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Download Your Free Copy A Fortunate Storm Dr. Chuck Chakrapani Unshakable Freedom A Companion Volume to A Fortunate Storm Contents The Strange Story of Stoicism The Story of a Shipwreck “It was a dark and stormy night.” Follow that man! The man Zeno followed around I am Diogenes, the dog! Diogenes the dog Zeno’s quest for knowledge Crates’ outrage The porch philosophers Softening Cynicism A fortunate storm Notes The Story of the Seven Scholarchs Five hundred years of Stoic thought Zeno to God: Why do you call me? Cleanthes: The boxer takes over Philosopher by day, gardener by night The likable dullard “The way has already been prepared for me.” Chrysippus, the long-distance runner, follows Give me the principles and I will find the proof If there were no Chrysippus, there would be no stoa Chrysippus: The good and the questionable The second founder of Stoicism Give the donkey a drink of wine Zeno of Tarsus Diogenes of Babylon Antipater of Tarsus Antipater, the “Pen-noise” Panaetius of Rhodes, the last scholarch Non-Stoic heroes of Stoicism Socrates as a de facto sage Cicero, the polymath Stoicism moves to Rome Notes The Story of a Slave and an Emperor (and Two Others) Seneca, the exile who tutored an emperor The wealthy Stoic The end of Seneca Rufus, the third founder of Stoicism Epictetus, philosophy’s most famous slave Aurelius, the Emperor inspired by a slave How Marcus became an emperor The troubled life of Marcus Aurelius Meditations, the most widely read book on Stoicism Notes The Story of the Survival of Stoic Works Notes How I Came to Write This Book Notes Unshakable Freedom: What They are Saying Choose this book Fast, interesting, and it works A timely and readable reminder [This book] can change your life for good For greater productivity, prosperity and inner peace Immediately practical Designed to improve quality of life ABOUT THE AUTHOR .
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