
Ann Rheum Dis: first published as 10.1136/ard.39.2.103 on 1 April 1980. Downloaded from

Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases, 1980, 39, 103-117

Heberden oration 1979 Human aberrations of and their significance for rheumatology

J. EDWIN SEEGMILLER University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, California 92093, USA

It is an honour and privilege to be invited to address by the microbiologists Beadle and Tatum.4 From you this day. Returning to the city of my grand- these studies he also formulated the concept of father's birth is always a great personal pleasure. inborn errors of metabolism and thus laid the This relationship is symbolic also of the close groundwork for modern-day developments of our scientific and cultural heritage that we in America concept of hereditary diseases. The younger Garrod5 owe to this land. The origin ofmany ofour important classified gouty as one of the inborn errors medical and scientific concepts today stem from the of metabolism, but unlike other such disorders no germinal ideas and observations of British scientists single defect has been found to account and physicians of past ages who have contributed for the disease. However, the absence of the enzyme substantially to building the scientific base of the uricase in man and the higher apes, coupled with a clinical medicine of today. remarkably inefficient mechanism for renal Not the least of these contributions has come from of , results in a mean plasma concentration detailed study of patients afflicted with very specific of urate in adult males of 5c 1 mg/dl-a value not types of arthritis. Although it was the Swedish far from the theoretical limit of solubility of urate

chemist, Scheele, who first isolated uric acid from a in serum of 6 4 mg/dl. The lower mean serum urate http://ard.bmj.com/ concretion of the urinary tract in 1776, it was the of women of 4 - mg/dl, until after the menopause, British chemist, Wollaston, a nephew of William may well account for the far lower incidence of Heberden, who first demonstrated in 1798 the in women. The supersaturation of all hyperuricaemic presence of the same substance in a gouty tophus plasma sets the stage for the deposition of needle- which he is purported to have removed from his shaped crystals of monosodium urate monohydrate own ear. The subsequent demonstration of hyper- in and about the and in the parenchyma of the uricaemia in patients with gouty arthritis in 1848 by kidney which account for the major pathology in Alfred Baring Garrod provided the impetus for much this disease, as proposed by the elder Garrod over a on October 2, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. more detailed study of the chemical factors causing century ago.2 Although his concepts languished disease, which has proliferated remarkably in the for over half a century, new evidence of the past 2 ensuing 132 years and continues today at an even decades has validated his major proposals.6-9 Only more accelerated pace.' 2 in the past decade and a half have specific enzyme From detailed studies of patients with another defects in responsible for this heritable form of arthritis, alcaptonuria with disease been identified. ochronosis, Archibald Garrod carried his father's Today I will review some of the circumstances concepts to a more fundamental basis with for- involved in the discovery of these enzyme defects mulation of a revolutionary new concept to account and also review the recent work in which other for the accumulation of large amounts of homo- specific inborn errors of purine metabolism have gentistic acid in these alcaptonuric patients. In his been found to be associated with deficiency of the Croonian lectures in 1908 he proposed that the immune function and the new insight into possible accumulation and excretion of homogentistic acid regulatory mechanisms of the immune system that in this disease is a direct result of a hereditary may well be affected by these enzyme defects. I want deficiency of the enzyme for its further processing to acknowledge the major contributions of the within the body.3 This concept of one gene being many young investigators who have worked with me responsible for one enzyme was thus formulated over in these studies. I also hope to enlist your support 30 years before its more detailed investigation in a systematic approach to the classification of our 103 Ann Rheum Dis: first published as 10.1136/ard.39.2.103 on 1 April 1980. Downloaded from

104 Seegmiller gouty patients that will greatly facilitate, not only Knowledge of the classification of the gouty our rational management of their problems by patient in regard to the degree of production of selection of the most appropriate therapeutic agents, uric acid can also be of practical help to the clinician but will also allow us to work together in their in the selection of the most appropriate drugs for further biochemical and genetic characterisation. management of the particular patient's disease. We Since it is a lifetime of treatment to which we are know that , in addition to its primary committing the patient, the extra time it takes for action in blocking the enzyme, oxidase classification seems warranted and can also be responsible for the synthesis of uric acid, also has conveniently performed while awaiting for the a secondary beneficial effect in shutting off excessive patient to recover from an acute attack of gouty purine synthesis." It therefore becomes the drug of arthritis and before institution of treatment with choice for patients who have evidence ofan excessive a drug known to lower the serum urate concentration. rate of purine synthesis, uric acid lithiasis or impaired renal function. Classification of gouty patients Although some of the patients who show a uric acid excretion in the normal range may have modest The genetic heterogeneity of the gouty population degrees of overproduction of uric acid that is is readily revealed by the simple test I am proposing obscured by increased extrarenal disposal into we use on all our gouty patients-the determination tophi or by intestinal uricolysis, a substantial of the 24-hour excretion of uric acid for each of 3 portion of such patients show a diminished ability days after the patient has been equilibrated on a of the kidney to excrete uric acid as the cause of their diet virtually free ofpurines.10 The mean value found hyperuricaemia.8 1012 Therefore, uricosuric drugs in normal adult males is 425 mg/24 hours (Fig. 1) correct the primary abnormality and provide a with a spread that places the upper range of normal rational therapeutic approach for controlling their at 600 mg per day. The population of gouty patients disease. showed a mean value only slightly higher but the We have recently been using a total of 6 days on spread was much larger with around one-quarter the purine-free diet with collection of urine during of the gouty population showing production of the last 3 days as an abbreviated procedure more excessive quantities of uric acid in the 24-hour acceptable to the patients. Even this degree of co- period. As might be expected, the patients who had operation is often difficult to elicit. For detection substantial renal damage excreted smaller amounts of of patients with the most extreme degrees of purine http://ard.bmj.com/ uric acid than was found in the normal, indicating overproduction, a simple ratio of uric acid to the basis for the well-known accleration in rate of creatinine in the morning urine suffices. However, development of pathological changes of gout when it is not nearly as discriminating as the 24-hour renal impairment supervenes. collection when properly performed.13 A further 8 on October 2, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright.

.7 C_ Non-op*oceos 34 Tophocos S RenMlMR rnolrnnt

w Fig. 1 Uric acid excretion by normal and goutypatients after equilibration for 5 days on a diet 3 _ X - 111- virtuallyfree ofpurines. From cr Seegmiller et al.10


200 OR 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 OR UNDER AVERAGE 24 HOUR URINARY URIC OVER B ACID EXCRETION mg./24 HR. Ann Rheum Dis: first published as 10.1136/ard.39.2.103 on 1 April 1980. Downloaded from

Human aberrations ofpurine metabolism and their significance for rheumatology 105 modification has been proposed in which the mg such as ketoacids in diabetic acidosis or in maple of uric acid excreted per ml of glomerular filtrate syrup urine disease for transport mechanisms.'6 is obtained by dividing the above ratio by the In type 1 glycogen storage disease, with its glucose- serum creatinine.14 6-phosphatase deficiency, both a lactic acidosis The origin and disposition of uric acid in the and an increased rate of purine synthesis are found."7 normal and gouty patients is shown in Fig. 2. which give rise to uric acid can originate Lesch-Nyhan disease with severe deficiency of hypo- from purines in the diet or from those synthesised xanthine- phosphoribosyl transferase (HPRT) endogenously in all nucleated cells. From either source the purines can be incorporated into cellular Clinical Presentation. The most extreme example of such as ATP and . The excessive uric acid production has been found in the metabolic turnover of these purine-containing com- paediatric practice rather than in the rheumatology pounds gives rise eventually to uric acid. Around clinic. A haematuria and uric acid crystalluria first two-thirds to three-quarters of the uric acid formed brought a young boy with cerebral palsy to the each day is excreted unchanged in the urine, while attention of a medical student, Michael Lesch, and the remainder is excreted in intestinal secretions Dr W. L. Nyhan at Johns Hopkins Hospital.'8 where it is degraded by the action of uricolytic Both the patient and his brother had a severe neuro- of the gut .9 1012 15 logical disorder consisting of choreoathetosis, The hyperuricaemia required for development of spasticity, mental retardation, and a compulsive gouty arthritis results from an expansion of the biting away of lips and tongue and amputation of urate pool. In some patients a genetically determined the fingers by biting. Both children excreted in the excessive rate of production of uric acid is respon- daily urine over 6 times the normal quantity of uric sible for the hyperuricaemia. In others this excessive acid. The affected children differed from most gouty production arises from an enhanced cellular pro- patients in failing to diminish the rate of their liferation such as is found in myeloproliferative dis- purine synthesis in response to , a 6- orders with an increased turnover of nucleic acid, mercaptopurine derivative. Furthermore, their cells while in others, and this may well be the majority in culture failed to diminish the rate of purine of patients, a diminished renal excretion of uric acid synthesis when 6-mercaptopurine was added to the is responsible for hyperuricaemia.'0 In some cases culture. We eventually traced this aberrant pharma-

it has been traced to an associated lactic acidosis with cological response to a gross deficiency ofthe enzyme http://ard.bmj.com/ competition of lactic acid or other organic acids guanine phosphoribosyl transferase

A. NORMAL B. GOUT With overproduction of uric acid


FRIC ACI IUPH-l uff_4C t \ INTESTINAL INTESTINAL I URICOLYSIS I URICOLYSIS RENAL EXCRETION RENAL EXCRETION Fig. 2 Causes ofhyperuricaemia. From Seegmiller et al.100 C. GOUT D. GOUT Associated with myeloproliferative disease With diminished renal excretion of uric acid


INTESTINAL URICOLYSIS T URICOLYSIS RENAL EXCRETION RENAL EXCRETION Ann Rheum Dis: first published as 10.1136/ard.39.2.103 on 1 April 1980. Downloaded from

106 Seegmiller (HPRT) normally present in all tissues of the body only through their mothers, suggested an X-linked and required for converting 6-mercaptopurine to its pattern of inheritance. In order to demonstrate more metabolically active form'9 20 (Fig. 3). conclusively the X-linked inheritance we made use of Up until this time the HPRT enzyme had been a theory first proposed by Dr Mary Lyon2' here in assigned only the role of a salvage system for the England, to account for the presence of Barr bodies thrifty reutilisation of purine bases by converting in female somatic cells. She proposed their formation them to purine at a cost of one ATP to result from the random inactivation of one of the molecule as compared to at least 6 ATPs required for two X chromosomes in female somatic cells at synthesis of the purine nucleotide de novo. Severe an early stage of zygote development. A consequence neurological dsiease and excessive uric acid pro- of such a random inactivation would be the presence duction of the affected children was the first indi- of both normal and mutant phenotypes in cells of cation of an important role for this enzyme in both women heterozygous for an X-linked disorder, neurological function and in the control ofthe rate of reflecting the inactivation of the X chromosome purine synthesis. carrying either the mutant or the normal gene. The X-linkedinheritance. As more families were studied development of an analytical system for detecting it was soon realised that this disorder affects only the presence or absence of HPRT enzyme in single males andthe pattern ofinheritance with transmission cells permitted the demonstration of these two cell


5 - Phosphoribosyl - 1 - (PRPP) +

5 Phosphoribosyl - 1 - amine N

V Formate A \ I 1 / sFormylglycinamide (FFGR) http://ard.bmj.com/ Nucleic Nucleic Acids Acids _ - Guanylic Acid no- -o Adenylic Acid

Hypoxanthine Guanine Phosphoribosyltransferase * Ad(lenosine ® p on October 2, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. Guanine Hypoxanthine


Uric Acid Fig. 3 Known enzyme defects in human purine metabolism. (1) Increasedphosphoribosylpyrophosphate synthetase activity in patients with overproduction of uric acid and gout. (2) Gross deficiency ofhypoxanthine guanine phosphoribosyltransferase in children with Lesch-Nyhan disease andpartial deficiency of the same enzyme in patients with overproduction of uric acid and gout. (3) Adenine phosphoribosyltransferase deficiency in patients with kidney stones composed of2-8 dioxyadenine that are often confused with uric acid stones. (4) Xanthine oxidase deficiency in patients with who are at increased risk for xanthine calculi of the urinary tract and in occasional patients myalgia from xanthine crystals in the muscle. (5) deaminase deficiency associated with severe combined immunodeficiency disease. (6) Purine phosphorylase deficiency associated with isolated defect in T cells. (7) Purine S'- activity is low in lymphocytes ofpatients with agammaglobulinaemia that may be secondary to loss ofB cells. (8) Adenosine deficiency has so far been developed only in the human lymphoblast cell lines. Its counterpart in patients is yet to be identified. Ann Rheum Dis: first published as 10.1136/ard.39.2.103 on 1 April 1980. Downloaded from

Human aberrations ofpurine metabolism and their significance for rheumatology 107 populations predicted by Dr Lyon's hypothesis. The the self-mutilating behaviour in children in Japan, deficient enzyme is required for the first step in the but Frith et al.31 in this country and Ciaranello el al.32 incorporation of tritiated hypoxanthine into nucleic in the United States were unable to confirm this acid in cultured fibroblasts. Upon overlaying the observation. However, a combination of hydroxy- washed cells with photographic emulsion, normal tryptophan and carbidopa (MK486) produced a cells showed abundant3H incorporation, while cells transient cessation of compulsive self-mutilation from affected children showed virtually no incor- in some patients which could not be sustained even by poration. As predicted by the Lyon hypothesis, cells increased doses of the medications33 (Nyhan, from the mother of an affected child showed popu- personal communication). A role for uric acid lations of both normal and mutant cells, thus con- seems to be ruled out by the normal concentrations firming very effectively the location of the gene for of uric acid found in the cerebrospinal fluid. How- coding the HPRT enzyme on the X chromosome.22 ever, hypoxanthine and xanthine were elevated in the The 2 populations are also detectable by enzyme cerebrospinal fluid and the methylated , assay of hair follicles.23 , and have been shown to Prenatal diagnosis. This same technique, which we induce an analogous compulsive self-mutilation in applied to amniotic cells in culture, demonstrated and rabbits.20 3 for the first time the usefulness of in determining genotype for an X-linked disease.24 Gout with partial deficiency of HPRT We have since monitored 21 pregnancies at risk for this disorder and have identified seven affected Clinical features. Understanding the enzyme defect fetuses, each sufficiently early in gestation that the of Lesch-Nyhan disease has substantially extended parents' desire to terminate the pregnancy could be our understanding of other clinical disorders asso- met.2526 At the present time prenatal diagnosis is ciated with excessive production of uric acid.34 theoretically possible for well over 50 serious Less severe deficiencies of the same enzyme have hereditary metabolic diseases, thus introducing a been found in members of certain families with new and dynamic role to genetic counselling, which gout.35 36 Three gouty brothers, each showing a 3- permits individuals known to be at risk for producing to 4-fold increase over normal in daily uric acid children with certain specific serious hereditary production, had around 1 % of normal HPRT defects to produce the normal children which they enzyme activity in their erythrocyte lysates and no desire. detectable neurological disease. In another family Screening test. Now that the Lesch-Nyhan disease with a different mutation in the same enzyme show- http://ard.bmj.com/ is preventable through monitoring of pregnancies, ing around 0 5 % of normal activity with guanine the identification of affected children becomes as a substrate both brothers showed an attenuated important in order that their female relatives carrying neurological disease consisting of a mild spastic the gene can be identified and informed of the need quadriplegia in one young man and mental retar- for monitoring of pregnancies. We have devised a dation and kidney stones in his 10-year-old brother. screening test in which the automated determination Additional neurological disorders have been found of uric acid and creatinine in liquid urine samples in other families, including , dysarthria, on October 2, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. or urine samples preserved by drying on filter paper mild motor difficulties, and mental retardation.20 36 37 is used to identify those patients in neurology clinics, Obviously, the clinical neurological signs would clinics, or cerebral palsy clinics in whom not permit such divergent clinical presentations to be the more specific enzyme assay on erythrocytes classified together. Only the HPRT enzyme defi- should be performed.'327 Female relatives who are ciency shared by these affected patients, has permitted carrying this gene can then be identified and alerted the relationship to be established. As might be to the need to have their pregnancies monitored if expected, all of the affected patients showed an they are to avoid producing affected children. excessive production of uric acid, a high incidence Neurological disorder. The mechanism by which of renal calculi, and a progressive renal damage the enzyme deficit in brain tissue leads to the severe often beginning in childhood, with development of neurological disease and compulsive behaviour gouty arthritis at an earlier age than most gouty is not well understood.20 In glioma and neuro- patients. blastoma cell lines deficient in HPRT, monoamine Apparently genetic heterogeneity is present even oxidase activity is significantly diminished, sug- in defects involving the same gene, since different gesting the possibility of an imbalance also being families carry different types of mutations. However, created in the system of the brain in general the severity of the clinical manifestations by this enzyme deficit.28 29 Hydroxytryptophan has are proportional to the severity of the enzyme defect, been reported by Mizuno and Yugari3O to ameliorate although exceptions are known.20 38 Any patient Ann Rheum Dis: first published as 10.1136/ard.39.2.103 on 1 April 1980. Downloaded from

108 Seegmiller carrying the HPRT deficiency shows an aberrant concentrations of inorganic with normal response to allopurinol in which the deficit in uric response to feedback inhibitors. Subsequent work acid production is made up by hypoxanthine and by Dr Becker's laboratory has identified additional xanthine without the decrease in the total purine families, each with a different type of mutation in synthesis encountered in other gouty patients.39 this same enzyme but all with a high activity. A child originally reported to show autistic behavior49 Mechanism of excessive purine synthesis in HPRT was now found instead to be deaf and detailed deficiency examination showed both feedback resistant PP- -P synthetase, and a high specific activity of The mechanism by which the deficiency of HPRT this enzyme.50 The presence of 2 different mutations, leads to an excessive rate of purine synthesis is now each leading to an accumulation of PP-ribose-P fairly well defined. Since the salvage activity of the and an excessive rate of purine synthesis, provides enzyme produces purine nucleotides directly from strong evidence of the important role of the intra- free purine bases, its gross deficiency could con- cellular concentration of this substance as a deter- ceivably result in a diminished intracellular con- minant of the rate of purine synthesis de novo (Fig. centration of purine nucleotides leading to a release 3). of the normal feedback inhibition (Fig. 3). Although this is an attractive hypothesis, we have found no Adjacent location of HPRT and PRPP synthetase on evidence to support it. The intracellular concentration the X chromosome of purine nucleotides in fibroblasts cultured from patients was the same as in those of normal fibro- Pedigrees of families carrying the gene for increased blasts.40 Lymphoblasts carrying this enzyme deficit PP-ribose-P synthetase were compatible with an also showed no increase in adenine nucleotides, X-linked inheritance. Two cell populations showing although an increased concentration of normal and mutant enzyme have been found.5152 nucleotides was found.4' 42 An alternative hypo- In collaborative studies with Dr Goss at Oxford, thesis was suggested by the fact that the presumed using human-rodent hybrid cells, the genes for rate-limiting amidotransferase shares with the HPRT HPRT and PP-ribose-P synthetase were located near enzyme a common substrate, phosphoribosyl-l- each other on the long arm of the X chromosome.'02 pyrophosphate (PP-ribose-P). Therefore, the enzyme This is the first example of genes for 2 successive deficiency conceivably could increase the intra- enzyme reactions being found on the same mam- cellular concentration ofthis substance. This, indeed, malian chromosome. http://ard.bmj.com/ proved to be the case. HPRT-deficient fibroblasts showed 3- to 4-times greater than normal con- Inosinic dehydrogenase deficiency as a potential centration of PP-ribose-P and in erythrocytes of enzyme defect affected children the PP-ribose-P was increased as much as 10-fold above normal.2040 An increased purine synthesis accompanying a gross impairment of inosinic dehydrogenase activity has Gout with increased phosphoribosyl pyrophosphate so far been studied only in cultured human cells on October 2, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. synthetase (PP-ribose-P) exposed to pharmacological agents known to increase serum and urinary uric acid when admini- Additional evidence in support of the important stered in vivo. 2-ethyl amino 1, 3, 4-thiadiazole, an role of PP-ribose-P in determining the rate of purine antitumour drug, when given to patients produced a synthesis came from studies of patients with gouty marked increase in both serum urate concentration arthritis who had an excessive rate of purine syn- and in the excretion of urinary uric acid.53 Its clinical thesis de novo but normal HPRT activity. Their administration greatly enhanced the incorporation of fibroblasts in culture also showed an increased isotopically labelled into urinary acid uric.'5 concentration of PP-ribose-P. 40 43 A different Studies in vitro by Nelson et al.54 55 demonstrated a mutation was identified by Dr Becker while a post- marked inhibition of the enzyme, inosinic dehydro- doctoral fellow in our laboratory to account for genase, through formation ofan inhibitory thiadiazol this increased PP-ribose-P concentration.44-46 This analog of NAD. , an antiviral drug, also mutation was most unusual in that it consisted of an inhibits inosinic dehydrogenase and in cultured increased activity, rather than a decreased activity, human lymphoblasts produces a marked increase of the enzyme phosphorybosylpyrophosphate (PP- in excretion of hypoxanthine into the medium.56 ribose-P) synthetase. It differed from a mutation It thus becomes a model for an additional her- described by Sperling, et al.47 and Zoref48 in a gouty editary defect that remains to be diagnosed among patient in that this high activity was apparent at all our gouty patients who are producing excessive Ann Rheum Dis: first published as 10.1136/ard.39.2.103 on 1 April 1980. Downloaded from

Human aberrations ofpurine metabolism and their significance for rheumatology 109 quantities of uric acid. We can supply shipping Defects ofpurine metabolism associated with immuno- vials with culture media for sending blood from deficiency disease potential candidates to our laboratory for study. In the past 3 decades remarkable progress has been Other enzyme defects of purine metabolism made in our understanding of the role of various components of the immune system. The origin Adenine phosphoribosyltransferase deficiency. This and role of T and B cells has been defined (Fig. 4) deficit was first identified in heterozygote state by and many phenomena regulating the response in Kelley et al.103 from our routine assay of this enzyme this 'black box' have been identified.67 The recent as a control in our HPRT studies. The homozygotes biochemical identification of specific enzyme defects for this disorder excrete large amounts of adenine associated with immune dysfunction has now pro- in the urine along with 2-8-dioxyadenine, which is vided a crack in the black box to let us glimpse very sparingly soluble and forms calculi in the some of the biochemical processes involved in urinary tract as the presenting symptom that are regulation of the immune response. easily confused with uric acid 57-59 (Fig. 3). Enzyme defects. Gross deficiency of each of 3 deficiency. This mutation has sequential enzymes involved in the catabolic degrada- so far been described only in cultured human tion of purine nucleotides have been reported in lymphoblasts from a mutation derived in vitro.60 patients with various types of defects of the immune No enhanced rate of purine synthesis was found. system (Fig. 5). The first enzyme defect identified Its clinical presentation remains to be described was a gross deficiency ofadenosine deaminase (ADA) (Fig. 3). noted in red cells of 2 children with severe combined Xanthinuria. A marked hypouricaemia with the immunodeficiency disease by Dr Giblett and associ- replacement of uric acid in urine by xanthine and ates in 1972.68 hypoxanthine was first described by Dent and All patients with ADA deficiency show a uniform Philpot6l in a child who passed a xanthine calculus severe impairment of T-cell function and varying in the urine. The gross deficiency ofxanthine oxidase, degrees of impairment of B-cell function, with a the enzyme responsible for uric acid formation, was severe lymphopenia. Some 3 years later she reported subsequently demonstrated by Ayvazian et al.62 the first patient with a gross deficiency of purine and Watts et al.63 64 (Fig. 3). Patients are usually nucleoside-phosphorylase (PNP) associated with an

detected by finding a profound hypouricaemia in isolated defect in T-cell function.69 As might be http://ard.bmj.com/ routine tests. Around one-third of the known cases expected, this patient excreted large amounts of the have developed xanthine calculi of the urinary tract.9 conventional substrates for the missing enzymes Three patients who had myalgias showed deposits inosine and guanosine; but quite unexpected was the of xanthine crystals in frozen sections of the muscle relatively large amount of the corresponding deoxy- biopsies and one such patient was found in a , deoxyinosine, and , rheumatology clinic.6566 amounting to around one-third oftotal nucleosides. ' on October 2, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright.


Fig. 4 The origin of T and B cells. From Waldmann and Broder.101

ANTIBODIES IgM IgG IgA BURSAL B-CELL IgD EQUIVALENT IgE Ann Rheum Dis: first published as 10.1136/ard.39.2.103 on 1 April 1980. Downloaded from

110 Seegmiller

ENZYME DEFECT IMMUNE SYSTEM genetic deletion of these 2 regions of the chromo- DEFECT Such deletions, however, quite and NH2 NH2 over 2 dozen families have now been described in NN B-CELL which this association has been found. Furthermore, DNYN-RCBODE-P R CLEO/DASE N NN>RIBOSE the gene for has now been OR ADENOSINE OR DEOXYADENYLIC ACID located on chromosome 20 and that for the immune response genes is chromosome 6, thus making the NH2 OH N JOf untenable. N\ NOSINE T-o4 B-Cell concept quite + NH3 distribution N N-RIBOSE D#NS iII>i N- RIBOSE Enzyme distribution. Knowledge of the ADENOSINE OR INOSINE OR of the enzyme adenosine deaminase shown in Table DEOXYINOSINE DEOXYADENOSINE 1 might well have allowed us to anticipate the con- OH OH sequences of its deficiency. The enzyme is most

PUR/NE NCXLIVE + pi + T-CELL active in thymus, the site of origin of T cells, and BSE P1N0SPORMLASEO N> RIBOSE-IP next highest in spleen, lymph nodes, and other INOSINE OR HYPOXANTHINE OR 80 DEOXYINOSINE -I-P lymphoid organs.79

5 nucleotide Fig. Enzyme defects ofpurine Metabolic consequences of ADA deficiency associated with various immunodeficiency diseases. From Seegmiller et al.83 The unexpectedly large amounts of deoxynucleosides produced by children with PNP deficiency provides On a molar basis the total daily purine excreted was evidence that the degradative pathway for purine quite comparable to the excessive rate of purines ribonucleotides shown in Fig. 5 serves also for excreted by patients with Lesch-Nyhan disease. degradative metabolism of deoxynucleosides as well. Since such children are incapable of making hypo- Although one might expect a substantial accumu- xanthine (or consequently uric acid) they show a lation of both adenosine and deoxyadenosine in profound hypouricaemia. Both ofthese disorders are definitely genetic in origin. Table 1 Enzyme activities in human tissues More recently Johnson et al.71 and Webster et al.72 Tissue Deoxy- Adenosine Purine have reported a markedly decreased activity of adenosine deaminase* nucleoside ecto-purine-5'-nucleotidase, the first enzyme in this kinase* phosphorylase* http://ard.bmj.com/ with adult onset sequence in lymphocytes of patients Thymus 0.78 282-8 23.3 agammaglobulinaemia and a similar reduction in Spleen 0.20 12-4 54.0 enzyme activity has been reported by Edwards et al.73 Brain 0.14 5*0 10-3 Kidney 0.07 1-8 100.0 in lymphocytes of patients with X-linked agamma- Liver 0.07 1.1 36-2 globulinaemia. However, the enzyme ecto-5'- Lung 0.06 0.8 38.0 Small intestine 0.08 14.2 63.9 nucleotidase is most abundant in normal mature B Heart 0.08 2-1 32-2

cells and is virtually absent from these cells at birth, Peripheral lymphocytes 0.32 20.7 114.7 on October 2, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. suggesting that it may also be a marker for B-cell Peripheral granulocytes 0-05 11.9 121.4 maturation, since it is also low in activity in many Human tissues were obtained from one baby who died during partu- leukaemia.7476 rition, and peripheral lymphocytes and granulocytes were isolated patients with chronic lymphocytic from the blood of a normal adult. The low activities reported in peripheral lymphocytes Activities are expressed as nmoles of product per minute per milli- may therefore reflect merely the reduced number of gram of at a substrate concentration of 300 pM. From Carson functioning B cells present in these hypogamma- et al.80 globulinaemic states. Against this view are reports of low activity in T cells in patients with X-linked METABOLIC FATES OF ADENOSINE AND DEOXYADENOSINE agammaglobulinaemia.7 78 S-ADENOSYL HOMOCYSTEINE Mechanisms of immunodeficiency ADENOSINE Ade?ne Kinase Km = 2 Wz ADENYLIC ACID

The concept of a severe impairment of the immune -INOS~~~~NOINE system being the consequence of a single enzyme ADA iZ-D.EDEX EYINOSINE deficit was quite foreign to the thinking of most DEOXYADENOSINE , immunologists. One ofthe proposals made to account ~DDEOXYADENYLIC ACID Km = 400 uM for it was that the genetic locus for ADA might reside in close proximity to the locus for immune Fig. 6 Alternate pathways ofmetabolism for adenosine response genes and that both were lost with a and deoxyadenosine. From Seegmiller et al.83 Ann Rheum Dis: first published as 10.1136/ard.39.2.103 on 1 April 1980. Downloaded from

Human aberrations ofpurine metabolism and their significance for rheumatology 111 ADA-deficient patients, only deoxyadenosine ac- the most potent of which is deoxycoformcin with a cumulates to any large extent and is excreted in the Ki of 2 5 x 1O-12M and erythro-9-(2 hydroxyl-3 urine in increased amounts.81 82 Potential pathways nony) adenine (EHNA) which has a Ki of 1I3 x for further metabolism of adenosine and deoxy- 10-9, has allowed the study of the metabolic con- adenosine are shown in Fig. 6. The failure of these sequences of impaired ADA function in a variety children to excrete any appreciable amounts of of cell types. Adenosine, at relatively low concen- adenosine could be related to either the high affinity trations, is lethal for cultured mammalian cells of of adenosine for its kinase or to use of an alternative lymphoid origin where it produced a gross deficiency pathway (not shown) for breakdown of adenylic acid of pyrimidine nucleotides which was reversed by by the enzyme adenylic acid deaminase.83 , suggesting that this was the main action of adenosine toxicity.84 A similar type of adenosine Adenosine deaminase deficiency toxicity in human lymphoblast lines treated with EHNA was reversed only in part by uridine. The Effect ofadenosine anddeoxyadenosine on cellgrowth. failure of uridine to restore either mitogen res- The availability of a number of inhibitors of ADA, ponsiveness of lymphocytes of ADA-deficient children when studied in vitro or immune function when given in vivo argues strongly against this mechanism being a valid model of the disease.8587 As shown in Fig. 7, deoxyadenosine inhibited pro- liferation of lymphoblasts at lower concentrations than did adenosine, and a T-cell line was far more sensitive to this inhibition than was a B-cell line. As shown in Table 2 the inhibition of the T-cell line was accompanied by a marked accumulation of deoxyATP. This greater accumulation in the

Table 2 Effect ofdeoxyadenosine on deoxy-ATP and ATP concentrations in T and B cell lines Cell line Deoxy- EHNA ATP Deoxy-ATP

luM lOumM 100QM adenosine (PM) (pmoles/106 (pmoles/106 http://ard.bmj.com/ cells) cells) Molarity of Inhibitor (PM) T cells 2100+78 (SEM) <50 Fig. 7 Effect ofadenosine and deoxyadenosine on the T cells 20 5 1900±165 607+207 growth ofa human leukaemic T-cell line and B-cell B cells 2753+1054 <50 line. All cultures contain 5 F±M EHNA. From Carson B cells 20 5 2075±582 <50 et al.99 From Carson et al.99 on October 2, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright.

Fig. 8 Breakdown ofdATP by T- and B-cell lines. The T-cell lines (. left) and the B-cell line a- (o right) at a density of5 x 106 cellsfml were incubatedfor three co hours with 1- 0 mM 3- deoxyadenosine without deoxycoformycin and then washed ac 1= andplaced in fresh medium. At various time points thereafter the E4 cells were washed and extracted and deoxyATP concentration were determined by DNA preliminary assays. From Carson et al. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 1979; 76: 2430-3.

Time (minsJ Ann Rheum Dis: first published as 10.1136/ard.39.2.103 on 1 April 1980. Downloaded from

112 Seegmiller T-cell line was associated with a far less rapid 110T disappearance of deoxyATP upon removing deoxy- adenosine from the media than was seen in B-cell 100+ line (Fig. 8) suggesting a major role for degradative enzymes in accounting for this difference in response. o. In broken cell preparations, shown in Table 3, o 1c0eL deoxyATP, deoxyGTP and triphosphate U 80 5 were all degraded far more slowly by T-cell than 0 ...... @ B-cell lysates. This slower rate of degradation was a 70 :. CT E correlated also with a substantially lower activity C t- _:. of ecto-purine-5'-nucleotidase in the T-cell line + m.. ,1@.,,._ (Table 4). o o The addition of deoxycoformycin and deoxy- ERi 50 ,.c., 0 60 .'o. adenosine to phytohaemagglutinin-stimulated lym- ,0: .n@ i.. also results in 0 I,). phocytes from normal peripheral blood -., iS,, ...... a substantial elevation in deoxyATP concentration 0 ...... 3 ..:-.. .B 0 30. ID :,. ... under conditions where 14C leucine incorporation ",: -i ..., is grossly inhibited. As shown in Fig. 9, this inhibition .x , N {,, was substantially overcome by addition of various * 20 X > other single deoxynucleosides and a combination ', ,Bi. of either thymidine or with deoxy- 10. 3..:j,: guanosine completely overcame the inhibition.88 Since normal T cells from peripheral blood also showed a substantially lower activity of ecto- All Nucleosides Added to 10;LM Final Concentration purine-5'-nucleotidase than B cells, as shown in ADA deficiency, a similar Fig. 9 Inhibition ofPHA-induced proliferation of Fig. 10, in patients with human lymphoblast by 10 tim deoxyadenosine and 1 FiM deoxycoformycin with reversal by addition of Table 3 triphosphate catabolism deoxynucleosides (10 M). From Bluestein et al.88 in broken cells http://ard.bmj.com/ Cell lines Substrate greater sensitivity of T cells to growth inhibition dATP dGTP dTTP and a greater accumulation of deoxyATP might be T 11-1±7-6 10-0±5.2 4-0±1-2 expected.80 Both erythrocytes and lymphocytes of B 102-3±32 67-3±18 84-9±12 ADA-deficient children show marked increases in Three leukaemic T cell lines and 3 B cell lines were lysed by freezing deoxyATP which decrease after therapy of the and thawing and incubated with 300 jM tritiated dATP, dGTP, or dTTP. After 30 min for the B cell lines or 120 min for the T cell lines, patients with irradiated erythrocytes.85 89-91 nucleotides were separated from nucleosides and bases by thin-layer on October 2, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. chromatography. Activities are expressed as pmol of product (nucleo- side + base)/min per 106 cells ± SD (n -I method). From Carson Mechanism of immunosuppression of T cells and et al. Proc Natl Acad Sci 1979; 76: 2430-3. excessive purine synthesis in PNP deficiency

Table 4 5'-Nucleotidase activity in T and B cell lines A similar mechanism of inhibition of T-cell function by accumulation of deoxyGTP has been proposed Cell lines Whole cells Broken cells for patients with PNP deficiency as a result of -AMP- +AMP- -AMP- +AMP- accumulation of deoxyguanosine in this disease.89 90 (CH2)P (CH2)P (CH2)P (CH2)P At the present time the accumulation of deoxyGTP T 3-07±1-4 3-07±1-4 46±8-5 42±15 has been shown only in erythrocytes of affected B 387±319 14±7-0 330±225 62±15 children. To three T cell and 3 B cell lines at densities of 1 5-3 *0 x 106 cells The common denominator to account for the per ml in a buffer containing 8 f6 mM chloride and 50 mM excessive rate of purine synthesis in children with Tris-HCI at pH 6-9 was added 215 jM (8-14C) inosine monophos- phate (specific activity 6 mCi/mmol, Amersham/Searle) in a final PNP deficiency and HPRT deficiency is the failure volume of 35 jl, either with or without 2 - 86 mM AMP-(CH2)P. After of children in both these diseases to reutilise hypo- 15-60 min at 370C the reaction was terminated by the addition of 5 Al of 8M perchloric acid, and the products inosine and hypoxanthine were xanthine. Children with HPRT deficiency are missing separated from inosine monophosphate by thin-layer chromatography. the enzyme for utilising hypoxanthine while those Activities are expressed as pmol of product (inosine + hypoxanthine) with PNP deficiency are unable to make hypoxan- min per 106 cells ± SD for the 3 T and the 3 B cell lines. From Carson et al. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 1979; 76: 2430-3. thine. Studies of human cells studied in vitro show Ann Rheum Dis: first published as 10.1136/ard.39.2.103 on 1 April 1980. Downloaded from

Human aberrations ofpurine metabolism and their significance for rheumatology 113

(a co 0)

._ CA) C- a) O.- -a.

' Fig. 10 Ecto-S'-nucleotidase activity in lymphocytesfrom o . E normal subjects andpatients with 2 cn X-linked agammaglobulinaemia Ua, and theirfemale relatives. From =-5:a Thompson et al.76 -Z cJ Ua) co CL a- CD,0

PBM Rosetting Non- PBM Rosetting Non- PBM Rosetting Non- Cells rosetting Cells rosetting Cells rosetting Cells Cells Cells that the rate ofsynthesis ofpurines de novo in normal DNA synthesis from an inadequate supply of the cells can be accelerated to values quite comparable deoxyribonucleoside triphosphate substrates. The to that seen in cells from children with Lesch-Nyhan ability of mixtures of deoxynucleosides to overcome disease by removing all hypoxanthine from the the toxicity of deoxyadenosine could readily be http://ard.bmj.com/ medium.92 explained by their providing a source for the for- mation of the other deoxynucleotides that are in Proposed mechanism of suppression of T-cell pro- short supply. An alternative explanation could be liferation in ADA and PNP deficiency an inhibition of deoxyATP formation due to the other deoxynucleosides competing with deoxy- A mechanism by which deoxyATP accumulation adenosine in the deoxynucleoside kinase or sub- can arrest cellular proliferation is provided by the sequent phosphorylation reactions. very well documented allosteric inhibition of all An analogous mechanism could well be operating on October 2, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. activity of the enzyme diphosphate for the immunodeficiency seen in patients with PNP reductase by deoxyATP 93 94 (Fig. 11). This enzyme deficiency. DeoxyGTP is also a known allosteric constitutes the only known route of deoxyribo- inhibitor of ribonucleoside diphosphate reductase nucleotide synthesis from ribonucleotides. Con- and it specifically inhibits the formation ofdeoxyCTP sequently its inhibition could result in cessation of and TTP.9394 Deoxyguanosine toxicity for mouse

Adenosine ADAY, Inosine Hx+R-1-P Deoxyadenosine Deoxyinosine PNP Hx+dR-1lP Guanosine Gu+R-lP Deoxyguanosine Gu+dR-1-P Fig. 11 Postulated mechanism ofinhibition oflymphocyte

- - t-I TTP proliferation in genetic deficiency ofADAorPNP. CDP dATP dGTP cdCDP - dCTP GDP Ribonucleotide / dcdGTP - dGTP -.- DNA Reductase cdADP -w dATP ADP Ann Rheum Dis: first published as 10.1136/ard.39.2.103 on 1 April 1980. Downloaded from

114 Seegmiller T-lymphoma cells has been reversed by the addition into biological process of medical interest can be of deoxycytidine (and hypoxanthine) to the culture obtained. In many cases, as we have seen today for medium.95 Lesch-Nyhan disease, what was previously a curious The reversal ofdeoxyadenosine or deoxyguanosine or even tragic clinical problem quite beyond our toxicity in cultured cell systems by the addition of capability of understanding now becomes a fas- other deoxynucleosides suggests the possibility that cinating 'experiment of nature' which with proper these deoxynucleosides, particularly deoxycytidine, study is capable of revealing a rational sequence by may be useful in treatment of patients with ADA which the abnormal gene product gives rise to the deficiency or PNP deficiency. A few clinical attempts clinical expression and disease, and frequently have been made to accomplish such a reversal, rational approaches to therapy. The identification but no remarkable therapeutic benefit was produced. of enzyme defects associated with immunodeficiency Success will depend on whether or not the patient diseases have already provided us with valuable has an adequate population of viable stem cells that information on biochemical differences in T and B canrespond to differentiation into immunocompetent cells, which could be used as the basis for develop- cells and whether appropriate routes of admini- ment of more specific pharmacological agents for stration for the deoxynucleosides are used to deliver fine tuning correction of aberrations of the immune them to the stem cells at sufficiently high concen- system which we now realise are responsible for a tration. Here in England, as well as in the United wide range of diseases, including many of our States, cautious evaluations are under way to apply rheumatic diseases. this new knowledge to the clinical control of T-cell But the work has only begun. The enzyme defects leukemia by use of deoxycoformycin.9698 identified so far in patients with gouty arthritis are but a start, since they account for less than 5 % of Ecto-5'-nucleotidase activity in X-linked agamma- patients with clinical gout seen in most clinics. globulinaemia However, with this knowledge we have identified in cell culture other defects in purine metabolism In a recent study Drs Thompson and Boss76 in our that should be found as enzyme deficits in the gouty laboratory separated T cells from B cells in peri- population. The abnormal gene products responsible pheral blood by rosetting them with neuraminidase- for the hereditary tendency for development of treated sheep erythrocytes. As shown in Fig. 10, many other common rheumatic diseases, such as normal nonrosetting (B) cells, inagreement withRowe degenerative disease and chondrocalcinosis, and http://ard.bmj.com/ et al.,74 showed at least 3 times the activity of normal the mechanism by which they produce pathology rosetting (T) cells. Monocytes and null cells showed remain to be identified. A similar need exists for negligible activity. In 5 patients with X-linked agam- identification of additional genetic factors res- maglobulinaemia the nonrosetting (B) cells showed ponsible for susceptibility to other of our common less than 5% of normal activity and failed to show diseases of familial nature, including cardiovascular any B cells with surface immunoglobulin. Of special disease, hypertension, neuromuscular diseases, and

interest was the finding of only 56% of normal mental illness. on October 2, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. activity in their rosetting (T) cells. However, the Perhaps the greatest promise of this new know- significance of this finding is not clear at this time. ledge of genetics is the potential it holds for early A summary of the known enzyme defects in detection of specific disease-prone states and for the purine metabolism is shown in Fig. 3. formulation of a rational therapeutic intervention. This knowledge, in turn, can shift our emphasis in Conclusion the future practice of medicine from merely awaiting the clinical presentation of advanced pathology to a I have reviewed today for you the valuable insight whole new orientation of preventive medicine in into a variety of biological processes that have been which we identify disease susceptibility at birth provided by human mutations in purine metabolism, or even before birth and then use a lifetime of many of them in patients with rheumatic diEorders. preventive approaches to its control. For this vision These mutations provide a dissecting probe and of medical practice of the future to become a reality spotlight into biology for unravelling the complex we must provide more opportunities and incentive interrelations involved in biological systems. Detailed for our most gifted and inspired younger physicians studies of patients with alcaptonuria led Garrod to become immersed in research endeavours at both to formulate the gene-enzyme hypothesis, which in basic and clinical levels. The potential savings can be turn provided the key for understanding a myriad great in cost of medical care, in effective use of other hereditary diseases. Once the abnormal gene medical manpower and most important in the health product has been identified substantially more insight of our citizens. Ann Rheum Dis: first published as 10.1136/ard.39.2.103 on 1 April 1980. Downloaded from

Human aberrations ofpurine metabolism and their significance for rheumatology 115 The work was supported in part by National Institutes of 20 Seegmiller J E. Inherited deficiency of hypoxanthine- Health grants GM 17702 and AM 13622 and a grant from guanine phosphoribosyltransferase in X-linked uric the Kroc Foundation. aciduria (the Lesch-Nyhan syndrome and its variants). In: Harris H, Hirschhorn K, eds. Advances in Human References Genetics. Plenum Publishing Corp., New York; Plenum, 1976; 6: 75-163. Garrod A B. Observations on certain pathological 21 Lyon M F. Gene action in X chromosome of the mouse conditions of the blood and urine in gout, rheumatism (Mus musculus L). Nature 1961; 190: 372-3. and Bright's disease. Trans Med-Chir Soc (London) 1848; 22 Rosenbloom F M, Kelley W N, Henderson J F, Seeg- 31: 83-98. miller J E. Lyon hypothesis and X-linked disease. Lancet 2 Garrod A B. The Nature and Treatment of Gout and 1967; 2: 305-6. Rheumatic Gout. London: Walton and Maberly, 1859. 23 Gartler S M, Scott R C, Goldstein J L, Campbell B, 3 Garrod A E. The Croonian lectures on inborn errors of Sparkes R. Lesch-Nyhan syndrome: Rapid detection of metabolism. Lecture II, Alkaptonuria. Lancet 1908; heterozygotes by use of hair follicles. Science 1971; 172: 2: 73. 572-4. 4 Beadle G W, Tatum E L. Genetic control of biochemical 24 Fujimoto F Y, Seegmiller J E, Uhlendorf B W, Jacobson reactions in Neurospora. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 1941; C B. Biochemical diagnosis of an X-linked disease in 27: 499. utero. Lancet 1968; 2: 511-2. Garrod A E. Inborn Errors of Metabolism. London, 25 Boyle J A, Raivio K 0, Astrin K H, et al. Lesch-Nyhan Oxford. 1923. syndrome: preventive control by prenatal diagnosis. 6 McCarty D J. Phagocytosis of urate crystals in gouty Science 1970; 169: 688-9 synovial fluid. Arthritis Rheum 1961; 4: 425-6. 26 Van Heeswijk P J, Blank C H, Seegmiller J E, Jacobson 7 McCarty D J Jr. Mechanisms of the crystal deposition C B. Preventive control of the Lesch-Nyhan syndrome. diseases-gout and pseudogout. Ann Intern Med 1973; Obstet Gynecol 1972; 40: 109-13. 78: 767-71. 27 McInnes R, Lamm P, Clow C L, Scriver C R. A filter 8 Seegmiller J E, Howell R R, Malawita S E. Inflammatory paper sampling method for the uric acid: creatinine reaction of sodium urate: Its possible relationship to ratio in urine. Normal values in the newborn. Pediatrics genesis of acute gouty arthritis. JAMA 1962; 180: 1972; 49: 80-4. 469-75. 28 Skaper S D, Seegmiller J E. Hypoxanthine-guanine 9 Seegmiller J E. Diseases of purine and pyrimidine phosphoribosyltransferase mutant glioma cells: Dimin- metabolism. In: Bondy P K, Rosenberg L E, eds. ished monoamine oxidase activity. Science 1976; 194: Metabolic Control and Disease, 8th ed. Philadelphia: 1171-3. Saunders, 1980: 777-937. 29 Breakefield X 0, Castiglione C M, Edelstein S B. Mono- 10Seegmiller J E, Grayzel A I, Laster L, Liddle L. Uric acid amine oxidase activity decreased in cells lacking hypo- production in gout. J Clin Invest 1961; 40: 1304-14. xanthine phosphoribosyltransferase activity. Science Rundles R W, Wyngaarden J B, Hitchings G H, Elion 192: 1976; 1018-20.

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