Lionhead Incorporates Immersion's TouchSense Technology Into 'Black & White' ; Gamers to Experience New Tactile Feedback Interface in Highly Anticipated Computer Game

SAN JOSE, Calif. Jan. 29, 2001--Immersion Corp., (Nasdaq:IMMR), pioneering the science of haptics to improve life and lifestyle through digital touch interaction technology, today announced that , one of the world's most respected computer game developers, has incorporated a fully featured library of tactile sensations into its forthcoming release, Black & White. This eagerly anticipated game is due for release in spring 2001 from .

Using Immersion's patented TouchSense(TM) technology, Lionhead has added high-quality tactile sensations that correspond to events and environments within the game-world. These sensations add the missing sense of touch to visual and audio effects, bringing a whole new dimension of realism to the gaming experience.

"In Black & White traditional icons and menus are replaced by an interface that closely resembles our natural interactions in the real-world," said , managing director of Lionhead. "We view the Black & White hand as an extension of your own hand. Adding tactile sensations has strengthened that illusion of reality behind the screen."

With a TouchSense-enabled computer mouse, such as the iFeel Mouse ($39) and iFeel MouseMan ($59) from Logitech (, a computer user can feel a wide range of physical sensations that have been incorporated into the game. For example, you can experience the sensation of fish nibbling at your hand as you feed them or of a heartbeat quickening as your spell powers charge.

"Black & White is an exceptional platform for demonstrating how tactile feedback sensations can improve the gaming experience," said Dean Chang, Immersion's senior director of evangelism and development. "The enormous range of tactile sensations combined with other unique features in Black & White bring an entirely new level of interactivity and realism to this game."

About Black & White

Black & White, published by EA, is one of the most eagerly anticipated PC games of 2001. The game sets players in the role of a god, ruling over lands populated with villages of potential worshippers. Players must first win the belief of villagers by impressing them with miracles and godly acts. Later they will provide him with a personal pet; an emotional creature which has a life of its own but wants more than anything to please its master. The player may rule as a benevolent or malevolent god. Whichever path he chooses affects his creature, his subjects and even the landscape of his kingdom. At last year's E3 (the world's largest videogames trade show) in Los Angeles, Black & White won four major awards, including Best Original Game and Best of Show.

About Lionhead Studios

Lionhead Studios ( was founded in 1997 by game designer Peter Molyneux, whose previous titles (including , , Magic Carpet, Theme Park, ) all received much critical acclaim for their innovative gameplay features and are now regarded as PC classics. The company has a staff of 35 and is based in Guildford, Surrey, England. Black & White is Lionhead's first release.

About Immersion Corp. (

Founded in 1993, Immersion Corp. develops and licenses advanced hardware and software technologies that let people use their sense of touch to better interact with the digital world around them. Immersion's haptic technology can be applied to virtually every experience device including personal computing, entertainment, medical training, automotive interfaces, and three-dimensional simulation. Immersion's patented TouchSense(TM) technologies dramatically improve a computer user's performance and productivity by unlocking their sense of touch and allowing them to feel what they see and do on the computer screen. Immersion's medical simulation systems allow healthcare professionals to improve their procedural skills and increase patient safety by using 'digital patients'. Immersion and its wholly owned subsidiaries hold over 85 issued patents worldwide.

Statements made in this press release other than statements of historical fact are forward-looking statements, including those that reflect management's current forecast of certain aspects of Immersion's future. Forward-looking statements made in this press release are based on current information, which we have assessed but which by its nature is dynamic and subject to rapid and even abrupt changes. Forward-looking statements include the statement regarding the Spring 2001 release date for Black and White. Immersion's actual results might differ materially from those stated or implied by such forward-looking statements due to risks and uncertainties associated with Immersion's business which include, but are not limited to, whether Black & White will be released on schedule, the degree of consumer demand for Black and White, and the degree to which users of Black and White will purchase royalty-bearing, touch-enabled mouse products.

Risks and uncertainties related to Immersion's business in addition to those described above are further outlined in Immersion's Annual Report on Form 10-K, its Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q and its registration statement on Form S-3 filed Jan. 3, 2001. These reports and the registration statement are filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. These factors may not constitute all factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those discussed in any forward-looking statement. Immersion is not obligated to revise or update any forward-looking statements in order to reflect events or circumstances that may arise after the date of this release.