Ports of Europe Affected
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Weather Forecast tO D A y’S tonliht . attd. r WedocsdVi Ultle chan|« in tnn> , NEWS- ^m hue. DIth tcmpentnra ja - tcrd>y Oft loir <D> Law thls morn- J i F i TODAY A Regional Newspaper Serving . Nine Irrigated Idaho Counties • ____________ _ Ucmbo of Audit Btrtin of TWIN FALLS, IDAHO, TUESDAY, JULY 30, 1940 Full 8-IIour Lea«#d Wire TelcgTdpblo VOL. XXUL- NO. 191-6 CENTS. ClrcblAtioiM 8 m ic« o f th« United Preu , OFFICIAL CITY NEWSPAPER BRITISH TIGHTEN Senate Committee Starts W oA on FDR All Ports Guard Training Bill After Angry Row Of Europe Republicans and BRIIi MS Fruits of Victory—Photo You Seldom See Affected By DAN CAMPBELL LONDON, July 30 (U.R)— Great Britain today tlrasticaily Democrats Clash ‘SERIOUS i f tightened the naval blockade of the axis powers by extending contraband control on both imports and exports to all porte of Europe and specified ports of North Africa and Atlantic islands. ' ■ ■ ' On Conscription OF 11AISIS The new blockade ruling means that all ships’ cargoes for By FREDERICK KUH Europe from North and South America and the far east must WASHINGTON, July 30 (U.R)—After an angry row, the LONDON. July 30 (U.R) ~ Britain have navicerts—certificates issued by British authorities at genate military affairs conjmittee decided today to lay the has Informed Japan that .she takes the port of departure—or be liable to seizure. controversial conscription bill aside temporarily and begin a "serious view” of Uie arresl of II British subjects, one of w li o m The two-way blockade will thus affect such nations as work on President Boosevelt’s request for authority to mobil plunged to death from a Japanese Spain, Portugal and the Balkan states in an effort to prevent ize the national guard. police station wliilc being quo.stloned. import of supplies that might be sent on to'Germany or Italy The action was taken after Republicans, led by Sen. Styles It was learned today. and to block exports sent from those nations into neutral Authoritative quartert; said that Bridges of New Hampshire, demanded to know how the territory. yesterday BrliUh Amba.sKador Sir President stands on the conscription question. The demands Robert Cralglc In/ormed Forelpn The action was announced in the house of commons by brought accusations from Democrats their opponents were Minister Yosuke Mnlsuoka of the Minister of Economic Warfare Hugh Dalton, who said the "playing politics” with the issue. British attitude and said “ news of British policy would be lo aid neutral countries in obtaining Previously the committee the arrests would Inevitably be rn- needed .supplies but to prevent imports that m ight be sent garded as having political Impli ■ had been expected to approve cations quite apart from any tech on to bolster the axis war machine. the measure tpday. It had de- nical charges against thn.se ar All of continental J^rance, Algeria, Tunisia and French ' voted all last week to revising rested." • Morocco will be treated as enemy-controlled territory for m MIERS Reporl Coii.sldercd the bill for senate consider purpose of the blockade, Dalton said. Goods" destined for ation. Spurred by newspaper demands these territories may be_..seized as contraband and goofls that Britain reopen tlie Burma sup Democratic Leader Alben W. originating in or owned by persons in such territories' may Barklejf said be believed the com ply route to China or arrest prom AS RELIEF MS Inent Japanese resldenta of Londoti. be seized as prizes. ' mittee acted ‘'wisely" In deciding to deter action on the conBcrlption (py United Prcasj the cabinet met to consider an of At the same time. Minister of Shipping Konald CroflS an-; measmx) untU after disposition ol A bond q( cool air inoved slowly ficial report from Cralgle on the nounced in commons new measures designed to mako certain the President’s requested blU to' southward from the Canadian bor arrests In Japan. that foreign shipping is not used for the benefit of the enemy. It was Nlparned authoritatively authorize him to order national der over the eastern hall of the guardsmen and reserves into one Cralgle gave Matsuoka formal as Cross said the new measure would require that ship owners yaar'« active service. United StatcE'today bringing: relief surance the British community In cooperate with Britain in order to be granted use of British Hearlnin Scheduled . to areas wWch have Buffered for 11 Japan has no political organization. port facilities. Committee Chairman Morr\« days under intense heat and oppres “Consequently the only charge Dalton did not name the which could be brought against filiolipBrd said heartoBS; would be sive humidity; •' North African or Atlantic those arrested is one working hard held this afternoon on the mobUlza- The cooling' breezes followed scat for the improvement of Anglo- island ports involved in the tloh plan, wlttf Chief pi Stall tered thmulerehowera in ^he section Jftpanese relations," the ambassador NAllBOiSRAIN new blockade measures, ibiit! Geprga,;0, Matshall and MaJ. Qen. which Btr,etched from the plal^ia lu re’i a photo nnliiue In Ida|w OBtdoer annals. Victor In a battle to' death, iho antelope above Is held ,waa reporftd to,*have told the for . John- F.' atatcs cs5t74-.i‘tc'tbc5 /Jwlantlo,sea captlve wlth his horns locked In' these of thpj(1val,he ,klllcd. Yon may aee-Jilctires of deer and sometimes in„th/i?a )ireasjireffhe.Canaiy ^ eJgn-jnlhbter. department’s V national ' guan}- . bu board ' and s6u th w ^ \ toward the of tlk caught In this "mWucr, bnt raiely * r Mttlope. C. 8. Code, fIsH mid.game conservation officer, now islantfe, Rio de.Oro- (Spanish),. reau, as the witnesses. Ohio river v&Ue^ and« in the east, RetaUaUoh Studied of naeermaii bnt lormeriy ___ ’> found the captive victor fauht tad. siaivlnff after It ■battled lor days the Caps Verde islands' and' President Roosevelt has not com ON i p lower New York state. lo free Itself. He released it. drama of the outdoors took place near Mackay Jnst prior lo start of the It was und^stood the cabinet, the Azores islands. mented on tlie specific pending con The U. S. weather bureau sjild the current fishing season. (Photo by C. 6. Cojie—Times Enrravlng) LONDON. July 30 (U-PJ-Oerman wliich had deferred it-, meeting until Extension I<oonu . scription bill under which all men rain and lower lemperatwes, would plane bcmbs crashed Into streets of a report from Cralgle had been re Dalton, who also told commons Irom 18 to 84 would be registered extend over a larger area today, but ceived. was considering possibility a southeast England town today, Britain bad offered to cooperate and those from 21 to 45 would be the mountains and plains states of Icilllng or wounding numerous per and advisability of retaliatory ac w ith the United States in £Olvln[( lloble for active amiy service. the west could look forward only to sons, destroying two buses and tion. the problem of world surpluses, tnld But In his speech to the Demo more scorching weather. Tiie Pa M em bm of parliam ent were Bandits Gral) damaging others. cratic convention at Chlcogo, Mr. British Repulse Circling tlie town, a German the blockade would be-extended to cific coast was cool with a maximum angry, political quarters reported, Spain, Portugal, parts of north Af Roosevelt said: of 64 degrees forecast at San Fran plane dropped a succession of heavy particularly after the recent agree rica, and some Islands In the At , . Because of tlie millions of cisco. S108,000 in bombs on a congested residential ment by Britain to close the Burma lantic. cltlienfl Involved in the conduct of At least 662 persons dle'd of heat highway along which, since Prance area. A number of working class defense, most right thinking persons New Nazi Raids; homes and busihess premises were — J^The Brttlstt govemmcnt h at-de prostration or drowning. Heat closed the Indo-Chinese frontier, cided to extend the navicert. sys are agreed that some form of se deaths totaled 320 and drownings City Center damaged. China had received the bulk o f the tem to all ship-borne goods con lection by draft la as necessary and 333. Pennsylvania led the states with RcsldentB Burled foreign materials essential to her ASBURY PARK. N. J.. July 3Q signed to any European port os veil US fair today as It was In 1017 and 08 dead; Ohio reported 79; Michigan long range prosecution of the war. (U.R) — Six bandits seized a {wuch Some residents, abed, were burled 1918." Protest Arrests as to certain Atlantic islands and . 69; Illinois 65; New York 55, and in debris. ' It had been hoped here the Burma containing $108,000 In cash from certain neutral ports In north Af Idahoan In Argument Wisconsin 33. One bomb dropped In a street be road conce.sslon to Japan, taken de two messengers of the Asbury Park Uy JOE ALEX MORRIS rica," Dalton sold. Heated exchanges over the con tween a nursing home (small pri Hundreds more were treated, for spite criticism of the government at National “Jank & Trust company United Press Foreign News Editor Neutral Ships 8peedi)d scription question began soon after vate hospital) and o women’s hotel, sue stroke and others collapsed home and abroad, might serve to today as the messengers were about Great Britain draaticnlly extended blockade control to all Tho navicert system waiS-Intro-, the committee met In executive ses- when the muggy blanket of air set but only damaged windows. prepare the way for better Brltish- to enter tlie Asbury Park post office.