, ............ ‘Sv^.'’v;,a,3|5 ■:' ■ AVBRAOB DAILT oaODLATION tor On Hamm mt M y . U M itn WEAUndv IP!: I e l 0. S. WaMOaf 5,769 Bartferd the AodR Hnabet mt BassOy eiondy, oasttaoea eeel 3^. Berese e« Obeelstleee. BigM sad Friday. MANCHESTER— A aT Y OP VILLAGE CHARM Substandards of Regular $1JI9 VOL. LV., NO. 281 A dverriH ig SB Fagd ['MmUkif f f m Soft CftpeakiH aad 4-Year Guaranteed Fine Weave MANCHESTER. CONN, THURSDAY, AUGUST *7, 1936 (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE Four-Year Guaranteed Deealda Percale SHEETS PILLOW GLOVES Special Dollar Day Only! WAR SECRETARY DERN AVERS FRANCE, CAUCUSES CAST CASES ROOSEVELT ACCUSED Cdon and Natural CARNIVAL $ 1 .0 0 each 42x36” — 45x36” BRITAIN HAVE BUTDMUGHT 'Tan. Sizes 6 to l\'i. $ .0 0 pr. OF Our regular 29c percale pillow case Valuee to |L05. \ Sizes 68x99", 68x108”, 72x99”, that ia so much liner than caaee made FAIIB SPAIN 72x108”, 81x99”. from sheeting. Regular 29c each. DIES IN WASHINGTON ONSTMSCENE Thee* sheeU M the aanie high quiOlty u our Rale's Flnemun and are OF ‘SHADOW BOXING’ M. K. M. Pore Silk Full Fashioned g u a r a n ^ for at least four year# wear. Slight mia-weavea or oU tpoU that to not Impair the wearing quallUes. Sheets have advanced considerably dur- for Member of Roosevelt Cabk Prieto, Socialist ^ o n g Harmony Roles Eicept in tag the last tlx weeks and It will pay you to atock up at this low price. $ 1.00 r Secretary of W a r Passes Away. net Passes Away Foflow’ Man,’’ Calls ffis-^lorntry Few Spots; Some Dele­ BY KNOX IN SPEEC HOSIERY Fall felts in black, brown, Beautsnrest or Innerspring: 36” Past Color New Pall A B C navy, green and wine. i All ins Attack of hfhienza; '’Tduoin of Europe,’ gates Pledged to Brown New Fall Shades. Sheer Chiffons. head sizes. Trimmed hats, ^1 Vice Preridential Walking: Chiffons. 2-Thread Service quills and feathers. Regular Family at His Bedside. Charges Betrayal a s Head o f G. 0 . P. TickeL Weight. Regrular 69c. $1.98. MATTRESS Percale Prints Pertinent Paragraphs Calls Presideiit By ASSOCIATED PRESS. COVERS The famous A B C Percales at an exceptionally low price. Washington, Aug. 27.—(AP)— Connecticut Republicans and Dem­ Spain's Soclsllst strong man, de­ ocrats concentrated today on the re­ In Col. Knox’s Speech K ” fanai A ll new Fall patterns— 80 pieces— both small and large pat­ Staking into a coma after a pro- Lifetime Quaranteed. Hade claring hla war-tom country the sults brought out by csucua held ta of good quality unbleached terns in the new dark grounds. For children’s and ladies' iUnesa, George Henry Dem, K n ee H igh "Ethiopia of Europe", burst out to­ tbs majority of the state's dtlas and ___ cotton with bound seams, dresses, aprons, smocks, draperies, etc. Dollar Day Only, 64-year-old secretary of war ta the Hampton Beach, N. H., Aug. 37.afouad Itself shackled...It put little With 18 MiOiim on rubber buttons and no-rip comers, cut large to day In bitter denunciation of France towns. Leaders o f the two major Roosevelt Cabinet, died here today and Great Britain. parties tried, wherever poaalbl*, to — (A P )— HlgbUghta from the ad­ fellows In Jail, but big business allow for shrinkage. Full, 3-4 and single bed o f eatdlac and kidney compUcations dress here today of Col. Frank wrote Its own ticket'' Simulated Leather and Fabric slsea. Indaleoto Prieto, who as leader of pick out any trend Indications. He Blames Big Bad Wi foUowtag an Influenza attack. the parliamentary Soclaliat Party la Etacept In a few cases, harmony Knox, Republican vice-presidential Hosiery Ha paiwed away at 10:55 a. hl, nominee. In which be replied to 'There 1* nothing left o f the re­ the moat Important man behind tho occupied the spotlight aa the parties Reg. $1.89. Spe­ yards eastern standard time, at Walter Bedrid government, declared Spain selected delegates to the various President Roosevelt's scoeptanos covery program except the annual But He Cannot Fmd $ 1.00 Reed hospital. Six members o f his speech attack on "Economic Royal­ suggestion of a belt of trees." HANDBAGS Pure silk lastex had been deserted by the very coun­ congreaeldoal district and Republic­ cial Dollar Day Only $ 1 .2 5 famUy were near his hand as he tries which should be Its allies in s an and Democratic state conven­ ists": New popular shapes with zipper top. Early Fall died. fight against the spread of Euro­ tions. 'Tbs President,. .offers to eav* ‘They are planning to put 10 bil­ Wolf, Colonel D edarel or top handle, copies o f $1.95, $2.95 Word immediately was telegraph­ pean Fascism. Despite scrutiny of the magnify­ the American people from some lion gold dollars In a Lola ta Ken­ shades. Reg. S9c. ed to President Roosevelt, who at Imaginary economic Royallata With tucky to praveot foreign foes or the bags. AT Close Out of The European neutraUty pact, he ing glans type, the facta brought out the time was nearing Blsnuu'ok, N. asserted, wlU hurt Soclsllst Spain by last night's balloting served 18 million people on relief, he offers Republicans or the holders of gold Hampton Beach, N. H „ Aug. 2 ^ BATH MAT and D,, aboard bis special train on a rather than help It because, be said, mainly to bring out points already to go out and slaughter a big bad bonds.. .from getting I t Beyond the (A P )—Ool. Frank Knox, Ra||iili|i| ■ Regrular 69c drought Inspection trip. wolf If he can only find the wolf.". hole ta Kentucky, there Is no plan." Germany, Italy and Portugal will established. can vlce-prestdenttal nomtaaa, Simultaneously, orders were sign the pact and go on supplying Three-Oomered Contest pair LID COVER SET drafted for Army posts throughout arms to the Fascist rebels. These Included: T h e future plana of the present "Preaerve free sntarprise and the day charged Prsaideat Three patterns in all colors— the country to' lower their flags to Balearic 1*lands Price administration are an absolute litUa ’allow will make u>u big fellow with "shadow-boxing" In the HALE’S rubberized back with lid cover to The Refubllcan gubernatorial sit­ WASHABLE half staff and to Are a taourntag blank." behave. Very frequently he will out dent's attack on "Economic match. Reg. 31.19. Dollar Day Germany, he said, eventually will uation looms as a thres-oomered gun every half hour after leveUle present Its bill If the rebels win, and battle among Arthur M. Brown of the big fellow town.f 1st*." Cut Glass Salt and Pepper Shakers, pair .... Only, tomorrow. A fter the blowing' of "Buslnesa le atlU afraid ...It New Fan Styles In he suggested the possibility that New London county, Hu^-h M. A l­ Knox devoted a spaeoh pf *B >|f| CREPES retreat tomorrow night, 19-gun sa­ Gen. Francisco Franco, the Insur­ corn Of Hartford county. and Col. knows promises are mere scraps of 'The only economic Royalist that for delivery at t h * R ^ RAYON ANKLET SOCKS Chrome Ware Salt and Pepper Shakers, pair lutes wiU be flred at aU posts. gent commander-In-chlef, might one John Q. Tileon of New Haven coun­ paper." scares the small manufacturer la County Republican Club'* Dark shadee ami O/xl* Plans for the funeral of the sec­ to y give the Balearic Islands to one ty. The state convention Is sched­ located In Washington, D. C." outing, on the ocean beach here, pastels. Sizes 4’,4 $ 1.00 retary o f war were not immediately of the Fascist powers. uled In Hartforu, Sept. 8 and 9. ''Contrast Henry Ford with the replyfng to . the Presldent'a i FABRIC 11” Ritz Bine Vases with platinum bands ... present administration, the one UNDERWEAR ta 7H. Reg. l»c. announced. i t was indicated bis These Mediterranean islands off Gov. Wilbur L. Croaa cun have the "One fourth of our inooms now ance address ta Philadelphia, 2 $ 1 *00 body would be taken to Utah, where the eastern coast of Spain might be adding untold value to American goes for the coats of government coined the phrase. 14-Pc. Glass Luncheon Sets, rose pink, set .. Democratl: nomination once again, Vests, Panties GLOVES Pure Linen Cretonne or Jaspe only four years ago he occupied the an Important factor In any Mediter­ if he wai ta It, and he nas given no life, promoting enterprise, employ­ W * are working one. day ta flvt for Demanding to know "who and Bloomers. 89” washable solid colored ranean war. ing labor, raising the standard of the government'' Slip-on styles, tan, black, govemor*a chair, since the law spe- Indication that he doesn't, ‘^ e state these Ek;onorolc Royalists T” , Tailored gar­ $1.25 Family Scales, weighs up to 24 lbs. crepes in rose, copen, orange, cifles that only men who served in With Great Britain and France convencion la scheduled at Eastern Uimg; the other destroying food, " A .government that axMrimenta called them ‘‘imegtaary,” and i brown, chaudron, gf-ey and wasting the Nation's assets. Increas­ with the certain right* and guaran­ ments in tea- LUNCHEON COUCH COVERS the mlUtary forces can be burled ta appealing Jointly for non-interven­ Point, Groton, Sept. 0 and 10. *d that the Pru den t, ta the white, and green. ing the cost of living." teed Instltuttona r f our economic or­ navy. Reg. 59c. 14-Qt.
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