How can we make our nodes less dependent on the energy grid and self sustaining during outages?

August 2017 Campaign summary • Campaign title: Energy 2020

• Question: How can we make our nodes less dependent on the energy grid and self sustaining during outages?

• Global Sponsor: Seamus Gallagher - VP Access Engineering,

• Summary: Following the Energy 2020 guidelines set by the Society of Cable Engineers, we wanted to decrease the dependency of our nodes on the energy grid by 10% using alternate energy solutions. We also wanted to make our nodes self sustaining in instances of unplanned power outages. Outages cause negative customer impact (loss of internet/television services) leading to customer calls and home technician visits. The campaign’s reach included employees, customers and LinkedIn participants. Campaign planning (2016) Participating operations

• Online global campaign: • Idea generation: 22 March – 12 April • Commenting: 13 – 15 April • Pre-selection: 18 – 24 April • Evaluation: 25 April – 13 May

• Concepting: 16 May - 31 July

• Implementation: As from 01 August

Liberty Global | Spark innovation initiative | European Innovation Impact Summit - Energy 2020 campaign Energy 2020 was an online innovation campaign linking together 20k employees, from 12 countries, to collectively build the best solution.

Continuous high levels of participation Pan-European collaboration amongst employees

120 Corporate Offices headquarters (Amsterdam, London, Denver)

100 (The Netherlands)

UNIQUE Regionalupc Organization VISITORS Austria/Switzerland(Austria/Switzerland) 80

Telenet (Belgium)

Unitymedia 60 Unitymedia (Germany)

Virgin Media Ireland IDEAS (Ireland) 40 UPC UPC Poland (Poland)

20 UPC (Slovakia)UPC Slovakia

UPC (Romania)UPC Romania 0 Wk 12 Wk 13 Wk 14 Wk 15 Wk 16 Wk 17 COMMENTS UPC DTH Ideas Comments (Luxembourg)UPC DTH

Liberty Global | Spark innovation initiative | European Innovation Impact Summit - Energy 2020 campaign The 101 ideas were processed through the innovation funnel, via international collaboration between experts and the idea generators.

Submitted Management Selected for Shortlisted Decision ideas review Concept concepts meeting

89 (through Spark) 8 71 34 6 1 (through Ziggo customer community) 4 (through LinkedIn)

300+ The 34 ideas were combined into 8 concepts, of comments which 6 were elaborated in line with criteria

Liberty Global | Spark innovation initiative | European Innovation Impact Summit - Energy 2020 campaign The initial evaluation round was followed by a concepting phase which led into the final sequence of evaluations.

Final round First round evaluation Concepting phase evaluation

High level review by individual assessor Eight concept teams comprised of international experts and idea generators Meets all criteria criteria: desirability, viability and feasibility were formed

Used a 5 point scale for scoring Each concept team was provided with Submission incl. design/description, specific guidelines on where and how to standalone idea, continue in combination, explanation of implementation, high level mature their concept in order to prepare it outside of scope: relevant for ANE, relevant financials for EFF, not relevant for final decision making

Discussion with larger group Required elaboration of idea to include Idea addresses: alternative energy source, validation of assessment, development of technical drawing of implementation, high back up power, enables grid independence, concepts level financials, SWOT analysis node specific

Liberty Global | Spark innovation initiative | European Innovation Impact Summit - Energy 2020 campaign The selected winning idea creates a further cooperation between Liberty Global and its customers, benefitting both parties.

Idea summary: Install a separate 230V AC powerline between our node and the customer/b2b building. Hook this powerline up to the control unit that is already in place.

The client gains access to our cable services and Liberty Global saves on energy costs. We will also be able to keep our node online during power outages.

Liberty Global | Spark innovation initiative | European Innovation Impact Summit - Energy 2020 campaign The winning idea is currently being technically validated in a controlled environment (still in progress).

Winning idea approved and the idea owner recognized

Launched two identical pilots in a controlled environment: - Based on the control of energy management and the use of the Smart Grid - With two teams of internal/external experts on home automation, energy management, finance and the energy market

Launch pilot with customers

Liberty Global | Spark innovation initiative | European Innovation Impact Summit - Energy 2020 campaign Appendix In summary to your questions…

• Title • Energy 2020

• Initial Challenge/Question • How can we make our nodes less dependent on the energy grid and self sustaining during outages?

• Solution approach • Pre-campaign meetings with the campaign managers and evaluators to boil down to the right, specific question in order to source the best ideas • Online innovation campaign linking together 20k employees, from 12 countries, to collectively build the best solution. Three weeks of ideation, one week of commenting only, with daily discussion on the platform and weekly team meetings • After ideation period closed, the ideas were grouped into six categories for further investigation – Categories were solarpower, battery, windpower, hydropower, fuel cells and kinetic energy – Company category experts were tasked to review the ideas and provide feedback on desirability, viability and feasibility • Based on the further investigation, 34 ideas were combined into eight concepts for further elaboration – We formed eight concept teams comprised of the submitters of the original ideas and experts from the field – These concept teams consisted of employees from different countries stimulating cross-boundary cooperation – Each concept team was provided with specific guidelines on where and how to mature their concept in order to prepare it for final decision making • After the concepting period, six concepts were shortlisted, evaluated and presented to the campaign sponsor – One concept was selected for a technical lab trial which is currently still in progress

• Results • The selected winning idea creates a further cooperation between Liberty Global and its customers, benefitting both parties

• From your point of view, what was so special about the campaign you have chosen? • The winning idea is in line with the continued focus of the company to reduce its impact on the environment and also aligns with the trend that more and more home owners install solar panels • The campaign led to an increased awareness of the company’s energy usage and our dedication to becoming more environmentally friendly • For the Spark innovation team this campaign was especially valuable because it further stimulated the collaboration between our employees globally

Liberty Global | Spark innovation initiative | European Innovation Impact Summit - Energy 2020 campaign