LIST OF PERIODICALS SURVEYED IN INDEX ISLAMICUS This is a list of all periodicals covered in Index Islamicus over the last decade (2008-2017). To request the inclusion of an additional journal, please use the online application form ( Read the selection criteria ( carefully before filling out this form. Journals submitted with incomplete access information will not be evaluated. Evaluation of a title does not guarantee its selection for Index Islamicus. Upon completion of the evaluation process, we will inform you whether your journal will be added to our list of indexed periodicals. Index Islamicus requires full text access to all articles of an accepted journal. If it is not available on open access, then free website logins, digital or paper copies must be supplied. If you wish to draw our attention to a publication missing in Index Islamicus, please send a file with complete metadata in BibTeX, RIS, Zotero RDF, Mendeley or any other commonly used citation format to
[email protected]. AA Files: Annals of the Architectural 0860-6102 Association School of Architecture, Acta Ethnographica Hungarica, Budapest, ISSN: 0261-6823 ISSN: 1216-9803 Aakrosh: Asian Journal on Terrorism and Acta Historica et Archaeologica Internal Conflicts, Delhi, ISSN: Mediaevalia, Barcelona, ISSN: 0971-7892 0212-2960 Ab Imperio, Kazan, ISSN: 2166-4072 Acta Informatica Medica, ISSN: 0353-8109 ABA Journal, ISSN: 0747-0088 Acta Linguistica Asiatica, Ljubljana, ISSN: ABE Journal: