Northern Expresswaynorthern Non-Aboriginal Heritage Technical Paper
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northern expressway environmental report non-aboriginal heritage technical paper NON-ABORIGINAL HERITAGE TECHNICAL PAPER NON-ABORIGINAL HERITAGE Northern Expressway Non-Aboriginal Heritage Technical Paper 28 February 2007 Prepared by: QED Pty Ltd 309 Angas Street Adelaide SA 5000 Telephone: + 61 8 8227 0188 Facsimile: + 61 8 8227 0271 Prepared for: Department for Transport, Energy and Infrastructure 33–37 Warwick Street Walkerville SA 5081 PO Box 1 Walkerville SA 5081 Telephone: 1300 658 621 Facsimile: + 61 8 8343 2005 Email: [email protected] © Kellogg Brown & Root Pty Ltd, 2007 Limitations Statement The sole purpose of this report and the associated services performed by Kellogg Brown & Root Pty Ltd (KBR) either directly or through its associates, Sinclair Knight Merz Pty Ltd (SKM) and QED Pty Ltd (QED), is to document the effect on non-Aboriginal heritage of the Northern Expressway in accordance with the scope of services set out in contract reference 05C152 between KBR and the Department for Transport, Energy and Infrastructure (DTEI) (‘the Client’). That scope of services was defined by the requests of the Client, by the time and budgetary constraints imposed by the Client, and by the availability of access to the site. KBR derived the data in this report primarily from various heritage registers, the references listed in this report, site inspections from public land, and through consultation with DTEI. The passage of time, manifestation of latent conditions or impacts of future events may require further exploration at the site and subsequent data analysis, and re-evaluation of the findings, observations and conclusions expressed in this report. In preparing this report, KBR has relied upon and presumed accurate certain information (or absence thereof) relative to the site provided by the Client and others identified herein. Except as otherwise stated in the report, KBR has not attempted to verify the accuracy or completeness of any such information. No warranty or guarantee, whether express or implied, is made with respect to the data reported or to the findings, observations and conclusions expressed in this report. Furthermore, such data, findings, observations and conclusions are based solely upon information supplied by the Client in existence at the time of the investigation. This report has been prepared on behalf of and for the exclusive use of the Client, and is subject to and issued in connection with the provisions of the agreement between KBR and the Client. KBR accepts no liability or responsibility whatsoever for or in respect of any use of or reliance upon this report by any third party. Revision History Signatures Revision Date Comment Originated Checked Authorised by by by 0 15/12/06 AEC517.003-U-REP-004 MOC TKB MEJ Issue for client review 1 28/02/07 AEC517.003-U-REP-004 MOC TKB MEJ Issue for use Table of Contents Executive Summary I 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Project description 1 1.2 Topic explanation 2 1.3 Legislative and policy requirements 2 2 Existing environment 7 2.1 Early European history of the region 7 2.2 Registered sites 8 3 Effects of project upon existing non-Aboriginal heritage 11 3.1 Overview 11 3.2 Heritage places affected 11 3.2.1 Bunker, Gawler Airport and Racecourse, Two Wells Road and Main North Road GAWLER 11 3.2.2 Farmhouse 'Birribi', Lot 2 Wingate Road HILLIER 11 3.2.3 House 'Tudor Vale', Lot 2 Curtis Road MUNNO PARA WEST 14 3.2.4 Buildings No. 29 and 33, Smithfield Magazine Area, Andrews Road MACDONALD PARK 14 3.2.5 Dwelling – pisé cottage and brick well, Petherton Road PENFIELD 14 3.2.6 Zoar Cemetery, Lot 347 Argent Road PENFIELD 14 3.2.7 House 'Calvin Grove', Lot 76 Taylors Road VIRGINIA 14 4 Environmental management 15 4.1 Principles adopted to minimise effects 15 4.2 Measures to minimise effects during planning and design 15 4.3 Measures to minimise effects during construction 15 4.4 Measures to minimise effects post-construction 16 4.5 Specific measures for heritage places 16 4.5.1 Bunker, Gawler Airport and Racecourse (as per listing in Register) 16 4.5.2 Farmhouse 'Birribi' 17 4.5.3 House 'Tudor Vale' 17 4.5.4 Buildings No. 29 and 33, Smithfield Magazine Area 17 4.5.5 Dwelling – pisé cottage and brick well 17 4.5.6 Zoar Cemetery 17 4.5.7 House 'Calvin Grove' 18 5 Conclusion 19 6 References 21 v List of figures Figure 1.1 Study area 3 Figure 1.2 Northern Expressway and surrounding road network 5 Figure 3.1 Location of affected heritage places in the study area 13 List of tables Table 2.1 Registered sites in the Northern Expressway study area 9 Table 3.1 Summary of heritage sites affected by the Northern Expressway 12 Table 4.1 Summary of recommended mitigation measures for significantly affected heritage places 16 Attachments Attachment A Property details: Northern Expressway Heritage Survey vi List of abbreviations DTEI Department for Transport, Energy and Infrastructure Glossary Word Definition Australian Heritage Places A cooperative project between the Commonwealth, State and Territory Inventory governments where details of heritage places are recorded and can be searched Development approval A process outlined in the Development Act 1993 whereby proposed development is required to be consented to by either a local council or state government development assessment panel/commission Development Plan A document established by the Development Act 1993 that guides development. Each of the local councils has their own Development Plan for their area Heritage Place A place of heritage significance National Estate A place of heritage significance recorded on the Commonwealth National Significance Estate Register Non-Aboriginal heritage Heritage that is not associated with Aboriginal peoples. This is often also referred to as European heritage Places of heritage Items assessed under National Estate, Heritage Act or Development Act significance as a heritage place of significance South Australian Heritage A list of places of heritage value to the State Register vii viii Executive summary Several heritage places exist within the Northern Expressway study area. The purpose of this report is to identify heritage places that may be affected by the Expressway, assess the effect and advise on the principles and management measures that may be adopted to minimise such effects. A desktop review was undertaken to identify heritage places within 1 km of the proposed route. This review incorporated the data provided by Planning SA, and was supplemented by council development plans, council heritage surveys and data from the Australian Heritage Places Inventory. The heritage places were then assessed in terms of how the Expressway would affect them. Some heritage places were clearly not likely to be affected either due to distance or land topography between the heritage place and proposed route. Generally the heritage values of places further than 500 m from the route were considered not to be affected by the proposal. Those sites potentially affected were inspected from public land as part of the site visit. It was considered that twenty heritage places were likely to be affected with only seven of these places expected to have a level of effect greater than minor. The Local Heritage Places are: Bunker, Gawler Airport and Racecourse, Gawler Farmhouse ‘Birribi’, Wingate Road, Hillier House ‘Tudor Vale’, Curtis Road, Munno Para West Zoar Cemetery, Argent Road, Penfield. The State Heritage Places are: Buildings No. 29 and 33, Smithfield Magazine Area, Andrews Road, MacDonald Park Dwelling - pisé cottage and brick well, Petherton Road, Penfield. A discussion of the potential effects and suggested mitigation measures for these seven heritage places is provided in this report. General principles to protect the heritage values of heritage places in the area are identified including the early identification of heritage places (completed) and the development of management plans for affected places to ensure adverse effects are minimised. It is considered that while some heritage places will be affected by the Expressway, these effects can be minimised through appropriate management without compromising the essential integrity of the heritage place. The exceptions, all of which are significantly affected, are: 1. Smithfield Magazine Area at MacDonald Park 2. Gawler glider field 3. House ‘Tudor Vale’, Curtis Road, Munno Para West. I II 1 Introduction The proposed Northern Expressway project including the Port Wakefield Road Upgrade was developed from a planning and concept design process that considered a number of options. The final configuration of the Northern Expressway proposal, its construction method, and its environmental management during construction and operation may vary from the project described, however the project constraints, design principles and standards described in the Environmental Report would remain largely the same. 1.1 Project description The proposed Northern Expressway, and the Port Wakefield Road upgrade, will form part of the AusLink National Network, replacing the increasingly congested Main North Road thereby providing road safety and amenity benefits. The Port Wakefield Road component involves the upgrade of the existing National Network road link that connects the Northern Expressway and the Port River Expressway. The proposed Northern Expressway between Gawler to Port Wakefield Road will provide significant State and regional benefits. It is primarily aimed at improving access to Adelaide for freight transport via the Sturt Highway, including freight for export from key areas such as the Barossa Valley wine producing area and the Riverland wine and citrus producing area. Together with the Port River Expressway, it will provide a high standard link between the Sturt Highway at Gawler and the Port of Adelaide, South Australia’s main shipping port. It will maximise the opportunity for freight transport to gain access to producers, transport hubs, freight gateways and markets, achieve better delivery times and increase cost efficiency to gain a competitive edge, while improving safety significantly.