Little Mercutio t t c i Dragon Mercutio c i r t r t s i s i D


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Joe B c Quetico r Steep Crooked n e Tent a r Stepin Rock Pine d F n

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Seine h o

622 T River ¤£ F McPherson Miranda Sapawe Handle Garrett Stript Bennett Niven Seine Calm Flora Seine River River Milk ! Elbow Baril No. 23A $+ Aramis Perch Plateau Seine Chub Nydia Banning River Niobe Gehl Little Windigoostigwan Brulé Price Twinling Lerome³² 11 McCauley ¤£ Niobe Caribus Nickleby Quetico Kemuel Big Bend Como Eva Warner Crystal McCaulay Flood Factor Bewag Nym Dawson Mooney Lark Marion Trail McQuat Abbess Jim Little Jump Nym Flood $+ Windigoostigwan Narrow Brown River Stanton River Harvey French h Fortes Harnett Cole nc re r Bittern Batchewaung Win F ve Pickerel Ri Burton River Perley Roadside Surprise Gillnet Little Laughren Whalen Smudge Trout Soho Canal Kirk Tilly McAlpine Pipe Ryan Legend Five Sawmill Pipestone Mile Kasakokwog Highways River Baptism Malone Dinner Howard Primary Roads Hamburg Lakes Darby Pickerel Maria Trousers Canadian National Lakin North Doré Railway Cirrus Jesse Quinn Mahon Oriana Twin Mahon Lakes Beg Bisk Elizabeth Rawn $+ Entry Station Halliday Art Chase Zephira Cain Bud Callaghan Walter ! Community Pickerel Buckingham Cache Parker Fern Quetico Ram River River Quetico Cache Beaverhouse Beaverhouse Conk Olifaunt International Boundary Draper River $+ Robin Little Acheson Jean Antoine Otton Rivers Lynx Jean Yeh Lonely Vachon Kendall Sly Albert Lindsay Ceph Quetico Red Pine Ferg Brown uson Lakes River C Burntside Gahn reek Bee Alice Ferguson McKenzie Pelee Omeme Badwater Quetico Provincial Park Boulder Clair Walsh Russell Belaire West Cub Fair Jack Jean Ox Bearpelt Montgomery Your Creek Chatterton Bearpelt Clay Powell Wildgoose Bentpine Tario Creek Namakan Moxness Shelley Canoe Area Wilderness River Viger Eyelet Snow Bentpine Sturgeon Keats Tubman McDougall Quinn Bill March Creek Fred Kahshahpiwi Moose Little Trail Wright Cushing Creek Creek Pine Bentpine July Lemay Orion k . Wawiag e Cutty Creasy e Redfox r River Wolseley Creek Baird C

l Wisa Threemile i Heronshaw a Nan r Wye First Nation Reserve T Vie Hoare Eag Cub Allan Camel Metacryst Devine Hoffman Kawnipi Mack Deer Otter Home Pig Cairn Berniece Neguagon Lake Maligne Island Fluker No. 25D River Poohbah Thompson Ross Twinhouse Quetico Portages Lac La Croix Tanner Roulston District Kawnipi Namakan Maligne Cutty Little Maintenance 2020 River ! $+ River Munro Falls Andrews That Cullen Lac La Croix Veron Murdoch Darkwater Wink Jacks Elevation Not Maintained yet River Delahey Williams Keewatin Minn Sark Deacon Payne Bemar Not maintained 2019 Lac La Anubis Drake Croix Bitchu Conmee Kenny Ossian Smally May Bird Shaw Wicksteed William Pierna Saganagons Wolf Suzanette Hurlburt June Keefer Gratton Gamblemater Swartman Wet July Saganaga Darkwater Reid McEwen Burt Woodside Saganaga August Pond Dack Joliat Saganaga Brent Trant Brewer McAree Poulin Joyce Map Updated July 23rd, 2020 Pulling Siobhan Bass Cone Paulene Ptolemy Dahlin River Marj Saganaga John B. Ridley Research Library Argo Roland Hurn Agnes Slate Quetico Park Middle Elk Bottle Blackstone Little Roland Ted McEwen Loon Tuck Fran Roland Milt Turn Creek Little River Iron McIntyre Edge Lilypad Newt McNiece Shan Dettbarn Saganaga Newt Kahshahpiwi Glacier Bell Crooked Walshe Jasper Cache Silence Rod $+ Armin Bay This map shows portage maintenance by Quetico Park Crooked Bit Bart Sultry Dumas Ottertrack crews. Due to wind and storms, portage conditions can Yum Yum Summer Grey Fauquier Other Swamp change suddenly. This map is a guide only. Maintained Robinson Cecil Bock Sarah Noon Man means that portages have been cleared of major trees Gamp Craig Side Shade Star McLaren across the trail. Brushing is done as time allows. Tuck Dell Arp East Isabella Round Rom This Man South Jeff Louisa Point Boundary Waters McNaught Amik Plough Nest Canoe Area Kett No Man 0 1.25 2.5 5 km Goodier

Wilson Anchor That Man Greer Emerald Magie ± 1:240,000 Marten Basswood Sunday Fisher River Meadows Sheridan Beaver Burke Valley Ward Crawford Knife Superior National Forest Poacher Carp

Polaris Published July 2020 Basswood Prairie ©2020, Queen's Printer for Ontario. Portage U.S.A. This map is illustrative only. Do not rely on it as being a precise $+ indicator of routes, locations of features, nor as a guide to navigation. Projection: UTM Zone 15 Datum: North American Datum 1983 Base Derived from: LIO (Land Information Ontario) data courtesy - MN DNR Produced by: