," rhitod In D. Carroll Reece of Te^^«^sn. A friend of mine nave nie the 8 0 lefvglve 'em a hand.._ the order given you. t B r ia ih and D utch who conU-olled suitable for secret axis flying fields, i-. "untlke some other places I might mention, mf-dls- foIIowlng-cUpplng. Ifa a newspaper However, test you think I ’m I f ft Is tho d irty Job, the mean Qijoylng our democraUc freedom. the rubber producUoh objected to tnct has mere churches than radlai." advertisement, put in by a house sourpavt and all. I^II backtrack Job. th e tough job. aU to the good. boUi officials and the people have lifting quota restrictions on the painter In one of our we.iiem clUei. lltUe and admit that the ladl.. Your spirit of service makes It been Inclined to postpone the evir amount of rubber that could be ex­ ahould be able to take some kidding SOLDIERS? HELL! "Notice to the public—The reason splendid. Just as'It did for the heroe; day. America has been )xillt on rub­ ported from the far east—Imperial- * —The Canadian director'of aircraft produc­ why T have been able to do palnUns becaiue the men* soldiers get raszed gone before yttu. ber Ures during the lost '20 years. lam at Its blind, selfish worst. Tho tion, Ralph Bell, did a good job of debunking Other Points of 'VLew so much cheaper than anybody else too. It- U klnda funny, come to somebody clearu the general's Yet this arUcle upon which we have Truman committee says enough the fallacy that war pro(luctlon workers are because I am a bachelor and do think of It. to cotulder the spectacle boots: somebody holds hb hone: become so dependent had to be im­ about this to Indicate it Is an ugly BUBBEB FROM ‘WHEAT not need to make a profit for the of a woman who can't get In the somebody cleans the hospital wards; ported from the other side of the chapter In the whole stary. soldiers In the front line. maintenance of a wife and children last word. —Veteran of '17 somebody washes the soiled clothes Secretary W lckard's proposal Uiat 80.000,000 busliels Pacific. A glance a t the m ap alway. Thus from the bottom up. from The slogan that "the frbnt line runs o f surplus wheat ciajverted Jnto rubber lo provide Tls now my duty to Inform the pub- and polices the sanitary services. If shmved uj how vulnerable our suj> tie th a t Uils advantage wUJ shorUy FAMOUS I.AST LINE that somcbo<^ happens to be you public sentiment up to tho control­ through the-factory" Is true, to the extent farmers with tires for their authmobUes. trucks and ply was. Knowing that Uils remota ling officials, the democratic coun­ 'tractors Is an idea Uiat stlrs the UnagUiaUon. Teclml- be wlUidrawn as I am about to be . . Let's go (e their hense — at the moment, accept your task source could bo easily cut-off and that the soldiers' ability to fight depends m arried. Youer. to send In your orders at once the Lord, aa to your country, and cripple our- normal aeUvlUes, we produce weapons. But os for relative.sacri­ Uie old rate." you-wUl grow W th e stature of Uie rubber. And th a t ^s only a saaiple Mr. Wlckard calculaUs that Uie CO.000.000 busheU of were sUU quite casual about It. This of how Uie disease wotts. fice: w heat could be tu rn ed Into 200.000.000 gallons of alco­ —K ay Aye General In the way that eount« the ll'th e ' glaring faict th a t stands out “Soldiers of production In the front }Ine hol. which In turn would make sufllclent butadiene to most. In the able report of the Truman produce 2<0.000 tons of Tdbber. Do you remember what Lincoln committee of the senate aft«r a most of defense—like hell,” says Bell; "52 to 85 said about General McClellan? "I'U cectsanijourw lth time pnd-arhaJT and double From a financial standpoint Uie propoaAl may be thorough ItivesUaaUon. That report extravagant. At current prices the wheal alone would HISTORY 0^F TWIN FALLS how his horso 1/ h e goes ou t to win show* how casually and even feetily Uncle Ef Uie battle." I f .Lincoln ‘ could feel time adds up to a lot more than $30 a month cbst'more per ton of rubber produced than the present AS GLEANED FROM THE FILEB OP THE TOIES-NEWS we faced such an Important danger. and bullets.” (Ued warUme price of natural rubber, yet the wheat that wax you ought to make a try The Truman eooimlttee points dot Old. -Tlnfy- would be only a part of the total cost of making iyn> n YEARS AGO-^UNE Z, U16 - . IS YEABa AGO. j ‘bd« i . 1M7 lor IL Uiat It was'ob^'lous aa early os iwo theUc rubber out of th a t crop, Ne<»Ttheleas. wartime On Tuesdajr O. StctUer opened Connersoac««ald. Mr. and Mrs. Adam B. Foz and Uadt children b*hav* bMlIji i b«iiu>e that there waa at least a' posaibillty NAVAL ACHIEVEMENT ' eondlUeas may well Justify Uie experiment. Of wheat his meat markef^wi Shoshone street referring: to d ia ­ children are here from Tooele. UtsOi, of our supply of rubber being cut monds, that he One Job. among others, that the navy has we have a great surplus. Of rubber « great scarcity. ' In the old.Lyilo UteaUr bulkUng.' off. The committee Is hesitant abouT Mr. StetUer has spared no pains to guests of Mr. and Mrs, John M. TKt m in t habits. Scoi. *'» noUced them what done superlatively is the 'guarding of our ' It Is tha future ImpUcaUons of such a project that PiUl's bop\l»t - a tl o f ." ene\o.iBf tro fixing blame. Probably the real fact provoke attenUon. What might be the results If the make his market one of the most MaxwelL Mr. Po* la a broUier of has 'em w e a n 'em. ' troop convoys. Unless the record Is broken e*nl» In coin aod 3-e«ot is Uiat all of us are to blame. Tho This Is about tha turn oi the future could become the abundant source up-to-date-and sanitary In the city. hUx. Miun'eU and Miss Eula D, Fox. cSmm A»#»lo Patrt. e*r» eCi’nm e .-H r^ commltfee's report Is of service nol now, and ossuming^ that censorship would of raw maUrials for Industry? .SyntheUe rubber ts Mr. StetUer has bem engaged In r. O. Bo* 7J. o . n n York. w ay th a folk* fn I. K. Masters, proprietor of the as a matter of faglt finding but as the country ore^ not dai« wlthhbld such news, we have moved only one posslblUty. There are pluUes already made the>'bie*t business for yeafs and u n ­ a m-lew of mir experience'to Insure Idaho State Journal. Pocatello, ipent actlna about. gosV ■ ■ jthouSanda.jif-aoldlerB.and marines to the trom soybeans-and. a great range of. poulbUlUes In derstands the business thonughly. READS flOCIALIBTB ^ against repeUUcm of such jilstakca. the week-end UJ Twin "II*- and tlTM. W ar or farthut coiners of the-globe without,the chem lsto^yln .t}ie -lo n r ru n the soIuUon ot th e farm . Ev'cn after our experience we are problem can nefer be found'ln paying fanners sub- AnLWAUKZB. June S on — Dk r the « that . l o u o f a* sin g le troopship. 'lolln recital wa*. rendered ... Marshall J^ lo r. Denver, accom­ Maynard C. Krueger, Onlveralty of at thla fery time hesitant about . A xis su b m arin es a n d p lan es dlt} th e ir -best, 'Methodist church by pupUs ol Miss panied by his wife, stopped off hen Chicago «onomlC4 professor, wm cheeking fpnher the use of automo­ b; published accounts, to get some of the G race Bell &nd M lo Paulioe Alfonte. Sunday to visit his sister, Mrs elebted national ehsJrman of the biles. GasoUne raU onlns was in ­ escapable In Uie east. B ut u Uiere 2 boy* who went to northern Ireland. It is If th«re’* any baaements to be dux In connecUon of the Music and Art Studio. The George Teis. Socialist party ' today, wceeedlng church w u well /lU ed wJth c v fs ti Norm an V , o i ^ tUe p i t y ’s, can­ It plenty of gasoline In other aec* - r«r tha lO-yoor period laadla* up ' etrtaln that similar- attacks were made on wlch the Jap camp>at Edea, wa cucgcst the T w in ra ils Uow of the country there U objec­ Cowboy buebau Wam be etven the.Job—they can dl« who lUtened to a iplendet] program didate for President in ^our cam- to ISIB. Uie noarstop record for olr> 4 convoys; That they went through 'un- themselves Into a cellar quicker than any one else In given by Miss Rhea B fe n . vtoUn. paigns and naUonal chalnnan since tion lo rftUonlng ei-en though com­ plane flights jumped from 31 mlJn mon sense say* It Is th e m ost to almmt 3A» tnilet. f - ^ ^ ^ ^ to ed -U an . outstanding'naval achievement.' theae parta.-.-Wer^deU im gaU onist. ahd Miss touUe McMarUn. piano. 1336. ------' - Tuiraa?, Tnhl 8. 39«

of 'Jiao p. m.. aTTffevlously p lc i- I neo. D. W. AJexwwler »nd GMendar Gooding W; s. G. s. Sml». • -•— Dnn McCook circle. Ullles of , P ast Malroa^' club wlU meet At the Joalln home. th e O. A. n .. will m eet In ’bi^lneta a p. m. FrKlay. June 5, a t th e home Groups Assemble OOOOINO. Juno 2 — E ast nnd Harnett led the <1 se.v^lon Fr'iday n l .2 p. m. a t the . o r Mrs. J. a . Douglajs. 251 Eighth nven-Je east. t i n . Qfliievlevo- West clrclei of the Wotnen'a Society Uie hostcsa were Mr*. B lyttio O lem - ' I Americas Leglort Memorial hsn. otu ortd Mra. Fnuik Jemiet. .. ' ¥ « « D *ii5it .will j)c In charge of the of Christian Service of Ihe MeUio- An w^men of Magic Valley Are piocram and wni give a lx»lt re- vlow. Roll call responses 'will b« .dlst church m et w'llh M rs. lUley inviird to attend . a. dmioaiLrn- SmlUi and Mrs, O tto Josllni respec- Uon on victory c*ntilng nt iho vacation plans. Co-hoatessu vtll b« Mrs. E. A. Landon a n d Bir*. llvrly, Wednesday at deascrt lunch- idaJm Power company Kuditnrium ’ E verett Rice. MATiTRESff C L U B l r W'^lne.iday. June 3. MIm. At tlie country home of M rs. BmlUi Womis of.Uio TCerr-Cuwilng coni- Mm. Harrj*-Dennis pourt week opens in Grangeville Sells at tiun Vallr;r Anticipated with Interest by Dem- Calir, «ha was MUi ShUJry Wil- Thursday, with P. E. 0. Sis­ She has already sold some ot ocm ts o f T^viii Fulls county is Uie Mn, Twin FalU..prlor (o her tnrr- annual picnic supper and them to vttcatlonlsU a t Sun Valley. rlage May 22 in the com I c ltr terhood dettgntes from all.of a t Uie country home of Mrs. T. Dnn Idaho to be in attendance. On a recent trip to California, she king I AUTO RADIO ^ giving an addrcis on civilian ' tlielr p art In the itlNout‘ « f o rt lo lait, yoy can tav« monay on the many tha Clyde. Mrs. Ollla-Jone.i, Mrs. turning ou^'artbtlc RfoupinuK whldi fcixsc and wUai a belns jonv, ... Addle Lusk. Mrs. Mary.'Mlller ond can be worn on coitT*''. drewes and 1 thoW "an ln\inclble" Amerjcn. Quiet­ amosln'g Victory Valw#f foatured In UHs county under the chairmanship ly they are laying Uie basis for a 549:98' Mra. Edith Neeley. hats. Rntl some wKlcU are MiHAbVt of A.-ilier D. Wilson. thb groot salt. FIr«*tone pricoi or* The Twin Falls drill team for w inter bouquets . . . after the strong and nlert nation by Supply­ exemplify the ritual during conven- growing fitason It pn.'t. A striking bouquet of lemon lilies ing llielr famlllrs wlUi Oie kinds of I tcRiotloBally tow on many of^thvi* centered the lea table nt which goods ihnt bulUl strotiR iHKlle.i, °w *29.95 tlon ar.viio™, i>ni] m embers uJIl r e ­ Mra, Dtckey finds tliai high quoltty It # m * ... aA*1umph over Mrs. Cora 8tevcn.i was invited steady nrrve.< wid lilKh morale. turn here Tliurtidny cyenlnu nnd Ret 20 d ifferent colors of flowers pre.%lde. ' the Hircot of Inffotton. Sove now. rrlday momlnff. ' by using th e featliera of male phea-i- Mrs. Hoy J. Kvnnr.. clialrm an of ear. BgpMU •peaker. Mwematlo ttinlog. Bar ao». Mrs. Connor onnounce/i OS rag^ar price. . Blstratlon will open Wedne.idny eve- *’ie of McCall's Needlebook. IvfallrDntt' sisrlntw. luigc nutrition In . th a t nrUclB,'trlllTiK of Mrs. Link Family Has-^ yO-tab* radl» vltb nlnB. . ' postera are everywhere to b« seen. r l a r g o 0 " s p e a k e r. - Others who plan to leave Tliiirn- Dlckey'a handicraft. It Is explnlncd Mothers In thp.'j: cities who bring that her Ideo wnr. In.’Plred by tlie / BxceUsnt tone. Stocks ,oj;Vv day momlns arc j, It. Rladnfonl. Holiday Reunion their children to pre-school health /ar»-»mlua. Immediate jjast exalted ruler and memory o f a feather wreath which Meniber.s ot tJie J. G. Link family clinics which arc conducted under manager of^the Elks Americanism mother made more ihnn 50 enJoye(L n quiet reunion over the the nntlonnl summer roundup cam­ SEAT COVER BARGAINS! band, which will perform diirlriR » ogo.‘ * Memorial week-end. paign of (he Parrnt-Tcncher nsso- ' G rill. G u o 'S y convention ses.ilons throURlioiit the * » » * Mrs. George Talley. IJoLne, who clnUon, are given ILiLs of prORcr HANDY CAMItA'SlZI week. The band'goes by bus T hurs­ had spent the past week . a t Jcxxl-' lor tortecV n u tiitlo n lo r th e ir Save Your day mvnlng. GR Rings Given home of her parenLi 'in the Rex children. 5-TUBE PORTABLE RADIO 1 „ Enlrr, ConUil Arm-n apanm cnta. was Joined over T ie local nulrllinn committee Ls . . NOW Profect'Your “ '• w s B MJxs MarRftret DetwelJer. local To Seven Girls the week-end by Mr. Tnlley, Tliey sponsorlnc' n home canning dem­ _ $ 1 5 , 9 5 Upholstery winner of U»e Elks Americanism or- roturnccl Sunday cvenUiK to Boise. onstration which will be held n t the ftlorlcnl contc.1 t. will accompany Mr. Mrs! Ed Erbland. ijhother daugh- Idaho foner company auditorium Send one to tlia -boys at caap. .WAsJa;9£r and Mrs. Kayes to Dolse ’ITiunday r. who has been here for several WedncMlny. June 3, nt 2 p. m. Opcrat«fon Uttcry. AO er DO. Loo* eperatln* life week.1 visiting her parents and Mr. momlnc. and will compete for state J . A. now ard Friday honorhiK M1.V1 Opal Woods, from the Kerr ea batt«rjk Self eentained astenaa. r N O W oratorical honors Friday. Olrl n&-,ervM who had earned ring.'.' and Mr.v p eorge Erbland. parents of Canning company, and Mrs. Mar- her husband, and her young son.' _Mr. nnd- Mrs. Howard Kail nbo councu"'^'* mid presented by Uie finrst Carter, district home FOLDING 6ALLOM StZI plan to leave Thnrr.dn*'. and Mr. It^erl, were also present, demonslrnilon ngent, nre In charpe . nnd Mr.'. Harry Dabcli. Mr. and NJft. J. A. Kownnl pre.-!cnU'd rlnus •nicy arc returning Thursday to of the demonstration. CAMP CHAIR PICNIC JUG ^ 2 . 9 S their home In Cnllfornla. Mrs. Art Tlmcnonj and Mr. nnd RuUj Hunllng, June Twlc. Jua- All women Interested In "liome U ? 3 f Mrs. p n i cockrym . Milner, will, n U H o w n r^ Wnmla U p rn y . RuUi cnnnlnn Mr victory." nnd In having 'A S . ^ Cool. baiket.w eaT t. wood.ynip fib«r. Exceptionally leave Friday. StockJiam, Tlielma Hmiey, Wlnl- Mrs. E. R. Scofield well-slockrd pnntrles nl minimum NOW jong.weanng. smart, eclorfftl patt«rsi Satafaetory fit Convention banquet Saturday :re<| Juker mid Raiella Samuels, coit, nre invited to nttrnd. now5 9 * naranued. Delnie uOorlag. EaaUy deaaed wltii nlng at tjie Hotel nohc. followed by n . i 9 daap eloth. ProRrnm Included a ctnrUiel nolo, Honored at Shower * H- K e« p 'llq . the Krand bnll. wilt "wind up" m .'.- Lsdla Kuccrn. accompnnlM by Mur- NOW / .Mni, A, C, Sm ith niul Mrs, OcraJd McMillan-Peddick aid* bot or StOANS AMD W/tQ slotvs. Jorlr.V rnK r; reading, Miirlol B rr- cold 8 to COACHES" OlJC ,P. E. O. n flrtalM entcr; plimo .solo, Delvn CurUs; vlo- penny entertained recently at the 10 » 4 .9 8 h » NOW home of th e former n t a luncJieon honrt. roily Twin Falla delcKntcs to Uie state occompan N uptial a t Jerom e | !l!'.le: . Reddlek. Pleasnnt Plnlns M ra.-W illis Bainpooii. H a n s e n , Credit Women to ' district, and Harold McMillan, ^on won prlu-,1 . Decorations were tuhM "^W HIUOW WYATT (ilntc''Wcr-pre.iidcnt. heads the lo- Have Picnic Meet and Kyiv'ophllln. of Mr. and Mrs. Willard Mc.MlIlnii. LUGGAGE VALUES • cal Kreup. Others who plan lo at­ were married Sunday morning at FIELDER'S GLOVE tend arc Mrs. Mnrunrct Peek. MLvi IV ln Falls Creenk- Otlicra ivesent were Mrs,i>Doro- 3>Place Wea’i KaneV Irew a fn.u cUib win attend n olcnlc Juno thy Berry. Ajrs^ LalUne Uncolri, the Metliortbt parsonage. Rev. Al­ Alice Taylor. Mrs. c. H. KrenRel, bert E.' M arlin' Dffiautlng. — « W A tT et KACeM------WAS Mr.i. R. n . Bpafford, Mrs. Carl ir- 24 at the city park. Uife to be the Mni. Margnret Lincoln. M n Flor- •POWER GROOVE’ LUGGAGE sodal seaslon of U,o monUi. ence HuUhlnson. Mrs. June Denny. Tlie_£Ouple was attended by Jean w(n nnd ■.^f(.■u Ju a n ita -Sutclfff. McMillan and Edward Decker, n.s IRONS Ovorait* 2-Suitar . „ The women'are members of Chap. ■nic event was p la n n e d » h e n the Mra. •^e.vnlijL WHe.v. Mrs. Alary Clark. NOV/ cItU) m et fo r breakfast Uils^momlng Mr*. Alice Blakeley, Mrs. a m a Sev­ wltnesse.i Mr. nnd Mrs. M cntlllan, ters'A I, AO nnd D. will make Uiclr home here for the j nt ;W ay s c«fe, It win be on evening e rn Mrs, Mabel Bolyard and Mrs. ^ 2 . 9 9 picnic. present. u Oladys-Greenwell. PaiiL NOW S12;95, Oeaalna. 'Op •«raln. i ji ” NOW . NOW ' Rock Creek Club’s , niem- ¥ • M- ] f / OUed palm. • f Satih-flAlabad ni.95 ng.95 pmei^t B. and H. Donates head'a. riuted FIBER , Bare mere than Bny ‘| Project Curtailed ahafts for extra Beciiu.w ot Inclement weather, only $5 to USO Cam pai^ Pttseli. fflrforat«l SHOPPERETTE a few.members of the Rock Creek Return to^ise Womon't Coavai D. and H. club. mecUng. recently KootM d Isatber erlpa. 39< V/oTlh-wUlio cl\jb wotlMrt sit U « Mr. and Mrs. I. e , Jo slj^ nnd fion. at llie home of Mr/. En>blB Davis "Airway" Lu^gogo cfm^tc^}; lar.t week, renovating the •.HaU patiwrai Mnrx JMlyn hnve returned to Boise, donated »5 lo the t;so. .Mrs.- Frank • rull-proet io td itt „ ' WAS /iOW Brounds.'Latcr In the day a club ses­ nrier nttendlng Uie mnrrlago here p itm a n , a pjusl president of the LEVIL WiKb • Faldtlifei««;ifcaadl>0g I0»«mil«....,j*^ S7.45 sion was held at the home of Mrs. Sunday of ihelr younser^son, Hugii club; M n. Eddls Lammera. Mra. Clif­ Htf 11.95 ' MafRuerlle Wcech. ^Jo-Myn. nnd Ml.w ixJis Louden CASTING REEL T*d»7‘<0i*i>p*psp*coa. ford Davis luid Mlij Barbara Flora « a y 1* 10 la p o rta a t. belp W .rJrob*...J;*,«- 12.95 Mrs. Cloe Weecli and Mrs. Frances o ,7 Mrs, “ guests. AU biaai. Aatt-backlaah tba easie. Carry your ewn Tilley furnished the wlUte clephanLs. C. H. Krengel during their week-end - c li c k type. ^OW alay In Twin Falls. permanent abopplnc bag. Members were requestrd to bring WAS SnaiMocklng. Eaaln- te their pocketbooKs lo the Ju n e' 10 * 2 .9 8 carry tbaa pape» baga. merllng. at the homfl of Mrs. Carrie Crockett, aa *. money-ralslnR f,lunt ’ Is being planned. Gmt More Ml/oogo From ^our « V V T W i. More Service From lasting Quality, Your Car,- Reg/ifor Today REuiUBEKI If coih no more M om y Saving Valufs Attend Wedding to, go» « . eXTHA VALUCS Sl.IfUcani* AA WENDELL, Jitne 2-M r.' and AJrs. fo r ri»7ire$ion* provided onfy In P[«>* Fram* . . . . b0 9 R, O. Ward and U^a Rae left Satur­ day for Moscow lo attend th e wed­ ding of Mto Patricia Wihd and Ray T ir e s t o n e W. Turner. T^'ln Frills, Mr. T urner rre« aonthly Inipoctloni by ex- DELUXi CHAMPION TIRtS Tw».Tei)« D»w A A P pert». ,AU yoa do U drlr# In 'a n d to now fk Junior In Uio coHtge f>t en ­ Xon n t Um Cl>!w«...... gineering nl Uie University of Idnho. • Here’s What Another Housewife Has to Say register yonr car. We do th e m t . extra safety of t v a , l The marriage (ook placs Monday. tbe Saftl.Lock June 1. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. About ?UTTER=KRUST Bread— , Baftl-Braodad O sn -Slpp ed 3 J 8 Bert W. Bowlby. Moscow. The W trda I w ith yoDr I n t. w d body with < will return lo Wendell June 3. Soper apaaiy s. la&at«&.to s a " ...... 2 .9 5 I correct preator*. ^len. the « tr * J . •-Cupsn.1 Q A c Marriage Told ■ ' ■ ^D cn't let anj-one sfool you be- T o u r b a tte r y , protection ofU M.k*f . . i m o apark piori. 'SHOSHONE, June 2—Word waj llevlng that all breads are alike. Any tbe faaoatl • woman who has had any experience brakes, lllbtt, received this week ot tlie marriage wbeal beatlDis Oe a r - O r Ip I of WaJt«r Huffman, ffimer Slio- • baking her own bread knows different- Trud and the 1 ly. I make It a point to have my chil­ and inbrlcatlen nlionlan. seaman first clo^ In navy . are checked. He extra mltei Rcrvlce In the AUanUc, to Miss Mae dren eat a- ccrtaln amount of bread o f V U » B . Lcllle Head of Evergreen, S. C. The every day bccauao I beUevo y o u fittten Ksbber. fnarrlage took place a t Key Wei need lU The. best reason I can give Fla.. May 23. why we IUcb BUTTER-KRUST Bread la Uie answer my youngest son gave mo . recently when I asked him the aorae question: ‘I t lAstes so m uch better.* I believe he knew what he was talklnc ?MIDDLE •bout, because Ifs a fact he can tcU tha" difference." “

WOMEN f T r e s t o n e HEED THIS A

—tn»«e to ijdU tollyTtodln X PlaUiaa's »»omaB;« Ve^ .I* CompouBd. UuU «fpcc«^r B^uy B U T T E R -K R U S T B rea d fro m your GROCER S T ORES 410 Main Avenue South Phone 75 - 1 ^ (O (Ix V o te of firaum t RfcJjard C W f i Mar«fre< 5 t > ^ W FircMme S*n#«m y OrehtMta wmler ihc dir«ct

B oise B unches Faria Gives u p Salt Lake Citjrand ~ ,The Baseball Seven B low s Only 12 Blows Standings ^ Off T o n y J e l i Pocatello Triumph * SALT LAKI? CIT.Y, June 2 (/P>—S alt Lake City’s Bees In 33 Ihiiings BOISE, Juno'2 (^IV-Gfcrnld SALT LAKE CITY, June 2 Jtalcy, veteran Boise tw irler, m:ulc it four atraight over Ggden laat niirht, capitalizing'on Foils to five six crrors bv the Rccls'to'W in Pinn«r»r league baseball (/P) — Riffhthunded Hurler Bcattcred hitfl nnd-batted • in Kame, 11 to 3.' John Hctki of Ogden’s third ' A firat-iniiinjr Offclen miB- w I. r.i. place Reds leads tho Pioneer to givo the TiloLs a leasue . in pitching averages 4 to 0 shutout victory over phiy that caused nn attempted I l l 11 Um the Cowboyn in a Pioneer doublc-pky to .go owry, _ l> It 4 « with five games won and none lost, on the basis of games American Loop Tfie Juggler baseball Icasuo gnme . laat started th e Bees on th eir >'ic- played through. Thursday, n if fh t. tory trail. They scorcd twicc lk>it* <, T«lii K>IU 0. All flvo Cowboy, h its were singles. Sail. Uk* Cllr II. Oi^M I May 28, EYEBALL ffflS LiCtrrAfrB, in' tho iaitial frame, added Slates New Harlowe Burton got twp of them /y */«{>«/ three more in the second in- l'oeR«lk> 19, Idaho in lK c o n d plnice, also wlUi a 1,000 and Jimmy Dow. Manager- Robcllo average Is Prank Nelson, Pocatello ^ m s B O N U A M and Bud pvremnn cnch one. ningr, then tallied four ru n rin righthander, with four won ind Service Tilts - SUley struck out seven Twin Palls SHORT CUTS the fifth.and t ^ in the sixth. none lost. Dy TOALMV DEVINE juccus iRONSPme, batten and L«ued only one walk- Big Charlie Beauchamp. wAr Tied for third plkce, each with CHIOAOO, June 2 OJ.R)—A revised Tony Jell pitched Mven-hlt ball ON SPORTS Joined tho Deo pitching staff to threo won and none lost *ro Eddio •chedule to Incrtue bueboU' 'fO F r TO f l y i N G for T*-ln FttlLi but the Pilots bundled day after belr\j reletued by the Ida. G reen, Pocotello; M anuel' Vargaji, trlbuUoa W array and nary relict th»T)lows In three Inhlngs to score FOR IDAHO Pocatello, and Rudy Blais, Idaho lundi waa announced today by STAf?T: BON M M /four runs. Tio Palls Russets, llrnited-tho Reds Palls, all right handers. , ISSHOOTWaAT to eight hits, well scattered except ' HoUd. credited wlUt 33 strlkeouU American Leasue President William Walk StarU.Seoring ' Short shots: lU rrldge. A M E R IC A N L £ A C a r In the tourth and fifth frames. The In 43 Innings, walked 14 and hit two Dljoppolntcd with the crowds at­ Wall Louo walked In tho second When - and if - the r»ln ever batsmen. Opposing teams garnered SUUrOOTf?E\------to sta rt Uie Pilots' first rally. Al Reds scored^two nins In the fourth tracted lor Veekday conlejta piny. O F 1 3 . stspt falling In thU ar«a for any. and one In the fifth. • Lm Ia I, OllcSBO only 24 hits and eights runs, of cd in the pa«l t« o weeks for Uio Korhonen singled to left field and length of Ume, fUhlng Is expMt- which 4l* were earned, off him. Lowe went , to third and Korhonen — ^ 0 • win hoisted Uie Bee.i Into service (und«. Hnrrldge urged club thifa place and pdt Uiem only a Nebsn's Record owner* adopt n , new plan to to »econd on Dow's overthrow at sec­ ed’to be tho finest In .many years ond base on the throw-ln. Bill Sten- . . . The Snake river. I'm told. U game behind Uie second-placo Idalio NeUon struck out 21 In 37 In- bolster sac« recelpti. Arter lengtliy Fallfl R uuets. conferenc«s U was d.cclded to piny ger singled to le ft to score both Lowe (be best In many, ihany seasons, nlngs,>alkcd 11 and hit none. He three Sunday double-^ieadert and and Korhonen. and Silver creek Is UUraUy fuU .Beaucham p wasn' gave up 34 hits and eight runs, of a night game In place of {our single In the third Lou Tamone hit a of tront (if you csn get 'em out) comer In tho Bee lineup, tonight. which six were earned. two-bagger to right field, advanced Mftnager Andy Harrington also used In 2B Innings of twirling Green • day contests. . . . , Other strcami haven't been Victor Sander, right fielder, who The double-hendcrs. nil scJicdulrd to third on an Infield out, then fully tested yeCi bteaus« mnddy ':-7, struck out 34 men, wolked n and , for Aug. 33, are WnslilnKton a t New scored on Vic Trasky's onc-bagger. waler has made flslilng Imprae- WO.S relea.ied by Ogden. * hit none, 'while being rapped for The Bees' Qeneral Manager E Boise's fo u rth n m . Outfielder ,&nJe Jm'ien. Pllchpr In th e nlsliC gnme thd* Chlcnso comes round 4o a rc.'.pectablo pro­ #ACinC COAST Vargftj, In 39 /nnlngi, stniek out W hlte’Sox will entertain the Oleve- In the sixth, hitting a double and jwrtlon of good ujiil bnd, you con KnowlesPlerceyandlnflelder Telmi 20, walked 15 and h it n o n e .T h lr- . land Indians on July .2. ^AN l^££S' B/a scoring on SUiley-s two-bagger. look JC6 all-»ecortls sltiUterod for Dartolomel, and tlie suspensli teen hits were pounded out against . ■ . In Uie flfUi inning Jell, who Is . , the latter' because Atteodanee Low '' ^ 'f?lCUr-MNP£/? num ber of people playing golf hlmoiidlOnuMscorcd.elghteamed. ' ' T r//J?OWS A FOfff^BALL cHdltcd wHh one ot the league's at Uic Twin Palls municipal links Bltvlo struck out 13 ln'.25 innings, Attendance at J^mcrlcan ieague (wo no-hit bail game* tiiU wason, walked 11 'and hit two batUn. Ho relief games has fallen far bel»w AND M S BATTERS . . ; E\-en on cold, windy and rainy tossed only thm balls. Batter* da>’s rig h t now.- tliere Is a good gavo up 50 hits and 0 run*, flv o , expccUUo'ns. Wh'en the games were EAf/NC OUT OF hit two of them for easy pop euts earned, • - • announced' Korrldge set a goal of turn-out ond If the prc.\cnt Increas# N/S A « A ^ . and the other went for a ground In attendance gnlns. It will tdke Each of tho five leaders made ofia M16.000 for the charily contest re- odL celpts. That esUmale was based on truffle cops to handle tho lines o( wild pitch w ith ‘Uie exc«pUon of .- Stonger got threo hllii In three golfers . . . Jimmy Foxx Is NeLson whoso record Is clean Iti th a t • < anticipated sellout crowds In every trips to tlie plntr. Two of them were rcspcct.. • city. However. Uia 13.500 fu is a t­ According to the Sporting News, doubles and the, other a single. Judson KIrke, Uie greot ccnter tracted at Washington for a 8rn> Th« win for Boise evened tho se- • Petenon Leads Ben «tor»NBW Yoric Yankee game wiu fielder who played for Pocatello In Siu’prised by les at one victory apiece. It con- 1039. h as been nairted m anager ot- Leading for tho Salt tAko th e top draw. Attendance for Uio ;ludes tonight. Bees wos righthander George Peter- • other games was Philadelphia at Mobile In UiQ Southern lesgue-a Tonight's box score: nice Job for a copablo young man News of Trade son w ith two won and nor.* lost. ■ B oston 13.310; D etroit a t St. Louts P itching a total of 23 Innings, hn 8.400 and Chicago a t cleveUnd TWIN PALLS ■ AD R H O A , . . Mobile belongs to the Brooklyn Dow. If ...... 4 0! 1 2 0 Dodgers, bu t KIrke u-ns traded to Dy D IL I KING ' struck out 13, walked 12-and hit 7JJ59. BOSTON. Juno 2 (/TV-Tho faint none whllo being.rapped.for 10 hits • The American leogue toUl for Biuton, 3 b ...... - ...... 4 , 0 3 3 2 Uie n e w owners by th e St. Louis Sun.ierl. rf ...... < ’o 0 0 0 Cardinal chain . . . l est shrug of Uio shoulders wa.t the and eight runs, six earned. four gam es was 41,101. which wiu only reacUon .Jimmy Foxx. one of ' L«adingj the Twin Fall* harirrs less th a n the 48.823 th e Brooklyi. Robcllo, lb ...... 3 0 I 11 0 - Bill Ulrich, who at one tlme.owncd Slianks, cf ...... 4 0 0 3~ 0 Uie T\\’ln Falls Cowboys, U havlns ba.M!bair.s greatest m oderns.,exhlK- la J im Olson, rlg h l.h sn d e r, with Dodgers drew against the New York lUd when he experienced the most one won ami none lost. He pitched Olanta In their reUef battle. Tlie Lohrke. m ...... 4 0 0 1 1 his troubles up at Spokane . . . A Rowden, c ...... 4 0 . 0 3 3 city th a t hod two succes.ilvo prn- nurprLMng. shock In his IS m ajor 17 iRnlngs, struck e a t nine, walked Brooklyn game was the lone majoi Tea^e sc^^ns—his sale to-thc Chi­ two and hit ono whllo riving up 21 league service tilt whicli iihs a ttrac t­ By HUGH KULLEIITON, J r. vcn. . . Tlicy both exccl n t football, in, 3b ...... 3 0 > 2 4 nnnt winners, doe:,n't take very Jell, p ...... 3 0 0 0 1 kindly to a teojn six or seven games cago Cuta by tho Bonton Red Sox hit!) and nine runs, seven earned. / ed a large turnout. Other NaUonal Wide World Sports Colurnnlst basketball, bn.iebnir'and hockey. . , nftcr seven other clubs had wajved league games pulled only 3,380 fan NEW YORK. Ju n e 3 (/r>-You‘vi In Uie cellar a t Uils stage of Uie PoM tello Pounds, AlUiough OUen leads his club on The Chalky Wrlght'-Karry . Jaffra Totals ...... ^ . ^ 3 0 6 24 10 cam paign . . . him out of the American league.' ' a porcenUgo of games won basis, his at Philadelphia and 0.OS8 at Chi been hearing a lot nbauMhose foot- light at Bnltlmore hw been post­ "Well. U should be a very Inter, cago. , bnll tcnm-n the navy expccU to havL BOISE ' - ^B R H O And, no m atter how yen look at Oiitl6Hitsto" record Is not as clean In oUicr rc- poned from June 15 to 10 because Peccln, 2h ...... 4 0 0 1 3 It, the other tiiree cities In the estlng expe.lence," Poxx said wher spects as that of Joe Foria, right­ Ilarridge Dlsappolnttd next •/all—mayl>e because tlie niivy' Informed of his sal^ by Dom Dl. hander, who won three and lost one, In oiujounclng the decision to piny flsures a lltllo publicity won't hurl Uie promoterim oterdi doennfwuat to cut In Tnmone, 3 b ...... 4 1112 W estern International league^ won't Uraw w ith or w ithoot a, D efeat Russets Maggio, hW roommate and admlr. striking out 27 m en' In 33 lrinlnB.% the Sunday twln-bllls and a nlHht enll.itmcnL'i—but now it tunw out in n y a rrn i all ■y, lb ...... 3 0 0 7 - 0 Truriky, rf ...... 4 0 i 3 ehampionslilp club—so the Spo­ POCATELLO. June Z m — Poca­ Ing friend, on his arrival from Phl|. w alking fire.a n d giving*Up onlj- 12 game for the service fund, Horndsi there muy be some riRlit good nrnij tello's • loop-lcnding C ardinals got adclphln last nIghU aald: teams, too. . . For biMnjice. reports li)wc, cf ...... -...... 3 1 0 4' 0 kane attendance li really the thing h its and seven runs of which flvo . tfiat supports the league . • . their big .bats working again "Chicago U a great city and 111 were earned. . . "Wc were sincere In thinking the around Louisville say th a t an un K orhonen. If ...... 3 1 1 night — a fte r Uirce sU-nJght defeats Waner Nearing Paulson, c ...... 4 0 ^ 0 Jnclc Bllhngs, who was with Uii like playing for my old friend Jimmy Boise's lop pitcher through May wpek-day games would draw wel' Identified Ivy league mentor wh -*:-and blasted Iclnho Falls, 18-3, in a Wilson and with such others as n!so Is a fonner an n y officer o r ehi Cowboys In sprltig tralnhig camp. 28 w as Prank Lam aw ke, IcfUinnder, and were disappointed wlili the at­ Pioneer baseball lengue gnme. SUin Itock. Bill NIchoLion. who wns with two won and lost two during tendance. However, the weatliei Oreasy Neale m oy bccomo coach at SUUe>-, p . 3 .0 I • Is nn athleilc director now a t oii 3,000 Mark ot Uie aircraft plants In southen The Card batsmen hopped on the brought up In Chfcitertown, M'd, which ho pitched 33 Innings struck ' and the fact many people are work­ Port Kflox. ,. . And th e air corps pitching of BUI O'R ourke a n d Bill only eight miles from Suclleravllie, out IQ batters, walked seven and ing In defetvse .factories during l3ic technical school at Kcesler field, T otnh ...... 30 4 7 27 -7 California—where his dad,1s person •ttln Fnll.s ...... COO 000 0 0 0-0 ncl director . . . iiiid Jack wouU! like Orucr for 10 hlLv one.of them a my birthplace, and Donx Dallessan- nav(* up Jn hlLi.Ten runs were scored week held the crowds down. Wo n MKr. Li lining up a 10-tenm sched­ homo run by Glenn Sletter. Stecicr dro, who was with the .Red Sox'hlm of whicli onli' four wero a t Terr anxious to make a good e>uii ule with such colleges as Miami, On Total Hits B o ise ...... •...... 021 001 OOx-^ to get hold ol some of the local Errors—Dott^^urton, Lohrise, Pfc- Cowboys down Uicro w ith him — also got a two-bagger as did Harold when I nnt came hero In J030.'' corned. W Ing for baseball and believe thr Alabnmn. Piirdur^^Texa* AgBles, B y PAUL SCHF.FKEl.8 PaiiI.ion. C ard ccntrrflelder. "I renlly don't know mucli about fo u r rem aining charity Rnmes u , . Mlwli.'.inpl on Uie list. . . a. Tiunonc. Two hlt.i—SU-nnpr offering ns niui-h us *350 per month NEW, YORK, Ju n e 2 (U.R)-Pat Stnley. Tam one. Hun.i batted In to work and pITtj' ba.ieball a t Uie O’Rourke, who left thr game In the the NaUonal lengue, for I. nc^'er der the new set-up will do veo' Footnote: Connie Ryon, tlie whls third Inning after .^c^^•lng up Uie thought 1 ever would be In It.” Foxx w elt" kid who was Auppo.ied to do so m uch W nner ha.i nlwny.i been one of lins( —Stcngcr 2. Tru-sky, Stjiley. Stok-n Henry Armstrong—Truaky. Sucrlflrr.s—Strngpr, Offers nice’ th a t mako. It touKli hn.Tie run ball to Stctter. was charg­ coritlnucd. "In fact, being traded good for. the Giants tliLi year, has boll’s nigge-where was a m atter th a t never been optioned to Jersey City. terlous training routliip la a mystery SU»lf>'- Struck out—by SfJilcy 7. Jrll on 4ilaycrs In a Clo.^ C league to Scores Kayo in 4. Bn.sps on bnlU—off Jrll 5. Staley re.ilit temptation to quit their pres­ Prank Nelson, starting Pocatello occurred to me.". and his merry dIspoi.Ulorrmtikra him pitcher,.hurt his arjn In the'flrst "Foxx. now sidelined by a fractured SacFahsMay alm ost unpretllctJibli' bu t tntliiy. un­ 1.- Double ploys—Slenger to Puccla en t posLs—and you can’t blam e ’em Today's guent star; because It l:.n't every ball player thm lilnlng and was rell»vod In favor of rib, his toward for hb most recent Comeback Match \Valter I.yncli. JarknonTlllr. Fla^ disciplined or n ot. ho hiui come dose to KrrM?y. Dmplre.s — Enger and display of tesm.smati.'hlp—sen’Ing as Pflrm nn. . draw s down' th a t much money pci Cnrl McConnell, who was credited 4A N JOSE, CftUf.. Juno 3 (,TV- Jonmal: "Csn't you lend J&e I.nuls to tho supreme moment of a mem- ttitti Uie victory. n batUng practlco pitcher In Uie Little Iletjry Armstrong, dynamic See Solons omblo career. m o n th -e v e n in double A ball . . , »U7,M0 to'piy hli Incitno Ux7“ While winning 10 ahd Inilng M cConndl gave u(* t??o runs in Yankee suidlum lost w ee k -h a s a.i- form er world’s cham pion In Uirco Waner UugIU hlmwlf to hit com the third Jnnlng, nn two walks and flurcd his new bos.ics th a t ho will divisions, belled his woy U) a fourth, cobs with a broom-itlck so accurate­ 15 games so far thU Mason, thr Climbin Race One m inute apo^J.i pnRe: / '' Robello Bats .Coirboys are still only lour gamrs Biirce.vilve singles by G ordon Don- report In Chicago tomorrow • and round technical knockout victory ly (luring his Oklnhoma scliool dnys will be ready to perform fo r Uiem tonight over his younger opponent, Jimmy Praln. Tony .ailenln’j thf\t he beciuno one of bnsebnll's out of'.sccoiid place, and six and aW-ion and Svcn Jcs.ien. a n d an- . Dy United PrcM - m anager, report,'! tlint Tony., wlio oUirr in Uio fifth on an error and early next week. IrUh Johnny Tnylor of Oakland, on • Sacram ento's Colons. wlUi a rev- best h itters am! now Uie wiry, Bos­ one-half out of lait . . , has been succe.wlvely nn Icemi 309 to Top i'o u r of dcleala cnn be Tc'ai R yan’s single. "I regrcl I have to leave Boston the first stage of a projected come­ oluUonUed pitching staff and work. ton BmvM’ outfli-ldcr newls only 11 The Rik-aets got., one h it each In and the American league o ftcr nil back. «fjg In familiar, pleasant surround­ ider. saloon keeper. llRlit lUti! to reach the 3,000 m ark. charged up, directly to catching referee, umpire, sons writer, sin; outside of a few thr> wvenUi and ninth frames bul the^o years." he said. ‘’But IH sUIl Taylor, subbing for Uie Mexican ings. were cjpectod by fond home Tlio tiny marfc.maii ant In the bo In Uie majors." soulhpaw. Cecello Lozada, backped- ■ itage octor. now hn.-\ brand: lobby of hl.i hotel io.n n ig h t a fte r Local Hitters sUncc.i (probably two a t -the n coiiUi not bunch th e blows. ta»m fans to. go up in Pncltic Coast out otj a new career in the movle Five nina clattercd over Uio plate aled throughout the fight ond Anji- I c u u e basetmll standings this week, .1 his team had dtojipnl two gnmrs to SALT LAKE CITY. June 2 (,D — tho o th e r lo.ucs came- as o r by, mnlclng a short film. . . Jim my for Pocatello In Uie big third In- Atrong chnscd him around the ring with the fUst double-header of Brooklyn and nrtmltlrd Uiat-euch on Ive Pioneer league baieball .clubs of Ineffectual hltUng . . . In only 10 also reports: "I/keep^ilm quite bu.’iy two gam es, one hero ogalnst Po. nlqg, featured by Stettcr’s Warmerdam, Davis before he finally caught him games against SeatUe scheduled ndilcvcmcnt attained only by six , ,-Q represented In tHe list of ^lx whleli came wUh tw o m en on base. the ropes with-a barrage of body today. making appenranres singing hl.i other major, leaguers—would Just leading hitters through May 28. eatello and Uie other a t S alt Lnk( he composed, which is the City, have Uio Wranglers been beat­ The Cards had chased ono run home Get Recognition blows, A left hook to Uie head sent The Halnlera and Solons wlU- about cap 17 years in the major taken from among those who have Taylor.down to defeat. When Ref­ The Menrter of Broken leagues. en soundly . . . In Uie second, added five more In meet In double-headers every night. played in half or more of tlielr IhQ llfUi on five.hits, threo In Uie eree PVankle Carter ’ stopped the Quiter?.” . , . Corp. Jim T i i ...... "I .honestly can nny th a t I d o n t . Twin Falls Cowboys play two hoi- The Sacramento mound staff hit ilmoxt won the POA, explnlns his team's games. sixth on four hits and anoUier In On Pacific Coast fight, Tnylor wa# bleeding from nose tU stride against Oakland last week, usually get excited about a record." Lcadlpg tho drcult Is Wall Lowe, Idays. nine Sundaj-s At home this SAN FRANCISCO, June 3 OI.R— ■llencfl thus: -f enme from'fi big year . . . The Wrangler mUeago Is the sevrnUi. and r luth. and M anager BUI Skiff of Uie v b- W aner sold, "but tliU one will be a BOIso outfielder and first bn^rmnn. Cornelius Warmerdam of Piedmont, The bout wns billed for 10 rounds. family and wn.i the next -to the real thrill." the second smalleat In mo league: Calif.. Uie world’s only 15-foot pole •^ to n Is rather moody about, lils youngest 1»y. So I lust got In the w ith ah average of J4(J. Lowr, at A rm strong -weighed 148 an'e.. Idaho FalLi. -•lO^, feel i n inches, both of which bet-' a couple of percentage points and out of tlio leatnio lor Mx yenrs ot and Vic Sander, of, Ogd.-n .20n. the third-place Bees and three tered his former record.'and Davis’ roned If 'we^.wcren.'l right. The

THIS'CUmOUS WORLD [yDBAm — '""'liCO tlElt ^MARKETS AND FINANCE fflL E K fl A U O tlL E E n r DB w m MACKEKXIE COULEE DAM, Wash,, June 9 lUJO w id e W orld W tf AiuUr*t < ■A waterfall five blocks-'wlde and lEAIPllH ES ‘•Ice th e .h e ig h t of Niagara falU w s i i i s i i i l ' 8 m»U wonder thit Hitler's cbin* ceUeiy b Mid to be swept with con- poured through spillways of Uie NEW YORK. June 8Um*Uon ftt Ih* fctutnpled »wu^> G rand Coulee dam today, m arking Qtarket closed irrcRUln n»Uon or nelnhajfl Jfej-drlch. tlop* complptloti of the immense m alr Alaska Juneau ...... National Cash RegUter . uty'chlef of U)e drt«(] Oennui g v inlt ot ihe Columbia river develop- BECLIiONMiD Allied Stores ...... NaUonal Dairy Products > MMOLI Upo (secret police). In Ciecho- nent project. —-- AUls Chalm ers ...... NaUonal UbUller# — __ CHIOAOO, June S OP) AJtW ■Sorakla.. , ■ An estimated 15,000 persons stood American Can ....—u. rk Cenir; ' gaining as. much n a cent ft bushel It would boMifticult to exnggcr- in the banks ot the Columbia rlvei Markets at a Glancc Am erican Locomotive North American ...... - r ------In early trading, w neot futures agala »t« Uie *l«nmcanco of Uils event, ;anyon toS^-atch the-spectaculor In- Nl;w VOUK. Jun. ^ m - American Jlei ...... North American AvlaUon------lO’.i turned reactionary and price* slum p­ io r It entjihulMs t^e bumlns spirit kURuratlan ot U;e dam, wUlcU Is tf*- WfKVi— ptlM rmre Jonerlcan Rad, & Sio. Son. ♦H NorUitrn-Pacific ...... O'i ed more than a cent a-fauahel today. of ttikt legible front of Conquered >ected to double population of th« r*M> In »upplr. American Rolling M liu ...... » ‘i Ohio Oil ' Ju st before, the final gonff, Ju ly > IKOcles who are o o l; walUne for ’nclfio norUiweat Uirough Industrl- /merloaif Smelt, it Reflning....S 33-H Pockard Motors — - wheat sold, at |l.l&‘i. eatabtishlsc— their chance to turn uul rend their >lfutlon ana opening of new irrl- American Tel: T e l . _____-....1154 Paramouht-l’ub.------another new seasonal low.'AU de­ oiim ssora. Ttie great darlns of UiU lands, American Tobacco B 43^4 J. C. Penney Co...... liveries ot rye also hroke sharply effort to extennlnftt« powerful *'der Tlic man-modQ cataract was Anaconda Copper ...... 23% Pennsylvania R.. R, . Into now low ground for th e season. - henker” measura of t^e detcnolnation of tbe flow of the Columblo river from out- Baldwin Locomotl ...... — . lOS Phelps DtWRt ...... beans was' aiuUtuted to a dowtt- wearer* of the NmI yoko. let tubes around >he dam to lh< BalUmore <5i OliH . .. 3V turn of around t3 a baje cotton. Dcrlln Arretti spUlway, . . BendU AvlaUon .. 30 During the Rnal few minutes o t • HjU defiance of an orgaaUatlon 10 Yean’ Work BeUilehem,flte»i .. trading prices conUnued • upon which th» fuehrer hlu J. I, CiiiC- Co...... Reynolds Tobacco B ...... Mondoy's final prices. July tl.lSS the authority of the gcsUpo ob­ lake behind the dam night and dafT os much OS 3 iw lnts'In those Issuei Cerro de PAaco Corp.-.— r. to ^i, September ll.lBW to' S; com while some of the so-called peace U- Srarr. Roebuck ______a...... viously crcfttca a danger to Nazidom. W hen the ouUct tubes were closed, Chesapeake * Ohio ...... Shell Union Oil ------No was \ to i'.i off. July 65ti tO-fi, Prom HlUer's standpoint there is a shallow wave splashed th e 18- sues had gains ot t point or more. CWTjler Corp. ...:------Slniinons Co...... S eptem be/'8T>;; oaUi were « IS W an unfortunato coincidence In tin ftcte .Rpillway, I n 1 0 . mlnuirs. Railroad issues wete stnsled Coca Cola- to S higher: soybeans !4 to IH for selling In both stocks and bouds. Socony Vacuum ...... unprecedented Brltlah air raid* flaw reached its full voluiiie as the Colorado P. * I ...... SouUiern Pacific ...... down; ry.e 3S to 3H off and lard Tliese will BlVB a mleiity flUlp ti crest of the HO-mllc-lonf lake be- Preferred shares had widest loJses. Commercial Solvent.^ ...... uiichaiiEcd to & cents a hundred- M any common stocks m ade new lows Southern Railway ...... Oie ri«litlns spirit of the occupied lilnd the .dam roared down 330 feet Consolidated Copper ...... Sperry Corvwratlon ----- c...... lit hleher. \ countrlf-1 and already are reported into the huge concrete trough at the and tl^e rnlltoad avcrasc hit a new Con.iolldated Ecllr.on ...... ;ow for the year, Weakne.M In com­ to. have catiml n panicky ntat fool of the (lam. Consolidated Oil ...... ndard Oil of California ..... ' , <;iUIN.TAllLfe • ,ntrvc.» In Qcrmiuiy's CoioKiie Billows til ivhlte foam were to.v'ed m odities had a dam pening Influence Continental Can ...... OXtA%%tA, on stocks. • Siondard Oil of liidliina ...... ■Ewen tcrrltorle.1 . c a p it a C o p c a m a o a ., 50 to 75 fret in to the ulr a t the Continental O il...... •els were dcnre.iscd. although __ idatd 0 1 1 ot New Jersey ',>'.Tlie bomb which all but. tiul«l A B O t.n' THIS s i z e O P , ba.',e. atid roiir of the fall.i was heard Corn Products...... Studebak Heydrlcli's life, and may nilll.tlo 15 mlk-s nwnv. the leaiiliiK Issues had onlj- small Curtl-M w rlg h i ...... losses. Motors held bettor Uian other ___ -.hlne WAS throwTi In the envtrons of t PresenlMii volume ot the waterfall DuPont „ ...... Sw llt A: clcnt PrnBue. but.Uie explosive ml(, ifiited a t 300,000 cublo feet groups wlUi Oen l.-al Motors a t a new Firestone Tire & Rubber - ilsh. TtrXtts C< a& twlly have been In Uie hM\iis ot ANSWER: aaU Lake City.. . . Apprtjximately 150.000. >er second, or 1400,000 gallons. At Freeport Sulphur...... T im ten rcoiier uesnni: ...... a Frenchman or a Norwe«lim or a ivernKt /Jood peak. 530,000 ci/Jlc leet Tob.iccai were l l m and olU/tleiuiy General Electric ----- vT..-. to firm. Tire Issues had a few firm T ratuatni Ilollnntjer, A]i tx.v(3er henkcr. and )cr sccond will ro ar over Uie face Ocnernl Foods ...... Union C Uje ayutcfn for which lie »tand«. » if the, I< No. ."‘.rk'';: In Prasue by way of trprlaaV. and .Id In m e flRht BKftlnst HlUertim. -ity. Water from Grand Coulee, over an I’, up 'i. New highs wrre made Miami Copper there W no Intllcatlon thni any Ill becoming Uic lOtii L atin Amcr- "We'll have ft . band there If I estlm atfd 35 to C> yc;irs, will rhengo nirrniitlonal Telephoi Montgomery War them was dlrecUy connectcd wl canjifttlon to nlly hcr.selt wltJv Uie avo to organize one niyicir.” Koeh- nearly l,2no,000 firre.\ of Inntl—now National Cash Register and Nehl Is4r!s S h th e m-oundlng of ihLi Rcstiipo offlclnl United SlAtca. Mexico cojiiplct«l Uie T told Sgts- tlu.v,ell L lppen nnt virtually a drjerl-lo lerUlff ,no11. Conv . N*. I II,«7-T0. whom JllUcr haO made ■•protector .lolUl bliic of North Amrrlc.w coim- uurcnce LaughriUgc,' tnnrtne re. Tlie now barren Isiiil will iiupporl ■ ilns ranglnK to m of Bohemia and Moravia. Tliey trle.-( now « t war with Ocrmnny, rulters here. 35.000 to * 0 .m families. enRlnears t were noted In Liggett k My- Livestock Markets have died with heads erect and Ueht lUly and Uapan. 'nie other nine "rhe group, probably the largesi predicted. Phlllp Morris. Collins fc Alk- Potatoes llpa, and the Nasls sUU have to find Latin Anieclcan countrte^ actively number ol volunteers lor the armec preferred. Climax Molybdenum, who threw the bomb. at war are Costa Rica, Cuatiimnln, s ever to leave-Twin Falls a' eland G raphite Bronre. Vick Der henker la a killer by nati Haiti. Dominican Republic, Hon- Chemical and W est P e n n Eleetrli time, will assemble In fron' POTATO ►•IITUBBS a n d upon his h ands Is the blood durus. Panama. El Salvador and le post office and, marching t< I per rent preferred. hundreds of subjugated people whom Nlcorasuu. U, a. flteel and Bethlehem lost (Courtesy Sadler, Wejener and he stood before the.execuUanerB, He the m arine corps hym n, will move G A i l i E R S Sen. Tom Connally, D.. Tex., imoll fractions. V. 8. Steel preferred am pany. Elk* U lldlncl. .representA a t Its w o n t Utat Insuf­ cast on Main avenue to Second chairman of the senate foreign rela­ street east, ihtn U> Second avenue gained a point. New lows ma«' ' ferable, swasserlng. Iron-heeled tions commlttcc,'tuild Uint "the frto Youngstown Sheet Tube Pnisslanlian which Is what, produced norUi, over the latter avenue to Bovemmenls IIbIuiijk the axis for Shoshone and (hen souUi on Sho­ Crucible Steel preferred. ,.. this World war and la what the Uielr JlVM and their liberty welcome •INfETflELO S shone to Uie railroad station. allies have to defeat, and then tear Uie comradeship of gallant Mexico. BOISE, June 3 (-I7) — Jam es O, out of Europe, rtwt and branch, "The mayor and his public recep- eck. director of the Idaho fish and She paid In blood and trea-iure for ..on committee. Bgls.'Uppcrt and own Independence and freedom, Laughrldge with the national col- game ■115 provide the • boys wiih going :rpp thrcatene^Ical ex- Tivln FalU friends who talked ••m lrtty blow f> Uie nxls.- icftt*lon^''for'^itarp employes V *» •iprlns*r them to be id e r Way to relewe nore manpov Butter and Eggs with Major Jones by telephone last T lie'ilrcliiraUon defeated effort; r jjertcct condition. . mn>1 K'tah r.tOO: TiSttht said he now commanillnB o f Uie axis to divide tlie America: er for the tiH battalion In an enftlneer* refflmei rcpubllc-1, Bloom declared, am I t Uie niajdrlty )f the Ix-eU^ ar a t Port LewLi. . mc-an.'t an Increased tempo in thi 3t Uilnned this « rk It will be to M ajor Jones W'os commanding o war effort of the western heml- late to save the u llilnnod portion imrnlo «1J. .up[.ll» lI*Kli d.m.nd fleer ol Co. D. Buhl unit In the tlOth splicre. Names in the )f Uie crop. I matVcl tllShDr oMkrr; Idaho engineers, when the Idaho naUonal Oovenior Clark, en route to tli< guard was inductednnto the U. 3 :(ipllal from University of ldoi\t arm y Sept. 10, lOlO. He was an or- News «,OK\roincrment fStrclsM in Morcnw, ■ iglnal member of the Twin Fall; Indlcatc3~lie would be among guard company when It was orcan- BOniEBEPBSIIS Ity UNITED rHESB those working in the fields to lllijs Triumrha «uh»d U.«0-S,00; >is ilr-sr) i:.SO-:.T»; Htoitutffvi ' iM d In IB24 and v e n t to P o rt Lewis M yrna Loy, Uie "pcrfect wlfi rrlurrph* u n .u M 11.71. that year with Uw -company for pf the screen. lefl Reno last night ' In the area around pocatelli training. • Commander . .then was high school studenL-i went to Capt. H- O. Louterbach. now a full fo r New York a fte r obtaining hei 2 (UI't-Dtlry i V BE BOOSTED divorce from Kroducer Arthur Hom- in the fields and from Caldwell 300 colonel servlhff With the army In business men r.ei out a t 7 a. m. for •1 (5 »ror. I»c! U -tcon He: »» AUfttralla. . WASHINGTON, Jyne 2 (U.Ri—Cus. b lo w ^ Jr., charalRB hU conduci lamer deposit on milk botUes. ol "cau.ieU me great". . five-hour strotch of ihlnnlng.^ , Jones was out of 'the national Caldwell merchanui have rsreed l^MTf Rixilutn li'.ie: Urx*. drums, carboys, kegs, barrels ant Cblna’i mlnUler of Intormaden. !• 81»^l ».^ll « H«- • - guard for several years.' then rejoin­ oUier coiitalners whlch are returned Wang Shlh Cheh. uld In Chunc-. keep their shops clo.^ed until : p, ed the 'Tv.-ln rails unit as a private for re-UM may be InnUBuratcil o: Wnz totUy th a t th e c r ta t BTllUh dnllv for the {liirtiUon of the tx-et ANX^ELES In 1058. He worked his way tjirough increased without violating the price raid on Calogne “QroTlded un­ fleJtl emergency, thhs releasing both th e ranks, and aji a lieutenant he regulations. Price Chief Leon Hen­ paralleled eneouracemcnt to Ihe tliemr.elvrs and their eitiploj' was transferred to command the derson announced, Uie vital work. Duhl company, receiving a captaincy people of the United Nation* In Uendetson tatd some shippers present war derelopraenls" , . . at that time. He took command at have recenUy Increased the nmoui SEES ACREH LOST Duhl when Cal>t. W alter C. Senfteii P^ineral services „wlll be held of th e depofllt In order to rcd u t. Tliursday a t VIctorlo. D. C.. for • BOISE. Jtihe 3 (,P )-S tate Rep. became a m ajor d>U>-e)>elc« Interview there were man?-Idle BACKIONASSAO inBly difficult to obUin." H endm bn cuss • Heltmoed report Uiat Paul­ Mrs. Dora Myers said. e tte Goddard has divorced him now wniUng for conatrui:Uoi 1 Jobs WASHINGTON. June 2 fU.R)-Tlie, HiMdV. cen^^uesta lect Percy'O reen a t K i : lot U . block 100, Buhl. . of honor at a dinner at the embsssy sugar raUonlng registration. servaUon of freedom and demoi Deed: Same to sam e. WO: lots 23. M A R r A U C 8 TROOT' FARM cracy.” ‘ last nlghl. 24, blodJt_100. Buhl. Tlie duchess will remain here for •Act»-(TCtt olh.r q.W^ad- Tw la FalU Ph. 01S&.JS A' bayou is. an tnlet from a body He sent a telegram to President I5e«I-. Bame to U K , Perrlne, $10; . )f w a l e r ^ from a large river. Avila Camacho in which he greeted a. few days at least, probably to cor ‘'iTKlplUlloo pul 8 W SE (pcirt) 23 1 0 21. pleto her visit with relaUves in net AabtoB 0J«-, the najvest fighting ally of the Uni- Deed: Same to same. *23; SESB _ ___ _ te d NaUons. (part) 20 10 31, by BalUmore. - Mr. Rottevelt’s message described t.rchorn htn*. ovtr II Dett cio*H o feet hlih. cost only «32U0, laid District court suit fUefl today by WilUs, p a rt NW lOri)Art SW IS l i 17. Uioae “choking neekUes men we Idaho Hide & Tallow Co. In the wair”CInder block for B ertie L. All against H em y Clark Deed: V. Rathbun to P. DePord, A aoclety of Walla Walla m en ___ IDm dMu7 4iul*d). Call Collect N earest Phone a ben house. 10x30 by 1 feet high a n a oUiers asks Q U le^ g.of UUe to IlM : lots 7. 8, fl. block m Hansen. wired Presldept Roosevelt asking Twin Palls 3 1 4 « Qoodliif 4 7 cost only tI91-36. They insulate farm land souUi of Twin l ^ l a . O. Deed; B. L^wU ti L. Lee, »l; part him. In the name 0! conserrlng T h e dVy o l.S W la W p b l* wDl to - ':’ and a n fire prooL. ' jU tute - - progttm tg.attx t Ught- ^ Hides, pelta. tallow, fur, mod P . Duvall is counsel, for th e peU- b t I : 1 11.20. cloth, to -Ubcrato males- frcm the nEANS 1 fliMt Nortk«B« No. t inff-thls wtnter, ndlMlbr dilteiaik . Junic b ^ e s bought. ■ Uoper. : ______• ' a-e*«nff of ji«, this summer. Tiiey North*™ No. ■ Hot only'do hope give beer and signed (he prlre ^CTSOCOM, which from pm lotu aparimanbi. Dirw<.,: -- r s s " • Jerome Block Co. Jerome. Idaho fbtrn* «l Tlxfl United States w ui n o t see 1 ale Ihtlr bUtcr taste, but they act sptJled out means Society nimlnat- UonU nood Ughta .«Q1 tw VMd ta toU I eclipse of U»e »ua unUI Ju ly 8, u a prtsenaUve for Uiew bevar- ing the Stranglehold of CoovenUca ------■' ------—‘ IMS. U««-______' 00 M mlttert.-,.------I^age E ight' TEv^s-N EW sr-Tw rnrEA 'asriiiTtH cr Tuesday,7une 2 ,1042 ,

'k SERlAr'StOR?* OUT OUli WAY By J. R. Wlii,IAMS OUR BOARDING HOUSE.. with . . MAJOR HOOPLE CARIBBEAN CRKIS e o ^n ia K T . i«4a. BY EATON k. GOLDTHWAITE • ■cwviecj iNc^ yOE_ENE3IV_5; took me rijiht Inl" knew oil about you. knew , CHAPTER XV • “Anybody can go rltfhl- In !f nil about Hnlsey before his name .tiicy’ve Kot clcam ncc,’’ tfle ffray- ^ALCOTT acccpU-d the print nntl was even mentioned. A jwy ’*'ho leyed m'ntv-rnillcd inlntly. Ho asked dumb question.'! about how ' M he ffcflnned It hl.i bew ilder- iturned to Tnlcott "Did you know many barrels of oil It took to nia went^rrcw. Tlic print wns n copy Hnltey before?" , a still. A jniy who talked about I crcncM nnd rather (tinucSE^ . "Only UirouRh let^rs," jnlemntlonal Intrijfue; as If nny- , I'Whlch could have .been sent WiRinnL It w ns the hcad-anil' Dody would w a n t t^ Ret control of w ithout th e know jcdge o f Uio n slinklnB. desolate hunk of rock ■ «ht)Uli!cnj illkcnens of I*re%ldcnl. lliia m a y b e a con- like Abas Island. utiiform . n .Ulilan omcc’r of tlic .nplrsicy to d e frau d , Uje Com pany, Suddenly a look nf poillive fln't "World W ar. His head or—" >le paused, searched throuKh bi^illlanee b u rst from M ncDowell's his drawer aRaln, found n blue closely (tliavt^l o r bald. U nder face. "Heyl That ffuyl" he gasped. sheet. He sald^ ‘'You operate a ••That Ruy Is a—" ,— a bulglnR forehead his.ryes held hop- cruel. Ho didn’t look Hko‘ tJinarlly carry?" kefpera and sailors. The crowd SlruthcTs; he didn’t look like nny- "Two montlie' nupply.’' was growing in volume. People boKcnt. He oft hh supply. 'Uniformed ofHeer pashlng tliem The man iit the desk shut'hlm- ipcaks JaryruaKcs ns llucntly ibii'ck from th e launch th a t be- relf behind his eyes. One. two, lonRcd to Federal Chemical Com­ nnd If caeh three minutes p.iiised in which hin pany’s riant liumhcr-Six. An­ m other tonKUC, H e war. opiTatlni; lingers drummed restlessly. Thru. other unlfonntd oUlccr was in the In Ur.ixll 'u ntll th e rcccnl :;lijil:eui> slKhlnK, hu siiUl, "W e’ll w atch U. launch, bending down. Well, may­ And 1 nnruest that you watch Uiere. We have rc;l^nn to bt-llcvo be the cops could ftll him some­ your^c!^ Tliero can bo only two thing. Maybe they could tell him that h e m ny b e In Uie Islanil!i.’' posr.lble an«.werTi to th e RudltOT'n about the Ruy .ln the room that •'It certainly iMi't S lriilh rr::" condufl. rm rather hoplnc, for knew so much. Taicott said. . iko of all of u.i. th a t hc’.i tr>-- Ile'hnd to run to keep up to “I don’t llkr--(o think whnt ft ^ni: to tuke .llin Company for JC^ilcolt. W hen they reached-the ride.'. Oo64 hick. Dill.” crotttd he'.iaw that the'pcople In N nil nRcnt eould tin if firmly It were acarcd. They were atarins •'e.itabl!shed nearby. Wc'll'cheek •jTO\TD'Uiat Kuy know about at .the launch and the bent-down on him thoroughly. And " t n * '? ” M acDowcll

t leavlnjt: y [from the -ludllor, not tlic com- (pany. A man whom you had Ju onet In the auditor’s ofnce look you to the secretary. Have you any evidence lhat Hahcy Is actual­ ly an employe of Federal Chemi­ c al? "' ' MacDowcll niisped. "Huh? W hal more would you cxpccl? He •Tuesday, 3une 2,1042 \ TIMES\NEWS, t w in f a l l s , IDAHO Faga Mine ;


•WANT AD RATES Life’s Like That By NeW r LIVESTOCK—POULTRY TImJf-riewi BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL ^ Ail-of Excitement Grips Plane W / N T A D B A T B 8 Baaed oo Coit-Per-Wort Base Between Raids On;;Naa8~ .1 d a y .. M fsw ord -----PETS------ny WILLIAM B. DICKINSON The handsome 37-year*old 'v in e . 3 ^ BtAOd the guard officer Is talking In whis­ pers over the telephone. The jrrcss DBADUNES -nie SU-W ell. 837 M ala W Ph. 154 they had' never-i . SA I^Y LOANS eCClcer hurrlaa in , llusttTcd. magnUudft. ^ , W t r t ti»y». i ' *• » . Strictly coafldenUal . “I'xa-son^," he says.-'There has ’-ours was one of the lu t p J>e«, ButuJV. a p. m . fiiiturdft} Bicycle Sales and Service *5 to ISO to employed people oo been some delay. But there are spe­ to go In.- says Sgt. Cliarle® IH cial circumstances. I hope you'U un- This paper (ubscrlbM u> tbs eod« OloystelD's bicycle ih o p . Ph. 809>R your own slgsatura cliurclj, .31. of Brooklyn. N; Y. of.eUUca ol the AuocUUoa of N a n « CASH CREDIT COMPANY derstarjd." .'■We want la from the'east. Wo paper Cluaitled AdvocUiRu Mana- B c y c l e r ;?. TObm a. Burkholder Bldg. Ph. 778 On the neld are three Amrrl. mndp' on# run and got out;.We were gen aod reMrvu thri rltht to jsdJt eaaa and the ether men In the over the city for'three and a-half powder bine RAF unUorm, who minutes. There was a solid aheet of or lejcct any dassUlcd *d»ertatn*. SMALL used cor, good condlUoii and Curtain Shops $25 to $750 ' . “BUnd Ad*" carrj-lns a Tlniej-Nflwi raided Cologne. They said they flame unilcr us all that time. X good tires, 334 '4th . avenue west. ON YOUR CAR ■ had looked down Into what seem­ watilted for the. explosion of our box number are etrloay eonlldentlal Cabin No. 3. - ••• Window Shop. 603 M ain a Ph. and no JnJonnBUon can be given In . 1, FOR ADDITIONAL OASB ed the mouth of hell and circled t>ombs. T h e flam es were so high I to th e ftdvertlaer. OASH paid tor tised furniture, 3. TO REDUCE PRESENT oTcr an are*-10 milef square that «ouId not see the bursts. , Diambnds WM » tea of flame. ■ Eft«n ehould be reporUd Imme­ stoves, and elecUle refrigerators. PAYMENTa • •-“Jn «ne way it w*» the moat diately. No allowances will be made Moon's. Phond 0. n . L Roberta. Jeweler. 118 Sba N. S. TO FINANCE TOC SALE As they talked, planes were be­ horrible thinf I've ever seen. U • lor more than one Incorrect Uuer- O P YOUR OAR. ing loaded with bombs. ' - was like tooklni down. lnt« lb« Ground staffs are hard at work m outh of heU. don't i«« bew tlon. WANTm-'AU kinds scrap metal, Floor Sanding 1 iron, sheep pelts, hides. - Idalio Consumers Credit Co. on motors and equipment. Tlie air anything coold- have survived In Ju n k House. U dder Sona. 811 M alo E. liM -W . (Owned by PacUlo Finance) is Jllled w ith Uie ro ar of. motors ) th a t whole are*.- CARD OF t h a n k s 325 MAIN AVENUE NO^ITS. l>eing tested. A tracto r is dragging •The-first arrivals were Just be- WANTED: Wooa or wire hangers; along a t^arrler containing eight toro| us." says Bgt. Bud Cardinal. • - T H__ E ______Uiidi and- Bj-tnpaUiy ^ m good condition, -Ho each* Gas Proofing Jiuge cylindrical bombs. . ’ ■ ^ 31, J rear gunner from Fort Worth, nelfihbor* and frlonda.ln our rc- Troy or National plant. “What calibre are thoacr s Tex. ‘The fires were Just beglniUng ccnt sorrow will ii2wn>n rem ain Osteopathic Physician 'O h . theyTo two tonners,''' tlio to light up. 1 could »e« th« llres jv'JUj uj ft preeioua memory- Our A FEW two row’ bean cutters. In - Dr. O. W Rose. 114 M. N, Ph. 837-W pilot replied, '"m ey're’lieavy stuff," stringing out, .criss-crossing the Blticere thanks a n d BraUmde .for <^uiro‘ 8elt UanutacturLng Com­ Tlie pilot, Uie crews. tl)o ground city, like beads.-I could ice them «U those com forUns ncU and Jot pany. len, th e girls of the women's aux­ spreading out^nd out and merging the beautiful .floral tributes to Photo Finisfung iliary air force,' knew they must It hill, With flowers 3 LOTS, 400 to 500 young ewes w ith For Flro and Casualty Insurance. with' other fires. They would be lit- our loved one. 0 prints any roll I9o. Sav-Mor Druf. not talk too much. will ad­ tlo spots In the dlstanoe and like Mr. and Mm. Jam es W. Davb, 8r. early black faccd lumba. E. Surety and Fidelity Bonds, see m it tlio t ."ops are on tonlKht," dTQ[M ot 0,’alcr on a dry pavement WriRht, Milner hotel. Salt Lake Swim InvesU&ent'ba Baugb Bldg. meaning .operations were flT pros­ City. Plumbing and Beating they would flow togeth^t'until the REAL ESTATE WAN;^;ED pect. ■ whole pavement was wet." __ SPECIAL NOTICES UNFURNISHED WANT at once, floor lathe. 13 Inch Job Printing Abbott Plumbing Ca APARTMENTS PAPER hanslnB. painting. Work to 18 Inch, quick cliange preferred. UNEXOELL C an also use I Khapcr. \ mlVUng suarantced. Tk c csUm atci. S. A. Id Public Stenographer EXTRA nleo apartment, two bed­ . machine, and 1 drill press. State Towe. Kimberly. Phone 109-J- rooms. Extra nice apartment, one LETTERHEADS MAIL PIECES Ross Barney New price,'condition, make and size. BUSINESS CARDS BROADSIDES Rm . 10. Fidelity Bank Bldg. P h. 418. bedroom. East part. Roberta . 4i -S, W. U tt. 1313 SouUi Brand Bou- Henson. Phone 563. PERSONAL STATIONERY F A i B L O C Burley Principal PERSONALS HOMES FOB SALE lovord. Glendale. Calif. n Engraving, letter press, lithography Schools and Training 'B URLEY. J u n e /3 —Roas Baniey. 3« ACRES. % mile north of Wash­ School Annuals, business forms A PINE line ot • assorted plnques. T. P. Business University. Phone 314. whO'has.been teaching In..Purlejr..... Also Psychic Rendlns. Manmrct FURNISHED ington school. New modem bulld- MISCELLANEOUS a specialty APARTMENTS^ Ings. city a-ater. T. C. Brou-n.. -FOR S A L E . TIMES-NEWS EAR Jjinior and senior high achooU sine* JertrtM . room 231. HoRcrson hotel. Commercial Printing Dept. T r u U e r s WASHINGTON, June 3' 1020,. luis been named prfotlpal ol TRA V 6L & KesOHTS »225QflQ wlU buy to u r room hou.^e P^mt bloc leadeM in congreu were ■ and batlu Pull cement ha.',cmcnt, K ey Shop Gem Trailer Company. Phone 439 Burley high scliool, taking tfie place fearful today that duty-free odmlt- of McLaughlin, who haa Mrv.> SHARE expense trlp-i m any placcs. Eo.1 t side location. *500 wlU-lian- tance of a-ar materials purchased , TraireJ Bureau, 517 PourLi nvenu* ilie. Roberta & Henson. Phone Scli.-irfe. Key • Sliop. La».Timower8 Transfer & Storage abrood would lead* to importation of ed Inbi^t capacity for.the p i^ srv- east—198(5. iiharj)encd hollow ground. 12(rse c- tann commodlUts and lffJ.’trtng ol \:n ytan ahd who haa prtaenled hi» ond St. So, Back of .1. D. Store. SCHOOLS AND TRAINING ,AXVSJe. »DU »I(«U I.IIA.CIU domestic agricultural prices. resignation to the board of trustees. menta. Close in. Phone 2034 « FARMS AND ACREAGES Lawnfnower Service president Roosevelt yesterdivy Mr. Bomey has. taught social scU ' THEEtE Is atin tim e to enroll In ■ nlng*. FOR RENT ‘ «Jgned*an executive order relaxing cnce.tho post-five yeata and ha^ PO W ^R Iftwnmower. u.-ip^crlllg potato pliujter. F a rm e n ’ H. Jones aold the order wouW mere­ . Implement, Jerome. ) THIS week only-Free Installatlpn Floyd Lilly. Ph. 302a 314 Sbo. 1 ly aboli.*Ji some complicated book­ ■ 'iO R stomach ulcen and dUestive MODERN two and three roomf, fur­ on all seat covers. *1J!8 up. Fire­ keeping In wrtlcli the government troubles ' take adjustments. Dr. nished. Parisian Apartments. McCORMICK-Deertng 3-row potito stone. was paying duty to Itself on goods ^ Hardin. J30 Main north. Phone 850. pla.nter, good condition, ^arry • AUTOS-tOR SALE Clark, whose first name Is to It Imported. . PERSONNEL VITAL, MtL'-Knivc. • "■ A U TO ^Iass, ciihTos, canvas re(ialr- plnlnUlt unkncfwn, husband and ■ It was beli6?*a Uiat the-wdcr - BEAUTY SHOPS BASEMEnT apartment vacant June Uig. Thbmets Top and Body wife, Ujelr unkno»-n heirs and was aimed mainly at easing Impor­ 0, Oomflc; llBhtn- furnished, ev- PRACTICALLY new -bciiii planter. Works. 1037 COUPE V-8-85. A-1 condition, devlseei, if decenscd; and all th e. tation of copper, 'aluminum, tine, 8PE0TAL on permanents. Mrs. eryUilng jfflvatfl. 605 Second ave­ Earl Sallee., Phone BI-J5. Klm- good terms. Pliono 75-J3, Kimber- unknott-n owners, claimants and lend and tung.iten,' but agricultural Neeley. Over Independent. Room nue nortiu t»rly, Idaho. ^ 6UARANTEED elcctrlc fence charg- GRAOUATESTOLD l y - . p.irtles cloimlng all or any in­ commodities may havo been Indiid- le. Phono 325. e n :-B a tu ry S3.7Ck-AC tOJM. Bud M since t2>e secretary of agriculture MOSCOW, Ju n e 3 (4>—The need WILL panics who Inquired about 40 HORSE -Waukesha" power unit; T arr. Phone 2117. USED parts for cars and trucks. terest In Uie following descHbod ■ real property In Twin Falls was empowered to waive the duties. for trained men and women Is "as HALP price special on genuine oU new 65 horse Case power unit. 1 Ttt1n FalU Wrecking, sJClmbcrly important as oil. tin or tmide rubber" permanents. Beauty Arts Acad- AUTO door glas.1 . wind shields and County, Idaho: the,Northeast OUicra given tlie power to nbollnli «est, "i nortji Curo’. Road. torlffs were the secretaries of war In the war effort. Pre.ildent Harrison • emy. window glass. No charge .for set­ Quarter (NEll) of the Southeast O, Da|e of the University of Idaho WANTED: Bean planters, bean cul- ting. Moon's, Ptione 6. • Quarter (SEUi ot SecUon ThW- -, foster son of J. W, New- Second avenue i orth. Phon row. ‘ Westlnghoi;se elcctrlc LARGE trailer -house. 3 bed com­ in the DLilrict Court of the Elo^enth brough. Is reported to have been a i^ was Kraduated ifith greot honors as range, lawn mower, congoleum nis. partm ent, fully equlppeubllo M arket, 400 ) Blu*, Lal;.u (3 WHEEL camp wngon with stove ty. by tlie above nomed plaintiff, in g sta tio n . Ashby was- formerly in the regulap army, and enlbted In hl.itory of Uie th a t is'igrtd* work. ■Reference.1 . Box 24. TlmeS' north. .1 'and, mattress. Good horse triill'T and you and each bf you are here­ uale received the highest posslblev News. ..with spare wheel and tire, plione th e navy.ln 1040. He w ent to Pensa­ scholastic honors. SEIEDS OP A ip iK lN D S by dlrecteER, nge 25-35. In m o­ UNFURNISHED HOUSES '' FIELD an d - HOMEiFURNlSHINnS , pefeiulant. orrall- AND/APPLIANCES THE STATE OF. IDAHO. Sends of June, 1042, - n - therless home, Box 25. Tlmes- ‘"CORN^dOV^'BEAl WALTER^. -MUSdRAVE, News. greetings to RAYMOND SIMPSON,- ' All w eitem ' ' • Clerk. the Above nomed^rtcnUunt. • ’ (Seill) 'When better k You tiro hereby nolllled U>nt a HELP WANTED—MEN THREE room house. cS«* In, at O. P. DUVALL, •303 Pqurth avet^ue casU we'll hove complaint lia.1 been flleubllsh: June 2, 0, 10, 23. 30. 1043, born. plione 401, Hiwterman. g o o d Wcstlnfllmiwc.olectrlc range, State of Idaho, in and for tlie County {. Coit-wliha, for sale. *35.00; Term s. Wilson of Twin PiiLt; by tlie above nnnied «crt»1ii niter . TWO experienced Irrigators, three I. 8»fment «( a Bi general farm mrn. Clark. 3 east, ,HAY, GI^AIN AND FEED Bates. ■ ' '. plaintiff, wjd you are hereby' dl-' curr« reeled to bppear and plea to said 1 3/3 south. Castleford. CUSTOM grinding. Phone 303 .. a Ueaiur* of S IX room hmuie, m odem except heat. .complaint within twenty days ,of WENDELL I nuitl* WANTED at once: Qeneral farm Garden spot. 300 Harrison. Phone ' 083. M cKeaa Brothers Milling the service ot this sommotui and you 1 1 - Oo.l ot « • . I, Hltlsh Servlcc. ® anB^cioa„naiaa hand. stei>tly work. P. P . iW Ulps, ■ 2320. FU R NITU RE — overstuffed - /'suite, ^ further notified tliat jinleas you baa* runm r C0»s V«^K* m as asQ oa □□□! Wednesday, Idaho Tlieater. crs In.proporUcm. Moon's. divorce and custody of minor child. • It Tlcor U- Aj[Mn Child fuU'basem ent, insulated, 235 Sev- UOLAiiSES MDEINO Berkeley. Calif., to vlilt frlend.i there l a Or«ek (t, aod FEED GRINDINa WITNESS MY HAND and the Seal SJ, About S.V Solution Of V trtsrda:^ WANTED:'Mon wltlt BOme experi­ ^ cnth easU LARGE selection of used furniture of the sold,' D U trlct C ourt, th b 1st and at Palo Alto. Lnter. they as­ ence In slnughter house work. UOROiAND lillLLINO SERVICE sume th e ir jSullts a s coun.ienors o l a U. ot hl». M. ’ et, lnUmia*i« >. cnln»i« port TW O rooms, liaUii basem ent, garage, Ph. 3U. Filer. Ph. call* off grinding. . a n d tiM d ranges. Priced for below day’of Ju n e, 1043. torx IL (3. lIsM wood «. Hinaw ^ Steady Job. American Market, th e M arch leveL Moon'a. glrLi cam p a t HunUngton. Lftde. 1 (. Rfsil m«lrically Jounior elcctrk: hot water. Inquire 401^ (Seal) , DOWN *• WALTER C. MUSGRAVE. Calif. Morion will teach swimming Wrath f^mrth avenue east. FOR bargain In used living room and Bonnie rldlngrTlhey expect to Ipoc«c pIsjiLf HELP WANTED— MEN Don't handicap your pullet«I Clerk. TWO rooms, countJT. electr fu m ltu ro call 039-J. M ust sell Im- O. P . DUVALL. .return in Augwt. ( J ^ D WOMEN PEED m edlaK lyl >A1«> moliTe.ns, other Donald Huey IcfU T hursday for buiU-lns., garage, garden. P Bugler growing mash— t43JXl c w t m iscellaneous Itenui. ATTORNEY-FOR PLAINTIFF, •02B7-R13. • 7 Bugler 30% laying maah_*3B5 cwt. Residence and poat office oddress. Salt Loke City. He Sag Joined the • MEN and women leanlM for alr^. coast guards and wfll bM ent to an­ c ra ft and sljIpbuUcJliig. Training GOVERNMENT WHEAT CLOSING out Motorola radlort Twin Falls, Idaho. PIV E rocwi hou.’ie. acre o I n ­ grout>d In ton l o ts ------11.70 cwt. Publish: Juno 3, S). J0.-33. 30, 1042. other destination from tfitre:^ CMcntlM. p a rt tuition paid .a fte r quire A. E. Holmqulst. 1 mile north, reduced prices. Table, console Paul Malone, sott of M r. atvd Mrs. emploj-mcnt. -Box 33, Tlmes-New». ..Wfi gilnd^w o saix mejdels;- a lio " autolrtntlc ''record n eut Washington school. GLOBE SEED * FEED COMPANY ALIAS KUMMONS J. L. Malone.ila home on furlough changing comblni from the army. He is an avlotlon UNFURNISHED LARGE modem houM. three IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF corps'machlne gunner.' / ' roonu. In good location. P | THE ELEVENTH JUDICIAL DIS- APARTMENTS LIVESTOCR FOR SALE TRICT OP “THE ffTATE OP-IDA- Mrs. NoUle A. D yar haa taken over 1789-W- ' ■ the Irfturance agencies formerly REDUCED rateal Strictly moC...... HIGH producing Holstein eotft'. USTAL Venetian bllnda are avall- HO; IN AND FOR TWIN FALLS •--vable for A short tim e. Beautiful, COUNTY. operated here by Herb H. Love. The . Adulla only. Stota Apartments. THREE -rooms, m odem , close In. fresh-and sprtngers. John flao- lines she wll} represent are Oregon 233 Second avenue north. stoker. Inquire rear 601 Third bom. Hagerman. guaranteed steel slat blinds only BERTIE L. ALL. . - Plaintiff 40c per square fooL We can still vs., • Mutual Fire aod' the SUte-Fana wesL Auto Insurance companies. Va c a n c y I Pumisbad or ujirur- 17 •'EWES. J l Umbs, one Suffolk take your ord^. Se« us todayl -Henry Clark and Mrs. Henry olshed. strlcUy modem. R«ed POUR room house, close la. Hard­ buck. 1 mils w « t. 1 4 n o rth of Moons. •, , Clark, whose first name is to Apa{tinenta, ~ ^ o n e 1317. ■ wood floor, bullt-ln cablneu. mod­ Hansen. plalndff unknown, husband and e m except heat, phpne S or 3055R. RADIO'AND MUSIC wife. Uielr unknown h e irs and SHOSHONE THREE rooms, modem. Electric TWO black geldings. 5 a n d fl year*. dcvLiees. if deceased; a n d oil tlia range, refrigerator fumhbed. 40< FURNISHED HOUSES Wall tnatched. 4 west, m south LARGEST stook -^ew aod uKed Pl- unknoin^n owners, claim ants and • anoB." Adams 'Music, Company Mr. and Mrs. Itarold Stoddard Blue U k e s. Phone 1703. of southwest comer Filer. Roy parties claiming oil or any in- and two children are vislUng his (formerly Dajnes Music Com-\ tirest In the following described parents, .Mr, and Mrs. J. W. Stod- p a ny). . real, property In Twin Pall* dard. • ' , TWO rooms with ahower, dost — BABTf CHICKS .County, Idalio; the Northeast After not hearlpg tnm their son Water furnished. Phone s or quarter of the Southeast quarter for two months, Mr. and Mra. Joo POUR rooms, modem.' beat, water 3055-R. UORE Oc chicks each Tuesday and PIANOS. TERMS. of Section 31, to'wnjhlp 10, Soutfi Serpa received a letter Friday fron. furnished. Oarage. . >33. phoat Baturdaj-. Alscf regular Rocks. Beds bUMAS-WAI^ER MUSib ( of Range 17 EDM. •Gda-ln Berpa- sa^Ung tha£ he ta 1317. , ■niRSB room-’i- nicely furnished. and Leghorn* now, aviU|>b]e. MO Defendants. / at'Hodblulu. .______• clean, a-ater 1 ^ . Also two room heavy chicks to place a n share*. «! AUTOS r©R.Si^LE TSIE STATE OP IDAHO SCSOS VACANCY. Belleville apiirtmenU, light housekeeping 'apartment. to 12 week okl Jierfvynatd puUel^ GREETINGS ’TO - the above Mnety-two per cent of the $,000.- Ju n e 12. P'our roocns. ultro mod- Adults only. 24S Fourth kvenue 60c to 75o while they last. HAyes nJmied defendants; 000 people living In £%}pt a ra «( *h). Phone 858, east. Phono 03#-w. . Hatchery. • Henrr Clatk and Mra. Hcnrr Mohammedan faith. ■ . TJftlaT. J»”S *, ism PACE TEN . t i m e s -n e w s .'t w in f a l l s , td ah o ■siiismv Yaijkee Tanks ^ id v e in IrelandV' - fe-FiNeEMi n » e clly of Tw in PaU* U In a 'tound rinnnclal cotullUon’' and oil clly Bcnqrol Xuncla ore m citntalnlns • n ade<]UBt« e u h balance w ith rcRlsKrwl-jai^onta outaUmdlng. This; InsAo m ony worda. is the ...(Indlnc.of-Uie.iUinuiLl.audit.ol. Llis cliy's accounts and boolu Jiui com­ pleted by Uie U> O. E dm unds 'and conpony, public occountania. lUUrwl IMAOO B ond. TJie audit aUo polnta out Unit all bond coupons presented have been .paid and.tlie city.retired bonds amountliiK to »3S,S00 d u rln s tlie (Is* ^ e#l year Just passed. ^ ■Tlie exam ination of th e minutes e l proctcdfnas in d ic a te s Lljat " .{couiicll Is In clono touch w ith ... inaticrx perUtMun to the cUy »nd -• ihiil cxpondliures ara being kepf . ,• w aliln Uio oinountfl appropriated." Edmunds wrote In tlie report. . IleftarrilnR th e various cliy. de­ partments affected by the auflU. the followfng woA pointed out: Excelient Record* City cleric: T h e records oP Uiit tlerk’a office were found lo be ir . -ih fir uiual MtelJenl cqnillilon.’ ' «cll kepi, in biLlance and all nup- ~ jwrUnB files neatly maintained. Tlie detail of tUl recelptfl and Uteburse- •-S. ments was checked to the clerK’r Efncral Icdner and found to be cor­ rectly palled. Cliy treasurer: Tlie rctonls of.tlie city treasurer were found, to be prop­ erly maintained. wlUi fund talance; IN CLOTHES CUT • in affretrncnc wltii tiie controli oi ' lh» cliy clerk> Kenrrol ledger. 'WaterworkiTttleparlnKnl: Thi . »Tilcrwork.i cash wai counted on Mny OUT FOR PLAY 3fi and was found to be In balance and reconciled with the cash you’ll wear 'era and wpflr ’em —r 8iin-in, sun out . . . for h and a t April 30. 1S42. A their fashion riBhtneas and trim fit that leaves you free for check—about BO per cent—was made of the dally collections, phlch were Submarine Inventor at Work action. AH arc imbued .with charm and the -dellBhUul found tq ogreo with Uio turnover to femininity that make.«i their wcnrcr it wclcomc playmate. the derjt and treasurer. Our play-clothcs put”the PLAY in summer! Felice Hooki Praised On H a n to Offset Its Peril Police deiwtjneni: The records ot the poUcc judge were found to be- POTTSTOWN,' nOISE. June. 3 WV-The 33rd , complete and neatly kept with prop­ I work on nnottii ;iviiil conventfoii of Uie lAdles of the CULOTTES. $2.9,8 er turnover lo Use city clerk of nil of hl.i most liuhous creation, the submarln#, G rand Army of the Republic will fines and cost« collected. Monllily Tlie whlti-hnlred 75-ye»r-old inventor open here W eilnesday w ith Mr.s. reporls were In projjer order and all type of concretcr pipe, able lo wlthstacAl tei Ro.-talle Elliott Leonard of Boise, de* easea on the docket were claicd. could be ii-M'd In croiLi-country lines to carry oil ond Rasollne to any pnrt pariment prraldent of Jdaho, pre- SLACKS . . $3.95 T he audit coveree Uie answer." circle No. 3 of Tu’ln PalLi and elec­ Of Nazi General “A mllllary submarine wolild differ greatly from a huge cnrRO-carry- tion of —Qen. Ludwla Cniewell. bo Improved." ' ; He already ha* conferred with builders about conatrucllon of thc.-.e In ndrlltlon to Mrs. Leonartl. pre- • -* deputy- commander of the Oermon srn l ofllirrs lun M artha Collliui, ' African corps who tios.captured by superiubs.'eitpable of carrying cargoes up lo 7,&00 tons or as ninny as 3,600 iroops. Caldwell, Aenlor vice pre.-.UIent: Viva the Brlll&Ji. said tonight h e ' was LfiM.on. TUln Falln. junior, vice taken prisoner bccause .his pilot This giant undersea craft, he said, would be about 400 feet long and displace about 12,000 tons, nearly twice os large aa the 0,000-loii U-bont prrsldnii; Lrnti Ifoff. Emmett, CfCC/lS/OAf/ landed In the midst of British des­ chaplain: M ablr Johiuioii, T»'1n ert troops In the mistaken belief which the Nails reportedly have In use supplying troops In UBya. Its can ho csUmntps'at oround 13.000.000. considerably .less th a n th a t of an orm ed, Fall*, trea-iurer;'Erllth KoeniK, Hunt that they were Italians. sen. se6mtary: Fern Prior, lliimen, At Ult sama time, British wurces fighting nub. a.iKLilanl seereijiry; Mautle Sm ith, The piny whoc wardrobe of dUtclosed th a t O en. Erwin nommel. your heart is here at The commander of the Oerman African Boise. pairlolU- iiistnictor; Miivy Unk corps. wuRht slielter In.a Brit­ Trunkey. Harmcn, renL-itrar; Marie jdnho Dcparlmcnt' Store! ish Red Cross station last Friday O1 while his mo>torlzed jxijops wi Art Frantz Gets Clyde, Twin FnlLi, hUlorlan; Clara Burden. Emmett, eoniliictor: Lulu work, for wear with all : «ahUng uniuccf.«fully ojalnst Dlssell.'Wel.-'er, eonductor; jo u r Flacks, they're the ^JJrltlsh tank ottack. The Public . Life Guard Post Nora Pnloon, Ta'ln • PalLi, piard ; comfort casuals you lovel Rommell camc^lnto the dresslnc —Art Frantj, local swimmer, lost - station after hla troops had taken Grace Noland, Emniett. oJLil.’.tant possaulon and chatted witli soldiers Eorum night was appointed flrsl assistant guard. ' j and patlenta. After four hoars. Iin life guard af the municipal swim­ Tlie council of ailmlnLntrallon 1.^ ot Corn Coldsnillh. Cald­ stepped to-tlie .door; fired a slsnal WANTS '“SLKEPING" AMERICA ming pooj by members ofthe tlty pistol tvid ' w aa-picked Up by t council. . well. chairman; E\a GIbwn. BoLsc Fle.Oer etorch plane, The field lio.^- TO WAKE UP • His appointm ent wa.i recommrrtd- and Estella Fuller, McCall. pltal was later, recaptured ' Editor. Tlmrs-News: ed-by Commls.iloner Carl Ultchey. ' flrillsh. .* 1 1 1 calJliJK your paper a.n lo till; who hna JurJsdlctloj) over th e city Cruewell told»hW captors lh « \lili suKur rallouliv«, I received this re ­ parks ^ n d ihe municipal plunge. M an Asks Divorce pilot mlsl«»k Bround troopi for lul- ply. "I’m .sorry'but I haven’t time." Other guards, all holding Ufo^aving william Klfne 1im filed dlv Ian allies and .ntarted to land, 'nir 'N o, ,we Imd no time to Ltop our certificates, will br named ftitcr. suit In dWrlc£ court a«nln.n Mr,i pilot woa killed In a bur:it of fire play and rr.irl tiurbur luicl W ake Is­ Ritchey 'said tliat under pre.-,rnl Lela B. Kllnc, whom he manlco)lllclAn3 nnxwrr hundred. Including many Italian this: W hy n li th a t famille.i ctm lng "sUft officers. In to help biUld Uils "Jap ciutip'' ciinnoi gel migar cards. lor In their being alillted about may not have City Will , Order liiid time to be nt a certain play; Benefit from the Bt a certnln time to get them; Tliese [icople are tlie n»H of the,earth. Water JWain Pipe I tried a t our local sugar .rfliyon' Knowledge of this Purchase oi 5.000 feet of » Ing board. A small child answered m»ln pipe tpr use in furtlienng —,, Uie jifioiic. structlon of Uie city'auxiliary water i r i s Jttsl about, time for our uleep- -.’amed F^ot Specialist supply tine from the clear well to ItiK Amerlcan.-i lo ijel U^la MKUed In- the city had been auihorlted today their mind that we cannoi lurr. ' by members of the city council. r vital affairs Into hands of Uio*e Councllmen approved . retjueat who never made a auccesa of liielr Commissioner Truman Orecnhalgh banlnessea or who turn their ■ to m ake the piuxhase. which will phones Into htindS of children. aLu3 Include 10 couplings. TJiere must not, bo any ,...... Several hundred feet of the line •Tm sorry." W e’ve paid for Uiai— . is in tlie ground a t the present £/me. U'x^ttnie tor tiiose -I'm wrrlcj" w in extra sel of buttons on Uielr trousers and let their suspenders Wins Scholarship hold Uiem sUtl long .enough to " to ' BOISE. June 2 (tPi — O lrard M, ti> see." Tito 1s war—we're' in It niddle of Boise Is the winner ot a ckar to pur toupee. Forget this po- 1300 Elks national 'fouinUiUon •llUcal ’■boekalapplng" or p u l Uiese scholarship which he may use at t>olltlclnns away for ihe duration. any college or university he chooses Japan proved Uils point and we - to attend; • - •' sliould profit by It—th a t 6ne who The award Ls the first of Us kind ceLx In c^ia f f m sCn);o has the flghC ever granted by the Idaho organisa­ haU won. , tion. L et Uioie who w ant a slanl-ej’ed . y , ru lw g o to Uiose places but U we wuiiC“ Amerlca, lefs not aay "I'm sorry." MOVE TN. „EMERSON I t’s now we belter. b« Amerlcan.i. LUZLLA MEUSER I t’s Time For A ' Mrs. Whitney Floyd has relumed (Jerome) Our good-looking Dr. Locke from R upert whe/e she has l>een vU- Shoes represent *.lir««ime of Itln* her sbter Mr*. Oran Whll. beatific work, tamed Dr. taker. She Is vlslUng her parents, Wood River CCC iS i. and Mn. John Payne. Locke derelopcd ibeV ili^s M r. a n d .-Mrs. C harles Moncur, Camp Disbanded after, treating thousands of COOL STRAW Mfti. L. H. Peterson and H. V. Mon­ SHOSHONE. June ' 2—Company foot tufferers it his Catiadian cur were gucst^ MemorlAl day tt Commander Eldtn A. Ottcson re clinic. He built into (hem hii the Ijome of Mr. and M«. a. J. ports Uiat Wood river CCC camp a Owens, Acequia. l. Shoshone was disbanded Sunday. world'famed comfort prin­ Me. and Mrs. tL E. Corleu have May 3I.*nilrty-el8ht cnroUees were ciples. Thst'i why Dr. Locke roDC to Moscow to atleod the grad- tranaferm l to CaJdwelJ a n d then will’ , tuUon exercbes of thol^ son. Seth. be .moved to some camp-on the west S h o e feanircf notonfjr relieve a n d up Tlie7 plan on vblUnj;/^their sons. COMt. • * (cJot aches bul help the fo o f^ .Don mnd lam lly. Moscow, and Bob Pour of tlie men. Charles Sutton. function normally sndeitily. Our Miecllon Includes every popular shape -and ahad« and his family In Sunnyslde, Wash., ,eaj steward: Revel Taylor. Infirm- T hif’a why e'tery woman ^V alues lo $1.95. Two-lonc combinalionf, ’White; before returning home. •ary clerk; Fred Vonarsdale, sup­ ef.Jhe new 10<3 summer'seiuon . . . 'Vrour InlUali lUunped- n ttd t ■* Eugene Burchett has returned to ply clerk: and T. Valent, company who a on her feet.a lot - , rachos! Vcntilatcds! See . ^ * 9 * 0 0 ' on the Inband of' any hat at no extra cost. his work In California after vlsli- clerk, will be transferred to Camp Dr. Locke Shoes. Ing htre with his grandparents, Mr. Payette Uke at McCalL Mr. otte- • • if your size is here ...... \ and Mm. 'a . Dennlnff. and with Bon and four m en wlU rem ala a t . ^ 5 0 to %S hla iif* . DaUJti M o rg tu ^Jlcy- th e local auap imtU, «U iuppUes bum . ' V- -J . h a re been moved.- Mlaa Viola SUKklnK.retum ed Sat- urdaj: from visiting relatives tn Boise. . - New Manager A. A CcSl^.and'ioh. and SHOSHONE. June 3 —• R. R. Mr. and Mr&v^Valloce C a rrie r came Hocbhaltcr. Ooodlru, haa been ap­ In fm n^am pft for DecortUon day. pointed manager of Ihe -local Trl- . Mr. and M n. Cartier and State Lumber compai\y, to replace D. W. Bhephenl, w ho took leave to enter ordnance wor* tor th» -war department.