Updated November 15, 2019 DAPHNE C. WATKINS, PHD Current Appointments Professor of Social Work School of Social Work, University of MiChigan Director, Vivian A. and James L. Curtis School of Social Work Center for Health Equity ResearCh and Training, University of MiChigan Faculty Associate, ResearCh Center for Group DynamiCs, Institute for SoCial ResearCh, University of MiChigan Work Address 1080 S. University Avenue #60 Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1106 Work Phone 734-647-4072 Work Fax 734-763-3372 EleCtroniC mail
[email protected] Websites http://www.gendhrlab.com | http://www.ybmenprojeCt.Com Twitter @DrDaphneWatkins EDUCATION/TRAINING 2002 Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) Major: Anthropology; Minor: FrenCh ConCentration: Anthropology of Gender College of Arts and ScienCes University of North Carolina at Wilmington; Wilmington, North Carolina 2006 Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) DoCtorate in Health EduCation ConCentration: Gender and Mental Health College of EduCation and Human Development Texas A&M University; College Station, Texas Dissertation title: Life Events and their Impact on the Mental Health of Young Black Men: A Qualitative and Quantitative Study 2006 - 2007 National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) T32 Postdoctoral Fellowship “PsyChosoCial FaCtors in Mental Health and Illness” Institute for SoCial ResearCh, Survey ResearCh Center University of MiChigan, Ann Arbor, MiChigan 2007 - 2009 National Institutes of Health (NIH) K12 Career Development Award Building InterdisCiplinary ResearCh Careers in Women’s Health (BIRCWH) Department of ObstetriCs