/ATTACK! WAR BULLETIN ATTACK! LONDON. June 29 C u m ln b tef ot (IcfenM ___ ATTACK! wUh the ftxla kw ertlnc ( b it Field M * r< . khml lUmmeVi I o k o had wUeA AUUati ; Yoa CM htip yoar coontry ta1c« - u \ i sKtpt on (o (b « MUt. (he offcinsiTe — buy war boqds. A Reidon^ Newspaper Scrvins Nine Irrigated Idaho Coantln

VOL. 25, NO. 62 TWIN FALLS, IDAHO. MONDAY, JUNE 29, 19-12 PRICE 6 CENTS NAZIS TAKE MATRUH IN EGYPT a ' Citizens Warned As Idaho Futui-e Farmei-s Convened Here Germans Open New To Face 15 More Drive at Caucasus M O SCO W , Ju n o 2D (/P)— ProbinR th e long, By CLYDE A. FAnNSWORTII. Ration Programs rinnilient Rii.s.'jiun. line for. n w enkncaa, th e Associated Trcts War Editor \VA3H:NG'I'0N. Jiltir 20 lU.t>l — Germunrt werb smaaliinK out from KuMk, The axis announced today thut its forces Aincrlcam wcrp wuriiccl loduy In a nbout 2S0 miles south of Moscow, today in in Kgypt ciiplurcd Malruh this morning, hou^e report nn » Ji,n30,487.815 n|)- a new drive presumably aimed at cutting thu.s reducing the first of the defense strong- jiroprlalloii bill for IB wur ugcticlca (0 prepare lor is ndclUlonnl ration- the vital rnijway connecting the southern holda on th e road to the rich vj\llcy of tho ItiK proKrnms wJtliln tlie next yenr. CHUfiCfilLURE nnd-ceiHfar froiiLs. Nile, the nuvni base of Alexandria and the •Ilic tjlU. prQvWS»8 eelflcally prohibited the oKcncy end In confcrence wlUi ^ n ]. etc- saUl Uic Gcrcnaiw Utid opened l i by-passed Matnih’s wtstem and from rccelvlnK any more money from mcni Attlee, deputy prime minister field htisplUiLi a l Simfeoiwl. norUi- southern detcnse poslUona In two. Uie Presldent'a einerKcney fund. and lender ot the Labor parly; Sir cast of Scvftstoixil in the Crimea, to days ot balUe had reached around Ilenileraon Secj New lU tlonlne S tafford Crlppn. lord privy seal, and handle Uic large number of wound- to Uie southeastern or Nile valley OPA Admlnlslriitor Leon Hender­ other members of the war cabinet. :d from Sevaatopol. sUo ot M alruh. prUed railhead, 100 son told Uie comtnincc- He ••torcices I t waA liidtcatcd th a l CliurctilU. Tl\e new blow in the Kursk sector mllci trom Alexandria. ihe need" tor 15 nfcw rnUonlnu pro* adopting the course which ills nd- :ame Sunday and Uie Ru.\jloi« said The Alexandria area was raided Rrams In addition to prc.ient rMlon- vUers had rccoramcnded. would de­ only ihat the Germans ••lia'd gone this morning by axis planes, but InK ot sugar, snsoltne, aulomoblles, mand a vote on the most hostile ot the offensive'' Uiere. Thc'drive Uiey caused iltUe damage uid no Urc.1 and typewrlterj, n .series of motions on the direction polnlM dIrecUy a t VoroneiLh, casualUes, according to thd 'official TlJe comsnWlec'ft itpOTi siSd Jl o{ th e b jnoUon •wWth sitiatka Amonr tliou taklnr ■dive leadership In the Future Karmert of America ronveniion wnicn opened at 120 miles to Uie east, on Im portont Egyptian report. rollway c cn te r 300 miles souUi of tvould be folly to nnm« Uie specific him directly in bis capacity ot mln* (he hlsb irhooi this momlnc. and »hleh will conUnue ihrciuslt Tuesday nflemooii, are tliMe ihoirn In the OliTcr Lyttlelon, W inston 6.000 P rlsooen Taken ttcnt3 likely to bo rationed becatuo Isier of defense. Adoption of such above picture. Seated are llefl (o right! Merrill Stuck!, Ucon. vice-prcsldent and aetlnt pmldent at the Mo-'cow and about <00 miles norUi ot Rostov. Uio gate to Uie Caucasus ChnrchlU's prodpction chief, U Berlin and Romo «ald that at Ma- It would cftiwe Immediate runs on a motion would mean ChurchlU’a eonvrnUon, and Rorer Vlncenl. Klier. actinf vlce-prr^liient. Standlnt (from thr.Ieril are Warren McKn- ranked u (ho most probable loe- truh Rommel coptiu’ed more than them . B ui It ndded Uuil Kcversl of reslffnatlon. ow held by Uie Russlatu. tire, r m to n , state treasn rrr: Klanley lUehardsnn, llolir, state ikUpervlnar ot vsc.aU«nWl atrlcuUure-. It. E. The Ruulon winter offensive had ceuor Id the prime minister if the 0,000 prisoners and that he was con- Vlitm nre In Iwe ol Wic basic coal Ctiurchm '4 position In Uie debate Lattif. profnuor and aulitant drafl. eotlezc of acrlcullurr, llnivenilly ot Idaho, and Rene Johnson, Hhelley. Dritlsh storm of pralest ever the Unulng the eastward drive. of living eroupa "which means a was believed to have been itrensih* foiled to dislodge Uio German.^ from A liondon military commenUtor actlnr secretary. (Statf rhato*Enrravlnc) Kursk and the RuMla line in this T obnik defeat sweep* ChurchiU tentral /aUonlng prosram for ilio encd by the Joint su te m e n t Issued^ out of office. Beat bet, however. said that was reason to believe that cntiw country." on his talks at Washington with region .i roughly north ood south u> the casl of Kharkov, Kursk and Is (h at F ..D . R. will- take tom e Uie British hod withdrawoa from LATB«t Rlnsle iKm In thc-blll vrai P resident iloosovelt wlUi Its Impllea specU euU r step lo boU ler C hurch- the “Taatruh area." >1,100.000.000 tor Uie wnr shlpplnB prom ise of intensified &llied acilon OreL A G erm an break-Uirough east of 111 and pnrrent his eiutcr. T he 0,000 figure suggested th a t the ftdinlnlctnition. The committee re* to aid Russia and China. bulk ot Matruh's defenders bad been ported the WSA wcniUl tue the B u t ‘-lie government sUll was in Dumpground Matter K ursk would n o t only Uircotcn vlUil withdrawn. The axis claimed a much Russian communlc4tuon.s. but also money to finance iicquUltlon. hire, need of some good news to reassure STAIEFFAEyES larger prlsqner haul—33.000—at. To- • could be moticuvcrccl to btlns Uie cxpenAc.% reconditioning. outfltUnB. public feeling, and U « u held In bruk. Just eight days ago when that operation, repair, l[U*irance and in- parliamentary quartera that bad Russian forces In the Kliarkov sec­ tor Into rcAch Uf aA encirclement lost BriUsh fooUidId 1<1M» v»3 cldeniAl cxpenseA a t Uic u trtlm e news, such as a now defent In Eayp^> Left up to Council • captured.- . • ' ...... ■* . ®mo\;Ch«it. aiariv. Mesta*ST»y :(Vic-a», iho o f fflc movement from the norUi. I R i German Drive Dlunled Todayj RAF communique -from ' vcsjcU will be acquired to nhd to prime mtntiter's open enemies, now Tlie city garbage disposal question today wii.s back in Delegates to th^ state convention, Oalro contained no hint oq tho the present morehanl fleet. estimated to nutnbcr imrdly more Dispatches Irom the Klywkov trent Army Inertane Seen the lap ol tiic Twin Fnlls cily council. mure Farmers of America, today sold la st week's Germ an drive course of Uie land battle. It reported (Onll.»4 r>n 3, IP lii-ard u dlscur.iloit' on agricultural SAN FnANCISCO, Jtine Stf (/P> merely that axis truck and tank Tc.ntlmony a t licarlnKs on the var- Tliut nppnrently was the rcauR of n niuftintr called by through Kupyansk. Co miles south- —"The concreaslonal medal cduciitlon In the war effort, os they easi ot Kliarkov. iiad been blunted concentrations were atuwked loiLi approprlntlon.i revealed that; the Chamber of Comniet-cc to di.scu-ss the jiurplexin;; qiios- awarded to Gen. Donfla.i MacAr- 1. Tlie armj’.may be lncrca.«d to opened unnuiil i.e.vsions a t Uie high and Uiat Russian troops had taken throughout Satuxday and Sunday, tlon, mid altctidcd by represcntati%’e.H 'of nil the city's civic r.cliool liccc Uils morntiiR, Ihur by the President and con- night, with large (ires springing MP 0.000.000 or 7.000,000 m en In I0i3 Uit ofteailvr, throwing tanks, planes cress of the United StaUs March n fter rcnchlns 4J00,000 by the end of orKanizations al the Roircrson The dli.cu.v.Ion of the topic wa-i and even nn armored train Into tht between Motruh and Salum, at the y . s . s o m s M given by H. K. Lattlg. a.-.iLstant dean 25 will b e pm tented to G enem l Libyan border, and Uiat during Sun- tlila je n r. tTlil.i conforms with plan.i hotel at iioaii today. Thi bntUe. Tlie GermarM were retreat­ MacArthur by the American Mtn< prevlou-ily nnnoiniccd by Chief ot Je ro m e C liam bcr of C^oin- college of iiKrlculture. and professor ing In some arca.s, Uie reports said. doy ilghtert reconnoltered the foe S taff George C. Mnr.ihnll. but In of oKrlculliiral rducnUon. University Althougli admltUng that the Ger­ liter |VelMn Johnson at u private and provided cover for the defense henrltiRR on the ;>cndli\K Viar tic- merce had objected to the : lilnho. In hln talk the prott m ans ••.succccded In -somewhat prc?j- rerem ony tTOitrrrew." radio M el­ lorcc*.' locatifin of u new tnush and CHINESE R tlY ■rmed attrlcuHural education on bourne aald today In a broadcast .Threatened by IsoUtloa pftrtm ent bill, Lieut. O rn. Urchon OHEUD (C. C'«tii«i • Som enTlI saltl Uie 4,500.000 tlKiirc WASHINGTON. June . 20 (,7>- KarbaKC d u m p ncro.'^s th e le most Important steps In the received here by CBS. On the'basis of today's communi­ ,TJie navy announced today that que from the Brtislv Matruh seemed would not be reached until July 1, Jero m e-T w in Fnll.4 h ig h w ay effort. 1043.) United Stales bombers hfld attack­ Thx convention, whlcii will 1 VICHY. France. June 20 (U.R) — Uircatened with IsoloUon by load 2, UnUtil S lalts v,Ul opcnite ed Jttpancse-lieUl Wake Island in bridKC it\ Jcromii county. IN JAPS’ PINCERS tlnue ihroiiKh Tllc^day afternoon AnU - German demofiatralcrs hove unless the defenders retained power between 2JOO and 2,000 merchant the. P.icltlc Saturday, damaRlng Uie After Tmmim Creenhnlali. city CHUNOKI.NG. June , 2!) (U.Pi — iittractcd one delegate from each ac­ lAFBOlSNAZ bombed two colIoboraUonlst hcod- to cut off that axis arm or could vcMCl.i In the w ar effort tlilii year. encmy'.5 air ticld and various shore stre et comtnl.v. CdBKB I) Tlie navy's communique, ba.?ed on verKlnK on llip Clu-klivnK-KliuW'l l-T-’A dt5lrlcI.^. the .itale officers and h vco' bad." War production board ren s had .lUted Ihclr objection;! to Tnllwny lodny In nn H to rl U) ollseV train In occuplcd. Francc, It was re­ C hnlrm nn Dontiid M. Neliion told «i»TW rrc tiv td up to 3 p, m. tEVTT) Uie prc.ient m ethod of. dL«poslng of the candidate.-, for the American ported today. today. .-4»ld: tiir I05.S of Ltnh'.len, a major inva- EBAS Uio committee Uic full Impact ot the Bnrbiige and tnish. Uay Holmes, Stjite F«rmer degrees. lotal wnr will not pel home lo tlie •'Central Pacific are.i: Candidate tor the Amerlc-m de­ LONDON. June 20 OI.D — British pre.sldenl of Uie Chamber of Com­ ;.lon base in iiortlirrn Hun»n pro- bombing plane.s concentrated Uielr W ASHINGTON. Ju n * 20 ori — clvllian.1 until late fall. "1, U. S. bombers attacked Jap- merce. .•..lid Uie quc.sllon w as too cree. high .1 which can be nlven in The navy announced today that a FARMER DIES OF anexe-occupled Wake Liland on June Attack-s on Uie G erm an submarine Americans Not Yrllow large to handle w ithout m uch Rtiidy. the FPA. is .Merrill Stuckl. Ucon small Norwegian and » small 4. Office ot clvltlnn defense rilrec- 31. From rcciipiurnl K mtI'kI, HO miles who is state vlre-prrr,lrtent and wh( bo.se a t S i. N aziire, on the French Tljcn, without objfcllon, he ptuici! lnva.slon coast, last night. vessel had tor J|>mes M. Li^ndLs believes the •■2, Under favorable conditions of onto Utc question ol finding a new ','.outhea.%t of Niuii'hang, the wr.-.tern Is acting a-'i president during thi w ealhcr and visibility our ploncs. at* convenUon here. Fighter planes nitacked enemy air (Canllnanl «n Tat* 9. Calann 4) location for Uie county rntlonlnK Japanese prong wn:. reported creep­ fleld.s and railroad objectives hi oc­ URIS incklnK in formuUon. damaged the Other speakers this morning In- air field and various shore insuilla- board, which hiun out-grown Its prc.s- ing forward. Jr.-,* than 50 miles from cupied Franco ond bombed slilpplng Amerfea. Carl Chlld.i. 53, farm er o f the ctit. ciutvTtcr!! In the Chfunbcr of a Junction -wllh a slalled ear.lem chulcd WllUam K err, r.tfttc lUrec^or ti Filer-Twin Foils area since 1024. Uon.i. vocational education and Ntate FFA In tho English channel. Com merce office, column, One bomber foiled to return. ■TOKYO (from Japanese broad­ died at the county genera! hospital •'3. ESicmy anU -alrcratt and fight­ OreenhulRh dcclarrd Uiat .1 udvber. Ills topic was "Future Farm­ e r defen.',e was weak and. althouRh Tlin Clilnesr hlnh command .’.uic G erm an plane.-, made their sharp- casts), Ju n e 20 (/P) — A Japanese corly this morning of Injuries re­ AGREEiNISEEN Prescott, who hni; the contmct to m erely th a t "fi^:hiliig i.s conllnuinK' ers Geared tor War,” e-st attack in weeks on southwest ceived Saturdoy afternoon when a one bomber uutfered minor damage TliU afternoon officer;,' training column driving south from Llnch- haul Uie city'.i garbaKc. had pur- around Kwelkl. which the Japancsi England and started tires in one w an tFvichowl In KlfcngM province, team he w u driving bolted aiid tan durint; the attack, all ot our planes chaj.ed the land acror.i ilie bridge cla.-vsp.-v were held, lastnictors in­ returned safely," rcoccupled la-M week a fte r being stjirmed and occuplcd Llngutu. IS away with a hoy rake on the Her­ In Jerome and that no one driven back -13 inlle.-,. For nearly cluded th e following: man Kaster ranch three mlle& east For p Uie Twin Palls hospital. He fall- approprlflUons bill nitli a compromUe plone.s mode th e second raid and the 1,000 persons broke sp an attempt Slate.i engineers have eO!uitnjcted present .■'ite. killed 1,000 Japiinr.->e in recapturing FLASHES of air ministry said they left large Ilrcs ed lb respond to treatment and died n, new port on the Persian gulf to "I have been trjlng to t>avc the Llntislen near the Shanzl border tty AiwelaUd td hold a nail meetlnc yeiterdar at W:30 a. m. today. The body waa burning. In RaettTlk, l U mil«> northeast n ie proponed compromL^e would handle the material airiving to aid city money," Oreenhalgli declared. a rea west of Uie Pciplng-Hiinkow taken to tho Twin Falls mortuary.. LIFE Press A United Press Atikora dlnpatch of Stockholm. Involve ndmlnlslratlon ftcceptancc of Ru.ula. He said it behooved the elly to ob­ mliway. A communique raid all quoted travellers from Germany, os where It rests pending funeral ar­ a separalo bill by Sens. John H. Tlioasonds of laborers, using hun­ ta in a dum ping ground n.i clo.se ui enemy altackn had been driven back rangements. NOT I.VVITED reporting that though Cologne, the nnnkhead. D.. Ala., and Richard dreds of donkeys under dlrecUon of possible to obtain a conlntcl whidi and Uial a large number of Japnn- first target ot a British I.OOO plane MEXICAN FOUND DEAD M r. Childs waa, b o m Dec. 13, 1888 n , Rus.ieU, D„ On., to Rrant tarmefii 50 American engineers and tccluil- H could afford. CM faced •'Unmitieiil annttiUaUon" HEW YOnK-M ftKlslTalc -John raid, suffered heavy- damage, de­ PRESTON, Ida., June 20 w v -T h e In K ansas and came to F iler In 1034. He said the clly was willing to loans n t 100 per ecnt of parity on cians. dug the new port out Uie mud. In adjocenl mounUilnous areas. MiLson. confronted with 50 Negro struction there was paled by that body of B «n Alvorex. about 40. w u Aside from his wife, he Is turvlved bn.ilc crops. Tlie present loan rate reporta from Uie near ea.sl said. I t adopt an ordinance to prevent The official'Chlnei.e central new men and women orrested on nt Emdcn. German North sea naval found yesterday beside U. s. hlgh- by the following children,, all of Is B5 per cent ot parity. has an nlr field and desert trails, truclu hauling tra.ih and garbage agency reported from northern HU' cimrge.s of dlsorderft\_conduct ba.se. wny 01 one-half mile south of here. Filer: ^ HoDse to Yield which m ay be converted to hlghway.i from scattering It along streets. nan thftl more than 1,000 Japanese growing out of noisy dances held Sheriff bee Hansen reported Al- G len Child.1. Lenll Childs. Gerald C. R . Netion Raid U\at present Repealed big raid-s on ^ d c n . the In rcUiTO. hou-^e conferees ’siould and connect li with oUver Pcrr.l&n lii\d been killed dUTlns the past, In two Queens dance halls, asked vorez. a Mexican laborer, apparently Childs, Elwln Childs, Mitchell gulf points. plans call tor building ot a scenio ' irovellcrs HfUd. hod destroyed neor- yield on a senate provision In Uie weeks, brlnglna to 5,500 the total It they were' invitation affairs ly Uie whole town and completely hod been struck by a -run driv­ Chlld.1. Nolon Childs. One step­ npproprifiQon- bill to perm it »ub- (Canllnstd .n r«t« T. 4> enemy co.^uaities In 13 days. and was told Ih at Uiey were. wrecked port and factory installa­ er. H e lived in 'WhiUiey b u t hud daughter, Mrs. Iva Lou Biens, and a pnrlly dale.s of surplus ftralrt slocks ••Bui they v.a.sn’t all invited, tions. known relaUves In this country. sU p-son, Vernon Kenelpp, PMer, also for teed. Thu.s far. the conferees your honor.^^ spoke up one defen*/- survive. ■ hivvc nlood pftl on Oielr bpposiUon He was a member of the Mennon- to that propwlUen. It’s Mighty Widespread, This Service "\Vho wai.n't Invlied?" queried lie Brethren In Christ church at W hen tiie house pa.vsed ih e ’mea-i- the court. Filer. ure. It Inserted a provision prolilblt- ••The cop^. .^uh." InK U»e sale ot surplus grain stocks The magistrate suspended sen* President Extends Rubber held toy Uie commodity credit cor­ Price Ceiling Taking Effect Wednesday tence. poration a t price* below parity. Ttie only exception opplled (o deteriora­ Hundreds of Twin Polls county he pert»ed a lonK government bulle­ that he wants Uie owners ot ’ KIIILMLN'S HOLIDAV Salvage Drive to July 10 In jh e P ^ I M o f v o u h WND ted stocks destined for feed or al a n d M agic Volley business firms, tin, *'Oh no, there’* a few fellows sum er service busine.-ues to know HAMILTON. Mont. — While WASKXNOTON, Ju n e 2D (/p) - as reported today are dlsappoinUn^. cohol. many ot them one-man or one- who will m ts Uic celllns, I see." he Uicrc Ls reltet If ,Uic new resnlaUons tntmbers oS Uit Monlnnn Stale President Roosevelt extended Uie Hence tho continuation or the drive." •B ut ft badly split senate farm bloc w om an affairs, will come under Uie interjected suddenly. pull their prices below costs. Par Firemen’.'. a^JoclaUon were en- The total of 3lo,o<»Hona was ex- acquiesced In an ndmlnlslratlon pro­ consumers' service price celling •The barber can charge any price ln.^tance, a cleaning firm Uiat charg­ Joying Uielr convention dance, a rubber colfcctlon drive today for elusive of rubber turned In since additional days because col- vision trftwrmll'.Kile tor teed of CCC whlcli Roej Into effect throughout th e public will fitand -fpr. So can ed less ihon a comiwUtor in Marcli flrehroke out In u wareliouse near 10 Saturdoy and also of that In Uie stocks af a minimum price of 85 per Uie nation Wedneadoy. Coil N. An­ the manicurist. And you ktiowji;hy7 and for Uie Ume being must ac­ Uie dance hall. lccUon.1 throtigh Saltirday had h ands of some 30.000 Junk de’aleis In c en t of com porUy.' A proviso, how­ derson. cholrtnatx ot the local county 1 T h e otflcc ot price ntfrntnlstitiUon haa cept U« price as Uie present ceil­ Several ol Uiem excused Uiem- brought In n disappointing total the country. Early sold. 2t compares ever, limited the amount of wheal raUonlng board, «dd today. ' rtiled th a t barbertng h n 't n r.ervlce ing, m ay ^eck an adjustnienl selvca, ran to Uie blote, rcscued of 319.000 tons. WIU) a total of 100,438 tons collected tb n t could be so dlslrlbuted to 135.- "1 don't believe .1 can put my rendered In connection with com­ through Uie local board. three persons overcome by smoke, To End July 10 during the, first alx da>^s of the 000,000 bushels. finger on a local firm that doesnl modity. T he s-mie U true ot the Aatomatle License and Uien returned to iheir fetUv- Originally scheduled lo have end­ campaign, which beg«a June 16. B eth gtAfld Ground provide services which are covered physlclon or denUsl." All consumer service cslablhh- Itlc*.' ed a t m id n ig h t tomorrqw, the cam> :lck»: Claim* Beardliv Tlw hill was sent, to contercnce by the new pilct rtgulaUon." he Here's the Rule menta will be aulomaUcally licensed ptign now will, conUnue through Ickca told; rtportera that adjust tbe confllcUnit versions and BtAUd. . Andersen lald for price* on ser- when the new reculaUons go Info nACKKT Ju ly 10. mougbt part of the lade of niecuf conferees for both sides stood their Even Forking Lots rices hot rendered In March, such e ffect W ednesday. U n seller vlo- KANSAS CI1T — PawniJrokcr The contlBuaUon woa ordered up­ of the acrap rubber campaign nt&Aotrc*3itva/m BTOund. On test votes, both the "Imagine thU-even owners of a* Uie «harj>enlnR or repair ot Ice late.-< th e rcgul;itions, a fte r a w arn­ Ben Hurst began to noUce a strik­ on the recommendaUoa of Secretary due to hoaMlng, and he told there ^ouse. ond the senate reiterated parking lota are affected. They skates, the olficc of price admin­ ing by the OPA. ft court of proper ing similarity between arUeles be­ Ickes, In his capacity at petroleum might even be people to official lUe posIUons by ovcm helm lns can’v charge any more than Uiey istratio n has lold down Uils rule: JurLidlcUon may suspend t h e " ing pawned and Uitue he already coordinator, and William R. Boyd. who were doing a UtUe hoonlliig. majorities. d id durin g March, The same op< The service man may charge the, cense for a periofi of. 12-m ontKi.' had accepted. Jr., chairman of the petroleum ln> ickes said he iuspect«d a great Unless Uie measure Is passed be- rules to laundries, dry cleanen. shoe lilghest price he CharBed last season Consum er .'j;rMce establUhmcnUi Police arrested an employe who dustry war council. - deal of rubber could be dijs up in tore tomorrow nieht in an uncx- repair men. auto repair men, radio plus an adjustment for Uie percent- must make out a price list to be admitted taking arUcles from the Speaking for Mr. Eoosevelt. prcsl- public buildings. In hU own lnt«r- . pccted burst of speed, consress will repairers and developers of amateur ftge Increase in Uie cost of living available to any consumer b?»fcDl -■aiep. and peddling U«m lo his deaUal secretary Stephen Tiily told br deportment buUdlne. olticUla have to paa * ipeclal continuing flings. between Uie time of the last service 1. O n Sept. 10 a similar list m ^ friends who would bring Uiem bock reporters: of the public tmildlngs adrolnlstra-

Plan to Meet Japs Again Marine Killed DHlHPENALiy LIBRARY ADDS 2 Richard Turner, U. 8. marine. a ^ l P l U E M Seeni Today lOMEtiHyRTAS Hailey, lortnerly ol Jerome, was killed "someUme after Dec. 7" In PeUow mowing law n w ith m otor- me »ou«J sea*, according to word propelled machine behind which received by friends here. rail S B ’S BOYS la self-invented coaster wagon ar­ A U T O r a S H . , SEEN FOR N K IS Mr, and M rs. Richard M. T u rn ­ NEW YORK, Ju n e 20 (U.R) — Tlio Handbook of Civilian Defense.” M agic Volley's youUi—all boys rangement on which operator , A1 -D. BuUierus, 24, and D an O. er, HaJley, his parents, were In­ rldea comfortably... - . Flower g ar­ federal bureau o( lnve»lljftUon to­ Bnyder.- «hd ‘‘Oen, Douglas M acAr- form ed of hU death by Uie United from 18 Uiroush 20—will m arch to Pehrer, 39, boU» of Homedole. were thur." Miller, are Just two of the selecUve service reglstraUon places den at city pork displaying a In the Buhl hospiui today in #er- •• day Mught addlUonaJ conf«deraUi States government In o recent flaming beauty that’s bringing ot cisht nnil *plM put aahoro by up-to-the-mlnutQ non-flcUon books communication, Tuesday Uiroughout south central lous conduion as a result of ari-au- Oennan aubmarlnoa to organlM a which have been odtlcd to Uie Idaho. compliments to Supt. OUud Ste­ tomoblle accident west of Buhl on Richard enlisted In the United wart. .. Male customer In restau­ campalsn of sabotaso agaJnat Amer- thelve* of the Twin Fails public li­ a u u s marine carp* in December. I n ’Twin FalU, Uie county area highway 30 shortly before nooo to­ tcn's war IndUitrlM. Tlielr arrcat brary recently. No. 1 board compUt«d today the In- rant frowning and asking tor day. IMO. more sugar... Small boy hugging WM expected shortly. Other new addlUons Include: stailaUon of Its machinery for regis­ SUte Policeman R. P. BerUieau. It appeared Uint the confederatca FicUon tering between 700 and 000 youths large dog on Main avenue. . . who InveaUgated the mlahap, »ald wrrc farliiB no better th a n th e *ple.n, ’•Drlvlp" W oman.- C hevalier; In Uie “fUUi" d raft. AU young men Letter from Cambridge (dear old that only the one car was Involved. captured before they had “ chance 'Dragon's TceUi,'' S inclair; •'Dr. who were borh on or after Jan. l. H ahvalid ton-n) w asting io know ’The machine, he said, left the hlgh- - to dig up the cxploBlvc* tliey burled Pinlay Be« • It Tlirough." Hart: 1023 a n d up to June 3Q. 1034 will about dude randies hereabouLn. . . •ay and struck a rock which welgh- . 0,, Loni: W and and FIorKIa •'Flooe required to regLitcr, whether or Sheriff Lowery strolling through d an estimated 15 ton.s. T he m a ­ - i>ertc)ics.-oi-rn}03-th o rortune In ’■Bright to Uie W anderer." L ancas­ not they are U. S. cltltcns. eourthoujw with large coffee pot chine turned over and the rock United Statea currency Uiey brouRiit ter; "UnUI the Doy Breok.- Brom- O f the toUil group, only the 20- In each hand. . . The same pots, rolled down on It, Charles Wing, a flrld; "A Song of Bemagette," Wer- plus four horseshoes, parked In - wltti them. year-olda are now eligible for mill- service station operator near whose The FBI announced liu>t night fel. E G M RAIL CITY tary service. commissioners* office as port of place the mbhap occurred, admlnb- '■Tlio CasUe on Uic HlU." O oudgc; The regbtraUon places and the parophemolla for courthouscni’ tered first aid uriUl ar\ ambulance , that "additional orresta have been IFnaa Ptf* Oni) . made of accompUcea and conUcUi oi 'Sergeant Sue,^' Bowm an; "Young lupervlsors In area No. 1 will be; picnic, . . Judge Bill Bailey the rmd physicians orrlved.Tlie car was John Takes Over," Jordan; “A Song Stand somewhere deeper eastward on Twin Fall»-Leglon hall; capL j. only nonchalant member ot group driven by Kehrer. • the anboleurs and more may be the coastal road to the all-import­ ■ made.'' Tlie number wa.n not an- ond You.'^ G rey; ••And Now T om or­ H. Seaver, clerk of selecUve service as ho unites man and woman at 'The two young men hod been v e­ row." Field: "Mighty Mountain." a n t vxalley of the Nile, less th a n marriage ceremony in probate iling In Twin FnlLi at the home of nounecd. board No. 1.. Blnns; "Only One Storm.“ Hicks; 200 miles away. Kimberly— Agricultural building, chambers. . . Deputy Jolm Lelaer Mrs. G. Tets and were en route lo •'Come GenUe Spring." JJoJster. The Cairo communique said that Klmbevly high school, Ernest Em- rigging up crystol radio set (re­ Homedale a t Uie tim e th e crash oc­ Federal officials were dccldlnB N m -FlcU on the confUct was spreading over ••a Ton. m em ber -em?) . . . O. C. Holl walk­ curred. • whrilier civil or military courU "Tlie World We W ant to Live In." very large area" but added that no Hansen — Postofflce, Mbs Lena' ing homeward behind a pair of - would inflict the "awUt a n d Uior- CTInchy; "Prlcc ot Free W orld V ic detalb were available, leaving the very dark glasse.% and carrying Bohn). which hod been reduced from reck- ’ ouKh” reprLinla-probably \h e riflng tory," Wallace; "Making of To­ general iltuaUon In doubt on this Murtaugh—Postofflce, Parley Per­ armload of groceries or some­ r.nuad or gallowa— th a t A ttorney morrow." De Roussy: "Psjxhology of third day oX the whirling battle on thing. . . C ar with U. S. bureau of Ie.1.1 drlvlns. the orlgliial charge un­ kins. der which h e wos orreated. Oentrni Francis EWdle promUcd the Soul," Wealijcrtiead: "Our Ha­ which the whole allied poslUoa In The regbtratlon period wlU be be- mines license... And Mrs, Marian ncalnat the agents, waii." Fergusson: ••Admiral of the the middle east may depend. »een 7 a, m. and 0 p. m. YouUu D unn roaming courthoiL-.c in -You may be sure." Biddle anld In Ocean Sea" (Columbus), Morlson. Mobile and armored forces of both who ore 111 or otherwise unable to search of that pipe mislaid by her Washington, "tlmt the depwlment "The Road We Are Traveling." sides were reported fiercely engaged regbter at that time may make boss, E verett Sweeley, of JiwUee will proceed wltH tills case Chase; "Victory Through Air Pow­ souUiwest as well a s southeast of other arrangemeotji with their local swiftly and thoroughly." er," De Sevenky; "America In the M atruh. draft board. middle revealed that -a number Now Pacific," "iSiylor; •Toroorrow By the accident of geography and of compllcBtlng legal factors were Will Come," Almedlngen; •'F aith Is military design, this little seaside Speeding Charge •involved. One arise* the fact Uie Answer." Blanton; “Ajnerlca Arab community, perched on the that two of the nwls luo cltlrena of Speaka,’' Gibbs. edge of Egypt's scorching western 350 at Parley of Costly to Visitor the United Slates and alx are Allens. Juvenile desert, had be«n made Ui» pivot RuUen Strong. Medford, Ore., to- • n « cWm m eim be prosecuted for Admiral Chester W. Nlmlti, lett, «ommander-ln-chleC of th« Pacific •TT\e Boy W ho Cou\d Do h n s - o! the battle lor strategic poslUon In Produce Handlers day was fined *15 and costs of *3 treason, while the aliens cannot. The fleet and Enilgn O. H. Cay. U. 8, navy torpedo plane pilot, meet In Uilng.'' B renner; ••Don Coyote." the middle east. , One of the largest convenUons In municipal court on ohorges of final decision aa to whether civil or the Pearl Harbor naval hoipltal. after the big Midway naval-air vic­ Peck; "Kit Canon," Gant; -Can­ Matnih Is the terminus of a rail­ ■er ataged a t Sun VaUey took place reckless speeding. \ i4jMFIEID„ military courts would try them may tory over the Jap*, NImlts congratulated Gay on hla lueceiafal atuck yon of Sunset," Tumgren: "Snow way leading to the Nile valley and over the week-end when the Idaho Strong was arrestM lost week and rest w ith President Roo.iovelt. on a Nlpponeae plane carrier, after which he waa ahot down and aaw Treasure." McSwlgon: "ShooUng the British base at Alexandria. From fruit and vegetable Industry repre­ posted a *25 bond a t th a t tim e for in any event, however, U woj be­ the fight while floating In the battle churned waUrf of the Pacific. S tar." Wilson. It the British had «xt«nded a nar­ sentatives attended the I9th annual hb appeanuice todoy. Appearing be­ lieved that their chance.i of c.wap- "MlUlon-mller," Tunis; "Jerry row-gauge line to Dupply their now m eeting. fore. Judge J. O, pumphrey this ing the death penalty were Poster. Salesman." Ferris; "Wider liquidated Invasion of Italian Libya. Of th e 350 m en and women who morning he pleaded guilty. On poy- The death penalty also was likely Wings." O’Malley: '•D on't-. Blam e M atruh lies 130 miles ln.tlde Eg>’pt- attended, approximately 79 were pre­ ment of fine he was released. Tlie for the •'accomplices and conUcls. Twin Falls News in Brief Me," Hughes; ■'Mario Roea,’- Kel- CooeentraUon en Creto sent from Twin PalU and surround­ reckless speeding charge was O fficials' nald they probably would ing towna, convenUon delegate.^ op- An addlUonal threat — still not nounced upon lhelr return from the bt thwgtd ’xllh ttCMon. TIrr. >Vheel Stolen materlaiued—to the Mediterranean Caleh Whelc Crowd Concludei VUlt >- convention rejort. • Mrs. T ,, E. Coxen haa returned William J . WllUon. 437 W alnut flank of the defense forces In Egypt was a concentraUon of German air Arthur Gacth. Salt liike City radio FB I Director J. Edgar Hoover from a montl)'s visit In Rupert and reel, reported to police n t 7:<0 a. commenUtor, was the headline doubled that U*boaU had landed Pocatcllo. I. today that during Uie night power and air troop# on the Island speaker at the banquet Friday night I R E RATIONING of Crete. more then eight agenU. . someone had stolen the spare tire a t th e Sun Volley lodge. "We^ve caught U>e whole crowd, Called to Oregen wheel from his Ford auta n the axis claim of victory nt A bowling tournament and bridge he said. ^ ^ Mrs. C. K. Stlnsotx U leaving today Matruh Is borne out. an attempt on the "verUcal envelopment" of de­ luncheon for the women; a ^olf Agents E. J. Connelley and Thom- for The Dalles. Ore.. where ih e has PorlUnd VUItora tournament and soft boll games for M J. Donegan eald In r^ew York been called by the serious Illness of FORESEEN IN U. S. fense poalUorxs a t th e rear of the ,\fr. and Mrs. Edward M. Post and the men; special breokfast sessions Uiat the eight had been arrested her ton, John R. Stinson. (Fnaa Pat* On<) battered BrltUh elghUi army may and a barbecue Saturday night were m. Barton, and Mlii DorU Wohl- be expected at any time. w ithout violence, th a t they had lalb. Portland. Ore., are gHtsis of axis win bomb Uie United 5Ut«s among the outaiandlng cventa ot the kno»-n what to expect If they were to destroy producUon and "to create •The Italians, who seem to have convention. MeeUnx Set Mr. and Mra. Harry Wohllalb. jmr- been given the privilege of making All officers of th e Twin FalLi enLn of M rs. P ost and .Miss W ohl- .. , a feeling of panic and weariness They would not reveal how the squadron, civil ulr patrol, will m eet of war." He doesn't Uilnk Americans the first and moat complete axis re­ Ulb, ports on the battle of Egypt, declar­ READ TIM ES-NEW S WANT ADS. nails were arrested, though were nt the airport at 8 p. m. Wednes­ are ••yellow enough" to becom e pan­ selxed her© and two were arrested day In special session. It was an­ icky, however, ed that 36 tanka and "numerous” In Chicago, one directly ait«r he Married Today / 9. About 60.000 Japanese ar« now arUllery pieces and truck.! were cap­ nounced today by Floyd Orel\e, nicliard Monroe McDowell. 20, , -E N D S TONIGHT— had proposed to a young widow and training and operations offlccr. located In temporarj- assembly cen- tured or destroyed In the Matruh been accepted. Yakima, Wash., and Charlotte EUi- M.OOO In perm anent relocation assault. “Brooklyn Orchid*’ A “New W ine" ' abeth Jolm.itone. 17. Twin Falls, The FBI abo revealed th a t MO,000 Parentj of Son . Tlie bill carries money to pay AxLi planes, Rome said, lilt two more of the money that wna to have were m arried by probate Judge C, A. Jopiuicse workers at a rate of *12 sieamers In the harbor there and Mr, and Mrs. John Ford, Salt Lake Bailey in his chambers this mom- financed their sabotage had been City, formerly of Twin rails, nrc i\ monUi for common likbor, tlO for .let flra to 10 others and sh o t down found, bringing to a total ot *100,100 InR. The bride hnd consent of her .-.einl-.sklllcd workers and (10 a 17 platien, G erm an ond luOlan the parents of a son bom Sunday at father. NOTE! ■ the • United States currency with Holy C ro u hoapUal, B alt Lake City. month for skilled workers. Food, planes also struck anew at British COOieO BY Utr RIO tKATi^n HERE which they landed In rubber boaU. .nhelier, cloUiIng and m edical p<»Ulons on th e m ld-M edlterraneon He has been named John Abbott Midshipman Here Do Not Coafui* lour at Ponte Vedra beach. Fla., on arc furnished. Island of Malta. FOUR BIG DAYS—STARTING IT IS— II With Anr- Ford. Mrs, E. A. Lnndon. m other ot Midshipman Harry. Benoit arrived London outhorlUes evidently June 17. Mrs. Ford. Li planning to ro lo UU»h a. The federal bureau of Invesll- — Atnrrlca'i old»«t I h in c Yau'T* They had selective service cords Sunday night from Annapolis, Md.. gaUon staff will be Increased by OOB ..Ot clear on details o t the M atruh and (InMt hrslnic Setn Dffortl the liittcr part of the week to visit for a two weeks' visit *Uh hla pur- battle. A military commentator .Mild counterfeited In Germany, and so­ Uie Fords. ne^' ngenti and 2.9M clerical work- BltncUonl cial security cards, whleh . they ent-1. Mr. a n d Mrs. H urry DenolL «r». On June 1. the report said. 09.187 th a t If tlie de.fcnse force.? octimlly —7ih At the conclu-ilon of hti slay here TOMORROW might have obUlned In this country of Uie F U fs 1C8.3BJ pending caaes hod withdrawn, as auapectcd. It ifarl It m u tiu d To R eturn lo BoUe he will re tu rn to Annnpolla. > hold a line farther east. before returning to Germany Xor Mr. and .^5rs. E. P. Clarkson re­ were unasslgned because of Insuf­ T7DT7I7 See U first—Tell other* what we can'll FIRST U —ilStli coownltf* Yoa ro t. achoowg In sabotage. ficient personnel. Not Last BaiUon LADIES In Une fee lh« opening Biatlnw cUr turned Sunday afternoon to Boise Caaltrn Stars Meet Two Year Plan after spending the week-end at the Emergency Fund Replenished ’•Tills was done while limited All members of the Order of the T he appropriation c arries *100,- Their campaign was to cover a home of .Mr. a>id Mrs. H. A. Pierce, Eastern Star are Invited lo ollciid BrttLsh tanks. •orUllcry and armor­ parents of Mrs, Clarkson. Mrs. 000,000 to replenish Uic P resident's ed cars engaged advancing Oerman 8f« It rtr»l—Tfll two-year period and U>ey were 'quilting bee'" ul tlie home of .Mrs, cmerKCiicy fund, bringing th e total Oihrr* What W# •'magnificently^’ trained lo r Uie Job. Clarkson was matron of honor for Roy P ain ter. 1015 Sliaihone street troops." he said, cmphasinng that ADMISSION 30^ Ux Inc. Al-L SEATS - ALL SHOWS. Can'll her sister. MLw Allco Joyce Pierce, nllotted for It to S50fl.45D,000. Tlie Matruh "is not the last bastion be­ They rowed asltore In the dead of east, T uesday a t 1:30 p, m. TJie fund now ha.i only IM .000,000. of Come Early-Door* Open 30 Minutes Before Each Show. night, burled powerful cxploalvc.i who bectimo the bride of Lewis C. women will conipleie the tying of a tween Tobruk and Alexandria," Ouilery Saturday night at tlie Pierce which *31,000,000 has been request­ He actually dL^ounted axis sug- ' and tools In holes along shore, and qulIt for the American Red Cross. ed by various agencies. left to recruit confederate.i. home. gesUorts th a t th e m ain defense forces TliB 10 war agencies and the fund.i had been engaged by the enemy. Among the vital American IniOal- Guesla of KcMters provided for ench are: Board of eco­ latlona Uiey Intended to sabotage :e(urn.i From North Mrs. Tlieo'pt until Uiey reached sultoble A m ericanJ from Washlnglon and points west:. the home In Illlnol.'i, MTvlces. *a,H40.000: office of de- Horseshoe cuctc of the Pennsylvania po.slU'Ie K auffm an recenUy be­ blo-itlng at supply dumps, communi­ relocation outhorlty. *70,000.000; cations and air fields. I WOMEN ONLY To Hold Fire came the parenti of a daughter. The Hospital war shipping adm lnlstraUon. *1.100.- T h e scope of acUon In the M ed­ Tliere were reporU Uiat Uie prim e Judy, and Mr. and Mrs, Robert Nlx- 000,000; office of petroleum coordi­ iterranean area wos momentarily AND HIGH SCKOOL GIHLS-Xt mlnlater would like U> hold his fire recentl>- becam e the parent-s nator, }3.3GS,000; office of solid fueU Beds were available on all floors until Uie end of the war debate, on. Edwin. Lhelr second child, broadened by an early morning raid today a t Uie Twin FalLi county gen­ coordination, »DJO,000; office of ag­ by three axis planes on Gibraltar. 2 and 7 P.M. leaving Sir Stafford Crlpps or MaJ. ricultural war relations. *«3.000; eral hospital. Relatives Visit The Brltlih reported no damage AtUee to open for the government. smaller war plants corporaUon, there but the Germans said several ADMITTED B ut membetR of commons « h o hen-td Mrs. M, J , T crrj’ a t'd Mlwi Lor­ Patty Somson, Hailey: Mrs. Lyman J150.DOO.000; otilce of price adm lnla- planes were destroyed on a m ilitary the reports seemed dissatisfied and raine T erry, m oUicr and .iLiter of U, Uatlon. *99.000.000, Calder, Bemlce Draper, Mrs. T. D. It was believed that Churchill might N. T erry, a re guest-i a t the home airfield. Pauselt, Mrs. Tliereso Murdock, Debate SUrU decide to open himself, and then of Mr. and .Mrs. Terr>-. en rouii Debate on the bill started as Twin Falls: Francis Dormnn. Wen­ speak agoln at the closing. 0 their home In Spokane. Wash., dell; Mrs. Bemlce Rice, Eden. gress cleared Its decks to rush It was evident Uiat commons, and .ifter spendlnR the winter In Bur­ through billions In approprlaUons Koelsch to Seek DISAUS8ED bank. Calif,, where MUw Terry wa.i . Mr*. Ray Sims and daughter. Mrs. the public, wanted lo hear Churclilll before the fl.scal year ends tom or­ speak rrankb' and fully not only on exchange tcacher, Tliey- are ac­ row nlghU Some govem m ent ag en ­ Judicial Election MEN Ho»-ard Walker and daughter, W. B. companied by Barbara Bergloff, Lawrence, Shirley Hinton, J. L. the Libyan defeat but on the entire cies face the prospect of storUng BOISE. June 29 (/7)-D lstrlo.t war sltuaUon, Including his talks at niece of Mr. Terry. the new year "broke" If congress Judge Charles P. KoeLich of the TltRiUs. Mrs. Je u e Sm ith. M rs. G. Wn-ihlngton.and the shipping sltua- H. Bherrlll. Mrs. Wallace Freeman doe.'.n't complete work on all the third Judicial d b u ic t filed his decla-i ONLY and daughter, Mrn, A rthur U erm a u lloti. b«ls. I n adOlUon lo today's new ration of condlcocy for reelecUon AND and daughter, T*'ln PiUla; R onald Germans Launch bill, six oUiers pending should be with Secretar>- of State George H. HICK SCHOOL H o t Taylor, Derald Glenn. Klmber passed before tomorrow night: C u rtb today. % BOYS-AT Glenn. Kimberly; Beverly Whlse- State FFA Hears Drive at Kursk Tlie largest approprlaUon bill In The district Includes Ado. Boise, more, Hansen: Patty Somson. IFrsn n>I« Ont) hlstory-*«.030.003.067 for the war Elmore and Owyhee counUes. Judge irtment and corrj'lng money to 9 P.M. n i o m Hailey; Thea Egbert. Murtaugh; War Help Advice Ing our unlU" In one sector of the Koelsch has served on the bench IIST Mrs. Earl Pettenon and daughter. (rtMi r i i . o«.> bitter siege of Sevastopol, the Rus- for the past 13 years, having first TICXETS been appointed to the poslUon by Eden: Mrs. Carl Snyder and daugh­ south central FFA district, and Do*e ilans announced that ’'on all other A n C T 7 P J 4 ter. Hazelton. Bylngton. adviser for the aouiheoit- sectors tlie enemy attacks were re- ... Ume wlUiout trouble. form er ^ v e m o r H. C. Baldridge. em district. puked with enormous losses to hlm.“ Th(5 *080.000.000 Bgrlculluro de­ MAN FOUND DEAD IN AUTO For secretaries; Alfred J. Funke, The Soviet information bureau partment approprlaUon bill which McCAMMOM. Ida.. Ju n e UP>— adviser lor Uie south upper Snake loUl of one unit nt Sevastopol which has been deadlocked over proposals Australian Ship LcRoy Knowlea. 91. Idaho Falls, was river valley dUtrlct. met and threw back IQ German at­ to allow the government lo .sell gov­ found dead Saturday In his auto­ For treaaurers: Carl Hennings, ad­ tacks In three days and the reports ernment held com and grain stocks Sunk in Convoy mobile parked at the entmnce to a viser for the southwestern Idaho dli- lndlcat«d that tlie furious flghUng below parity levebi. there was conUnulng. SAN FRANCISCO. June 39 cem eteo'. trlct. Loss of an Australian destroyer In Investigator* said the ear's ex­ For reporters; Charles Heath, oc- Of the four major spring thru.its one of two convoy actions which haust had been piped Into tlte ton' ting adviser for the north upper InlUated by the Germans only the News ot Record fired the central Mcdllerranean neou. Simke river valley FFA district. I occupation of the Kerch peninsula convoy June 19 was announced by has been succeisfolly concluded. Se­ Tuesdoy sessions will get under­ .MARRfACE LICENSES the Melbourne radio today In a way at 9 a. m. with the committee vastopol still Is fighting back and a broadcast CBS recorded here. Seep tho White Flag reports highlighting the session. succe.wlon of O erm an drives on the June a>—James Cheater South- Kharkov front had been duUtd and worth. 13. B&cramento. Cali!., and 'Only Uiree Uve* were lost out * . 0/ Sojetv Flyinp Election ol Stale Paimers, adopUon of the shlp^ company of over of the budget, adoption of a pro­ diverted, according U> recent re­ no m a Mae Kelms, 23, T»’ln Falls; IN PERSON ports. The progress of the push from Richard Monroe McDowell. 20, Yak­ the broadcast said. gram of work,geared to meet the A later broadcast l^U fled the ON OUR STAGEl war effort and also elecUon or of­ Kursk aUll Is un(;ertaln. ima. Wash., and Charlotte Elrabeth Johnstone, n, Twin FalU. lost craft as the Nestor, commanded ficers will feature at the afternoon by Commander Alfred fl. RosenUial. session which gttj tmderway at 1 Howard Rutsell COX ACTION BIRTHS DSO. Kentacky'a Fearless CommenUter Robert LeRoy Roath. 32, Burley, T o Mr. and Mr^. Jam es L ancas­ who told C iller p e tty . Officer C. A. ter. Filer, a boj'. Sunday, and to Mr. WEATHER Edmonson, navy recrultw, that "I and Mrs. Clj-dc W llllanu, 'Twin FalUi. ■fviis Of sEniimERmE” Widow Asks for want action and I don't want to a son. Saturday, both ot the Twin u-alt around In a training camp be­ Foils county gctiert.1 hos[^tal taa- Estate Authority fore I get lt,“ today had enlisted In temlty home. * PeUUon of Mamie Rlngneli; seek- the navy at the Ixal recrulUng sta- Ing letters of administration In the Uon. FUNERALS e state of h e r lat« husband, was fRfid Roath, a rodeo rider, probably will BINGNELL—nosary will be re ­ RICnABO'B msBmicroKmDEfCHooL miBSimitsEJffAU s h o w s / tn probat« court today. be as.slgned to th e P -T b o a t division, cited today at S p. m. at the Twin ELECTRO FENCE Til© peUUon shows th a t Godfrey where there is plenty of acUon, Ed­ Falls mortuary chapel for Godfrej Prlee* S ta rt a t IIU O How 21 d a y s w ithout a X. RlngneU dled'ln Dlnghaa county m onson «ald. X. Rlngnell, local tlorlst. and ma« fatal traffic accident In our June 3d. The peUUon further sUUs Another enlistee was Junior Lyle will be celebrated ’Tuesday a t B *, a • BOID.FEARLESS,SHOCKING / _____ that value of personal property in- SteariM, 31. son of Mr. and Mrs. W. at fit. Edwards Catholic church. In SODEN ELECTRIC Ma0U:.VaUetf..^ Tolre4H'valued'it not mors tnan D .'S team i. T w in ra ils. H e will prol>- terment will be In'Sunset memorial rbone no . Nest to Orphean < 2 7 / // n ip t The l/e/V Off An fex Secreclei'! M.OOO. ably be assigned to the radio s^ooL park. Mon'Oay, Judo 29, 10 12 .TIMES-NEWS, TW IN ^FALLS, IDAHO Page;Tbre» HarUng. s. A. Webber; youth Mrv. Minidoka Selectees Tandem Side-by-Side ice. Robert. Tucker, Jame« Uarl. Burley Physician.,, Everett Mullins; public affairs. L. Will Leave June 30 BUHLROIIANS RUPERT, Juno m—Men Inducted Is Captain Now 1 FREIGHT I M H ll J. John.ion. James Canine. J. W. Tlngey, W. A. Omy; vocation serv­ Into the nrmy from Minidoka coun­ DUBLEY, June 2S>—Dr. OhKle* ice. Joa W . Bdgett, ty June Id. who look advantage of ... Terhune. Burley physician, WM ■ Among Commlltee*: two weeks' furlough and will leave sworn Into Uie Unlted-SUtes'MTV, HOSISAIOlNiR IN FOURIH GAEL Rupert a t 3:30 p, m. Tuesday. Juno Ice Saturdliy with ih« ranlt of .«j»- ASIHOWIENAGE CloislfleaUon and membership. J. 30, by bus are James Wellington •WASHINGTON. Juno 2ft—DecftUic isUllL. Juno 20-nuhl Rotary club H. Darker. James Hart. 8. A. W eb­ WASHINGTON, June » (U.PJ - taln. and la expected to receive of pro^bte Injury (o asricuUur« and enteru ln e d a t dinner honoring wives ber: public Information. V, It Front. Approximately Sioo.ooo young men. Dowlby. Elwood FerrelL Hedrick. Clinton Somuet Howart. Wa>w Dr. Terhuxw wa* ulected lot •«»» nmall buslncu tu weU ax to Uie put>< ol mrtnbcrs, Cliar\ts Shtimatt. Oail Bbtnucl. EatI Mills; itudeht nearly two-liilrdn ol whom may ex- lie Bcncrslly. Sen- John Thomas. 1occt to be called to Uie colors and Norbcrt Dernhardt Huber, a ganlraUon of tho Araerlean Meal* R « .. Idn.. bellevc« th n t more care- Harry lleller gave nn entertain­ T. Hardin; rural-urban, n . M. Hays. j^ c o n sld e rn llo n alioulcj be Riven to ■eventually, rculster Tufxday In " trunlfcr from North Dakota. .. cal aisoclaUon. which recently « * - - ing program of colored motion pic­ W illiam Aldrich, A. E, KlUs. Roy fourUi selective service roll call. T?Se ellccta ot a five per cen t Hut on ilopklna: community sen’lce, James Next selecUve service call to r MJn- ' tered all Vniud 8U ta phytldtna tures token durlnc 'R number of The rcRlstraUon—already started Ulokft county la Jot. JO m en to leave m 'itsV ed certAin tjualilleil. d o c - frelglit traffic which la Incmded In lours. Pictures ot Alaska. Puget 11. Shields, the revenue bill completed by the In some stntcs—affecU IB and 10- July 20.______ir* to enter army duUes. Sound. Arliona and New Mexico, and Fellowship. 8, A. W ebber. William year-olds. who are noi eligible for Dr. and Mrs. Terhune' left o n ;» . houte nays and mcon-i comniUlcc. of (I rodeo a t NORole*. Arl*.. were Aldrich. J. O, Ea.itman. Oan L. Senator Tliomtu siild today tjiat th e d ra ft under the pre.nent law. nnd vacation Ulp to Arliona, and Df. explained by Mr. Heller in his Tljompson; music. Kenneth CuriLv about 500.000 men turned 20 since Legion Auxiliary at Terhune expccU to leave upon hl» liie house commlticc octcd wlUiouC traveloRue. Merlin Nefr«cr: audit. Pred Harting, nde-eM-o\dB win ftirnnueil w ith the will be relnswted na lecretnry treaa- oldest men on top. and men now Mrs. Roy Gordon wa.i reelected eluded In the original recommenda* Castleford Boy Now president. O ther officer* electe,uch n lax." Miiil ihc IfioJio Dortng. J . W.T^nKcy. K enneth Cur- CASTLZFORD. Juni- M-Jnck ; cenily—alter conlerences with Ma). lain, and Mrs. Stephen-i, serReont- r.cnator. 'ApiwrcniU’. the liouie com- tli, Prcd T. Pn^l^h. GrorRe M. Like­ Peter.son. who l.\ nn Instructor hi 'G en, LewLi U. Hershey, setecUvc nt-arm s. mitlec WM Impressed by im catlmato ness. Jam es H. ShlelcLs. and Jam es Uip army a ir tonxi, has been trnns service director—that the question of J3DO,000,000 In revenue nnd de­ Hart. fcrrwl from Chiuiutc field. 111., tc of revising the lelecUve service cided uiwn Llio Iji* w ltliout proiwr T he following com m ittees have Lincoln. Neb, He received his train to make ellRlble for Induction widely In other warring nations. con.',ldernllon. been announced by Mr. Boring; Ing at Chanute field before becoming and 10-year-olds prob.ibly would be Tomorrows reglstrallon. which Ls "A tax on Irelsht truffle would be Club service. J. H. Uarker; inter- an Instructor Uiere. reconsidered next fall. to be conducted largely by Uie flJOO n^^evcre blow to nRrlculture. Any national service. TJieodor nxin«en. He Ls o son of NJr, nnd Mrs. Fred The w ar department hns Rone local d raft boards between 7 a. m. luldltloniil chnrjie oti th e innrkctlnK Pcti-rson and attendrrili "Fivrnicvh in micSj a ^tnlc m WuUo. O *nd ««ve ju»t a* mucii money, loo. which b ft eonsldrrnble dLiupce No nuitter «luit day you do ^nur from principal niiirltclji. would be NUMBER 51 * InlereUing tricks/or picnics -k Fine JooJs as tow f>ricfd MonJcdjiJJy )i« by n t m itrr- way liccatM hafeway’* nKHlera ccnliiRD tax on the cost of .niw m ent as on Saturday ir About bclprt7g yourtelf to help your Country *»y o( iloio* UMiiotM n»ulU in ot ihclr product.1. • . aavingi wliieb are poued on to you "Smftll biislnr.v; men, whrt already ia Io» price* on every item, every ftre In a .•'tniKRlo for survival, a b o day of U>« »e«k. would be Injuri^. Uecaiune of price ceilliigR. It would be dUflcuU to po.'J the entire am ount of the tax to Uie public." Marine Recruiter Stores Closed All Day Saturday, July 4th ^iomelUlng a little different In Ihe way of tandem eyelet Is tried «ul Station Outstrips by Mr. and Mrs. Jam ei M ftlon at Ihelr We*lpor(. Conn,, home. It'« SHOP EARLY THIS WEEK! THESE PRICES GOOD ALL WEEK! railed a alde.tandem lo dlitlnftiisb It from the u.iual forr-snd-atl kind. Salt Lake Office Melton, who also collects anclcnl m olorean, ha* 2» ol4 bieyele* ol Tlie ajiibltlon of otllcers in every assorted model* and vintair*. rccruitlnh' subi.Uitlon Is to e n lb t more recruits than lUi main station. I t It nn ambition ^eldo^n realla-d Att Sefewa/s prices ure as hw as Uese becnaw Uie main station is peneral- ly locatod In a city w ith A much Grange Gleanings liirKer population to draw from. How lo have more inn Neverthele.M. Uie Twin PalLi ran B y A. HARVESTEH rlne Kiib-slatlon, w anned by S kI. on weelt-ends every day ot the week RuMCll U ppeit and Larry Li‘U.!li rUlRC, performed Uic feat during KAIIIVIEW Erie Jones requested ft good cln.’a June. nccordlHK to M ajor Con D. Everybody said that was quite a of Pomona inltlate.s for that night, right in yoor own Sulard. Salt Lake City niiirlnc db- banquet that we Rave Uic graduates as Uils Is a n ig h t meetlnK- Let's iTlcl Tccr'Jilh'R chief, Utrc ycstcrdny out at, Falrvlew. E stn the Hr»duat«s up again to go to F^ler. Tlie back yard ► m PICHIC WHCHES < ‘ m COOUHB BRIHKS * on an ln.M>ecUon lour. liked U and Thalne Robert* made a question ot postponement of the fnlr "We ncccplcil 13 recrulUn from itie dandy toastmaster. Had over > hun­ for the titirnllon wa.'s broached, but T bert't no/Amjf lhat't qmitt m ucb/un I’o ta lo C hips Krown Derby Beer Twin Tall.i .'.ub-.it-itlon d u rin s thlr dred. counting all the.kids and we fall seemed so far off and we were so Ml a picnic—fip tc u llf * picnic right in * m n m m sAtAi>s* Have ccllo baif ...... PkK. 15C ll'Or. bottles, plus dep...... 4 for 3 3 C moiiUi and Uiat's more Uian wp cn^ M tiiony and they make to tired Uiat we did n 't d o anything y«i>r «u-n ia ri yArii. A nd 6t. Cnrlton Club, plus ilpp. . Duclieaa ...... - ....- .....Qt. 3 5 6 Mowi-vcr. he quiillfled hl;t was b id In the form of a vlciorj’ V. .Mdc had 30. Mm. KlnK'.s ^ldc 3< i (uhal uilb iht rirt and fatolint lifa- 2 5 2 5 tf m rn i by ixilntlnK out th a t a i with Thalne at the apex, nnd all members present In the attendance I lion) lb* SaJru jy Ihm tm akert' Umrrau Uipc Olives IMiracIc Aid Mayonnalfte bcr of recrulta obuiinecciJo Acnd Into .comp next honor. The kids nnd tlie rest of the FaER ,. ■ j L A W N PtCNIC Clenrwnter ...... Nn. Can 2 3 e frcih Bround...... -...... Lb. pkB, 2 0 t Cascade ...... 2 6 6 inonUi. sang were deployed about Uic room Filer G rangft'm et the .•.nme night I "But. major, we're holdlnR back a t oUier tables, u e did ttivd m ade final p la w £ot ; Hat e each fa m ily bring something . Rccci U Unn and the tonstmafiter In tr^ ttcc d attendance and routine bu.^lnc.-j; Colralaw witli Dienl Apple and SA R D IN K S f , hcnd to Salt Lake July O," Inter­ the graduates and its he A.ild, dUK' Hcmrt Salad Dces^inR wern In evidence. Orange voted In I <;r«-n I’rpper Van Cnmp'B Ovnl ...... Cun Borden's .... Lh Can 5 9 i Miracle Whip .' . . ______Qt. 3 9 ^ jected SKt. Llpiiert, up a lltUe dirt on eftcli one. H u th take part in the flower show that I nutlCTTx! Hvr »rr« grnrtu- the Pom ona lecturer Is spon.'OrVng' ed the dlMrlct chief. ••We'll ^ny you iee Crr«m nnd C«l:e W ax P n p cr lUnck T en Sandwich Sprcjid ntp.s In a nice little speech. We a.1 p.irt of the next Pomona mcethiK,' t.'oflrr; or Hoot ll« r Alnile i2').foot nmi Cnntrrtjury ...... lh. pkB. i s e Ltmch Box ------« t. 4 2 6 bi-at tile Salt Lake office and let ii sani; •'America, th e Ileautlful," n la July 11. 'Die f.crni> riibbVrd kxliKT followed the ninln event, Mr, ftnd national Harve.iter Co., 'T h e Stnini; C>ll.c Koynl Gelatin F ru il E»cclin Toilcl Soap Mrs, Jotin Baty were elected to S hall De I-Tee" nnd •'Tlie Mnrlnc.^ Bniwn spnrfriKi in hoi »hi>rttnlng in or PuddinKr...... 3 1 9 c M. C. P ...... 3 Tkgi. 2 S t Lifebuoy ....•...... ------bar 7 t Six Seek Office become mcmber.i by InlUatloii. a n d Are L;indlng." tliry nnd Mr. and Mrs. Chtirlw Bur- And the picnic Sunday wn.s a liravy frying pon. Ata.-ioninRs. and \>tans; ptmr C tK ikics SUrcddcd W heat S u n b rU c lo u ot Ice cream nnd coffee, furn- Wa.Mon'5 A.'.'.orted ..... National ...... cleatuer ...... prim ary; H. D. Jackson, incumbent, Jone.'. called attention to Uie rubber Lshe«; cover. Hake m slow ..... 3 r’kK!'- 2 9 C -•...•2 Pkss, 2 3 6 - ...... « n S t for probate Juclue, Rcpubllcun;. M. drive but you’ll have m ote rubber If .',ce how .some of Uiese glrU can i o\Tn (325° F.) al>okr«I on BTTrn-p M «U OVEN ROASTS Round Bone....- ...... Xh. 2 3 C iDto ftre protection districts to copc MIm Kornlier hns hnd elRht year.n Wnali., «id Isaac Bcem. Durbank. Urtad. R u tta. U ttuee. and Mayoo- Watermelons ...... 3 c wlUi w heat fires, of H-H club work, four years In sew ­ Calif., who arc home to vbit Uielr mii«e for Sandwiches ShouWcr lUb______ia , ing and four in canning. Slie ho.i porenLi, Mr. and Mrs- O . C. Deem, I’irkJe* I’oUlo S«U.i BEEF ROASTS 2 1 c also had two years experience (ui were (niests of honor n t din n er a t the rcvne.1 Ewr» Olive* Carrol Stleka Cantaloupes Jum bo ...... leader of canning clubei. in IBJl nhe ...... JJb. 5 c E, A, Bcem h o n e . Fmli (impn POT ROASTS Economy Cuta______.Lb, 1 9 C BUHL won Uie county cham pionship In Ute M r. and Mre. WtlllMft Adam s ftre CiniTtliftail lce«l wilJi Cremm Oiec** glrLV record contest ond In 1B<0 w m parents of a daughter, bom June 24 Bing Cherries e„„ r„cy. 3 Lbs. 2 9 c B rb icct______tb . Mr. and Mrs. R, D. Slec npd Mr. county champion In conning. For at Uie Ruby maternity home. Thermo* Coffee or Lemonaile BOILING MEAT lO c and Airs. OeorKe Unr\ey and rjntxll seven years ahe has been a metnber Mra. Owen Milled gave a party for Mn. Lee, have ijonc to PorUniid nnd of Uic Gooding high school band, her son. Donald, on his IlfUi blrUi- A ll lA o v t peonu fi and vifom hs Celery Cnllfom la ...... - ...... Lb. 9 C FRANKFURTERS „„„„ 19c Seattle on a week's trip. playing the clarinet. tiay annWtrsar)-. Several ranall boys See liiis week'* Family Cirde Maga- ML« WUma Puller, who ha* been were Invited for Uie afternoon. sine for nutritional in/ormation on Prc.ili Topped . LUNCH MEATS A j» r te d __!____ lb . 2 9c employed for several monUin nt Se- Miss June Vincent has returned Utah Carrots 3 l-lw lO c fttUe. has arrived.for n visit, with Ketchum Liquor from Portland. Ore. pranuta. New isiue out every Tburs- h er parents. Mr. and Mrs, W. M. Col. Earl O. Wnlter conducted a da.T./ftse a t Saferway. FRYERS u r , . o o t o d ______Lb. 2 9c , . ruUcT. U tr alstcr. Juno ruUcT. registered Guernsey cattle sale at Lemons run oi juue...... 7 c who ha.1 visited for three wcck.i a t Shop Transferred GET THAT GOOD EX-CEL M eridian. Sa/eway Portland. BeatUe and Tacomn. nrrlv- KETCHUM. June 20-The Ket- D ean Musser. F iler grade acJiool Strawberries...... Market price ______R EEF AT SAFEWAY cd home wlUj her. ML'j DorL^ Fuller, chum liquor dispensary, for a corr- Instructor last year who recenUy en­ Homemakers’ Bureau employed ot Anderson dam. arrived slderable period located In th e b a r­ listed lor officer's training. U ita- roU A t m WWOUT. D»*c\« Sftlurday lor a week-end vbli. Also ber shop of Jess }}ymas, was'sud­ Uoned a t Camp Roberts, C a b b a e e New California , ...... U . . 3 V 2 C Buy War Stampt of Scrf«way with Buesls Uili week-end of the Filers denly transferred a few days aeo ■ Mrs. A. M. Dowen le ft for Port @ lonay you tova h o r » were SUfI Sgt. and Mrs. Ted Chase to the oil staUon of Tom Reed, Morgan. Colo., to visit h e r parent.i. nnd Miss Marearet Kuns, Stockton, moved In an afternoon and w u do­ Mr. and Mrs, Conrad Cook, and oUi- 1 ANN LEARNS HOW nUU KE WEEKENDSMOK£FUN h ------1 " CoUf. Mrs. Cliase nnd Miss K uns nro ing business shorUy afterward. cr MlaUvts. cousins of Mrs. Puller. Inquiry as to the removal elicited M rs. T . Don Connor relu m ed from B(n-»riHAait> Y o k iw w « * AW>WMfA«TO ^ TIM*OOPfWOOM Mrs. W. K. Pitt has arrived from the slAtcment from Mr. Hymaa Mlnncapolb, Minn., where ahe apent SnrOHStfUUMV. 1 tffOSrtCUL* awwiftwivAy 1 )\ tM iimuJtmumat Why dont you yow "Wa" PorUand nnd will b« a summer Kuest Uiat it wan a voluntary move on his 10 days vl.iltlng relaUves. J THWOJ** 1 we* y ( MttOtomcmntKmme, ordmr In on a w M k tta/f too at Uie homo of her daughter. Mrs. paru He found It best for his bar­ Mr#. T. 8. Nicholson haa returned MUACVA^nee /tororiieww« AfTuifiasfoAf iolsrirtM . “ ** C. M; MerrltJc. Arrlvlns Friday for ber and laundrv agent busir\m to txom a vWi wlih T«\j»Uvt* av Poca­ Not «otr *3 ban men tima ta k on- extended visit at the Merrick discontinue looking after the liquor tello. play on v«ck-«ctds t» t ToaU b« lUe to home will be Mrs. Tliorvald Jolin- store. c.npeclaUy as he was worklns *on. daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. C. M. single-handed. His oailslant In the 1IANSE.V SOLOICR PROMOTED oH tr is oe » vtak dajr. a a u n y Merrick, ond her sniall dauchtcr. barber ahop ha* gone Into defense • KANSEN.-June a»—EldOn Durk., TM >ao«. «• lov..aa Jane Lee johcuon. work M a coiai town. As In many son of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Durk. Mrs. J. W. Tlngey has gone to another InsUtuUcn. Jess remains Hansen, has been promoted to staff &an Diego, cafled Uiere by Uio doaUi the sole tonsorial artist In Ket£hum ■ sergeant, his parenu Have been in­ of Mr. TWRcy* sister. Mrs. Harry •tthUUflie. formed. The young m an la wiu»' the . O. LeCouUur. following • lingering 183rd Held artUlcry a t F o r t LewU. SlIfEW AV Ulne^.s. READ TmES-NBW8 WANT ADS. Wash. Prices EffecttTe All Wtek P a g e Four “ TIMES-TffiWSr r IDAHO^ Monday, Juno 29, 1942


A »o^n(1ilWin n * . 11 tM I. »l Otm Ifate E m lsa WHIRLIGIG FROM NEW-Y0RR- TlBM. MUklkkW la IHt. u 4 Um T«1b n » i N m , muU1«M raU U M M k 6*ft btnrdtr, nsd Is^ MONARCUS-WMhln£ton1 d e U j In giving the nod SINK-Uval may have unwlt- step In ostensibly to shleM the na- . IM SmmhI SUMt Wmx. T>la F»lk trUk^ bf to Alrcrmft cturlen In ileu l of balUeihljw m v become Ingly picked the "second front" for Uve rtilen from the axis dai^rs. « prlin« tuue la the November voting. The RepubU- he United States. His open decUra* Once In Casablanca our plai^ c u ts Are pUnnlng to u k «h7 ihe'kdmioUtrAtloa tlon that he hopes—and wUl work— would hop to Algeria and Tunisia, Eatm 4 M •MBDd *taM u U A»ril 1. IIIL al t «d unUl the third r e v of the in ir before It tecofnlxed for a Hitler victory officially re­ -fhere the Italian colonUU under tm M S if U T>*B r a lk tWn> aata nwm •> 4 PnM *.4 DalMd approprUtfon bills carry blKlona for the more modem The advantages of gaining a foot­ Is not satisfactory to Washington HghUng craft and not a nickel for the erstwhile mon- hold In this north African district and It Is expected that additional archa of the deep. Party as weU as fleet considerations are enormous. An AEF debarking In AM noUcM rratilrad br Uw er b7 onkr c Brittany would face forUflcaUons ibjection wlU be tactfully made. ut JarMUtloa to b* voUUM WMkIr wll lie behind Uie move. The papal state department re­ « Tbsndar Imcm of tbta n»ower In a close race. Bui' lorm er N ational C hairm an trol 01 Mussolini's "mare neolnim' STRIKES—A family controversy of total war In a democracy and of Its even "Jim" has pIee fall campaign. Several preil- mLirton and th e hesitant allied staff left wing American OommunlcatioM denUal candidates for senator and governor In key seemed unable to recojmlrc the atra- as-soclatlon and certain pinkish ra ­ to work or fight. They cannot take jobs as sUtes have consulted the White House and sUU de> icKlc Importance of beating G er­ dio operators have been given the ax. will and move on when they please. They partm en l on Uils M ue. Here Li the p a rty Une u prU many to lu The fact that the nails The .fleet's guardians blacklisted are frozen at their machines. vately enunciated by P. D. R, and the secretary: believe we do not dare to selie this mariners when offlclaU were con­ Women work long hours—up to 55 a week Tliey contend—and they have so Informed their po­ territory gives up a aurprUe ele. vinced Ihe men had expressed strong llUcal frlen rts-U u l there would have been no UfihUng ment—always vital In generalship. pro-axIs or anti-British sentiments- —often at tasks that every man hates to In Europe if the nonlnter\-enUonl^U on Capitol Hill The population-both French and And they fired communistic union th in k ol having women do. had not blocked revision of the neutrality act early In Berber—Ls the lca.it pro-nari of any members they suspected might be­ Boys and girls from 14 years up are almost 1038. Hitler, according to this theoO'. would not have CARE OF YOUR Vichy territories. Port^ abouni* come Involved In sabotage IncldenLi. universally engaged In war work on farms Invaded Poland, France and the low countries if the which might put up some nava The coast guard takes a different United SU tes had ser%'ed notice then th a t U would and ground resl.itance as In Syrli stand. Vice-Admiral Russell R. or In factories—not pin money,, occasional Uirow nU Its military and material resources on U)e and Madaga.scar. b u t these can b., Waeache has Informed his district tasks, but day-by-day drudgery that frees side of the allies, Japan, they Insist, would never have POT Sh o t s CHILDREN taken by maneuvw. The landing of commanders that they are not Justi­ men for fighting and for even more onerous struck at Hawaii had It not been for signs of dlvUion By ANGELO PATRI Americans would be welcomed by fied In removing persons because ot Inside th e walls of congress. w lih the large ma.ists of people wherea.n thi bona /Idc.dqings. Including alow- labors. CHILDHOOD HAS TRAGEDIES Tills line of attack Indkates that P. D, R. will at­ tvrrtval of B rltoai would be resent- dowTis. strikes and picketing. T he Not,only has production of civilian goods chief also refuses to perm it Uie dls- . tempt another purge of Democrats who opixaed his GENTLEMAN IN THE THIRd ' r OW PoeLi w rite of Uie Joys ot child' eatrlQi.i slnce'vUiat tragic day. light feel abu.icd about thLi. but secret of Uie party. At the ‘ ‘ that way. making Uiclr memorlr: E\’cn .itatecraft gives u.i a break. 'Food Is rationed.' Money doesn't count. for all naval and army appropriations, but it seems anyhoo: of the storj- It was alnted llmi short for grief. But there are chil­ Owing to the old diplomatic tech­ tion ot security rather tiian upon Cabinet ministers and factory workers, mU- that their belated eontrlbuUon to Uie war effort has mnde for the Uen.iur^-. If 1 dren. and not a few. who suffei nicality regarding treaties with the the private interests involved." Thu.n MALE HELP WANTED sultan, the United Sutes alone Important branches of the servlca Jlonalres and subsistence level laborers, each won Uiem no reprieve In high plaee.t. ^ ONE STOUT-HEARTED man. with know what It l.i. maybe I can ' grlefn Umt cannot be forgotten, ant a cobweb party, loo. for Oie.ie wc should stand ready tc never itcognkted th e prcpteclorale, havt> connicWns dellnlUons ot "what is entitled to the same amount some ready cash and whni It tAkf-. ■niW loophole was unused while wo conaUtutea .■•un-Anvarlcan ac- otherwl.ie. to buy the Tu’lii l-'iUls , —Wonilcrlnt give help nnd com fort as far as lie Clothing 13 rationed. The rich can have VACATIONS—The consumer flnaUj- 4s hurl by the in our power. were friendly to Paris. Now we could tivlUes.- better quality, to be sure, but for cach woman, universal strife. Here Is how the pinch has been ap­ Cowboy franchLiP, No .ijndlcatc.i plied to high and low at the headquarters of the gov> need apply: one-man control HOT St:AT PUOnLE.M Whnl can one do to comfort chll whatever her Income or bank balance, there ernment, where living condlUons are growing extreme­ w onted. M ust act fast bcciiu.sc Mr. S liou: dren whose homes are lost to then Is one coat, one dress, one pair of shoes, one ly vexing for cabinet members as well as scrutjwomen: pr^.^ent board of directors miiy 1 siiy, you solved the problem o bceau.ie of divorce? They have on' CLAPPER’S 0BSE5VATI0NS Uirow In spongp Uil' werk. father and one mother and whci nightgown, one set of undergarments, two Ordinarily a suit was dry-cleanc li rainy weiithcr In noble fft.ihloii. they fieparatp the home goes, am pairs of hose' and four handkerchiefs for this Now It takes n week. A waUh could be repaired In when home got.; miiy be disappointed If they try Ic preixxrcd ,we are taking opportunity Income taxes start at the S450-a-year level, th a t hom e meari-v to adverllie It rather openly. Gen­ and climb fast to the almost completely con- cessors have a.vilBned all their output to tlie army women. rend too much Into Uie announce­ and navy, or they tiavo wlUidrawn Uielr products from T lie tim e wns 4:2i p m. S.ilunl/iv., D ear A. n. C.—O ur research .Ir- Some children are bom wlthc ment Uiat MaJ. Gen. Bwlghl Elsen- eral Marshall, clilef of staff, an­ nounced at West Point recenUy that flscatory rate of 07 1-2 cents on the dollar. the m arket while Uiey prepare to switch from Un to id you know tliat's In Uic broad pa rtm en l U liuslly a t work on llili the sanction of church and sl4i howiT hn.i arrived In London tc This Is th e barest skeleton of ^ a t Mr. •tlayllRlit, matter, but the only propuul 1( Tlicy ore nameles.t and faUierlci.i tiike command ofJii* European tiie- in time American iroopo would land g!a.-a containers. It Is almost Impo-vilble to buy a pencil in France. We are using Use oppor­ Lyttelton tells us of what total war means .y shop within a mile of the ex««ttec mansion. TliP?* two or ih rte women stepped h as nilvnnrril no far will eo-.t ><>u Uie eyes of the community. Througl a lcr for United S taU s forces. Into th e Dc»is nrlve-ln cleanlnR p W u five centi a «l»y. O ur researcUrn no fault ot Ihelra they are nnder n Tlie move works toward tlie of­ tunity to entourage our friends and even after the danger of death or maiming T . V . n...... Is luck>’ becai e he happens w tS ‘ha\-e a large to worry our enemies. General Els­ supply. , short distance from the heal'Ji suggest (hat you hire a small lioy ban. People wIiLspcr about them fensive in Europe that has beer has been discounted. unit. T hey snld they hnd vlewce«t It lo bloasoni Into an all-out ticularly timely because the loss of ... We, too, arc a party In this total w a r against ’.her shocklntt- thing—In fact the parketi bicycle seal for onf-balf Seme Are Unwanted nurlng the next few months. Insiders at the caplUl, ing WAS a man iitandlng In llio offensive Libya has been'a severe blow to the Hltlbrlsm. What are we civilians suffering anticipating further crackdowns on gasoline and voy­ hour prior lo jour ride home. The h ealth u n it window. Now llm t In boy rauld also place upen thr i.eal There are chlldreii who are un­ n ig h t could only British public. It also serves to sus­ that can be mentioned In the same breath a5 aging of all sorts.'are taking their vacaUons'earlier !lf w asn't too bad. but tlienc lncllc.% wanted, For some reason theli lead to disap­ ta in the h o p tt of Uie Russians, who than formerly. In fact. Prime Minister Churchill told ;old » r hag. John Bull’s troubles? declared that the man didn't have mothers or fathers, or both, do no pointment, Gen­ are at this moment engaged In what White House friends Jokingly that his present vLMt to want them. Children are quick to era] Elsenhower'i may be one of the decisive battles inythlng on. HO HUM DEPT. the White House was the only pleasure trip he ex­ So Mrs. Dou ealls U\e police for know that and quick, too. to fee arrival la Eng­ on the eastern front. RELIEF AND LABOR SHORTAGES pected to enjoy before the end of hoatllltlcs. -Henderson M ar Give Gs> (o Uie pain of It. T hero Is nothing la n d does not ihem. So Pnirolmen Perk Perkins VacatlonUts-—Headline. South central Idaho Is fortunate In having xnd Fred Zimm erman dssh to. th e much* one can do to eoniforl Uir mean Uiat ar­ During such a time aa this when , Blher would t>e more appropriate unwanted, unloved child, and hi rangem ents foi the war news Is bad, there is a nat­ saved its sugar beet crop In spite of an acute LEEWAY—The army and na\r do not choose to icrne In the eltv's trusty Mjund cur. for some of 'em. . publicize their rcgulaUons on the wearing of uniforms Tlien they diLOi back to the |>ollce mu.sl suffer hLi ‘woc In silence. a n offen.ilva a n ural tendency to indulge iri frantio ■ labor shortage. The hundreds of volunteers The children w'ho are not their completed but or clamor, which if it were all heeded because Messrs. SUmsor^ and Knox preler tJielr l» y t lUtlon—but thU time the drive b SLIG H T T H T ANK.S'T MISTER who left their own Jobs and businesses to aid to look snappy at all Umes and 01) all occasions. But ilower. parents' pride suffer dally. For somi the contrary thai would result In dissipating our force ' LON' CHA.VEY. JR.! reason they faU to reach Uie stand­ the organliaUon by scattering It In so many places the beet growers in their plight are the ones a careful study of Uie latest orders of the day reveals As they m iul In all c.r\M ilipy LLv.en. Poi-ilc; Uiat a eoldler or »sllor can ~go civilian" under certain wrote out a report on this one. i: ard of sueces.1 Ihelr parents have still Is In Its early Uiat no real blow could be struck to be thanked lor meeting the emergency. You niz; photographer Vic Oocrt- set. They feel them.selves falluri anywhere. No reverse anywhere Is clrcumstanccs. as brief. The rnvirl st.ited; ten nnd Ileiwter aeor?p Ilcdmond Now that wc ate in the dear, U Is inlcrcst- He may shift to peaceUme clothes when' (I) he Is 'T lie mnn In quMlIon wa.i dre;.\c he attends a parly ai whlcli no more I a white uniform,'" the Tlmcs-News had of Lon Chaney, ing their difficulties with the farm labor th a n two are pre^(nt, (3) he Is taking exercl.ie. Tlie - G u s to parents nor m ake up lo Uiem Uie loss Forces and mflterlals have been sider wlial Is most necc.uary to win. Jr.. why dOKgone It. Un-y werrn't of pride and Joy they.wanted lo fee moving acrans for some time. The They have pretty well agreed that problem. • last category leaves a tot of leewa)’ and In Wa.shlngton sure It was reolly the movie guy, and the heroes take advanUge of it. In their child. W h at Is such a child aulgnmcnt of a commander marka HlUer must be smashed first even "atten tio n , the GUVNOR wouldn't take a picture even when I to do? though It U the hardest task of all. For want of about 150 workers, the farmers T he B ack Shop Oracle grou.\ed In- anoUier suge in Uje preparation. sold. I'd pay $l for the film If It All such children are dependen Announcements made when o\ Once such a decision b reached of Sheridan county. Wyoming, are considering > our sanctum In querulniLi mood wa.ih't Lon Chancy. Klne guys they upon people of underaUindln.~ am air officers were In England receni preporations must be made over a plowing up a thousand acres of sugar beets yesterday. He wanted lo know are. DesldM, the article called Mi love for whatever alleviation o long period of time. It is necessary J where G uV nor Chase Clark think.n ' ly suKRCst th a t the a ir offeaslve will from which they estimate 36,000 sacks of Other Points of View Hnrbert ''mlis." She's married. th e ir lot Is po-islble. Teachers di be oi>cncd flrsU B ritish auUiorlties to hew to the purpoae regardless of sugar could be made. 1.1. anyn.'ay. Kentucky? Sccm.n - R o b Gr! more for such clilldren Uian people reverses at other polnta which may guv'nor appointed two cnlonrl:. have Indicated that commando op­ The nearby Clearmont area needs 250 work­ COMEBACK o r THE STEREOSCOPE know. Tlie teacher Is a friend In erations will be increased as another be"scrlous In themselves but which one day In Ttt'ln Falls-Col. Pot's note; Subm itting the above need, to many a sorrowing child ^preliminary ^iliaso of the offen.nlve cannot, determine the outcome of . ers to avert a similar danger, and business­ That old siereowope which lued to Ue on gruid- Johnny Sheffield and Col. Bill P cl- to Photog Oocrtien nnd Scribe Red' Her heme Is often their refuW.'-hcr mother's parlor Uble. to enterUln visitor* by giving American forces naturally would be the war. Everything one hears here men ate rallying to save the situation. mond. \vi> received Uie following re. smile Is Uielr rew ard, her affectlor expected to play an increasing part Indicates that the decision is fixed depth to pictures of Niagara falls. Westminster Abbey ply—"Sure, we wouldn't take a pic­ Montana Is negotiating with Washington and such daringly humorous subjects as "Fun In the healing balm to their wounded splr- in Uiese raids. 11 U possible Uiey and that no attempted diversions by to bring interned Japanese-Amerlcans from ANYBODY WANT TO EXPI-AIN ture when Bob w anted It becausi lU. The world little knows of tht can be expanded to the point where the enemy will succeed in forcing CountrjV has evolved Into a “mechanical spy.'"Ii 1s TH IS GRAVE MATTERT whnl he wanted was to have a phou California tcrthin sugar beet fields there. formally called, by the military- intelligence officers work of redempUon carried on Ir Uiey will open the way for ia ta r in ­ any Important departure from the Z>«ar P o u ; showing him .ihaklng hands wlU Uie schooU of th e nation.------— vasion operations. Presumably Am program which is highllchted now All this sounds familiar to us, because we. who use It. a contour-flnder. rm in a dase. Pols. I rend the Lon Chaney, jr., See? In fact.'In It has . adapted, but mechanized, the same opUcal Latent Talent erlcan and Bria-ih forces, would be by General Eisenhower's arrival in too, pleaded lor volunteer workers and made first Une of an Item from Hager- offered tl for the film whether I made ready to take advantage of England 10 set up the European the- principle which gave an apparent third dimension to was Lon he shook hands with or nol A boy went througli several grade: every ,ftffort to have Japanese-American Held two seemingly identical photographs, mounted side by m an wHh bulging eyes, and read It any opportunity which might ap ater of American operations. again to l>e sure I wasn't seeing A.S for Marge H arbert. apologlei of a big school wlUiout a sign of thi pcor unexpectedly from commandi laborers brought here from the coast. side and viewed through magnifying lenses. The "trick" healthy spUlt of chlklhood. Silence things. But nol It wu there. She's married and has a right lo b acuvltle.1. But in Wyoming, those most aerlously con­ was th a t Uie ti,-o pictures were not Identical, but had "The Zlons league of the Re­ proud of that air corps hubby of a darkening face, a sombre eye. a July 4th Picnic Is l>een made simultaneously with cameras spac^ as far slow response and nothing beyond cerned with their own beet labor problem, arc span as the human e y v , and hence "seeing- their organized L, D. S. church held a But the heavy striking force that cobweb supper In the church base­ that marked his days One day he Slated at Hammett Indignantly asking a question that goes some­ subject sterececoplcaU}-, a s the eyes do. will be necessary unless air attack OLENNS FERRY. Jun, 30-PUn* m ent." FAMOUS LAST LINE picked up a piece of wood and began works a miracle must be much slow­ thing like this; TJie contour-flmler. employed In aerial photography, carving It. When he completed his are being completed for the annual focuses It4 own twin leas on Its subject—a buUdlng, Plaase. Hear-all-Know.all-See-all . . WhaepAl' The baby lo«k er in building up- If air force provea Why—IT there Is such a shortage of labor in Pots, w liat Is a cobweb supper? Do fully eight steps! ..." Job he had a beauUful woodcarvlng community picnic at Hammett July gun-em placem ent hlU or other photographic target—by unable to smaalt German- — 4. The regular plcnlo dinner is the United States—should we continue to they e at cobwebs? Msybe people In THE GENTLEMAN LS of an old lady, so lovely It brought Uicn a heavy invasion attac ...... moving their poalUons unUl Uro' red dots engraved In tear3 to one's eyes. scheduled for 1 p. m. in the J. O. C. support more than a million persons on WPA, both lenses merge Into a single sp«ck. the Valley are raUoned so heavily T ltC THIRD ROW n«es.iary. Building up such a force park. ■•Qreat w ork." said th r teacher la not an overnight job. Shipping CCC and NYA rolls? Maneuvering this “Hoatlng dot" over apecine objects “Tliafs going to the exhibit. It will Following the dinner, there will bo causes the finder Uj rcgUler on a computing scale the must be available to 'supply Uir a program and (ports, including T h at’s a logical question. Why? win first prlro as sure as the world forces as Uiey expand. Enormous re- “depth“ of the contour to pictured. When the pholo- B ring your f a th e r In to look a t It racea of all kinds for the young paphs are viewed three-dlmenslooajly. they provide HISTORY OF TWIN FALLS serves of tanks and oUier equip­ folks; horse racing axtd trick horM why doni you?' ment must be on hand or Ihelr ar­ TRAGIC ACCORD Information which intcUlgenee agencies might othtr- AS GLEANED FROM THE FILES OF THE TIMES-NEWS The boy looked up. “My fathei. :ts for adulU. Everyone- Is iuTltod wtae re a cot- unusually well this year, he com­ of last week at' Uie home of Mr. Mrs. C. H. Eldred. who was named mented. Rev. and Mr^. Roll.-i will re ­ prcfen not to be hitched to a earf, thank d Mrs, Ahlm. northwest of Buhl. sane of rojes and aweetpefts. and Junior supreme representative at the Mrs, C utlery wore ti Bamberg model turn here next rrklsy. and leave you. Here she Is being adm lrrd l>y Ml.is Mr. and Mrs. HUlman returned to recent grand temple ses,‘ilons of Uie again July 8th. accompanlwi by Uie PhoenU. and Uie bride-elect w ent to of navy blue wlih white accessor­ PyUilnn Sisters at Kellogg, was hon­ Grace Olln, Kimberly. (Photos by VIo ies. and a corsage of roses and sweel- local conference deleKate.i. New York City for a few days' visit ored at a surprise party Saturday Among thoie attenrtlnR from Twin Guertxen-maff Engravlni) wlUi Velailves prior lo her m a n taa e, peas. evening by eight members ot tho Miss Grace Brueggeman. lifelong Palls will be Miss Ja n r DoUKlo-rs, about July I. to Lieutenant' Ahlm. local Pythian Sisters temple. MLm Bobbie DouBla.*j, MIm Barbara who Uils week finished hi* advanced school m ate of t^ e bride, was in Mrs. Eldred returned Tliursday charge of the cuest book, and Mrs. Deymer. Miss MarRnrrt Reiman, training at Port Dlx and ha* been evening from northern Idaho, Xj MLis Oene Cr.trundcr and .Mis.-. M ar- iwlgned lo observaUon patrol In LuUier Pierce. Mrs. Ronald Pierce addition to attending Uie P}’thlai and Mrs. H. A. Pierce were the re­ tho Ostrander. , Uio 126Ui obrervaUon squadron, at Sisters’ sessions, she also visited her Miss Jo a n Wil.-.on m»y (jL-.o a t­ Uic Jlrr.t arm y a ir base. P o rt D lx. ception asslstonu. Mrs, H: E. Pierce. daushter. Mrs, Bessie Thomas, Wal­ Albion, was In charge of the gUl tend. N, J, lace. Tlie marriage will be •olemnlied At the request of Uie group who NnpiUI Miule at Port Dlx. MLvi Helen Hainan, a arranged the surprise, Mrs, Eldred Phi Delta Club frlemf of Uie bride-elect. Phoenix, Miss Irene Davidson, 'music m a­ recounted her experiences while In who Is now visiting In Uie east, will jo r a t Mills college, who U spending the northern part of the sliitc. Invites Women Margaret Woods be her attendant. ihe summer In Twin Falls, played A wiener roast was orrsngcd, and If Horseless Carriage MLss Hillman was.frraduated from special piano setecUoru and was also Mrs. O. A. Gales, In behalf of the tlie NorUi PhoenU high school, a n d accom panist for Mrs. H, E. Pierce, temple, presented a gift to Mrs. n - To Be Sponsors Feted at Shower attended Arirona State Teachers col­ who sang "Because." Dllardelol. and dred. BUJIL, June !0-Ml.--i OIru K o- lege. She was a mem ber of Kappo. "I Love You Truly." Corrle Jacobs- ¥ * * desh i a-'A hoMr.M for Phi Dellu club Must Go—W ere Ready By Hostess Pair, Dciui Kappa and Zela Sigma »or- Bond. The Mendelssohn wedding Tccenlly. Vernon n . i^ o s t ivnd oiW cs nt th o coUege. By .MARTIfl^CIIOErS nchool up unUl Uie time they were Mlr-1 M antaret Woo One long table was arranged -- Plan' wrrc made for a hobo bi­ sliower la.^t W'cek a t the home of 31. • Mrs. C. P . ClwJuon. BoUe; M n. U, cycle party honorlnc the new sooner than you Ihink. aKiiln, M eantim e, the cows have from Luke field. Art*. He visited fo r ' the terraced lawn at tho attracUve chewed off th e -fancy trlmmin'.i. MIm M urray. 270 B uchanan, ' E. Pierce, Albion, and Mr. and Mrs. pledge.'', which IncUule.i, besides . Remember way b.ick when Johnny She will become the bride of a few dnyn wlUi his parents a t B uhl Forrell Chrlstopherson, Bliss. country home of Mr. and Mra. El­ u.ied to call via ills eiioice mare and As for Uie .Meed minu.i Uie buggy, mer Uvtliam. near Buhl, for tlie an­ O lenna Wll.ion. Marlon Kode.ih and Fourth Tech. Sgt. J . P. Wcek.n, sta - prior lo going to Port DU for ad- The bride, a graduate of Twin A rdlth HarKcr. two plcdKcn who re­ stylish cnrt? Or maybe you re- e.tperleneed "horse handlers" aren't viinccKl training ond assignment. nual picnic of Uie Addison Arenue •mbor the time you Imd lo attend concerneti about Uie return ot our Uoned a t Cam p Chaffee, Ark. Tlie Palls high school, allended Uie Uni­ ceived i)lln addition to Uie June Tnlc anil Mable llmiilUon. kanfjis. and the couple will later be she wtt.1 prom inent In miialcol T^ie party wa.i hrUl Friday evening. faillittil niiK wouldn't make It on "nettlnK around," Mrs. S, H, Proc­ Dancer Weds at groups, and has recently been .as­ famillK of club members, were Mr. tlmp? Yi'.i. ilio.'.e were the ROOd old tor and her prize mare. "Smllin' at home at Port Smith, Ark.' and Mrs, Charles Lnthani and Mr. Tlie glrlJi met a t Pap's ice sream DecoraUons and floral appoint­ sociated with the Twin Falls Bank parlor for the bic.vcle hlitr. follow, dayr. or so they tell u:;. Now that Thru," are proof of Ihl.i. M rj. Proc­ and Trust company. and Mrs. John Daty and daughter, Uie "m otor niiiclilnc" Is about to tor faces K.1S rationing with no ment;! for the d r » c rt supper, wlilch GoodingNuptial M v S t - ' i Judy, all of Buhl, ed by a swimmer and rcfrc.-.liinrnti followed pinoclilr. were in red.-white GOODING. June 20—Elta Jorgea- Mr. Outtery, a graduote of Twin the Buhl park. be abandoned tor a "ipell," what fears. She eares for her valuable FoJls high school and Uie newher Mrs. LenU C. GuUety, who was A tour of inspecllon of the LaUiam ivrc VDU RolnK to do for iransiwt- horse as r.omr ■•tovtunsvlts" ivtc sWH and blue, lu. a (irotes^lonal dancer o t B aa A ircraft school, is employed at the MUs Alice Jo^ce Pierre prior to dairy fnrm and gardens followed the tutlon facimir.i? caring for their renialnlnB tires, Al pinochle. Ml.vi Helen Gee and Franctico, formerly of Ooodlng, and Lockheed Aircraft corporotlon. Bur- Kcr marrlace (iaturdsy. Mr. and no-hait dinner, and Uie men ani They’re .Vot Worried Slie-.i Purebred Ml'.i Woods won Uie prlres, de- C, H. Unger, m anogcr of th e Shasta bimk. QaUf. .Mn. G u tie rr will make Lheir home Juveniles flnl.ihed th e day's acUvl- Mr. Biul Mr.i. M itchell W, Hunt, A purcbrfd.iaddle mount, “Smllin' feme .itampa.' (Inm cnmp of California, exchanged ' In Clendale, CaHf. (Staff Photo Ues wUh a baseball game. Ako prc.sent were M l\s Ann Live In CallfomU Marian Martin nuhl. and Mrn. 8. M, Proctor. Kim­ Tliru" Li srven years old and is msrringe vows Tuesday evening, ' and Eniravlni) * ¥ * berly, are ainonij tho-'e who have one of Ihe rinest hor.ies in this Toothman, M bs Annabelle Gee. Mirji June 16. at tlir home of the bride'* After a wedding trip to an unan­ lion ot liie country. She MarKaret aeeandM l:.;iM ary Ai;w.tUft Smrtnis. Mr. and M rs. 'N. 3. Oh- ■ nounced de.iMnallon. Mr. and M ri. Pattern il^e probkin in Mr; 51uin has Kline Residence been .nlorlnK a Ijukkt In one of hl.i brought here from Mexico. Mo., one Hughes. linger. Gooding. O uttery will be a t home a t 731-A cow liarnr, w.iiiitiK for tlie riny when of the .'.;idc!le horse centers In the ¥ ¥ ¥ Rev. A. C. Hartley, pastor of th e South Ujulse strret, Qlendale, Christian church, performed the ■ For traveling. Mrs. Outtery wore Hostesses Give Reunion Setting he could tnke’U out and hlteli Nellie United States. Scrap Book Program Tliiriy-one guesU otlended Uie «> It, without being called eccen­ Incidentally from nil the Inlelll- ring ceremony. a ton crepe afternoon dress with genee th a t ".Smllin" T hru" show.s, Tlie brldo wore a black crepe en- matching accessories. “Long Distance” reunion of relatives and friends o{ tric by his nrlKhbor.i, He recall.s Featured by Circle Mr. and Mr«, liarlo Kllno at the many amu-'lni; lacts about his riic must be aware of what we “hii- Rtmblt with accordion-pleated skirt . Kline home in Twin Falls Sunday, bupKy. man.^" are up against; But *he> Excerpts from Mr.s. W. L. Feiim- and a corsage of red rosebuds. Wedding Shower Luncheon wa.i served on the lawn. Just loo well-bred to give as Uie jie r’s ij;rai(bool; of c u rren t toplc.1 and Wedding guest* were the parent* BUHL. Ju n e 20—A lovely parly of Pleasant View Attending were W. M. Kline. Mr. horse laugh. otljer InterestinR subject, rend by : the bride, Mr. and Mr*. O. D. Low last week wu* the "Long Distance" and Mr«, O, M, H um phrey and the members, fonnetl Uie program ond family. C. L. Ohllnger and *00, ' Goes “All out” bridal shower Klvcn nt th e home of daughUr. Miss R om a Humphrey. for Circle No. 6, W. S, C, S. of Uie Kenneth, Mrs. Lydia Srogh. Mr*. •Mn. W. R. Hntfleld Tliursday In Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Ncaves and chll- Methodist church."TlTtirsday after- MittyBirrkcr. Mr.*and Mrs. Richard hoiror of ■* Miss Myna Hntlleld. dren. Junior. Beverley and Laverne, Former Resident Immanuel League Corst. Mrs. A. C. HarUey. and Mr*. For Red'Cross daughter of W. R, HnUleld, whone Mr. and Mrs. Orville Davis iind Mr. Tlie program followetl a no-ho;it- M. Matt'.on. mnrrlnge to Bert Hayward. Lotk and Mrs. Joe Zuyen, all of Jerome. Has Picnic Dinner a lunrheon tit the home of Mrs. Mr, and Mrs, Unger left later la Bench. Calif., formerly of Tu-ln Mr. and Mrs. O. W. O stler and Of Buhl Marries Members of tiie Immanuel league F. E. Hayne.s, and M rs. R. IC. Jo.i- the week on a wedding trip to Cali­ Fnll.i. WM .lolemnlred Sunday. June BUHL. June a)—.Mr. and Mrs. A. children. Gerald and Janice. Good­ of the Inimunucl LuUierun cJiurch liii was In charKC of the devoilon- fornia. 2a. at Ihe Nortnnnme Wcddlttg Man­ M Dixon. PhornW , Arlr... lin'fc an-, als. Mrs. U. A. P a rro tt l.i circle le.id- ¥ ¥ ¥ cale. or In Long Beaeli. ing: Mr. and Mrs. Prank Ritchie. and'tJucsts attended a picnic dinner Mr. and Mrs, Ony Ritchie and sons, nounced the marriaHc of their ot the church parlors Sunday fol- U nder the spoiLiorshlp of the Em- Ho.ile.ws were Mrs. W. R. Hat- Euh-ene and Eddie. Mrs. Leonard dauHhter. Anallia Dixon, to Paul anon club, one of Uie leading wom­ field. Mr*. John T. Hlgble and Taylor Petty. Priday, June 20. at lowing morninn church services. Calendar Snclson and daughter. Valene. all Rev, M, H, ZiiKcl Kave a rcjw rt YARN TO UU1GIITE.V en's groups of Die district, Uie third daughter. Miss B etty Je an Hlgble. wedding rin-.s in the Latter Day Highland View club will meet . Friday afternoon of encli m onlh will of Flier. Jimmie Van Zuyen And the the convention he attended In Ore­ Mrs, Prank Barron and dauRhter, host ond Uielr children. Jeanne and S aints temple n t Mesa, Arts. gon. and C hristian cloy school plans .If you keep t Wcdne.idoy afternoon a t the hom e be (levot«I U> Red Crais sewing at Mlui VltRlnliv Barrcvt\. Twenly-elgUl. Richard, Mr. .and M rs. Dixon and lamlly were dLcu.v.ed. of .Mrs, SUnley Sturgeon. Uie Pleasant View school. gu'estji brought rlftn. which were formerly resided at Buhl, where lor Oiimes followed In Uie park. Dote Women Invited wrapped and displayed, then several years Mr, Dixon wns bl.'hop for Ihr July meeting will be an­ knitted aece.worles to perk up your w rapped to be sen t to th e brlrte- of the Buhl ward of tlie L D, S. nounced later by Irvin Ellers, presi­ wortlrobe. Sucli os a fringed tri­ All women of the community are eleet a t LonR Dench. TONIGHT AT 7 PJtt. church. He wa.i also mannRer of Uie dent. color belt for a summer linen dress, |P{nvlted to Join the club In Uils pro­ lEaeh Ruc.it wrote cards of' "advice CAMPFIRE Buhl Flour mllL'. Tliey hnve re­ bright wool bow knots to m arch ject, announcement of whleh was to th e bride," and {avorlSc Mcijie.''. sided a t Phoenix seven nr elRht ¥ * ¥ dowTi the front of a d a rk ba.ilc frock, made last week when the club met which were combined Into a book­ years. Tlie bride Is the second at the home of Mrs. Clarence Stew- Marriage Told crocheted cover for your beach let, w hich nl^o contained a list of daughter of Mr. and Mra. Dixon. RUPERT. Ju n o 2ti—^ u , and Mrs. bag. a twUted band for your hat or Ihe KU^^ts an- Mrs. Dossett, and Mrs. the annual picnic at which the hus­ Vem Yoat ond daughters, Elehteen guesU attended. Refresh­ Oeorge Thomeu gove a reporl on bands wUl be guests, to take place BLUE BONNET- ¥ ¥ ¥ ment trays were decorated with min­ iature stork*. the M. 8. and S. club garden tea sometime In July. Blue Bonnet group of Blue Bird* PLEATED CURTAINS JOHN CHARLES THOMAS • t the home of Mrs. C. B. Lindsey. Mrs. O. A. Bickford and Mrs. Esrl met recently at Washington school, While the group was engaged In Hughes won honon at cards. P leated curtain* give window* a and went on a nature study hike. smoothly-finished effect so deair- Bed Cross sawlnc later In the aft­ Including a tlop n the UtUe water ernoon. Mrs. I. F, Sweet gave a .able In a modem, restful roan. gardens. A VERSATILE DIBNDL •There Is a dcver. new pleater on . travelog>]e of h er recent trip to Good'will Group The girls will write item* of In- I VEGETABLES'' eastern states. The dlmdl Is top-ranking young Uie market which mokea evehl; "Telephone Hour" tere*t concerrUng their nature hike spaced and m cafured pleata (quickly AMD FRUIT for Uie next meeting. They also favorite ThLi long-walsted Msrlan _ IN SEA50W, Picnics at Park MarUn style. Pattern 9051 1* In day and eaally. The pleater U mUy a HEAR THB WOHtDt Approximately CO guests, adults collected tinfoil, and had a picnic fine quality tape Uirough wlilch f ALWAYS FRESH Benefit Party Is a t the city park to clo«e th e mcellOB. and evening versions. It has «. aweet- and children, attended the onnual heart neck or revera; cap or puff cords are run ingrnlously. Simply > PRlCtO GREATEST MUSICAL June picnic of th e Oood W ill club sleeves. Border p rin t Is gay. *Uteh th o tape on Uie back of the AR-riSTS Arranged by Club Sunday at Hannon park. WICAKA-OCAWASIN Here is the Pattern B091 may be ordered only curtain hem at the top, pull the . EVERY..MONDAY_NiaHT____ Final in a serlei or tftree benefit T h e al fresco din n e r was served Wleaks-Ocawailn grotip of'Camp In mlsses’ and women's «hes 13. H, cord* a t each side aru] th e pleat* card parties was s ta ^ Friday by at 1:30 p. m„ and swimming and Fire Girls met last week for a swim­ 18. IB and 30. Slie 18 requires five fall quickly Into place. PleaUff Upe* RIGHT WAV... the Oood Will dub at the home of varied games entertained the chil­ ming party at the home of Mary yanl* M-lnch bordered fabric. are nvaUable In two widUw and dlf- • Kemraber that A tj, cr*clied M ri. J, C. DobUtUe, who w u chalr- dren later In the day. Virginia Bailey, a fte r whleh ferent weights, or by Uie yard for ^m an of all arran^emuit*. Card* diverted tJj# older membcn odd-olxed curtains. lip* ir* iajured lip*. So u*e a marshmallow rout and game* w Bend FIFTEEN CENTS (plus ONE .aedlclnsl preparation to help Dessert luncheon w u served at of the dating party. enjoyed. CENT to cover'cMt of mailing. Write 1:30 p. m. at tables centered with ¥ ¥ ♦ plainly SIZE. NAME. ADDHE88 'repair the Injured *kl& The syrlnga and larkspur, to carry out FRESH CURTAINS BLUE BONNET MXd STYLE NUMBER. CONSUMERS midlcinal iscredient* o{ coollnc,, the club's colors. Manr other (orden Keeping summer curtains clean Blue Bonnet group of u>e Blue *ooUtln( MentEoIitum will not I t ’* patrtqUc lo sew a n d m vc . . . onlr rallflT* the amartlng but flowers were about the rooms. will be less of a problem If you Birds met last week a t the H«r' with the aid of our new sumhier book MATTRESS OPuxJiAvt J 4oLn 3 raulitt - ^ Pinochle was the diversion, wiyi rem em ber to keep window screens Uura Lee Chaney. Plikni to ! o* patterns. Ja^t TEN CENTS for will a**Ist Nature tO' mote tallies and card table decoraUons Cleon, too. Use th e dusting atuich- sum m er reading book* a t tho BEBUILDINO • RENOVATINQ lekly he*l the It thl* bookfuU of sm art. pr»ctlry ing area will Include that porUon ther was cold at the first ot the liM outscored ^hem, 58 nin.i to 40 cago, both former' nnUonal amateur IIio club. OuHlnc.vi Miiniict-r Curl knotted the leixKur BUndinKs nnd of Lincoln county known os Uie season and fans didn't feel In the during Ihelr la.it 14 games. And In champions, play their final mnlch. Hoiis hns nnnounecd. AlUioiiKh ru- ft Jtrotne, R upert a n d Eho.ilione Dietrich tract, lying south of Uie mood to sit and shiver wearing Uiftt string, Uie Yankees lost Uiree Budge defeated Bccond-i'eedfd mnr.i linve been clrculiitwl th a t.tiir 11 tied for flr.1t pliie pnlon Pacific railroad ond east of an overeoaL. (21. The Ure shortage of four serle-s, beating only th e Cowboys •'dcrinllciy will drop Uic ilrea opened tin Jerome jiftlf U. 5. highway S3. and Uie grim oullook for gaso­ 3ro*ms In a two-Rsme set. All th e 'r Wnyne Sabln, Reno, Nev., 0>3. 7-5, JfuKDe rrnncliUe, Huik lin.t denied if the nlnUl 1 withI a ti*B»?nie T he iiAte fish and game commLs- line mUanlti* h as c u t dowu on :rcmt-line pluhtni. except rookie 0-3 a t Uie W est Side Tennl.i club. Uint n 1.1 dellnllfly drcldcd. Severul >t to fl: sloii a t Its next regular meeting In the number of out-of-town spee- Hank Borowy, have been defeated Forest HllLi. Ill th e ir sem i-final m ntcii yestercliiy and Riggs ellmS of tJie director* hnvp tfidlcntwl tlirlr rror. Bird was advnnced to second July wtl) consider the extension o l U ters. (3) The Cowboys ha»e been durhig the slide. wlIiJnsneM to abandon Uio. IrnKur. 1 another erriir nnd came In when Uie open *ea.ion on. the specie. It In the cellar and any place Meet A's Next nntrd Frnnkle Kovnc.i. Oakland, Htrns snid. tungcr r.lnnled. has been repor.ted. ihrougbout the naUon. » cellar- The McCnrthymen may pick up eded third, fl-4. 3-0, 0-6, 6-3. T n H E Burley will invade Jerem o July * Seven years ago a 15-day general dwelllnr baseball clob doesn't draw sme ground during Uie next ih rre in the doviblc.s, B-jdge nnd Rljg* Twin ra lU 020 000 010-3 I) 3 ir n non-lcBRue tilt n.i p n rt of J r r- sngehen seaaon W’as held In Uils area, a crowd! games with Philadelphia but the :fe«ted Snbln and Berkeley Bell. Idnlio FnlLs___ 230 lOQ OOs-fl 0 t tic'll Indejieudenco day cclebtntloii. Bagehtn population was so depleted The first year Uie Pioneer league Red Sox win br lough In Ihelr tliree- CW York. S-7, 6-3. 0-2, 10-a. Ko- Do* More: was announced yertVrrdny. after the hunt that Uiere has been was organlred. Ta’ln FalU won the gnme set. Tlien. after a single ics ond Bruce Barnes. AusUn, Tex., Twin PftlLs- AD R H O A LliieKore: R.H. E. no general ‘open sea-non* since. A About ao,000 fan s turned gnme wlUi the A's. the western i.ited John Nogrndy. W ilmington, eierrn. m ...... Shoshone 102 121 0 0 0 -7 1 3 gradual Increase In ^ e number of Uie games th a t year, wiiich wallopers will invade the stndlum for el., and Robert H arm on. Lons H atchett. If. c 100 220 102-8 0 3 .ingehens has been reported In some Is proof Uiat souUiem Idaho can and 11 games and unle.vi the Yankees ench. N. Y.. fl-1. 0-1. 6-2. Bunserl, l b ..... L. Bnrtholomew. J. nurtholom rw •lecUons of southern Idaho, dil suppou a winning ball club. find Uie an-iwer lo their particular nobello. rf ..... ind Ttiomnson: Rlcket* nnd Wnlter.v Several high mountain lakes and The whole problem then lies In puale, the race misht become in­ Slinnkii, cf .... streams located In central and getting a winning ball club, which teresting. Ed Dudley Wins Lohrke. 3b RUPERT WINS. 5-3 northern Idaho will be opened for this writer Is convinced has hap­ The Wlille so* hnnded Uie Yi fishing on July 1. nor.ll, c .. 1 10 3 0 HAILEY. June 2S—Tlie R upert pened. AlUioURh Twin Palls Is In » double defeat yes Utah Golf Open MnrUn. If ...... 2 South Central Idaho leaKue entrni lUUi place, no one can deny th a t and 13-L'Tt'wni the first time IhUi D urten. 2b ______i used icven llnlley errom u.i piiy-dli Uie team lia.s been plagued by a lot they hnd lost n doublehcndcr. SALT LAKE CITY, June 23 OJR— Norlesn. p ...... 1 ;halX up a 5-3 victory and .iho' Tommy^uglies of hard luck Uiut has cost them the first Ume Uint many runs had I'oMr cwvslstcut voHSids ot sHb-pw C h c w rd . p ...... 2 Mliiera deeper into the leiiKue :vernl games. Ernie Sierra, a crack- been scored against Uiem. I t c a r­ golf todny brought big Ed Dudley o' ement. Sutton. Hailey hurler Manager Joe McCarthy of the New York,Yankee* It kcetnc (ha rjock of a shorutop. has been on ried their loM klrong lo lliree In tlie Broadmoor club of Coloroilo , TotflLi ...... 3< . ..jc k out M . R upert bat.imen but Bronx Bomber*' bU American leaf no lead Hplnr whittled away by Needs Koy the bench for over a month and Just four games and pnred Ihelr lead over Springs the 1012 Utah state open Idnho FalU— loose flcIdlnB contributed to hla de- wejtern clubi. The Vank»—in a hItUnr alilmP—recently lost nine of returned to Uie lineup Saturday BOBton to 5 'i gnmM ns the runner- golf c hnm plonshlp-nnd *350. night. Manager Tony Robello, thi up Red sex split with Uic Cleveland Donnldxon. 3b ...3 3 3 1 3 feat, th e ir la it M game*, (opp^ci o il by a double defeat (o the W hite Sox Dudley, prc.'ldent of the Profe.i- Bllvcrlhorn. cf Earl May allowed tJu Hailey club To Win Games club's leading hitter, wo-i out of thi Infllans. Uneisp tor two weeks wlUi the flu T ed Lyrin« wnn his sixth vltlory, slonal OoUeni nv.ocUillou. r.larletl 3cMcn. lb ...... lii« hit*. A thccc nin PHILADELPHIA. Juno 20 (,Vl — Sunday's flnnl 30 hole five strokes Pftter#on. ii ... le Mventh Inning gnv, .nd then a broken finger. Joe .'arl holding Uie Yniik.i to eight hlt-s behind the leader of the ftr.st two Slender Tommy Hughes stretched ras out for two weeks wlUi tonsIllUs, while his mnte.i, IH by Joe Kiihrl'.i M uleahy. c Uie game after the Mini out on the rubdown table in the days. lltUa Leonard Ott. Denver. Adam*. 3U ... >d an cftrly R upert m ust at ft Ume when a series of dou- "3 for 3," hnmmcrpd 14 snfcMes off PhlLV dres-tlng room. He had Ju.it ileheaders overtaxed a crippled Red R uffing.. Lyon.i contributed t> Ryan, rf ____ 4 1 1 0 0 ilxUi Inning, Tlie pitched the last pince PhlLi to an D unn. M ...... 0 0 3 2 t to tie foi first place In Cards Win Twin Bill pitching staff. double and n sUiKle nnd drove In exciting 3 to 1 victory over the St. the Dodgers to five h its In Uie fl^^t KUaum. p — 0 10 1 t standing The weak spot on the team'at two ruas- Tlie Sox .'cored In all b u t LoMls Caidlnah in a 15 - Inning the first of the year has been three Innings ns Jnhmiy Humphries gnnic In which Manager Leo Duro­ Shoshone Red.ikln.i wlll-^nvnde cher was bnnbhed, Durocher first TOUbl ...... ;....30,,6 0 27 11 uggle. mended when the Cowboys signed tossed an elght-hltter In ihe nlght- Hailey July 4 for the •I don't know what I'd di refit-ied.to comply to Umpire Tom • :twe«n Uiese two rlval.i. I t To Lengthen Lead Joe Rossi M . Changing cop. Twin Palls ______OM 000 0I& -3 •. Emle." he sighed, and cloied Dunn',v order after, nn nrgumeiit j a SCI leasuo conte.it bui from bsekstop to backstop at the Bosox, Tribe Upset ■ Idaho Palls ...... 203 100 0 0x-« Dy U nited Pre«» his eye> and relaxed. first of the year, the Cowboys lost Boston'made U three strnlglit with over a dccUlon nt first ond when Errors—Lohrke. NorlcKn. Jc .w n . iR given OS a USO benefl "Yep,” said bespectacled Johnny he did lenve. threw .*(lov.eI In the with Uio proceeds above e Pocatello continued to dom inate the PToncer lea;fuc Sun- se>eral games which can be dl- nn 8-5 triumph over Clcvelniid In . AdnmJi. Runa butted In—Slprra. Ro- Podgajny. 'Tommy's won tlirct Teetly laid onto poor rtteWlnj. the first game b«v plnch-hlilcT a rbiter’s tnce. 'lU cjtR ed s ri\pw