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The Octofoil, July/August 1966

Ninth Infantry Division Association

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Recommended Citation Ninth Infantry Division Association, "The Octofoil, July/August 1966" (1966). The Octofoil. 154.

This Newsletter is brought to you for free and open access by the Special Collections at CrossWorks. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Octofoil by an authorized administrator of CrossWorks. VOLUME XX Association Duos $4.00 per yea. $1.!IO NUMBER 1 THE NINTH INFANTRY DIVISION ASSOCIATION will be oarmarked to pay for Tho OetofoR

Columbus, Ohio - 286 Zimpfer St. - Hickory 4-9709 July-August, 1966 BOSTON SNAGS THE REUNION FOR 1967

-Photo by Wolter Vietor, 2734 Dodson Lee Dr., East Point, Ga. 30044 PRESIDENT EMIL LANGER AND PAST PRESIDENT BONKOWSKI The "old" and the "new," Pictured above is Past President John Bonkowski of the Detroit Chapter, passing the symbol of authority, the gavel, over to his successor, the likeable Emil Langer of the Greater New York Chapter. Bonkowski was a most sincere and dedicated lead· er and he left a year filled with accomplishments that will give Emil a high mark to shoot at in order to equal or better it.

As previously printed it takes a full Each and every member who was week to get pictures back from the Wlable to be present to hear the engravers-after that the typesetting, various committee reports presented makeup, press work and mailing. to the members in session, should That is why Oct. 5 has been set as read the minutes carefully which are the deadline date for the next issue printed in this issue of The Octofoil. of The Octofoil. It is regrettable that Every committee has worthy sug­ the deadline falls just a day or two gestions-particularly the Miscella­ before Greater New York Chapter's neous Committee-a committee that October meeting-because they will was not considered very important a no doubt have an interesting meeting few years ago. Among a few of the after the summer recess of two suggestions, the committee asks the months. But scores of members have members to send in suggestions how asked that the next edition be on the the annual reunions can be improved. press in time to reach the members The Octofoil is asker hereafter to several days before Father Connors' print instructions on 1. ')w to reach Memorial services in Worcester, on the headquarters after reach­ Nov. 6. By settinK the deadline as of ing the city limits of the Reunion Oct. 5, it will be at least Oct. 15 be­ City. These two are only two of many fore the paper enters the postoffiee­ sugg estion s and recommendations and the pace those birds work at to be found in the minutes. times there's no way of kInowing ex­ -PAY 1-9-6-8 DUES N-O-W!- actly when the sheet will reach the members. Certainly by entering the NEW YORKERS HOLD NO postoffice on Oct. 15 all the readers should have their copy of The Octo­ foil at least one week or ten days JULY-AUGUST MEETINGS before the services-with all the lat­ Although no Chapter meetings est details from Franny Maher and were held by the Greater New York Father Connors. Chapter during the months of July No urging is needed for those who and August, President Langer sent have attended any one of the Father our letters keeping the members up -Photo by Walter Victor, East Point, Ga. Connors Memorial Services to attend to date on happenings and remind­ George Kopac has never miss· again and again and again. To those ing them of the Oct. 22 Dinner­ ed a Reunion. He's always there who have never attended, if there is Dance slated to be held at the Em­ a couple of days ahead of anyone any way it can be arranged, every pire Hotel, Broadway and 63rd St., else and has the city pretty well member and every friend of the As­ New York City. "cased." Kopac is shown above sociation should attend. No one can -PAY 1-9-6-8 DUES N-O-WJ-- at the Shoreham waiting for the attend without having a feeling that A Chinaman was worried by a balance of the gang to shOlD up. he or she has done something noble vicious looking dog.... "Don't be and worthwhile-Catholic and non­ afraid of him," the owner reassured. Now that the telephone company Catholic alike. "You know the old proverb, a bark­ has started to introduce television. _AY 1-9-6-8 DUES N-O-WI- ing dog never bites." "Yes," replied phones we may get a lot of pleasure the Chinaman, "you know proverb, out of calling wrong numbers. If more people acted their wage me know proverb, but do dog know _AY 1-9-6-8 DUES N-O·WJ-- there'd be less people "head over proverb?" A swimming pool is a crowd of heels in debt." _AY 1.9-6.8 DUES N-O-WJ-- people with water in it. Page 2 THE OCTOFOIL July-August, 1966

"-*iI!iliI!iI!lil!!ilil!1il!iil!iil!9l!iil!rHil!iil!iEimil!iiI!iiI!!iOi1!!il!iiCi1!!il!iirl!!il!!iOl!!i'l!!ifOI!iil!ii'-ll!1iD!il!iB!il!ill!iil!iil!il!ill!!i~l!iI!iiIfiil!" PRESIDENT EMIL LANGER DIRECTS S9t. Bill Kreye ~ OPEN LETTER TO ALL CHAPTERS Puts Papers to Forms 3579 should be sent to 286 Zimpfer St., Columbus, Ohio EDITORIAL AND EXECUTIVE OFFICES - COLUMBUS, OHIO I am indeed very grateful for being elected to the Presidency Odofoil Editor •••••••• PAUL S. PLUNKETT, 286 Zimpfer St., Columbus, Ohio 43206 Very Good Use Associate •••••••••••••••••.•"DICK" PESTEL, 1422 Dyer Road, Grove City, Ohio of the Ninth Infantry Division Association for the coming year. I shall do all I can to preserve the great name our Association has Sgt. Bill Kreye, 337 20th St., * NATIONAL*OFFICERS * Brooklyn, N. Y. 11215, telephoned EMIL LANGER, President, 30-07 89th St., Jackson Heights, N.Y. made for itself. The membership must be congratulated for the Art Schmidt for a copy of The Oc­ VINCENT GUGLIELMINO, 1st Vice Pres. 114 Charles St.• Floral Park, L.I., N.Y. wonderful turnout we had in Washington, D. C. A great time was tofoil when his failed to arrive 'way FRANCIS MAHER, 2nd Vice-Pres., 14 Davenport St., Worcester, Mass. WILLIAM MEADOWS, 3rd Vice-PTes., 19367 Dale, Detroit, Michigan had by all who atetnded. My family and I enjoyed seeing many new back in February. A short while HARRISON DAYSH, Judge Advocate, 4303 Carriage Court, later Sgt. Kreye met an old buddy Rock Creek Highlands, KensinJrton, Md. faces and I hope this trend continues. on the street who had a son in the DANIEL QUINN, SeC1'etary. 412 Gregory Ave., Weenawken, N.J. (201-866-9199) Our next great get-together will be in Worcester, Mass. on THOMAS BOYLE, Treasurer, 39 Hall Ave., Somerville, Mass. 02144 Armed Forces, a Lt. Weingarten, at­ November 5 and 6-The Memorial Mass of Father Connors. tached to the 9th Infantry Division BOARD OF GOVERNORS Everyone I talked with after the dinner-dance on Saturday night at Fort Riley, Kansas. This friend 1967- 1969- "borrowed" the paper and sent it to WIlliam Hennemuth, Mt. Pleasant, Ill. John Boden, Box 58, Chester, Pa. is happy that Boston is the site of our next summer. I Ronald Murphy, Scituate, Mass. Herbert Olsen, Randolph, Mass, his son. Emil Langer, Jackson Heights, N.Y. Ralph Witzkin, Hillside, N. J. know the boys up there are already working hard to give us a con­ Kreye continues: Arthur MacDougall, Philadelphia, Pa. Charles Tingley. Silver Springs, Md. "Just before the Washington Re­ 1968- Wm. Andrews. Comstock Park, Mich. vention long to be remembered. Charles Koskie, Schiller Park, Ill. Board Member EmeTitWl Work hard and plan many events for your Chapter for the union we drove to Lebanon, Pa., Paul Keller, Columbus, Ohio Maj. Gen. Louis A. Craig (Retired) which was for the very first time Anthon;y Varone, Kings Park, L.I., N.Y. Honorary Chaplain Emeritus coming year. and stopped at the Wilders and the Robert Rumenapp, 28017 Hughes St., Father Ed Connors, Worcester, Mass. St. Clair Shores, Mich. And last, but not least, our retiring President, John Bonkowski, Sansomes. John Wilder was one of Brig. Gen. Edwin Randle (Ret.), 503 is to be congratulated for the job he did to advance the cause of our my boys who was killed near St. 1.0. Althea Rd., Clearwater, Fla. It had been too sad and I could Association. never gather the courage to visit his * The official publication of the Ninth*Infantry Division Association-offiices* The best of luck to all our scholarship winners. mother or father. Both have now located at 286 Zimpfer St., Columbus, Ohio. Single copy price is 25 cents per passed on but surviving are a sister issue or by mail $1.50 per year payable in advance when dues are paid. Dues Sincerely, are $4.00 per year with $1.50 of the $4.00 eannarked for six issues of The Octo­ and a brother. John's father was a foil. Members should notify the National Secretary, Daniel Quinn, 412 Gregory EMIL P. LANGER, President very prominent editor of the Leb­ Ave., Weehawken, N. J .• of any change in address. Ninth Infantry Division Association anon News and a successful football Published six times yearly, July-August. September-October, November­ December, January-February, March-April, May-June by and for the mem­ 30-07 89th St., Jackson Heights, N. Y. 11369 coach at Amherst. John was captain bers of the Ninth Infantry Division Association. News items, feature stories, of the high school football team and photographs and art material from members will be appreciated. Every effort a good basketball player. An extra will be made to return photographs and art work in good condition. Please ad­ copy you sent me after my father's dress all communications to Paul S. Plunkett, Editor, The Octofoil, 286 Zimpfer St., Columbus, Ohio. death was left in Lebanon with An extract from the certificate of incorporation of the 9th Infantry Division John's sister. Both Adam Wilder and Association reads: "This Association is formed by the officers and men of the NINTH INFANTRY DMSION ASS'N. the sister have taken over the Leb­ 9th Infantry Division in order to perpetuate the memory of our fallen comrades, to preserve the esprit de corps of the division, to assist in promoting an ever­ anon News. So, you see those extra lasting world peace exclusively of means of educational activities and to serve MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION Octofoils were not wasted. as an information bureau to former members of the 9th Infantry Division." REUNION WAS GREAT Copy must be received on or before the 10th of each month to guarantee Dan Quinn, Natl. Secretary, 9th Infantry Division Assn., pUblication on the 20th. Photographs must be received on or before the 5th day The Washington reunion was great. of publication month. 412 Gregory Ave., Weehawken, N.J. It was wonderful to see many good Entered as second class matter at the Columbus. Ohio, Post Office. Author­ friends who attended, naming a few: ized as of October 29. 1958. Enclosed please find 1967 dues for: Fudie and Mrs. Zullo, all the Ralph VOLUME XX JULY-AUGUST 1966 NUMBER 1 Alessi's. the Schumuchers, Bill Solli­ day and his mother; Charlie Warner, Name ------Serial No. _ Frank Russo and his two nieces and New Prexy's Acceptance Remarks Sam Farruto and the missus. I had Street Address _ remembered Gen. Ramsey at Bragg as a lieutenant, I believe. in the 39th Were Few But They "Hit the Spot" Servo Co. When it was announced to the assembled guests at the 1966 City Zone State _ NEED SCOOTERS I felt sorry for some of our older Reunion in Washington, D. c., that Emil Langer of the Greater followers who had to do all that New York Chapter was the newly elected President for the en­ I was a member of: walking in the cemetery. I suggest suing year, President Langer was asked for some remarks. In a we furnish motor skooters or some most impressive manner he addressed the group with the follow­ other form of transportation. Battery ; Company ; Regiment 9th Div. ATl'ENDS PHILLY PICNIC ing well-chosen words: Mother, Veronica, Carolyn, Rob­ Honored Guests, Honored Past Presidents, Gold Star Parents, and ert and I attended the Philadelphia All My Buddies and Friends ... I wish to sign up for the following: Chapter picnic. a few miles from Berlin. N. J. Many good friends were First, I want to say that it is a great honor for me to be elected Regular Member, per year ------S 4.00 0 there, such as Bill Solliday and his as your National President for the coming year. I want to formally mother; Frank Russo. Frank Alice thank the Board of Governors for electing me to this Post. I shall Donation Memorial Scholarship Fund ------0 and his wife, Richards and his wife, • ~(). hard to pretFrve the qame we !;lave made for oursel,es. the Sabatos, John -eoden, Butswin­ Three-Year MembJ ------_.. $11.00 0 kus, Big Eft from "B" Co.~ 47th; the In a few hours our 21st Annual Reunion will come to an end. " MacDougalls, the Wilsons and so on. At this very moment a new year faces all of us. All the national offi­ LIFE MEMBERSHIP 850.00 0 Only one casualty, Mrs. Solliday cers as well as the officers of our Chapters will need your utmost was stung by a yellow jacket. Octofoil Automobile License Disc ------$ .50 0 ANOTHER BUS RIDE cooperation and unswerving loyalty. The Philly Chapter will hire a bus. I have two people, who I know will help me carry a little of the Decals 25c; (5) five for - $ 1.00 0 maybe two to make the trip to Wor­ load-my son, Laurence, and my wife. chester this November. rll try to "Eight. St.ars to Vict.ory" $ 2.00 0 In conclusion, just let me say that in the war years when we make that memorial and the New (Pictorial History of 9th Division in action.) York Chapter dance in October. stood shoulder to shoulder in sadness and in happy events, may this SMALL WORLD same spirit prevail for all time. Ladies' Auxiliary Member $ 1.50 I had an Aunt Clara who years ago 0 dated a man by name of Rob Mc­ And let me add the. famous words of a great orator, and as they Combat Route Map $ Comb. A few years ago she passed say it in Italy "Auf weiJersame" (Auf wiedersehen) "Goodby, I see .50 0 away and at the wake Rob's brother you again." 60th Infantry History $ .50 0 appeared who has been a friend of (Editor's Note: The Editor's "pi~Latin," mixed with poor English and worse Gaelic Joes the family from way back. I spoke not fit into the above quotation-and The Octofoil is not responsible for the correctness of what Coat Lapel Octofoll Pin $ 1.25 to William McComb at that wake phrases Italians might try and use when they attempt to speak the Kraut lingo.) 0 and he was curious to know what .:. -:- -:- my 9th Infantry Division Association Please give credit to the following Chapter: pin stood for. I explained about the O'Shea Issues Challenge L1. JOE PRINCE MAILS outfit and he stated he had a fellow Phllly.Delaware Valley Greater New York living next door to him at their sum­ 0 0 mer home in Seabright, N. J. who OCTOFOIL 1ST DIVISION was very active in a veterans' organ­ Dlinois 0 Washington, D.C. 0 ization such as the one I belonged VIETNAM NEWSPAPER New England 0 Michigan 0 to. Who do you think his neighbor Several months ago the one and happens to be?-DANNY QUINN. only "Doc" Paul Walton, Rome, Ga., Ohio 0 Fayetteville-Fort Bragg, N.C. 0 -PAY 1-9-6-8 DUES N-O-WI-- sent The Octofoil the name of one of his neighbors who was in Vietnam­ Gone to Help "Westy" Lt. Joseph S. Prince. The Octofoil later received a very nice letter from A Pair of Sw;ngers(?J DAYSH'S LETTER roo the Lieutenant. lArE fOR GOLfERS It isn't very often that the Army taps a man and capitalizes on his Just as the last copies of the Octo­ civilian training-but somehow or foil were being mailed preceding the another word got to the top esche­ Reunion a most informative and in­ Ion that Lt. Prince was an honor teresting letter was received from graduate from the University of the Association's Judge Advocate, Georgia School of Journalism-now Harrison Daysh. The letter gave full after many tough skirmishes in com­ information about that part of the bat, Lt. Prince has been appointed to Reunion program set aside for those the editorial staff of the American who enjoy golfing. The Octofoil re­ Traveler, official Vietnam publication grets not having received the infor- " for the First Infantry Division. The .•• •...;;c .•""•. I mation a few hours earlier. The in­ -Photo by Waller Victor, East Point. Ga. paper is a real morale booster for formation would have no doubt PAUL LECHAK the troops and most informative and made the golfing feature more en­ Pictured above is Paul Lechak, educational for the stateside arm­ joyable for those who participated. Even with the lack of publicity Pittsburgh, Pa., and the trophy chair generals who are fortunate PFC. JESSE R. DAVIS, JR. he won at the Ninth's golfing enough to receive copies of the conversations heard in and around competition. Jack O'Shea, Phila- paper. the Shoreham Hotel would indicate Co. B, 4th Supply & Trans. delphia C hap t e r, argued the -PAY 1-9-6-8 DUES N-O-W!- those who did participate had quite Bn., 4th Inf. Di"., 2nd Brig., a bit of fun-both at the course-­ APO, San Francisco 96262. Sol­ whole night through that Paul JIM BRUNO PASSED was JWt entitled to the trophy. Showing this little tyke the and telling "whopping" lies at the dier Davis' dad is a dedicated As­ hotel about scores afterward. sociation member and one of the But the authorities thought Jack AWAY 2 YEARS AGO sights in Washington kept "Doc" was talking through his hat and Paul Walton pretty busy. Who­ Maybe before the Boston Reunion original members of the Ohio awarded Lechak the trophy. Oth­ Although James Bruno passed ever thought at Bragg 25 years The Octofoil can gather much data Chapter. Mr. and Mrs. Davis live er trophy winners will the ­ away over two years ago, The Octo­ ago, Doc Walton would be pic­ for the golfers' benefit and make up in Hebron, 0., Box 84. lisher in a later edition when the foil has just been given this sad in­ tured at a Ninth Reunion "baby­ for the omission of such information formation. preceding the 1966 Reunion. space is available. sitting" with a grandson who -PAY 1-9-6-8 DUES N-O-WI-- Any child can tell you what's The bereaved widow, Mrs. Mar­ gives Doc orders that are obeyed. Discretion comes to us after we wrong with today's parents. They A Soviet geneticist has evolved a jorie Bruno is living at 5840 Bari ~ I are too old for it to do any good. think they know more than their new breed of cow. It has a neck like Court. La Mesa, Calif. . • -PAY 1-9-6-8 DUES N-O·W!- children. a giraffe, so that it can eat in Ru­ Jim Bruno had many friends and You c~ s1Z~ up the ne;: ne~g~bor No matter what happens, there is -PAY 1-9-6-8 DUES N-O-WI-- mania and be milked in Russia. buddies in the Ninth Division who when theIr kid screams I am t a- always someone who knew it would Heard at an auction sale: "Sold­ -PAY 1-9-6-8 DUES N-O-WI-­ will be saddened to read this belated going to do it!" and you hear noth- -PAY 1-9-6-8 DUES N-O-W!- • to the lady with her husband's hand Shape is that which a bathing suit obituary. ing go WHAM! Falsies are the bust that money over her mouth." takes when she's in it. -PAY 1-9-6-8 DUES N-O-W!- -PAY 1-9-6-8 DUES N-O-WI-- can buy. -PAY 1-9-6-8 DUES N-O-WI-- July-August, 1966 THE OCTOFOIL Page 3 THE DEATH OF "DOC'· WALTER REIMAN LEAVES A GEN. EDWIN H. RANDLE AGREED Who's Reiman's Buddy? VOID IN THE ASSOCIATION THAT CAN1 BE FILLED WITH REIMAN ABOUT liS BALLSII * * * * .. Walter "Doc" Reiman has answer­ one of the best companies in spirit When the buddies of Walter "Doc" Reiman are reminded of his re­ ed his last roll calL The Octofoil is and in discipline. There were no bet­ cent death, the words of the immortal James Whitcomb Riley, written most humbly grateful that Gen. Ed­ ter soldiers than those "Eight Balls." many long years ago, should be most consoling; win H. Randle lost no time in advis­ They were proud of their company, ing "Doc" how much the general ap­ of their captain, and of themselves. HE IS JUST AWAY! preciated Doc's story in a recent is­ Captain Seminski could do no wrong I cannot and I will not say sue of The Octofoil about Doc's "old" and still can't in their estimation. as That he is dead-he is just -r1 Commander, Capt. Seminski. The witness "Doc" Reiman's fine letter. general typed out his feelings about When an officer gets a tribute like With a cheery smile and !Daile of the hand Doc's story and when sending the that from men who served under He has wandered into an unknown land. letter to The Octofoil Gen. Randle him in combat for three, or even was considerate enough to make a four years, that is something he can And left us drea_ing how Ilery fair copy and send it to ''Doc'' Reiman in remember with warmth and pride It needs must be .ince he linger. there. a New York Veterans' Hospital. the remainder of his days. When good old "Doc" Reiman left One day orders came for Cannon And you--Oh, rou, lllho the wildest yearn this earthly world, the contents of Company to go to Post Ordnance For the old-time step and the glad return. Gen. Randle's letter were of source and draw their self-propelled guns. of consolation that only Doc knew When the column of monsters re­ Think of him farillfl on, OIJ dear how to appreciate. turned who was driving the first one, In the 1000e of There OIJ the 10lle of Here. General Randle's letter, and a with his head sticking out of the Just before hi. death "Doc" copy of which reached Doc Reiman hatch?-Captain Seminski. I was Reiman sent The Octo/oil the Mild and gentle as he __ braH - exactly one month before his death waiting for them on the road behind When the 81fIeetes' 1000e of his life he galle. photo shown abOlle, saying 'hat he reads as follows: regimental headquarters. The cap­ remembered the youngster pic. Dear Paul: Walter "Doc" Reiman tain stopped and idled his engine. To simple things: Where the Iliolets tured with him OIJ a jifU', courfe. 1fT-, in the March-April Octofoil paid a "Seminski," I said, "where in the ous and accommooatiJ&lf lad--but BI_ OIJ the eyN ther IIIere likened to. splendid tribute to his former com­ world did you ever learn to drive a just couldn't remember the lad's pany conunander, Major Leon Se­ contraption like that?" name and address and __ aslciJ&lf The touches hill hand h""e strayed of minski. In closing he writes, "I hope LIKE A TRACTOR Octofoil readers' help in tryin6 to As retlerentlr as his lips haIle prayed. General Edwin H. Randle likes my He grinned and said, "Well, Col­ identify and locate the youngster story about an officer that he himself onel, 'it isn't much different from When the little brOllln thrush that harshly chirped _ho wouldn't be quite so YOUJ&If is responsible for being placed where driving any tractor. and I've been today. W OIJ as dear to hi," as the mocking"ird. his true self could be put to the driving tractors on the farm all my test." life." And he pitied as much as a man in pain LIKES STORY I said I felt partly responsible for A little honey bee lDet with rain. I do like Walter's story immensely. Seminski not getting any advance­ WALTER VICTOR AND And more than that. he has given ment or promotion. At El Guettar Think of him iltill as the same, I say- me an opening to say something that when the 47th lost all three bat­ NELSON HIT ARANTA He is not dead-he i. just AWAY1 has been on my mind for a long talion commanders and I was -James Whitcomb Riley. time. scrounging around trying to think NEWSPAPER·S PAGE of officers who could quickly de­ 1 In my opinion Leon Seminski is an During the past month The *Octo-••••Lillian McAvoy, a 9th Division Gold outstanding example of wasted com- velop into battalion conunanders­ The New York Mets recently play- .; foil has received 14 letters and cards Star Mother. Doc had stirred up the mand and leadership potential. For why I didn't send for Seminski I ed at the (Ga.) Stadium. bearing the signature of the late Doc VA and had letters from them per- that I blame myself, partly. He went shall never know. I just did not Naturally the Ninth's own Lindsey Reiman. All of these letters pertain- taining to Mrs. McAvoy's plight. through the entire war-North M­ think of him. He would have devel­ Nelson was on the airlanes giving it ed to problems of the Association He sent a long list of names-too rica, Sicily, Europe-without a sin­ oped into an outstanding battalion all the details. An Atlanta paper and the problems of many individual many to attempt to reprint of those gle promotion. When I returned from conunander. And what a fighting printed a 2-column picture of Lind- members. To the Octofoil editor per- who had sent him get well cards- Japan and learned that Seminski battalion he would have led. sey and the Ninth's ace photogra­ sonally were several cards with a closing the letter thusly: ended the war still in conunand of DOING TOO GOOD pher, Walter Victor, with the follow- warning: "Take it slow and easy- "I thank every one for sending me Cannon Company. and still a cap­ I suppose Leon was a victim of his ing caption: WALTER J. VICTOR is don't rush, and you'll be with us a get well cards. A little card means tain, I was deeply shocked. own excellence. When an officer is shown with Lindsey Nelson, sports­ long long time, even with your bum a lot-to know you have friends be- When I first saw Leon Seminski he doing an outstanding job you hate caster for the New York Mets. Lind- tick~r." Now those consoling cards hind you and thinking of you." was a lst Lieutenant at Bragg, eith- to take him away from it, forgetting sey and Victor got together when the t from Doc will be no more. Doc himself sent out hundreds of er a battalion adjutant or command- he would do a superior job with a New York Mets played at the At­ The Octofoil editor was relaxing in "get well" cards to former Ninth ing a battalion headquarters com­ larger command. Then too, Cannon lanta Stadium. Both served in the Company was separate, not part of 9th Infantry Division during World :J his room at the Statler Hilton in men who were in much better physi- pany. I was instantly impressed with War II. The division made the land- New York when the phone rang- cal condition than he was. his soldierly bearing and military any battalion, with no one to boost and the usual cheerful voice of Past In all of Reiman's letters he closed appearance. Here was no amateur. the captain's stock. And Seminski ing in Africa, Sicily and D-plus 4 in ". became something of a "loner" with Europe. The Division earned eight '. National President Walter O'Keeffe, by asking that his best wishes be He was a professional, and we had combat stars. Gen. Westmoreland, ~ sadly stated: "I have some awfully extended to the Ladies' Auxiliary. so pitifully few of them. Oh, we had his Cannon Company. He kept pretty well out of sight, but he was always who is conunander in Vietnam, is a bad news for you. We just received He was always prompt in seeing that a great deal of splendid officer mate­ ~i word that our pal, Doc Walter Rei- dues for his loyal wife and sister rial, but it lacked experience and there when needed. I don't know former Ninth Infantry Division man. why he was overlooked all through Naturally Victor put in a plug ."i man passed away at the Bronx VA were paid into the Auxiliary on time. seasoning. Here was a young officer e Q . As written in the headlines at the kn ~'h Sicily and Europe. but he sure was .forthcoming Washington. '1 Hospital. Secretary uinn IS now beg~'. ..9f this obituary to the one who ew what it was all a>fout, ~~ R::C: busy eontactirl't all tht New York. right n6w. . overlooked. I have thought of a .~.~ "~"', Chapter members he possibly GaD. and onl lovable Doc Walter Rei- I: did not speak to him, I didn't great deal and deeply regret not NEW ADDRESS "" • . We will assemble at the funeral man: "A void exists within the ranks have to. I knew a soldier when I having placei him in conunand of Walter has a new address now. It home, 1610 Tyler, West New York, of the Association that cannot be saw one. But I do remember saying the 3rd Battalion at El Guettar. is: Walter J. Victor, 2145 Dodson N. J., tomorrow night." ~~~useof the passing of Doc to myself, "There is a future bat- Nothing I have said should be con­ Lee Dr., East Point, Ga. Phone 166- ·r 5554. The shock was terrific. Doc loved talion commander." strued as reflecting on those out­ the Ninth Division Association-he This world is a better place in LEARNID FAST standing officers who rose through As usual Walter made some very which to live because unselfish the grades to command battalions. fine photos at the Reunion in Wash­ loved his old buddies as few men men like Doc Reiman have passed Later, when we were ordered to I have always been exceedingly ington. He has sent approximately know how to respect those he has form a Cannon Company I gave Lt. 75 prints to The Octofoil. The prints thro h ch ·th our way. proud that when the war in Europe gone ug so mu WI. Glory be to God, that the members Seminski conunand of it and recom- ended the Regimental Executive, all were taken to New York in hopes With the help of Bill Coen, 1140 of the New York Chapter had seen mended him for promotion to cap­ three battalion commanders, and all Secretary Quinn could identify most Overland Dr., Washington, Pa., Doc fit to recommend to the Reunion in tain. He got it. He did not know ar­ three battalion executives had been all of those appearing in these ex­ was in the process of preparing some Washington a citation or certificate tillery, but he could learn, and I lieutenants under me and had won cellent photos. Quinn was quite a historical data with pictures for fu- of merit to Doc Reiman for his un- knew he would do a fine job. Divi­ all their promotions through leader­ help, but still there were scores of ture use in The Octofoil when he selfish devotion to the Ninth Infantry sion artillery ran a school for cannon ship and ability and sheer guts. I prints he did not personally know passed away. This was gleaned from Division Association. companies, and that was one com­ love them as sons. But numbered the individuals-and if they could correspondence he and Coen had The Octofoil joins with Doc's many pany I did not have to worry about. among them, another lieutenant col­ only see the prints it's a cinch bet that Doc had forwarded to The Oc- other devoted friends and pals and FORMID AT BRAGG onel and battalion conunander,­ many of them would want copies for tofoil recently. extends sympathy to the bereaved Cannon Company was formed at should have been Leon Seminski. keepsakes. Several of Doc's letters to The Oc- widow and other sorrowing surviv- Fort Bragg by transferring men from Yes, Reiman, I did like your story. -PAY 1-9-6-8 DUES MoO-WI- tofoil conveyed the hard work he ing relatives and friends, other companies. I warned company And this is what I think of your was doing in an effort to help Mrs. -PAY 1-9-6-8 DUES H-O-WI- conunanders not to throw off on Se­ former company conunander. minski, but a few did. From that, With warmest regards, I remain­ Frank Alice, Jr. Honored Cannon Company got its nick-name, Edwin H. Randle. FATHER CONNORS ACCEPTED AN "The Eight Balls," though few, if P.S.: I am sending a copy of this any, were really eight balls. Some letter to Walter Reiman who, when were just men other company com­ I last heard from him, was in a vet­ OUTSTANDING AWARD IN MIAMI. manders could not handle. erans' hospital. I told Captain Seminski, "Go over As previously stated, the above FOR GEN. WM. WESTMORELAND your men carefully and any you letter was one of Doc's most cherish­ don't want send back." ed possessions when he passed away. During the past month The Octo­ presented in 1961 to General of the He said. "I'll keep them all, sir, Thank you. Gen. Randle for your foil has received display clippings Army MacArthur. and I'll make soldiers out of them." promptness in getting this letter off from Boston newspapers, front page WIRED TO FATHER CONNORS There was an edge in his voice when to Doc Reiman before God in His banner head stories from the Wor­ In a telegram from Saigon, Gen. he said it, and determination. most infinite wisdom saw fit to call cester (Mass.) Telegram. Each car­ And he did make soldiers out of "Doc" Walter Reiman to his eternal , •...... '., .• ried the same message: Westmoreland wired Father Connors as "an old and valued friend. and them. Soon Cannon Company was rest. WORCESTER PRIEST TO my Catholic chaplain in World War1------­ ACCEPT AWARD ON BEHALF OF II, it would do me a great honor if GENERAL WESTMORELAND you would accept the award for me." The Fort Riley Post Has LOUIS NETTA, JR. SAYS HIS Just to mention a few of those In a letter to the Catholic War sending these interesting items to Veterans of America, explaining he B~~I~t~,O~~ h~C~O~~nor_ The Octofoil were Francis Maher, could not get away from the battle Most Interesting Data Worcester, National President Emil zone, Gen. Westmoreland wrote, The Octofoil has been placed on ably discharged from the Armed Langer, New York City; Fred B. "there is no one I would rather have the mailing list of the Fort Riley Forces because of injuries suffered D'Amore, 95 Webster St., East Bos­ represent me on this occasion" than Post. It is an interesting 16 to 20- while playing football when he was ton, Mass., and many others. Father Connors. page tabloid sheet that keeps its attending high school. Young Netta The stories all carried pictures of SERVID TOGETHER readers well informed on the prog- and his fine parents, Mr. and Mrs. both Gen. Westmoreland and Father Father Connors was decorated ress being made by the new Ninth Louis J. Netta. 1 Highland Ave., Connors. Excerpts from The Worees­ Infantry Division. Wilmington, Del. 19804, had hoped ter Telegram reads as follows: with the Silver Star for gallantry in action. There was one helluva "boo-boo" the injuries would heal sufficiently --Photo by Walter Victor, East Point, Ga.. Gen. William C. Westmoreland, Over the years. Gen. Westmore­ on page 20 of a recent issue. There that the lad could finish his hitch. commander of all U.S. troops in Viet Thanks to "Du.eo" Boden The land has visited Father Connors in was a 3-column picture showing In a letter to The Octofoil Louis, Octofoil is in receipt of the abor>e Nam, has selected a Worcester priest Worcester many times. Col. Maurice W. Kendall, command- Jr. says that his dad, a hard worker to accept an "Outstanding Ameri­ photo of young Frank Alice, son Father Connors said he considers ing officer of the 1st Brigade, Ninth for the Philadelphia-Delaware Val­ of Frank and Theresa Alice. Dad can" award on his behalf at :Miami his selection by Gen. Westmoreland Infantry Division, presenting an ley Chapter, always mailed him a Beach. Alice was with A Co. 47th-20 "a great honor." He said it was typi­ award to Pvt. Edward M. Nrecza copy of The Octofoil while he was at years an Association member. Rev. Edward T. Connors. pastor of cal of "Westy" to pick an old beatup for being an outstanding basic Cherry Point, N. C., and all his bud­ Immaculate Conception Church, ver­ Frank, /r. won 1st honors at St. priest to represent him. trainee. dies down there enjoyed reading the Richards School in South Phila­ ified that he would accept the Cath­ Father Connors added, "When you The colonel had a great big Third paper as much as young Netta him­ olic War Veterans of America's delphia among Oller 1,000 chil­ slug it out for three years together, Division shoulder patch on his uni- self did. dren. It is interesting to note "Honor et Veritas" medal for the you get pretty close to people," and general. form while commanding a 9th Di- -PAY 1-9·6-8 DUES H-O-WI- his mother won the same oward he was most proud that the general vision unit and making an award to Vacationers are people who take when attending school - Frank, Cardinal Sheehan of Baltimore and had "picked friendship. rather than a Ninth Division soldier. Such things their holidays late in the season to Sr. made the show place-run­ movie actor Pat O'Brien also will be rank" to represent him at the award just shouldn't be happening. avoid the rush of people taking their ning third. Boden amplifies the honored. ceremony. -PAY '-9-6-8 DUES MoO-WI- holidays early in the season to avoid old "like father, like son" and The Honor and Truth medal is A non-Catholic, Gen. Westmore­ Because of jet planes there are no the rush. inserts mother and father in his not an annual award. It last was land is a native of Saxon, S. C. longer any distant relatives. -PAY DUES MoO-WI- quotation. Page 4 THE OCTOFOIL July-August, 1966

The Immortal Paddy Flint Honored By Old Pals THERESA CUPRYS NEW Illinois Chapter Members Did a Wonderful Job • AUXILIARY PRESIDENT Mrs. Theresa Cuprys, 1124 W. King Hwy., Mt. Ephraim, N. J. was elected and installed president of the Ninth Infantry Division Association Ladies' Auxiliary during the Wash­ ington Reunion. Mrs. Cuprys is the wife of Al Cuprys, a member of the National Board of Governors and a hard working member of the Phila­ delphia-Delaware Valley Chapter. Mrs. Cuprys, in her own right, has long been one of the spark plugs for this wide-awake Chapter and Auxil­ iary. Mrs. Betty Boden, Box 54, Ches­ ter, Pa., was elected First Vice Pres­ ident. Mrs. Boden is the wife of the one and only John "Duco" Boden, President of the Philadelphia-Dela­ ware Valley Chapter. John was elected a member of the National Board during the Washington Re­ union. Tippie Plunkett was re-elected the Auxiliary's secretary-treasurer. Her address is 286 Zimpfer St., Colum­ bus, Ohio 43206. She has asked The -Photo by Walter Viclor. 2734 Dodson Lee Dr.• East Point, Ga. 30044 Octofoil to remind the old members Charles Koskie, John Clouser, Frank Ozart and others remained who have not paid 1967 dues that in Arlington Cemetery long after the chartered buses had departed and 1967 cards will be mailed out imme­ visited all former Ninth Division men's graves that they could learn diately upon receipt of 1967 dues. about. Above "Chuck" Koskie is shown putting one of the beautiful She also asks those who have occa­ metalic Octofoils the Illinois group brought to the cemetery into the sion to write to the secretary-treasu­ earth at the head of Lou Becker's grave. Lou was a hard worker for rer to please give zip code numbers. the Association, and a former Vice President. Mrs. Becker gave the -PAY 1-9-6-8 DUES N-O-W!- Association $500 from the late Lou's estate to get the Association's New Prexy Offers Kind Scholarship program off to a good start. Courtesies to Visitors Father Connors Greets the Photographer's Wife Just before leaving Columbus for New York City for the national Vet­ erans of Foreign Wars Convention The Octofoil editor received a most cordial letter from the Association's new President, Emil Langer. Mr. and Mrs. Langer had just re­ turned home from a trip and much work that had to be done had been accumulating-but the new prexy was not too busy to ask that -Photo by Walter Victor, 2734 Dodson Lee Dr., East Point, Ga. 30044 he be contacted by phone by the There were unashamed tears when old-time doughboys paused in editor and arrangements would be reverent silern:e at the graveside of the great "Paddy" Flint, who was a made for transportation to the Na­ soldier's soldier. Pictured above at Col. Flint's graveside is Mrs. War­ tional Cemetery at Pinelawn, where ren Herzberg, Mrs. Sallie Fint Von Kann (daughter), Miss Lisa Von the editor's son is buried. Kann and Warren F. Herzberg. Since the two grandchildren who live on West End Ave. in New York City were in a New England sum­ Unknown Soldiers Tomb Decorated With Octofoil mer camp, visiting the cemetery was postponed until the editor passes through New York enroute to Father Connors' Memorial Services. Nevertheless this fine gesture from Emil Langer at a time he was most busy is a courtesy that will'be long remembered and appreciated. The letter showed further that Emil Langer's interest in his Chap­ ter and the Association never lags. GOVERNOR CLINTON He outlined plans for the Sept. 9 Chapter meeting at the Governor Clinton Hotel. Then he outlines the plans that are being made for the Dinner-Dance Oct. 22. Emil Langer is Ninth Infantry Division-first, last and always. -PAY 1-9-6-8 DUES N-O-W!- LETTER FROM YOUNG PFC. JESSE R. DAVIS Shortly after the last issue of The Octofoil went on the press a nice let­ ter was received from Pfc. Jesse Da­ vis, Jr. Young Davis' dad is one of the most loyal members of the Ohio -Photo by Walter Victor, 2734 Dodson Lee Dr., East Point, Ga. 30044 Chapter. And Mrs. Davis is an en­ One of the first well-wishers to greet Father Ed Connors when he thusiastic Auxiliary member. While showed up in Washington for the banquet was the pretty wife of Wal­ on furlough visiting Mom and Dad ter Victor, East Point, Ga. Walter is the alert photographer, a former young Davis got caught in a clincher Ninth man, who sees all and gets it on film at all Ninth Division Re­ because of the plane strike and was unions. rushed back to Fort Lewis, Wash., in the family auto-accompanied by his parents. He has since left to help Typical Scene of the Many Buses Used for Tours Gen. Westmoreland win the war in Other Groups Mixed With 9th At Kennedy Grave Vietnam. Young Davis was with the rest of the family at Father Connors' 1964 Memorial Services. The Octofoil just can't resist quoting from a paragraph of the soldier's letter. It is so re­ freshing to read such letters after having to encounter a few wild-eyed, long-haired characters on the streets. Parts of the letter reads: "In the last few months I have changed my mind about the Armed Forces. While in civilian life I was of the opinion that this period of time would be somewhat wasted­ but as each day goes by I find that the crisis in Vietnam is a fight that must be won, because if we were to get out of that country now, we would have many more battles to fight in other parts of of the world and maybe here in our own United States." Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Davis Sr live in Hebron, Ohio, about 20 miles 'from Columbus. Address is Box 84. They are planning on attending the Me­ morial Services. Taking their soldier boy back to Fort Lewis kept them from attending the Reunion. -Photo by Walter Victor, 2734 Dodson Lee Dr., East Point, Ga. 30044 -PAY 1-9-6-8 DUES N-O.W!- Above is all, interior view of a chartered bus-one of many that -Photo by Walter Victor, 2734 Dodson Lee Dr., East Point, Ga. 30044 An old timer is a fellow who re­ were chartered by the Washington Chapter for the enjoyment 0/ Re­ While the former Ninth Division men and their families stopped members when folks rested on Sun­ union guests to go on sightseeing tours and to the Memorial Services and paid their respects to the martyred President John Kennedy at his day instead of Monday. in Arlington Cemetery. Sitting cross-legged, right up front is "Big grave site in Arlington National Cemetery, there were many other or­ -PAY 1·9-6-8 DUES N-O.W!- Karl" Taylor, former 47th man. Noted to Karl's right is another 47th ganizations from all sections of the United States - arriving by char­ An acquaintance is a fellow we man, Virn:ent Guglielmino, of the Greater New York Chapter. Victor tered bus to also pay their respect and show their love for the young know well enough to borrow from, also furnished The Octofoil several different shots of interesting in­ President who was so ruthlessly taken from a nation that needed him. but not well enough to lend to. terior bus scenes. July-August, 1966 THE OC T 0 F 0 I L Page 5

THE MEMORIAL FUND OF Army Chorus Was Even Better Than Expected 'Franny' Gets Big THE 9TH INFANTRY DIVISION ASSOCIATION Play Decorating Scholarship Information Top DAV "Brass" The Memorial Fund of the Ninth Infantry Division Association was "Frarmy" Maher has so many established by' the members of the association to commemorate the memory irons in the the fire insofar as ac­ of their comrades who paid the supreme sacrifie in battle. As a part of this tivity with various veterans' organ­ fund the association established a scholarship program. Scholarships are izations is concerned that he some­ awarded each year to relatives of men who served in The Ninth Infantry times meets himself coming back Division. Each scholarship is for one year. from where he's going. ELIGIBILITY FOR SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION Father Cormors admits if it wasn't A person who wishes to apply for a scholarship must be related to a for Franny Maher's help in making man who served with The Ninth Infantry Division. Children of former and executing the many details nec­ members of the division will be given first consideration, but children of essary to make a success of the Me­ men killed in combat given first preference. Applicants who are not children morial Services at Worcester each year, things wouldn't run as smooth of former members of the division will not be considered unless no child and happily as they do. Frarmy is a of a former member qualifies. . past National President of the Asso­ APPLICATION PROCEDURE ciation, as well as a past President The following procedures must be followed by those wishing to apply of the New England Chapter. At for the scholarships: the Washington Reunion he started 1. Send a letter of application, written in expository form, to the through the chairs again-having chairman of the scholarship committee stating the following: been unanimously elected one of the vice presidents. name, address, age, and sex of the applicant; name, address, -Photo by Walter Victor, 2734 Dodson Lee Dr., East Point, Ga. 30044 and occupation of the applicant's parents or guardians; the Maher is commander of the Wor­ Very few, if any of those attending the Washington Reunion, cester Chapter 4, Disabled American name and address of the secondary school the applicant is at­ have ever listened to anything that come close to being the hit the tending or has attended and graduated; the name and address Veterans. The Worcester Telegram Army Chorus pictured above, proved to be. They deserved the tre­ recently printed a 3-column picture of the college the applicant expects to attend; the vocational mendous applause the audience gave them after each of their inspir­ goal of the applicant; and the name of and degree of relation­ of Franny placing the national sen­ ing renditions. ior vice commander's cap on Mayor ship to a former member of the division. The unit and dates of Wells of Worcester. service in the division of the former member must be included. The ceremonies were held in 2. A transcript of the applicant's high school record must be in­ The New Board Holds Session Before Banquet front of the Worcester City Hall­ cluded with the letter of application. The transcript must in­ after Vice Mayor Dan Foley had clude at least the first seven semesters of the applicant's record. proclaimed the day as George A. 3. The applicant must have a counselor or principal of the high Wells Day. school he or she is attending write a letter of recommendation BRmF REMARKS to the chairman of the scholarship committee. In brief remarks at the ceremony, 4. The applicant must take the PSAT which is given every Octo­ Mayor Wells said that being unani­ ber. The applicant must see that the results of the PSAT are mously elected to the second highest sent to the chairman of the scholarship committee. These re­ position in the national veterans' or­ sults may be included with the high school transcript or sent ganization makes you stop and ap­ to the chairman from the College Entrance Examination Board. preciate, makes you humble. The SAT of the CEEB may be submitted in lieu of the PSAT. All the city officials of Worcester 5. THE APPLICATION MUST BE SENT TO THE CHAIRMAN participated in the ceremony honor­ OF THE SCHOLARSHIP COMMITTEE BY MARCH 15. Appli­ ing Mayor Wells. Also present was cations received after March 15 will not be considered. Edward Theriault of Boston, who is state DAV commander. 6. All applicants must accept the decision of the Scholarship Com­ -PAY 1.9-6-8 DUES N-O·WI_ mittee as final. 7. Information to determine financial need will be requested by NEW YORKERS PAY the Scholarship Committee after the applications have been con­ sidered. HOMAGE TO "DOC" 8. Recipients of the scholarships may apply for renewal of the In commenting on the loss New scholarship each year. A copy of the student's college grades, York Chapter had suffered because a financial statement, and a letter requesting renewal of the of Doc Reiman's death, Art Schmidt scholarship should be sent to the chairman by March 15. advises that Doc was not quite 50 9. All applications must be sent to: John J. Clouser, Scholarship years old but had suffered with an Chairman. Ninth Infantry Division Association, 901 Graceland enlarged heart for a long while. He St., Des Plaines, nIinois 60016. had undergone surgery and it was thought the operation was a success -Photo by Walter Victor, 2734 Dodson Lee Dr., East Point, Ga. 30044 -but evidently the shock was just Pictured above are some of the members of the Board of Gov­ too much. ernors in session just before the banquet. Facing the camera is Paul The moment word was out that Doc Keller, Columbus, 0.; John Clouser, Illinois Chopter, a past National Reiman had passed away the tele­ APPLICATION FOR MEMBERSHIP President and chairman of the all-important Scholarship Committee; phone wires between New York Walte~O'Keeffe, a past National President; a'l-d Vincent Guglielmino, Chapter members were busy convey­ .- . in the incumoent First Vice President. Standing is John "Duco" Boden, a ing the sad news. On August 24, Art LADIES' AUXILIARY new Board member and president of the Philadelphia-Delaware Valley and his mother stopped at the Chapter; next to Boden is National Secretary Dan Quinn.. Seated, with Scheurle Funeral Home, West New of the back to camera is Bill Andrews, Michigan; Herb Olsen, New England, York, N. J., to pay their respects and and George Apar, Greater New York Chapter. while there many Ninth Div. men NINTH INFANTRY DIVISION ASSOCIATION visited the funeral parlors as a group. which included Ralph Witzkin, Dan Mrs. Tippie Plunkett, Secretary.Treasurer 'Teen Agers "Kidnap" Dodor Ben Casey Quinn, Dom Miele, Walter O'Keefe, Ninth Infantry Division Association Ladies' Auxiliary Al Lechmanek, Al Munatore, Ed Egan Jack Scully, Emil Langer and 286 Zimpfer St., Columbus, Ohio 43206 George Apar. The chapter had sent a beautiful Octofoil floral piece. I would like to become a member of the Ladies' Auxiliary The Veterans of Foreign Wars Post to the Ninth Infantry Division Association. Enclosed is 860 placed an honor guard at Doc's check or money order for $1.50 for 1967 dues. Please casket. The certificate of appreciation mail my membership card to- the Washington Reunion had author­ ized to be presented to Doc for his har:! work for the Association was Name given to Mrs. Reiman, the widow. Services were held at St. Joseph's Church on Aug. 25. Street Many others who could not be with the group that visited the funeral City __ State _.. _._ _._ _. home to pay respect visited later, in­ cluding Adolph Wadalavage, John Rizzo and many others. While attached to the 9th Infantry Division my _ -PAY 1-9-6·8 DUES N.O.WI- (state relationship, whether the Ninth Division man was a I.ANGER PI.UGS THE husband, father, brother, son, etc.) OCTOBER 22 DANCE was with _ In his call for the Sept. 9 Chapter give company, r~giment, battery, attached unit, etc.) meeting of the Greater New York Chapter at the Governor Clinton Ho­ Make checks or money orders payable to Ninth Infantry tel, President Emil Langer stresses Division Association. Mail to Secretary-Treasurer Tippie the importance of those planning to attend the Oct. 22 dirmer-dance at Plunkett, 286 Zimpfer St., Columbus, Ohio 43206. A 1967 the Empire Hotel, 63rd & Broadway, countersigned membership card will be sent immediately. to contact Walter O'Keeffe or Frank Fazio on or before Oct. 15. The com­ By order of the President: mittee was able to get a very reason­ able price for an affair of this kind­ MRS. THERESA CUPRYS, President. $7.50 per person. The committee has done some hard work in making ar­ rangements. It's up to the members Disabled Veterans AL RAGO ACTIVE AT to make the dinner-dance a big suc­ cess by making every effort to attend. Have PX Privileges VFW CONVENTION -PAY 1-9-6-8 DUES N-O-WI- Honorably discharged vets with a While attending sessions of the Mrs. McAvoy's Last 100 per cent disability rating are now National V.F.W. Convention in New permitted expanded post exchange York City recently the editor spotted Letter Dated July 19 privileges. In the past, honorably dis­ a VFW cap with the insignia "Com­ On July 19th The Octofoil re­ charged 100 per cent disabled veter­ mander of Uniondale VFW Post." ceoved a card from Gold Star Moth­ aIlS have been allowed to purchase The face, at a distance, looked aw­ er, Mrs. Lillian McAvoy. Her arth­ items in the post exchange only when fully familiar. Closer inspection dis­ ritic pains were still almost unbear­ under hospital care for their service­ closed the Commander to be none able, but she sent her best wishes to connected disabilities. Disabled vet­ other than Al Rago, a hard working those who would be attending the erans are allowed to designate one member of the Greater New York Washington Reunion-and especially member of their family to make pur­ Chapter of the Ninth Infantry Di­ to Father Ed Cormors. chases on their behalf. vision Association. Mail sent to Mrs. Lillian McAvoy, -PAY 1·9-6-8 DUES N-O-W!- -PAY 1-9-6·8 DUES N-O-W!- 26 E. Linden Ave., Collingswood, Work is anything we do for pay, What you hear never sounds half N.J. 10108 will reach this very fine while recreation is anything we pay so important as what you overhear. -Photo by Walter Victor, 2734 Dodson Lee Dr., East Point, Ga. 30044 Mother. for doing. -PAY 1.9-6.8 DUES N-O-W!- Vince Edwards ("Dr." Ben Casey), was at the Shoreham Hotel -PAY 1-9·6-8 DUES N.o-W.... -PAY 1-9-6-8 DUES N-O-WI­ The American Way is using in­ during the Reunion and the 'teen agers run him "ragged" for auto· The kangaroo is an abortive at­ Many a girl would be better liked stant coffee to dawdle away an hour. graphs. Here Dr. Ben is shvwn with teen ager Lillian Ford and Chris· tempt by Nature to create a safe if she weren't so popular. -PAY 1-9·6-8 DUES N-O-W!"- tine Provost. pedestrian. Page 6 THE OCTOFOIL July-August, 1966 Charlie Tingley, Jr. Knows How to Pick 'Em Minutes of the 80th Meeting, Board of MR. AND MRS. MICHAEL MciNERNEY VFW GUESTS Governors, 9th Infantry Division Assn. AT MEMORIAL SERVICES The 80th meeting of the National Walter O'Keeffe-Financial Com­ During the month of August The Board of Governors was called to mittee. Octofoil editor spent several days in order at 4:30 P.M., July 28, 1966 at Ronald Murphy - Nominating New York City attending the Mili­ the Hotel Shoreham, Washington, Committee. tary Order of the Cootie and the D. C., attended by Messrs. John Bon- Sal Trapani-Newspaper Commit- Veterans of Foreign Wars Conven­ kowski, Robert Rumenapp, Paul tee. tion. (The Cooties is an Honor De­ Keller, Victor Butswinkus, Charles Emil Langer-Miscellaneous Com- gree of the VFW.) Koskie, Emil Langer, Anthony Va- mittee. The night Memorial Services were rone, Frank Wade, Ronald Murphy. Harrison Daysh-By-Laws Com- held in the tremendously large New Also present were John Boden, Vin- mittee. York Hilton auditorium Cardinal cent Guglielmino, Paul Plunkett, In order to expedite the regular Spellman delivered an inspiring mes­ Paul "Doc" Walton, Thomas Boyle, business meeting to be held on Fri­ sage; Kate Smith sang the national Treasurer, and John Clouser. chair- day, July 29th, the President called anthem and "God Bless America." man of the Scholarship Committee. for a special meeting to be held Gold Star parents were ushered The secretary Daniel Quinn, then Thursday evening, July 28th, in into the large auditorium and escort­ read the minutes of the 79th meet- order to select members for the ed to reserved seats of honor. A lump ing. After a motion duly made by above conunittees. formed in the editor's throat when Paul Keller and seconded by Emil John Clouser, Chairman of the he looked up and saw who was being Langer, it was voted to: Accept the Scholarship Committee, then report­ escorted in. It was two of the Ninth reading of the minutes as read and ed to the Board Members. At the Division Association's loveable Gold place same on file. Board Meeting held in Pittsburgh, Star parents-Mr. and Mrs. Michael The Treasurer, Thomas Boyle, was Pa.. on April 30, 1966, the Board McInerney. This fine couple was also then called upon to give his report. Members had voted to accept the properly escorted out with honors Boyle gave a detail report on the recommendations of the Scholarship before others were allowed to leave income and spending for the last Committee. Clouser asked that an their seats. quarter of the year. After a motion additional sum of $175.00 be award­ -PAY 1·9·6·B DUES H·O-WI- duly made by Paul Keller and sec- ed to another applicant who should onded by Victor Butswinkus it was have been considered at this meet­ 'PETER RABBIT' GLAD voted to: Accept the treasurer's re- ing. After a motion duly made by HE MADE THE TRIP POrt. Paul Keller and seconded by Emil The Octofoil is in receipt of a let­ The President, John Bonkowski, Langer, it was voted to: Add the ter from Charles R. "Peter Rabbit" then asked Frank Wade, Chairman applicant to the present list of Harvey, 7407 Huntridge Ave., Cin­ of the Reunion for a report on the Scholarship Awards for the amount cinnati, O. 45231. "Peter Rabbit" is Reunion. Wade briefed the members of $175.00. a former Co. B 60th man. He. his on the Reunion as to date, outlining After a motion duly made by Ron­ lovely wife and daughter were early events to take place and the num- aId Murphy and seconded by Paul arrivals at the Shoreham Hotel. ber of people registered. Bonkowski Keller it was voted to: Adjourn at From early morning until late at thanked Frank Wade for his report. 5:55 P.M. night the "Rabbit" was buttonholing President Bonkowski then ap- Respectfully submitted, everyone and making the inquiry: pointed the following Chairmen to DANIEL QUINN, "Has anyone seen Lt. Henry Rig­ head the Committees: National Secretary, by?" Lt. Rigby, later Capt. Rigby was Harvey's company commander. Finally Rigby showed up and of all Minutes of the 81 st Meeting, Board of things when he was assigned to a room it was a room next to Peter Governors, 9th Infantry Division Assn. Rabbit's room. Not only was Har­ (Photo by Bradford Bachrach, Worcester,Mass.! vey thrilled to again see the smiling The 81st meeting of the National I Emil Langer moved to have the face of Henry Rigby-but there were MRS. CHARLES O. TINGLEY, JR. Board of Governors was called to nominations closed and it was sec­ scores of others who soldiered with In a recent i8llue of The Octofoil a story was printed telling of order at 3:30 P.M., July 30, 1966 at onded by Ralph Witzkin. A unani­ him who were thrilled that he at­ Charlie Tingley, Jr.'s wedding to the preuy Paula Marie Bergin, the Hotel Shoreham, Washington, mous ballot was cast. tended. the Reunion. Included in this daughter 0/ Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Bergin, 291 Dale St., Waltham, D. C., attended by Messrs. John Third Vice-President list of Rigby admirers was The Oeto­ Mass. The young couple are making their home at 20 Institute Rd., Bonkowski, Robert Rumenapp, Wil- William Meadows was nominated foil ed.itor. Henry succeeded General Worcester, Mass. Young Tingley's dad is one of the Ninth Infantry Di· liam Andrews, John Boden, Herbert by John Boden and seconded for Smythe as the second president of vision Association's "spark plugs." For several years he was the Associ· Olsen, Ronald Murphy, Anthony Va- nomination by Herbert 01sen. the National Association. ation's Secretary.Treasurer. The Oct%il joins with "Pappy'8" thous­ rone, Emil Langer, Charles Tingley, Charles Tingley moved to close the The Octofoil was elated to read in ands 0/ buddies from the Ninth In/antry Divi8ion and wish this fine Ralph Witzkin, Charles Koskie, Paul nominations. This was seconded by Peter Rabbit's letter that finally the young couple many happy years 0/ wedded bliss. Keller. Also attending were Walter Ronald Murphy. A unanimous ballot VA had come around to recognizing O'Keeffe, Harry Orenstein, Francis was cast. some of the things bothering Rab­ Maher, Max Umansky, Frank Wade, Secretary bit are and were a direct result of Youngest Auxiliary Member Meets the General Judge Advocate Harrison Daysh, Daniel Quinn was nominated by exposure and hardship in combat and Treasurer Thomas Boyle. Anthony Varone and seconded for areas. The secretary read the minutes of nomination by John Boden. Paul Mrs. Harvey says she enjoyed the the 80th meeting. After a motion Keller moved to close the nomina­ Reunion as much as her Charlie did duly made by Anthony Varone and tions. This was seconded by Charles -and hopes the happy little family seconded by Ronald Murphy it was Koskie and so voted. will be able to attend the Boston voted to: Accept the reading of the Daniel Quinn was elected by a Reunion, stopping over in Philly for minutes as read and place same on unanimous ballot. a few meals at "Lt." Rigby's restau­ file. Treasurer rant in that city. _PAY 1.9-6-8 DUES H-O-WI-- Thomas Boyle, the Treasurer, gave T!:t0mas Boyle was nominated ~y a brief report. ~l Langer and secl?nded for noIl1.l- PESTEL UNDERGOES AN BIDS FOR NEXT REUNION natIon by Charles Tmgley. Anthony President Bonkowski called for ':arone ~oved to close the nomina­ OPERATION FOR HERNIA bids for the 1967 reunion. Ronald tions. This was seconded by John Upon arriving back in Columbus Murphy and Herbert Olsen sub- Boden and so voted: Thomas Boyle after several days in New York City mitted a bid for the New England was elected by unanunous ballot. attending the National VFW Conven­ tion a sad message was waiting ­ Chapter. Robert Rumenapp and Bill Judge Advocate which conveyed the news that Dick Andrews submitted a bid for the Harrison Daysh was nominated by Pestel; former Board member and 1967 Reunion for the Michigan Paul Keller and seconded for nomi­ well known by all the old heads of Chapter. nation by Robert Rumenapp. Wil- the 47th Regt., was in Mt. Carmel It was voted by the Board mem- liam Andrews moved to close the Hospital. Columbus, Ohio. Investiga­ bers to hold the 1967 Reunion in nominations and this was seconded tion disclosed that Dickie had under­ Boston, Mass. by Ralph Witzkin. Harrison Daysh gone an emergency operation the ELECTION OF OFFICERS was elected by unanimous ballot. previous day and at the time was President VOTE OF THANKS resting as well as could be expected. Emil Langer was nominated by John Boden asked the members Pestel has since been removed to Anthony Varone and seconded for for a standing vote of thanks to John the Pestel Ranch and under the nomination by John Boden: Bonkowski, the outgoing President. watchful care of his good wife, Edie. Ronald Murphy was nommated by President Bonkowski thanked the indications were that he'd be back on Charles Tingley and seconded for Board members for their coopera­ that tractor in a few days. nomination by Herbert Olsen. Paul tion and added "It was a pleasure The Krauts give Pestel a double Keller moved to close nominations. and indeed an honor to have served dose of shrapnel and the medics have Seconded by John Boden. So voted. as President of this Association". cut and sawed on him so much his Emil Langer was declared elected Charles Koskie asked the Board tummy looks just like a big jig saw t~ the 9ffice of. President. members to consider holding a fu- puzzle. Fll'St Vice-President ture reunion in the Mid-West area: -PAY 1.9-6-8 DUES H-O-WI-- Vincent Guglielmino was nomi- (lllinois or Michigan area). nated by Charles Koskie and sec- Emil Langer thanked the members WANTS TO PLACE 4TH onded for nomination by Robert for electing him to the office of Pres­ DIVISION WITH NINTH Rumenapp. Charles Tingley moved ident. to close the nominations, seconded Upon a motion duly made by An- Mrs. Jesse Davis, Box 84, Hebron, by Paul Keller and so voted. thony Varone and seconded by 0., writes that both she and Jess were Vincent Guglielmino was elected Charles Tingley it was voted to: Ad- much impressed with young Davis' by a unanimous ballot. journ at 4:45 P.M. company commander, Captain Castil­ lo, who they met the day young Da­ Second .vice President . Respectfully submitted, FranCIS Maher was nommated by DANIEL QUINN vis shipped out from Fort Lewis for ~urphy Vietnam. He is a man who goes out Ronald and seconded for National Secretah-. with the boys and tries things out the nommation by Herbert Olsen. -J>AY 1-9-6-8 DUES H-O-WI- with them-not tell them to go on their own and DO IT. She says now she has two divisions DOC ROBERTS IS Second Edition of to love-the Fourth to which young Davis is serving with and her own Big A GRANDPA NOW "Sali Adventure" Jesse's Ninth. --Photo by Walter Vlelor, 2734 Dodson Lee Dr., East Point, Ga. 30044 Davis closes her nice letter One of the last news releases Doc It's a long, rocky road before there Mrs. Attending her fir8t Reunion young Patty McTeague, Columbu8, Reiman sent to The Octofoil before with this thought: will be a second edition of "Safi Ad­ "If Gen. Eisenhower deserved to be Ohio, granddaughter of the Oct%il editor and Tippie Plunkett, kept his death read: ventures" finished. But Brig. General begging 80meone to let her meet Gen. George Smythe, saying she'8 Major Donald Russell Roberts, El­ elected President after World War n Edwin Randle has started plugging -our Westy deserves that and MORE never 8een a "live" general before. As soon as she paid her 1967 Aux. kins, W. Va. is giving out cigars. away on setting all that type again iliary dues she wanted to know i/ that entitled her to go to the picnic His daughter, Margaret, gave birth when he gets this mess in Vietnam because so many of his friends were cleaned up." on Dick Pestel's Ranch in Ohio. The little mis8 evidently made a hit to a baby boy June 15, 1966-now disappointed in not getting a copy with the general, he later introduced her to Mr8. Smythe but never got Doc Don Roberts is a grandfather. Mrs. Davis recently purchased two of the first edition. He has installed copies of "8 Stars to Victory." One for around to the dance he promised. A/ter 8eeing 80me of th08e teen age Good luck, Grandpa! some new equipment that will make gyrations the general probably reali:;ed it'd be a little harder lor him Another note added the following: herself and one to be donated to the his labor a bit more easier-but­ Hebron library. to tear a football line to pieces than when he was in West Point-that "Mrs. Roberts, Dan's wonderful again, there's a lot of work to be 14108 an ea8Y task, compared to dances these 'teen aller8 Nlere doing. Net1­ wife, will be taking a refresher There's no end to the nice people done-but one of these days the who belong to the Ninth Infantry Di­ enheles8 on the way home Pestel told Miss McTeague how the Kraurs course at West Virginia University, news will be flashed across the uni­ blamed Gen. Smythe lor making them lose the war; how he organi:;ed in order to get her Master's Degree vision Association. verse that Gen. Ed Randle's "Safi -PAY 1-9.6-8 DUES H-O-WI­ III regiment out of lost and wandering 80ldier_now every kid on the in Mathematics." -J>AY 1-9-6-8 DUES HoO·WI­ Adventures," second edition is now Humility is the ability to act North Side 0/ Columbus knows that it was Gen. George Smythe who a reality. won the war and when school opens the me8llage will get over to manT Clothes do not make the man but ashamed when you tell people how -J>AY wonderful you are. more. a good suit has often made a lawyer. 1.9.6-8 DUES HoG-WI-- July-August, 1966 THE OCTOFOIL Page 7

MINUTES OF 21ST ANNUAL REUNION, OZARTI A FORMER MAHER SUBMITS ADVANCE DATA PREXYI COMMENTS Members of the New England in a room $14; 5 in a room $l6-six. NINTH INFANTRY DIV. ASSOCIATION Chapter passed out cards with the $18.00. ON THE REUNION following information during the Howard Johnson's Motor Lodge, The 21st Annual Reunion of the get a room in the hotel where By FRANK OZART, Washington Reunion: 181 W. Boylston St., West Boylston, Ninth Infantry Division Association the reunion is being held. 2241 S. Marshall Blvd. Twenty-second Annual Memorial Mass. Phone (617) 835-4456. Single, was held at the Hotel Shoreham, 3. Have the Board of Governors Chicago, Dlinois 60623 Mass for the deceased of the 9th In­ $9 and $11; double, $14 and $17. Washington, D. C., on July 30, 1966. study the sites for coming re­ fantry Division at the Immaculate Rooms will also be available at the The Washington, D. C. Reunion Conception Church, Worcester, Mass. Worcester City , Boston-Wor­ There being a quorum of 64 mem­ unions. was one of the best that the Ninth bers present, President John Bon­ 4. Have the reunion committees Sunday, Nov. 6, 1966. cester Turnpike on Route 9, Shrews­ Division has held. We, of the illinois If you are interested in receiving bury, Mass. Rates are, single $7.50­ kowski then called the meeting to build up the teenage angle and Chapter, thank Frank Wade, Chair­ order at 10:30 A.M. A minute of si­ create more activity for them notification of this Memorial Mass, double, $10.50; triple, $12.50. man of the Reunion, and his commit­ drop a note to Rev. Edward T. Con­ Even with the long list of lence was observed for the departed when they do attend. tee for a wonderful time. 5. Try to publish in the Octofoil nors. 353 Grove Street, Worcester, given above reservations should be men of the Ninth. Some of the people the writer seen Mass. sent in early-and for the rates that MINUTES READ the best routes to the Hotel­ at the reunion from illinois were that is after the members reach Last year we had our largest are quoted, it must be mentioned the The President then called upon Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Koskie, Mr. and crowd. reservation is for a Ninth Infantry the National Secretary, Dan Quinn, the city where the reunion is Mrs. John Clouser, Mr. and Mrs. being held. The host Chapter Free Buffet Supper at Connors' Association man or friend of a mem­ to read the minutes of the 20th An­ Paul Clark, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dris­ ber of the Association. nual Reunion. Upon a motion duly could inform the Editor of such kell, Mr. and Mrs. Emil Radic, Mr. Coffee Shop, Saturday night. information. In a letter dated Aug. 20, Francis BANQUET SAME PLACE made by John Sabato and seconded and Mrs. Casmir Pawelak, Mr. and The banquet will be held 'at the 6. The Board of Governors con­ Mrs. Al Geist, Bud Remer, Mr. and Maher, 14 Davenport St., Worcester, by Dom Miele it was voted to: Ac­ Mass., furnishes The Octofoil addi­ same place as for the past two years. cept the minutes of the 20th Annual tinue to study and investigate Mrs. Al Sebock, Mr. and Mrs. Joe the future of the association tional information as follows: at the Wachusett Country Club, Reunion as read and place same on Pacer, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Sullivan, West Boylston, Mass. The New Eng­ file for the record. and its funds. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Martin and LIMITED AT 7. Encourage the membership for land Chapter members will have Oc­ Thomas Boyle, the Treasurer. was Frank Ozart. The people who could This year we are going to be lim­ tofoil signs posted leading the way called upon for his report. Boyle suggestions for better reunions. not make the Reunion really missed ited to 50 rooms at the from the church to the country club, gave a detailed report on the in­ After a motion duly made by Ron­ one of the best. Bill Hennemuth could due to previous commitments by the ald Murphy and seconded by Paul LOOKING FOR BIG CROWD come and expenses for the past year. not make the reunion because his Inn. It will be first come, first served. Judging from conversations be­ He concluded his report with these Walton it was voted to: Accept the wife was ill. Ted Matusik was too ill Maher promises the latest dope on tween the members attending the remarks: "To the best of my knowl­ Miscellaneous Committee's rep 0 r t to make the trip. It is hoped these the situation for the next issue of Reunion in Washington there will be edge, all bills and obligations in­ and recommendations. good people recover rapidly from The Octofoil. an unusually large turnout for the curred by this association for the NEWSPAPER COMMITTEE their ailments. Holiday Inn is located on South­ 1966 Memorial Services. year ending June 30, 1966 have be~n Arthur Schmidt, Chairman of the OLD BUDDIES MEET bridge St., near the postoffice. The FOOD A-PLENTY paid or settled. The Budget and Fl­ Newspaper Committee (Arthur re­ Nate Gaynor and his lovely wife, Holiday rates are: Father Connors has asked The Oc­ nance Committee of last year's re­ placed Sal Trapani as Trapani was Beverly, were present at the Re­ Double $15; twin $15; single, $9.50. tofoil to be sure and print a notice union are to be thanked and com­ busy with the D. C. Reunion affairs), union. Nate was former Secretary of There will be plenty of rooms at that those good parishioners will plimented for their fine judgrrlent in named the following men who com­ lllinois Chapter before moving to other motels located in the area of again pile the tables with all kinds setting the budget of this associa­ prised his committee: Bill Meadows, Washington, D. C. Thanks a million, the Church. Many of the members of delicious food at the Connors Cof­ tion. The Officers and the Board of Frank Ozart, Tony Varone, John Bo­ Nate and Beverly, for the hospitality have patronized these motels before. fee Shop on Saturday night. He asks Governors are to be also compli­ den, Nick D'Agostino, and Paul you have shown. Frank Brysic, for­ Listed below are a few of these that appetites not be spoiled by nib­ mented on their administration of Plunkett. mer First Sergeant of "D" Co. 47th motels: bling on bits of food before coming your Association. And lastly, may I The committee recommends: Regt. was present. Nate G