County Durham Plan Examination Matter 8 (f) - Hearing Statement

Housing Allocations

R. Stevenson & Sons (ID: 1014520) Friday, October 18, 2019

© 2019 Nathaniel Lichfield & Partners Ltd, trading as Lichfields. All Rights Reserved. Registered in , no. 2778116. 14 Regent’s Wharf, All Saints Street, London N1 9RL Formatted for double sided printing. Plans based upon Ordnance Survey mapping with the permission of Her Majesty’s Stationery Office. © Crown Copyright reserved. Licence number AL50684A 22757/02/NW/LN 17914396v1

County Durham Plan Examination : Matter 8 (f) - Hearing Statement


1.0 Introduction 1

2.0 Land at Cook Avenue, Bearpark 2

3.0 The Industrial Estate 3

4.0 Accordance with the Plan’s Vision, Objectives and Overall Spatial Strategy 4

Vision 4

Objectives 4

Spatial Strategy 6

5.0 Availability 7

6.0 Viability and Market Interest 8

County Durham Plan Examination : Matter 8 (f) - Hearing Statement


Appendix 1 Accessibility Credentials

Appendix 2 Photos of the Industrial Units

Appendix 3 Letter from JW Wood

Appendix 4 Letter from H&H Appendix 5 Email from Taylor Wimpey

County Durham Plan Examination : Matter 8 (f) - Hearing Statement

1.0 Introduction

Are the housing allocations proposed in policy 4 (Table 7) and shown on the policies map justified? In particular, are they in suitable locations in the context of the Plan’s vision, objectives and overall spatial strategy, and is there a reasonable prospect that they will be available and could be viably developed at the point envisaged? Are the site specific requirements set out in Table 7 justified?

1.1 Thank you for providing us with the opportunity to submit a Hearing Statement in relation to Matter 8 ‘Housing Allocations’ on behalf of our client, R Stevenson & Sons, regarding their land holdings at Cook Avenue, Bearpark, which has a draft allocation for 200 dwellings (Ref: H7).

1.2 The Cook Avenue site is a most suitable and sustainable location for a residential development. It is developable, deliverable, available and viable. However, we consider that the Plan is unsound and does not provide the most appropriate strategy because the draft allocation does not include the neighbouring unsightly industrial site.

1.3 Figure 1.1 shows the site, including the industrial site.

Figure 1.1 Cook Avenue Site, Bearpark (Including Industrial Units)

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2.0 Land at Cook Avenue, Bearpark

2.1 A residential development on this site would provide a logical infill / extension which would round-off Bearpark. The site is extremely well related to the urban environment and does not encroach into the countryside, with the site being bound as follows:

• To the south and west by the settlement of Bearpark;

• To the east by a school playing field, with Bearpark Primary School lying to the north east;

• Along the eastern half of the northern boundary by some aging and unsightly industrial units and a dwelling (which was a former chapel); and

• Along the western half of the northern boundary by the draft housing allocation Cook Avenue North (Ref: H8). This land was a former yard associated with a former council depo.

2.2 The site has no physical, environmental or technical constraints which would prevent it from coming forward for a residential development. This was demonstrated through a recent planning application submitted by Taylor Wimpey for 170 dwellings (LPA reference DM/18/00129/FPA). The application boundary included the neighbouring industrial units and the residential development extended across this area. Following the withdrawal of this application in May 2019, several developers have submitted offers to purchase the site. This is discussed in Section 7.

2.3 The site lies within a sustainable location with good access to jobs, key services and infrastructure both within Bearpark, as well as within Durham City, as demonstrated in Appendix 1.

2.4 Importantly, Bearpark is one of the closest settlements to Durham City, being approximately 3 miles away. Given this close proximity, new development will support the City's role as sub- regional centre which will assist in driving forward its economic growth.

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3.0 The Industrial Estate

3.1 The industrial site contains eleven small warehouse units and two offices which were built as the Council’s Contract Services Depot. in the 1960s. These units are ageing, deteriorating, are not insulated and have outdated electrics. Photos of the site are provided in Appendix 2.

3.2 Our client, consisting of two brothers who are both well into their 70s, has owned the industrial site for over 20 years (since 1997). Given their age, they are now in the process of retiring. They have found the units have become increasingly difficult to let, as they do not meet modern requirements. Over the last few years the majority of the units have become vacant or have been used for storage. Please see the attached letter from JW Wood Commercial from 2014 at Appendix 3.

3.3 Four business remain at the site, of these three businesses are in the process of relocating to alternative premises, whilst the lease for the final business terminates in March 2020. The remaining six warehouse units and two offices are vacant. As such the industrial site is available almost immediately.

3.4 The Council does not consider that there is a need for this industrial site. The Council’s ‘Employment Land Review Update Final Report’ (ELR) (June 2018) recognises that the units are of a poor quality, with much of the site being vacant. Relevant extracts from the ELR are now provided:

“The existing developed area has a number of units that appear vacant. Overall the site was assessed by Council officers as being of poor quality”. (para 7.44)

“The site is used by a limited number of small local firms. Over half the units appeared vacant or underused on visiting the site”. (p176)

“Majority of the site vacant with limited jobs evident.” (p438)

3.5 A previous version of the Council’s ELR (dated June 2012) also advised that the units were of a poor quality.

3.6 The industrial units appear unsightly and are an incongruous use in the context of the local environment, lying between two proposed housing allocations (Cook Avenue and Cook Avenue North) and adjacent to Bearpark Primary School. Our client therefore respectfully requests that the industrial site is included within the proposed ‘Cook Avenue’ housing allocation for 200 dwellings.

3.7 The removal of the industrial units and their redevelopment for housing, alongside housing on the neighbouring land, would create a higher quality environment and a new finished edge to Bearpark. The redevelopment of this land would also make an efficient use of this part vacant site, in accordance with the National Planning Policy Framework (February 2019, amended June 2019) (NPPF) (paragraph 122), whilst the overall approach of re-using this site accords with the NPPF’s aim of encouraging the reuse of previously developed sites (paragraphs 84 and 117).

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4.0 Accordance with the Plan’s Vision, Objectives and Overall Spatial Strategy Vision

4.1 A residential development at Cook Avenue in Bearpark, including the obsolete industrial site, fully accords with the Plan’s Vision through:

• Delivering regeneration and environmental improvements through replacing obsolete industrial units with high quality new homes;

• Assisting in driving forward the County’s economic growth through delivering new jobs during the construction phase, whilst also providing new homes for employees within 3 miles of Durham City where a wide range of employment opportunities are found. This will help support Durham as a sub-regional centre;

• Securing a Targeted Recruitment and Training Plan, which would include new employment, work experience and training opportunities for local people which will help get people into work and reduce joblessness, as well as levels of deprivation;

• Delivering new population and investment which will help secure the continued regeneration of Bearpark and will support its local shops, services and facilities, increasing their vibrancy and vitality;

• Providing affordable homes, which will create a mixed tenure and inclusive development, helping reduce social exclusion;

• Providing new homes in a location that has good access to public transport, as demonstrated in Appendix 1; and

• Delivering new homes that are highly accessible to green infrastructure. Any development proposals on the site will include new green infrastructure, whilst the site has good access to a range of footpaths and cycle routes which run through the countryside and include walks along the . The site also lies next to the Bearpark Recreation Ground which includes sports pitches, a pavilion and a multi-use games area. Objectives

4.2 The Cook Avenue housing allocation fully accords with the CDP’s objectives as demonstrated in Table 4.1.

Table 4.1 Compliance of the Cook Avenue Site Against the CDP Objectives

Objective Matter Compliance 1 Economic Ambition • New construction phase jobs (on-site and in supply chain)

• New population to support job growth in City Centre and at Aykley Heads (which lie within cycling distance)

• Increased demand for local goods and services from additional population

• Targeted Training and Recruitment Plan to help upskill the population and get people into work 2 Sustainable Communities • Wide range of amenities are accessible by sustainable means (see Appendix 1)

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Objective Matter Compliance

• New development will support the vitality, viability and economic performance of Bearpark and Durham City as a sub-regional centre 3 Housing Need • New housing in Bearpark will provide a range of house types and tenures to meet local needs and aspirations, including affordable homes 4 Infrastructure • Infrastructure improvements to Colliery Road, which will benefit existing residents

• Education contribution

• High quality green infrastructure 5 Town Centres • Support Bearpark local centre, village centre and Durham City 6 Rural Economy • N/A 7 Green Belt • N/A 8 Effective Use of Land • Removal and redevelopment of the industrial site will ensure an effective use of brownfield land 9 Natural Environment • Site of low ecological value

• New habitats to provide net gains 10 Built and Historic • Dwellings to be set by from the former chapel (a non- Environment designated heritage asset) by an appropriate distance 11 Well Designed Places • Removal of unsightly industrial units

• High quality new development 12 Raising Aspirations • Targeted Training and Recruitment Plan to support the training of young people and increase workforce skills 13 Tackling Deprivation and • Regeneration and environmental improvements Inequalities through removal of unsightly industrial units

• Targeted Training and Recruitment Plan to help reduce inequalities

• Access to countryside recreational routes (by foot and cycle) to help improve the population’s health and wellbeing 14 Quality of Life • High quality environment, including removal of unsightly industrial units

• New green infrastructure

• Access to countryside recreational routes to help improve the population’s health and wellbeing 15 Visitor Economy • Additional population to help support/strength Durham’s role as a visitor/tourist destination 16 Adaption to Climate • Sustainable urban drainage systems Change • Protection of existing trees

• New tree planting

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Objective Matter Compliance

• Site not at risk of flooding

• Appropriate water management

• Reuse of brownfield site 17 Low Carbon • Sustainable location

• Accessible to amenities by foot, cycle and public transport

• Encourage use of low carbon technologies 18 Sustainable Transport • Accessible by all transport modes

• Reducing the need for car travel 19 Natural Resources • Helping protect air quality through reducing car use

• Efficient use of resources through redevelopment brownfield land

• Waste management during construction 20 Supply of Minerals • Site does not lie in an area safeguarded for limestone 21 Waste Management • Waste management during construction

Spatial Strategy

4.3 New housing at Cook Avenue fully accords with the Council’s Spatial Strategy through:

• Situating new development in a location that will deliver a sustainable pattern of growth and reduce the need to travel given the site’s accessible location;

• Delivering high quality new housing, including affordable homes, to meet local housing needs, whilst helping support the County’s economy and the proposed job growth within the City;

• Securing regeneration and environmental improvements through removing the unsightly industrial site; and

• Providing new homes in location that is attractive to the market.

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5.0 Availability

5.1 The housing allocation, and adjacent industrial units, are within the ownership of R Stevenson & Sons and hence there are no availability issues. The site is immediately available for development.

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6.0 Viability and Market Interest

6.1 This is a viable site.

6.2 Taylor Wimpey submitted a planning application for a development of 170 dwellings on the site (LPA reference DM/18/00129/FPA), including the adjacent industrial units at the north eastern corner of the site. This application was withdrawn in May 2019 due to Taylor Wimpey taking a business decision not to proceed, not because of any fundamental viability issues.

6.3 Following the withdrawal of the application, several different developers have expressed an interested in purchasing the site ranging from local to regional and national companies. These developers have taken into account the technical documents submitted within the Taylor Wimpey planning application and potential section 106 agreement contributions, when formulating their offers. Please see the letter from H&H Land & Estates provided at Appendix 4. An email from Taylor Wimpey is provided at Appendix 5.

6.4 We are aware that Taylor Wimpey’s new homes on the Middlewood Moor development at Ushaw Moor (the neighbouring settlement) have sold well. This is evidence there is a good market for new housing in this area.

6.5 In conclusion, there is a clear and demonstrable market interest from a range of developers of different sizes who wish to develop the site. If there were any fundamental viability issues, there would be no market interest. However, this is not the case as there is good interest in the site.

(Word count = 2,872 including appendices)

Pg 8 County Durham Plan Examination : Appendix 1 Accessibility Credentials

Accessibility Credentials

1.1 The site lies in a location with good access by means of walking and cycling to a range of amenities including schools, employment areas, shopping opportunities, leisure facilities and community services. Figure 1 shows the areas that lie within a 2km walking and 5km cycling distance from the centre of the site.

Figure 1 2km Walking and 5km Cycling Distances from the Site

Source: Transport Assessment (Milestone Transport Planning Limited) (‘Milestone TA’)

1.2 As can be seen, Bearpark and Ushaw Moor lie within a 2km walk, whilst facilities within Durham, Neville’s Cross, Langley Park and Langley Moor lie within a 5km cycle.

1.3 Figure 2 shows the extensive range of pedestrian routes which surround the site.

County Durham Plan Examination : Appendix 1 Accessibility Credentials

Figure 2 Pedestrian Network

Source: Milestone TA

1.4 Figure 3 illustrates the good network of cycle paths surrounding the site and which connect to the National Cycle Network (NCN). The National Cycle Route (NCR) 14 lies approximately 600m to the north of the site. It extends from Gateshead to Stockton-on-Tees, with the majority of the route being traffic free. Within the immediate area, the NCR 14 provides access to Langley Park and Lanchester to the west along a disused railway line, whilst to the south-east it connects with the NCR 70 which travels to Langley Moor and Meadowfield Industrial Estate to the south.

County Durham Plan Examination : Appendix 1 Accessibility Credentials

Figure 3 National Cycle Network Surrounding Bearpark

Source: Milestone TA

Local Education Sites

1.5 Table 1 and Figure 4 provide details and locations of the local education centres which lie within 2km from the centre of the site. Further, Durham Johnson Comprehensive School, providing secondary education and a sixth form, lies 3.3km away and hence within a 5km cycle.

Table 1 Local Education Centres

No. Location School Type Distance 1 Bearpark Bearpark Primary School Primary Education 200m 2 Bearpark Busy Bears Nursery Nursery 710m 3 Ushaw Moor Durham Community Business College College 1km 4 Ushaw Moor Silvertree Primary School Primary Education 1.9km 5 Ushaw Moor St Joseph’s RC Primary School Primary Education 2km

Source: Milestone TA

County Durham Plan Examination : Appendix 1 Accessibility Credentials

Figure 4 Education Centres within 1km Walk of the Proposed Site

Source: Milestone TA Local Amenities

1.6 Table 2 provides a list of a selection of local amenities that lie within a 2km walk or 5km cycle of the site, with the location of the amenities that lie within walking distance from the centre of the site being shown on Figure 5.

Table 2 Local amenities within walking and cycling distance of the site

No. Location Amenity Type Distance 2km Walk 5km Cycle 1 Bearpark Multi-Use Sports Area, Recreation 280m ✓ ✓ including sports pitches 2 “ “ Bear-Skate Park Recreation 350m ✓ ✓ 3 “ “ Dog & Gun Public House 500m ✓ ✓ 4 “ “ Royal Balti Restaurant 530m ✓ ✓ 5 “ ” Newsagents Convenience Store 570m ✓ ✓ 6 “ ” McColl’s Convenience Store 575m ✓ ✓ 7 “ ” St. Edmund’s Church Place of Worship 680m ✓ ✓ 8 “ ” Bearpark Methodist Place of Worship 750m ✓ ✓ Church 9 “ ” Bearpark & District Social Club 750m ✓ ✓ Working Men’s Club 10 “ ” Bearpark Surgery Medial Centre 840m ✓ ✓ 11 “ ” Post Box Postal Service 860m ✓ ✓ 12 Ushaw Moor W.S. Pharmacy Pharmacy 1.7km ✓ ✓ 13 “ ” Ushaw Moor Village Barbers, Shops, 1.8km ✓ ✓ Centre Takeaways,

County Durham Plan Examination : Appendix 1 Accessibility Credentials

Restaurants 14 “ ” Post Office Postal Services 1.9km ✓ ✓ 15 “ ” Deerness Gymnastics Junior Sports Clubs 1.9km ✓ ✓ Academy 16 “ ” Ushaw Moor Cricket Recreation 2.1km X ✓ Club 17 Broom Park Broompark Picnic Area Recreation 3.6km X ✓ 18 Langley Park Langley Park Front Public Houses, Shops, 4.1km X ✓ Street Takeaways 19 Durham St. Margaret’s Garth Banks, Optician, Cafes, 4.3km X ✓ Public Houses, Shops 20 “ ” Durham City Centre Theatre, Cinema, 4.7km X ✓ Leisure Centre, Shopping 21 “ ” University Hospital of Medial Centre 4.7km X ✓ North Durham

Source: Milestone TA

Figure 5 Amenities within 2km walk of the site

Source: Milestone TA

County Durham Plan Examination : Appendix 1 Accessibility Credentials

Bus Services

1.7 The site benefits from good public transport links. Figure 6 shows the bus routes within close proximity to the site and Table 3 provides the frequency of services. The journey time to Durham Bus Station is only 11 minutes and from here services run to various destinations including , Chester-le-Street, Peterloo, and Sunderland.

Figure 6 Bus Routes Near the Site

Source: Milestone TA

Table 3 Bus Frequencies

Service: No. 48 Service: No. 52 Day Daytime First Bus Last Bus Daytime First Bus Last Bus Freq / Hour Freq / Hour Mon-Fri 3 06:34 23:34 0.4 07:02 17:27 Sat 3 07:04 23:34 0.4 07:02 17:27 Sun 1 08:34 19:34

Source: Milestone TA Rail Services

1.8 Durham Railway Station is a 350m walk from the bus station or a 4.5km cycle / 4.8km drive from the site. The station is situated on the East Coast Mainline which ensures Durham is well connected to a range of key towns and cities across the country. Newcastle Central Station is only 15 minutes by train from Durham and includes an interchange with the Tyne & Wear Metro and additional bus services. Conclusion

1.9 The site has good access to a wide range of shops, facilities, services and leisure opportunities by foot, cycle and public transport. As such this is a sustainable location for a new residential development.

County Durham Plan Examination : Appendix 2 Photos of the Industrial Units

Photos of the Industrial Units

County Durham Plan Examination : Appendix 2 Photos of the Industrial Units

County Durham Plan Examination : Appendix 2 Photos of the Industrial Units

County Durham Plan Examination : Appendix 2 Photos of the Industrial Units

County Durham Plan Examination : Appendix 2 Photos of the Industrial Units

County Durham Plan Examination : Appendix 3 Letter from JW Wood

Letter from JW Wood

County Durham Plan Examination : Appendix 4 Letter from H&H

Letter from H&H

County Durham Plan Examination : Appendix 5 Email from Taylor Wimpey

Email from Taylor Wimpey