

Two Siblings with Classical Type 1: Significance of Loading Test Kimiyoshi Ichida, MayumiYoshida, Ryozou Sakuma* and Tatsuo Hosoya

Twobrothers with classical xanthinuria wholacked dehydrogenase activity were encountered. Their was caused by underproduction of . In their duodenal mucosa, no (oxidase) activity was detected. The patients had no symptoms except for duodenal ulcer in one case. The conversion of allopurinol to during an allopurinol loading test for determining the type of classical xanthinuria revealed that the patients had classical type 1 xanthinuria, because aldehyde oxidase activity was present. Furthermore, the allopurinol loading test was conducted to determine the optimal examination times and specimens required for this test. (Internal Medicine 37: 77-82, 1998) Key words: xanthine dehydrogenase, , aldehyde oxidase, duodenal ulcer

Introduction classical type 1 xanthinuria are reported and the allopurinol loading test was conducted to determine the optimal examina- Xanthine dehydrogenase (xanthine oxidase) is an important tion times and specimens required for this test. enzymethat catalyzes the oxidation of hypoxanthineto xan- thine and uric acid from xanthine during the final stage ofpurine Case Reports . Classical xanthinuria, due to a lack of xanthine dehydrogenase activity, is characterized by hypouricemia, re- These patients were brothers and the sons of a consanguin- ductions in urinary uric acid excretion, and increases in the eous marriage. Case 1 (propositus) was a 34-year-old male, in serumand urinary xanthine and hypoxanthineconcentrations. whomhypouricemia was found during a routine health exami- Classical xanthinuria was first reported by Dent and Philpot in nation, and cameto our hospital for further medical care. His 1954 (1). It is transmitted as an autosomal recessive disease laboratory data showedlow serum uric acid and urinary uric with no chromosomal abnormalities. In Japan, only about 20 acid excretion (Table 1). He had moderate gastritis and a cases have been reported (2-5). The clinical symptoms include duodenal ulcer, but no myositis or urolithiasis. Other examina- myositis due to tissue deposits of xanthine and urinary tract tions, including that of renal and liver functions, were normal. calculi caused by increased urinary excretion ofxanthine. It was Case 2 was a 35-year-old male, the elder brother of case 1. reported that the variations in allopurinol metabolism existed in Since classical xanthinuria was suspected in Case 1 , this patient patients with classical xanthinuria, because some xanthinuric was examined for the disease. His serum uric acid and urinary patients could metabolize allopurinol to oxipurinol (6). Re- uric acid excretion also were low (Table 1). He did not have a cently, classical xanthinuria was classified into the following duodenal ulcer, myositis, or urolithiasis. two types (7): type 1, a deficiency of xanthine dehydrogenase Though their father interestingly suffered from , it might alone and type 2, deficiencies of xanthine dehydrogenase and be secondary because he had hypertension and renal insuffi- aldehyde oxidase. Since both xanthine dehydrogenase and ciency, and had taken antihypertensive medicines. Their mother aldehyde oxidase metabolize allopurinol, a xanthine dehydro- did not have any past history of diseases. genase inhibitor, to oxipurinol, types 1 and 2 are differentiated by administering allopurinol and measuring oxipurinol in the serum or urine (7). In the present paper, two brothers with

From the Second Department of Internal Medicine, the Jikei University School of Medicine, Tokyo and *the Department of Clinical Chemistry, Toranomon Hospital, Tokyo Received for publication May 6, 1997; Accepted for publication October 8, 1997 Reprint requests should be addressed to Dr. Kimiyoshi Ichida, the Second Department of Internal Medicine, the Jikei University School of Medicine, 3-25-8 Nishi- Shinbashi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105

Internal Medicine Vol. 37, No. 1 (January 1998) 77 Ichida et al

Table 1. Laboratory Data of Two Patients Table 2. Laboratory Data of TwoPatients Related to Complete blood cell count and blood chemistry Metabolism Casel C ase 1 Case 2

C cr (m l/m in ) 12 9 13 8 (WBC) (/\il) 6,200 S -UA (mg/dl) 0.1 0.4 Red blood cell (RBC) (x\04/\x\) 439 1.13 0.17 Hematocrit (%) 42. 1 Cua (m l/min) U uaV (m g/d ay ) 6.5 1.1 Hemoglobin (g/dl) 14.3 S-HX (mg/dl) 0.09 0.1 Platelet (xlO4/^) 3 1.3 S-X (mg/dl) 0.37 0.24 Alanine aminotransferase (mU/ml) 20 U hxV (m g/d ay) 13 1.7 115.6 Aspartate aminotransferase (mU/ml) 29 U xV (mg /da y) 276.8 17 1.4 Lactate dehydrogenase (mU/ml) 24 1 U hx + x V /U hx + x + ua V 0.99 0.99 Creatine phosphokinase (mU/ml) 62 U xV /U hx + x V 0.68 0.60 Alkaline phosphatase (BLu/Q 2.0 XO activity (n mol/h/mg prot.) 0 0 Leucine aminopeptidase (GRu) 279 y-glutamyltranspeptidase (y-GTP) (mU/ml) 42 (control: 47 n mol/h/mg prot.) Blood urea (BUN) (mg/dl) 1 1 Creatinine (mg/dl) 0.7 (Somedata are from ref. 14) Uric acid (mg/dl) 0. 1 S-UA: Serumuric acid, Cua: uric acid clearance, S-HX: Na (mEq/Z) 143 Serum , S-X: Serum xanthine, UhxV: Uri- K (mEq/0 4.3 nary excretion of hypoxanthine, UxV: Urinary excretion Ca (mEq//) 4.7 of xanthine, Uhx+xV:Urinary excretion of oxypurine, P (mg/dl) 3.7 Uhx+x+uaV: Urinary excretion of total purine, XOactiv- ity: Activity of xanthine oxidase and xanthine dehydroge- nase. Renal function

P2-MG Oig/ml) U-p2-MG (Jig/ml) subjects were healthy 46- and 36-year-old males. Their serum U-NAG (U//) uric acid and urinary excretion of uric acid were 5.4 and 5.5 mg/ UuaV (mg/day) dl and 689.6 and 449. 1 mg/day, respectively. Their clearance of Ccr (ml/min) 1.3 96 creatinine and uric acid were 140.7 and 133.0 ml/min and 8.8 1.8 6.5 129 and 5.7 ml/min, respectively. The dosage of allopurinol was Urinalysis determined according to the methods by Yamamoto et al and Hosoya et al (5, 9). The allopurinol loading test was conducted pH in the following manner: after P.O. administration of 300 mgof allopurinol, urinary specimens were collected every 2 hours; Sugar the procedure was continued for 6 hours; and blood specimens Sediment WBC were collected 1 , 3, and 5 hours after administration of allopu-

6.5 (-) (-) 0-2/1F RBC 0-1/1F rinol. Allopurinol and oxipurinol contents were determined in the urine and serum. Thepresence of oxipurinol in serum and P2-MG: p2-microglobulin, U-p2-MG: P2-microglobulin in urine, U- urine demonstrated the existence of xanthine dehydrogenase NAG:N-acetyl-p-D-glucosaminidase in urine, UuaV: Urinary excre- activity or aldehyde oxidate activity. tion of uric acid. Determination of xanthine dehydrogenase activity A control duodenal mucosasample was obtained from the 36-year-old male mentioned above. Xanthine dehydrogenase Materials and Methods activity was determined in the following manner: biopsy speci- mensof the duodenal mucosawere taken under endoscopyand Analyses of oxypurine, allopurinol, and oxipuhnol levels the activity was determined using HPLC. The protein Hypoxanthine, xanthine, uric acid, allopurinol, and oxipurinol content was determined by the method of Lowry et al (10). were analyzed using high pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) according to the modified method by Kojima et al (8). Results Allopurinol loading test The patients were instructed to refrain from drinking alco- As described in the case reports, both Cases 1 and 2 had holic beverages for one week prior to the test. The control markedly low serum and urinary uric acid levels. In both cases,

78 Internal Medicine Vol. 37, No. 1 (January 1998) Allopurinol Loading, Classical Xanthinuria urinary oxypurine excretions were increased and urinary xan- thine excretions were mainly found in urinary oxypurine Discussion excretions (Table 2). Serumoxypurine levels were also high, mainly xanthine in both cases. Most total purine urinary Xanthine dehydrogenase exists as a dimer and each subunit excretions wereoxypurine which is a precursor of uric acid in has a molecular weight of 145,000. It has four prosthetic groups Cases 1 and 2. The xanthine dehydrogenase activity of the (a molybdenum co factor, two non-heme irons, and a FAD) in duodenal mucosa was below the detectable level in both cases. each subunit that participate in electron transport. Human Based on these findings, both patients were diagnosed as xanthine dehydrogenase CDNAconsists of 4002 suffering from classical xanthinuria. (ll) and the human gene was mapped to chromosome 2p23 (12). Allopurinol loading test Classical xanthinuria types 1 and 2 were regarded as a single Allopurinol loading tests were conducted on Cases 1 and 2 clinical entity because of similar clinical symptoms and blood to determine the type of classical xanthinuria. Serumand chemical analyses. Causes of classical xanthinuria at the mo- urinary allopurinol levels in Cases 1 and 2 were similar to those lecular level were unknownuntil recently. For classical type 1 in normal subjects (Fig. 1). Oxipurinol was detected in the first xanthinuria, an abnormality of the xanthine dehydrogenase urine sampleand the second serumsampleof Cases 1 and 2, and gene itself was hypothesized. While an abnormality in the the changes were similar to the changes in normal subjects (Fig. molybdenumco factor that is shared by both is thought 2). Thus, the metabolism of allopurinol to oxipurinol demon- to be the cause of classical type 2 xanthinuria. Recently, we strated that Cases 1 and 2 suffered from classical xanthinuria reported, for the first time, a nonsense mutation and deletion of type1. the xanthine dehydrogenase gene in four patients with classical type 1 xanthinuria, including the patients in this report ( 1 3). The

0.4-1 -à"- Case 1

^ //^^ x^ "^" Contro1 :

0n^ I i I

40-j Case 1

^ SS&s Case 2

^ ^_«^ Control 1 C : i Th on- I ::::::::::: vi::::::::; o III? ill - Control 2

^ S:$:i:|: i o gggi n ^ :^:|: i o n I P::::::! I 1 1 bwa I I t iv.v.%-1 1 0 2 4 6 Hrs

Figure 1. Allopurinol levels in serum and urine after administration of300 mgof allopurinol.

Internal Medicine Vol. 37, No. 1 (January 1998) 79 Ichida et al

0.6- M Case1

>§ 0.4 - ^--*'*""yw^ ~^*~ Contro1 l à"§ t^^^\^^^ "" ^ "^"Control2

0n^ 1 1 1

^ Px^ Case 1 A 1D ::£:: ::¥:::: ^^^ ^b iil !il [III Case 2 1 10" 111 II I 1 Control1 & I 1|| III ||| ~~\Control2

% 1111 2 $11 2 1111 2 p 0^_J Liiiil 1 ^J l*m 1 L^J M^ 1 1^ 2 4 6 Hrs

Figure 2. Oxipurinol levels in serum and urine after administration of 300 mg of allopurinol. present cases had a C to T base substitution at 682 detection of xanthine dehydrogenase activity in duodenal mu- that should cause a CGA(Arg) to TGA(Ter) nonsense substi- cosa. As for purine metabolism of the patients, the rate of serum tution at codon 228. As for this mutation, the patients were and urinary xanthine in oxypurine were compatible with that in homozygousand their parents wereheterozygous. In other classical xanthinuria and the source of xanthine could have words, it was confirmed that there was abnormality in xanthine mainly been as previously reported (14). The patients dehydrogenase gene of the patients with classical type 1 did not have any symptomsconcerning deposition of xanthine xanthinuria. like myositis and urolithiasis. Aduodenal ulcer was found in the Classical xanthinuria was suspected in these patients be- younger brother with classical type 1 xanthinuria, but not in the cause of the typical laboratory data such as hypouricemia, elder brother. Somepatients with classical xanthinuria and hypouricosuria, and high levels of hypoxanthine and xanthine duodenal ulcers have also been reported (4, 5). Duodenal ulcers in serum and urine (14). The fact that most of the urinary total in patients with classical xanthinuria maybe related to low uric purine excretion wasabsolutely oxypurinemeantthat metabo- acid which is a scavenger of free radical. However,it is not lism to uric acid was blocked. It is well knownthat, in addition certain whether the two have a cause-effect relationship or to classical xanthinuria, no activity of xanthine dehydrogenase merely coexist. and aldehyde oxidase is found in molybdenumco factor defi- There are some protocols of the allopurinol loading test for ciency. However, molybdenumco factor deficiency has no classical xanthinuria. In order to be useful in the classification sulfite oxidase activity and is usually associated with severe of classical xanthinuria, the allopurinol loading test by this neurological disorders such as neonatal period intractable sei- protocol must be able to separate classical xanthinuria into the zures, mental retardation and coma, as well as dislocation of the two subtypes. Oxipurinol is excreted in urine, after mostallopu- lenses due to the absence ofsulfite oxidase activity (15). As for rinol is oxidized to oxipurinol within 2 to 6 hours in healthy these patients, the possibility of molybdenum co factor defi- subjects. In patients with classical xanthinuria, probably type 2, ciency was not considered because they had no neurological it was reported that urinary oxipurinol was not detected even disorders. Thus, their metabolic disorder was diagnosed as after administration of 800 mgallopurinol, because allopurinol classical xanthinuria type 1 due to the finding of allopurinol was not converted to oxipurinol (16, 17). Accordingly, obvious oxidizing activity in the allopurinol loading test and the lack of detection of oxipurinol indicates that a patient does not suffer

80 Internal Medicine Vol. 37, No. 1 (January 1998) Allopurinol Loading, Classical Xanthinuria from classical type 2 xanthinuria in the allopurinol loading test, though the result of the allopurinol loading test only was References obtained for the patients with classical type 1 xanthinuria, not patients with classical type 2 xanthinuria in this report. 1) Dent CE, Philpot GR. Xanthinuria. An inborn error (or deviation) of metabolism. Lancet 266: 182, 1954. In most allopurinol loading tests conducted in patients with 2) Nagae A, Murakami E, Hiwada K, Sato Y, Kawachi M, Kono N. classical xanthinuria which were reported, 600-800 mg of Asymptomatic hereditary xanthinuria: a case report. Jpn J Med29: 287, allopurinol was administered and the oxidation to oxipurinol 1990. was confirmed with measurement of urinary oxipurinol 4-24 3) Kono H, HosoyaT, Kodama K, et al. Two cases ofxanthinuriainbrothers. hours after administration (6, 7). 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