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EPA Contract No. 68-01-7251 EPA Region 7 EPA Contact Darrell Sommerhauser Project No. 133-7LS2 PRC Work Assignment No. 017-W6884151 Prepared By PRC Environmental Management, Inc. Ray Mastrolonardo, Subsite Manager Telephone No. 312/856-8700




Section Page

1.0 INTRODUCTION...... 1-1

1.1 SCOPE OF WORK...... 1-1 1.2 SITE BACKGROUND...... 1-1

1.2.1 Site Description...... 1-1 1.2.2 General Site History ...... 1-3


1.3.1 Subsite Description...... 1-5 1.3.2 Subsite History...... 1-5 1.3.3 Subsite Investigation...... 1-5


2.1 GEOLOGY...... 2-1

2.1.1 Topography...... 2-1 2.1.2 Stratigraphy and Depositions Environment ...... 2-1

2.2 HYDROGEOLOGY...... 2-9



3.6.1 Soil Fate and Transport...... 3-10 3.6.2 Ground-Water Fate and Transport...... 3-10

4.0 RISK ASSESSMENT...... 4-1

4.1 INTRODUCTION ...... 4-1 A2 EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT ...... ;...... 4-1

4.2.1 Potential Exposure Pathways...... 4-1 Ground Water ...... 4-2 42.12 Soil...... 4-2

422 Population at Risk...... 4-3 GroundWater ...... 4-3 4222 Soil...... 4-4 TABLE OF CONTENTS

Section Page

4.2.3 Exposure Estimation...... 4-4

42.3.1 Ingestion...... 4-4 4J2.3J2 Inhalation ...... 4-4 4J.3.3 Dermal ...... 4-6 4.2J.4 Exposure Dose Calculations ...... 4-6

4.3 ASSESSMENT...... 4-7

4.3.1 Toxicity Summaries...... 4-7 4.3.2 Exposure Standards, Criteria, and Guidelines...... 4-9


% 4.4.1 Risk Estimation Methodology...... 4-12 4.4.2 Ground-Water Use Risk ...... 4-13 4.4.3 Comparison to Drinking Water Standards...... 4-14 4.4.4 Limitations and Assumptions...... 4-14 Uncertainty Factors ...... 4-14 4.4.4J Assumptions ...... 4-22 4.5 SUMMARY...... 4-22

5.0 REFERENCES ...... 5-1






V.A Symbol Nomenclature for Analytical Results VJ) Borehole Soil Data < V.C Borehole Soil Gas Data VJ) Ground Water Data VJE Surface Soil Gas Data




Table Page













Figure Page

1-1 SITE LOCATION ...... 1-2




1- 5 SAMPLE LOCATIONS...... 1-10

2- 1 CROSS-SECTION LOCATIONS...... '...... 2-2













This technical memorandum (TM) presents the results of the remedial investigation performed at the Second Street subsite of the Hastings Ground-Water Contamination site in Hastings, Nebraska, by PRC Environmental Management, Inc. (PRC), a member of the REM IV team. The purpose of this TM is to present soil. Soil gas and ground-water data that were collected between November 1917 and March 1989 at the Second Street subsite. The work was performed in partial satisfaction of U.S. EPA Contract No. 68-01-7251, Work Assignment No. 133-7LS2.

Section 1.0 provides background information on the Second Street subsite investigation; Section 2.0 describes subsite-specific geology and hydrogeology; Section 3.0 describes the investigation results of the fate and transport of contaminants at the Second Street subsite; and Section 4.0 is a baseline risk assessment. The methods used during the investigation are described in Appendix I.


PRC conducted remedial investigation (RI) activities at the Second Street subsite to identify the source of contamination resulting from coal gasification activities and to further characterize the nature and extent of the subsite contamination. This information was used to conduct the baseline risk assessment that is included in this report.


The following subsections describe the Hastings site and its history.

1.2.1 Site Description

i The Ha«fing« Ground-Water Contamination site is located in and immediately east of the City of Hastings, Nebraska. Hastings is located in south-central Nebraska, along state Routes 6 and 281 (Figure 1-1). The population within the city limits of Hastings is approximately 23,000. The surrounding area is primarily agricultural, with Hastings as its industrialized center.

The City of Hastings has 20 municipal wells developed within a sand and gravel Pleistocene aquifer. Each well has a capacity of between 1,000 and 2,000 gallons per minute. The water is pumped directly into the city distribution system. The area southeast of the City of

1-1 « Hastings is supplied with industrial and domestic water by three wells from a separate municipal system. This system is owned and operated by Community Municipal Services, Inc. (CMS).

For investigative purposes, the Hastings Ground-Water Contamination site is divided into the following subsites:

• Naval Ammunition Depot (NAD) — Closed by the Navy about 30 years ago; now used in part as an industrial park and technical college. The . NAD site is being handled as a separate site under the aegis of the Defense Environmental Restoration Program.

• Far-Mar-Co — A grain elevator and its surrounding property located on the eastern edge of town.

• North Landfill — A filled clay pit and brickyard that was also used as a municipal landfill, located adjacent to the west boundary of the Far-Mar- Co subsite.

• South Landfill — Another filled clay pit and brickyard, used after the North Landfill was closed, located between Good Samaritan Village and the Union Pacific Railroad.

• Colorado Avenue — An old industrial area located in the center of Hastings.

• Second Street — A former coal gasification plant and sludge pit, located adjacent to the Colorado Avenue subsite.

• Well Number 3 — The source of ground-water contamination for the abandoned Municipal Well M-3.

PRC did not conduct investigations at the NAD or South Landfill subsites.

1.2.2 General Site History

The City of Hastings ground-water contamination investigation was first initiated in 1983. At that time, the city attempted to reactivate Municipal Well Number 18 (M-18), which had been shut down for 30 yean. When M-18 was reactivated, area residents began to complain of an unpleasant taste and odor in the water. These taste and odor problems, and the results of a nationwide templing and analysis program conducted by the U.S. EPA in 1981 and 1982, prompted an investigation by the Nebraska Department of Health (NDOH) and the Nebraska Department of Environmental Control (NDEC) (Woodward-Clyde, 1987c). As a result of the state investigation, M-18 was again shut down in 1984. U.S. EPA concluded that there was a significant threat to human health and the environment, as defined by the Agency's hazard­

1-3 ranking system and proposed that the Hastings Ground-Water Contamination site to be placed on the National Priorities List (NPL) in October 1984.

The State of Nebraska completed its investigation of ground-water contamination in Hastings in 1985. This study involved installing five well nests. Each nest had one shallow well (approximately 140 feet deep) and one deep well (approximately 180 feet deep), designated OW- 1 through OW-5. In addition, the study involved testing existing municipal water wells. The study identified the following volatile organics in one or more of the monitoring wells: carbon tetrachloride (CT), trichloroethene (TCE), 1,1-dichloroethylene (1,1-DCE), tetrachloroethylene (PCE), 1,2-dichloroethane (1,2-DCA), 1,1,1-trichloroethene (TCA), and . Well M-3 was found to be contaminated with CT (26.0 /Jg/L, September 1985) and it was taken out of service in December 1985. Municipal Wells M-10 and M-22 were also contaminated with carbon tetrachloride and trichloroethene (Fischer and Spalding, 1985). The site was placed on the NPL in May 1986 and ranked Number 321 nationally.

The EPA has directed a series of contaminant definition studies at each of the subsites, in preparation for selecting an appropriate remediation at each subsite. The first study, carried out by the Field Investigation Team (FIT) contractor, Ecology and Environment, Inc., identified uncontaminated wells, thus enabling EPA to define the site boundaries. The first major subsite- specific studies were carried out by Woodward-Clyde Consultants under the REM II Contract (No. 68-01-6939). This investigation included soil gas sampling, soil sampling, and monitoring well installation. These studies helped to identify the major contaminant sources at two of the subsites (Far-Mar-Co and Colorado Avenue) and further characterized ground-water contamination at those two subsites and the North Landfill subsite (Woodward-Clyde, 1987a; 1987b; 1987c).

Under the REM IV contract, PRC conducted subsite-specific investigations at the Colorado Avenue, Far-Mar-Co, North Landfill, Well Number 3, and Second Street subsites. These investigations were to further define the extent of contamination at each subsite. Soil gas, soil, and ground water were sampled as part of these investigations. In addition to sampling, monitoring wells were installed at each of the subsites.


The following subsections describe the Second Street subsite and its history. The investigation at this subsite is also presented in this section.

1-4 1.3.1 Subsite Description

The Second Street subsite (Figure 1-2) borders the Colorado Avenue subsite, in the old industrialized section of Hastings. The Second Street subsite (which is presently the Hastings police station) is bounded by the Burlington Northern and Union Pacific railroads to the south and east, respectively, and by Second Street and Minnesota Avenue to the north and west, respectively.

1.3.2 Subsite History

Based on fire insurance maps for block 24 (Second Street subsite area) it is apparent that a gas plant operated at least from 1910 to 1930. The plant was identified as Hastings Gas, Light and Heat Company in 1910, Hastings Gas Light Company in 191S, Hastings Gas Company in 1924, and Central Power Company in 1930. A plot plan of the gas plant facility from 1910 until about 1924 is presented as Figure 1-3. Expansion of the facility by 1924 resulted in the physical layout presented in Figure 1-4.

Several structures were apparently unchanged during this period. These structures include the purifiers, pumps, and meters. A number of auxiliary structures were present, such as scales, coal storage, a pipe shop, and an iron storage structure, but these structures have no apparent significant pollution potential. Structures of interest include three gas holders, all along the eastern half of the block. The northernmost holder was the largest and first appeared on the 1924 map (see Figure 1-4). The central gas holder was older and the second largest of the three. The southern gas holder was the smallest and most varied in use. In 1910 (Figure 1-3), it is labeled "old gasometer,” and in 1924, it is labeled *gas and oil pit* (Figure 1-4). Other potential sources of contamination and structures of interest include three iron oil tanks, which were located just south of the central gas holder. These tanks first appear on the map in 1924 (Figure 1-4).

133 Subsite Investigation

Historical data from the Colorado Avenue subsite indicated the presence of TCE in Well OW-5S. A source of TCE was suspected north of the BNRR. Field investigations at the northern edge of the Colorado Avenue subsite (the Hastings Police Station) revealed an independent source of hydrocarbons rather chlorinated solvents. This source was identified as the former city gas plant and it became known as the Second Street subsite. The Second Street subsite was distinguished from the Colorado Avenue subsite because it contains contaminants of a different composition. The. 'taringuishing compounds include benzene, , xylene, phenol, alkylphenols, and PAHs.






SECOND STREET SUBSITE HASTINGS^ NEBRASKA FIGURE 1-4 THE COAL GAS PLANT IN 1924 CWCATOte »/B/B» | HWfc 3/14/90 | CCPIM4JWB PRC ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT. INC. The investigation was actually performed as the Colorado Avenue investigation and later renamed the Second Street subsite investigation as mentioned above. All of the field investigation methods followed the procedures outlined in the Colorado Avenue Work/QAPP submitted to EPA in 1987. Investigation methods are outlined in Appendix L Three media were sampled during the Second Street investigation. Surface soil gas data were obtained from sample locations Z-15, Z-16, Z-17, Z-18, Z-19, Z-20, Z-26, and Z-28 (see Figure 1-5). Subsurface soil and soil gas data were obtained from boreholes B-17, B-18, B-23, B-25, and B-27. Ground-water data were obtained from monitoring well MW-9. All sample locations are shown on Figure 1-5. Analytical results of the collected samples appear in Appendix V and are discussed in Section 3.


1-9 I



The following sections discuss the geology of the Second Street subsite using data obtained during the REM IV investigation. Appendix n to this report presents the regional geology and hydrogeology. Using information from published reports.

2.1.1 Topography

The ground surface of the Second Street subsite is approximately 1925 ft (MSL). It is consistent with the overall site, being generally flat, with a gentle southeasterly slope. This is typical of the loess-covered plains occurring in south-central Nebraska. The natural topography has been modified by man by the raised right of ways for the Burlington Northern railroad to the south and the Union Pacific railroad to the east. Surface drainage is via ditches and tributaries of the West Fork of Big Blue River.

2.1.2 Stratigraphy and Depositlonal Environment

Soil borings at the Second Street subsite indicate a wide range of unconsolidated material from clays and silts to sands and gravels. The unconsolidated material consists of aeolian loess underlain by fluvial sands and gravels. Both the aeolian and the fluvial deposits coarsen with depth. Geologic cross-sections have been prepared (Figures 2-2,2-3, and 2-4) along the section lines shown on Figure 2-1. Depositional units along the same section lines are presented on Figures 2-5, 2-6, and 2-7.

The aeolian deposits consist of primarily clayey silt near the surface grading downward to silty sand and clayey sand. The aeolian-fluvial contact is approximately 60 feet below the ground surface, except at location B-27, where it was approximately 75 feet deep. The upper aeolian clayey silt probably represents the Loveland loess, and the lower silty sand probably represents the Sappa loess member of the Sappa Formation.

The fluvial deposits are composed of two distinct lithologies. The upper unit consists -primarily of fine to medium sand with traces of silty or coarse material. The lower unit consists of medium to coarse sand with gravel. The thickness of the upper unit ranges from approximately 10 feet at B-27 to approximately 23 feet at the other borings. The lower unit is present at all the borings at a depth of approximately 85 feet below the surface (1835 feet above sea level). The coarser lower unit contains gravelly sand with clasts ranging in size from granules






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h FIGURE 2-3 M'tJ SW - MM arndad aanda. Omrihf RH I SC - Oayoy aanda. Banda, IHtla or no Ihia HOI Sand-day mhituraau GEOLOGIC CROSS SECTION B-B‘ ■ sSSBS,,s*a!rsr" CREATED: t/M/St | REUSED: 3/13/PO | SSS-CSB8.0MC














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3/13/80 MANAGEMENT. 2-6





A-A* INC. 1130 1990 B B' 0027 0018 1920 1920

1010 1910

1000 1900

1890 1890

1880 1880 ELEVATION ^ 1870 1870

5 1880 I860


1890 1890

1840 1840

1890 1890

1820 1820

1810 1810

1800 J1800



PRC ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT. INC. 1130 1030 c» B027 B023 1020 TOBOI 1920

1*10 1910

ItOO 1900

1090 1890

1880 1880 fl870 1870 5

✓ ******♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ 4 ♦ ♦ ♦ =1 [1880 * ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ 1060 § ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦ ♦ ^ : ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ 11890 1890 £

1840 1840

1830 1830

1820 1820

1810 1810

1800 1800

GEOLOGIC UNITS . 1 LOESS nu. SECOND STREET SUBSITE HASTINGS, NEBRASKA !♦* *j aeouan sand FIGURE 2*7 I (nM-M«dfcim) GEOLOGIC UNIT CROSS SECTION C-C* 1FUMAL SAND CREAlHh 9/9/M | 9P4SED; 3/13/90 | SSS-CSC1.DW0 (Mxflum-Coor—) PRC ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT. INC. to pebbles. The thickness of this unit is approximately 100 to 120 feet, based on information from deeper wells constructed in the Hastings area. The thickness and lithology of both fluvial units suggest that these units represent the Grand Island Formation.

Since borehole and monitoring well drilling was terminated in the Grand Island Formation, the lower unconsolidated units (Fullerton and Holdrage Formations) and bedrock (Niobrara Formation) were not penetrated at the Second Street subsite.


The hydrogeology of the Second Street subsite is controlled by the geologic formations and units discussed in Section 2.1 and by the regional hydrogeology discussed in Appendix n. The geologic formations and units can be separated into two broad categories: aquitard and permeable. This categorization has been used for all borings completed at the subsite (see Appendix n, Borehole Logs). Hydrogeologic cross-sections have been prepared (Figures 2-8, 2-9, and 2-10) along the cross-section lines shown on Figure 2-1.

The ground water for domestic and irrigation needs in the subsite area is supplied by the saturated portion of the "permeable* hydrogeologic unit. This unit is composed primarily of sands and gravels of the Sappa Formation and what was formerly known as the Grand Island Formation. These formations combine to form an aquifer capable of producing large volumes of water.

The ground water beneath the subsite is generally encountered between 120 and 12S feet below land surface. The thickness of the saturated material is approximately 100 to 120 feet, based on wells drilled at other subsites. The response of the aquifer to pumping for agricultural purposes indicates that it is unconfined in the subsite area. Although there is no subsite-specific data to support this conclusion, high-yield, long-term pumping of wells located in Adams County caused steady declines in the ground-water table elevation of as much as 30 feet between 1950 and 1982 (Keetch and Dreezen, 1968 and NNRC 1983).

The unsaturated "aquitard" was encountered during drilling activities beneath the Second Street subsite. It is composed of the Peoria and Loveland Formations. Subsurface material was logged and classified on-site as part of this investigation. These formations are primarily clays, silts, and silty sands characteristic of aeolian (loess) deposits. The aquitard includes lenses of permeable material, but is generally continuous. Boreholes B-27 and B-18 were found to contain sand-silt lenses up to 10 feet in thickness. PRC detected no perched water zones within the aquitard. *

2-9 5







• 1070






1000 I



Ee3 permeable hQURE 2-10 HYDROGEOLOGIC UNIT ______CROSS SECTION C-C M nu- CHEATED: %/9/m | WVSEO: 3/I3/B0 | 5SS-HCSC0KC

PRC ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT. INC. Hazen's Approximation (Freeze and Cherry, 1979) was used to estimate horizontal hydraulic conductivity values for the saturated portion of the permeable unit beneath the subsite (see Table 2-1). This estimation uses particle-size distribution data from selected physical soil samples. The soil samples are representative of the saturated material and were collected from selected boreholes throughout the entire Colorado Avenue subsite. For materials in the fine sand-to-gravel range, Hazen’s approximation yields a rough but reliable estimate. However, as the amount of silts and clays in a soil sample increases, the reliability of the estimate decreases. The average horizontal permeability for the saturated permeable unit is 2.4 x 10'2 cm/sec. Although no vertical permeability data is available, it can be assumed to be approximately one order of magnitude lower than the horizontal value, or approximately 2.4 x 10** cm/sec. (Freeze and Cherry, 1979).

Horizontal permeability values for the unsaturated portion of the permeable unit and the aquitard were obtained from laboratory unsaturated permeability analyses (Millington and Quirk, 1960). Soil samples collected during the drilling of the exploratory boreholes and monitoring wells were sent to the laboratory for analysis. Values presented in Table 2-1 were obtained under approximately 1 atmosphere of vacuum. The mean value obtained for the aquitard was 4.9 x 10*6 cm/sec and for the unsaturated portion of the permeable unit it was 3.1 x 10'5 cm/sec. Due to the disturbed nature of the soil samples used (recompacted split-spoon samples), PRC believes that the values reported are slightly higher than the actual values.

Porosity values for the aquitard and the unsaturated permeable unit (Table 2-1) are based on the water content of a saturated laboratory sample. While this method is indicative of the total porosity of the soil sample, it does not account for the recompaction or reworking of the sample from the split-spoon to the sample jar to the testing container. Due to the disturbed nature of the soil samples, the reported porosity values are thought to be higher than actual values.

PRC calculated the porosities of soil samples taken from the saturated permeable unit (soil samples from below the water table) using laboratory moisture and specific gravity measurements. Porosity values obtained are summarized in Table 2-1. The method used to estimate porosity is described in the Colorado Avenue subsite Project Work/QAPP.

One monitoring well (MW-9) was installed orginally to monitor ground water at the northern portion of the Colorado Avenue subsite. The nature of contaminants differed from -those of the Colorado Avenue subsite and the area became known as the Second Street subsite. As part of this investigation and the regular quarterly ground-water sampling PRC collected water level data spanning a 1-year period (late February 198S through March 1989). A detailed presentation of water level data and potentiometric surface maps is in the Hi. "jgs Ground-

2-13 TABLE 2-1


Horizontal Vertical „ Hydrogeologic Hydraulic2 Hydraulic3 4 Conductivity Conductivity Unit Porositv f%'l*1 fcm/secl


Number of samples 12 22 x ID1! Maximum value 50.9 - 1.4 x 10** Minimum value 37.5 • • Average value 44.S 4.9 x 10*6 4.9 x 10*7

Unsaturated permeable * Number of samples 25 2f 2.7 x 10 * Maximum value 43.8 -- Minimum value 24.3 5.0 x 10*’ Average value 31.6 3.1 x 10*s 3.1 x 10*6

Saturated permeable

Number of samples 23 5, - - —— Maximum value 42.3 4.0 x 10*2 8.5 x 10*3 Minimum value 22.2 — Average value 30.3 2.4 x 10*2 2.4 x 10*3

Notes: 1 Porosity for the aquitard and the unsaturated permeable units are based on the water content of saturated laboratory samples. Porosity for the saturated permeable unit is based on laboratory moisture content (see text).

2 Horizontal hydraulic conductivity values for the aquitard and the unsaturated permeable units are based on laboratory unsaturated hydraulic conductivity analyses at 1 atmosphere of vacuum. Values for the saturated permeable unit are based on Hazen’s Approximation.

3 Vertical hydraulic conductivity for all hydrogeologic units are assumed to be one order of magnitude lower the corresponding horizontal value.

4 — Vertical hydraulic conductivity not calculated.

2-14 Water report submitted to EPA by PRC. The Ground*Water Report includes monitoring well construction details and ground-water measurement summary tables. Ground-water elevations in well MW-9 range from of 1801 feet to 1796.5 feet during this time period. Flow of ground water beneath the subsite is generally east to southeast (WCC, 1987; PRC, 1990). An area of deviation from the general ground-water flow trend was located in the vicinity of wells OW-5S and OW- 5D (near the former location of the brewery and cold storage buildings). This deviation is probably due to ground-water pumping that is occurring behind the cold storage facility located at Second Street and Minnesota Avenue (see Figure 2-11). Municipal well M-10 is within a half mile radius of MW-9, but it is no longer in use. The field observations during the boring of B- 23 and B-25 indicate that the moisture content is increased in the area beneath the current city police parking lot. This may be the result of a decreased permeability and increased water retention capacity of the sludge-like materials used as fill beneath the parking lot.

By July 1988 (see Figure 2-12), the ground-water surface configuration showed no deviation from general flow; however, water levels had generally declined since February measurements.

The horizontal gradient of the water surface was calculated for February and July 1988 to estimate the rate of ground-water movement beneath the subsite. Calculated hydraulic gradients range from 0.002 in February 1988 to 0.003 in July 1988. The increased gradient and declining water levels are due to large scale pumping of ground water for agricultural purposes.

PRC calculated the linear ground-water flow velocity in the saturated permeable units using the mean horizontal permeability (2.4 x 10*2 cm/sec) and porosity (30.3 percent) values listed in Table 2-1 and the hydraulic gradient for February and July 1988. The average linear ground-water flow velocity was calculated using the following relationships (Freeze and Cherry, 1979):

i where

v * Average linear velocity (cm/sec) K - Horizontal permeability (cm/sec)

g - Hydraulic gradient (dimensionless) n - Porosity (fractional percent)

The estimated average linear velocity under the above conditions ranges from 1.6 x 10*4 cm/sec in February to 2.4 x 10'4 cm/sec in July or about 166 feet/year to 250 feet/year.

2-15 I J .


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This section discusses results of the source identification and site characterization field investigations conducted at the Second Street subsite. Analyses were conducted by a close support laboratory (CSL) and by a laboratory that participates in US. EPA’s contract laboratory program (CLP). Soil gas samples were analyzed by the CSL so that the contaminated area could be more rapidly identified and additional sampling locations determined while the field investigation activities were being conducted. Soil gas concentration levels are discussed in Section 3.3. The data referred to in this section is presented in tabular form in Appendix V. Investigative methods for the sampling conducted at the Second Street subsite are described in Appendix L


The data quality objectives of the close support laboratory are to ensure that the data is of known and acceptable quality. Quality of CLP data is ensured by each laboratory’s contract specifications. The data generated during this investigation:

• Was used as a direct indicator of the nature and extent of contamination at the site

• Will enable EPA and the contractor to evaluate response alternatives that may be appropriate for the Second Street subsite.

• Will support an enforcement action by EPA

The analyses performed by the CSL are intended to aid in the characterization of soil gas, soil, and ground-water contamination. These analyses are considered to be of Level II analytical quality/data use category as defined by EPA’s Data Quality Objectives for Remedial Response Activities," Volume 1, (U.S. EPA, 1987). Level II is defined as data collected from field analytical techniques characterized by tentative identification, presence or absence. screening, or relative concentration determinations.

The CSL data were limited in the nature of the contaminants. In general, the CSL data was used to screen samples for indicator compounds. Because the Second Street investigaiton was an extension of the Colorado Avenue investigation, the analytical methods used by the CSL were more responsive to halogenated solvents than to aromatics. For this reason, contamination at the Second Street subsite has not been fully characterized. The CSL data helped the field team leader (FTL) and project task leader to make informed decisions in a timely manner. The CSL

3-1 analytical performance objectives were not intended to equal those associated with off-site laboratories using EPA protocols or CLP laboratories.

To meet the overall and specific quality assurance objectives, the following QA/QC parameters were addressed for all soil, soil gas, and ground-water data measurements: • Precision • Accuracy • Representativeness • Completeness • Comparability


This section discusses surface soil gas sampling results from the Second Street subsite. PRC collected surface soil gas samples from eight locations along the northern, eastern, and southern edge's of the subsite. The sampling locations are shown in Figure 3-1. These samples were analyzed by labs to determine trichloroethene (TCE), 1,1,1-trichloroethane (TCA), tetrachloroethene (PCE), carbon tetrachloride (CT), and ethylene dibromide (EDB) concentrations.

Trace levels of PCE and TCA were present in many of the samples, however none of the concentrations exceeded 1 ppmv. TCE, CT, and EDB were not detected in any of the samples.

As discussed above, the earlier studies at Hastings found various chlorinated hydrocarbons. The previous existence of the coal gasification plant, and associated waste disposal practices discussed in Section 1.0, were unknown at the start of the investigations. Therefore, the assay procedure did not target the aromatic hydrocarbons characteristic of this subsite. The low concentrations found of TCA and PCE are probably extensions of contamination identified at the Colorado Avenue subsite. As detailed in a separate report, these chemicals were found in much treater concentrations at that subsite, with the greatest concentrations a short distance southwest of the Second Street subsite, between Colorado and Minnesota Avenues just south of the Burlington Northern Railroad tracks.


Subsurface soil gas samples were collected at the borehole locations shown on Figure 3-1. Soil gas samples collected at different depths within the boreholes were analyzed for TCA, TCE,


I PCE, CT, and EDB. Selected samples were also analyzed for benzene. Benzene was added to the assay procedures after the characteristic aroma of coal gasification waste was detected on soil from boreholes. Early samples, some several months old were assayed, but these results are probably biased low due to loss of chemical onto and through the walls of the samples bags.

Contaminants were not detected in any of the soil gas samples collected from the southernmost borehole (B17). At B18, TCA, TCE, and PCE were detected at levels below 1 ppmv in one or two samples. None of the contaminants detected at this borehole are present at levels over 1 ppmv. At borehole B23, TCE was not detected in any soil gas samples. TCA, EDB, and PCE were detected in one or two samples at levels below 1 ppmv. CT was measured at a concentration of 2.6 ppmv in a near surface soil, but concentrations decreased below 1 ppmv with depth. Benzene was measured at concentrations ranging from 3.2 to 57. ppmv in four soil gas samples collected at a depth of 23 feet to 45 feet. It was again present at a concentration of 79 ppmv in a sample collected from depths of 59 to 63 feet.

• All compounds, except TCA, were detected at trace levels (below 1 ppmv) in borehole B25. This borehole which lies immediately to the north of borehole B23, also showed much lower benzene levels. Benzene was detected at levels above 1 ppmv (1.7 ppmv) in only one sample. It should be noted that borehole B24, located east of B23 within the Colorado Avenue subsite, had lower but comparable benzene levels to those in B23 in several soil gas samples collected.

Borehole B27, located west of B23, showed no benzene contamination, but had trace levels (less than 1 ppmv) of TCA, CT, PCE, and TCE. TCE concentrations were at 3 to 4 ppmv levels from depths of 65 to 89 feet.

* It appears that benzene is the only contaminant, among the compounds monitored, which was present at significantly high levels in the soil gas samples. In addition, contaminants expected to be present in coal gas waste material such as toluene, xylenes, phenol, methylphenol, and polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were not monitored in the gas phase. Tract levels of TCE, TCA, PCE, CT, and EDB detected at this subsite are probably an extension of contamination of the Colorado Avenue subsite and/or background levels.


The results of the subsurface soil study, which included soils collected from five boreholes, are presented in this section. Borehole locations are presented on Figure 3-1. PRC collected soil samples at various depths from 5 boreholes drilled at the Second Street subsite. These samples were amazed FCa,TCE, PCE, CT, anti EDB by the CSL. In addition.

3-4 selected soil samples were analyzed for volatiles and semivolatile compounds by the CLP laboratory. The data are presented in tabular form in Appendix V.

None of the compounds monitored were detected in soil samples from boreholes B17 and B25. This includes soil samples analyzed for benzene, collected from mid-depth to 89 feet

Selected soil samples from borehole B23 were also sent to the CLP laboratory. Results of the assays are listed in Table 3-1. During sampling, PRC described the samples as oily in appearance, black or brown in color, and in most cases having a creosote-like odor. Results of the analyses, which showed the presence of several PAHs and volatile organics, including ethylbenzene, toluene, and xylene, indicate that the origin of contamination is probably waste from the coal gasification plant Methylene chloride, acetone, and chloroform identified in a few samples are probably an artifact of laboratory contamination. Concentrations of most of the volatile compounds are higher at deeper depths (27 feet and below) compared to those at shallow depths. Chrysene, pyrene, and benzo(a)anthracene are the PAHs identified in high concentrations. Naphthalene was detected in four soil samples ranging from 3,300 /ig/Kg to 1,300,000 /lg/Kg.

Borehole B27 showed similar contamination distribution as in borehole B23. CT, TCA and TCE levels were present in a few soil samples from shallow and mid-depths. These halogenated compounds however, are not indicative of contamination orginating at this subsite. EDB and PCE levels were not detected in any samples.


PRC installed a ground-water monitoring well (MW-9) at the Second Street subsite (see Figure 3-1). Ground-water monitoring at this well has continued since March 19S8 on a quarterly basis. Results of chemical analyses for ground-water samples collected from this well are discussed in this section. '

PRC collected the first set of ground-water samples in March 1988. The CSL did not sample for aromatic compounds the CSL analyzed the samples for TCE, TCA, PCE, EDB, and CT. One sample was collected from the entire water column in addition to two depth discrete samples. The two depth discrete samples from depths of 130 to 133 feet and 133 to 140 feet showed no detectable contaminants. The complete water column sample showed a TCE concentration of 326 Mg/L. Other contaminants were not detected.

3-3 «


Depth (feefl

Chemical HoJ 11 tot* 13 to 15 15 to 17 17toJ$ 27_to29 33 to 35 39 to 41 45 to 47 51 to 53 57 to 59 yohtite.Qipnk» Wte)

Methylene Chloride ND* ND 2^00 ND 1,900 • ND Acetone ND ND ND ND 6,400 • ND Chloroform 250 ND ND ND ND m ND Benzene 200 ND 750 ND 300 • 900 Toluene ND 25 12,000 7,800 11,000 • 16,000 Ethylbenzene 450 38 3,900 4,600 5,200 • 2500 Styrene ND ND 25,000 34,000 29,000 • 17,000 Xylenes 120 20 15,000 1,900 20,000 • 104)00 Semivolatile Pranks (Ut/ka)

Phenol ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 300 ND ND ND 4-MethylphenoL ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 200 ND ND ND 1 I ND ND ND ND ND 900 ND ND ND Naphthalene ND 5,300 12,000 2,000 L500.000 5,800 67,000 20,000 7,600 430,000 20,000 4-Chloroanilmc ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 2-Methylnapbthalene ND 2$O0 4,800 9,000 1,700,000 ND ND 1^00 120,000 550,000 ND Acenaphthylene ND 1,100 ND 1,900 250,000 ND ND 20,000 2500 774)00 ND 3-Nitroaniline I I ND ND I 5,100 ND ND I I ND Acenaphthene ND 530 500 2,100 61,000 7,000 2^00 3,900 3,000 214)00 3£00 Dibenzofuran ND 510 ND ND 67,000 ND ND 2,900 3£00 24,000 ND 2,4-DinitrotoliieJe ND ND ND ND 3,900 ND ND 1,100 630 ND ND Phiorene ND 3,100 1,100 8,700 160,000 2,000 ND ND 7,200 69,000 ND N-Nitrosodipbenytamtne ND ND 440 1,100 17,000 ND 19,000 600 570 ND 24)00 Pbenanthrene 260 18,000 6,900 3,000 490,000 ND ND ND 60,000 200,000 ND Anthracene ND L2oa 320 700 84,000 ND ND ND 3^00 26,000 300 Fhiorantbene . 240 11,000 2£00 11,000 53,000 ND ND ND 1,300 22,000 2^00 Pyrene 230 174)00 5,900 400 73,000 21,000 110,000 13,000 20,000 354)00 74,000 33’-Didilorobenzidine ND ND ND 2,400 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND t



riiflnfai 5 to 7 111013 13 to 15 15 to 17 17 to 19 27 to 29 33_to35 39 to 41 45 to 47 51 to 53 57 to 59

S$nhriitflg-Pmma (Pcftt)

Bemo(a)anthracgne ND 4,600 1,700 5,100 32300 ND 46,000 2300 6930 13300 36,000 Chrysene ND 6300 2^00 4300 26,000 ND 39,000 1,900 6300 11300 36,000 Bcnzo(b)fliiorantheiie ND 4,000 1300 3,000 7,100 700 560 ND 2,100 3,400 15,000 Bcnzo(k)fluor»nthcne ND 3300 ND 5,000 9300 9,200 ND 1300 3,400 3,400 ND Benxo(a)pjrreiie ND 1,700 1300 2300 15,000 9300 23,000 ND 3300 5300 14,000 Indeao(L23-c-)pyrene ND 1,600 600 800 2,600 ND ND ND 1300 1300 2,000 Dibeneo(a4i)anthracene ND 850 ND 300 ND ND 920 ND 370 ND ND Bemaofah^perylene ND 1300 600 600 3300 ND ND ND 1,900 1,700 ND


* ND - Chemical not detected in tins sample; detection limits vary.

3-7 PRC collected depth discrete ground-water samples in May 1988 and the CSL analyzed the samples for TCA, TCE, CT, EDB, and PCE. Selected samples were also analyzed by the CLP. None of the compounds monitored were detected in any of the samples.

A complete water column sample was collected in June 1988 and analyzed by the CLP for volatile compounds. Contaminants detected in this sample as shown in Table 3-2 include benzene, toluene, total xylenes, ethyl benzene, styrene, and acetone (a probable laboratory artifact). All compounds detected, with the exception of ethyl benzene, were present at mg/L levels. Benzene and toluene showed highest concentrations at 11 mg/L.

Similar analytical and sampling procedures were followed during ground-water sampling in September 1988. Contaminants detected during this sampling were benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, total xylenes, and styrene. Concentrations of all compounds detected were comparable to those in the June 1988 samples. Detection limits for 2-butanone and 2-hexanone were higher for the June 1988 sample analyses compared to the levels detected during September 1988 sampling; both chemicals are possible laboratory artifacts.

In December 1988, ground-water samples were collected from three depth intervals and were analyzed by the CLP laboratory for volatile and semivolatile compounds.

PAHs such as naphthalene, 2-methylnaphthalene, acenaphthalene, fluorene, and phenanthrene were the only compounds detected among semivolatile compounds. Naphthalene was present at the highest concentrations. The PAH concentration levels detected were comparable in samples collected from depths of 125 to 130 feet and 130 feet to 135 feet. Concentration levels of samples collected from depths of 135 to 140 feet were lower by approximately a factor of two than samples collected at other depths. Duplicate samples collected from depths of 130 to 135 feet showed comparable concentration levels for all contaminants.

Among the volatiles, acetone, trichloroethene, 1,2-dichloroethane, benzene, tetzachloroethene, toluene, ethylbenzene, styrene, and total xylenes were detected. Volatiles showed the same trend of lower concentrations in the deepest grdund-water sample compared to samples from the other two depth intervals. Concentration levels of all compounds were lower than the complete water column samples collected in June and September 1988. Wastes not associated with coal gas operations, such as TCE, PCE, and 1,2-dichloroethane, were measured at trace levels.

3-8 TABLB3-2


Dele: Match 88 May 88 May 88 June 88 September 88 December 88 December 88 December 88 December 88 Match 89 Mean 130 - 133* Chemical JfcglbiQfc 129 - If} |2S . 130 13S - 140 120 - 140 120 • 140 itt • m Witt 12LJ2L UP-MB Concentration

(Volatile Otpaia)

flfTf ND 1.400 1,400 u,ooa 8,700 2,600 . 4,100 5/00 7/00 5,230. Toluene 9,300 u/oo 13,000 11.000. 9,200 2,900 3,200 — 6/00 8/00 8/89. 702. Eihytbcnacac 230 m 470 30a 230 160 240 — 290 3/00 3/38. Styrene 4,300 4,400 3/00 4/00. 3/00 1/00 2,100 — 2.700 ND 2/57 Xyteace 2/00 3,600 7/00 2/00. 2JB00 710 1/00 — 1/00 M00 2/oo* 2/30* 3,760* S/JO* 3/00 Alkaaca —a —a --- ft _ft — —« 1,2-Dichloeocthanc ND ND ND ND ND 6 4 — 3 ND 4 Trichkwocthcae ND ND 1 ND ND 19 16 — 19 ND 14 TctncbloiotUmM ND ND ND ND ND 2J0 2 1 ND 3

(Seawoiatde Oipaics)

1* Phenol I 1 I NC _ I I 1 1 NC Mcthylplieaole — — — — 7/00 5/00 Naphthalene — — — — — 2/00 6,700 6,400 3/00 2/73 1 Mtthylniphthilnm — — — — — 1/00 2,200 2/00 410 363. Arrnaphlhytenc — — — — 270 380 390 62 70. Ruotene mm — — — 38 70 110 163 MS. hfMBlhffM _ _ — — 120 190 190


• Not determined in thin eampk. I . Not gf uau4 limit e Teatatwdy identified alhanea kmiai four to eii cetboac. d Rccults-conaidcied analytically invalid and rejected. • Reid duplicate for BNA analyse only. NC Not ralculalfd. — Sample not analyzed for tfcia compound. ND CompouMl mm tffltftfM


Sources of contamination at the Second Street subsite include waste disposal in sludge pits near the coal gas plant and the Colorado Avenue subsite. Discussions on contaminant distribution in the preceding sections confirmed these sources. Most of the samples, including all surface soil gas samples, were not analyzed for compounds known to be associated with wastes from a coal gas plant Therefore, the evaluation of the extent of contamination is based on the limited available data from the subsurface samples. Contaminant fate and transport within and between media at the Second Street subsite is discussed in this section. Generalized environmental behavior of all indicator chemicals is discussed in detail in Appendix VIL Definition of fate and transport processes is described in Appendix VII also.

3.6.1 Soli Fate and Transport

Benzene was the only indicator chemical detected in soil gas samples. Since benzene was not monitored at all borehole locations, the extent of contamination within the subsite cannot be delineated. Movement of soil gas is primarily influenced by diffusions to areas of lower concentrations. Benzene in soil gas may thus move towards the ground water and also in all other directions. Movement towards the ground water would also be aided by percolating water.

All of the indicator chemicals were detected in the subsurface soil. Further movement of these contaminants will depend primarily upon the sorption potential of each compound. FAHs, especially the ones containing four or more rings, have high KM values (defined in Appendix VII), and, therefore, are expected to remain sorbed and move relatively (to other compounds) slowly towards ground water. Phenol and methylphenol will be expected to rapidly leach into the ground water. Phenol and methylphenol concentrations in the subsoil samples were much lower compared to the PAHs. It is probable that significant amounts of these two compounds have already leached into the ground water. Furthermore, phenol and methylphenol would be expected to biodegrade rapidly in these soils under both aerobic and anaerobic conditions. Benzene and toluene would be expected to move towards the ground water with low retardation compared to the bulk flow of the percolating water. Benzene and toluene would also be expected to biodegrade if the subsurface environment at the Second Street subsite is aerobic. However, the rate of degradation will be much slower compared to phenol and methylphenol.

3-10 3.6.2 Ground-Water Fate and Transport

Among the indicator chemicals, benzene, toluene, and several two- and three-ring PAHs were identified in the ground-water samples. Although phenol and 4-methylphenoI were not detected in any of the samples, they are expected to be asociated with coal gaificaiton contaminants.

Benzene, phenol, and methylphenol will be expected to move along with the bulk ground- water flow. Toluene and other PAH movement will slow down due to sorption. Occurrence of mostly two- and one three-ring PAHs (phenanthrene) in the ground water shows the extent of sorption of the subsurface soil.

Phenol and 4-methylphenol, if present, will not be expected to persist due to biodegradation. Benzene and toluene also may biodegrade if the aquifers are aerobic. Benzene and toluene may also volatilize from the upper portion of the aquifer and move as soil gas in the unsaturated zone away from the source area. Sorption to saturated zone soils will be the primary fate process for the PAHs.



This section uses the above data on the contamination at the Second Street subsite to assess the risk posed by that contamination.


The following sections constitute a baseline risk assessment for evaluating the potential threat to human health and the environment in the absence of any remedial action (US. EPA, 1988). They provide a basis for determining if any remedial action is necessary and a benchmark for estimating the necessary extent of any remedial action.

Certain steps in this process have already been completed above. Section 3 identifies, qualitatively and as quantitatively as possible, the contamination present and the indicator chemicals. It also discusses the environmental fate and transport processes that bring these contaminants to their targets.

Section 42 discusses which pathways involving which processes bring the contaminants to which target populations, human and environmental, and estimates the doses to the targets. Section 4.3 assesses the adverse effects of the contaminants on the targets; this includes a listing of applicable or relevant and appropriate regulations, criteria, and guidelines (ARARs). Section 4.4 combines Sections 42 and 4.3 to characterize the risk, to estimate just what adverse effects those doses will have in the target populations.


This section discusses ways that people may be exposed to contaminants associated with the Second Street Subsite. The populations potentially at risk in the absence of any remedial action (i.e., the no-action alternative) are described. A summary of the methodology for estimating exposure risks (dose estimates) is provided. This information is used in the risk characterization eection to estimate the potential human health risks as a result of exposure to contaminants at the Second Street Subsite.

-4.2.1 Potential Exposure Pathways

Volatile organic and semivolatile organic chemicals were detected in ground water, subsurface soil, and soil gas samples taken in the vicinity of the former coal gas plant. This subsection discusses how people could come in contact with contaminants detected in these media (i.e.,

4-1 exposure pathways) under the no action alternative. This assessment does not address exposure that could result from future development of the site. Ground Water

Contaminants appear to be releasing from the former coal gas plant area into the ground water. Contaminants have been detected in MW-9, a monitoring well located just east of the site. Additionally, a municipal well (M-18), located east of the site, hqs been shut down due to contaminants detected in the water. Use of the ground water in this area could result in exposure to contaminants. Virtually all the water used in Hastings is ground water due to the lack of a substantial surface water source. Ground water is used for domestic, industrial and commercial, and agricultural purposes. Domestic and agricultural activities are the primary ground water uses in this area.

Human exposure routes associated with domestic use are ingestion, inhalation, and dermal contact. Ingestion exposures may result from direct ingestion of water. Bathing may result in dermal absorption of contaminants in the water. Inhalation exposures may result from a number of household activities, such as bathing, laundry, and dishwashing that release volatile chemicals from the water into the air where they may be inhaled. In addition, lawn irrigation may result in a seasonal increase in volatilization and may incrementally increase inhalation exposures.

Agricultural use will also include domestic use as a fraction of overall ground-water consumption. The exposures resulting from domestic use would be equivalent to those described above. Exposures related to crops and livestock may occur. Data on the effects of exposure to contaminants detected at this site on crop propagation and livestock are limited and will not be discussed further in this assessment. Soli i

Exposure to surface soil either through ingestion, inhalation of entrained dust particles, or dermal contact are not likely at the Second Street subsite because no surface soil is exposed. The Hastings Police Department occupies the entire area and consists of a main building, parking lot, and vehicle storage area.

Contaminants were detected in subsurface boring samples. The highest detected concentrations were obtained from soil boring 23 (B23), located behind the police station and beneath the parking lot Volatile organic chemicals including chloroform (250 /tg/kg), benzene (200 M/kg), ethyl benzene (450 M/kg), and xylenes (120 M/kg) were detected at the

4-2 13- to 13-foot depth interval. Semivolatiles were also detected at this depth and included naphthalene (12,000 lg/kg), methyl naphthalene (4,g00 pg/kg), Phenanthrene (6,900 fig/kg), benzo[a]pyrene (1,300 Pg/kg), benzo[a)anthraeene, and chrysene (2,200 pg/kg). Subsurface samples obtained at the 15- to 17-foot interval and 59-foot interval also showed similar contaminants. The detected contaminants are characteristic of those detected at other coal gas plants. Disposal locations for these sites was typically in pits beneath or adjacent to the facility. Excavation or construction activities, although unexpected based on current land use, could result in contaminant exposure to workers. The organic volatiles present in soil may migrate into the excavation spaces. Additionally, the volatiles have the potential to migrate into buildings through basement crawl spaces or utilities. This could result in inhalation exposures to individuals in this area. The future development of this site is not considered in this assessment However, workers repairing buried utilities could possibly be exposed during these activities.

4.2.2 Population at Risk Ground Water

A population currently at risk has not been identified because the city of Hastings only uses uncontaminated ground water for their municipal supply. However, if the ground water beneath the site was used as a'potable water source, the populations at risk would be those who use the water supply. The Hastings water supply consists of a number of wells, a network of supply mains, and a few storage tanks. The number of operating wells varies in conjunction with demand. A municipal well (M-18) is located east of the site and has not been used for production due to contamination. The monitoring well (MW-9) located at the coal gas plant site would have to be developed into a municipal water source and distributed into the municipal supply for a potential exposure to the population to occur. However, once in the distribution system, contaminated water would be diluted by the introduction of clean water from uncontaminated sources.

The most recent census (Bureau of Census, 1981) found the population of Hastings to be 23,043, which is 75 percent of Adams County (30,656). It is assumed that the population at risk from ingestion of ground water is the population of Hastings, although this may overestimate the actual numbers of people affected. This omits the non-urban population and also does not consider the effects of dilution within the distribution system. The age-sex distribution for the Hastings population is summarized in Table 4-1.

Ground-water exposures in the work place, industrial, commercial, and agricultural could w^ur as well, it is anticipated that the majority of these exposures would be through inhalation

4-3 and dermal contact. Consequently, work-related exposures will be addressed qualitatively. Based on the census information presented in Table 4-1, the largest population group at risk consists of the domestic use group, which would include the population of Hastings (23,045).

4X22 Soil

There are no populations currently at risk as a result of exposure to contaminated surface soils. There is a limited population at risk to exposure of contaminated subsurface soils and migrating volatile organics in the soils. This would include workers repairing or constructing utilities in the Second Street subsite area. There is a population at risk to migrating soil organics; it would be people who work at the police station or other buildings constructed on or near the coal gas plant However, it is difficult to assess such exposures due to the inability to determine actual length and frequency of exposure. Additional information and data would be necessary to characterize this exposure route. Thus, soil exposures will not be addressed further in this assessment.

4.23 Exposure Estimation

This section discusses the parameters and assumptions used to quantitatively estimate intake of contaminants based on the ground-water exposure routes. Exposure estimation methods are also described.

4.2J.1 Ingestion

Ground-water ingestion exposures are estimated through a number of standard assumptions established by U.S. EPA. These include ingesting 2 liters of water per day over the course of a 70-year lifetime and assuming an adult body weight of 70 kg (U.S. EPA, 1986).

4.2J.2 Inhalation '

Inhalation exposures resulting from ground water use are not quantified for the Second Street subsite because of the lack of a standardized methodology. This exposure route can be considered qualitatively. There have been attempts to estimate the potential exposure to Volatile compounds released from water during domestic use (McKone, 1987). These estimates have indicated that domestic inhalation exposures to volatile compounds in potable water may range from 24 to 600 percent of the exposure estimated for the ingestion route.


Aae___ Male Female Total

• Less than S yean — 1,591

5*15 yean — — 3.303

16-19 yean — ' — 1.716 20-24 years 1,160 1,263 2,423

25-54 yean 3,815 3.873 7,688

55-64 yean 1,033 1,323 2,356

65 yean and older 1,366 2,602 3,968

Total — — 23,045

Source: US. Bureau of the Census, 1983. 1980 Census of Population, General Social and Economic Characteristics. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C.

Note: The total population of Hastings is 23,043. This table presents a distribution by age and sex of that population.

4-5 4.2JJ Dermal

Dermal exposures will not be quantified for this assessment because of the lack of a standardized methodology. This exposure route will be considered qualitatively.

4JJ.4 Exposure Dose Calculations

Estimates of intake are expressed in two ways: (1) daily intake and (2) lifetime average daily intake. Daily intake, in liters per day for water, is used to estimate the daily chemical intake of noncarcinogens for comparison to KFDs. The comparison requires the units "mg-per- kg body weight-day" be used, which are obtained by multiplying the daily intake in liters per day by the concentration of the compound in the water and dividing by the body weight of the receptor. For example, the calculation to determine the daily chemical intake for water is:

Dc m (Iw x Cw)/Bw Where:

Iw m Daily water intake, 1/day Cw m Chemical concentration in water, mg/1 Dc m Daily chemical intake, mg/kg/day Bw m Body weight, kg

Lifetime average daily intake, in liters per kg of body weight per day for water is used to estimate the average lifetime intake. This is then multiplied by the concentration of the compound in water to obtain how much of the compound may be taken into the body over a lifetime. The lifetime average chemical ingestion is determined with the following equation:

LACI - Id x Cw (4-2)

Where: /

Id • Daily water intake, 1/kg of body weight/day Cw • Chemical concentration in water,'mg/1 LACI - Lifetime average chemical ingestion, mg/kg of body weight/day

For the above equation, the daily water intake is 0.029 liters per kg of body weight per day, which corresponds to 2 liters of water ingested daily avenged over a 70 year exposure and ■miming a 70 kg body weight The LACI is used to estimate the potential excess lifetime cancer risk for carcinogens.


This section assesses the toxicity of the selected contaminants of concern. Subsection 4.3.1. consists of brief summaries of the selected indicator chemicals at the Second Street subsite. More detailed summaries, including references and a glossary of toxicologic terms, are included in Appendix Vlll. The Section 433 presents exposure standards, criteria, and guidelines that be used to evaluate the potential effects of exposure.

4J.1 Toxicity Summaries

This toxicity assessment summarises the toxic properties of benzene, toluene, polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons, phenol, and methylphenols, the indicator chemicals at the Second Street subsite.


Benzene was once a widely used solvent, but now has only limited specialty uses. Benzene is absorbed by all routes. Its more serious toxic properties are generally ascribed to metabolites, rather than benzene itself. The primary effect of acute doses is central depression. Repeated doses affect the hematopoietic system, producing a large number of effects on the body, including leukemia in humans and animals.


Toluene has widely replaced benzene as a solvent. It is well absorbed by ingestion and inhalation. Single doses produce irritation and central nervous system depression. Repeated doses produce effects at the site of contact and in the central nervous system, liver, and kidneys.

Xylenes < ■

The three xylene isomers are practically identical biologically. Xylene is used as a solvent and chemical intermediate and is found in gasoline and similar petroleum distillates. Its toxic effects are the same as toluene. At low doses toluene is more toxic than xylene, but at high (near lethal) doses xylene is more toxic.

4-7 Styrcac

The major use of styrene is as a monomer in many plastics particularly elastomers. Some is found in gasoline and similar petroleum distillates. Styrene is irritating to eyes, skin, and mucous membranes; higher acute doses produce central nervous system depression. Repeated doses cause a variety of relatively nonspecific changes, including a variety of alterations in blood enzyme levels. Styrene is somewhat more toxic than closely related chemicals such as xylene and ethylbenzene.

Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons

Polynuclear (or polycyclic) aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) are found in the products of incomplete combustion. They are transformed in the liver to active metabolites; many interactions among and between PAHs (singly or as mixtures) and other chemicals are known. PAHs have negligible acute toxicity. Some PAHs have only a few effects after repeated doses, primarily on the liver, kidney, and hematopoietic system, but others are carcinogenic.

The most recent lists of such animal carcinogens include benzo(a)anthracene, benzo(b) fluoranthene, benzo(j)fluoranthene, benzo(k)fluoranthene, benzo(a)pyrene, chrysene, dibenzo(a,h)acridine, dibenzo(a,j)-acridine, dibenzo(a,h)anthracene, 7H-dibenzo(c,g)carbazole, dibenzo(a,e)pyrene, dibenzo(a,i)pyrene, dibenzo(a,l)pyrene, indeno (1,2,3-cd) pyrene, and 5-methyl chrysene.

Several PAH mixtures (including smoke and coal tar pitch) are considered human carcinogens.


Phenol is now primarily used as a chemical intermediate. It is well absorbed by all routes. Single doses cause contact irritation and central nervous system stimulation; fatalities have resulted from skin absorption. Repeated doses cause similar effects, plus pigmented spots and considerable liver and kidney toxicity.


The methylphenols (cresols) are used primarily as chemical intermediates, separately or as mixtures. Their properties are much like phenol. They are w-*il absorbed by all routes. Acute i

4-8 doses produce local irritation and central nervous system stimulation. Repeated doses also cause skin discoloration and kidney and liver damage.

43J2 Exposure Standards, Criteria, and Guidelines

Environmental standards, criteria, and guidelines can be used to evaluate the potential effects of exposure to the indicator chemicals at the Second Street subsite. Government agencies have established these contaminant levels to define acceptable or quantifiable levels of risk for exposure to contaminants in various media. Standards, guidelines, and criteria for various media are shown in Table 4-2. The rationale for some of these criteria is discussed below.

Under the Safe Drinking Water Act, U.S. EPA establishes two types of standards for public water systems; maximum contaminant level goals (MCLG) and maximum contaminant levels (MCL). MCLGs are nonenforceable health goals set at levels that result in no known adverse health effects, considering an adequate margin of safety. MCLs are enforceable drinking -water standards set as close to MCLGs as feasible, after accounting for analytical, technical, and economical considerations. MCLs and MCLGs are listed in 40 CFR Parts 141 and 143.

The U.S. EPA Office of Drinking Water has developed health advisories (HAs). The levels in these advisories are based on noncarcinogenic health effects. Synergistic effects of other chemicals are not considered, but the HA factors in a margin of safety. Acute HAs are calculated for a 10-kg child consuming 1 liter of water per day and lifetime exposure HAs are calculated for a 70-kg adult consuming 2 liters of water per day for 70 years.

The Reference Dose (RFD) is an estimate of the daily exposure that is likely to cause no appreciable risk of deteriorative effects to humans, including sensitive populations. RFDs are expressed in mg/kg/day and considered only noncarcinogenic health effects.

i U.S. EPA has also established ambient water quality criteria (WQC) as directed by Section 304 of the Clean Water Act The criteria are not embodied in promulgated regulations, but are intended to serve as guidelines for protecting human health and aquatic life from effects of pollution. To protect human health, the WQC identify maximum concentrations for exposure through direct ingestion of water and indirect ingestion through consumption of aquatic organisms found in ambient water. The criteria designed to protect aquatic life, presented in Table 3J.1, are the observed toxic concentrations because insufficient data are available to estimate a reliable WQC.

4-9 TABLE 4-2


Myirocfcar Aromatic • iwcmyt* Bcimvc XoisSK Ihdrocaitaa mt a —a------a~ pWCnWI _1 tUOmm rntimfairt Lwd (MCL) fo/Lf 3 — — ■ — fropoaed MCL (fi/L)^ 2,000 — — — —

MCL Goal (pg/L)c 0 — — — — Trapoaed MCLO (f«/L)^ 24»0 — — — — Ante HcaMi Adriaoiy (1-Dey) 0|/L)^ 200 20,000 — — aaa Lifetime HcaMi AMnqr (pj/L)- — IflOO — — —

Oral Rcfcfcace Doaa, Chnaie (mg/If/day)* — 300 — 600 50 Water Qoatty CHterla, Oatclnopn (pg/L)*

uMmpim ov uran| witcf mm a^noc uipnM 066 mm Water QaaBtf Criteria, Oudmfea (pg/L)*

CoMHHpfai of Aqoatfc Oi|Mlm 00^ 40 mmm mm

UHWmpODB Ol UnflDB| WIlCi MM A^MK UipMHI M 14,300 300

Water QaaStjr Criteria, Noacatdaofea (pg/L)*

Goontnptkso of Afntk Ofgnims ooljf — 4244100 ■m _

Aquatic MWaaal Tnafc Onceatratioa (MTC), Ante (pg/L)* Woo 17,500 — 10200 -

Aquatic MTC, Chroaie (pg/L)* 2^60 — — — — ThtohoM LMt Value (a«/a^)f 0l2^ 3 375 19 22

ErnalariHc Expoame LWt (■*/«*)• 02* 30 375 19 22

Oral Oaidaogeafc Nttqi hetot ((aigAt/day)* V HJk 0.029 — ■ — —

4-t- -t-*t----n------a------t.l»_ —------** - - * - >* 1 L2J IMI8MU0Q UKMOgNKHj YxmXWCJ IMOr UB|flv^7/ 9 Oj029 — — — a*, ta------—« ^a 1------»-«■— M^M|d|h cnocBOc oi uivnufEKVij A — B2 • — —

UVMCtVvC OV UlftlBO|eMnj (NDMOOBJ * A _ B2 — —

4-10 fc*-.— IMU> ■ 40CPR14t.tl. b U.& EPA November 1* 1906, Menl Regider. c 40 CFR 141.50 d U& EPA 1909c, Health Effects Ameaaaeat lamamy Table*, Hid Qaarter PY 1909, (amomes a ifafc of one cancer per 1 mitHoa popuMoa), aad langrded Rid lafocmalioa Sjatem. 0 Integrated Rhk lafomattoa 5jatca Database, UJ. EPA (1909b). 1 ACGIII (1907). | . OSHA, Jammy 19,1909, (federal Eeghter. b A ® bamaa caidaogea, B m paobable baama cardaogea (B1 ® Limited bamaa evidence^ B2 ™ adlicicat aaiiaal ctddencc bat ladeoak baama adtaa) C ® poabb btaaaa carcteogea; D ■ aol claadfied dae to laaafllcicat evidence^ B * evidence of aoncaicinogenicity to human*. I — - No vdae available. Value for coal tar pitch volatile*, I iceoaddeicd.

< The threshold limit values (TLVs) are set by the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists, as levels expected to have negligible advene effects in almost all workers exposed t houn per day, 40 houn per week. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) issues regulations prescribing "Permissible Exposure Limits" (FELs), which are the same sort of time-weighted averages as TLV. The list of FELs was updated in January 1989, although revised values are being phased in through "transitional limits." The table, however, lists the "final limits,” which are OSHA’s conclusions for appropriate exposure limits.

The carcinogenic potency of a chemical is calculated by U.S. EPA's Carcinogen Advisory Group (CAG). This factor, multiplied by the exposed person's intake (in the proper dosage units) estimates the probability, in a lifetime, of developing a cancer after exposure to the chemical. Evidence of carcinogenicity is CAG’s evaluation of the likelihood that the agent is a carcinogen in humans.


This section discusses the potential risks to human health as related to exposures at the Second Street subsite. Risks associated with ground water use are evaluated. Contaminant concentrations detected in ground water are also compared to current drinking water standards and criteria. Contact with soils is not addressed as a potential route of exposure in this assessment.

4.4.1 Risk Estimation Methodology

The potential risks to public health are evaluated by estimating carcinogenic and noncarcinogenic risks associated with ingestion exposure of ground water. This estimation assumes* that the exposure remains constant over the exposure period (i.e., contaminant concentrations and levels remain constant). t

Noncarcinogenic risk is determined by a comparison of the daily intake of the contaminant to its RED. This comparison serves as a measure of the potential of the contaminant producing a noncarcinogenic health effect. To assess the potential for noncarcinogenic effects due to exposure to multiple chemicals, a "hazard index" approach has been used (U.S. EPA 1986 ). This approach mw— dose additivity. The estimated daily intake of each chemical is divided by its RFD and the quotients are summed to provide a hazard index. If the index exceeds one, there is a potential for human health risks. The hazard index will exceed one if any individual chemical has a daily intake that exceeds its RFD. The hazard index may exceed unity without an

4-12 Individual chemical intake exceeding their RFD. In this situation, chemicals with similar health effects are segregated and individual indices are derived for each effect

The potential for carcinogenic risks are evaluated by estimating excess lifetime cancer risks. Excess lifetime cancer risk is the incremental increase in probability of developing cancer during one’s lifetime, generally 70 years, over the background probability of getting cancer (i.e. if no exposure to contaminants occurred). For example, a 1 x 10-6 excess cancer risk means that for every 1 million people exposed to the carcinogen over their lifetime, the average incidence of cancer is increased by one case of cancer. Excess cancer risks for individual chemicals are estimated using the lifetime daily intake and cancer potency factor as illustrated in the below equation:

j - e*" * “*> (4-3)


R Lifetime Cancer Risk e 2.71828 P Cancer Potency Factor (mg/kg/day)*1 LCI Lifetime Average Daily Chemical Intake (mg/kg/day)

Because of the methods used by U.S.EPA to determine cancer potency factors, the estimated risks should be regarded as upper bound risks as opposed to true cancer risks. For mixtures of chemicals, carcinogenic risks are treated as additive for this assessment based on EPA’s guidelines for Chemical Mixtures (U.S. EPA 1986) and Guidelines For Cancer Risk Assessment (U.S. EPA, 1986).

4.4.2 Ground-Water Use Risk

Contaminants were detected in monitoring well (MW-9), which is located just east of the Second Street subsite. The use of this ground water as a potable water source may result in potential ingestion exposure to contaminants.

Ground-water samples were collected from MW-9 during three sampling rounds. During the last sampling round, interval-depth sampling was conducted. Consequently, concentrations from a total of five samples were used to estimate risks. This estimation was conducted using the highest detected and geometric mean concentrations from among these samples. Geometric mean concentrations were calculated for those contaminants detected in two or more samples. To

4-13 estimate the risks from polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), we used the total concentration of those chemicals with three or more rings reported in the standard CLP semi-relative organic assay. Some are not known animal carcinogens, but their inclusion compensates for excluding carcinogenic non-target chemicals. The concentrations used for the risk estimates are presented in Table 4-3.

Noncarcinogenic risks for both child (infant) and adult exposure are presented in Tables 4-4 and 4-3, respectively. The results indicate that for ingestion by children, three chemicals exceed the RFD at both the highest detected and geometric mean concentrations. These chemicals are naphthalene, styrene, and toluene. For adult exposure, toluene exceeded the RFD, but for highest detected concentrations only.

Estimated excess cancer risks are presented in Table 4-6. The carcinogenic risks associated with the highest detected and geometric mean concentrations are both about 02 (one in five). Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons contributed the most to this risk.

4.4.3 Comparison to Drinking Water Standards

The contaminant concentrations detected in MW-9 are compared to current drinking water standards and criteria. Results from the comparison of highest detected and mean concentrations are presented in Table 4-7.

The enforceable drinking water standard (i.e., MCL), proposed MCLG, and Water Quality Criteria are exceeded for benzene and trichloroethene for all concentrations. There is no Lifetime Health Advisory recommended for these two chemicals since they are considered carcinogens. The proposed MCLG and Lifetime Health Advisory are exceeded for styrene, toluene, and xylenes.

•4.4.4 Limitations and Assumptions i

This section discusses the uncertainties and assumptions related to this endangerment assessment Uncertainty Factors

Risk assessment as a scientific activity is subject to uncertainty, both with risk assessment in general (Table 4-8) and regarding an understanding of the site (Table 4-9). This assessment is subject to uncertainty pertaining to:

-4-14 *1 TABLE 4-3


Highest Geometric (a) Detected Mean Concentration Concentration Chemical (UtL/U (m/L)

Benzene • 11,000 5,750

Ethylbenzene 500 288

Naphthalene 7,600 5.800

Styrene 4,600 2,760

Tetrachloroethene 2 NA

Toluene 11,000 6.900

Trichloroethene 19 NA

Xylenes 2,800 1,700

Total Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon 665 564

a. Geometric concentrations determined only for chemicals detected in two or more samples. NA denotes no geometric mean concentration was calculated.

• b. Includes all polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons reported in the semi-volatile organic assay.

4-15 TAOLU 4-4


Highest Geometric a Reference* Detected Estimated Daily Exceed Mean Estimated Daily Exceed Done (RID) Concentration Intake (Dl) Reference Concentration Intake (Dl) Reference Chemical mt/ki/dav . jic/L mt/kt/dav DI/RFD Dose itt/L mc/kc/dav DI/RFD Dose

6lll|IIWIIttM ait 500 0.0500 0.500 NO 288 0.0288 0288 NO

Naphthalene 04 H 7600 07600 1.900 YES 5800 03800 1650 YES

Styfcnc - Oil 4800 0.4600 2J00 YES 2760 02760 1.380 YES

Tetnchlofoethene 0.011 2 0.0002 0.020 NO NA

Tbtoene OSI 11000 1.1000 3.667 YES 6900 06900 2J00 YES

Xylenes 21 2800 0.2800 0.140 NO 1700 01700 0085 NO

Hazard Index (Sum of DI/RFD) 16.595 3JU


cxponit cKit!tn| Konennn Eijncd Individual Child Water Intake (liteis/day) 1 Body Weight (kilograms) 10

a. Source! I: IRIS - Integrated Risk Information System. US. EPA 1988. S: SPHEM • Snpetfnnd PnMic Health Evaluation Manual. US. EPA 1986 H: HEA/HEED - Quarterly Summary of HEA and HEED Chemicals. US. EPA 1988 B: Cyanide value based on free cyanide. C Nickel value based on nickel-aotuble salts.

4-16 TABLE 4S


Highest Geometric Reference* Detected Estimated Daily Exceed* Mean Estimated Daily Exceed Done (RID) Concentration Intake (Dl) Reference Concentration Intake (Dl) Reference Chemical mzAx/dav ««/L tnz/kt/dav DI/RFD Dose ne/L mt/kx/dav DI/RFD Dose

Eiliyflbcfittfic. 0.11 S00 0.0143 0.143 NO 288 010082 0082 NO

Naphthalene 04 H 7M0 0^2171 0S43 NO 3800 01637 0414 NO

Styvcfic 021 4800 0.1314 0.657 NO 2760 00789 0394 NO

TetracMofoethene OOll 2 0.0001 0.006 NO NA

OJI 11000 0.3143 1.048 YES 6900 01971 0457 NO

Xylenes 21 2800 0.8000 0.040 NO 1700 00486 0(04 NO

Hazard Index (Sum of DI/RfD) 4.741 1.572

JRE ASSUMPTIONS bpoam Setting Residential Exposed Individual Adult Water Intake (liters/day) 2 Body Weight (kilograms) 70

a. Source: I: HUS • Integrated Risk Information System. US. EPA 1988. S: SPHEM • Sopeifund Public Health Evaluation Manual. US. EPA 1986 H: HEA/HEED • Quarterly Summary of HEA and HEED Chemicals. US. EPA 1988 B: Cyanide value based on free cyanide. G Nickel value based on nickel-soluble salts.

4-17 table 4-6


U&BPA Carcinogenic Highest Detected Excess Geometric Mem Escem Carcinogen Potency Factor Concentration Lifetime Concentration Lifetime Chemical Classification na/L Cancer Risk «f/L Cancer Risk

BdlltM A 0.029 1 11000 9E-03 5750 5B4»

Tetmcblotoelhene B2 0L0S1 s 2 3E-06 NA

TrfcWoeoetbene B2 0.0111 19 6E-06 NA

Total PAH B2 113 S 665 2B-1 564 2B-1



Pift?iinf Setting Reaidenlial Daily Water Intake (Hteia/day) 2 Body Weight (kilogram) 7D Number of days/ueek expoaed 7 Namber of weeks/year caponed 52 Numaber of yean expoaed 70 Lifetime Average Water Intake 0.029 (liten/kg body wt./day)

a. Source I: IRIS - Integrated Risk Information System. US. EPA 1988. S; SPHEM - Superfund Public Health Evaluation Manual. U S. EPA 1986 H: HEA/HEED- Quarterly Summary of HEA and HEED Chemicals. US. EPA 1988 B: Based on bemo(a]pytene.

4-18 I



* Standards and Criteria fal MW-9 Mw-9 Groundwater Groundwater Lifetime Water Highest Geometric Proposed Proposed Health Quality . Chemical Mssa MCL mcl MCLO MCLO _ teasm ftjteM

410 363 /tccnipninyvcnc * • • . 20(b) DdlKM 11000 5750 5 0 • NRC 0.67

1.2-Dichloroethene 6 NA 70 70 • C4IIJ1yr* a—a ucnzcnc------500 288 680 3400 2400 N Fluorene no TO • • 2-Methylnaphthalene 2300 2075 - • Naphthalene 7600 5800 • • Phenanthrene 190 165 • • Styrene 4600 2760 140 140 Tetrachloroethene 2 NA 0 10 088 Toluene 11000 69000 2000 2420 15000 M

Trichtoroethene 19 NA 5 0 • NRC 2J Xylenes 2000 440 1700 - - 400 -

a. DelMtioM of the criteria are ae More MCL - Safe (Making Water Act, Marihi aw Contaminant Lend (40 CFR 141). Enforceable standards. Proposed MCLIl • Aeguri 24, IMS (53 PR 32259). MCLO • Safe Drinking Water Ad Maximum Contaminant Level Goal (40 CFR 141 JO). Non-enforceaWe health goal*. Propoaed MCLO - Proposed November 13,19S$ (SO PR 46936), except tetrachloroethene, June 12, 1984 (49 PR 24330). Lifetime Health AMaoijr - Drinking water health adviaoriea iaaoed by the 113. EPA Office Of Drinking Water (ODW). Lifetime fceaMt advisories aaamne eapoaare from other aonreea. NRC indicatea no lifetime criteria because the chemical is considered a carcinogen. Water Quality Criteria - Federal Water Quality Criteria (FWQC) modified for ingestion of contaminated water. These values ate not AWQC btri the criteria modified lor application for groundwater contamination situations at Superfund sites. Criteria is for the 104 cancer risk anless denoted by N (Tbxicity protection only). Prom the "Superfund Public Health Evaluation Manual* U3. CPA 1986. b. Federal drinking water criteria. Organoleptic criteria based on taste and odor, not health.

4-19 /



Uncertainty Factor Effect Of Uncertainty Comment

Uee of cancer potency fhctors May owreatimate rids Potencies ate upper upper 95th percent confidence Limits derived from the linearized model. Considered unlikely to underestimate true risk.

Risk/dotes within aa cxpocurc route May over- or underestimate risks Does not account for synergism or to be additive antagonism.

Critical toxicity values derived May over* or underestimate risks. Extrapolation from animal to humans primarily from studies may induce error due to difference in absorption pharmacokinetics, target organs, enzymes, and population variability.

Critical toxicity values derived May over* or underestimate risks. Assumes linear at low doses. Tends primarily from high doses. Most to have conservative exposure exposures are at low doses. assumptions.

Critical toxicity values May over- or underestimate risks. Not all values represent the same degree of certainty. All are subject to change as new evidence becomes available.

Affect of absorption May over* or underestimate risks The assumption that absorption is equivalent across species is implicit in the derivation of the critical toxicity values. Absorption may actually vary with species and age.

4-20 t TABLE 4-9


Uncertainty lector Effect Of Uncertainty Gonnest

Not all chemicals at the site have May underestimate risk These chemicals are not addressed critical toxicity mlues. quantitatively.

No iclativc source cootrfeutioo ■ May underestimate risk Docs not account for non site related for. sources of exposure

Contaminant loas during sampling. May underestimate risk May underestimate the amount of VOCs present

Some routes of esposurc were not May underestimate risk Dermal absorption and inhalation not quantified. estimated.

Analysis limited to TCL volatile and May underestimate risk The TCL chemicals may represent semi-volatile chemicals. only a subset of the lone chemicals which are present at the site.

Exposure assumptions. May under- or overestimate risk Assumptions reprding media intake, population characteristics, and exposure patterns may not characterize exposures.

Exposures assumed constant. May under- or overestimate risk Does not account for environmental fate, transport, or tiansfer which may alter concentration.

Method detectioB limits. May underestimate risk For some chemicals (such as benzene), the method detection limit is abwe a concentration which might he of concern. ✓

No critical toxicity values fot May underestimate risk Does not take into account non- aoocaidoofeaic PAHs. carcinogenic PAHs that potentiate Che tomdty of carcinogenic PAHs.

4-21 • Sampling and analysis • . Fate and transport estimation • Exposure estimation • Toxicological data Assumptions

Major assumptions used in this endangerment assessment are that

• No future development of the site will occur • Contaminant concentrations remain constant over the exposure period • Exposure remains constant over time • Risks are additive • All intake of contaminants is from the exposure media being evaluated (no relative source contribution) . • Ingestion of ground water is the major pathway of concern


The endangerment assessment for the Second Street subsite only evaluated human health risks associated with exposure to ground water. The potential for human exposure to contaminants in soil was considered highly unlikely. Although contaminants were detected in subsurface samples, use of this site under current conditions would not result in exposure. The site is completely covered by a police department and parking lots. The only potential exposure would be to workers repairing or constructing utilities in the site area. Potential carcinogens (i.e., FAHs) commonly associated with coal gas plants were detected in subsurface soil. If construction activities occurred, there would be a concern for the potential exposure of workers to these contaminants. Similarly, inhalation exposure to contaminants detected in soil gas were also not considered. Although volatile organics were detected, the soil gas samples were notanalyzed for the compounds of interest Only a few of the samples included benzene in the analysis and these may be biased low due to holding times. The exposure to contaminants in the soil gas fraction has not been fully characterized. The risk to inhalation of aromatic compounds could exceed any of the risks developed in this document Additional data would be necessary to characterize this exposure route and determine potential risks.

Use of the ground water beneath the site as a drinking water source could result in human exposure to contaminants by ingestion, inhalation, or dermal absorption. Ingestion was the only exposir t 79?: ' juan^mtive!/ 3val*nted in iMs assessment Many attempts in previous risk

4-22 assessments have been conducted to quantify inhalation exposures. These estimates indicate that inhalation exposure from domestic water use may range from 24 percent to 600 percent of ingestion exposure. These estimates are not derived with as much confidence as for ingestion exposure, but illustrate that inhalation may be an important route of exposure. Investigations conducted on dermal absorption exposure indicate that exposure from this route would be less than exposure for either ingestion or inhalation.

Based on the evaluation of contaminants detected in monitoring well 9, use of this ground water as a drinking water source could pose a potential human health risk.

Ingestion exposure to contaminants in the ground water pose a significant noncarcinogenic risk to both children and adults. The major chemicals of concern are naphthalene, styrene, and toluene. For adult exposure, only toluene exceeded the RFD values.

Estimated excess cancer risks for highest and geometric mean concentrations are both 0.2, about one in five. This is almost entirely due to the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. -These estimates are even more uncertain than usual, because no solid carcinogenic potency factors are available for individual PAH; calculations used the only potency factor available for benzo(a)pyrene. There are no quantitative estimates for PAH mixtures, although interactions that increase potency are well known. The chemicals detected are not among those known to be individually carcinogenic. All reported concentrations are less than the contract required quantitation limits; however other PAHs, including those not on the target chemical list, could be present at similar or lesser concentrations. Nevertheless, this estimate, which approximates the normal cancer rate (much of which is due to the PAH and other chemicals in tobacco smoke), is the best available risk estimate.

For the purpose of this risk assessment, the potential noncarcinogenic and carcinogenic risks are associated only with the use of the ground water from MW-9. This well may characterize the water quality beneath the Second Street subsite, because the contaminants detected are characteristic of other coal gas plant sites. Ground water samples collected for the volatile organics were not acid preserved and the amount of aromatics reported could be much less th«n what is presented at this site. Although some of the contaminants detected were above current drinking water standards and criteria, this well would have to be developed into a potable water source before potential exposures could occur. If this well was used as a municipal source, the water would be mixed with the water supply from other uncontaminated sources. Thus, the usefulness of the risks estimates presented in this assessment may be limited.


Dreeszen, VJL, 1985. Letter to Woodward-Clyde Consultants, November 12.

Fischer, A J., and Spalding, RJ\, 1985. Hastings Ground-Water VOC Investigation. Contract Report, Conservation and Survey Division Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 37 p.

Freeze, R. Allan and John A. Cherry, 1979. Groundwater, Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 604 p.

Keech, Cf. and VJL Dreeszen, 1968. Availability of Ground Water in Adams County, Nebraska. Atlas HA-287, United Stated Geological Survey.

McKone, TJE., 1987. "Human Exposure to Volatile Organic Compounds in Household Tap Water. Ilie Indoor Inhalation Pathway." Environmental Sciences and Technology. Vol. 21, No. 12. December 1987.

Millington, RJ. and J.P. Quirk, 1960. "Permeability of Porous Solids," Transactions Faraday Society, 57:1200-1207.

Nebraska Natural Resources Commission (N.N.R.C.), 1983. Report on Big and Little Blue River Basins Area Planning Study.

PRC Environmental Management, Inc., 1987. Work/Quality Assurance Project Plan Ground- Water Investigation at the Far-Mar-Co and Colorado Avenue Subsites of the Ground- Water Contamination Site, Hastings, Nebraska, December.

PRC Environmental Management, Inc., 1990. Ground-Water Report, Hastings Ground-Water Contamination Site, Hastings, Nebraska. April 1990.

US. Environmental Protection Agency, 1986a. Guidelines for the Health Risk Assessment of Chemical Mixtures. Federal Register 51:34014-41. September 24, 1986.

US. Environmental Protection Agency, 1986b. Guidelines for Carcinogen Risk Assessment. Federal Register 51:33992-34013. September 24, 1986.

US. Environmental Protection Agency, 1986c. Suoerfund Public Health Evaluation Manual. Offipe of Emergency and Remedial Response. Washington, D.C. 1986.

US. Environmental Protection Agency, 1987. Data Quality Objectives for Remedial Response Activities. Volume 1, 1987.

US. Environmental Protection Agency, 1988. Quarterly Summary of HEA and HEED Chemicals.

Woodward-Clyde Consultants, 1987a. Report of Investigations, Hastings Ground-Water Contamination Site, North Landfill Subsite, February 16.

/ Woodward-Clyde Consultants, 1987b. Report of Investigation, Hastings Ground-Water Contamination Site, Colorado Avenue Subsite, February 16.

Woodward-Clyde Consultants, 1987c. Report of Investigations, Hastings Ground-Water Contamination Site, Far-Mar-Co Subsite, February 24.

5-1 Woodward-Clyde Consultants, 1987d. Ground-Water Evaluation, Hastings Ground-Water Contamination Site, May 7.











/ I


The following sections briefly describe the methods used in completing the various field activities. Additional details are presented in the May 22, 198S, and the July IS, 1988, Data Transmittal Memoranda. The media sampled during the field investigation were surface soil gas, subsurface soil, subsurface soil gas and ground water.


To collect surface soil gas samples, PRC drove a 0.5-inch (outside diameter) stainless steel probe to a depth of approximately 3 feet The probe and attached tubing were then purged with an MSA, high-volume air pump at a rate of approximately 4 liters per minute. The evacuated gas was discharged into a plastic bag where it was monitored with an HNu detector for positive deflections. Surface soil gas samples were collected in Tedlar gas sampling bags for chemical analysis. Sampling locations are shown on Figure 3-1 of the text.


Hollow stem auger techniques were used to advance boreholes for subsurface sample collection. Three general types of boreholes were completed — shallow, intermediate, and deep. Shallow boreholes were advanced to depths of 20 feet or less, intermediate boreholes to depths between 30 and 89 feet deep, and deep boreholes to depths ranging from 110 to 122 feet. All boreholes at the Second Street subsite were intermediate or deep. Borehole locations at the subsite are shown on Figure 3-1 of the text.

Subsurface soil samples for chemical and physical analysis were collected from each soil boring. Samples were collected using a 3-inch inside diameter (ID) stainless steel split-barrel sampler. Split-barrel samplers were washed with Alconox and rinsed with deionized water before each use. A rinsate sample was taken daily to evaluate potential cross-contamination. Borehole samples were generally collected at 4-foot intervals, starting below the soil zone (approximately 3 feet deep). However, in intermediate and deep boreholes (at depths below approximately 60 feet), spacing between sample intervals was lengthened to 6 or 10 feet

Samples were immediately containerized for laboratory volatile organics analysis. Soils were then visually classified in accordance with the Unified Soil Classification system and containerized for physical and moisture analyses.


PRC generally collected borehole gas samples between the split-barrel sample intervals. The gas probe was driven 40 to 44 inches below the depth of the borehole until a rubber packer assembly was seated in the bottom of the borehole. An MSA pump was used to evacuate the probe at a pumping rate of 4 liters per minute. HNu readings of the evacuated gas were made at 10-second intervals for the first 3 minutes, 30-second intervals for next 3 minutes, and 60- second intervals thereafter until the HNu readings stabilized. Gas samples were then collected in Tedlar bags for analysis.

Soil samples obtained with the split-barrel sampler were used to bracket" each subsurface gas sample. In deep boreholes, however, difficulties were encountered in driving the gas probe through the very coarse-grained dense formation material. Therefore, two consecutive split- barrel samples were obtained, and the probe was then seated within the hole left by the samplers.

Soil gas probes were steam cleaned before each use. The MSA pump was used to purge the hose assembly with atmospheric air before each use; the assembly was purged daily with to remove moisture. Equipment blanks were taken daily through the system (probe, hose, and pump) to assess cross-contamination of the samples.


One shallow (approximately 140 feet deep) monitoring well was installed as part of this work. The monitoring well location is shown on Figure 3-1 of the text. The borehole for monitoring well MW-9 was advanced from start to completion depth using the cable tool method.

The nominal hole diameter was 12 inches, and a 10-inch ID casing was driven behind the drilling tools. PRC used small amounts of bentonite to help support the coarse sands encountered at depths between 70 and 110 feet Below 110 feet, drilling proceeded without the addition of bentonite.

Subsurface soil samples were collected from the monitoring well borehole for physical analysis. Samples were collected with 2-inch ID, stainless steel split-barrel samplers at 5-foot intervals. Soils were visually classified in accordance with the Unified Soil Classification system and screened with an HNu. Samples were then containerized for physical and moisture analysis. Well completion materials were placed in the boreholes through the 10-inch ID casing. As construction materials were added, the casing was slowly pulled. A Johnson 4-inch-diameter,

1-2 10-slot, 305 stainless steel well screen was installed from the bottom of the borehole to the top of the water table. A stainless steel (305) riser pipe was used to complete the well string. A sand- gravel pack was installed to a minimum of 2 feet above the screened interval around the well screen with a tremie pipe and tamped down with a weighted tape. A 2-foot minimum thickness of very fine silica sand was placed above the gravel pack followed by a 2- to 3-foot-thick layer of bentonite pellets. Approximately 3 gallons of water were then added to the borehole to facilitate the swelling of the bentonite, forming a seal. After allowing sufficient time for swelling of the bentonite pellets, a cement-bentonite slurry was added to fill the remaining annular space to 15 feet below the ground surface. The slurry was allowed to settle and cure for at least 24 hours before it was "topped off" with non-expanding Portland cement Later, a cement pad with a protective outer casing and locking cap was installed.

The well was developed by pumping with a high-volume, stainless-steel submersible pump. Pumping started at the base of the screened interval. The pump was slowly pulled up the well screen as the water cleared. This process continued until the discharge water was clear and the pH and conductivity measurements had stabilized. Purged water was cycled through a granular activated carbon filter and discharged onto the surface.


As part of the ground-water investigation, PRC sampled the newly installed monitoring well, MW-9. The well was sampled using interval sampling techniques and equipment.

Interval ground-water sampling is a unique approach to sampling monitoring wells with extensive screen lengths. This method aids in evaluating the vertical distribution of contaminants, determining the stratification of contaminants, and isolating zones of maximum contaminant concentrations.

• The interval ground-water sampling apparatus consisted of two inflatable packers connected by a rigid 3.5-inch-diameter stainless steel tube. The stainless steel was machine drilled to allow water to flow freely to an air driven bladder pump. The bladder pump was suspended beneath the top packer within the stainless steel "casing." Design of the sampler assembly allowed the isolation of 5-foot screened intervals. The small capacity of the bladder pump (approximately 500 mL) aided in limiting water withdrawal to the 5-foot section being aampled.

1-3 The well sampling was accomplished by working the sampling device up the well (bottom to top of the water column) in 5-foot increments. At each increment, the packers were inflated to isolate the sampling interval. Using the bladder pump, three volumes of water (approximately 10 gallons) were removed from the 5-foot sample xone. Then the water sample was taken and the packers deflated. The sampling device was then slowly raised to the next sampling interval. The sampling device (pumps and discharge lines) was decontaminated by pumping the purged water through the pump and tubing. Three well volumes from the 5-foot sample interval were purged to flush the sampling device before each sample was collected. The sampling device was cleaned with an Alconox wash and distilled water rinse between each well.


The Hastings area is underlain by a sequence of unconsolidated silt, clay, sand, and gravel of Miocene and Pleistocene age. This is floored, with a marked unconformity, by the Cretaceous Niobrara Formation, consisting of chalky shale, limestone, and chalk. During the current investigation, boreholes were drilled only in the unconsolidated material, which ranges in thickness from 100 feet to 250 feet

During the Pleistocene time, the deposition of various unconsolidated material* was influenced considerably by glacial activity to the east A generalized regional stratigraphic column for this area is presented in Table II-1. A brief account of various geological formations is given below.

The uppermost unconsolidated deposit in the Hastings area is the Peoria Loess of Wisconsinan age. It is a layer of windblown silt that was deposited as a mantle over large parts of southwestern Nebraska. In this area, as evidenced by borehole data, the formation ranges from 10 feet to 40 feet in thickness, although elsewhere it is reported to be from 40 feet to as much as 100 feet thick. In general, it has a light brown to nearly white color.

Loveland Loess of late Illinoisan age underlies the Peoria Loess. Outside of Hastings, these two units are separated by the Todd Valley Sand, a greenish-gray fine-grained sand unit ranging from 0 to 60 feet in thickness. The Loveland Loess consists of a reddish-brown calcareous/clayey silt and a lower silt member, the former marked by a progressive increase in clay content with depth. The Loveland Loess was deposited in the drainage ways and on the intervening low divides. In southeastern Nebraska, its thickness varies from 0 to as much as 200 feet (Johnson, 1960).

The Sappa Formation, underlying the Loveland Formation, consists of up to 50 feet of silt 4 and fine sand, with a middle zone of fine to very coarse sand and gravel. Outside the Hastings area, this formation is known to attain a thickness of as much as 140 feet, but is generally much thinner. These deposits probably represent a combination of aeolian and fluvial environments and appear to be fairly continuous beneath the study area. The Sappa Formation appears to be mostly sand west of the eastern city limits and mostly silt and clay east of the city limits. The silt and loess of the Sappa Formation were probably derived from the reworking of the underlying Pearlette Ash Member. The Sappa Silt is distinguished from the overlying Loveland and Peoria Silts and Loesses by the presence of microscopic glassy shards (Reed and Dreeszen, 1965). The Sappa Formation, therefore, includes materials of mixed origins (fluvial, aeolian, and minor volcanic). CRETACEOUS I MIOCENE ] <------PLEISTOCENE ^VarmoutMan -Unconformity ‘ Aft 6LACIAL KANSAN GLACIAL GLACIAL NEBRASKAN INiconfonatty S Interglacial Interglacial ILLINOI/ Interglacial GLACIAi. VISCOUS'NAN ME anamnnlan *

on 3. 5. 4. 2. SUMMARIZED t.

Ian Johnson Keech

Lugn Reed A.A.P.G. m





1 and

FROM: (I960) Oreeszen (1984) Dreeszen Niobrara Holdrege Ogallala Loveland (Late Fullerton Grand Peoria GROUP/FORMATION (Late (Late (Late STRATIGRAPHIC Sappa (Medial (Late

Nebraskan) Kanaan) Nebraskan)

Illlnolan) Island Kanaan) Fomat


Formation (1968)


Forwtlon Formt Forwtlon Forwtlon






** •*

STRATIGRAPHY classifications These recent Chalky clay, Lenticular slightly Sand (Largely Dark Sand 6reen1sh-gray (b) (Pearlette (b) (a) layer (a) STRATIGRAPHIC

with Crete Loveland Todd Peoria (present (present

and classifications calcareous and


work of shale

eroded cemented gravel

gravel nlnor Valley volcanic minor


deposits Ash (Oreeszen, Loess:


and only Loess: only


are Needier) and amounts

under volcanic

silt, (coarsest HASTIN (coarsest Sand: chalk


ash tABUy^l

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Hastings clay, 1985) at greenish-gray

uncemented (bedrock) fine of


brown-white g




at 40EA, at places) sand places)

Johnson and Indicates sand

base) base) bottom


and fine


to calcareous


(1960) fine silt

ADAMS sand

that a


but these




NEBRASKA* Marine Fluvial Fluvlal/Aeollan Fluvlal/Aeollan Aeollan/Fluvlal (minor Fluvial Fluvial ORIGIN Aeolian Fluvial Aeolian (minor

volcanic) volcanic) PRC April


1990 Up to (thickens Up Up Up Up (Ip THICKNESS Up 0 0 (generally up (average

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ft Adam

REGSTRAT.GRF west, e 0I7V68B4I32 nt. 04/10/90

Co.) Inc. up

The coarse sands and gravels that underlie the Sappa Formation are of Pleistocine age. These formations were formerly known as the Grand Island, Fullerton, and Holdrege Formations (Johnson, 1960). More recent work (Dreeszen, 1985) has shown that the correlation of these separate formations is invalid. The older terminology for these formations is now discontinued. The sands and gravels formerly known as the Grand Island Formation constitute the aquifer in the Hastings area. These were deposited on an irregular surface, and therefore, display a marked variation in thickness. This material generally tends to be coarsest at the base.

The Ogallala Formation, generally described as Pliocene in age, has been assigned to the. Miocene age in recent literature (AAPG, 1984). This formation consists primarily of irregular, lenticular deposits of uncemented to slightly cemented gravel, sand, silt, clay, and minor volcanic ash. The Ogallala had been largely eroded in this part of Nebraska prior the deposition of overlying materials. This formation has not been encountered in the Hastings area. It is reported to be present west of the Adams-Kearney County line. In southern Nebraska, its thickness varies from 0 feet to 150 feet in the east to as much as 500 feet in the west It constitutes an important regional aquifer.

• The Niobrara Formation is the uppermost bedrock unit beneath the Hastings area. It commonly consists of chalky shale, limestone, and chalk. It has a thickness of up to 300 feet. i



Most of the ground water in south-central Nebraska is within the Miocene and Pleistocene deposits. Water is present in the deeper (Cretaceous) formations, but is generally too mineralized for most uses (Keech and Dreeszen, 1968). The ground water in the Miocene Ogallala Formation (where present) and overlying Pleistocene deposits constitutes a continuous tone of saturation underlying the entire area. The lower surface of this zone is the top of the Cretaceous bedrock, and the upper surface is the water table.

Water is deepest in the uplands (approximately 110 to 135 feet) and shallowest in the valleys, less than 15 feet on the floodplains of the Platte and Little Blue Rivers (Keech and Dreeszen, 1968).

Generally ground water flows east-southeast through the area; however, local deviations occur where ground water intersects streams and pumping wells. The average rate of ground- water flow in the principal zone of saturation ranges from approximately 1/2 foot to 2 feet per day (Johnson, 1960). Transmissivity has been calculated to range from 100,000 to 200,000 gallons per day per square foot (Keech and Dreeszen, 1968).

Recharge to the aquifer comes mainly from precipitation and subsurface inflow from the west Most of the precipitation that falls in the area evaporates or is extracted by vegetation; however, a small portion percolates through the unconsolidated sediments and reaches the principal zone of saturation. The amount of this infiltration to the zone of saturation differs widely from time to time and place to place. It is estimated that recharge from precipitation averages slightly less than 1.0 inch per year in the undissected uplands, 1.5 inches per year immaturely dissected areas, and up to 2.0 inches per year in areas to the west and northwest, • mantled by fine sand (Johnson, 1960). Smaller amounts of recharge come from unlined irrigation canals, reservoirs, and applied irrigation water. Steady declines in the elevation of the ground- water table have been observed in the Hastings area. Some areas have shown declines of as much as 30 feet in 30 years, indicating that ground water in the Hastings area is being withdrawn faster than natural recharge sources can replace it (Woodward-Clyde Consultants, 1987).

The only places in south-central Nebraska where natural ground-water discharge occurs are the stretches of stream valleys incised below the water table. The largest of these streams include the Platte, Big Blue, Little Blue, and Republican Riven. Pumpage of high-yield municipal, irrigation, and private wells accounts for most of the remaining discharge in the area. APPENDIX m BOREHOLE LOGS I «

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i-iitRrs srfu,p*",,» fERWisit.mttiSi. HHls.tJii*» —• ®5.iJ2:r HAST**.'. rO.HNASKA ^BrERSs’it.^ ...... » *&«»**—- MONITOR IMk Kll. pff^isas^iiii1^ ganr * M«;timr>Mla:i8?M,h EJfotiar,!* «Bir.fflir *r M,hBIF,u -r,n BarWlaO 1.01 MOO.OIO 3/30/00 1*20 PRC Imlrawaalal Manafaaaat^ Ira. APPENDIX IV PHYSICAL RESULTS A&L MID WEST LABORATORIES, INC. 13611 "BM STREET • OMAHA, NE 68144 • (402) 334-7770

REPOilT NUMBER 8-028-1530 January 28, 1988 Ml

t.nyne Western Company #3973 SUBJECT: Soil Analysis P. O. Box 11067 Omaha, NE 68111 PO # F 1187 Lab Sample Moisture Observed Particle No. Identification % Soil Texture Hue Description Comments • Soil .

48127 B17,12/22/87.10-12 6.97 Silt Loam Grey Brown > 80% S/C Iron stained lenses (homogeneous) < 15% fine to med sand, < 5% A weathered shale coarse sand to med pebbles clasts 48128 DI7,12/22/87,20-22 24.55 Silt Loam Grey brown > 90% S/C Iron staining; (homogeneous) < 10% fine sand weathered shale clasts 48129 1)17, 12/22/87,26-28 22.19 Sill Loam Grey Drw/Brw > 90% S/C Mottled gray brw/brw (homogeneous < 10% fine sand 48130 1117.12/22/87, 38-40 17.92 Silty Clay Loam Grey > 90% S/C Minor iron staining. (homogeneous) < 10% fine sand Upper localized sand concentration 48131 1)17, 12/22/87,44-46 15.88 Silty Clay Loam Grey > 90% S/C Same as above plus (homogeneous) < 10% fine to med sand dark organic inclusives 48132 DI7,12/22/87, 50-52 17.79 Silt Loam Grey Brown > 80% S/C Same as above plus (homogeneous) < 20% fine to tiled sand dark organic inclusives , 48133 1)17, 12/22/87,56-58 12.96 Sandy lx>am Reddish Brown > 50% S/C, < 5% coarse sand S/C localized in (homogeneous) < 50% fine to med sand clumps Moisture: A STM D 2216-80 Laboratory bclermination of Water (Moisture) Content of Soil. Texture: Particle descriptions based on AGI Data Sheet 17.1, visible observation &% estimates S/C = Sill & Clay; < = less than; > = greater than /^) Cn Joh ( orpy, I aUHalory Su|icrvisor

Dedicated Exclusively to Providing Ou.ihty An.ilytic.il Sc vices OuMtiioilj amJlelleijJ/Hoi Ihe exclusive am) loiiltdtnlialiiseoloiuclienls anil m.i|r (ml lie in olioleoimiuil him iim, ,niy iilneni r lie m.iilc * * 1 ** '•••** ...... '* » ■ • >«*'f M*| l|f »•*: f »•)♦**• »• »*t litllfl •IMIMMMOMtt* III- •• llllM»|| ll|il.|IMII||| Mill l\ Mill'll .illllltil l/.lltfltt A&L MID WEST LABORATORIES, INC. 13611 "tt" STREET OMAHA, NE 680! • (402) 331-7770 REPORT NUMBER 8-028-1531 January 28, 1988 Ml I. nync Western Company #3973 SUBJECT: Soil Analysis II. O. Box 11067 Omaha, NE 68111 1*0 #T 1187 Lab Sample Moisture Observed Particle No. identification % Soil Texture Hue Description Comments Soil 48134 B17, 12/23/87.65-67 4.08 Sand Lt Brw(Buff) > 93% Hue to med sand Little S/C ft action (homogeneous) <3% coat se sand 48135 ul7,12/23/87.67-69 4.34 Sand Whitish grey > 95% fine to med sand Minor S/C bodies (homogeneous) < 5% coarse sand as rip ups 48136 317.12/23/87.75-77 3.43 Sand Whitish grey > 95% fine lo med sand Little S/C fiaclion (homogeneous) < 5% coarse sand 48137 Ml 7, 12/23/87.77-79 5.55 Sand Whitish grey > 95% fine sand I .idle S/C fraction (homogeneous) < 5% med sand 48138 B17, 12/23/87, 85-87 8.74 Sand Whitish grey > 75% fine sand, < 20% med Sample somewhat (heterogeneous) sand, < 5% coarse sand graded (see comments) 48139 M I7,12/23/87, 87-89 5.55 Sand Whitish grey > 75% fine lo med sand, < 20% Coarsest fraction (homogeneous) coarse sand, < 5% fine lo med predominately pink pebbles quartz 48140 bl8.1/11/88, 3-5 35.20 Silt Grey brown > 90% S/C Mottled w/inclusions (heterogeneous) < 10% fine sand of dark brown S/C 48141 BI8.1/11/88.9-11 24.24 Silt Grey Brown > 95% S/C Minor Iron staining w/ (homogeneous) < 5% fine sand white clay mineral cone. 48142 B18,1/12/88.15-17 25.25 Sill Grey Brown > 95% line sand (homogeneous) <5% fine sand Moisture: AS IM D 2216*80 Laboratory Determination of Water (Moisture) Content of Soil. Texture: Particle descriptions based on AGI Data Sheet 17.1, visible observation & % estimates S/C = Silt Sc Clay < = less than; > » greater-than f \ n * Jtjpn Torpy {^moratory Sii|>ervisor

Dedicated Exclusively to Providing Quality Analytical Set vices Ohi ii i Mil' ;ini| !i ||rir. ;nr fin (lie eitlmive anil lOnliilrnlialuse nl om clicitls ,inil may mil tir i<:pimliici-il ill vtlinle m in (Mil uni nwiy .my irlnrnt r lii* ni.ttle • A&L MID WEST I, A HO It ATOM ES, INC* £ 13611 "ll" STRUCT * OMAHA, NR 68£ • (402) 334 7770 ft

REPORT NtlMBKIt 8 053 1515 Tcl.ri.ary 22, 1980 Ml

l.ayiie Western (Company #3973 SUBJECT: Suit Analysis I*. O. Itnx 11067 Omaha, NE 681 It 1*0 # F 1187 l»ab. Sample Moisture Matrix Particle No. Idenlificalion % llue Description Description Soil Comments

48777 D18. 65-67 Greyish brown I lomogeneous Approx, equal amounts of “Distinct moilihal! fine sand and S/C odor

Moisture: AS I KID 2216-80 laboratory Determination of Water (Moisture) Content of Soil Respectfully submittal. Texture: Particle descriptions based on AGI Data Sheet 17.1 visible observation and % estimates. Note: S/C » Sill & Clay, < «* Less than, > « Greater then ' *• /<*” jV; Predominately = 90%; Mostly ■ 60%; Son* * 40%; Minor = 20%; Little = 10%; Trace = 5% Jpjin Tnrpy,'Laborntuiy Supcrviisor

Dctlicutvtl inclusively to Providing Quality Analytical Setvims thMii|iMls.iiNllcllciSiMclni Iht c>rbm»e .iiul i iiiiluliMti.il use ol mu chcnlsjiMlinafniil lie ir|mnlm ril in nliiib' in mimiI.mim m.if jnyidei«m«lii!MMtli' In dll' will h till' Irbllll-. Ml lltc lOlli|i.lll, ill .11.,,III. I ill-,||||| ill: A S i vlir.ir.t:. Ill nltn:i |mlillt .illliliniH1:1111 III.illmiil nlil.liiiliM, MMI (mill milll'M.HillNill/.lllnll A&L Ml!) WRSt LAIl()UAI#IUli5i, INC. 13611 *'IIM STREET • OMAHA, NIC 68144 • (402) 334-7770 REPORT NUMBER 8-053-1516 February 22, 1988 Ml

t.ayne Western Company #3973 SUBJECT: Soil Analysis P. O. Box 11067 Omaha, NE 68111 PO # F 1187 Lab. Sample Moisture Matrix Particle No. Identification % Hue Description Description Comments Soil 48778 BI8, 67-69 9.7 Greyish Brown Homogeneous Approx, equal amounts of Odor not present fine sand and S/C 48779 BI8. 75-77 5.2 Greyish Brown Homogeneous Predominately fine to med sand with some S/C; little coarse sand 48780 1)18, 77-79 5.8 Whitish Grey Homogeneous Predominately fine to med Isolated bands as sand with little S/C lenses of S/C 48781 D18, 85-87 6.7 Whitish Grey Homogeneous Mostly fine to med sand All fractions well mixed with sonic coarse sand to fine pebbles, little med pebbles, little S/C 48782 BI8, 87-89 3.6 Grey Homogeneous Mostly fine to med sand All fractions well mixed with sonic coarse sand to Fine pebbles, lililenied pebbles, little S/C

Moisture: AS I'M D 2216-80 laboratory Detcnninaiion of Water (Moisture) Content of Soil Respectfully submitted, Texture: Particle descriptions based on AGI Data Sheet 17.1 visible observation and % estimates. Note: S/C = Sill & Clay, < = Less than, > = Greater then Predominately =? 9CW; Mostly = 60%; Some = 40%; Minor = 20%; Little = 10%; Trace = 5%. Joph Torpy, Iqibniatoiy Supemsoi Dedicated Inclusively to Provitliiuj Quality Analytical Set vices ill.I)h' dill lipiillS .iimI li-llti s .lit- Im Itii- e»i lusivr .uni i iiiitnli iili.il use til mu i lienls .mil tii.iy iihI hi*«i-|»»»wli»» ninth: m in p.iil tun w.iy .mv •flfictit «• hf ...... >t •...... it...... i i...... |...... it... .•■••• ...... ' " ' i A&L MID WEST t.AHOUATOUtES, INC. 13611 "h" STREET • OMAHA, NE 68#* (402) 334-7770

REPORT NUMBER 8-133-1521 (Page 31 of 32) May 12, I9H8 MS l.ayne Western Company #3973 SUBJECT: Soil Analysis I*. O. Box 11067 Omaha, NE 68111 PO # F 1.187

l.ali. Sample Moisture Matrix Particle No. Identification % llue / Description Description Comments Siiil . 5555(1 B-23, 15-17 32.37 Grey Black Homogeneous Predominately S/C, little fine sand 55551 11-23, 17-19 38.57 Grey Black 1 lomogeneous Predominately S/C, little fine sand/fine pebble 55552 B-23, 21-23 14.41 Brown Homogeneous Mostly S/C, some fine/ * med sand 55553 B-23. 22-24 24.24 Brown Homogeneous Predominately S/C, little fine sand 55554 B-23, 27-29 11.91 Dark Brown 1 lomogeneous Mostly S/C, some fine/med sand 55555 B-23. 33-35 16.31 Dark Brown 1 lomogeneous Mostly S/C, Mothball odor some fine/med sand present. Silts predominate fines Moisture: ASTM D 2216-80 laboratory Delenninaiion of Water (Moisture) Conteni of Soil Texture: Particle descriptions based on AGI Data Sheet 17.1 visible observation and % estimates. Note: S/C = Silt & Clay, < » Less than, >'» Greater then Predominately = 90%; Mostly = 60%; Some = 40%; Minor = 20%; Utile = 10%; Trace = 5%.

Dciln:,itvil l\i Itisivvly to Ptoviilituj Qu.ility Aiutytn .»/ iY’mi.vj lliii ii |iml'. mil li.llcis .11 r (ill Ilit'Oi Iii-.ivi- .uni ■ hiiIiiIi tili.il use nl imii i ln-nl-. .mif m.iy mil lur • .-|it till- iCSlilt-. Hi till! CHili|l.lliy HI .my .i.l 11li'.iin, Ill.'AS uliMM: III iilliei |iiiMii .iiihihihi miiiiiI illmul I|||I.I||I||II|IIIII |llI.»I *till«il.iii(linll/ limn A&L MID WEST LAEORATGUIES, INC. # 13611 HBH STREET • OMAI1A, NE 68# . (402) 334-7770

REPORT NUMBER 8-133-1521 (Page 32 of 32) May 12, 1988 MS

l.ayne Western Company 83973 SUBJECT: Soil Analysis I*. O. Box 11067 Omaha, NE 68111 PO « E 1187

l.al). Sample Moisture Matrix Particle No. Identification % llue Description Description Comments SLiul 55556 U-23, 38-41 19.88 Dark Brown Homogeneous Mostly line sand, Mothball odor > some S/C present. 55557 B-23, 45-47 17.15 Brown 1 lomogeneous Predominately S/C, Mothball odor little fine sand present 55558 U-23, 51-53 13.37 Brown Homogeneous Mostly S/C, minor fine Mothball odor sand, minor med sand present 55559 B-23, 57-59 6.52 Brown Homogeneous Predominately fine/med sand, Mothball odor trace coarse sand, little S/C present

Moisture: /-.STM D 2216*80 Laboratory Determination of Water (Moisture) Content of Soil Texture: .riicle descriptions based on AGI Data Sheet 17.1 visible observation ami % estimates. Note: S/C = Sill & Clay, < ■ Less than, > = Greater then Predominate];/ = 90%; Mostly = 60%; Some = 40%; Minor = 20%; Little = 10%; Trace = 5%. Rcspecfully submitted,

JojihTorpy laboratory Supervisor

Uctliciilvil l u.lnsivvly to Providing Oiulity Aiulylu.il iVvvitvs (Ini i i|im Is .ini] tc-tlei S ai i’ Im the em tusive dint i iiiilnti iili.il

REPORT NIIMDER 8 133 1521 (Page 1 of 32) May 12, 1988 MS Lnyne Western Company 03973 SUBJECT: Soil Analysis r. O. Do* 11067 Omaha, NE 68 111 PO 0 F 1187 '

l.nli. Sample Moisture Mntrlx Particle No. Identification % line Description Description Comments Soil

55172 11-27, i 5 25.90 Dark fliown Homogeneous Predominately S/C, little Clays predominate One sand S/C fiaction 55373 II 27, 9 11 21.91 Light Grey Homogeneous Predominately S/C, Sills predominate Drown little One sand S/C fraction 55371 11 27, 15 17 21.55 Grey Drown 1 lomogcneons Predominately S/C, Sills predominate little fine sand S/C fiaction 55191 11 27, 27-29 7.33 Drown Homogeneous Predominately S/C, Sills predominate little fine sand S/C fraction

Moisture: AS'IM D 2216 80 Laboratory lletermination of Water (Moisture) Conlcnl of Soil Testm e: Particle descriptions based on AGI l)nta Sheet 17.1 visible observation and % estimates. Note: S/C = Sill & Clay, < = Less than, > = Greater then Predominately = 90'??'; Mostly = 60%; Some » 40%; Minor = 20%; Little = 10%; Trace = 5%.

Dedicated Exclusively to Providing Quality. Analytical Si'ivices Oiti i(|iiiilun|l(llri$ .Ilf fm llir tarlii'.ivt.inrii ithliiltnliil use olom tlir ills .lint in.iynnl hf irpiiiiliiiMliiiwttnleni itip.iil mil m.iy .m» trlrirmelie ni-».|ir liillif v.-mt llie if Mills qi llic rnnip.lny in .m, .tdvulr.im) numiSirle.ise. 01 ullici pnMn: .iiiiumiiii •■innil'. miMmiiiIiiIiI.iiiiiimiihii |nihi (miIIhi.iiiIImiiimImim A«L 1V11LI WE.dl LAbUKAIUKIliJ), IINC. 13611 HBH STREET * OMAHA, NE 6|^4 • (402) 334-7770

REPORT NUMBER 8*133*1521 (Page 2 of 32) May 12, 1988 ms

Payne Western Company #3973 SUBJECT: Soil Analysts P. O. Box 11067 Omaha, NE 681II PO # P 1187

i.ali. Sample Moisture Matrix Particle No. Identification % llue Description Description Comments Soil 55375 B-27, 33-35 20.35 Grey Homogeneous Predominately S/C Days predominate little fine sand S/C fraelion 55376 0*27, 39-41 13.5 Grey Homogeneous Predominately S/C Mottled w/darlc little fine sand S/C inclusions 55377 0-27,45-47 15.7 Grey Homogeneous Mostly S/C Silts predominate some Tine sand S/C Traction 55378 0-27, 51-53 10.63 Light Brown Homogeneous Mostly S/C, some fine/med sand, trace coarse sand 55379 0-27,57-59 12.22 Brown Homogeneous Mostly finc/ined sand, Sills predominate some S/C : S/C Traction 55380 0-27,63-65 6.24 Light Brown Homogeneous Mostly finc/ined sand, minor coarse sand, minor S/C

Moisture: ASTM D 2216-80 laboratory Determination of Water (Moisture) Content of Soil Texture: Panicle descriptions based on AGI Data Sheet 17.1 visible observation and % estimates. Note: S/C = Silt & Clay, < » Less than, >■ Greater then • l*rcdominn?rly = 90%; Mostly =» 60%; Some = 40%; Minor = 20%; Little = 10%; Trace = 5%.

Uctht.tU'il I 'i hr.ii’cly io I’invitliiui Uiulily An.tl\ in.il .'jritim *

(Inl it (lull-.,,mil ItlltiS.H Hill llii't./i lii'.ivr .mil ■ m.iIiiIi iiIi.iIiiM'iiIiiiii i In-ill-, .mil iii.iy mil lici.miIiii i iIhi jIiiiI.iii in |t.u, urn ih.i, .m, Irli mu i in 1:1 i.li III till.-.‘.Illk lilt Ifllllli III till! llllll|t.lll, III III,' ll -III llli| IICAMI'llMM' III llttll!! ,11 llllll.. Itll It II11II • III! Ill' '•. llllillll lllil.l II III ll| Hill (lllill IVIllllII .lllllllill * lllnll A&L MID WEST LABORAT(£

REPORT NUMBER 8-133-1521 (Page 3 of 32) May 12, 1988 ms Layne Western Company #3973 SUBJECT: Soil Analysis P. O. Box 11067 Omaha, NE 68111 PO # P 1187

Lal>. Sample ' Moisture Matrix Particle No. Identification % llue Description Description Comments Soil SS38I B-27, 67-69 6.44 Grey Brown 1 lomogeneous Mostly Hnc/med sand, Silt predominates minor coarse sand, S/C fraction minor S/C 55382 B-27, 75-77 6.28 Light Reddish 1 lomogeneous Mostly Tine/med sand, minor Brown coarse sand, minor S/C 55383 b-27,77-79 4.40 Light Brown Homogeneous Predominately fine sand, little S/C 55384 D-27, 85-87 3.00 Whitish Grey 1 lomogeneous Predominately med/coarse sand, little fine/med pebble 55385 B-27, 87-89 2.46 Whitish Grey Homogeneous Predominately med/coarse sand, little finc/med pebble 55386 B 27,95 97 2.89 Reddish Brown Homogeneous Mostly med/coarse sand, Pe stained some finc/mcd pebble matrix

Moisture: ASTM D 2216-80 Laboratory Determination or Water (Moisture) Content of Soil Texture: Panicle descriptions based on AGl Data Sheet 17.1 visible observation and % estimates. Note: S/C = Silt & Clay, < «* Less than, > » Greater then Predominately = 90%; Mostly = 60%; Some = 40%; Minor = 20%; Little = 10%; Trace = 5%.

Dct/icutvil l. ulvsivvfy to Providing Quality Aiulytn.il Shi t iers Uni iIs .uni Mltis .lit Ini Ilie t*» luster anil i.uiiltili-iilial use ul om rlieuls .mil may mil lur ii-|iimini ml m .slmlr hi in |i.nI not m.iy .lily iclmmii •- ly m.iilr In lh>' .siiili tin- ii’sulls in llii: r.niii|i.iuy m .111/ .ul - ilr.im| iif/. siiliMM’ iii nllim pulilii .umnimi •'•umil illimiliil.l immiiimi ihhii wniili-u .1111111111’ iimu A&L MID WEST LABORATORIES, INC. 13611 MBM STREET • OMAHA, NE 6ilV, • (402) 334-7770

REPORT NUMBER 8-133-1521 (Page 4 of 32) May 12, 1988 ms Layne Western Company #3973 SUBJECT: Soil Analysts P. O. Box 11067 Omaha, NE 681lt PO # F H87

l.ali. Sample Moisture Matrix Particle No. Identification % llue Description Description Comments Sldl 55387 B-27,97-99 1.81 Reddish Brown Homogeneous Mostly med/coarse Pc sand, some fine/med stained matrix pebbles 553K8 B-27, 105-107 (?) 4.61 Brown Homogeneous Mostly fine sand, R0952873 some S/C 55389 R-27, 105-107 (?) 16.79 Yellow Brown Homogeneous Mostly med/coarse sand, minor R0952872 fine pebble, minor fine sand trace med pebble 55390 B-27, 107-109 3.48 Orange Grey 1 lomogeneous Predominately med/coarse l;e sand, little fine/med pebble stained matrix 55391 B-27, 115-117 5.56 Whitish Grey 1 lomogeneous iPredominately med/coarse sand, little fiiid/med pebble 55434 B-27. 117-119 4.06 Grey Homogeneous Mostly med/coarse sand, minor fine sand, minor finc/med pebble Moisture: A STM D 2216-80 laboratory Determination of Water (Moisture) Content or Soil Texture: Particle descriptions based oh AGI Data Sheet 17.1 visible observation and %• estimates. Note: S/C = Silt & Clay, < ** Less than, > = Greater then l*redominaicly = 90%; Mostly = 60%; Some = 40%; Minor = 20%; Little = 10%; Trace = 5%.

Urthc.itctl l M.liniwly to hovnhmj (Jo.ihly An.il\ tn.it Smim (Ini 11 (Mil I* .nut tetlciSJit tin Die eit liiMvt .ml i imliili uli.il tisr nl om i lutiil-.. .nut ui.iy mil In-ir|unilnml hi alinli: hi hi |i.iiI. mu ni.it .hi, ii:Ii h-iii •• In: iii.iiIi- In tin: wink Iht ihmiIIs m Hit-rniii|i.iiiy hi .my .hIv- iIi-.iim| iiirASinln.iyi- hi iiIIil-i iiiiMii: .iiiiiimin i-iiii hI v.illnnil 11111.111111111 hiii |iinii iviilli ii.ihIIiiiii -.iIiiiii APPENDIX V


V.A Symbol Nomenclature for Analytical Results V.B Borehole Soil Data V.C Borehole Soil Gas Data V.D Ground Water Data V.E Surface Soil Gas Data APPENDIX V



Borehole Identifier Sample Tvpe Identifiers

B000 - Colorado Avenue Borehole B-S - Borehole Soil B-G - Borehole Gas Surface Sample Identifier B-W - Borehole Water s-s - Surface Soil Z000 - Colorado Avenue Surface S-G - Surface Gas (Soil Gas) Sample s-w - Surface Water BLK -• Blank Compound Abbreviations FLD-BLK Field Blank M-W - Monitoring Well Water TCA - 1,1,1-Trichloroethane - CT - Carbon Tetrachloride Analytical Symbols TCE - Trichloroethylene EDB - Ethylene Dibromide J Quantitatively Suspect PCE - Tetrachloroethylene M Missing Data BZ - * Benzene N Incalculable Because of

• Interference NA - Not Applicable NEG - Negative HNu Reading NL Sample Not Located By CLP Lab For Analysis R Qualitatively Suspect U Undetectable at Stated Number

Conversion Constants to Convert Soil Gas Values to ppmv

Compounds Multiply CSLYaluc by.

TCA 0.183 CT 0.139 TCE 0.186 EDB 0.130 PCE 0.148 ' BZ 0.313

Suffixes to Sample Tag Numbers

A Duplicate sample, CLP, different lab B Duplicate sample, CLP, same lab C CLP and CSL sample numbers do not match because sample numbers were changed to conform with CLP requirements D Duplicate sample, field F A sample number was accidentally used twice, one of the samples is flagged with anF i






1 Vl5* 1*3-17' 2^-■2« SAMPLES R79S2021 R79S2022 R79S2023 R79S2024

PHENOL 330 U 330 U 330 U 330 u BIS{2-CHLORDETHYL) ETHER 330 U 330 U 330 u 330 u 2-CHLOROPHENOL 330 U 330 U 330 u 330 u 1.3 DICHLOROBENZENE 330 U 330 U 330 V 330 u 1.4 EICHLOROBENZENE 330 U 330 U 330 u 330 u BENZYL 330 U 330 U 330 u 330 u 1,2 EICHLOROBENZENE 330 U 330 U 330 u 330 u 2-METHYLPKENOL 330 U 330 U ’ 330 u 330 u BIS{2-CKL0R0ISOPROPYL)ETHER 330 U 330 U 330 u 330 u C-METHYLPHENOL 330 U 330 U 330 u 330 u tw-NITROSO-DI PROPYLAMINE 330 U 330 U 330 u 330 u HEXACKLOROETHANE 330 U 330 U 330 u 330 u NITROBENZENE 330 U 330 U 330 u 330 u ISOPHORONE 330 u 330 U 330 u 330 u 2-NITROPHENOL 330 u 330 U 330 u 330 u 2 ,4-DIMETHYLPHENOL 330 u 330 U 330 u 330 u BEN^IC ACID 1600 u 1600 U 1600 u 1600 u BIS'^CHLOROETHOXY) METHANE 330 u 330 U 330 u 330 u 2.4 DICHLOROPHENOL 330 u 330 U • 330 u 330 u L,2,4-TRICHLOROBENZENE 330 u 330 U 330 u 330 u NAPHTHALENE 12000 J 2000 5800 J 67000 J 4-CHLOROANILINE 330 u 330 U 330 u 330 u SEXACHLOROBUTADIENE 330 u 330 U 330 u 330 u 4-CHLORO-3-KETHYLPKENOL 330 u 330 U 330 u 330 u 2-MZTHYLNAPHTHALENE 4800 9000 J 330 u 330 u HEXACHLOR DCYCLOPENTADIENE 330 u 330 U 330 u 330 u 2.4,6-TRICHLOROPHENOL 330 u 330 U 330 u 330 u 2,4,5-TRICHLOROPHENOL 1600 u 1600 U 1600 u 1600 u 2-CHLORONAPHTHALENE 330 u 330 U 330 u 330 u 2- NITROANILINE 1600 V 1600 U 1600 u 1600 u DIMETHYLPHTHALATE 330 V 330 U 330 u 330 u ACENAPHTHYLENE 330 V 1900 330 u 330 u 3- NITROANILINE 1600 u 1600 U 5100 1600 u ACENAPHTHENE 500 2100 7000 2200 2,4-DINITROPHENOL 1600 V 1600 U 1600 u 1600 u 4- NITROPHENOL 1600 u 1600 U 1600 u 1600 u DIBENZOFURAN 330 u 1400 330 u 330 u 2 , 4-DIN1TROTOLUENE 330 u 330 U 330 u 330 u /



IV15' 15- 17 ‘ 2*>-7a SAMPLES . R79S2021 R79S2022 R79S2023 R79S202433-"2

,6-DINITROTOLUENE 330 V 330 V 330 U 330 U TETHYLPHTKALATE 330 U 330 U 330 U 330 U -CHLOROPKENYL PHENYL ETHER 330 U 330 U 330 U 330 u LDORENE 1100 8700 J 2000 330 u —NITROANILINE 1600 U 1600 U 1600 U 1600 u .6-DINITR0-2-METHYLPHEN0L 1600 U 1600 U 1600 U 1600 u -NITROSODIPKENYL AMINE 440 1100 330 U 19000 J —BRDMOPHENYL PHENYL ETHER 330 U 330 TJ 330 U 330 u EXACHLOR 05EN Z ENE 330 U 330 TJ 330 U 330 u XNTACHLOROPHENOL 1600 U 1600 U 1600 U 1600 u HENANTHRENE 6900 3000 330 U 330 u NTHRACENE 320 J 700 330 U' 330 u I-K-BUTYLPHTHALATE 330 U 330 U 330 U 330 u LUORANTHENE 2800 11000 J 330 U 330 U YRENE 5900 400 21000 J 110000 J UTYL BENZYL PHTHALATE 330 U 330 U 330 U 330 u . 3 ^TCHLOROBENZIDINE 660 U 2400 660 U 660 u ENzS^) ANTHRACENE 1700 5100 330 U 46000 J IS{Z-ETKYLKEXYL)PHTHALATE 330 U 330 U . 330 U 330 u HRYSENE 2200 4800 330 U 39000 J I-N-OCTYL PHTHALATE 330 U 330 U 330 U 330 u 3000 700 ENZO (B) FLUORANTHENE 1800 560 ENZO(X)FLUORANTKENE 330 U 5000 9200 J 330 u ENZO(A)PYRENE 1300 2200 9200 J 23000 J NDENO(1,2,3-CD)PYRENE 600 800 330 U 330 u ’1BENZO(A ,H)ANTHRACENE 330 U 300 J 330 U 920 ENZO (G, H, I) PER YLENE 600 600 330 U 330 u



vi-4’ •19-47’ SAMPLES R79S2C25 R79S2026 R7952027

HENOL 300 J 330 U 330 U IS{2-CHLOROETHYL) ETHER 330 U 330 U 330 U -CHLOROPHENOL 330 V 330 TJ 330 U ,3 Z>ICHLOROBENZENE 330 V 330 U 330 U ,4 ElCHLOROBENZENE 330 U 330 TJ 330 U ENZYL ALCOHOL 330 D 330 U 330 V ,2 E2CHLOROBENZENE 330 V 330 U 330 U -METHYLPHENOL 330 U 330 U 330 U IS{2-CHLOROISDPROPYL)ETHER 330 V 330 U 330 U -METHYLPHENOL 200 J 330 U 330 U l-NITROSO-BIPROFYLAMINE 330 U 330 U 330 U EXACHLOROETHANE 330 U 330 U 330 U IITROBENZENE 330 U 330 U 330 U SOPHORONE 330 U 330 U 330 U "-NJ^ROPHENOL 330 U 330 U 330 U », 4-^methylphenol 330 U 330 U 330 U iENZWC ACID 900 1600 U 1600 U JISI2-CHL0R0ETH0XY) METHANE 330 U 330 U 330 U 5,4 B2 CHLOROPHENOL 330 U 330 U- 330 U L,2,4-TRICHLOROBENZENE 330 U 330 U 330 U NAPHTHALENE 20000 J 20000 J 330 U l-CHLOROANILINE 330 U 330 U 330 U iEXACHLOROBUTADIENE 330 U 330 U 330 U l-CHLORO-3-METHYLPHENOL 330 U • 330 U 330 U 5-KETHYLNAPHTHALENE 1500 330 U 330 U JEXACHLOROC Y CLOPENTADIENE 330 U 330 U 330 U >, 4,6-TR2 CHLOROPHENOL 330 V 330 U 330 U 5,4,5-TRICHLOROPHENOL 1600 U 1600 U 1600 U 5-CHLORONAPHTHALENE 330 U 330 U 330 U 5—NITROANILINE 1600 U 1600 U 1600 u; D2METHYLPHTHALATE 330 U 330 U 330 U ACENAPHTHYLENE 20000 J 330 U 330 U J-NITROANILINE 1600 U 1600 U * 1600 U ACENAPHTHENE 3900 3800 330 U l.4-BINITROPHENOL 1600 U 1600 U 1600 U l-NITROPHENOL 1600 U 1600 U 1600 U )IBENZOFURAN 2900 330 U 330 V t,4-DlNlTR0T0LUENE 1100 330 U 330 U ANALYSIS TYPE: SEMIVOLATILES-FAGE 2


3VH1’ SAMPLES R79S2025 R79S2026 R79S2027

,6-DINITROTOLUENE 330 XJ 330 V 330 U IETHYLPHTHALATE 330 D 330 V 330 V -CHLOROPHENYL PHENYL ETHER 330 U 330 U 330 U LUORENE 330 U 330 U 330 U -NITROANI LINE 1600 U 1600 U 1600 U . 6-DINITRO- 2-METHYLPHENOL 1600 U 1600 U 1600 U l-NITROSODI PHENYLAMINE 600 2800 330 U --BROMOPHENYL PHENYL ETHER 330 U 330 U 330 U IEXACHLOROBENZENE 330 U 330 U 330 U ’ENTACHLOROPHENOL 1600 U 1600 U 1600 U *HENANTHR£NE 330 U 330 l) 330 U ANTHRACENE 330 V 300 J 330 U 52 -N-BUTYLPH THALATE 330 U 330 V 330 U •XU ORANTH ENE 330 U . 2200 330 U PYRENE 13000 J 74000 J 330 U 3UTYL BENZYL PHTHALATE 330 U 330 U 330 U 3,3’ DICHLOROBENZIDINE 660 U 660 U 660 U BEI*jfc( A) ANTHRACENE 2200 36000 J 330 U BI SW'ETHYLHEXYL ) PHTHALATE 330 U 330 U 330 U CHRYSENE 1900 36000 J 330 U DI-N-OCTYL PHTHALATE 330, U 330 U 330 U BENZO(B)FLUORANTHENE 330 U 15000 J 330 U EENZO(K)FLUORANTHENE 1600 330 U 330 U BENZO(A)PYRENE 330 U 14000 J 330 U INDENO(1,2,3-CD)PYRENE 330 U 330 U 330 U DIBENZO (A, H ) ANTHRACENE 330 U 330 U 330 U BENZO(G,H,I)FERYLENE 330 U 330 U 330 U ANALYSIS TYPE SEMI VOLATILES PAGE 1


5*7' II-/3 51-53 n-?- SAMPLES CSXS2001 CSXSI0C2 CSX52003 CSXS2004

PHENOL 1900 U 2400 U 37000 U 110000 u US(2-CHL0R0ETHYL) ETHER 1900 U 2400 U 37000 U 110000 u 2—CHLOROPHENOL 1900 U 2400 U 37000 U 110000 u L#3 DICHLOROBENZENE 1900 U 2400 U 37000 U 110000 u 1,4 DICHLOROBENZENE 1900 u 2400 u 37000 U 110000 u 3ENZYL ALCOHOL 1900 u 2400 u 37000 U 110000 u L,2 DI CHLOROBENZENE 1900 u 2400 u 37000 U 110000 u •-METHYLPHENOL 1900 u 2400 u 37000 U 110000 u US(2-CHLOROISOPROPYL)ETHER 1900 u 2400 u 37000 U 110000 u I—METHYLPHENOL 1900 u 2400 u 37000 U 110000 u J-NITROSO-DIPROPYLAMINE 1900 u 2400 u 37000 U 110000 u IEXACHLOROETHANE 1900 u 2400 u 37000 U’ 110000 u JITROBENZENE 1900 u 2400 u 37000 U 110000 u SOPHORONE 1900 u 2400 u 37000 U 11.0000 u ^-NITROPHENOL 1900 u 2400 u 37000 u 110000 u :,4-^IMETHYLPHENOL 1900 u 2400 V 37000 u 110000 u )EN:fl|c ACID I I 180000 u 510000 u JIS(^CHLOROETHOXY) METHANE 1900 u 2400 V 37000 u 110000 u !,4 DICHLOROPHENOL 1900 u 2400. u 37000 u 110000 u .,2 f 4-TRICHLOROBENZENE 1900 u 2400 u 37000 u 110000 u IAPHTHALENE 1900 u 5300 430000 1500000 l-CHLOROANILINE 1900 u 2400 u 37000 u 110000 u 1EXACHLOROBUTADIENE 1900 u 2400 u 37000 u 110000 u CHLORO-3-METHYLPHENOL 1900 u 2400 u 37000 u 110000 u l-METHYLNAPHTHALENE 1900 u 2900 550000 1700000 IEXACHLOROCYCLOPENTADIENE 1900 u 2400 u 37000 u 110000 u !, 4, €-TRICHLOROPHENOL 1900 u 2400 V 37000 u 110000 u :,4,5-TRICHLOROPHENOL 9300 u 11000 V 180000 u 510000 u :-CHLORONAPHTHALENE 1900 u 2400 u 37000 u 110000 u NITROANILINE 9300 u 11000 V 180000 u. 510000 u )I METH Y LPHTH ALATE 1900 u 2400 V 37000 u 110000 u .CENAPHTHYLENE 1900 u 1100 J 77000 250000 ;-NITROANILINE I I I- I vCENAPHTHENE 1900 u 530 J 21000 61000 J !,4-DINITR0PHEN0L 9300 u 11000 u 180000 u 510000 u i-NTTROPHENOL 9300 u 11000 V 180000 u 510000 u JIBENZOFURAN 1900 u 510. J 24000 67000 J !#4-DINITROTOLUENE 1900 u 2400 u 37000 u 3900 J ANALYSIS TYPE: SEMIVOLATILES—PAGE 2 TITLE: HASTINGS MATRIX: UNITS: UG/KG 1AB: EMSMO METHOD: CS0288A ' CASE: 13081 SAMPLE PREP: __ ANALYST/ENTRY: DJH REVIEWER: DATE: 12/21/89 REVIEW LEVEL: 2 DATA FILE : B36^l l 5-7* h-j3' :n. ' SAMPLES CSXS2001 CSXS2002 CSXS2003 CSXS2004 !,6-DINITR0T0LUENE 1900 U 2400 U 37000 U 7500 J )IETHYLPHTHALATE 1900 U 2400 U 37000 U 110000 U CHLOROPHENY L PHENYL ETHER 1900 U 2400 U 37000 U 110000 U TUORENE 1900 U 3100 69000 160000 i-NITROANILINE 9300 U 11000 U 180000 U 510000 U 1,€-DINITRO-2-METHYLPHENOL 9300 U 11000 U 180000 U 510000 U J-NITROSODIPHENYLAMINE 1900 U 2400 U 37000 U 17000 J I- BROMOPHENYL PHENYL ETHER 1900 U 2400 U 37000 U 110000 U IEXACHLOROBEN2ENE 1900 U 2400 U 37000 U 110000 U 5£NTACHLOROPHENOL 9300 U 11000 U 180000 U 510000 U ’HENANTHRENE 260 J 18000 200000 490000 ANTHRACENE 1900 U 1200 J 26000 3 84000 J II— N - BUTY LPHTH A LATE 1900 U 2400 U 37000 U 110000 U "LUORANTHENE 240 J 11000 22000 J * 53000 J 5YRENE 230 J 17000 35000 3 73000 J BUTYL BENZYL PHTHALATE 1900 U 2400 U 37000 U 110000 U 3,3 AplCHLOROBENZIDINE 3900 U 4700 U 74000 U 210000 U 3£N2V( A)ANTHRACENE 1900 U 4600 13000 J 32000 J BIS (2-ETHYLHEXYL)PHTHALATE 470 J 630 J 4500 J 110000 U :hrysene 1900 U 6800 11000 J 26000 J 31—N-OCTYL PHTHALATE 1900 U 2400 U 37000 U 110000 U BENZO(B)FLUORANTHENE 1900 U 4000 3400 J 7100 J BENZO(K)FLUORANTHENE 1900 U 3500 3400 J 9800 J BENZO(A)PYRENE 1900 U 1700 J 5800 J 15000 J [NDENO(1,2,3-CD)PYRENE 1900 U 1600 J 1900 J . 2600 J 3IBENZO(A,H)ANTHRACENE 1900 U 850 J 37000 U 110000 U BENZO (G, H, I) PER YLENE 1900 U 1800 J 1700 J 3500 J




samples CSXS2305





i. **a *c. 1 5oi«noi« toil Data 31/30/90 stcoe siaitT suasirt o

(icnam Ira. saaoia.aot. ana i net. Ml)

* ACt ♦44J 110 SMS It a 3 MO I t Baca non Tag TCA CT TCI too PCI oz VC cr SCI HCCO'O : ion seotn tvd oaia Sane (») Niaotr iao (ug/kg) (ug/kg1 (ug/kg) (ug/kg) (ug/kg) (ug/kg) (ug/kg) (ug/kg) (ug/kg> Ni*nocr ' * —

COTf 10*13 6-1 13/33/17 0.3 16.3 K09S3337 CSl SO.OOU so.oou so.oou so.oou so.oou S91 0.3 CIO nor? 10-37 6*3 13/33/17 0.3 11.0 10913339 Cll so.oou SO OQU so.oou so.oou so.oou • • . . S9S 33 0.0 son 31*31 6*3 13/33/17 0.3 13.4 ■0913311 Cll SO.OOU so.oou so.oou so.oou so.oou -- • • S97 30 oo mm 31*40 6*3 13/33/17 o.a 13.3 109S1334 Cll SO.OOU so.oou so.oou so.oou so.oou -- • • 600 3.3 oo • • as if 6*3 11/33/S7 0.3 ■0913340 44*41 4.6 Cll SO.OOU so.oou so.oou so.oou so.oou -- 602 1.0 oo non ,30*33 6*3 13/33/17 0.1 9 5 ■0913343 CSL so.oou so.oou so.oou so.oou so.oou • • • . 604 13 CIO 3.2U S.2U S.2U -- S.2U S.3U .. mm 5**30 e-s 13/33/17 0.3 4.1 ■0913344 Cll so.oou so.oou so.oou so.oou so.oou -- .. 606 700 OP S.OM S.6U S.6U -• S.6U S.6U . . ■on 13*07 6*3 13/33/17 0.7 3.a ■0913346 Cll so.oou so.oou so.oou so.oou so.oou • • -- 631 3.0 CLP 3.3U S.2U S.2U -- S.3U S.2U .. son 17*t« 6*3 13/31/17 0.7 1.0 ■0912347 Cll so.oou so.oou so.oou so.oou so.oou -- -- 6S9 3.0 CLP S.1U 3.1U S.3U -- S.1U S.1U • . SO 17 7,.,7 6*3 13/31/17 0.7 3.4 ■0913310 CSL SO.OOU so.oou so.oou so.oou so.oou ( -- -- 662 m 3.1 CLP S.1U S.1U S.1U -- S.1U S.1U .. aon •77*71 1-3 13/31/17 0.7 3.6 ■0913331 Cll SO.OOU so.oou so.oou so.oou so.oou -- *61 3 ■ S CLP S.3U S.2U S.2U -- S.2U S.2U son 03*17 8*3 11/31/17 0.1 3.8 ■0911231 Cll SO.OOU so.oou so.oou so.oou so.oou • • • - *63 1 9 CLP S.4U S.4U S.4U -- S.4U S.4U . - son 17*09 B-S 13/31/17 0.3 1.3 ■0912234 Cll so.oou so.oou so.oou so.oou so.oou -- *• 666 1.S CIO 14 S.2U S.3U -- S.2U S.2U -- aoia 0-3 * 01/14/11 NA NA ■0912319 Cll SO.OOU so.oou so.oou so.oou so.oou • • • • 2211 NA CIP S.6U 1.6U 3.6U -- s.tu 5 6U .. not* 3-3 8-3 01/11/11 1.0 n a ■0912236 Cll so.oou so.oou so.oou so.oou so.oou -- -- 651 1.0 CLP mis 9*11 8-3 01/11/11 i * 11.3 ■0912139 Cll so.oou so.oou so.oou so.oou so.oou .. .. 636 3.3 oo son 11*17 8*3 01/13/11 o.a 7.a ■0912261 Cll so.oou so.oou so.oou so.oou so.oou 649 o.a oo sou 31*33 8*3 01/43/Sl 3.3 a.a S09S3264 Cll so.oou so.oou so.oou so.oou so.oou -- -- 6S2 oo • 1.0 sou 37*39 8*3 01/13/11 o.a 7.a ■0913266 CSl so.oou so.oou so.oou so.oou so.oou -- -- 644 1.8 oo •Oil 33*33 8*3 oi/ii/sa 0.9 9.3 ■0913369 CSl so.oou so.oou so.oou so.oou so.oou -- 647 1.1 * oo sou 39*41 8*3 01/11/11 o.a a.a •0913371 CSl so.oou so.oou so.oou so.oou so.oou -- -• 613 0.7 CIO mi* 43-47 8*3 01/13/ai 0*4 1.4 ■0912273 Cll so.oou so.oou so.oou SO.OOU ' SO.OOU -- -• 639 o.a CIP U011 33*33 8-3 01/11/11 o.a 7.a ■0912377 CSl so.oou so.oou so.oou so.oou so.oou •• •• 611 A 0.4 OP P^-57 B-S 01/11/41 0.6 7.4 ■0913379 CSl so.oou so.oou so.oou so.oou SO.OOU • • -• 614 3.0 CIO -• «■<« «e. a Ooronoit Soil Oats 33/30/90 state stbiit muti

(sciwM.tr*. SMpit.aot Miaivttt.aot)

" 4CI ♦94J no sawn 4 sawn aoii 749 J.CC6- Bad TCA CT TCI too PCt BZ VC C7 net aeco 4 J-On seotn iwmi Typ 0414 saao (51 ito (ug/Kg> (ug/Kgj (ug/Kg] (ug/Kg) (ug/Kgi (ug/Kg (ug/Kg> (ug/Kg) (ug/Kgi ML0BD

sow 4$ *47 B-S 01/14/44 1.0 3.4 B04S33S3 CSL so.oeu SO.OOU so.oou so.oou so.oou 633 in CLP 4.0U 4.0U 4.0U 4.0U 4.0U 3.4 Botsaata* BOW 4S-4T b-s 01/14/aa 1.0 CSL 3394 134 CLP S40U stou S60U •• S40U S60U BOW 47*44 B-S 01/14/44 1.S 3.4 B09S33S4 so.oou CSL so.oou so.oou so.oou so.oou -- 414 100 CLP S.4U S.4U S.4U .. S.4U S.4U BOW 7S-77 B-S 01/14/44 1.4 B09S13S4 0.4 CSL so.oou so.oou so.oou so.oou so.oou -• 417 113 CLP S.3U S.3U s.au s.au s.au BOW 77-74 B-S 01/14/44 0 4 11 B07S13S7 CSL so.oou so.oou so.oou so.oou so.oou -- 634 lit CLP aiDw is *47 B-S 01/14/44 0.4 i.i Bofsaat* CSL so.oou so oou so.oou so.oou so.oou -- 630 160 CLP vou S.6U S.4U • * S .60 S.6U JIDIfl 47-44 S-S 01/14/44 1.0 1.1 B09S1340 CSL so.oou so.oou so.oou so.oou SO.OOU • • 631 134 CLP S.3U s.au s.au -- s.au s.au sou 5-7 8-S 01/14/44 o.a 4 B09S3403 CSL so.oou so.oou so.oou so.oou SO.OOU .. 1671 o.a CLP SD33 .11-13 B-S 07/14/44 M m B09S341S CSL so.oou so.oou so.oou so.oou so.oou • • 1471 M CLP -• SOU 13-15 B-S 01/1S/SS o.a M B09S3436B CSL so.oou 44.00 40.00 so.oou SO.OOU -- 1677 o.a CLP a sou asou asou -- asou 3COM aoad|4PS-17 B-S 03/14/44 o.a » B09S3I17B CSL 1646 o.a CLP soaa B-S 03/13/44 o.a M 40933411 CSL so.oou so.oou so.oou so.oou so.oou - - 1474 13 CLP BD» aa-aa B-S 03/13/44 0.1 10.3 S09S3S39 CSL so.oou so.oou so.oou so.oou so.oou • - 1679 so CLP soaa 37-74 fl-S 01/13/41 0.1 7.o «09saa4ae CSL so.oou so.oou so.oou so.oou so.oou 1682 100 CLP laoou 1300U 1300U -- taoou 7300 soaa as-as B-S 03/14/44 o.a 10.4 R09S3444B CSL so.oou so.oou so.oou so.oou so.oou -• 1647 aoo CLP soou soou soou -- soou 3 SOOU soas 74-41 B-S 01/14/44 0.4 10.4 B09S1447B CSL so.oou so.oou so.oou so.oou so.oou • • 1690 300 CLP 1000U 1000U 1000U •• 1000U 300M soaa 4S-47 B-S 03/14/44 0.3 4.0 B09S3449 CSL m m 4ft 4ft 4ft .. 1693 70 CLP soas si-si S-S 03/14/44 0.3 S.S B09S3741 CSL m m 4ft « 4ft -- 1694 . ISO CLP noaa 57-S4 B-S 03/14/44 0.4 i t dotsamo CSL so.oou so.oou S4.00I so.oou so.oou -- 1697 3S0 CLP soou SOOU soou -- soou OOOM «oas a-s B-S 03/10/44 1.4 13 -B09S3444 CSL so.oou so.oou so.oou so.oou so.oou 1436 1.4 CLP •oas 4-11 B-S 03/10/44 0.3 14.3 S09S3440 CSL so.oou so.oou so.oou so.oou so.oou 1434 0.3 CLP *«JS If-17 B-S 03/10/44 0.3 IS B09S3491 CSL so.oou so.oou so.oeu so.oou so.oou -- 1460 0.3 CLP soas ai-aa 8-S 01/10/44 0.3 14.3 S09S3494 CSL so.oou so.oou so.oou so.oou so.oou - - 1466 0.4 CLP sor^ |T” °-S 03/*<1/14 0? CSL so.oou so.oou so.oou so.oou so.oou - •' 1464 0.4 CLP *** «o. J oottnei* soil Mia

C3A20/90 sicoe stbict miiti

(KIWM Um. 864016.001 MUmi.oi)

4C1 ***j no 860010 MCI- 6 sanoi* B6C6 MOl'ft Tag TCA CT TCt cos PCC BZ VC cr occ ■•core 1 ion StOlt) 7 V0 Oil* 8600 <»> MMtl Lao > (ug/xg) (ug/Kg) (ug/Kg (ug/Kg) cug/sg) tug/Kgi (ug/Kg) (ug/Kg) (ug/Kg) NUNOer

■■■ —

SS2S 33-JS 03/10/6* 0.2 11 ■0*836*6 • CSL SO.OOU SO.OOU so.oou so.oou so.oou 1447 0.4 Cl* son »•<« 03/10/6* 0.4 *.* ■0*83700 CSL 8 SO.OOU SO.OOU so.oou so.oou so.oou 1469 0.8 CL* as» 43*47 • 03/10/6* 0.2 12.6 ■0*82702 CSL SO.OOU so.oou so.oou so.oou so.oou 1471 0.2 CL* JUS 31*83 0 03/10/6* 0.2 6.3 *0*82704 CSL so.oou so.oou so.oou so.oou so.oou 1473 0.4 CLP ■son 37-8* • 03/11/6* 0.3 13.6 ■0*82706 CSL so.oou so.oou so.oou so.oou so.oou 1473 0.4 CLP son 03*67 B 03/11/6* 0.3 7 1 *0*8270* CSL so.oou SO.OOU so.oou so.oou so.oou 1477 0 4 CLP 8024 67-6* B 03/11/66 0.3 3.6 ■0*8272* CSL SO.OOU so.oou so.oou SO.OOU so.oou 147* 0.3 CLP 8033 73-7* 8 03/11/6* 0.3 6* ■0*82730 CSL so.oou so.oou so.oou SO.OOU so.oou 14*0 0.3 CLP 8033 77-7* B 03/11/66 0.1 *2 ■0*82731 CSL SO.OOU so.oou so.oou so.oou so.oou 14*1 0.1 CLP 8033 03*67 B 03/11/6* 0.2 1.7 ■0*82733 so^oou CSL SO.OOU so.oou so.oou so.oou 14*3 0.1 CLP ao*9QIIPE7-0* B 03/11/6* 0.2 2 ■0*83734 CSL SO.OOU so.oou so.oou so.oou so.oou 14*4 0.3 CLP 8033 *3-*7 a 03/11/66 0 2 3.3 ■0*82736 CSL SO.OOU so.oou so.oou so.oou so.oou 1466 43 CLP 8023 *7-** B 03/ 11/61 0 3 7 4 ■0*82731 CSL 30 OOU so.oou so.oou so.oou so.oou 1467 43 CLP <1033 103*107 6 03/11/66 0.6 4 0 ■0*82734 CSL SO.OOU so.oou so.oou so.oou so.oou 1469 3.0 CLP <1033 107-10* B 03/11/66 0.2 4 0 ■0*82733 CSL SO.OOU so OOU so.oou so.oou so.oou 1490 SO CLP 8033 113*117 B 03/11/66 0.4 4.0 *0*82733 CSL SO.OOU so.oou so.oou so.oou so.oou 1491 12 • CLP 8033 117-11* B 03/11/66 0.2 2.3 ■0*827*6 CSL so.oou so.oou so.oou so.oou so.oou 14*2 4 CLP 8033 110*131 03/11/6* B 0.3 4.6 *0*8273* CSL so.oou so.oou so.oou so.oou so.oou 1374 • 20 CLP 8037 3-3 03/31/6* B 0.1 6.3 410*83766 CSL so.oou so.oou so.oou so.oou so.oou 1*99 0.1 CLP 8037 0*11 03/21/6* B 0.0 10.* *0*82770 CSL so.oou so.oou so.oou so.oou so.oou 1701 0.0 CLP 8037 13*17 B 03/21/6* 0.0 12.7 80*82773 CSL so.oou so.oou so.oou so.oou so.oou 1704 e.o CLP 8037 31-33 B 03/21/6* 0.0 10.6 80*83773 CSL so.oou so.oou so.oou so.oou so.oou 1706 0.0 CLP 8027 37-3* B 03/21/6* 0.0 3.2 *0*82777 CSL SO.OOU so.oou so.oou SO.OOU so.oou 170* 1.0 CLP 80 . ^ 1)09 8 03/21/6* 0. ' 10. ! •..*827:2 CSL . MU «o.oou so.oou so.oou so.oou 1710 0.6 CLP 4 OOicnoi* ten MU jj/ao/*o \ SCC9C STRUT SUBS'TI

dcMM.iia. imii aei. miyMi.oti)

* «ci +hj rid tMpii i«»- 9 stmoio tack *oii Tag TCA CT TCI IDB PCI B2 VC cr DC! ctcoro a ion PC9I9 TV0 0*19 SMB (B) Mumotr iao (ug/kg) (ug/kg> (ug/kg) (ug/kg) (ug/kg) (ug/kg) (ug/kg) (ug/kg) (ug/kg) Ml»tr

—— —— —* ■■ ‘* ' "

9037 39*41 9-3 03/31/99 0.2 99 ■0992792 C9L SO.OOU BO.OOU so.oou BO.OOU so.oou 1713 9.9 cir —

9927 4»-47 0*3 03/21/99 0.3 10.9 ■0993933 CSL BO.OOU BO.OOU BO.OOU BO.OOU so.oou -- -- -• -- 17 IS 1.0 CIP --

9937 91*33 0-3 03/23/99 0.3 99 •0992995 CSl 90.00U BO.OOU M.OOU M.OOU so.oou -- -- 1730 19 CIO -•

9937 97*99 0*3 03/22/99 0.2 9.9 •0992999 C9L SO.OOU BO.OOU so.oou BO.OOU so.oou — ------1722 9.0 CLP —

9937 99*97 0*9 03/22/99 0.2 9.0 ■09S29S0 CSl BO.OOU BO.OOU so.oou so.oou so.oou -- -- 1725 3.9 CLP —

9937 97*99 0*5 03/22/99 0.2 7.0 I09S2961 CSl SO OOU SO OOU so.oou so.oou so.oou • - -- -- ■ 1726 96 cip -•

9027 75*77 •*S 03/23/99 0.2 II ■OVS2963 CSl 90.OOU SO.OOU so.oou so.oou so.oou •* •• 1736 3 0 CIO —

9937 77-79 0-9 03/32/11 0.2 39 ■0992964 CSl SO.OOU 1SS.00 91.00 so.oou 90 OOU -- -- 17)0 30 . CIP -- so!OOU 9937 99*97 B-S 03/23/99 0.2 3.1 •0993966 CSl SO.OOU so.oou so.oou SO.OOU -- -- -• ** 1731 22 cir --

9937 97*99 0*9 03/32/91 0.2 20 •09S2967 CSl SO.OOU SO.OOU so.oou so.oou so.oou -- -* •• -• 1732 19 cir •• |»9*97 0*3 03/22/11 0.3 2-0 ■0992169 CSl SO.OOU SO.OOU so.oou BO.OOU so.oou ------1734 w 1.0 ClP -• -• 9937 97-99 B*9 02/22/99 0.3 2 2 ■09S2I70 CSl SO.OOU SO.OOU so.oou so.oou so.oou -- -- •• -* 1735 10 ClP •• •• 9937 103*107 B-S 03/32/99 0 2 69 R09S2I73 CSl SO OOU SO.OOU so.oou so.oou so.oou • • •• •• 1737 0 9 CLP ••

11937 103*107 0*3 03/23/99 02 6.9 ■09S2I72 CSl SO.OOU SO OOU so.oou so.oou so.oou -- *• 2 39S 0 • ClP •• 9927 107*109 B-S 03/22/99 02 30 ■09S3973 CSl SO.OOU SO.OOU so.oou so.oou so.oou *• -* -- -- 1739 9 2 ClP -- 9037 113-117 B-S 03/23/99 0.3 3.4 ■0933176 CSl SO.OOU SO.OOU so.oou so.oou so.oou 1771 -- • • * S .4 ClP -•

9927 117-119 6-S 03/23/91 0.2 3-3 ■09S2977 CSl SO.OOU BO.OOU BO.OOU so.oou so.oou -- -• 1773 32 CLP — v<



i i Borehole toil cat Deti v/u/n scene strict subsitc

(gcneeif .ffa. tMOie.ODf. -Analytes.doi>

" *ct ***j no saaoie ioea- a tanoia Back MOlt 760 TCA CT TCt COB PCC BZ VC cr occ aecoi (Opera) (0P*V) (0D6IV) 10041V) NURCC 3 Von oeom 7vo oaia sue <*> tuaoer iao (oonra) (OOnvl

B-C 11/32/67 0 a NA B0952236 CSL U 2.976 0.340 594 3017 13-16 u u -- -- - * -- a.a 0017 33-36 B-C 13/32/67 0.1 «A B0952210 CSL 0.161 u 3.161 u 0.340 596 i.a 2017 36-23 B-C 13/21/67 0.1 MA B09S1212 CSL U u 1.004 u 0.146 596 1.7 MA B09S1115 CSL U 599 3017 24-aa •-C 12/23/97 « u 1.661 u u 1.4 0017 40*^4 B-C 13/33/67 0.2 NA R09S2216 CSL U u 0.744 u u 601 1.5 3011 •A6-S0 B-C 13/33/17 03 MA R0952241 CSL U V 0.371 u u " *' 601 0 7 41017 S3-56 B-C 13/33/67 0.1 MA R09S224] CSL 0 216 u 1.102 u u " " 60S 1.1 M017 S6-62 B-C 11/31/67 0.6 MA R09S2245 CSL 607 - - * * • - * - - - " " 99 3017 65-69 B-C 11/11/67 07 NA R09S2246 CSL 6.211 u 16.226 u 9.124 * • 660 100 0017 7S-79 B-C 11/21/67 0.5 NA R0952112 CSL 10.176 u 71.610 u 1.553 " 664 j| 210 0017 TO-aa B-C 11/21/67 0.7 NA R09S22SS CSL 14.567 u 66.111 u 5.920 " 667 192 0017 9LD-BL« B-C 12/22/67 09 NA R09S2224 CSL 0.146 u . 5.394 u 0.715 •• * * - * * * 592

3017 iio-eiK B-C 12/71/67 07 NA R09S2349 CSL 0.216 u 2.046 u u -- -• - * -- 661

3oia S-9 S-C 01/11/66 1.6 NA R09S2256 CSL U u 0.461 u U -• - * - * -- 6SS 2.6 CSL U 0.17} 9*016 11-15 0-C 01/11/66 06 NA R09S1260 u u u *57 1.6 NA R0952261 CSL U 0.196 BO It 17*21 B-C 01/12/66 0.9 u u u 6SI 0.4 ooia 33-17 B-C 01/12/66 0.6 NA R09S226S CSL U u 0.260 u u 641 1.1 aoia 39-33 B-C 01/12/66 1.2 NA R09S2267 CSL U u U u u 641 1.1 B01» 35-19 B-C 01/12/66 0.9 NA R0952270 CSL U u U u u *** 649 1.1 617 ooia 61-45 s-c oi/ii/at o.i -4M R09S2171 CSL U u u u u 0.5 ooia 47-51 B-C 01/12/86 0.5 -NA R0952276 CSL U u 0.166 u u 641 0.6 ooia S7-ai •-C 01**14/91 1.2 64A *0*93393 CSL 0191 0.116 8.372 u u 621 14. 1 aoia 65-69 B-C 01/14/66 2.1 NA R09S226S CSL 0.166 u 1.660 u u 63S 151 00^1 B-79 629 B-C 01/14/66 0.6 NA R0953266 CSL 0.166 u 2 .04 < J u • • * * • - * * lit '•a «e. 3 oortnoio soil Cat Oats 13/20/00 scooo strict subsitc

(gCMIM.tr*. 66*010.001. AftOlVtOI .ODf )

ACt •Ml no 66*010 noiiTag tca PCI lKI- Back CT TCI CM BZ VC :• oce aecoro 3669 <%> MMI L60 (00*v) (00*v) (P0*V) (D0*V> (P0*v) (D061V)

■■■■’ ■" " ■■""

1 . 1 MA RO0S2201 CSL 0.340 u 2.076 u u -• 666 to§ 0.6 MA ROOS2272 CSL U u U u V 636 0.6 1.3 MA RO0S2261 CSL 0.630 0.731 3.006 0.143 0.307 636 1.3 0.6 MA RO0S2362 CSL U U 0.373 u U 630 3.4 1.0 MA ROOS32S7 CSL U u 1.323 u U 634 1.6 ran 7-11 b-c oi/ia/i MA RO0S2604 CSL U 2.344 U u U u 1672 0.4 0.2 MA ROOS2641 CSL U 0.303 u u u 21.264 1661 420 70 «u ROOS2643 CSL U 0 173 u u u 33.714 1663 600 0.3 MA RO0S264S CSL U u u u u 14.033 1611 460 OS73 41-43 B-C 03/16/1 MA ROOS2646 CSL U u u u u 3130 1603 130 11033I 4^3 1.6 MA ROOS2630 CSL U u u u u u 1601 300 I ^5 9073 4.0 MA R0033764 CSL U u V u u ■■ 1603 360 7 0 na ROOS2767 CSL U u u u u 76.633 1603 300 1630 0.2 MA RO0S2I40 CSL U 0.300 u u u u 0 2 0.4 CSL U u u u u u 1630

0033 3-0 B-C 03/10/66 0.4 MA R0032610 CSL U 1437 0.6 9033 11-13 B-C 03/10/66 0.2 44A R00S2601 CSL U U u u 1430 0.4 9033 17-31" B-C 03/10/66 0.2 4tt R003260 3 CSL U u u u 1461 0.6 9023 23-27 B-C 03/10/66 1.0 •U RO0S2603 CSL 1463 0.0 1463 BOSS 30-33 B-C 03/10/66 1.0 -MA BOOS2697 CSL U U u u u u 0.3 9023 33-30 B-C 03/10/66 0.3 MA R0033603 CSL U U u u u u 1463 0.3 147U 9033 41-45 B-C 03/10/66 0.3 44A B00S2701 CSL U U u u V u 0.6 1472 8033 47-31 B-C 03/10/66 0.6 MA RO0S27O3 CSL U U u u u V 1.0 9033 51*37 S-C 03/10/66 0.0 NA RO0S27O3 CSL U u u u u u 1474 0.0 «Z to 1 oortnoi* soil cat oaia SiCOO STRUT SUOSITf

t. MiaiTtti.eot)

"*ei ***j 710 SSSOI* sc*- a swoit Sick won 'Tag TCA CT TCt coo PCI oz VC C7 DCt ttCOfO -«« 0*018 7VO Oil* StSB is) Muoesr ISO (OORnrl (001 (OOOV) (CORN) (DOOrv 1 (00»v1 (DD«V> (DORN) COOmvl MM er

833 30*43 0-C 03/11/SS 0.4 MA R09S3707 CSL U U u u U V • • • « • . 1474 1.7

330 ■M-H 0-C 03/11/SS 0.4 *4* R04S3739 CSL U u u u U u -- -- •• 1476 0.4 333 73-7* 0-C 03/11/SS o.s MA 009S3733 CSL U u o u U u ------14(1 3.3

333 03-0* 0-C 03/11/SS 4.0 MA SO*S373S CSL U U u u U l.sts ------14tS •s

333 ■03-0* 0-C 03/11/SS 0.| MA R09S37S1 CSL U u u u U u -- -• -• till S3

833 11S-11* 0-C 83/13/St 0.3 *4A S09S37S7 CSL U u u u u u ------1S73 0.7

813 OlO-OK o-c 03/10/at io MA R09S3777 CSL U u u u u ------1441 1 .0

837 3-0 0-C 03/31/St 1 .0 MA S09S376* CSL U u u u u u -- -- 1700 111

837 11-1J 8-C 03/11/SS 0.3 MA S09S3773 CSL U u u u u -- -• -- -* 1703 O.S

837 0-C 03/31/tt 0.3 MA R0933774 CSL U u u u u -- -- -• 1703 0.4 3^37 817 0-C 03/11/SS 0.0 NA S09S3774 CSL U u u u u -- -- •• 1707 0.3 037 3**33 0-C 03/31/St 0.4 MA R09S377S CSL U u u u u u -- -- 1709 O.S 837 IS-39 0-C 03/31/tt 04 NA R09S37t0 CSL U u u u u u - • -- •• 1711 O.S S037 il-lS 0-C 03/31/tt 0.3 MA S09Slt31 CSL U u u u u u ------1714 1.6 837 47-31 0-C 03/31/66 0.3 NA S09S1SS4 CSL U u u u u u -- • • •• 1716 3.1 3037 33-J7 0-C 03/31/tt 0.1 NA R09S3S37 CSL U u u u u u -- ~ -- 1711 0.* 0037 4«*43 0-C 03/33/11 0.4 NA R09S1IS9 CSL U u 0.41t u u u ------1713 1.S ■i B0 37 «>•«! 0-C 03/31/tt 0.4 MA OOfSlttl CSL 0..411 u 3.*7* u 0.179 - — -- 1737 3.3 D037 73-7* 0-C 03/33/tt O.t MA S0*S3ttS CSL 0.S13 u 4.37S V 0.311 u — -- -- 1739 3.7 0.1*3 1733 0837 SS*M 0-C 03/33/tt 0.4 ma aotsiasa CSL 0.439 u 3.34S u u — — -- 4.* 0837 OS-** 0-C 03/33/tt 0.0 -MA R09S1I71 CSL U u U u U u ------1734 0.4 0037 703*70* 0*C 03/33/11 0-3 CSL U u u V U u ------1739 0* 1773 aon 713*11* 0-C 03/33/tt 0.3 NA S09S7I7S CSL U u u u U • • .. -- A mu ^^pOLK 0-C 03/31/St 0.0 MA R09S1771 CSL 1701 0.1 APPENDIX V





(SOURCE: HASTINGS GROUNDWATER REPORT) VBLjr 05/11/90 09:42:41 HASTINGS GROUND WATER REPORT VOLATILE ORGANIC SAMPLE RESULTS FOR WELL MW-9 Parameter SAMPLE ID R59S2012 N07S2049 N07S2052 N37S2022 N97S2007 DATE SAMPLED 03/23/88 05/12/88 05/12/88 06/15/88 09/15/88 SAMPLER PRC PRC PRC PRC PRC SAMPLE DEPTH 135 130 140 135 135

Chloroform ...... 34 OU S.OU 4.0M 250.U 330U 1,2-Dichloroethane ...... 340U 5 .OU S.OU 250 .U 330U Trlchloroethene ...... 340U S.OU l.OM 250 .U 33U Tetrachloroechene ...... 340U S.OU S.OU 250. U 330U Xylenes, total ...... 2200 5600J 7600J 2200. 2800J Styrene ...... 4300 4400J 5800J 4600. 3200J Benzene ...... 9700 14000J 14000J 11000. 8700J Ethyl Benzene ...... 250M 660J 470J 500. 250M 2-Hexanone ...... 670U 10U 10U 500.U * 57M Toluene ...... 9300 13000J 15000J 11000J 9200J


Chloroform.... . 5.0U 5.0U 5.0U 1000U 1,2-Dichloroethane ...... 6.0 4.0M 3.0M 1000U Trlchloroethene . 19 16 19 1000U Tetrachloroethene 2.0M 2.0M 2.0M 1000U Xylenes, total .. 710 1300 1500 1400 Styrene ...... 1200 2100 2700 1000U Benzene ...... 2600 4100 5300 7400 Ethyl Benzene __ 160 240 290 3200 2-Hexanone .... 10U 10U 10U 2000U Toluene...... 2900 5200 6200 8200 CSL AND SELECTED CLP


VOLATILE ORGANIC TARGET COMPOUNDS It®. c round «!!•( Mia U/30 iiom sraiiT suositi

<•altrt.fr*. sasoiaobf. Analysts.

'act ra® aid saaoia

*- a saw I a sack moi > Tag TCA CT TCI CM PCI BZ VC Cf oct acc HI ctotn Typ Mta sane <*> taawar Lao (ug/i> (ug/L)

i7Ta m no-lap «•* oi/ii/aa s.) NA Mission CSL lo.oeu 30.ecu 333.00 30.00U ao.oou s.o O.P 340U I40U 340U •* 140U 0700 •• •• got 721*110 «*•« 03/11/aa NA NA N07S204t CSL 10.00U 30.00U 10.00U 30.00U ao.oou 2223 NA CLP S.OU S.OU s.ou — . S.OU 140001 •• -- -• boo ist*i» «hi o»/)*/aa na NA M30S3003 CSL 30.00U 10.00U ao.oou ao.oou ao.oou UK NA CLP ao.oou oot uo-111 «•* os/ia/aa m NA N07S30S1 CSL 30.00U 30.00U 30.00U ao.oou ]}» NA CLP sot 733*140 «•« 03/13/aa NA NA MStSlOOl CSL 30.00U 10 0CU 30.00U ao.oou ao.oou 1613 NA CLP Dot 133*140 «•* 03/13/aa NA NA MI9S10030 CSL M M M M a* 1746 NA CLP sot 133*140 4»-« 03/13/aa NA NA N07S3032 CSL 20.00U 20.00U 30.00U ao.oou ao.oou 2117 NA CLP S.OU s.ou t.OM -- s.ou 14000/ •• -• •• APPENDIX V

VJE SURFACE SOIL GAS DATA a to surfaca toil cat Data k/39/99 stcoo train teat in

igcncaaira. saaDia.oot. Aitaivtat .oot)

*ct t+4j f i o tanoit PCI 02 4CC0T <3 Kl- « sanoia sack MOll T3Q TCA CT TCI IDS vC <".» :x:i MMflOC' isn room Tvo oai* Saao (*) Ntaoer iao (opmvt (opav) (OPavl (OOav) looav) (OOmv | (DD

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This chapter addresses the fate and transport of the contaminants of concern at the Second Street site: benzene, toluene, phenol, methylphenol, and several polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs).

Processes that affect the distribution of a contaminant in the environment include transfer processes (sorption, bioaccumulation, volatilization) and transformation processes (photolysis, oxidation, hydrolysis, sorption, bioaccumulation, biotransformation/biodegradation). These processes are defined in a separate section of this Appendix. In general, the extent that these processes affect fate and transport depends on the environmental medium and the physicochemical properties of the contaminant

Several transfer processes that affect the movement of these organic contaminants can be estimated from physicochemical properties such as solubility, vapor pressure, and octanol-water partition coefficient. Some of the relevant properties of the contaminants of concern are listed in Table Vn-1.

Several relationships are available for estimating sorption from octanol-water partition coefficients (KM), or from water solubility. The error associated with these estimated techniques is generally less than an order of magnitude (Lyman, 1982). Sorption estimates based on KM are expected to be more reliable than estimates based on solubility. The parameter obtained from Km is Kw, which is the sorption coefficient normalized for soil organic carbon in soil. KM values can be used for ranking and comparing a chemical's potential for leaching. Based on the classification of soil mobility potential developed by McCall and others (1980), any compound with a value above 5 x 103 is considered immobile, while compounds with a K„ value below 150 are considered highly mobile.

An estimate of a chemical's bioconcentration factor (BCF) may aid in understanding the • * potential for the chemical to bioaccumulate. BCF is defined as the ratio of the equilibrium concentration of a chemise1 in an organism to its concentration in water. Callahan and others (1979) noted that compounds with a solubility greater than 50 mg/L or with a log KM of less than 2 do not bioaccumulate to a significant degree. Those with log KM values higher than 4 are believed to bioaccumulate to a high extent.

vn-i »


SOONMIlIj«» ~aa_ w;.. Heatyi Law Log Octanol/Water PM In Water Constant Partition iinE/xl . BCP Weteht_ fmc/L) _ («


• Physical property anlnca oMaiarO frost UA BPA, HMt. SyiftsJ PaMic Health Dshutai Maasai. Office of Emergency ssd fasriM Reapoasa, Washington. D.C. BPA EPA 540/1-86060

njMi propctiwi on pnmno ■ m wri n penp v>im tot bq ■hoot ov nnnyi|nan

( IrcMm MpIrtMcMi MMflNMtii| MmplNlMti HllMicnKi phtiwithitM Md floonuithtoCy conpondi vMi (bo or Hhm ilopL

9 MQVOS pyrCOB| QDjKMIi BRwHCH| IliOmiKKi OCRI^I^^IOnCi OODO^I^HnnURnTi OHHI^OJI^WWIhCW) C9I^MO| BN i^NN^I|«^ cd)pjfioiC| coropoNOdo mHk foor or moto t(b|l t m PCPuhn it ut wfcMeferttmfAlh.

■'v »

vn-2 ■ Henry's Law Constant (H) indicates the potential for volatilization and transformation processes from soil and prater. The higher the value of H, the higher the potential for volatilization. Generalized predictions about fate via transformation processes are not reliable for most compounds.

The environmental behavior of each contaminant of concern at the Second Street site is discussed in the following sections. The discussions emphasize the predominant fate processes in each environmental medium and the main transport mechanisms that occur at the site. Where possible, information available in the literature is summarized; if such information is not available, we predict the contaminant's behavior based on its physicochemical properties.


Benzene is listed as one of the pollutants that are biodegraded in biological treatment processes (Patterson and Kodukula, 1981). Initial reaction products in the bacterial oxidation of aromatic hydrocarbons such as benzene involve the formation of cis-dihydrodiols which undergo further oxidation to yield catechols (Gibson and others, 1968). Wilson and McNaab (1983) predicted that benzene could probably biodegrade under aerobic conditions in ground water. They did not expect degradation under anaerobic conditions. Delfino and Miles (1985) observed complete aerobic biodegradation of benzene in 16 days in a simulated ground water environment, while there was no degradation after 96 days under anaerobic conditions. Callahan and others (1979) noted that some species of soil bacteria can biodegrade benzene.

PRC did not find any experimental data on the bioaccumulation of benzene. Results from theoretical estimation methods indicate that bioaccumulation of benzene is low. Neely and others (1974) have shown that the log octanol/water partition coefficient is related to the potential for bioaccumulation. The octanol/water partition coefficient is the ratio of a chemical’s concentration in the octanol phase to its concentration in the aqueous phase of a two-phase octa­ nol/water system. In general, substances with log octanol/water partition coefficient less than 2 do not bioaccumulate to a significant degree (Callahan and others, 1979). Those with values higher 4 are believed to bioaccumulate to a high extent The value for benzene is 1.95, indicating that bioaccumulation by aquatic organisms would probably be low.

Photolysis of benzene on the earth's surface is not be expected to occur. It is generally known that ozone in the atmosphere prevents light wavelengths shorter than 290 nm from Teaching the earth's surface. Photolysis is not expected since benzene does not adsorb wavelengths of light longer than 260 nm.

vn-3 Callahan and others (1979) have suggested that oxidation of benzene in surface water is unlikely. The main transport process for the removal of benzene from water is volatilization. Benzene that reaches the atmosphere is expected to be oxidized. Once in the atmosphere, benzene is attacked by hydroxyl radicals.

Hydrolysis of benzene is not expected to be a significant fate process.

• Volatilization of benzene should be expected due to its relatively high vapor pressure. The rate of benzene volatilization from a well-mixed water column (one meter thick) has been modelled; the half-life was estimated to be 4.81 hours at 23° C and 5.03 hours at 10° C (Mackay and Leinonen, 1975).

Sorption of benzene to sediments is probably low. As indicated earlier, the log octanol/water partition coefficient for benzene is 1.95 to 2.13. Several relationships are available for estimating sorption from octanol/water partition coefficients (K^ or from water solubility. The error associated with these estimated techniques is generally less than an order-of-magnitude (Lyman, 1982). Sorption estimates based on Kw are expected to be more reliable than estimates based on solubility. The parameter obtained from KM or solubility is KM which is the sorption coefficient normalized for soil organic carbon. KM values may be used for ranking and comparing a chemical’s potential for leaching. Based on the classification of soil mobility potential developed by McCall and others (1980), any compound with a Kw value above 5 x 103 may be considered immobile; while compounds with a Kk value below 150 may be considered highly mobile. The Superfund Public Health Evaluation Manual (U.S. EPA, 1986a) lists a Kk value of 83 for benzene. Based on this Kw value, benzene could be classified as a highly mobile compound. This value indicates that sorption to organic material would be low. However, the degree of sorption may increase as the organic content of the sediment increases.


Gabarini and Lion (1986) reported that sorption of toluene onto soil extracts, extracted soil fractions, and soil organic compounds were better correlated with equations in which organic carbon and oxygen content were considered together rather than organic carbon alone. The KM values reported in their study range from 151 to 348. In comparison, U.S. EPA (1986a) listed Kw value of 300. These Kw values indicate that appreciable amounts of toluene can be bound to surface soils and sediments. Based on its Kw value, toluene can be classified as moderately mobile.

VD-4 Toluene Is expected to volatilize rapidly from surface water bodies. MacKay and Leinonen (1975) reported that the volatilization half-life of dissolved toluene from a 1-meter- thick water column is estimated at 5.18 hours. Moderate sorption potential, together with a high Henry's Law Constant value, indicates that toluene volatilization from surface soil and sediments could be a significant fate process.

Callahan and others (1979) indicated that bioaccumulation of toluene may be an insignificant process due to its high solubility value in water.

Photochemical reaction of toluene is an important fate process. Callahan and others (1979) stated that although toluene itself does not absorb light at wavelengths greater*than 286 am, the complex it forms with molecular oxygen can photochemically break down to and . The half-life of toluene in the atmosphere was estimated at approximately 15 hours.

PRC could not find any information indicating that toluene can be hydrolyzed in the natural environment.

Toluene has been reported to biodegrade in both aerobic and anaerobic environments. Wilson and McNaab (1983) stated that toluene is probably bio-degradable in aerobic ground water. They noted that the pollutant concentrations must be at least 10 /ig/L to sustain a microbe population and thereby facilitate biodegradation. Newsom (1985) stated that toluene may also be biodegradable in anaerobic environments. Methanogenic bacteria have been shown to be capable of metabolizing toluene to carbon dioxide in river sediments contaminated with landfill leachate (Wilson and Rees, 1985). Furthermore, Callahan and others (1979) reported that soil bacteria have been shown to degrade toluene.


l Based on its KM value of 14, phenol is not expected to sort significantly onto soils, sediments, or particulate matter. Scott and others (1982) conducted sorption experiments with phenol on two soil samples and reported KM values of 57 and 58. Boyd and others (1982) reported a Kw value of 16 for phenol sorption to a soil containing 5.1 percent organic matter. These values indicate that sorption of phenol is expected to be low; thus phenol is expected to be highly mobile in soil-water environments. Field studies corroborate these experimental observations. One study conducted at a pine tar manufacturing site reported that sorption was not a dominant process for retaining phenols on soils (McCreary and others, 1983). Another

VH-5 study conducted at a wood preserving facility observed that phenols were not retarded by aquifer soils, but migrated with the ground water (Goerlitz and others, 1985).

Volatilization of phenol is not expected to be a dominant fate process. Phenol is highly soluble in water, and its vapor pressure is also low, resulting in a low Henry's Law Constant value. However, Callahan and others (1979) discussed a study indicating that volatilization of phenol from aquatic systems is a probable fate mechanism.

Based on its log KM value of 1.46 and a fish BCF value of 1.4 (see Table VH-1), phenol is not expected to bioaccumulate.

Callahan and others (1979) stated that photolysis is probable from aerated waters. However, U.S. EPA (1982) states that photolysis of phenol from aquatic systems is not environmentally relevant. Phenol is not expected to hydrolyze since it does not contain any hydrolyzable functional group (Callahan and others, 1979; U.S. EPA, 1982).

Biodegradation is probably the most significant fate process influencing phenol concentrations in the environment. Ehrlich and others (1982) studied degradation of phenolic compounds in ground water near a coal tar distillation and wood treating plant. They observed removal of over 93 percent of phenols within 1,000 meters of the site. The results suggest that phenol removal was due to biodegradation since other transfer and transformation processes are not expected to significantly affect phenol concentrations in ground water. Abo, methane was present in the contaminated portion of the aquifer, indicating anaerobic degradation. Wilson and NcNaab (1983) predicted that phenol can probably be degraded under aerobic conditions.


Methylphenols are also known as cresols, and occur as three very similar isomers. The physical properties data presented in Table VII-1 includes all isomers of methylphenol.

Based on its Kw value of 500 (U.S. EPA, 1986a), methylphenol is expected to have medium to low mobility in soil-water systems (McCall and others, 1980). However, using the relationships based on log Kw or solubility presented in Lyman (1982), predicted Kk values would be an order-of-magnitude lower than that reported in U.S. EPA (1986a). Furthermore, values determined from sorption experiments also are much lower than 500. Boyd (1982) conducted sorption experiments on 4-methylphenol with a clay loam soil and reported a Kw of 49. Boyd and King (1984) conducted batch sorption experiments over a 96-hour period with soil containing 4.74 percent organic matter. They reported a sorption coefficient of 1.01, which

VH-6 corresponds to a Kw of 36. Therefore, a Kw of about 30 is apparently more appropriate; thus, methylphenol is expected to be highly mobile. Methylphenol present in ground waters or subsurface soil at the Second Street site is expected to move along with the water.

PRC could not find any data in the literature on the volatility of methylphenol from soil or water. However, based on its low Henry's Law coefficient and high solubility in water, methylphenol is not expected to volatilize from soils and surface waters at the Bowen site.

Based on its BCF value of 0 in fish and log KM of 1.97, methylphenol is not expected to bioaccumulate.

Methylphenol is expected to biodegrade under aerobic conditions. Boyd and Ring (1984) observed complete disappearance within 48 houn from solutions containing 5 to 50 mg/L of methylphenol under aerobic conditions but not under anaerobic conditions. Furthermore, Delfino and Miles.(1985) observed complete degradation of 4-methylphenol in less than 8 days under aerobic conditions. Complete anaerobic degradation occurred in less than 41 days. Results for the other isomers were almost identical. Therefore, methylphenol present at Second Street is expected to completely biodegrade within a short period of time, irrespective of the environmental conditions.

„ i PRC could not find any information in the literature on photolysis and hydrolysis of methylphenol. However, based on the behavioral similarity of methylphenol and phenol, methylphenol in the atmosphere is expected to photodegrade. In aquatic systems, biodegradation will dominate other fate processes.


Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) are defined as compounds containing two or more aromatic rings. PAHs containing tame number of aromatic rings tend to behave similarly in the environment Coal tar produced by coal gasification is composed mostly of PAHs; and some of the PAHs are present in amounts greater than one percent The following discusses environmental fate processes of PAHs containing two or three aromatic rings, and of PAHs containing four or more aromatic rings. Information regarding environmental fate processes are not available for all PAHs. For such compounds, behavior may be predicted based on information available for PAHs containing same number of aromatic rings.

vn-7 The physical properties data listed in Table VII-1 shows that the log KM sod KM values increase with increasing number of aromatic rings. Conversely, water solubility and Henry's Law constant values decrease with increasing numbers of aromatic rings. From these observations, some general statements can be made about environmental behavior of FAHs. For example, sorption of FAHs with four rings is expected to be stronger than that for FAHs with two rings. Also, volatilisation in expected to be a more important fate process for FAHs with two rings compared to FAHs with four rings.

Hydrolysis is not a significant fate process for FAHs since these compounds do not contain groups amenable to hydrolysis (Callahan, and others, 1979).

FAHs Containing Two or Three Kings

These FAHs have very high Kw and log KM values and low water solubility. Based on these properties, sorption is expected to be the dominant fate process for these compounds. The bulk of the K0M*Kec relationships available in the literature were developed using FAHs as sorbates. Therefore, available KM values provide a good estimate of sorption potential. Based on the Kjj values listed in Table VII-1, all of the FAHs of concern at the Second Street site would be considered extremely immobile (McCall, and others, 1980).

Volatility of FAHs is inversely related to the number of aromatic rings. Callahan and others (1979) discussed a study that predicted a volatilization half-life of 18 hours for anthracene from a well-stirred 1-meter-deep water body. Mackay and Leinonen (1975) developed a model for predicting half-lives of compounds present in a well-mixed 1-meter-deep water body. They predicted a half-life of 7.5 hours for naphthalene. Interpretation of these half-life values should consider that volatilization loss is expected to be much less under normal conditions. However, these values indicate that volatilization from surface water bodies could be a significant fate process for FAHs with two rings. Volatilization of FAHs from surface soils or sediments is also expected to be significant for two-ring FAHs. i Although bioaccumulation of FAHs could be significant, it is probably a short-term process due to rapid metabolization and elimination by organisms (Callahan and others, 1979). The published fish BCF values show that, among the FAHs, phenanthrene is most strongly bioaccumulated. The bioconcentration factors are probably organic-specific. Bysshe (1982) listed BCF values of 917,131, and 325 for anthracene, naphthalene, and phenanthrene, respectively, in Daphnia pulex.

VH-8 Photolysis is expected to be e significant fate process for all PAHs. Most PAHs undergo direct photolysis, and compounds dissolved in surface water may be subject to rapid photooxidation. Callahan and others (1979) discussed a study in which dissolved anthracene showed a photolytic half-life of 35 minutes under mid-day sunlight at 3S°N latitude.

Wilson and McNaab (1983) predicted that PAHs with two or three rings possibly could be degraded in ground water under aerobic conditions, but not under anaerobic conditions. Newsom (1985) noted that several other researchers have observed a similar phenomenon. Delfino and Miles (1985) conducted laboratory experiments under aerobic conditions with ground water and observed complete degradation of naphthalene in 8 days. However, experiments conducted under anaerobic conditions showed minimal naphthalene degradation after 96 days. Lee and others (1984) studied degradation of naphthalene, dibenzofuran, fluorene, and anthracene in ground- water samples collected from the vicinity of a creosote disposal pit. They observed degradation of naphthalene at the rate of 23 to 1

PAHs Containing Four or More Rings

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) containing four or more aromatic rings and found at the Second Street site include benzo(g,h,i)pery]ene, dibenzo(a,h)anthracene, indeno(l,2,3)pyrene, benzo(a)anthracene, benzo(a)pyrene, benzo(k,b)fluoranthene, pyrene and chrysene. All of these PAHs have similar physicochemical properties. Therefore, the environmental behavior of these PAHs is discussed together.

U.S. EPA (1982) discussed a sorption study conducted with benzo(a)pyrene and several surface water sediment samples and a clay sample. The Kw values obtained using "the surface water sediment yytwpint were in close agreement with the KM value listed in Table VII-1. The Km value obtained with the clay sample (total organic carbon content of 0.06 percent), was higher than the KM value listed in Table VH-1 by a little more than a factor of two. This is expected, s««ce die KM-KM relationships are not valid for sorbents with a carbon content of less than 0.1 percent The Kw value, however, suggests that sorption could still be significant. It can be concluded that benzo(a)pyTene and other PAHs of concern at the Koppers site would sorb onto sediments and soils. Transport of these PAHs could occur due to migration of particulate matter associated with Mil-water runoff.

VH-9 Benzo(a)pyrene, a compound with five aromatic rings, has been shown to be bioaccumulated strongly (BCF - 300) by several aquatic species and bacteria (Callahan, and others, 1979). Although fish BCF values are not available for other PAHs, low water solubility and high KM values suggest that bioaccumulation could be significant Callahan and others (1979), however, noted that PAHs containing four or less aromatic rings may be rapidly metabolized and eliminated by organisms and, therefore, bioaccumulation is a short-term process.

Volatilization from surface water or soils does not appear to be a significant fate process for these PAHs as indicated by very low Henry’s Law Constants. Callahan and others (1979) discussed a study in which the volatilization half-lives of benzo(a)pyrene and benzo(a)anthracene were measured as 22 and 89 hours, respectively, from a rapidly stirred aqueous solution. These sates are quite slow compared to rates of direct photolysis. Furthermore, in natural environments where the PAHs are expected to be associated with soils, sediments, and particulate matter, volatilization could be a very slow process.

Available information in the literature indicates that photolysis from surface water is probably an important fate mechanism for PAHs. Although data are available for benzo(a)pyrene and benzo(a)anthracene only, other PAHs probably react in a similar way. Callahan and others (1979) discussed several studies that indicated that the photolytic half-life of these compounds dissolved in water is in the order of hours. However, photolysis rates were found to be much slower from natural environments. US. EPA (1982) discussed studies of benzo(a)pyrene photolysis when the compound was sorbed onto humics, calcite particles, or suspended matter. The photolysis rates were much slower from these systems.

Generally, PAH compounds do not biodegrade rapidly, and this mechanism is not expected to be a significant fate process. Wilson and McNaab (1983) predicted that biodegradation of PAHs containing four or more aromatic rings is improbable in aerobic aquifers and not expected in anaerobic aquifers. US. EPA (1982) discussed several biodegradation studies of PAHs and concluded that PAHs with four or more rings, such as those of concern at the Second Street site are relatively resistant to biodegradation. '


Boyd, S.A., «nd R. Ring, 1984. Adsorption of Labile Organic Compounds by Soil. Soil Science. 137(2*115-119.

Boyd, S.A. and others, 1982, Adsorption of Substituted Phenols by Soil. Soil Science, 134(5*337-

Bysshe, S.A., 1982, Bioconcentration Factor in Aquatic Organisms, in Handbook of Chemical Property Estimation Methods: Environmental Behavior of Organic Compounds (Lyman, WJ., and others, eds.). McGraw-Hill, Inc., New York.

Callahan, M.A., and others 1979, Water Related Environmental Fate of 129 Priority Pollutants. Prepared for U.S. EPA Office of Water Planning and Standards, Washington, D.C., EPA 440/4-79-029b.

Delfino, JJ., and CJ. Miles, 198S. Aerobic and Anaerobic Degradation of Organic Contaminants in Florida Groundwater. Soil and Crop Science Society of Florida Proceedings, Vol. 44.

Ehrlich, G.G., and others 1982, Degradation of phenolic contaminants in ground water by anaerobic bacteria: St. Louis Park, Minnesota. Ground Water 20(6*703-710.

Gabarini, D.R. and L.W. Lion, 1986, Influence of the Nature of Soil Organics on the Sorption of Toluene and Trichloroethylene. Environmental Science and Technology, 20(12*1263- 126$.

Gibson, D.T., and. others, 1968, Oxidation Degradation of Aromatic Hydrocarbon by Microorganisms. L Enzymatic Formation of Catechol for Benzene, Biochemistry, 7:2653- 2662.

Goerlitz, D.F., and others, 1985, Migration of Woodpreserving Chemicals in Contaminated Groundwater in a Sand Aquifer at Pensacola, Florida. Environ. Sci. Technol., 19(10*955- 961.

Lee, M.D., and others, 1984. Microbial Degradation of Selected Aromatics in a Hazardous Waste Site. Developments in Industrial Microbiology, 25: 557-565.

Lyman, J. 1982, Adsorption Coefficient for Soils and Sediments, in Handbook of Chemical Property Estimation Methods: Environmental Behavior of Organic Compounds (Lyman, W. J., and others, eds.). McGraw-Hill, Inc., New York.

Mackay, D., and PJ. Leinonen, 1975. Rate of Evaporation of Low-Solubility Contaminants from Water Bodies to Atmosphere. Environ. Sci. Technol., 9(13*1178-1180.

McCall, J., and others, 1980, Measurement of Sorption Coefficients of Organic Chemicals and Their Use in Environmental Fate Analysis ia Test Protocols for Environmental Fate and Movement of . Association of Official Analytical Chemists, 94th Annual Meeting, Washington, DC.

McCreary, JJ., and others, 1983, Toxic Chemicals in an Abandoned Phenolic Waste Site. Chemosphere, 12:1619-1632.

Neely, W.B., and others, 1974, Partition Coefficient to Measure Bioconcentration Potential of Organic Chemicids in Fish. Environ. Sci. and Technol., 8:1113-1115.

vn-n Newsom, J.M., 1985. Transport of Organic Compounds Dissolved in Ground Water. Ground Water Monitoring Review, Spring, 28-36.

Patterson, J.W., and P.S. Kodukala, 1981, *Biodegradation of Hazardous Organic Pollutants* Chem. Eng. Pro., 77:48-57.

Scott, H.D., and others, 1982, Apparent Adsorption and Microbial Degradation of Phenol by Soil. J. Environ. Qual. 11:107-112.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1982. Aquatic Fate Process Data for Organic Priority Pollutants. Office of Water, Washington, D.C.

UJS. Environmental Protection Agency, 1986a. Superfund Public Health Evaluation Manual. EPA 540/1-86/060 (October).

Wilson, J.T. and J.F. McNaab, 1983. Biological Transformation of Organic Pollutants in Groundwater, EOS, 64(33)305-506.

Wilson, B.H., and J.F. Rees, 1985, Biotransformation of Gasoline Hydrocarbons in Methanogenic Aquifer Material. Proceedings NWWA/API Conference on Petroleum Hydrocarbons and Organic Chemicals in Ground Water, November 13 through 15, Houston, Texas.



The purpose of this section is to define the processes that affect the fate and transport of the substances described in the previous section of this appendix. For clarity, the processes mentioned may be classified as physical (transport), chemical, and biological as indicated below;

1. Transport

• Volatilization • Sorption • Advection

2. Chemical Processes

• Photolysis • Oxidation • Hydrolysis

3. Biological Processes

• Bioaccumulation • Biotransformation/Biodegradation

This appendix also discusses and defines the octanol/water partition coefficient. This coefficient is very important in dealing with fate and transport because it can be used in correlations to predict the properties of substances such as water solubility, soil/sediment adsorption coefficients, and bioconcentration factors.


Volatilization can be an important pathway for the transport of chemicals from water and soil into the atmosphere. The volatilization rate is used to estimate concentration changes in water and soil and the amount of a chemical introduced into the atmosphere. Volatilization rate is usually affected by the properties of both the chemical substance and the medium. In the aqueous environment, water depth and flow rate affect the water’s (mixing) and are thus important physical considerations. Chemical proper ties of the substance that influence the volatilization rate include vapor pressure, solubility, and molecular weight The higher the vapor pressure, the higher the tendency of the substance to escape from the water medium into the atmosphere. Similarly, the lower the solubility, the higher the substance’s tendency to leave the water phase. In general, the lower the molecular weight, the faster the specie moves. Conditions at the air-ntr ’nterface are dually significant since the affect resistance to mass-transfer.

vn-13 Wind velocity end temperature are parameters that affect the mass-transfer rate, as well as the distribution of the compound introduced into the atmosphere. Mathematically, the rate of volatilization is generally assumed to be a first order process as given in the following equation:

Rv - KJCm

where Ry - volatilization rate of a substance (moles/liter-hr) Ky ■ volatilization rate constant (hr*1) CH ■ concentration of the substance in water (mole/liter)

The volatilization rate constant may be determined by following concentration decay versus time of the substance in the control volume and subjecting the resulting data to first order rate analysis.


Sorption of a substance onto suspended sediments, bottom sediment, or soil particles is an important environmental process. "Sorption* is used to describe transport processes that include both adsorption and absorption since these terms are not always easily distinguishable. Adsorption is the movement of a substance from one phase onto the surface of another phase, while absorption involves movement into and uniform distribution within the new phases. Data on sorption is usually reported with the aid of equilibrium models such as the Freundlich model given below:

1/n Q. KC

where q^ concentration of substance in particulate/sediment (mg/g) c* concentration of substance in water (mg/1) K equilibrium constant (1/g) , equilibrium constant

The above equation relates a substance’s concentration ont he sediment to that in the liquid at equilibrium and at constant temperature. The equilibrium constants K and n indicate the sorption capacity and intensity, respectively. At concentrations found in the environment (generally low concentration), the equilibrium constant n is approximately unity, hence the above expression reduces to the Henry’s law type of equation, or q^ ■ KCy

VH-14 Auction

Advection refer* to the bulk movement of ground water. This transport mechanism is the main factor in the distribution of contaminants in saturated aquifers. The dissolved contaminants in ground water disperse as they move with the bulk flow. The extent of dispersion is generally controlled by the mixing and molecular diffusion coefficients of the contaminants.


Photolysis refen to the transformation or degradation of a substance after absorption of light energy. This reaction may occur in aquatic media or in the atmosphere. Two types of photolysis are generally recognized: direct photolysis and sensitized photolysis. Direct photolysis refen to photodegradation or transformation of a substance resulting from direct absorption of light energy by the substance. Sensitized photolysis refen to photodegradation or transformation of a substance in which energy is indirectly transferred to the target substance from some other species in the aquatic medium. The rate of photolysis depends on the properties of both the substance and the medium. Photolysis of chemicals in aquatic and soil media and in the lower troposphere occun at light wavelengths greater than 290 nm, since ozone in the stratosphere filten out light of shorter wavelengths. Photochemical processes are generally expressed with fint or second rate equations, depending on the mechanism.

Rp - Kp(C) for direct photolysis Rp* • K^CXX) for sensitized photolysis

where direct photolytic rate of the substance (moles/liter>hr) sensitized photolytic rate of the substance (moles/liter 2 -hr) photolytic rate constant (hr*1) concentration of the substance in the medium (mole/liter) second order photolytic rate constant (mole*1hr*1) , concentration of reactive intermediate (mole/liter)

Oxidation refers to the degradation or transformation of a substance by oxidants. This may be as a result of the action of single oxygen atom or of other free radicals present in the medium. The mathematical expression generally used to express this type of reaction is shown below:

VH-15 Ro • K(OXXC)


Ro . rate of oxidation (moles/liter^-hr) K - second order rate constant (moles^hr*1) OX - concentration of the oxidant (moles/liter) c - concentration of the substance (moles/liter)


Hydrolysis refers to • chemical transformation process in which a molecule (MX) reacts with water, forming a new compound (new carbon-oxygen bond) with the loss of a leaving group (X). The chemical reaction may be represented as:

MX + HzO------> MOH + HX

The rate of hydrolysis depends on the hydronium ion concentration. First order rate expressions can be used to model the chemical process as shown below:

kh (C)

where R„ - rate of hydrolysis (moles/liter-hr) kn " first order rate constant (hr.,) C concentration of the substance (moles/liter)



Bioaccumulation refers to the concentration of a substances in living species. This is generally reported in terms of a bioconcentration factor (BCF), the ratio of the concentration of the substance in a living organism to the equilibrium concentration in the medium in which the organism lives. Concentrations in the two phases are usually expressed in the same units. Bioconcentration facton reported in the literature generally range from one to one million.

vn-16 Blotransfonnatlon /Biodegradation

Biotransformation and biodegradation refer to the transformation and break down, respectively, of chemical compounds by natural biological processes. The resulting products range from simple organic substances to inorganic compounds. This fate process is important in aquatic systems and soils, and plays a significant role in wastewater treatment Biotransformation/biodegradation is generally expressed as a pseudo first order process as indicated below:

KgC where *.Rg rate of biological transformation/degradation (moles/liter-hr) K, pseudo first order rate constant (hr*1) C substance concentration in the medium (moles/liter)


The octanol/water partition coefficient is defined as the ratio of a chemical’s concentration in the octanol phase to its concentration in the aqueous phase of a two phase octanol/water system. Km values for organic chemicals have been measured as low as 10*s and as high as 107. Km is correlated to solubility, soil/sediment adsorption coefficient, and biocon­ centration factors making the KM value very important in evaluating the environmental fate of organic chemicals. The octanol/water partition coefficient represent the tendency of a chemical to partition itself between an organic phase (such as fish, soil) and aqueous phase. In general, chemicals with low KM (< 10) may be considered relatively hydrophilic. Such substances ' generally have high water solubilities, small soil/sediment adsorption coefficients, and low bioconcentration factors. Substances with high KM values (> 10* ) are very hydrophobic and have low water solubilities, high soil/sediment adsorption coefficients, and high bioconcentration factors.




This appendix begins with a glossary of toxicologic terminology. It then summarizes, in turn, the adverse effects of the indicator chemicals at the Second Street subsite, namely, benzene, toluene, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, phenol, and methylphenols. These summaries present information in the pharmacokinetics (adsorption, metabolism, and excretion) acute and chronic toxicity, carcinogenicity, reproductive toxicity, and the toxicity of the chemical to environmental species. The purpose of this appendix is not to present a comprehensive literature review, but rather to summarize the of each major contaminant in light of the relevant exposure routes. In compiling this information, PRC relied on authoritative reviews rather than the original literature.


This glossary includes both general terminology (such as "acute” and "chronic") and specific terms used in the toxicologic profiles.


• Acute studies involve a single dose or, for inhalation or aquatic studies, a relatively brief exposure of up to 96 hours. Results are usually expressed as an LD5Q. median lethal dose, or LCSO. median lethal concentration, the calculated amount that would kill half of all dosed animals. For other endpoints, a comparable ECSO (median effective concentration), IC50 (median incapacitating concentration), or other such term may be calculated. High potency means low values of the LD50 or similar data.

• Subchronic studies involve repeated doses for up to 3 months.

• Chronic studies involve repeated doses for longer periods, often for most of a lifetime or about 2 years for rats and mice.


• Ingestion or oral studies are those in which the dose is given by mouth. It may be in the feed or water or given by gavagc (through a tube inserted into the stomach).

• Inhalation studies are those in which the dose is given in the air. Also included here is intratracheal instillation in which the dose is given by a tube into the lung.

• Dermal studies involve applying the test compound to the skin; inhalation studies include some dermal exposure.

• Parenteral studies are those in which the dose bypasses the lung and gastrointestinal tract. Common varieties include subcutaneous (given under the skin by needle), intra-muscular (injected into the muscle, as with most immunizations), intravenous (into a vein), and intraperitoneal (into the peritoneal cavity between the abdominal muscular wall and the internal organs). Except for snake bites and similar phenomena, parenteral dosing is not seen environmentally.

• in vivo tests are done "in live” animals.

• In vitro tests are done "in glass" on isolated organs, cells, or sub-cellular fractions and are, therefore, relatively removed from the natural state.


refen to effects of toxic substances on various structures of the nervous system. The effects may involve direct damage to structures including axons of peripheral neurons, myelin, and junctions, among othen. Manifestations of neurotoxicity include acute toxic effects such as muscular twitching, weakness, convulsions, and respiratory paralysis. Delayed neurotoxicity may result from direct action of the toxic substance through axon degeneration, followed by demyelination of tracts in the spinal cord or peripheral nerves with resultant paralysis.

• Neuropathy is a syndrome of neurotoxicity. This term emphasizes the recognition of a group of effects as having a single cause, whether that cause is known or not. Central neuropathies affect the central nervous system (the brain and spinal cord), while peripheral neuropathies affect the peripheral nervous system (the entire nervous system except the brain and spinal cord).

• Behavioral toxicity refers to changes in adaptive behavioral capacity that result from the effects of toxic substances on the neural system. Changes may occur in such behavioral functions as acquisition of skills, learning, short- and long-term memory, decision-making, and psychomotor functioning.

• Heoatotoxicitv is adverse effects in the morphology and/or function of the liver. Some common endpoints of chemical injury include the following:

- Accumulation of abnormal amounts of hepatic lipid, especially triglycerides - Inhibition of protein synthesis Lipid peroxidation of hepatic microsomes - Necrosis Cholestasis - Cirrhosis Carcinogenesis

• Renal toxicity (also called nephrotoxicity) is adverse effects in the morphology and/or functions of the kidney. Some manifestations of renal toxicity include depression of creatine clearance or phosphate reabsorption, increased blood urea nitrogen, and tubular degeneration.

• Blood toxicity refers to chemically-induced alteration in components of the blood by influencing their production in the hematopoietic system, rate of peripheral destruction, or distribution. Anemia is a decrease in ervthrocvtes (red blood cells), in hemoglobin (the red-colored protein which carries oxygen), or in both. Aplastic anemia is a severe form characterized by failure of the bone marrow to form any cells. Hemolytic anemia is caused by destruction of erythrocytes. Hemorrhagic anemia is caused by loss of blood. Leukocvtooenia is a decrease in leukocytes, white blood cells; the specific type of leukocyte may be identified, such as lymphocytopenia. Thrombocytes are platelets, which are involved in clotting. Pancvlonenia is a decrease in all sorts of blood cells. Leukocytosis is an increase in leukocytes. Methemoglobin is hemoglobin with oxidized iron; it cannot carry oxygen until the iron is reduced.

may be defined as the study of permanent structural or functional abnormalities arising during embryogenesis that are generally incompatible with, or severely detrimental to, normal post-natal survival or development.

VIII-3 • Reproductive toxicity refers to detrimental effects on reproduction and on the offspring following parental exposure. Manifestations of reproductive toxicity include impaired fertility, fetal death, and birth or developmental defects. Reproductive toxicology includes teratology.

• Mutagenicity is the capacity to cause inheritable changes in the genetic makeup of a cell. Manifestations of mutagenic effects include point mutations, numerical aberrations, and structural aberrations.

• Carcinogenicity refers to the ability of a chemical to significantly increase the incidence of malignant lesions in animals or humans, induce rarely occurring turnon, or significantly decrease the latency period for tumor development relative to an appropriate background or control group.

• Dermatotoxicitv is advene effects on the skin. Commonly seen is irritation and the body’s response, which may range from merely reddening to chronic ulceration (localized sloughing of destroyed tissue). Dermatitis is inflammation of the skin, a continuing reaction to irritation. Contact dermatitis is caused by direct contact with a solid or liquid, rather than mere exposure to dusts, mists, or vapors; the term includes allergic contact dermatitis, produced by an allergic reaction. Most writers consider allergic reactions to be outside the scope of toxicity, although they are still adverse effects. Eczema is a skin reaction characterized by redness, itching, small bumps and blisters leading to scaling, thickening of the skin and often changes in pigmentation.


• A tumor or neoplasm is a "new growth" of cells multiplying in an uncontrolled, progressive manner. The process is called neoplasia. Tumors are divided into benign and malignant, with the latter being cancer. Types seen include:

Adenomas — benign tumors from glandular tissue; adenocarcinomas are malignant tumors from glandular tissue.

Lipomas — benign tumors from fat tissue.

Lymphomas — malignant tumors from lymph tissue.

Carcinomas — malignant tumors from epithelium (the covering tissue of the internal and external surfaces of the body). t

Sarcomas — malignant tumors from connective and related tissues. Sub- types include fibrosarcomas from fibrous tissue, hemangiosarcomas (or angiosarcomas) from the lining of blood vessels, lymphosarcomas from lymph tissue, myxosarcomas from muscle tissue, and osteosarcomas from bone tissue.

- Teratomas — tumors containing many different types of cells.

• Non-tumorous growth irregularities include:

- Hyperplasia — an abnormal increase in the number of cells. - Hypertrophy — an abnormal increase in the size of cells.

VIII-4 - Hypoplasia — decreased size of an organ. - Aplasia — lack of development of an organ. - Anaplasia — growth of undifferentiated cells.

• Pneumoconiosis is a lung condition caused by the permanent deposition of substantial amounts of particulates in the lung and the tissue reaction to this deposition. Some types such as anthracosis (from coal dust) and siderosis (from iron or rust inhalation) are relatively mild, though extreme cases do occur (as in "coal workers pneumoconiosis", called "black lung"). Other types such as asbestosis (from asbestos) and silicosis (from sand as used in grinding wheels, sandblasting, and similar activities) are generally serious diseases.


• Absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion (ADME) are four aspects of the body’s interactions with xenobiotics. foreign chemicals. Although ADME does not include adverse effects such as toxicity, an understanding of ADME is essential to understanding a xenobiotic’s effects on the body.

• Absorption is the transfer of a chemical from outside the body, through a surface of some type, to the interior, where other processes occur. There are three routes of absorption: ingestion, through the gastrointestinal tract; inhalation, through the respiratory tract, although some particles may be caught in the mucus of the respiratory tract and may thereby be swallowed; and transdermal. through the skin. Many chemicals are not absorbed to a significant extent by one or more routes, especially the transdermal route.

• Bioavariability is the amount (usually given as a percentage) of a dose of a xenobiotic that is absorbed. It is affected by many factors, especially the precise chemical and physical form of the xenobiotic and the matrix, including other contaminants, in which it is contained.

• Distribution is the relative concentrations of a xenobiotic in various tissues and organs of the body. High concentrations in fat and bone are often depots, or storage sites. The presence of depots means the xenobiotic and its effects will linger long after a single, large dose. In addition, repeated small doses will accumulate in the depot, eventually leading to a toxic concentration of the cumulative . Depots are often associated with bioconcentration, in which an organism has higher concentrations of a chemical than its environment, and biomagnification, in which higher concentrations are found in species higher in the food chain. <•

• Metabolism (or biotransformation) consists of the body’s chemical effects on the xenobiotic. Most metabolism occurs in the liver. Many reactions, such as the hydroxylation of aromatic compounds, produce metabolites that are more water- soluble than their parents. Metabolites may be more or less toxic than their parent compounds. Some xenobiotics and metabolites are conjugated, converted to esters, ethers, or similar compounds by reactions with glucuronic acid, sulfate, or other normal body chemicals.

• Some xenobiotics cause enzyme induction: that is, they cause the body to increase its quantity of a drug-metabolizing enzyme. These increased enzyme levels will affect the rate at which the liver handles other xenobiotics. This is the best-

VIII-5 studied mechanism of interactions between chemicals. Interactions may be synergistic (more than additive) or antagonistic (less than additive).

• Excretion is the removal of the xenobiotic and its metabolites, including conjugates, from the interior of the body. The most common routes are into the urine and into the feces through the bile. Some compounds are exhaled. A few are excreted in other ways, such as in the sweat and by incorporation in the hair and fingernails.

• The rate at which a xenobiotic passes through the body is often expressed as its half-life. Half-life is the time period required for a body concentration to decrease to half of its original value, with no additional xenobiotic absorbed. Half-lives vary from minutes to years.

• Pharmacokinetics usually means the time course of ADME, the variations over time of the concentrations (or amounts) of the xenobiotic and its metabolites in the body or a part of the body, such as the liver, fat, or blood. Some writers use the term as a synonym for ADME.


• .Chelation therapy is a method for ridding a patient Of a by giving doses of a chelating agent that binds tightly to the toxicant and is then excreted, carrying the toxicant with it. It is commonly used for intoxications.

• Homeostasis is the general term for the organism’s structures and mechanisms for maintaining a constant internal environment — normal temperature, oxygen levels, blood cell concentrations, and so on.

• Anesthesia is a loss of feeling and sensation, especially the sensation of pain. It is deliberately induced before surgery, either as general anesthesia, a state of unconsciousness, or as local anesthesia, confined to the target area.

• General central nervous system depression is a well-known syndrome cha­ racterized by light-headedness, giddiness, inebriation, unconsciousness, and death. It is produced by most organic solvents; when produced by ethanol, it is commonly called drunkenness.

• Paresthesia is an abnormal sensation on the skin, most commonly of prickling, tingling, or creeping.

• Neurasthenia is a neurosis (emotional disorder) characterized by chrohic fatigue, lack of energy, feelings of inadequacy, inability to concentrate, loss of appetite, insomnia, and similar symptoms.

• Chloracne is an acne-like eruption on the skin caused by chlorinated organic compounds.

• Osteomalacia is a condition characterized by softness of the bones due to inadequate deposition, with symptoms of pain, muscular weakness, and frequent fractures, even from ordinary movement. Osteoporosis is a weakening of the bones caused by a reduction in mineral content; it is most common in post- -menopausal women.

VHI-6 • Acroostcolvsis is osteolysis, or bone dissolution of the tips of the fingers and toes.

• Scleroderma is a chronic hardening and thickening of any connective tissue, especially the skin.

• Raynaud’s disease, also called Raynaud’s syndrome, is a vascular disease consisting of intermittent attacks of pallor of the fingers and toes, and occasionally the ears and nose, brought on by cold or emotion. There are many known causes, including exposure to vibration, with lead, arsenic and ergotamine, and primary pulmonary hypertension. In many cases, no cause is apparent.

• Parkinson’s Disease, or paralysis aaitans. is a slowly progressive disease of unknown origin caused by progressive degeneration of certain brain cells. Symptoms include a masklike facial expression, tremor of resting muscles, and slowing and weakness of voluntary muscles causing a characteristic gait and posture. There may be excessive sweating and feelings of heat

• Edema is the accumulation of fluid. It may be subcutaneous edema, under the skin in most areas of the body, or it may be localized in the lower extremities or elsewhere.

• Pneumonitis is an inflammation of the lung, produced by a number of chemicals. Severe cases can lead to fatal pulmonary edema. '

• Arrhythmias are irregularities in the heart contractions, both its rate and its normal movement through the heart. The extreme case of totally disorganized contractions is called fibrillation.


These adverse effects are considered outside the scope of toxicology because they are not dose-related. They are seen very infrequently, but can, at times, be lethal.

• An allergy, or hypersensitivity, is an adverse reaction to a foreign substance due to the body being sensitized during a previous exposure to the substance or a structurally similar one. These reactions are from the body’s immune system, a major defense against infection. Some people seem predisposed to allergic reactions. Some diseases are autoimmune, caused by an immune reaction against a normal body constituent.

• Idiosyncrasy is the abnormal reaction of an individual to n chemical because of a genetically determined characteristic, often a variant form of a xenobiotic- metabolizing enzyme.


Benzene is the simplest cyclic aromatic hydrocarbon. Due to its former wide use as a solvent and its interesting toxicologic properties, benzene has been repeatedly studied and reviewed (Sandmeyer, 1981; U.S. EPA, 1984a and 1989; Andrews and Snyder, 1986; National Library of Medicine, 1989). The most common route of toxic exposure is inhalation. Therefore,

vm-7 almost all data are from inhalation studies; the only significant exceptions are data from massive single oral doses.

Benzene is apparently well-absorbed by the lungs and the gastrointestinal tract and slowly absorbed through the skin, although pure liquid benzene is irritating. Much of a large dose is exhaled unchanged.- The rest, and all of lesser doses, is metabolized through the epoxide to phenol (with minor quantities further hydroxylated), conjugated to sulfate or glucuronide, and excreted in the urine. Chronic toxic effects are due to one or more of the metabolites, rather than to benzene itself .

Signs of acute toxicity are dominated by central nervous system depression: staggering walk, stimulation followed by drowsiness, and coma followed by respiratory failure and circulatory collapse. Some sudden acute deaths have apparently occurred from disrupting the heart’s contractile process.

Chronic exposure most significantly affects the hematopoietic system. These effects have been seen only in industrial workers exposed to high concentrations. The usual initial signs are blood-clotting defects, caused by platelet alterations, and a generally reduced production and concentration of all types of blood cells. As the syndrome progresses, the bone marrow becomes hyperplastic, then hypoplastic, and internal hemorrhaging occurs. Finally, a progressive bone marrow aplasia occurs. Some patients develop leukemia. This human effect has been hard to replicate in animals, but benzene is considered a proven human carcinogen.

Benzene has been reported to cause chromosomal alterations in humans, but the data are confounded because these people were exposed to many other chemicals. Benzene has been found mutagenic in a number of test systems. In various reproductive studies, benzene was not considered fetotoxic because effects were seen only when doses also caused maternal toxicity.

Benzene has been found toxic to all animal species studied. Most aquatic toxicity studies found adverse effects only at concentrations over 5 mg/L (Hermens and others, 1983; NLM, 1989). In the few cases studied, the minimal toxic dose in chronic studies was little different from that in acute studies.


Toluene (methylbenzene, phenylmethane, toluol) is the simplest alkylbenzene. Since benzene was determined to be a human carcinogen, toluene has been increasingly used as a less

vra-8 toxic substitute. Toluene's toxicity is reviewed in Sandmeyer (1981), U.S. EPA (1981, 1982a, 1984b, and 1989), and National Library of Medicine (1989).

Toluene is well absorbed orally and by inhalation. It is widely distributed, with high concentrations in the liver, where it is metabolized, and the kidney, where it is excreted. Some is exhaled unchanged, but most is oxidized and rapidly excreted in the urine.

Acute exposures cause irritation (including chemical pneumonia if liquid is aspirated into the lung) and central nervous system depression. Extremely high concentrations (near-lethal) have been reported to reversibly decrease erythrocyte levels and cause liver and renal toxicity. Chronic dosing affects the skin (due to applied toluene dissolving the secreted fat), central nervous system, liver, and kidney. There is no evidence of carcinogenicity or of reproductive toxicity in the available studies.

Acute toxic effects of toluene in aquatic organisms include changes in gill permeability and internal C02 poisoning. Most LC50 values for fish and invertebrates are between 10,000 ug/L and 100,000 ug/L. U.S. EPA (1981) reports that the most sensitive species tested is the striped bass (LCS0 ■ 6,300ug/L) and the most resistant, the mosquito fish (LC50-1,000,000 ug/L).

No data was available on chronic toxicity and sublethal effects in aquatic organisms.


Polycyclic (or polynuclear) aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are chemicals containing three or more fused, aromatic hydrocarbon rings; some authors included two ring systems (naphthalene and derivatives), some heterocyclic systems (such as dibenzofuran and dibenzodioxin), or both. PAHs are generally found as a highly complex mixture in the products of incomplete combustion (coal soot, cigarette smoke, motor vehicle exhaust, and so on). Seventeen PAHs are included in U.S. EPA's Hazardous Substances List, but few are well-studied. The most recent general evaluation (U.S. EPA, 1984c) concludes that these PAHs are probably carcinogenic:

• Benzo(a)anthracene • Benzo(b)fluoranthene • Benzo(k)fluoranthene • Benzo(a)pyrene * • Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene « lndeno(l,2,3-cd)pyrene

VIII-9 A more recent study (ATSDR, 1987d) has added chrysene to the list the total concentration of these chemicals was used in the calculations of this report This section focuses on the best-studied PAH, benzo(a)pyrene (BAP); most data apply to all PAH, especially to all carcinogenic PAH. Reviews include Sandmeyer (1981), U.S. EPA (1982b, 1982c, 1982d, and 1989), ATSDR (1987a. 1987b, 1987c, and 1987d). Williams and Weisburger (1986), and NLM (1989).

Absorption of BAP and other PAH has been demonstrated indirectly, because toxic effects have been seen after oral and inhalation exposure. PAH are oxidized in the liver by an enzyme, aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase (AHH), to the epoxide, which hydrolyses to the hydroxy or dihydroxy derivative. The metabolites are the active forms of the chemicals; variations in the formation (amount, rate, products) of these metabolites account for the different effects of the various PAH. PAH also cause the synthesis of greater quantities of AHH and other drug metabolizing enzymes; therefore, simultaneous exposure to PAH and other toxicants increase or decrease the toxicity of the other toxicants. A few non-metabolic interactions also exist. For example, BAP increases the cardiac sensitization effects of trichloroethane. PAHs are excreted as a large variety of oxidized metabolites and conjugated metabolites mostly through the bile into the feces.

Single, acute oral and dermal doses of PAH are practically nontoxic. Repeated doses of straight-chain PAHs (anthracene, naphthalene, pentacene, and so on) also have little effect. PAHs in large doses produce weight loss and possibly blood effects (even aplastic anemia) and some liver and kidney lesions but do not seem to be carcinogenic. Other PAHs are carcinogenic after repeated doses by oral, inhalation, and dermal routes. Tumors develop at the entry site (stomach, lung, skin) and in the liver, breast, and occasionally at other sites. Other effects are like straight-chain PAHs. Dibenzo(a,h)-anthracene was the first pure chemical shown to be carcinogenic to animals in experiments during the 1920s, while coal soot, now known to be primarily PAHs, was recognized as the cause of scrotal cancers in chimney sweeps in 1775. Several of the PAHs, including BAP, are routinely used in the laboratory to induce tumors in rodents; a'few laboratory workers have developed similar tumors from accidental exposures to these chemicals. PAHs are also believed to be the principal carcinogenic component of tobacco smoke.

PAHs have little, if any, reproductive toxicity in the few available studies, except in parenteral studies of BAP in rodents. Most adverse effects were nonspecific; these studies have little environmental relevance.

vm-io Only limited studies are available on the toxicity of PAH to aquatic organisms. U.S. EPA (1982) reported a study that found 87 percent mortality in blue gill after 6 months of exposure at 1.0 mg/L to benzo(a) anthracene. The study also reported increased tumors in benthic fish associated with sediments containing high PAH levels. There are a few reported studies of acute toxicity (NLM, 1988). The range of LCSOs of acenaphthene to various fresh water fish was from 600 ug/L (brown trout) to 1,700 ug/L (fathead minnow). Fluoranthene was more toxic to mysid shrimp (LC50 of 40 ug/L and acute/chronic ratio of 2.5) but less toxic to fish (LC50 of 4,000 ug/L to bluegill), with very little toxicity to algae (LC50 of 45,000 and 54,400 ug/L). vnu PHENOL

Phenol is primarily used as a chemical intermediate. It is the original antiseptic under its old name of carbolic acid, but has been generally discarded in favor of less toxic substitutes. The toxicity of phenol has been reviewed in Deichmann and Keplinger (1981), NLM (1988), and U.S. EPA (1984d and 1989).

Phenol is well absorbed by all routes. It is oxidized in the liver. The metabolites and unchanged phenol are reacted with sulfate, glueuronate, or similar molecules and the products excreted in the urine, along with some unconjugated species. The mixture of compounds excreted varies with the species and the dose involve.d

Acute doses of phenol have two major effects, irritation at the site of contact and central nervous system stimulation. The irritation can produce severe damage, especially to the gastrointestinal tract, including bloody vomiting and diarrhea, but the usual cause of death is the nervous system effects. In man this is usually seen as a sudden collapses (muscular weakness and unconsciousness) followed by variations in pulse, respiration, and body temperature leading to death from respiratory failure. Death may occur within ten minutes of being splashed. Some animal have tremors or convulsion, and such effects are occasionally seen, but never marked, in humans. /

Repeated exposure to phenol causes symptoms like acute doses. In addition, there may be pigmented spots, especially on the sclera (covering of eyeball) and above the tendons of the knuckles of the hand. Finally, there is extensive damage to the liver and kidneys, which results in death in severe cases. There are no useful studies on carcinogeneses and reproductive toxicity.

Due to phenol, use as a standard disinfectant, there are considerable data on its acute toxicity to aquatic species. For fish, LC50s vary from 4 to 50 mg/L, with significant variations between different studies of the same species. Some of that variation may be accounted for by

vm-ii the pH of the water which effects the degree of ionization. The hardness of the water does not ! affect phenol's toxicity. Other species, such as Daphnia magna, algae, and bacteria, are somewhat ( snore resistant to phenol toxicity.


Methylphenol is known commercially as cresol; a typical product contains about 20% of 2-methylphenol (o-cresol), 40% of 3-methylphenol (m-cresol), and 30% of 4-methylphenol (p- | cresol), with small amounts of phenol and dimethylphenol. Cresylic acid is a less pure product containing significantly more dimethylphenol. Methylphenol is used as a mixture and as relatively pure isomers as a chemical intermediate; the mixture has some use as a disinfectant in hysol and similar products. The three isomen appear to be biologically identical, except for | differences in the mixture of metabolites, so this discussion will not distinguish among the isomen and mixture. The toxicity of methylphenol has been reviewed by Deichmann and Keplinger (1981), NLM (1989), and U.S. EPA (1984e and 1989).

•* Methylphenol is well absorbed by all routes. It is oxidized in the liver to a verity of products. Some of the products are excrete directly in the urine, but most are coupled to sulfate or glucuronate by an ether linkage before excretion in the urine.

The main effects of single doses of methylphenol are irritation and central nervous system stimulation. Irritation is at the site of contact produces skin burns, gastrointestinal distress, or pulmonary edema. The central nervous system effects are seen as muscular weakness, severe depression, unconsciousness, and, in sever cases, death from respiratory failure. Some victims had lesions in the pancreas or spleen, liver and kidney malfunction, and methemoglobin (an oxidized hemoglobin derivative, which cannot transport oxygen). Repeated doses cause similar effects, as well as skin inflammation and discoloration. Kidney and liver damage are the main hazards of such repeated doses. There are no useful data on carcinogenicity and reproductive toxicity. '•

There are few data on the aquatic toxicity of methylphenol. One test reported an LC50 of 24 mg/L for bluegill. Another study found at immature were more sensitive (with an LC50 as low as 7.0 mg/L for Gammarus fasciatus) while mature arthropods were less sensitive (63.4 mg/L for Asellus militaris).


Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, 1987a. Draft Toxicological Profile for Benz(a)anthracene.

Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, 1987b. Draft Toxicological Profile for Benzo(a)pyrene.

Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, 1987c. Draft Toxicological Profile for Benzo(b)fluoranthene.

Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, 1987d. Draft Toxicological Profile for Chrysene.

Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, 1987e. Draft Toxicological Profile for Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene.

Andrews, L.S. and R. Snyder, 1986. Toxic Effects of Solvents and Vapors," in Casarett and Doull’s Toxicology (Editors: Curtis D. Klaasse, Mary O. Amdur, and John Doull). Third Edition. New York: Macmillan.

Deichmann, William B., and M.L. Keplinger, 1981. "Phenols and Phenolic Compounds" in George D. Clayton, and Florence E. Clayton, Editors, Patty’s Industrial Hvaeian and Toxicology. Third Revised Edition, Volume 2A. New York, John Wiley & Sons.

Hermens, J. and others, 1985. "Quantitative Structure - Activity Relationships and Mixture Toxicity Studies of and Chlorohydrocarbons: Effects on Growth of Daphnia magna." Aquatic Toxicology, 6:209-217.

National Library of Medicine, 1988. Hazardous Substances Databank File, Toxicology Information Network (TOXNET).

National Library of Medicine, 1989. Hazardous Substances Databank File, Toxicology Information Network (TOXNET).

Sandmeyer, Esther, E., 1981. Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Patty’s Industrial Hygiene and Toxicology. George D. Clayton and Florence E. Clayton (Editors), third Revised Edition, Volume 2B. New York, John Wiley and Sons.

1LS. Environmental Protection Agency, 1981. An Exposure and Risk Assessment for Toluene, Final Draft Report. i U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1982a. Health Assessment Document for Toluene. EPA- 600/8-82-008. Washington, D.C.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1982b. An Exposure and Risk Assessment for Benzo(a)pyrene and Other Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons. Office of Water Regulations and Standards (WH-533), Washington, D.C.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1982c. An Exposure and Risk Assessment for Benzo(a)pyrene and Other Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons. Office of Water Regulations and Standards (Volume IV), Washington, D.C.

vm-13 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1982d. Errata: PAH Ambient Water Quality Criterion for the Protection of Human Health. Environmental Criteria and Assessment Office (ECAO-CIN-D024), Cincinnati, OH.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1984a. Health Effects Assessment for Benzene. ECAO- CIN-H057.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1984b. Health Effects Assessment for Toluene. Final Draft, ECAO-CIN-H033.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1984c. Health Effects Assessment for Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAH). ECAO-CIN-H013.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1984d. Health Effects Assessment for Phenol. ECAO- CIN-H007.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1984e. Health Effects Assessment for Phenol. ECAO- CIN-H007.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1989. Integrated Risk Information System.

Williams, Cary M. and John H. Weisburger, 1986. Chemical Carcinogens, in Casarett and Douirs Toxicology. (Editors: C.D. Klaassen, M.O. Amdur, and J. Doull), Third Edition, New York, Macmillan.

