Class 7 ; HISTORY Ch-3 : The of answers of the exercise...

{A}. (1) a. She was a woman in a man's world. (2) a. slave (3) b. garrison towns. (4) d. (5) a. tanka

{B}. (1) true. (2) false : began to appear on the boarders of during the reign of . (3) false : The sultans of were depended on bandagans. (4) true (5) true

{C}. (1) Ghiyas-ud-din Balban (2) Delhi Sultanate (3) daulatabad (4) market (5) Alauddin khalji

{D}. 10-20 word answers... (1). Three prominent sultans of the slave dynasty are Qutb-ud-din Aibak, Shams-ud- din Iltutamish and Ghiyas-ud-din Balban.

(2). Chalgans where a group of highly placed and powerful officers, whom Iltutamish had organised as his personal supporters.

(3). Five dynasties of Delhi Sultanate... 1). The Slave Dynasty 2). The 3). The 4). The Dynasty 5). The

(4). The sultans used to appoint military commanders as governors of territories of varying sizes. These lands were called ikta and their holders were called iqtadar or muqti.

(5). Heavily fortified towns with the presence of soldiers known as garrison towns.

{E}. 50-70 word answers...

(1). Mongol attacks increased on the Delhi sultanate during the reign of Alauddin Khalji. This forced him to recruit a very large standing army in Delhi. The could not have given iqta to all the soldiers and therefore, he preferred to give them cash salary. Therefore, Alauddin Khilji raised the land tax.

(2). Alauddin Khalji made an attempt to systemise and unify land revenue and urban taxes. He instituted a highly centralised system of Administration over his realm. He introduced direct collection of land tax. He also fixed the prices of all commodities from Grain to cloth, slaves, cattle, etc. Controller of the market (shahna-i-mandi) and intelligence officers (barids) were appointed to implement the market control measures.

(3). Continuous attacks by Mongols and the struggle for power among the nobles weaken the Delhi sultanate. The disintegration of Delhi Sultanate was completed by who attacked Delhi and the neighbouring areas in 1398-99.

(4). Bin Tughlaq drop the idea of developing Daulatabad as a second or alternative capital Because he realised that it was difficult to control South India from Delhi, it was equally difficult to control Delhi while sitting in Daulatabad.

{F}. 80-100 word answers...

(1). Alauddin khalji made an attempt to systemise and unify land revenue and urban Texas. He instituted a highly centralized system of administration over his realm. He raised kharaj (land tax) to 50% of the produce and introduced direct collection. He also imposed taxes on cattle and houses. He preferred to give cash salaries to the soldiers. Therefore, he fixed the prices of all commodities from Grain to cloth, slaves, cattle, etc. Controller of the market called the shahna-i-mandi and intelligence officers known as barids were appointed to implement the market control measures.

(2). Muhammad Bin Tughlaq's projects and there cause of failure... (a). Raising the taxes in : it was a land tax which was increased by 50% at the time when the entire region was in the grip of the famine. This caused widespread discontent among the peasants of the area. (b). Transfer of capital from Delhi to Daulatabad : he realised that it was difficult to control South India from Delhi, it was equally difficult to control Delhi while sitting in Daulatabad. (c). Introduction of token currency : Soon the Silver coins disappeared from the market and forged coins made by people at their homes came into circulation. He had to withdraw the currency and compensate the sufferers. (d) Expeditions into khurasan and Qurachil : he was unable to establish his control over these territories. This along with the failure of earlier schemes affected the prestige of the Sultan and led to widespread discontent.

(3). In 1236, Razia, the daughter of became the Sultan of the Delhi Sultanate because she was more able and qualified then all her brothers. But nobles in her Court were uncomfortable at having a lady as a ruler and therefore, differences within the court become the order of the day. Ultimately, Razia Sultan was removed from the Throne in 1240 CE. # homework/ assignment... try to solve qs no. G. think and answer in your own language.