Extension Publication 202 Institute of Pedology Publication S3

The Soils of the Rosetown Map Area 72-0 SASKATCHEWAN



assisted in the field by C. J. ACTON, A. K. BALLANTYNE, 0. P. BRISTOL, J. A. SHIELDS and H. B. STONEHOUSE

Laboratory work directed by W. K. JANZEN

assisted by F. G. RADFORD 1970

Distributed by the Extension Division, University of Saskatchewan


The study of the soils of the Rosetown Map Area was financed by the following: The Research Branch,, Department of Agriculture, The Saskatchewan Department of Agriculture, The University of Saskatchewan . Assistance provided by the following Departments and indi- viduals is also acknowledged: The Geology and Air Surveys Division, P.F.R.A., Regina, for preparing and supplying aerial mosaics. The Department of Energy, Mines and Resources, Ottawa, for supplying base maps. The Cartographic Section, Soil Research Institute, Ottawa, for publishing the soils maps. The Saskatchewan Department of Highways for supplying in- formation on highways and secondary roads. D. G. Fredlund, Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering, Saska- toon Campus for preparing Appendix III. J. S. Clayton, formerly Senior Pedologist in Saskatchewan, and now with the Genesis and Classification Section of the Soil Research Institute, Ottawa, for his suggestions in regard to some of the soil classification . R. A. Milne, of the Soil Science Section, Lethbridge Research Station, for organizing the collection of soil samples which were transported to Vauxhall, Alberta, for analyses to characterize their suitability for irrigation. D. Graveland, formerly with the Saskatchewan Conservation and Development Branch, and now with the Alberta Water Com- mission Lethbridge, for assisting in evaluating the irrigation poten- tial of some of the soils of the Rosetown map area. Miss G. Hellstrom, for her assistance in the preparation of this report. Student Assistants were K. Ayres, K. Blackburn, S. Blair, J. Bole, R. Bradley, G. Byrnes, T. Church, L. Crosson, T. Day, J. Dum- anski, F. Dunlop, B. Edwards, R. Gardiner, E. Halstead, J. Harapiak, L. Henry, E. Mackintosh, R. McKinnon, L. Thompson, W. Rice, H. Rostad, E. Spratt and L. Voldeng. PREFACE

For many years, Soil Survey Reports Nos. 12 and 13 have provided the basic soil information for the settled portion of Saskatchewan . However, the intensive use of soil information in agricultural and other fields has created a need for more detailed soil maps and reports . As a consequence of this, the Saskatchewan Institute of Pedology has undertaken to provide more up-to-date, more accurate, and more detailed soil information for the province on a map sheet basis.

The first two reports and maps in this new series of publications - Soils of the Regina Map Area and Soils of the Willow Bunch Lake Map Area were published in 1965 and 1967 respectively . This, the third in the series, deals with the soils of the Rosetown Map Area. For the areas covered by these three surveys, the new publications should be used in place of -the No. 12 report and map . A separate publication, A Guide to Understanding Saskatchewan Soils may be consulted by those unfamiliar with the terms used to describe sails. The increased access to map areas, the availability of improved aerial photographs and topographic maps, the introduction of new mapping tech- niques and laboratory analyses, and the accumulated knowledge of the prop erties and uses of soils through the years have all contributed to the additional information contained in the new series of survey publications. In addition to describing the soils and showing their location and extent, the Rosetown publication deals with the agricultural capability of the soils. Since the map area includes the South Saskatchewan River Irrigation Project, a grading of the soils for irrigation use is also included. A new feature of the report is a section dealing with the engineering properties of the soils, written by Prof. D. G. Fredlund of the College of Engineering.

R. J. St. Arnaud, Acting Director, Saskatchewan Institute of Pedology, University of Saskatchewan .

CONTENTS Page Introduction ...... VIII

Explanation of the Map Legend ...... VIII

Explanation of the Soil Report ...... XI

General Description of the Map Area Location and Areal Extent ...... 1 Factors Affecting Soil Formation ...... 1 Physiography ...... 1 Landforms ...... 9 Topography and Drainage ...... 9 Surface Geological Deposits ...... 10 Climate ...... 12 Native Vegetation ...... 16

Soils of the Brown Zone Dominantly Chernozemic Soils Birsay Association ...... 17 Chaplin Association ...... 20 Fox Valley Association ...... 21 Hatton Association ...... 24 Haverhill Association ...... 26 Sceptre Association ...... 30 Willows Association ...... 32

Dominantly Solonetzic Soils Flaxcombe Association ...... 33 Gilroy Association ...... 35 Kindersley Association ...... 37

Soils of the Dark Brown Zone Dominantly Chernozemic Soils Alert Association ...... 39 Allan Association ...... 41 Asquith Association ...... 43 Bear Association ...... 45 Biggar Association ...... 47 Bradwell Association ...... 49 Elstow Association ...... 53 Keppel Association ...... 57 Regina Association ...... 59 Sutherland Association ...... 61 Association ...... 63 Wyandotte Association ...... 67

Dominantly Solonetzic Soils Grandora Association ...... 68 Hanley Association ...... 69 Rosemae Association ...... 72 Trossachs Association ...... 73 Tuxford Association ...... 74 Wingello Association ...... 76

Dominantly Regosolic Soils Dune Sand Association ...... 78

Miscellaneous Soils Alluvium Complex ...... 80 Hillwash Complex ...... 82 Runway Complex ...... 82

Soils and Agriculture Agricultural Land Use ...... 83 Soil Management Problems ...... 84

Soil Capability Classification for Agriculture ...... :.. . . 89

A Method of Rating Irrigation Soils ...... 93

Appendix I Descriptions and Analyses of Soil Series Profiles ...... 98

Appendix II Acreage of Map Units and Their Topographic Classes ...... 132

Appendix III Atterberg Limits of Selected Soil Associations ...... 150

Appendix IV Explanation of Soil and Geological Terms Used in Report ...... Inside Back Cover

LIST OF TABLES Table Page 1. Major Physiographic Divisions of Rosetown Map Area ...... 3 2. Relation of Soils to Geological Deposits of the Map Area ...... 13 3. Long-time Average Yields of Wheat on Summerfallow Expressed in Bushels Per Acre for Selected Soils in the Rosetown Map Area ...... 84 4. Capability Classes-Degree of Limitations ...... 90 5. Capability Subclasses-Kind of Limitations ...... 91 6. Initial Capability of the Soil Associations and their Textural Types in the Rosetown Map Area ...... 92 7. Irrigation Rating of the Soil Associations in the Rosetown Map Area ...... 96

ILLUSTRATIONS Plate Page 1. Physiographic Divisions of the Rosetown Map Area ...... 2 2. Russian Thistle on Eroded Hatton Soils ...... 25 3. Moderately Rolling Haverhill Landscape ...... 28 4. Gravelly Glacio-fluvial Deposits ...... 48 5. Sandy Glacio-lacustrine Deposits ...... 50 6. Elstow Parent Material ...... 53 7: Clayey Glacio-lacustrine Deposits ...... 59 8. Glacio-lacustrine Overlying Till ...... 61 9. Soil Profiles from Knoll to Depression ...... 64 10. Regosolic Sands ...... 78 11. Wind Erosion ...... 86 12. Fertilizer Trials ...... 87 13. Saline (Alkaline) Flat ...... 88 14. Sampling Soil ...... 97 INTRODUCTION

The following report concerns that portion of Soil Survey Re- port No. 12* which is currently referred to as the Rosetown map area. The 1960 National Soil Survey Committee** system of soil classification was used exclusively in the revision of this area. A comparison between this system and that used in the No. 12 Report is given in a separate publication .`* The soils information gathered during the survey of the Rose- town map area has been delineated on maps and interpreted in this report. It should be emphasized, however, that the soils of the map area cannot be understood by studying the soil map alone. The soil map presents the soils in two dimensions only, namely their length and breadth. Thus the extent of the various soils is indicated on the map at any given location. There is, however, a third dimension, depth. Full information on the third dimension (the vertical profiles) can only be given in the written description of the soil profiles as presented in the report. Thus both the soil map and report are necessary to understand and use the work of the Soil Survey.

EXPLANATION OF THE MAP LEGEND The application of the classification to the mapping of soils in the field is indicated by the legend on the soil map. An ex- planation of the legend will therefore serve the dual purpose of showing how to read the soil map and how to interpret the classi- fication in the field. The soil map of the Rosetown map area is printed in two sheets, indicated as East Half and West Half respectively. Each sheet contains the complete map legend. The purpose of the legend is to present a systematic arrangement of the soils of the area and to indicate how these soils may be identified and located on the map. In the map legend the soil associations are arranged alpha- betically under the captions which broadly describe their classifica- tion. From top to bottom of the legend these headings are: Domin- antly Chernozemic Brown Soils, Dominantly Brown Solonetzic Soils, Dominantly Chernozemic Dark Brown Soils, Dominantly Dark Brown Solonetzic Soils, Dominantly Regosolic Soils and lastly Miscellaneous Soils. The horizontal divisions of the legend present the information by which each Soil Association and its Map Units may be identified on the map. This information is presented at the top of the legend under the following headings from left to right: Colour and As- *Mitchell, J., H. C. Moss, and J. S. Clayton. Soil Survey ofSouthern Saskatchewan . Soil Survey Report No. 12, University of meetingSaskatchewan, Saskatoon. 1944 . **Report of the of the National Soil Survey Committee of Canada . February 22 to 27, 1960. ***A Guide to Understanding Saskatchewan Soils. H. C. Moss . Saskatchewan Institute of Pedology, Publication M1 . 1965 . Distributed by the Extension Division, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, as Extension Publication 175. sociation, Map Unit, Series and Series Complexes, Parent Material. These terms are interpreted as follows. COLOUR-The colours on the map (along with the printed sym- bols) are used primarily to identify the Soil Associations and to show their location and extent throughout the map area. The colour also indicates the different geological deposits or parent materials on which the various Associations occur. Thus different types of glacial till are coloured blue and mauve ; glacio-fluvial gravels are brown, fluvial lacustrine sands are yellow, glacio-lacustrine silts are orange, glacio-lacustrine clays are pink (light phase) and red (heavy phase), glacio-lacustrine sands are tan, aeolian sands are light yel- low, recent alluvium deposits are green, and bedrock exposures and hillwash deposits are gray. ASSOCIATION-The Soil Association is the most important unit of the soil map, since it represents a group of related soil series developed on a particular parent material deposit and occurring in a given soil zone. Thus the Association name or its map symbol can call to mind a combination of natural features, including the kind of landscape, the prevailing surface colour of the soil, the dominant soil textures, and the kind of native vegetation. MAP UNIT-Once the Soil Association has been identified, the Map Unit becomes the most important feature of the soil map. It represents a portion or segment of a Soil Association and is com- posed of one or more Soil Series. Different Map Units are separ- ated on the basis of different proportions of Soil Series occurring within the Association. Within the Map Unit the various Soil Series profiles are associated with differences in topographic position and related drainage conditions. Hence, in the field, a Map Unit may be identified first by its landscape (the pattern of differences in relief or height, the kind and frequency of slopes, the comparative roughness of the surface and the drainage of the area) . The full identification of the Map Unit requires the recognition of the Soil Series profiles and their place and extent within the landscape. The Map Unit represents an important advance in the mapping of Saskatchewan soils. In the earlier surveys the only separations made in the Soil Association shown on the map were of areas differing in texture or of areas differing in topography. The posi- tion in the landscape of the various member (Series) profiles of the Association was discussed in the report, but because of the broad scale of mapping they could not be shown on the soil map. The adoption of the Map Unit makes it possible to indicate the location and extent of the most important Series profiles of a given Association. In the legend and on the soil map the Map Units are indicated by the letters representing the abbreviation of the Soil Association name and by a number. The numbers are used to distinguish the different Map Units belonging to the same Association; and finally all Map Units in any particular Association are coloured identically on the soil map and in the legend.

SERIES AND SERIES COMPLEXES-Listed under this heading are the Soil Series profiles belonging to each Map Unit. The individual Series are identified by the descriptive name of their Sub-Group profile-all profiles of a given Soil Series belong to a single Sub-Group . The Soil Series shown in the legend are divided into those that are Dominant and those that are Significant . These terms refer to the relative proportion of a given Series as it occurs in a Map Unit. Dominant Series occupy over 40% of a given Map Unit, while Significant Series occupy over 15% but not more than 40% of a Map Unit. As shown by the legend, often only one Series is indicated as Dominant. Where two or more Series are indicated as Dominant, they are grouped together and enclosed in brackets. This means that the several series, considered together, make up over 40% of the Map Unit. . Similarly, only one Series may be indicated as Significant . Where two or more Series are indicated as Significant, they are grouped together and enclosed in brackets. This means that the several Series, considered together, occupy over 15%, but below 40a/o of the Map Unit. PARENT MATERIAL--This section of the legend provides a brief description of the texture and kind of geological material on which each Soil Association has developed. The recognition of the parent materials is of the greatest importance in identifying and under- standing the various Soil Associations. More detailed descriptions of the parent materials are given in the report under the descrip- tions of Soil Associations. TEXTURAL GROUPINGS AND CLASSES-The textures shown on the soil map represent the textures of the cultivated (Ap) layer or horizon, or the uncultivated surface layer (usually the Ah hori- zon) . On the soil map, only the dominant texture or textures of a Map Unit are shown. Where more than one textural class is shown, the first named texture is considered to be dominant. The symbols used to denote surface textures on the map are given in the legend under the above heading. LAND FORMS AND TOPOGRAPHIC CLASSES-This section of the legend explains the symbols used to indicate the various land forms which are associated with the surface deposits in the map area. There are six major land forms in the legend and subdivisions based upon the surface configurations are made within each major division. In this section the symbols and descriptive material for the Slope Classes and Topography are also presented. SEQUENCE OF MAP SYMBOLS-On the soil map each separate soil area is enclosed by a soil boundary line. Within the boundary the soil area is identified by symbols, which are always, arranged in the following sequence : Soil Association - Map Unit - Texture (See map legend Land Form - Slope Class for example) EXPLANATION OF THE SOIL REPORT

As already mentioned, full information on the soils of the map area cannot be secured from the soil map alone. A study of both the report and map are required for a proper understanding of the soils of the Rosetown map area. Following these introductory explanations, the report deals first with the physical features of the map area-its location and extent, physiography, landform, topography, drainage, geology, climate, and native vegetation. This section gives a general picture of the geography of the area, so that it can be distinguished from other areas of the province. The main sections of the report are those dealing with the Soil Associations, beginning with the soils of the Brown Soil Zone. Each Association is described in more detail than is presented in the Map Soil Legend. An attempt is made to correlate all that is pertinent to understanding the Association in regard to its parent material, stoniness, landscape features, surface drainage, surface textures, series and their position in the soil landscape, A.R.D.A. Soil Capability Class and finally its Irrigation Rating or Class. The Map Units are then discussed in regard to the topography on which they occur plus their agricultural significance compared to other Map Units in the same Association and finally a statement regard- ing their irrigation potential. This is followed by an account of the Map Complexes which deal with map areas composed of two or more Associations occurring in an intermixed pattern. Readers familiar with the report entitled "Soils of the Regina Map Area," whose northwest corner joins the southeast corner of this report, will note the following differences in the Map Unit and Map Complex section of these two reports. In the Regina Report, when discussing the individual Map Units, mention was made of the position in the landscape of each Series contained in the map unit. This format is now altered so that the relationship of the series to one another throughout the landscape is discussed earlier in each Association write-up. This change was made mainly to avoid repetition. Also in the Regina Report when discussing Map Com- plexes attention was drawn to the individual Map Units of each Association involved. In the present report the importance of the Associations which form the Map Complexes has been stressed rather than the individual Map Units. The latter when encountered on the soil map can be interpreted by using the soil report. Other sections of the report deal with the agricultural use and productivity of the soils of the map area. This is followed by a section dealing with the agricultural capability of the soils of the map area based on the A.R.D.A. Classificatio n; and finally there is a section dealing with the system used in Saskatchewan to rate soils for irrigation purposes. Descriptions and some chemical and physical analyses of soil ptofiles representing the important Series of each Association are given in Appendix I. Acreages of each Soil Association, its Map Units and its Complexes are tabulated according to the topographic class on which they occur in Appendix II. Atterberg Limits of selected Soil Associations are presented in Appendix III. An ex- planation of some important soils and geological terms used in this report are given in Appendix IV and placed inside the back cover of this report. Readers who desire further explanations or who are interested in the origin, nature and agricultural use of Saskatche- wan soils are advised to secure a copy of the booklet entitled, "A Guide to Understanding Saskatchewan Soils," from the Extension Division, Saskatoon Campus. GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF THE MAP AREA Location and Areal Extent The Rosetown map area (Sheet 72-0 of the National Topo- graphic Series) is located between 51° and 52° North Latitude and 106° and 108° West Longitude. It includes all or portions of Town ships 24 to 35 in Ranges 1 to 15, West of the 3rd Meridian. The map area extends, therefore, about 69 miles north and south and 86 miles east and west. It covers an area of approximately 5,934 square miles or 3,797,760 acres. A sketch map in the map legend shows the location of the Rosetown map area. Factors Affecting Soil Formation The principal factors affecting soil formation are climate, vege- tation, physiography, landform, topography, drainage and surface geological deposits. The type of soil formed at any one place is dependent upon the interaction of these factors, the length of time they have been operative and the modifications resulting from the work of man. These factors are presented in the following dis- cussion to indicate their individual contribution to the soils of the Rosetown map area. It must always be kept in mind, however, that the soil is a product of the total effect of all contributing soil form- ing factors and any soil in any one place is in equilibrium with all factors. This does not mean that soils are static but rather they are dynamic. A change in the intensity or degree of any one of the soil forming factors will be reflected in the resultant soil develop- ment. Physiography The major physiographic features of the Rosetown map area are shown in Plate 1 . Their dominant characteristics in regard to Relief, Topography and Drainage are presented in Table 1 . The Rosetown map area contains three prominent highs, the Coteau ( and Mondou Hills) 2,500 feet, the Allan Hills 2,250 feet and the Bear Hills 2,350 feet. It also contains one lesser eleva tion known as the Hawarden Hills which are slightly over 2,000 feet. The remainder of the area consists mainly of lacustrine and glacio-fluvial deposits occurring at lower elevations. As the ice retreated the glacio-lacustrine sands, silts and clays were laid down as shore, near shore and off-shore deposits along with the deltaic deposits from streams which flowed into the various glacial lakes. From the southwest corner of the map sheet to the northeast corner these lakes occur in a chronological order which is accomp- anied by a decrease in their elevation. For example, in the Rosetown map area Lake Rosetown, which is referred to on the Physiographic Map as the Rosetown Plain, is the oldest glacial lake in the area and has shore features between 2,050 and 1,950 feet. What remains of Lucky Lake is at an elevation of 1,950 feet. Glacial lakes which were formed later such as Lake Milden (including parts of the Delisle Plain, Swanson Plain and Outlook Plain) has its shore line

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Plate 1. Physiographic Divisions within the Rosetown Map Area . Table 1.-Major Physiographic Divisions of Rosetown Map Area

GREAT PLAINS PROVINCE SASKATCHEWAN PLAINS REGION Assiniboine River Plain Section Physiographic Sub-Section Relief and Aspect Topography and Landform Drainage Squaw Creek Plain Average elevation approximately Mainly roughly undulating glacial Limited external drainage to 2025' and sloping east to 1925' at till plains. Squaw Creek and Arm River. Squaw Creek. Saskatche an Rivers Plain Section South Saskatchewan Valley sides approximately 1900' Mainly dissected and eroding val- Drainage from south to north. River Valley at southern edge of the map area ley walls. Nearly level recent allu- dropping to 1600' at northern gdge . vial deposits. Delisle Plain Gently sloping from 1900' on the Undulating silty lacustrine plain No external drainage except near west to 1725' on the east. Bisected and glacial meltwater channels. Eagle Hill Creek and Delisle drain- by Eagle Hill Creek. age channel.

Dundurn Plain Sloping to 1700' in the west and Undulating sandy glacio-fluvial Local drainage into the Black- north from 1800' at base of Allan and silty lacustrine plains. Local strap drainage channel. Hills. dunes. Hanley Plain Sloping from 1925' on the south to Nearly level to gently sloping silty Local drainage to Brightwater 1750' at Brightwater Creek. and clayey lacustrine plain. Creek. Marriott Plain Sloping from 2150' in northwest to Undulating silty and clayey lacus- Some local drainage to large 1950' in the south. Bisected by trine plains and glacial meltwater sloughs. the Eagle Hill Creek. channel . Moose Woods Elevation ranges from highs of Mainly moderately rolling to Limited external drainage into Sand Hills 1770', to 1600' on the South Sask- roughly undulating sand dunes Beaver Creek. atchewan River. Average elevation with local sandy glacio-fluvial approximately 1700'. plains . Table 1. (Continued) -Major Physiographic Divisions of Rosetown Map Area

Physiographic Sub-Section Relief and Aspect Topography and Landform Drainage Swanson Plain Sloping from 1900' in the south Undulating sandy glacio-fluvial No external drainage. to 1750' in the north. plains with local gently rolling sand dunes. Rosetown Plain Sloping from approximately 2000' Nearly level to gently undulating Local drainage along Macdonald, on the west and the south to 1900' clayey glacio-lacustrine plain. Stonyridge and White Bear in the east and the north. Creeks . Outlook Plain Sloping from nearly 1900' on the Undulating sandy glacio-fluvial Limited external drainage to the east and north to below 1800' at and lacustrine plains . Local gently South Saskatchewan River. the South Saskatchewan River rolling dunes. Valley.

Lucky Lake Plain Sloping from 2300' on the west and Undulating sandy glacio-fluvial Some local drainage to Luck 2200' on the south and north to and silty lacustrine plains . Lake and external drainage to the 1925' at Luck Lake . South Saskatchewan River. White Bear Plain Sloping from 2000' in south to Dissected clayey lacustrine and Local drainage to large sloughs . 1925' in north. Alluvial plain near- glacial till plains and flat alluvial ly level at 1850'. clay plains .

Stonyridge Creek Plain Sloping from 1925' on the south Dissected silty lacustrine and erod- Extensive external drainage to to 1750' at Goose Lake . ed till plains. Goose Lake. Harris Plain Sloping from 2000' in north to Undulating sandy glacio-fluvial Limited external drainage to Eagle 1850' at Crystal Beach Lake. and lacustrine plains . Local rolling Hill Creek. sand dunes. Birsay Plain Sloping from approximately 2000' Mainly roughly undulating glacial Limitedexternal drainagetoCoteau on the west to the South Saskat- till plains . Creek and South Saskatchewan chewan River Valley. River.

Elbow Sand Hills Sloping from 1900' on the east to Roughly undulating to strongly Limited external drainage into 1700' at South Saskatchewan Riv- rolling sand dunes. South Saskatchewan River Valley. er Valley.

Table 1. (Continued)-Manor Physiographic Divisions of Rosetown Map Area Physiosropme Relief and Aspect Topography and Lndform Drainage Alhtow hand ML Elevation throughout Roughly undulating to strongly Limited external drainage into approximately 1900'. rolling sand dunes and gavelly Aiktow Creek. glacao-fluvial plains lus eroded valleys along Afktow reek. Rivsrhurst Plain Elevation throughout Gently undulating sandy and silty Limited external drainage into the approximately 1900'. glacao-lacustrine plains with local South Saskatchewan River. sandy glacio"fluvial plains. Lorebarn Plain Nearly level plain at approximate- Roughly undulating to gently rol- No external drainage. ly 1900' from north to south and ling glacial till plains with local lyingbetween highs of2000' to the silty and clayey glacio-lacustrine east and west. plains. Betalock Plain Sloping from 18.50' in the west m Weakly dissected fine sandy and Extensive external drainage to the 1725' at South Saskatchewan Riv- silty lacustrine plain. South Saskatchewan River. er Valley. Allan Hills Upland Section Allan Hills Rising from 2100' to over 2200' Mainly moderately rolling mor- Limited external drainage on east- containing much internal relief. lines and clayey glacao-lacustrine err edge to the Arm River. plains. Eladworth Plain Escarpment-like plain on the west Mainly roughly undulating glacial Limited external drainage on and south sides of the Allan Hills, HI plains. northern edge to Beaver Creek. with highs rising from 2000' to 2100'. Hawarden Hills Upland section Hswarden Hills Main portionofthe hillsover 2000' Roughl undulating and gently Limited external drainage on with very modest internal relief. rolling and kettle and ridged western escarpment to $oath moraines. Saskatchewan River.

Table 1. (Continued) -Major Physiographic Divisions of Rosetown Map Area Physiographic Sub-Section Relief and Aspect Topography and Landform Drainage ALBERTA HIGH PLAINS REGION Snipe Lake Plain Section

Eston Plain Sloping from approximately 2000' Mainly gently sloping and un- Local drainage to the south. in the west, east and north, south- dulating clayey and silty glacio- ward to approximately 1950' . lacustrine plains.

Scott Plain Sloping northwest from 2125' to Mainly moderately sloping or Local drainage to the northwest . 2075'. gently rolling silty and sandy glacio-lacustrine plains plus sandy glacio-fluvial and recent alluvial plains and local modified glacial till plains. Missouri Coteau Upland Section Beechy Hills Sloping north, south, east and west Mainly moderately to strongly Local drainage off escarpment into to approximately 2000' from highs rolling moraines . local lakes and draws. of approximately 2500'. Anerley Plain Sloping from approximately 2100' Gently rolling and roughly undu- Along the southern and eastern southeast to the South Saskat- lating glacial till and morainic edges local drainage to Anerley chewan River Valley at 1700', and plains . Lakes, Stockwell Lake, Coteau north to 1900'. Lake and South Saskatchewan River.

Mondou Hills Sloping, in all directions, from Moderately rolling and sloping and Limited local drainage to White highs of approximately 2300' to gently rolling morainic plains. Bear channel . approximately 2000'. Bear Hills Sloping from approximately 2375' Gently to strongly rolling morainic Limited external drainage. Local on the west to approximately 2000' plains containing local silty and drainage to depressional areas in along the eastern boundary. sandy glacio-lacustrine plains. the interior and below the escarp- ment . at 1,850 feet and Lake Elstow (including parts of Dundurn Plain and the Hanley Plain) also 1,850 feet. During these stages all the South Saskatchewan River waters were draining south and east through the Qu'Appelle Valley. However, when the ice melted the South Saskatchewan River altered its course and took its present channel north of the Elbow. The present Moose Wood Sand Hills probably represent outwash from the ice when Lake Saskatoon was shallow. They also represent deposition due to the erosive action of the South Saskatchewan River when it turned north. River deposi- tion probably accounts for the Elbow and Aiktow Sand Hills and the other sand deposits along the present river course. Today the whole Rosetown area has a general slope which is related to the present drainage systems . In the central portion it is to the north through the South Saskatchewan River. In the south east it is through Squaw and Aiktow Creeks to the Qu'Appelle River. Finally in the northwest it is through Eagle Creek to the North Saskatchewan River. Drainage channels which are mainly storage reservoirs today, but which were once spillways for glacial lakes, include the Anerley Channel which drained Lake Rosetown into Lake Regina, and the Blackstrap Channel through which water once flowed from Lake Swanson to Lake Elstow . Finally the Aiktow Creek once carried all the South Saskatchewan waters into the Qu'Appelle River. Post- glacial drainage channels whose flows are intermittent and de- pendent on climatic conditions (main run-off periods correlate with the snow melt) are the Stonyridge and Macdonald Creeks which collect in Goose Lake. Another such drainage system is that of the Beaver Creek which meanders its way into the South Saskatchewan River. The Rosetown map area is a part of the physiographic area known as Great Plains Province of the Interior Plains of North America. This is subdivided into two major Regions in the Rose town map area namely the Saskatchewan Plains Region and the Alberta High Plains Region. The Saskatchewan Plains Region is a portion of the Second Prairie Steppe and occupies all of the map area except the north- west and southwest corners. In this map area it is subdivided into the Assiniboine River Plain Section which occupies a minor area in the southeast, and the Saskatchewan Rivers Plain Section which dominates the map area. Also included are two highs, the Allan Hills Upland Section and the Hawarden Hills Upland Section. The Squaw Creek Plain is the only subdivision of the Assini- boine River Plain Section which occurs in the Rosetown map area. It consists mainly of roughly undulating till plains whose drainage system is through the Squaw Creek to the Qu'Appell,e River. The Saskatchewan Rivers Plain Section contains the following subdivisions : South Saskatchewan River Valley, the Moose Woods, Elbow and Aiktow Sand Hills; the Delisle, Dundurn, Swanson, Rose town, Outlook, Lucky Lake, Birsay, , Loreburn, Whitebear, Stonyridge, Betalock, Hanley, Marriott and Harris Plains . Most of 7 these subdivisions, excepting the South Saskatchewan River Valley and the Loreburn Plain are dominantly composed of, or contain combinations ot,glacio-lacustrine sands, silts and clays and glacio- fluvial sands and gravels. The South Saskatchewan River flows in a broad channel and from the Elbow northward follows a variable course with valley walls ranging from 75 to 200 feet in height. The land on either side of the valley rises relatively slowly and for a distance varying between 25 and 35 miles in width from Outlook to Saskatoon this tract is lower than the rest of the map area. The Loreburn Plain is composed of glacial till and lacks. external drainage. The Allan Hills Upland Section contains the Allan Hills and its western and southern slopes which form part of the Plain. The Allan Hills are dominantly glacial till and morainic in appearance . They do, however, contain considerable amounts of clayey lacustrine sediments which occur over the glacial till and mixed with it. The lacustrine clay may be the result either of water action on the glacial till and the redistribution of the clay in local areas, or the deposition of the clay in glacial lakes on the ice and its collapse when the ice melted on the surface of the underlying glacial till. The evidence of varving in the Allan Hills is not as apparent as in the Bear Hills which are described later. The Allan Hills Upland Section rises from 2,000 feet to over 2,200 feet. It has limited drainage into Beaver Creek and the Blackstrap Coulee. Most of the drainage from this Section is to the Arm River and Lewis Creek which are east of the present map area. The last section in the Saskatchewan Plains Region is the Hawarden Hills Upland. This till upland averages approximately 2,000 feet and contains very modest internal relief. The other major Region in the Rosetown map area is a portion of the Alberta High Plains. This Region is referred to as the Third Prairie Steppe and is the major physiographic division west of the Saskatchewan Plains Region to the foothills of the Rocky Mountains. In the present map area the Alberta High Plains are represented by the Snipe Lake Plain and the Missouri Coteau Uplands. The Snipe Lake Plain Section occurs in the southwest and the northwest corners of the Rosetown map area as the Eston Plain and the Scott Plain respectively. These plains are mainly glacio- lacustrine and glacio-fluvial in origin. The lacustrine deposits of the Eston Plain are more uniform and deeper than those of the Scott Plain. This latter plain also contains modified till which is associated with shallow or lake marginal features. The Missouri Coteau Uplands Section contains the following subdivisions: the Beechy Hills, a rough morainic area, and its nor- thern escarpment or the Anerley Hills. Also a part of the Coteau are the isolated hills west of the Beechy Hills, and indicated on the physiographic map as the Mondou Hills. In the northwest corner of the map area the Bear Hills rise some 400 fleet above the plains to the east. The Bear Hills are unique in that they are essentially morainic in character, but contain many local lacustrine deposits which may have been formed in local lakes on the ice and later were 8 let down on the glacial till. The sediments in these lakes were not of sufficient thickness to obliterate the configuration of the under- lying rolling glacial till. Lacustrine sediments are usually associated with nearly level plains. Their occurrence in the Bear Hills is associated with broad, rounded hills which are relatively flat sur- faced compared to morainic or till hills which are usually more peaked and narrow. Landforms Each of the aforementioned physiographic divisions has a particular or dominant type of landform and topography whose characteristics are recorded in Table 1. There is also a relationship between the landforms which occur in any area and the geological deposits or parent materials which were left behind after glaciation. The types of landforms, the associated glacial deposits, and the type of soil are indicated on the soil map and explained in the soil legend. Briefly, landforms and geological deposits (which are discussed in the next section and throughout this report under each Associa- tion) have the following relationships: Glacial till landforms are ice deposited . They are composed of glacial till which may be unsorted, modified or eroded. Glacial till landforms are grouped broadly into two types, namely level to undulating till plains which are some- times referred to as ground moraine, and rolling till plains or moraines. Ground moraine or moraines have definite characteristics which are classified locally as the following types: knoll and de- pression, ridge and swale, a mixture of these types, or dissected. Glacio-fluvial landforms are composed of coarse to moderately coarse textured sandy and gravelly materials which were sorted and deposited by moving water from melting ice. These landforms in- clude outwash plains, kames, and eskers. Glacio-lacustrine landforms are composed of materials deposited in standing water. These materials include sands, silts and clays which were carried by water into the glacial lakes and deposited on the lake floors. Glacio-lacustrine landforms are usually level to gently sloping and undulating. Generally the thicker the glacial lake sediments, the smoother the landform. Aeolian landforms are composed of sands or silts which were deposited or reworked by wind action. Aeolian landforms include sand dunes and loessial plains. Alluvium landforms are associated with deposits along streams, runways, or other depressional areas.

Topography and Drainage The importance of topography and drainage in relationship to the soils of the Rosetown map area is basically as follows. The type of soil found at any site on any landform is a reflection of the effect of climate, topography and drainage on a specific geological deposit. On any landform be it nearly level or strongly rolling there are differences in the drainage and soil climate from the high to the low elevations. Briefly the highs will be the most arid, the

9 lows the most humid and somewhere between these two is a site which is in balance with the regional conditions. Each of these sites has a definite kind of soil profile or soil series which could only develop because of the prevailing condition at that site. Generally speaking in the Rosetown map area the soil profiles on the knolls are shallow, weakly developed, often lack B horizons, have thin A horizons and are often less productive than downslope profiles due to their droughtier location. The mid slope profiles are deeper, better developed, having A and B horizons and represent the best sustained producing portion of the slope. The low areas of the slope without restricted drainage have deep, well developed profiles which are less fertile than the mid slope profiles but whose productivity is sustained by the greater proportion of available moisture for crop growth. Low areas with restricted drainage are poorly drained and are generally considered as waste land or have an erratic productivity which is related to seasonal climatic con- ditions. In dry years they may be highly productive while in wet years they may not be tilled or seeded. An increase in slope on any parent material is usually accompanied by an increase of shallow profiles in the upslope positions and poorly drained profiles in the downslope positions. A decrease in slope will generally result in profiles which are more nearly in equilibrium with the regional climatic conditions. Thus as topography changes on specific parent materials the proportion of the various types of soil profiles or soil series is altered. The relationship between the topography and the geological deposits or parent materials is indicated on the soil maps by the Map Unit.

Surface Geological Deposits The identification and separation of geological deposits or soil parent material is the basic division in the preparation of local soil maps as each different geological deposit represents a different Soil Association. Separations within Soil Associations are made by grouping the soils into Map Units which are portions or segments of a Soil Association composed of one or more. significant soil profiles. Thus as indicated previously the Map Unit is a reflection of the topography and drainage an a specific parent material. In the present map area the major surficial materials (geo- logical deposits or soil parent materials) and their distribution throughout the map area are the result of glaciation. They can be grouped conveniently as those due to deposition by (A) ice, and (B) water. The first group (A) occurs as ground moraine (till plains) and moraines (hills and uplands) and the materials com- posing them are heterogeneous mixtures of any materials that the ice may have picked up in its travel and finally dropped on melting . The term glacial till is used for these mixed materials . There are many types of glacial till; four occur in the Rosetown Map Area. 1) Unsorted Glacial Till-is a mixture of many materials which at the outset are not sorted; such till commonly consists of rock fragments ranging in size from large boulders and stones to tiny particles of clay. This range in size was recognized in one of 10 the earlier names given to glacial till-"boulder clay'. Most un- sorted glacial till is medium textured giving rise to loamy soils, but coarser (sandy) and finer (clayey) tills also occur. In the Rosetown map area unsorted glacial till is the parent material of the Chernozemic Haverhill and Weyburn Associations. Nearly similar tills which have a higher salt content are the parent materials of the Solonetzic Flaxcombe and Rosemae Associations. 2) Modified Glacial Till-is till which is partly sorted by water from melting ice and into which has been incorporated water laid deposits such as sands, silts or clays. The Alert Association contains sandy lacustrine modified till, the Keppel Association silty, and the Bear and Wyandotte Associations include clayey tills. 3) Shaly Glacial Till-is till which contains identifiable ma- terials such as Cretaceous shaleg. The Solonetzic Trossachs Associa- tion is developed on glacial till which contains fragments of Cretaceous shale. 4) Eroded Glacial Till-is till which has been eroded by water from melting ice leaving a surface deposit of stones, gravel and coarse sand. The Regosolic, Runway and Hillwash Complexes contain some soils developed on this type of till. The second group (B) consists of Glacio-Fluvial and Glacio- Lacustrine deposits which represent mineral materials carried by moving water from melting glacial ice and deposited within or beyond the ice sheet. While the material is being transported by water it is sorted into various sized particles, giving deposits of predominantly sandy, silty or clayey textures. Much of the water- deposited material is sorted out of glacial till. The predominant size or range of sizes in the deposits is determined by the nature of the original material, the speed and volume of the moving water, and the distance the materials were carried before being deposited. Glacio-Fluvial deposits include material deposited by rapidly moving water within or along the margin of the glacial ice. These deposits are coarse sands and gravels and they occur in the form of outwash plains, eskers, kames or crevasse fillings. The dominantly Chernozemic, but sometimes Regosolic, Chaplin and Biggar Associa- tions are developed on coarse textured (gravelly) Glacio-Fluvial deposits. Other Glacio-Fluvial deposits consist of finer textured sands which were carried some distance by glacial streams flowing at a slower rate than the ice marginal streams which deposited the coarse textured materials described previously. These finer textured Glacio-Fluvial deposits occur as plains and often blend into Sandy Glacio-Lacustrine deposits which have been laid down in lake de- posits. The descriptive name "Sandy Glacio-Fluvial and Lacustrine" is used to describe the parent materials of the Chernozemic Hatton and Asquith Associations which contain over 45% sand and less than 15% clay. Similar deposits which have a higher salinity content are the parent material of the Solonetzic Grandora Association. The Regosolic Dune Sand Association is developed on Sandy Glacio- Fluvial and Lacustrine deposits which have been reworked by wind. Table 2.-Relation of Soils to Geological Deposits of the Map Area

A. Water Deposited Geological-Deposits or Parent Materials Sandy Glacio- fluvial and Sandy Glacio- lacustrine lacustrine Variable Uniform having having clayey clayey Gravelly >45% Sand >45% Sand Silty Glacio- Glacio- Glacio- Soil Zone Soil Order Glacio-fluvial <15%Clay > 15% Clay lacustrine lacustrine lacustrine Chernozemic Chaplin Hatton Birsay Fox Valley Willows Sceptre Brown Solonetzic Gilroy Kindersley Chernozemic Biggar Asquith Bradwell Elstow Sutherland Regina Dark Brown Solonetzic Grandora Wingello Hanley Tuxford

B. Ice Deposited Geological Deposits or Parent Materials

Soil Zone Soil Order Unsorted Glacial Till Clayey Modified Glacial Till Shaly Glacial Till Chernozemic Haverhill Brown Solonetzic Flaxcombe Chernozemic Weyburn Wyandotte Dark Brown Solonetzic Rosemae Trossachs Combinations of A and B Sandy Glacio-lacustrine Silty Glacio-lacustrine Clayey Giacio-lacustrine plus modified Glacial plus modified Glacial plus modified Glacial Till some unsorted Till some unsorted Till some unsorted Clayey Glacio-lacustrine Soil Zone Soil Order Glacial Till Glacial Till Glacial Till plus Sliale-like fragments Dark Brown Chemozemic Alert Keppel Bear Allan

Recent or Post Glacial Deposits Wind Worked Sandy Fluvial, Lacustrine Alluvial and Colluvial and Alluvial and Soil Order and Alluvial Deposits Colluvial Deposits Eroded Deposits Eroded Deposits Chernozemic Alluvium Hillwash Runway Solonetzic Alluvium Regosolic Dune Sand Alluvium Hillwash Runway Gleysolic Alluvium Runway Glacial-Lacustrine deposits consist of materials dropped into the relatively still waters of glacial lakes. These are the finer textured sand, silt and clay deposits. The sandy lacustrine deposits may represent deltas of glacial streams which emptied into the lake or various shoreline or eddying deposits throughout the lake. The silts and clays are generally located in the more central portions of the former glacial lakes. Sandy Glacio-Lacustrine deposits having over 45% sand and over 15% clay are the parent materials of the Chernozemic Birsay and Bradwell Associations. The salinized type of similar deposits give rise to the Solonetzic Gilroy and Wingello Associations. Silty Glacio-Lacustrine deposits are the parent material of the Fox Valley and Elstow Associations. Similar deposits with a higher salinity content are the parent material of the Solonetzic Hanley Association. Clayey Glacio-Lacustrine deposits are the parent materials of the Chernozemic Sceptre, Willows, Sutherland and Regina As- sociations. Saline Clayey Glacio-Lacustrine deposits are associated with the Solonetzic Tuxford and Kindersley soils. Recent Deposits represent mainly mineral soils but some very limited amounts of organic soils associated with Gleysolic soils are also included. Recent deposits are being formed or deposited at the present time. They are mainly associated with flood plains of the various water courses in the Rosetown map area and the de- pressional areas in glacial till landforms. The Alluvium Complex represents the most extensive type of soils developed on such de- posits. Minor amounts of these deposits are also associated with the Runway Complex. Recent accumulation includes material deposited by recent erosion and by colluvial action (which causes material to fall or slide down steep slopes) . Such deposits are associated with the Hill- wash Complex. The relationship of the soils to the surface geological deposits of the Rosetown map area is summarized in Table 2.

Climate* The productivity of land depends on climate as well as soil. Climate dictates what crops may be grown and is mainly respon- sible for yearly variations in yields. To a considerable extent, soil profiles reflect the effects of climate, and soil zones serve in a general way as climatic zones. The Rosetown map area is almost entirely in the Dark Brown soil zone. This area has a semi-arid continental type of climate with short, warm summers and very cold, long winters. Precipitation is the least during the fall and winter and 40% to 50c/o of the annual total falls during the three summer months. Nearly all portions of the Rosetown map area have a mean July temperature of 66° F. The northeast corner varies from 64°

*Information from L. J. Chapman and D. M. Brown. The Climates of Canada for Agriculture. Canada Land Inventory, Report No. 3, (966,

14 to 66° F and the warmer southwest corner from 66° to 68° F. The mean daily temperature for July is the mean of the July daily maximum and daily minimum temperatures. July is the warmest month of the year with maximum temperatures usually about 20° F higher than the mean temperature. The mean January temperature is the average of the mean daily maximum and daily minimum temperatures. January is the coldest month of the year. In the Rosetown map area the northeast section has a January mean temperature between 2° and 0° F, the central area between 2° and 4° F and the southwest corner between 4° and 6° F. Thus the southwest portion of the Rosetown map area is warmest both in summer and winter. The mean annual minimum temperature, or the lowest temperature, averages some -40° F for the Rosetown map area. Thus winters are rather severe. The start of the growing season in the Rosetown map area or the date when the mean daily temperature is over 42° F is some- where between April 20th in the southwest and April 25th in the northeast . These dates indicate the start of grass growth in the spring. The end of the growing season or the date when the mean daily temperature is lower than 42° F is approximately October 11th for most of the Rosetown map area except in the southwest corner where it is October 16th. These dates roughly correspond to the average date that cattle are taken off pasture. Degree-days, above 42° F, sometimes called growing degree- days, express the length and warmth of the growing season in a given figure. In the Rosetown map area the degree-days vary from 2500 to 2750. These figures indicate that there is no significant heat deficiency and thus ensure adequate conditions for regional crop growth, in regard to requirements for heat . The probability of frost injury to crops after certain dates in the spring and before certain dates in the fall is obviously of vital concern to the farmer. The last spring frost occurs on the average on May 31st, except in the northwest corner where it is June 5th. The mean fall frost date is, for most of the area, September 5th. The southwest corner is about a week later or approximately Sep- tember 10th. Thus the mean frost-free period in days varies from 90 to 110 which is satisfactory for growing cereal crops. The average annual precipitation in the Rosetown map area is 14 inches; however, of more importance is the precipitation from May to September which gives a measure of the moisture in the main part of the growing season. This precipitation ranges from 6 inches in the eastern portion of the map area to 8 inches in the southwest corner and 9 inches in the northwest. The bulk of the May to September precipitation occurs in June, about 3 inches, decreasing to approximately 2 inches in July and less than 2 inches in' May, August and September. Due to the loss of moisture by evaporation from the soil and transpiration by plants, there is a moisture deficiency of 7 to 9 inches. Tillage operations should therefore be effected to conserve soil moisture. 15 In summary the Rosetown map area has a growing season from April 20th to October 13th; has between 2500 and 2750 degree- days above 42° F; has a spring frost about May 30th and a fall frost about September 10th; has about 105 frost-free days; has an annual precipitation of 14 inches ; a May-September precipitation of 9 inches and a moisture deficiency of 8 inches. The mean tem- perature in January is 6° F and in July 67° F. The Rosetown map area is well suited for the production of wheat.

Native Vegetation* The soils of the Rosetown map area are dominantly Dark Brown with a small area of Brown soils occurring along the southern margin. The dominant vegetation is that of the Mixed Prairie. The well developed soils, of medium to moderately fine tex- tures, throughout most of the Dark Brown soil zone and the adjacent Brown zone, support mainly what ecologists regard as the Stipa- Agropyron Association, thereby inferring that it consists of two major plant groups. The most important species are Stipa spartea var, curtiseta (Western Porcupine Grass) and Agropyron dasystachum (Northern Wheat Grass) . Stipa comata (Spear Grass) and Agropyron Smithii (Western Wheat Grass) are also abundant. Together these four species produce three-quarters of the forage yield. Stipa spartea and Agropyron dasystachyum ,favor the cooler, more moist sites throughout the map area and are the dominant species on fine textured clayey soils. Stipa comata and Agropyron Smithii favor the warmer more arid sites and are therefore more common on coarse textured sandy and gravelly soils. Festuca scabrella (Rough Fescue) is co-dominant with Mixed Prairie grasses along the northern fringe of the Dark Brown soil zone but elsewhere it occurs infrequently and then only on north- facing slopes. It is absent from the drier parts of the Brown soil zone. The wet sloughs or meadows are occupied by grasses, sedges, rushes and other moisture-loving plants; saline areas are charac- terized by halophytic vegetation such as wild barley, alkali grass and gumweed. Trees occur in protected areas such as stream valleys, ravines, kettles in upland plains, escarpment gullies and sandy areas having high water tables. The most common tree is the Populus tremu- loides (Aspen Poplar) . Wet depressional areas commonly contain Salix spp. (Willows) . During the homestead period mixed grass areas on moderately undulating to nearly level topography were synonymous with fertile and productive land for cereal crop production. Thus very little remains in its native state. The majority of the native vegetation in the Rosetown map area is confined to local areas of rolling, hilly

*Based mainly on A Reconsideration of Grassland Classification In The Northern Great Plains of North America. By Robert T. Coupland, Department of Plant Ecology, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon. J . Ecol. 49, 135-167 . February, 1961. 16 or eroded lands; sandy, gravelly or stony areas; and in sloughs, all of which are unsuitable for cultivation. In some areas the native grasses are sources of livestock feed and are utilized both for grazing and hay. SOILS OF THE BROWN ZONE The Brown Soil Zone occupies the drier (more arid) south- western section of Saskatchewan . The zone is named from the pre- vailing light brown to grayish brown surface colours of the soils. These colours indicate the relatively low organic matter content of the soils, and this in turn reflects the semi-arid climate and somewhat thin cover of native vegetation. Yields of crops have varied more widely and severe droughts have occurred more frequently in the Brown Soil Zone than in the rest of the agri- culturally settled areas of the province. In the Rosetown map area the Brown Soil Zone is confined to portions of Townships 24 and 25 in Ranges 5 to 14. Thus this area represents the more moist portion of the Brown Soil Zone and could more properly be referred to as a Transitional Belt between the Brown and Dark Brown Soils. Within the Brown Soil Zone seven Chernozemic and three Solonetzic Associations have been separated . The Chernozemic As- sociations include Birsay, Chaplin, Fox Valley, Hatton, Haverhill, Sceptre and Willows. The Solonetzic Associations are Flaxcombe, Gilroy and Kindersley. Other soils which are common to both the Brown and Dark Brown Soil Zones are discussed under the headings Regosolic Soils and Miscellaneous Soils in a later section of this report.

DOMINANTLY CHERNOZEMIC SOILS Birsay Association DESCRIPTIONBirsay is a new Association. It was established to separate the heavier textured, more productive sandy soils in the Brown Soil Zone from the lighter textured, less productive types. The Birsay Association consists chiefly of medium to moder- ately fine textured Chernozemic Brown soils, developed on sandy glacio-lacustrine deposits having over 45% sand and over 15% clay. This Association occurs mainly on the Riverhurst Plain and to a limited extent on the Lucky Lake Plain. About 28,000 acres were mapped in the Birsay Association. The parent material of the Birsay Association is grayish brown to yellowish brown in colour. The texture varies from sandy loam to sandy clay loam. The deposit is moderately calcareous and usually stone free except in areas where it is shallow and underlain by either glacial till, gravel or bedrock . Such substrata are indicated on the map by the symbols T, G or B respectively. The Birsay soils occur on very gently sloping to roughly undulating glacio-lacustrine landforms. The more undulating areas

17 probably represent marginal or shallow portions of former lake basins. Surface drainage is good, except for the occasional poorly drained slough. In some areas the internal drainage is restricted as indicated by the carbonated or saline phases which occur mainly on dissected landforms. The Birsay soils were mapped as sandy loam, fine sandy loam, very fine sandy loam and loam. Combinations of these surface textures were also mapped. The Birsay Association includes the following series-Orthic Brown, Eluviated Brown, Calcareous Brown and undifferentiated Gleysolics, plus salinized or carbonated phases of the aforemen- tioned series . The Orthic Brown is the dominant series, occupying the well drained intermediate slopes. The Eluviated Brown series occurs below the Orthic Brown, on lower and more gentle slopes. Hence the Eluviated Brown series is most common on undulating topography where the slope lengths are longer and less steep than those of rougher areas. The Calcareous Brown series occurs on the upper slopes and crests of knolls and ridges, above the intermediate slopes occupied by Orthic Brown soils. The Gleysolic series occur below the Chernozemic series, in the depressional areas having poor to impeded drainage conditions. Salinized or carbonated phases of the above series occur in the same positions throughout the landscape as their normal counter- parts described previously. Salinized or carbonated soils are usually associated with impeded internal soil drainage brought about by heavy or impervious strata below. The saline or carbonated phases in the Birsay Association occur mainly on dissected sloping topo- graphy. Thus the salts or carbonates are probably moved laterally down the slope and deposited in the soil by seepage waters. When the surface of the soil is dry, carbonated or salinized areas may possess a white efflorescence or light coloured crust. When the soil is disturbed such areas take on a grayish colour . Within the soil profile, orange mottles, an indication of fluctuating water movement, may often be observed as well as hair-like strings or crystals of salts. Under the A.R.D.A. Soil Capability Classification (a full ex- planation of this Classification is presented later in this report) the Birsay soils are placed in Class 4 (poor arable land) due to their low water-holding capacity and droughty characteristics . Assessed for irrigation purposes (a full explanation of the criteria for rating soils for irrigation is presented later in this report) most Birsay soils would rate as Group 1 and 2 (very good to fair) . The carbonated and salinized Birsay soil areas would be considered as Group 3 (fair to poor) . MAP UNITS-In the present map area six map units were estab- lished in the Birsay Association: 18 Byl-Dominantly Orthic Brown series occurring mainly on dis- sected very gently to moderately sloping topography. The Byl map unit represents the best Birsay soils in the area . By2-Dominantly Orthic Brown series with significant Calcareous Brown series. This map unit occurs mainly on dissected gently undulating topography. The By2 soils are less desirable than Byl soils because of the limy and often eroded calcareous soils which occur on the highest elevations. By3-Dominantly Orthic Brown series with significant Eluviated Brown series. It occurs on very gently to roughly undulating topo- graphy which may vary from unpatterned, to ridged to dissected . Basically, however, the topography is like that described for the Byl map unit except that the slopes are generally longer. The By3 soils which occur in this map area are considered nearly equal in agricultural capability to the Byl soils. By5-A combination of Chernozemic Brown soils and their salin- ized and/or carbonated phases . This map unit occurs on any of the landscapes described for Byl, By2 or By3 soil areas . By5 soil areas have a variable agricultural potential. The Chernozemic soils contained in this map unit would be as productive as their counter- parts in the Byl, By2 or By3 soil areas. The salinized and/or carbonated Chernozemic types, however, have an unpredictable potential being more productive in some years than in others- but always less productive than the non-salinized or non-carbonated chernozemic types. By6-Dominantly salinized Calcareous Brown series. This map unit does not occur alone, in the present map area, but in a com- plex with the Hatton soils. In such complexes the Hatton soils are dominant occupying nearly all the landscape. By7-A combination of salinized and/or carbonated Chernozemic Brown soils and salinized and/or carbonated Gleysolic soils. This map unit occurs on dissected gently to roughly undulating topo- graphy. The By7 map unit represents the poorest areas of Birsay soils as crop growth is patchy in the well drained areas and poor in the depressions. The yields in By7 soil areas are highly variable. Irrigation Potential of Birsay Map Units-The Birsay map units Byl, By2 and By3 are Group 1 and Group 2 for irrigation purposes. Thus they are rated as very good to fair irrigation soils. Map units By5 and By7 are rated as Group 3 and Group 4 or poor to unsuitable as irrigation soils. MAP COMPLEXES-The Birsay map units have also been mapped in combination with units of other Soil Associations. In showing these complexes on the map the Birsay soils are indicated first and this implies that the Birsay soils occupy the most of the complex area. The agricultural significance of any soil complex depends upon the kind and proportion of each Soil Association and its respective Soil Series. The Birsay-Haverhill complexes represent areas in which the sandy glacio-lacustrine parent material of the Birsay Association 19 overlies the glacial till parent material of the Haverhill Association. In such complexes the Birsay deposits are thin and occupy the mid and lower slope position-while the Haverhill till occurs on the upper slopes and knolls. Birsay-Haverhill-Alluvium complexes are similar to Birsay- Haverhill complexes except the Alluvium soils occur as poorly drained deposits in the depressions. In complexes of Birsay-Hatton-Haverhill the shallow or thin sandy glacio-lacustrine and fluvial deposits which overlie the Haver- hill glacial till are separated on a textural basis. The Hatton soils are coarser and lighter textured than the Birsay soils. The Birsay-Gilroy-Fox Valley complex represents a mixture of sandy and silty glacio-lacustrine deposits. The sandy Birsay soils generally occur upslope above the silty Gilroy and Fox Valley types. The Gilroy soils are dominantly Brown Solenetzic, while the Fox Valley soils are dominantly Chernozemic Brown. Complexes of Birsay soils with Haverhill or Fox Valley soils represent the best agricultural lands of the Birsay complexes. Birsay-Hatton complexes would be very droughty; Birsay-Gilroy complexes would be slightly saline; and finally Birsay-Alluvium complexes could be both saline and poorly drained.

Chaplin Association DESCRIPTION-The Chaplin Association consists chiefly of coarse to moderately coarse textured Chernozemic Brown soils, developed on gravelly glacio-fluvial deposits. This Association occurs in small areas on the Riverhurst Plain and the Lucky Lake Plain. About 5,100 acres were mapped in the Chaplin Association. The parent material of the Chaplin Association is yellowish brown to grayish brown in colour and the texture ranges from loose coarse sand to gravel. The material is weakly to moderately cal- careous. Slight to moderate amounts of stones occur and are more prominent on the rougher landscapes. Where the Chaplin deposits are thin and underlain or mixed with glacial tall, stones appear to be more numerous. The Chaplin Association occurs chiefly on dissected very gently to strong sloping glacio-fluvial landforms of either outwash plains or kames. Because of the coarse textures the surface drainage of Chaplin soil areas is good, except in local sloughs which are gener- ally underlain by heavier textured subsoils. The Chaplin soils were mapped as sandy loam, gravelly sandy loam and gravelly loam. In the present map area the Chaplin Association is represented almost entirely by one soil series-the Orthic Brown. Insignificant amounts of Orthic Regosols or the eroded phase of the Orthic Brown series may also occur throughout the soil landscape. Under the A.R.D.A. Soil Capability Classification the best Chaplin soils are placed in Class 4 (poor arable land) . The poorer 20 Chaplin soils are placed in Class 5 and are utilized mainly for pasture. Because of their low water-holding capacity only the better textured Chaplin soils are considered suitable for irrigation. MAP UNITS-In the present map area only one map unit was established in the Chaplin Association. Chl-Dominantly Orthic Brown series. This map unit occurs on a wide range of topography from very gently undulating to dissected strongly sloping. The coarse sandy and gravelly textures give Chap- lin soils a very low water-holding capacity and lower than average fertility. Their agricultural value is the lowest of all the Brown soils. Irrigation Potential of the Chaplin Map Unit -The best Chl soils having sandy loam textures would rate as low Group 3 (poor) irrigation soils. All Chaplin soils having gravelly textures are con- sidered as Group 4 soils or unsuitable for irrigation. MAP COMPLEXES-The Chaplin soils have been mapped in com- plexes with the Haverhill, Hatton and Birsay soils respectively . Chaplin-Haverhill complexes represent areas in which the gravelly glacio-fluvial deposits of the Chaplin Association overlie the glacial till parent material of the Haverhill Association. In such complexes the Chaplin deposits are thin and occupy mid and lower slope positions-while the Haverhill till occurs on the upper slopes and knolls. Occasionally, the Chaplin soils will occur in kame- like ridges scattered throughout glacial till plains. The Chaplin-Hatton complex represents a mixture of glacio- fluvial gravels (Chaplin parent material) and glacio-fluvial sands (Hatton parent material) . The distribution pattern throughout areas composed of this complex is unpredictable . The Chaplin-Birsay complex represents a mixture of gravelly glacio-fluvial deposits and sandy glacio-lacustrine deposits. These latter or Birsay deposits generally occur below the Chaplin deposits throughout the soil landscape. Chaplin-Haverhill and Chaplin-Birsay complexes are better soil areas than those of the Chaplin-Hatton complex. All of the above complexes are superior to areas composed only of the Chaplin Association. Fox Valley Association DESCRIPTION-The Fox Valley Association consists chiefly of Chernozemic Brown soils of medium to moderately fine texture, developed on silty glacio-lacustrine deposits. This Association occurs on the Lucky Lake Plain and the Eston Plain. About 19,000 acres were mapped in the Fox Valley Association. The parent material of the Fox Valley Association is grayish brown to yellowish brown in colour, and the textures range from silty clay loam to loam. The parent material is moderately calcareous and usually free of stones except where it is thin and underlain by till.

21 The Fox Valley soils occur on a wide range of topography, from very gently undulating to dissected strongly sloping or moder- ately rolling. The rougher areas probably represent marginal or shallow portions of former lake beds and are generally underlain by till. Such areas are indicated on the map by the symbol T. Surface drainage is good, except for occasional poorly drained sloughs. The Fox Valley soils were mapped as loam, clay loam and silty clay loam. Combinations of these textures were also mapped, the most common being loam and clay loam. The Fox Valley Association includes three major series- Orthic Brown, Calcareous Brown and Eluviated Brown. Other series include salinized or carbonated phases of the major types. The Orthic Brown series is dominant, occupying the well drained intermediate slopes. The Calcareous Brown series occurs on the upper slopes and knolls above the Orthic series. The Eluviated Brown series occurs below the Orthic Brown, on lower and more gentle slopes. Hence the Eluviated Brown series is most common on undulating topography where the slope lengths are longer and less steep than those in high frequency undulating landscapes. Salinized or carbonated phases of the Orthic, Calcareous and Eluviated Series occur in the same positions throughout the land- scape as their normal counterparts described previously. Under the A.R.D.A. Soil Capability Classification the best Fox Valley soils are placed in Class 3 (fair arable land) . These soils represent well drained Fox Valley clay loams, silty clay loam, or mixtures of clay loam and loam, on gently sloping to undulating topography. Fox Valley soils of loam texture are placed in Class 4 (poor arable land), because they have a lower water-holding capa- city and therefore less drought resistance than the finer (heavier) textured types. Assessed for irrigation most Fox Valley soils of loam and silty loam texture would be classified as Group 1 (very good to good) . The finer (heavier) textured Fox Valley soils which are well drained would be . classified as Group 2 (good to fair) . MAP UNITS-There are four Fox Valley map units in the present map area. Fxl-Dominantly Orthic Brown series. In the present map area this map unit occurs in a complex with the Willows Association on either dissected or knoll and depression types of glacio4acustrine plains which are underlain by glacial till. The topography is either gently sloping or gently to roughly undulating. Fx1 soil areas are superior to other Fox Valley soil areas in regard to their agricul- tural suitability for dry land farming. Fx2-Dominantly Orthic Brown series with significant Calcareous Brown series occurring mainly on dissected gently to moderately 22 sloping topography. The Fx2 map unit is rated slightly, below Fxl of similar texture and topography because of the presence of Cal- careous Brown soils which are less drought resistant and somewhat less productive than Orthic Brown soils. Fx3-A combination of Orthic and Eluviated Brown series. This map unit occurs on a range of topography from gently undulating to gently rolling. Some landscapes are the knoll and depression type, others are dissected. Agriculturally Fx3 soil areas have nearly similar capabilities as the Fxl soil areas. Fx6-A combination of Orthic and Eluviated Brown series and their salinized and/or carbonated phases. This map unit occurs on gently sloping and undulating topography. The salinized or carbonated phases may be caused by the seepage of soluble materials from the higher lands which often surround Fx6 soil areas. They may also be caused by fluctuating water tables. There is, however, a wide range in the severity of the salinity or alkalinity associated with Fx6 soils. Some areas of Fx6 soils produce a fair to good crop, other areas may be poor. Areas of Fx6 soils would have a lower agricultural capability rating than other areas of Fox Valley soils. Irrigation Potential of Fox Valley Map Units-Areas of Fxl soils having loam and silt loam textures are considered as Group 1 irrigation soils. Heavier textures of silty clay loam and clay loam are classified as Group 2. Thus Fxl soil areas are very good to fair irrigation soils. Areas of Fx2 soils are considered mainly as Group 2 and high Group 3 (good to fair) irrigation soils. Fx3 soils are considered as Group 1 and 2 (very good to fair) for irrigation purposes. The heaviest textured types are the least desirable. Finally from an irrigation standpoint Fx6 soils would be considered fair to poor (Group 3) . The proper irrigation of these soils requires the installation of sufficient drainage to remove salts, thus pre- venting these soils from becoming more saline under irrigation . MAP COMPLEXES-Some Fox Valley soils have been mapped in combination with Willows, Haverhill, Birsay and Kindersley soils respectively. The Fox Valley-Willows complex and the Fox Valley-Kindersley complex are basically a mixture of silty and light clayey glacio- lacustrine deposits. The silty Fox Valley soils occur on the higher portions of the landscape. Fox Valley-Willows complexes are a combination of Chernozemic soil series while Fox Valley-Kindersley complexes are a mixture of Chernozemic and Solonetzic soil series. The Fox Valley-Birsay complex represents a mixture of silty and sandy glacio-lacustrine deposits. The sandy Birsay soil types usually occur upslope from the silty Fox Valley soils. Fox Valley-Haverhill soils consist of the Fox Valley parent material overlying the Haverhill glacial till. This latter deposit is exposed on knolls and dissected areas throughout the landscape. Complexes of Fox Valley-Willows and Fox Valley-Kindersley represent the best of the Fox Valley complexes and are considered better agricultural soil areas than Fox Valley alone. Fox Valley- 23 Haverhill soils are as good as Fox Valley soil areas alone and Fox Valley-Birsay areas are poorer agricultural units than Fox Valley alone. Hatton Association DESCRIPTION-The Hatton Association consists chiefly of coarse to moderately-coarse textured Chernozemic Brown soils, developed on sandy glacio-fluvial and lacustrine deposits. This Association occurs mainly within the Lucky Lake Plain section of the map area. About 18,000 acres of Hatton soils were mapped. The parent material of the Hatton Association is yellowish brown in colour and sandy loam to loamy sand in texture. deposit is weakly calcareous. Few to no stones occur, except where the deposit is thin over glacial till. The Hatton Association occurs mainly on very gently to roughly undulating topography. Occasionally Hatton soils occur on dissected topography. Surface drainage is good in. the Hatton Association except in depressional areas which are generally underlain by heavier tex- tured subsoils of different deposits (e.g. glacial till, lacustrine clay, etc. which have a lower permeability than the sandy Hatton parent material) . The dominant surface texture in the Hatton Association is sandy loam ; areas of very fine sandy loam, fine sandy loam, loamy sand and combinations of these textures also occur. The following series occur in the Hatton Association: Orthic and Calcareous Brown plus their salinized or carbonated phases. The Orthic Brown series is dominant, occupying nearly all the well drained areas throughout the soil landscape . The Calcareous Brown series usually but not always occurs above the Orthic Brown. It may also occur throughout the land- scape in an erratic pattern in areas which are usually underlain by heavier textured subsoils. The salinized or carbonated phases of the aforementioned series occur in the same positions throughout the landscape as their normal counterparts described previously. Salinized or carbonated phases of Orthic or Calcareous series may be caused by heavier subsoils which restrict the downward movement of soluble materials, or by the addition of soluble materials either by lateral movement of seepage water or fluctuating water tables. Under the A.R.D.A. Soil Capability Classification the best Hatton soils are placed in Class 4 (poor arable land) . These soils represent the Hatton fine sandy loams on gently to undulating topography. Hatton soils of loamy sand texture are placed in Class 5 (unsuitable for sustained cultivation, but suitable for pasture) . The prevailing coarse (light) sandy textures give Hatton soils a lower water storage capacity and somewhat lower fertility than Brown soils of medium to fine textures. 24

Plate 2. Russian thistle on eroded Hatton soils-the result of drought and con- tinuous cropping of coarse textured sandy soils.

Hatton fine sandy loam would be evaluated as a Group 1 (very good to good) irrigation soil. Hatton soils of sandy loam would be Group 2 and 3 (good to poor) irrigation soils because of their lower water storage capacity which requires more irrigations to produce a satisfactory crop. Hatton loamy sands are Group 3 and Group 4 (fair to unsuitable) irrigation soils dice to the high frequency of irrigation required on soils that have a very low moisture storage capacity. MAP UNITS--There are three Hatton map units in the present map area. Htl--Dominant Orthic Brown series occurring mainly on very gently to roughly undulating and sloping topography. The latter topography is frequently dissected. The Hti map unit represents the best areas of Hatton soils. M--Dominant Orthic Brown series with significant carbonated or .salinized Chernozemic Brown soils. The HO occurs on the same landscape as the Htl map unit. The profile distribution is erratic and although the Orthic series occurs in the same sites as in the Htl soil areas it may be carbonated or salinized due to a fluctuating water table or lateral movement of salts from some source in a particular area. The pattern, therefore, is dominantly Orthic series and its carbonated or salinized phase complexed or mixed together. Due to the carbonated or salinized phases the Ht3 soil areas have a lower agricultural value than Htl soil areas. Hts-Dominantly salinized Calcareous Brown series which occur on dissected gently sloping topography which is generally associated

25 with edges of draws and channels. The landscape is composed mainly of calcareous profiles which contain strings of salt crystals. Ht5 soil areas are usually the result of fluctuating water table or the move- ment of seepage into them of saline water from another area. Ht5 soil areas are considered to be the poorest Hatton soils in the present map area. Irrigation Potential of Hatton Map Units-Ht1 soils of fine sandy loam and very fine sandy loam would be considered as Group 1 (very good to good) for irrigation purposes. Htl sandy loam and loamy sand would range from Group 2- to Group 4 (good to unsuitable) for irrigation purposes because of their low moisture holding capacity. Coarse textured Ht3 and Ht5 soils would be considered poor to unsuitable for irrigation purposes. The heavier textured lIt3 and Ht5 areas, if provided with adequate drainage facilities, probably would be considered as Group 2 and 3 irrigation soils (good to poor) . Without adequate drainage in Ht3 and Ht5 areas the severity of the saline conditions associated with these soils would increase. MAP COMPLEXES-Some Hatton soils have been mapped in complex with Haverhill, Chaplin and Birsay soils respectively. The Hatton-Haverhill complex represents areas in which the sandy glacio-fluvial parent material of the Hatton Association over- lies the glacial till parent material of the Haverhill Association. In such complexes the Hatton deposits are usually thin and occupy the mid and lower slope positions-while the Haverhill till occurs on the upper slopes and knolls. The Hatton-Birsay complex is a mixture of sandy glacio-fluvial deposits (Hatton parent material) and sandy glacio-lacustrine deposits (Birsay parent material) . The Birsay soils generally occur below the Hatton soils throughout the soil landscape-thus they are confined to the mid and lower slope positions. The Hatton-Chaplin complex represents a mixture of glacio- fluvial gravels and glacio-fluvial sands. The distribution pattern of these deposits is erratic and often the Chaplin gravels occur as isolated knobs or kames scattered throughout the soil landscape. The Hatton-Haverhill areas are the best agricultural areas while the Hatton-Chaplin are the poorest. Hatton-Birsay complexes are intermediate but better than Hatton soils alone.

Haverhill Association DESCRIPTION-The Haverhill Association consists chiefly of Chernozemic Brown soils of medium to moderately fine texture, developed on unsorted glacial till. This Association occurs mainly on the Beechy Hills and Mondou Hills. About 120,000 acres were mapped as the Haverhill Association. The parent material of the Haverhill Association is grayish brown to pale brown in colour and marked with whitish spots and 26 streaks of lime carbonate and occasional rusty spots of iron oxide. The parent material varies from loam to sandy clay loam in texture, and is moderately calcareous. Glacial stones of Pre-Cambrian and Paleozoic origin are common, and their removal is required on most Haverhill soils. The Haverhill soils occur on a wide range of topography from gently undulating ground moraine to rolling and dissected moraine. Surface drainage is excessive on steep-sided knolls and ridges, good on intermediate slopes, and moderate to poor on the lower lands. Most Haverhill soils have a loam surface texture ; minor areas of clay loam and sandy loam also occur. The Haverhill Association contains the following soil series: Orthic Brown, Calcareous Brown, Eluviated Brown, Orthic Regosols, salinized or carbonated phases of the aforementioned series, and several series of Gleysolic soils. The Orthic Brown is the dominant series and occurs on the well drained intermediate slopes. The Calcareous Brown series occurs on the upper slopes and knolls or ridges above the Orthic series. Eroded Calcareous Brown series, which appear as whitish coloured knolls or ridges in cultivated fields, are referred to as Orthic Regosol series. This latter series also occurs on the knolls or ridges of uncultivated landscapes where due to the excessive aridity of the site there has been little or no profile development. The Eluviated Brown series occurs below the Orthic Brown, on lower and more gentle slopes. Eluviated Brown series are most common on undulating topography where slope lengths are longer and less steep than those in high frequency undulating landscapes. Salinized or carbonated phases of the Orthic, Calcareous and Eluviated Brown series occur in the same positions throughout the landscape as their normal counterparts described previously. The Gleysolic series occupy the undrained depressions (sloughs) and flat lands occurring in the poorly drained lower areas. Several series of Gleysolic soils may occur in a depression but in most instances the area occupied by each series is too small to be significant as a mapping unit. Under the A.R.D.A. Soil Capability Classification the best Haverhill soils are placed in Class 3 (fair arable land) . The best Haverhill soils consist of Chernozemic (chiefly Orthic Brown) series of clay loam texture, on undulating to gently rolling topo- graphy. Haverhill soils of loam texture, and all Haverhill soils on moderately rolling topography are placed in Class 4 (poor arable land) . Haverhill soils on strongly rolling topography, or on flat depressional, poorly drained land are placed in Class 5 (unsuitable for sustained cultivation) and used mainly for grazing or hay. 27

Plate 8. Moderately rolling Haverhill landscape utilized for grazing . Note stony knolls and the cattle's preference for grazing in the draws and depressional areas. -

MAP UNITS-In the present map area six map units were established in the Haverhill Association. Hrl-Dominantly Orthic Brown occurring on knob and kettle roughly undulating and dissected gently sloping topography. Nearly all this map unit whether it occurs alone or in complex with map units of other Associations is cultivated. Hrl represents the best areas of Haverhill soils. Hr2-Dominantly Orthic Brown, with significant combinations of Calcareous Brown and Orthic Regosol series, and a significant amount of Gleysolic soils. This map unit occurs mainly on morainic landscapes which have a variety of topography, from gently to strongly rolling. This is one of the poorest Haverhill map units due to significant amounts of poorer kinds of soil on the knolls (Calcareous Brown and Orthic Regosols) and the poorly drained depressions (Gleysolic series) . Hr4-Dominantly Orthic Brown with significant combinations of Calcareous Brown and Orthic Regosol series. It occurs on a variety of topography from roughly undulating to moderately rolling. Most Hr4 landscapes are dissected. Agriculturally the Hr4 unit is some- what better than Hr2 since the latter occurs principally on un- dissected landscapes and contains numerous undrained sloughs. Hr8-Dominantly Orthic Brown, with significant Calcareous Brown and significant Eluviated Brown series. This map unit occurs on rough undulating to gently rolling topography. Agriculturally, areas of Hr8. are second only to the Hrl map unit. The slightly lower productivity on Hr8 soils is largely due to the calcareous knolls. 28 Hr9-Dominantly a combination of Calcareous Brown and Orthic Regosol with a significant amount of a combination of Orthic Brown, Eluviated Brown and Greysolic series. This map unit occurs on moderately rolling topography, generally having many undulations per half mile or in other words having a high frequency. This is one of the poorer Haverhill soils due to the low productivity on the arid knolls and in the poorly drained depressions. Hrll-Dominantly a combination of Orthic and Calcareous Brown series with a significant combination of Eluviated Brown series and Gleysolic series. This map unit occurs on roughly undulating and gently rolling topography. The agricultural potential of Hr11 areas is slightly lower than that of Hr8 areas because of the poorly drained Gleysolic soils. Irrigation Potential of Haverhill Map Units-Assuming that water could be applied to these soils their irrigation potential would range from very good to poor (Group 1 to Group 3) . The best potential would be in soil areas indicated as Hrl or Hr8. All other Haverhill map units would benefit from irrigation, but no doubt the steepness of some landscapes on which they occur would limit their utilization as irrigable land. MAP COMPLEXES-The Haverhill map units occur in combination with map units of other Associations. The agricultural significance of any soil complex depends upon the kind of each Association and its respective Soil Series. An evaluation of the significance of the Soil Series which make up the map units within each Association is contained within the description of each Association throughout this text. Haverhill-Flaxcombe complexes represent a mixture of Cher- nozemic and Solonetzic soils. The Haverhill-Sceptre and Haverhill-Willows complexes repre- sent an overlay of glacio-lacustrine deposits (Sceptre and Willows parent material) over the Haverhill glacial till. This combination occurs in shallow lakes or lake margins where the lacustrine deposits are not sufficiently deep to cover all the glacial till. This latter deposit therefore occurs on the knolls and ridges with the lacustrine deposits increasing in depth down the slopes to the depressional areas. Complexes of Haverhill-Kindersley represent mixtures of glacial till and clayey glacio-lacustrine deposits. The Haverhill-Fox Valley and the Haverhill-Birsay complexes occur from the same causes described for Haverhill-Sceptre and Haverhill-Willows . However, in the complexes presently under discussion the Fox Valley represent silty glacio-lacustrine deposits and the Birsay sandy glacio-lacustrine deposits. Complexes of Haverhill-Chaplin represent mixtures of glacial till and gravelly glacio-fluvial deposits; while complexes of Haverhill- Hatton are glacial till and coarse sandy glacio-fluvial mixtures. The Chaplin soils may occur as an overlay of gravelly glacio-fluvial deposits or as individual kames on a glacial till plain in areas designated as Haverhill-Chaplin complexes .

29 Complexes of Haverhill-Sceptre, Haverhill-Willows and Haver- hill-Kindersley represent the best agricultural soils. Haverhill- Hatton and Haverhill-Chaplin represent the poorest agricultural soils. The Haverhill-Fox Valley are considered fair agricultural soils.

Sceptre Association DESCRIPTION-The Sceptre Association consists chiefly of Cherno- zemic Brown soils of fine texture, developed on uniform clayey glacio-lacustrine deposits . This Association occurs on the Lucky Lake Plain and the Eston Plain in the present map area. About 19,000 acres were mapped in the Sceptre Association. The parent material of the Sceptre Association is grayish brown to brown in colour, of clay to heavy clay texture, and is moderately calcareous. Stones are absent to rare except in areas where the Sceptre parent material is thin over the underlying glacial till. However, stones are seldom an obstacle to cultivation in areas of Sceptre soils. In the present map area the Sceptre Association occurs mainly on very gently to gently sloping topography much of which is dissected. On these landscapes the surface drainage is satisfactory. However, poorly drained Sceptre soils occur in local flat to depressional areas. The Sceptre soils were mapped as clay and heavy clay, and combinations of these textures. The Sceptre Association consists of Rego Brown, Orthic Brown and Gleysolic series. The Rego Brown is the dominant series and occurs throughout the higher, well drained areas, above the poorer drained lower lands . The Orthic Brown series occurs in an erratic and unpredictable pattern throughout the landscape in a mixture with the Rego Brown series. Usually, but not always, the Orthic series occurs in the slightly lower positions in landscapes which are dominantly Rego series. The Gleysolic series occur in the poorly drained positions. Under the A.R.D .A. Soil Capability Classification the Sceptre Rego Brown and Orthic Brown soils of heavy clay are placed in Class 2, which may be regarded as good arable land. These soils represent the best agricultural types of the Brown soil zone, largely because of their high water-holding capacity and good fertility. Sceptre soils of clay texture are placed in Class 3 (fair arable land) . Most Gleysolic soils of the Sceptre Association are placed in Class 3, largely because they are subject to flooding in wet years. The most poorly drained Gleysolic soils, which are too wet for cultivated use, are placed in Class 5. Assessed for irrigation purposes the Sceptre soils are rated as Group 3 and Group 4. Their heavy clay texture, which makes them such desirable dry land soils, detracts from their suitability as 30 irrigation soils. Thus Sceptre clay soils are considered fair to poor irrigation types while Sceptre heavy clay is considered unsuitable for irrigation. MAP UNITS-Three map units were established in the Sceptre Association for the present map area. Scl-Dominantly Rego Brown series with a significant amount of Orthic Brown series occurring on very gently to gently sloping and undulating topography, some of which is dissected. Sc1 soils are nearly all cultivated and are used mainly for wheat production . They are the best type of Sceptre soils. Sc2-Dominantly Rego Brown with significant Orthic Brown and significant Gleysolic series. This map unit occurs on gently undulat- ing topography in the present map area. The agricultural rating of Sc2 soils is slightly lower than Scl soils due to the areas of poorly drained Gleysolic soils which may or may not be cultivated due to the degree of wetness from season to season. Sc3-Dominantly Gleysolic soils occurring mainly in flat to depres- sional areas. Due to the heavy texture of Sceptre soils these areas may be temporarily flooded because of the slow infiltration of excess moisture. At such times seeding may be delayed or may not be possible for one or more years. On the other hand, Gleysolic series may be the most productive types in dry years, since more soil moisture is retained in the lower lands. Thus Sc3 soils range between Class 3 (fair arable land) and Class 5 (unsuitable for cultivation) depending on the degree of wetness. Irrigation Potential of Sceptre Map Units-All Rego Brown and Orthic Brown series in the Scl and Sc2 map units which texture clay would be considered Group 3 or fair to poor irrigation soils. The same series having a heavy clay texture and all Gleysolic series in the Sc2 and Sc3 map units are unsuitable for irrigation and are placed in Group 4. MAP COMPLEXES-The Sceptre soils have been mapped in complex with the Willows, Kindersley and Haverhill soils respectively . The Sceptre-Willows complex and the Sceptre-Kindersley complex represent a mixture of the uniform clayey glacio- lacustrine deposits (Sceptre parent material) and more variable clayey glacio lacustrine deposits which form the parent materials of the Willows and Kindersley Associations. The Sceptre soils are usually confined to the lower slope positions below the Willows and Kindersley soils. The Sceptre and Willows soils are Chernozemic while the Kindersley soils are Solonetzic. The Sceptre-Haverhill complex represents an overlay of the Sceptre clay deposits on the Haverhill glacial till deposits. The Sceptre occurs in the mid and lower slope positions; while the Haverhill occurs in the upper slope positions or in the form of knolls or knobs throughout the landscape. Sceptre-Willows is the best of the Sceptre complexes, followed by Sceptre-Kindersley and finally Sceptre-Haverhill. Each of the 31 aforementioned complexes is a poorer soil than Sceptre alone and a better agricultural soil than either Willows, Kindersley or Haverhill alone. Willows Association DESCRIPTION-The Willows Association consists chiefly of Cherno- zemic Brown soils developed on variable clayey glacio-lacustrine deposits. This Association occurs on the Lucky Lake Plain and Eston Plain. About 10,000 acres were mapped in the Willows Association. The parent material of the Willows Association is yellowish brown to pale brown in colour, of clay loam and clay texture, and is moderately calcareous. Stones are few in number even where Willows soils are under- lain by glacial till (depth to till of less than four feet) . Deeper deposits of Willows soils are usually stone free. In the present map area the Willows soils occur mainly on very gently to gently sloping topography which is often dissected and on roughly undulating topography. On these landscapes surface drainage is satisfactory except where excess water is confined to undrained basins. The Willows soils were mapped as clay loam and clay and combinations of these textures . The Willows Association, in the present map area, consists of the Orthic Brown and Rego Brown Series. The Orthic Brown is the dominant series and occupies most of the landscape. The Rego Brown series occurs in an erratic and unpredictable pattern throughout the soil landscape, however, it is not usual for the Rego series to occur on slight elevations above the Orthic. Under the A.R.D .A. Soil Capability Classifications the Willows Orthic and Rego series of clay and clay loam texture would be considered as Class 3 (fair arable land) . Assessed for irrigation purposes Willows clay loam soil would be classified as low Group 2 (fair) while the heavier textured Willows soils would be Group 3 (fair to poor) . MAP UNITS-Two map units were separated in the Willows Association in the present map area. Wwl-Dominant Orthic Brown series occurring on very gently to gently sloping and undulating topography much of which is dissected. The Orthic Brown series has a variety of different structured B horizons; some of which are Solonetz-like in appearance. Due, how- ever, to the scale of mapping no attempt was made to separate those series with the stronger B horizons (Solonetz-like) from the weaker or Orthic types. Because of the different physical character- istics of the B horizons crop growth, particularly in dry years, is uneven. Regardless of this, however, Wwl soil areas are good agricultural soils surpassed only by the Sceptre soils which are the best of the Brown Chernozemic soils. 32 Ww2-Dominantly Orthic Brown with significant amounts of Rego Brown series. This map unit occurs on similar topography to the Wwl map unit. Areas of Ww2 soil are almost comparable in productivity to areas of Wwl soils. MAP COMPLEXES-The Willows soils have been mapped in com- plex with the Sceptre, Kindersley, Fox Valley, Birsay and Haverhill soils respectively. The Willows-Sceptre complex represents a mixture of the Willows variable clayey glacio-lacustrine deposits with the uniform clayey glacio-lacustrine deposits of the Sceptre Association. The Sceptre soils are usually confined to the lower slopes below the Willows soils. The Willows-Kindersley complex represents a mixture of Willows Chernozemic soils and Kindersley Solonetzic soils. The Willows-Birsay represents a mixture of the Willows deposits with the Birsay sandy glacio-lacustrine deposits, while the Willows- Fox Valley is a mixture with silty glacio-lacustrine deposits. In both these complexes the Birsay and Fox Valley soils occur upslope from the Willows soils. The Willows-Haverhill represents an overlay of the Willows deposits on the Haverhill glacial till. The Haverhill soils occur on the upper slopes, knolls or ridges while the Kindersley soils occur downslope. Willows-Sceptre is the best Willows complex, followed by Willows-Kindersley, Willows-Haverhill, Willows-Fox Valley and Wil- lows-Birsay complexes.


DESCRIPTION-Flaxcombe is a new Association which was estab- lished to separate the Brown Solonetzic soils developed on glacial till from the Chernozemic Brown soils. The term Brown Solonetzic is used to cover solonetz-like and weakly to moderately developed solodized solonetz and solod soils. In other words the profiles are not as strongly developed as solonetzic soils on highly saline parent materials. In the present map areas the Flaxcombe soils occur in complex with other Soil Associations south of Lucky Lake. These Flaxcombe complexes occupy a very small portion of the mapped area totalling some 2.050 acres in extent. The Flaxcombe Association consists chiefly of medium textured Brown Solonetzic soils developed on glacial till . This glacial till is grayish brown to pale brown. in colour, moderately calcareous and sometimes saline. There may be fragments or pieces of dark coloured shale. The texture varies from sandy clay loam to clay loam. 33 Stones are common to all Flaxcombe soils, ranging from moderately to very stony. The Flaxcombe soils, in the present map area, occur on dissected gently sloping and roughly undulating topography. Surface drainage is excessive on the steeper slopes and more than moderate in most Flaxcombe areas. Undrained depressions are frequent in the non-dissected areas. In the dissected areas the surface run-off drains through numerous shallow channels and empties into coulees or local ponds and lakes beyond the Flaxcombe area. Surface textures are dominantly loam in areas of Flaxcombe soils of the Rosetown map area. The Flaxcombe Association contains the following soil series: Brown Solonetz, Brown Solodized Solonetz and Brown Solod. Areas of Soionetzic soils which include the aforementioned series have no definite profile or series sequence throughout the soil landscape. The position of the various series is erratic and complex, but usually in Solonetzic areas the Solonetz series occurs on the higher elevations above the Solodized Solonetz and the Solod occupies the upland depressions which occur along the slopes above the poorly drained depressions. The Solodized Solonetz and Solod series make up the bulk of the Flaxcombe soils. Under the A.R.D.A. Soil Capability Classification Flaxcombe loam soils are placed in Class 4, which is considered as poor arable land. Assessed for irrigation purposes Flaxcombe loams would be classified as Group 3 and Group 4 soils (fair to unsuitable) . The degree of solodization and the amount of salinity would be major factors in rating Flaxcombe soils for irrigation purposes. Highly saline, poorly structured soils should not be irrigated. MAP UNITS AND MAP COMPLEXES--In the present map area three map units were separated in the Flaxcombe Association. How- ever, as mentioned previously, none of these map units occur alone but in complexes with map units of other Associations. The following will describe the relationship of the Flaxcombe map units to the other soils which formthe Flaxcombe complexes. Fe2-Dominantly a combination of Brown Solodized Solonetz and Brown Solod series with a significant amount of Brown Solonetz series. This map unit occurs in complex with Haverhill soil on gently sloping, dissected, topography. The Haverhill soils occur on the upper slopes and eroded knolls, ridges and steep slopes. The Fc2 map unit occurs with an erratic series pattern of profile distribu- tion on the mid and lower slopes below the Haverhill soils and above the Gleysolic soils of the poorly drained basins. Both Haverhill and Flaxcombe soils are developed on glacial till. The Haverhill soils are dominantly Chernozemic while the Flaxcombe are Solonetzic. Fc3-Dominantly a combination of Brown Solod and Brown Solonetz series. This map unit occurs in complex with Haverhill and Sceptre 34 soils on roughly undulating topography. As in the Fc2 map unit the Haverhill Chernozemic soils occur above the Flaxcombe series throughout the soil landscape. The poorly drained Sceptre soils which are dominantly Gleysolic series occur below the Flaxcombe soils in the depressional areas. Fe4-Dominantly Brown Solonetzic series. This map unit includes the Solonetz, Solodized Solonetz and Solod series which form the Solonetzic Order. None of these series, however, are dominant but all occur in nearly equal amounts-thus the term "Brown Solonetzic series" is used to describe the Fc4 map unit. The Fc4 map unit occurs in complex with Kindersley and Haverhill soils on dissected gently sloping topography. The Haverhill soils occur on the upper slopes and eroded knolls and ridges, the Flaxcombe soils occur on the mid slope position below the Haverhill but above the Kindersley soils which occupy the lower slope positions. Areas of the Fc4 map complex are better dry land agricultural soils than the Fc2 and Fc3 map complexes. Irrigation Potential of Flaxcombe Map Units--The suitability of the Fc2, Fc3 and Fc4 map complexes for irrigation is questionable. At best they would be considered as Group 3 (fair to poor) but because of the many adverse features of these map complexes, such as differences in texture, uniformity of deposits, varying amount of salinity and the variety of series with their specific physical and chemical characteristics, they should more correctly be classed as Group 4 or unsuitable for irrigation.

Gilroy Association DESCRIPTION-Gilroy is a new Association. It was established to separate the saline or Solonetzic soils developed on sandy glacio- lacustrine deposits from the Birsay Chernozemic sails developed on nearly similar deposits in the Brown, Soil Zone. The Gilroy Associa- tion occurs in complexes with the irsay Association and occupies some 700 acres on the Lucky Lake Plain near the southern boundary of the map area. The parent material of the Gilroy Association is light olive brown to yellowish brown in colour. The texture varies from sandy loams to sandy clay loams which have over 45% sand and over 15% clay. The parent material is also moderately calcareous and contains variable amounts of salts some of which occur in the form of crystals. Gilroy soils are usually stone free except where the parent material is thin and underlain by glacial till. Such areas are indi- cated in the map by the subscript symbol T. The Gilroy Association, in the present map area, occurs on gently sloping and undulating topography some of which is dissected. Surface drainage is good except in times of excess precipitation when water may remain ponded for short periods in some of the upland depressions. Surface textures are loam and fine sandy loam. 35 The Gilroy Association contains the following series: Solonetz, Solodized-Solonetz and Solod. These Solonetzic series do not have a regular distribution pattern, it frequently is erratic and complex. However, throughout the macro- and micro-relief the Solonetz series usually occurs above the Solodized-Solonetz series with the Solod below. Throughout any area which may be dominantly one specific series varying amounts of the other two series may occur. Under the A.R.D.A. Soil Capability Classification the Gilroy soils are Class 4, or poor arable land, due to their droughty and saline characteristics. Assessed for irrigation Gilroy soils would range from fair to unsuitable. They would be downgraded on the basis of the degree of salinity and type of soil series. Highly salinized, poor structured solonetzic soils present many problems when irrigated that are not so apparent when such soils remain as dry land farm units. Highly specialized irrigation techniques are necessary to success- fully improve Solonetzic soils. MAP UNITS-Two map units were established in the Gilroy As- sociation. Neither of these map units occupy sufficient area to be mapped alone but occur in complexes with other soils. Gyl-Dominantly Brown Solonetz series with a significant amount of Brown Solod series. This map unit occurs in a complex with Birsay and Haverhill soils on dissected gently sloping topography. The Haverhill soils are Chernozemic and developed on glacial till. They occur on the upper slopes and ridges. The Birsay Chernozemic soils and the Gilroy Solonetzic soils developed on sandy glacio- lacustrine sediments occur on the mid and lower slopes below the Haverhill soils. The Birsay soils usually occur on slightly higher elevations than the Gilroy soils. They also occur on the lower slopes of those areas which are dominantly Haverhill. Thus in areas of the Birsay-Gilroy-Haverhill complex the Birsay soils occupy the largest portion of the landscape, the Gilroy soils less, and the Haverhill the least. Gy2-Dominantly Brown Solodized-Solonetz series. This map unit does not occur alone but in one complex with Birsay soils and in another with Birsay and Fox Valley soils. Throughout landscapes of these complexes the Chernozemic Birsay and Solonetzic Gilroy soils occur on the upper slopes above the Chernozemic Fox Valley soils. In the Birsay-Gilroy complex the Birsay soils are dominant and occur upslope above the Gilroy soils. In the Birsay-Gilroy-Fox Valley complex the Birsay and Gilroy soils occur upslope above the Fox Valley. In such a complex the Birsay soils occupy most of the landscape, the Gilroy less and the Fox Valley soils the least. Irrigation Potential of Gilroy Map Units-The Gyl soils are considered as Group 3 or fair to poor for irrigation . Gy2 soils of loam and fine sandy loam textures are also considered as Group 3 soils. Gyl and Gy2 areas with heavy textured subsoils of variable composition or high salinity are downgraded to Group 4 and con- sidered unsuitable for irrigation . 36 Kindersley Association DESCRIPTION-Kindersley is a new Association which was estab- lished to separate the Brown Solonetzic soils developed on variable clayey glacio-lacustrine deposits from the Chernozemic Brown soils on nearly similar parent materials. The term Brown Solonetzic is used to cover solonetz-like and weakly to moderately developed solodized-solonetz and solod soils. In other words, Kindersley soils are not as strongly developed as other Solonetzic soils developed on highly saline parent materials. The Kinderlsey Association repre- sents the better developed profiles formerly mapped as Sceptre clay. In addition, Kindersley soils now occur in areas formerly mapped as mixed Sceptre and Haverhill soils. In the present map area the Kindersley soils occupy 9,400 acres on the Lucky Lake Plain. The Kindersley Association consists chiefly of moderately fine to fine textured Brown Solonetzic soils developed on variable clayey glacio-lacustrine deposits. These deposits are grayish brown to yellowish brown in colour, massive in structure, clayey in texture and moderate in lime carbonate content. It is frequently difficult to determine whether the parent material is true lacustrine, and in some instances the parent material will include modified till or material deposited from the glacial ice and subsequently partly sorted by water when the ice melted. The Kinderlsey soils occupy the shallower portions of glacial lake beds. Hence these soils occur on the margins of the former lake and on higher elevations within the lake bed. Stones are few in the deeper Kindersley deposits but may be moderate where Kindersley soils are shallow and underlain by glacial till. The deeper Kindersley deposits occur mainly on very gently to gently undulating topography. The shallower deposits are often roughly undulating due to the configuration of the underlying glacial till. Surface drainage of Kindersley soils is satisfactory on the smooth undulating areas, somewhat excessive on the slopes of roughly undulating to rolling areas, and slow to absent in the flat- depressional areas. Prolonged flooding of undrained basins is less common than in Sceptre areas. Surface textures are chiefly clay loam and clay. This is a reflection of the texture of the parent material which is not as heavy as that of the Sceptre Association. The Kindersley Association contains the following soil series: Brown Solonetz, Brown Solidized Solonetz and Brown Solod. The Solonetzic series in the Kindersley Association do not have a systematic distribution pattern-rather it is erratic and unpre- dictable. Usually, however, the Solonetz series occurs above the Solonized Solonetz throughout the soil landscape. The Solod profile may occur in the lower sites in association with either the Solonetz or Solodized Solonetz series. 37 Under the A.R.D.A. Land Capability Classification the Kinder- sley soils are placed in Class 3 which is considered as fair arable land. This is largely due to the lack of precipitation in the Brown soil zone and the hard structure of the B horizons. For irrigation purposes the Kindersley soils would be rated as Group 3 and Group 4 (fair to unsuitable) . Kindersley soils are downgraded for irrigation because of their heavy texture, poor permeability and structure, and their salinity content. MAP UNITS-Two Kindersley map units were separated in the present map area. Kdl-Dominantly Brown Solonetz with significant amounts of Brown Solod series occurring on very gently to gently undulating topography. This map unit is one of the best Kindersley soil areas. Kd10-Dominantly Brown Solonetzic series occurring on gently to roughly undulating topography. This map unit includes all the series which form Brown Solonetzic Order soils. None of the series, how- ever, are dominant but all occur in nearly equal amounts. Thus the term Brown Solonetzic series which includes the Solonetz, Solodized Solonetz and Solod series is used to describe the Kd10 map unit. Areas of this map unit are considered to be the least suitable agricultural soils in the Kindersley Association. Irrigation Potential of Kindersley Map Units-None of the Kindersley map units would be better than Group 3 (fair to poor irrigation soils), and the heavier textured, more saline types would be considered as unsuitable for irrigation. MAP COMPLEXES-The Kindersley soils have been mapped in complex with the Willows, Fox Valley, Flaxcombe and Haverhill Associations respectively. The Kindersley-Willows complex is basically a mixture of Kin- dersley Solonetzic soils and Willows Chernozemic soils. The Kin- dersley soils usually occupy the lower areas below the Willows soils. Both Associations are developed on variable clayey glacio-lacustrine deposits. The Kindersley-Fox Valley is a mixture of the Kindersley parent material with the Fox Valley silty glacio-lacustrine deposits. These deposits usually occur upslope above the Kindersley soils. The Kindersley-Flaxcombe and Kindersley-Haverhill complexes are an overlay of Kindersley soils on the glacial tills which form the Flaxcombe and Haverhill soils . These latter soils occur above the Kindersley soils throughout the soil landscape. The Flaxcombe glacial till gives rise to dominantly Solonetzic series, while the Haverhill soils are dominantly Chernozemic. The Kindersley -Willows complex is the best of the afore- mentioned complexes in regard to its agricultural potential. This complex is followed by Kindersley-Fox Valley, then Kindersley- Haverhill, and lastly by Kindersley-Flaxcombe .

38 SOILS OF THE DARK BROWN ZONE The Dark Brown Soil Zone in Saskatchewan occupies that portion of the province between the arid grass region or Brown Soil Zone and the sub-humid parkland region or Black Soil Zone. The Dark Brown Zone may, therefore, be considered as transitional be- tween the Brown and the Black Soil Zones. In nature and agricul- tural adaptation, the Dark Brown soils more closely resemble the soils in the Brown rather than the Black Zone. The general appearance of the landscape in the Dark Brown Soil Zone is similar to the Brown. The uncultivated areas consist chiefly of open grassland or prairie. The grass species, however, are taller and produce a denser grass cover than in the Brown Zone, a result of slightly more favorable climatic conditions. This more luxurient growth has resulted in the cultivated soils having a darker surface color and a higher organic matter content than the Brown soils. In a few areas where moisture conditions are most favorable, small groves of poplar, willows and various shrubs break the grass carpet or cultivated fields. The Rosetown map area is chiefly composed of Dark Brown soils and twelve Chernozemic and six Solonetzic Associations are described in the following section. The Chernozemic Associations include Alert, Allan, Asquith, Bear, Biggar, Bradwell, Elstow, Keppel, Regina, Sutherland, Weyburn and Wyandotte. The Solonet- zic Associations include Grandora, Hanley, Rosemae, Trossachs, Tuxford and Wingello .


DESCRIPTION - Alert is a new Association and occupies some 20,000 acres. It was established to indicate a complex of sandy glacio-lacustrine sediments and unsorted and modified till deposits which were formerly mapped as the Elstow and Weyburn Associ- ations in the Bear Hills. The Alert soils are associated with morainic landscapes which show considerable modification by water. The knolls are smooth, broad, and sometimes flat surfaced, the side slopes are steep and long, and the depressions are deep. The dis- tribution pattern of the various deposits included in the Alert Association can be erratic but the usual sequence consists of glacial till knolls and upper slopes, and sandy glacio-lacustrine side and lower slopes . This latter deposit overlies the unsorted or modified till and increases in depth down the slope. The configuration of the underlying tills probably accounts for the moraine-like appearance in areas of Alert soils, but it is not unusual to encounter a consider- able depth of glacio-lacustrine deposits on high knolls where till is normally located . The Alert Association consists chiefly of medium and moder- ately coarse textured Chernozemic Brown soils developed on a complex of lacustrine and till deposits. It is frequently difficult to determine whether the deposits are true lacustrine or highly modi-

39 fied till; there are, however, definite lacustrine, modified till and unsorted till deposits included in the Alert parent material. The true sandy glacio-lacustrine deposits are like Bradwell parent material, the unsorted till like Weyburn. The modified till is a mix- ture of the two ; so that some areas are more Bradwell-like and other areas more Weyburn-like . The landscape consists of gently to strongly rolling morainic topography with large level knolls, long slopes and large depressions. The surface, in some areas of dominantly lacustrine soils, may have many cobbles but these are only surface stones and do not persist throughout the profile. In other areas pebbles do occur throughout the profile. Stones are common in the till soils . Surface drainage of Alert soils is excessive on the knolls and upper slopes and moderate to excessive on lower slopes depending on their steepness. Where the landscape is not dissected the basin areas are often flooded or wet due to the run-off from the upper slopes during times of excessive moisture. Surface textures are chiefly loam and fine sandy loam and combinations of these textures. The Alert Association contains the following soil series : Orthic Dark Brown, Calcareous Dark Brown, Orthic Regosol, Eluviated Dark Brown and Gleysolic series. The Orthic Dark Brown is the dominant series and occurs in the mid slope positions above the Eluviated Dark Brown series and below the Calcareous Dark Brown and Orthic Regosol series. The Calcareous Dark Brown and Orthic Regosol series occur on the knolls and steep upper slope positions. The Orthic Regosol is actually the eroded phase of Calcareous or Orthic Dark Brown series which have been depleted of their dark coloured surface horizons either by wind or water erosion. The Gleysolic series occurs in the poorly drained lower slope or depressional areas below the Eluviated Dark Brown series. Under the A.R.D.A. Land Capability Classification the Alert soils of loam texture are placed in Class 3 (fair arable land) . The sandy loam and fine sandy loam types would be considered as Class 4 (poor arable land) . Droughty characteristics, steep topography and the tendency to be easily eroded are all factors which down- grade Alert soils. It is not feasible to consider irrigating Alert soils. The topo- graphy is very steep with slopes ranging from 5 to over 30%. The soil characteristics, however, are satisfactory, and if water could be applied to these soils they would be considered as Group 2 and 3 (good to fair) for irrigation purposes. MAP UNITS-The following three map units were used to describe the series combination in the present map area. Atl-Dominantly Orthic Dark Brown series with a significant amount of Eluviated Dark Brown and a significant amount of Calcareous Dark Brown series. This map unit occurs on rough undulating topography and represents the best agricultural area of Alert soils. 40 At2-Dominantly Orthic Dark Brown series with a significant com- bination of Calcareous Dark Brown and Orthic Regosol series and significant amounts of Gleysolic series. This map unit occurs on moderately and strongly rolling topography and its agricultural value is lower than that of the Atl map unit because of the eroded knolls and poorly drained basins. At4-Dominantly Orthic Dark Brown series with a significant com- bination of Calcareous Dark Brown and Orthic Regosol series. At4 occurs on gently to strongly rolling topography. The At4 map unit lacks the poorly drained soils associated with the At2 map units and thus has a higher agricultural value. MAP COMPLEXES-The Alert Association occurs in soil complexes with the Elstow and Asquith Associations. The Alert-Elstow complex is a mixture of Alert parent material and the Elstow silty glacio-lacustrine deposits. These latter deposits occur below the Alert soils throughout the soil landscape. The Alert-Asquith complex is a mixture of Alert parent material and Asquith sandy glacio-fluvial and lacustrine deposits. The dis- tribution of these materials throughout areas of this complex is erratic and unpredictable.

Allan Association DESCRIPTION-Allan is a new Association. It was established to separate soils which were previously indicated as Elstow clay, from the medium to moderately fine silty glacio-lacustrine deposits which form the parent materials of the Elstow Association. The Allan soils occur in the Allan Hills and occupy some 22,000 acres. The Allan Association consists chiefly of fine textured Cherno- zemic Dark Brown soils developed on fine textured glacio-lacustrine deposits associated with lake marginal lacustrine deposits over glacial till and occasionally over bedrock shales. The parent material of the Allan Association is grayish brown to dark olive gray in colour, clay to heavy clay in texture and moderately calcareous. It appears to be reworked and is not a uniform clay deposit but contains dark coloured flattened shale-like fragments. In many areas there is a concentration of gypsum crystals in the parent materials but this feature is not consistent. Some surface stones occur but do not persist through the profiles which form the Allan Association except in areas where the lacustrine deposit is very thin over till. However, stones are seldom an obstacle to cultivation in areas of Allan soils. In the present map area the Allan Association occurs mainly on gently rolling topography. It also occurs on a range of topography from roughly undulating to moderately rolling. Even though the Allan soils are lacustrine in origin the landscapes on which they exist are moraine-like in appearance being composed of high knolls and deep basins. The soil drainage associated with the Allan soils is somewhat 41 excessive on steep upper knolls and slopes, well drained in mid slope positions and poor to restricted in depressional areas. The dominant surface texture of the Allan soils is clay; a few areas of clay loam and heavy clay were also mapped. The following series occur in the Allan Association : Rego Dark Brown, Calcareous Dark Brown, Orthic Dark Brown and undifferen- tiated Gleysolic. The distribution pattern of the series is often very erratic, with the various profiles occurring in an unpredictable sequence throughout the soil landscape. One would expect to find the Rego Dark Brown series on the upper slopes and knolls. It also occurs, however, above the poorly drained basins which contain the Gleysolic series. The Calcareous series with slightly better developed profiles occur in association with Rego and Orthic Brown series in the upper and mid slope positions. The Orthic profile may be dominant in the mid and lower slope positions but associated with the Orthic there may be various amounts of Rego and Calcareous Dark Brown series. Under the A.R.D.A. Soil Capability Classification the Allan clay and heavy clay soils are considered as Class 2 or good arable soil. The Allan clay loams are considered a fair arable land or Class 3. Assessed for irrigation purposes the Allan soils are rated as Group 3 and Group 4 (fair to unsuitable) . Their heavy clay tex- tures, which makes them such desirable dry land soils, detracts from their suitability as irrigation soils . Soils which texture clay and heavy clay are downgraded for irrigation purposes because of the slow percolation rate of the applied water. The heavier the soil texture, the slower the percolation rate. MAP UNITS-Three map units were separated in the Allan As- sociation. Anl-Dominantly a combination of Rego and Calcareous Dark Brown series occurring on roughly undulating to moderately rolling topography. The Allan soils are nearly all cultivated and are used mainly for wheat production. An2-Dominantly Orthic Dark Brown series with a significant com- bination of Rego and Calcareous Dark Brown series. This map unit occurs on gently rolling topography and its agricultural potential would be similar to areas of Anl soils. Ana-Dominantly a combination of Rego and Calcareous Dark Brown series with significant amounts of Orthic Dark Brown series and significant amounts of Gleysolic series. This map unit occurs in a complex with Wyandotte soils on gently rolling topography. Its agricultural potential would be slightly lower than Anl or An2 soil areas because of the poorly drained Gleysolic soils which may or may not be cultivated, from season to season, due to the degree of wetness. MAP COMPLEXES-The Allan soils have been mapped in com- plexes with the Wyandotte soils. These complexes occur on gently 42 to moderately rolling knob and kettle topography. The Wyandotte soils, which are developed on a clayey modified till occur on the higher elevations above the Allan glacio-lacustrine clays. Allan- Wyandotte soil areas are good agricultural land and are rated as Class 3 (fair arable land) using the A.R.D.A. Soil Capability Classification .

Asquith Association DESCRIPTION-The Asquith Association consists chiefly of coarse to moderately-coarse textured Chernozemic Dark Brown soils, de- veloped on sandy glacio-fluvial and lacustrine deposits. The Asquith soils occupy some 363,000 acres and occur on all the lake plains in the Dark Brown portion of the present map area. The Asquith parent material is yellowish brown in colour and fine sandy loam to loamy sand in texture. Asquith soils are re- stricted to sandy deposits which contain less than 15% clay. These deposits are weakly to moderately calcareous and contain few to no stones. Asquith soils have been mapped over clay deposits, gravel and till and these subsoils are indicated on the map by the symbols C, G, and T respectively. The Asquith soils occur on a wide range of topography from very gently sloping to gently rolling. Large acreages of Asquith soils occur on gently sloping to roughly undulating topography. Some landscapes are dissected but the majority are of the knoll and de- pression undulating type. Surface drainage is good to excessive in the Asquith Associa- tion, except in depressional areas which are generally underlain by heavier textured subsoils of glacial till or lacustrine origin. Surface textures include sandy loam, fine sandy loam, loamy sand and various combinations of these textures. The following series occur in the Asquith Association: Orthic Dark Brown, Calcareous Dark Brown and undifferentiated Gley- solic plus salinized or carbonated phases of Chernozemic, Gleysolic and Regosolic soil series. The Orthic Dark Brown series is dominant occupying nearly all the well drained areas throughout the soil landscape . The Calcareous Dark Brown series usually but not always occurs above the Orthic Dark Brown series. It may also occur just above the poorly drained basins and on the rim of draws and ravines. The Gleysolic series occupies the poorly drained depressional or flat areas. These areas also contain saline Regosol and gleyed saline Regosol series. The salinized or carbonated phases of the aforementioned series occur in the same positions throughout the soil landscape as their normal counterparts. Salinized or carbonated phases may be caused by fluctuating water tables or lateral movement of seepage water which contains soluble materials. Under the A.R.D.A. Soil Capability Classification the well drained Asquith fine sandy loams and sandy loams are placed in Class 4 (poor arable land) . Asquith loamy sand and sands are con- 43 sidered unsuitable for sustained cultivation (Class 5) and are util- ized mainly as permanent pasture. Assessed for irrigation Asquith soils vary from Group 1 to Group 4 (good to unsuitable) . Some Asquith soils would be down- graded because of coarse textures and the severity of the saline phases in certain of its map units. MAP UNITS-Seven map units were separated in the present map area. Al--Dominantly Orthic Dark Brown series. This map unit occurs on a range of topography from very gently to moderately sloping and very gently undulating to gently rolling. A1 map areas repre- sent the best agricultural soils in the Asquith Association ., While all Asquith soils are characterized by low moisture holding capac- ity (or poor drought resistance) most of the moisture present in these soils during the growing season is available for plant growth. Cultivated Asquith soils soon lose their surface structure and become susceptible to wind erosion. Some of the Asquith soils have heavier textured subsoils . These soils have a higher moisture holding capacity resulting in an increase in crop yields as compared to areas where these heavier subsoils are not present. A2-Dominantly Calcareous Dark Brown series. This map unit occurs mainly on very gently to roughly undulating topography. Local areas also occur on dissected gently sloping and moderately rolling landscapes. The Calcareous series occurs on the knoll and along the slopes dominating the catena. A2 soil areas are poorer agricultural units than A1 soils. A3--Dominantly Orthic Dark Brown series with a significant amount of carbonated and/or salinized Chernozemic soils. 'This map unit occurs on very gently to gently sloping and gently to gently or roughly undulating topography. The degree of salinization has much to do with the agricultural assessment of these soils. Evidence of salinized soils may be observed by the stunted crop growth and patchy germination in localized areas throughout landscapes in- dicated as A3. A4-Dominantly Calcareous Dark Brown Series with a significant amount of salinized Calcareous Dark Brown series. The A4 soils occur on dissected very gently to gently sloping and gently undulat- ing topography, The agricultural, value of A4 soils is lower than that of A2 soils because of the presence of salinized phases. A5-Dominantly salinized Calcareous Dark Brown series which occur on dissected very gently sloping and very gently to gently or roughly undulating topography. Areas of A5 soils are poor agri- cultural soils. A6--Dominantly a combination of salinized and/or carbonated Chernozemic and Gleysolic soils. This map unit occurs on a range of topography from nearly level to gently or roughly undulating. The Chernozemic soils in the upper slope positions are probably salinized or carbonated due to heavy subsoils which restrict the 44 downward movement of soluble materials. The Gleysolic soils are salinized or carbonated due either to seepage water or fluctuating water tables. A6 soil areas are poor agricultural soils; their ability to produce crops is related to the degree of salinity which may vary from slight to severe. Thus crop growth may vary from fair to very poor. A8-Dominantly Orthic Dark Brown series with a significant amount of saline and gleyed Regosolic series occuring on gently to roughly undulating topography. Excluding the poorly drained depressional areas the remainder of the A8 soils would be comparable to Al soil areas. Irrigation Potential of Asquith Map UnitsAl soils of fine sandy loam are considered as good irrigation soils (Group 1) . Al soils of sandy loam, loamy sand and sand would rate as Group 2, Group 3 and Group 4, or fair, poor and unsuitable irrigation soils respectively . The heaviest textured A2, A3, A4, A5, A6 and A8 soils range from Group 2 to Group 4 depending on the degree of salinity. All Asquith map units of loamy sand and coarser textures are considered poor to unsuitable for irrigation purposes because of their low water-holding capacity. MAP COMPLEXES-The Asquith soils have been mapped in com- plexes with Dune Sand, Biggar, Weyburn, Elstow, Bradwell, Wingello and Alluvium soils respectively. The Asquith-Dune Sand complex represents a mixture of Asquith soils with wind worked sands. The Asquith-Biggar complex represents a mixture of Asquith soils with gravelly glacio-fluvial deposits. These gravels or Biggar sediments may occur as individual kames or as fluvial outwash deposits. Asquith-Elstow and Asquith-Bradwell represent a mixture of Asquith materials with glacio-lacustrine sediments. The Elstow soils are silty lacustrine, the Bradwell sandy lacustrine which contain over 15% clay. In both complexes the Elstow and Bradwell soils usually occur below the Asquith soils throughout the soil landscape. Asquith-Wingello complexes consist of a mixture of Asquith Chernozemic soils and Wingello Solonetzic soils. The Asquith-Alluvium complex represent a mixture of Asquith Chernozemic soils with recently deposited and 'immature alluvium and alluvial deposits. The Alluvium soils are confined to the poorly drained flats and depressional areas.

Bear Association DESCRIPTION-The Bear is a new Association. It was established to indicate the clayey glacio-lacustrine deposits in the Bear Hills which were formerly included in the Elstow Association . The Bear Association occupies some 2,000 acres. The Bear Association consists chiefly of fine textured Cherno- zemic Dark Brown soils developed on variable fine textured glacio-

45 lacustrine sediments deposited on lake margins or in shallow lakes associated with the morainic landscapes of the Bear Hills. The parent material of the Bear Association is grayish brown in colour, clay to heavy clay in texture and moderately calcareous. The clayey glacio-lacustrine sediments which form the Bear parent material are not as uniform as deeper clayey glacio-lacustrine deposits like the Regina Association. Some of the parent material appears like lake-modified till and contains some small water worked pebbles and gypsum crystals. The Bear Association also occurs in complex with unsorted glacial till soils-in such complexes the Bear sediments are thin (less than 4 feet) and are underlain by glacial till. In areas where the Bear soils are associated with glacial till some stones occur on the surface and throughout the Bear profiles. However, stones are never an obstacle to cultivation in areas of Bear soils and are few to absent in the deeper Bear deposits. In the present map area the Bear soils occur on a range of topography from gently undulating to moderately rolling. The surface drainage associated with the Bear soils is some- what excessive on the steeper slopes and knolls and good through- out the mid and lower slope positions. Drainage is poor in the depressional areas. The surface textures include clay and clay loam and com- binations of these textures. The Bear Association contains the following soil series: Rego, Calcareous and Orthic Dark Brown. The Orthic Dark Brown series usually occurs in the well drained mid and lower slope positions. Associated with the Orthic Dark Brown series are Rego and Calcareous Dark Brown series situated on the higher portions of the relief on the long slope lengths. The concentration of Rego Dark Brown and Calcareous Dark Brown series occurs on the upper slopes and knolls above the Orthic Dark Brown throughout the soil landscape. Under the A.R.D.A. Soil Capability Classification the Bear clay soil areas are placed in Class 2 as good arable land and the Bear clay loam in Class 3 as fair arable land. Assessed for irrigation purposes the Bear clay loam soils would be considered as Group 3 (fair to poor) while the Bear clay soils are placed in Group 4 (unsuitable) . Bear soils are down- graded because of the reduced percolation rate of -the irrigation water in fine textured soils. MAP UNITS-Two map units were established in the Bear As- sociation. Bet-Dominantly Orthic Dark Brown series with significant amounts of Rego Dark Brown series. This map unit occurs. on gently undulating topography. It also occurs in a complex with Weyburn soils on moderately to gently rolling topography. Bel soil areas are the best agricultural lands in the Bear Association. Be2-Dominantly a combination of Calcareous and Rego Dark Brown series. The Be2 soils occur on gently to moderately rolling topo- 46 graphy. They also occur in complexes with Elstow soils on dissected moderately sloping topography. Be2 soil areas are slightly poorer agricultural lands than Bel soil areas. They have immature profiles, occur generally on rougher topography and are more eroded. MAP COMPLEXES-As mentioned under the Map Units the Bear soils occur in complex with the Weyburn and Elstow soils. The Bear-Weyburn complex consists of an overlay of the Bear parent material on the Weyburn glacial till. These latter soils occur on the knolls and upper slopes and the Bear soils occupy the mid and lower slope positions. The Bear-Elstow complex consists of an overlay of the Bear parent material on silty glacio-lacustrine deposits which form the parent material of the Elstow soils. These latter soils occur on the higher elevations throughout the soil landscape and the Bear soils occur on the mid and lower slope positions. Both the Bear-Weyburn and Bear-Elstow complexes represent poorer agricultural soils than the Bear Association alone, but are better agricultural soils than either the Elstow or Weyburn As- sociation alone.

Biggar Association DESCRIPTION-The Biggar Association consists chiefly of coarse to moderately coarse textured Chernozemic Dark Brown soils, developed on gravelly glacio-fluvial deposits. This Association occurs in small areas on the Dundurn Plain and on the edges of Whitebear Channel, and along the Saskatchewan River on the east side of the Birsay Plain and the west side of the Outlook Plain. Some 30,000 acres were mapped as Biggar soils. The parent material of the Biggar Association is yellowish brown to grayish brown in colour. The texture ranges from loamy sand (gravelly phase) to gravelly loam and varies from weakly to moderately calcareous. Slight to moderate amounts of stones occur and are more prominent on the rougher landscapes. Where the Biggar deposits are thin or mixed with glacial till, surface stones appear to be more numerous. The Biggar Association occurs mainly on roughly undulating topography. It also occurs on a range of ablation or dissected land- scapes from very gently undulating or sloping to strongly rolling or steeply sloping. Surface drainage is good to excessive due to the coarse texture of the Biggar soils. Drainage in depressions is often restricted as a result of heavy textured subsoils. The Biggar soils were mapped as sandy loam, loamy sand and loams plus their gravelly phases. Some Biggar areas are indicated as a mixture of these textures. The Biggar Association contains the Orthic Dark Brown and Orthic Regosol series. Some of the latter soils are the eroded phase 47

Plate 4. Gravelly glacio - fluvial deposits, associated with Biggar and Chaplin soils.

of the former series. In other areas the Orthic Regosol represents an immature or weakly developed soil series. The Orthic Regosol usually occurs above the Orthic Dark Brown series throughout the soil landscape . Under the A.R.D.A. Soil Capability Classification the best Biggar soils are placed in Class 4 (poor arable land) . Most Biggar soils are placed in Class 5 and are utilized mainly for pasture. The best textured Biggar soils are considered as Group 3 or fair to poor irrigation soils. Most Biggar soils are considered un- suitable for irrigation due to their low water holding capacity and loss of water through seepage . MAP UNITS-Two map units were established in the present map area. Bgl--Dominantly Orthic Dark Brown series occurring on a wide range of topography from very gently undulating to strongly rolling. 48 The Orthic Dark Brown series occurs in all but the poorly drained basins throughout the soil landscape. The coarse sandy and gravelly textures and the related droughty characteristics and low fertility make the Biggar soils one of the least desirable agricultural soils in the Dark Brown soil zone. Bg2-Dominantly Orthic Dark Brown series with a significant amount of Orthic Regosol series occurring mainly on gently to roughly undulating topography. Areas of Bg2 soils are more eroded than areas of Bg1 soils and thus are of lower agricultural value. Irrigation potential of Biggar soils--Bg1 and Bg2 soils of sandy loam texture would be considered as Group 3 (fair to poor) . Coarser textured types are unsuitable for irrigation. Operating and maintenance cost would be high in regard to transporting water and distributing it through glacio-fluvial soil areas. MAP COMPLEXES-The Biggar soils have been mapped in com- plexes with Weyburn, Asquith and Bradwell soils respectively. The Biggar-Weyburn complex represents an overlay of the Biggar deposits on the Weyburn glacial till deposits. The Weyburn soils are usually exposed on the knoll and upper slopes with the Biggar soils below occupying most of the soil landscape. Occasionally the Biggar soils occur in kame-like ridges scattered throughout glacial till plains. The Biggar-Asquith complex represents a mixture of Biggar soils with Asquith sandy glacio-fluvial deposits. The distribution pattern throughout areas of this complex is unpredictable but usually the Asquith soils occur below the Biggar soils throughout the soil landscape. The Biggar-Bradwell complex is a mixture of Biggar soils with soils on sandy glacio-lacustrine deposits. These latter or Bradwell deposits occur below the Biggar soils throughout the soil landscape .

Bradwell Association DESCRIPTION-The Bradwell Association consists chiefly of Chernozemic Dark Brown soils developed on medium to moderately fine textured sandy glacio-lacustrine deposits. The Bradwell soils represent soil areas which were previously mapped as heavy phase Asquith or light phase Elstow. Some 341,000 acres of Bradwell soils occur locally on all the Lake Plains in the Dark Brown portion of the present map area. Tic parent material of the Bradwell Association is yellowish to grayish brown in colour. The texture varies from fine sandy loams to loams and contains over 15% clay and over 45% sand. This parent material is moderately calcareous. The Bradwell sediments are sometimes underlain by glacial till, gravel, clay or sand deposits and these deposits are indicated on the map by the symbols T, G, C and S respectively. 49 Plate 5. Sandy glacio-lacustrine deposits of the Bradwell Association overlying clayey glacio-lacustrine deposits.

Stones are absent or few in nearly all Bradwell soils except where the deposit is thin and underlain by glacial till. The Bradwell Association occurs mainly on gently to roughly undulating topography. Local areas of steeper sloping and undulat- ing to rolling landscapes also occur. Surface drainage is good on most Bradwell landscapes. It may be excessive on some of the steeper knolls and slopes and is restricted in many poor drained basins-particularly those that are underlain by heavier subsoils. The Bradwell soils were mapped as fine sandy loam, very fine sandy loam, loam, fine sandy clay loam, very fine sandy clay loam and various combinations of these textures. The Bradwell Association contains the following series: Orthic Dark Brown, Calcareous Dark Brown, Eluviated Dark Brown, un- differentiated Gleysolic and carbonated or salinized phases of the aforementioned series. 50 The Orthic Dark Brown series is dominant, occupying nearly all the positions in soil landscapes of low relief and the mid slope positions of the steeper landscapes. The Calcareous Dark Brown series occurs above the Orthic Dark Brown series in undulating and sloping topography, and the Eluviated Dark Brown series occurs on the lower slopes below the Orthic series but above the poorly drained Gleysolic soils which are confined to basins and draws. The carbonated or salinized phases of the aforementioned series occur in the same position throughout the soil landscapes as their normal counterparts. Salinized or carbonated phases may be caused by fluctuating water table or seepage waters which transport and deposit soluble materials. Under the A.R.D.A. Soil Capability Classification Bradwell soils are placed in Class 3 (fair arable land) . Their main deficiency is their limited water holding capacity. Assessed for irrigation Bradwell soils would range from very good to unsuitable depending on their uniformity and the degree of salinity in salinized areas. MAP UNITS-Nine map units have been established in the Bradwell Association. Brl-Dominantly Orthic Dark Brown series occurring mainly on gently sloping to roughly undulating topography some of which is dissected. On these landscapes the Orthic series occupies nearly all positions except the occasional poorly drained depression. Brl soil areas represent the best agricultural lands in the Bradwell Association. Br2-Dominantly Orthic Dark Brown series with a significant amount of Calcareous Dark Brown series. This map unit occurs mainly on roughly undulating topography. It also occurs, to a lesser extent, on a range of topography from gently undulating to strongly rolling. Br2 soil areas are poorer agricultural soils than Brl areas because of the increase in Calcareous profiles and their eroded phases on the more severe topography. Br3-Dominantly Orthic Dark Brown series with a significant amount of Eluviated Dark Brown series occurring mainly on very gently to roughly undulating topography. Br3 soil areas are nearly similar to Brl soil areas in agricultural value. Br4-Dominantly Calcareous Dark Brown series occurring mainly on dissected very gently and gently sloping topography. Br4 soil areas are slightly lower than Br2 areas in regard to agricultural productivity because of the higher lime carbonate content through- out Br4 soil areas. Br4 areas may be associated with fluctuating ground water tables. Br5-Dominantly Chernozemic Dark Brown soils plus their carbon- ated and/or salinized phases. The Chernozemic soils include the Orthic, Calcareous and Eluviated series which occur in the map units described previously. This map unit occurs mainly on dissected or undulating topography of low relief. The cause of the salinized 51 or carbonated phases of the Chernozemic soil series may be seepage water or fluctuating water tables. The productivity of Br5 areas depends on the severity of the salinized or carbonated phases. Br6-Dominantly salinized Calcareous Dark Brown series occurring on gently undulating and dissected gently sloping topography. The agricultural value of these soils is related to the degree of salinity. Br6 areas of low salinity would produce nearly the same as areas of Br4 soils. Br7-A combination of carbonated and/or salinized Chernozemic Dark Brown soils and salinized and/or carbonated Gleysolic series. The Chernozemic soils include Calcareous, Orthic and Eluviated carbonated or salinized series. The Gleysolic series include Cal- careous Meadow and Saline Meadow series. This map unit occurs on depressional to gently sloping and undulating topography. It repre- sents the poorest areas of Bradwell soils. Br11-Dominantly a combination of Orthic and Eluviated Dark Brown series with a significant amount of carbonated and/or salinized Gleysolic series. This map unit occurs on roughly undulat- ing to gently rolling topography. The depressional Gleysolic soils are considered unsuitable for permanent agriculture, but the upland soils are as good as Br3 soil areas. Br12-Dominant Calcareous Dark Brown series with a significant amount of Orthic Dark Brown series. This map unit occurs on gently rolling topography and is comparable to Br4 in regard to agricultural productivity . Br12 areas are more susceptible to erosion as they occur on rougher landscapes than the Br4 map unit. Irrigation Potential of Bradwell Map Units-Br1 and Br3 soils would be considered as very good to good for irrigation purposes. Br2, Br4, Br12 and Br11 map areas would rate as Group 2 (good to fair) irrigation soils, if the areas of Gleysolic soils in the Br11 map units are omitted. The Br5, Br6 and Br7 soil areas would range from Group 2 to Group 4 (good to unsuitable) depending on their degree of salinity. Areas of Br6 and Br7 would probably be more costly to irrigate than other Bradwell soils because of the necessity for extra drainage facilities. All Bradwell map units which contain salinized or carbonated phases, such as Br5, Br6 and Br7, could probably be improved and increase in agricultural value using first class irrigation techniques . MAP COMPLEXES-The Bradwell soils occur in complexes with the Weyburn, Biggar, Asquith, Wingello, Elstow and Suther- land soils respectively . The Bradwell-Weyburn complex consists of a mixture of Bradwell sediments overlying the Weyburn glacial till deposits. The Weyburn soils occupy the highest positions throughout the soil landscapes . The Bradwell-Biggar complexes are a mixture of Bradwell deposits and Biggar gravelly glacio-fluvial deposits. The Biggar occurs erratically throughout the soil landscapes and occasionally occurs as kames. 52

The Bradwell-Asquith complexes represent a mixture of sandy glacio-lacustrine and glacio-fluvial deposits. The Bradwell sands contain over 15% clay while the Asquith sands contain less than 15% clay. The Bradwell soils usually occur in the lower positions, below the Asquith soils, throughout the landscape. The Bradwell-Wingello complex is a mixture of Bradwell Chernozemic soils and Wingello Solonetzic soils on basically similar textured parent materials. The Bradwell-Elstow complex represents a mixture of Bradwell soils with silty glacio-lacustrine deposits and the Bradwell-Suther- land a mixture with clayey glacio-lacustrine deposits. In both these complexes the Bradwell usually occurs above the Elstow or Suther- land soils throughout the soil landscape.

Elstow Association DESCRIPTION-The Elstow Association consists of a group of chiefly Chernozemic Dark Brown soils developed on medium to moderately fine textured silty glacio-lacustrine deposits. Some 407,000 acres of Elstow soils occur on the various Lake Plains within the Dark Brown soil zone of the present map area. The parent material of the Elstow Association is grayish brown to light olive brown in colour, moderately calcareous, and textures loam, silt loam, clay loam and silty clay loam. Some Elstow soil areas are underlain by glacial till or clayey glacio-lacustrine deposits. Such areas are indicated on the map by the symbols T and C respectively.

Plate 6. Elstow soils; note silty calcareous, glacio-lacustrine parent material. 53 Surface stones are absent to few in most Elstow soil areas except where the Elstow deposit is thin (less than four feet) and underlain, by glacial till or where Elstow soils are mapped in complexes with glacial till soils. Elstow soils occur mainly on very gently sloping to roughly undulating topography. Some rolling topography also occurs. Surface drainage is good in most Elstow areas. It is, however, restricted in undrained flats, basins and draws. The Elstow soils are indicated on the map as loam, clay loam, silty clay loam and various combinations of these surface textures. The Elstow Association contains the following series: Orthic Dark Brown, Calcareous Dark Brown, Rego Dark Brown, Eluviated Dark Brown, Orthic Regosols and undifferentiated Gleysolic plus carbonated or salinized phases of these series. The Orthic Dark Brown series is dominant occupying nearly all the positions in landscapes of low relief and the well drained mid slope position in landscapes of rougher relief. The Calcareous Dark Brown, Rego Dark Brown and Orthic Regosol series occupy the higher slope and knoll positions above the Orthic Dark Brown series. The Eluviated Dark Brown series occurs on the lower slopes below the Orthic but above the poor drained areas which contain the Gleysolic series. The carbonated or salinized phases of the aforementioned series occur in the same position throughout the soil landscape as their normal counterparts. Under the A.R.D.A. Soil Capability Classification Elstow soils are placed in Class 3 (fair arable land) . Their limited water-holding capacity and inability to support good plant growth during periods of drought appear to be their major deficiencies. Elstow soils range from Group 1 (very good) to Group 3 (poor) for irrigation purposes. On an overall assessment for irrigation purposes, however, some of the most promising areas appear to be composed of Elstow and Bradwell soils. MAP UNITS-Eleven map units have been established in the Elstow Association. El-Dominantly Orthic Dark Brown series occurring mainly on very gently undulating topography. It also occurs on nearly level and rough undulating topography. Areas of El soils represent the best agricultural land in the Elstow Association. E2-Dominantly Orthic Dark Brown series with a significant amount of Calcareous Dark Brown series. This map unit occurs mainly on gently to roughly undulating topography, some of which is dissected. It also occurs on rougher topography including gently to moderately rolling and dissected sloping types. E2 soil areas would be less productive than El areas because of the increase in calcareous knolls and droughtier upper slopes. 54 E3-Dominantly Orthic Dark Brown series with a , significant amount of Eluviated Dark Brown series. It occurs on similar topo- graphy to that described, for the El map unit. In the E3 landscapes the slope lengths are usually longer and the knolls broader than in El areas. There is very little difference between the agricul- tural potential of E3 and El soil areas. E4-Dominantly Calcareous Dark Brown series with a significant amount of Orthic Dark Brown series. This map unit occurs on roughly undulating topography with broad knolls and short slope lengths. The knolls in E4 map areas may be eroded and lower in fertility than the Calcareous soils in the E2 soil areas. The agricultural potential of E4 soil areas is lower than E2 areas. E5-A dominant combination of Rego and Calcareous Dark Brown series. This map unit occurs mainly on roughly undulating topo- graphy. It does not occur alone in the present map area, but in complexes with the Hanley or Weyburn Associations. In Hanley complexes the Elstow soils occupy the knolls and upper slopes. These positions are often eroded and the profiles are shallow or truncated . E5 soil areas have a low agricultural value. E6-A dominant combination of Orthic and Eluviated Dark Brown series plus their carbonated and/or salinized phases. This map unit occurs on gently to roughly undulating topography. The agri- cultural potential of E6 soil areas depends on the degree of salinity associated with the saline phases. Areas of low salinity should be nearly as productive as E3 soil areas. E7-A dominant combination of Chernozemic Dark Brown soils and Gleysolic soils plus their carbonated and/or salinized phases. The Chernozemic soils include mainly Calcareous and Orthic series with some Eluviated series. The Gleysolic soils include Meadow soils. The Chernozemic series and their salinized or carbonated phases occur above the poorly drained basins containing Gleysolic series and their salinized or carbonated phases. This map unit occurs mainly on gently to roughly undulating topography and rates lower in agricultural suitability for dry land farming than the E6 map unit because of the frequently unproductive depres- sional areas. E8-Dominantly Orthic Dark Brown series with a significant combination of Calcareous Dark Brown series and Orthic Regosol . This map unit occurs on dissected strongly sloping and moderately rolling topography. Due to the steeper slopes on which it occurs the E8 map unit is basically the eroded phase of the E2 map unit. Its agricultural potential is lower than E2 areas due to the lower fertility on the knolls and upper slopes because of erosion. E9-Dominantly Orthic Dark Brown series with significant Cal- careous Dark Brown series and significant Gleysolics. This map unit occurs on gently to moderately rolling topography. It is basically the E2 map unit on rougher landscapes which contain undrained basins. The agricultural potential of E9 soil areas is 55 lower than E2 areas because of shallower soils on the knolls and the occurrence of frequently unproductive Gleysolic soils in the depressions. E11--A combination of Orthic Dark Brown, Calcareous Dark Brown and Orthic Regosol series. This map unit occurs on gently to moderately rolling knob and kettle topography and is basically the eroded phase of the E8 map unit. Its agricultural value therefore is lower than that of E8 soil areas. E15--Dominantly carbonated and/or salinized Rego Dark Brown series with a significant amount of carbonated and/or salinized Orthic Dark Brown series. This map unit occurs on gently to roughly undulating topography. The Rego soils occur on the knolls and depressional positions with the Orthic types in the middle position. The cause of the abundance of carbonated or salinized series is probably due to fluctuating water tables or lateral, seepage of contaminated water. E15 soils represent the poorest Elstow agricultural areas. There is also a difference in productivity of various E15 soil areas because of the range of salinity within the E15 map unit. Irrigation Potential of Elstow Map Units-Nonsalinized and well drained Elstow series having loam or silt loam textures are potential Group 1 (very good to good) irrigation soils. Similar series of clay loam and silty clay loam textures would be Group 2 (good to fair) irrigation soils. Initial ratings for the best textured El and E3 map units would be Group 1 irrigation soils. Map units E2, E4, E5, E8, E9 and Ell of loam and silt loam textures would have an initial rating of good to, fair (Group 2) . The best textured upland soils in map units E6, E7 and E15 would rate as Group 2 and Group 3 (fair to poor) irrigation soils but would be down- graded as the degree of salinity increased . Undrained basins containing Gleysolic soils are considered unsuitable and are omitted from the irrigation assessment of any map unit. All irrigation ratings for the aforementioned Elstow soil series would be down- graded one Group if their texture was either clay loam or silty clay loam. MAP COMPLEXES-The Elstow soils have been mapped with the Weyburn, Hanley, Bradwell, Bear and Sutherland soils respectively. The Elstow-Weyburn complex consists of an overlay of Elstow deposits on Weyburn glacial till, The Weyburn soils occur above the Elstow soils occupying the knolls and upper soils throughout the soil landscape . Elstow-Hanley complexes are mixtures of Elstow Chernozemic Dark Brown soils and Hanley Dark Brown Solonetzic soils. Elstow and Hanley soils are developed on similar textured parent materials. The Hanley deposits are saline, the Elstow deposits are not. Elstow-Bradwell, Elstow-Sutherland and Elstow-Bear complexes are mixtures of Elstow silty glacio-lacustrine deposits with sandy glacio-lacustrine, variable clayey glacio-lacustrine and clayey glacio- lacustrine deposits respectively. The Bradwell soils occur above the

56 Elstow soils throughout the soil landscapes on which they occur and the Sutherland and Bear soils occur below the Elstow soils in areas where they occur as map complexes.

Keppel Association DESCRIPTION-Keppel is a new Association. It was established to indicate a complex of deposits which consist mainly of silty glacio- lacustrine sediments and silty to clayey modified glacial till plus minor amounts of unsorted glacial till. The Keppel Association occupies some 19,000 acres in the Bear Hills which were formerly referred to as Elstow-Weyburn or Weyburn-Elstow complexes. This former nomenclature is still basically correct as the silty glacio- lacustrine deposits included in the Keppel Association are like those of the Elstow Association. However, the modified till is distinctive and separable from the unsorted glacial till of the Weyburn Association. Throughout the Bear Hills the modified glacial till and the Elstow-like deposits occur in a complex mixture. It was therefore decided, as both deposits contribute to the formation of the Keppel soils, to amalgamate them into this one Association. Finally in regard to the various deposits which are included in the Keppel Association it is permissible to encounter local and limited amounts of unsorted glacial till. The Keppel Association consists chiefly of medium to mod- erately fine textured Chernozemic Dark Brown soils developed on a complex of lacustrine and till deposits. It is often difficult to determine whether the deposits are true lacustrine or highly modified till. There are, however, definite lacustrine, modified till and unsorted till deposits included in the Keppel Association. The surface in some areas of dominantly lacustrine parent material may have many cobbles, but these are surface stones only and do not persist throughout the soil profiles. In other areas pebbles do occur throughout the soil profiles. Stones are common in areas which are dominantly glacial till. The landscape consists of gently to strongly rolling morainic topography which shows considerable modification by water. The knolls are smooth, broad and sometimes flat surfaced. The side slopes are steep and long. The depressions are deep. The distribution pattern of the various deposits included in the Keppel Association can be erratic. The sequence may consist of glacial till knobs and upper knolls with the lacustrine deposits plastered or overlain on the side and lower slopes. The configuration of the underlying till probably accounts for the moraine-like appearance in areas of Keppel soils. Such landscapes are generally associated with dominantly glacial till deposits but it is not unusual to -encounter a considerable depth of glacio-lacustrine deposits on high knolls where till is normally located. Surface drainage is excessive on the knolls and upper slopes and moderate to excessive on lower slopes depending on their steep- ness. Where the landscapes are not dissected the basin areas are 57 often flooded or wet due to the run-off from the upper slopes during times of excessive moisture. Surface textures are dominantly loam. The Keppel Association contains the following series : Orthic Dark Brown, Calcareous Dark Brown, Eluviated Dark Brown, Orthic Regosol and Gleysolics. The Calcareous Dark Brown series and Orthic Regosol series occur on the knolls and upper slopes above the Orthic Dark Brown series. The Eluviated Dark Brown series occurs on the lower slopes below the Orthic series but above the poorly drained basin containing Gleysolic series. Under the A.R.D .A. Land Capability Classification Keppel loam on the best topography would be rated as Class 3 (fair arable land) . Areas of Keppel soils on the rougher landscapes could be down- graded to Class 4 or Class 5 (poor to unsuitable) because of the steep slope gradient and the susceptibility of Keppel soils to water erosion. It is highly improbable that present day techniques could be used to irrigate Keppel soils. If, however, water could be applied to these soils they would respond very well to irrigation and would likely be graded as Group 2 (good to fair) . MAP UNITS-Three map units were separated in the Keppel Association. Kpl-Dominantly Orthic Dark Brown series with a significant amount of Calcareous Dark Brown series and a significant amount of Eluviated Dark Brown series. This map unit occurs on roughly undulating and gently rolling topography. Kpl areas represent the best agricultural lands in the Keppel Association. Kp2-Dominantly Orthic Dark Brown series with a significant combination of Calcareous Dark Brown and Orthic Regosol series and a significant amount of Gleysolics. This map unit occurs on gently and moderately rolling topography. It represents the poorest agricultural areas of Keppel soils because of the eroded knolls and undrained basins. Kp4-Dominantly Orthic Dark Brown series with a significant combination of Calcareous Dark Brown and Orthic Regosol series. This map unit occurs on gently to strongly rolling topography. Its agricultural value is better than Kp2 areas because there are no significant amounts of Gleysolic' soils. Kp4 areas, however, are poorer agricultural units than Kpl areas because they have more eroded knolls and upper slopes. MAP COMPLEXES-The Keppel soils have been mapped in a complex with the Alert soils. This complex consists basically of a mixture of silty modified till and sandy modified till; these form the Keppel and Alert parent materials respectively. The distribution pattern of materials throughout the areas in which they occur is erratic. The most common pattern, however, is knolls and upper slopes of Alert soils and the remainder and dominant portion of the landscape composed of Keppel soils. 58 Regina Association DESCRIPTION-The Regina Association consists chiefly of Cherno- zemic Dark Brown soils developed on uniform clayey glacio- lacustrine deposits. It occupies some 203,000 acres on the Rosetown Plain.

Plate 7. Clayey glacio-lacustrine deposit, parent material ofthe ReginaAssociation. Note the varving charac- teristic of lacustrine de- position.

The parent material of the Regina Association is dark grayish brown in colour, chiefly heavy clay in texture, and moderately calcareous. Stones are absent, except for the occasional local patches of small surface stones which it is thought were brought in by the floating ice during the period when the glacial lakes existed. A few stones also occur where the Regina parent material is thin over the underlying glacial till-such areas are indicated on the map by the subscript symbol T.

59 The Regina soils occur mainly on very gently sloping or undulating topography. Areas of Regina underlain by till have a rougher landscape due to the configuration of the underlying material. Nearly all of the Regina Association was mapped as heavy clay, and the remainder as clay or mixed clay and heavy clay. The Regina Association consists of the following series: Rego Dark Brown, Orthic Dark Brown and Gleysolics. The Rego Dark Brown is the dominant series and occurs throughout the higher well drained areas. The Orthic Dark Brown series occurs on the higher lands, usually but not always on slightly lower and flatter positions than those occupied by the Rego Dark Brown soils. The Orthic series also occurs erratically throughout areas that are dominantly Rego. In such instances the Orthic usually occupies the depressional areas in the micro-relief associated with well drained areas of Regina soils. The Gleysolic soils occupy the lower, moderately to poorly drained areas below the Orthic and Rego series. Under the A.R.D.A. Soil Capability Classification the Regina Rego and Orthic series of the upland are placed at the top of Class 2 (good arable land) . These soils represent the best agri cultural types of the Dark Brown zone, and are particularly suited to large scale wheat farming. The high agricultural rating of the Regina soils results from the combination of their high water holding capacity, good fertility, and favourable topography. The Gleysolic soils of the Regina Association are placed mainly in Class 3 (fair arable land) . This is because they are subject to flooding in wet years, in which event seeding of crops may be delayed or may not be possible for one or more years. On the other hand, such soils may be the most productive types in dry years, since more soil moisture is retained in the lower lands. The most poorly drained Gleysolic soils, which are sometimes saline are placed in Classes 4 to 5 (poor arable land to non-arable land) . Assessed for irrigation purposes the very feature which makes the Regina Association such a desirable dry land soil detracts from its irrigation potential. Due to heavy clay texture and the related slow percolation of water through Regina soils, the clay textures are evaluated as Group 3 or fair to poor irrigation soils, while the heavy clay areas are considered as Group 4 or unsuitable for irri- gation. MAP UNITS-Three map units were established in the Regina Association . RI-Dominantly Rego Dark Brown series with a significant amount of Orthic Dark Brown series. R1 areas represent the best agri- cultural lands in the Regina Association. R2-Dominantly Rego Dark Brown series with a significant amount of Orthic Dark Brown and a significant amount of Gleysolic series. The upland areas of mainly Rego and Orthic series are similar to the R1 areas. The overall productivity of R2 areas, however, is lower than R1 areas due to the poorly drained Gleysolic soils.


R3-Dominantly Gleysolic series. Normally these are the poorest Regina soils except, as mentioned previously, in periods of severe drought when they are often the most productive types. Irrigation Potential of Regina Map Units-The R1 soils of clay texture would rate as Group 3 or fair to poor irrigation soils. The Rl heavy clay, R2 clay and heavy clay and R3 clay and heavy clay soils are Group 4 or unsuitable for irrigation. MAP COMPLEXES-The Regina soils have .been mapped in com- plexes with the Sutherland and Tuxford soils. Both of these latter soils are developed on variable clayey deposits which are lighter textured and less uniform than the Regina deposits. The Sutherland soils are dominantly Chernozemic Dark Brown while the Tuxford soils are dominantly Dark Brown Solonetzic. Throughout the areas in which these complexes occur the Regina soils occur in the lower topographic positions .

Sutherland Association DESCRIPTION-The Sutherland Association consists of Cherno- zemic Dark Brown soils developed on variable clayey glacio- lacustrine deposits. It occupies some 147,000 acres mainly on the Rosetown Plain. The parent material of the Sutherland Association is yellowish brown to grayish brown in colour, of clay loam to clay texture and moderately calcareous. Stones are few to absent in most Sutherland soils. In those areas where the clay deposit is underlain by glacial till, as indicated on the map by the subscript symbol T, stones are more numerous but are never an obstacle to cultivation.

Plate g. Glacio-lacustrine deposits, on the left, overlying glacial till, typical of Suther- land-Weyburn complexes. 61 The Sutherland soils occur mainly on very gently to gently sloping or undulating topography. They also occur to a limited extent on nearly level topography. On lake marginal landscapes the Sutherland soils occur locally on gently rolling topography. The Sutherland soils were mapped chiefly as clay or clay loam and combinations of these textures. The Sutherland Association contains the following soil series: Orthic Dark Brown and Rego Dark Brown series plus their carbonated or salinized phases and Gleysolics. The Orthic Dark Brown and the Rego Dark Brown series occur in a complex pattern on the smoother landscapes. The Rego series, however, generally occupies the higher elevations in the micro-relief while the dominant Orthic series occupies the well drained lower positions. The carbonated or salinized phases of the Rego and Orthic series occur on similar positions and in the same sequence throughout the landscape as their normal equivalents . In areas of rougher topography the Rego profile may be dominant on the knolls and upper slopes and in some areas will continue down the slope lengths. The Gleysolic series are confined to the poorly drained areas below the Rego and Orthic series. Under the A.R.D.A. Soil Capability Classification the Sutherland clay soils are rated as Class 2 (good arable land) and Sutherland clay loam as Class 3 (fair arable land) . Evaluated for irrigation purposes Sutherland clay loam soils are considered as Group 2 or good to fair and the clay types as Group 3 or fair to poor. MAP UNITS-Five map units were separated in the Sutherland Association. Sul-Dominantly Orthic Dark Brown series. Areas of Sul are the best agricultural soils in the Sutherland Association. Su2-Dominantly Orthic Dark Brown series with a significant amount of Rego Dark Brown series. Areas of Su2 soils are nearly as productive as areas of Sul soils. Su4-Dominantly Rego Dark Brown series. This map unit occurs on the roughest landscapes associated with the Sutherland soils. It is a less desirable agricultural soil than either Sul or Su2 -types. Su5-Dominant Gleysolic series occurring on nearly level to flat topography. Areas of Su5 represent the poorest agricultural land in the Sutherland Association. Su6-Dominantly carbonated and/or salinized Chernozemic soils which would include the Rega and Orthic Dark Brown series. This map unit does not occur alone in the present map area, but in a complex with Tuxford soils. Irrigation Potential of Sutherland Map Units---The Sul, Su2 and Su4 map units of clay loam texture would be rated as Group 2 or good to fair irrigation soils. The same mjap units with clay texture 62 would be Group 3 or fair to poor irrigation soils. The Su5 map unit is considered as Group 4 or unsuitable for irrigation purposes. MAP COMPLEXES-The Sutherland soils have been mapped in complexes with the Weyburn, Elstow, Regina, Tuxford and Bradwell soils respectively. The Sutherland-Weyburn complex represents an overlay of the Sutherland deposits on the Weyburn glacial till . The Weyburn soils occur on the upper slopes, knolls or ridges while the Sutherland soils occur downslope. The Sutherland-Elstow, Sutherland-Regina, Sutherland-Tuxford and Sutherland-Bradwell complexes represent a mixture of the Sutherland deposits with silty glacio-lacustrine, uniform clayey glacio-lacustrine, variable clayey glacio-lacustrine and sandy glacio-lacustrine deposits respectively. In Sutherland-Regina com- plexes the Sutherland soils occur on the higher elevation. In Sutherland-Tuxford areas the position of the different deposits is unpredictable but Tuxford soils are Solonetzic while Sutherland soils are Chernozemic. In Sutherland-Elstow and Sutherland- Bradwell complexes the Sutherland soils occur in the lower positions throughout the soil landscape. With the exception of the Sutherland- Regina soils all the aforementioned soils which are associated with the Sutherland Association are better agricultural soils than they would be if they occurred alone.

Weyburn Association DESCRIPTION-The Weyburn Association consists chiefly of Chernozemic Dark Brown soils of medium to moderately fine texture, developed on unsorted glacial till. This Association occupies some 933,000 acres mainly on the Beechy Hills, Hawarden Hills, Bladworth Plain, and Allan Hills. The parent material of the Weyburn Association may be pale brown, light yellowish brown, or grayish brown in colour, and marked with whitish spots and streaks of lime carbonate and some times rusty spots of iron oxide. The texture varies from loam to sandy clay loam. Glacial stones are common in the Weyburn soils and most areas require some clearing. In rolling areas stones may be a serious handicap to cultivation. The Weyburn Association occurs on a wide range of topography from gently undulating ground moraine to strongly rolling and occasionally dissected morainic types. Surface drainage is excessive on the higher, steeply sloped elevations, good on intermediate slopes, and moderate to poor on lower lands with restricted drainage. The Weyburn landscape has the "wavy" appearance typical of glacial till areas as characterized by a succession of knolls or ridges forming the highest land and intermediate slopes below which lead into lowland depressions (sloughs and swales) . Some areas occur on dissected topography, which means that drainage has been established through most of 63

the lower lands. In such areas fewer undrained flats and sloughs occur than in non-dissected areas. Nearly all the Weyburn soils have . been mapped as loam. Very limited areas of clay loam and mixed areas of loam and clay loam also occur. The Weyburn Association contains the following soil series: Orthic Dark Brown, Calcareous Dark Brown, Eluviated Dark Brown, Orthic Regosol, Gleysolics, and carbonated or salinized phases of the aforementioned series. The Orthic Dark Brown is the dominant series of the Weyburn Association, occupying the well drained intermediate slopes. The Eluviated Dark Brown series occurs below the Orthic Dark Brown on lower and more gentle slopes. The Calcareous Dark Brown occurs on the upper slopes and crests of knolls and ridges above the Orthic Dark Brown series. The Orthic Regosol, which is usually the eroded phase of Calcareous or Orthic Dark Brown series, occurs on the knolls and ridges which have been eroded to the extent that the light coloured subsoil is exposed at the suface-The Calcareous Dark Brown and Orthic Regosol series are most common on the rougher and steeper landscapes. The Gleysolic soils occupy undrained depressions and flat poorly drained lower lands. Several series of Gleysolic soils may occur in poorly drained areas but in most instances the area occupied by each series is too small to be significant as a mapping unit.

Plate 8. Soil' profiles from knoll (on left) to depression (on right) in the Weyburn Association. 64 Salinized or carbonated phases of Chernozemic or Gleysolic soils occur in the same position throughout the soil landscape as their normal series just described. Under the A.R.D .A. Soil Capability Classification the best Weyburn soils are placed in Class 3 (fair arable land) . These soils include Weyburn loams and clay loams on undulating to gently rolling topography. Soils on rougher landscapes are placed in Classes 4 to 5 (poor to unsuitable land) depending on the severity of the topography. The local areas of Gleysolic soils are Class 5 (unsuitable for cultivation) . With present irrigation techniques much of the Weyburn soil could not be irrigated because of the problem of distributing water through such complex landscapes. Areas of Weyburn that could be irrigated would respond favorably. MAP UNITS-In the present map area nine map units were separated in the Weyburn Association. Wl-Dominantly Orthic Dark Brown series. Nearly all Wl soils are cultivated and represent the best agricultural soils in the Weyburn Association. W2-Dominantly Orthic Dark Brown series with a significant combination of Calcareous Dark Brown and Orthic Regosol series and significant amounts of Gleysolic soils. This map unit occurs mainly on morainic landscapes and is one of the poorest types of agricultural soils because of the eroded knolls and poorly drained basins. W3-Dominantly Orthic Dark Brown series with a significant amount of Eluviated Dark Brown series. This map unit occurs mainly on ground moraine with longer slope lengths than those associated with Wl landscapes. W3 map areas are nearly similar in productivity to Wl map areas. W4-Dominantly Orthic Dark Brown series with a significant com- bination of Calcareous Dark Brown and Orthic Regosol series. This map unit occurs on morainic topography like that associated with the W2 map areas but without the abundance of poorly drained basins. W4 map areas are poor agricultural lands. W7-Dominantly Orthic Dark Brown series with a significant amount of Calcareous Dark Brown series and a significant combina- tion of carbonated and/or salinized Chernozemic and Gleysolic soils. This map unit occurs mainly on ground moraine landscapes of low relief and to a limited extent on gently rolling morainic types. The W7 map areas are lower in productivity than areas of W4. There are fewer unproductive depressional areas in the W4 map unit but the salinized or carbonated phases of the W7 series have a variable production potential depending on their severity. W8-Dominantly a combination of Orthic and Calcareous Dark Brown series and a significant amount of Eluviated Dark Brown series. This map unit occurs mainly on ground moraine landforms 65 which have sharp upper slopes and long lower slopes. The agricul- tural potential of W8 soil areas would be slightly lower than areas of W3 because of the occasional eroded upper slopes or knolls. W9-Dominantly a combination of Calcareous Dark Brown and Orthic Regosol series with a significant combination of Eluviated Dark Brown and Gleysolic series. This map unit occurs on rough morainic landscapes with undrained basins and eroded knolls. Areas of W9 soils represent some of the poorest Weyburn farm units. W10-Dominantly a combination of Orthic Dark Brown, Calcareous Dark Brown and Orthic Regosol series. This map unit does not occur alone in the present map area, but in a mapping complex with the Allan soils. In such areas the W10 soils occupy the upper slopes and eroded knolls throughout the morainic landscape on which it occurs: The Allan soils are confined to the lower but well drained positions below the Weyburn soils. Areas of W10 would have a similar evaluation for agricultural purposes as areas of W4 soils and are therefore among the poorest Weyburn types. W11-Dominantly a combination of Orthic and Calcareous Dark Brown series with a significant amount of Eluviated Dark Brown and a significant amount of Gleysolic series. This map unit is basic- ally a W8 map unit with a significant amount of undrained basins containing Gleysolic soils. The agricultural evaluation of Wll soil areas is therefore lower than W8 areas because of these unproduc- tive poorly drained soils. The upland soils in Wll and W8 areas would be very similar in agricultural capabilities. Irrigation Potential of the Weyburn Map Unit-Assuming that additional water could be applied to upland areas of these soils their irrigation potential would range from very good to fair (Group 1 to Group 3) . The best irrigation potential occurs in areas which are indicated as Wl, W3, W8 and W11. All Weyburn map units would benefit from irrigation but the steepness of some of the land- scapes on which Weyburn soils occur will probably prevent their utilization for irrigation farming. MAP COMPLEXES-The Weyburn soils have been mapped in complexes with the Elstow, Bradwell, Sutherland, Tuxford, Allan, Hanley, Asquith, Biggar, Wyandotte, Rosemae and Alluvium soils respectively. The complexes of Weyburn soils with either Elstow or Hanley represent a sequence of Weyburn soils on the knolls and upper slopes overlain by Elstow and Hanley silty lacustrine deposits on the lower slopes. Elstow soils are Chernozemic Dark Brown while Hanley soils are Dark Brown Solonetzic. Weyburn-Sutherland and Weyburn-Tuxford occur in a similar manner. Sutherland and Tux- ford occur on clayey lacustrine deposits. Sutherland soils are Cher- nozemic and Tuxford soils are Solonetzic. The Weyburn-Bradwell and Weyburn-Asquith complexes also occur in the same manner. Bradwell Chernozemic soils are on sandy

66 lacustrine, while Asquith Chernozemic soils are on coarse sandy lacustrine and sandy glacao-fluvial deposits. The Weyburn-Wyandotte complex is a mixture of two glacial tills where the modified Wyandotte glacial till occurs in the down- slope positions overlying the Weyburn unsorted till. Weyburn-Rosemae complexes occur on similar textured glacial tills. The Rosemae soils are more saline and contain Solonetzic soil series. The Weyburn-Alluvium complexes represent the occurrence of highs of Weyburn soils throughout areas of recently deposited material which are classified as Alluvium .

Wyandotte Association DESCRIPTION-Wyandotte is a new Association. It was established in the Allan Hills to separate soils formerly mapped as mixtures of heavy textured Weyburn and Elstow soils from the concept of these soils as they are presented in this text. The heavy textured soils which are developed on modified glacial till and not on the unsorted glacial till associated with Weyburn soils are now referred to as Wyandotte. The heavy phase Elstow soils have been renamed Allan. The Wyandotte Association consists chiefly of moderately fine to fine textured Chernozemic Dark Brown soils developed on clayey modified glacial till. It occupies some 20,000 acres in the Allan Hills. The Wyandotte parent material is dark grayish brown in colour, clay textured, moderately calcareous and may contain gypsum crystals. Stones throughout the profile and on the surface are less numerous than in the Weyburn Association and are never the same obstacle to cultivation. The Wyandotte soils occur mainly on morainic landscapes hav- ing a range of topography from gently to strongly rolling; the appear- ance of the morainic landscapes on which Wyandotte soils occur differs in the following features when compared to most morainic landscapes: The knolls are broad and sometimes nearly level on top, the side slopes are long and smooth, and the depressional areas are deep. Basically Wyandotte landscapes lack the "choppy" or high frequency pattern of knolls and depressions associated with Weyburn soils. Surface drainage is excessive on the steeper slopes and eroded knolls. The best drainage conditions for Wyandotte soils occur in the mid slope positions. The enclosed depressional areas, which receive the run-off from the upper slopes, are poorly drained . Surface textures are dominantly clay loam. The Wyandotte Association contains the following soil series: Rego, Dark Brown, Calcareous Dark Brown, Orthic Dark Brown and Gleysolics. The Rego Dark Brown and Calcareous Dark Brown series occur on the knolls and upper slopes. The Orthic Dark Brown occurs

67 downslope below these two series but above the poorly drained basins containing the Gleysolic series. Under the A.R.D.A. Soil Capability Classification the Wyandotte soils on gently rolling topography are Class 3 (fair arable land) . The Wyandotte soils appear to have the ability to withstand erosion better than Weyburn soils on similar topography. Assuming that water could be applied to Wyandotte soils, for irrigation purposes their irrigation potential would be considered as fair to poor (Group 3) . MAP UNITS-Only one map unit was established in the Wyandotte Association. Wyl-Dominantly a combination of Rego and Calcareous Dark Brown series with a significant combination of Orthic Dark Brown and Gleysolic series. This map unit occurs to a minor extent alone. It occurs most frequently in a complex with the Allan soils and less frequently with Weyburn soils. MAP COMPLEXES-The Wyandotte soils, as mentioned previously, have been mapped in complexes with the Allan and Weyburn. soils respectively. The Wyandotte-Allan complex consists of an overlay of the Allan clayey lacustrine deposits on the Wyandotte modified glacial till. The Wyandotte soils occur on the mid and upper slopes and knolls while the Allan soils occur on the lower slopes. The Wyandotte-Weyburn complex consists of the Weyburn unsorted glacial till on the upper slopes and knolls and the Wyan- dotte modified till on the mid and lower slope positions. Wyandotte-Allan soil areas are better agricultural units than Wyandotte soil areas alone and Wyandotte-Weyburn areas are better than Weyburn soils alone.

DOMINANTLY DARK BROWN SOLONETZIC SOILS Grandora Association DESCRIPTION-Grandora is a new Association. It was established to separate the Solonetzic Asquith soils from the Chernozemic Asquith soils. Therefore the more familiar Chernozemic soils were retained as the Asquith Association and the Solonetzic types were named Grandora. The Grandora Association consists chiefly of coarse to moder- ately coarse textured Dark Brown Solonetzic soils, developed on sandy glacio-fluvial and lacustrine deposits. There is a very limited area of Grandora soils, in the present map area, occupying some 300 acres. The parent material of the Grandora Association is grayish brown to yellowish brown in colour and fine sandy loam to loamy sand in texture. Grandora soils are restricted to sandy deposits which contain less than 15% clay. These deposits are weakly to moderately calcareous, stone free and often underlain by heavier subsoils. 68 The Grandora soils occur on very gently to gently undulating or sloping topography. Surface drainage under normal climatic conditions is moder- ately good but might be somewhat restricted in highly salinized areas after heavy rains. Surface textures include sandy loam and loamy sand. The following series occur in the Grandora Association: Dark Brown Solonetz, Dark Brown Solodized Solonetz, Dark Brown Solod, Saline Regosol, plus gleyed, salinized and carbonated phases of the aforementioned series. As mentioned previously the Grandora soils occur on relatively smooth topography which has an undulating pattern. The Solonetz, Solodized-Solonetz and Solod series plus their carbonated phases occur in an erratic and unpredictable pattern on the upslope positions. The depressional areas between the undulations contain the gleyed Saline Regosol series as well as some gleyed Solonetzic series. Under the A.R.D.A. Soil Capability Classification Grandora soils with fine sandy loam and sandy loam surface textures are placed in Class 4 (poor arable land) and Grandora loamy sand areas are placed in Class 5 (unsuitable for sustained cultivation) . Grandora soils are considered non-irrigable due to their coarse texture and saline characteristics. MAP UNITS-Two map units were established in the Grandora Association. Gdl-Dominantly a combination of Dark Brown Solonetzics and their carbonated phases. This would include Solonetz, Solodized- Solonetz and Solod series. Although this is a poor agricultural soil it represents the best of the Grandora types. Gd2-Dominantly a combination of gleyed Saline Regosol and carbonated Dark Brown Solonetzics including Solonetz, Solodized- Solonetz and Solod series. This is the poorest type of Grandora soil and is considered unsuitable for cultivation. Irrigation Potential of Grandora Map Units-Areas of Gdl and Gd2 soils are considered as Group 4 or unsuitable for irrigation . Hanley Association DESCRIPTION-Hanley is a new Association. It was established to separate Solonetzic soils which were previously contained in the Elstow Association. Thus the Elstow Association, as described in this text, is a dominantly Chernozemic Dark Brown soil; and the Hanley is a Dark Brown Solonetzic soil developed on medium to moderately fine textured silty glacio-lacustrine deposits. Some 59,000 acres of Hanley soils occur, mainly in the Hanley Plains. The parent material of the Hanley Association is grayish brown to light olive brown in colour, moderately saline and calcareous,

69 loam to silty clay loam in texture and is often underlain by glacial till and occasionally by clay. Such substrata are indicated on the map by the symbols T and C respectively. Surface stones are few to absent in most Hanley areas except where the deposit is thin (less than four feet) and underlain by glacial till or where Hanley soils are mapped in complexes with glacial till soils. The Hanley Association occurs mainly on gently to very gently sloping or undulating topography. Local areas of roughly undulating and dissected landscapes; also occur. Surface drainage is moderately good in most Hanley soils but is restricted in depressional areas. In the upland areas, after heavy rains, local depressions in the micro-relief are occasionally flooded due to the decreased percolation of water through soils having solonetzic horizons. Surface textures are dominantly clay loam, areas of loam also occur as well as combinations of these textures. The Hanley Association contains the following series: Dark Brown Solonetz, Dark Brown Solodized-Solonetz, Dark Brown Solod plus the eroded and carbonated phases of some of the aforemen- tioned series. In Hanley landscapes the Solonetz series occur on the knolls or upper slopes and continue downslope to the mid slope position where they blend into the Solodized-Solonetz series. Insignificant amounts of Solod series may occur in an unpredictable pattern throughout areas which are dominantly Solonetz or Solodized- Solonetz. The majority of the Solod series usually occur downslope below the Solodized-Solonetz series but above the poorly drained depressional areas. Therefore the sequence in general down the slopes from the high to low positions is Solonetz, Solodized-Solonetz, Solod and depressional soils. However, in each area dominated by the one series insignificant amounts of the other two series frequently occur due to the micro-relief and different degrees of profile development. The carbonated types of all the aforementioned series occur erratically but in significant amounts and in similar positions to the non-carbonated soils. The eroded profile is associated with the Solodized-Solonetz series, and lacks or has a very thin surface horizon overlying the solonetzic type B horizon. Such eroded areas appear as depressions in upland sites and have been referred to as areas of "burn-out" soils in former soils reports. Under the A.R.D.A. Soil Capability Classification the Hanley soils are placed in Class 3 and Class 4 or fair to poor agricultural lands. The degree of salinity and the hard structure of the solonet- zic B horizons are the major factors in downgrading these soils. Most Hanley soils are considered unsuitable for irrigation. Highly efficient irrigation techniques could perhaps improve these soils but improper irrigation practices would probably increase the salinity of these soils to the extent that they would be worthless even for dry land farming. MAP UNITS-Five map units were established in the Hanley As- sociation for the present map area. 70 Hyl-Dominantly Dark Brown Solonetzic soils including the Sol- onetz, Solodized-Solonetz and the Solod series. Areas of Hyl have a slightly lower agricultural potential than areas of Hy3 due to the occurrence of Solodized-Solonetz series. Hy2-Dominantly a combination of Dark Brown Solodized-Solonetz series and Dark Brown Solonetz. Areas of Hy2 have a lower agri- cultural potential than areas of Hyl. Hy3----Dominantly a combination of Dark Brown Solod series and Dark Brown Solonetz series. This map unit represents the best Hanley soil areas. Hy4--Dominantly a combination of Dark Brown Solodized-Solonetz and eroded Dark Brown Solodized-Solonetz series. Hy4 soils repre- sent poor agricultural areas and are utilized mainly for pasture. Hy5--Dominantly Dark Brown Solonetzic soils and their carbonated types. This includes the Solonetz, Solo-dized-Solonetz and Solod series. Hy5 soil areas are poor agricultural units. Irrigation Potential of Hanley Map Units-Hy5 soils are con- sidered as non-irrigable using present irrigation techniques. The irrigation potential of Hyl, Hy2, Hy3 and Hy4 soils would depend on the uniformity of the soil areas to be irrigated, the texture, and the degree of salinity. The light textured, less saline areas would be considered as Group 3 or fair to poor for irrigation purposes. The heavy textured, saline areas would be considered as Group 4 or unsuitable for irrigation. MAP COMPLEXES-The Hanley soils have been mapped in com- plexes with the Asquith, Bradwell, Wingello, Elstow, Sutherland, Tuxford and Weyburn soils respectively. The Hanley-Asquith complex represents the occurrence of the sandy .Asquith soils on the knolls and upper slopes and the Hanley deposits throughout the remainder of the landscape. The Hanley-Bradwell and Hanley-Wingello represent a mixture of the Hanley deposits with the sandy glacio-lacustrine parent materials of the Bradwell and Wingello Associations. These latter soils occur in the upslope 'positions above the Hanley soils. The Bradwell soils are Chernozemic Dark Brown and the Wingello are Dark Brown Solonetzic. The Hanley-Sutherland and Hanley-Tuxford complexes repre- sent a mixture of the Hanley soils with the clayey glacio-lacustrine parent materials of the Sutherland and Tuxford Associations. These latter soils occur in the downslope positions below the Hanley soils. The Sutherland soils are Chernozemic Dark Brown and the Tuxford are Dark Brown Solonetzic. The Hanley-Weyburn complex represents the occurrence of Chernozemic Weyburn soils on the knolls and upper slopes and the Hanley soils overlying the Weyburn glacial till on the mid and lower slope positions., All the above complexes are downgraded by the presence of the Hanley Solonetzic soils. The best complexes are those composed of Hanley and the heavier textured Chernozemic soils.

71 Rosemae Association DESCRIPTION-Rosemae is a new Association. It was established to separate soils which were formerly mapped as Trossachs or complexes of Weyburn and Trossachs soils from the concept of these soils as presented in this text. Basically the Rosemae soils may be considered as the Solonetzic equivalent of the Chernozemic Weyburn soils. The Rosemae Association therefore represents dominantly Dark Brown Solonetzic soils developed on medium to moderately fine textured, glacial till. Some 91,000 acres of Rosemae soils were mapped mainly on the Loreburn Plain. The parent material of the Rosemae Association is grayish brown to pale brown in colour, moderately saline and calcareous, dominantly clay loam but also sandy clay loam and loam in texture and often contains gypsum. Glacial stones are common but not excessive in all areas of Rosemae soil alone, but large areas of Rosemae soils have been mapped in complexes with Weyburn soils and in such areas stones may have to be removed as they are an obstacle to cultivation. The Rosemae Association occurs mainly on gently to roughly undulating topography. Some areas of gently sloping and dissected topography also occur. Surface drainage appears adequate except after heavy rains when the excess water collects in the depressional areas associated with the micro-relief of the upland topography. Lower lying de pressional areas at the base of slopes are poorly to imperfectly drained. Nearly all the Rosemae soils have been mapped with a loam surface texture. Very limited areas of clay loam and mixed areas of loam and clay loam also occur. The Rosemae Association contains the following soil series: Dark Brown Solonetz, Dark Brown Solodized-Solonetz and Dark Brown Solod. The usual series sequence down the slopes from the hieh to low positions in landscapes occupied by Rosemae soils is as follows: the Solonetz series occurs on the upper slopes, the Solodized-Solonetz on the mid slopes and the Solod series on the-cower slopes above the poorly drained depressions. However, in each of these positions dominated by a specific series insignificant amounts of the other two series frequently occur. Therefore, the profile sequence is often erratic and unpredictable in any selected site along the slope length. Under the A.R.D.A. Soil Capability Classification the Rosemae soils are placed in Class 3 and Class 4 and considered fair to poor agricultural lands. The degree of salinity and hard subsurface soil structures are major factors in downgrading these soils. Rosemae soils are fair to unsuitable for irrigation purposes. MAP UNITS-Four map units have been established in the Rose- mae Association.

72 Rml--Dominantly Dark Brown Solodized-Solonetz series. This map unit represents the poorest areas of Rosemae soils. Rm2---Dominantly a combination of Dark Brown Solodized-Solonetz and Solod series with a significant amount of Dark Brown Solonetz series. Areas of Rm2 soils are better agricultural units than Rml areas because there are less Solodized-Solonetz soils. Rm3--Dominantly a combination of Dark Brown Solod and Solonetz series. Areas of Rm3 soils are better agricultural units than Rm2 soil areas. Rm4--Dominantly Dark Brown Solod series . This map unit does not occur alone in the present map area, but in a map complex with Weyburn soils. Irrigation Potential of the Rosemae Map Units---Rm3 areas of loam texture and not highly saline are rated as low Group 2 and 3 or fair to poor irrigation soils. Rml and Rm2 soils with loam textures and Rm3 soils with clay loam textures would range from Group 3 to Group 4 or poor to unsuitable irrigation soils. Rml and Rm2 soil areas having clay loam textures would be considered un- suitable units for irrigation purposes using present day techniques. MAP COMPLEXES-Much of the Rosemae Association is mapped in complex with the Weyburn Association. In such areas the Wey- burn Chernozemic soils occur on the knolls and upper slopes and the Rosemae soils occur throughout the remainder of the landscape. Areas of Rosemae-Weyburn are better agricultural units than Rose- mae alone but poorer than Weyburn alone.

Trossachs Association DESCRIPTION-The Trossachs Association consists of Dark Brown Solonetzic soils developed on moderately fine textured glacial till which contains marine shales of Cretaceous age. This Association occupies 3,450 acres on the Loreburn Plain. The parent material of the Trossachs Association is olive gray to grayish brown in colour, moderately calcareous, and dominantly clay loam in texture. The till matrix is in part derived from Cretaceous shales. These shales probably account for the salinity associated with Trossachs soils. Slight to moderate amounts of glacial stones occur in the Trossachs glacial till. Surface stones are variable and in some areas an obstacle to cultivation. The Trossachs soils occur on gently to roughly undulating topography in the present map area. In most Trossachs soil areas the surface is uneven or hummocky, a result of the frequent eroded pits or "burn-outs". Surface drainage appears adequate except after heavy rains when the excess moisture collects in the depressions associated with the micro-relief or eroded pits in upland areas. Low lying depressions are usually poorly drained.

73 The Trossachs surface texture is indicated on the map as loam. The Trossachs Association contains the following soil series : Dark Brown Solodized-Solonetz and its eroded phases which in former soil reports are referred to as "burn-outs". The Solodized-Solonetz is the dominant series and with its eroded phase in the pits or "burn-outs" occupies most of the landscape . Under the A.R.D.A. Soil Capability Classification the best Trossachs soils, with few eroded pits and gentle topography, are placed in Class 3 (fair arable land) . As the proportion of eroded pits increase Trossachs soils are downgraded to Class 4 or Class 5 which are poor to unsuitable agricultural areas. Large areas of these soils are being wisely utilized as community pastures. Trossachs soils are considered fair to unsuitable for irrigation purposes. As large areas of Trossachs soil occur on gentle topo- graphy it is a temptation to endeavour to improve the productivity of these soils by irrigation. However, unless highly specialized and costly irrigation techniques are used the saline conditions asso- ciated with Trossachs soil areas would probably be increased . MAP UNITS-Two Trossachs map units are indicated in the present map area. T1-Dominantly Dark Brown Solodized-Solonetz series. This map unit is the best of the two Trossachs types occurring in this map area because 4 has fewer eroded pits. T2-Dominantly a combination of Dark Brown Solodized-Solonetz series and eroded Dark Brown Solodized-Solonetz ("burn-outs") . Tho higher the proportion of "burn-out" soils, the lower the agri- cultural value of T2 soil areas. Irrigation Potential of Trossachs Map Units-T1 soil areas of loam texture and on smooth topography are considered as Group 3 (fair to poor) irrigation soils. T2 soils with a minimum amount of eroded pits and loam texture would be considered as low Group 3 (fair to poor) irrigation soils. Trossachs, soils with a high per- centage of eroded pits are considered unsuitable for irrigation.

Tuxford Association DESCRIPTION-The Tuxford Association consists chiefly of Dark Brown Solonetzic soils developed on variable clayey glacio-lacustrine deposits. Basically the Tuxford is the Solonetzic equivalent of the Chernozemic Sutherland soils. The Tuxford soils occupy some 101,000 acres mainly on the Hanley Plain. The parent material of the Tuxford Association is pale brown to grayish brown in colour, dominantly clay textured, saline and moderately calcareous. It frequently contains gypsum crystals and granules of dark coloured clay and is occasionally varved. Stones are few to absent in Tuxford soils except where they are thin (less than four feet) and underlain by glacial till . Such 74 areas are indicated on the map by the subscript symbol T. Surface stones also occur in areas of mixed Sutherland and glacial till soils. The Tuxford Association occurs mainly on very gently to gently undulating and sloping topography some of which is dissected. Local flat and depressional topography also occurs as well as minor amounts of roughly undulating landscapes. Surface drainage is good except in depressional areas. The surface textures are dominantly clay loam; local areas of clay and combinations of these textures also occur. The Tuxford Association contains the following soil series: Dark Brown Solonetz, Dark Brown Solodized-Solonetz, Dark Brown Solod, Regosolic and Gleysolic series plus gleyed, carbonated or salinized phases of the aforementioned series. The usual series sequence for Tuxford soil areas from the highs to the lows throughout the landscapes on which they occur is as follows: The Solonetz series occupy the highest areas, the Solodized- Solonetz if present occurs below the Solonetz and above the Solod series. The Solod series occurs above the poorly drained areas of gleyed Regosolic and Gleysolic soils. Throughout any of the three upland positions which are dominantly of one specific Solonetzic series, insignificant amounts of either or both of the other two series may occur. The salinized or carbonated phases occur in an erratic and unpredictable pattern in the same areas dominated by their normal counterparts. Under the A.R.D.A. Soil Capability Classification the Tuxford soils are considered as Class 3 and 4 or fair to poor arable land. Assessed for irrigation purposes the Tuxford soils are placed in Group 3 and 4 and considered as poor to unsuitable. The Tuxford Association would be downgraded on the basis of the slow rate of water infiltration and the high degree of salinity associated with these soils. MAP UNITS-Six map units were established in the Tuxford As- sociation. Tul-Dominant Dark Brown Solonetz series and a significant amount of Dark Brown Solod series. It represents the best Tuxford soil. Tu2--Dominantly a combination of Dark Brown Solonetz series and Dark Brown Solodized-Solonetz series. This map unit represents poorer agricultural soil areas than the Tul map unit because it includes significant amounts of Solodized-Solonetz series. TO-Dominantly a combination of carbonated and/or salinized Regosolic, Gleysolic and Dark Brown Solonetzic soils. The latter series would include Solonetz, Solodized-Solonetz and Solod profiles. The TO map unit represents some of the poorest areas of Tuxford soils. TO-Dominantly a combination of gleyed Dark Brown Solod and Gleysolic series. These poorly and imperfectly drained soils occur mainly in depressional areas and have a low agricultural potential.

75 Tu10-Dominantly Dark Brown Solonetzic soils which would include the So-lonetz, Solodized-Solonetz and Solod series. This map unit would have an agricultural potential lower than the Tul map unit but higher than the Tu2 map unit. Tull-Dominantly carbonated Dark Brown Solonetz series. This map unit occurs mainly in complexes with other Soil Associations. It has a lower agricultural potential than the Tul map unit due to the uneven growth and lower yields on carbonated Solonetz soils. There would also be a great variation in the productivity of different areas indicated as Tull due to the differing amounts of carbonated soils and their chemical composition . Irrigation Potential of Tuxford Map Units-The best of the Tul, Tut, Tu10 and Tull map units would be rated as Group 3 or fair to poor irrigation soils. This would include those map units of clay loam texture and minimal amounts of salinity. Heavy textured, highly saline Tul, Tu2, TulO and Tull soils are Group 4 (unsuit- able for irrigation) . This grouping also applies to Tu3 and Tu5 soil areas. MAP COMPLEXES-The Tuxford soils have been mapped in com- plexes with the Weyburn, Elstow, Hanley, Bradwell and Sutherland soils respectively. In the Tuxford-Weyburn complex the Weyburn soils occur on the knolls and upper slopes and the Tuxford soils overlie the Wey- burn glacial till on the lower slope positions. In Tuxford-Elstow and Tuxford-Hanley complexes the Elstow and Hanley soils occur on the upslope positions and the Tuxford on the lower slopes. The Elstow and Hanley are developed on similar textured silty glacio-lacustrine, but the Elstow soils are Chernozemic and the Hanley soils are Solonetzic. The. Tuxford-Bradwell complex consists of the Bradwell sandy glacao-lacustrine deposits on the upper slopes and knolls and the Tuxford soils on the lower slopes. The Tuxford-Sutherland complex consists of Solonetzic and Chernozemic soils developed on nearly similar parent materials .

Wingello Association DESCRIPTION - The Wingello is a new Association. It was established to separate the Solonetzic soils developed on sandy glacio-lacustrine deposits from the Chernozemic soils developed on nearly similar deposits in the Dark Brown Soil Zone. Basically the Wingello soils are Solonetzic, Bradwell soils are Chernozemic. The Wingello Association occupies some 94,000 acres on the Outlook and Delisle Plains. The parent material of the Wingello Association is yellowish to grayish brown in colour. The texture varies from sandy loams to sandy clay loams which contain over 45% sand and over 15c/o clay. The parent material, is also calcareous and saline. It is sometimes underlain by glacial till or clayey lacustrine deposits and such areas 76 are indicated on the map by the subscript symbols T and C respectively. Stones are absent to few in nearly all Wingello soils except where they occur over or in complexes with glacial till deposits. The Wingello Association occurs on very gently to gently sloping and undulating topography, some of which is dissected. Surface drainage is good except in times of excess precipitation when water may remain ponded in upland depressional areas for short periods of time. Surface textures are dominantly fine sandy loam ; local areas of very fine sandy loam, sandy loam, loam and combinations of these textures also occur. The Wingello Association contains the following series: Dark Brown Solonetz, Dark Brown Solodized-Solonetz and Dark Brown Solod. Throughout landscapes occupied by Wingello soils the Solonetz series generally occurs on the higher positions. The Solodized- Solonetz series occurs below the Solonetz, and the Solod occupies the lowest positions. Throughout any position which may be domi- nantly of one specific series, varying amounts of the other two series may also occur. Under the A.R.D.A. Soil Capability Classification the Wingello loams and very fine sandy loams are considered as Class 3 or fair arable land. Lighter textured Wingello soils are Class 4 or poor arable land. Assessed for irrigation purposes the Wingello soils would range from fair to unsuitable depending on their structure and degree of salinity. First rate irrigation techniques are required to successfully improve the productivity of Solonetzic soils. Poor irrigation practices could make the Wingello soils less productive than they are as dry land farm units. MAP UNITS-Three map units have been established in the Wingello Association. Wgl-Dominantly Dark Brown Solonetz series with a significant amount of Dark Brown Solod. This map unit is rated slightly lower in its productivity potential than the Wg3 soils. Wg2-Dominantly Dark Brown Solodized-Solonetz series. Areas of this map unit represent the poorest Wingello soils. Wg3-Dominantly Dark Brown Solod series. This map unit repre- sents the best of the Wingello soils but unfortunately occupies the smallest area. Irrigation Potential of the Wingello Map Units--Areas of Wgl and Wg3 would vary from low Group 2 to low Group 3 (fair to poor) irrigation soils. If the same soils were underlain by highly saline subsoils they would be considered unsuitable and placed in Group 4. The best of the Wg2 soil areas are Group 3 or poor 77 irrigation soils. Other areas of Wg2 a're considered unsuitable for irrigation. MAP COMPLEXES-The Wingello soils are dominant in areas indicated on the map as a Wingello-Weyburn Complex. These areas consist of roughly undulating topography having knolls and upper slopes of Chernozemic Weyburn glacial till soils and mid and lower slopes of Wingello soils.

DOMINANTLY REGOSOLIC SOILS Dune Sand Association DESCRIPTION-The Dune Sand consists chiefly of coarse to moderately coarse textured Regosolic soils developed on aeolian or wind-worked sandy glacio-fluvial and lacustrine deposits. This Association occupies some 301,000 acres mainly on the Elbow, Aitkow and Moose Woods Sand Hills and Swanson Plain.

Plate 10. Regosolic sands typical of the Dune Sand Association.

The parent material is yellowish brown to grayish brown in colour, and composed of loose sand. It is generally lime free except when underlain by heavier textured subsoils. The Dune Sand Association occurs on a wide range of topo- graphy from undulating sand plains to hilly duned areas. Dune sand plains may be composed of knolls and kettles or ridges and swales, or parabolic shaped dunes, or many other forms as the result of the continual shifting of sand by wind. Surface and internal drainage is excessive due to the very high permeability of these sandy deposits. 78 Occasionally in depressional areas that are underlain by heavy subsoils gleyed soils occur due to fluctuating ground water tables. Surface textures are dominantly sand and loamy sand. Combina- tions of these textures also occur plus local areas of sandy loam. These textures may be further subdivided into fine, medium and coarse, but no attempt has been made to delineate them on the map as all three textural grades occur in most areas. The rough dune areas are usually higher in fine sands while the more subdued landscapes are composed of mixed fine and coarse sands. Occasional deposits of gravel may occur and these are indicated on the, map by the subscript symbol G. The following 'series occur in the Dune Sand Association : Orthic Regosol plus carbonated or salinized Regosols. On the wide range of topography associated with Dune Sand soils the Orthic Regosol series occur on all positions throughout the landscape except depressional areas which are underlain by a brackish water table or heavy subsoil. These depressional areas contain carbonated or saline Regosol series and occasionally Gleysolic series. Under the ARD.A. Soil Capability most Dune Sand soil areas are placed in Class 6 and are considered. suitable only for native pasture. Areas of Dune Sand on smoother topography may be con- sidered as Class 5 which suggests that pasture improvement practices such as seeding to more productive forages and the use of fertilizers might be beneficial. Dune Sands are considered unsuitable for cultivation and have a very limited use as grazing land. Efforts have been made in some areas, and are required in others, to stabilize the shifting sand and thus control its encroachment on to the adjoining arable lands. Dune Sand soils have low or no irrigation potential . Their high consumption of water to produce adequate yields would be very expensive. MAP UNITS--Two map units were established in, the Dune Sand Association. DS1-Dominantly Orthic Regosol series. This map unit represents the best agricultural soils in the Dune Sand Association. DS2-Dominantly Orthic Regosol series with a significant amount of carbonated or salinized Regosolic series. Areas of DS2 soils have a lower production potential than areas of DS1 soils. Irrigation Potential of Dune Sand Map Units-DS1 soil areas of loamy sand and the upland portions of DS2 areas are rated as low Group 3 or poor irrigation soils. DS1 and DS2 soil areas of sand or mixtures of loamy sand and sand are considered as unsuitable for irrigation and placed in Group 4. MAP COMPLEXES-The Dune Sand soils have been mapped in complex with the Chaplin and Asquith soils respectively. The Dune Sand-Asquith complex represents better agricultural soils than areas of Dune Sand and Chaplin .

79 MISCELLANEOUS SOILS Miscellaneous soils are soils which are common to any of the Soil Zones within the present map area. They include soils composed of complexes of Chernozemic, Solonetzic, Regosolic and Gleysolic series developed on a variety of deposits. Therefore the soils included in the following section do not have the specific charac- teristics used to define a Soil Association and are better referred to as Soil Complexes .

Alluvium Complex DESCRIPTION-The Alluvium Complex includes Chernozemic, Solo- netzic, Regosolic and Gleysolic soils of variable texture, developed on recent alluvial deposits and coliuvial sediments which have been transported by water into depressional areas. This complex, occupies some 166,000 acres. The parent materials are undifferentiated alluvial and colluvial deposits since they are derived from a variety of sources and materials. Thus the parent materials vary widely in colour, texture, lime carbonate, salinity, structure, and may be massive, stratified, banded or varved. Alluvium soils are generally stone free but may be underlain by stony deposits. Eroded stream beds within Alluvium areas may be very stony, but such stony channels represent local areas of the Runway Complex. The Alluvium Complex occurs on stream flood plains and in upland depressional areas. The topography ranges from flat to gently undulating plus sloping and dissected types. Surface drainage is moderate to poor and most Alluvium soils show indications of gleying. Good surface drainage occurs on the older (higher) flood plains of streams . Surface textures range from sand to clay. Some alluvium surface textures can be correlated to the texture of the surrounding upland soils. The Alluvium Complex includes the following soil series: Rego Chernozemic, Orthic Regosol, Solonetz, Solodized-Solonetz, Solod, Gleysols plus their gleyed, salinized and carbonated types. The Rego Chernozemic occur in the best drained positions above the Solonetzic series. Gleyed, saline or carbonated types of these series occur associated with them or in slightly depressional areas. The Gleysolics and their carbonated or salinized phases occupy the areas of poor to impeded drainage which occur throughout the vari- ous landscapes associated with Alluvium soils. Most of the Alluvium Complex is uncultivated and represents Classes 5 and 6 (suitable only for pasture) in the A.R.D.A. Soil Capability. The better drained Alluvium soils with dominant Rego Chernozemic profiles and loam to clay textures are better suited for cultivation and represent Class 3 and 4 (fair to poor arable land) . Uniform Alluvium soils with well drained Rego Chernozemic series and loam to clay loam textures are classed as Group 1 and 2 (very good to fair) irrigation soils. Heavy textured, salinized and poorly drained alluvial soils are considered unsuitable for irrigation. MAP UNITS-In the present map area eleven map units were established : Avl-Dominantly Rego Chernozemic. This is the best agricultural unit of the Alluvium Complex ranging from fair arable to pasture land. Av2-Dominantly Rego Chernozemic with a significant combination of carbonated and/or salinized Gleysolic and Solonetzic soils. This map unit is poorer than. Avl because of the presence of significant amounts of Solonetzic and saline Gleysolic soils. Av3-Dominantly Orthic Regosols. These are mainly eroded or very weakly developed soils of variable agricultural value. Av4-Dominantly a combination of carbonated and salinized Rego- solic soils. These are poor agricultural soils associated with areas of impeded drainage and salinity. Av5-Dominantly Gleysolic soils. This map unit represents poorly drained soils of little agricultural value. In dry years they may be utilized for hay or pasture . Av6-Dominantly carbonated and/or salinized Gleysolic soils. This map unit has a much lower agricultural value than the Av5 because of the associated saline conditions. Av7-Dominantly a combination of Saline Regosol series and Solonetz series. Av7 areas are poor agriculturally being saline and imperfectly drained. Av8-Dominantly a combination of gleyed Saline Regosol and saline Gleysolic soils. Av8 represents very poor agricultural soils which are both saline and poorly drained. Av9-Dominantly a combination of Solonetzic, greyed Solonetzic, and Regosolic soils plus their carbonated and/or salinized phases. The Solonetzic soils include Solonetz, Solodized-Solonetz and Solod series. The Regosolic soils include Orthic and Saline Regosols. Av9 areas are composed of a variety of drainage conditions from good to poor but are mainly imperfect. Av9 are poor agricultural soils. AV10-Dominantly carbonated and/or salinized Rego Chernozemic soils. This trap unit occurs in areas where there may be brackish ground water or saline subsoils. Av10 are poor agricultural soils. AV11-Dominantly a combination of Gleysolics and carbonated and/ or salinized Gleysolics. The agricultural potential of Avll areas is between Av5 and Av6. Irrigation Potential of Alluvium Map Units-Avl loams and very fine sandy loams would be Group 1 or very good to good irriga-

81 tion soils. Avl sandy loams and clay loams would be Group 2 or good to fair irrigation soils. Av1 clays would be low Group 3 or poor irrigation soils. Other Alluvium map units would range from fair to unsuitable irrigation soils depending on their texture and degree of salinity. MAP COMPLEXES-The Alluvium soils have been mapped in complexes with the Asquith and Weyburn soils . The Alluvium- Asquith complex is a mixture of moderately fine textured alluvium soils with sandy Chernozemic Dark Brown Asquith soils. The Alluvium-Weyburn complexes occur in areas where there are knolls or crests of glacial till with alluvium deposits on the side slopes and in the depressions. Hillwash Complex DESCRIPTION-The Hillwash Complex includes Regosolic and Chernozemic soils of variable texture developed on colluvial and eroded deposits on the slopes of valleys and escarpments. The main areas of Hillwash soils occur along the South Saskatchewan River and other streams and eroded drainage channels. About 83,000 acres were mapped. The parent material is variable in texture and composition since it represents eroded sediments from a variety of glacial and recent deposits. Most of the landscape of the Hillwash Complex is rough, and much of it is steep--over 80% in the present area consists of dissected, roughly undulating to steeply sloping topography. The remainder is chiefly dissected, very gently sloping and undulating, and this topography occurs on the lower slopes. Surface drainage is excessive on the steep upper slopes and moderate to good on the lower slopes. The soils represent a variety of Regosolic and Chernozemic types. The Regosolic soils are dominant on the steep upper slopes, while the Chernozemic soils occur mainly on the more gentle lower slopes. Most of the Hillwash Complex is unsuitable for cultivated use, but has some value as native pasture (A.R.D .A. Class 5 or lower) . Some of the Chernozemic soils on the lower slopes are cultivated, and used for grain production. Their agricultural rating varies with the depth of the soil, the texture, and the topography and drainage.

Runway Complex DESCRIPTION-The Runway Complex includes Chernozemic, Regosolic, and Gleysolic soils of variable texture developed on alluvial and eroded deposits of glacial and recent drainage channels. This Complex occurs mainly in the eroded channels of dissected plains. About 24,000 acres were mapped as Runway. The parent material is variable in texture and composition. The topography is mainly dissected and moderately sloping on the side slopes and sloping to depressional in the bottom lands. Surface drainage is excessive on steeper slopes to poor in the bottom lands. 82 The soils represent a variety of Chernozemic, Regosolic, and Gleysolic Series. The Chernozemic soils occur on the lower well drained slopes, the Regosolic soils on the upper, often eroded slopes, and the Gleysolic soils in the poorly drained bottom lands. Very little of the Runway Complex is suitable for cultivation. The bottom lands are frequently poorly drained, and sometimes stony, and the side slopes are usually too rough and have thin, weakly developed soils. Small areas of Chernozemic soils along the lower slopes represent the best soils, but such areas are usually too narrow to form a well shaped field. The Runway areas are useful as native pasture, particularly where surface water can be stored for use by livestock .

SOILS AND AGRICULTURE The nature of soil in relationship to agriculture and the agri- cultural significance of the major soil types in Saskatchewan are discussed by H. C. Moss.* The productivity and management of Sask atchewan soils is discussed in another publication by the same author.** Reference has been made in preceding sections of this text to the agricultural capability of the soils of the Rosetown map area; thus the following section deals mainly with some of their land use and soil problems.

Agricultural Land Use The physiography, landform, topography, drainage, parent materials and climate all influence the type of land use of the various soil areas delineated on the Rosetown map sheet. The importance of these factors has already been discussed in the early sections of this report. In general most of the well drained nearly level to moderately rolling land areas of medium and finer (heavier) textures are under cultivation. Such areas are used for grain production, principally wheat. Due to the semi-arid climate the finer (heavier) textured soils produce higher yields than the coarser (lighter) textured soils. Due also to the physical and chemical nature of the soils the mellow structured salt-free Chernozemic soils out yield the hard structured, saline Solonetzic soils. These facts are illustrated in Table 3. A second type of farming which occurs in the Rosetown map area includes a combination of grain and livestock production. This type of enterprise utilizes, for grazing or haying, areas of rough rolling moraine, saline flats, Solonetzic soils and sand dunes. The more favourable landscapes and the better soil areas are utilized for grain production. The advent of irrigation in portions of the Rose- town map area may alter the land use considerably. It is possible

* A Guide to Understanding Saskatchewan Soils. Distributed by the Extension Division, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, as Extension Publication 175 . **Saskatchewan Soils-Their Productivity and Management . H . C. Moss . Distributed by the Ex- tension Division, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, as Extension Publication 201 .

83 Table 8 Long-time Average Yields of Wheat on Summeriallow Expressed in Bushels Per Acre for Selected Soils in the Rosetown Map Area Bu. of Soil Association Soil Texture Soil Type Wheat/Acre

Sceptre ...... Heavy Clay Chemozemic Brown 19 .8 Clay 17 .4 Haverhill ...... Clay Loam Chemozemic Brown 14 .6 Loam 11 .4 Fox Valley ...... Silty Clay Loam Chemozemic Brown 12 .1 Chaplin ...... Gravelly Loam Chemozemic Brown 8 .1 Sandy Loam 4 .9 Hatton...... Fine Sandy Loam Chemozemic Brown 5 .7 Kindersley...... Clay Loam Brown Solonetzic 15 .0 Flaxcombe...... Clay Loam Brown Solonetzic 13 .0 Loam 10 .9 Regina ...... Heavy Clay Chernozemic Dark Brown 22 .1 Clay 20 .5 Weyburn ...... Clay Loam Chemozemic Dark Brown 16 .5 Loam 14 .0 Elstow...... Silty Clay Loam Chemozemic Dark Brown 18 .4 Loam 14.3 Asquith ...... Fine Sandy Loam Chernozemic Dark Brown 8 .9 Biggar...... Sandy Loam Chemozemic Dark Brown 7 .3 Trossachs...... Clay Loam Dark Brown Solonetz 11 .9 *Yield data supplied by D. A. Rennie .

that certain segments of the area will change to a variety of special craps using farm practices which at first may seem foreign. Thus future farms may be very diversified compared to the present wheat or wheat-livestock type of farm operation. Other agricultural enterprises include commercial and private feed lots for cattle and swine, dairying, market gardening, green- houses, and poultry. Because of their proximity to Saskatoon, farmers and agricul- tural producers in the Rosetown map area are in a good position to benefit from the agricultural services offered by the University of Saskatchewan, the Canada Department of Agriculture, the Saskat- chewan Department of Agriculture, the P.F.R.A., specialists repre- senting private industry as well as several large PYR.A. and co-operative pastures scattered throughout the map area.

Soil Management Problems The major soil management problems which are of concern to various farmers throughout the Rosetown map area include soil erosion, soil moisture, soil fertility, soil salinity and drainage, and stones. It is not the intent of the following section to present solu- tions to these soil management problems but rather to discuss the nature of the problem and indicate the soils which illustrate specific types. SOIL EROSION-Although much is being done today through the use of modern tillage machinery and. cultural practices to keep

84 soil erosion in check a constant vigilance is required to prevent or control it. Considering both the actual and potential erosion, this is the most serious soil problem in Saskatchewan because while erosion may occur on some soils in their native and uncultivated state the most serious erosion occurs on cultivated soils. Soil erosion, whether by wind or water, acts first on the surface layer; hence bare soil, such as summerfallow is particularly susceptible to erosion. The damaging effects of erosion include physical, biological and chemical deterioration of the soil. The productive humus and clay fractions of the soil are reduced and removed and with continued erosion the remaining soil becomes coarser textured, poorer structured, and is therefore less able to absorb and store moisture. Due also to the loss of organic matter and nutrients the soil becomes less fertile and thus less productive. Hence, unless soil erosion is checked, the soil becomes less able to support a vegetation cover and is therefore more susceptible to erosion. There is another aspect to erosion other than removal of material and this is accumulation or deposition of eroded material on the surface of good soil. This process often reduces the productivity of the original underlying soil and if deposition occurs on growing crops they will be damaged and may even be destroyed. While erosion may occur on any soil, some soils or combinations of soil and topography are more susceptible to erosion than others. Wind erosion is most serious on coarse (light) and fine (heavy) textured soils. Water erosion is most common on medium to fine textured soils on sloping to steep and rolling topography. The rapidity of deterioration due to erosion varies with the soil type and topography. Sandy soils can ill afford to lose even a small percentage of their clay content and so are more readily damaged by wind erosion than clayey soils. Thin soils on slopes or the top of ridges and knolls will more quickly deteriorate as the surface is washed away than will soils that are thicker. Wind or water erosion on any soil means a depletion of fertility which no amount of careful farming can entirely replace. Because of the permanent nature of this situation it is desirable that a distinction be made between the loss of fertility due to sustained crop production and the loss dine to erosion. During crop production the growing crop removes a portion of the nutrient elements in the soil and the cultural practices used to prepare the land for crop growth may pulverize the soil granules and clods. Fortunately the nutrient status can be replenished by the proper use of fertilizers and the structure of the soil can be restored by suitable cultural practices. On the other hand, when the wind whips the land into dust clouds and carries away the clay, silt and organic matter, there occurs a serious form of depletion from which there is no easy remedy. The coarser mineral particles remain behind to accumulate -and to finally become barren land if the process of sorting out the fine soil material is allowed to continue. Running water also produces a sorting out effect by removing the finer soil particles and leaving the coarser particles behind. Water erosion is usually more apparent than wind erosion because the eroded fields become scarred with gullies which if left unchecked may become enlarged or form a network of drainage ways. Wind erosion is more widespread in Saskatchewan than water erosion. Many thousands of acres of level as well as rolling land have been damaged to some extent--some so seriously as to lead to their abandonment as agricultural areas. The current edition of the "Guide to Farm Practice in Saskatche- wan" distributed by the Extension Division, Saskatoon, and an excellent pamphlet entitled "Save the Soil" by H. M. Holm, Plant Industry Branch, Saskatchewan Department of Agriculture in Regina, outline methods for the control of wind and water erosion. The agricultural and engineering services of both the Federal and Provincial Governments are also available to those who seek assistance .

Plate It. Wind erosion on sandy textured summerfallow.

In the Rosetown map area the medium and moderately fine textured soils such as Birsay, Fox Valley, Alert, Bradwell, Elstow and Keppel are highly susceptible to both wind and water erosion. The finer textured soils such as Sceptre, Regina, Sutherland, Allan and Tuxford have undergone various degrees of erosion but due to their composition show surprisingly little decrease in productivity. The coarse textured soils such as Chaplin, Hatton, Biggar, Asquith and Dune Sand have in some areas been so badly eroded that they are considered unsuitable for sustained agriculture. Some such areas have wisely been placed into community pastures. Wind and water erosion of various degrees are apparent on such glacial till soils as 86 Haverhill, Weyburn and Wyandotte. Here the erosion generally appears first as whitish gray knolls throughout the landscape . Such areas represent truncated, shallow, less fertile soils than those on the slopes. SOIL MOISTURE-The conservation of soil moisture is an important part of good soil management in the Rosetown map area. In dry-land farming the main method of storing soil moisture for future use is by means of summerfallow. During the fallow period the soil must be free of weeds for maximum retention of moisture. This involves either surface cultivation or weed control by chemicals. The status of controlling weeds by chemicals rather than surface cultivation is presently under study. However, it is known that erosion will be lessened when conserving soil moisture if a straw or trash cover is maintained on the surface of fallowed fields . When the water storage capacity of the various soils is studied it may be concluded that the practice of summerfallowing coarse textured soils (which do not have a high capacity to store moisture) is erroneous. It might be more beneficial and profitable in the long run if such soils were kept with a continual crop cover to protect them from the ravages of erosion.

Plate 12. Fertilizer trials, to determine crop response, a result of co-operation be- tween farmers and the Institute of Pedology.

SOIL FERTILITY-The maintenance and improvement of soil fertility is an important aspect of soil conservation . In general, most soils are most fertile and productive when first broken and cultivated. At that time they contain the organic matter, nitrogen and mineral nutrients stored up through many centuries. Once

87 under continuous cultivation part of this original supply of nutrients is removed in harvested crops and the soil eventually suffers depletion of various essential plant nutrients. Hence the time arrives when fertility must be restored. The type and amount of nutrients needed can be assessed by the Soil Testing Laboratory, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon. Farmers can receive assistance on how to submit soil samples to the laboratory for a fertility analysis by contacting the laboratory, or their local agri- cultural representative or any one of the agencies which sell fertilizer in the province. SOIL SALINITY AND DRAINAGE-The problem of soil salinity is caused by the presence in the soil of excessive amounts of soluble salts together with poor drainage conditions which hinder or prevent their removal. Two types of saline land commonly occur in any map area in Saskatchewan . The first type is the saline flat-depressional areas (the so called "alkali" flats and sloughs) . These areas are generally uncultivated and considered as waste land, as little can be done to improve such areas unless expenditures are no object. The second type represents the salinity in cultivated fields. Such areas may be improved by adding organic matter, phosphate fertilizer and using salt-tolerant crops. Information regarding the improvement of saline areas may be obtained in the "Guide to Farm Practice in Saskatchewan ."

Plate 13 . Saline (Alkali) flat west of Dundum.

In the Rosetown map area highly saline conditions occur in some areas of Alluvium and Runway soils. These conditions are usually associated with imperfect drainage plus the fact that such 88 areas often occur in depressions which are collection basins for saline waters. A less severe saline condition often occurs along the edges of depressional areas in many glacial till and lacustrine areas. Such salinity is generally accentuated during dry periods when there is a rise of salts to the surface due to capillary action brought about by evaporation. Upland areas of lacustrine and till soils may become salinized due to salty ground water, lateral movement of salts, or restricted internal soil drainage. Another form of salinity is that associated with the occurrence of sodium and magnesium salts which may be correlated to the presence of saline shales in the parent material of the Solonetzic Flaxcombe, Rosemae and Tros- sachs Associations. Similar saline conditions, whose cause is difficult to diagnose, occur in the Gilroy, Kindersley, Grandora, Hanley, Tuxford and Wingello Associations. STONY SOILS-Some soil areas have to be cleared of surface stones before cultivation can occur and this task may be a perennial one on stony glacial till soils. Stones in glacial till areas vary in size from coarse gravel (3 inches in diameter) to boulders (over 24 inches in diameter) . The effect of stones on soil productiv- ity and land use depends upon their number and size. Occasional surface stones offer no serious handicap to cultivation and cropping, however, extremely stony soils may restrict cultivation altogether. Stones or gravels may also occur under the cultivated surface and may have an adverse effect on crop production. Such conditions as a bed of coarse gravel or stones lying within the root zone will reduce the water storage capacity of the soil. In the Rosetown map area various degrees of stone clearing are necessary on all glacial till soils as well as on some shallow lacustrine soils which overlie glacial till deposits.

Soil Capability Classification for Agriculture The system of a soil capability classification for agriculture was developed for use across Canada by the National Soil Survey Committee in co-operation with the federal and provincial A .R.D.A. Administrations (Agricultural Rehabilitation and Development Act) . It is being applied throughout the agricultural portion and adjoining forest fringe areas of Canada by the Soil Survey organizations with financial support from A.R.D.A. THE SOIL CAPABILITY CLASSIFICATION-The soil capability classification for agricultural purposes is one of a number of interpretive groupings that may be made from soil survey data. As with all interpretive groupings, the capability classification is developed from the soil-mapping units. In this classification the mineral soils are grouped into seven classes according to their potentialities and limitations for agricultural use. The CLASS, the broadest category in this classification, is a grouping of subclasses that have the same relative degree of limitation or hazard. The limitations or hazards become progressively greater from Class 1

* The Canada Land Inventory, ReportNo .2,1965 .SoilCapabilityClassificationforAgriculture.A .R .D.A ., Department of Forestry, Ottawa, Canada .

to Class 7. The class indicates the general suitability of the soils for agricultural use. This is illustrated in Table 4.

Table 4.-Capability Classes-Degree of Limitations

CLASS l . Soils in this class have no significant limitations that restrict their use for crops. They are moderately high to high in productivity for a wide range of field crops. CLASS 2. Soils in this class have moderate limitations that reduce the choice of crops, or require moderate conservation practices . They are moderately high to high in productivity for a fairly wide range of field crops. CLASS 3. Soils in this class have moderately severe limitations that reduce the choice of crops or require special conservation practices . They are medium to moderately high in productivity for a moderate range of field crops. CLASS 4. Soils in this class have severe limitations that restrict the choice of crops or require special conservation practices or both. They are low to medium in pro- ductivity for a narrow range of field crops, but may have higher productivity for a special crop. CLASS 5. Soils in this class are unsuited to the production of common field crops and are capable only of producing perennial forage crops. Improvement practices are feasible . CLASS b. Soils in this class are capable only of producing native perennial forage crops. Improvement practices are not feasible . CLASS 7. Soils in this class have no capability for arable agriculture or permanent pasture .

Table 4 indicates that the first three classes are considered capable of sustained production of common cultivated crops, the fourth class is marginal for sustained arable culture, the fifth is capable of use only for permanent pasture and hay, the sixth is capable of use only for wild pasture, while the seventh class is for soils and land types considered incapable of use for arable culture or permanent pasture. While the soil areas in classes one to four are capable of use for cultivated crops they are also capable of use for perennial forage crops. Soil areas in all classes may be suited for forestry, wildlife and recreation. The SUBCLASS is a grouping of soils with similar kinds of limitations and hazards. It provides information on the kind of limitation and as illustrated in Table 5 includes Climatic, Soil and Landscape limitations . As indicated previously the capability classification consists of two main categories: The capability CLASS (Table 4), and the capability SUBCLASS (Table 5) . The capability classification is applied to virgin as well as cultivated lands. Research data, recorded observations, and experience are used for placing soils in capability classes and subclasses. In areas where such information is lacking, soils are placed in capability classes and subclasses by interpretation of soil characteristics in accordance with experience gained on similar soils elsewhere. The level of generalization of the soil capability classification is affected by the map scale on which the information is published . 90

Table 5.-Capability Subclasses-Kind of Limitations CLIMATIC LIMITATIONS-expressed on the basis of adverse subregional climate where there are no other limitations except climate. SUBCLASS Cm : moisture deficiency due to insufficient precipitation. SUBCLASS Cs : heat deficiency expressed in terms of length of growing season and frost-free period.

SOIL LIMITATIONS-are caused by unfavourable inherent soil characteristics. SUBCLASS m: insufficient soil moisture holding capacity. SUBCLASS d: poor structure and /or permeability. SUBCLASS f: low soil fertility. SUBCLASS n : excessive soil salinity. SUBCLASS s: unfavourable soil characteristics. This subclass is used in a collective sense in place of subclasses m, d, f, and n where more than two of them are present or where two of these limitations are present in addition to some other limitation.

LANDSCAPE LIMITATIONS- SUBCLASS t : unfavourable topography. SUBCLASS w: excess water-applies to soils where excess water, apart From that brought about by inundation is a limitation in their use for agriculture. SUBCLASS p : excess stoniness. SUBCLASS e: erosion damage. SUBCLASS is inundation--applies to soils subjected to flooding due to overflow . SUBCLASS r: shallowness to bedrock. SUBCLASS x: moderate limitation due to accumulative minor adverse characteris- tics which singly are not serious enough to affect the class rating.

Unfortunately, a Soil Capability Map for Agriculture does not accompany the Soil Map of the Rosetown map area. A publication entitled, "Soil Capability for Agriculture, Canada Land Inventory," Rosetown 720 is apailable from the Queen's Printer, Ottawa. Locally the soil capability and land inventory information for the Rosetown map area is published on a rural basis. These publications are available from the Saskatchewan Institute of Pedology, John Mitchell Building, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon. The publication for each separate Rural Municipality within the Rosetown map area includes a map which indicates the soil capability rating for the various Soil Associations and their textural classes plus land use information as supplied by the Assessment Branch, Saskatchewan Department of Municipal Affairs. The soil capability rating includes where applicable the limitations imposed by climate, soil or landscape . Thus they are a modification of what is referred to as the INITIAL CAPABILITY. Table 6 indicates the Initial Capability of the soils in the Rosetown map area and can be used as a rough guide for comparing soil areas on the map. For a more detailed A.R.D.A. evaluation readers are advised to obtain the Rural Municipal Publications referred to previously. 91 Table 8-Initial Capability of the Soil Associations and Their Textural Types in the Rosetown Map Area Soil Associations and Initial Symbol Textural Types Soil Zone and Order Capability Byl Birsay loam Brown Chernozemic 4m Byvl Birsay very fine sandy loam Brown Chernozemic 4m Byfl Birsay fine sandy loam Brown Chemozemic 4m Bysl Birsay sandy loam Brown Chernozemic 4m Chgl Chaplin gravelly loam Brown Chernozemic 5m Chsl Chaplin sandy loam Brown Chernozemic 5m Chgsl Chaplin gravelly sandy loam Brown Chernozemic 5m Fxl Fox Valley loam Brown Chernozemic 4m Fxcl Fox Valley clay loam Brown Chernozemic 3m Fxsicl Fox Valley silty clay loam Brown Chernozemic 3m Htvl Hatton very fine sandy loam Brown Chemozemic 4m Htfl Hatton fine sandy loam Brown Chemozemic 4m Htsl Hatton sandy loam Brown Chernozemic 5m Htls Hatton loamy sand Brown Chernozemic 5m Hrsl Haverhill sandy loam Brown Chernozemic 4m Hrl Haverhill loam Brown Chernozemic 4m Hrcl Haverhill clay loam Brown Chernozemic 3m Schc Sceptre heavy clay Brown Chernozemic 2cm Scc Sceptre clay Brown Chernozemic 3m Wwc Willows clay Brown Chernozemic 3m Wwcl Willows clay loam Brown Chernozemic 3m Fcl Flaxcombe loam Brown Solonetzic 4m Gyl Gilroy loam Brown Solonetzic 4m Gyfl Gilroy fine sandy loam Brown Solonetzic 4m Kdc Kindersley loam Brown Solonetzic 3m Kdcl Kindersley clay loam Brown Solonetzic 3m Ad Alert loam Dark Brown Chernozemic 3m Atfl Alert fine sandy loam Dark Brown Chernozemic 4m Anhc Allan heavy clay Dark Brown Chernozemic 2cm Ane Allan clay Dark Brown Chemozemic 2cm Ancl Allan clay loam Dark Brown Chemozemic 3m Afl Asquith fine sandy loam Dark Brown Chernozemic 4m Asl Asquith sandy loam Dark Brown Chernozemic 4m Als Asquith loamy sand Dark Brown Chernozemic 5m Bec Bear clay Dark Brown Chernozemic 2cm Becl Bear clay loam Dark Brown Chernozemic 3m Bgsl Biggar sandy loam Dark Brown Chernozemic 4m Bggsl Biggar gravelly sandy loam Dark Brown Chernozemic 4m Bgls Biggar loamy sand Dark Brown Chernozemic 5m Bggss Biggar gravelly loamy sand Dark Brown Chernozemic 5m Bgl Biggar loam Dark Brown Chernozemic 4m Bggl Biggar gravelly loam Dark Brown Chernozemic 4in Brvcl Bradwell very fine sandy clay Dark Brown Chernozemic 3m loam Brfcl Bradwell fine sandy clay loam Dark Brown Chernozemic 3m Brl Bradwell loam Dark Brown Chernozemic 3m Brvl Bradwell very fine sandy loam Dark Brown Chernozemic 3m Brfl Bradwell fine sandy loam Dark Brown Chernozemic 3m Esicl Elstow silty clay loam Dark Brown Chernozemic 3m Ecl Elstow clay loam Dark Brown Chemozemic 3m Esil Elstow silt loam Dark Brown Chernozemic 3m El Elstow loam Dark Brown Chemozemic 3m Kpl Keppel loam Dark Brown Chernozemic 3m Rhv Regina heavy clay Dark Brown Chernozemic 2cm Rc Regina clay Dark Brown Chernozemic 2cm Suc Sutherland clay Dark Brown Chernozemic 2cm Sucl Sutherland clay loam Dark Brown Chernozemic 3m WI Weybum loam Dark Brown Chernozemic 3m Wcl Weyburn clay loam Dark Brown Chernozemic 3m Wycl Wyandotte clay loam Dark Brown Chernozemic 3m Gdsl Grandora sandy loam Dark Brown Solonetzic 4m 92 Table 8.-Continued Soil Associations and Initial Symbol Textural Types Soil Zone and Order Capability Gdls Grandora loamy sand Dark Brown Solonetzic 5m Hyl Hanley loam Dark Brown Solonetzic 3m-4d Hycl Hanley clay loam Dark Brown Solonetzic 3m-4d Rml Rosemae loam Dark Brown Solonetzic 3m-4d Rmcl Rosemae clay loam Dark Brown Solonetzic 3m-4d TI Trossachs loam Dark Brown Solonetzic 3m-4d Tuc Tuxford clay Dark Brown Solonetzic 3d-4d Tucl Tuxford clay loam Dark Brown Solonetzic 3m-4d Wgsl Wingello sandy loam Dark Brown Solonetzic 4m Wgfl Wingello fine sandy loam Dark Brown Solonetzic 4m Wgvl Wingello very fine sandy loam Dark Brown Solonetzic 3m Wgi Wingello loam Dark Brown Solonetzic 3m

Table 6 is not a guide to the most profitable use of the land but it is an inventory of the agricultural soil resources and a guide to better land use in the Rosetown map area. Briefly, Initial Capabilities of 2 are good arable land, 3 indicates fair arable land, 4 poor arable land and 5 indicates that such areas are unsuitable for sustained cultivation. As indicated previously Classes 1 to 4 are capable of use for cultivated crops and are mainly utilized for growing wheat. They are also capable for use for perennial forage crops. Alternative land use may be more profitable in some areas and those farm owners contemplating changes have at their service many Provincial and Federal agencies which can supply advice and assistance.

A Method of Rating Irrigation Soils Methods for rating the soils of irrigation projects have been used in Alberta since 1930 and in Saskatchewan since 1936. In 1943, the Alberta and Saskatchewan Soil Surveys adopted a uniform method for rating soils and classifying lands of irrigation projects. The most recent publication on the classification of irrigated land appears in a Handbook which was printed and distributed by the P.F.R.A.* This Handbook contains sufficient information to make it an essential part of anyone's library who is dealing with irrigation in the Prairie Provinces. Only a small portion of the evaluation of soils for their irrigation potential, as outlined in the Handbook, was used when assessing the soils in the Rosetown map area.** The irrigation rating as reported in the present text is essentially only the BASIC SOIL RATING. It considers the following factors: 1) Soil Profile--The type of soil as shown by the morphology and chemical composition of the profile. 2) Type of Geological Deposition or the parent material with special reference to its uniformity. 3) Soil Texture-of both the surface and subsoil to a depth of approximately four feet.

*Handbook for the Classification of Irrigated Land in the Prairie Provinces. Prepared by Committee of the Canada Department of Agriculture, Prairie Farm Rehabilitation Administration, Regina, Saskatchewan, 1964 . **More detailed irrigation ratings appear on a map entitled, "Soil Map of the South Saskatchewan Irri- gation Project" which was prepared for the Conservation' and Development Branch, Department of Agriculture, Regina .


Each of the above factors is given a numerical value or number which expresses the desirable or undesirable characteristics. These numbers are then multiplied together to give a product which is called the Basic Soil Rating. The products are assessed as follows: Ratings of 100 to 72 are considered to be Group 1 or very good to good soils for irrigation. Ratings of 71 to 46 are Group 2 or Good to Fair; ratings of 45 to 25 are Group 3 or Fair to Poor and ratings of less than 25 are considered unsuitable for irrigation. Group 1 is intended to represent good irrigation soils; Group 2 and 3 represent irrigable soils that are potentially less productive or more costly to irrigate than Group 1; Group 4 soils are referred to as unsuitable-meaning they will not form suitable irrigation- farm units; some Group 4 soils however may have a limited use under irrigation. In many instances when rating soil for irrigation the Basic Rating is sufficient to make a decision as to the soil suitability . As stated previously this is all that has been presented when evaluating the soils in the Rosetown map area. The Basic Rating may however be modified to include the significance of - fertility, chemical characteristics, hydraulic conductivity, water storage capacity and the degree of stoniness and erosion. If any one of these factors is significant enough to be of concern when arriving at the Basic Soil Rating it would require further investigation. Serious adverse factors would modify the Basic Soil Rating. This results in a lower Final Soil Rating. There are other factors which should be assessed before money is invested in the development of any area for irriga- tion. Essentially these are factors dealing with topographic investiga- tions in regard to the development requirements for irrigation as governed by topographic features. These features determine the ease or difficulty of conveying water over the farm and of applying it to the cropped land and thus determine the cost and extent of land development needed. The engineering aspects of land develop- ment include clearing, land levelling, construction of permanent farm ditches and drains and water control structures. In the write-up for each Association there is an overall assess- ment for irrigation of the particular Association under discussion. Later within each write-up there is an evaluation of the irrigation potential of the Map Units which occur in each Association . Each map unit has been previously described as to the types of soil profiles it contains. Thus the Basic Soil Rating for irrigation con- tains firstly an assessment of the soil profiles. These PROFILES or SERIES are rated by the following numerical values. Orthic Brown or Dark Brown Series ...... 100-90 Calcareous Brown or Dark Brown Series ...... 80 Rego Brown or Dark Brown Series...... 70 Eluviated Brown or Dark Brown Series ...... 80 Regosolic Sands...... 70 Solonetz and Deep Solod...... 70 Solodized Solonetz and Shallow Solod...... 40 Strong Solonetzic Soils...... 30 The above profiles occur in upland positions; depressional 94 gleysolic and saline regosolic and gleysolic profiles were considered unsuitable for irrigation and were not rated. The GEOLOGICAL DEPOSIT or the PARENT MATERIAL of each Association is rated as follows:

Uniform deposits...... 1o0 Fairly Uniform-Textural change ofone grade; or slight horizontal variability; or change in character or origin of deposit without major change in texture...... 80 Variable deposits-abrupt change oftwo textural grades ; or change in character plus change of one textural grade 70 Variable deposits--considerable horizontal variability in texture...... 60 Highly variable deposits-wide changes in textural grade in both vertical and horizontal planes: occurring below 2 feet...... 60 occurring within 2 feet...... ,...... 40

The SURFACE TEXTURE of each Association is rated as follows: Silt loam sil 100 Loam 1 100 Very fine sandy loam vfsl 100 Mixed vfsl-fsl 90 Fine sandy loam fsl 90 fsl-sl 80 fsl-ls 70 Silty clay loam sic] 80 sicl-sil 85 Clay loam cl 80 cl-1 85 Sandy clay loam scl 80 Sandy loam s1 70 sl-ls 60 sl-s 50 Coarse sandy loam csl 60 csl-s 45 Silty clay sic 60 sic-sicl 65 Clay c 50 c-cl 60 Loamy sand is 50 cls 40 Heavy clay he 40 hc c 45 Sand s 30 s-IS 40 Gravel g 20 s-g 25

To obtain the Basic Soil Rating the following procedure is used to assess an area of Br3.1: Using the legend on the soil map or using the soil report it is concluded that Br3.1 indicates that Brad- well Association (Br) is a Dark Brown Chernozemic soil developed on sandy glacio-lacustrine deposits having over 45% sand and over 15% clay. Br3 is a map unit within the Bradwell Association which is composed of dominantly (over 45%) Orthic Dark Brown profiles and significant amounts (over 15%) of Eluviated Dark Brown Series. The small alphabetical letter 1 denotes that the surface texture is a loam. Using the ratings listed previously a rating of 85 can be applied for the types of profiles in Br3; the parent material is uniform and thus rates 100 and the surface texture is a loam which rates 100. Multiplying these ratings together gives a product of 85. Thus this Basic Soil Rating indicates that Br3.1 is a Group 1, or very good to good irrigation soil area. A summary of irrigation potential of the map units in the Rosetown map area is presented in Table 7. 95 Table 7.-Irrigation Rating of the Soil Associations in the Rosetown Map Area Irrigation Association Soil Zone and Order Map Unit Group

Birsay ...... Brown Chernozemic Brl, Br2, Br3 1 to 2 Br5, Br7 3 to 4 Chaplin Brown Chernozemic Chi 2 to 4 Fox Valley...... Brown Chernozemic Fxl, Fx3 1 to 2 Fx2 2 to 3 Fx6 3 Hatton ...... Brown Chernozemic Htl 1 to 4 Ht3, Ht5 2 to 4 Haverhill ...... Brown Chernozemic Hrl, Hr2, Hr4, Hr8, Hr9 1 to 3 Sceptre...... Brown Chernozemic Scl, Sc2 3 to 4 Willows ...... Brown Chernozemic 2to4 Flaxcombe...... Brown Solonetzic Fc2, Fc3, Fc4 3 to 4 Gilroy ...... Brown Solonetzic Gyl, Gy2 3 to 4 Kindersley...... Brown Solonetzic Kdl, Kd10 3 to 4 Alert...... Dark Brown Chernozemic 2to3 Allan...... Dark Brown Chernozemic 3to4 Asquith ...... Dark Brown Chernozemic A1 lto4 A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A8 2 to 4 Bear...... Dark Brown Chernozemic 3to4 Biggar...... Dark Brown Chernozemic Bgl, Bg2 3 to 4 Bradwell...... Dark Brown Chernozemic Brl, Br3 1 to 2 Br2, Br4, Brll, Br12 2 Br5, Br6, Br7 2 to 4 Elstow ...... Dark Brown Chernozemic El, E3 I to 2 E2, E4, E5, E8, E9, Ell 2 to 3 E6, E7, E15 2 to 4 Keppel ...... Dark Brown Chernozemic 2to3 Regina- ...... Dark Brown Chernozemic Rl, R2, R3 3 to 4 Sutherland...... Dark Brown Chernozemic Sul, Su2, Su4 2 to 3 Su5 4 Weyburn ..- ...... Dark Brown Chernozemic Wi,W3,W8,W11 lto3 W2, W4, W7, W9, W10 2 to 3 Wyandotte ...... Dark Brown Chernozemic 3 Grandora ...... Dark Brown Solonetzic Gdl, Gd2 4 Hanley ...... -- . . .Dark Brown Solonetzic Hy1, Hy2, Hy3, Hy4 2 to 4 Hy5 4 Rosemae ...... Dark Brown Solonetzic Rml, Rm2, Rm3, Rm4 2 to 4 Trossachs...... Dark Brown Solonetzic TI, T2 3 to 4 Tuxford...... Dark Brown Solonetzic Tul, Tu2, Tu3, Tu5, TWO, Tull 3 to 4 Wingello...... Dark Brown Solonetzic Wgl, Wg3 2 to 4 Wg2 3 to 4

The interpretation of the Irrigation Groups presented in Table 7 is as follows: Group 1 represents good irrigation soils. They consist mainly of medium textured Chernozemic soils of good composition on uniform to slightly variable deposits. Group 2 represents irrigable soils that are potentially less productive or more costly to irrigate than soils of Group 1. They consist mainly of heavier or lighter textured soils than occur - in Group 1, having good composition and occurring on uniform to slightly variable deposits. Solonetzic soils of good composition and moderate salinity also occur in this group. 96 Group 3 represents irrigable soils that are potentially less productive or more costly to irrigate than soils of Group 1 or 2. They include soils of Group 1 or 2 with higher salinity than is acceptable in both Group 1 and 2. They include Group 1 soils on highly variable deposits and Group 2 soils on variable deposits. Group 3 soils also include Solonetzic soils of moderate salinity. The textural range for Group 3 soils is very broad, ranging from coarse to fine. Group 4 soils are referred to as unsuitable---meaning they will not form suitable irrigation-farm units; some Group 4 soils may have a limited use under irrigation. This Group includes soils of coarse or fine textures, or those with poor structures, or with high salinity, or on highly variable deposits.

Plate 14. Sampling soil in the Conquest area.

Appendix I


Index To Soil Series Profiles Page Birsay Association ...... 101 Orthic Brown Series Chaplin Association ...... 102 Orthic Brown Series Fox Valley Association ...... 103 Orthic Brown Series Hatton Association ...... 104 Orthic Brown Series Haverhill Association ...... 105 Orthic Brown Series Sceptre Association ...... 106 Rego Brown Series Willows Association ...... 107 Orthic Brown Series Flaxcombe Association ...... 108 Brown Solodized-Solonetz Series Gilroy Association ...... 109 Brown Solodized-Solonetz Series Kindersley Association ...... 110 Brown Solonetz Series Alert Association ...... 111 Orthic Dark Brown Series Allan Association ...... 112 Calcareous Dark Brown Series Asquith Association ...... 113 Orthic Dark Brown Series Bear Association ...... 114 Rego Dark Brown Series Biggar Association ...... 115 Orthic Dark Brown Series Bradwell Association ...... 116 Orthic Dark Brown Series Elstow Association ...... 117 Rego Dark Brown Series Calcareous Dark Brown Series Orthic Dark Brown Series Eluviated Dark Brown Series 98

Keppel Association ...... 121 Orthic Dark BrowSeries Regina Association ...... 122 Rego Dark Brown Series Sutherland Association ...... 123 Orthic Dark Brown Series Weyburn Association ...... 124 Orthic Dark Brown Series Wyandotte Association ...... 125 Calcareous Dark Brown Series Grandora Association ...... 126 Dark Brown Solodized-Solonetz Series Hanley Association ...... 127 Dark Brown Solodized-Solonetz Series Rosemae Association ...... 128 Dark Brown Solodized-Solonetz Series Trossachs Association ...... 129 Dark Brown Solodized-Solonetz Series Tuxford Association ...... 130 Dark Brown Solodized-Solonetz Series Wingello Association ...... 131 Dark Brown Solodized-Solonetz Series

Laboratory Methods Particle Size Distribution: The pipette method was used following treatment of samples with HCl to remove carbonates, and with H202 to remove organic matter. Sodium hexametaphosphate was used for dispersion. Fine clay was determined using a No. 2 International Centrifuge. Total Nitrogen: The micro-Kjeldahl digestion technique using K2S04, concen- trated H2SO4 and 10% CUS04 and selenium as catalysts was em- ployed. The ammonia was collected in boric acid and titrated with dilute H2SO4. Organic Carbon: The dry combustion method was used for total carbon deter- mination with carbon dioxide being absorbed in an excess of NaOH, precipitated as BaC03, and back-titrated with HCl. The organic carbon was determined by subtracting inorganic carbon from total carbon values. CaC03 Equivalent : Inorganic carbon was determined by boiling the soil in dilute HCI containing stannous chloride. The C02 was absorbed in NaGH 99 towers, precipitated with BaC12, and the excess NaOH titrated with HCI. The inorganic carbon values are converted to their CaC03 equivalents . Cation Exchange Capacity: Saturation of the soils with ammonium ions was accomplished using 1N NH40Ac adjusted to pH 7, employing the centrifuge tech- nique. After displacement of ammonium with 1N KCl, nitrogen was determined by the micro-Kjeldahl technique. Exchangeable Cations (ammonium acetate extractable cations) : Following extraction with 1N NH4 OAc, CA++, Mg++ Na+ and K+ were determined by flame spectrophotometer analyses. Ex- changeable H+ was calculated by difference. pH : Soil pH was determined by the soil paste method utilizing a glass electrode pH meter. Electrical Conductivity: Electrical conductivity of the saturation extract from the soil samples was measured using a conductivity cell and bridge, values being reported in mmhos/cm. at 251 C.

Morphological Description, Birsay Association, Orthic Brown Series Horizon and Primary Structure Secondary Structure Depths Color when Dry Color when Moist Grade Class Kind Grade Class Kind Effervescence Texture Ah 0-6" Grayish brown -II Dark grayish brown moderate, medium, sub- , moderate, fine, granular none fine sandy loam IOYR 5,'2 IOYR 4/2 angular blocky ; crushes to _ Bmi 6-15" Dark brown Ill Dark brown moderate, medium, pris- moderate, medium, sub- none fine sandy loam IOYR 4,3 IOYR 3/3 matic : breaks to angular blocky; crushes to moderate, fine, granu- I lar BM 2 15 ,26" Dark brown Dark brown moderate, medium, pris- 1 moderate, medium, sub , none fine sandy clay IOYR 4,'3 IOYR 3 . 3 matic ; breaks to ' angular blocky; crushes loam to moderate, fine, granu- lar i C:k 26-36" Light brownish gray Grayish brown moderate, coarse, prisma moderate, coarse suban- moderate fine sandy loam IOYR 6/2 IOYR 5/2 tic ; breaks to gular blocky ; crushes to moderate, fine, granular Q 1 : 36"+ Pale brown Brown massive ; crushes to moderate, fine, granular moderate fine sandy loam IOYR 6i3 IOYR 5 ;'3

Physical and Chemical Analyses, Birsay Association, Orthic Brown Series

li Particle Size Distribution Ic Organic Matter - Acetate Extractable Cations Cation meq .1008 _-- Horizon Coarse & Very Exchange ------E .C .mmhos and Medium I Fine Fine Total Total Fine Nitrogen Organic CaCO2 Capacity - ~ ; cm . Depths Sand ~ Sand Sand ~ Sand ~ Silt Clay Clay 17, Carbon Jc Equiv°Jc meq AOOg .I Ca Mg K Na H pH at 25°C _ Ah 0-6" 13 .0 37 .0 16 .1 66 .1 17 .3 16 .6 10 .7 0 .15 1 .36 15 .4 12 .1 3 .2 1 .1 1 .2 7 .6 0 .7

Bt 1 6-15" 15 .4 35 .0 12 .0 62 .4 18 .6 18 .9 14 .4 0 .13 1 .30 18 .0 11 .9 4 .6 0 .4 1 0 6 .9 0 .4 Bt215-26" 6 .0 47 .0 15 .5 68 .5 ~ 10 .2 21 .4 16 .1 0 .06 0 .5 17 .3 10 7 1 5 .4 0 .4 1 .0 I 6 .8 0 .2 _ -7-8 . 3 Ck 26-36" 20 .0 39 .2 10 .9 70 .1 10 .6 .I . 19 .3 ! 119 8 .95 14A __ .i . C 36+1 10 .6 42 .3 19 .1 ___72_.0 , 1 1 4 I6 .5 1t .6 110 .60 . I 7 .9 0 .5 Morphological Description, Chaplin Association, Orthic Brown Series Horizon and Primary Structure Secondary Structure Depths Color when Dry Color when Moist Grade Class Kind Grade Class Kind Effervescence Texture Ap 0-3" Grayish brown Dark grayish brown weak, medium, subangu- moderate, fine, granular none sandy loam 10YR 3/2 l0YR 4/2 lar blocky ; crushes to Bm 3-10" Dark grayish brown Very dark grayish brown weak, medium, pris- moderate, medium, sub- none - sandy loam l0YR 4'2 10YR 3 /2 matic ; breaks to angular blocky; crushes to moderate, fine, granu- lar, and various sand fractions Cki 10,16" Grayish brown Olive massive ; crushes to granular, and various moderate sand 2 .5Y 5/2 5Y 4/3 gravel and sand fractions C 16"+ Grayish brawn Olive massive ; crushes to various gravel and sand moderate sand 2 .5Y 5/2 5Y 4/3 fractions

Physical and Chemical Analyses, Chaplin Association, Orthic Brown Series Particle Size Distribution % Organic Matter Acetate Extractable Cations _ -_ - . . .__. _ -- - Cation meq/100g . - Horizon Coarse & Very Exchange E.C.mmhos and Medium Fine Fine Total Total Fine Nitrogen Organic CaC03 Capacity /cm . Depths Sand Sand Sand Sand Silt Clay Clay % Carbon% Equiv .% meq/100g . Ca Mg K Na H pH at 25°C Ap 0-3" 57 .1 16 .5 3 .6 77 .2 12 .9 9 .9 6 .4 0 .11 1 .40 .I 13 .5 10 .5 2 .0 0 .6 0 .4 7 .5 0 .5 l3m 13 .6 2 .7 69 .8 16 .7 13 .5 10 .8 0 .08 1 .00 17 .3 13 .8 2 .5 0 .6 0 .4 7 .8 0 .6 Ckt 10-16" 79 .9 9 .5 I'0 90 .4 4 .3 5 .3 4 .2 8 .0 0 .4

C16"+ 74 .5 17 .5 2 .8 94 .8 2 .4 1 2 .8 2 .0 8 . 0 0 . 5

Morphological Description, Fox Valley Association, Orthic Brown Series Horizon and Primary Structure Secondary Structure Depths - -- Color when Dry -~ Color when Moist - Grade Class Kind Grade .- . Class - Kind Effervescence Texture

Ap 0-4" Grayish brown Dark grayish brown moderate, medium to i moderate, fine, granular none I loam l0YR 5/2 l0YR 4,"2 coarse, subangular blocky ; crushes to

Bt 4-10" Brown ! Dark brown moderate, medium, pris- moderate, medium, sub- none clay loam 10YR 5, 3 10YR 4,'3 matic ; breaks to angular blocky ; crushes to moderate, fine, granu-

Bk 10-14" Grayish brown Dark grayish brown moderate, coarse, prisma- moderate, medium to weak to clay loam 10YR 5`2 10YR 412 tic ; breaks to coarse, subangualr moderate blocky ; crushes to mod- erate, fine, granular

Cca 14-20" Light brownish gray Light olive brown massive to weakly pris- moderate, medium, sub, moderate clay loam 2 .5Y 6!2 2 .5Y 514 matic ; breaks to angular blocky ; crushes to moderate, fine, gran- f+ _ C 20+ Grayish brown -- W Olive~ _~ ------massive ; breaks to subangular blocky ; moderate silty clay loam 2.5Y 5/2 5Y 5/3 crushes to moderate, medium granular

Physical and Chemical Analyses, Fox Valley Association, Orthic Brown Series

_ Particle Size Distribution `7o Organic Matte - i Acetate ExtractableCations Cation Horizon Coarse & Very meq/100g . I Exchange E .C .mnmhos and Medium Fine Ftne Total Total Fine Nitrogen Organic CaC03 Capacity Depths Sand Sand Sand Sand Silt Clay Clay % Carbon % Equiv.°J7, meq / 1008. Ca Mg K Na H pH at 25°C Ap 0-4" 1 .2 15 .5 - 24 .0 40 .7 .9 22 36 .4 16 .2 0 .15 _ 1 .75 15 .6 10 .1 5 .4 1 .6 0 .2 7 .0 1 .0 Bt 4-10" 2 .2 16 .2 21 .3 39 .7 29 30 _ .7 .6 21 .4 0 .10 0 .75 3 .4 14 . 12 .5 1 .1 0 .3 7 .7 0 .9 Bk 10-14" 1 .0 8 .4 25 .6 34 .0 _ _ _ 37 .3 27 .6 18 .5 I - 7 .1 8 .0 6 .3 Cca 14-20" 0 .6 0 .8 23 .8 25 .2 _ 43 .2 ~ 31 .6 19 .6 - 13 .9 8 .1 6 .7 C 20"+ 0 .2 0 .3 15 .1 15 .6 57 .1 27 .3 14 .6 13 .30 8 .0 4 .7 Morphological Description, Hatton Association, Orthic Brown Series Primary Structure Secondary Structure Horizon and Effervescence Texture Depths Color when Dry Color when Moist Grade Class Kind Grade Class Kind sandy loam Ap 0-4" Grayish brown Dark grayish brown weak, medium, subangu- single sand grains none 10YR 5/2 l0YR 4/2 lar blocky ; crushes to none sandy loam Bmi 4-12" 'Brown Dark brown moderate, medium to moderate, medium to l0YR 5,13 l0YR 4/3 coarse, prismatic; breaks coarse, subangular to blocky; crushes to single sand grains none sandy loam Bms 12-19" Brown Dark Brown weak, coarse, prismatic; moderate, medium to l0YR 5/3 10YR 3/3 breaks to coarse, subangular blocky; crushes to single sand grains moderate sandy loam Ck-C 19-30" Light ray Grayish brown massive; breaks to moderate, medium to 2;47/2 2.5Y 5/2 coarse, subangular blocky ; crushes to single sand grains

Physical and Chemical Analyses, Hatton Association, Orthic Brown Series Particle Size Distribution % Organic Matter Acetate Extractable Cations I Cation meq/1008 . E.C .mmhos Horizon Coarse & Very Exchange Fine Total Total Fine Nitrogen Organic CaC03 Capacity /cm. and Medium Fine K Na H pH at 25°C Depths Sand Sand Sand Sand Silt Clay Clay % Carbon%a I Equiv.%a meq/1009 . Ca Mg 0.8 0 .1 7 .2 1.2 Ap 0-4" 33 .0 21 .4 9 .9 64 .3 21 .7 13 .9 10 .5 0.18 1 .24 13 .4 12 .9 3.4 0.5 0.2 7 .1 0 .4 Bmi4-12" 38 .1 23 .7 9 .2 70 .9 18 .2 11 .0 8.9 0.10 0.70 10 .3 8.7 2.9 Bmz12-19" 37 .2 20 .7 9 .3 67 .2 20 .5 12 .2 9.9 0.08 0.70 12 .1 12 .0 4.0 0.5 0.2 7 .5 0.4 Ck-C 19-30" 38 .5 26 .6 7.3 72 .4 17 .0 10 .6 ~ 7.9 10 .20 7 .6 1.7 Morphological Description, Haverhill Association, Orthie Brown Series Horizon and Primary Structure Secondar Structure Depths Color when Dry Color when Moist Grade Class Kind Grade lass Kind Effervescence Texture Ap 0-6" Grayish brown Dark grayish brown moderate, medium, sub- moderate, fine, granular none loam 10YR 5/2 10YR 4/2 angular blocky ; crushes to Bm 6-10" Brown Dark brown moderate, medium, pris- moderate, medium, pris- none sandy clay loam 10YR 5/3 10YR 4/3 matic; breaks to matic; crushes to modem ate, fine, granular Cca 10-15" Very ate brawn Pate brown weak, medium to coarse, moderate, medium, sub- strong loam 10YR 7/3 10YR 6/3 prismatic; breaks to angular blocky; crushes to moderate, fine, granu- lar C 15"+ Light gray Light alive brown massive ; breaks to moderate, medium to moderate loam 2.5Y 7/2 2.5Y 5/4 coarse, subangular blocky; crushes to moder- ate, fine, granular

Physical and Chemical Analyses, Haverhill Association, Orthic Brown Series Particle Size Distribution % Organic Matter Acetate Extractable Cations Cation meq/1009. Horizon Coarse & Very Exchange E.C.mmhos and Medium Fine Fine Total Total Fine Nitrogen Organic CaC03 Capacity /cm. Depths Sand Sand Sand Sand Silt Clay Clay % Carbon% Equiv.% meq/1009 . Ca Mg K Na H pH at 25°C Ap 0-6" 15.2 11 .2 21.8 48 .2 28.8 23 .0 16 .8 0.22 2 .37 1 .00 21 .8 18.6 4 .0 0.8 0.2 7.8 0.8 Bm 6-10" 19.7 16.7 18.1 54 .5 19.3 26.2 19 .1 0.11 1 .13 1 .10 20 .1 16 .9 4.8 0 .5 0.3 7.7 0.5 Cca 1015" 17. 8 13.2 13.7 44.7 28.9 26.4 16 .3 21 .90 15 .5 7 .9 0.5 C 15 L 14.4 14.8 14.5 43.7 31 .1 25.1 12 .4 13.60 7.9 3.3 Morphological Description, Seeptre Association, Rego Brown Series Horizon and Primary Structure beconnary Structure Depths Color when Dry Color when Moist I Grade Class Kind Grade Class Kind Effervescence Texture Ap 0-3" Dark gray Very dark grayish brown moderate, medium and moderate, medium and none clay 5Y 4/1 2.5Y 3/2 fine, subangular blocky; fine, granular crushes to Ck13-10" Olive gray Olive massive; breaks to moderate, medium and weak heavy clay 5Y 5/2 5Y 4/3 coarse, subangular blocky;crushes to moder- ate, fine, granular Ck2 10,16" Grayish brown Olive massive; breaks to moderate, coarse and weak to heavy clay 2.5Y 5/2 5Y 4/3 medium, subangular moderate blocky;crushes to moder- ate, fine, granular Cks W+ Grayish brown Olive massive; breaks to moderate, coarse and moderate heavy clay 2.5Y 5/2 5Y 4/3 medium, subangular blocky;crushes to mower- ate, fine, granular

Physical and Chemical Analyses, Sceptre Association, Rego Brown Series Particle Size Distribution % Organic Matter Acetate Extractable Cations Cation meq/1008. Horizon Coarse & Very Exchange E.C.mmhos and Medium Fine Fine Total Total Fine Nitrogen Organic CaCO3 Capacity /cm. Depths Sand Sand Sand Sand Silt Clay Clay % Carbon% Equiv.% meq/1008 . Ca Mg K Na H pH at 25°C Ap 0-3" 0 .6 0 .8 3 .3 4 .7 36 .5 58 .8 24 .6 0.25 2.73 0 .50 44 .7 32 .7 9 .5 2 .8 0 .3 7.5 0.8 Cki 3-10" 0.6 0.7 2 .2 3.5 28 .2 68 .3 47 .9 5 .00 7.6 0.5 Ck2 IO-16" 0.6 0.7 2.5 3.8 27 .7 68 .5 48 .9 6 .00 I 7 .5 0.6 Cks 16"-F 0.6 0.6 2.1 3.3 27 .0 69 .7 48 .3 7 .40 7.6 0.5 Morphological Description, Willows Association, Orthic Brown Series Horizon ana Primary Structure Secondary Structure Depths Color when Dry Color when Moist Grade Class Kind Grade Class Kind Effervescence Texture Ap "" Grayish brown Very dark brown moderate, medium to moderate, fine, granular none clay loam l0YR 5/2 l0YR 2/2 fine, subangular blocky; crushes to Bt 6-13" Brown Dark grayish brown moderate, medium, pris- moderate, coarse to fine none silty clay loam l0YR 5/3 2.5Y 4/2 matic; breaks to subangular blocky ; crushes to moderate, fine, granular Ck 13-20" Brown Olive moderate, medium, sub- moderate, fine, granular moderate to clay loam 10YR 5/3 5Y 4/3 angular blocky ; crushes strong to C 20"-} Pale brown Olive moderate, medium, sub- moderate, fine, granular strong silty clay loam 10YR 6/3 5Y 4/3 angular blocky; crushes to

Physical and Chemical Analyses, Willows Association, Orthic Brown Series Particle Size Distribution % Organic Matter Acetate Extractable Cations Cation I meq/100g. Horizon Coarse & Very Exchange E.C .mmhos and Medium Fine Fine Total Total Fine Nitrogen Organic CaCO3 Capacity /cm. Depths Sand Sand Sand Sand Silt Clay Clay % Carbon% Equiv.% meq/l00g . Ca Mg K Na H pH at 25°C Ap 0-6" 2.9 4.3 17 .0 24 .2 47 .4 28 .4 15 .2 0 .25 2 .88 27 .4 12 .5 5 .2 2 .4 0.4 6.2 0 .8 Bt 6-13" 2 .7 4.8 15 .8 23 .3 40 .8 35 .9 3.7 0 .09 0 .60 29 .5 10 .4 8.7 1 .0 0.3 6.7 0 .4 Ck 13-20" 0 .7 1 .8 29 .2 31 .7 38 .4 29 .9 20 .7 15 .80 21 .6 73 .7 10 .7 0 .5 0.5 7.8 0 .5 C 20"{- 0 .9 3 .9 21 .9 26 .7 42 .8 30.5 17 .5 17 .15 20 .3 86 .6 14 .9 0 .6 1 .1 8.1 0 .5 Morphological Description, Fla:combe Association, Brown Solodized-Solonetz Series Horizon and Primary Structure Secondary Structure Depths Color when Dry Color when Moist Grade Class Kind Grade Class Kind Effervescence Texture Ap 0-4- Grayish brown Very dark grayish brown moderate, medium, sub" moderate, fine, granular none loam l0YR 5/2 10YR 3/2 angular blocky ; crushes to Ae 4-8" Pale brown Brown weak, medium, prismatic moderate, fine, granular none loam l0YR 6/3 IOYR 5/3 breaks to moderate, coarse, platy; crushes to But 8-16" Dark brown Dark brown moderate, medium, col- moderate, medium, sub- none clay loam l0YR 4/3 10YR 3/3 umnar; breaks to angular blocky ; crushes to moderate, fine, granu- lar Bca-Cca Olive brown Dark grayish brown weak, medium, rismatic moderate, fine, granular moderate clay loam 16-24" 2.5Y 4/4 2.5Y 4/2 to massive ; cruses to C 24"-1. Grayish brown Dark brown massive; crushesto moderate, fine, granular moderate sandy clay loam SiY 5/2 Y 4yish

Physical and Chemical Analyses, Flamombe Association, Brown Solodized-Solonetz Series Particle Size Distribution %a Organic Matter Acetate Extractable C:ations Cation meq/100g . E.C .mmhos Horizon Coarse & Very Exchange - Total Total Fine Nitrogen Organic CaC03 Capacity /cm. and Medium Fine Fine H pH at 25°C" Depths Sand Sand Sand Sand Silt Clay Clay % Carbon% Equiv.% meq/100g . Ca Mg K Na 7.6 0 .8 Ap 0-4" 11 .4 13 .0 12 .5 36 .9 39 .4 23 .6 13 .0 0 .22 2.64 1 .35 23 .8 19 .5 5.9 1 .0 0 .1 0.5 Ae 4-8" 12 .4 10 .9 20 .6 43 .9 41 .2 15 .0 8 .3 0.10 0.87 0.40 12 .8 9 .7 3.5 0.3 0.2 7.9 7.8 0.7 Bnt 8-16" 8 .9 9 .1 12 .2 30 .2 34 .1 35 .7 29 .9 0.11 1.10 1 .15 28 .4 7.1 16.8 0.5 2 .1 Bca,Cca 8 .2 10 .7 16-24" 15 .7 14 .8 8 .4 38 .9 .23.0 38 .0 26 .4 13 .40 8.1 14 .5 C 24"+ 7.6 16 .8 20 6 45 .0 24 .3 30 .7 14 .2 9.50 Morphological Description, Gilroy Association, Brown Solodized-Solonetz Series norizon anu Primary Structure Secondary Structure Depths Color when Dry Color when Moist Grade Class Kind Grade Class Kind Effervescence Texture Ap 0-4" Grayish brown Dark grayish brown moderate, medium, sub- moderate, fine, granular none sandy loam 10YR 5/2 l0YR 4/2 angular blocky ; crushes to Ae Brown very dark grayish brown Moderate, medium to moderate, fine granular none sandy loam 10YR 5/3 10YR 3/2 course, subangular blocky and coarse platy; crushes to Bnt 6"11" Dark brown Dark grayish brown Moderate, medium, col- moderate, medium, sub- none sandy clay 10YR 4/3 l0YR 4/2 umnar; breaks to angular blocky ;crushes to loam moderate, fine, granular . Bk 11-21" Dark brown Dark grayish brown Moderate, medium, pris. moderate, medium, sub- weak sandy loam l0YR 4/3 l0YR 4/2. matic; breaks to angular blocky ;crushesto moderate, fine granular . Cca 21-26" Light brownish gray Grayish brown massive to weak, pris . moderate, fine, granular moderate sandy clay 2.5Y 6/2 2.5Y 5/2 matic, crushes to loam C 26"-i- Light brownish gray Dark grayish brown massive; crushes to moderate, fine, granular moderate very fine 2.SY 6/2 2.5Y 4/2 sandy loam

Physical and Chemical Analyses, Gilroy Association, Brown Solodized-Solonetz Series Particle Size Distribution % Organic Matter Acetate Extractable Cations Cation meq/1008 . Horizon Coarse & Very Exchange E.C.mmhos and Medium Fine Fine Total Total Fine Nitrogen Organic CaCOa Capacity /cm. Depths Sand Sand Sand Sand Silt Clay Clay % Carbon % Equiv.% meq/1009. Ca Mg K Na H pH at 25"C Ap 0-4" 3 .9 22.1 29.4 55 .4 27 .0 17.6 10.0 0.26 2.62 20 .2 14 .4 4 .3 1 .1 0.4 6 .3 1 .1 Ae 4-6" 3 .4 32 .4 28.4 64.2 24 .5 11 .4 6.1 0.10 0.79 9.8 4.3 3 .4 1 .0 1.1 7 .1 0.6 Bnt 6"11" 1 .9 20.4 25.3 47.6 24 .0 28.4 20 .2 0.14 1 .06 22 .6 7.7 10 .5 0.3 4 .1 7 .6 1 .3 Bk 11-21" 3 .1 39.4 28.8 71 .3 13.6 15.2 10 .3 2.25 13.5 9.5 0.1 3 .9 8 .0 7 .6 Cca 21-26" 0.5 10.8 39.9 51 .2 26.7 22.1 13 .6 13.90 8 .5 10.7 C 26"-F 0.1 11 .5 50.8 62.4 19.0 18.6 10 .7 11.10 8 .7 4.8 Morphological Description, Hindersley Association, Brown Solonetz Series Horizon and Primary Structure Secondary Structure Depths Color when Dry Color when Moist Grade Class Kind Grade Class Kind Effervescence Texture Ap 0-5" Grayish brown Dark grayish brown moderate, medium, sub- moderate, fine, granular none clay loam IOYR 5/2 IOYR 4/2 angula rblocky;crushes to Bnt 5-15" Dark brown Dark brown weak,medium, columnar; moderate, medium, sub- none clay loam IOYR 4/3 IOYR 3/3 breaks to angular blocky ;crushesto moderate, fine, granular Cca 15-20" Grayish brown Dark grayish brown , massive to weak, coarse, moderate, coarse, sub- moderate to clay 2.5Y 5/2 2.5Y 4/2 prismatic; breaks to angularblocky ; crushesto strong moderate, fine, granular C 20-48" Light olive brown Dark brown ^~ massive; crushes to moderate, fine, granular moderate heavy clay 2.5Y 5/4 IOYR 4/3

Physical and Chemical Analyses, Hindersley Association, Brown Solonetz Series Particle Size Distribution % Organic Matter Acetate Extractable Cations Cation meq/1008 . Horizon Coarse & Very Exchange E.C .mmhos and Medium Fine Fine Total Total Fine Nitrogen Organic CaCO3 Capacity /cm. Depths Sand Sand Sand Sand Silt Clay Clay % Carbon% Equiv.% meq/1008 . Ca Mg K Na H pH at 25°C Ap 0-5" 1 .7 2.5 24 .2 28 .4 41 .0 30 .5 20 .3 0 .26 2.52 "26 .5 20 .6 7.0 1 .0 0 .3 7 .1 1 .5 Bnt 5-15" 1 .0 1 .6 29 .8 32 .4 33 .0 34 .3 20 .8 0 .13 1 .11 28 .8 12 .2 13 .6 0 .2 1.3 1 .5 7.2 0 .7 Cca 15-20" 1 .5 1 .4 9 .5 12 .4 37 .6 50,0 31 .9 15 .90 8.1 4 .4 C 20-48" 0.8 0.7 2.5 4.0 29 .3 66 .7 34 .1 8.85 8.0 9.8 Morphological Description, Alert Association, Orthic Dark Brown Series Horizon and j Primary Structure Secondary Structure Depths Color when Dry Color when Moist Grade Class Kind Grade Class Kind Effervescence Texture Ap 0-4" Brown Dark brown moderate, medium, sub- moderate, medium, none loam 10YR 5/3 l0YR 4/3 angular blocky;crushes to granular Bt 4-10" Dark yellowish brown Dark brown moderate, medium, pris- moderate, medium, sub- none loam JOYR 3/4 l0YR 3/3 matic; breaks to angular blocky ;crushes to moderate, fine, granular Bm 10-21" Dark ellowish brown Dark brown moderate, coarse, pris- moderate, medium, sub- none loam 10YYR 4/4 10YR 3/3 matic; breaks to angular blocky ;crushes to moderate, fine, granular C 21-29" Yellowish brown Dark yellowish brown massive ; breaks to moderate, medium and moderate loam glacio- l0YR 5/4 l0YR 4/4 coarse,subangularblocky; lacustrine crushes to moderate, fine, granular IIC 2911+ Grayish brown Dark grayish brown massive ; crushes to moderate, fine, granular moderate loam Resorted 2.5Y 5/2 2.5Y 4/2 ¢lacial till

Physical and Chemical Analyses, Alert Association, Orthic Dark Brown Series Particle Size Distribution %v Organic Matter Acetate Extractable Cations Cation meq/1008. Horizon Coarse & Very Exchange E.C.mmhos and Medium Fine Fine Total Total Fine Nitrogen Organic CaCO3 Capacity /cm. Depths Sand Sand Sand Sand Silt Clay Clay % Carbon% Equiv.% meq/100g . Ca Mg K Na H PH at 25°C Ap 0-4" 8.8 8.9 30.8 48 .5 31 .7 19 .8 16 .4 0 .17 1 .58 25 .2 11 .6 3.0 0 .8 0.! 6.4 0 .8 Bt 4- 10" 3 .5 7.0 33.5 44.0 31 .9 24 .0 20 .0 0 .09 0 .93 24 .5 11 .6 3.7 0 .3 0.2 6.2 0 .4 Bm 10-21" 0 .3 5.7 39.8 45.8 34 .4 19 .8 11 .5 0.07 0 .60 14 .1 13.0 4.8 0 .3 0.2 7.2 0 .5 C 21-29" 6 .9 6.6 25.2 38.7 41.2 20 .1 13.6 9 .50 19 .8 60.8 7.1 0 .4 0.2 7 .8 0 .5 if C 29"-f- 18 .9 16.0 15.1 50.0 28.8 21 .2 13.1 10.10 19 .6 55 .8 9.3 0 .4 0.2 8.1 0.6 Morphological Description, Allan Association, Calcareous Dark Brown Series Primary Structure Secondary Structure Horizon and Texture Depths Color when Dry Color when Moist Grade- -CAas&-_ Kind Grade Class Kind Effervescence heavy clay Ap 0-3" Dark grayish brown Very dark grayish brown moderate to strong,medi . moderate, fine, granular moderate l0YR 4/2 l0YR 3/2 um, subangular blocky; crushes to heavy clay Bk 3-14" Dark brown Very dark grayish brown moderate, medium, pris- moderate, medium, sub- moderate l0YR 3/3 l0YR 3/2 matic, breaks to angular blocky ;crushesto moderate, fine, granular heavy clay Ck 14-20" Dark grayish brown Very dark grayish brown massive to weak, coarse moderate, fine, granular moderate contains shale- 2.5Y 4/2 2.5Y 3/2 prismatic and subangu- like fragments lar blocky ; crushes to heavy clay C 20"+ Olive gray Dark olive gray massive; crushes to moderate, fine, granular moderate contains many 5Y 4/2 5Y 3/2. CaS04 crystals r r tv

Physical and Chemical Analyses, Allan Association, Calcareous Dark Brown Series Particle Size Distribution % Organic Matter Acetate Extractable Cations Cation meq/100g. E.C.rnmhos Horizon Coarse & Very Exchange Total Total Fine Nitrogen Organic CaCOs Capacity /cm. and Medium Fine Fine K Na H pH at 25°C Depths Sand Sand Sand Sand Silt Clay Clay % Carbon % Equiv.% meq/100g . Ca Mg 0.2 7.6 0.5 Ap 0-3" 2 .7 1 .6 1.1 5 .4 14 .3 80 .3 47 .2 0.15 2.33 9.30 42 .2 65 .7 11 .2 6.2 0.3 7.6 0.4 Bk 3-14" 1 .3 1 .4 2.3 5 .0 12 .2 82 .9 49.9 8. 65 41 .4 12 .9 1.5 0.7 7.7 1.0 Ck 14-20" 0.9 1 .4 2.0 4.3 13 .0 82 .6 43 .8 8.10 40 .6 13 .6 1 .5 7.5 4.0 C 2o,,,+- 0.7 1 .1 1.3 3.1 11 .1 85 .8 43 .8 7 .40 Morphological Description, Asquith Association, Orthic Dark Brown Series Horizon and Primary Structure Sccondary Structure Depths Color when Dry Color when Moist Grade Class Kind Grade Class Kind Effervescence Texture Ap 0-7" Very dark grayish brown Very dark gray weak, medium and fine single sand grains none loamy sand l0YR 3/2 10YR 3/1 subangular blocky, cru shes to Bm17.14" Dark brown Dark brown moderate, coarse, pris- single sand grains none loamy sand l0YR 4/3 10YR 3/3 matic to subangular blo cky ; crushes to Bm2 14-25" Brown Dark brown weak, coarse, rismatic to single, sand grains none loamy sand 10YR 5/3 10YR 4/3 massive ; cruses to C 25"+ Light yellowish brown Light olive brown massive, loose sand grains none loamy sand 2.5Y 6/4 2.5Y 5/4

Physical and Chemical Analyses, Asquith Association, Orthla Dark Brown Series rarticie Jize ijistnbution /o Vrganic Matter Acetate Extractable Cations Cation meq/100g. Horizon Coarse & Very Exchange E.C .mmhos and Medium Fine Fine Total Total Fine Nitrogen Organic CaCO3 Capacity /cm. Depths Sand Sand Sand Sand Silt Clay Clay % Carbon% Equiv.%a meq/1008. Ca Mg K Na H pH at 25°C Ap 0-7" 1 .5 39 .7 42 .4 83 .6 7.4 9.0 4 .2 0.11 1 .32 12 .0 10.9 1.4 0.9 0.2 7.1 0.5 Bmi 7,14" 1 .6 39 .5 42 .1 83 .2 6.6 10.2 6.7 0.07 0.78 11 .0 9.0 1.0 0.8 0.2 6.9 0.3 Bm214-25" 2.3 43 .4 37 .1 82 .8 5.5 11 .8 9 .1 10 .5 9.0 2.3 0.5 0.2 7.2 0.3 C 25"-} 1-3.2 1 48 .6 36 .0 87 .8 2.7 9.4 8.6 9.1 8.0 2.1 0.4 0.2 7.3 0.4 Morphological Description, Bear Association, Rego Dark Brown Series Horizon and Primary Structure Secondary Structure Depths Color when Dry Color when Moist Grade Class Kind Grade Class Kind Effervescence Texture Ap 0-5" Grayish brown Dark grayish brown moderate, medium, sub- moderate, fine, granular weak silty clay 10YR 5/2 10YR 4/2 angularblocky ; crushesto C1 5-12" Olive Olive gray massive; crushes to moderate, fine, granular moderate silty clay 5Y 4/3 5Y 4/2 Cz 12-24" Olive Olive gray massive; crushes to moderate, fine, granular moderate silty clay 5Y 4/3 5Y 4/2

Physical and Chemical Analyses, Bear Association, Rego Dark Brown Series Particle Size Distribution % Organic Matter Acetate Extractable Canons Cation meq/1008 . Horizon Coarse & Very Exchange E.C.mmhos and Medium Fine Fine Total Total Fine Nitrogen Organic CaCO3 Capacity /cm. Depths Sand Sand Sand Sand Silt Clay Clay % Carbon % Equiv.% meq/1008. Ca Mg K Na H pH at 25°C Ap 0-5" 1 .4 1.6 6.8 9.8 42 .8 .47.4 29 .6 0.17 1 .13 5.50 31 .9 74 .6 9.1 0.7 7 .7 0.6 C1 5-12" 1 .1 1 .6 7 .8 10 .5 42 .3 47 .2 29 .2 10 .00 29 .8 87 .9 11 .9 0 .4 7 .8 0.4 Cz 12-24" 1 .3 1 .5 4 .5 7 .3 51 .7 40 .9 23 .6 13 .10 23 .3 84 .4 15 .6 0 .3 0.1 8 .1 0.4 Morphological Description, Biggar Association, Orthle Dark Brown Series Horizon and Primary Structure Secondary Structure Depths Color when Dry Color when Moist Grade Class Kind Grade Class Kind Effervescence Texture Ah 0-5" Dark grayish brown Very dark grayish brown weak, medium, and fine, single sand grains none loamy sand l0YR 4/2 l0YR 3/2 subangular blocky ; crushes to AB 5-7" Grayish brown Dark grayish brown weak, medium, subangu- single sand grains none sand l0YR 5/2 10YR 4/2 lar blocky ; crushes to Bm 7.11" Brown Dark brown weak,medium, prismatic, single sand grains none sand l0YR 5/3 l0YR 4/3 and subangular blocky; crushes to Bt 11-18" Brown Dark brown weak, coarse, subangular single sand grains none loamy sand l0YR 5/3 10YR 4/3 blocky; crushes to 18"-f- Cca Pale brown Brown structureless; crushes to sands and gravels moderate sand 10YR 6/3 10YR 5/3

Physical and Chemical Analyses, Biggar Association, Orthic Dark Brown Series Particle Size Distribution % Organic Matter Acetate Extractable Cations Cation meq/100g. Horizon Coarse & Very Exchange E.C.mmhos and Medium Fine Fine Total Total Fine Nitrogen Organic CaC03 Capacity /cm. Depths Sand Sand Sand Sand Silt Clay Clay % Carbon% Equiv.% meq/100g. Ca Mg K Na H pH at 25°C Ap 0-5" 59 .4 18 .9 4 .6 82 .9 10 .4 6.7 1 .3 0.28 3.26 15 .6 19 .5 2.5 0 .9 0.1 7 .3 0.3 AS 5-7" 65 .0 22 .7 3 .7 91 .4 5 .3 3.3 0.08 0.94 7.4 7 .0 0 .7 7 .2 0.2 Bm 7-11" 60 .8 23 .2 5 .9 89 .9 5.8 4.3 0 .06 0.58 7.7 5 .5 1 .7 0.4 0.2 7.3 0.2 Bt 11-18" 56 .4 22 .3 7 .2 85 .9 7.1 7.0 1.8 0.05 0.50 _ 9.5 7.6 1 .9 0. 7.5 0.2 Cca 1811 + 74 .5 17 .5 2 .8 94 .8 2 2.8 2 .4 .0 J- 16 .35 Morphological Description, Bradwell Association, Orthic Dark Brown Series Horizon and Primary Structure Secondary Structure Depths Color when Dry Color when Moist Grade Class Kind Grade Class Kind Effervescence Texture Ap 0-5" Dark grayish brown Very dark brown moderate, medium, sub moderate, fine, granular none very fine 10YR 4/2 1 YR 2/2 angular blocky ; crushesto sandy loam Bm1 5-11" Grayish brown Dark grayish brown moderate, medium, pris- moderate, medium and none very fine 10YR 5/2 10YR 4/2 matic; breaks to coarse,subangularblocky; sandy loam crushes to moderate, fine granular Bma 11-16" Brown Dark brown moderate, medium, pris- moderate, medium, sub- none very fine 10YR 5/3 10YR 4/3 matic; breaks to angularblocky ;crushesto sandy clay moderate, fine, granular loam Ck 16-22" Light brownish gray Grayish brown massive and coarse pris- moderate, fine, granular weak to very fine l0YR6/2 10YR 5/2 matic; crushes to moderate sandy loam C 22"-}- Light brownish gray Grayish brown massive, crushes to moderate, fine, granular moderate to very fine 10YR 6/2 10YR 5/2 strong sandy loam

Physical and Chemical Analyses, Bradwell Association, Orthic Dark Brown Series Particle Size Distribution % Organic Matter Acetate Extractable Cations Cation meq/1009. .mmhos Horizon Coarse & Very Exchange E.C Total Fine Nitrogen Organic CaCO3 Capacity /cm. and Medium Fine Fine Total at 25°C Depths Sand Sand Sand Sand Silt Clay Clay % Carbon % Equiv.% meq/1009. Ca Mg K Na H pH 0.9 Ap O-5" 1 .9 17 .3 35 .0 54 .2 28 .0 17 .8 8 .7 0 .24 2.45 21 .2 _ 16 .6 3.6 1 .8 0.3 6.7 7.3 0.9 Bmi 5-11" 1.5 18 .2 35 .9 55 .6 25 .3 19 .1 0.13 1 .08 0 .40 19 .3 17 .5 4.0 1 .0 0.2 7.7 0.4 Bm2 11 ,16" 0.5 18 .7 36 .5 55 .7 24 .3 20 .0 11 .6 0 .12 1 .07 0.65 20 .8 14.7 5 .8 1 .1 0.5 7.7 3.1 Ck 16-22" 0.5 19 .9 42 .2 62 .6 19 .9 17 .5 9.9 6.00 7.9 10 .4 C 2211+- 0.4 17 .8 42 .9 61 .1 22 .6 16.3 8.5 14 .10 Morphological Description, Elstow Association, Rego Dark Brown Swiss Horizon and Primary Structure Secondar Structure Depths Color when Dry Color when Moist Grade Class Kind Grade mass Kind Effervescence Texture Ap 0-8" Dark gray Very dark gray moderate, medium, sub- moderate, fine, granular very weak clay loam 10YR 4/1 10YR 3/1 angular blocky ; crushes to Cca1 8-1211, Very ale brown Pale brown massive, crushes to moderate, fine, granular strong clay loam 10YR 7/3 10YR 6/3 Cca2 12-17" Very ale brown Pale brown massive; crushes to moderate, fine, granular strong silty clay loam 10YR 7/3 10YR 6/3 C 17"+ Light brownish gray Grayish brown massive; crushes to moderate, fine, granular strong to silty clay loam l0YR 6/2 10YR 5/2 moderate

Physical and Chemical Analyses, Elstow Association, Rego Dark Brown Series Particle Size Distribution % Organic Matter Acetate Extractable Cations Cation meq/1008. Horizon Coarse & Very Exchange E.C.mmhos and Medium Fine Fine Total Total Fine Nitrogen Organic CaCOs Capacity /cm. Depths Sand Sand Sand Sand Silt Clay Clay % Carbon % Equiv.% meq/1008. Ca Mg K Na H pH at 25°C Ap 0-8" 0.7 2.6 19 .1 22 .4 47 .5 30 .1 18 .9 0.27 2 .45 0.85 30 .3 30 .7 8.3 1 .4 0.2 7.4 0.9 Ccat 8-12" 0.1 0.8 20 .3 21 .2 49.2 29 .5 17 .1 20 .65 7.8 0.6 Cca2 12"17" 0.3 0.5 6.5 7 .3 60.3 32 .4 20 .1 25 .50 7.9 0 .6 C 17"t 0.1 1 .8 11 .3 13 .2 59 .4 27 .2 16 .0 16 .75 7.9 0 .7 Morphological Description, Elstow Association, Calcareous Dark Brown Series Horizon and Primary Structure Secondary Structure Depths Color when Dry Color when Moist Grade Class Kind Grade Class Kind Effervescence Texture Ap 0-2" Dark grayish brown Very dark grayish brown moderate, medium, sub- moderate, fine, granular very weak clay loam l0YR 4/2 l0YR 3/2 angular blocky; crushes to Bk 2-7" Grayish brown Dark grayish brown moderate, medium, pris- moderate, medium, sub- weak clay loam l0YR 5/2 l0YR 4/2 matic; breaks to angular blocky; crushes to moderate, fine, granu- lar B-Cca 7-13" Very pale brown Pale brown moderate, medium, prix- moderate, medium, sub- moderate to silty clay loam 10YR 7/3 10YR 6/3 matic; breaks to angular blocky ; crushes strong to moderate, fine, granu- lar Cca 13-19" Light olive brown Olive brown weak, coarse, prismatic moderate, fine, granular moderate silty clay loam 2.5Y 5/4 2.5Y 4/4 and subangular blocky ; crushes to C 19-28"-E- Light brownish gray Light olive brown massive, crushes to moderate, fine, granular moderate silty clay loam 2.5Y 6/2 2.5Y 5/4

Physical and Chemical Analyses, Elstow Association, Calcareous Dark Brown Series Particle Size Distribution % Organic Matter Acetate Extractable Cations Cation meq/1008. Horizon Coarse & Very Exchange E.C.mmhos and Medium Fine Fine Total Total Fine Nitrogen Organic CaCO3 Capacity /cm. Depths Sand Sand Sand Sand Silt Clay Clay % Carbon% Equiv.% meq/1008. Ca Mg K Na H pH at 25°C Ap0-4" 3 .9 10.8 14.6 29.3 43.1 27.6 16 .5 0.25 2.30 1 .75 28.2 26 .8 6.4 1 .6 0.1 7.7 1.1 13k 2-7" 3 .5 8.7 10.7 22.9 45.1 32.1 21 .7 3.75 26.9 71 .4 10 .4 1 .0 0.2 7 .7 0.5 B-Cca7.13" 3 .2 5.0 9.2 17.4 51 .7 31 .0 19 .7 16 .85 24.0 15 .0 1 .0 0.3 7 .8 0.8 Cca 13-19" 2 .2 2.7 4.5 9 .4 59.5 31 .1 18 .1 13 .25 7 .6 3.7 C 19-28"+ 1 .5 1.0 4.1 6.6 46.1 37.0 26 .9 8.00 8 .1 9.2 Morphological Description, Elstow Association, Orthic Dark Brown Series Horizon and Primary structure ' second structure Depths Color when Dry Color when Moist Grade Class Kind Grade Class Kind Effervescence Texture AP 0-3" Dark grayish brown Very dark grayish brown moderate, medium, sub- moderate, fine, granular none silty clay loam l0YR 4/2 10YR 3/2 angular blocky ; crushes to All 3-6" Dark grayish brown Very dark grayish brown moderate, coarse, suban- moderate, fine, granular none silty clay loam l0YR 4/2 l0Y R 3/2 gular blocky; crushes to Bm 6"9" Dark brown Very dark grayish brown moderate, medium, pris- moderate, medium, sub- very weak silty clay loam l0YR 4/3 l0YR 3/2 matic; breaks to angular blocky ; crushes to moderate, fine, granu- lar Cca19-16" Light yellowish brown Light olive brown moderate, coarse, pris- moderate, fine, granular strong silty clay loam 2.5Y 6/4 2.5Y 5/4 matic, and subangular blocky ; crushes to Cca2 16-21" Light olive brown Olive brown moderate, coarse, pris. moderate, fine, granular strong to silty clay loam 2.5Y 5/4 2.5Y 4/4 matic, and subangular moderate blocky ; crushes to C 21-30" Light brownish gray Light olive brown massive; crushes to moderate, fine, granular moderate silty clay loam 2.5Y 6/2 2.5Y 5/4

Physical and Chemical Analyses, Elstow Association, Orthic Dark Brown Series Particle Size Distribution % Organic Matter Acetate Extractable Cations Cation meq/1009 . Horizon Coarse & Very Exchange E.C.mmhos and Medium Fine Fine Total Total Fine Nitrogen Organic CaCOs Capacity /cm. Depths Sand Sand Sand Sand Silt Clay Clay % Carbon % Equiv,% meq/1008. Ca Mg K Na H pH at 251C Ap 0-3" 4 .0 3 .1 4.5 11 .6 56.1 32 .4 17 .5 0.26 2 .92 0 .75 30 .7 23 .3 8.4 1 .9 0.2 7.5 1 .1 AB 3-6 1 .1 3 .2 6 .5 10 .8 58.1 31 .1 15 .7 0.25 2 .94 0 .90 31 .6 29 .4 8.5 1 .5 0 .1 7.7 0.6 Bm 6-9" 2 .5 2 .0 2 .9 7 .4 54.7 37.8 27 .0 0.16 1 .83 1 .25 29 .5 28 .2 12 .0 ^0.9 0 .2 7.7 0.5 Cca1 9-16" 0 .4 0.4 3 .6 4 .4 57.5 38.1 32 .4 22 .10 7 .6 3.9 Cca2 16"21" 0 .1 0.2 1 .1 1 .4 62.4 36.2 20.7 16 .50 7 .8 6.8 F21,30- 0.7 0.8 _1 .4 3.9 60.0 36.1 22 .9 10.40 7 .9 8.2 Morphological Description, Elstow Association, Elnviated Dark Brown Series Horizon and Primary Structure Secondar Structure Depths Color when Dry Color when Moist Grade Class Kind Grade tlass Kind Effervescence Texture Ap 0-8' brow Very grayish brown moderate, fine, granular none loam G lYRO 5/2 n 10R3g2 Moderablockycrushes to ABi 8-14" Grayish brown Dark grayish brown moderate, medium, sub- moderate, fine, granular none loam l0YR 5/2 l0YR 4/2 angular blocky ;breaks to moderate coarse platy; crushes to AB2 14-19" Brown Dark brown moderate, medium, pris- moderate, fine, granular none loam 10YR 5/3 l0YR 4/3 matic crushes to Bmi 19-22" Brown Dark grayish brown moderate, medium, pris- moderate, medium, sub- none loam l0YR 5/3 10YR 4/2 matic; breaks to angular blocky ;crushes to moderate, fine, granular Bm22227" Pale brown Brown moderate, medium, pris. moderate, medium, sub- none silty clay iOYR 6/3 10YR 5/3 matic; breaks to angular blocky ; crushes to loam moderate, fine, granular Bca 27-32" Light brownish gray Grayish brown weak, medium to coarse, moderate, fine, granular moderate to silty clay iOYR 6/2 - 10YR 5/2 prismatic; crushes to strong loam C 32"-F Light brownish gray Grayish brown massive; crushes to moderate, fine, granular moderate silty clay l0YR 6/2 l0YR 5/2 loam

Physical and Chemical Analyses, Elstow Association, Elaviated Dark Brown Series Particle Size Distribution % Organic Matter Acetate Extractable Cations Cation meq/100g. Horizon Coarse & Very Exchange E.C.mmhos and Medium Fine Fine Total Total Fine Nitrogen Organic CaCO3 Capacity /cm. Depths Sand Sand Sand Sand Silt Clay Clay % Carbon% Equiv .% meq/100g . Ca Mg K Na H pH at 25°C Ap 0-8" 1 .2 3 .5 28 .8 33.5 38 .5 24.3 15.2 0.33 3.58 25.8 20 .1 4 .1 1 .4 0 .2 6.4 1 .2 ABi 8-14" 0.5 4 .4 36 .9 41.8 33 .2 25 .0 17.0 0.14 1.19 19 .1 11 .9 3 .7 1 .2 0.2 5 .7 0.4 AB2 14-19" 0 .7 36 .8 37.5 38 .2 24 .3 21 .5 0.11 0 .71 22 .7 16 .7 6.0 1 .0 0.2 6 .5 1 .1 Bmi 19,22" 0.5 35 .4 35 .9 38 .9 25 .1 17.7 22 .4 15 .1 6.5 0.9 0 .2 6 .7 1 .0 81112 22,27" 0.2 12 .7 12 .9 55 .6 31 .5 19.2 18.4 7.5 0.9 0 .2 6 .6 1 .0 Bca 27-32" 3 .0 3.0 67 .6 29 .4 18.6 16. 55 7 .4 0.9 C 32"-}- 1 .0 20.8 21 .8 53 .2 25.1 17.1 14.80 7.5 0.8 Morphological Description, $eppel Association, Orthic Dark Brown Series Horizon and Primary Structure Secondary Structure Depths Color when Dry Color when Moist Grade Class Kind Grade Class Kind Effervescence Texture Ah 0-3" Dark grayish brown Dark brown moderate, medium, sub- moderate, fine, granular none sandy loam l0YR 4/2 10YR 3 angular blocky ;crushes 4/ to a BM 3-8" Brown Dark brown moderate, medium, pris- moderate, medium, sub- none sandy loam l0YR 5/3 10YR 3/3 matic; breaks to angular blocky ;crushes to moderate, fine, granular Bca 8-15" Light Yellowish Brown Yellowish brown moderate, medium to moderate, medium, sub- strong loam l0YR 6/4 l0YR 5/6 coarse prismatic; breaks to angular blocky ;crushes to fine granular Ccai 15-22" Light yellowish brown Light olive brown massive to coarse, pris- moderate, fine, granular moderate silty clay 2.5Y 6/4 2.5Y 5/4 matic; crushes to loam Cca2 22-28" Light yellowish brown Light olive brown massive ; crushes to moderate, fine, granular moderate clay loam 2.5Y 6/4 2.5Y 5/4 C 28"-}- Light olive brown Olive brown massive ; crushes to moderate, fine, granular moderate silty clay 2.5Y 5/4 2.5Y 4/4 loam

Physical and Chemical Analyses, Seppel Association, Orthic Dark Brown Series Particle Size Distribution % Organic Matter Acetate Extractable Cations Cation meq/1009. Horizon Coarse & Very Exchange E.C.mmhos and Medium Fine Fine Total Total Fine Nitrogen Organic CaCO3 Capacity /cm. Depths Sand Sand Sand, Sand Silt Clay Clay % Carbon % Equiv.% meq/1009. Ca Mg K Na H pH at 25°C Ah 0-3" 16.2 16.5 21 .2' 53 .9 28 .8 17 .4 11 .5 0 .25 3.14 27 .3 24 .5 3 .5 0.5 0 .2 7 .5 0.6 Bm 3-8" 32 .8 15.9 6 .8 55 .5 25 .0 19 .4 14.9 0 .11 2.11 18 .6 45 .2 7 .5 0.3 0 .2 7.6 4.3 Bca 8-15" 14 .6 9.4 4 .7 28 .7 47.0 24 .4 13.1 23 .00 8.5 16.7 Ccai 15-22' 2.9 3.0 3.3 9 .2 57 .6 33. 1 16. 5 13.80 8.5 16.5 Cca:22-28" 9.0 8.4 5 .5 22 .9 50.7 26.4 9.1 10.80 8.4 13.9 C 2811+ 4.8 5.9 3.5 14 .2 54.3 31 .5 7 .50 8.1 14.0 Morphological Description, Regina Association, Rego Dark Brown Series Horizon an d Primary Structure Secondary Structure Depths Color when Dry Color when Moist Grade Class Kind Grade Class Kind Effervescence Texture Ap 0-4" Dark gray Dark brown moderate, medium, sub- moderate, fine, granular none to very clay 10YR 4/1 10YR 4/3 angularblocky ;crushesto weak C 4"+ Olive gray Olive massive; crushes to moderate, fine, granular none to very clay 5Y 5/2 5Y 4/3 weak

Physical and Chemical Analyses, Regina Association, Rego Dark Brown Series Particle Size Distribution % Organic Matter Acetate Extractable Cations Cation meq/1009 . Horizon Coarse & Very Exchange -- E.C.mmhos and Medium Fine Fine Total Total Fine Nitrogen Organic CaCO3 Capacity /cm. Depths Sand Sand Sand Sand Silt Clay Clay % Carbon % Equiv.% meq/1009 . Ca Mg K Na H pH at 25°C Ap 0-4" 11 .6 0.8 2 .6 15 .0 26 .3 59 .4 35 .6 0 .19 1 .78 1 .50 49 .0 8.8 2 .0 0 .2 7.7 0.6 E4"+ 11 .4 0.3 1 .5 13 .2 28 .1 58 .7 38 .6 1 .60 7 .9 0.4 Morphological Description, Sutherland Association, Orthie Dark Brown, Series Horizon and Primary Structure Secondary Structure Depths Color when Dry Color when Moist Grade Class Kind Grade Class Kind Effervescence Texture Ap 0.6" Dark grayish brown Very dark grayish brown moderate, medium, sub. moderate, fine, granular none clay loam IOYR 4/ 2 2.5Y 3/2 angular blocky;crushes to C 6-60" Grayish brown Dark grayish brown massive; crushes to moderate, fine, granular moderate clay 2.5Y 5/2 2.5Y 4/2

Physical and Chemical Analyses, Sutherland Association, Ortrthic Dark Brown Series Particle Size Distribution % Organic Matter Acetate Extractable Cations Cation meq/100g. Horizon Coarse & Very Exchange E.C.mmhos and Medium Fine Fine Total Total Fine Nitrogen Organic CaCOs Capacity /cm. Depths Sand Sand Sand Sand Silt Clay Clay % Carbon% Equiv.%a meq/1008 . Ca Mg K Na H pH at 25'C Ap 3.5 5.0 11 .5 20 .0 43 .2 36 .8 19 .3 0.22 1 .89 32 .0 25 .1 7 .3 1 .5 0 .2 7. 4 0.9 C 660" 3.8 3.2 11 .0 18 .0 37 .9 44 .1 28 .9 8.40 8.0 0.4 Morphological Description, Weyburn Association, Orthie Dark Brown Series Horizon and Primary Structure Secondary Structure Depths Color when Dry Color when Moist Grade Class Kind Grade Class Kind Effervescence Texture Ap 0-4" Grayish brown Very dark grayish brown moderate medium, sub- moderate, fine, granular none sandy loam IOYR 5/2 10YR 3/2 angularbfocky;crushes to clay Bt 4-8" Brown Dark grayish brown moderate, medium, pris- moderate, medium, sub" none sandy l0YR 5/3 l0YR 4/2 matic; breaks to angularblocky;crushes to loam moderate, fine, granular sandy clay Bm 8-10" Brown Dark grayish brown moderate, medium, pris- moderate, fine, granular none to very l0YR 5/3 10YR 4/2 matic; crushes to weak loam sandy loam Cca 10-19" Light brownish gray Grayish brown weak, coarse,prismaticto moderate, fine, granular moderate to 2.5Y 6/2 2.5Y 5/2 massive; crushes to strong C 19"-F Light brownish gray Grayish brown massive; crushesto moderate, fine, granular moderate to sandy clay 2.5Y 6/2 2.5Y 5/2 loam

Physical and Chemical Analyses, Weyburn Association, Orthic Dark Brown Series Particle Size Distribution % Organic Matter Acetate Extractable Canons Cation meq/1008. E.C .mmhos Horizon Coarse & Very Exchange Nitrogen Organic CaC03 Capacity /am. and Medium Fine Fine Total Total Fine at 25°C Depths Sand Sand Sand Sand Silt Clay Clay % Carbon % Equiv.% meq/1008 . Ca Mg K Na H pH 0.9 Ap 04" 21 .2 15 .1 16 .5 52.8 28 .9 18 .3 14 .3 0.19 2 .07 0.35 18 .1 13 .6 4 .4 2.6 0 .2 7.1 6.5 0.5 Bt 4-8" 22 .8 18 .8 14.4 56 .0 20 .2 23 .8 13 .3 0.08 0.83 0.15 17 .1 13 .7 4.9 1 .8 0 .2 7.4 0.6 Bm 8,10" 27 . 5 19 .4 11 .9 58 .8 20 .4 20 .8 16 .9 0 .07 0.53 1 .70 13 .6 20 .7 4.3 1 .8 0.2 7 .9 0.6 Cca 10-19" 30 .2 18 .1 11 .2 59 .5 20 .7 19 .8 9.6 16 .00 9.0 1::~j 14 .25 8 .1 1 .7 C 191fx- 30 .1 17 .6 11 .0 58 .7 21 .2 20 .0 Morphological Description, Wyandotte Association, Calcareous Dark Brown Series Horizon and Primary Structure Secondary Structure Depths Color when Dry Color when Moist Grade Class Kind Grad e Class Kind Effervescence Texture Apk 0-3" Very dark grayish brown Very dark brown moderate, medium, sub- moderate, fine, granular weak to clay l0YR 3/2 l0YR 2/2 angular blocky ;crushesto moderate Bmk 3-8" Dark grayish brown Very dark grayish brown moderate, medium, pris, moderate medium, sub- strong clay 2.5Y 4/2 l0YR 3/2 matic; breaks to angularRocky; crushesto moderate, fine, granular C 8"+ Dark grayish brown Very dark grayish brown coarse, prismatic to mas- moderate, fine, granular strong clay 2.5Y 4/2 2.5Y 3/2 sive ; crushes to

Physical and Chemical Analyses, Wyandotte Association, Calcareous Dark Brown Series Particle Size Distribution % Organic Matter Acetate Extractable Canons Cation meq/1008. Horizon Coarse & Very Exchange E.C.mmhos and Medium Fine Fine Total Total Fine Nitrogen Organic CaC03 Capacity /cm. Depths Sand Sand Sand Sand Silt Clay Clay % Carbon % Equiv.O/o meq/100g. Ca Mg K Na H pH at 25°C Apk 0-3" 11 .0 7.1 7 .5 25 .6 29 .6 44 .8 25 .8 0 .34 3.97 6.05 37 .8 59 .2 6 .4 5 .0 0.2 7.6 0.8 7.k 3"8" 8.4 6.4 7.1 21 .9 30 .0 48 .0 28 .9 20 .75 30 .2 6 .5 1 .4 0 .2 " 7 .6 0.5 C 811 -1- 10 .6 7.1 5.2 22 .9 33 .8 43 .2 25 .5 21 .65 7.8 0.4 Morphological Description, Grandora Association, Dark Brown Solodized-Solonetz Series Horizon and Primary Structure Secondar~ Structure Depths Color when Dry Color when Moist Grade Class Kind Grade 1ass Kind Effervescence I Texture Ap 0-6" Dark gray Very dark gray moderate, medium, sub" moderate, fine, granular none sandy loam l0YR 4/1 10YR 3/1 angular blocky ;crushesto and sand grains Bnt 6-10" Dark grayish brown Dark gray moderate, medium, to moderate, medium to none fine sandy l0YR 4/2 10YR 4/1 coarse,columnar ;breaksto coarse,subangularblocky; clay loam crushesto moderate, fine, granular BCa1 10-14" Light brownish gray Grayish brown moderate, medium, pris- moderate, fine, granular moderate to fine sandy l0YR 6/2 10YR 5/2 matic; crushes to and single sand grains strong loam Bca2 14-20" Light brownish gray Grayish brown moderate, medium, pris- granular and single sand moderate fine sandy l0YR 6/2 10YR 5/2 matic; crushes to grains loam C 20-26" Light brownish gray Grayish brown massive, crushes to single sand grains weak fine sandy 10YR 6/2 10YR 5/2 loam

Physical and Chemical Analyses, Grandora Association, Dark Brown Solodized-Solonetz Series Particle Size Distribution to Wrganic Matter Acetate Extractable Cations Cation meq/1008. Horizon Coarse & Very Exchange E.C.mmhos and Medium Fine Fine Total Total Fine Nitrogen Organic CaC03 Capacity /cm. Depths Sand Sand Sand Sand Silt Clay Clay % Carbon % Equiv.%a meq/100g. Ca Mg K Na H pH at 25°C Ap 0-6- 5.7 24 .0 22 .4 52 .1 29 .1 18 .8 12 .1 0.40 4.72 0 .55 20 .8 19 .0 5 .3 2 .3 1 .5 6.9 8.0 Bnt 6-10 6.8 35 .5 16 .1 58 .4 20 .5 21 .1 17 .1 0.12 1 .05 0 .50 16 .3 4 .1 9.7 0.6 1 .9 7 .8 27 .7 Bcai 10-14" 5.0 41 .7 19 .2 65 .9 18 .9 15 .2 11 .2 0.08 15 .75 8.5 30 .0 Bcaz 14 "20" 4.7 44 .3 21 .4 70 .4 15 .5 13 .7 13 .5 9 .75 8.5 19 .2 C 20-26" 6.6 59 .3 8 .l 74 .0 13 .1 12 .9 10 .1 5 .60 8.4 18 .2 Morphological Description, Hanley Association, Dark Brown Solodized-Solonetz Series rlorlzon and - Primary Structure Secondary Structure Depths Color when Dry Color when Moist Grade Class Kind Grade Class Kind Effervescence Texture Ap 0-4" Gray Dark grayish brown moderate, medium, sub- moderate, fine, granular none silty clay 10YR 6/1 l0YR 4/2 angular blocky;crushes to loam Ae 4-6" Grayish brown Dark grayish brown moderate, medium, sub- moderate, fine, granular none silt loam 10YR 5/2 10YR 4/2 angular blocky ; composed of fine to medium, platy; crushes to Bnti 6"10" Dark grayish brown Very dark grayish brown moderate, medium, col- moderate, medium, sub, none clay loam 10YR 4/2 l0YR 3/2 umnar; breaks to angular blocky ; crushes to mnderate, fine, granular Bnt2 10-16" Brown Dark brown moderate, medium, pris- moderate, fine, granular none to very clay loam l0YR 5/3 l0YR 4/3 matic; crushes to weak C 16"21" Brown Dark brown massive ; crushes to moderate, fine, granular moderate clay loam 10YR 5/3 10YR 4/3

Physical and Chemical Analyses Ranley Association, Dark Brown Solodized-Solonetz Series Particle Size Distribution % Organic Matter Acetate Extractable Cations Cation meq/1008. Horizon Coarse & Very Exchange -- E.C.mmhos and Medium Fine Fine Total Total Fine Nitrogen Organic CaC03 Capacity /cm. Depths Sand Sand Sand Sand Silt Clay Clay % Carbon% Equiv.% meq/1002 . Ca Mg K Na H pH at 25°C Ap 0-4" 4 .2 5 .3 9 .9 19 .4 53.2 27 .4 16.3 0.20 2.38 19 .0 7.8 5 .6 1 .6 1 .5 2.5 6.3 3.2 Ae 4-6" 4 .3 7 .8 12 .0 24 .1 53,1 22 .8 12.3 0.14 1 .53 14 .2 4.6 5 .2 0.3 2 .8 1 .3 6.6 2 .8 Bnti 6-10" 3.4 5.9 16.5 25 .8 36.7 37 .5 29 .2 0 .12 1 .12 0.15 25 .6 5.3 11 .6 0.4 5 .2 3.1 7.7 6.0 Bnt2 10"16" 6.9 16.0 14.4 37.3 28.7 33.9 24 .7 1 .25 7.4 16.2 C 16-21" 2.0 7.0 13.9 22.9 37.1 40.0 23 .8 14.60 8.3 18.4 Morphological Description, Rosemae Association, Dark Brown, Solodized-Solonetz Series Horizon and Primary Structure Secondary Structure Depths Color when Dry Color when Moist Grade Class Kind Grade Class Kind Effervescence Texture Ap 0-4" Grayish brown Dark grayish brown moderate, medium, sub- moderate, fine, granular none loam l0YR 5/2 l0YR 3/2 angular blocky ;crushes to Ae 4-8" Pale brown Brown moderate, medium, pris- moderate, fine, granular none loam l0YR 6/3 l0YR 5/3 matic; composed of thick, platy structure; crushes to Bnt 8-16" Brown Dark brown strong, medium, colum- moderate, medium, sub- none clay loam l0YR 5/3 l0YR 3/3 nor ; breaks to angular blocky;crushes to fine, granular Cca 16,24" Olive brown Dark grayish brown weak prismatic to mas- moderate, fine, granular moderate clay loam 2.5Y 4/3 2.5Y 4/2 sive; crushes to C 24"-1- Olive brown Dark grayish brown massive ; crushes to moderate, fine, granular moderate sandy clay 2.5Y 4/3 2.5Y 4/2 loam

Physical and Chemical Analyses, Rosemse Association, Dark Brown Solodized-Solonetz Series Size Distribution % Organic Matter Acetate tsxtractaore k-axons Particle Cation meq/100g . Horizon Coarse & Very Exchange E.C.mmhos and Medium Fine Fine Total Total Fine Nitrogen Organic CaC03 Capacity /cm. Depths Sand Sand Sand Sand Silt Clay Clay % Carbon% Equiv.% meq /100g . Ca Mg K Na H pH at 25°C Ap 0-4" 11.4 13.0 12 .5 36 .9 39.4 23.6 13 .0 0.22 2 .64 1 .35 23 .8 19.5 5 .9 1 .0 0 .1 7.6 0.8 Ae 4-8" 12.4 10.9 20.6 43 .9 41 .2 15.0 8 .3 0.10 0.87 0.40 12 .8 9.7 3 .5 0.3 0.2 7 .9 0.5 Bnt 8-16" 8 .9 9 .1 12.2 30.2 34.1 35.7 29 .9 0 .11 1 .10 1 .15 28 .4 7.1 16 .S 0.5 2 .1 7 .8 0.7 Cca 16-24" 15 .7 14 .8 8.4 38.9 23.0 38.0 26 .4 13 .40 8.2 10.7 E24"+ 7 .6 16 .8 20 .6 45.0 24 .3 30 .7 14 .2 9 .50 - - 8 .l 14.5 Morphological Description, Trossachs Association, Dark Brown Solodized-Solonetz Series Horizon and Primary Structure Secondary Structure Depths Color when Dry Color when Moist Grade Class Kind Grade Class Kind Effervescence Texture Ap 0-2" Grayish brown Very dark grayish brown moderate, medium, sub- moderate, fine, granular none loam 10YR 5/2 10YR 3/2 angularblocky ; crushes to Ae 2-4" Light brownish gray Dark grayish brown moderate, medium, sub- moderate, fine, granular none sandy loam l0YR 6/2 IOYR 4/2 angular blocky composed of fine to medium, platy structures; crushes to Brit 4-9" Dark grayish brown Dark brown strong, medium, colum- subangular blocky; weak clay loam 10YR 4/2 l0YR 3/3 nar ; breaks to crushes to moderate, fine, granular Cca-B 9-14" Light gray Dark grayish brown moderate, medium, pris- subangular blocky ; strong clay loam 2.5Y 7/2 2,5Y 4/2 matic; breaks to crushes to moderate, fine, granular Ck 14-18" Grayish brown Dark grayish brown massive to weak prismatic moderate, fine, granular' moderate to clay loam 2.5Y 5/2 2,5Y 4/2 and coarse subangular strong blocky; crushes to C 1811+ Grayish brown Very dark grayish brown massive; crushes to moderate, fine, granular moderate clay loam 2.5Y 5/2 JOYR 3/2

Physical and Chemical Analyses, Trossachs Association, Dark Brown Solodized-Solonetz Series Particle Size Distribution % Organic Matter Acetate Extractable Cations Cation meq/100g . Horizon Coarse & Very Exchange E.C.mmhos and Medium Fine Fine Total Total Fine Nitrogen Organic CaCOa Capacity /cm. Depths Sand Sand Sand Sand Silt Clay __Clay % Carbon % Equiv.% meq/1008 . Ca Mg K Na pH at 25°C Ap 0-2" 18 .9 15 .7 15.0 49.6 32.6 17.8 9.9 0,26 2 .49 2.15 16.6 12,0 3.9 1 .2 0.1 7.2 1 .0 Ae 2-4" 21 .2 21 .2 16.2 58.6 30.9 10.4 5 .0 0.11 1 .65 1 .25 8.5 5.8 2.1 0.7 0.1 7.2 0.6 Bat 4-9-' 15.6 16 .2 11,4 43.2 22 .9 34.0 25 .7 0.15 1 .96 2.75 26 .3 15.6 12 .6 0.9 2.7 7.9 1 .9 Cca-13 9-14" 15.2 13 .3 13 .5 42 .0 27.5 30.5 18.6 18.75 7.8 6.7 Ck14-18" 12.1 14 .6 15 .5 42.2 28.5 29.3 16.5 15.50 8.1 7.8 E-1-811 T 17.5 14.6 10 .4 42 .5 26.4 31 .2 16 .1 11 .30 8.2 10.4 Morphological Description, Tuxtord Association, Dark Brown Solonetz Series Horizon and Primary Structure Secondary Structure Depths Color when Dry Color when Moist Grade Class Kind Grade Class Kind Effervescence Texture Ap 0-4" Dark grayish brown Very dark grayish brown moderate, medium, sub- moderate, fine, granular none loam 10YR 4/2 10YR 3/2 angular blocky ;crushes to Bnt 4-10" Dark grayish brown Very dark grayish brown strong, medium, prix- moderate, medium, sub- none silty clay IOYR 4/2 l0YR 3/2 matic; breaks to angular blocky ; crushes to loam fine, granular Ct 10-20" Dark grayish brown Very dark gray massive ; crushes to moderate, fine, granular none to very clay l0YR 4/2 10YR 3/1 weak Cs20"+ Dark grayish brown Very dark gray massive ; crushes to moderate, fine, granular none to very clay IOYR 4/2 10YR 3/1 weak

Physical and Chemical Analyses, Tuxtord Association, Dark Brown, Solonetz Series Particle Size Distribution % Organic Matter Acetate Extractable Cations Cation meq/1008. Horizon Coarse & Very Exchange -- E.C.mmhos and Medium Fine Fine Total Total Fine Nitrogen Organic CaCO3 Capacity /cm. Depths Sand Sand Sand Sand Silt Clay Clay % Carbon % Equiv.% meq /1008 Ca Mg K Na H pH at 25°C Ap 0-4" 3.7 5.8 16.4 25.9 48.9 25 .1 13 .2 0.19 2.17 18 ..0 8 .1 5 .2 1 .3 0 .7 2 .7 6.2 1 .3 Bnt 4-10" 1 .0 2 .7 12.3 16.0 44.7 39 .4 29 .2 0 .16 1 .59 31 .4 9 .3 14 .8 0.7 4 .6 2 .0 8.3 1 .7 Ct 10-20" 1 .8 3 .8 11 .5 17.1 38.9 43 .9 _25 .1 0.81 8.8 5 .8 C2 20"+ 2 .0 3 .2 1t .7 16.9 34.7 48 .4 25 .5 0.71 8.8 10.7 Morphologlcal Description, Wingello Association, Dark Brown Solodized-Solonetz Series horizon anu Primary Structure Secondary Structure Depths Color when Dry Color when Moist Grade Class Kind Grade Class Kind Effervescence Texture Ap 0-4" Dark grayish brown Very dark brown moderate, medium, sub. moderate, fine, granular none IOYR 4/2 IOYR 2/2 angular blocky;crushes to sandy loam Ae 4-6" Grayish brown Dark grayish brown subangularblocky;breaks moderate, fine, granular none IOYR 5/2 IOYR 4/2 to fine, platy; crushes to sandy loam Bnt 6-I1" Dark brown Dark yellowish brown strong, medium, colum- moderate, medium, sub- none loam IOYR 4/3 IOYR 3/4 oar ; breaks to angular blocky ; crushes to fine granular Bm 11-21" Yellowish brown Olive brown weak, medium, prismatic moderate, fine, granular weak IOYR 5/6 2.5Y 4/4 and blocky; sandy loam crushes to Cca 21-26" Light yellowish brown Light olive brown massive, crushes to moderate, fine, granular moderate sandy clay 2.56/4 2.5Y 5/4 loam C 26"-F Light yellowish brown Light olive brown massive, crushes to moderate, fine, granular moderate very fine 2.5Y 6/4 2.5Y 4/4 sandy loam

Physical and Chemical Analyses, Wingello Association, Dark Brown Solodized-Solonetz Series rartncie wze uistrioution /o Urganic Matter Acetate Extractable Cations Cation meq/100g. Horizon Coarse & Very Exchange E.C.mmhos and Medium Fine Fine Total Total Fine Nitrogen Organic CaCO3 Capacity /em. Depths Sand Sand Sand Sand Silt Clay Clay % Carbon% Equiv.%a meq /100g. Ca Mg K Na H pH at 25°C Ap 3.9 22 0-4" .1 29 .4 55.4 27.0 17.6 10.0 0 .26 2.62 20 .2 19.5 4 . 1 1 .0 0 .2 , 6.1 1 .1 Ae 3 32,4 4-6" .4 28 .4 64 .2 24.5 11.4 6.1 0 .10 0.79 9 .8 8.8 3 .4 0.1 0 .9 7.1 0.6 Bnt 6-11" 1 .9 20.4 25.3 47 .6 24.0 28. 4 20 .2 0.14 1 .06 22 .6 11 .5 10 .5 0.3 3 .5 7 .6 1 .3 3 .1 39.4 Em 11-21" 28.8 71.3 13.6 15.2 10 .3 2 .25 13.5 19 .1 6 .2 0.1 1 .7 8.0 7 .6 0.5 Cca 21-26" 10.8 39.9 51.2 26.7 22.1 13 .6 13 .90 8.5 10 .7 0.1 --- E26"-!- 11 .5 50.8 62.4 19.0 18.6 10.7 11 .10 8.7 4 .8 Appendix H ACREAGES OF MAP UNITS AND THEIR TOPOGRAPHIC CLASSES

Gently sloping or Moder- Strongly Very gently ately sloping Steeply gently and sloping or sloping Percent sloping roughly or moder- or of sur- Association Depres- Nearly or un- un- gently ately strongly Total veyed Map Unit sional level dulating dulating rolling rolling rolling area area Birsay...... - - 17,200 10,950 150 - - 28,300 .77 . - 100 150 150 - - 400 .01 By 1...... - - _. - By 1 /B...... - - 750 - 750 .02 By 1 /G...... - - - 300 - - - 300 By 1 /T...... - - - 350 - - - 350 - By 2...... - - - 200 - - - 200 - - - - - 350 - By 2/B...... - ` - 350 - By 3...- ...... - - 2,900 300 - - 3,200 .09 - - - - 3,050 .08 By 3/B...... - - 3,050 - By 3/B+T...... - - 500 450 - - 950 .03 650 150 - - - 800 .02 By 5...... - - .- By 5 /G+ B...... - - - 700 - - 700 .02 - - - 550 - - - 550 .02 By 5/T ...... -. By 7...... - - - 150 - - 150 - 750 - - - 750 .02 By 1-Ht 1-Hr 1...... - - - -. By 2/T + B-Hr 4...... - - 250 - - - 250 - 650 - - - - 650 .02 By 3-Avl...... - - - - By 3-Fx3...... - - - 900 - 900 .03 - - - - - 500 .01 By 3-Gy2...... - 500 - By 3-Gy2-Fx3...... - - - 200 - - - ;00 By 3-Hr4...... - - - 1:450 - - - 1 .450 .04 By 3-Scl ...... - - - 500 - - - 500 .Ol By 3 /B-Hr 1/B...... - - - 400 - - - 400 .01 By 3/B-Hr4...... - - - 150 - - - 150 - 40 450 .0 40 450 .m 400 400 .ou 450 450 .o1 250 250 ~00 7,800 .21 450 450 .01 ssu 350 200 200 CL ...... ~ 2,/oo mm 1,350 750 5,150 .z4 I....------. 900 90 1,000 300 3,150 .oa /--8y 5...... 1,200 1,200 .oy Ch I--Hr 4...... 100 200 300 Ch I-HL...... - .. ... - 250 250 500 .m ...... 2,00 Z0u T6 --- '------950 eu .o3 Fc ______400 400 ~~mu pc 4-'Ku;o/7-er4 ...... 700 700 .oz ...... 4,40 10,300 4,350 200 19,300 .5s '------' 150 000 950 .o3 Fx I ...... 1,600 1,600 .o4 Fx 6...... 250 /su 400 .o1 Fx % ...... 300 300 um Soo .om Fx ...... -----_ 4,200 300 2m 4.750 .B Fx I ------. 300 300 PxI ... . sjo 350 Fx %-*r ...... 2,500 2'5oo .07 Px2 ...... 250 zsn px2--Ww% ...... 3,700 »'7n0 AO Fto ------. 1,250 /.2so .0o Fx ------. 500 500 .01 Fx 3 ...... Boo a00 .oz Fx ...... snn 500 .o« Fx 3------.. .----. 500 500 .01 nx6_md no_.------...... x)o 150 Gently sloping or Moder- Strongly Very gently ately sloping Steeply gently and sloping or sloping Percent sloping roughly or moder- or of sur- Association Depres- Nearly or un- un- gently ately strongly Total veyed Map Unit sional level, dulating dulating rolling rolling rolling area area Haverhill ...... - - 400 19,150 24,400 39,950 35,850 119,750 3 .30 Hr 2...... - - - - 6,950 28,650 35,000 70,600 1 .94 Hr 4...... - - - 3,800 11,300 5,250 - 20,350 .56 Hr 8...... - - __ 4,450 1,050 - - 5,500 .15 Hr 9...... - -. - 4,750 - 4,750 .13 Hr 11 ...... - - - 500 2,000 - - 2,500 .07 Hrl-Fc 3 ...... - - - 650 - - ._ . 650 .02 Hrl-Fc 4...... - - - 100 - 100 - r Hrl-Sc 3...... - - - 500 - - - 500 .01 w Hr2-By 3/T...... - - - - 350 - - 350 - Hr2-Ch 1 ...... - - - - 1,200 600 850 2,650 .07 Hr2-Fx 2/T...... - - - - 600 - - 600 .02 Hr2-Sc 1...... - - 700 - 700 .02 Hr4-By 3/T...... 800 - - - 800 .02 Hr 4/B-By3/B+T ...... - - - 1,100 - - - 1,100 .03 Hr 4-Fc2...... 1,550 300 - - 1,850 .05 Hr 4-Fx 1 /T...... 350 - - - 350 - Hr 4-Fx2...... - - - - 450 - - 450 .01 Hr 4-Fx 2/T ...... - -- - 400 200 - - 600 .02 Hr 4-Fx 3/T ...... - - - 650 - - - 650 .02 Hr 4-Ww 1 ...... - - - 650 - - - 650 .02 Hr 4-Ww 2...... - - - 100 - - - 100 - Hr 8-By 3 ;/T...... - - - 750 - - - 750 .02 Hr 8-Fx 3...... - - 400 - - - - 400 .01 Hr 8-Ht 1...... - -_ - 1,150 - - - 1,150 .03 Hr 8-Kd 10 ...... - - - 1,200 - -. - 1,200 .03 Hr 8-Ww 1 /T...... - - - 450 - -. -. 450 .01

Hatton ...... 5,400 10,200 2,400 Ht l...... 5,190 5,100 /.10o Bt I /G...... 300 3`...... 250 1,250 Ht 5...... 350 Ht /G.------~ 550 Bt ...... -.~ 300 Ht ...... 550 Ht ...... 250 Ht l--Hr ...... 300 Bu I /T-Hr 4...... Boo Bt 3--By &------~ 550 Ht 3-Ch l...... 450 750 ...... 2,150 7,250 '-- ...... 1,550 Kd ...... 050 Kd ...... 150 Kd ...... /,4ou Kdn] ...... 900 Kd1 ...... - 40 Kd ...... ---- . 750 Kd ------. 400 Kd ...... 2,150 KdIo/T-Wwl/7~-+« 4...... 1,000 ------50 / 5,450 1,950 ------9,000 3,700 GcI. .------. 50 Sc ...... --- . 50 mn 8cl I------250 350 Scl--er ...... 50 SoI-{{d 3...... 500 Sc ...... 400 8c ...... ~00 250 8c1 I /r...--.. .-..~ 250 ScI-W~2. ....------. 1,400 ------'------2,100 6,500 2,050 WW l ...... um 1's5n Gently sloping or Moder- Strongly Very gently ately sloping Steeply gently and sloping or sloping Percent sloping roughly or moder- or of sur- Association Depres- Nearly or un- un- gently ately strongly Total veyed Map Unit sional level dulating dulating rolling rolling rolling area area - - Wwl/T...... - - 250 1,150 - 1,400 .04 Ww 2...... : ...... - - 600 500 1,100 .03 ...... - - - 300 -. - - 300 - Ww 1 /T-By 3...... - Ww 1-Hr 4...... _...... - - - 350 - - 350 - Wwl /T-Hr 4...... - - - 400 - - - 400 .01 Wwl /T-Kd 6/T...... - - - 600 - - - 600 02 Ww 1-Kd 10...... - - - 200 350 - - 550 .02 ...... - - - 550 - - - 550 .02 Ww 1 /T-Sc 1 /T...... '...... - - Ww I-By 4-Kd 10...... - - - 100 - 100 - ...... - - - 250 - - - 250 - Ww 1-Kd 10-Hr 4...... - - w Ww 2-Fx 2...... - - 1,150 - - 1,150 .03 o~ ...... - - - - 1,350 - - 1,350 .04 Ww 2/T-Fx 2/T...... - - Ww 2-Hr 4...... - - - 550 - 550 .02 Ww 2-Sc 1 ...... - - - 550 - - - 550 .02 Asquith ...... - 450 135,150 204,600 21,150 2,250 300 363,900 10 .02 16,000 1,900 300 247,550 6 .79 Al...... - 350 75,200 153,800 - A 1 /C...... - - 3,400 750 - - 4,150 .11 A1/CL...... - - 3,700 1,700 - - - 5,400 .15 A1/G...... - - 300 300 150 - - 750 .02 1,200 - - - - 1,200 .03 Al/L...... - - - - Al/T...... - - 4,400 3,700 - 8,100 .22 A2...... - - 4,050 200 - 100 - 4,350 .12 1,700 - .- - - 1,700 .05 A2/CL...... - - - - A3...... - - 23,900 21,300 - 45,200 1,24 A3 /CL...... __ ...... - - 3,850 - - 3,850 .11 ...... - - 1,400 150 - - - 1,550 .04 A4 . . . .03 - - A6...... _ 100 6,150 1,900 - 8,150 .22 A6 /CL...... - 400 - - - - 400 .01 A6/G...... 1,150 1,150 .03 AS...... 1,300 1,300 .04 A1-Bg1 ...... 650 100 250 1,000 .03 AI /CL-Bg I /CL...... 330 900 .03 A1/G-Bg I...... 650 650 .02 AI-Bri...... 500 500 .01 A1-Br 2...... 500 500 .01 Al-Br3...... 350 3,900 850 5,100 .14 A1-Br3 /S...... 1,050 1,050 .03 Al /T-Br3 /T...... 250 250 1,350 1,350 .04 Al-Br5...... 200 200 A1-Br7...... 700 700 .02 Ai-DSI ...... 3,600 3,600 .10 Al-E2...... 900 900 .03 AI-E4...... 650 650 .02 AI-W2...... 150 150 Al /T-W2...... 1,100 1,100 .03 A1 /T-W4...... 150 150 At-W4...... 250 250 Al-W2-E3 ...... 850 850 .03 Al-W4-Bgl ...... 1,150 i 1,150 .03 Al-W4-Brl ...... 700 700 .02 At-Wg2 ...... 400 - 400 .01 A2-Br4...... 1,100 1,100 .03 A3-Av6 ...... 500 500 .01 A3-Brl...... 400 400 .01 A3-Br7...... 1,950 1,950 .05 A3 /T-W4...... 500 500 .01 A3-Wg2 ...... 200 200 A4-Brl-W7...... 650 650 .02 A6-Br7...... 650 650 .02 Allan...... 350 16,500 5,150 22,000 .60 Ant ...... 350 3,400 1,300 5,050 .14 An2...... 600 600 .02 Anl-Wyl...... 8,900 3,850 12,750 .35 An3-Wyl...... 3,600 3,600 .10 Gently sloping or Moder- Strongly Very gently ately sloping Steeply gently and sloping or sloping Percent sloping roughly or moder- or of sur- Association Depres- Nearly or un- un- gently ately strongly Total veyed Map Unit sional level dulating dulating rolling rolling rolling area area Alert...... - - - 1,100 6,700 11,400 1,650 20,850 .57 Atl...... - - - 1,100 150 - - 1,250 .03 At2...... -...... - - - - - 1,100 250 1,350 .04 At4...... - - - - 4,500 8,850 - 13,350 .37 Atl-Al ...... - - - - 450 - - 450 .01 At2-A1 ...... - - - - 650 - - 650 .02 At4-A1 ...... - - - - 950 850 1,400 3,200 .09 At4-E8...... - - - - - 600 - 600 .02 Bear...... - - - 300 950 800 - 2,050 .06 w Bel...... - - - 300 - - - 300 - 00 Be2...... - - - - 950 650' - 1,600 .04 Bel-W4 ...... - - - - - 150 - 150 - Biggar ...... - 350 6,100 16,400 5,600 1,850 200 30,500 .83 Bgl...... - - 4,850 12,050 3,700 100 200 20,900 .57 Bgl /C...... - 350 - - - - - 350 - Bgl,T...... _...... - - - 150 - - -. 150 - Bg2...... - -. 950 2,250 650 - - 3,850 .11 Bg1-Al ...... - - - 600 - 500 - 1,100 .03 Bgl-A2...... - 450 - - - 450 .01 Bgl-Brl ...... - - 300 200 - - - 500 .01 Bgl-W2...... - - - - - 1,250 - 1,250 .03 Bgl-W4...... - - - - 1,000 - - 1,000 .03 Bgl-Brl-Su2...... - - - 700 - - - 700 .02 Bg2-W1...... - - - - 250 - - 250 - Bradwell ...... 100 2,700 154,250 165,700 10,300 6,850 1,250 341,150 9 .36 Brl...... - - 4,900 8,350 600 - - 13,850 .38 Brl /C...... - - - 200 - 200 - Brl /G...... 1,400 1,400 .04 Brl /S...... 100 100 Brl /T...... 700 700 .02 Br2...... 3,400 5,200 3,950 5,350 1,200 19,100 .52 Br2/C...... 350 350 Br2/T...... 1,150 1,650 2,800 .08 Br3...... 2,150 96,400 88,450 850 187,850 5 .15 Br3 /C...... 8,500 1,050 9,550 .26 Br3 /S...... 550 550 .02 Br3 /T...... 9,300 10,200 19,500 .53 Br4...... 400 3,050 1,950 1,250 50 6,700 .18 Br4 /S...... 50 50 Br4/T...... 2,600 2,600 .07 Br5...... 7,100 5,600 1,000 200 13,900 .38 Br5/S...... 1,750 950 2,700 .07 Br5/T...... 1,250 1,250 .03 Br6...... 200 200 Br6/G...... 150 150 Br7...... 100 100 700 700 1,600 .04 Br7/C...... 50 50 Brl 1 ...... 150 1,050 1,200 .03 Br12...... 450 450 .01 Brl-Al...... 2,150 2,150 .06 Brl-Bgl ...... 100 100 Brl /G-Bgl...... 1,100 1,100 .03 Brl /G-Bg2...... 500 500 .01 Brl-E2...... 1,100 400 1,500 .04 Brl-Sul...... 1,100 1,100 .03 Brl /C-Sul ...... 500 500 .01 Brl-Su2...... 500 500 .01 Brl/C-Su2...... 1,900 1,900 .05 Brl /T-W4...... 800 250 1,050 .03 Brl-Wgl...... , 550 550 .01 Brl-Bgl-Su2...... 1,000 1,000 .03 Brl /T-E3 ;T-W4...... i 400 400 .01 Br3-A 1 ...... I 1,850 3,700 5,550 .15 Br3/C-Al /C...... 400 400 .01 Br3/G-Bgl...... 450 450 .01 Br3-E3 ...... 800 2,200 3,000 .08 Br3 /C-E3...... 1,150 1,150 .03 Gently sloping or Moder- Strongly Very gently ately sloping Steeply gently and sloping or sloping Percent sloping roughly or moder- or of sur- Depres- Nearly or un- un- gently ately strongly Total veyed Association area area Map Unit sional level dulating dulating rolling rolling rolling - . . - - 250 250 - Br3/T-E3...... - - - - 200 - Br3-Hy3...... - - 200 - ...... - - 650 950 - - 1,600 .04 Br3/T-W1 ...... - 2,650 .07 Br3/T-W2...... - - 1,500 500 650 - - 500 850 150 - - 1,500 .04 Br3-W4 ...... - -. - - /G-W4...... - - 450 - 450 .01 Br3 500 650 - 22,200 .61 Br3/T-W4...... - - 1,200 19,850 - - ...... - - 1,550 - - 1,550 .04 Br4/T-W4...... - - - 1,050 .03 Br5-E6...... - - 250 800 - 407,150 11 .14 Elstow...... ,- . . - 2,850 193,350 183,850 22,800 4,300 . 3,300 350 350 - - 4,000 .11 0 EL...... ------550 .02 El/C...... - 550 - El /T...... - - 300 - - - - 300 - . . 3,400 10,900 12,600 1,600 - 28,500 .78 E2...... - - 2,100 .06 E2/T...... - - 150 1,950 - - 1,550 99,250 75,850 1,700 400 - 178,750 4 .90 EI...... - .54 E3/C...... - 750 17,100 1,750 °- - - 19,600 100 - - 28,200 .77 E3/T...... - - 16,750 11,350 - - E4...... - - - 300 - 300 - . - 8,100 3,500 - - - 11,600 .32 E6...... - 750 .02 E6 /C...... - - 750 - - - - . . - - 700 300 - - - 1,000 .03 E7...... 200 - E7/C...... - - - 200 - - - . - - - 550 - - -. 550 .02 E7/T...... - - 1,450 .04 E8...... - - 300 1,150 - .... - - - - - 150 - 150 - E9...... - 150 - Ell...... 150 ...... - - 700 600 - - -. 1,300 .04 E15...... :...... 200 El-Brl ...... - - - 200 - - I - - EI /T-Brl /T...... 500 500 .01 El-Hyl...... 2,650 3,600 6,250 .17 El /T-Hyl/T...... 1,850 1,850 3,700 .10 El-Hy2...... 2,300 3,300 5,600 .15 El /C-Hy2/C...... 850 850 .02 El/T-Hy2...... , 450 450 .01 El /T-Hy2/T...... 550 550 .02 EI-Sul ...... 2,500 2,500 .07 EI-Su2...... 850 850 .02 El/T-W1 ...... ', 500 500 01 El /T-W2...... 250 250 El-Hyl-Su5...... II 1,950 1,950 .05 El /T-Hyl-Wl...... I 150 150 El-Hy2-Br3...... ! 450 450 .01 El-Hy2-Br5...... 300 300 El---W4--Su5...... 1,250 1,250 .03 E2-Be2...... 350 350 E2-Br2...... 950 300 1,250 .03 E2-Br3...... 200 200 E2/S-Br3...... 300 300 E2-Su2...... 4,800 4,800 .13 E2/T-W2...... 1,550 4,950 6,500 .18 E2-W4...... 250 250 E2/T-W4...... 950 250 1,200 .03 E3-Al ...... 1,550 1,550 .04 E3/C-Brl /C...... 2,800 2,800 .08 E3-Br3...... 4,150 1,900 6,050 .17 E3/T-Br3...... 400 400 .01 E3-Hy1...... 400 400 .01 E3/T-Hyl /T...... 1,650 1,650 .05 E3/T-Hy5/T...... 300 300 E3-Su2...... 1,650 2,650 4,300 .12 E3-Tu5...... 1,600 1,600 .04 E3/T-Wl...... 1,700 4,050 5,750 .1b E3-W2...... 150 150 E3/T-W3...... 1,900 1,450 3,350 .09 E3-W4...... 600 300 900 .02 E3/T-W4...... 5,600 26,650 200 32,450 .89 E3-Brl-Su2...... 250 250 E3-Hyl-Br3...... 1,550 11550 .0 Gently sloping or Moder- Strongly Very gently ately sloping Steeply gently and sloping or sloping Percent sloping roughly or moder- or ofsur- Association Depres- Nearly or un- un- gently ately strongly Total veyed Map Unit sional level dulating dulating rolling rolling rolling area area E3/T-Hyl/T-W4 ...... - - 3,100 650 - - - 3,750 .10 E4-Su2...... - - 1,900 - - - - 1,900 .05 E4-W4...... - - - - 300 - - 300 - E4 /T-W4...... - - - 250 - - - 250 - E5-Hy3 ...... - - 600 6,550 100 - - 7,250 .20 E5/T-Hy3 ...... - - - 1,250 - - - 1,250 .03 E5/T-Hy3/T...... - - - 1,200 - _. - 1,200 .03 E5 /T-W1...... - - 800 - - _. - 800 .02 E7-Hy5 ...... - - 300 400 - .- - 700 .02 E8-Bel...... - - .-. - - 850 - 850 .02 E9-Bel...... - - - - 850 - - 850 .02 Ell-Brl ...... - - - - 250 __ - 250 - E15-Hy5...... - - - 3,750 - - - 3,750 .10 Keppel...... - - - 850 8,700 9,500 200 19,250 .53 Kp1...... - - - 550 350 - - 900 .02 Kp2...... - - - - 900 450 - 1,350 .04 Kp4...... - - - 300 4,750 8,050 200 13,300 .36 Kp2-At4...... - 750 - - 750 .02 Kp4-At4...... - - - - 1,950 1,000 - 2,950 .08 Regina...... 1,300 6,200 177,850 17,650 350 - - 203,350 5 .58 Rl ...... - 250 159,850 7,400 150 - - 167,650 4 .60 RI /T...... - - 900 700 - - - 1,600 .04 R2...... - - 1,200 100 - - - 1,300 .04 R3...... 1,300 5,950 1,200 - - - - 8,450 .23 Rl-Sul ...... - - 500 - - -. - 500 .01 RI-Sul /T...... - - 700 - - - - 700 .02 Rl-Su2...... - - 7,450 6,500 - .- - 13,950 .38 Rl-Su2/T...... - - 150 1,300 200 - - 1,6.50 .05 R1-Su4...... 2,100 900 3,000 .08 R1-Tul...... 1,950 750 2,700 .07 R2-Su2...... 1,850 1,850 .05 Sutherland ...... 700 94,450 46,850 5,100 147,100 4 .04 Sul...... 200 8,000 1,450 9,650 .26 Su2...... 29,150 18,200 650 48,000 1 .32 Su2/T...... 3,600 8,200 1,100 12,900 .35 Su4...... 5,050 4,300 1,850 11,200 .31 Su4/T...... 550 850 1,400 .04 Su5...... 500 500 .01 Sul-E3...... 550 550 .02 Sul-R1 ...... 150 50 200 Sul-Tu10 ...... 1,250 1,250 .03 Sul /T-W4...... 650 650 .02 Su2-Br5...... - ...... 800 800 .02 Su2-El ...... 4,300 4,300 .12 Su2-E2...... 5,650 3,250 8,900 .24 Su2-E3...... 20,850 200 21,050 .58 Su2-E4...... --...... 550 550 .02 Su2-R1...... 8,800 2,150 10,950 .30 Su2-R2...... 350 2,050 2,400 .07 Su2-W1 ...... 200 200 Su2/T-Wl ...... 2,700 2,700 .07 Su2/T-W3 ...... 2,050 2,050 .06 Su2-W4 ...... 250 250 Su2/T-W4 ...... 4,150 4,150 .11 Su4-Rl ...... 900 600 1,500 .04 Su4-Tu3 ...... 550 550 .02 Su2/T-E2/T-W4...... 450 450 .01 Weybum ...... 17,600 478,100 303,500 92,000 42,000 933,200 25 .56 W1...... 950 16,400 5,850 600 23,800 .65 W2...... 21,350 178,150 25,150 35,200 259,850 7 .13 W3...... 2,700 16,400 1,650 20,750 .57 W3/G...... 250 250 W4...... 66,450 42,200 12,150 2,100 122,900 3 .37 W7...... 7,150 300 7,450 .20 WB...... 6,100 156,300 20,100 350 350 183,200 5 .02 W9...... 10,900 48,400 3,750 63,050 1 .73 Gently sloping or Moder- Strongly Very gently ately sloping Steeply gently and sloping or sloping Percent sloping roughly or moder- or of sur- Association Depres- Nearly or un- un- gently ately strongly Total veyed Map Unit sional level dulating dulating rolling rolling rolling area area Wll ...... - - .- 11,350 16,350 - - 27,700 .76 Wl-Bgl ...... - - 450 - - - - 450 .01 Wl-Br3/T ...... - - - 2,600 1,300 - - 3,900 .11 WI-El /T...... - - - 200 - - _... 200 - Wi-E3...... - - - - 1,250 - - 1,250 .03 Wi-E3 /T...... - - 350 4,700 - - - 5,050 .14 W1-E7 /T...... - - 300 - - - - 300 - Wl-Su2/T ...... - - 1,750 350 - - - 2,100 .06 Wl-Su4lT ...... - _. - 550 . - - - 550 .02 W2-Anl...... - - - - 250 - - 250 - W2-Bgl...... - -.. - 450 450 250 450 1,600 .04 W2-Br3 ...... - - - - - _. 150 150 - W2-Br3 /T...... - .- - - 250 - - 250 - W2-Br5 ...... - -. - ._. 300 - - 300 - W2-E2/T...... - - - - 2,350 - - 2,350 .06 W2-E3/T...... - - - - 1,000 - - 1,000 .03 W2-Hyl /T...... - - - 2,250 - - .._. 2,250 .06 W2-Rm3 ...... - - - 400 -- - - 400 .01 W2-Rm4 ...... - - - 450 - - - 450 .01 W2-Wyl ...... - - - - 350 - - 350 - W2-Su4/T-Al ...... - r. - ..._ 200 _.._ ._._ 200 - W3-E2/T ...... - - - 750 - -. - 750 .02 W3-E3/T...... - - - 1,400 - - - 1,400 .04 W3-Rm2...... - - - 6,850 - ,. - 6,850 .18 W3-Su2...... - - 300 - - - - 300 - W4-Al ...... - - - 600 450 200 - 1,250 .03 W4-Al/T...... - - - V. 350 - - 350 - W4-A4/T...... - - - - 100 - - 100 - W4-Bgl ...... - - - 1,200 2;350 1,050 - 4,6001 .13 W4/G-Bgl ....- . ..__. .._...... - - - 450 - - - 450 .01 W4-Brl /T...... 1,750 1,750 .05 W4-Br2/T...... 200 200 W4-Br3/T...... 1,000 11,800 1,850 14,650 .40 W4-E2...... 550 350 900 .02 W4-E2/T...... 400 1,500 1,900 .05 W4-E3...... 550 550 .02 W4-E3/T...... 1,750 10,250 1,850 13,850 .38 W4-Hyl /T ...... 400 400 .01 W4-Rm2...... 400 71,500 3,950 75,850 2 .08 W4-Rm3 ...... 44,300 2,950 47,250 1 .30 W4-Sul /T...... 1,600 1,600 .04 W4-Su2 ...... 6,350 6,350 .17 W4-Su2/T ...... 300 300 W4--Su4...... 600 550 1,150 .03 W4-Su4 /T...... 100 100 W4-Tul/T...... 1,450 1,450 .04 W4-Wyl ...... 3,850 3,850 .11 250 250 W4-EI Hy2.y1 500 500 .Ol W7-Av4/...... /T...... ~~.! 250 250 W7-Av8...... 300 300 W8-Br3/T...... ~~ 500 500 .01 W8-Br6/T...... 1,250 1,250 .03 W8-Hyl /T...... 600 600 .02 W8-Rm2...... 3,850 1,150 5,000 .14 W8-Rm3 ...... 2,400 2,400 .07 W8-El-BgI ...... 900 900 .02 W10--AI...... 800 800 .02 Grandora...... 200 100 300 Gd1 ...... 100 100 Gd2...... 200 200 Hanley...... 46,950 12,050 150 59,150 1 .59 Hyl...... 8,150 2,400 150 10,700 .29 Hyl /C...... 4,250 4,250 .12 Hyl/T...... 15,200 2,100 17,300 .47 Hy2...... 600 600 .02 Hy2 /T...... 4,150 4,150 .11 Hy3...... 450 450 .01 Gently sloping or Moder- Strongly Very gently ately sloping Steeply gently and sloping or sloping Percent sloping roughly or moder- or of sur- Association Depres- Nearly or un- un- gently ately strongly Total veyed Map Unit , sional level dulating dulating rolling rolling rolling area area Hy3/T...... - - 1,350 - - - - 1 .350 .04 Hy4...... - - 2,600 - - - - 2,600 .07 Hy5...... - - 1,950 - - - - 1,950 .05 Hy5/C...... - - - 1,700 - - - 1,700 .05 Hy5/T...... - - 1,100 - - - - 1,100 .03 Hyl-Al ...... - - - 1,350 - - - 1,350 .04 Hyl-Br3...... - - - 200 -. - -. 200 - Hyl-El ...... - - - 400 - - - 400 .01 Hyl/T-El /T...... - - 200 - - - - 200 -- Hyl /C-Tul ...... - - 250 - - - _. 250 - 94r+. m Hyl/T-Tut/T ...... - - 450 - - - - 450 .01 Hyl-Tulb...... - - 700 - - - - 700 .02 Hyl /T-Wl...... - - - 650 - - - 650 .02 Hyl /T-W2...... _...... - - 450 - - - - 450 .01 Hyl-W4...... - - 2,650 - - - - 2,650 .07 Hyl/T-W4...... - - - 1,250 - - - 1,250 .03 Hy3/T-Su2 ...... - - - 250 - -. - 250 - Hy3/T-W4...... - - - 300 - - - 300 - Hy5-Br2 ...... - - 850 - - - - 850 .02 Hy5-E7...... - - - 400 - - - 400 .01 Hy5/C-Wg2/C ...... - - 1,150 - - - - 1,150 .03 Hy5-E6-W4 ...... - - 1,500 - - - - 1,500 .04 Rosemae ...... - - 2,700 76,600 11,850 - - 91,150 2 .50 Rml ...... - - 2,100 13,050 - - - 15,150 .42 Rm2...... :...... - - - 6,000 - - - 6,000 .16 Rm3 ...... - - 250 1,500 - - - 1,750 .05 Rml-W1 ...... - - - 900 _. - - 900 .02 Rml--W4 ...... - -- - 8,450 10,350 - - 18,800 .52 Rm2-W2 ...... - - - 7,250 - - - 7,250 .20 Rm2-W4 ...... 150 30,200 650 31,000 .85 Rm3-W1...... 3,300 3,300 .09 Rm3-W2 ...... 1,550 850 2,400 .07 Rm3-W4...... 200 4,400 4,600 .13 Trossachs...... 3,450 3,450 .09 Tl...... 2,150 2,150 .06 T2...... 1,300 1,300 .03 Tuxford...... 300 350 90,800 9,850 101,300 2 .78 Tul...... 9,250 1,600 10,850 .30 Tul/T...... 8,600 1,350 9,950 .27 Tu2...... 200 14,750 14,950 .41 Tu2/T...... 37,650 3,050 40,700 1 .12 Tu3...... 11,000 11,000 .30 Tu3/T...... 1,250 1,250 .03 TuS...... 300 300 Tu10...... 250 100 350 Tull ...... 750 400 1,150 .03 Tul-E3 ...... 1,400 1,400 .04 Tul /T-Hyl ...... 900 900 .02 Tul-Su4...... 800 800 .02 Tul/G/T-.Su4/G/T...... 900 900 .02 Tul-W4...... 600 600 .02 Tul /T-W4...... 450 450 .01 Tu2-Br3 ...... 1,450 1,450 .04 Tu2-Hyl ...... 350 350 Tu2/T-Hyl /T...... 350 350 Tu3/T-W4...... 1,250 1,250 .03 TuIO-SUI ...... 200 200 Tull-Su6...... 150 850 1,150 2,150 .06 Wingello...... 350 7,850 1,250 9,450 .26 WgI...... 3,600 3,600 .10 Wgi/C...... 350 350 Wgl /T...... 350 350 Wg2...... 1,900 100 2,000 .05 Wg2/T...... 1,450 1,450 .04 Wg3...... 300 300 Wg3/T...... 600 600 .02 Wgl /T-W4...... 800 =1 800 .02 Gently sloping or Moder- Strongly Very gently ately sloping Steeply gently and sloping or sloping Percent sloping roughly or moder- or of sur- Association Depres- Nearly or un- un- gently ately strongly Total veyed Map Unit sional level dulating dulating rolling rolling rolling area area Wyandotte...... - - - - 1,750 18,900 20,650 .57 Wyl...... - - - - - 2,450 - 2,450 .07 Wyl-Anl ...... : ..... - - - - - 4,500 - 4,500 .12 Wyl-An2...... - - 1,500 - 1,500 .04 Wyl-An3...... - - - - - 350 - 350 - Wyl-W4...... - - - - - 2,700 - 2,700 .07 Wyl-W9...... - 1,750 3,000 - 4,750 .13 Wyl-Anl-W4 ...... - - 4,400 - 4,400 .12 Alluvium...... 7,850 64,500 76,600 15,950 2,050 - - 166,950 4.59 Av1 ...... - 4,750 7,800 200 850 - - 13,600 .37 Av2...... 100 750 6,000 2,250 400 - - 9,500 .26 Av3...... - 6,550 6,700 2,000 550 - - 15,800 .43 Av4...... ;...... 1,150 13,850 17,000 3,350 250 - - 35,600 .98 Av5...... 3,100 4,700 2,600 - - - - 10,400 .29 Av6...... 2,300 25,000 14,000 500 - - - 41,800 1 .15 Av7...... - 3,000 1,500 - .- - - 4,500 .12 Av8...... 900 1,550 8,200 6,700 - - - 17,350 .48 Av9...... 300 4,200 10,400 - -. - - 14,900 .41 Av10...... - 150 - 50 - - - 200 - Avll ...... - -. - 300 - - - 300 - Av2-A3...... - - 2,250 - - - - 2,250 .06 Av4-W7...... - - - 600 - - - 600 .02 Av9-W4...... - -. 150 - - -. - 150 - Dune Sand...... - - 14,650 114,550 123,950 12,950 35,400 301,500 8 .27 DSI...... - - 4,500 80,700 110,200 12,950 35,400 243,750 6.69 DSl/G...... - - - - 150 - - 150 - DS2: ...... - - 10,150 29,850 13,600 - - 53,600 1 .47 DSl-Al ...... - - - 1,000 - - - 1,000 .03 DSl--Ch2...... - - - 3,000 - - - 3,000 .08 m1wasn...... - - 650 3,400 3,850 18,650 56,450 83,000 2 .28 Runway...... :...... - - - 16,250 5,050 3,300 - 24,600 .67 Miscellaneous...... - -. ., - - - - 5,500 .15 Water...... - - 56,350 1 .55 Total Acreage...... --...... - - - _. _ - - 3,645,900 100 .00 Appendix III

ATTERBERG LIMITS OF SELECTED SOIL ASSOCIATIONS by D. G. Fredlund Civil Engineering Department University of Saskatchewan Saskatoon, Saskatchewan

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Appendix III summarizes the results of a co-operative study involving the Division of Building Research, National Research Council, (Saskatoon), and the Department of Civil Engineering, University of Saskatchewan (Saskatoon) .


Test Procedures and, Significance of Results Atterberg limit results for several Associations are summarized in Appendix III to give engineers an indication of the plasticity characteristics. Their meaning is discussed in some detail for those unfamiliar with Atterberg limits. Atterberg limits* are arbitrary water contents which establish the approximate boundaries between the various states of consis- tency of a soil. These limits are referred to as the liquid and plastic limits, and are used in engineering for classification and correlation with the mechanical properties of soils. The liquid limit is the water content at the boundary between the liquid and plastic states of consistency. It is arbitrarily defined as the water content at which two halves of a soil cake will flow together for a distance of one half inch, when the cup of a standard mechanical liquid limit device is dropped 25 times. The test is, in accordance with ASTM (American Society For Testing Materials) Designation: D423-54T. The plastic limit is the water content at the boundary of the plastic and semisolid states. It is arbitrarily defined as the lowest water content at which the soil can be rolled into threads 1/S inch in diameter without breaking into pieces. The test is in accordance with ASTM Designation : D424-54T.

*Atterberg, A., "Die Plastizitaet and Bindigkeit liefernde Bestandteile der-Tone," Int. Mitteil. Boden- kunde, Vol. 3, 1913. lasagrande, A. "Research on the Atterberg Limits of Soils," Public Roads, October, 1932 . Casagrande, A.; "Classification and Identification of Soils," Proc . Am . Soc. C.E., June, 1947. 150

The plastic index is the difference between the liquid limit and the plastic limit and is a measure of the water content range over which a soil behaves in a plastic manner. Engineers have preferred the use of Atterberg limits over the use of mechanical grain size distribution delineations for classifica- tion purposes because they indicate the physical characteristics of the clay size particles . Fine-grained soils are classified on the Plasticity Chart in accordance with the Unified Classification System.*

Table III . i Unified Soil Classification for Fine-Grained Soils

Major Soil Sym- Soil Groups and Division bol Typical Names ML Inorganic silts and very fine 0 sands, rock flour, silty or clay- ey fine sands, or clayey silts with slight w ldw plasticity

CY CL Inorganic clays of low to me- dium plasticity, gravellyclays, sandy clays, silty clays, lean clays INIZIM1111 C 4 OL Organic silts and organic silty v :+'m I clays of low plasticity 111111r,011,44 4 N ,3DW O MH Inorganic silts, micaceous or I MEN e me ==z Ny diatomaceous fine sandy or ws silty soils, elastic silts umd CH Inorganic clays of high plas- .~C 10 ro~ ticity, fat clays w OH Organic clays of medium to high plasticity, organic silts 0 10 20 30 40 50 60III70 80 q0 10 a Liquid limit ..7

The Atterberg limits reflect the types and amounts of clay minerals present in a fine-grained soil. The relationships between plasticity index and percent clay sizes are different for the basic clay minerals and can be presented in terms of their slopes. These values are called the "activity" and indicate the magnitude of the surface forces. ACTIVITY= Plastic Index Percent Clay Sizes (finer than 2 microns) The mineral montmorillonite has an activity of approximately 5, illite approximately 1.0 and kaolinite approximately 0.5 or less. The Unified Classification system also correlates Atterberg limits with other engineering soil properties. A number of pertinent characteristics are listed in Table III.2.

*Wagner, A. A., "Procedures For Testing Solb," ASTM, April, 1958.

151 Table III .2* Engineering Characteristics and Uses of Soils

Standard Compaction Permeability Compressibility Max . Dry Potential Soil Sym- Characteristics And Unit Weight Frost Divisions bol k (cm. per sec .) Expansion (lb. per cu. ft.) Compaction Characteristics Action Silts ML Semi-pervious Slight to ` 90 to 120 Good to poor, close control ofmoisture is Medium to and to Impervious medium essential, rubber tired roller, sheepsfoot very high clays k = 10-3 to 10-s roller . LL is less CL Impervious Medium 95 to 120 Fair to good, sheepsfoot roller, rubber Medium ..a than 50 k =10-8 to 10-8 tired roller. to high O OL Semi-pervious Medium to high so to 100 Fair to poor, sheepsfoot roller . Medium Q to Impervious to high k = 10-4 to 10- 8 Silts MH Semi-pervious High 70 to 95 Poor to very poor, sheepsfoot roller. Medium to and to Impervious very high clays k = 10-4 to 10- s LL is greater CH Impervious High 75 to 105 Fair to poor, sheepsfoot roller. Medium than 50 k= 10-8 to 10-8 OH Impervious High 65 to 100 Poor to very poor, sheepsfoot roller. Medium k =10-8 to 10_8

*"The Unified Soil Classification System," Corps of Engineers, U.S. Army, Technical Memorandum No. 3.357, 1953. Laboratory Test Results The Atterberg limits were determined for approximately 90 soil samples chosen from five soil Associations . Approximately half the samples were taken from the B horizons and half from the C horizons or parent materials. The Atterberg limits are included in this report as a prelimi- nary step to evaluate the utilization of soil reports for engineering purposes. Table 111.3 shows the results of all Atterberg limits tests performed . The Atterberg limits within each association have been analyzed statistically and the results are shown in Table IIIA. It should be noted that for a number of the samples tested, either the plastic limit, liquid limit or both could not be performed due to their low plasticity. Only the tests that could be performed are used in the statistical analysis and are tabulated as the "statistical sample" . Therefore, there will be some upward bias of the mean values obtained from the statistical sample. The mean values recorded are a measure of the central tendency of that property. The standard deviation and coefficient of variation are measures of the dispersion characteristics. The standard error is a measure of the dispersion of a small sample relative to a population. In other words, the accuracy of the mean values can be expressed in terms of the probable mean value for the population. Mathematically, standard error is equal to the standard deviation divided by the square root of the statistical sample. By applying the "t" distribution for small samples to the standard error, the confidence interval for the mean can be computed. The standard error values are of use to the engineer for predicting the number of soil samples required to represent a certain area under investigation. However, before using these values, criteria involving the level of significance must be estab- lished by the engineer. Caution should be exercised in using the tabulated values until larger numbers of soil samples have been tested. 40,010 iaa .s

Atterberg Limits Unified Horizon Classifi- Soil Liquid Plastic Plastic Percent Site and Depths Series cation Texture * Limit Limit Index Clay

Tuaford Association

1 Bt 8-14" Dark Brown Solonetz CH C 54 .9 24 .4 30 .5 58 .9 C 19"+ Dark Brown Solonetz CL C 37 .6 14 .8 22 .8 51 .3 2 Brit 5- 9" Dark Brown Solonetz CL C 41 .5 23 .9 17 .6 44 .6 C 22"-1- Dark Brown Solonetz CL C 49 .2 19 .2 30 .1 52 .1 3 Bkj 14-19" Dark Brown Solodized Solonetz CL CL 34 .6 17 .9 16.7 34.0 C 20"-i- Dark Brown Solodized Solonetz CL C 50 .0 19 .4 30.6 48 .6 4 Bntl 6-9" Dark Brown Solodized Solonetz CL C 39 .9 22 .2 17.7 45 .8 Ck 18-24" Dark Brown Solodized Solonetz CH C 52 .7 22 .7 30.0 55 .2 5 C 23"+ Dark Brown Solodized Solonetz CL C 38 .0 17 .0 21 .0 42 .7

Elstow Association

1 Bm 10-13" Orthic Dark Brown CL SCL 36 .4 22 .6 13 .8 23 .0 2 Btj 10-15" Orthic Dark Brown CL CL 36 .2 21 .6 14.6 28 .4 C 15"-}- Orthic Dark Brown CL SiCL 43 .0 22 .4 20.6 34 .0 3 Bm2 11-18" Orthic Dark Brown CL - L 38 .4 23 .5 14.9 26 .6 Ck 18-28" Orthic Dark Brown CL SiL 41 .6 24 .8 16.8 26.3 C 28" + Orthic Dark Brown CL SiL 38 .7 21 .7 17.0 24 .7

*Moss, H.C., "A Guide to Understanding Saskatchewan Soils". 1965 . Distributed by the Extension Division, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, as Extension Publi- cation 175 **The percentage clay sizes (finer than 2 microns) are taken from the particle size distribution tests (pipette method) by the Soil Science Department. 4 Sm2 10-15" Orthic Dark Brown (OL,ML) CL 32 .2 23 .4 8 .8 28 .8 C2 30"+ Orthic Dark Brown CL SCL 28 .2 20 .3 7 .9 25.8 5 C 14-30" Rego Dark Brown CH Sic 52 .0 25 .7 26.2 45 .8 6 Ck 4-10" Rego Dark Brown (OL,ML) SCL 41 .8 26 .6 15 .3 23 .7 7 C2 26"+ Rego Dark Brown CL SCL 28 .8 14 .0 14 .8 - 8 C 5"+ Rego Dark Brown CL SiCL 43 .5 23 .8 19 .7 34 .0 9 C 15"+ Rego Dark Brown CL SCL 29 .5 19 .2 10 .3 26 .0 10 Bm 6-14" Calcareous Dark Brown CL L 35 .3 22 .1 13 .2 26.0 C 24-48" Calcareous Dark Brown CH Sic 59 .7 25 .3 34 .3 45 .3 11 Btj 5-12" Calcareous Dark Brown CL L 36 .9 18.8 18 .1 26.6 C 20"+ Calcareous Dark Brown CL SiCL 39 .0 21 .8 17 .2 27.3 r en 12 Bt 15-21" Calcareous Dark Brown (CL,ML) L 29 .7 22 .9 6 .8 23.7 o C 27"+ Calcareous Dark Brown CL CL 35 .8 18 .9 16 .9 32 .4 13 Bmj 6-10" Calcareous Dark Brown CL CL 41 .0 22 .4 18 .6 27.3 C 10"-(- Calcareous Dark Brown CL SicL 43 .3 25 .3 18 .0 27 .0 14 Bmj 6-18" Calcareous Dark Brown CL CL 35 .0 19 .4 15 .5 27.2 C 18"+ Calcareous Dark Brown CL SiCL 47 .3 20 .7 26 .6 33 .1

15 Ck 14-19" Calcareous Dark Brown CL SCL 33 .4 20 .6 12 .7 27.5 C 19"+ Calcareous Dark Brown CL SCL 30 .3 18 .6 11 .8 28 .1

16 Bm2 19-26" Eluviated Dark Brown CL L 34 .1 21 .7 12 .5 25.2 17 Bm 26-36" Eluviated Dark Brown CL CL 39 .1 21 .3 17 .8 30 .7 l8 Bt 12-18" Eluviated Dark Brown CL CL 42 .2 19 .2 23 .0 38 .0 C 18"+ Eluviated Dark Brown CL Sic 47 .5 24 .8 22 .7 45 .0 19 Bt2 18-24" Eluviated Dark Brown CL SiCL 34 .0 22 .8 11 .2 30 .0 C2 30-37" Eluviated Dark Brown L 25 .4 19 .7 Atterberg Limits Unified Horizon Classifi- Soil Liquid Plastic Plastic Percent Site and Depths Series cation Texture* Limit Limit Index Clay

Bradwell Association

1 Bk 15-23" Orthic Dark Brown (CL,ML) VL 27 .4 21 .4 6 .0 18 .1 C 23"+ Orthic Dark Brown - VL 28 .3 - - 15 .3 2 Bk 9-14" Orthic Dark Brown CL L 34 .8 21 .9 12 .8 25 .9 Ck 14--22" Orthic Dark Brown (OL,ML) L 37 .1 24 .8 12 .3 25 .1 C 22"+ Orthic Dark Brown CL CL 42 .1 20 .9 21 .2 31 .8 3 Bm 11-18" Orthic Dark Brown - SL 20 .5 - - 17 .4 Ck 18-22" Orthic Dark Brown - SL N o n - P l a s t i c 18 .4 4 Bt 6-13" Orthic Dark Brown CL SCL 36 .4 21 .2 15 .2 26 .5 5 Bt 5-13" Orthic Dark Brown CL SCL 33 .2 22 .2 11 .0 25 .0 Ck 13-19" Orthic Dark Brown (CL,ML) VL 29 .6 24 .2 5 .4 16 .4 C 19"-1- Orthic Dark Brown - SCL N o n - P l a s t i c 2 .71 6 Bm2 12-18" Orthic Dark Brown - SCL 30 .6 - - 21 .2 C 18"+ Orthic Dark Brown CL CL 37 .5 22 .4 15 .0 27 .5 7 C2 42"-x- Calcareous Dark Brown CL SiCL 36 .5 19 .2 17 .3 28 .4 8 Bmj 6-18" Calcareous Dark Brown - VL 30 .9 - - 14 .7 Ck 18-32" Calcareous Dark Brown - SCL 23 .2 - - 25 .1 C 32"+ Calcareous Dark Brown - LS N o n - P l a s t i c 8 .8 9 Bmj 6-13" Calcareous Dark Brown - L 30 .9 - - 15 .2 Ck 13-24" Calcareous Dark Brown CL VL 29 .1 21 .2 7 .9 17 .3 C 24"-t- Calcareous Dark Brown (CL,ML) VL 27 .2 20 .4 6 .9 17 .1 10 Bm 23-30" Eluviated Dark Brown CL SiCL 36 .9 21 .2 15 .8 27 .3 C 30"+ Eluviated Dark Brown CL SiL 34 .2 21 .4 12 .8 23 .5 11 Btj2 21-31" Eluviated Dark Brown (CL,ML) SCL-SL 26 .9 21 .5 5 .4 20 .1 Ck 31-41" Eluviated Dark Brown CL SCL-SL 32 .1 21 .3 10 .8 20 .8 12 Bml 13-20" Eluviated Dark Brown CL VL 30 .9 22 .3 8 .6 15 .7 C 24"+ Eluviated Dark Brown - VL 27 .1 - - 14 .0 13 Bm 23-26" Eluviated Dark Brown - SL 27 .9 - - 16 .5 C 34"+ Eluviated Dark Brown - SL 28 .0 - - 15 .9 14 Bt 11-17" Eluviated Dark Brown - SL 28 .0 - - 19 .7 15 Bt2 17-21" Eluviated Dark Brown CL CL-L 36 .7 23 .3 13 .4 27 .9 C 30"+ Eluviated Dark Brown CL SiCL-SiL 35 .4 22 .6 12 .8 26 .3 r Trossachs Association

1 Bt2 8-14" Dark Brown Alkali Solonetz CL C 43 .0 20 .7 22 .3 45 .7 C 25"+ Dark Brown Alkali Solonetz - FL N o n - P l a s t i s 14 .3 2 Bt 11-18" Dark Brown Solodized Solonetz CL CL 48 .8 23 .8 24 .9 40 .4 C 25"+ Dark Brown Solodized Solonetz CH C 51 .2 19 .7 31 .5 46 .3

Asquith Association

1 C 25"+ Orthic Dark Brown CL L 33 .3 17 .7 15 .6 19 .1 2 Csk 13-'24" Calcareous Dark Brown CL SL 29 .1 16 .4 12 .7 19 .3 3 C 33" + Calcareous Dark Brown - LS N o n - P l a s t i c 9 .6 4 Bm2 16-22" Calcareous Dark Brown - SL 19 .4 - - 11 .5 C 22"+ Calcareous Dark Brown - SL Non - P l a s t i s 10 .5 Atterberg Limits Unified Horion Classifi- Soil Liquid Plastic I Plastic ~ Percent Site and Depths Series cation Texture* Limit Limit Index Clay

Asquith Association (Continued)

5 Bk 17-24" Calcareous Dark Brown - L 26 .5 - - 17 .8 C 24"-V- Calcareous Dark Brown - L 27 .0 - - 19.2 6 Bm 22-31" Eluviated Dark Brown - LS N o n - P l a s t i s 10 .7 C 31",- Eluviated Dark Brown -- LS N o n - P l a s t i s 9.4 7 Ck 25-30" Eluviated Dark Brown - SL Non - P l a s t i s 9.9 C 30"+ Eluviated Dark Brown - SL 21 .1 - - 10 .9 Table 111.4 Statistical Summary of Atterberg Limits on Each Soil Association

Stand- ard Stand- Coef- Statis- Total Percent Devi- and ficient of tical Sample Classifi- Plastic Clay Association Horizon Test Mean atioi Error Variation Sample Size cation Index (2 microns) TUXFORD B LL 42 .7 8 .6 4 .3 0 .200 4 4 CL 20 .6 45 .8 PL 22 .1 2 .9 1 .5 0 .134 4 - - - C LL 45 .5 7 .2 3 .2 0 .157 5 5 CL 26 .9 50.0 PL 18 .6 2 .9 1 .3 0 .158 5 - - - ELSTOW B LL 36 .2 3 .4 0 .96 0 .095 13 13 CL 14 .5 27.8 PL 21 .7 1 .6 0 .44 0 .073 13 - - - C LL 39.4 9 .1 2 .1 0 .232 18 18 CL 17 .4 30.9 PL 22 .0 3 .3 0 .80 0 .150 17 - - - BRADWELL B LL 30 .9 4 .6 1 .23 0 .149 14 14 CL 9 .0 20 .8 PL 21 .9 0 .72 0 .25 0 .033 8 - - - C LL 32 .0 5 .3 1 .41 0 .165 14 17 CL 10 .2 21 .1 PL 21 .8 1 .7 0 .54 0 .078 10 - - -

TROSSACHS B LL 45 .9 - - - 2 2 CL 23 .7 43 .1 PL 22 .2 - - - 2 - - -

C LL 36 .1 - - - 2 2 CL 17 .3 30 .3 PL 18 .8 - - - 2 - - -

ASQUITH B LL 22 .9 - - - 2 3 CL 3 .5 13 .3 PL 19 .4 - - - 1 - - - C LL 27 .6 5 .1 2.5 0 .184 4 8 -[CL 10 .6 13 .5 PL 17 .0 - - - 2 - - - ~ I

Appendix I9.-Explanation of Soil and Geological Terms Used in this Report (For more information see A Guide to Understanding Saskatchewan Soils, Extension Publication 175) .

Land Forms Associated With the Surface Deposits of Saskatchewan The Soil Profile and Soil Horizons Textural Groupings and Classes Glacial Till Land Forms LEVEL TO UNDULATING TILL PLAIN (Ground Moraine)-slopes near 0% to Textural Group Textural Class 5% with "wavy" pattern of knoll and depression or ridge and swine (trough) . A horizon-surface (or Ap if cultivated) layer. Coarse (or very light) textured Sands (s), loamy sands (Is) Low frequency except in roughly undulating areas. Few to frequent glacial coloured surface horizon . kettles (sloughs) . Ah-dark Moderately coarse (or light) textured Sandy loam (sl), fine sandy loam (fl) ERODED TILL PLAIN-nearly level to sloping ; marked by shallow channels A Ae-light (grayish) coloured horizon, as in solonetzic, Medium textured Very fine sandy loam (vl), loam (1), and surface layers of stones and gravel . forest, and some grassland soils. silt loam (sil) ROLLING TILL PLAIN (Moraine) -gently to strongly rolling, with slopes of 6% Moderately fine (or medium heavy) Sandy clay loam (scl), clay loam (cl), to over 16%. Stronger "wavy" pattern (greater relief) than Undulating Till textured silty clay loam (sicl) Plain. Pattern of knob and kettle or ridge and swine, with medium to high B horizon-upper subsoil, usually below cultivation . Fine (or heavy) textured . Sandy clay (sc), clay (c), silty clay frequency (usually 3 or more). Frequent to many glacial kettles (sloughs Bt-heavier textured (more clayey) than A or C. (sic), heavy clay (hc) . and ponds). Glacio-Fluvial Land Forms Bnt-hard, tough, clayey subsoil of Solonetzic soils. OUTWASH PLAIN-nearly level or Pitted (with kettles) . KAME-individual knob, roughly cone-shaped, A series of closely spaced Kames Bm-coloured (usually brownish) subsoil, chiefly in grass- may form a KAME RIDE . land soils. ESKER-individual winding ridge, narrow and with steep sides. GLACIAL VALLEYS AND SPILLWAYS-drainage channels formed or deepened C horizon-lower subsoil-parent material, usually at 1.5 to by melt water from glacial ice. 4 feet or more below surface. Glacio-Lacustrine Land Forms GLACIAL LAKE DELTA-very gently sloping, smooth or with glacial kettles . Cea-upper part of C horizon which is light gray in colour GLACIAL LAKE BED OR BASIN-level to very gently sloping, or low mound because of an accumulation of lime carbonate . and depression or low ridge and swale; may contain glacial kettles. MARGINAL OR SHALLOW GLACIAL LAKE BED-thin lacustrine deposit Surface Geological Deposits Which Form the Parent Materials of Saskatchewan over Glacial Till land forms, giving smooth undulating to rolling surface; Soils may contain glacial kettles . Note I-Soil moistened with weak hydrochloric acid will bubble if lime carbonate is present. The word swine "Calcareous" is often used to indicate soil containing lime. GLACIAL LAKE SHORE FEATURES-beach, (lagoon) wave-cut cliff, Residual (or Pre "Glacial)-Material deposited before the Ice Age . lake terrace . Note 2-The three main horizons, A, B, C, may be further divided into two or more sub horizons . The EXPOSED BEDROCK-Residual deposits exposed by erosion or occurring in number and kind of sub "horizons present depend upon the kind of soil profile, as indicated below . unglaciated areas. Aeolian Land Forms MODIFIED BEDROCK-Residual deposits partly mixed with Glacial deposits SAND DUNES-low hummocky to high dunes; high frequency. by the action of glacial ice or water. LOESSIAL PLAIN-loess (wind-blown silt) deposited on other land forms, and partly smoothing the topography. Glacial Till-Mixed materials deposited by ice. Thinly Glaciated and Unglaciated Land Forms Hey Soil Profiles of the Map Area UNSORTED TILL-Material as left by the ice. THINLY GLACIATED UPLAND-some high ridges or isolated hills, separated MODIFIED TILL-Till partly sorted by water from melting ice. by long slopes and broad lowlands; surface less irregular (or "wavy") than Chernozemie Brown and Dark Brown Soils Dark coloured grassland soils. ERODED TILL-Till eroded by water from melting ice, leaving a surface deposit strongly glaciated land forms, with fewer or no glacial kettles. Associated Orthic Chemozemic-Ah, Bm or Bt, C. of stones, gravel, and coarse sand. with thin glacial till over bedrock and with modified bedrock deposits. Rego "Chemozemic-Ah, C (no B horizon) . water from DISSECTED PLATEAU-thinly glaciated (some unglaciated) plateau upland Calcareous Chernozemic-Ah, thin Bm containing lime, C. Glacio-Fluvial and -Lacustrine (*)-Materials sorted and deposited by (bench land) . Nearly level to undulating surface, broken (dissected) by Eluviated Chemozemic-Ah, Ae, Bt, C. the melting ice. steep-sided gullies and deep valleys. Pre"glacial (bedrock) deposits form FLUVIAL-Chiefly sandy and gravelly materials deposited on land. in standing knobs and ridges at higher elevations and may be exposed in valleys or where- Solonetzic Soils-Hard, poorly structured soils, usually saline C. Dark Brown types. LACUSTRINE-Fine sandy, silty, and clayey materials deposited ever erosion has removed the glacial deposits. water in glacial lakes. Solonetz-A, Brit, C. Note 1-Dissected types of land forms are recognized where the original surface has been cutup by a pattern of stream channels . Solodized Solonetz-A, thick Ae, Bnt, C. Aeolian-Material sorted and deposited by wind . Solod-A, Ae, AB, thin Bnt, C. WINDBLOWN SANDS---Chiefly dune sands. LOESS-Wind deposits composed chiefly of silt-sized particles. Topographic Classes Used in Mapping Soils Regosolic Soils--Weakly developed soils. Simple Topography Complex Topography Slope Orthic Regosol--Chiefly C only-very thin or absent Ah, no B. Recent-Materials deposited or formed after the final disappearance of the glacial Single slopes Multiple slopes % ice-up to and including the present time. (regular surface) (irregular surface and frequency pattern) Gleysolle Soils-Wet, poorly drained soils. ALLUVIUM-Material deposited on river flood plains by present streams. depressional to level...... __...depressional to nearly level...... ,...... 0-0 Rego-Humic Gleysol-Ah, C (gleyed) . RECENT ACCUMULATION-Material deposited by recent wind or water very gently sloping ...... very gently undulating...... 0.5- 2 Orthic Humic Gleysol-Ah, Bm or Bt (gleyed), C (gleyed) . erosion, or by gravity (colluvial action) . gently sloping...... gently undulating and roughly undulating*.... 2- 5 ORGANIC DEPOSITS-Peat (plant) material developed on the surface of moderately sloping ...... gently rolling...... ,...... 6-9 mineral deposits. strongly sloping...... moderately rolling...... 10-15 Note t-Saline or salinized-applied to any soil containing a measurable quantity of soluble salts, but steeply usually restricted to soils containing sufficient salts to adversely affect the growth of economic sloping ...... strongly rolling...... 16-30 plants. Thus : saline Orthic Brown. very steeply sloping...... ,...... ,....hilly...... ,...... ,...... 30-60 * Deposits which may consist of both Glacio"Fluvial and Glacio"Lacustrine deposits, but which may extremely sloping...... over Note 2-Gleyed or imperfectly drained-applied to any profile showing effects of periodic conditions be difficult to identify or to separate in mapping, are referred to as FluviaLLacustrine deposits ...... ,...... 60 of excess soil moisture and poor aeration . Examples ; gleyed Eluviated Dark Brown profile . *Roughly undulating has higher frequency than gently undulating .