Federal Republic of Nigeria 2004 Appropriation Act Part D
FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF NIGERIA 2004 APPROPRIATION ACT PART D - CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 2004 CLASSIFICATION DETAILS OF EXPENDITURE APPROPRIATION CODE ACT ANTICIPATED TARGET =N= AB C FEDERAL MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE 2500001002221 National Programme for Food Security 2,000,000,000 Fertilizer Revolving Fund 2,740,000,000 Strategic Grains Reserve Buyer of Last Resort Programme 800,000,000 Silos Completion and Refurbishment Programme 0 Jos, Plateau State 250,000,000 Ezillo, Ebonyi State 230,000,000 Ibadan, Oyo State 114,000,000 Ilorin, Kwara State 245,000,000 Kaduna, Kaduna State 140,000,000 Suleja, Niger 170,000,000 Kufare, Adamawa 50,000,000 Damaturu, Yobe 100,000,000 Gaya, Kano 50,000,000 Establishment of Veterinaery Clinics in the 6 Geopolitical Zones and Central Coordinating Unit in Abuja 170,000,000 Presidential Initiatives on: Rice 100,000,000 Cassava 100,000,000 Livestock 100,000,000 Veritable Oil 100,000,000 Tree Crops. 100,000,000 SPFS/PCU Adaptive Research Extension (Transfer to Technology to Peasant Farmers through unified 210,000,000 National Veterinary Research Institute, Vom - Jos. Surveillance Activities, Field Activities, Allowance for Field Staff, Equipment 150,000,000 Laboratory Activities, Disease diagnosis (Kits), Vaccine Development, Vaccine Production, Equipment, Consumables, Experimental Animal Houses. 150,000,000 Building of Independent Quality Control Laboratories 500,000,000 Institution of Agricultural Research, Zaria Infrastructure, Rehabilitation and Completion of Abandoned Projects 160,000,000 Research activities into Sorghum, Cotton, Groundnut and Irrigation Technologies Nigeria Stored Products Research Institute, Ilorin Development of Colleges of Produce Inspection and Food Storage Technology. 50,000,000 Equipment for Laboratory in NSPRI in Iloring and Sub-stations 125,000,000 Completion of Admin Bloc in NSPRI in Ilorin.
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