Phase-Diagram Study of Alloys in the Iron-Chromium-Molybdenum-Nickel
Journal of Research of the Nalional Bureau of Standards Vol. 58, No.1, January 1957 Research Paper 2728 Phase-Diagram Study of Alloys in the Iron-Chromium Molybdenum-Nickel System c. 1. Bechtoldt and H. C. Vacher Alloys in the iron-chromium-molybdenum-nickcl system were examined after quenching from 2,200°, 2,000°, 1,800°, 1,650°, and 1,500° F. Composit ional limits of stability of seven phases were summarized in diagrams. Fe,Mo was foun d. to be a stable phase; and a ternary phase, not previously reported, was identified to have the approximate composition of 4 p ercen t of chromium, 53 p ercent of iron, and 43 p ercent of molybdenum. 1. Introduction metals. Seventy-percent-iron alloys, made from chromium, iron, molybdenum, and nickel powders, A study was made recently at the Bureau [1 ,2)1 whose source and purity are shown in table 1, were of the microstructures in austenitic stainless steels sintered at 2,500° F , cooled slowly to room tempera containing approximately 3.5 perce nt of molybde ture, reheated to 2,200°, 2,000°, 1,800°, 1,650°, and mun. This study showed that the m icrocon stituents 1,5 00 ° F , and then quenched to room temperature. sigma (a-), chi (x), and carbides could be separated A large range of compositions was covered (fig. 1) from t llC alpha iron (ex Fe ) and gamma iI'on ('Y F e) T An1-!,; 1. N{anufacturer and chemical analyses of metal powders phases by dissolution and then identifi ed by X -r ay diffraction .
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