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AVBRAOB DAILT oaODLATION tor On Hamm mt M y . U M itn WEAUndv IP!: I e l 0. S. WaMOaf 5,769 Bartferd the AodR Hnabet mt BassOy eiondy, oasttaoea eeel 3^. Berese e« Obeelstleee. BigM sad Friday. MANCHESTER— A aT Y OP VILLAGE CHARM

Substandards of Regular $1JI9 VOL. LV., NO. 281 A dverriH ig SB Fagd ['MmUkif f f m Soft CftpeakiH aad 4-Year Guaranteed Fine Weave MANCHESTER. CONN, THURSDAY, AUGUST *7, 1936 (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE Four-Year Guaranteed Deealda Percale SHEETS PILLOW Special Dollar Day Only! AVERS FRANCE, CAUCUSES CAST GLOVES CASES WAR SECRETARY DERN ROOSEVELT ACCUSED Cdon and Natural CARNIVAL $ 1 .0 0 each 42x36” — 45x36” BRITAIN HAVE BUTDMUGHT 'Tan. Sizes 6 to l\'i. $ .0 0 pr. OF Our regular 29c percale pillow case Valuee to |L05. \ Sizes 68x99", 68x108”, 72x99”, that ia so much liner than caaee made FAIIB SPAIN 72x108”, 81x99”. from sheeting. Regular 29c each. DIES IN WASHINGTON ONSTMSCENE Thee* sheeU M the aanie high quiOlty u our Rale's Flnemun and are OF ‘SHADOW ’ M. K. M. Pore Silk Full Fashioned g u a r a n ^ for at least four year# wear. Slight mia-weavea or oU tpoU that to not Impair the wearing quallUes. Sheets have advanced considerably dur- for Member of Roosevelt Cabk Prieto, Socialist ^ o n g Harmony Roles Eicept in tag the last tlx weeks and It will pay you to atock up at this low price. $ 1.00 r Secretary of W a r Passes Away. net Passes Away Foflow’ Man,’’ Calls ffis-^lorntry Few Spots; Some Dele­ BY KNOX IN SPEEC HOSIERY Fall felts in black, brown, Beautsnrest or Innerspring: 36” Past Color New Pall A B C navy, green and wine. i All ins Attack of hfhienza; '’Tduoin of Europe,’ gates Pledged to Brown New Fall Shades. Sheer Chiffons. head sizes. Trimmed hats, ^1 Vice Preridential Walking: Chiffons. 2-Thread Service quills and feathers. Regular Family at His Bedside. Charges Betrayal a s Head o f G. 0 . P. TickeL Weight. Regrular 69c. $1.98. MATTRESS Percale Prints Pertinent Paragraphs Calls Presideiit By ASSOCIATED PRESS. COVERS The famous A B C Percales at an exceptionally low price. Washington, Aug. 27.—(AP)— Connecticut Republicans and Dem­ Spain's Soclsllst strong man, de­ ocrats concentrated today on the re­ In Col. Knox’s Speech K ” fanai A ll new Fall patterns— 80 pieces— both small and large pat­ Staking into a coma after a pro- Lifetime Quaranteed. Hade claring hla war-tom country the sults brought out by csucua held ta of good quality unbleached terns in the new dark grounds. For children’s and ladies' iUnesa, George Henry Dem, K n ee H igh "Ethiopia of Europe", burst out to­ tbs majority of the state's dtlas and ___ cotton with bound seams, dresses, aprons, smocks, draperies, etc. Dollar Day Only, 64-year-old secretary of war ta the Hampton Beach, N. H., Aug. 37.afouad Itself shackled...It put little With 18 MiOiim on rubber buttons and no-rip comers, cut large to day In bitter denunciation of France towns. Leaders o f the two major Roosevelt Cabinet, died here today and Great Britain. parties tried, wherever poaalbl*, to — (A P )— HlgbUghta from the ad­ fellows In Jail, but big business allow for shrinkage. Full, 3-4 and single bed o f eatdlac and kidney compUcations dress here today of Col. Frank wrote Its own ticket'' Simulated Leather and Fabric slsea. Indaleoto Prieto, who as leader of pick out any trend Indications. He Blames Big Bad Wi foUowtag an Influenza attack. the parliamentary Soclaliat Party la Etacept In a few cases, harmony Knox, Republican vice-presidential Hosiery Ha paiwed away at 10:55 a. hl, nominee. In which be replied to 'There 1* nothing left o f the re­ the moat Important man behind tho occupied the spotlight aa the parties Reg. $1.89. Spe­ yards eastern standard time, at Walter Bedrid government, declared Spain selected delegates to the various President Roosevelt's scoeptanos covery program except the annual But He Cannot Fmd $ 1.00 Reed hospital. Six members o f his speech attack on "Economic Royal­ suggestion of a belt of trees." HANDBAGS Pure silk lastex had been deserted by the very coun­ congreaeldoal district and Republic­ cial Dollar Day Only $ 1 .2 5 famUy were near his hand as he tries which should be Its allies in s an and Democratic state conven­ ists": New popular shapes with zipper top. Early Fall died. fight against the spread of Euro­ tions. 'Tbs President,. .offers to eav* ‘They are planning to put 10 bil­ Wolf, Colonel D edarel or top handle, copies o f $1.95, $2.95 Word immediately was telegraph­ pean Fascism. Despite scrutiny of the magnify­ the American people from some lion gold dollars In a Lola ta Ken­ shades. Reg. S9c. ed to President Roosevelt, who at Imaginary economic Royallata With tucky to praveot foreign foes or the bags. AT Close Out of The European neutraUty pact, he ing glans type, the facta brought out the time was nearing Blsnuu'ok, N. asserted, wlU hurt Soclsllst Spain by last night's balloting served 18 million people on relief, he offers Republicans or the holders of gold Hampton Beach, N. H „ Aug. 2 ^ BATH MAT and D,, aboard bis special train on a rather than help It because, be said, mainly to bring out points already to go out and slaughter a big bad bonds.. .from getting I t Beyond the (A P )—Ool. Frank Knox, Ra||iili|i| ■ Regrular 69c drought Inspection trip. wolf If he can only find the wolf.". hole ta Kentucky, there Is no plan." Germany, Italy and Portugal will established. can vlce-prestdenttal nomtaaa, Simultaneously, orders were sign the pact and go on supplying Three-Oomered Contest pair LID COVER SET drafted for Army posts throughout arms to the Fascist rebels. These Included: T h e future plana of the present "Preaerve free sntarprise and the day charged Prsaideat Three patterns in all colors— the country to' lower their flags to Balearic 1*lands Price administration are an absolute litUa ’allow will make u>u big fellow with "shadow-boxing" In the HALE’S rubberized back with lid cover to The Refubllcan gubernatorial sit­ WASHABLE half staff and to Are a taourntag blank." behave. Very frequently he will out dent's attack on "Economic match. Reg. 31.19. Dollar Day Germany, he said, eventually will uation looms as a thres-oomered gun every half hour after leveUle present Its bill If the rebels win, and battle among Arthur M. Brown of the big fellow town.f 1st*." Cut Glass Salt and Pepper Shakers, pair .... Only, tomorrow. A fter the blowing' of "Buslnesa le atlU afraid ...It New Fan Styles In he suggested the possibility that New London county, Hu^-h M. A l­ Knox devoted a spaeoh pf *B >|f| CREPES retreat tomorrow night, 19-gun sa­ Gen. Francisco Franco, the Insur­ corn Of Hartford county. and Col. knows promises are mere scraps of 'The only economic Royalist that for delivery at t h * R ^ RAYON ANKLET SOCKS Chrome Ware Salt and Pepper Shakers, pair lutes wiU be flred at aU posts. gent commander-In-chlef, might one John Q. Tileon of New Haven coun­ paper." scares the small manufacturer la County Republican Club'* Dark shadee ami O/xl* Plans for the funeral of the sec­ to y give the Balearic Islands to one ty. The state convention Is sched­ located In Washington, D. C." outing, on the ocean beach here, pastels. Sizes 4’,4 $ 1.00 retary o f war were not immediately of the Fascist powers. uled In Hartforu, Sept. 8 and 9. ''Contrast Henry Ford with the replyfng to . the Presldent'a i FABRIC 11” Ritz Bine Vases with platinum bands ... present administration, the one UNDERWEAR ta 7H. Reg. l»c. announced. i t was indicated bis These Mediterranean islands off Gov. Wilbur L. Croaa cun have the "One fourth of our inooms now ance address ta Philadelphia, 2 $ 1 *00 body would be taken to Utah, where the eastern coast of Spain might be adding untold value to American goes for the coats of government coined the phrase. 14-Pc. Glass Luncheon Sets, rose pink, set .. Democratl: nomination once again, Vests, Panties GLOVES Pure Linen Cretonne or Jaspe only four years ago he occupied the an Important factor In any Mediter­ if he wai ta It, and he nas given no life, promoting enterprise, employ­ W * are working one. day ta flvt for Demanding to know "who and Bloomers. 89” washable solid colored ranean war. ing labor, raising the standard of the government'' Slip-on styles, tan, black, govemor*a chair, since the law spe- Indication that he doesn't, ‘^ e state these Ek;onorolc Royalists T” , Tailored gar­ $1.25 Family Scales, weighs up to 24 lbs. . . . crepes in rose, copen, orange, cifles that only men who served in With Great Britain and France convencion la scheduled at Eastern Uimg; the other destroying food, " A .government that axMrimenta called them ‘‘imegtaary,” and i brown, chaudron, gf-ey and wasting the Nation's assets. Increas­ with the certain right* and guaran­ ments in tea- LUNCHEON COUCH COVERS the mlUtary forces can be burled ta appealing Jointly for non-interven­ Point, Groton, Sept. 0 and 10. *d that the Pru den t, ta the white, and green. ing the cost of living." teed Instltuttona r f our economic or­ navy. Reg. 59c. 14-Qt. Enameled Canners with 4-jar rack . . . Hade of good quality cretonne or Arlington national cemetery here. tion to countries which have not yet Events that caused some aye- csptance address, “walloped a rose. Reg. 89c. Army to Pay Tribute. placed arms embargoes on ship­ brow lifting Included:' der la as dangtroua as a amall t>oy man” while Ignoring "money, Jaspe with pinch-pleated sides and "In one year, American Industry playing v'.th matches.” $1.49 Refrigerator Sets, 4 enameled dishes with glass | CLOTHS ends, with 18" drop on all sizes. A ll of the army wiU pay him ments to Spain, Prieto charged Stamford— Former CouncUmsn budget, agriculture, tadiiatiy, S2x68” , 58xS8’> and 52x52" homage, however, with officers France bad broken her word by re­ Edward A. Gonnoud defeated for­ labor, relief and recovery.” covers ...... Here is a wonderful value ta Colors: Rust, green, blue, and rose. Dollar Day Only, wearing mourning bands and" black fusing to fulfill terms of an arms mer Mayor Joseph A . Boyle, organi­ "W ith 18 million pecMe on Girls* Sleeveless large size pure linen clothe with crape upon their eabres for 30 days. contract which she, herself. Insisted zation candidate. In the Democratic Knox Jibed, “he offers to go out Refrigerator Vegedores with enameled covers, iy ix l2” colored borders In gold, green, red, A guard o f honor was ordered Im­ George H. Dem upon. mayoralty primary flghi. and will slaughter a big bad wolf, It h* and blue. Aim a few hand block- mediately to the hospital. H ie Franco-Britlsh neutrality ap­ carry ihe party's banner In the No­ only find the wolf.” DRESSES Revolving Refrigerator Sets, glass with colored stands etd pure linen cloths. DoUar Day There were scores o f expressions peal was directed particularly at vember election. LANDON HEADING HOME PoUdeo ta Rata* Only, $ 1.00 of sorrow Immediately after, word such countries as Czechoslovakia, an N. U. 8. J. Wins ta Ansonta Knox aasartad that tha Printed dimities and plain col­ $1.29 Freezers, metal tub with side'handles, 2 quarts.. b'i'.portant arms producer. Germany. Anaonla— The National Union for tratlon'B major poUoiea qi ored organdies. Sizes 1 to 6 years. of Dem's passing spread through the capital, Harry B. Woodrtagi t*.ussta and Italy have announc^ Social Juittee, ta its first real test ta ruins,” and Ita futuro plana Reg. 11.19 and 31.69. Heavy Cannon EAST HARTFORB VieriM A nE R SCORING TAXES solute .Uaak.” $1.29 Drip-O-Lator, china pots, 6-cup...... assistant secretary of war, who be­ thrir adherence to the pact, al­ New Haven county, secured cmitrol $ 1.00 each Pace Cloths and comes acting secretary, said *nhe though Italy has not effected an ac­ o f the DemocraUo rongmeelnnel del­ ’That ta why T havo tual embargo, ooqtendlng a s y ^ m egation. and announosd tlM^ wars this fauslnasa at seonoi $1.29 Kitchen Pails, with foot lever, 12-qt...... nation has Buffered an irreparable Isata,” be said. Dishcloths loss.” • o f export Ucensea will serve the against the re-nomlnstlon of J. Jo­ each OF POUCE IS IDENTIFIED Charges New Deal With "When the responsible hen $ 1.00 Tour choice of an a t r a heavy General zraiin CraIg, army chief ■am* purpose. seph Smith of Watarbury, seeking s DEMOS. TO FORTDT Garbage Pails, heavy galvanized iron, 5-gal., IVftColi second term. our government offers, as weight face cloth with colored bor­ of staff. Bald "Secretary D en was a Both Sidea Make Ctalms remedy for grave national Ills, 10-gaL E a c h ...... \VEAREVER ders in blue, green, gold, rose, Fighting went on In Spain itself, Milford—High Sheriff J. Edward true friend of the army. He Wasteful Spending and out and save the iieopt* ftoU Girls’ Sleeveless peach, orchid, red, black, and all worked unceasingly In behalf of na­ lieoL Knie Reports One with the Lqyallats wmounctag a vlo- Slavln and Victor W. Barber scored victories in the Democratic caucus, CERTAIN MAJORITY existent and unidentified $1.49 Window Refrigerator Box, 24” ...... white — or an extra heavy dish tional defense." HEALTH OF POPE torious counter-offensive ta the Bay of the economlo Imagtaatiim, ALUMINUM cloth in blue and gold or green and FamUy a t Bedside. o f Biscay sector and moving ta on Slavln for the posi. of delegate-at- “Cock-eyed” Tax Laws m large to the etate convention, and ptanleasnese and tbs DRESSES $1.29 jRubbish or Ash Cans, 17x23” d e e p ...... Special Dollar Values gold. Dollar Day Only, Members of the secretary's famUy Legged Man Reached for tae long-besieged rebel city of our government are expoaed.” ' White linen or dainty organdies at the hospital were his widow, w e d o ta the northern mining qoun- $1.40 Wear-Ever Sauce Pots, CAUSES ANXIETY (Oonttaned on Page Six) Buffalo Address. Party to Ha?e 55 m Senate have that sort in white, maize or pink. Sizes 1 to W ire Rubbish Burners, large size with zipper cover.. . . Hand Made Mrs. D en , his daughters, Mrs. Har­ Hip Pocket When He shadow boxing with serious 9 years. Shirley Temple make. ry Baxter and Miss Elizabeth D en, On the other hand, the rebels said blema. It ta about time to try a for t h ^ were about to capture tho Im­ Reg. 31.98. Now 59c Window Screens, 24x33”. 2 f o r ...... $ Candlewick and hie sons, William, John and No Matter What Happens performer.” 1.00 James. portant southern seaport of Mala- Aboard Landon Train Sinrouts to $1.40 Wear-Ever Windsor Fired; No Gnn Found. Prelates Disclose That Pon- 8a. Retnin* tlw Topeka, Kas., Aug. 27.— (A P )—Gov. Knox flung the Bread and Cake Boxes, 2 compartments, in colors...... Kettles, A Dr. Frits Meyer, noted. German FOUR ARE DUDRED 1 Cannon Dish heart specialist called here from From the Western Hemisphere, A lf M. Landon left behind him a at Fall Election. ihraaes about tbs rise at an 3 -q u a r t ...... ^ X 4 \ I U BEDSPREADS Boston at the direction of President the United States warned Madrid It •rial "new despotism” back at $ 1 .4 9 Hartford. Aug. 27.— (AP) — charge of "wasteful” New Deal Cannister Sets, 4 pieces, in colors...... 87x108": Beautiful handmade Insist on the freedom of the administration; asserting New $1.20 Wear-Ever Saucepan Identification was made today of for American shipping. Spain has IN AVON ACCIDENT spending and "cockeyed'' tax legis­ SLIPS candlewick spreads in two-tone ef­ (OonUnned on Page Six) Washington, Aug. 27— (A p ) — leglalation better merited, and Cover, A a f \ f \ TOWELS no right to bar merchant vessels lation as he swept through Illinois Tailored an^ lace trimmed. Cake Covers with metal and wood tray s ...... Cellophane wrapped package of fects. Cut size 87x108” . Colors; the man shot and killed last mid­ lin’s W a r charges made against the 3 -q u a rt...... « P X e U U from rebel ports, the State Depart­ today on a schedule of .0 rear plat­ Dissension and death have raised Ists.'^ Unas from the PreeKkAW l.., Tearose and white. Sizes 34 six large size dish towels in all- Rose, green, orchid, blue, gold, night by Lieut. Max P. Knle at the BATHING $1.25 Damask Oil Cloth Table Covers, 54x54” ...... brown, rust brown and gold, brown ment declared In a formal note un- form appearances .and a vUnt to uncertainties ta the Benatoilal ^eech which drew hla firs to 44. Reg. $1.19. $1.25 Wear-Ever Cookie Sheet over check pattern In red, green, East Hartford police department as lea* It can apply an effecUve block­ Abraham Lincoln's tomb. gold and blue. DtIm more dishes, and rust DoUar Day Only, VsUcan Qty, Aug. 27—Prelates One Seriously As Two Cars situation ta several Important HEAD OF LEGION Elmer C. La Fleur, Allas Elmer C ade. The Republican ncmlnee was ‘Through new uses o f the .< $1.29Bandwich Toasters on black base with handles- •. leaves no lint. Bxtrm size, 18x36". disclosed tonight that Pope Plus X I speeding toward Topeka on the re­ states, but the Democrats never­ SUITS S S .4 ...... $ 1 . 0 0 Foster of no known address. He Great Britatar likewise, recently theless are fortifying the majority stkm the itructura at TaoSmak~] In red, orange, was Identified by Leonard Drown of has become so weakened from served notice on Spain that she Collide; Men Coming from turn leg o f hU first Presidential waa Impressed Into the royal sen $1.25 Wear-Ever Roasting which Is certain to be theirs ta tha green and maize. Magazine Racks in maple, double comportments, 502 Sliver Lane and Louis Harvey, worry from the Spanish situation TOUld not recognize a blockade, and campaign Invasion of t tr east. They created a new despottam IS SULL MISSING In the last of three addresses, he next session. •0 0 each Sizes 2 to 6 years. 14 Printed Voile Flower Pot Stands, white enameled with 2 pots...... portunity was limited by i Dot Pattern In Candlewick when he reached for his hip pocket. old Holy Father to be carried from start of the aix-weeks-old civil war, men are In the hospital today, one , Landon demanded the Immediate jority. ia 40...... $1.00 repeal o f the law taxing corpora­ X X X Individual inlUativs Lieut. Knie said today that as a a tendency toward an International with serious Injuries, as the result Barring a break ta the solid south, $1.29 Floor Brushes, soft hair, 12” and 14” ...... $1.50 Wear-Ever d* 4 der Is Sought in Three showdown between Faedsm and the tions according to amounts of In­ ciuabed In the cogs of a great n o i. result of complaints made to the (Oanttaned on Page Wx) of an automobile coUlaion ta Avon Salad Mold, 11” farces of the left—Socialism, Com­ come withheld from distribution. chine." — ■ T l? - NIGHT­ ^ X *UU police o f several breaks into the late yesterday afternoon. (Oeattaoed *■ Pag* Two) $1.29 Medicine Cabinets, ail metal, white enameled, SPREADS States by Sleuths. munism and the like. A car driven by Peter Gazzanlga This legislation the Kansan dfiscrib- In return Knox charged the Naif; with shelf and mirror door, 13x13”— 5" deep .. - .. V bouse ta recent days be stationed The Soclaliat Madrid govsmment ed aa "cockeyed.” He said the en­ D ed had “Bhaekled Industry,” pat himself ta the Ilvtajg room, turning o f Meriden, coming from the Avon GOWNS For Dollar Day Only, we are is supported by Communists, Afiar- Country Club, with three compan­ tire tax structure, Federal and state, Initiative ta fear, and fostered mcOA. putting out a limited quantity in off the lights but attaching a string TOWNSENDITES MAP cblsts and Syndicalists, and Its needed overhauling. opoly, although now, he said, mak^;."; $1.25 “Handy Andy” Juice E x tra c tw s...... Uma, 0-. Aug. 27— (AP) — In ions, approached the intersection of Sizes 16 and 17. Reg. 59c. BATHING GLASBAKE the colors as listed of these extra to one light which would permit armies are largely hasWy organized the country dub road and West Platform Appearances WARIS RESUMED tag a "pious repudtation," a a d 'l the wake at a flood at hand-biUs de­ him to see any one entering the A fter an overnight ride from the "dashing out to fight wltabnllta.” > $1.29 Water Sets, lipped pitcher and 6 glasses, set .... wide, aU-over diamond and dot pat­ worKers' militia units. Avon street. Just as a ear, driven by tern. Orchid, rose, gold, blue and fending the mysterious Black Le- rear door through which the prow­ western metropolis the lit t le Fellow* Jailed TRUNKS OVENWARE gtao and bearing the name of VlrgU ler had gained entrance on previous ACnVE CAMPAIGN Presidential aspirant returned to T t put the UtU* fellows ta Jail. " A ll wool trunks in red. SiZe 97x108” . DoUar Day (OMUnned on Page Six) (Oonttaned on Page Six) AT CAMP CROSS $1.29 Iced Tea Sets, lipped pitcher and 6 glasses, s e t... In Chrome Frames Only, (B ert) Efftager came his attone/a visits. the rear platform . of bis special but Mg business wrote Its awn;-a navy and red. Sizes 3 lV4-qt. Casserefiea with Pie pMdictlon today that Efftager would train to greet townsfolk at Joliet, ticket'' he asserted. to 6 years. Reg. 31.00. Fine Quality Cannon Etod Heard Noise Fancy Cidored Tumblers, d ozen ...... surrender if Gov. Martin L. Davey The lieutenant said that earlier Dwight, Pontiac, Bloomington and "New Mercenaries Is right" ha; m n te d his extradition to Michigan ta the eveqtag he heard sounds at Eleyen CongresMonal Candi­ Llacoln, HI., before reaching Bprlng- commented. ‘T h e n are 250,000 new.:'; to fitae charges o f criminal syndlcal- S ? . r ...... $ 1 . 0 0 the door but they ceased and it was fleld for a 40-mlnute halt to place a Two Regiments of 85th Bri­ ones right now, and civil service ta 13 Vi” Glass Salad Trays, rolled edge ... 11x7” U t iU ^ or 0 f TURKISH Um and possession o f bombs. not the basis of their selection.” . -. $ 2 - 9 9 quiet for a couple of hours. Shortly French Truffles Planted wreath on Ltaooln'a tomb. Baking DishiiM . ^ X * v l U Simultaneously northwest Penn- dates Snccessfnl in Cali­ With departure from Bpringrfleld A s for the RojmUits’ use of tba' r: 12” Glass Relish Trays,-3 compartments ^rlva n ia police Intensified their before midnight, the rear door waa gade in Combat Positions; corporatioh, Knox said the admllltai-./. TOWELS opened and La Fleur entered. He St 12:40 p. m. (C ST) three-mtaute O veralls itita for Efftager, sought by police In Urn S. As an Experiment pauses were planned at Vlrden, tratlon itself used Delaware eorir" 14” Glass Cake or Sandwich Trays . ' . . . . ______m 2 ? ...... $ 1 . 0 0 18x35". An extra One quality Double Thread Cannon ’ four etatea since he vanished bad lost a leg ta an accident some fornia; The Vinners. porationa to do "strange and utar;. Cannon Turkish towel with colored years ago and walked with crutch CarllnvlUe, Alton and Granite CSty Coast ArtMory Mon Paid. Blue chambray , om an extradition hearing in Col- before the train crossed the Missis­ American things," and added: borders ta blue, gold, green and nmbue Tuesday. The lieutenant said tlmt he “These are strange words from a with red trim­ ENAMELWARE HoBteMSherbet_Setrf^jJnchrom*^^ $1.25 Johnson’s Glo-Coat No peach. A good bandy size towel. Washington, Aug. 27.— (A P )— sand flies can smell them ou t” sippi river on the westward swing mings. Sizes 2 to Franklin, PiL, poUce disclosed a switched on the electric light and San Francisco, Aug. 2 7 ^ (A P ) -After aeereUag a batch of French The scientist explataec. that the through Central Missouri. Appear­ man who all bis business life has Rubbing Wax, 0 f i \ g \ TOWELS p^eetrlan had reported bring stop­ told La Fleur that he waa a police been associated with corporate eta B years. Reg. 39c lS^^MiagrSuMinjGIaM_^Tg^i£evoIving_8to 20x40". A good quality Ceuinon E. J. Msrgett, state manager of the truffles about tbs nation, the De­ French spend considerable time In ances were listed for W aahin^n, Camp Cross, Nlsntle, Aug. 27,— each. UTENSILS 1 q u a r t ...... ped late that night by a group ta an officer. training swine and togs to himt (A P )—Members of the 242d Coast twpriee.’’, f ‘ ^X «UU towel with colored borders in blue, Ohio ear and asked directions out of Townsend old age pension organiza­ partment of Agriculture today faced Jefferson City, SedsUs. and War- With Chrome Covers Bathroom Mirrors with chrome frames, 18x10” . He said that the man reached for truffles. They Just 1st tha flies f V e renaburg. Mo. Artillery, C. N. O., at Fort H. O. Tbero are a “few giant corpora­ $1.49 Fdt Base Rugs, in blue for gold, green, and black. town. The pedestrian took the tion, said today hla group would put tions'' In the oountry, Knox eaki 2- qt., 3-qt, 4-qt Straight Side $ 1.00 hla hip pocket Believing that the the problem at how to 6nvi 80 plain colors la this qualttv i.nui such a time, howhver, he wiu Balance, 81,958,729,865.28. a-montb pension plan, foimded ta be ready for bunting or what sort per cent during the three years of War la Resumed enterprise, employing tabor, ratang . Sanitary Napkins knltting_worsted—for coats, sweat­ remain In eeclnrion." GriUomla by Dr. F. E. Townsend. With tho Unitod btatsa as bamn at yield It expects. Officials did tha present administration, ^ s y are The war waa resumed at StonPa the standard of ilvtag; the otbta? Customs receipta for tbs ucotb. at French truffle* as It ta ' e< loo- A real quality sanitary napkin ers, stocldhgs, afghans, etc. Reg. Two fugitive warrants are out 328.254JI84.22. Three Neweemers say, however, that more truffUs are paying far more than their rightful ranch in Btaat Lyme this morning destroying food, wasting th* that we have carried for years. B9c. for Ehftager, who walked away from bsrga. tha department launehsd tho to be laid out In the Puget Bound share o f the coat of government and 8 o’clock found the two r«gl- tion's assets, Increasing the cost eC,; Receipts tor the fiscal jrear (ataea Bight o f the Townsend-endorsed first aystemalle effort to grow them 1 dosm la boot. the State House ta Columbus while July 1). 3565ja2.950.48; expendi­ nominees were tacumbemta and tbs section and Irrigated aaetloaa o f Ui* Extravagant Speadtag menta of tha 85tb Brigsd* to oom- living.” Franklin county (Columbus) de­ —planting potontial trutnea .west T o d a y the admlnlstrstion la bat posiUcoa, the 102d lU sntxy Asserting the admtalstratkta#' tures. 3894,784,095.18, tatoidtag other three, Nelson van MiiXr*4 L oentiurg, Va.; Auburn, Ala.; Btdta The J W H A U CORR puties sought to detain him on one. 3276302381^3 c< emergenqy expen­ Barry R. Sheppard and Ed P. Sam­ Already tha residents o f tho fa­ spending mimey for alnost every along tte U. B. Highway No. 1 and plans were vague, with ”w>t Lima police at first refused to ar­ Gdlsge, Mias., and KnoxvUls, Tann. mous Virginia hunt country ooncetvable thing. , the 160th ta the up^w {lart of fat of th* recovery nwgreai.. for ditures; excess of expenditures. ple, were newcomers ta the Con- T h e re la no way to tell with the MANCHfiSTER COHH* boxes $ 1.00 rest him on the basis o f a triegram $209,561444.70; gross debt, 383301,- greaskmal field. Leesburgb are speculating about " I t Is aiandtag oven fOr the neo- Stone’s ranch, near Pantntaguansett the annual suggestion tor n from Detroit authorities, but ^ e f ikad mya," said Dr. Lambart. truffle hunts. ■ary things ta ways whid) we can­ take. trees.** Ksos n id : 7S03S63S, a decrease o f 3 235V Two of tbs new Toemaend caadl- "whether you>* got a truffla. It 630.50 under tbs previous day; gold "W * hear.” aald Dr. Lambert, not afford—in reeklesa waya which The day was clou4y with threats "Is there a man hare who , JOMttaaed ea Page Two) grows from 3 to 8 Inches benaatb "that there Is talk o f how to dress ----- la, 310.682325,71637. iboMMMd aa rmgm BtMi , ' J Uta mu Uaa cC tha aolL BagH, ik ea whsa cidtag to truffl* jMuada,’< . iO p H ta w d SB Page zw sj) - laaPagsZwox r i l d K r,“Xoat3#TfT,!

gle Who had been an attendant at the meetlnn for over forty yeargi ~ m ss EVELINE STEVENSON The band concert on the second YOUnS SELEHED NEW GAME LAWS 2,500 H U DEAIERS Saturday night brought a record OUTING HITS NORTH END FIELD to held i_ _ _ crowd and the band of sUty>llve GIVEN SHOWER P A R TY UIXNSED INSTATE The oFtiCles saode bjrtSi CAM P A SUCCESS lecea (Including a number of the t tbe summer eehoel%)lt-1 gteal band) was well reoelvad. YEARS PLANNED IN TOWN FOR SEMINARIES ARE ANNOUNCED . DAY ON SEPT. 3 within the next weak Commissioner Alex Damon of IV F. B> Shaw, bte. HIGH IN ENTHUSIASM SIston and Slstara-in-Lnw A n In Addition There Are 254 Soh* __ It Brothere' store wlhdoiK-' New Tork was the speaker for the TO CELEBRATE COLDEN ter, Mias Rosa MUfltt, as brides 78 P e u lI Street . Hartford_____ Tommy Oom B’s Soda WllUam B. Martin, HnatMMB at Penonal and Dealers and 5,648 Stores to dow. lijo ta n l and Mrs. Valentine second Sunday, and largo crowds Local Members Reqaested to m a ^ and Lnwreaos Scranton, Linen Shower Last Night. Distribute Milk. gathered to hear him from Georgia, WEDDING ON SEPT. 2 brother of the groom was beet man. Obsenre SOrer AmuTenary lioeal Bepreoentatlve Mrs. C. C* Currier Hopes to Nearly 50 m AttendaDce Bishop M cA oM e km m m Fisberiw aid Game Board Aianial Phignnnid EtoiiI b Bid Asked s BIDWELL FAMILY? California, Chicago and Maine as Mias Bvalliw S. BtevsnnoB ot ths Hartford, Au 37—(AP) — Ap- R e te a With Enthnsiaan well as many friends from Canada. R eserve Them by End o f Cap. N a t Bk. and Tr. 30 38 at Shore; Misses First & Conn. River Bk. . . . . 480 Names ofTboso Who Win Midland Aportmsnts waa ths guest DiidoM New RapdatioBs sJSb deolers distribute Anaomiced; Coahme Pk- Colonel Atkinson said good-by to Mr. and Mrs. William Smith of EstabKsh E. R. C. Training Make Up fo r Absentees in of honor at a psrsonol and linen Connecticut------— milk, -, tbe state milk od- Old Orchard, officially, and many couple left on an unarmotmeed wed­ Htdf. Q>nn. Trust ... 77 83 Tolland Road to Hold Open ding trip. Htfd. Nat Bk. S Tr. 37 REUNION SA1TIRDAY sbewsr given last night by hsr sis­ mlalstratlon announced In making HAPPY fo r Old Orchard. This W eek. 29 were the fine things said about him 0 . P . CaacDs in Years. Attend Schools. ters and sistars-ln-law, at ths boivs public on analysis of llcenaes Issued raja to Ba Feahnra. by the leaders of the Army from House on That Day. Phoenix S t Bk. A Tr. 380 Program Here. Display o f Yim and Ttgm Oa MigratiaT Birds. Inanraaoe Steeks of Mrs. J. O. BJoikman o t Rldgs to January of this year. New York. The colonel has reached IB addition 354 sub-dealers and RoekvlUa, Aug. 37—BIr. and M n. Aetno Casualty...... lOS 107 atrsst Green and yellow were the FROM PAiNi the retirement age and will be re­ Msmbam of the Luthw Leagus of 'j A4^Itaot aad IkCra. Valentine MAGNUS JOHNSON IU 4 Hartford, 'Aug. 27.—(AP)—The oolore used, and streamers In these Hartford, Aug. 27— New federal 6,648 etores ore Uceneed to distri­ tired at a great gathering In Bos­ William Smith wlU oeltbraU thalr Judge Winiam 8 . Hyde, chairman Aetna Fire ...... BOH S2 K in Sports C o n te s . Descendants of Reyohition- Thursday, Sept 8 Is the date for Iia'Va just M tuned from the annual ths Emanuel Lutheran church who M i^ a c Currier of Bast Center colors were attached to a figure regulations governing hunting bute milk. ton on Monday, August SI, In the o f the RepubUeon Town Committee Aetna Life ...... 83 84 CathoUc Transcript announced 'to­ ot the Annual Field Day activlttea at eamp meatlnca at Old Orchard, dsslrs tteksts for the banquet to be fifth wedding anniversary at the Automobile ...... 34 street, who le state supervisor o f ths dressed as a bride. By following migratory gome birds In Connecti­ O f the total dealers Ucensqd, ths Dudley Street Baptist church. Com­ 88 day several semlnazy appointments r^mrt stod, 290 were merchhnt deal­ BACKACHE held next week Saturday night at home of their son Georgs Smith, on CONDmON CRRICAL Hot many yean, ralsaed the Republi­ Conn. Cteneral ...... 41H Household Workers Training pro­ Whatever the annual Chamber ot ary Generid to Gather at them the bride-elect found her cut next fall are announced today tbe North end Playground. Ths !;\Haine. The meetings were a conv- missioner Damon will preside and «V 4 by Bishop Maurice McAullffe of the ers who produced no milk and 3191 CkBoad IQ(hsy« the Masonic Temple In connection the ToUond road on Septembw 2nd, can caucus last night for tbe first Hartford Fire ...... 72 gram of tbs Emergency Relief Com- Commerce outing ireeterday after­ pretty gifts. A buffet lunch was by the State Board of Flaheries and don and doll carriage show wUl be I'l’ plete success, spiritually and flnan- officers from the New England time In the memory of the oldest 74 mlsalon, la anxious to establish a were producer dealers. While the Many ot those gnawlnia BoaoU with the 40tb annual oonvention of wbeii they will hold open house. Mr. Hartford Steam BoUer 76 noon at Lake Compounce lacked in Hartford diocese. served by tbe boeteeeea. Game. held In the afternoon, with prises painful tookaobes people blame . ^‘ cM ly. The spM al features of the states will gather In an afternoon Former Farmer-Labor Con­ voters present Hie famUy is at 78 unit In .Maneheatar, and In this she East Hartford Home. roducer dealers are numerically ' aeries of meetings were the ser­ the Hartford Dlatrlot Luther and Mrs. Smith have resided with National Fire ...... 68H 70H numbers was more than made up for They were; Mice Steveneon will be married In The reguIaUone, Issued by the U. colds or strains ars oftao rimssd j banquet and a public meeting at their son for the past three years. gressman in Minnesota Hos­ 1s supported by a number o f local September to Billie Watkins of le strongest class they handled In for the beat entries In sah eection. mons preached by Colonel William League, which oonvenea in Manches­ Grove Beach Point, and ae yester­ Phoenix Fire ...... 88 88 In the enthusiasm displayed by the To St. Thomas’ Seminary: S. Department o f Agriculture, S Urad kidneys—and may be rSI night to say farewell to their much Later in September they plan to re­ day was the 35th a^vertaty of hie women who believe that it a nearly fifty members and others hr Rev. Mr. William Paul Fooduto, Lsfsyetto, Go. eetabilab a 30-day open season on January only SS per cent of the In the evening a costume parade when treated In the rtcht way. 'B arrel Field Secretary of New ter on September S, fl and 7, are pital— Haa Had Colorful Kossta mauranoe . . . i l H 18 fluid milk sold In the state and 80 loved leader Colonel Joseph Atkin­ asked to notify Mrs. MItzt John turn to California for an Indefinite mortiage, be spent the afternoon good placement center for trained attendance at tbs Bristol amuse­ Members by name and brevet and St. Fronds’, New Haven. wild waterfowl beginning 10. day* wUI be held at ft o’olopk, with prtMS Tbe Iddneye are one ot NM , / Tork City headquarters, also the son. Career. Travelers ...... ses 680 per cent-o< the processed milk. chief ways of taktng amide son or Mrs, Beatrice Pearson before period. and evening with Mrs, Hyde, thetr boueenold workers. Sufficient qusU- ment park and the event proved one marriage living In Manchester will Rev. Mr. James Ferdinand CHynn, later than that of 1935. Tbe rail fo r the best most original and fun­ 'i..' memorial aervlce conducted by Col- Adjutant and Mrs. Valentins, Ma­ PnbUe DtUltj Stocks fied and Intereated. candldatea for O f the producer dealers, the re­ wastes out e f the blood. A beaUtL the end of the week. Mrs. Smith was the former Miss children, members of the Hyde <3onn. L t and P o w ... 73 o f tbe moat thoroughly enjoyable S t AugiMtlne’s, Hartford. season opens 16 days later. jor and Mrs. Atkinson, Will Atkin­ 77 the course must be certified-by a attend the meeting of C edu Creek port says, onIy,464 sell, more than niest Immediately fcfilowlng the person should pass about t plntol It Is expected that close to 2S0 Bertha Bernhardt. She was married Litchfield, Minn., Aug. 37— (A P ) famUy end a few close friends. The Conn. Power ...... 88 ever held by the Chamber. Rev. Mr. Donald John 0't,eary, S t Brant can-vaaback and redhead day and so ost rid of mors tbaxy son, Mrs. Thomas Hopper and to Mr. Smith on September 2, 1883 87 social worker, between the ogee of Chapter, General Daniel Davidson FREIGHT TONNAGE 100 quarts a day and of these only parade, a program of national and persons will attend the banquet, for — Magnus Jobnaon, whose colorful dinner, and quiet celebration of the Htfd. Elec. L t ...... 68 Daric clouda were much In evi­ Charles’s, Bridgeport ducks have been Included with wood pounds ot waste matter, large delegation will go from Man­ by Rev. Mr. Crepp who was then 70 17 and 85. AppUeonts inust be Bldwell Assodation, at Its annual 79 sell more than 300 quarts. Internationa) songs, folk dances and which Max Walker of Hartford will career in Mlnneaota and national eUver wedding, was enjoyed at tbe Hartford Oos ...... 47 dence during the afternoon but the To Basselln college, Washington, duck, ruddy duck, bufflehead duck, B tbe 1$ mllsB of k ld n v tube# «_ chester to say good-by to the col­ ptstor of the Flrat Lutheran church. 51 physically fit, o f pleasant personali­ ' sun managed to bold Itx own and meeting to be held on the lawn ot ■mow geese and swans aa species O f tha merchamt dealers, 90 avei^ dialogues will be presented by the filters don't woik well, wasteetaMi eater. Ralph M. Johnson of Bridge­ poUtiea embraced milking and wood cottage of Miss Margaret Hyde, 80. New Ekigland . . . 188 D. C. age 149 quarte daUy; 90 from ISO to onel. There were three chUdren bom of 160 ty and bate an Intereat and adapta­ the pleasure sericers worked up Daniel D. Bldwell at No. 818 Bum- First Philosophy: wUcb may cot be taken. children of the summer school. the body and may beooras peleetie^ port, president of the District, will chopping duels with a C^iblnet mem­ sister of Attorney Hyde, at Grove Manufacturing Stbeka ON RIVERS HTGH 380 quarte; 14 from 861 to 600 It may start naoxlnx bsckadiea, 1 Adjutant and Mrs. Valentine and preside as toastmaster. Rev. P. O. the marriage, Mrs. Gertrude Bltel- ber, waa critically lU with double bility to housework. It is required •i. terrific sweat and a King Kong ap­ side avenue, Eaat Hartford, at 3 Thomas Frands Farrell, St. Pat­ The open seasons are: Ducks, Prizes, donated by tbe T. M. C A. Beach Point Acme Wire ...... 43 45 o'clock, Saturday afternoon, open quarts; 29 from 501 to 1,000 quarts; will then be awarded for an tha dif­ pains, loss of pep and enersy, Oattt. the soldiers of the Manchester Corps Bersell, president of the Augustana man and Mrs. Ruth Miller, both of pneumonia In a hospital here today. that they shaD be able tO write and petite in a divjsralfied program o f rick's parish, Waterbury. geese, Wilson snipe and coot, N ov­ up nights, swelling, pufflnesa und Alabama, Cal., eind George Smith of Mrs. Hyde was the former Mias Am. Hardware ...... 33 34 read English, to add and subtraq till 8 o’clock. Mrs. Frank L. Bid- 19 from 1001 to 1500 quarts; 9 from ferent playground events. arc looking for a fruitful fall and Synod, will be the principal speaker. Johnson, former Farmer-Labor S athletic endeavor. Because of the John Thomas Shugrue, St. Pat­ ember 1-November 30. Rails and the eyes, headaches and dlsali thj Tolland Road, this city. May Chaffee, daughter of tbe late Arrow H and H, com 88 57 and poweaa average intelllgrace. well of 13 Vine street. East Hart­ 1601 to 2,000 quarts; ft from 2001 to The older bora, under tha direc­ winter work, and are arranging (or Greetings wlU be brought by repre­ Congressman and United States many attractions offered at tbe le- rick’s Parish, Norwich. galllnulea (except coot), September Don’t let It lay you up. Mrs. Smith was bom In RookvlUe, Theodore and Mrs. Emma M. Chaf­ Billings and Spencer. 3>A Is expected that they will see aort. It waa next to Impossible to ford, and formerly of Manchester Monongahela Total Is Only ■1-November 30. Woodcoclq Octo­ 2,600 and 35 from 2501 and over. tion of David Hamilton have oon- Ask your d iii^ s t for Doan's 1 special spiritual campaign with sentatives of the Providence, Bos­ Senator, became 111 last Sunday ot­ 3)4 To North American college, March 31, 1864 and at the age of fee of 224 Main street They were Bristol Brass ...... 68 70 permanaq)-household portions keep the crowd together and no set Green, la president of the chapter ber 31-November 20. ^ atructed a fine, small set of bleoeh- —used successnuly by mniuaut some of the Array's outstanding ton and Worcester Districts of the ter an attack of Indlgeation. Collins Co...... Rome. over 49 years, llit y give taaippy 1 six months moved to Chicago, 111., It waa the eecond aerlous Illness married by the Rev. WUUam F. 110 120 completion'of the course and not - program of activity waa conducted. and Frederick D. Bldwell ot AJbuy, First Theology: Dally bag and possession limits: era to accommodate the summer leaders who will come to Manches­ New England Conference. with her parenta residing there un­ Taylor, who was pastor at that Colt's Pat nrsarms. 49 61 (5n arrival at Compounce, a large 206,000 Tons Less Than IrrERMILK DBINm and win help to flush out the It 1 ter. this year for Johnaon. Last Feb- Just take tbe training as a paatime. N. Y., Is secretary and genealogist. Robert Albert Delrusso, S t Lucy's Ducks, 10 In the aggregate o f all school children whUe presenting ef kidney tubes. Oet Doaui’s r ~ An Instrumental sextet from the til she was seven years of age. The time of the North Methodkn: church. Eagle Lock ...... 25 27 group beaded for the bowling kinds. Geese, 4 In the aggregate. There have been a number of re­ m ary be was atruck by an automo­ The Sta.e Employment SeiVice In Officers will be elected and refresh- parish, Waterbury. local Salvation Army Band will fur­ family was living there at the time They have a aon, Stewart C. Hyde Fafnir Bearinga . . . . 95 ___ Hartford will help place and .adjust ^ e y s to show their ability or lack menta win be served. Invitations On the Panama CanaL Ralls and galllnules (except sora quests for the services of the band nish special music at the dinner and bile In St. Paul and pneumonia de­ Gray Tel Pay Station Daniel Joseph Foley, S t James’ INCREASING RAPID LY of the big Chicago fire In 1871, and veloped. He recovered after lengthy and a daughter. Miss Frances Hyde. 19)4 21)4 girls so trained in desirable, homea. of It Ob the polished lanes. For more are Informal and any wearer of the parish, South Manchester. and coot), 15 In the aggregate. out of town, and a special Invitation the Emanuel senior choir, under the Hart and - Cooley .... upon losing ti.etr entire possessions treatment In a hospital thsre. Judge Hyde Is a graduate of 150 The Works Progreu Adml^tration than an hour the air waa filled with family name is entitled to a reserved To American college, Louvain. Sora, 26. Coot, 16. Wilson snipe, 15. from the officers of the Schenec­ direction of O. Albert Pearson, will Lahdera, Frary ft a k tbe sound of balls bounding In the Woodcock, 4. they returned to Rockville. Johnson was one of the organ­ Manchester High school and of 44 46 will furnlah uniforms and .aboee. seat, also "In-laws.” First PhUosopby: BfyAnt and Chapman, widely tady. New York corps to come for a sing. The convention will open with Meinn A Bow, Class A gutters and occaalonally toppling Pittsburgh, Aug. 26.— (A P )— Ctol. Hours of shooting; Waterfowl and YOUR GUIDB TO A Mr. Smith was bora In Warehouse izers of the Farmer-Labor party in Trinity CoUege, after which he 7 9 Transportation wlU be Allowed The meeting place is within a Martin Joseph O’Connor, S t known dairymen, report a great In­ week-end. a business session Saturday after­ do.. Class B ...... — over a pin. The feature match of W. E. R. Covell, chief of army Point, October 4, 1860 and came to Mlnneaota and was a pioneer In co­ took the course In Yide Law school. 2 where needed and at least ons meat minute's walk of Bldwell Green, In Francis’ parish, New Haven. coot, 7 a. m. to 4 p. m., Standard crease In the use of buttermilk this An open air service will be hold noon. A Communion service will be Rockville In 1883. For twenty-five New Brit, Mch,, com. the day saw Nate Richards nose out Time. Wllaon snipe, rails, galllnules operative movements In this state. Ho was associated for years with 32)4 84)4 a day provided during the courie of which la a memorial boulder to Cap­ WiUlam Thomas O’Ctonnor, S t engineers of the Pittsburgh district, summer Os a healthful and refresh­ tonight at 7:80 as usual. held Sunday morning and an Inspira­ years he held the position of over­ do., pfd...... — Eldred McCabe, the latter being de-' and woodcock, 7 a. m. Standard Active In state politics for many 95 about eight weeks. 'The training in­ tain Zebulon BldweU, who waa killed Augustine's parish, Seymour. armounced today that July freight ing hot weather drink. More and tional rally at the South Methodist seer In the weaving department of tne late Herbert O. Bowers In bis North and Judd . . . . feated when he was unable to keep Time to sunset. years, In 1923 he waa elected to the law office here, and on the retire­ 36)4 87)4 cludes demonstration and practice In the first battle of Saratoga, Sept Robert Walsh Shanley, St. Peter’s tonnage on the Monongahela river more people. It appears, are culti­ church Sunday night. An open the New England Mill of the Hock- Peck, Stow A WliccK 12)4 his waistline from crossing the foul A reg;uIatlon which prohibited the BY MtJTtlAIi CONSENT United States Senate to fill the un- ment of Judge Olln R. Wood 20 14)4 work In cooking, cleaning, table 19, 1777, who baa a number of de­ parish, Danbury. totaled 2,564,444 tons—within 206,- vating a taste for this health giving forum meeting 1s scheduled for anum Mills Company and he later Russel] Mfg. Co, . . . . 29 88 service, laundry, mending, child care line In delivering his ball. In other scendants In Manchester and vicin­ taking of waterfowl from a boat, beverage. explred term of the late Knute NaJ- years ago, was elected Judge Of Robert Joseph Shea, S t Miohael’a 000 tons of the record peak of the Monday morning with a field day at worked at the Corcoran Mill. He Scovlll Mfg. Co. . . . . 86)4 and other subjects; also lectures In matches, McCabe beat C. E. Flke, ity. Another memorial boulder la blind or fioating craft of any kind All of Bryant and Chapman's but­ Chicago.—Proceedings In George son. When the two year term ended, Probate. 88)4 Erik Modean trimmed Frank Busch parish, Westerley, R 1. Panama Canal. the West Side In the afternoon as worked at Holden, Mass., and Put­ Johnaon sought re-election but was Standard S c re w ...... 160 160 personal appearance, hygiene, first- on-the battlefield of Saratoga, placed more than 100 feet from shore baa termilk Is freshly churned dally and F. Major's divorce action were de­ the closing event of the oonvention. nam for several years, and was also and Busch took the measure of John Stephen W anat S t Stanla- Tbe movement consisted chlefiy been rescinded, the Board la advised. defeated by Thoroaa D. Schall, Re­ Stanley Works ...... 46 48 aid and I employee-employer rela­ there by the efforte of Frederick D. laus’ parish, Meriden. may be bad on all their regular layed when it developed that his employed at the Whitney Chain In Torrlngton ...... Charles Kimball. Some sort of of coal coming from Pennaylvania Both federal and state game laws wife, Theresa, had not received publican. 99)4 101H tions. Bldwell of Albany. To Saint Sulpice, Issy, France. routes, or by telephoning 7697. Hartford. Ho retired from active Union Mfg. Ck)...... Mra. Currier feels certain that if team match waa also held but the and West Virginia mines to the however, continue to prohibit taking proper notice of suit "1 can't bear While In the Senate, Johnson eU' 6 8 modest bowlers did away with the The annual meeting of Susque­ First Philosophy; Since churning takes place every SHRUBS BEAUTIFUL work In 1925. U S Ehivelope, com ... 83 92 a sufficient number of girls- - enroll hanna Valley Chapter of the associ­ mammoth steel mills of the Pitts­ of waterfowl from boats or fioating day. this company Is thereby in a this cose," declared Judge Joseph gaged in a milking contest with score sheets before they could be John Joseph Crawford, S t John devices propelled otherwise than by Five years ago Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. Wallace, the then eecre- do., pfd...... 125 130 for the course, the faculties and ation was held In Oneonta, N. Y., burgh District, and constituted a position to supply fresh salted or B. David, "until there la evidence Smith went to California, returning N. Y* Stocks obiained. the Baptist pariah. New Haven. record high to date. hand. tary of agriculture. Wallace won. Veeder Root ...... 101 108 splendidly equipped kitchen of Man­ August IS, and that of IVyomlng sweet butter dally. Like all Bryant of notice by publication." IN EAST CEMETERY here three years ago: Horseshoe pitching also came In Christopher Michael Devine, S t Colonel Covell’e armouncement With the approach of the season J u s t o f f t h e In a wood-chopping teat between the Whitlock Coll Pipe .. 8)4 7)4 chester Y. M. C. A. wUl be a'vallable. for a good share of attention but re­ Chapter of the association will be Augustine's pariah, Hartford. and Chapman products, tbe butter­ A t this point a woman In the On Saturday evening, September Adams Exp . came at a period of peak activity for training hunting dogs In tbe field two, Johnson was victorious. J. B. Williams (k>. .. 38 45 Young women intei^ted should sults of matches were not available held in Scranton, Pa., on Septem­ Edward Hubbard Rooney, St. milk la laboratory tested and meets audience rose, walked to the Judge's 5 there will be a reception at the A ir Reduc ., on the three rivers— the Mononga­ which be^na September 1, the bench and said: "It's O. K., Judge, In 1932 Johnson was elected to Hlsoellaneons make application through Mrs. Cuv­ as the tossers spent m ost)of the ber 8 with several from Greater Charles’ parish, Bridgeport. all high standards of purity of qual­ p xea a ! Blooming Hydrangea Make Princess Hall on VlUlage street for Alaska Jun ier Hauci^ head of the PubUc Health hela, Allegheny and Ohio—which Board today calls to tbe attention ity. give him the divorce." Congreas, but he was defeated for Chapman V a lv e ...... s time chasing the shoes all over the Hartford attending. There are also To St. Brieuc seminary, Saint of hunters a new alause appearing Scene of Beauty— A t Its Immediate relatives and friends. A re-election two years later. Allegheny Nursing association in Manchester, four other chapters of the associa­ Join at Pittsburgh, where riverside "Who are irouT" asked Judge dinner wlU be served by the Mann Conn. Invest. M g t .. spacious lot. A softball game was Brieuc, France. on atate hunting licenses which David. ^ Best at Present Time. Allied Chem V • •. • who may be reached by telephone, also begun but was halted abruptly tion, comprising a kind of general First Philosophy: ways were working 'round the eliminates the need for special dog caterers and there will be a social Am Can ...... Elec Steam Sterilizing 3426, or at 74 Haynea street "I'm Mrs. Major," she replied. "I'll G t Lok. Stmshp. C a 3 by tbe call to dinner, which result­ Bldwell family union. Governor Joseph Henry Macdonald, S t clock to provide additional bargee training permits. The clause gnmts program and dancing later In the Am Coro] Alco . .. Girls are not paid whUe taking bo glad to get rid of him." One of the town’s beauty spots at evening. ed in a pell-mell rush for tbe dining Lehman of New York state 1s a Mary's parish, Putnam. and towboats to caue for the de­ tbe right to train dogs between DEMOS. TO FORTIFY Am Home Prod .. King Seeley Corp. .. 1 the course since It Is considered a The divorce was granted. the present time from the point of Sanborn Map ...... 100 __ room, where a delicious barbecued sponsor of the Susquehanna Chap- Raymond Albert Perlgard, St mands of shippers. September 1 and April 1, but only news. . . ItoK . .. pidei*. . . atoapl* d«4til Orange Meeting Am Rad St S .... privilege to be selected and offered view of landscape architecture Is A Harvest Program wlU be pre­ Sparta Foundry .... 23 25 Iamb dinner waa served by the Com­ Ann’s parish, Waterbury. * Ih«vloiis Record during daylight hours. oboBl tea telMel that will chart yow etiaw late the East cemetery. Long rows of CERTAIN MAJORITY Am Smelt ...... the opportunity of a good training, pounce management. Second help­ Patrick Joseph Speer, Sacred The highest previous total for the "License revocation la a penalty chsanalc ef soeecM. Laan why Ooaa. lasUlBts sented at the meeting of the Elling­ Am Tel and Tel .. Sylvanla Indus...... SO 32 leadmg. It Is hoped, to a vocation In hydrangea In fuU bloom skirt the ton Orange to be held this evening Taylor - Ck>Iqultt . . . 40 42 ings were plentiful and the crowd Heart parish, Bridgeport Monongaibela was recorded In that has already been meted out for ia^raoe(n>laadlaadar. Dad ant ahani anaaadl central section- of the cemetery and Am Tob B ...... which a maid will receive' somewhat fell to with a wlU, making swift March, 1927, when 3,639,828 tons violation of this clause," the Boaird In the Ellington Town Hall. This is (Oontlnned from Page One) Utah-Idabo Sug. Com 3 4 —Paul Jean S t Onge, St. Mary's m z n u u , aihs. $aa far yeanaU tea ate other seasonal blooms on the plots Am Wat Wks ... higher than the uSual run of wages work ot tbe heaping portions that ONCERERITOTRRONE parish, Putnam. moved. warns. the regular, August meeting of the New York Bank and Ins. Stocks vaateqra al tea aaw yaat aeoisa. Dtoeator ai, borders create a verv beautiful Anaconda ...... and so help to raise the level of do­ were served. The menu included To Saint Bernard’s seminary, On the Ohio river the movement Grange which was postponed from where most of the Democratic nom­ Bank of New York mestic serrioe. scene. ’The new Veterans Field, last night because of the two party Armour, 111...... olives, pickles, barbecued lamb, fried Rochester, N. Y. for July also was a record high, POLICEMAN INJURED haw cMy M b la hadifa tea lew hWaa ba. MAHIEU'S inees are not even opposed, the mar­ Bankers Trust' . . . . com, boiled sweet potatoes, baked SUFFERS REHORRHAGE bordered with blooming hydrangea caucuses held In the Town Hall. Atchison Chase ...... First Philosophy: totaling 1,398,988 tona aa compared gin will be larger. The Georgia Auburn ...... white potatoes, combination salad, Our stock is complete. Our and with white feldspar walks Mrs. Elsie Miller of Rockville la Chemical ...... Cbarles Joseph Barolis, SS. (T ril with a previous record of lj.51,819 Fairfield, Aug. 27.— (A P )—Offi­ irimary, In which Governor Eugene Aviation Corp . TO QUESTION CONTI'S apple pie ala mode, coffee, bottled cer Thomas Murphy of the Fairfield showing In contrast to the deep In charge of the meeilng, the other Talmadge will pit hts anti-New Deal Central Hanover .. Alfonso de Borbon Is Rushed and Methodius parish, Hartford. reached In October, 1629. prices are right. We welcome Balt and Ohio beer and ginger ale. police department was Injured about W r i t * 7 « r T m u t f t — Copf NOW I green of the lawn graaa, la at Its members of the committee Including strength against Senator Richard Continental ...... to Hospital Because of Queer Henry Peter Fledorczyk, Sacred Tbe hlgbeat Panama canal ton­ your co-operation. Mrs. Charles Miller of Ellington, Bendlx ...... S p acin g Program Heart parish. New Britain. the face and legs last night by an very best now. Russell, Jr., comes September 8. Cora Exchange ... RIGHT AS CANDIDATE A fter an hour of eating, even Condition of His Blood. nage was 2,771,280 In January, kJ^^roUauion ...... BAlt. THM eOUSOK.______— Mrs. George Herzog, Mr. and Mrs. Beth Steel . . . . First National .... Kenneth Paul Flint, S t John the automobile operated by Mra. Ruth Mason Jars, pints, Cf In addition, the border states of Borden Robert Mason bad enough, so E. J. 1929, and the June, 1936 tonnage, STATION WDRO TO L. H. Chapman, Mr. and Mrs. Tennessee, Kentucky and Oklahoma Guaranty Trust ...... 358 Baptist parish. New Haven. latest available for comparative Muldowny of . coMMicmcoT msTtiun or HAm>ns8iMa Can Pac ...... McCabe, who presided as chairman Murphy, directing traffic In front TOIUT d ozen ...... 0 » / C George Wralght, Miss Elsie Szalon- Irvlhg . . . , i ...... 16)4 Gerald Arthur Gaucher, S t 963 Mala Sbaal Hsrtiatd, Oeaa. OPEN AT SEVEN A. M- are among those now represented Case (J. I.) ...... Attorney Proposed for Justice of the committee In charge of the New York, Aug. 27—(AP) — Ai- purposes, w m 3,449,127, or more tat and Charles H. Bancroft, aU of by Democrats which will elect again Manhattan ...... S3 forso de Borbon, count of (tovadonga Mary’s parish, Putnam. of the Roger Ludlowe High school GandaBMa: Yellow Onions, i gv Rockville. Cairo Do Pasco ... of Peace on Democratic outing and sbeepbake, called on than 100,000 tons less than the where Democratic and Republican ISSUE Announcement comes from WDRC In November. Manufact. Trust .... 48 Chamber members present for brief, and erstwhile heir to the Spanish Stanley Edward Hastlllo, St Ber­ 7-lb, basket...... l i / C To Attend Oovonfry Dance Ches and O h io...... river trafCie r tor the following caucusea were In session, was PUisawad»aaaapralyoacaaw heeUaL ThiawM In Hartford that beginning August A large number of the terms ex­ National City Bank.. 41)4 "Ticket Is Not a Voter Here. snappy remarks. 'The speakers In­ throne, was reported resting com- nard’s parish, Rockville. month. M la aa way. 31 the station will come on the air It Is expected that a number of piring this year Involve southern C hrysler...... New York ...... 144 portably today at the Columbia Andrew Joseph Kelly, St. Pat­ knocked to the pavement . He was Spaghetti and Meat ty g Young Democrats from Rockville Col Carbon ...... cluded Dr. D. C. Y. Moore, H. B. Finished Produot given medical old at tbe office of a one-half hour earlier than Its pres­ states where the Democratic nom­ Public ...... 48 Election officials today planned House, F. T. Bllsh, Sr., Nathan Presbyterian medical center where rick’s parish, Hartford. a«aaa*a9a «•••*• B««a>a**»aa9 Balls, 2 large cans___ A C will attend the social dance to be Col Gas and El .. . to seel: from Attorney General Ed­ Charles I. Lacavara, St. Mary's While tbe Monongahela traffic physician. ent opening time of 7:30. 'This ination long haa been equivalent to TlUe ...... 10 Rlcbaids, J. G. Echmallan, Charles he was rushed last night after suf­ largely haa been Incoming to Pltte- change was made to better serve held this evening under the ausplcea election. Com] Solv ...... ward J. Daly an opinion concerning Burr, Charles Kimball, Roger Hartt, fering a hemorrhage. parish, Norwich. Mra. Muldowny sold she did not i AdiUNOHs•••*»**9«aaaaa**a»9aa*a9aaaaaa*aas Maine Coast Fresh t y q of the Young Democratic Club of Insurance burgb, to keep stoked the fires of aee the policeman owing to the dif­ listeners during the earlier hours of Remaining States Cons Edison ...... American (Newark) . 14 the status of Attorney Francis J. Joseph Pero, Leland T. Wood and Dr. Antonio Valenti and Dr. Louis Joseph Peter Luongo, S t tTn- 1 7 Mackerel. 8 cans...... ^ O C Coventry, In the Coventry Grange Cons O i l ...... cent’s parish, East Haven. tbe steel mills now operating at ficulty of driving through a narrow the morning, and also In response to States besides Georgia which have American Reserve ... 27 Conti of 74 Woodbrldge street, chief John PIcklea. All expressed their Ruffoloa of the hospital staff said T h is w eek onUf CONNECTICUT INSTITUTE OF HAIRDRESSING Hall. Miss Esther Koehler is chair­ yet to select nominees are Colorado, Cont Can ...... clerk In the office of Secretary of pleasure at being able to attend and the count was In no danger and Edward Joseph Radzevlcb, St. more than 70 per ' cent capacity, lane left by motorists who had park­ Whole Apricots, O O a demand for earlier periods for American Surety .... 67 ed their machines on both aides of man of the committee In charge. Massachusetta, ' Michigan, New Cora Prod ...... State C. John Sattl, as a candidate urged continuance of tbe outings In that the hemorrhage was alight. Mary’s parish, Torrlngton. that on the Ohio has been largely //f(S/ \ m i o \ m S/O/f/S ;it