Andrew Hinshelwood Consulting Archaeologist Archaeological Licence P236

Mobile (807) 252-1251 [email protected]

As a client focussed consulting archaeologist working in northwestern since 1986, I have experience in many diverse working environments and completing Stage 1 to Stage 4 assessments on time and within budget.

Consulting experience summary:


• Stage 4 excavation of four palaeoindian sites, NewGold Inc., Rainy River Project. • Stage 1-2 assessment, proposed Windigo Bay access road, Whitesand First Nation. • Stage 1-2 assessment, MTO Airport runway extension. • Stage 1-2 assessment, proposed shoreline stabilisation area, Gull Bay First Nation. • Stage 3 site-specific assessment, Whitefish Lake HBCo. Post (DiKm-16), Sioux Narrows. • Stage 1 assessment, proposed MTO aggregate source, Sandybank Lake. • Stage 1-2 assessment, proposed subdivisions, Windigoostigwan Lake and Two Island Lake. • Stage 1 assessment, proposed curve revisions, Highway 17, Wabigoon. • Stage 1-2 assessment MTO Northwest aggregate source investigations. • Stage 3 site-specific assessment of seven sites, Rainy River Resources proposed mine development. • Stage 1-2 assessment, proposed municipal waste facility, White River. • Stage 1 assessment, proposed Category 12 quarries, Gull Bay FN and Mitaanjigamiing FN.

Consultant (Transportation). Ontario Ministry of Transportation and engineering subcontractors.

• 2014-2015 Retainer archaeologist, northwest region (6013-RET-0019). Complete short assignments. • Stage 1-2 assessment of nine proposed excess material management areas, Hwy 11/17. • Assessment and excavation, Hwy 11-17 New, Thunder Bay: archaeological sites DcJi-15 and DcJi-16. • Assessment and excavation, Four-laning, Highway 11/17, Thunder Bay: archaeological site DcJh-40. • Assessment and excavation, Wunnumin Lake airport access road: archaeological site FfJh-l. • Remote airport infrastructure improvements: Big Trout Lake, Kasabonika and North Spirit Lake FNs. • Various small projects for aggregate permit areas, interchange improvements and culvert replacement.

Consultant (Policy and Aboriginal).

Cultural Resources Management Plan, Quetico Provincial Park, Ontario.

• Facilitated engagement of staff and Lac La Croix First Nation to development an innovative and culturally appropriate cultural resource management plan for the park. The plan led to an increase in archaeological inventory and research, while safeguarding important cultural values. • Supporting research included supervising community youth involved in Elder interviews, establishing the broader policy context for the management plan, and archaeological survey of the Fire 141 area.

Rainy River First Nations (Manitou Rapids).

• Archaeological assessment to support the interpretive trail at Kay-Nah Chi-Wah-Nung (Manitou Mounds Historic Site), including identifying resources of value and engaging community youth through employment, archaeology training and educational opportunities.

Employment History:

Archaeology Review Officer. Ontario Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport (MTCS). 2003 to 2014.

• Ensured regulatory compliance with Part VI (Archaeological Resources) of the Ontario Heritage Act and Regulations in licensed archaeological fieldwork, through critical review of over 1000 archaeological assessment reports submitted as a term and condition of licensing. • Maintained expert knowledge of northern Ontario archaeology and related fields. • Provided expert advice on archaeological assessment to licence holders, development proponents and other government agencies, in areas such as the Planning Act, Aggregate Resources Act, Environmental Assessment Act, Crown Forest Sustainability Act or other relevant legislation. • Provided expert advice to ministry policy and legal staff on policy and implementation issues for northern Ontario, forest management and Aboriginal engagement. • Managed regional archaeological collections and associated facilities.

Cultural Heritage Specialist. Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources. 1999 to 2003.

• Prepared cultural heritage values maps for all forest management plans prepared in the Province. • Provided expert advice on operational prescriptions for cultural heritage areas of concern. • Lead the ongoing development of a GIS-based archaeology potential model.

Team Leader, Cultural Heritage Guide Revision. Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources. 2001-2005.

• Led revision team developing Forest Management Guide for Cultural Heritage Values (2005), a major revision of the 1991 Timber Management Guidelines for the Protection of Cultural Heritage Resources. • Managed integration of protection for Aboriginal Historical Values in to the guide, including collecting information from workshops with Aboriginal community representatives, and clarifying to all stakeholders how Aboriginal values protection is to be achieved. • Served as a team member in the recent (2013) review of the Guide.

Technical Advisor, Archaeology Customer Service Project, Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport. 2002-2004.

• As a member of the Technical Advisory Group, provided expert advice, and regional and sector specific input in support of the Standards and Guidelines for Consulting Archaeologists in Ontario.

Acting Regional Archaeologist, Northwestern Region, June to December, 1996, and Acting Regional Archaeologist, North-Central Region, July to October, 1992, Ontario Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport.

• Responsible for the day to day operations of the Ministry offices in Kenora (1996) and Thunder Bay (1992), including many of the duties described for the position of Archaeology Review Officer, above.

Collection management. Ontario Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport, 1990-1992.

• Prepared a catalogue, analysis and summary report on archaeological collections from the Whitefish Island (CdIc-2) site and pictograph collections from across northeastern Ontario. • Prepared the collections for repatriation to Batchewana First Nation under the terms of a land claim, and advised Batchewana FN concerning the collection, the site and long term curation.

Public Archaeology. Ontario Ministry of Northern Development and Mines through Ontario Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport.

• Public archaeology program at two sites: Biloski (DcJh-9) in 1987 and Brohm (DdJe-I) in 1988. • Public outreach and community engagement including site tours, school and university programming, media exposure in newspaper, radio and television, and research reports and conference presentations.


PhD (2011) Faculty of Environment, Society and Design, Lincoln University, Canterbury, New Zealand.

PhD Thesis: Buried in Paper: Policy implementation networks and their role in shaping archaeology policy.

MA (1984) Department of Geography (Historical Geography), York University, Toronto, .

MA Thesis: The Native Occupation of the Area to 1775.

BA (1980) Department of Anthropology, Lakehead University, Thunder Bay, Canada.

Additional Training: Maori Resource Management. Faculty of Environment, Society and Design, Lincoln University, New Zealand (2007).

Forest Resource Management (Silviculture and Mechanical Harvesting) and Geographic Information Systems (ArcInfo and ArcView). Faculty of Forestry, Lakehead University (2000).

Design and Analysis of Experiments (ANOVA). Faculty of Forestry, Lakehead University (2000).

Publications and conference papers presented:

Hinshelwood, A. 2010 The Role of Private Interests in Archaeology Policy. Paper presented at the International Conference: Celebrating Indigenous Knowledges – Peoples, Lands, Cultures. Trent University, Peterborough, Canada.

2004 Archaic Reoccupation of Late Palaeoindian Sites in Northwestern Ontario. in The Late Palaeoindian Great Lakes: Geological and Archaeological Investigations of Late Pleistocene and Early Holocene Environments. Edited by L. J. Jackson and A. Hinshelwood. Mercury Series, Archaeology Paper 165. Canadian Museum of Civilization, Gatineau, Quebec.

1997 ah-son-ji-goh-nun: Cultural Resources Management in Quetico Provincial Park. Association of Professional Archaeologists Newsletter 8(3): 6-8.

1996 Boreal Forest Fire Ecology and Archaeological Site Formation: An Example form Northern Ontario. Ontario Archaeology 62:63-92

1995 Archaic Reoccupation of Late Palaeoindian Sites in Northwestern Ontario. paper presented at the 60th Annual Meeting, Society for American Archaeology, Minneapolis, .

1995 Descriptive Analysis of 19th Century European Clay Pipes from the Whitefish Island Site (CdIcc2), Sault St. Marie, Ontario. Wisconsin Archaeologist 76(34):365 398.

1994 Salvage Excavations at Late Palaeoindian Sites DcJi-15/16. Canadian Archaeological Association Newsletter Vol. 14(2): 11-12

1994 The Whitefish Island Site (CdIc-2): Review of Existing Collections. paper presented at the 27th Annual Meeting, Canadian Archaeological Association, Edmonton, Alberta.

1993 Corridor Assessment and Interior Sites. paper presented at the 26th Annual Meeting, Canadian Archaeological Association, Montreal, Quebec.

1992 North eastern Regional Pictograph Collections. Ontario Rock Art Research Association Newsletter, Kenora.

1992 New Directions in the Visual Description of Large Pictograph Collections. paper presented at the 25th Annual Meeting, Canadian Archaeological Association London, Ontario.

1991 Consulting Activities of Old & In the Way: 1990 Field Work at Pointe de Meuron. Annual Archaeological Report Ontario. Volume 2 (New Series): 32-36.

1991 Spirits on Stone: The Agawa Pictographs. (book review) Arch-Notes 91-5: 22-24. Ontario Archaeological Society, Toronto.

1991 Excavations at Wunnumin Lake, Northern Ontario. paper presented at the 24th Annual Meeting, Canadian Archaeological Association, St. John's, Newfoundland.

1990 1987 Observations at the Brohm Site (DdJe-l), Sibley Provincial Park. Ontario Ministry of Citizenship and Culture Conservation Archaeology Report. North Central Region Report 27.

1989 Evidence of Interregional Travel or Exchange in the Late Palaeo-Indian Period. Wanikan 89-03: 11-12. Ontario Archaeological Society, Thunder Bay.

1987 New Lakehead Complex Occupation in Thunder Bay. Wanikan 87-4. Ontario Archaeological Society, Thunder Bay.

1986 Possible 'Manitoba' Point in Lakehead Complex Association. Manitoba Archaeological Quarterly 10(4): 54-56.

1986 Walter's D-6: Salvage Excavations at the Late Palaeoindian Biloski site (DcJh-9). paper presented at the 19th Annual Meeting, Canadian Archaeological Association, Toronto, Ontario.

1983 Ethnic Affiliation of Prehistoric Archaeological Cultures: An Assessment of Methods and Sources. paper presented at the Annual Meeting, Canadian Association of Geographers, Winnipeg, Manitoba.

1981 Lithic Analysis of two Southern Ontario Archaic Components. Paper presented at the 14th Annual Meeting, Canadian Archaeological Association, Edmonton, Alberta.

Hinshelwood, A and L. Dalla Bona 1994 GIS and Intrasite Analysis: An example from Northwestern Ontario, Canada. Archaeological Computing Newsletter (Oxford) Number 40: 12-20

Hinshelwood, A and W. A Ross 1992 Lakehead Complex Lithic Reduction Sequence: A Synthetic Approach. paper presented to the 25th Annual Meeting, Canadian Archaeological Association, London, Ontario.

Hinshelwood, A and E. Webber 1987 Testing and Excavation of the Ozbolt Property, Part of the Biloski Site, DcJh-9, A Late Palaeoindian Site, Thunder Bay, Ontario. Ontario Ministry of Citizenship and Culture Conservation Archaeology Report. North Central Region Report 25.

Jackson, L.J. and A Hinshelwood, editors 2004 The Late Palaeoindian Great Lakes: Geological and Archaeological Investigations of Late Pleistocene and Early Holocene Environments. Mercury Series, Archaeology Paper 165. Canadian Museum of Civilization, Gatineau, Quebec.

Nelson, J. and A Hinshelwood 1998 Whose World View? Archaeology and Native Spiritual Beliefs in Quetico Park. The Boundary Waters Journal, Summer, 1998.

Ross, W. A, A Hinshelwood and P. Campbell 1995 The Wolf River Burial (DeJc-2): A Preliminary Report. Annual Archaeological Report Ontario. Volume 6 (New Series): 25-31.