/ATTACK! WAR BULLETIN ATTACK! LONDON. June 29 C u m ln b tef ot (IcfenM ___ ATTACK! wUh the ftxla kw ertlnc ( b it Field M * r< . khml lUmmeVi I o k o had wUeA AUUati ; Yoa CM htip yoar coontry ta1c« - u \ i sKtpt on (o (b « MUt. (he offcinsiTe — buy war boqds. A Reidon^ Newspaper Scrvins Nine Irrigated Idaho Coantln VOL. 25, NO. 62 TWIN FALLS, IDAHO. MONDAY, JUNE 29, 19-12 PRICE 6 CENTS NAZIS TAKE MATRUH IN EGYPT a ' Citizens Warned As Idaho Futui-e Farmei-s Convened Here Germans Open New To Face 15 More Drive at Caucasus M O SCO W , Ju n o 2D (/P)— ProbinR th e long, By CLYDE A. FAnNSWORTII. Ration Programs rinnilient Rii.s.'jiun. line for. n w enkncaa, th e Associated Trcts War Editor \VA3H:NG'I'0N. Jiltir 20 lU.t>l — Germunrt werb smaaliinK out from KuMk, The axis announced today thut its forces Aincrlcam wcrp wuriiccl loduy In a nbout 2S0 miles south of Moscow, today in in Kgypt ciiplurcd Malruh this morning, hou^e report nn » Ji,n30,487.815 n|)- a new drive presumably aimed at cutting thu.s reducing the first of the defense strong- jiroprlalloii bill for IB wur ugcticlca (0 prepare lor is ndclUlonnl ration- the vital rnijway connecting the southern holda on th e road to the rich vj\llcy of tho ItiK proKrnms wJtliln tlie next yenr. CHUfiCfilLURE nnd-ceiHfar froiiLs. Nile, the nuvni base of Alexandria and the •Ilic tjlU. prQvWS»8 <or ol«;nvlS'^n The new ollenslve — Uie fourth Suez canal: find the British of the niitincles tlurltiK tiic li,:cal started by Uie G em ians Uils spring ycnr MnrUim WtdiicMlny. was (ip- —cam e a.s Uie baliered and weary did not deny the claim. - jirovwl by llio lioiLsc npproprlnlloii.i Soviet defenders of Sevastopol Next in Britain? But IndlcaUons were that Uie al­ HOUSE TO VO lied forces m aking up Uio eighth. fought off a succes-slbn of bruUl coiiinUttee (odny niiil ncnl to Uic Brltbh army hod wiUidrown to taka i^ou.^c Jot imm tilintu conxidcrotiiin. axl.i blows a t the Block sea fortress, It wn;i dfsiKimtcd Uie Mrst iupplc- low under a ttac k for Uie 35lli day. anoUier stand in dc-sperate search menUil tlcfraic npproprlulloii bill 3Uier red army uniu were counler- tor poiltlons from xtrhlcli th e Axls FOR CONFIDENCE aluicklng fiercely in Uio Kharkov Juggernaut could be. hutted after Its for IM3. LONDON. June 20 (U.fo — Prime region and winning back somo tost Uniialnnent In Isolated cngaaementa Mujor coiilroversy Is cxiwetcd over Minister Winston CJiurclilll lias pcr- ground, front dispatches said. ojid relnforciJmenlo of Uio defense. fu!i[h for the olflcc of price ndtnln- tccted liLs siratCRy and tactics to r a Today's nild-day Soviet commun- The tacUcs seemed lo call for iqug gave no detall.s of the tlghUng avoidance of a tulJ-scaie claali with i.'.irntlon which Mould adnilnUler iwO'duy full drcAs war debate In the ihc rntloiiliiB proi;mnis. Tlie only casl ot Kursk, saying merely Uiai Flel' Marahol Rommel’s, columns w iniijiir cut iniide In the bill wa.i Iti hou.^r of commons. It was under- durhiK the niRhl "in Uie Kursk and long’as the deteadcra'stood under, OPA funds. Tlie commltte slashed st jd today, and is confident that Seva.stopol directions our troops en­ the handicap Of Inferiority In tanks. th a t approprlftUon Irom 110 1,000,000 lie will win an Impressive vote 0 gaged the enem y In battle." On one point of tho ft*!* claims to $05,000,000 and warned OPA not c.n;irience. Nails Open nospilols Uicre was official British agrccmciil , to come bade for inon-. U further Churchill flpent much ot the week­ A supplem ent to Uio communique —U iat Rommel’s forcei, successively si>eelflcally prohibited the oKcncy end In confcrence wlUi ^ n ]. etc- saUl Uic Gcrcnaiw Utid opened l i by-passed Matnih’s wtstem and from rccelvlnK any more money from mcni Attlee, deputy prime minister field htisplUiLi a l Simfeoiwl. norUi- southern detcnse poslUona In two. Uie Presldent'a einerKcney fund. and lender ot the Labor parly; Sir cast of Scvftstoixil in the Crimea, to days ot balUe had reached around Ilenileraon Secj New lU tlonlne S tafford Crlppn. lord privy seal, and handle Uic large number of wound- to Uie southeastern or Nile valley OPA Admlnlslriitor Leon Hender­ other members of the war cabinet. :d from Sevaatopol. sUo ot M alruh. prUed railhead, 100 son told Uie comtnincc- He ••torcices I t waA liidtcatcd th a l CliurctilU. Tl\e new blow in the Kursk sector mllci trom Alexandria. ihe need" tor 15 nfcw rnUonlnu pro* adopting the course which ills nd- :ame Sunday and Uie Ru.\jloi« said The Alexandria area was raided Rrams In addition to prc.ient rMlon- vUers had rccoramcnded. would de­ only ihat the Germans ••lia'd gone this morning by axis planes, but InK ot sugar, snsoltne, aulomoblles, mand a vote on the most hostile ot the offensive'' Uiere. Thc'drive Uiey caused iltUe damage uid no Urc.1 and typewrlterj, n .series of motions on the direction polnlM dIrecUy a t VoroneiLh, casualUes, according to thd 'official TlJe comsnWlec'ft itpOTi siSd Jl o{ th e b jnoUon •wWth sitiatka Amonr tliou taklnr ■dive leadership In the Future Karmert of America ronveniion wnicn opened at 120 miles to Uie east, on Im portont Egyptian report. rollway c cn te r 300 miles souUi of tvould be folly to nnm« Uie specific him directly in bis capacity ot mln* (he hlsb irhooi this momlnc. and »hleh will conUnue ihrciuslt Tuesday nflemooii, are tliMe ihoirn In the OliTcr Lyttlelon, W inston 6.000 P rlsooen Taken ttcnt3 likely to bo rationed becatuo Isier of defense. Adoption of such above picture. Seated are llefl (o right! Merrill Stuck!, Ucon. vice-prcsldent and aetlnt pmldent at the Mo-'cow and about <00 miles norUi ot Rostov. Uio gate to Uie Caucasus ChnrchlU's prodpction chief, U Berlin and Romo «ald that at Ma- It would cftiwe Immediate runs on a motion would mean ChurchlU’a eonvrnUon, and Rorer Vlncenl. Klier. actinf vlce-prr^liient. Standlnt (from thr.Ieril are Warren McKn- ranked u (ho most probable loe- truh Rommel coptiu’ed more than them . B ui It ndded Uuil Kcversl of reslffnatlon. ow held by Uie Russlatu. tire, r m to n , state treasn rrr: Klanley lUehardsnn, llolir, state ikUpervlnar ot vsc.aU«nWl atrlcuUure-. It. E. The Ruulon winter offensive had ceuor Id the prime minister if the 0,000 prisoners and that he was con- Vlitm nre In Iwe ol Wic basic coal Ctiurchm '4 position In Uie debate Lattif. profnuor and aulitant drafl. eotlezc of acrlcullurr, llnivenilly ot Idaho, and Rene Johnson, Hhelley. Dritlsh storm of pralest ever the Unulng the eastward drive. of living eroupa "which means a was believed to have been itrensih* foiled to dislodge Uio German.^ from A liondon military commenUtor actlnr secretary. (Statf rhato*Enrravlnc) Kursk and the RuMla line in this T obnik defeat sweep* ChurchiU tentral /aUonlng prosram for ilio encd by the Joint su te m e n t Issued^ out of office. Beat bet, however. said that was reason to believe that cntiw country." on his talks at Washington with region run.i roughly north ood south u> the casl of Kharkov, Kursk and Is (h at F ..D . R. will- take tom e Uie British hod withdrawoa from LATB«t Rlnsle iKm In thc-blll vrai P resident iloosovelt wlUi Its Impllea specU euU r step lo boU ler C hurch- the “Taatruh area." >1,100.000.000 tor Uie wnr shlpplnB prom ise of intensified &llied acilon OreL A G erm an break-Uirough east of 111 and pnrrent his eiutcr. T he 0,000 figure suggested th a t the ftdinlnlctnition. The committee re* to aid Russia and China. bulk ot Matruh's defenders bad been ported the WSA wcniUl tue the B u t ‘-lie government sUll was in Dumpground Matter K ursk would n o t only Uircotcn vlUil withdrawn. The axis claimed a much Russian communlc4tuon.s. but also money to finance iicquUltlon. hire, need of some good news to reassure STAIEFFAEyES larger prlsqner haul—33.000—at. To- • could be moticuvcrccl to btlns Uie cxpenAc.% reconditioning. outfltUnB. public feeling, and U « u held In bruk. Just eight days ago when that operation, repair, l[U*irance and in- parliamentary quartera that bad Russian forces In the Kliarkov sec­ tor Into rcAch Uf aA encirclement lost BriUsh fooUidId 1<1M» v»3 cldeniAl cxpenseA a t Uic u trtlm e news, such as a now defent In Eayp^> Left up to Council • captured.- . • ' ....... .. ■* . ®mo\;Ch«it. aiariv. Mesta*ST»y :(Vic-a», iho o f fflc movement from the norUi. I R i German Drive Dlunled Todayj RAF communique -from ' vcsjcU will be acquired to nhd to prime mtntiter's open enemies, now Tlie city garbage disposal question today wii.s back in Delegates to th^ state convention, Oalro contained no hint oq tho the present morehanl fleet. estimated to nutnbcr imrdly more Dispatches Irom the Klywkov trent Army Inertane Seen the lap ol tiic Twin Fnlls cily council. mure Farmers of America, today sold la st week's Germ an drive course of Uie land battle. It reported (Onll.»4 r>n 3, IP lii-ard u dlscur.iloit' on agricultural SAN FnANCISCO, Jtine Stf (/P> merely that axis truck and tank Tc.ntlmony a t licarlnKs on the var- Tliut nppnrently was the rcauR of n niuftintr called by through Kupyansk.
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