Tragic Rail Death * Met Girl Killed by Train Parents Moved by Friends' and Lecturers' Memories
<<Turin Brakes live g reviewed - LS2 Music On llkley Moor Baht'at and all that - LS 1 centre Tragic rail death * Met girl killed by train Parents moved by friends' and lecturers' memories By Staff Reporters A dc:va.'itilllng mun ,11.:c1dc11t killed u wu11dL"rlul 1m!m•1ne, 1Jt e\cryone the) Leeds Mt.!I .'.tUJcm 1lu-. v. et:k. met.' Second )ear HSc.' Arch11ecLUrnl K1111v..n ii!t 'Turi· lO her friends amt lcchnoloin '.\IUllcnt Victorrn o·ancll t11m1ly, 1hc- ~2 icar olJ •.tudcnl \\a" L}IU.:h dic!t.l rm Nfl\C.:lnhc-r '.\ 11.nuw'n 10 have .1 \\i<lc c1rck of A Leed .. Mel ,pu~c~pe.rsc111 c.,11d· lricnd.., ··our ,;mp.,lhie-. ure with the fomil) She uril,?inull~ hailed lnim and in ,c,pcct to them \VC don't \\.i,h Drt1gh!!<l,1 in C'nunl) l .uu1h. 10 l·ommcnt further·· Thl' \I.ah· \\U.. he-le.I VC:,,tCrdav J.OJ A ,tatemcnt rclcm,td '1) V1l·1ori..1 ·, the. funeral will litke· pl.i<.:l' ·tuda) famil) l<X'.u,ed on hc-r pa),,s1on h.,r (h1J,1), Nl"·emher I hh1 at noon m L~edf.. Jullan,10,,n It i.aid: "V1ciori,1 wa!> dd1gh1ed So more 1.ktaib. ol the accident ABANDONED; Another year, another AGM goes by without enough voters to make key changes. After .1hm11 being in!J ... \\ere a, ailabk The ~,hce: ccmftrmed discussion of just one motion, the Refec cleared and the debates ceased.
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