Michael Birch From: Skinner, Helen <
[email protected]> Sent: 19 February 2021 08:26 To: Michael Birch; Duncan Parr; Canavan, Peter; planningappeals Subject: FW: Planning Inquiry - 3259868 – Pump Lane, Rainham For information Kind regards Helen Helen Skinner Inquiries & Major Casework Team The Planning Inspectorate https://www.gov.uk/government/organisations/planning-inspectorate Twitter: @PINSgov Email:
[email protected] Telephone: 0303 444 5531 From: Save The Hoo Peninsula <
[email protected]> Sent: 18 February 2021 19:01 To: Salter, Tim <
[email protected]>; Skinner, Helen <
[email protected]> Subject: Planning Inquiry - 3259868 – Pump Lane, Rainham Dear Planning Inspectors, We would like to provide a representation to the planning inquiry 3259868 (Pump Lane, Rainham, Kent) from the Save The Hoo Peninsula Campaign. Our representation intends to provide some information with regards to the wider context and development plan/Local Plan being proposed by Medway Council. In particular, the building of 12,000 new homes and the associated infrastructure, which we believe is inadequate, via the £170m Housing Infrastructure Fund (HIF) award. We feel that there are many contradictions with Medway Council's case for refusing to grant planning permission at the Pump Lane, Rainham site in comparison with their plans for the Hoo Peninsula of which we strongly oppose. We have listed Medway Council's reasons for refusal below and our feedback. Reason 1. Medway Council has concerns regarding the impact from the proposed development (Pump Lane, Rainham) on the Medway Estuary & Marshes SSSI, SPA and Ramsar. In contradiction, Medway Council's proposals for the Hoo Peninsula will be surrounded by, and will potentially negatively impact, many more protected sites including the Medway Estuary & Marshes SSSI, Tower Hill to Cockham Wood SSSI, Chattenden Woods And Lodge Hill SSSI, Northward Hill SSSI and the Dalham Farm SSSI.