LATE BULLEXn^- WABHmoi^N, JofM s U xUj JoliMd lb* Vtilt«4 s u t # u « - Gr««t ^U ln'lD an kcmawat ^djoat* In* leoA-kua UT»Bsnnata as4 p«*- «l<Uaf Cm »M(*w*r «Mnomle-ceUaMi»rr Uon, A Resrlpna] Newepaper S errln i - VOiL26..Ko. 30 - ■ ' • ^ ca5‘»,“g ,ja ___________ TWIN FFALLS.. A L I^ , IDAHO,IDAHO. TUESDAY,TUESDAY. JUJUNE N E 2,2 .1942-y_w a - v , . „ ■: ' "------------------------------ -------------PPW0B-&-eBNT9-r R iaB -t-eB M T O -tU S T BDM BERS^^ CRUSH E S S E N MEXICO N A Il Signs Declaration Note to thvaders: Iddho’a Gdorful ENEMY SUFFERS- Arsenal City of immim “Commandos” Aren’t Playing Games G t o s s Nazis Pounded in (By NEA. Senrlce) 8UN VALLEY. June 2 — W ith the incotpcprallon ot oil Idaho's pVc- South Idahoans Ready for Foe O W A R i M l S turesque guerrilla and homo guard M OESERIFIGHI .units Into'ono body, tlie s u te mlUtIa Gigantic Attack ' Hr EDWARD r. m oroan , C A Ifip. June 2 (U.B — Col Gen. 'AIEXICQ CITY. Juno 2 (UJO— will be augmented b y 25J 00 tough Erwin tUmmtVs plant tor » major hombre.1. axis offensive acr«M---the Libyan LONDON, June 2 (/P)-:-Thc RAF turned the lethal, dev­ Mexico formnlly entered Uie war Officially they are the Idulio vol- o c aliu t Uie axis today, Jiul 30^nya clc»ert upon T o b r u k and Egypt astating might of 1,036 planes loose on Germany last night, #{ler, the Xlrai Mcxlcon »li!p ■unteer ncservc.i: B ut Umt title Is have "gone completely awry" In nlmo.9t all of them on ^he region of the nazrafsenal city of «unk by an axla Bubmarlne. scarcely calor/ul enougli’ for range- a Hero* batUe that »U1I continue* bred citizens who have always had Esstfn. Pripie Mlni3ter'‘Churchill announced-today. President Manuel Avila Camacho, after the capture or deslraeUon of The (lecond of the crushing rafds which th e RAF ha^ *Jened a declartiUon of wnr-rfftri>- the faculty of being rr.vjurceful abo u t z e o ^ l s tanks, a DriUsh. and <-fflclcnt. and a^ the same Ume eommunlquTllfld to^.y. made against tho fiourcea of ocUve ip May 22—aRalrmt Ocrmany. plcture.vjue. So they've ^Ireody pick-, Italy anrf Japan. *n>o government ed up such names ns ‘■commando*" Adolf, Hitler's ; m iiltarv compiled with the lajt technical. By HENRY T. GORRELL strength in three* days stru tS Iiy of becoming a belligerent by pub- and -Pnul neveres," . 20,000 Claimed Ooii't get Uie idea, however, tim t CAIRO, Junji 3 (U.R) — Col. Eriii’ln at the home of the huge . IMftJnc Ute <lec]araUon In today’i RomikeVft axis armored lorcca were l»u« ot the ottlclol auMll«. Idaho residents are playlnB cowboy. Killed ByRAF’s Krtipp munitiona wjnrks and Avila Camacho b1»o signed.Bpe- Tlielr liome. guards* and guerrillas report*d today to have-suffered • Churchill, promised that more eUl leslslation, glvins tUm extra' are preparing for -an Im portant Job. "sma:Jilna setback" on Che Libyan Raid on Cologne nnd. doing It'quickly. At the. war's of even greater severity would ordinary powers and alm ost »us- desert Uattlcfrcnt southwest c{ To­ NEW YORK, June 1 aiJ>>—The ptndlns tlvil rlghta lor ihe »luri-s. ouUiceaK. sparsely t^ettlM Id&ho wns New York Times said today thift follow “when we are joined, a vulnerable spot. It.i mountain air­ bruk. but counter-attacking British tlon. Im p eria l using 2S-lcit ‘American prlvato .advices from competent as we soon sHall be, by the ^ Unanimous VoUj ^ AVILA CAMACHO ports. manned by a few Rovcmment neutral 'otoervera In Berlin, re­ forca:ehi. could be taken by a smalj t a n t r rfre sUIl e n g a g e d In hard^ air force of the United Congress, h a s voted *iUianlmously . , . Stem ,deeUrat|oii of war llghtlnB. lay^ trSm Europe, esUmated StJttc;^.” U) declare war; Uie chamber • ol Invanlns io«e. Danserbusly vulner­ Uiat about. 30.000 persozls were putting Mexico on side of a lliti In able to sabotage were djmis. power. Although U irow n-^ck In Uie . Tlie Essen raid came after • paUM deputies lost fYldny, and the sen­ flchl aralhit aiU. < V m pt to encircle Tobruk and w... killed Ih Uie RAP-« bombing raid of but one night, when bad wcaUier ate, on Saturday.-ilctuatly Mexico laitalluU oni,' mlnea .aniT factorles- on ColMfne and th a t M.OOO were, Dut If trouble cnine today there the, D rltlih.dcfni.io systerri, Itom- held th e RAT"» great bomb-e&nyl^g had been a belllscrenl slnco Ma? 23, meVs f o r c e s have not yet 'e e n wounded,-about 30 per cent crit­ armada grounded.-af^ the rpam* when Aulla Camacho and his cab­ would be a dlllerent stoo'- It might ically.- go wracUilng like this; ■ smoohM and still'may be able to moth attack by considerably' more inet decided to ask ccngtess for a reorgnnlte west of two gaps In Uie Tlie dispotch said that tho sU- declaration of wur. On May U, a ilbrsn Standard-Bqalpment than 1,000 British bomben on Col- Loss Noted in Tn the pvent of wjir 'emtrgcney in Idaho, ths pletureaque Carejr British minefield west of Tobridg uaUon wna so serious because of OBM. Oerm an aubmiD-lne had sunk Uie 'The alarm wduld quickly go by warm weaUier that special Ger­ telephone or sliortwave radio to ''Mounted A. U. P." nnlt. above, b prepared (e d ^ i through the country­ To prevent Rommel from muster­ *"Loue« LTght unarm ed Mcxlcon -ship Potrero del ing his strength-for a new frontal man army aanltary' detochments county mllltla headquarters. Vohin- side, womlnr farnifO who hare no radios or telephones. Again, British losses were relaUve- Llano. Tlic* government sent Ocr- Hitler’s Hold na.'.Ault eastward In the a re a of the had been sen t Into tho area >o as­ many an ulUmatum. U waa answer­ teer ‘-minute men" would ^rab their sist In prcvenUng tho spread of ly slig h t for m alt' offensive of such gunj and ammunition, load their Kapa. Lleul. Qen, Nell M. Rltchle'e ed o clRlith Imjwrlal arm y Is ceaselessly disease. magnitude.'Churchill said 99 bomb- tanker Faja de^Oro. On Nazi Mass horses and Uic^elvca Into trucks 'Tliree-flfUis of Uie Inlubltnnts -# hod failed to'retuni. and hurry to tin scene of action.'No hammering the enemy with tanks,' Rolf Arlwedson. the Swedish ortlliery fire and bomlfers. of Cologne w^ro being "officially He told^e house of commoos that By LOUIS F. LOCIINKtt helter-skelter m ^. they would be the raiders had sown numerous and - ch*r«o d'afrura, was p^uested'by German Claims evacuated." tl\e Times reported, Foreign Eicqulel Padilla to NEW yORiC. Ju n e .2- (Wlde4-<.commanded "by ojtnm lsiloned of,- while officials attempWd to pre­ widesnread fires lfl4^ n lg h t.a n d th a t -Inform Qemucfly that MoUo li her World)—Adolf Hitler, for nlmoat 30 fleers. And wlUi them would go field vent a moM exodus from Ancben. Uie two raids Introduced “* new enemy. Thf'SwedUih sovom m ent has years a m « tc r psycliologlst a t acns- euKlneerInc trucks and supplle.i for Due«ieldorf. Wuppertal. Mains phase In' tho Brltlsb'olr offensive been arproscntlne Qermany,^ (Up^ ■QQ^sSmat the moMCS w ant Co hear severol days' .operotloai. Some of version* of Uio batlic^sald that nnd Dther-cWts. • .against aermskny" wftlcb will put temaUe slnec Dte. 1 1 , wiicn ana ^ a t they are prepared to nc- Uie .companies also have Ilrrt Cross strong Brlll.iii poslUons had been Uia enem y to *'an ordeal th e like Mexico MoJte dlplomaUc relaUons U pt lu the way ^'burdens and de> ambulance units. ■'encircled and annlhllaled" a n d re­ of which never baa been experienced wlUi th e axla. prjvaaons, ha» shown definite slia« Horses are standard equipment tor sistance broken a t 'Ualcb.-. OM of. Irrany counth' 'ltt ctmUhulty)'*ewr- The SwlM consul general and Uic ot late of /alUng^^ fathom puble the mountaltl terrain .where a-truck 'Oio' two gaps Utraugh vhlcli Item* Aussie C h ie f Ity- or magnltuAt.** PonugoeM charge d'olto^u. rtp- senUment correctly. I cnnnot'navigate. And n t'lea.it in meVa tanks withdrew. 'The Germans He cautioned Uie British, however, rrsentUig Ufe-It«Ulaa ond^Japanese In consequence, his unexamplAl B lain i eountv Uie locomotion l.i more elnlmed the .destnicUon or ca| not to- expect all ftituri raids to be sovkmmento, reapecUvely. advUed hold upoa the masses-, b jtradualty diversified. There the "Sun Valfey of 331 BrlUsh tanks and Uie U . States Japan “above the four'flgure scale" in them . ■ > , { supping. cOmmondoA" have traltied dog-sled ot 3;>(li} pclsonen inclMdlng n s n - number, ot plane* adding tiiaf ‘ '■ iBfonnea cl AcUra, ; The moft recent case Ip point b team* for military operations. And tlsh brigadier general.) ."meUiods o f «tUc£^ will be conUn- PadfiU told the soveruments of ills relchstag speech of ifarll 26. sortfe 'o f the country’s be.il sklefti Advices from the de.«rt. batUe- At, Stalemate uidly varied' aceordlns to clxcum- ~Uie 31 American KpubUc*-«U of Thoughtful Germans aroToaklng have converted their peacrllme skill ;r(mt Indicated t^ t Rommel hod lUme**.'*.
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