The World Bank Report No: ISR6846

Implementation Status & Results Tanzania - Backbone Transmission Investment Project (P111598)

Operation Name: Tanzania - Backbone Transmission Investment Project Project Stage: Implementation Seq.No: 3 Status: ARCHIVED Archive Date: 02-Nov-2011 (P111598)

Public Disclosure Authorized Country: Tanzania Approval FY: 2011 Product Line:IBRD/IDA Region: AFRICA Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Implementing Agency(ies): Key Dates Public Disclosure Copy Board Approval Date 26-Aug-2010 Original Closing Date 31-Mar-2015 Planned Mid Term Review Date 31-Mar-2013 Last Archived ISR Date 02-Nov-2011 Effectiveness Date 30-Mar-2011 Revised Closing Date 31-Mar-2015 Actual Mid Term Review Date

Project Development Objectives Project Development Objective (from Project Appraisal Document) The Project Development Objective is to increase availability, reliability and quality of grid based power supply to northern .

Has the Project Development Objective been changed since Board Approval of the Project?

Yes No Public Disclosure Authorized


Component Name Component Cost Component 1: Construction of the transmission line 134.50 Component 2: Technical Assistance to TANESCO 10.00

Overall Ratings Previous Rating Current Rating Progress towards achievement of PDO Satisfactory Satisfactory Overall Implementation Progress (IP) Satisfactory Satisfactory Overall Risk Rating Public Disclosure Authorized Implementation Status Overview The Project is in its second year of implementation since Board approval and further progress has been made on the implementation of the main transmission line contract. The Pre- Qualification stage of the ongoing procurement process has been completed recently. The lenders to the Project, including IDA ,are currently reviewing the draft final Bidding Documents and it is expected that the bidding of the transmission line contracts will start in June. The Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) has been finalized at the end of last year and

Public Disclosure Copy was approved and disclosed in February 2012. The compensation process has started and is expected to be completed in fall 2012, well in advance of the expected contract award of the construction contracts.

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Locations Country First Administrative Division Location Planned Actual Tanzania Region Ulyampiti

Tanzania Singida Region Ulemo

Tanzania Singida Region Tumuli

Tanzania Singida Region Puma

Tanzania Region Ngunga

Tanzania Negezi Public Disclosure Copy

Tanzania Region Nduli

Tanzania Ndolela

Tanzania Region Nala

Tanzania Singida Region Muhalala

Tanzania Singida Region Mtipa

Tanzania Region Mtera

Tanzania Region Msisi


Tanzania Dodoma Region Mlowa

Tanzania Singida Region Mkwese

Tanzania Singida Region Mkonze

Tanzania Singida Region Mgori

Tanzania Mbutu

Tanzania Singida Region Maweni

Tanzania Singida Region District

Tanzania Singida Region Manyoni

Tanzania Manga Public Disclosure Copy

Tanzania Makungu

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Country First Administrative Division Location Planned Actual Tanzania Dodoma Region Makatapora

Tanzania Dodoma Region Kisima

Tanzania Singida Region Kisaki

Tanzania Shinyanga Region Kalitu

Tanzania Iringa Region Izazi

Tanzania Singida Region Issuna

Public Disclosure Copy Tanzania Iringa Region

Tanzania Singida Region

Tanzania Singida Region Ikungi

Tanzania Tabora Region Igurubi

Tanzania Tabora Region

Tanzania Singida Region Igugunu

Tanzania Dodoma Region Ibihwa

Tanzania Shinyanga Region Ibadakuli

Tanzania Dodoma Region Dodoma Rural District

Tanzania Dodoma Region Chipogolo

Tanzania Dodoma Region Chikuyu

Tanzania Dodoma Region Bahi

Tanzania Ruvuma Region Barabarani

Tanzania Dodoma Region

Tanzania Singida Region Unyambwa

Tanzania Tabora Region Makomero

Tanzania Shinyanga Region Kishapu District Public Disclosure Copy Results

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Project Development Objective Indicators Indicator Name Core Unit of Measure Baseline Current End Target Reduction in the number of power outages that Number Value 30.00 30.00 10.00 are linked to malfunctions in the Subsystem (in Date 16-Jul-2010 25-May-2012 31-Mar-2015 absolute numbers) Comments This Baseline was recorded Since construction of the during negotiations in July transmission line has not yet 2010 started no improvements in this subsystem have been recorded Cumulative power outages that are linked to Days Value 7.00 7.00 3.00 malfunctions in the Subsystem Date 16-Jul-2010 25-May-2012 31-Mar-2015 Public Disclosure Copy Comments This Baseline was recorded Since construction of the during negotiations in July transmission line has not yet 2010 started no improvements in this subsystem have been recorded Reduction in transmission losses in Subsystem Percentage Value 6.00 6.00 3.00 (in percent) Date 16-Jul-2010 25-May-2012 31-Mar-2015 Comments This Baseline was recorded Since construction of the after negotiations in July 2010 transmission line has not yet started no improvements in this subsystem have been recorded Maximum transmission capacity in the Megawatt Value 200.00 200.00 1200.00 Subsystem (MW) Date 16-Jul-2010 25-May-2012 31-Mar-2015 Comments This Baseline was recorded Since construction of the during negotiations in July transmission line has not yet 2010 started no improvements in this subsystem have been recorded

Intermediate Results Indicators Public Disclosure Copy

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Indicator Name Core Unit of Measure Baseline Current End Target Power generation projects developed Text Value None Progress made in the Satisfactory progress in development of one new development and financing of permanent power generation generation projects plant of 100MW. Date 16-Jul-2010 25-May-2012 31-Mar-2015 Comments This Baseline was recorded TANESCO is expecting the during negotiations in July commissioning of a new 2010 100MW gas fired power station in June 2012. Technical feasibility study for hydropower Text Value None Feasibility Study at Feasibility study completed

Public Disclosure Copy project completed Identification Stage Date 16-Jul-2010 25-May-2012 31-Mar-2015 Comments This Baseline was recorded The formerly planned FS for during negotiations in July the Rumakali hydropower 2010 project has no longer been requested by TANESCO under this project. Discussions are however ongoing between the Bank and TANESCO to support another hydropower study. Staff trained in environmental and social issues Number Value 0.00 0.00 10.00 (number) Date 16-Jul-2010 25-May-2012 31-Mar-2015 Comments This Baseline was recorded Training program at during negotiations in July preparation phase 2010 Timely and satisfactory implementation support Text Value None Contract Negotiations Satisfactorily completion of provided during the construction of the preparation the transmission line transmission line Date 16-Jul-2010 25-May-2012 31-Mar-2015 Comments This Baseline was recorded The TER has been cleared by during negotiations in July the Bank and TANESCO is 2010 currently finalizing the Combined evaluation report and is preparing for contract negotiations in June 2012. Substations upgraded Number Value 0.00 0.00 4.00 Date 16-Jul-2010 25-May-2012 31-Mar-2015 Public Disclosure Copy

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Comments This Baseline was recorded Construction not yet started. during negotiations in July Contracts are expected to be 2010 bid out in August 2012. Transmission line from Singida to Shinyanga Kilometers Value 0.00 0.00 225.00 including FOCL constructed Date 16-Jul-2010 25-May-2012 31-Mar-2015 Comments This Baseline was recorded Construction not yet started. during negotiations in July 2010 Transmission line from Dodoma to Singida Kilometers Value 0.00 0.00 217.00 including FOCL constructed Date 16-Jul-2010 25-May-2012 31-Mar-2015 Comments

Public Disclosure Copy This Baseline was recorded Construction not yet started. during negotiations in July 2010 Transmission line from Iringa to Dodoma Kilometers Value 0.00 0.00 225.00 including FOCL constructed Date 16-Jul-2010 25-May-2012 31-Mar-2015 Comments This Baseline was recorded Construction not yet started. during negotiations in July 2010

Data on Financial Performance (as of 22-Jul-2011)

Financial Agreement(s) Key Dates Project Ln/Cr/Tf Status Approval Date Signing Date Effectiveness Date Original Closing Date Revised Closing Date P111598 IDA-47980 Effective 26-Aug-2010 08-Oct-2010 30-Mar-2011 31-Mar-2015 31-Mar-2015

Disbursements (in Millions) Project Ln/Cr/Tf Status Currency Original Revised Cancelled Disbursed Undisbursed % Disbursed P111598 IDA-47980 Effective XDR 101.50 101.50 0.00 0.00 101.50 0.00

Disbursement Graph Public Disclosure Copy

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Key Decisions Regarding Implementation The current key priority for the IDA Task team lies in successfully collaborating with the other lenders providing parallel finance to the project. Current priority tasks are (i) completing the review of the draft final bid documents, and subsequently (ii) preparing the Lenders review of the first draft Bid Evaluation Report expected to be received in Q3 CY 2012. In addition, the IDA Task Team, as the Lenders consortium's safeguards supervision coordinator, will closely monitor the implementation of the Resettlement Action Plan (RAP).

Restructuring History There has been no restructuring to date.

Related Projects There are no related projects. Public Disclosure Copy

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