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o«u* RED BANK, N. J., WEDNESDAY, JUNE 26, 1963 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE West Berliners Cheer President Kennedy Gets a Rousing Wekome

BERLIN (AP) - President rade had brought out the people Gate can peer through its three East Berlin regime Friday to East Berlin of Soviet Kennedy came face to face the way the American President arches down Unter Den Linden, Premier Khrushchev. with the Communist world today did. the .governmental center of East curtail Kennedy's view into, the The President, landing after a when, with the cheers of a mil- The screaming, cheering, flag- East. The flags ostensibly were 110-mile flight over Communist lion West Berliners ringing in his waving, confetti - tossing raised in celebration of the visit East , saluted West Ber- ears, he stood within a few feet come exceeded the mammoth re- lin's two million people for hold- of the dreaded Red WaU in Ber- ception West German crowds ing aloft the beacon of freedom lin. < gave Kennedy earlier this week. for the western world. The President arrived at the The President looked across in- Brandt Speaks Brandenburg gate—the symbol of to East Berlin from an 18-foot Kennedy's Air Force jet land- the division ol Berlin between observation platform about IS ed from Wiesbaden, West Ger- East and West-at 11:45 a.m. feet from the wall. West Berlin many, six minutes ahead of (6:45 a.m. EST) Mayor Willy Brandt and West schedule. Although Soviet Mig Mounts Platform German Chancellor Konrad Ade- fighter planes were reported in He mounted a platform and nauer stood at his side, as the vicinity of the central air looked at the concrete and barbed British officer showed the Pres- corridor used by the President, wire wall stretching in front of ident a chart of the principal they did not bother the Boeing him, to the left and to the right, points in East Berlin. 707 jet. and at the massive gate before Views Sign Greeting Mayor Willy Brandt him. N Facing him from the Commu- on his arrival, Kennedy said the He stayed four minutes and niu side of the wall was an East. "legendary morale and spirit of then headed for another point on German sign which said: the people of West Berlin have the wall—Checkpoint Charlie, the "In the agreement of Potsdam been a beacon for the free world." U.S.-manned crossing point for U. S. Presidents Roosevelt and Kennedy was accompanied by foreigners where Russian and Truman undertook retired Gen. Lucius D. Clay, mil- American tanks faced muzzle to "To uproot German militarism itary governor of West Germany muzzle less than two years ago. and nazism. in 1948 at the time of the Berlin The President reached the "To arrest war criminals and airlift and the President's spe- Brandenburg Gate after the bring them to judgment. cial representative in, the city during recent times of tension. CROWD SURROUNDS THE PRESIDENT — Only th* head of President Kennedy is greatest spontaneous welcome in "To prevent rebirth of German the memory of the former Ger- militarism. Kennedy said he was particu- visible as he it engulfed by the crowd in front of the: City Hall of Frankfurt follow- man capital. Old timers said not "To ban all militarists and naz- larly proud to be accompanied ing his arrival in the West German city. - (AP Wirephoto) even Hitler with his famous pa- ism propaganda. by Clay, "an old veteran of this "To ensure that Germany nev- frontier who in good times and er again menaces her neighbors bad has been identified with the and world peace. life of this city." "These pledges have been ful- Kennedy also said he was glad Plan a Big Show filled in the (East) German to be in Berlin in the company Mrs. Ryan's Democratic Republic. When will | of West German Chancellor Kon- these pledges be fulfilled in West rad Adenauer and to have an- Germany and West Berlin, Pres- other chance to discuss affairs For Khrushchev ident Kennedy?' with Mayor Brandt. His diplo- Kennedy read the sign but matic reference to both officials BERUN "(AP) - The East pledge of support for West Ber covered over a pre-visit tug-of- showed ho reaction. PRESIDENTIAL REVIEW —President Kennedy turns to German Communists are trying lin and Western Europe? Soviet guards came over from war ovar who would have the to drum up a big Show for Pre- Or would he make some move their war memorial to take pic look -at armored vehicles as he rides with Maj. Gen. honor of acoompanyiiw the Pres- Has Changed mier Khrushchev's visit to East thai would .launch a new crisis' tures. The memorial is in the John FL Pugh during inspection of U. S. Army and Air ident on his trip to Berlin. Berlin Friday in a bid to match Khrushchev could unveil the British seotor near the Branden- force units at Hatiau, West Germany, Gen. Pugh com- Brandt welcomed the Presi- BY HUGH MULLIGAN President Kennedy's reception in peace treaty he has been promis- burg Gate.. dent as "the leading man of the West Berlin. (See SHOW, Page 2) Visitors to the Brandenburg mands the U. S. Third Armored Dimion. (AP Photo) (See KENNEDY, Page 2) . DUNGANSTOWN, Ireland (AP) - Who threw the con- A million or more West Berlin- crete topping on Mrs. Ryan's barnyard? ers were expected to welcome "It's an American trick," most Irish newspapers said to- Kennedy today on his first presi- day. They blanied the U. S". government for the startling dential visit to the Communist changes at the ancestral homestead President Kennedy will surrounded city. visit tomorrow. Berlin experts predicted that, The Americans are denying everything and shifting the for Khrushchev's seventh visit, Monmouth County National Bank accusing finger toward the Irish government. East Berliners would heed Whoever is responsible for the changes, the old home- Communist appeal to "decorate stead won't be the same place Kennedy visited in-1947 when houses, streets, squares and'fac- he was a'congressman. , , tories with the Red flags of the The tidy but dirty barnyard, where the widow Ryan's 70 working class," but would do so chickens.and three cows once held sway, has. been covered sullenly. • Plans a New Red Bant Building with concrete and now resembles a parking lot. ' Front Page Appeal RED BANK—The Monmouth Architect Bernard Kellenyi It , ,Mr. Doremus said his client ren D. Fowler, a chiropractor The new facility would boast . A huge, manure heap has disappeared from the adjoin- 1 two drive-in windows — with ing field, where the President's helicopter will put down. The East German Communist County National Bank has pro- working on plans for a build- Has'rn*{l* every effort to com- and the other party of the con- tract, would be razed. space set aside for more—at A}l/the. farm animals have been shunted out of sight. Party organ, Neues DeutscWand, posed construction of a new ing of early American design ply'-wttfr'tbe'letter and the spirit made a front page an appeal to home office at Broad St. and and approximatelppy y double the of the new' ordinance which al- Mr. Bielitz said the tract the rear of the building. There There are no pigs in the pasture. would also be a walk-up win- • A concrete porch and an indoor tiled toilet—known lo- East Berliners to give their tra- Bergen PI. floors space of the existing lows certain non-retail busi- would be large enough for a ditional hospitality "to our great Expansion plans were re- main bank at Broad and Wal- nesses to locate in the P-l zone main bank of more than 12,000 dow, and, probably, four tell- cally as John's john-J>ave been added to the comfortable ers' windows inside. •; Ryan cottage. friend." leased to newspapers yesterday lace Sts. after reviews by the Planning square feet, parking - for 56 cars, and future construction. Face Broad St The cottage is a few yards from the humble tin-roofed It ran interviews with the may- and were the subject of an ap- Mi-. Kellenyi Is also chair- and Zoning Boards and Borough hut that Patrick Kennedy, the President's great-grandfather, or, a mechanic and a salesgirl plication for a special use per- man of the Planning Board and Council. The board of directors con- The bank would face Broad occupied before emigrating to the United. States. The hut extolling Khrushchev's visit. The mit submitted to the Planning stepped down during last night's The bank's application is the templates construction of an- St. and there would be built a is now a storage shed. East German Radio, also broad- Board last night. discussion as did member Fran- second under the P-l measure. other building' to the rear of Broad St. entrance driveway, cast interviews and commentar- the first in about five years. and Bergen PI. exist driveway, Mrs. Mary Ryan, a Kennedy before her marriage, is The Planning Board agreed cis X. Kennelly, who said his The first was the still-pending ies to whip up interest. It would house the: bank's util- and at the rear of the prop- the President's third cousin and his best-known relative in to let residents comment on the law firm has been associated application of the Post Office ity departments—a variety of erty allowing ingress and egress Ireland. West Berliners were in a mood plans before deciding on the with the bank. Department—also attempting a bookkeeping functions — which to Bergen PI. opposite Hud- Despite the changes that have been made about the to match or outdo the enthusi- merits of the case. A special Monmouth County National's southward move on Broad St. asm their countrymen in West meeting was scheduled for next attorney, Burton Doremus of According to George L. are now located in the Little son Ave. place, Mrs. Ryan is absolutely determined to give her il- Silver office and other branches. lustrious kinsman a simple Irish welcome. Germany showed for Kennedy. Tuesday with the expectation this place, submitted the ap- Bielitz, president, the bank has Mr. Bielitz said it has not This was something Khrushchev She plans to brew him a cup of tea and serve some that publicity would reach the plication for a permit under entered into a purchase agree- If the plan is approved, the been decided whether the build- could not let pass without a tangy Irish soda bread. That is all he is going to get, she public by then. the provisions of the profes- ment for the 3'/2-acre Fowler existing bank would be retained ing would be one story high counter demonstration, Western said. - Opinion expressed. informally sional office zoning ordinance. tract on the southeast corner of as a branch and its banking or have a smaller second story. officials speculated. by the planners last night was The proposed site lies within Broad and Bergen. services would be duplicated in It will be large enough to house 70th Birthday favorable. the new P-l zone. The home and office of War- the new main office. (See BANK, Page 2) The Soviet premier visited East Berlin only last January and no OK Apartment Pkm one expected him to return so soon. But East German Communist Bahrs Told Back Up Claim or Admit Error leader Walter Ulbrioht's 70th With MajarRevisionbirthday Sunday presented Khru- HIGHLANDS - A public hear- cilman John A. Bahrs "put up' from both the attending public surance" of federal aid forthcom- In other business, counoil ap- shchev with a reason. ' ing on Borough Council's pro- onhis claim that project federal and governing body. ing within a "reasonable period proved the renewal of the ple- SEA BRIGHT-Borough Council scnool and fire facilities would be Khrushchev's visit aroused ' a posed ordinance appropriating aid is available—or admit his er- Mr. Bahrs has opposed the if time." It was unanimously nary consumption liquor license has approved a revised plan by burdened by such a proposal. number of questions among of- $60,000 for paving and drainage ror. appropriation, claiming that up arried. now owned by Majestic Invest- Gramercy Associates Ltd., of Mayor Farrell reported that the ficials in West Berlin and West work was adjourned last night The noticeable absence of mem- to 50 per cent of project cost is Mayor Guiney had appointed ment Co., New Shrewsbury, trad- Brooklyn, to construct an apart- revisions will stipulate that the Germany. until Tuesday night. bers of the planning board, in- available to the borough, and Councilman Bahrs head of a four- ing as Club 75, 75 Miller St. The ment building on the Luke Sal- building not exceed nine floors Would he confine himself to Meantime, the governing body, cluding Councilman Bahrs, should be obtained prior to en- nemtoer committee to study the license will be held in escrow vatti tract. and that rentals be made to sen- making a reply to Kennedy's n effect, demanded that Coun- brought considerable comment actment of the measure. ederal aid question last week. pending the rehabilitation of the Mayor Thomas Farrell revealed ior citizens. He said the projec The Planning Board has object- vlr. Bahrs was to have contacted premises to meet Fire Depart- hist night that the council had will furnish its own garbage dis- ed to the priority given certain he federal Housing and Home ment requirements. invited spokesmen for the de- posal incinerator, it will have a streets under the proposed ordi- Finance Agency Monday to seek Ernest F. Vaughan, 49 Barberie velopers to a conference session package sewer plant until such Governor Draws Praise nance. in on-site inspection by officials. Ave., was appointed a special po- .which was held Monday. He said time as the borough is sewered As of last night, council had nolice officer for the remainder of TRENTON (AP)-

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Rd. at Hurity Lant WEST LONG BRANCH-Rt. 36 and Broadway Voman Set If BellTd BECJSTEB W«data&y, owner of the property. Tb« rtailt- ant )»<* of va^UUm'bmM, Men Receive 0r% Building allowed neat to accumulate, «u»- Ing wall lath to ignite. NYU Degrees Inspected After Chief Keating and Robert Red- "vdc Group field, building inspector, will re- HAZLET-Mrs. Mae Cryan was NEW YORK - Nineteen resi- port back to council tt its next named the first woman president dents of the Red Bank, N. J., Third Minor Fire meeting. SEA BRIGHT - A minor fire tile Coral-Raritan Civic As- area were among 140 young Bell sociation at its meeting recently 'elephone Laboratories engineers a building at the rear of 1600 Engineers Elect at the Airport Plan Lanes. ¥ho received master's degrees cean Ave. Monday night, spurred rom New York University this Dr. Frpehlich Other officers are George Borough Council to ask the nonth. Kreto, vice president; Thomas re chief and building inspector LITTLE SILVER - The Mon- Ventro, treasurer; Mrs. Robert They completed a two-year pro-. determine the condition of the mouth Chapter of the Profession- Famularo, secretary, and James gram at NYU's graduate center ructure for possible condemna- al Technical Group on Commun- at Bell Labs, Murray Hill, N. J Keating, sergeant-at-arms. ion proceedings. ications Systems of the Institute of Electrical anl Electronic En- The following ire on the board Recipients of degrees are Fire Commissioner Walter ichard H. Bonser, 217 East gineers, at a recent meeting here, of directors of the organization: bhnson told the council that the elected Dr. Fritz E. Froehlich Mrs. Joseph Carroll, Mrs. Hans lighland Ave., Atlantic High- ire was the third to occur at the as its chairman. Dr. Froehlich is DOMW H. MuU«ney John Ganmm Gros, Mrs. John Kopacz, Mri. inds; Carl A. Carlson, 285 Spring iremises, which is a vacant two- employed in the Bell Telephone William Dehraer and Mrs. Frank It.; W. David Emerson, Manor INSURANCE STUDINT5 — Donald H. Mullaha* 347 :ory building. He noted the place Laboratories. Sinkleris. last Apts., William St.; James t, Faulkner, 31A Spring Ter.; lay be a detriment to the com Also elected were H. L. Kitts Wait Park Av».,Oakhunt, and John Gannon, 298 Port Mrs. Charles Caftner was ap- '. Robert Gibbens, 38 Manor Dr, lunity and called for action re- of the Army Electronics Research Monmoiftkftd.; East Keantburg, talat and service agenti pointed program committee ind Murray A. Goldman, 14 ;arding future fires. and Development Laboratory, chairrnan. Members voted to at th« eompany'i Red Bank offica, reeantly completed «olly Pitcher Village, all of Red vice chairman; S. G. Student, Jr., send a letter stating they are In Fire Chief Andrew Keating told 3ank. of Bell Lab6, secretary, and Ar- an advipced training courie on eit«t«r planning and full accord with the code of dress ouncil that a pair of previous Also, Thomas Edgar Lindsay, thur H. Ross of the Army Lab, the RUritan Township High ires were termed "suspicious' businiiKilif* insurance udtrwriting at Mtfropolitan lift 11 Coronet Ave., Lincroft; Paul treasurer. School. Another letter was to be >ut that last night's blaze wa; Inturanoe Company's home offic* in r^ew York. Mecklenburg, 275 Spring St., Red sent to Mayor Carlton H. Poling CONFERENCE BOUND — Monmouth Collage Alumni Jank; Paul E. Muench, 490 Riv- :aused by spontaneous combus- of Keyport in protest against the More than one-third of all the rdale Ave., New Shrewsbury, ion. He said the building was Father Thompson gave the proposed asphalt plant on Clark directors, left to right, William Offenhauter of Asbury coffee imported into the United ind Thomas J. O'Brien, Rt. 34, oarded up by Michael Guerrier, benediction in the church.. St. The plant Would be close to Park, James Erickson of Oalchunt and Ann Skold of Avon States comes from Brazil. lolmdel. Members of the graduating the Coralwood development. listen as William Apostolacus of Little Silver outlines Ralph W. Peterson, 132 South By Bioko class are Barbara Abalr, Linda Plans were discussed for a chil- EVER HAPPEN TO YOU? plans to attend the American Alumni Council's Conven- it.; Richard L. Smith, 322 Rive Abalr, Carolyn Ajnaro, Jean Beat- dren's Miss and Mr. Coralwood HIGHUNX» - Claw night of td.; Kenneth Paul Summers, 1 ty, Dianne Goleman, Linda Gole- swim suit contest. In lieu of tion in Atlantic City. The group will spend Thursday and Lind Dr.; John J. Svltak, 80D the graduating class of Our Lady man, Vincent Gorman, Marioi the annual picnic, it was decided Friday, July II and 12, at the conference. Other direc- Throckmorton Ave.; Harry D. of Perpetual Help Catholic School Graham, Coleen Horan, John La- to hold a block dance on Labor tors scheduled to attend are Jay Petersen of West long Todd, 147 Manor Dr., and James was recently held In the school Viola, Joan Penta, Karen Ptak Day weekend. hall. The-salutatory address was and Owen Redmond.. Branch, William Jonei of Freehold and Walter Stepien Wilson, 155 Manor Dr., all o Jade Singer, manager of the Red Bank; William J. Wolf Jr. given by Jean E&atty. Diarine Airport Plgza Lanes, addressed of Belmar. ' Golemah made the/dedication.- Parmley Rd., New Shrewi the group in regard to forming bury, Fred Tischler, 2A McLeai "Meet Oar Class" was present- OK Cutback men's and women's teams for the St., River Plaza. ed by Vincent Gorman, John'La- civic association. SEA BRIGHT—Borough Coun- Viola and Karen, Ptak. The class 32 Graduate 200 Attend cil Monday authorized Borough At the suggestion of Mrs. Jerry history was read by Linda Gole- Attorney Joseph Mattice to pr Deegan, co-leader of Brownie man, Owen Redmond and Marion pare an agreement which will al- Troop 121, Beers St., the Brown- At St. Agnes GOP Dance IVew Graham.- ,•• ' , ies who live in Coralwood will low Arthur Fox, owner of the ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS - SEA BRIGHT - Nearly 200 a The first will and testament deliver flyers pertaining to as- site of a proposed new Foodtown Diplomas were presented to 32 tended the annual spring dance was read by lean Beatty, Linda sociation news. Monmouth market, to deed half his sid eighth grade graduates of St. of the Sea Bright Republican Abate,-and Coeen Horan, and the A meeting of the executive A family party was held foi walk,to the borough. Agnes Catholic School at cere- Club at the Peninsula House Sat- class trophy was presented by board and program committee the 15th birthday of Janet Vach Mr. Fox, who recently pu Agnes urday night. Barbara, Abalr, Carolyn Amaro will be held Monday at 8:30 p.m. ris, daughter of Mr. and Mr chased the former Ryan's gi Church. ' Honored guests were Assembl; and John Penta. at the Airport Plaza Lanes. Robert Vachris, Woods End Rd. rage building, told council that Rev. Michael J. Lease, pastor, candidate Clarkson S. Fishe: Karen Ptak accompanied the Assemblyman Alfred N. Beadle, he has a 12-foot sidewalk. If he presented the diplomas and spe- A graduation dinner at Shore class at the piano. KIWANIS GUESTS ton, and Freeholders Marcus Da could remove half of the walk- cial awards. Rev. James F. Point Inn, Keyport, was held foi The valedictory address' was ly and Benjamin Danskin. way, he said, he would stiil havi LINCROFT - This week at Murphy, pastor of St. Joseph's Karen Larson, daughter of M given by Vincent Gorman, and a six-foot sidewalk and would Lincroft Inn, the Lincroft-Holm- Catholic Church, Beverly, gave Trophies were awarded to win and Mrs. Clifford Larson, Can The seventh grade class presented add six feet to the roadway. del Kiwanis Club will have as the address. ners in the'following dance con Rd., Monday night after exe a remembrance. This, he said, would allow foi dinner guests two young people The following students received test categories: cises in Thorne School, Port Man- angle parking in front of th chosen for the good character Rev. James A; Thompson, pas- awards: Waltz, Mrs. Winnie Thompson mouth. tor, presented several awards to store. scholarship awards the club pre- Michael Rowan anti Patricia and James Hale; jitterbug, Mrs. sents each year. Miss Linda the members of the. class and Council stipulated that Mr, Fo: Caruso, for highest averages; Gwen White and Clarence Brown, The birthday of Ronald Nobl Schanck of Main St., Holmdel, Conrad Foster presented awards install the- needed curbing at his Philip Simonetti and Patricia and Twist, Mrs. Susan Clark ant son of Mr. and Mrs. Dider Nobl and Jack Cline of Colonial Way, © Kim Fntum Syndicate, !nc, 1968. World tijkit rmtrwd. for athletic achievements, own expense and that he furnish Brent, Holy Name Society award tonrad Newman, first prize, am Locust Ter., was celebrated Lincroft, will attend with their for scholarship; Donald Rich and Linda Goleman and Vincent Gor- the surfacing of the added roa

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Couponi will not Ira hnnorvd arid will b« void NEWEST RAGE-SMOCKED GOLDEN GLOW If prtMntad Ihrouih nuttld* I««IICU», brakiri or Othara Mho arc rto( rctilt illilrlbutori of our n accessories plus 208 ctccltlng MARGARINE rhamllit ur •('•clflcilly •ulhcrli#d hy ui Io prtMnl KINTAL IririlK ncedlecraft designs in our new coupona for rwteinpllon. Cmih valua I/SO e* U Wlfli1, rullll Ornln| Cat »lnt,l tjllmi 1963 Ncedlecraft Catalog-Just Uv«r Sr«ih*riCom|i«nyf HIS, Cttnion, t«w«. MGONO-GAR) outl Fashions, furnishings crochet, knit, sew, weave, em GOOD ONLY ON GOLDEN 6LOW brolder, quilt. Plus free pattern, Any other us* constitute* fraud. Send 25c now, , Kid flunk Keaistet • **iw*rm Ettbfthtf 1171 b; Jofaa a Cook nd Vlmrj CHj VaUMwd by HM Red Ba Bank robbery, as a\ profession, ha* fallen oft evil W. HARRT PENNINGTON. President JAMES h HOGAN. Edttw .„"..... M. HAROLD KELLY, General Manager days. In the old West, it was almost .respectable; A man could kick « bank, safe open with a w«t moccasin* Items J.tty WflUara F. Saadford and Arthur Z. Kamta Freak W. Harbour Today, tifore are more banks and more }»ank robbers, Auoetu* editor* •nonttn JMitor but the robbers fei* mostly dunces who couldn't sell Member ot the Auodated Preti ;- a cold beer in Death Valley. Or buy one. ft* momiiKi rrm u «uui4 antunnir uuuw w npuMUstMi Man Mm MUM:. la on t*»tr uMluutf mi, Oipttebu. . The Federal Bureau of Investiga- Member of American Newspaper Publisher* Association tion Jup sent "the current tigVtfa on Member .Andlt Bureau of Circulation bank robbery. It's a aismaf story. If I Th» ft auk KJIIIUT ununu DO finudu raqwulMUHN *» qrjmfr»pwo«i irreri la •dnitlNmnt% tat mn npimt wttiioat ehuit. uututoiu tdwtiMiaut «• !«*i« ttw tmropfeiwi »rroe owum AdnrUMn *ui had a son who was majoring in bank H nctlO lh» minmnunl ImmtdHtmr ot my ;'.{ reached the point of daring to organize The Presi- Another was running dowri a "hallway when *a divorce a proposal to build apart- ment of the populace. dent's little- ments from a proposal to buUd a It is true that there, is no sewer marches and counter-marches to de- publicized snu' passerby stopped him. "You're dropping money," the of President man said, pointing. The bandit thanked him, and hospital, was a wise one. service in the' Beers St. area. It is mand new civil rights all over the na- tion bespeaks a confidence that rests on 1-iSaltaaiy ' wh stopped to pick it up. Of all cases, shots were fired in Under present zoning, apart- not, necessary, however, to build invited him t a slow long-term development that the Libson, has.vir- only six. The toll: two wounded tellers, one wounded ments ajrejidt allowed in the town- apartments which would have sew- Chamberlain self-flagellating liberal, never,^mentions tually slamme bandit. In the latter case, a customer took the robber's ship. They: aever have been. ers,, to provide, this facility for a when he is busy apologizing to the rest of the world. To the door: on re-, gun from him and shot him with it Since the time of f Allen "iliijth* For any businessman to have hospital,- If need be, - the hi| listen to this type of liberal you wouldn't know that deadlock over this country's con proposed to "tie in" a hospital plan could be serviced by a small has staged a dramatic break-through in vir- tinued \se of the strategic Azore rules. tually every important realm of self-expression. The air and naval bases. I'll go further. All bank robbers are crazy. One sewer plant ' Portuguese officials here are with construction of apartments Negro has certainly not been in bondage here. ; Walked into a branch office ^vtdtfc $ shotgun, got $10,000 would have been a mistake. The people of Holmdel shoutf! making no secret that Salazar To put things in perspective, let's run over the lists views the rebuff on his invitation from the feller, and spent 15 minutes talking about the It will be difficult enough to get decide the apartment issue on its •as further size of his hangover. The bandit felt so bad he handed for a bit dence that the a new hospital erected under any own merits. The hospital proposal, In the world of the dance Negroes have been doing President is un- the money back and walked out circumstances. This has been proven if it is to find acceptance, should marvelous things. There is James Mitchellm ballet and willing to com- No brains. Just nerve. One aimed a gun at a teller promise on the' and said: "This is a stickup." The teller dropped to the by past experience. But,to have tied also stand on its merits. Mary Hinlcson in the Martha Graham Modern Dance critical politi-l Company. The Talley Beatty Group astounds audiences cal issues of floor. The bank robber looked disgusted, walked, to the Your Money's Worth: with its ferocious energy. Donald Mckayle, or Danny, Angola and next window vwhere; the; president pi, thfe bank was as he is known to everybody, has just carried off the M o zamblque,' standing, ;The thief walked' &it' with $500. As Molly the real cause, Capezio Award for 1963 for his. translation of deeply of the deadli Goldberg used to say: "This !s a living?" Appropriate Bon Voyage Sift - Money rooted American folk material—street games, modern on the bases. • Hard Luck Champ blues, and so on—into first-rate theatrical dances. Both U.S. Scott One crook turned out to be the champ hard-luck By SYLVIA PORTER and Portuguese negotiators hav Prominent In Music reported to their . governments bank robber. He held,up a teller while two FBI agents were waiting in line. They were mean enough to let Mother took off for a European surely will top $1.5 billion—and This is where the importano In music there are Marian Anderson and Leontyne that only a "high level" under- holiday this week, and as a bon this "tourist gap" will be an of a money gift comes in. "Tip- standing on these political issues him get the money in his hands before they collared Price. Everybody knows Louis Armstrong, of course. voyage gift I gave her a couple enormous factor contributing to Pack" was created by the New can break the bases stalemate. ham. With his luck, he'll probably devise a soft drink of valuable, time-saving, conven- the persistent red ink in our in- York foreign exchange firm Long ago both Charles Gilpin and Paul Robeson broke The President's military advis- called: Six Up. . , ' .: .;,-• ent, educational, almost weight- ernational financial accounts. Lionel Perera, Manfra & Brookes a pathway to the Broadway stage, using Eugene ers, including Admiral Rohert An I less envelopes. But important as all these and is available at top banks an derson, slated to become am- Three women tried to rob banks. All three! got travel agencies from coast t O'Neill's "The Emperor Jones" as their vehicle. Before bassador to Portugal in August, Ineachtrans- statistics are, they are not the nothing and were captured. In another case, the bandit j parent plastic point of this re-ont. Rather, the coast, but if you can't find this becoming an actor with an international reputation who unavailingly urged him to accepi envelope was point is that, c ugh this Is not one, other firms offer money played a remarkable "Othello" in London, Robeson was Salazar's invitation to further th warned the teller not to press the alarm button. The money — not Mother's first . abroad, it is too, or you can ask prospects of forking out a com- teller didn't. He just walked away. He was behind bul- U.S. money, an Ail-American football player at Rutgers. for millions of Americans. A sur- your travel agent or bank tc promise. let-proof glass. The bandit ran off, muttering to himself. |th.at Would vey by TransWorld Airlines In- make up a special package foi In all varieties of sport the Negro has been writing They argued that the Azores lhave been you or a friend. The deck is stacked against the bank-robber. He dicates that 45 per cent of sum- a fascinating and substantial history. No one could bases are vitally needed for (1) lgauche. In mertime transatlantic travelers Handle In Advance the Polaris submarines, and (2 thinks that the gun in his pocket is equal to the cour- each "Tip- are first-timers. An estimate is It does make sense to study crack a line to beat the late Ernie Davis of Syracuse increasing our "limited war' age of the teller, the proximity of the bank guard, and Pack" was and handle In advance the actual capabilities in Africa and th I about $10 of that 75 to 80 per cent of those go- University. The fans of Birmingham, Ala., who have ing to Europe via organized bills and coins and to becomi Middle East. alarm system, the local police department, [the state Porter the currency of familiar with the look, feel, de- never had a chance to watch Willie Mays make one of police, the bait money, and the Federal -Bureau of In- countries she will be visiting in charter flights are first-timers. Complicate Relations nominations and value of the cur- his basket catches in center field have no idea what But State Department author- vestigation. Swindling romantic oldJladles is a simpler the form of small bills and coins. rencies you will be using in th In each also was a complete two- they have been missing. "Satchel" Paige, who has con- ities, led by Secretary Rusk, op- way of earning a living. countries you are visiting. It i posed the Portugal visit on th way money conversion table tell- convenient to have some small tinued to pitch great baseball well into his fifties, is ing her what dollars are worth in ground it would complicate rela- One intellectual bandit handed a literate note to bills and coins with you when you not only a fine athlete with public acceptance in at terms of the currencies she will tions with the African nation a teller. "Please put the money in this bag and no one arrive at your destination abroad least 48 states, but a droll wit whose remarks—such be using abroad and a tipping that are seeking Portugal's ouste: will get hurt," it read. "Thank you." The teller called guide so she can give what is so you won't have to fuss when as "never look back, somebody might be gaining on from Angola and Mozambique. you must tip a porter or you take die bank guard and gave it to him. The bank guard customary in the countries she you"—are repeated everywhere. They contended there are m tours and no more or less. As a your first taxi or make your first grounds Tor a compromise, an read it and turned a dark glance on the bandit. "Get plus, I gave her a leaflet listing phone call. This columnist is now 59 years old. The first essay therefore no purpose would be Some of Lionel Perera's tips out, you bum," he roared, "or I'll blow your brains comparative sizes on clothes. he ever had published in a magazine was called "The served by a Kennedy-Salaza Thus, if she buys me a dress, she on tipping, incidentally, are cer- meeting at this time. out." The bandit fled. tainly money-savers, considering Negro as Writer." It appeared in the now defunct will know that size 12 Is size 38 THE DIVIDER - The admin No self-respect. He's probably back on relief . . . on the Continent and an &y2 shoe the scale to which most of us are Bookman more than 30 years ago, and it concentrated, accustomed. For instance, he says istration's adamant position i here is 7V2 in England, 40-41 on the deadlocked Azores base ne- the Continent, etc. that in England, you should tip as I recall at, through the mists of time, on the work IT'S A CRAZY MIXED-UP WORLD! porter one shilling for the first of such nineteenth century Negro novelists as Charles gotiations was frankly admitte by Assistant Secretary William bag (14 cents), slightly less foi The trek of U.S. tourists to for- W. Chesnutt and the Negro poet, Paul Laurence Dun- Tyler at a private meeting with eign vacation shots' is now reach- others and you should tip a tax bar. Since then Negro writers have been appearing all the House Foreign Affairs Com- Ing staggering proportions, al- driver 15 per cent of the fare oi mittee. ready is shattering even the spec a minimum of six pence (' over the place. James Baldwin is only the most recent Questioned about the long tacular projections of a few cents). In France, he suggest; in a group of vibrant protestors against the fates reach- months ago. you tip 50 centimes to one fran stalled negotiations by Represent- Passports Increase for small services (10 to 20 cents; ing back to Claude McKay, author of an excellent novel ative E. Y. Berry, R-S. D., Tylei saw little hope of either slde'i Applications for passports at and if a porter doesn't charg called "Home to Harlem," which appeared in the 1930s. giving any ground. the New York agency, largest of you a fixed amount per bag, give McKay was also a fine poet, as witness his sonnet that the nine in the country, are run "The Portuguese governmen him the same—10 to 20 cents. begins with the line "If we must die, let It not be like ning 50 to 60 per cent ahead of a You may not be the most pop- has a basically different concept of the trends of events in Africa year ago. "I've never seen any- ular of American tourists if you hogs." Other Negro writers who never had trouble from what we have," said th thing like this," says Joseph R follow his guides, but you'll not getting through to white audiences include Richard Callahan, head of the Passport chief of European Affairs. "We be known as the biggest sucke Wright, Langston Hughes, Countee Cullen and Gwendo- fcol the trend of events make Agency at Rockefeller Center. All either. means of transportation abroad lyn Brooks. it clear that unless these people To me, though—a many-tlmi arc given the right of self-deter- are loaded. Every statistic is traveler to Europe—the most in- heading for new records. Easily No, the Negro has had no great difficulty making mination and the right to conducl triguing guide Is on sizes. On their relations with other coun two million U.S. tourists will have stockings, the U.S., England and himself heard. But, as George Schuyler, the Negro jour- {one oversell by the time 1063 tries In the world, there are the Continent' follow the sam nalist and historian, writes, the Negro has not always bound to be increasing pressures ends, the way trends are shaping rule-a 10 is a 10 is a 10. But a up today. used his money wisely to solve his own economic resulting in violence and civil sice 7 man's hat here Is a P/t in war, Including Canada and Mexico England, a 56 on the Continent, problems. " "The Por i governmenl the number traveling outside our while an 11 junior size dress here "If we can build million-dollar churches," says Mr. borders may approach 13 million Is a 13 In England, a 38 on thi does not ad it spirit of na The dollart,|hey spend In foreign Continent, and what's medium foi Schuyler, "we can build plenty of $40,000 houses for tlonallsm i> o in what II colls it's pi. ..nces of Angoli countries jnfv near $3 billion. The men's underwear here Is 36 the 'talented tenth' or buy into co-operative apartment difference Wtirtjen whit foreign and Mozambique, which its con England, 6 on the Continent, stitution describes as Integral an spend In our country and Bon voyage, Mom. Stick tn per- houses. There must be^ half thousand cities and towns what we ipsnd to other lands 6—Wednesday, June 26,1963 fume I (See CHAMBERLAIN, Pag* 7) (See ALLEN-SCOTT, Page 7) BANK Wdneiday, Jaw 26,196S-? Chamberlain With H&F Co. "ASTRO-SUIDr ByCeean jy \Ptrk hut., if Serried t/a the Ht Tlwtd*y, Jitivi 27 (former VU*t Luctfc Scbtstppt, LWCRBFl-A I.reweli btrbt* also of Matawan. They have thru* t~*-r . ""# bustaeps could do «f well at cue party wai held last Saturday Present—For You and children. He was graduated from for Jo Anne ColHns, daughter of whlte-wvned businesses. Funds now being an Matawan High School and re- ball piQkfters out of jail would certainly 1»ip finance up—be awful. Home mil look ceived his BS degree in zoology Mr. and Mn. WiUlam CoDlu.ot a holdftig company to establish Negro-owned busi- good to you u yon need to rest in 1958 from the University of Lindy La., who are leaving won for the owning ahead. Stick to Maryland, He is a member of Xi to move to Brick Township. The nesses in the. general mart." • party was held at the horn* ot non-physic*! pursuits, tnd avoid Psi Phi fraternity. iii Furthermore, Mr. Schuyler suggests that such Michele Williams, daughter of overindulgence in food, drink or On July 5 Dr. Griswold will enter the Armed Services as a Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Williams, businesses would enable the Negro to support a com- exercise. Don't quibble over a Captain in the Dental Corps and Rose St. Attending were Suian mercial bank. minor difference of opinion at will be stationed at Fort Bliss, Fehr, Christine Gotthardt, Dea ; home. Give a little—take a . "The Chinese-Americans have several commercial Tex., for two years. McCann, Dorethea Htugh, little. banks," he says, "we have but two to my knowledge. Nancy Molzon, Jackie Murray, We are 20 million strong; they are about 238,000." There's no Trick to Having Ex- Kathie O'Brien, Theresa Stevens, tra Cash. You Get It Fast When Past • • • Individual incomes Future •. • • Before we experi- Diana Vogelsong, Christine Wttte- averaged $2,357 for every man, ence another extraordinary, cold You Use The Register Classified over a new lease for Amer- man and Robin Williams. winter, publishers of paperback —Advertisement. icai-built bases in Spain. - woman and child in this country Allen-Scott books hope to discover a differ- in 1962, nearly $100 above (Continued) It has been definitely. learned ent adhesive than they've been that President de Gaulle is sound- 1961. The District of Columbia parts of Portugal, The Portu- using. The cold temperatures ng out Generalissimo, Franco on topped the list with a per capita in many areas caused the books guege government feels the the use of the bases if no agree- income of $3,351—a new high. to fall apart. CLEAN RUGS trouble they have had in Angola ment is reached with the U.S. lota * Bacrmin and Mozambique is the result of Involved in this backstage clash Dr. WiUlam H. Griswold internal acts of aggression. They EATONTOWN - John E. are three huge airdromes, a LAST LONGER are asking that we support this Bachman, of 210 Wayside Rd., The Day Under Your Sign naval base at Rota, and. exten- COLLEGE PARK, Md. - Wil- position, especially in the United Neptune, for many years a spec- sive communications facilities liam H. Griswold, 26 Park Ave., Nations, in exchange for the con- ialist in the drapery, slipcover ARIES {lorn March 21 to April I?) U8RA|Sipt.23toOcl. 22) and look lowlier too! The U.S. leases all of them under l'ltn sununertinie idivity of children M Inefficiency, red-tape and argumenlative Matawan, N. J., received a de- tinued use of these bases. This and upholstery' field and former- 1 a 10-year agreement that expires they don't hive tine to Her into ihischief. ncople aggravate you, but do your belt. gree of doctor of dental surgery 'We cannot do." ly with Kpos Bros, in that capac- TAURUS (Apttl 30 to Miy 20) in September. In exchange, SCORPIO (Oct. 23 to No». 21) from the University of Maryland CALL TODAY ity, has recently joined Huff' Impatience worlca againit your htil in- Worthwhile iVimtt always take time, Clash On Policy Spain has received around $1.5 ttreiti now, M try Harder to control it. but they're1 worth; waiting for. at commencement exercises held man and Boyle Company as man- -'• "Then this is actually a clash billion in economic and military GEMINI (M.y 21 to JUNE 21] SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22 to Die. 21) here on campus earlier this ager of 'the drapery, slipcover, over basic foreign policy and aid. People irritate you, but this phase will (lire your imadnition full scope in month. Vice President Lyndon and reupholstery department of ItoH.ln »,couple of days—luckily! creatire work during this period, sot ,'ust a disagreement over how Intelligence, has reported tha< B. Johnson delivered the address. that firm's store at Rt. 35 Circle, CANCER |Jun. 22 1a July 21] CAPRICORN |D.c. 22 to Jan. 20) we are to pay for using the De Gaulle is preparing to pub- Two htadi are better tlian one. Liiten Try rtc* to iret distracted in tralfii Dr. Griswold also was awarded 1 Eatontown. 1 bases? asked Representative licly seek the air bases for his to your partner ! viewa before acting. Control the urge to be sarcastic. the Alexander H. Paterson Me- LEO. (July 2: to Aug. 21) AQUARIUS (Jan. 21 to Feb. 19, Berry. nuclear bombers as soon as the Trouble leomi on the home front, no \Vork out all the "kinks" in your idea and morial Medal in prosthetic den- "That is correct," replied Ty- U.S. agreement expires. SIXTH BIRTHDAY be careful how you eipreu yourself. be ready to present a comprehensive plan. tistry at pre-commencement exer- VIRGO (Aug. 22 to S.pt. 22) PISCES (Fab. 20 to March 20) SLUM 1111 ler. "There are basic differences. Franco has notified the U.S. HAZLET — A sixth birthday l'atcli thin» up if there is even the lie prepared to cope with some emotional cises held on the Baltimore cam- to («ar .I«ne-Or ka Ov IW Portugal also feels the U.S. gov- that he wants important changes party was held recently for Pete slightest chance for undemanding. ilisiilay, a.t home. Be sympathetic. pus of the Baltimore College of Dry Clewing • Laundry ernment should tell other African in the lease. This is viewed as Berliner,' 47 Virginia Aye. Guest © IMS, FuMit>htt» Newspaper Sjmiicatt Dental Surgery. WHITEST. SHT.UOO UDIANI countries to lay off and if we indicating the Spanish ruler pro- included Scott Berliner, Leslie, Dr. Griswold, son of Mr. and did that she would not be hav- poses to play off the French Jennifer and Phyllis Hand, Jim- Mrs. Herbert M. Griswold, 26 ing these problems." against the U.S. to (1) get the my Stevenson, Jimmy and Paddy "Are we going to do that?" best possible deal, or (2) to di- Walthers, Howard, Adam, Davi continued Berry. vide (he bases between them. and Linda- Honig, Andrew and "There is no disposition on the Jamie Kaufman, Laurie Himel- part. of our government to do FOREIGN SPARKS - A Ca- farb and Theresa Iocuzi. that.;' replied Tyler. nadian delegation is in Red China For the time being, he added, to negotiate the sale of more ministration has no objection "to Portugal is permitting the U.S. wheat and barley. Last year', sending a trade- delegation to to use the bases until the end of contract, which netted Canada Hong Kong to discuss trade with the year, but if no agreement is $491 million, expires In Decem- the Chinese Communists." Thi; worked out by then, they wifi ber, and the Canadians are eagei word was communicated to Th< have to be given up. to get a new one before othe Committee for a Review of oui •: SPANISH BASES-Meanwhile. grain-surplus countries make China Policy, Eugene, Ore., bj disquieting indications point to a competitive offers. . . The State Lindsey Grant, head of Mainland three-way Wg-of-war developing Department has sent word to a China Affairs in the State De- between the U.S., France and West Coast group that the ad partment. Lets All Go To The OUTDOOR Robert Hall reduces prices on our entire LIVING stocks of nationally SHOW advertised men's Stats Right Now Thru July 6th TROPICAL SUITS FREE ADMISSION! NOTHING TO BUY! Come on over and have the funderfiil time of your life. Bring the family, \ bring your friends! No purchase necessary to park free in our shopping cen- Swmto® Tropic-HaW -| ter! Lots to see, lots to do, lots to take home, all free! You can spend : hours and hours looking at the many things and ideas for your vacation: 9 - l summer or winter. Don't forget to enter your name and address for the DACRON & DACRON & possibility of winning a week's vacation for two at the Carlton Beach Hotel WORSTED RAYON in Bermuda. See below for details! Come early: 10 a.m., stay late 9:30 p.m. reduced to reduced to 5 BIG-GIGANTIC SHOWS ALL

BOAT SHOW AUTO SHOW MOBILE HOME VACATION ON THE MALLS ON THE MALLS BRY'S \ > SHOW | PLANNING SHOW Highway 35 FREEHOLD RAMBLER Neptune, N. J. 221 Throckmorton St. VAN WINKLE MARINE Fraahold, N. J. FITZGERALD TRAILERS Come to the Information Can- TOWN RAMBLER 115 Highway 35 Avenue1 D ter, located en the Maple Mall, Eafontown, N. J. Route 88 Atlantic HiqM.ndi, N. J, (or all your FREE traval foldari, BLUE WATER MARINE Lakewood, N. J. SHREWSBURY MOTORS maps and booUeli , . , Allan 700 Ocean Ave. MOTELMOBILE CORP. . Sea Bright, N. J. Shrtwibury Avanua Petersen Travel Bureau of Red 29 24 ULRICHSEN Shrewsbury, N. J. OF AMERICA Bank will be here to give y°u $ Keyport. N. J. BUFFIA MOTORS 333 Eait 46th Street all the travel information you SANDY POINT MARINA 57 Highway 35 New York, N. Y. want, freel Save 12 266 Mantoloking Road Eatontown, N. J. comparable comparable Adamston, N. J. values'45 to'50 value 36.95 CAMPING FAMILY CAMPING SAFE BOATING INFORMAL THE EASY WAY AND COOKING PROGRAMS FASHION SHOWS 1 Obierve Boy Scouti nn the Mall Obtain free ideal and information Alt (he Do , and Don't's on Boating will be demonstrated by the U. S. See models in front of participat- 1 oppoiite Caitro Convertible Shop on Family Camping and Cooking Coast- Guard Auxiliary, FlolilU 88 ing stores wearing the very latest There's nav»r a charge for alterations at Robert Hall I and War

NIM'I WHY VOU SAVE AT ROMlfr HAIL OKN ' • We aatl fw nth onlyl cvfltr WEEK'S VACATION to BERMUDA * Ttart ere no credit chorgul NIGHT * W» hove no credit loiml 7/1 9:30 AT * Yov rot became we tovel WIN THE CARLTON BEACH HOTEL! for your shopping comfort. Easy to Win! Nothing to Buy! Simply Leave Your Name and Address at the Vacation Planning KEANSBURG: ROUTE 36 on MAIN STREET M Information Center supervised by the Allen Petersen Travel Bureau, Harding Road, Red Bank ASBURY PARK I PERTH AMBOY ',"i Drawing will be hold Saturday, July 6th at 4 p.m. Winner rued not b» presentl Rt. 35 it Asbury Park Circle | 345 Smith St, West of R.R. Sta. r, Joae 2<5,1963 BED BANK Borough Slates Swim Program Column SEA. MJAHT - Omtli m* mm Carile Norton fats referted By ALFRED SHEINWOU) Oat the local learn to swim pro- gram will begin next montiit TMtjr*t hand, taken bom i THE HANDS Mrs. Norton said the classes mnw conducted ncaatly fay will run from July > through July Real Stout Hearts tte National Industrial Recrea- 19. Mrs. Chester Lee of 7 Beach tion AmdattOB. teaches tht old- St w(JJ be chairman of the pro-' fuUonMl virtu* of thinking ear- gram, she said. IOYI.E ly. Many players would wait > A K i to Buses will leave the borougl diture for beverages served dur- wavs takes the freight elevator." the unsuspecting owner T T.Hoatte trand- NEW YORK (AP)—Wives and_ from free spenders and the bother As dealer, you hold: S-8 5 ing the floor show." attack tather yachts and a night on the town of giving receipts. They are sure: But it is quite lenient about the H-A K J 10 8 6 4, D-Hom 14. Made hard eXOntl* 31.11c- 32. Land have the slightly restrained ap- s meaaon to try to change the rules if they ordinary, business meal. Or as the l&OUo ocean pen proval of the tax man today. But 10. Depended 36. Under- 84.Beaeecb can. new rules specify: "expenditures BORROW 2200 Rivtreide town (oo) take 55. Scottish. such business entertainment ex- The IRS has Issued its newfor meals and beverages served 100% Re-Built XtVai 11 Hoot; 38.Breese OaeUo penses can't be "lavish.and ex- rules on tax deductions for busi-during the course of a breakfast, ifcAtel eomb.fonn SO. A 36. Nautical travagant." ness expenses with an Aug. 1 lunch or dinner meeting of the Jngines or nothing' UhOidtlmae ragout The Internal Revenue Service! deadline for the bookkeepers, bu taxpayer and his business associ- REPAY W A MONTH 18. Frightening 81. Glacial 38. Particle of has yet to spell out just what will rules apply to tax returns for alates! at a restaurant, hotel dining LAMM AJ»OUMT$ AT HOTOITIONAtl UHI Cfctv. 4'42-41 tnuCa neguUoa be dubbed lavish and extravagant. 1963. Now all that businessmen room, eating club orslmllar place name: pom What is lavish for one man canhave to do is to study and try to Honw Ownwi witti 99 witnovl #xt 7 not Involving distracting influenc- 2S.Incrcu*d, S be just the way of life for another. understand them. es such as a floor show." aatke price REPAYMENT SCHEDULE II And the modest buildup that will Wives enter the picture both as COKOUMTE rm BUS m m iw lutilM tt, Metal tajr » \o the rules axe dubbed final. But IT.Nem: sell one customer might offend convention companions and as the business cohnmunity is betting AMOUNT 15 YEARS pott. i IS another as demeaning. hostesses at home. If they are that they will prove to be far $2,200 {18.57 BlTtraldB latin* l&Aflam In any, case business firms' bona fide spreaders of goodwill in short of that. Changes will be 3,000 25.32 GurantM, If re-man- 14 furthering the company's business ntuturtd uaemblr bookkeepers will have a lot more sought. And either Congress or 5,000 fit lalla 1»CWIM a part 219. totoaaed % work keeping records of all theby entertaining customers and the IRS may revise them after 84.39 ot tht uwmMr l> d» Sl p 18 10,000 fectlr* within 90 din goings-on for the tax collector to, their wives/they are tax deducti- seeing how the new scheme bam

«> 11 tt.. n ljustloveit! Family Bargain World OPEN 3 DAYS ONLY! LIQUIDATORS Thurs., Fri. 10-9; Sat. 10-6 SALE STARTS > My new Plaid Stamp Gift Catalog! fjiiirr Sloi'( fluwrs THURS., 10 A. M. SHARP!



OVER 3000 PAIRS TO CHOOSE FROM! MEN'S SHOES Cover-tocovernewL NOW LADIES' & CHILDREN'S Nationally Advertised 124pagesof • SHOES&SNEAKERS to 13.95 America's finest gite 1 BIG BOYS NOW lOO SHOES Literally thousands of fine gifts fofywarij NONE NOW yours-and every one carefully selected tpbrlftf 2 you pleasure, pride and happiness* HIGHER VALUES TO 8.(5 Just look through these 124 giant color pages Nationally AaWlted to 8.95 and you'll find everything you ever wanted tof your home and your family. And always a wide* wonderful selection.. „ for example.-yoy can choose from 17 blankets; 49 pieces 34 NEPTUNE HIGHWAY of luggage, 27'clocks.»-. just to ram© a few. STORE 2 And everyone is of the very finest truallty ONLY ROUTE 35. NEPTUNE (ACROSS FROM CHANNEL LUMBER) ! -all are guaranteed by the §|. Plaid Stamp Pledge of Satisfaction. |i||i But come see for yourself—hurry IUSTIR MOWN, GORDON CARTER'S, GORDON |i|| to A&P today and pick up your own CHILDREN'S & NAZARETH personal copy. Then and there, CHILDREN'S promise yourself to save ojjjy_ 5 Plaid Stamps for the finest SOX in gifts plus the cashjaving NorloMlr/Ad/. llf UNDERWEAR «r3?epr. P' • Nationally Adv. h>89e

HMw, lxaj«lalt« Fen LADIES' LADIES' NOWOOO NO W 'ft - ' % Bomic, BRASS 2 COTTON THCussie PUIO GIRDLES NONI HISHIIt DRESSES AtfvwriMd ta M5 Nationally Advntlstd to 3.98 Start today.,save only. Plaid Stamps for $oe gifts fasted wna—•' ni Jr., of m Tlar**! mo Trtidc to ftwlag JEz- BIB BANK REGISTER Wteke*iiy/juii 26,1365-} Ptma «r uu. WVl Open $225 Fine Stfiirt, HifhltfiAi, f&; Tht vSoJitfoM burtts proefcs- tn Cut. Yoa Gtt a Fast Ww Bube of 19 Valley Dr., Kepto»«, *A a lim In the week eadtd You UH The E«tMtr Owtfflri. |)i, uA tout WMtt tA -Adverttstmwt. IS Beauty Shop For Third Waittttaia, tl5, whlci) tu sus- pended. MV Offense Alfred Carey of Fords and Sou Allan of Wast Ead ware found li« ntcfr$i»6« For th* Brands You G. nef guilty of speeding. fUker Of JM Lewis St., Oak-Also fined yesterday were NEW . . . JUST ARRIVED! BBTa^.yasterday received a 8UGeorge It. Grob, Jr.; ot 77 West toe, a IMay suspended JaJI Bergen PI., Red Bank, $10 for MBtesct, and a six-month SWEATERS expired registration; Alex invocation for driving whUe o.n Harpool of 87 McLean St., River • CARDIGANS 95 tht rtvokad list It was the third Plaza, tU for careless driving; • PULLOVERS from 0 n«t». and Kathleen R. Dedick of Rum- Fined by M*gHtr*t« Whitney son. Rd,', Rumson, $10 for a stop JOHN DANIELS' MEN'S WEAR IroweU for ipetding were Donald street violation. 23 MONMOUTH ST., RED BANK Trenel ot Uurence Htrbor, |1S; Charles Rubano of Spring St., Charga It — 30 • 60 or 90 Days (Merge J. JUchter «|

UBCUARDO - Georta M. Coleman of 1» Memorial Fkwy. Atlanttc Highlands, will open a beauty stop on Rt. 36 at Avenue C the last week in July. The salon wiU be called Georae M. Coleman, Hair stylist, Mr. Colt- man worked in Backers Beauty Salon the past five years. £§| County Men

Get Patent C«m» S«t... foi'l/ Savtl MDOtETOWN - Edmund J. Antczak of ITS Stateslr PI. and John H. Deppeier, Jr., of Brlelle have assigned their recently- YikuOlib granled patent for a mold weld- BOTTOM-Boneless ing process to the Thermex Me- tallurgical Company, Lakewood. Mr. Antczak and Mr. Deppeier CWltoof f IIfl. , ASVBBTUtKBXT f OB MM developed a mold, such as the 0TA-2M-A ones used to join rails, which J. MO " handle larger charges ot the _ j of Uonuuik vomit1 weld metal than could be prac- JMtaraW MUid bid! tor Uw Conticall- y used heretofore. Marvil MnrtMm and ofew appurtenant work ROUND ROAST T»e Stetloo m. l el tht stout aw In such a mold, the melting Vail Jn mi a»uU) aiaoh In ttt Bar- • at at* BritW, If. jr. wW 1» rt ri«tJ-K|« tut tt iald Bout at Hit Hill ol Rio- IFUrtn tttr). •• •taV, rrttttio, N. J. at two o'clock temperature and melts. Their r. il., D.ET™ July ». JStfc and thin •I aald offiei publicly oseied and read method replaces the single disc with a number of discs so that, iSl lotormaUon lor BUfitn, Form OirOwi 1964 Plaid Stami « ill, M«B tf Oontrwt, MUM, SUM- with large charges, the welding UMttteiM, tat Vorm or Bid Boot ud material will not be dropped In- PtffoRnanot Bond mar ot tiamlmd littaitTM < to the mold prematurely. I at Coaiinrauw ft Beon- •rnla'iHv.ljOBttint5«asr», Navigation Bureauft, Or BUt iufl Strut, Trenton, N. J.- and it thecfSce ot otli It. Siimu, At Girls' State TOP ROUND ROAST 75! •- Broadmr. I*»» Branch, N. 3. Mtlta may bi obUtlntd at UII ot- MIDDLETOWN - Four Mid- GET YOUR Bti •! Otli R. Itaman lotattd, at US StUnr, Utof Brines, N. 3. upon dletown High School students are •antagT*! JH.M tor aath lit. Anyattending Douglass College this FREE COPY •UMtMtul ttdjer. toon rttumlnf lucn week under the Girls' State pro- rVl vtf ttakU iktrttnlnj TOP SIRLOIN ROAST Mt promptly and In rood condition 851 will K rtnndid hla sajmuil and any AT At* M»MMtn VMD t» Mfjnilna «w* "gram sponsored by the Leonardo mm ttt WIU bt refunded HB.00. American Legion Post. At •sitlNrt ot til Boird tl Obo- Calif. Roast "IT 49: Minute Steaks ° "95J Mn frttEoldin mtrvt Uit rl|ht to They are Katherine Ellis, tMttt « ttmtitti ananciu m* daughter o( Mr, and Mrs, Lecil tStott ttaUBvui trot* ptotptoUri klaatn Mtn tumWUna wowaal Elbe, Hsndyboy Ct.; Magna Tap Round Steak ^"85: Braciol* -•*"»*- 95; f tpMiitatiwa or t»!»»urud< Leffier, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Hiln 1 la Mttidsntt "1» It- I-Edward Leffier, Apple Farm •S'tu'wSiT". _ . «*" «• • Rd.j Barbara Giloth, daughter of Top$lrloin$tMkt 95: Eye Round Roast Hi whirl ttith Intor- ttlHSMM *_ »1 to * bt Mr. and Mrs. Paul K. Giloth, rtfd ot tii dotioty. Tkt rl|tt"ii alttnlirn* W lasrout n 4t gram. "th. Bo»rt o* Own tht Onatr «< lira- A&P's Money-Saving Grocery Buys! GRADUATION PARTY HfimVlmfar MATAWAN TOWNSHIP - A 1 party In honor of the graduation Cl.tr Whrfi of Frank Doberman, Bronx was given by his aunt and uncle, SACRAMENTO %" 41S49 Mr. and Mrs. Bennett Dworkiz, BLUEBERRIES 47 Drexel La., Strathmore. He graduated from Stuyvesant CihlyiM pht j© High School, Brooklyn, and in the ckxola GREEN GIANT PEAS 2 - 39* fan will enter Harper College, RiwJertty k« HtartaDellgM-Milvu •ra«i Hint Binghtmton, N. Y. BI i Guests were Mr. and Mrs. MibletsCom-2 Rt., Met Mirks and daughter, Card, Peaches "" ™ 1 35' Watermelon *„ M...R Mr. and Mrs. Donald Bloom, Mr Huil.PHk et I—I ez. •Hksgei U and Mrs. Irving Doberman, Mr, 6 and Mrs. WMlUm Doberman, Mr Green Beans ..2139 Kellogg Corn Flakes 33' fresh Peaches 2 and Mrs. Jack Bloom, and. Fluffy All Frank's mother, Mrs. Esther Dc- CllAAlait Sutnhln* CM*k*n m m Surfinatrana M Ilk. ••{ —*• berman. Bananas e Toinaiees ^9.1111* * •.«. 99 MOVE FROM OAK HILL Insect Spray : 59 C Fresh Lemons MIDDLETOWN - Mr. and FigNeUons ^ ,;37 a Mrs. Jerome Rabe and son Kurt, Armour Sautagi 7 Fresh Limes -FIIII. I '25«(»i formerly of Bamm Hollow ftd. £ «• 0hlcli«iiSMTiiMFWiS :37« I B. BOT- have moved to their new home All Dff«|M. tt DELICIOUS N C. BOTBYU her in Whitestone, N. Y. A fartwell Uiy Glair Danish GMMM ^85' Wtittft JJAU H. CLAHK. hit CtnViJ).«$«Ji 4 River Brand While Rlee '^13« Red Apples ,,w^ uif rtrttntl rtprt- party was held for them at the bs, tin hit, Ultlr or uy Keellef Crackers ^7 ; RPISMI Ail Ftf Siliai, Fry!«| I lb. I fI. J|f 0 . „.„ niMBtort in njht, trot home of Mr. and Mrs. John Da WHhltt UlHW VII wliHni ttbit. '• vies, Bamm Hollow Rd. Guests •rfltWtl a±|. 1 IWHII • VHIR |, inHantly wHh Milk June Is ^^^ buAiffi Atom IUMMONXD Included Mr. and Mrs. Richard M M Za-Rix Syrup ^w^ J5S5 rHUIrtd tt Krrt upon RohtrM. Seuffert, Mr. and Mrs. John C0 EE lb O » « Otrton, AUormn tor ,UII Ohaftk Full 0' Nuts " ' 77° | M lftt wMtt tdlrtu ii 5MT Flrat Kamni, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Welohadi Grapi Drink :;;33 At«u» AtlMUd Hllhlindi, Niw Jtr- c Ched" O Bit CHEESE SHEAD M 69 IVr, £ inlwtr M At CoraoUInt HUd Floersheimer, Mr. and Mn. RlnioBlui "'» klmi.tetlon. In which Howlm, Howard Mueller, and Mr. and Wishbone Dressing ^'^r.;., !;r35« Hi-G Orange Drink 2?/; 21' litHtnrii ft Fnit, Inc., l torportton U Cottage Gheese «J tht Milt of Niw J«n«r, U thiMrs. G. Paul Kennedy, all of A Pu c>< Mi ki fit (null «nd Oloill RtQU«, at ill, ire French's Salad Mustard :,\V Soilax " ^ H«"* citintr !| 29° Drttiiiduti. ,»tn«w Jtnir within 35 diyi at|. Baby Nuenster Cheese Afttr July ITUi, 11*1, ilelutlvt ot luth ttl. K you (til to do 10, Judlnunt Buying or selling? Use tht dlf»ult mar ht rtniirtd kftlnit Frige Mexzarella u for tn» rilltf dinuniid In UiRegistei r Classified for quick re> Jane Parker Baked Foods! t You iKtn/nt ywr uiww sults.-Advertisement. F ;r:;;;;;;;, f of iirvlei In dupllotti with Provoloie Cheese s ic tt Hit lutirior Court, Itatt nntz. Trmton, Ntw Jtriiy, in • LEGAL NOTICE- t with Uu roHl of olvll prac- Liquid DtttriMt Sharp Cheddar Bar 1-3M BSiK SHKRirri* 49 SCrCBIOK COURT OF NEW JSRSBI LEMON PIE Swiss Knight Oruyere ^^fe.nofeTu.t cHANCEKy mvuioM pltiMai What could be better to perk up wilted appetites? Flaky, Jiniy, IS oirlln llnli ind MONNOVTH COtNTY filtrlltid M dllllntUd U: Dockrt No. F 114MJ tender, golden cruit crammed with Smooth Lemon filling! AfjL that eirtalUnl tracttt orr pifeer*re«l »f THE BOWDRY BAV1NOS BANK, ltnitTind inmllM hlrilniftir p»r- 8avln|i Bank of (hi state of N. tirn|>rly ducrlbtd. illuate. hint ind York, PlalnUf f vl; RALPH T. SOKNIrD Wlik FROZEN^ FOODS kelnt In the Borauch of AJIantlc Huh tit, JR.. alto known «• A. F. Vanilla Crimi loei—This Week Save iOt A Instlait Treat lknrtf, Count? of Monmouth and Stali SCHNEIDER, Jft, iiio known tl IMI, Ohlctcn ar Vurkiy RALPH W. BCHNItOER, JR., It UI, e ALMOND Ut No. K»uKour HunHimdreo d ind Twilyi et all, Defendanta Liquid Ditergmt (111") on thi Pla~ n «iff Ull of Ihi laid By virtue of a writ of itlcuUon In Devils Food Cake 45 Danish Ring 43' M>"\\n HIiMindi •. AllocllllonA . the abovi etitid action to mi di- T.V Dinners ' BDOINNINO tt ai poinpo t in thtilli louthlouth- ruttd. I ihalt IX)K>II for lilt at pub. lane Parker Twin **ok trlly IMI »f WathlmWathlmlo•tol n AvtnuAvinuei inend llo vinilui, at thi Court Houit In Uii M «• wtittny illu.i of WitWMt t Avinui; fiorouf.h of Freehold, County of Mon* French Fried Potatoes INI othirl alons UII wiituljr mouth. Niw Jimy, OR Ifondiy thi ,.,,,WHEAT , ,, ,^t ATinun oni hunMu. d dey or July. 1M3, at S o*llock. Bread 25C U||)OnCookiM : tilt to Lot No. Four P. M. Pmalllnt Time. *"* fru taenti wilt. ALL that tract or paroM at land Dorann^'Potatees / i *our nuiiwiM and twin- tltuati, lHni and bilnf la the Town- FENDm Mabi fett u let Ittor Hunartd atilp »f Hormdll. in tie County «i tninoijjotthwly alms Ul laonmoaUi. In tht auti ot Mew Jet- A&P's •SSStC CoH-tl Aan Pogt Flnt Foods! Maearonl ft Oheeee **•» 6 Biin M andd *a»inntnn. onout hundrtbundrtd EED0M MMauJMtllgW t tTmt withuiy Mi, ot KNOWN and delimited aa all 2T r Wuhl Ariaui: tniaci "•'• l» Lot No. in Block No. L ai ihown YHS, Libby'sFnlt Drinks Hl 5 Wu toutliirij ttdt of waihlnf and deilsnitid OQ a certain map en hXt"Urn 2 I": 25° » fifty fMt to tht BMln- tilled "Map of lection Two, llolmde Eight O'Olotk ^liS^S llanor, llolnidtl Towoihlp, Monmouth (ll.h.nJ Full-bodied Jpitlil CWtr-ftiri A&P Chopped Broccoli 4 SlilNO in of Lot Four Hundrid andCounty, New Jeriey Scale l"~100', TwUvl on litlil fl"n •iptemlur i, KM, Crill Flnnaiin Ind w • You lr« nUil* DtrcndanU bionit Surviyora, nnd fllt Monmnuth Red Circle ^1.71 ^59< Grape Jelly or Jam tr ^ H* »M eUlm or in arcialmid or n-County Clerk'N Offlci nn May 16, IDM Sunnyfield Waffles tl: 5 •utitd In own Ihi mil rial Hill* »' r-t,* Nil. »1 (lliMl No, II. Vigor out and Wlniy Ann f agi Jnn-- pa.rt lVr«if nr «ntn» Inlfrnl SIIIIJKCT lo rntrlclmin anil enii- C Ihlrlln, or lo hold I H*n <•' >nnum.iiu'^tH ill Kcoril, If liny, OMIIP* th»t»i»n. Belnc commonly known mil desig- Bokar ^t.77 ^61 Barbecue Sauce': nated II No. 10 Mayfllr IKiod, Unc- J «« ial, Towmlilp oi Ilnlmilel, Nlw Jer SanUn Lstltn Klg.Relilll.3? Re,. Retell 79c Saeolil Thi* Week! uy. Tin approilmati amount of thi Judr C ( 9 ment to be latleflKt by eald «»le la Copptrtoitt \21.15 I", 63 Scallop Dinner „.,»•• no Trick to Hiving Ex- thi turn of IH.MO.00 totetliir with Ull Flashlight & Batteries **9S 2X.N efteti ol thli Mil, All Rtttlli Plus Ftdtrtl EKCIM Ttx C1 ... 2 C*H FUiWlpM C«ih. Y(M G« It FMt Whin Saltd Jut 11, iSSI ShrhspBiaier Xiflltiv ChuAM. —an-_ A agAItOi nbtriB. , Jim 26,1963 BED BANK REGISTER Trmuferred GETS BATING HIKE Mother Fined $25 USS For Daughter'* Truancy Uve Within Yewr Inconi Fr.ucht, tirwuti, USH, w '/f Mr ltd' MM. Item^a K MJM>LET7WN - Un. 14* frjum. vA WUrgnrf- *n usdw, *tt Prospect Ave., littk Goodman, Mills Avc, Port Mon- Sctol Silver, N, J,, w»j advanced, to! Some /ire Scared of Money ! his present rate while, serving! roouth, was lined $25 Thursday aboard the anti-submarine war- by Magistrate Richard E. Burke fare support, aircraft carrier for allowing her daughter to miss *t MAW FEELEY try club most of the neighbors SUGGESTED BUDGET PLAN belong to. I'm womied that our ON SALARY OF $ll,«f USS Lexington, an Atlantic Fleet 101 daya of school this past year. Cmwltut in Money Management unit homeported at Pensacola, Dear Miss Feeley: two children, ages 7 and 10, will Spendable Income-*** Moodily Her daughter, Barbara, was a Fta. M*vi :, We have a chance to be unhappy because they won't EXPENSES MONTHLY freshman in the high school. have the things the other chil- Housing $130 from yFlnlih SINCE 1890' (JRANADAISA .. . BY SKINLESS * BONELESS Portuguese SARDINES • ROMAR Reusable VA H. P. LOMART LOMART IMPERIAL Stainless IMPERIAL Stainless (Send your problems to CARTRIDGE FILTER ANTHRAFILT Steel DIATOMITE AVAILABUAT George. But only as a last re- REUSABLE Steel DIATOMITE i Stop-Rite. Grand Unloa, Food sort.) with FREE AUTOMATIC FILTER SPIN FILTER Fair. Food Taw*. Mayfolr Mar- CARTRIDGE FILTER SPIN FILTER L kets, Good Otal Marten and TOP SKIMMER (or Pools to 16 Ft. for Pools to 18 Ft. Model SS3 Model SS5 other leading food item. Dear George: for Pools to Lt. Michael V. Canavan I am four feet 11 inches and DIAMETER DIAMETER lor Pools to 20 Ft. for Pools to 28 Ft. 15 Ft. DIAMETER Ulure Tim* Meali my girl friend, is nearly six feet 741135 741134 DIAMETER 741084 DIAMETER 741137 Start at ... RUMSON - Lt. Michael V. tall. How can I solve this prob- •anavan, son of Mr, and Mrslem. ? M. V. Canavan of Belknap La., is Stretch CITARELLA'S 741113 Dear Stretch: MEATS and DELI attending the Marine Corps Artil- DIATOMITE ELEMENT A07 lery School at Quantico, Va. Upon Well, you're on the right track forthli Filter.741113B 7 Uttte Sllv.r Shopping Center 74 completion of the course, he will Call 741-9059 Dear George: • USE R&S EASY CREDIT PLAN • NO MONEY DOWN • LOW AS $1.00 PER WEEK serve a 13-month tour with the My husband has this very pe- Rotisserie Barbecued Third Marine Division in Okina- culiar (I think) idea for a va Chickens at All Times wa. Lt. Canavan is a graduate of cation. 3-Ib. Sice—$1.69 St. Anselm's College, Manches- Always befgre we have either Sale feUll POOLS for YOUNG CHILDREN Turkey • Capons gone to the mountains in North AFT. STEEL WALL POOL! ter, N. H. He was commissioned Spare Ribi on Order Carolina or to the beach in Flor- ... ^—^ With HEAVY GAUGE VINYL LINER last December. ida. 2 Ring Inflatable POOL IN. DEEP HOME MADE SALADS Suddenly he comes up with 52 IN. DlA. 10 IN. DEEP QUALITY COLD CUTS VISIT CONOVERS this strange idea about shooting the rapids in a canoe, in Oregon. IT'S TOUGH-Resists Punctures! IT'S EVERETT — Mr. and Mrs. SOFT-Can't Hurtl Brightly Decorated. PRIME MEATS John Drieling and daughter Diana We have three children and it is Op** San. 9 to 1 P. M. and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Weber a small canoe. 3 to 6:30 P. M. of Union City visited Saturday Do you think this is really the Celantano Frown with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cono- way to have a family vacation? halloa Specialties er, Sunnyside Rd. Concerned Dear Concerned: The family that plays together stays togeth—hm . . . Head For PLASTIC PROWN'S The Hills! TOP EDGE OTHER STEEL WAIL POOLS to 12 Fi.x30 In. RE-SCREENS • NO MONEY DOWN on E-Z CREDIT! RE-GLAZES Heavy Gauge Vinyl GROUND COVERS ADD YEARS OF LIFE TO YOUR POOL LINER. PREVENT MILDEW. ANY TYPE POOL LADDERS • 6 Ft. 741035 1.49 • 15 Ft. 741039 7.99 at DEEP CUT PRICES! • 8 Ft. 741036 1.99 • 18 Ft. 741040 10.97 Aluminum Frame • 10 Ft. 741037 2.99 • 20 Ft. 741041 15.97 STRONG & SAFE! Made to Last! Non- • 12 Ft. 741038 4.99 »24Fr. 741042 22.97 AND Slip Steps! Roomy Diving Platforms! ALUMINUM LADDERS WINDOW • 30 inch... 741088 14.49 MIDDLETOWN — • 36 inch... 741089 15.49 RT. 35 at 5 CORNERS VENETIAN BLINDS 42 inch... 741086 17.49 OPEN DAILY TO 10 P. M. 48 inch... 741085 20.49, SUNDAYS TO 6 P. M. Re-Taped, Re-Corded, Re-Painted ACCUSED OF SLAYING — Byron do La Bockwith, 42, of SAYREWOODS SHOPPING CENTER • BUDGET TERMS • FREE DELIVERY WOOD LADDERS RT. 9 at ERNSTON RD. Dally & Saturday 8 A.M.-5.-30 P.M. Greenwood, Miss., poses for MONDAY thru SATURDAY 9 to 9—SUN. to 6 Wed. and Frl. 'til 9 P.M. photographers outside his "Between Yaako'a & Hcussllles" jail coll at Jackson, Miss., MID-STATE MALI SHOPPING CENTER while preparing to confer MMPMgMMMflgM^^ RT. 18, EAST BRUNSWICK JLvWIlw ka6 weMfvumg with his lawyer*. He it ac- MONDAY thru SATURDAY 9 to 9—SUN. to e cusod of murder in tho Am- IZIroodSt. SHodpMt 1-7500 fttdfemk WIN A COLOR TV SIT—JUST INTIR YOUR NAMI. bush (laying of Medgar NO PURCHASI RIOUIRED, DRAWING JUN1 M. ••••••••••••••••••t Evar», integration loader. YOU CAN" VfIN SENSATIONAL PRIZES IN THE BIG KING KORN STAMPS " Keep Cod with the Mets" GIVEAWAY! '2\G0LD DECORATED (•01 DIN WHEOf G t .12 "Wdbilt" Mighty Mite Air Conditioners Given Away! ^ASS INSIDE __ 4,330 Tickets to the Hets-Dodger Night Game, July 11th! xni

» IV, 1963. HgM *• «•»». e «££ tmn turn • DMWING cms $«., mm

Another MAYFAIR King-Size Savings! THEY GO TOGETHER! imp Famous "'Golden Blew" Hickory Smoked Suj SLICED BACON

COUPON TULIP FAIR „_ 'iNSlDf PACKAGE pcdoniml purcJimof two packign Smoked Hams HICKORY SMOKED


iainiiiiitiiiitiifiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiifiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitifiiiiiiiiiiiititiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiintiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiniiinniHiHiHiniHHiitHii MAIL-IN OFFER CHUCK STEAK 37 IflAAA EXTRA FREE KING KORN we*Simply Wonderful" LAMB SALE! 1 I If IIU STAMPS WITH THESE COUPONS Oxydol iinii Giant. 79c "Simply Wonderful'-New Crop-Genuine Spring-PhkMwttd this coupon worth CHEER King Sii» $1.27 SHOULDER LAMB CHOPS 69 FREE-200-EXTRA DASH RIB LAMB CHOPS 89c LOIN LAMB CHOPS KING KORN STAMPS juptbo Sin lllllllllinilllinillllllllllffllHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIllllllll WITH THIS COUPON AND PURCHASE OF $2.25 "Simply Woncltrful"-Com Fed Young Steer^ '-, •/ -•: • : H DUZ SOAP $10.00 OR MORE Giant Six* CALIFORNIA ROAST • 49 Excluding Fresh Milk and Cigarettes Vi 79c "Simply Wonderful"-Top Choice-Corm Fed Young Steer .1 Limit 1 coupon per adult family SALVO EFFECTIVE THRU JULY 2,1963 Jumbo Sin $2.19 BONELESS TOP SIRLOIN ROAST 89 Maylair Super Worketi IVORY SNOW "Simply Wonderful"- Hickory Smoked - Sugar Cured ' R*g. Siu 34c SMOKED HAM STEAK - 89 FREE-50-EXTRA DREFT XING KORN STAMPS "Simply Wonderful"-Fresh Killed-Delivered Daily ^ Plump-Mealy-3 V2 to 4 Ib. average With tW»l coupon and purchqu ol Gitn> Siia at. jar KOSHER Pickles & 71c FRESH ROASTING CHICKENS 39. LEG 0' LAMB IVORY LIQUID f DETERGENT "Simply Wonderful'^ fresh Made • Giapt Sin THRIL' V L LIQUID FRESH ITALIAN SAUSAGE ll11 DETERGENT W'FREE-IOO-EXTRA " FREE-50-EXTRA Giant. Size KING KORN STAMPS KING KORN STAMPS LOW With thli coupon and purchatl of With this coupon and purchau of 61c 2 POUNDS CHOPPED 1 Ib. or over Extra Sharp IVORY SOAP PRICED! largt Si» Dazzle Bleach GAL. 2 for 29c IVORY SOAP Medium Six* mm ub $ 3 for 27c FREE-50-EXTRA BRILLO PADS < 3" 1 KING KORN STAMPS IVORY SOAP fefjonal Sii»" PlIlCQPplC JUKC Linden Hous. Giant 46 oz. can 23C 10 POUND BAG 4 for 23c POTATOES CAMAY SOAP Bath Size 2 for 29c Linden House Cleanser «•<»«<•» 10° ZEST COMPLEXION FREE-50-EXTRA SOAP Vanity Fair Facial Tissues^ 5 Reg. Size KING KORN STAMPS COCK OF THE WALK GOURMET With thli coupon and purchast of 2 for 27c 1 LB. OR OVER PURE BARTLETT PEARS 3 * 85c FRENCH CRUMB CAKE 35c SPIC & SPAN BEEFBURGER Reg. Size Sensational Frozen hod Buys! 27c FRESH, FIRM, RED RIPE MR. CLEAN Farm Fare Potatoes Giant Size 63c Regular or Crinkle Cut 9 oz. TOMATOES LAVA SOAP Fresh Frozen pkg. 9c I Reg. Size CHOPPED or LEAF, FRESH FROZEN 2 for 23c 10oz. C MONEY-SAVING RIVER VALLEY SPINACH'X9 PINK or REGULAR, FRESH FROZEN, TIP TOP or carton FAVORITES FROM LINDEN FARMS LEMONADE «° «*10c OUR APPETIZER CHOCOLATE, LEMON, BANANA, COCONUT, FIIE5H FROZEN DEPARTMENT MORTON'S CREAM PIES "• -p* 39« Large Smoked WHITEFISH BLUEBERRIES 56 Newman Springs Rd. FIRST JERSEY CROP plnt ib. 89c CULTIVATED box Fmh Mad* Red Bank, N. J. HONEYDEW XS -* 39« POTATO SALAD PLUMP GREENlb C a, 19c "OPEN SUNDAY-9 a.m. to 6 p.m. GREEN PEPPERS 19 Please Cut AM Coupons Apart For Speedier Hand/ingl Koihor Styl. Midget Salami - ih 49c , J«M 76,1963 BED BA.VJC FffiC?S7TFt vA wuf gtm fWMfattitt tor Aajwt fluwgh *a ew&i*** of ter tmiiut tor *!«*** Lynn Dusiuberre lolt/tct poA eflort la faatptaj •tact • tdm Receives $1500 pnfec* the Kb* jwimft,

Recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Wright, Virginia Ter., were Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Rich- ardson of Ottawa and Florida.

Rene Hoyle, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert 0. Thatcher, Chapel Hill Rd., is visiting in California en route to Hawaii.

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Santelli, McClees Rd., recently entertain- ed 32 guests at a family party in honor of their daughter, Miss Marilyn Santelli. A June graduate of Red Bank Catholic High School she will enter Glassboro State College in the fall.

Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Plum, former residents of Stephenville Rd., have moved to their new home on Glenmary Ave. Michael Rooney Ron Grohowski of Wilkes Barre, Pa., was the recent guest of Mr, MIDDLETOWN - Michael and Mrs. Thomas Field, Rt. 35,Rooney, son of Mr. and Mrs. Miss Judy Field, who was re-Michael Rooney, 600 Harmony cently graduated from Charle Rd., has been appointed a patrol- Ellis School, Newtown Square man with the New York City po- Pa., received National Science lice department. Home Economics and Librar A veteran of four years in the Service awards at the commence Marine Corps with 20 months of ment exercises. overseas duty, Mr. Rooney has been a resident here six years. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stirrup and family of Watchung recently visited Mrs. Stirrup's parents, Strathmore Mr. and Mrs. Gaylord Barth, Joseph Marino, son of Mr. and Cooper Rd. Mrs. Paul Marino, 19 Autumn La., is recuperating at home aft- HEALTH CAPSULES er being hospitalized at Mon- by Micliarl A. lVtti, M.D. mouth Medical Center, Long Branch. Joseph is a Red Bank PO ELPERLV PEOPLE DO BETTER IN A NURSING Register carrier in the Andover " HOME OB IN THEIR OWN section. COMPLETE WHEEL ALIGNMENT HOME? RUST-RESISTANT MUFFLERS BRAKES RELINED Mrs. Eleanor Gomlick, Bronx, AND BRAKE ADJUSTMENT Fully fluaronttad for th« Ufa of your cart ON ALL 4 WHEELS was the weekend guest of her T..r Molel M« C.r Y»r Molil With 13,000-mlle guaront*** son and daughter-lnlaw, Mr. and r.r Ch Studt — Cld. ID - •n.'ea— • — Mrs. Louis Gomlick, 81 Andover Cad. Ir) for all La. 6.95 Chevj < « >nd I— l.9t -'«9-'S3-« and t— Ot • Correct camber and Ch«vy - Ford — Amtrlcan • Inspect and adjust _'B».'dO J 7.M Ford — -•M-'«»-« and «- l.ll caster steering Pontlte -•m-'BO t Ml -•At-'M a — l.ll 12.95 can Dod(t — Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. • Correct toe-in and • Inspect hydraulic lines Old> — -•JJ.'BS J 1O« —•ao-'oo— • — MI Bulck - Dodfi — • Install \ seta of new, bonded bruko llnlngo Vincent Guariglia, 181 Deerficld toe-out • Inspect wheel _'4».'BJ I III Plym. — -'«].'90-« and a- Ml • Bleed and adjust for full contort • Adjust brakes Bulck - La., were Mr. and Mrs. Sol Ric- cylinders tfully guaranteed atfalnit manufacturer'! dtficta for thai lifetime of • Check lines, master cylinder (or loiiki cio and children, Scott and Chris, This (trvlc* li ivellebl* from your car—free replacement. Dual! and convertible! align tly higher. *rrn rtllnlnf 1( bratti fall wllhln 111,001) IIIIIM O/ Job, of Brooklyn. 8:30 A.M. to 5:45 P.M. only Tall Dlpapipe**t torfor moamoilt can altalo available at low prlcea. Initallation llabla at nominal charfe. Avilltbto to 5:« P.M. Mrs. Mary Asimenios, having just arrived from her home in CALL OSborni 1-2500, KEIIogg 1-2400 OR WRITI on tint. Frt* dollwry within our delivery area (Iu.pl C.O.D.'i uU BOO. lambtWi Drlv».|« Am Cantor (Dtpt. 141,144), Greece, is visiting her son-in-law Ad|«e«M lo Bambtwr't at tho Monmouth Shopping Cantor, Umb.rg.r1. Monmouth. Ami at Nowwt, Par«mn, Mtnlo Park, rlalnflold and Rout* 22, lprln«fltM, THtV PO BETTER M hw/rtE. and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Sam ANP SHOULD GO TO A Itangos, 78 Avalon La. NURSING HOME ONLV WHEN BUY WITH NO DOWN PAYMENT, TAKE UP TO 18 MONTHS TO PAY WITH A BAMBERGER HOMEMAKER'S CREDIT ACCOUNT CARING FOR THEM BECOMES VERV P1FFICULT. Dennis Overzat, Levittown, L.I. JOMORROWl WfOOP ANP MILK. is spending the summer with his SATURDAY aunt And uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Bamberger's Monmouth open Monday through Friday till 9:30 p. m. Thomai Haran, 102 Andover La. , Jan* 26,1963-^ ageism Set Garbage Ttok Rules FINAST...You Bet! OUNT PRICES MH3DU3I0WN -The Board of Health Monday i I fet the But in anendneat to «e ordiaascc Fint regulating the ftorage and'art- STAMPS Jeotloo' of karbage and FM4I and I $»•. National waate material in the tomuUp. Hie change, to take effect im- Stores mediately, requires aU vehides Saw Twice In Fact! used by private ooUacfews and townsljp contractor* in tte re- moval iof waste material to be metal-enclosed automatic tofcd- ing-type trucks. Tills '4oes 'not include those collectors who service less than 100 customers during any one week. ; But even then, the board must be satisfied that the truck's FREE WITH THIS construjstion prevents leakage COUPON di ajtd sojnage of contents. IOO Rev. -Robert T. Bulman, pastor Avl. emu STAMPS of St.; Mary's Catholic Church, New Monmouth, requested in a Chuck Roost WITH A PURCHASE OF $7.50 letter to, the board that a pro- posed Sewage disposal plant on gM,t, the cfcttrehV property be, ap- fmh Mfflc Ex«>pl from Stomp OH»r. proved, , , USDA CHOICE Near High School Good thru Sat* June 29 Ani, WIJJBMW *or tite church, BONE IN said wptent *buld be • seam- dary^reatment facility to be Extra Simp Offers-No Coupons Needed buMt .near Mater Del High School^ which belongs, to the EXTRA M. GREEN STAMPS CHUCK STEAKS-35 with purchcn* of U oft «ro (an A ffcrnatptao end application wUl b« submitted to the board by BLACK FUG INSECT BOMB the engineer for examination. USDA CHOICE In otter action, the president ot GROUND CHUCK *5* CHICKEN LEGS »•«•» «,45c EXTRA &>(. GREEN STAMPS the Sfe Star Swim Club, Har- wMi pwnlMM ef Two nft ec pkgs. febldtt monJMIW., agreed to Install a SHOULDER STEAKS USDA CHOICE *79c CHICKEN BREASTS «•«««« 1,55c separate ike from his site to a SUNSHINE CHOCOLATE CHIP free flowing brook so that ef< CALIFORNIA STEAKS CHUCK BEEF fluents c«u|4 be discharged. M9c SKINLESS FRANKFURTERS 2 EXTRA £$(. GREEN STAMPS H. Lttrrence,, Scott, board USDA CHOICE with PVMIMM of 1 doim S*g«^ Plain wCiimamii president, aidhe was very con- CUBE STEAKS "-8* BOLOGNA & BOLOGNA 49c cerned Aver what the township FINAST DONUTS would do if the area now used LONDON BROIL CROSS Kit *8* FANCY WHITING ^LARFAVORTE for the Jumping of effluents is OLD r-ASHIONEO •oW. v :;••••. • ...;••'•• SMOKED BACON IYTHEHKE >39c HADDOCK FILLETS '««-«« pp "Ibis could be a serious prob- lem as we have only one place FINAST CRACKED WHEAT BREAD to dunv septic tank wastes?' Mr. Scott saM;. . _^;;- .•;--. • The property is. at pfesent part tmsr BAKERY mm of a ferm owned by Michael Gaglius, Nutswamp Rd. It has PINEAPPLE ,,„ been rumored that the land may Mt BROADCASTS HASH 3-1.00 be sold.. PIE OVEN FRESH 4K.43< Dr. Marc Krohn, township health officer, said septic tank FIMST-URBE users would.have to pay an in< FINAST BANANA 14 JA WHITE 08 COLORS B creased' rate for waste removal if dumping had to be done at another area. ^ CHIFFON CAKE PW49P "The rate could go from about quart $28 a track load to (40," he said. WELCH'S DRINKS ."SESk Ban Little Silver mm FOOD SPECIALS Court Cases Farm House Chocolate, Coconut ir Banana LITTLE SHAVER — John M, KRAFT'S VELVEETA-» 2; 79 Verovlch, 2ft of Headquarters Co. Processing C«nter, Fort Mon. Cream Pies ««-»n-39« mouth, was fined $55 in munici- pal court Monday for disorderly conduct here June 2. CARNATION MILK — 3--40 Laurence Burdge, 46 Hilltop Ter., Red Bank, was fined $30 Welchade r 2',. 27c tor careless driving and $8 for failing to have automobile reg- BROOKSIDE ICE CREAM *w» .»•- 89c FINAST SODA ^ istration in his possession. SARA LEE CHEESE CAKE 59« ! A $28 fine for careless driving FINAST KETCHUP • ««.» 2 £E35e SIIDNER'S POTATO SALAD against Joseph Kornfeld of Fort Monmouth was suspended. He was ordered to pay $5 court CUT-RITE SANDWICH BAGS »> 2*»39c SARAN WRAP "roc™ COStS. .;:.'' • • Other tines imposed last ni, INSTANT FELS StrJtt71e ' SCHULER'S POTATO CHIPS »«.«.<. 59c were: Joseph McOtarmid, 2 Blue BUY1GET nu C Jay Ct, Mlddletown, careless GENTLE FELS ' 62 WELCHADE GRAPE DRINK —27c drlvingi $15; Irwln Goldsmith, 7 HEINZ CHILI SAUCE «<<-33c Heathcllff Rd., Rumson, speed- LITTLE BETSY COOKIES "«« >».^ 3] ing, $15; Richard Reid, tl Mor- ROSE-X BLEACH . «""« 2""35' FELS NAPTHA ^ lje S C ris H., Oceanport, delinquent IfEEDIBD fUDGESTIX,VANIOACREME,HCIARS, your »>»- automobile inspection, $15, andRIVER BRAND RICE '^3]< LOIN SNAP OFF BAGETTES AEEDLOI SUGAR GIANTS «r SOCIETY CREMES thole. O/C George White,, 1402 Springwood Ave., Asbury Park, operating an LESTOIl"1"K iw WHIN wu w luron- »a.M 35C NIAGARA SPRAY STARCH unregistered Vehicle, $10. 12 o Frank Beifcart,» North Sun- C HORMEL DEVILED HAM *"» 2 Lt IVORY SOAP FLAKES nycrestDr,,ifck place, was fined CHIVER'S ORANGE MARMALADE V 31 w $6 for violation of the borough 6IANT RAGU SPAGHETTI SAUCE g4K«£ 71 dog ordinance. BRILLO SOAP PADS "» '•^i-* Wilara Wren, Jr., 18, of 316 40Z IVORY SNOW iox.pkB.72c nb. 3 ox. pkg. 28c 3c OFF LABEL lib. 5 or. «on 20c RITTER GREEN TOMATO RELISH ««i- 29c SWEEPJTEAK DRAWING WINNERS LISTED IN STORES John Gilbert of Rumson, chair- § \ med. QQQ man of the teacher education 1 department at Monmouth Col- IVORY SOAP lege, will represent the college at the 18th annual national con- ference of me national commis- FANCY RED RIPE... FINE FOR SLICING ^^ ^^ gU^ for sion on teacher education and professional standards of the Na- IVORY SOAP f.LTs,» 4 20c tional Education Association. Dr. Gilbert will be one of about 10 educators from New Jersey 12oz.»fza *| to attend. The topic for the con- JOY LIQUID 3 TOMATOES 2 29 ac OFF PACK 1 pint 6 or. ili* ^c ference will be "Changes In Teacher Education: An Apprais- al." c i 31b The conference will take place FRESH FLORIDA SWEET CORN 5 ° 29 CRISCO «85« '"•"" 35c at Ohio State University, Colum- PURE VEGETABLE SHORTENING) bus, Ohio, through Friday. JUMBO HONEYDEW MELONS each 59c I 1 5c OFF AA. FAIR LICENSEE ESCAROLE or CHICORY 2 ">< 29thoptd 1 Finishing Process, Sampler's is latfex with firm . . . introduced April 29, 1963 by Assemblymen Brady, also famous for the speed and ef- Smith, Rimm, Wanner, Kordja and Panaro. ficiency of its service—»l fal| as girdk-britf undenttath 48 hours in an emergency. Stem- "Be it enacted by the Senate and General Assembly pltr'f drapery cleaning lervlce in- cludes removal, cleaning, storage of New Jersey ..." and rehanqing. - If this bill passes the legislature, it will include llir Srampler's first became racog- 19.98 Sicti 38 to 46 required school term of training lo be not less than niied for iti superior quality way back in I»IO whon it was founded 2000 liours and an education of high school graduate. by Aba Srumpltr. Today the con- The thirred princcu double-stitched team- cern is still family owned and op- To tnke advantage of the present 1000-hour train- ing creates one long, ulcnder line. The erated by Dave Stempltr and his ing program, you mint be registered as a student with tU»Uth«r,: Sol, Harry and M.I. •lightly flared ikirt conccali thigh bulge*, the Board of Beauty of Culture before bill becomes Inw. and the girdle-brief holds tummy and Avoid a waiting list that may force you to double derriere firm and itnooth. Built-in boned ALL SHOES FROM REGULAR STOCK. both the 1000 liours of training and present tuilion fee. bra for comfortable aupport. Swim the EVERY SHOE BRANDED AND WELL KNOWN. new alim way thia Summer in flattering Only a limited number of opening* still available. Phone black or peacock blue, by Surf Togi. lorry, us Telesarvlce »r mall. Wemeit't World ENROLL NOW—SAVE TIME AND MONEY! PR 6-5955 (Dtpr. 100). Mall Uvtl. lambarger's MMIHBIIHI. RICHARD'S BEAUTY SCHOOL And at Paromui, Mml* Park, Newark, LICENSED BY STATE OF N. J. BEAUTY CULTURE BOARD SAMPLER'S M«rrl«r«w«, NalnfUld, Primate* md Charry Hill. SIZES 4-11 AAAA-C Widths in group 25 1ROAD ST. SH MU5 RED BANK JiCKur AND Miinitr !H2ri AtolM Monmouth

: "4 Elect Slate Sandra Boyd Is Bride m KEYPORT — The Monmouth Summer Theater w* County Dental Assistants Associa- By MILU HRUSKA and Dikran Nahiggian of New 1 'I tion held election of officers re- '..: Little theater and all its York...Judge Henry Pilch of cently jn (he offices of Drt. S. M. Of James M. Roberts Goodstetn and William' A. Orlac- - ayenues of uaodated arts will Madison... and Niki and Grace KEYPORT—Miss Sandra Mae The bride was escorted by her chio. -occupy *e time this summer of|Vuyosevi'ch ofFaVrliaven brother, Richard Boyd. She wore A Elected were Mrs. Chester J. Boyd, daughter of Mrs. E. Mae many Monmoutti County resi- a street-length gown of white silk yy Beaman, president; Mrs. Poppy Boyd, 97-12th St., West Keans- ,4tnit in pursuit of careers in the The "wetting down" party for organza over taffeta designed r Rasmuisen, vice president; Miss burg, and the late John L. Boyd, theater. It will be a source of the Atlantic Highlands Yachi with a fitted bodice, scoop neck- Mary Ann Tobin, secretary, and recreation for those who pursue Club's new party room drew l 1 became the bride of Spec. 4/C line, short sleeves and bell skirt. Miss Nancy Wise, treasurer. -it at t hobby. And It will enter- most the entire membership. James Meredith Roberts, son of Her elbow-length veil of illusion Dr. Martin J. Cain, Red Bank, tain thoM w*o enjoy an evening Among those dancing to the was attached to a cabbage rose spoke on facial deformities. In- Mr. and Mrs. Isaac M. Roberts, ot good theater. music of Bob Pleasant'* orches- TOMORROW headpiece and she carried a stallation will be held Saturday 203 Stone Rd., Union Beach, here /Chat Hamnunn of Rumaon, tra and singing with "Elsa"; the white Bible adorned with whits ANNUAL FAIR, 11-to 8 p.m.,! at the annual banquet in Mag- who Is « banker by day, will play sensational slnglng-accordianlst, on June 8. roses. All Saints Episcopal Church, nolia Inn, Matawan. Mrs. Fran- the Edward G. Robinson role in were Commodore and Mrs. Rev. Norman R. Riley, pastor Navesink. ces Strano, past president, will Mrs, Craig Teague, Keyport, the Paddy Chayefsky drama, George deLorme, Dr. and Mrs. CARD PARTY, Episcopal be Installing officer, and Mrs. of St. John's Methodist Church, sister of the bridegroom, was •twiddle of the Night," at..Bob Saul Strauch, the Ralph Currant, and Mrs. Edwin S. Close Women of St. Andrews Episco- Eleanor Dugdale, newly elected Keyport, performed the double matron of honor. She wore a Wayman'i New Jersey Academy Nancy Linzmayer, Bill and Marii pal Church, Highlands, 8 p.m., president of the state association, ring ceremony in the Calvary gown of white silk organza over of; Dramatic Art Theatre on Allen, tte JoJin Maloneys, thi parish hall. will be the conducting officers. Methodist Church. orchid taffeta with a wide midriff Rjyer Rd*, Fair Haven, Friday Ted Kelsos, the Fred Weilers, ai)d Saturday evening. . Golden Wedding Tea of Venice lace. The headpiece the Art Listanders, the George was a cascade of lily of the .The cast includes some of CHERRY FESTIVAL, Women Wuesthoffs, the Richard Galla- valley on a cluster of floral ,'Bob'i sfudenU in acting, speech, of Middletown Baptist Church, 3 ghers, the Richard Nutts, the leaves. She carried a colonial imprwlsatlon and voice projec- to 9 p.m., Baptist Church Arthur Naylor Weds Paul Haags, the Ted Hornyak! Given for Local Couple bouquet of lavender flowers. tion. Among them are June and the Charles Mangolds of At- grounds, Kings Hwy,, Middle- LITTLE SILVER — Announce- rett officiating. A family dinner Plager and Jacqueline McCros- lantic. Highlands ... the John J. town. Craig Teague, Keyport, RED BANK - Mr. and Mrs. iLafayette, Calif, Some 85 guests ment is made of the marriage of In Shadowbrook, Shrewsbury, fol- key of Red Bank... Jane Sohnlt- Filemms (they just bought a new attended the anniversary event. brother-in-law of the bridegroom, Edwin S. Close, 195 Maple Ave., Mrs. Frances Hoos of Morris- lowed. «r of Little Silver.. .Heidi Pop- 24-foot Zobel Sea Fox and chris- Residents of Red Bank all their was best man. were honored at a golden anni- SATURDAY town to Arthur Naylor of At- Attending the couple were Mr. lar of JNeptune... Gertrude Tell- tened It "The Han-Jak") and married lives rnd in their present Ushers were Carl Holmes and versary tea June 16 at the home lantic Highlands. Naylor's son-in-law, and daugh- man of Toms River... Ann Mrs. William Heard, Sr. of High' of their son and daughter-in-law, address U years, Mr. and Mrs. REUNION, Red Bank Catholic Harvey Smith, Keyport, Mitchell of Belmar..; Linda de- High School, Class of 1943, 7 The ceremony took place here ter, Mr, and Mrs. Robert Corre lands... the Lou Tontis and the Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Close, Clo»» have been active in local A reception followed in Calvary Angelo of New. Shrewsbury... p.m., Crystal Brook Inn, Eaton' Saturday in Embury Methodist of Rumson. '• James MacPhses of Holmdel... 31 Irving PI. Co-hosts were the organizations. Mr. Close, who re Methodist Church hall. *--' Pierce ; of •; Jfflddletfliwn... the Wally Popollzlos and the tired after 55 years with the In- town. Church with Rev. Ralph L. Bar- Following a trip through couple's other children, Mr, and The bride and the bridegroom Sftlvatore Marazito, Jr., of Jack Hardings of Leonardo... surance Company of North Canada to the Gaspe Peninsula, Mrs. Edwin M. Close Of 80 Mal- were graduated from Keyport Each student will the Frank Kirwans of Middle- America as manager of the the couple will reside at 120 East lard Rd., Middletown, and Mr. High School. The bride also was la at least one production town .. .the Walter Keoghs of marine insurance department in Washington Ave., Atlantic High-j and Mrs. Thomas E. Cottreli of graduated from the Barbizon /throughput the summer. East Brunswick ...the John Lot the New York office, Is an elder Miss Boetsch Engaged lands. Mrs. Naylor has had a piano] School for Modeling, New York Bob has conducted classes and kas and Peter Hansens of Perth of the Red Bank Presbyterian studio in Morristown and has City, and is employed by the ^rested,: plays «t tfie Old Mill, Amboy... the John Lambrtdits Church, a former trustee, and BELFORD - Mr. and Mrs. El- been music director in the Mine] Peoples National Bank, Keyport. Tlnton Falls. He opened the of Union Beach... and Jocelyn Wins $800 also served as comptroller for mer J. Boetsch, 603 Clinton Ave., the church. Born in Yonkers, Hill schools for eight yeiirs. The bridegroom attended Mon- y, Academy of Dramat- Edward Paul announce the engagement of N.Y., son of the late Mr. and Mr. Naylor Is the.president of mouth. College. He was employed M Art In the charmingly reju- lantic Highlands. ^nated colonial building .adjoin- Scholarship Mrs. Monmouth Henry Close, he their daughter, Miss Gail Ann Naylor's, Inc., dealing in whole- by the Prudential Insurance Co., Arid the Walter Backs of Park of American, Newark, before en- % the Candle Light shop. He was raised in Bound Brook. Boetsch, to Joseph G. Salomone, sale auto parts, with branches Ridge... Virginia LaFlamme bl in Atlantic Highlands, Shrews- tering the Army, and currently eludied drama at Columbia Uni- Mrs. Close, the former Laura son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Hillsdale...William Baxter ol bury and Keansburg. Is stationed at Fort Bragg, N.C. versity, Boston > University and Midland Park and Helen Coron- Conover McDowell, daughter of Salomone of Levittown, Pa. the University of Missouri. And atl of Park Ridge and. Monmoutr the late Mr. and Mrs. Gideon The bride-elect, a graduate of he was a student pt the late and Beach galled in aboard the yacht, McDowell of Wickatunk, is an great Michael Chekov. "Detras," to join the party. active member of the Red Bank Middletown Township High It all ended with some of u Woman's Club, Monmouth Chap- School, is employed as a secre- ' the Wagonwheel Playbouie returning to the magnificent es- ter, Daughters of the American tary by the law firm of Crummy, In Middletown will be the scene tate of the John Flemms on Port- Revolution, Red Bank Auxiliary Gibbons and O'Neill In Newark. of • {tress reception and cock- land Rd. for a nightcap. of Riverview Hospital, Red Bank fail party this evening. The Chapter of the Needlework Guild Mr. Salomone, also an alumnus $nt of tndr summer stock Patricia Anne Trufolo, of American, The Red Cross, and of Middletown Township High the Women's Association of the shows, "The Moon Is Blue," daughter of (he Anthony Trufo- School, served four years in the opens tomorrow evening and Red Bank Presbyterian Church. Ics of Sllverbrook Rd., Shrews- United States Air Force. He is will play this weekend and next bury, jetted to Rome via All' She also served as president of presently attending the Universi- weekend beginning Thursday, talla Sunday afternoon. She the Golden Hour, a women's or- again. will be the guest of Donna ganization of the church prior ty of Maryland, College Park, Maria Monolfl of Naples and to the establishment of the Wom- Miss Gall Ann Boetsch Md. ' Trav Neldlinger'si Studio 57 will have an audience with en's Association. en Concord Ave., Leonardo, Pope Paul VI. She will spend Mr. and Mrs. Close were mar will end one of Its most popu- the summer touring Italy, ried June 12, 1913, in Wickatunk lar exhibits on Sunday. It is France, and England and will in the home of Mrs. Close's par- 4 Seasons Is Theme an exhibit In the "Crafts of return after Labor Day. ents, by Rev. H. J. Viverberg Man" series. The current one Donna Monolfl will entertain of the Dutch Reformed Church ,•' Is of precious glass. On dls- Of Bradevelt. Mrs. Close's broth- for Patricia Anne on her 16th Miss Marcia Sheridan •. play are silver deposit glass birthday next week. er, Raymond McDowell, now a Of Dance Production f ... gold deposit... Inlay... KEANSBURG - Miss Marcia resident of Freehold, served as ;A Tiffany ... cut crystal .. . best man. He was among the MIDDLETOWN — "Dancing Adele Lundrlgan, "Moon River." CRACKED WINDSHIELD? On the Champagne Circuli Sheridan, daughter of Mr. and through the Seasons" was th All students appeared in the , etched . . . Quetzel . . . ena- were Didne Giersoh, the John Mrs. James Sheridan, 9 Forest guests at the anniversary tea. theme of the annual recital pre finale. Production was staged and PHONE CA 2-3193 meled ..'. et al. Bantas, Grace Burke, the Gerry PI., received an $800 scholarship Willard McDowell, Freehold, and sented by students of Misi directed by Miss Betty. Assisting DiStefanos, Hie Vincent Paces, from the Teachers' Association Marshall McDowell, Middletown, Betty's Dance Studio in Middli were Mrs. Arden Pompherey, Mary Rolfson Smith (Mrs. Elaine Currier, the Frank Cer- of Middletown Township High who served as pages at the home H. KAABE GLASS CO. town Township High School audi dressmaker; Charles Walter, Paul Smith) of Atlantic High- maks, Diane Large, the Ed School at commencement exer wedding, also were among the • FREE ESTIMATES stage decor, and William Berth, lands is in Washington, D.C., this Larges and the Ken Friedes ol cjses June 19. guests at the tea. torium recently., More than 101 • FREE PICKUP AND DELIVERY ANYWHERE pupils participated. props. Miss Michelle Geragthyj week. She has been invited to be Rumson... the Alfred Stonei A member of the National In addition to thetir three chil- • AUTO GLASS • FURNITURE TOPS acted as assistant teacher. • • MIRRORS • BOAT GLASS a guest on a private tour of the and Pat and Jack Collins of Lit- Honor Society, Miss Sheridan dren; Mr. and Mrs. Close have Performing in specialty num 1 Classes will be resumed in the White House. • tle Silver... and Martha Berg" 'of also won a New Jersey State 12 grandchildren and one great- bers were Bonnie Alperin, Ne 549-551 Broadway, > Long Branch 1 fall. ffi.' '. .''V ••';•;,,. ; Deal at the Peninsula-"House, Scholarship. She plans to enter grandson, five month old Richard Monmouth, representing wintei CohmV Jones of Philadelphia Sea Bright, MoMair' State Teachers'- Col- F. Sarpolus, son of Mr. and Mrs. as Snow Queen; David R, Lench, Middletown, in a tap number; ... Trudy Ross and Rose Kinsey Ralph Olson's CandWighi lege in the fall. ( Richard W. Sarpolus of Atlantic of New York entertained at an Room and pool side bar at the At the recent awards assembly Highlands. Donna Pompherey, Leonardi al fresco cocktail party and buf- Shore Hill Motel, Sea Bright, en- in the school, Miss Sheridan re- representing spring as the GIo' ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^•J^H^' fet supper at their Monmouth tertained Joe and Anne Seiler of ceived the Thespian Award from New Book Includes Worm; and Karen Andrew; Beach cottage last weekend. It Long Island, the T. James Tu- the Drama Club, a letter from Leonardo, in a ballet, "Susan' was gay and informal and came; multys of Jersey City, Malcolm the Girls' Athletic Association, Teacher's Essays Birthday Party." . near to being frozen into an in- and Inez Rogers of South Orange and awards for stenography, typ ASBURY PARK-Miss Marilyn Dancing the bridal waltz door party by the sudden and ... Mayor and Mrs. Cornelius J. ing and membership on the year R. Sheehan, 1007 Fourth Ave., "Always" were Beverly Kegley swift drop in temperature after Guiney of Highlands ...Col. book staff. was recently notified that two Middletown, and David Lench BunjJown. Only the continuous James Nick of Fort Monmouth essays written while she was an Bridesmaids were Susan Tren dancing, tfie hot buffet and ... Gertrude Ederle of New undergraduate at Monmouth Col- ery, Kim Dorer, Lori Smock York... Eddie Yowell, Jack Holmdel Brownies other" refreshments kept the lege have been selected by her Jayne Sullivan, Wendy McCor Barshack, Howard Hausner and SUMMER guests unaware of the ohill of Entertain Mothers professor, Dr. Ralph G. Winn, mick and LuAnn Tilton. Betty Jobs of Hialeah and Mon- the evening. Among those pres- HOLMDEL - • Holmdel Brown- for Inclusion in his new book mouth Park. Donna Pompherey and Bonn! ent were Alice and Bob Maxwell ; Troop 270 held a mother- "They Learn To Think,"published Alperin represented summei arid Evan and Kay Beecher of daughter banquet and fly-up cer- by Pageant Press, Inc., New with a Hawaiian dance, "Th llECIALS Middletown . . . John Newhouse Walt Penny's Trio is packing emony Wednesday in Colts Neck York City. Little Brown Gal," and a Lati ofV.Minneapolis... Albert Benoist them in for dancing weekends at Inn. Miss Sheehan is a member of American tap dance, respec and the Samuel Stelle Smiths of Mayer's Inn, Rumson. Among Mrs. 'William Becker, troop, the Bond Street School faculty. tively. Denis O'Dell ushered i Monmouth Beach... Fran Adler those present were Mrs. Guy B leader, presented wings to Deb- She is engaged in graduate work fall with a toe dance, "The Blu of East Orange and Monmouth Griffin, Mrs. Robert K. Fagan ra Buckley, Lorraine Thacker, in psychology tt the New School Danube," followed by Pegg' Beach.,, and Rita and Morris Mary Frances Fagan, Mary Jo Nancy Stilwell, Peggy Menges, of Social Studies in New. York. Leirlone in "Les Sylphides," am Weissberg of Elizabeth and Mon- Fagan and Jack Helspur of East Anne Germinario and Terry Keg' '. "•!: .••'•VV.••.••,••''.• mouth Beach... Paul and Mary Orange and Allenhurst... Ann :ey. Smith and Susie Smith of Atlan- and Tom Geoly of Colts Neck JoAnn Smith, Wendy Becker, tic Highlands... Bob Basilino ... the Ronald Barretts of Al- Sally Buck and Linda Kegley re- Rumson Reading Institute lenhurst ... the John Hender- ceived year pins. sons, the Jim Dooleys, the Bill RUMSON • SOUTH 0RAN4I • PT. PLEASANT EXPLORER Alters, Ward Posey, Jack Deis- ler, Joe Desmond and Jerry and Weekend Afloat Announces DAY CAMP Vinnie Delaney of Rumson. MIDDLETOWN-Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hines of Locust... and Bob Anthony Blanken, Jr., and Supplementary Courses in basic skills for greater McGuire's Grove Deptula of New Shrewsbury. daughter Linda, 19 Acker Dr., success in school and college. 1 ENROLL NOW At Bamm Hollow Country Club entertained Dr. and Mrs. Alfred Wonderful things are happening now at AT MIDDLETOWN. N. J. were Edith Dooley of LittJe Sil Shapiro and children, Robert, SUMMER SESSION JULY 8 - AUG. 27 ver... Toby (M r s. Arnold) Ricki, Stephen and Linda of Oak- your SINGER SEWING CENTER. 2-4-4 or 8-Week Ssulam Carlsen of Upper Montclair and hurst, this weekend aboard their 1. MADINS. WRITING, STUDY SKILLS Jun» 24 - Aug. 16 Colts Neck ... Doris and Tom 28-foot cabin cruiser the Vis- Two 3-hour sessions bach week, day or evening. • Reductions on discontinued models, Boyi end Girl*—* to 14 McClintock of Middletown. Count out of Atlantic Highlands. This Is the basic course of Rumson Reading Institute For Information 747-2241 Bob Squillare of Interlaken. Bill The party stopped at Bahrs' and Is offered at all levels from 7th grade through floor models and demonstrators. Burdge of Red Bank, mixologist Restaurant at Highlands for din- college. Students are grouped according to ability. 741-9007 • LI 2-1 IBS for Bamm Hollow.Js heading for ner. This course helps students Savings on SINGER' vacuums & floor polishers. the title of Monmouth County's best. me floor... a cocktail party onj| , • to read with speed and comprehension •' to write grammatically and logically Extra Trade-in Allowance for your old P.S. Tonight I will attend mother floor a little later., preview opening of New York's nd supper and dancing to sev- • to increase their knowledge of vocabulary sewing machine. most fabulous new hotel, the ral of, the orchestras that will This course is very popular with serious students New York-Hilton, at Rockefeller ilay engagements there ttirough- who are anxious to improve their school grades and • Dozens of bonus values. Center. It is formal and will be- lut the season.. I will tell you to obtain maximum preparation for college board gin with a reception at 9:30 on II about it next week. and prep school exams.

2. MATHEMATICS BONUS QUALITY Jr. High Arithmetic — two 2-hour sessions weekly Math Survey I, II, III — two 3-hour sessions weekly The survey courses include various levels of algebra and analytic geometry. All courses are planned to develop BONUS EXTRA TRADE-IN 9 a logical approach to problem solving ALLOWANCE You get a You get t free • facility in applying mathematical processes ac- child's electric SINGER' Full-Power curately 'SEWHANDY' machine You get 25% more than listed value on your old CANISTER CLEANER I. ILEMINTARY COURSES (r.,ul.rly«».«O) IS OUR MIDDLE NAME FREE with your purchase sewing machine when Of any SLANT-O-MATIC" with your purchase ol anjf Reading — 3 2-hour sessions weekly youtradeltlnforanynew SLANT-O-MATIC* DYHA-MIH Zigzag Portable Arithmetic — 3 1-hour sessions weekly Cabinet Modal Save money . . . DYNA- MARYLAND SINGER* machine. KLEEN Is equipped to hoo- 4. LANGUAGES die ony cleaning job, re- COMPLETE LINE SOFT CRABS gordlest of size . . . OF 3 2-hour sessions weekly • Fumactt • Coil ARE NOW S. ADDED COURSE • Oilminyi • Boittn Fresh or Frozen • C«rp«tino • Air Dwtt SEAFOOD IN SEASON! Plane Geometry • lilMIng* • Melon All Courm undtr 1U tuptrvlilon of Ask for RUSSFXL G. RANNEY FREE ESTIMATES! SHREWSBURY SEAFOOD formerly Assoc. Director, NYU Reading Institute CALL U*4 hr liilktl* 402-5771 MARKET RUMSON RIADINO INSTITUTE SINGER SEWING CENTERS prNA-KLEEN 205 Shrewsbury Avenue Kcd Bank 111 Av.. >f Tw« Rlvtn. Runuon. N. J. • «<;•• • OF MONMOUTH COUNTY 741-9779 RMIMR 141-1410 So. O. 742-7821 16-4M|M*)!. Jane J», 196? BED BASK Tim proposed IMM fa In ** Stuart School Has iog to M»y»r JKbdjen, WhtU purpose; the lease. .CouBcilmen iiWaard Cologne Up to Pair GraduatioiiDinner and John P. Crowley made state- UNION BEACH - Stytag that ments supporting the asphalt fa- the kmd poUce force "irtwt up SPRING LAKE - The Stuart Miss Oakley; William A. Edid, cility. Future benefits, they said, to par," one resident told Mayor School of Business Administra- treasurer of the school presented WHON BEACH - Puttie oppp- would include the eventual pav- and Council Monday (bat ha tion, Asbury Park, held its gradu leadership awards . to Martha Jt»'4> • proposed ajphak plant ing of every street m the borwa- s unable to register a. com- atfon dinner and commencementJane Phillips of Deal and to Miss was, as;at other recent Borough ough. . plaint. exercises list week in MonAmbrosino- . Qguncll meetings, much to terms of.tbe 10-year lease Vincent J. Lamano. M» Bay. HWutih Hotel With Mrs. Letitia Edwin M. Ambler presented flay night. - Stavola to resurface part view AwvtWd he had tried M. Aoheson, president and direc- the Stuart School Award to Jan* ._ jn(e Ave., within. a month three times to sift * fcowataint ''Stroj^eit objections came ,. 'ebflstrueUon has started, tor of tte school, presiding. nette R. Dubac, Belmar, and the ftofe.La. residents—a against a inan who had threat, Miss Elizabeth Ann Wainrlght, Thomas • G. Miller Memorial I to pave S.OOQ iqutre yards of ened to kin Wi Soft wWi a. knife. Spring Lake Heights, a student Award was presented to James proposed agreeineAt wjth " igh streets each subsequent G. Cameron of Keansburg. year.. When the court clerk ruled from the executive secretarial chad J. Stavola, Inc., New 1 not to accept hi* cortftahi*, Mr. curriculum, gave the welcoming "The Crucial Need for Higher Shrewsbury, was submitted to the In view of this, Councilman Lamano said, police referred him address. The invocation was bEducatioy n to Meet the Demands governing body June ID. Cologna said, he was "amazed" to the Society forth e Prevention Miss Sara Jean King, also of of Business Today" was the title International Flavors, and Fra-to find opposition to the proposal. of Cruelty to Animals. Spring Lake Heights, in thoef an address to the graduates grances, Inc., Rose La., the bor- Councilman Crowley read a by Dr. Wallace B. Appelson, co- prepared, statement in which he After telling council that the graduating class. ough's largest single taxpayer, man had trespassed on hi* prop- ordinator of Terminal Programs is also on record as opposing the said construction of the plant Members of Hie advisory board in Higher Education, New Jersey may not take place " due ...erty with the knife drawn, Mr. made the presentation of awards. plant, 'and has asked council to Lamano asked borough, attorney State Department of Education. hold a referendum on the ques- to the tactics of a few who can- J. Woicott Brown presented cer- Miss Martha Jane Phillips, a not .or .wjll not think hi terms Patrick J. McGann to define the tificates of honor for the final tion. court clerk's obligations. Beta GRADUATING IFF donated the 5.B-acre tract of the best Interests of this com- marking period to Jacqueline C. AWARDS from the Stuart School of Business Administration:,, munity." , •' ' Mr. McGann said the cler^*ai Oakley, Belford, and Ava Verna£f Miss Pirl( were on which the plant would be built Giunco, Bradley Beach, botli in Ambrosino of LitUe SUver, re- ' prewted at the commoncement dinner last- week in the ty to the the borough several years duty-bound" to accept the com- advanced stenography; Miss tiring president of the sorority, Hotel, Spring Lake, to,Melt to right, first row, Barbara Mundy, Woodbridge, achieve- ago—stipulating the land be used ,' THREE BAPTIZED plaint of any aggrieved person, l9 t and that only a judge could make Wainright, advanced typing; Z " " : Martha Jane Phillips, Deal, leadership; James, Cameron, Keansburg, an* Ihbm- "for the good of Union Beach"-* LINCROFT-. Baptized Sunday as &> Mlller and would be the only co-resi- at- the Presbyterian Church by a rifling, Madeline R. Ambrosino, Little as > Memorial award. Second row, Madeline Ambroiino, jUttl? Silver, Silver, office practice; Jeannette February, 1964. , j? , dent in the heavy industrial zone Rev. William J. Mills were Pam- Mr. Lanaao then cited several R. Dubac, Belmar, business cor- The farewell address was leadership; ElbElizabeth h A. .Wainwright, Spring Lake Heights, secretarial scholastic for which the plant is slated. ela Sheffield Weise, daughter of other situations involving alleged respondence and secretarial ac- S^of^cLfaTRost aehi9vefnel* J^queline A. Oakley, Belford, achievement, and Robert Jardine, Lake- Mayor William F. Rodgers told far.- and .'Mrs. Rex Weise immoraof l activities and rowdyism counting; Mary Ann Carrie, ; The Register two days' ago thaiJumping' Brook Rd., and Jody by teenagers after wtyoh be had Glendola, business organization; marie J. Elia of Asbury Park, wood, accounting. .. ;/ . t he ,has not discussed .the matter Ellten and Craig Lawrence Ta- summoned police.. He said no ac- James G. Cameron, Keansburg, The benediction • was by Marie with IFF officials and does not turn,, children of Mr-, and' Mrs.tion to his satisfaction MI ever advanced accounting, and AvaElena ViUani. Fetterolf, Middletown; Marie Ranieri, Belmar; Joan Sohwey- BROWNIE i FLY-VP expect a referendum to be held. Lawrence Tatum of Apple Or- taken in any instance after po- Verna Giunco, secretarial ac- Other graduates from Mon Fischer, West AMenhurst; Sa her, Sea Girt; Brenda E. Vas- LEONARDO —•Brownie Troop Several objectors said last night chard Dr.,-New-. Shrewsbury. lice were contacted. counting. mouth County are Mary Penelo- Jean King, Spring Lake Height: binder, West End, and Elizabeth 75 held a fly-up in theiCOmmunity the asphalt plant "is being pe Bowers, Mariasquan; Patricia Elizabeth Anne Lawes, Ne Ann Wainright, Spring Like fire house lifandayi The girls were shoved down our throats." One Miss' Wainright also received a Heights, all from the .executive Louise Byrne, South Belmar; Shrewsbury; Joan, P. LeJth, Ne trained by Misses Sharon Turner resident Suggested the site would scholastic award from Dr. MorMariann- e Pernold Carpenter, secretarial curriculum, and Kath- ton Fitch Trippe. Moamouth; > Sally S. Lemme and Patricia Murphy, Isenior be put to better use for the con- SAVE m £ABH Eatontown; Anne Taylor Crowell, leen Anne Tassini, Manasquan, scouts. Flying up Were Sally Col- struction pf recreational facilities Judge Robert F. Novins pre- Avon; Rosemary Catherine Er- man, Avon; Marilyn Ann :M from the junior accounting cur- lins, Faith and Vada; Jean Dun- " Vincent' J. Lamano, 318 Bay- sented an achievement award to colino, InterJaken; Rae Frances Eneany, Neptune City; Judith 1 riculum. can, Cynthia House, ^Maryanne view Ave., said he would present Divided Kasaitis, Renee Meislbhn, Betty a petition in opposition to the PwAoaum ENDS INFANTRY COURSE Jane Payne, Cheryl Spratford, 10-year lease bearing the, signa- FORT RENNING, Ga.-Army Barbara Zentar; Jill ' Eigen- tures of a majority of local tax- Capt. Robert C. Beatty, whose rauch, Florences Elmer and payers at the next council' meet- wife, Carolyn, lives at 47 Lennox Claire Farrington., Mrs. Alfred ing, Mayor Rodgers told him that Ave., Rumson, N. X, completed Carver and Mrs. Gerald Evans if a majority of the borough's a 19-week associate officer career are leaders. They, were received1 residents actually expressed op- course at The infantry School by Mrs. Shirley Engler into Girl position, he would "respect their here June 12. Scout Troop 254. wishes." "ONE OF AMERICA'S GREATEST MEAT MARKETS- ROUTE 36 ROUTE 33 (Coilies Ave.) EAST KEANSBURG NEPTUNE CITY Mondoy thru-Thursday, 9 A.M. to .9 P.M. Friday » to 10 — Saturday 9 to 9 OPEN 7 DAYS: Sunday 9A.M. to e P.M. MEAT CITY IS KING! COMPARE! U. S. CHOICE GiNUINE i ROAST r's Pure Pork LONDON 871 UMB l SPICED ft I HAM SWIFT'S SELECTED SWIFT'S PREMIUM GENUINE SPRING RIB or SHOULDER _ TENDER CHUCK I STEAK CHOPS

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ATLANTIC CITY phia, Baltimore, Detroit and Sin day with kirne 12,060 persons ex- Gov, Richard J Hughes for his Two possible road-blocks had cash bid for the convention. bustling convention city, recent Francisco. , pected to attend. tireless work on behalf of the re- appeared as Atlantic City ap- Convention Hall, best known as best'to organizations ranging from GOP Convention And, on t hot summer Sunday, sort. There Is no gainsaying, how- proached its goal. One was trans- the home of the Miss America the American Medical Association The Republicans will open their as many »s 250,000 people crowd ever, that the prize was won by portation, the other air condition- Beauty Pageant each September, to the Philadelphia Gas Works convention in San Francisco on the beaches and world-famous bipartisan effort. ing in Convention Hall. The party was a major factor in Atlantic Bowling Club, is happy the Dem-July 13. The earljf meeting will boardwalk. leaders were assured that Atlantic City's bid. The hall seats 40,000 ocrats are coming to town. '., give them a head start on plans Front Pag* Editorial "We believe the Democrats City Municipal Airport and the persons in the main auditorium And the Democrats, led by Pres- to test Kennedy and Vice' Presl But a national political conven- made a wise choice and are proud state's highway network could alone and it could accommodate ident Kennedy, are to be here for dent Lyndon B. Johnson, who art tk>n means much more than sev- and delighted that they are com-meet transportation needs. Atlantic City's entire population their national convention begin- expected to be renominated here, eral hundred smaller conventions, ing. We assure them the utmost The air conditioning problem of 66,000. ning Aug. 24, 1964, That decision The mayor and even bellhops as the Atlantic City Press point in hospitality." was solved when State Sen. Frank During the site biddings, Hughes was made by the Democratic Na were happy this resort city won ed out in a front page editorial. Hughes, who had remained in S. Farley, R-Atlantic, who had tional Committee Tuesday. its bid. They noted Atlantic City The Press said: Washington until the convention fought side-by-side with the Dem-pointed out that convention-goers could also take in the World's It had taken perseverance plus is probably one of the most con "Atlantic City reaffirmed itself decision was made, told Demo- ocrats for the convention, wired pledges of money, adequate trans- vention-wise centers in the coun- in the big time by successfully cratic leaders that New Jersey the Hughes' party in Washington Fair in New York City. portation, and free use of a con- try. carrying off a bid for the 1964 will be "in the vanguard of the that the hall could be air condi- He backed that up with a state- vention ball that would be air con> Today, 12 different organizations Democratic national convention, states marching toward the re- tioned bjt July 1964. Cost of the ment Tuesday that special heli- ditioned, to swing the Democrats with a total of 7,500 delegates and it did so against tough coin- election of our President of peace air conditioning is estimated at $3copters would be available to fly to Atlantic City over such contend- are meeting here. Kiwanis Inter- petition... : andprogress." Atlantic City, how- million. convention visitors to New York ers as Chicago, Miami, Philadel- natjonal opens its convention Sun- "A large share of credit 1$ dueever, is a Republican stronghold. The city had posted a $625,000 for $12.62. Semantics an Issue at Deputy Police Chiefs Hearing KEANSBURG - What is the difference between t re- As was the case Monday, Mr. McGrath gave several police chief then totaled the hours and placed his stamp on quest and an order? hours of testimony concerning discrepancies in entries made Mr. Wise maintained that while his client may have filled This key question arose yesterday during the disciplinary in the department's rough and smooth blotters. out the time sheets, the responsibility for them rested with hearing for Deputy Police Chief Theodore Loder. He also testified at length about entries on time cards the police chief. He argued that there is no provision in the Former Police Chief Alphonsus McGrath testified yester- used by the department for overtime work. department's rules and regulations which authorizes the dele- day that he had "requested" the deputy chief to make out TIME CARD ENTRIES gation of that responsibility to Mr. Loder. CONVENTION SITE — Here's a typical boardwalk seen* time sheets for men for pay purposes. All through the questioning, Mr. Ostrov hammered away "The records are, a mess from top to bottom," said Mr. in Atlantic City, the Ntw> Jersey resort arta' chosen by One of the charges against the deputy chief is that he at the point that many entries on the time cards were made Wise, "but there is no evidence that Mr. Loder was directly allowed alterations to be made to police records which al- In ink rather than punched by the time clock. He also stressed responsible for keeping the records." °the Democrats for their national convention in 1964,- The legedly resulted in personnel securing pay for time not actual- that there were alleged alterations and erasures on the cards. John W. Savage, tax collector and treasure^ briefly testi- Convention H*H it at Jop right of the photo. This is ly worked. It was brought out that all changes or alterations and fied that he paid the department personnel an the basis of first Eattarn site chosen- by the Democrats for a national George E. Ostrov, borough attorney, contends that a entries made in ink were supposed to initialed by a superior the time sheets, that were submitted from the force. He said chief's request Is tantamount to an order. officer. Testimony disclosed that in many instances,- then he considered the time sheets "properly authenticated" when eoriv«ntion sincY, J/W8.,• •'.. (AP Wirephoto) Edward W. Wise, Jr., counsel for Mr. Loder, takes a were no initials beside alterations or ink entries. either the chiefs stamp or Mr. Loder's signature was on them. different view. The entries were made by the officer whose time card Mr. Savage did concede under questioning from Mr. Wise, ONLY A REQUEST was in question. ; that he could recall no specific authorization to accept time Mr. McGrath's comments came at the end of another four Mr. Ostrov also dwelled on the fact that time sheets for sheets signed by the deputy chief. hours of lengthy testimony. pay purposes were based on the police blotters and the over- He said he accepted them on the assumption the deputy New Jersey Another portion of the former chief's testimony also be- time cards. chief was allowed to approve the sheets in the absence of the came involved in controversy. The time sheets on many occasions were made by Mr. chief. Mr. Ostrov had asked Mr. McGrath if he had considered Loder. In some instances, Mr. Ostrov said, the sheets were Mr. Savage said the majority of the time sheets in ques- filing charges against Mr. Loder in January of last year. signed by the deputy chief. . tion were signed or stamped by the police chief. News Briefs That was the period when the trouble over alleged payroll In other cases it was noted that Mr. Loder merely re- The hearing was adjourned until July 5 at 10:30 a. m. padding practices broke and the chief, deputy chief and a corded the hours a man worked on the time sheet and the At that time, Mr. McGrath is expected to undergo cross By The Associated Press patrolman were suspended. the sheets. . examination by Mr. Wise. NEWARK — Anthony (Tony oat. the burglar also took eight Mr. Wise objected on the grounds the question was preju- Pro) Provenzano, New Jersey bottles of whisky. dicial. Teamsters leader convicted of Irving J. Verisloff, hearing officer,- overruled the protest. extorting money from a trucking "Mr. Wise then remarked, "We might as well pack our Council Is Willing firm, has filed a motion for a PATEfiSON - A 15-year-old bags and go to Newark (meaning to the Civil Service Com- new trial. The motion will be Patersqn'.boy drowned yesterday mission)." argued July 12 before Federal as tie tried to swim across a CONSIDERED CHARGES Judge Robert Shaw, who pre- 60-yard wide i»nd in West Pat- Mr. McGrath then went on to testify that he was pre- To Be Mediator sided at Provenzano's three-week erson. The vicflrn, Richard Ra- pared to prefer charges against Mr. Loder after being con- trial. If the court denies the mundo, 51 Sheridan • Aye,, Was fronted with a time sheet for Nov. 7, 1961, showing at least ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS — ficial notice of the Recreation one rf five boys attempting to motion, Provenzano, an interna- five police officers being credited for overtime work on what Borough Council is willing to Commission's proposed, talk ses- tional Teamsterr Union vice swim, the Barbous Pond, police amounted to regular tours of duty. meet with representatives of the sion, "except what we read in president and close friend- of said,; but -.hjs. tired and M be- • He said that Mr. Ostrov confronted him with the time the papers," Councilman Richard Teamsters president James R.' hind.' RanuinW'flouted for help sheet. . . ' Recreation and Harbor Commis- C. Stryker said last night. Hoffa, will probably be sentenced and David Det" -••-'"-«»•''••--- sions to "resolve once and for The former chief said the charges were never made be- Mr. Stryker-scored the com- at that time. He faces a maxj- Thoma. s ., Baldwi^n cause Borough Council decided that he (McGrath) also would all" the harbor recreation- site mission's statements that it nev- mum sentence of 20 years imittti-: wm,. pnice saw, 4>e charged along with Mr. Loder. ''''£*#'ca> issue. K • hears from council. onment and a $10,000 fine. to shore.'feuXRanw* » The former chief-also said he personally felt it was the do, a pitching star on te Pjiler- duty tif aU; other superior officers in the department to in- Last week, the recreation body 'We never hear from them," son Central High Schooj basebaU form him whenever alterations and erasures were noted on took the initiative and set up a he countered. NEWARK — An ambulance team, panicked, struggled- from police records. Mr. McGrath said he would consider failure 'Elaborate Proposal' driver slumped over the steer- 1 meeting for July 8 at 7:30 p.m. the grasp of his-companions, and to do so a violation*of department rules and regulations. Ing wheel with a fatal heart to hash out the matter. Councilman Stryker pointed out went under, police said. The vic- • 'He said Mr. Loder had never advised him of any errors attack Monday night while go- that the recreation body, had sub- tim's body was.recovered through or alterations being made to the records. He did say that Council hasn't received any of- ing to pick up a man who bad mitted an "elaborate proposal" grappling operations two hours Mr. Loder reported trouble with the time clock which was suffered • heart attack on the a few months ago. after the drowning. used to record overtime duty of department personnel. "Now the commission sayj it street. The driver, Harold 40-YEAR REUNION - Han< Papenfiagan, Hey.r'* Mil! Seekell, 59, died shortly after- Board Rules would be satisfied with a few ward. An ambulance squad see-saws and other equipment at Rd., Coifs N«ck, is flanked by hit two sifters, Mn, member sitting beside him, the harbor for this year," he de- Grarhe Keding, right, and Mrs. Gerfrud Pasehen. Th« William Hatton, stepped on the Health Code clared. Adopt IMritan Pay Code three recently held a reunion «t Mr; PapenhagenV home. brake and halted (be ambu- "We could have made room for that, but we were never notified,' lance when Seekell collapsed. RARITAN TOWNSHIP - An The new guide provides the clerk, $2,950; violations clerk, They had not je»n each other for 40 years. Mr«. Keding Violated he claimed. He belonged to the Vallsburg ordinance setting salaries of following: Members of the Town $2,439; building maintenance is a native of Germany and Mrt. Patchen hat liv»d most SHREWSBURY - The Board Councilman John A. Joslin told First Aid Ambulance Squad. township officials and employees ship Committee, $800; township worker, $1,200; director of wel- of Health ruled last night that the governing body that he had of her life in Pretoria, South Africa. Another ambulance went to the for 1963 was adopted by the Town- clerk, $1,250; assistant township fare, $900; secretary of Planning assistance of the man who had a septic tank system constructed explained the legal entanglements ship Committee last night. clerk, $5,486; clerk typist, $2,659; Board, $750; secretary of Zoning suffered a heart attack on the by building contractor Charles f "the harbor property lo some Township Committeeman Mar-! assessor, $1,250; assistant asses- Board of Adjustment, $750; zon- o street. He was hospitalized, Herman on lot nine, Samara Dr., commission members at a recenl vin Olinsky reported the new sor, $6,599; assessing clerk, $3,- ing inspector, $700; librarian, was in violation of the borough guide is in conformity with Civil 377; tax collector, $1,500; assist- $2,500; secretary for Committee meeting of the group. Act to Amend Zone health code, board president Wil- Last week, a Recreation Com rUNION — Police are checking Service recommendations and a ant tax collector, $5,500; tax of Commerce, Industry and liam Wardell said. Into two more reports of possi- schedule presented to the town- clerk, $2,500; township treasurer, Trade, $500. mission member contended that ble sniping incidents that fol- ship by the state Civil Service $1,000; tax collector clerk-typist, At a special meeting, the board he learned of the legal problems CodeforApartrnents lowed a few days after an 11- Board. $2,100; magistrate, $3,500; court Also, special school crossing ruled that Mr. Herman either in The Register. guards, $75 per month for time may reconstruct the system ac- "Nobody bothered to inform the year-old boy was struck down in MONMOUTH BEACH - The Maximum allowable lot cover- the street by a bullet. A motor- worked, exclusive of July and cording to plans originally filed, Recreation Commission,' Borough Commission last night August; captain of school cross- or may resubmit complete plans he stated. age, under the code, will be 25 ist, Michael Pulik, Hillside, told introduced an amended zoning per cent, there must be two park- police his car was hit by a bul- ing guards, $90 per month; town- of the system already installed After several minutes of dis- ordinance which would revise Democrats Shaken ship attorney,. $1,000 retainer; for board consideration and de- cussion, council decided to attend ing spaces for each dwelling unit, let Monday as he left the Garden zones A and C, permitting apart- single room apartments and ef- State Parkway here at the Vaux township engineer, $250 retainer; cision. the July 8 confab, "even though ment buildings by special excep- ficiency units are prohibited, the Hall Rd. exit. Police examined township physician, $250 retainer; Unless he complies, the board we haven't been invited." tion and regulating construction the car and said they found a On Water Problem building, Inspector, $1,500 plus a mayor said, and minimum con- will not issue a certificate of of business premises. struction costs will be $250,000. bullet hole but did not recover MATAWAN—The water short- and the idea was dropped, maximum of $200 expenses,. completion. Mayor Pays Fine the slug. Police "received Apartments will be allowed in In addition, Mayor Johnson age In some siptions of town Borough Attorney Edward E. -For,;the street department: Plumbing inspector Nicholas another report that sounds of a WELLSVILLE, N.Y., (AP) - Zone A under certain provisions, added, adequate sanitary facili- over the weekend triggered Currie also has been strongly op- superintendent, $7,049; foreman, DeMaio had charged that Mr. Mayor Robert Gardner and his said Mayor Sidney B. Johnson. ties must be furnished by the rifle being fired were heard Mon- sharp executive j session ••' equipment operator, $5,377; system in accord with the plan files on unpaid parking tickets be submitted, minimum lot size show the Zoning Board of Ad- Rahway Valley Railroad over- ; Opinions Differ ,',. pass. A search failed to turn up Borough Council-Democrats; . eql|ipnjent;""9perator, $4,368; and originally filed as shown on the yesterday. They found 176 unpaid must contain 50,000 square feet, justment that the proposal would anything. Last Friday, Michael Republican Counclfnian :. Ed- Mr. Christinat revealed last application dated July 6, 1962. tickets. a 250-foot minimum frontage not create a situation which would ward E. Hyrne, h^ night,: however, that th'ejfe-ls and that the closing of part of Witelski, 11, was struck while J pj police depart- One ticket, two years old, be- must be adhered-to and front, be detrimental to the health and months ago warned WB De presently ''a; dilfetedce of ofiin- the system before final approval playing by a 22-caJiber bullet that rilept'will continue on an hourly longed to the mayor. He paid a side and rear line setbacks are welfare of the community. crats that there was going to, -be. by the plumbing inspector vio- lodged in his abdomen. He was '"*-'y\ at-^tjie following rates: $2 fine. to be regulated. In zone C, which is a business a shortage, did' riot attend''^f' pfj-'tiiose apartment slibfifvi- lated section five of the borough's reported in fair condition •"- r,;«$2J5;; deputy chief, $2.15; and residential area, including Memorial General Hospital. meeting — but DemocratSv |jfc ina • y/hich hBve,talready been ; sanitation ordinance. mitted that if he had,; he wrfuld in, $2,.D5; sergeants, $1.80, part of Beach Rd. and a section have offered some jrible, but where-'subdiviiipns >nd. pattofmen, $1.70. of Riverdale Ave., business pre- ATLANTIC CITY - I. Ver- words on the subject. 'are not yet" a'ppiWed, thelfe' are Meters9 Higher Ratemises must have a 50-foot front- •Ityrsi Katftryn M. NcHugh, town- Grass Fire age and a 150-foot depth. They non Williams, head of the Democratic Mayor John ''Wi, those in both parties who.would n , itiip clerk, said she had not seen HAZLET — Firemen from two shall be single-story buildings con- Applegale played down the like ,to see the builders cen- the proposed ordinance up to this Metallurgical Engineering De- tribu^i.vtoward rlbe1 cost of a companies were called out yes- structed of masonry, with flat issue, saying, "It's very simple, date. She did not sign it. In West K&ansburgroofs prohibited, Side and rear partment of Bell Telephone nothing to worry about." If the water tdwer, he'-said. terday to put out a grass fire Laboratories, Murray Hill, setbacks are regulated also by borough stops supplying 40 Mr. Christinat added, "The Township attorney Alfred T. at Rt. 35 and Bethany Rd., across WEST KEANSBURG - The Hie controversy lasted nearly N. J., was elected president Hennessy, Jr. reported he had from the Loew's Drive-in Thea- West Keansburg section of Rari- two years. the proposed code, the mayor homeowners in Matawan Town- idea of donations is not dead, we said. yesterday of the American So- ship (the Storyland Estates proj- are working on it." examined the affidavit of publica- ter. Police said the fire was con-tan Township probably will have It was Uie contention of these ciety for Testing and Mate- ect), it will solve the problem, He said council is now going tion and certified its contents. fined to a small area. The Hai-water meters by the end of this groups that Hazlet homeowners The revision will also include rials. Williams was elected to he predicted. through the formality of getting The new salary guide is retro- let and North Centerville com- yyear, ending a controversy which have, in effect, been subsidizing a section regulating the erection, the one-year term during the Councilman Leon G. Christlnat, state Division of Local Govern- active to Jan. 1. panies answered the alarm. started nearly four years ago, West Keansburg because Hazlet size, location and type of signs Society's Nth annual meeting. a Democrat, and water depart- ment approval for a bond issue it was learned yesterday, residents, with meters, pay more allowed in the borough. TRENTON — The county and ment chairman, was quiet dur- to erect a new water tower. George S. Kinkade; Jr., mana- for water. The amended code will be stud- municipal law revision commis- ing the public portion of the $100,000 Cost ger of West Keansburg Wa- Twice As Much ied by the Planning Board July sion has been directed to rewrite meeting. But after the session, He estimated that* it will cost Create Office Site ter Co., which supplies this area, Whereas the average yearly 2, according to Frank Snead, a proposed local land use law, he disagreed with the mayor. in excess of $100,000 and will Hazlet and a small part of Holm- payment in Hazlet is about $55 board chairman. The meeting It was announced yesterday. No Solution have a 500,000-gallon capacity. RED BANK - A 260 x 65-foot a small office building at 320 del, said yesterday his company per house, it is approximately will be open to the public, he Sens. Joseph W. Cowgill, D-Cam- "Getting rid of those 40 houses The project should be rushed, he lot on Broad St. near Wikoff PI. Broad St. has a directive from the state $25 In West Keansburg. said. den, and Richard R. Stout, R- will help," he said, "but it won't said, "because it has been put —the proposed site for a pro- The planners' decision followed Water Policy Commission to in- Most of the homes in Hazlet Borough Commission will hold Monmouth, said the bill should solve the problem." off year after year and we fessional office—was created last the opinion of Borough Attorney stall the meters. havo been constructed since 1955, n public henring prior to adop- night when the Planning Board be rewritten to meet criticism. And, he added, the problem is can't put it off any longer. Samuel Carotenuto that the sub- West Keansburg is on a "flat whereas West Keansburg Is the tion of the ordinance July 30. granted a subdivision to Thomas older section of town and never The bill, sponsored by Assembly- something to worry about. Coun- Jhe tower probably will be division would have no bearing rate" system, with a minimum man Vincent R. Panaro, D-Mer- C. DeFelicc, president of the Cir-on the use of the property being had water meters. There arc cilman John J. Walsh, Jft, also built late this year or early next annual charge of $20. cer, and three others, was Intro- a Democrat, indicated strong year near the new pumping cle Chevrolet Company, Maple retained by Mr. DeFellce and Mr. about 750 consumers (houses and To (let Freedom Need PUC OK duced last January and amended. agreement. station off Middlesex Rd. next to Ave., and Louis B. Mlgliorlni. Mlgliorlni. businesses) In West Keansburg. JACKSON, Miss. (AP) - A It was never brought to a floor Several months ago, Mr. the Little League field, he said. Mr. DeFellce and Mr. Mlgllorinl When Hie application was dis- Mr. Kinkade said meter instal- The water rates, once meters convicted murderer who agreed vote. The bill would provide a Hyrne, noting that an Influx of He agreed with Mr. Hyrne that divided the lot from a 65-foot cussed by the board in April, lations will start as soon as au- are installed, will be $30 per to help medical science by un- comprehensive revision of the apartments would tax the water the borough can pump enough strip of property which extended there was some apprehension thorization Is obtained from the year minimum, plus 50 cents per dergoing an historic lung trans- state's zoning laws. Critics say supply, proposed that apartment water, but the problem is lack from Broad St. to Maple Ave. over the possibility (hat cars state Public Utilities Commission. 1,000 gallons over the 7,000-gallon plant operation locked forward t forf m IIs builders "donate" $400 per apart- of adequate storage tank facili- where It abuts the auto agency Would be parked at the rear of He termed this step a formality. quarterly minimum. to his freedom today. the- bill in Its present lot. It Is likely that installations will too restrictive. ment unit to pay for a new wa-ties. the Maple Ave. lot. Mr, Kinkade estimated that be- Gov. Ross Darnell said yester- ter tower. Mr. Applegate and Mr. Hyrne Dr. Alvin W. Melser, a dentist The subdivision wa.i granted on be completed by the end of the cause houses are somewhat small- day that John Richard Russell, year, he reported. ELIZABETH — A Mr. Applegnte at the ;lme took will oppose each other, far Hie with offices on Uivcr Rd., Intro- a 3-2 oto of the board. Francis er, the "average" West Keans- 58-year-old prisoner, would b« burg homeowner will pay slightly rewarded with a pardon. thithieef >to!e on exerciser chair an^ry exception lo the proposal, post of mayor, In the November duced himself to the board as X. Kennelly, Mrs. Laura L. Ru- A number of civic associations less, with meters, than the "aver- yesterday from the apartment and declared that It would "run election. the potential buyer o( the Broad dolph aiid Joseph Esposlto voted and political groups in the Haz- In making the announcement, age" Hazlet resident. He pre- Of Thomas Cilavano, 704 Pen- the apartment builders out of Meantime, Mr. Applcgate St. lot, and urged approval of affirmatively while Richard John- let section of Rarltan made an Barnett disclosed for the first dicted It will come to something nlnglon SI. To mike sure that town." Then, his Democratic askrd residents to conserve the subdivision. He said he and son and James Wolcott voted Issue of lack of meters In West time the Identity of the H»ent In he wasn't thirsty after working colleagues went along with him, water. mother dentist proposed to build against. Keansburg about four years ago. over |40 per year. th« wWely-publtclwd opwatlon. >,litX.rm H£B BASK B 7 Area DENNIS THE MENACE % "«^ Policy Back Get Master De At Anbury UNION - Seven residents of her husband ASBURY PARK - Convention the Red Bank area received mas- daughter Elizabeth, Hall adopts a "big name" policy BA from Hunter College w this season with a record sched- ter of arts def rets from Newark graduate work at New Yotf Uni- ule of attractions announced {or State College at commencement ersity and Columbia: University-. the beachfront ihowhouse. exercises held on this campus Mrs. Eva C. Bortman, 28 Top names in the popular field earlier this month. Brldlemen Ave., Interlaken, ma- will be featured in the oolorful Mrs. Evelyn M. Yarosh, 43 jored In elementary education new program which runs through Brook Ave,. Little Silver, ma- and chose "Grading ot Reading" the summer. jored la elementary education. as her thesis topic, A teacher in Moe Septee and Felix .Gent- HK ftesb «bj«ct was "No*the Tloton Falls School System,, man, producers of the Saturday Graded School." She received as she received her bachelor of arts Night "Startime" Convention Hall •iaaclete of arts degree from Jer- degree from New York tmlver- attractions, will open with Ray, sey City Junior College udi ilty. She li vice president of Tin- Charles, his orchestra and The bachelor of science degree from ton Falls Teachers Association, a Raelets July 6, with shows at 9 Jersey City State College, The representative of Monmouth and 11:45 p.m. wife of Michael Yarosh, and County Educational Association, and a member of the Reading On July 13, it will be Hoote- mother of Michael, Jr., 15, J. Teachers Association and the nanny 1963, with Odetta, Bud and SPARKED IOND DRIVE ~ Mrs. Wjnlfrtjj Ellis, 5 Melrow PI., Middlafown, co-ordina. Randal, 13, and Jeffrey B., 8, New Jersey Education Associa- Travis, The Tarriers and Judy tor of recent U.S. Swings Bond tales campaign at the U.S. Army Electronic. Mate- she teaches fourth grade In Un-tion. She Is the.wife of Ned H. ion Beach.' Henske. For July 20 it's Ella rial Support Agency, Fort Monmourh, presents token award to Miss Lorraine Ballauc, Bortman and mother of Eli, a Fitzgerald, the nation's No. 1 Anthony P. Racloppi, majored junior at Tufts University, and .songstress. On July 27 it features 148 Seeley Ave., Keaniburg, who recorded highest total tales among women cam' in administration and supervision Ethan, who will enter the uni- An Evening with Victor Borge in paign workers. Watching Is George Henhman, Aibury Park, who topped all other of the elementary school. He- Is versity In September. "Comedy in Music." Dave Bru- a physical education and Health beck and His Jan Quartet are workers in total sales. teacher at River Street School, Clyde B. Smith, son of Mr. there Aug. 3, and Peter, Paul and Red Bank, and resides with his and Mrs. Albert Smith, dak Hill Mary are featured Aug. 24. wife Silvia and children Dean, Farmr Middletown, majored In PhD Degree Get Awards At Graduation Angela and Jo Anne at 138 Air-administration and supervision of All of the Saturday night at- dale Ave., Long Branch. Mr. Ra-the elementary school. He tractions will have a 9 pjti. cur- RARITAN TOWNSHIP-^Awards presented by the Schauffler-Fran- cloppi was graduated from Pan' received his AS from Monmouth tain. Other attractions in the se- For Engineerpresented at Thursday's com- zen Post; Thomas Hankm and »r College with a BS degree In College and Is a sixth grade ries will be announced, Mayor physical education and health and Mr, and Mrs. Harold Young, mencement exercises at the local Sharon Aumack, American Le- teacher In the Madison Townahlp Thomas F. Shebell say,?. gion award, and Dentse Morln, did graduate study. at Ariiona School System. Hillyer La., were hosts at a poo] schools were as follows: Oak Ml party Sunday afternoon in honor Resumption of the "big name" Parent - Teacher Organization State College. His thesis topic Cove Road School, Glenn Phil- was Public Relations, the Key- A family picnic, sponsored by of their house guests, Mr. andpolicy at Convention Han after award, the Oak Hill Association was held Mrs. William Cruitt and family, an absence of some years is part lips and. Margaret Straniero, Lillian Drive School, Gregory note toward Community Under- recently in Bodraan Park. Mr. formerly of Paris, France. of the new program featuring ad Veterans of Foreign Wars awards Durka and Sandra Schaufler, Vet- standing and Support." Insurance Men and Mrs. Walter Knight were in ded emphasis on entertainment erans of. Foreign Wars history William Covert Boardman, who charge,of arrangements, assisted being sponsored by city officials award; Frank McGarry and is a case worker with the Mon- "Outer space" was the decora- here. Play Golf; Install by Mr. and Mrs. James Foster, tive theme of a luncheon party ~anis Belleua, American Legion mouth County Welfare Depart- Mr. and Mrs. William Wheatley, A&P Man citizenship award. ' ment, majored in the humani- MANASQUAN - Th« Men- for Bill Tendick, son of Mr. and ties, He received his bachelor oi Mr. and Mrs. John Babeul, Me Mrs. Frank Tendick, Mallard Rd., Middle Road School, Linda Co- mouth County Insurance Agents and Mrs. Donald Schick, Mr. and Pacelli Attending burn and Joseph -Webb, American arts degree from Duke Univer- Association, at a recent golf out- who recently celebrated his fifth To Vacation sity, Mr, Boardman resides, with Mrs. Stanley Shuart, Mr. and birthday. Present were Jeffrey Legion award; Barbara Reaiso Ing and meeting at die Mana- Mrs. Curtis Harrison and Mr. and Robert McCormick, Veterans his wife, Wanda, and children squan River GoU Club, Installed Guraone, Bobby Barker, Andy ROTCCamp Julia, Ellse, William, Jr., Nike and Mrs. William Suydam, Williams, Billy Chapponi, Scott In Bermuda of Foreign Wars history award, Thomas W. Appleby of Asbury presented by the Schaufler-Fran- and Aleta at IS Throckmorton Park as president. Forbes and Peter- Clabbe, all of WASHINGTON, Pa. - Joseph NEWARK - Robert Medefindt, Ave., Red Bank. Guests at the home of Mr. Oak Hill. A. Pacelli, son of Mrs. Anna Pa' 28 Arno St., Oakhurst, will re- zen Post; Sherri Blumberg, Wom- Also assuming their 'offices cell!, 111 Center Ave., Leonardo, ceive a week's all-expense paid an's Club award for creative Sidney A. Oper, 599 Greene and Mrs. Edgar Robinson, Heron were Anthony B. Smith of Free- The Colts Neck Inn was the N. X, a June S graduate of Wash- vacation for two in Bermuda as writing in poetry; Una Turner, Ave., Belford, majored in ad- hold, flnt vice, president; J. Kd., are Mrs. Robinson's parents, scene of a recent luncheon for ington and Jefferson College, one of the top winners in The creative, writing and recognition ministration and supervision in Crawford Compton, Jr., of Bel- Mr. and Mrs. R J. Riddles. Fre- 30 members of the Oak Hit here, is among the 42 students Great Atlantic and Pacific Tea certificate. the elementary school. He re- ford, second vice president; Har> mont, Ohio. Woman's Club. representing the college at the Company's "Big Difference" tales West Keansburg School, Wil- ceived his BA from Monmouth ral Redden of Red Bank, treas- Second Army ROTC summer contest, the company has an- liam Van Salisbury and Julia College and is a handwriting con- urer, and Deane Fetter of camp at Indlantown Gap Military nounced. Herter, American Legion award; sultant for the Peterson System Brielle, secretary. BARE FLOORS CRY FOR Reservation, Annville, Pa. John Powell and Diane of Directed Handwriting. He re- George W. Smith, Jr. Mr. Medefindt, who manages VFW awards; Harold Smith, sides at his present address with The new board of directors BEAUTIFUL FLOOR COVERINGS The training period will end the A&P food store at S07 Pros- his wife Barbara and son Zoe.consists of Oliver Conover of June 26. It is geared to prepare MIDDLETOWN - George Wal- Woman's Club literature award, IY STERLING pect Ave., Little Silver, received and Adellie Brennan, faculty Mrs. Abigail M. Noto, an ele- Spring >Lake, Munroe C. Hawes, the cadets for a commission in lace Smith, Jr., 15 Nedshire Dr., the prize on the basis of his Jr., this place, George Jacobson Stop in for a free consultation. You'll the U. S. Army Reserves or fhe an engineer at Bell Telephone award. ; \ '; mentary supervisor in the Middle- find H frill make a wonderful world of store's courtesy to . customers, Beers Street School, Lucille town Township school system, al- of Long Branch, Theresa M. difference in "our decoratinul Regular Army when they, nave Laboratories, Holmdel, received sales performance ami over-all Locher of Asbury Park and Joel completed the military and aca-a PhD degree in electrical engi- OeMasi and Robert Barber, his- so majored in administration and operation. The contest covered tory,. VFW award; Robert Mai- supervision of the elementary Parker of this place. ; • demic requirements for a com- neering from Princeton Univer- a sixjweek period from April 5 mission. sity last week. gady and Ann Cohen, American school. Mrs. Noto, who resides at Miss Locher is the .outgoing to May 25, and was open to A&P Legion Award in Citizenship. 22 Knapp Cir., Middletown, with president. / Pacelli was graduated with a He completed his thesis under supervisors and store managers degree of bachelor of arts. (he laboratories' doctoral support in the metropolitan area. 14* Broad St., Ited Bank, N. J. SH 7-HW plan which enables eligible em- 0*M It A.M. t* » TM. Xm. ttm M. ployees to receive a year's leave Prior to leaving for Bermuda Lpok for Susan on TV-Weekdays-Channels 4,5,7 and 9 2 Drivers Fined of absence at full salary to com July 10, Mr. and Mrs. Meddtndt plete doctoral dissertations. will be honored at a bon voyage As Careless Dr. Smith, a native of North party at the Waldorf-Astoria Ho- tel in New York followedby din. RUMSON — Two drivers were Carolina, is an alumnus of Need- ham Biwughton High School In ner at the Latin Quarter. S0SII8AYS,: GRAMAN'S fined by Magistrate William I. Riker in Municipal. Court "Mon- Raleigh, and received a bachelor VACUUM AND APPLIANCE PARTS CO. of electrical engineering degree and production of data proces- day night for careless driving. sing and test equipment for Nike 54 MONMOUTH STREET. RED BANK, N. J. cum laude from North Carolina George Murphy, 335 Broad St., State College in 1952. He is mar-Zeus, and development of mili- PHONE SH 7-5623 Red Bank,. was fined $25, andried to the former Caroline Turn- tary electronic telephone switch- Robert Falkenburg, Washington er of Lexington, Ky. The couple ing systems, He also has been AUTHORIZED St., this place, $20. have two children, Caroline concerned with the development "NO HOLES Also fined for motor vehicle Marguerite and George Wallace, of Bell System power supply HOOVER-SALES AND SERVICE violations were J. E. Tilton, Hud- 3d. equipment and ot magnetic core son St., Marlboro, improper Dr. Smith has been a member memory devices. NEW AND REBUILT CLEANERS means more parking, $10; Ida Weisman, Cir- of the technical staff at Bell He Is a member of (he Insti- • REPAIRS ON • cle Dr., this place, passing a Laboratories since 1952, with the tute of Electrical and Electron- school bus, $15, and William exception of two years' service ics Engineers and a member of SE . HOOVER - ELECTROLUX, etc. Heitzman, 157 Broad St., Red with Hie U.S. Signal Corps at the IEEE professional Groups on fresh flavor . IRONS VACUUMS TOASTERS Bank, noisy muffler, $10. Lexington Signal Depot and sub-Automatic Control and Circuit Residents fined for violation of sequent educational leaves. Dur Theory. He also is a member oi PERCOLATORS MIXERS, etc. the borough dog ordinance were ing much of his time at the lab-Tau Beta Pi, Eta Kappa Nu and PARTS FOR Charles Davis, 6 West River Rd., oratories he has specialized in Sigma XI, all honor socitles. He in evety I VACUUMS WASHERS DRYERS IRONS $22; Marie Low, Ridge Rd., $9,military projects, including de- is the son of Mrs. G. Wallace and James Craig, 106 East River velopment of Navy missile sys- Smith of Raleigh, and of the late RANGES TOASTERS MIXERS LAMPS, etc. Rd., $3. tems for shipboard use, design Dr. Smith. taystee loaf!'

Compare the last slice in a Taystee loaf with the last slice in an ordinary loaf of bread. Taystee feels fresher, tastes fresher! There are no hies in Taystee Bread to let in drying air-let out fresh-baked flavor. Taystee sandwiches stay soft fonder-fresher tasting. Stay neat, too. Jelly, mustard-woi/ww^-drips through No-holes Taystee Bread! And Taystee toasts the way you like it-golden all-over! Try it! Get New, No-holes Taystee-the bread that's bet- ter anytime, any way! Taystee Rambler Classic Cross Counlry Station wagon, 6 or V-8. fV| No-holes j

RAMBLER-world's best-selling 6-cylinder station Tayst tikad Whlli You Slop - Product o! Amitlcin Bikititi Co. wagons. And now there are brand-new Y-8s!o»ic <,or,,, 198-hp Classic V-8. Roomy Rnmblers that leave other station wagons far behind: "Car of the Year" styling • Rattle-frco comfort of Have a picnic! new Advanced Unit Construction • Roof-Top Travel Rack • Double-Safety Brakes arc self-adjusting • Compartment for valuables Make sandwich time fun time, outdoors or in, under cargo floor • Wonderfully economical Rambler American wagons, too • Join the Trade Parade to Rambler 6 or V-8. with Taystee's tastier buns and rolls. • HAMBURGER BUNS-Reg. 8 or exclusive 12 Bun Packs (Just right for Ib. of hamburgerl) TWIN-BORO RAMBLER, Inc. KEYPORT RAMBLER, Inc. • FRANKFURTER ROLLS-Reg. 8 or exclusive 131 E. Newman Springs Rd., Red Bank Highway 35, Keyport 10 Roll Packs.tomatchfrankfurterlO-Packsl COUPON SAVINGS . ii • toworpi th* •urthoH of SHOP-RITE'S GIANT COUPON ANY 1-LB. PKG. a .... _ Of UANiACON Any 4 Coupm win IM • - , . • , fanheee el 15.00 et mm Coupon Soot) at Any Shop-Rite Supermarket to|. __,•_,, -_ WMMI IT«W ft AVftlLMU iLSm^tWMmmm COUTON LIMIT—ONI PER FAMILY AII 10 coupon* with Hie Coupon expires Sqt. night^ June' 29, 1963 •mhoeo ef H0.OO or wi Ce**1 "*•"»•« •••<»-•• »«"!ieM el Item Hlteel RED BANK WID. BONANZA


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Any 4 Coupons wit* the Coupon Seed at Any Shop.Rlte Supermarket •"these c« 15.00 or nun Any 6 Coupons with Hw WHIH ITEM I* AVAILAil.1 purchaie of |7.50 w Mi* COUPON LIMIT—ONE PER FAMILY All 10 Coupons with Hi* Coupon expires Sat. night, June 29, 1963 euKheae of 110,00 or eipro Coupon redeemed anly sn purche»e a| Item Ilitad RID BANK WIO. Cross Rib Roasf Bottom Round Roast

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CHASE &SANBORN* THIS COUPON ... toward* tho pwchaM of WHY PAY MORE? EHLERS WORTH * ANY PKG. COLD CUTS HOLLAND HOUSE Shop-RIre Supermarket purelieH el IS.M or more COFFEE SALE BEECH-NUT "To» Any 6 COUPOM with the purthue of 17.90 or wore expires All 10 Coupon with the Coupon redeemed Sweet Peas Cui-Rite ""'"Handy " purdieie ol 110.00 or more DEL MONTE COUPON SAVINGS 19-OZ. CANS THIS COUPON .•••»,.toward* th« put-chat* of is FRUIT COCKTAIL COCKM/'/ WORTH 20 Any 4 Ccupom with the Coupori Good of Any Shop-Rite Supermarket • purchase of J3.00 of mom Sta Puff Rinse HANDY gol. 69* Ragu Sauces 57' WHERE ITEM It AVAILABLE Any 6 Coupon! with Hw COUPON LIMIT—ONE PER FAMILY purditi* of $7.50 or mow Coupon: expires Sat. night, June 29, 1963 ' All 10 Coupon with the Coupon redeemed anly an purchase of Item lifted . purcheio ol (10.00 or nor* RED BANK WED. MOTT'S A.M. or P.M. DRINK THIS COUPON ... toward* th« purehoH of IS WORTH ANY BEEF ROAST Ad Detergent COM«N,ENT »JS 59' Tomatoes Any 4 Coupon! with the Shop-Rita Supermarket purchase of $5.00 or more Any 6 Coupons with tkJ purchase of 17.50 or more COUPON LIMIT—ONE SHOP-RITE AH 10 Coupom with the expires Sal. Tjrchaie of S10.O0 or more 303 APPLESAUCE CANS RAAH DMUIAI! Chef B°y"Ar-Dee Beefaronl A 15-ox. $| DCCI lVUVIOIIorSDaahettiw/M«irbcillSpaghetti w/M«itb«!lss ^ pkgsokas.. • Gaines Burgers •"* 79 or THIS COUPON towards the purchas* of WORTH 10' BOTTLE LEST01L SHOP-RITE HALF Any 4 (kupoiu with the ny Shop-Rite Supermarket WHY PAY purchase ol J5.00 or moie GALLON Any 6 Coupons with the COUPON LIMIT—ONE BOTTLES purchase ol 17.50 or more MORI? expires Sat. All 10 Coupons with the APPLE JUICE purchase of SIO.OO or more Corn Beef Hash Broadcast 3ir.'«* cans l Whole Apricots COUPON SAVINGS PINEAPPLE-APRICOT, PINEAPPLE-PEAR or PINEAPPLE-ORANGE

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All 10 Coupons wllh the New Monmouth Road PUrctiaie ol 110 00 or more SHOP-RITE MIDDLETOWN

Coupon! muit be cut npart. M 1963 BED BANK REGISTER Hold Exercises Approve 2 Fined $ 150 Matawan Graduates Came Teachers' For RED BANK - Marshall T. ATLANTIC HJGHUNDS-PfO Walters of 8J» Rt. * motion exercises for- (0 . sixth Contracts Beach, was Sued a total W students were held recent- \NEW SBREWSBURV - yesterday «« Area owntori *W Receive 43 Awards Atlantic Highlands Board of Education of the Tinton frauding the at&te DMsM.'oi* School'auditorium. MATAWAN TOWN5HP - The third highest average, and com- Falls School* approved contraeti Employment Security, £*'' pctMttatta of 43 nrudi to the mercial department bookkeeping George H. Wuesthoff, superin- last night for two new teachen, Magistrate William I KUUsky. graduating class of Mauiran award; Dieter Wolf, Bauach and tendent, awarded certificates to Miss Rosemary Walters, Red imposed three ttO fine* and Area B%h School hu been announced lamb Science award and idence following: Bank, to teach second grade for suspended 304ay Jail sentences by Che Board of Education. department physics award; Eliz- Arthur Arway, Sherry Lee |5,6W a year, and Walter Don- after finding Waltm guilty of Award recipient* are Swan abeth Munson and Charles Fred Baker, Joyce Ellen Bergstresser, ovan, Point Pleasant, special collecting unauthorized unemptoy- Du Beau, gold medal for highest da, Women's Club awards; Elea- Biedermann, Carol data teacher, 17,540 annually. meat checks lor three periods: average, borne economic* dol- nor Harrison and Alan Barr, Din- Sharon Geraldine The baud also decided to offer ing award, tad Bustoeaa and forth Foundation leadership Briner,' Hany Emerson Brothers, in 19*2. to Arnold Cohen,a* Profewlooal Women's Club awards. Brown, Patricia The compUtato were signed by, ., to work here .Mfarftier highest average; Nan- i Burke, Jeffrey Russell Clark. school; Charles A. Temofer, senior Also, Carolyn Parsons, Geacttl on a "basis M did hit cy Barnett, silver medal for aec- Crockett, Denlse Rhonda auditor of the division. He. >, Mills, Inc. "Betty Crocker" predecessor, Dr. Stanley Sprung. ond highest average, and science award, French club award, and vis, Patricia Anne de Alterls, charged that Walters twice col-, department biology award; Pa- PTA scholarship; John Bunger, DeGroot, Charles The resignation of Mrs. Alice lected $160 and onct collected,, tricia Hanson, bronze medal for Keyport Elks Club citizenship Gail Mary Ann Ober, special daw teacher, was award; Susan Phelan, Keyport Doda, Maureen Elizabeth'Dwight, accepted with regret. George Holmes of Bank St., > Elk* Auxiliary home economics Marie Dyer, Deborah Jane The board approved expendi- here, was fined $100 and received Frederick John To Share award, and the Teachers Asso- tures of J3.O30.50 for classroom a 90-day jail sentence for being, ciation Ralph Mauro memorial furniture and equipment, and drunk and disorderly on , West „ award; Elsie He^r, the Mer- Daniel F. Harrison, John Hop- $1,4% for duplicating paper and Bergen PI. Monday. JoAnne Hungrecker, Mar- In Estate chants' Association award, and supplies. In default of payment of the : Ann Larsen, Theresa Marie Mothers' Club achievement The board secretary. Louis A. fine,' Magistrate Klatsky added Leach, Gerard Fredrick, Dario award; Nancy Cromwell, Lochs- SteinmuUer, was authorized to 45 days to the Jail sentence. It. - Of $302,000 lea Cad) award; Barbara Katz, B. Leonard, Pamela Beth Lingo, get estimates on an addition to Michael Lombard!, Mark was Holmes' 29th arrest. NEW YORK - Dorothy W. French Club two-year award; CITED BY ARMY —Dr. Edward M. Reilley, director of the InttituU for Exploratory the playground area at Swimming M. Marchetti, Michael Lee Daniel Shay of Rumson was Butcher of East Main St., Free- James Burns, Mothers' Club Research at the U. S. Army Electronics Rasa-arch and Development Laboratory, Fort River School art widening a Parker, Laura tee Redmond, fined $29 for being drunk and hold, i« a beneficiary in the achievement award; Mary Harri- Monmouth, is given ^htveitation received with an award for Meritorious Civilian Gregory Robinson, Chester Scott $302,000 estate of her aunt, the son, commercial typing award; Rlley, Dennis James Rudd, Breft- yesterday. late Mia Bessie Ballin of New Carolyn Giisobel, commercial de- Service. Mrs, Railley lookTbn as the presentation is made by Col. James M. Kiit)- lighting at the entrances to Tinton York, according to a report filed partment shorthand award; Toni da Joyce Santelli, Reynold Slclsre, F»Hs-School, with timers to turn brough, Jr., laboratory commander. OUT OF HOSPITAL here by the New York State Rupp, commercial, department Dean Edward Steppe, Frank X. its on at dusk, and to seek Transfer Tax Department. general award, and Lynn Field, R. Steppe, and Jo Ann Stoever. prices for their installation. BEILFORD-Irvil Reed of 813 commercial department improve- 9 And, Elizabeth Louise McCal- Turner Dr. has returned from Under provisions of a will, the ment award. lum, Peggy Motley, George Rich- Freehold legatee receives one- 'Meritorious Civilian Service MC CLOE REASSIGNED Patterson Army Hospital, Fort ard McCormlck, Patricia Sharon And, Edward Flynn, the Rob- . y " Monmouth, where he was taken third of the estate remaining fol MoJIer, J, Gregory Nicsz, AMAMIiLp AFB, Tex.-Staff lowing distribution of $23,000 in ert Diete memorial athletic tro- after an accident June 3. He is a Adele Anne Noonan, Edmund J. Sgt Marvin A. McCloe of Allen- bequests to other individuals. The phy and the Dr. Soilon M. Lazow .ettred Army sergeant. Sgt. Reed Koonan, Dianelda Estelle O'Neal, town is being reassigned to rest of the property goes to other athletic award; Carole Brandigon, Avoard Given Scientist Reilley broke Ws leg In two placei and Robert Stuart Palatnara,. John Chanute AFB, III., following his relatives. Fanners and Merchants Bank his ankle in three places while FORT MONMOUTH - Dr. E< the laboratory in 1991. H« has Dr, Reilley has served on a Panacxjtone, Jr., John William graduation from the United Slates working for J&T Swimpcol Serv- MiM Ballin died July 28, 1961, award; Richard Weitman, Math- ward M, Reiiley, director of «S held a number of scientific po- number oJ special panels dealing Strncktoff, Donna Jean Thome, Afr Force technical tri" ' ices Supply Company, S04 Shrews-" leaving gross assets of $332,884 ematics Club award and science sitkms, and has been closely as- with national defense. Among his Charles Jordan Tilton, Allyn S, opurse lor warehousing i| bury Ave., New Shrewsbury, He and a net estate of $302,655. department chemistry award; Institute for Exploratory R« Sheridan SheesJey, the Procter search at the U. S. Army Elec sociated with the Institute for professional organizations are th« Tracy, John Van Kirk 3d, Gary ists here. The Sergeant is the suffered the injuries when he fell and Gamble Corporation home tronics Research and Develop- Exploratory Research since the Americas Association for the Ad Patrick Vaughan, Maureen June son of Mr. end Mrs. Howard Mc- from a ladder. economics award; Basil Santos, ment Laboratory, has been nucleus o( the organization was vancement of Sdence, the Ameri- Wall, Stanley Harold Watson, Cloe of 9 Hamilton St., Allen- created in 1957. He was named town. He I* married to the for- New an award for outstanding service awarded the Army Meritorious can Physical Society and Sigma Janis Marie Wigginton, and Lynn AIR RAH) TEST and leadership; Marion Jurman Civilian Service award for his director when the IER was giv- Xi, honorary .scientific society. Fiances Wuesthoff. mer Mary Darracott from Eng Shrewsbury and Leif Aamont, awards from contributions to military elec en full departmental standing in He has been.active in Boy Scout .Sixth grade teachers are Mrs, land. EAR — The Naval Ammu- the local chapter of the National tronics, advanced scientific re February, 1950. work in New Shrewsbury and Demetra Accorsi and Mrs. Mur- nition Depot will conduct an air. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tegna- Honor Society; Elizabeth White, search, and mathematics. In an atmosphere largely re- Fair Haven, where he formerly iel Bienenwald. Dartmouth placekkker BiB raid siren test between noon and dan, 35 Carlton Dr., held a family the Teachers Association F. How- moved from the expediency of lived. Wellstead of Maumee, Ohio 12:15 p.m. Friday. Tests will be. Dr. RelHey, who lives at The'band performed, under the batbeque recently. Guests in- ard Lloyd Memorial award; Rob- Army electronic projects with He and Mrs. Reilley have lour kicked 48 points last season. conducted at the main station, Heather Dr., New Shrewsbury direction of Dorian Parreott. cluded Mr. and Mrs. James Hal ert Tanls, PTA scholarship; Car- close deadlines, Dr. Reiiley heads children, Edward, Michael, 4th, Twenty-one point* resulted on Rt. 34 and Leonardo waterfront was presented the award by Co] ajlan, Oceanport; Mr. and Mrs. ol Sari, Junior Women's dub tiie group of scientists who cont' 18; Kathleen Patricia, 14; Linda CHRISTMAS BASKETS seven field goals. area, Rt. 38. Edward Silverian, BroomaH, Pa., award; William Moellus and Lar- James M. Kimbrough, Jr., labor pose the institute in their re- Maureen, 8, and Laura Lee, A. . atory commander, in a recen LEONARDO - Christmas bas- Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kerrlan, ry Magee, industrial art depart' search Into unexplored areas of Dr. ReiHey's mother, Mrs ceremony attended by Mrs. ReS kets were made for elderly peo- Newark; Mr and Mrs. Albert ment awards, and Paul Stames, electronics and other branches Jeanne L. ReUIey, now lives with ley and Dr. Reilley's laboratoi ple ia local homes at the Grace TegnWan and family, Haig Teg' Republican Club leadership of related physical sciences, In- a daughter, Miss Jeanne M. Reil- associates, Hatch Circle of the Baptist nazlan and Miss Julie Tegnazlan, award. cluding physics, physical chemis- ley, at 6107 Adler St., Pittsburgh. Churoh at tfie home of Mrs. Wal- WEST Bronx. The Meritorious Service awar try, metallurgy and mathematics. Dr. Reilley's father Is deceased. is the second highest honor th ter Anderson, Leonard Ave., June FURNITURE CO. Department of the Army givi 11. Meetings will be discontinued Mr. and Mrs. John S. Marshall, Mid-Monmouth until September, Attending were KEYPORT, N. J. Jr., 23 Meredith Dr., gave a pic- to civilian employees. HartzlerV Parting Advice Misses Blanche and Inez Leon- CO 4*0181 nic Sunday for business associ- Dr. Reley was dted for U ard, Mrs. Edward Greeley, Mrs. ates and their families. Guests Jaycees Install "outstanding personal contribu KEYPORT — John O. Hart-1 more positive action should be Albert Giendlnning, Mrs. Arthur Included Mr. and Mrs. D. A. tions and scientific leadership. zler closed out 23 years, as super- taken by the board. Stryker, Mrs. Edna McCandless, Campeau, Mountainside; Mr. and ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS - The citation goes on to stati intendent of schOMMast night, Stanley Hyer, co-chairman of Mrs. Michele Cassone, Mrs. Roy Mrs. J. C. Dolan, Cranford; Mr. Robert I. Price was installed as He has added greatly to the d< but he left the Board of Educa- the committee to survey for the Eia and Mrs. Keith Burdge. and Mrs. J. V. Holm, Mr. and president of the Mid-Monmouth fense capability of the Unite Open Monday and Friday Evenings Until 9 P. M. Jaycees at a dinner-dance Satur- tion with his often repeated rec- school building program, report- Mrs. G. G. Freudenburg, Mr. States arid to the body of know: ommendation to get a school con- day night at the Cabin-in-thfrSky. ed the committee should have FERKO BAND CONCERT and Mrs J. V. Holm, Mr and edge essential to continuing pros struction program under way. Mrs. W R. Lemons, Mr. and It was the group's second annual "some kind of a report" to make ress in military electronics. H Mr. Hartzler again cited the OCHAN GROVE—The Joseph Mrs W. W McLeod and Mr. charter night at the board's September meet- guidance has brought lUumim immediate need for more ele- A. Ferko String Band of Phil- before you buy or build, tee ... and Mrs. D. F Vorhees, Eaton- Randall W. Downing was In- ing. tion to heretofore unknown area mentary and high school class- adelphia will return to the Ocean town; Miss Audrey Ketchan and stalled as first vice president; Mr. Hartzler expressed ap- of the physical sciences am rooms to prevent a possible re- Grove Auditorium for a concert II Richard Marshall, Summit, and Chester Loanquist, second vice preciation tp the board fpr its mathematics." The citation wa; turn to double sessions in the Saturday. In: its .appearances MARINE VIEW Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Crawabaw, president; Ronald Hass, secre- cooperation and close' relation- signed by Lt. Gen. F. S. Besson high school next year, and put- here In the last three years, the New Shrewsbury. ship. , SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION tary, and Dr. Barry Grabelle, Jr., commanding general of th< ting the elementary grades on Ferk,o Band had drawn audiences He added thst he may have director. Harold R. Hrchhof was U. S. Army Materiel Commam split "session within four or five c of 5;M0 and more. The concert "TWO OFItCES TO SERVE YOV" been critical and outspoken but Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Hass, installing officer, and Roy M. Pentagon. years. scheduled for 8:15 p.m., will in- Robison, master of ceremonies. the board "always knew where clude a display of prize-winning 56 Partridge La., have returned Dr. Reilley was born In El For more than three years, the MAIN OFFICE Branch Office Harold R. Greene was present- I stood." costumes during one of the spe- from a vacation visit with their wood City, Pa., where he wi retiring superintendent has urged 874 Highway 15 ed a certificate of merit for con- Mrs. Madeline R. Webster, re- ciality numbers, and souvenir || families in Chicago. Mrs. Hass graduated from Lincoln Hi the board to undertake a building (Five Corners) Atlantic Highland! ducting the Jaycees' bicycle safe- tiring principal of the elementary programs will be distributed. and children went out two weeks School in 1936. He received program, "a program which has MIDDLETOWN N First Avenue ahead of Mr. Hass to visit Mr. ty program. bachelor of science degree been in my heart for a long schools,, also extended her ap- and Mrs. John Pats and Mrs. Dhyslcs In 1940 from Carnegii time." preciation' to the board. She has There's no Trick to Having Ex- OS 1*2400 291-0100 Helen Hass. ANNIVERSARY PARTY Institute of Technology, Pitts He told the board, "I hate to served in that capacity for the tra Cash. You Get it Fast Whenl past 23 years. MATAWAN TOWNSHIP - Mr. burgh, and Ws doctorate, in phyi see the education of Keyport and You Use The Register Classified; I Mr. and Mrs. Frank P. Rooaan, and Mrs. Gerald Hochwald, 18 ics, from the University of Pit* Union Beach children suffer for Gulfport, Fla., and Miss Marilyn Avalon La., celebrated their burgh In 1951. a lack of facilities." P Meehan New York City, were fourth weddj Mnlvergarv „«„ Dr. Reilley worked as a n Mr. Hartzler said it is the ob- •MbAfMtt KAiirim miacri #sf m* nun _ * •* — . - - recent housa guests of Mr. and a party Sunday. Guests were Mr. search assistant with the Melk ligation of the Board of Educa- Mrs. Kenneth Roonan, 845 Tinton and Mrs. Joseph Canes and chil- Institute of Industrial Researc tion to bring a building program Ave. dren Michael and Carolyn, of for two years before entering a< to public referendum and then Brooklyn; Mr. and Mrs. Louis tive military service as a Signs if it is turned down it becomes MARKS BIRTHDAY Hochwald, of New York; Dr. and Corps officer in 1942. He wi the voters' responsibility. SEA BRIGHT — Beth Morris, Mrs. Nathaniel Cohen, Engle- awarded the Bronze Star durin He stressed it is up to the ^MONMOUTH MEA IS daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard wood; Mr. and Mrs. Thomas his service in Europe and lei people to decide, but if the board Morris, 17 Edison Ave., celebrat- Crane and Mr. Crane's mother, active duty as a major hi 194< doesn't present a building pro-11 110 MONMOUTH ST. 13 MAIN ST. BRANCH AVENUE ed her 12th birthday Saturday Mrs. Mary Crane, of this place, He was subsequently a researc gram it has failed in its duty. RED BANK EATONTOWN LITTLE SILVER with a party at Ship Ahoy Beach engineer and instructor at tl Mr. Hartzler said the present Club. Guests were Lynn Johnson, . There's no Trick to Having Ex- University of Pittsburgh and board is not entirely to blame SH 1-5292 LI 2-0743 741-5350 scientific consultant for the D Diane Bensing, Judy Thomson, tra Cash. You Get it Fast When because past boards have also fense Department Nancy Khauff and Jean Free- You Use The Register Classified. failed to act on a building pro-|| man and Judy Gerfta. —Advertisement Dr. Reilley came to work'ft gram. GENUINE—5 TO 6-LB. SIZE Board member Frank L.'|| &ENUINE—5 TO 6-LB. SIZE •• •• Laughlln agreed "we are drag- THURSDAY & FRIDAY 10 to 9 P.M. ging our feet" and felt that II OPEN 3 DAYS SATURDAY 10,to & Mater Dei LEGS of LAMB 55 Honor Roll L Fresh Killed—3-4 Ib. size—Split, quartered orr cutt u upp 4fe 4* NEW MONMOUTH - The fol- lowing students were named toil the June honor roll at Mater Del |[ High School here: Excellence: Sophomores—Anne II Frying CHICKENS 29 Thomas, Joseph Granito, Robert I Ballweg, Geraldine Flynn, Rose- marie Horn, Angelo Guarino, and SWIFT'S PREMIUM—BONELESS Jane Sears; Freshmen — Geor-|| gette Ader, Richard Van Em- 22-A MAIN STREET U 2-9747 EATONTOWN burgh, Rita Sears, Lawrence Har-1 per, Noreen Lahey and Lester || Lockwood. EYE ROUND ROAST Hit Entire Stock of Merit: Sophomore—Mary Sch-lj "Jerri Shop of Long Island" SELLING OUT midt; Freshman, Susan Wilson. Lean - Rib Side Boneless, Choice Lean • Fresh ALL SUMMER WEAR BROUGHT TO YOU AT RIDICULOUSLY LOW PRICES! Distinction: Sophomores— Anne Genuine Choice Thomas, Susan Fabian, Joseph LADIES' LADIES' FASHION Granito, Kathleen Hannigan, GROUND Michael Naughton, Robert Ball- LOIN of CROSS LOIN LAMB 00 00 weg; freshmen-Georgette Ader, BLOUSES BERMUDAS Colleen Butler, Kathleen Butler, ly Gabty. Udy Falkland. &2.0O ly Svrq Sim, moitly Jr. HOBU A 3 00 Wilma Barter, Richard Van Em-1 PORK RIB ROAST CHUCK burgh, Nancy Bond, Patricia Mul-I CHOPS •I Mllwo«kt«, Stbwrian of Volt, ta 7.91. Sim to It. NoiH WejhtT 2 lln, Pegeen Slover, and Rlta|| 1 Cal.. R.M.R., Allm. All lint. None Sears. c ALL NEW 1963 LADIES' Roll of honor: Sophomores —II LADIES'SKIRTS Dana Jamison, Susan Waterman,I! Ib SWIM ly Moldtnform, Sob John Norton, Virginia Brady, 49S & 2-Pc. SUN SUITS OO 79S 59 99! «l Swvdtn, C«ki of Jacqueline Casalc, Anne Hamer, ly CatallM, Clwitml 00 SUIT California, Jontun, 8.00 Stephen Onkes, Kenneth Dugan, SWIFT'S PREMIUM—AGED AND SEASONED Hill, Harbort. Allm. Catallna, Marina Geraldine Flynn, Rosemarie Horn, None Higher Barbara Cholette, William Mc-|| FULLY TRIMMED Values to 11.98 SPECIAL Dtlmar, Sinclair. 2 Sim 8 to 18 Gowati, and Mary Adubato. CUT TO ORDER None Higher Colon and uylti iwvti befort —n or Am low pricti. Freshmen — Karolyn Blohm.ll Ruth Byrnes, Arthur DiPadova, | Kathleen Froelich, Edward Gal- FRIDAY SPECIAL SATURDAY SPECIAL lagher, Nancy Kilduff, Richard I SIRLOIN "Sandier of Boston" NEW STOCK Thomas, Mary Anne Thorstensen, ALL HEW 1963 FASHIONS Ladltt' Leather Lawrence Harper, Jane D'Zurlllo, Ib AIISbnandAHWIdrti Noreen Lahey, Lester Lockwood, GOlF SANDALS Thomos Taggart, John Dans, T-BONE LADIES' SUMMER CO( O Beverly Franklin, Kathleen Duck- W ley, Judith Schnoor and Susnn|| CHOPPED PI. FOOTWEAR SHOES ** Mnllcr. > Economical O^OOclSTEAK8 OilOOiLAMB for h L Short Rib9s M L 1| ft SNEAKERS ONLY 2.50 BACON 4sO9iBEEF JsiisTEW 4s 2 5 Madt In Italy It pays to adfertlae In the Red|| BEEF 4$1 25 PAIR I Bank Reglster.-Advertlsement. Freehold est Band Concerts BED BANK REGISTER Wednesday, Juo* 26, was presented during the eve- ning. Signs Pact Start 40-Year Term Mrs. Crammer moved to Key. VOICt M0NMQU1K - ftt port after her marriage in 19}]. With MCOSS •rick J. PtucKauar of Moamouth Wins Praise for She was appointed to take va- Beach, an engineer with the Aisny Asbury BValk cant borough clerk's Job Feb. FREEHOLD - 0 *"*•* ElectronicEtootronlc** Research and "De- ASBURY PARK - The Asbury 25,1924. The following year, when Council voted at in adjourned velopment Laboratory, hat bePar- k Municipal Band, Frank Mrs. Crammer Raymond Wyckoff was elected meeting Monday to ilga t cofl- come what Is believed to be theBryan conductor, will begin its KEYPORT - Mrs. Adelaide mayor, Mrs. Crammer was asked tract with the Monmoutti County youngest "old timer" in the De-summer session of free public hammer, retiring borough clerk, to continue with the job. Organization for Social Servio* fense Department. conceits at the Arthur Pryor ras guest of honor at a recent Mrs. Crammer plans to spend providing a nursing service tor band pavilion between Fourth and eatimonial dinner in Ye Cottage the rest of her We in Keyport. the borough. •:- Fifth AVH. On the boardwalk at !nn. She expects to do a lot of travel- "Rte contract wiH run for a six 1:30 p.m. June 28. Mrs. Crammer has served the Ing with a childhood friend who month period beginning July l. Concert* will be given every orough nearly 40 years, the long- now lives in Allentown, Pa., She MCOSS vrili provide U* lei Friday, Saturday and Sunday at st municipal career in borough has one daughter, Mrs. Adelaide from it* Lafayette Pi office. 8:30 p.m. through Labor -Day. listory. Fearon, Somerset, and one grand- The action became necessary Special holiday concerts will be J. Russell Woolley, county daughter. because of the retirement of the given on July 4 and Labor Day.' clerk, was master of ceremonies. Arrangements for the dinner borough nurse, Mrs. Elsie Stew- Sunday afternoon concerts be- The invocation was given by were in charge of Councilman art, after 38 years of service, ginning at 3 o'clock are sched- Henry E. Male, rector of the St. Henri Hansen, chairman! John J. The governing body, also ac- uled for July H, and 28, and Aug. Gary's Episcopal Church. Among Haley, Councilman Robert cepted the resignation of Audsley 11. * hose paying tribute to Mrs. Strang, Mrs. Stanley Ferry, Eve- Vanderveer as borough cashier Prominent instrumental and vo- 'rammer were State Senator rett Poling, Councilwoman Kath- and municipal court clerk. Mr. cal soloists will be featured with lichard R. Stout, Assemblyman erine Boggs, Mayor Carlton Pol- Vanderveer last night was ap- the band. A concert featuring the Vlfred N. Beadleston and Howard ing, Albert Nelson, Miss Bar- pointed secretary to the borough outstanding young instrumental toberts, attorney for Monmouth bara Todt, Jerry Hill, Council- soloists of the shore area also will Board pt Education. IUSINESS WOMEN — The Leriapa Business and Professional Women's Club installed bounty. A musical entertainment man Dyson Woodhouse and Sol be given Opatosky. new officers and received a charter recently at a dinner-dance at The CobbleStones, Leonardo SUTHERLAND PARTY Middletown. Left to right are Mrs. Etta Lockhardt, recording secretary; Mrs. Geral- To Retire BELPORD-Miss Susan Suther- dint Rose, president; Mrs. Doris Hubatha, Linden, installing officer and president of The fourth birthday of Ruth >and, who was promoted from Green, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. eighth grade at Thome School, New J«rs«y Federation of Business and Professional Women's Clubs, and Miss Helen Robert Green, was celebrated Port Monmouth, Tuesday, was Prowne, vie* president. Th» club is composed of business and professional women June 16. Attending were John and given a party at the home of working in Middletown. ' Janice Alonso, Cindy, Jerry, Jean Frederick J. Petschauer her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wil- and Billy Hickman, Brenda liam Sutherland, Main St. Pres- He is. the recipient of a pin Brink, John Hummer, Craig Bel ent were Mrs. John Heins, Mr. presented In recognition of more A Simple. Efficient fce and Gerald Green. and Mrs. Michael Gettlngs and Cherry Festival Chief of Staff 10 Named than 20 years in federal service family Mrs. Norman Fox, Bruce and Convenient and qualifying him as an old Mr. and Mrs. Walter Belte, Russell, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bowls, Way to Pay Bills timer at the age of 37. Mrs. William J. Smith, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Borger, Mr. Set at Church To Society Mrs. William Belke, Laura Dale Mr. Petschauer took civil ser and Mrs. Joseph Falmonetti, MIDDLETOWN - Home-baked RARITAN TOWNSHIP —Grad- Make a list of the: vice exams when he was a 16- Amount owtrf lo each ilort. and Robert Craig Belke attended Misi Joan Falmonetti, Mr. and cherry pies, slices of pie a la uating seniors elected to the Na a graduation party in Newark for year-old high school student and Mrs. Vernon Colmorgen, Jr., and Inivranc* yov havt le mill, mode and coffee, and cherry sun- tional Honor Society are Donalc Barbara Conlon, daughter of Mr, became an electronics trainee family, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tom you hoy* It pay. daes will be available at the and Mrs, Arthur Conlon, from here. Simpson, Belford; William Dieti, Kress, Joy Nielsen, Karen Sel lafonet owiJ on (umilurt, radio Sacred Heart Grammar School, Today he is working on the Ocean Gate; Mr. and Mrs. Edwin cherry festival sponsored by the lick, John Shaynor, Woodrow Sul and olhti items bought on llm*. Newark. development of a command con Hunnikin, and Mrs. Edward Eb- First Baptist Church, King's livan, Michael Feeks and Susan Aufomofcilt epain, tins, balltry. trol system called ARTOC. ner, Linden; Mr. and Mrs. Al- Hwy. It will be held Friday, Wire. Unpaid doctor, dniKtl and The third birthday of Michael fred Dietz, Clark Township; Mr During World War II, Mr, Pet- from 3 to 9 p.m. on the church hotpitat bills. and Mr*. John Gettings, East Newly Inducted members of the Shea, son of Mr. and Mrs. Vin- schauer worked at the electronics Ani ony olfctr bilk or obligation cent Shea, was celebrated Keansburg; Mr. and Mrs. Walter grounds, or in Fellowship Hall if senior class of 1964 are Patricia June laboratory at the Charleston, I you may hove to mut. 12 with Mr. and Mrs. George S. C, Naval Base, and during L'Hotta and son Larry, Union it rains. Erickson, Sandra Hunt, Christine Black, Timothy, Colleen and Vin- the Korean War he served aboan Beach, and Mrs. Jennie Van Proceeds will go to the Laparo, Margaret Merwin, Jose Bring this lid to. our office. cent Shea, Jr. Duyne, Leonardo. the USS Adirondack. church's 275th anniversary cele- Perez, Sheldon Rachlin, Susan We'll make you a loan While working at the labs here, bration fund. Whole pies may be Sgt. Thomas F. Condon Sahli, Madeline Schenzinge ANY AMOUNT French author Voltaire report he has taken night courses at A mixture of coffee aad ba- reserved in advance. Pamela Solomon and Diane Whin TRENTON — Sgt. Thomas F. UP edly drank 50 cups of coffee a Monmouth College and earned nanas is a favorite drink in Ugan- Mrs. Theodore Hynsc-n and Condon, state police security offi- day when he was 80. his bachelors degree in physics. da. Mrs. Earle Kunes are co-chair- field. TO men of the affair. Elected for the 1963-64 schoc cer at Marlboro State Hospital to pa/ off all or port Committee chairmen are Mrs. year are Susan Sahli, president will retire effective July 6. of your obligations. Pamela Solomon, vice president Michael MarkoviicJi, posters; Sgt. Condon graduated from the All loans aroSttlCrircONHOIHTMl. Patricia Erickson, secretary, ani Mrs. William Jakes, distribution; U Col. Gernard D. Dean State Police Academy in 1941 and TELEPHONE • WRITE • or Mrs. Edward Osborne, tele- Sheldon Rachlin, treasurer. was stationed at New Brunswick visit the office neantt phone; Mrs. Victor Schactel, FORT MONMOUTH - Lt. Col. In election to the society, th your home er work pick-up service; Ervin Kehrer Gernard D. Dean has been named faculty honors those who not on and Princeton before he was have maintained an 86 or bette: and William Hynson, sound and chief of staff of the U. S. Army granted a military leave in World average in their high schoo BELL FINANCE II lighting; Robert Deaney, clean- Electronics Research and Devel- War II. He served as a. special COMPANY up; Edward Osborne and Gordon career, but who have displayec investigator for the Army from 9 Brown, cashiers; Mrs. Charles opment Laboratory. character, leadership and service Jtrvlt. We Want Being a new school, Raritai MM«Mifc *Mtmr Schwartz, setting up; Mrs. Er- He replaces Lt. Col. Herbert 1942 to 1946. WIMlun • O<«» win Moore and Mrs. Harry Grau, A. Schulke, Jr., who Is leaving received its charter May 27, am After the war, Sgt. Condon re- < C.tlM will be known as the John Glem II table service. to attend the Armed Forces Staff sumed his state police work at Red Bunk OKce • Kami SH MOW Chapter, National Honor Society 77 810*0 «T..O»ifN.wl Waitresses will be Mrs. Ray College at Norfolk, Va. Morristown, Princetown, Shrews- tUmtUBiohlandfihmM M1W mond Herter, Mrs. Robert Rals- Col. Dean, whose previous as- bury and Howell stations and in signment was with the Research He served at Fort Monmou! 1958 was assigned to the Garden 111 nan AW. • 0PM» t*i*mr ton, Miss Betsy Bates, Miss Mary Freehold OMee • fliaMtHOMMO Borden, the Misses Rae and Commodity Office of the U. S, from 1948 to 1951; at the Offi Parkway. He was transferred to it t MAIN JT. • GronJ «•» Sandra Fetteroff, Mrs. John Wai Army Electronics Command, re- of the Chief Signal Officer fro: Marlboro in 1960. toiv JEtnuicA • MIMII CA MJ1 Us, Mrs. Erwin Kehrer, and Mrs, ceived his bachelor degree from 1951 to 1954 and from 1960 Sgt. Condon' resides with his I MI MOAOWAY • S*tnt Now Norman Wagner.' Members of the University of Kansas in 1943 1962; and at HQ Army Forci wife, Elizabeth, and their two lEatontomt . n» NEWSBOYS! IM WAIN ST. • Cat. Wain «»d Uwh the kitchen committee are Miss and his master's degree in me- Far East from 1954 to 1957. daughters, at Hazlet. Ht- Hilda Southall, Mrs. Jake Man- teorology from UCLA in 1948. He He resides at Fort Monmoutl New BELL MIDDLETOWN OFFICE • It Ml was graduted from the Com- Am— Fnm Botmtd /ofauwi't I chesian, Mrs. Fred Bremyer, with his wife, the former Dori No problem finding tenants 173 HIWAYM • PIW»: PSborM 1-31111 Mrs. John Rankin, Mrs. George mand and General Staff College Hahn of Fair Haven, and thei when you advertise The Register Menger, Mrs. Luther Bryant, in 1960. four children. way—Advertisement. :iO»HS MADE IN UL HEARBY TOWHS; Mrs. Ridhard Meserole and Mrs. llRexford Fetteroff. The affair is open to the public. I Children's portions will be half TOTAL PERFORMANCE: price.

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ing extra cash. FOOD GALAXIE 500/XL i iTOP tf YOU KNEW WHAT MAIL THIS COUPON TO- THIS "CAR KILLER" KN0WS...Y01TD BE DRIVING A SOLID, SILENT SUPER TORQUE FORD This ileel-edged pothole is probably the world's toughest test Look at Ford's astounding record in open competition this THE RED BANK REGISTER of a car's suspension. We drive into this car killer at 30 mph, year in the grueling Daytona, Riverside, and Atlanta 500/5, the locking our brakes as we go so the wheels can't roll through World 600 at Charlotte, N.C., and in the demanding Pure Oil the hole as they normally would. The car slams against the far Performance Trials. Only a ca r with total performance—the best CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT edge of the hole with such impact that it literally bounds out. combination of strength, balance, precision control and load- Prln M—• partners—both »un- l< you added up the cumulative effect of all the jars and jolts clinging suspension—could roll up so many wins. dress a.

FAIR HAVEN — Dicksie And Hoyt, Fair H»vetfi contribution to the water ski world, has saved her,ft Freehold Nips IAMA, 54, nest performance for the biggest meet of the yetr hi By Hy Cunningfcam the US. In Carleton League Game Miss Hoyt established herself u the top female , THE MAN WITH THE PIPE AND HORSES - Fit skier in the country Monday and yesterday by totaling LONG BRANCH - Q»<* Ron LAST NIGHTS RESULTS IMh/i VMM rfM MM ott u Freehold J, LBIAMA 4 ting in the middle of this picture frame is trainer Harry a perfect 4,000 points to pace the women performer! STANDINGS IAMA r»«y in the lite inriufi to Wells, Manor Dr., Red Bank. Harry is former trainer in the try-outs for the squad to represent tile United alp to WBrt** **, M, for Amory L. Haskell, master.of Woodland Farm and OOMM. Tifp* r .8 States in the world championships, slated for Vichy, la l ^ ; president of Monmouth Park. France, Sept 5-8. EM Cirittofc Harry, who carries one of his many pipes LMgue. Freehold -.._-_ In the qualifying meet, held at Callaway Gar UB. Fire Dept around like one of his horses carries a saddle, is Freehold ]|Uttptd out to »n Shrewsbury — not only a great fellow, but he Is an excellent dens, Robin Lake, Ga., Dicksie won the tricks and ewiy lew! *Wi • fc Rumioa-F.H. .„. trainer. Is he a quiet chap? He sure is! Harry jumping competition Monday. She duplicated-the feat in «M aaooad twin* ud added Eatootown yesterday to pace all female skiers in the competition. a finite Mty in tfa* third frame LA. IAMA . wasn't very anxious to be mentioned in this cor- Neptune .-- ner because he said he was in the spot a couple of Miss Hoyt, who was second in the Masters Ski briHM. TONIGHTS GAMES months back when the late Harry CarUn produced Tournament at Callaway Gardens over the weekend, Coach Vtoce MMgo'i IAMA RUM it W.UB. squad rallied, however, for four said it was quite a grind. The women were ready to Shrewibury at L.B. IAMA an excellent column regarding Harry's handling of runs in the, bottom half of the LB. Fire Dept at Runuoo Haskell's Blue Sparkler./ This was Woodland go on the course at 7:45 a.m. Despite the hectic sched- fifth inning to cut the gap to ._•'& i- Farm's outstanding thoroughbred back in the mid- ule, Dicksie fell only once in 12 trick runs. one run: Herman Hit), second soi f 0 Freehold pitcher, .contained the o o o Xpt'n.u t 0 dle 50s. Pdn'a.u aalt'm'n.rr I 0 Five girls competed in the final run-off for the two IAMA batters the remaining two Q'd'n.Jb lfln'b'rg,c 3 1 THI STEAKS COME THICK — World heavyweight box. inningi to preserve 1 It was 1956, Wells was in charge of Blue Sparkler positions on the squad. Jeanette Brown, Tampa, F1&, OurfO.ll < 0 0 Coni.rf 1 1 Ing champion Sonny LUfon ii served a thick'stale by The win jumped the Freehold Kr'tt.rf O 0 A. Sl'llort 1 0 when the filly had a tremendous year. This was the was the runner-up to nail down the second position on O'owaki.cf 3 3 _ Wllb't.lh II nine into fourth place with a 0 0 0 Wtn'k.lb his wife, Sewldine, during dinner at hi* training ejuart^ri year the filly copped the $100,000 Atlantic City Handi- the U. S. team. S 0 H Sun&Sb r? 3-2-1 record for seven points on KMll'w.p 0 0 in L«s Vtgai, Nev. He defends his title agaimt formar cap, an invitational affair. Incidentally, that year the The win at the try-outs climaxed a busy schedule two points for a win and a a ingle id'o,c 0 RStrollo.p 2 0 marker for a tie. The IAMA Is OUl«y,p o a champion Floyd Patterson on July 22. (AP Wiraphotol Sparkler was one of the last horses invited to the race. for Miss Hoyt on the water ski circuit She competed in ninth place in the 10-team loop 27 I in six tournaments in five days. ..Ml 000 » with a 14 mark. I A if A . Report Plan to Downgrade White Sox Edge Yankees, 2-1; Scoring in Decathlon Event LOS ANGELES (AP) — Track Allowable points will be pit and field authorities said Mon- sharply in at least one event, the day they understand the lnterna. pole vault, it was said. This is Cards Back in National Lead tional governing body is revising Yang's strongest event. the-scoring table downward for He vaulted 15' feet V?A inches, On a night when Juan Piatrro that the fifth-place Orioles can't the tying run on Mike Hershber sixth time in their last seven decathlon competition and, in ef- highest ever in decathlon compe- hurled the Chicago White Sox be counted out, posting the 250th er's single. An Inning later Ro games. In that non-shutout, Hous- fect, rewriting the record book. tition, and scored 1,515 points. victory of hi* career with a iu- inson made Terry, 7-8,- a loser ton broke loose for one run. into a virtual tie for the Ameri- To be erased, they said, would "Why, do they, have to make perb four-hit, 10-0 triumph over despite a three-hit effort and ga can League lead, Robin Roberts Since leaving Texas two weeks be the pending worid record set this new table of scoring retro- wound up pitching Baltimore back the Angels in which Jim Gentile Chicago its fourth victory wkhoi ago, the last-place Colts have to a loss against the Yankees. last April 27-28 by C. K. Yang, active?" Yang asked. "Had I into the standings. gave a loud answer to his Balti taled 11 runs—and six of thosi known this'was going to happen, more the tall Formosan from UCLA, For a few hours, the Orioles critics. Roberts, 6-7 this season, dro came In a doubleheader split I would have trained to improve San Francisco. Eight times who pierced the supposedly im were missing. Fined recently for not hustling, in two runs with a single an pentrable 9,000-point ceiling with my marks in other events than Gentile has been getting a rough checked the Angels in a strong they've been shut out, five times Pizarro's five-hit pitching and a they've scored one run. a score of 9,121. the ones' I concentrated on." seventh inning tie-breaking homer 8oin8 over from the boo birds, performance. He struck out fou Dick Nash, chairman of the Decathlon scoring is a compli- by Floyd Robinson gave the White He gave Angel pitchers the lame walked none and did not permi At the opposite end of the NL cated matter. So many points are ladder Tuesday night, the St. Lou-Southern Pacific AAU decathlon Sox a 2-1 victory over New York treatmenttt , driving in six runs an Angel past second base whil committee, is the authority for awarded for designated times,and Tuesday night and edged the with a pair of doublet and hisGentile and the Orioles were bell is Cardinals reclaimed first from distances, broken down to seconds San Francisco, capitalizing on er-the statement. Chica'goans to within nine percent- 14th homer. Ing Dean Chance, 64, and his su< He said he has been reliably and fractional measurements. age points of the first-place Yan- cessors. rant Giant throws in the ninth in la other AL action, Harmon Kil- ning for a fr5 victory. The Losadvised that the decathlon com- Nash pointed out that the scor- kees. . lebrew's homer gave Minnesota mittee of the International Ama- ing table has been revised sev- Pity Houston's wandering Colt Angeles Dodgers edged into In Baltimore, the standings a 1-0 decision over Detroit be- ond by trimming Cincinnati 4-1 teur Athletic Federation is revis- eral times. showed the Yankees and White hind Lee Stange's five-hit pitch- They can't find home away from ing the scoring table and it will It was devised originally by horned ; behind Sandy Koufax' fine pitch Sox at the top—in a nine-team ing, relief ace Dick Radatz pre- ing and key hits from Jim Gilbe in effect for the 1964 Olympic Swedish track experts and used league. served Boston's 4-1 and 3-2 vic- Home plate again was out liam. Games in Tokyo. in the 1912 Olympic Games; The slumping Orioles, losers of tories over Cleveland and Kansas bounds for the runless wonders All records now m the book That was the year the great City whacked Washington 8-4. Tuesday night as they continued Philadelphia beat Pittsburg] 20 of 27 games and locked in a 54 on Don Demeter's 10th inning would be scaled down, , Indian athlete, Jim Thorpe, won war of words with the local pa- Pizarro, bringing his record to to get zeroed, this time at Mil Under the new system, Yang both the decathlon and the pen- waukee 4-0 by Tony Clbnlnger. homer and the Chicago Cubs pers, had been "inadvertantly 9-3, struck out 11 while allowing clipped the New York Mets 4-1 would still hold the world record- tathlon, only to have the victory dropped" from the team listings the Yankees' only run on Roger In suffering their 10th succes with three runs in the seventh. .assufning it is formally recog- wiped out and his medals taken Marls single in the sixth. Ron away because it was discovered in the editions that hit the street sive, loss and 14th in IS games Cloninger zipped by the Colts nized—but his total point score Kansen doubled in the bottom of he had played semi-pro baseball. before Baltimore's game at Los on their current road trip, th with a four-hitter and the Braves would be reduced to a figure not the sixth for the tint White Sox Angeles.. Colts were blanked for the secgot off to a fast start against Ken yet determined; most likely be- Nash's committee, in submit- hit off Ralph Terry and scored Roberts proved emphatically ond straight time and for the Johnson. Lee Maye belted John- low the treasured 9,008 figure. ting his performance for the son's first pitch of the evening The 29-year-old Yang, 1962 Na-world record,' recommended that for a 400-foot homer and Joe Tor-tional AAU champion, was under- Yang receive 3d fmore points in re singled across another run be-standably upset over the report. his total. Monmouth Entries fore the opening inning was over. First Rice-Pune feOM 4 * up F A M Clg • fur 3. Lucky Boy 117 Grimm S-l Milwaukee got two more in thi 1. Duple Pupil HI Lefebvre «-l 4. Swift Tempo 115 NB 10-1 seventh on a pair of doubles bj Harry Wells 2. Zaml Girl 111 Brooks 4-1 5. Dr. Mebo 115 Grant 4-1 Maye and Frank Boiling and Ed- J. Royal Idol/ 114 Harmatx 3-1 S. Joe Curley ill Monaceni 15-1 die Mathews' single. What made the win interesting that year was 4. Nobie Countess 111 Zakoor 8-1 7. Flushing Star III Zakoor M In a first-inning outbreal the fact that Blue Sparkler was the first home- 5. Star Shower HI Perna 10-1 8. Dark Blaze 111 Kallai 10-1 capped by Ken Boyers two-ru« I. Equimlis HI Culmone (-1 bred big stake winner in the area. She was a real Sixth Race—Puna $4,540, 3 y.o., clg, 5 fur, turf homer, the Cards rushed into 7. UdaRose III McCurdy 15-1 5-0 lead against the Giants but money winner that year for Wells. In three years fcMawee IM Gnerra KM 1. Royal Bala 110 MonacelU 6-1 ». Miss Broker HI McCurdy 15-1 2. Miss Susan 109 NB 3-1 eventually took an unearned run she earned almost $200,000. II. Windy Weather HI Harmatz S-l 3. Irepeat 114 Brooks 0-1 in the last of the ninth to win i Harry started working for Woodland Farm in 1945 11. Sabre Song 111 Stevenson 20-1 4. Royal Lawn IN Harmatx 10-1 In between, San Francisco pulle 12. Bean's Hostess 111 Baird 4-1 5. Scootum IN Kallai 15-1 even with a run in the sixth and when the late Eddie Feakes was head trainer. When U. Calabria HI NB 20-1 0. Cyclops 114 Grant 3-1 four in the eighth, when Willie Feakes advanced to general manager of the Haskell 14. Kit Coffey 114 DeSplrito 2U 7. aRedrah 112 NB 2-1 McCovey homered with one,on 8.aAlhIon 105 NB 21 and Felipe AIou tripled with two farm, Wells took over the training reins. Harry says Second Race-Purse $3,100 I y.o. Clg Ml * 71 yd 1. Couer de Fer 114 W. Chambers S-l WHITE OUTSIDE , y y on. maybe once in every 15 years a good race horse will 1. Tennessee Bandit 113 NB 8-1 a) Gloworm-SunrUe Farm entry 2. By By Imp French (-1 In the decisive St. Louis ninth HOUSE PAINT < 113 Seventh Race—Purse $5,000, 4 4 up, clg, liV m, come along in a stable the size Mr. Haskell operates. 3. High Plane 113 NB 10-1 Time McCarver led off against WITH TITANIUM BASE 4. WUsark 1. Folk Dancer 114 Grant 8-1 A couple of years ago Harry left Woodland 113 Lawless 20-1 Bob Bolin, the sixth Giant pitcher, SOLID 5. Easy Way Brooks 5-2. 2. Baghatur 112 DeSpirlto 8-1 117 3. Gateway 112 NB 7-2 with a single. Then Bolin made Covering Farm and is now called a "public stable trainer." «. Lucy K. 110 Delvecchlo 20-1 a bad throw to second after field- 7. Vestal 110 Boulmctls 4-1 4. Dodgertown 113 NB 12- EASY This is when a trainer is in his own business, just 5. Sadowo 114 Grant 15- ing Red Schoendienst's sacrifice 8. Dryad 110 Baird 8-1 Spreading like being proprietor of a saddle shop. At the f. Flight Leader 113 Zakoor S-l 0. Breezy Lane 114 Grimm 3-1 bunt, and McCarver came the 7. Outrigger 114 Brooks 5-2 rest of the way when Orlando Ce- WEATHER • present time, Harry is training for three owner* 10. Winning Effort 111 Brooks 4-1 I. Jims Storyland 113 Harmatx 20-1 8. Centauro 114 DeSplrito 5-: peda pegged wildly to third afi Reliant • GALLON and has seven horses under his expert training Eighth Race-Purse $15,000 added, 1 4 up, 8 fur er picking up Julian Javiers sac Third Race-Purse $3,000 2 y.o. Mdns Clg 5J4 for rifice. eyes. Harry says being a public stable trainer Is 1. Iappolnt 118 Brooks 4-1 Oceanport Handicap 1. Bull Story 114 Moyeri quite different than working for Woodland Farm 2. Royal Navy 114 GUHcan 8-1 Koufax mastered Jim O'Tool« 3. Smart Prediction 118 NB 2-1 2. Accordant 105 Kallai In a battle between two star left- or Cam Hoy Stable. With the big stables the 4. Star Magician 114 NB S-l 3. aLester 115 Grant handers — with old pro Gilliam 4. Merry Ruler 120 trainers have little worries regarding finances and 5. Toastmistress 108 Hole 15-1 Culmone supplying the vital punch. Gill I. Door to Door 111 NB 12-1 5. aGun Glory 110 NB administrative duties. Being a public trainer, 113 0. Third Martini 112 Boulmctls am, who doubled in the third anc HOLMES LAHX 7. Heritage Belle W. Chambers 4-1 scored the first Dodger run, dou- 8. Roman Dove HI NB (-1 7. Be On Time 115 W. Chambers Harry has those things to worry about along with 8. In Force 114 Brooks bled home Maury Wills with th WHITE OUTSIDE keeping his charges in top condition for post time. Fourth Race-Purse $4,540 2 y.o. Allow i% fur a) Pastorale Stable-Maine Chance Farm ent tie-breaker in the eighth and 1. Marlew lit Me Curdy S-l scored again on Tommy Davis HOUSE PAINT A couple of "pride and joys" of Harry's charges Ninth Race-13,500, 4 y.oy . k upp,, clg.cg.,, 1A miles 2. Fair Phlna 119 Korte 4-1 single. Ron Fairly homered in the Driti in minutes - Protects this season are College Date and Little Kleinie. Col 3. Destiny Day lit Grimm 4-1 1. Castuc Kid ™115 W. Chambers 3-1 ninth off'OToole, who allowed 11 2. aMark-One Zakoor 5-2 (or years! Smooth flowing,,. 4. Busy Jill lit NB 54 119 hits in losing his fourth againsi 3. Clear Call 115 Grant f-1 Covers well I Lead free. (See HY-SPOTXING SPORTS on Next Page) 5. Saida IN Grant 4-1 13 victories. (. a-Susan's Gent 112 MonaceOI 10-1 4. Rhlnelander 115 DeSplrito (-1 7. a-Ash Blue 112 Zakoor 10-1 5. aRtpid Flame 110 Aristone 5-2 a) T. Alie Grlssom entry (. Trapless 111 Baird 8-1 7. Lost Sheep IK Me Curdy 8-1 Monmouth Park Fifth Race-Purse $4,000 3 y.o. Clg 0 furlongs 8. Close Order 113 NB 10-1 Monmouth 1. Exclusive Design 112 Me Curdy 8-1 I. Makaha 111 NB 15-1 IN-THE-MONEY TODAY'S PICKS 2. St. Simon Stock 117 Korte 4-1 a) Helmore Farm entry Results SELECTIONS AT OCEANPOR lST-Clmr;.,' 3-up; « (.: oil 1:30. By DOTHE GORMAN )onni Mile (M'cellli 32.20 ago 4 By SAM larotlath. (Culmone) 320 2 BeRala (Chambers) g T.-t:12!4. Also—C« Va Blen, Tl Miss Broker Miss Broker lun. Straight Jam. Wlmm«, Amber Star Shower Royal Idol rerrlte. Mln Cilllrl, Comul General. Duple Pupil Jr>-Clmi!.; 4-up: 8 !.; on 2:5154. LaciteWALL PAIN Star Shower 1. Time Indian (O'l) 6.80 <.2O 3.2(1 Tht famous non-drip or Golden Sixties (Bc'l'k) 1000 floo Easy Way Easy Way spatter paint! No mixing or Jims Storyiand Court Cryer (M'Curdy) 15.: Tennessee Bandit T..I:lHi. AUo-Mr, Marino, Fundi stirring. Cleans with Flight Leader Jims Storyland mental, Durandel, Moon Master. M«» ;;or«, Ttope Halter, Prince Apollo, soap and water. [appoint Door to Door Man or Araby, IJ Eddy, Dally Double M Paid I7J.J0 Door to Door Star Magician 3D—Mdnf.; 2 yr>.; !W I,; orr 3:30 Heritage Belle Smart Prediction (doubtable (Brooka) 9.00 3.00 .1,0 telmet (Kallai) 2 to 2< Saida Busy Jill Roilea Boy (Zakoor) 3 2u Busy Jill T.-l:07. At.o-HI Dor«e, Batao, Bl[. Saida nalman, Whatadevll, star Singer, aob Destiny Day Destiny Day of Butler, 4TH—Clmx; 3 yri.; « (.; oil I'M fycc'lve Design (Best Bet! Exclusive Design Solar Tan (Lewi's) U.2O O.OO 6.110 Swift Tempo Charles siarr (Kalian 10.00 7,40 Flushing Star Dark Fair/ (Zakoor) 1 Dark Blaze Lucky Boy T.-lUlti. Also - Procrastination >arWIUitlmlne. Miss Moonshine Do Royal Lawn Cyclops ro Wronj, Flrit Smile, Auburn Jeep, DISCOUNT SPECIAL Cyclops Athlon Bonnie Hulls.li, Bombl, JTH-W.000; dg. 1 tup; tt.;otti:». Couer de Fer Irepeat irk anil Wll'te M.«4 13.00 5 60 1 Gal. Steam Distilled Itojal CllppM (ITUl) 3.6O 580 Outrigger Outrigger Oolt Painter (M'aeelil) )m Breezy Lane Breezy Lane T.-lllI, Also—Kull Cario. Le Payo'l TURPENTINE Folk Dancer Dodgertown »lnrtlrl y Babjf, Appreciated, Mayi Lan Popular painters' Accordant Accordant •TH-cirai.•T ; 3-up: 6 I.; ofr 4:S1; I rat Check UTtnchl C.40 i.m "ri.lp.r" It Ideal Third Martini Merry Ruler Ij-hlUKI U'l» (Q'ni) 9.00 for thinning paint, 8 Lester Lester Diamond Cjllpi (Chamber!) T-l:loT,-l:lo«« . AltoFreiAHo—Freshh JJ«n«« , Manto cl*aning-up ipatlen Rhlnelander Clear Call Ntw;. laway, o«y Bandit, Cortesii TTlt-^AJw,: 4-up; 1A m,| oil H1L,.. anil paint bra she** 77QA M Q io.«0 7.(0 380 Trapless Lost Sheep 'try Codetta (Kall» 6,(0 3 do Ovneral Arthur (Ch'ben) 300 USE R*S EASY CREDIT PLAN Late Scratches .?"iilL*"0 """'• Nin" "•"• R*0- MIDDI.ETOnN, RT. 35 at B CORN Kits TAKING THI FIRST RACI — Donna Mite, left, with Eugene Moneeell! aboard, i 3 !'••: tiV m.i orr &:((. I. Zaml Girl, Calabria tahlslown (O'li 7.00 4.20 3,«Mi l«i 10 P.M.; MuniUya lo t r.M. 6. Redrah leads Into the homestretch to win the flnr race on Monmouth Park's card yeiter- ohomberf (HarmatE) •vl« ,.»TKIt I, Cun Glory (Oiambsra) ItT. I AT KltrssTON III). dwy. Bek«la, right, finished third with Wayne Chamber I up. Sagolisth got up to _%•!:«%. Aiio-FiiJiv'ciilni, Colleis RS / SI II) ST.. . „• .KNTKR ». Mirk One att. Packed 1 ~ Haute, ~ nday "Scon, / Rotlln IB. Kail MnirmtlrU WEATHER-Clear talc* second money. The winner ran the six furlongs In It 12.1 and paid a neat $22.20. HM'ulni. / flolh op«a Motutay Ikni Baturila* S til Si Sundara la « TRACK~F*st MM. U.4M.

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H6AQI4 obit; loiM ' KtMi V«V €««l liw tovt rt Mm* •ndcwnly In InkWIIul. Wt. itlity siwrtid wrofit wHlhHl Kivml. FOR hldd M* /.. Ud.. Olvt yw fulkii fl wigliMpawtrytil

nut un drum!* ttta GulfSuprimt tUnM HU Ml li.N FMtiic SA>S' 9*f ff, IY4I >"# ll 1 tl-M ALL 4 Staltdkom Long Handlo | rwiin »•" • »»•' MOTOR CMiMkilt HH*MMM,IMI ' ' •}•'• WHEELS I HEADLAMPS | CAR WASH l ir.ll Uil 1H4 MIUM-IMII, S<4I I U.U • t«tn-hMvy bwdad kroh* OIL »!,«..*

38553 • ••••I pi ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• • HAZLET FIELDS PUZA - 3140 ROUTS 35 OPEN DAILY 10 A.M1. TO 10 P.M. , Jew 26, im BED BA NK REGISTER Qievalier is Victor at Wall Ovafe Beatty Runs 3:56 Cars $«f &tii*&J^ * WALL TOWNSHIP -Bill Che- foreign and American mad* vtjler of Styreville and Tommie tporfi art will compete in hett EUlott of Toms River treated races, in an effort to qualify for. Will Stadium stock car racing starting positions In the 30-lip In Toronto Meet sports car feature event. tens to a wheel-to-wheel battle Modified, sportsmen and novice TORONTO (APJ-Barrel-chest can June 7 when he was caught for 30 laps last Saturday night cars will also compete in feature ed Jim Beatty of Los Angeles in 3:65.5 in the Compton Relays, is Chevalier copped his second races with a 30-hpper carded r»ced to a 1 minute, 56 second but still lost the race to New Zea-j feature win of the year. (or the modified and sportmtn ails is the Toronto International land's world record holder Peter Chmller barreled through traf- division competitors and a Jo-lap Games yesterday. Just a half sec- Snell. fic etrly to overtake the front- contest tor the novice boys. The Beatty was pushed to his Cana- running BiH Eric* of South Bel- ond off his American Citizen rec- extremely large fields of cars dian record h>; Jim Grelle, aba mar, Elliott, Dave Hulse of Point ord. , which have been entering the running for the Los Angeles Track Pleasant, Pete Fraae of Rah- races In recent weeks may again Club. way and Jim Hoffman trailed the cause three heat races and a con- Beatty led all the way around leader the rest of the way. solation event to be run for the the four laps of the track, but Elliott made several brilliant; modified and sportsmen, division was closely pressed by Grelle moves to attempt to get by Che- and a pair of heat events for the most of the last half mile. In the valier, but the defending modi- novices. Normally in combination last 20 yards Grelle, also running fied racing champion just didn't programs heat events are not for the Los Angeles Track Club, have the steam to pull Chevalier carded for the rookies. closed the gap from five to two down the straights. yards and was timed in 3;56.1. At the end of the race, Elliott Among the contestant* la the The winning time also broke the was. hung badly in traffic and sports car events will be Bert Canadian record of 3:58.8, estab- dropped to about two car-lengths Brown of Short Hills In a Cor' lished in the Miracle Mile of the behind at the checkered flag. vette, Shirley Pirelli of "HainfleW 1954 British Empire games in Third was Hoffman, while m a Jaguar, Erich Von Braun Vancouver when Dr. Roger Ban- fourth spot went to a fast charg- of New York City in a Porsche, nister beat John Landy of Aus- ing Pete Frazee of Rahway, Bob Barnett of Paramus in a tralia. Trailing the leaders In order were Sprite, Paul. Borodin, MG; and Bill Cornell of Southern Illinois Hulse, Bill McCarthy of Free-: Dan Brett of Kenilworth in a was third behind Beatty and hold, Fat Keeley of Farmingdale, Lotus. Grelle in 4:01.3. Bill Brice, Tom Eppolite and Pre-race favorite will probably The listed world record is I Lambert Parks. be. Ken Andrews in a Jaguar, the 3:M.4 by Snell. The novice feature was won by same car in which Andrews won UliS Williams of Arizona State, GOLF PROGRESS IS BEING MADE —The aerial view shows the progress thaf is being made on the grounds of Norm Fourre while second spot a sports car contest at Wall who is competing for the Los went to George Call of Belmar Stadium last season. VonBraun Angeles Track Club, won the 440 the Navesink Country Club, Middletown. Several holes are being constructed in the treeless area. Lower left with Jerry Scheil third. Bill Sla- and Barnett will probably offer yard run in a modest 46.3. His hand corner shows the clubhouse area, pool and tennis courts. Because of the weather this spring the course en- ter flipped in front of the starters the main opposition. arch rival, Adolph Plummer of gineers are three months ahead of schedule. Seeding will be completed in August and the course will be open stand midway through the race Modified - sportsmen favorites the University of New Mexico, and at the same time knocked include Joe Kelly of Conshohock- was second in 46.6. The mark, for play in the spring of 1964. Other phases of reconstruction including swimming pool, tennis courts,, ico skat- secondiplace runner George Mc- en, Pa., Jack Hart of Chester, far off the best performance by ing rink also are progressing rapidly. , ' Curdy out of the race. Pa., Frazee, Elliott, Wally Dal- Jim Beatty lenbach o[ East Brunswick, Stives either, also set a Canadian rec- Modified sportsmen heat races ord. and the Hoffman brothers, Jim Beatty, an insurance company went to Chevalier, Dick Massing Dave Steen of Burnby, B.C., Lincroft and Russ, from Euglishtown. public relations officer, had and Don Stives. The consolation also set a Canadian record with Merry Ruler Gets Top Weight race was won by Bob Finger and Novice standouts include Me- turned la his best career mark a toss of 60 feet),$5 inch In the Little League. [Curdy, Jack Kriska, Bill Farry i - novice heats by Fourre and Char- 'shot put ' and Carl Blue. ; and the fastest ever by as Atnetl Senior Division lier Stout. . First race gets under way at W A field of 61 cars competed in l In OceanportHandicap TodayColts ~ 6 the events. 8:30 p.m. \ Hurricane Hell Drivers Yankees _.„. '. 8 Sports cars of the Sports Car BED BANK REC. OCEANPORT - Seventeenth sens Merry 'Ruler under an as- Stable's Third Martin, Maine Corvairs . __.! _„. 5 Handicap League will join modi- COMMERIOAL LEAGCE running of the six furlong Ocean- signment of 120 pounds which Chance Farm's Gun Glory and W L Lions 2 fied, sportsmen and novice divi- will include Jockey Joe Culmone. i Sheridan Bar . 40 5 port Handicap headlines the pro- Colonial Farm's Accordant. Since sion stock cars Saturday night [Mayralr M»ritet« ...... 10 At Old Bridge Tonight Opposing Merry Ruler will be Games Last Week McQueeiu Floor Covering _ 9 gram at Monmouth Park today both are trained by George at Wall Stadium for a combina- and a field of eight sprinters, Circle M Farm's Be On Time, Poole, fprmer Shrewsbury resi- Yankees 2, Corvairs 0 Kleenize Rue Cleaners 9 Kochman, whose thrill units ^n racing program. I Rec, Tap House „„ 8 OLD BRIDGE — Raw director racing in seven interests, was Pastorale Stable's Lester, Willi- dent, Lester and Gun Glory will Colts 7, Lions 3 Capco Air Conditioning . 7 Bob Sail has been notified by [have been signed for 1,800 per MGs, Porsches, Jaguars, Aus- Buttercreat Bakery H • 8 named overnight for the dash. am Resseguet and Ben Weim- be couDled as an entry. Yankees 13, Lions 2 Prwwns _. * Danny Fleenor of Tampa, Fla. formances in the 1964-65 World's tMealys, Corvettes, Triumph Top weight of the starting er's Bull Story, BrookfieW Corvairs 8, Colts 3 I Quicks Team ,— that Jack Kochman, the master- Fair in New York will feature A field of eight in the Ocean- and just about every, other type I Bond Blectric -. field will be H.O.H. Frelinghuy- Farms' In Force, Rokeby Little League Division mind of thrill shows all over the top-notch auto precision artists. port will give the race a gross W country, will appear with the Twelve family pleasing acts, with value of $16,500 and the winner jet3 10 "Hurricane Hell Drivers'1 tonight acrobatic speedway clowns enter- will receive $10,985. Packers . 9 Hy Spotting Sports In Old Bridge Stadium. tainting'the youngsters, will high Midget, Stock Car Crown Races Merry Rule has been third In A's ...... !..;.„.... 8 The Florida stuntmen will Use light tonight's attraction. two stakes this season, the Royal , —Continued — Ramblers .. 7 1963 Dodge Dart automobiles and Poinciana and tl)e Palm Beach, Some of the "ramp-boys" that [Wildcats „ 3 lege Date is owned by Raritan Stable. And this stable trucks In the 27-event, 8:15 p.m. Slated for Old Bridge Speedway both at Hialeah. A year ago he will be highlighted are Bobby Travelers I speedway show at the Rt, 18 Plummer of Boldford, Pa., Duke was good enough to win the isn't in Raritan Township, either. It is owned by Mrs. racing grounds. Reid of Dodge City, Freddie OLD BRIDGE-Race director midget organizations for the July Gravesend, Carter and Toboggan Games Last Week Reeve Schley of Far Hills. little Kleinie Is owned by Bob Sail has announced the sign- attraction. Jets 4, Wildcats 2 Fischer of San Francisco, and while in 1961 he won four stakes. R. W. Jones and J. A. Sweeney.. College Date won in Fleenor's pretty wife, Jean, who ing of the 10O-lap Eastern States Racing stars of the American Be On Time scored in the 1962 Ramblers 3, Travelers 2 its last outing here and yesterday in the eighth race Fort Monmouth displays her driving techniques Midget Championship Race for Racing Drivers Club and North- Hlgmveight at Aqueduct and was Packers 4, A's 2 In the intricate and precise aerial the Old Bridge Stadium halfmile eastern Midget Association, will second in the Jersey Shore at Jets 3, Travelers 1 the chestnut three-yaer-old gelding, Your Host— Bren oval. Ticketed for the July 1 iwingover events. compete in the qualifying pre- Garden State. Bull Story has Packers 16, Wildcats 3 holiday eve, Sail has acquired Iiminary races, determing the Mar by Eight Thirty, finished out of the money. Little Whips McGuirc been a star of New Olreans rac- Ramblers 8, A's 2 a joint racing agreement with swiftest 25 starters in the 100- ing and this season was runner- Pioneer Division Kleinie is one of the candidates for the 17th running two of the largest eastern state lap feature contest. Heat.events Inter-Boro up in the Black Gold and third W of the Oceanport Handicap which is the feature at featuring Falcon, Chevrolet, Ford Airmen, 14-6 in the Pelleted. In 1962 he won Tigers 4 and Offenhauser machines will Monmouth Park today. FORT MONMOOTH - The Softball three stakes, two of them at the Valiants 4 commence at 8:15 p.m. manageria] debut of Faye Taor- Last Week's Results Fair Grounds. Rams 2 It was all Greek to us, but Harry has an Up- lngton at the Fort Monmouth Colts Neck 12, Marine Bar 9 Sunday night will find five top Third Martini dropped a close Volks 2 and-coming horse by the name of Pourucista by helm was a success last right as Leonardo Field Club 9, MonmoMh NASCAR stock car merchants decision at Delaware Park In the Beavers 2 the Signaleers routed McGuire Varathvsta, and another by the name of Lovejoy. A.C. 1 resuning their rapid auto rivalry Wilmington, beaten a head by Bears 1 Air Force, 14-6, here. Port Monmouth A. C. 10, Shrews- in the eighth stock car meet of Port Of Mecca. He a/lso was Games Last Week This one is named after a former Ail-American Thormgton, 26, of Spring Val- bury Twp. 5 the season at the Rt. 18 speed third in Paumonok. Gun Glory Beavers 6, Bears 2 ley, N. Y., one of the pitching gridder at Yale. Oceanvlew 16, Coast Lanes 6 plant. Freehold's Parker Bohn, finished second in Keeneland's Valiants 13, Rams 1 mainstays of the Monmouth staff, a top-three finsher the last four Phoenix and later was second in Tigerg 19, Volks 3 If one asked Harry Wells how he likes this type suceeded Ralph Trapasos as the Club 35 11, Neptune 6 times out in 25-lap chases, will the Ben Ali at the same track, Junior Division of work, here is how he would reply: "Wouldn't want Monmouth pilot Standings pace the professional challengers only to be disqualified and placed W L However, it was lefthander, W in quest of the top point and to be doing anything else." Leonardo Field Club ...... _ 6 third. Accordant was second in Owls (1 tie) 4 0 Dave Moriarity who scattered purse honors. SHORT SNORTS — Young Bert Gaul, Fair Club 35 _...- - _ ,._! the recent Select Handicap over Hawks 5 1 eight hits over the distance to Other auto chargers capable oflthis oval after finishing fourth Jays j hurl Monmouth to its 15th vic-Port Monmouth A. C. _ _5 2 Haven, who works for dad at Old Orchard Coun- springing upset victories are in the Long Branch earlier in 2 tory in 24 games. The regular Colts Neck ._ 5 Eagles 4 John Gouveia of White Plains, the meeting. In Force was third try Club, took a flying trip to Charlestown, W. Va., centerfielder was a surprise Shrewsburo Twp. _ 5 Orioles (1 tie) 1 4 N.Y., New Egypt's Bob Rossell, in a pair of stakes last year, over the weekend with Jockey Howard Grant. starter against the airmen. Monmouth A. C. Robins 1 5 _ 3 Bill Slater, seven - feature race the Senatorial and the Lexington. Oceanview — 3 Games Last Week Stopping at the new Sleepy Hollow Golf Club, Bert Meanwhile, the Signaleers victor this season in the sports- The field will be shooting at a Eagles 12, Orioles 9 rapped out 13 bits off (he offer- Neptune _ 1 man ranks, and his nemlsis from time mark of 1:08 2-5 set by broke the old course record of 72, by touring the Hawks 23, Robins 1 ings of southpaw Jim Bastian Marine Bar ... 00 7 Connecticut, Eddie Flemke, River Divide Farm's Decathlon links with a torrid 70. Grant, who plays a fine and reliefer Jack Beran. Hawks 21, Eagles 11 Coast Lanes _ 0 7 Advance tickets for the 100- in the 1957 running. McGuire tallied three times in Saturday's Games Owls 2, Orioles 2 (tie) game of golf, was off his game on this trip and the opening frame and Monmouth mile NASCAR Grand National In addition to Culmone on Jays 7, Robins 3 Shrewsbury Twp. at Colls Neck Circuit championship auto race, came in with an 85. Grant said he had no excuses, bounced back with four runs. The Charles H. Hall Merry Ruler other jockey assign- Neptune at Coast Lanes scheduled for Friday night, just a bad day. visitors tied the score in the third ments include Wayne Chambers To determine a pitcher's earned Oceanview at Marine Bar July 19, are available. AH seats and went ahead, 5-4, in the on Be On Time, Howard Grant run average, multiply the total Word reaching this corner is that wrestling is to Port Monmouth A. C. at Mon- will be reserved for the Grand fourth. on Lester, Leroy Moyers on Bull earned runs charged against his mouth A C. Hall to Lecture National Event, absent from the be revived in Asbury Park's Convention Hall. If it Story, Steve Brooks on In Force, pitching by nine, and divide the Then Monmouth came back in Leonardo Field Club at Club 35 New Jersey racing scene since Sam Boulmetis on Third Martini result by the total number of comes to pass the birdie says that Willie Gilzenberg, the fourth with three runs and 1958. were never threatened. Joe On Safe Boating 'and Paul Kallai on Accordant. innings he pitched. New Jersey's most active sports entrepreneur, will be RED BANK RECREATION Urick's two-run single put the SHREWSBURY - Charles H. the head man and that Willie will keep Roland Hines, Signalmen ahead. COMMERCIAL LEAGUE Hall, 73 Garden Rd., past com Catcher Nick Carter had a pair W L mander Red Bank Flotilla 22, Gardenia and Garden State, the ailing former promoter, in the picture. of doubles and two RBIs, while Sheridan Bar 1$ 5 Coast Guard Auxiliary, was re- Speaking of Gilzenberg, he is staging a press shortstop Jim Lee accounted for McQueens Floor Cver. ..11 7 cently appointed to the district four runs on three singles. Rec. Tap House _ 10 8 headquarters speakers' bureau of luncheon today in' Paramus, and his note reads, George Maelntyre and Willar Kleenize Rug Cleaners 10 8 both the Auxiliary and the Coast Two Big Money Races Closed "It won't concern boxing or wrestling, this time It Tanner also had two hits for theMayfair Market 10 8 Guard. is football." It will be pro football for Newark. evening. Capco Air Conditioning 8 10 Mr. Hall is scheduled to give CHERRY HILL-The "nomina-and Count Bud, and Powhatan's another promising filly by Swap- Moriarity faced only 13 bat- Buttercrust Bakery 8 10 hree lectures Friday to about tions are in and counted for Chieftan. Chieftan is owned by Last week in this corner we had a piece on the Garden State Park's twin two- Stay Smoochie, named Deb Ray. ters ov?r the last four innings, Bond Electric PA 10«/2 150 employees of the New York Raymond R. Guest and is by men who sell "tip sheets" at the tracks. We stated Bell Telephone Company, Brook- year - old championship events, Bold Ruler out of Pocahantas. Leonard and Morris Fruchtman one over the minimum. That was 'rowns - 7 II they pay racing associations about $20 a day. Since ^walk with two wits in the ninth. Quicks Team lyn. Topic of the lectures will be The Garden State and The Gar- This aptly named colt just won of the Edgehill Farms have an- 'Boat Safety." denia. The Garden State closed the Tyro Stakes at Monmouth other front runner like their de- that time we were corrected and told that these "bark- with 214 eligible out of an origi- Park, while Raise-A-Native is a ceased Ballyache — it's Busy ers" pay the fee to the Borough of Oceanport and not nal list totaling 729. The filly New York stakes winner. Two counterpart closed with 190 still Jill. Monmouth Park. Dyrol Burleson other prime contenders are Clai- The 1962 Gardenia was won by Major League eligible out of 673 originally nom- borne's Alphabet, which was inated. Fred W. Hooper's Main Swap, sired by Nadir, the 1957 Garden which.hugged the rail while the The Garden State will be run To Run in Meet State winner, and Pebble Hill two-year-old filly champion Saturday, Nov. 9th this year, and Farms promising Sun Like. Smart Deb bolted and ran out The Gardenia will preceed it by Grossed $273,530 through the stretch while Braulio Against Russians two Saturdays, oiftOct. 28th. Both Baeza was guiding Main Swap to races are at the classic distance Last ypar The Garden State # thru AUG. 3 EUGENE, Ore. (AP) - Dyrol the winner's circle, Mr. Hoopei Associated Pres* for juveniles, a mile and a six- grossed $273,530 and found Burleson, the former University was picking up the winner's teenth. George D. Widener's Crewman, LAMPLIGHTER H'CAP National League American League of Oregon runner who won the with Willie Shoemaker, upsetting check of $95,997. Heading the list of nominators Sat., June 29 W. L Pet. G.B. W. L. Pet. G.B.National AAU mile championship the two-year-old champion Never Both races allow supplement- St. Louis 42 30 .583 - New York 40 26 .606 for The Garden State is C. W. Bend. The victory was worth ary nominations to be made the at St. Louis last Saturday, said Engelhard with 7 eligibles. C, Los Angeles „ 41 30 .577 i/2 Chicago 43 29 .597 $164,118, which is the highest win- Monday before the race by 12 yesterday ne will be able to San Francisco _ 42 31 .575 Boston 38 29 .567 V. Whitney is next in line with ner's share anywhere in the noon. The Garden State fee is Cincinnati 40 32 .556 2 Minnesota 38 32 .543 compete with the United States I. Fred W. Hooper has 4 eligible, world. $10,000 and The Gardenia fee Chicago 39 33 .542 3 Baltimore 38 35 .521 team ngninst Russia after all. 3 of them sired by Olympia, $5,000. In the past, there have while the Kerr Stable also has 4 Last year's Gardenin winner, Milwaukee 36 35 .507 5>/2 Cleveland 36 34 .514 6 By winning the AAU mile in been many profitable supple- eligible with 3 of the by the Fred W. Hooper, is this year's Pittsburgh 33 37 .471 8 Los Angeles 37 37 .500 7 3:M.7 Saturday, Burleson quali mentary nonations to both races. world champion money-winner, top nominator to this filly classic. Philadelphia „ 32 40 .444 10 Kansas City 33 30 .478 8V d for the American learn Blue Croonor finished second In Round Table. Nominations from He has named 4, but hns bred New York 28 45 .384 14"/ Detroit 27 41 .397 14 which will compete against Rus- the 1959 Gardena and picked up Canada include 2 from F. A. several others that have been Houston 27 47 .365 16 Washington 22 53 .293 22J4 ja in Moscow later Ihis sum- over $26,000 while Angel Speed Sherman and 2 from the Golden kept eligible; namely the useful Tuesdays Results Tuesday's Results mer. did the same thing in 1960 but West Farms, Ltd., which Includes filly, Research, owned by tho K Chicago 4, New York 1 Boston 4-3, Cleveland 1-2 Dele stable. The Bwnmazon got over $.10,000 for second Chicago 2, New York 1 But he said in St. buns he a son of the famous Mossburgh. money. The biggest lock was Philadelphia 5, Pittsburgh 4 (10 would not be ul>lc to KO because Mrs. Richard C. duPont, Farms of Winchester, Kentucky, RESORT OF RACING Minnesota 1, Detroit 0 also named 4 fillies. Other nom- Cicada's victory in 1961 as she innings) family commitments and busi- of three-time liorse-of-thc-y,ear Kansas City 8, Washington 4 inators includo Brookfleld Farm posted a $5,000 fee and took the OCEANPORT, N.J. Los Angeles 4, Cincinnati 1 Baltimore 10, Los Angeles 0 ness obligations would prevent Kclso, has two nominees; one is big prize of $97,131. The Garden 2 mills from Giidtn St Ptiwy., Exit 105 him from being away for three Mores by Princequlllo out of with 3 and Mrs. Richard C. du- Milwaukee 4, Houston 0 Today's Games State of 1959 was dominated by weeks. Maid of Flight and the other is Pont's Bohemia Stable with 3. unlimited parking New York at Chicago (N) the $10,000 supplementary nom- St. Louis 6, San Francisco 5 Claiburn by Round Table out of Movie star Don Amcche lias put outdoor and indoor dining terraces Cleveland at Boston (N) Burleson said yesterday, how inees, as Warfare, Ballyache and Today's Games nulling. Tony Imbesisi's Briar- ip the mnney, for his filly Moun- Detroit at Minnesota (N) ever, that (lie Eugene insurance Bourbon Prince put up the cafeteria and dining area dnlo Farm has a son of Cavan, tain Dawn, alonf? with Max San Francisco at St. Louis (N) Washington at Kansas City (N) firm for which lie works has money and finished first, second The Belmont winner, and a son iluck's Elmendorf ellglblcB on grandstand lower level, Los Angeles at Cincinnati (N) Baltimore at Los Angeles 2, twl-given him permission In go for and fourth. Wnlnrc's win was of Decathlon, the clinmpinn which nre daughters o[ Swaps completely air-conditioned Houston at Milwaukee (N) the full three-week tour which mid Round Table. worth $108.8-15. while Ballyache, ncludcs meets in Russia, I'o- sprinter. Grandttind «2 • Clubhouie $4 Philadelphia at Pittsburgh (N) Thursday'i Games land, Germany and Kn|;land. Right now the top contenders hnlf-lcngth back, picked up l« Includsd Washington at Kansns City Among the most promising Chicago at New York "It's now up to the AAU," lie appear to be Sa Vet from Lou $56,615 for second and Bourbon Chl'drtn undtr 16 Not Mmlttiil Detroit at Minnesota two-year-old cllgiblcs nre Rnise- Thursday's Games laid. Prince gol $14,153 for fourth. New York at Chicago A - Nnlivo from I/m Wolfson's Wolfson's Harbor View Farm. Carry Back was a supplementary Philadelphia at Pittsburgh (N) Cleveland at Boston Burclson would run the 1,500 Harbor View Farm, who also Tills Mjss just set a track record nominee In 1900 nnd his (10,000 Only game scheduled. Only games scheduled. rooters in the" dual meets. nominated his juveniles IrvKup In New York. Wolfson also has fee turned Into $172,782. TV Keynotes 1 . BED BANK REGISTER' W«W*y, June 2fi, OttMil . TV Key TELEVISION .WKEW-TV CbutMHl. *—Mske Room For Dtddy TV Key Previews M'rglity Western Cut Mailbag 7—Discovery 'JJ—Chlldrea &—Film—Frenchman's Creek— 9—High Road to Danger 1944—2 Hrs. 10 Min. Today's top television shows as DICK VAN DYKE. (Repeat) A By CHARLES WITBECK J-Love Of Life-Serial previewed and selected by TVprettj y funny entry. TV writer cast except Richard Egan, •-Your First Impresiiou U-Popeye 9—See 7:30 p.m. the boll of a man Who stars as By STEVEN H. SCHEUER 13—Profile: New Jersey 11:30 Key/s staff of experts who at-Petrie begins to believe that Us H0t£W?O0D — "EmpSte,"! 7—Ernie Ford—Variety tend rehearsals, watch screen- sneezing fits are caused by an 'Redigo." Question — Is it true that Sbirl 4:55 4—Tonight-Johnny Carson the nHgttjs western about * big 1—Bozo The Clown ings and analyze scripts m New This is quite a come-down, but Conway, who plays the older 7—American Newsstand 11:45 unhappy home life. Ridiculous cattle nodi forthos e who dream 12:10 York and Hollywood. survival is the thing. The good nurse on "The Nurses," used to It-Fairy Tales r-Film-Blood Arrow—1958- though this is, Rob, the worrier, to color, has been shaved down { &—Farm News THE PRESIDENTS TRIP.1 swallows the idea for awhile. The to 25,400 measly acres and 30state of New Mexico Is particu- '•x Sid Caesar's wife? I heard this; 12:15 5:00 Scott Brady-1 Hr. 35 Min. 1 "The President and the Wall.' scenes between Rob and neigh- silnutes on TV next fall, going larly sorry because the series 'rom one of my good friend* but 9—News and Weather 2—Love That Bob—Comedy 12:15 pumped in an estimated $4 mil-[ don't know whether to beUeve 4—Film-Riders Of The Purple 9—Almanac Newsreel An hour-long special on President bor Jerry, who came up with the by the name of her hero "Redi- 12:25 Kennedy's trip to West Berlin, 1 lion to the community of Santa t or not.—I,. D., Red Banks, Sage I—Charlie Farrell notion in the first place, are go." And no one is left In the 2—News including his visit to the wall, amusing, and so are Rob and Fe during Its stay. Miss. 9-Almanac Newsreel 7-1 Married Joan 12:50 talks with West Bcrlincrs, and his worries. 9:30 p.m. CBS ' It was a very nostalgic day Answer.— Your friend hat the 9—Looney Tunes 5-News a historical review of events fol- THE ELEVENTH HOUR. when we closed down the house,' facts a bit mixed up. Miss Con- 2—Search For Tomorrow 11-Dick Tracy 1:00 W-Once Upon A Day—Chlldrea 4-News lowing World War II which cul- "Beauty Playing a Mandolin Un- MOVIE TIMETABLE says Egan. "The governor, the|way appeared on Sid Caesar's •-Truth Or Consequences minated in the building of the RED BANK mayor and New Mexico, hero, TV show some years ago as a 5—Cartoons 5:25 5—Film—Evedy Saturday Nightl der a Willow Tree;" (Repeat) y g a 9—News -1936 wall. 7:30 p.m. CBS The ladies will like this one as CARLTON- Gen. Hurley, came to see us off.regular but she has never been 7—Father Knows Best DOB1E GILLIS. (Repeat) Bummer Kiddie Show Series: Threel 9—Memory Lane—Joe Franklla il-Rocky And His Friends 1:05 violins play, the background mu- BtoofM In OriH Plot Cartoon And "I tell you I loved the people, married to him. She danced, sang 4-Trouble With Father Teenagers should dig this epi- sic for a bitter sweet love story Shorts 2:00; Dr. No 7:O0i 8:10, the climate and the country. You and acted with Sid, Janet Blair, 1—Rocky And Hit Friends 5:30 sode. Maynard and Dobie, look- EATONTOWN 12:4! 2—Film—The Kid From Kansas 1:20 between Dr. Bassett (Wendell ;et hooked there. The air waPas t Carroll, Howard Morris and 7—Film-No Minor Vices-1948 ing for a new way to cheat onCorey) and an old actress flame, DRIVE-IN- wonderful. On a clear day you!arl Reiner on the show. 2-Gulding Light-Serial -1941-Dick Foran-75 Min. a history test, buy a talking my- Or. No 8:60; 12:M; Etaar Window 11—Bozo The Clown 5-Sandv*s Hour-Children — played most attractively by Vera U:00. could photograph 30 miles and Question — Who was the love- 1:30 nah bird and feed him facts on Miles. 10 p.m. NBC. LONG BRANCH it looked like five. The color ly actress who. played in a re- 13:53 7-Highway Patrol-Police history. It's a long row to hoe •-New* S—News TONIGHT. Attorney Louis Niz- BARONET- didn't fade either." :ent repeat of "Stoney Burke" 9—Film-Jamaica Run—1953— just to pass a history test, but gummer Kiddie Berlea 10:00 A.M. 1:00 RayMilland-SOMin. 4—13th Hour er, baseball player Jimmy Pier- Hud 3:20; 7:00; 10:00; Payroll 2:00 Now.the show is limrted to 30with a "golden web" In the tide. 1:35 the bird and the jabbering boy, sail, the Baker twins from Broad- B:4S.' 2—Burns and Allen U-Superman minutes and a tiny wallet for a think she is very different from J-Fiun-The Longest Nlght- are about on a par, and they way's "Stop the World, I Want ASBURV PARK budget In comparison to the big, most of th,e. run-of-the-mill ac 4—Afternoon Drama WEDNESDAY EVENINO add up to a zany show. 8:30 p.m. J-Cartoons 1936-Robert Young-70 Min. to Get Off," and singer Benja- IYRIC- rich full days, but fans will still tresses we see on TV so often. 2:45 CBS Tamnr * Th« Doctor 2:00: 7:25 7-General Hospital 0:01 ' min Occassio join Johnny Car- »:20. see Santa Fe footage of the great -N. D., 'Contend, N. Y. 1—Bold Journey 7-News !-Film-Strange Alibi—1&41—75 son's corner tonight. (Color) 11:* outdoors, because* enough was 11:30 COLUNGWOOD CIRCLE Answer;--The female guest 1:8 11—Three Stooges Min. 30 p.m. NBC - SHORE DRJVE-IN- shot to last another fulfseason. star in the segment titled "Spin 13—What1! New-Childrw. 2:05 2—Pete and Gladys—Comedy Bim (MIS; 12:S0; Papa'i Dollcat* Con- J-News dition U:0O. "We will always have the biga Golden Web" was Salome O:1S 4—Sennonette 4—Concentration—H. Downs There's no Trick to Having Ex- 1:M 5—Romper Room NEPTUNE OTY shots," says Egan, "but in a fialf- ens. Miss Jens has appeared on 2—As The World Turns 4—Local News 4:00 tra Cash. You Get it Fast When hour we'll cut in quickly from TV uv a variety of roles on many 7—Seven Keys NEPTUNE CITY- 5—Film—That's The Spirifc- 7-Weather 2—'Film—I Was Framed—1942— 9—Playhouse 30 You Use The Register Classified, Mutlny on the Bounty 2:00; 1:30th. e panoramic shots and'get to of the leading series. She is cur- 1945-85 Min. 0:20 70 Min. ently appearing o8f-Broadway 11-Operation Alphabet —Advertisement he story, since we don't have 7—Girl Talk 7—Sports—Howard CoseU THURSDAY MORNING North of Red Bonk time to dawdle and stare at thein "Desire Under the Elms." Her 11—Film-Getting Gertie's Garter 0:30 0:15 HIGHLANDS scenery." only starring movie role so far -1945-Dennis O'Keefe-90 5-Mictey Mouse Club 2—Previews WAITER WBAPE-STERUKa MARINE- OH Wens and Beef was In "Angel Baby." Min. 7—Focus On The News 0:20 Music Mun «:4S; 9:20. Empire's" plots used to re Question — What relation is 1:45 11—Broken Arrow EHTERTAINMENT GUIDE 2-Glve Ui This Day-Rellgioa ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS volve around oil wells and beef, William Hopper, of the "Perry 9—Faraway Places 13-Profile: New Jersey ATLANTIC- 0:25 and then switched to themes like Mason" show, to columnist Hed- 1:55 , 0:40 Ugly American 7:00; 9:10. 4-Weather 2-News that of a Hungarian freedom da Hopper? Are Bobby Darin 4-News MATINEE AT 2 HAZLET and James Darren related de- 0:45 4—Sennonette • EVENINGS 7 ft 9:15 fighter. In mid-season fan* wil 2:00 LOEWS DRIVE-IN— spite the difference of the spell- 2—News-^Mlke Wallace 0:30 DRIVE-IN THEATRES < SHOWS NIGHTLY AT DUSK Cartoon 0:00; Main Attraction 9:07 remember that Terry Moore and 2—Password—A, Ludden ing?-^. A. H., Lancaster, Pa. 4-News-Huntley, Brinkley 2-Sunrlse Semester 1:00; Colossui Of BhodM 10:49. Anne Seymour were dropped 4—Ben Jerrod—Serial PERTH AMB0Y 7-News 4-Education Exchange from the show, and two cow- Answer - William is Hedda's 7—Day In Court—Drama "HIGHEST RATING" MAJESTIC- hands—Charles Branson and War- 7:00 7-Summer School Fltty-Plve Dan At Peking 1:15 son; Bobby and James are no 9—Understanding Our World 7:00 4:05: 7:001 10:00. ren Vanders—were added. Nat-related. 2:25 4-Death Valley Days — N.Y. NEWS EDISON urally, with less dough the big 5—Bourbon Street Beat 2-News & Weather AIr-Coi*!IUoneil Question — Has the movii 4-News 4-Today MENLO PARK CINEMA- cast has to go. "The Bridge On The Rive: 7-News 7-Rebel-Western Btvaf* Bam 1:30; 8:39; 5:23; 7:30; 1 9—Merrytoon Circus 7—Early Bird Cartoons CARLTON NOW The new "Redigo" will con- Kwai ever been shown on TV? 2:10 11-News—K. Kennedy 7:05 RED IANK WOODBRIDGE cern itself with the hero's per- It was the best movie I havi 2—House Party—Art Liniletler themost I 13-Art Of Singing B—Call To Prayer Starrt Tonlt» 7 DRIVE-IN- sonal problems, and Egan hopes ever seen.—B. N. C, BlythevWe, 4—Doctors Dr. No 8:00; 12:30; Towet Ol Lon- 7:10 7:15 linary don ll:0O. they will be strong enough tc Ark. 7—Jane Wyman 5-News 2-Weather gentleman spy ; M0NTCLAIR fight off the opposition of Red Answer — The Academj 9—Film—Androcles & The Lion 7:30 EATONTOWN Skelton and McHale's Navy -1952-90 Min. U-Local News in all fiction!... \ ttAHUDGE- award winning film has not been 5—Columbia Lectures DRIVMN The Best Ol Cinerama !:00; 8:00. Tuesday nights at 8:30 p.m. 2:55 7:11 shown on TV as yet. Columbi; 7—Barney Bear NBC, Which will take some do 5—News 2-News-W. Cronklte EXCLIBIVE Pictures plans on re-releasin_ 7:45 ing. A few New Mexico Indian 1:00 7:25 Mora ArM this film to movie houses from 7-Klng And Odie incantations wouldn't hurt on thi 2-To Tell The Truth U-Weather time to time, so, it will probabl 8:00 ENGAGEMENT side. •—Loretta Young—Drama 7:30 be many years before it will be 2—Captain Kangaroo 5—Doorway to Destiny 2—President's Trip This past spring has been seen on TV. 5-Sandy Becker—Children 7—Queen For A Day 4-Virginian nervous one for hero Egan whc 7—Tommy Seven—Cartoons (For an answer to your ques- 11—How To Marry A Millionaire 7-Wagon Train MOW! also has a financial Interest tion about any TV program oi S:2S 9—Film—Challenge To Lassie— 8:25 the series, and his trial has been [actor, write to Steven H. Scheu- 2-News 1949-90 Min. 7—Billy Bang Bang one of "sweating out the neter-, TV Key Mailbag, in care ol work." 3:30 II—Honeymooners—Comedy 8:30 The Register.) 2—Millionaire—Drama 13—Drawing From Scratch 7—Little Rascals 4-You Don't Say 8:00 0:00 REPENTANT THIEF 5—Texan 5—Danger Man 2—Life of Riley-Comedy also—at latMtmn PHOENIX, Ariz, (AP) - The 7—Who Do You Trust? 11—Bold Journey 4-Birthday House Janes Stmratt Rev. Charles E. Schmitz, pasto 11—Best Ol Groucho 13—Freedom Ride 7-Sutie "WAR WIHDOW of the American Evangelical 4:00 &S0 9:25 5-News-Sandy Becker OHUMMI, OATH OWN 7,00 P.M.-MOVII! AT DUSK Lutheran Church in Phoenix, re- 2—Secret Storm—Serial 2-Doble Gillis-Comedy CM10CNAUUU-EVUY SAT. Ktf SUU«ST ftOBf ONLY ceived a package in the ma 4—Match Game 5-Call Mr. D »:S0 2-Our Miss Brooks-Comedy Best Picture of Year! MimNYON PATBDOHE-NNKYKWNi containing $516 in cash and th: 5-Felix and the Wizard 7—Going My Way—Drama note: 7—American Bandstand 11—Silents Please 4-Dr. Joyce Brothers 5—Topper-Comedy Wlnntr 7 Aeademy Awards! "I'm sorry I stole the money 9—Playhouse 39 8:45 THE BOUNTY 7-Gale Storm-Comedy uutouncniE I'll know better next time. I wil 11-Comedy Kaper 13—Personal Report. Air 9:55 muua m UITM HH.VHIOH Toriicmieoi«* send another $200 as soon 13—Music Interlude 0:00 4:25 2—Beverly Hillbillies 4—News Lawrence [NEPTUNE CITV] 10: OS ST. JAMES Dory UUOIM Schmitz said $1,528 in casl •4-News 4—Mystery Theater—The Imag ASItlRY PARK —Phone Reservations Accept**— CAH01 CANtt MIDGET I and checks were stolen from th 4:30 Merchants—1 Hr. 2—Calendar—Reasoner "1FREE PLAVOSOUNDIRAILROADI church office several months ago. 2-Edge Of Night-Serial 5-Film-Mr. Skeffington-1944- 4—Say When-Art James PR 88813 Of Arabia Bette Davis, Claude Raines— 5-nFilm—Welcome Home—1935 2 Hrs. -«5 Min. MATINKS WED., SAT., SUN. 2 P.M. RVRNINGS 8 P.M. 9—Film—Terror In The Haunti 7—Answering Service House—1958-1 Hr. 45 Min. 10:25 • CHOICE SEATS NOW ON SALE • U—M-Squad • 4-News 0:30 10:30 2-Dick Van Dyke 2—1 Love Lucy 7-Our Man Hlgglns 4—Play Your Hunch 11-Wanted Dead Or Alive 11:00 VICTORY 1J—Trial By Jurist 2-McCoys-Comedy MARKET RED BANK 10:00 4-Prlce Is Right 2—Reckoning 7—December Bride OPEN FRIDAY TILL 9 P. M. 4—Eleventh Hour 11-Jack La Lanne DELIVERY 7-Naked City 11(25 13—World at Thirteen 5-News 31 W. FRONT ST., RED BANK TEL SH 74508 SH 7-1339 10:30 11—Steve Allen FRESH 13—Tallulah Bankhead ATLANTIC IAN FLEMING'S CUT 10:45 SHORE Cube Steaks 8*127 HAM 89 9-Film-See 7:30 P.M. HOW—THRU SATURDAY DRIVMN Dr.No 11:00 MARLON IRANDO Rt. 13 and 34 JONES FARM 2—News—D. Edwards Clrel* 4—News—Frank McGee THE UGLY AMERICAN" FULLY COOKED c 7—Local News 11-News-J. K. M. McCsfery Ib 13—Reflections MARINE 55MYS THAT STUNNED TIE WOW! SMOKED 11:10 SMUaMOMTCNaM HAMS 45 4-Weather-Tex Antolne THEATRE 5-Film-Kiss Of Death-1947- Hiqhlands 872-0751 CHICKEN CHICKEN BU1TERBALL Victor Mature—40 Min. 1NDS TONITI LEGS BREAST TURKEYS 7—Local News "MUSIC MAN" 11—Steve Allen 11:15 THUR, — FRI SAT. ! 2—Weather FRANK SINATRA 4-

Ib t>4 .-W *.; BARONET I "VOODOO,,^'' F:: CHICKENS 27 Asbury Park's Greatest Summer Cavalcade ol Stars U.»..K,CHP "GRLS of the NtGHr Fmh Urn CHOP BEEF 3t 1ISS" FRANKS SATURDAY MITIS at SWIFTS PREMIUM CONVENTION HALL SEASONED "Fells 0. Onitnaa * MM DELICIOUS TMMutCrtillnMMluiaiMtrftttiQMKti Ib RAY CHARLES ALL MEAT 4 Hh Onhttto and th* RAEUTS London BROIL 89 All UATt mmvtO; H.iO, 3.50. 4.80, i.3O SAVARIN IHootenanny 1963 1 oMni^»tiM All Grinds COFFEE 5%|EYE ROUND 89 AHl tVlHIHGWITH A Walter Rtadt-Sftrllng Tdiofrt Tickod It.M ELLA FITIGERALD 3.IHI. 4.IMI J.IKJI TW NATION'S tW. \ WtWtTMM Upton's AH IVINM6 WITH Ho Thru Tea BAGS Z 99' IST LEG LAMB 69 Ticket! IJ.M) I VICTOR BORCE 3.S0. \M, S ANCOMSO MMHGY W WWW/TC H INDIAN RIVER JERSEY DAVE BRUBECK ICEBERG AHO Wl JAM OUAITIT HONEiDEW AM WINING MOTH in Aim. lu »r.M. GRAPEFRUIT SWEET PEAS T.rhil > MELONS LETTUCE TW iiN»Tnpir

49« TIckAtt for All p#rformmic«a at Convniitfon HRII HOI Of/lcn, PRS-OOOO: n>mt»r(nr'i (Ml Storii), Ml 34331; Olllct Ol M. Bopi««, Moiqul Ttlltlar, Nawark, Ticket Mcnolta. Mall Ordtti lo Con- 15' vititlon Hall. Aftniry Park, N. J. Bndoin a •tampe, 1963 TJS-JLM3LIJ rvi. DAVENPORT it OilMlaJ .j \i, MM. i, Utrilth Uf/kn ** U u fit/a W_4i, lxrfJ.fiv% it AHB FOUND . _ U<*« MiltSl. CJ_kyi . -. e-rai. Can be seen at ATS MOBIL 35'xlO BEAM CABIN CRUISER —In ellent future earnlnfi and bioellu. rivate bead- Four rooms and bath. Wt os on* In front of Elmer Building, Foam Rubber and |oly»"»; Piffi S STATION, Hwy. 38. Bed Bank. ater, ready to go. Galley, and dead Ship it to you' for u little as jViamart, Hwy. a. Batontown. 842-047 29-1M3. ''.'.. Bridge Ave., Red Bank, Friday: Please with bwln, ti«epi two or more. Call LOCAL POMTJ0N8 : tail *1-140 after 6 p.m. or write to U60 WILLEYB STATION WAO0N — 2S1O3SO. XEOimVI atCRBTABY TO PRX8- $388 MACU_AT_ JPA1R HAVBH BONOi, name and address on the luggage tag. Fourwheel drive. Radio and heater. W-^ Four excellent rooms. Two bed- Uw mileage. Price (750. 747-2121. 17' LAPSTRAK- — 60 h.p. with trail- DENT—Pre«t-Pre«tl|l « poilUoc. Open. MERCHANDISE WANTED omi. modern kitchen --• »«">• •"«*- Reward er and acceesorjea. 1809. Days call _ _ fUBCRJCTARIES- To |S3. and you pay $4 weekly BMD-487; 1SG0 MERCURY—Power bra-ei and ebt ComolldsiUon — Lowest Rates «71-2SS6. ' , ,™ Rd " Holmdel. Will lease for 1958 MERCURY — Two-tone Monterey THOMAS BOECKEL, BUILDER- New fe are now hiring MEN [or FULL- 2,000 month 116,88 !o a month. 671-3095 or 531-4256. Village Middletown to 605 Broad »-i homes, addition, dormers, garages, re- •UIK JOBS and/or BUMMER JOBS, AKC REGISTERED Boston Terrier. automatic transmission, two speaker ,500 month (21,10 BROKEN STORM Male. Year old. Reasonable. Newark. 671-1931- radio, excellent buy at $350. Call 747- modeling, general contracting. Quality io experience nectsairy (age 1S-S«). ,500 . month S29.64 j'DDLETOWN - Four-room bungalow. 203. workmanship! 74M73S. Our FACTORY BRANCH la expudlm 1795. .11 Improvements. Inquire and we need personnel (or. uvera i.OOO month, (42.20 AUTOMOTIVE 1953 CRYSLELER VV-88 — FullFuy equippedequippe , BERT AND HARRY are really neal departments. PARKER MORTGAGE WINDOWS, LET POODLES - Silver miniaturem . AKC d conditionditi . AskinAki g W60W60. CalCll 11-4343 FO 3-2601 reglaiered. Seven weeks old. IRT MONMOUTH — Bungalow,; flv« Very E but to cave money little ole Ace can't 872-0366 AUTOS _ TRUCKS 291-2061. be beat. ACT TV. 6S Hwy. 35. Neptune IUT Bonded Feraonal Repr-esentatlve m* and bath. Furnished. Newly dec- CALL 671-1370 rill Call At Your Home At Yi US REPLACE THEM •ated. Adult couple. 787.1631. NOW THAT YOU have studied the City. invenlence. No Obligation. EXCEPTIONAL UTTER - =" ADS. .. "HuiUe to Russell" to Inspect PROWN'S springer spaniels. AKC regist rm.Y R1NTA- — Fair Haven. Three- SUMMER SPECIALS and buy a top reconditioned Cadillac HOUSE PAINTING NEBD MONEY: Sired if field trial champion. Mother edroom Colonial. Bsautlfully and ful- OUsrooblls or other make carl SALARY $91.50 32 Broad St. Red. Bank 741-7600 from show champion. Pups have been y furnished. Screened Dorch, paneled All Cars Under $199 Reasonable. Call 787-1876. anjoda your debts to one •mall inoculated. Call 648-4785 after 1 P.m. Experienced palntera, decoratort. DINING ROOM SET — Swivel rocking triTroom. Located on N»veslnk RJv. MM PLYMOUTH wagon. lontbly paymenL Borrow up to (9,000. chair, two coffee lablea. 787-4376, lil r. References exchanged. Call 747- IMS CHEVROLET two-door. ake fire year* or more to pay. Your POODLES- - Seven weeks old. AKC MOBILE HOMES HELPING HANDS — We clean attics, ART-T1MB BAUDS — Ambitious men Seanreea Ave., East Keanaburg. reglitered. Beautiful mlrdtoys. Can be 150 1953 CHEVROLET two-door. cellaxa, yards. Take down storm win- loose your own hours. Take orden roperty need not be paid for. First 1953 PLYMOUTH four-door. nd second mortgages. Call any time, 13 CU. FT. RBPRIOKRATOR — Now leen anytime, 842-0228. WO COUNTRY HOMES — One (even MOBILE HOMES lows, etc. Also light trucking and md deliver to customers. National or- 3954 FORD wagon. noving. Call 7S7-1856. ;anlzaUon. Phone and car needed or 14-8900. In use, S60, Three year old upright AKC DACHSHUND PUPPIES - ooms, one three rooms. Improve- 1856 PLYMOUTH sedan. Ultl - 10% down lecessary. For appointment phone 727- freezer, 485 lbs., (ISO, delivered. 741- quality. Champion stud service, wnts, yard, beach. Call 787-6012. 1953 CHRYSLER. New - 7-iaar financing CHARLES HOWER - uaion Con. .42. MOS1DON UORTQAGB CO. 1716, after 5 p.m. 747-51)95. 1952 CHRYSLER- R0BBIN8VILLE ractor. No lob too smiU. SH 7-4479 or "fllB BEDROOMS — IU baths. Den, MOBILE HOME SALES. INC. 741-0172. SENERAL MANAGER WANTED — REDUCING EQOIPMKNT-For rent or FIVE YEAR-OLD GENTLE fOOT argT enclosed porch, Bather William, M«uric» Schw-rtr * Sons Route 130 Robblnsvllle, H. 3. ackpot Golf. sale. Free delivery. South Jersey Surgi- Saddle and bridle. Reasonable. Call iwimmlng pool, »22B iw J^th. AJjJj. WEEKEND PAINTERS—14 years ex 747-4091 INSTRUCTION cal. SHadyalde 7-2614. after 5 p.m. 291-2303. tble Immediately. 671-0616 or 671-0814. 1(1 W. Front Bt., Red Ban- J47-O7S7 Jl) 7-1320 lerlence. Average home $1!5 plus paint "Why pay more? 741-2595 any hour. [OBILE HOME SALESMAN — Part TRAINING IN ELECTRONICS FIRE PLUG — The housebreaking IIX ROOMS - «4 baths. JIBS, per me. Phone PA 1-565* for appoint- itend cm nlfhl per week. Pay as Bamberger't Menmourh scent that ends housebreaking worries. nonth Call mornings before 9, eve- LAWN SERVICE — Lawns cut and lent su learn. Apply 7;30 to 10:30^ p.m. KEYPORT PET SUPPLIES, Rte. 3 ilnga after 6, -741-1462. cared for at lowest prices. 8(2-1421. or Monday through Friday. and Rlverdlle Dr., Keyport, N. J. 842-0125. iPENINO—For alert young man de- PIAJJO'B-HAMMOND ORGANS !O QUAL1FIBD TENANTS — A slx- 195J H1LLMAN - F?n™K£ , T£_ Irlng to establish career with national MOMMOUTH HADIO FREE — Lovely charcoal gray kitten oom dwelling with detached one-car (1 WANTED-AUTOMOTIVE EXCAVATING — Lots cleared, cellars, ampany. Guaranteed $100 per week, ELECTRONICS INSTITUTE SALBS-SBRVIOE-INSTRUCTION. weaned and bousebroken. Call altei •arage, large -haded lot and conven- **t lires Top condition. J395. "6- 14 Cookman Ave., Aabury Park North §&> nI.hU orTW 2-3595 days. dug, fill dirt and grading. Reasonable 'or appointment phone 727-2442. 4:30. 1*1-8129. ent location, near Heddons Corner. rates. 717-3023. . Railroad Stallon. 774-O303. Visit Lawley Agency, 100 State Hwy. 1962 CHRYSLER 300 - FouMoor naia- OUTE MAN — For entabllihed dr; SUBJECT TO PRIOR SALE SEAL POINT SIAMESE KITTENS — TOM'S FORD INC. BOOKKEEPING SERVICE — For the UTORINO- - Qualified teacher, all 35, Mlddletown lor details on this *125 £p, power brake* and steering. Call cleaning and; laundry route. Good op- Reasonable. ;r month rental. . . OS 1-0060. __ WB PAX CASH FOR USED CARS busines. s man who doesn't require i •orlunlty for right man. DUKE K.EY- lementary . subjects. Call Hammond spinet organ % 699. 671-1475 60 Main St. 56&1500 Matawan [full-time bookkeeper. Complete book >ORT CLEANERS, 13 Division St., 7S7-2261 Baldwin orgasonlc organ « .( 899. 'OUSE —- Six rooms, full basem ISM MERCURY (UP yd«. tTDlu MaUyaq RR Station) keeping service deilgned to your own yport Call'264-1000 for appointment. tmut engine in February. Sacrfice, needs. Including write up, reconcilia- TJTORINQ — Recent college graduate latontown. Call rill tutor high school •tudentf in all Lowrey spinet organ .(1099. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT 542-4158 t_HL Call 222-8IH5 after 6 p-m. tion, payroll taxes, etc. Tailor made GRIDDLE MEN ONLY ubjecta. Call 949-4942. . BOATS AND ACCESSORIES for the business man too busy to-kaep TOADE-IN'8 ACCBPTBD. APARTMENTS FAIR HAVEN COLONIAL — Complete- his own records and books. For fur- Experienced Only ruTORINO — Aid for college bound y renovated. Three bedroom- (one ther Information write "AM.," P. O. high school BtudenU, and nelp for CALL lil 2-1J12. RIVERFRONT APARTMENT - Tw small). Two baths, 23' living-dining 1 Box 121, Little Silver, K. J. Good salary - Good hours lose already In college. Instruction In MONMOUTH, LOWER room, large kitchen. Immediate occu- «53 BUICK - Four-door sedan, radio, 31 ESS HARBOR mgllsh, elementary math, chemistry, LEVEL bedrooms, tile bath, electric kitchen, pancy. $135 per month plus utilities. hVateir. Perfect running condition. »75. LAWN MOWING with or without main- MAHER'S 'rench, and history, SH 7-4239. living-dining room, residential area. Vm Hall, 741-7680, before B p.m. 1969 Fly Brldee Sporttlsherman. Twin tenance, fair prices. ReJiaJilB service. ANDERSON WINDOW PRODUCTS — Walking distance to staUon. J150 per T47-O716. 225'«. Mint condition. Cost over »23,000 Please call 741-8519 between 14:30- s;m. Boardwalk - Long Branch OB SECURITY can be yours by pre- Dlatrlbulors. RED BANK LUMBER, 9 month. Lease reuulred. P.O. Box 1130, MMSON — 28 First St., house to let, mi PONTIAC - Tw»-oor, minuiii' Must sacrifice this weekend. Ask or after B p.m. • >aring In your spare. time, through Wall St., Red Bank. SH 1-6500. Red Bank. ' intll Labor Day. Near river and ocean. •MR, good engine and ««•. *». *<"* 111,500. Call 51S-RO 6-841)5 and 516- •LUMBER — Hust be experienced In tome atudy, for careers with Local, 41-4317. IV 1-6S13. CELLARS CLEANED-IJOHT HAUL- ouse plumbing and heating Installa- itate or Federal Civil Service. Write WE BUY AND SELL anything and TWIN GABLES APARTMENTS - 36 6 p.m. 741-8883, ING — Odd Jobs. Call Ray Lamberson Riverside Ave., Red Bank, on river- RANCH HOME - On shady plot. Large er, auto- IB H.P. JOHNSON — 196L like new. Ion. Call 254-2733. NATIONAL TRAINING SERVICE, everything. Give the) highest prices. after 4 p.m. 3H 7-9065. NO," Boi B. E., BOX 511. Red Bank. Call /William Leff Furniture, Inc., Hwy. front, 3-314-5 rooms unfurnished. 74 living room, fireplace, dining room, inly live hours. 1225. 774-3878 after •ART-TIME DELIVERY MAN - Re 36, tllddletown, SH 1-3213. Open eve- three bedrooms, family room, 1VS baths. recent motor job. p.m. FOR LANDSCAPES WITH A DIFFER- table man wanted to deliver home ENCE — Call Well's Landscape Serv iroducts late Friday and Saturday in ninga till 9 p.m. BRAND NEW air conditioned apar 1225. SOHANCK AGENCY, Realtor, 8 MARINE SUPPLIES Malawan area. References required. ment In the newest and finest projec Jnden PI., Red Bank. 747-0397. iverythlng for the Boatman. New Jer- 741-0180. MERCHANDISE 727-2442. SALE In Red Bank. Living room, dining Ave., Leonardo. sy'a largeBt marine supply house. LAWN MAINTENANCE — Harry J. FOR SALE room, bedroom and lovely kitchen. (140. Evinrude Sales and Service Smith, Reasonable ralei. Bailable. AN FOR GENERAL BOAT YARD per month. WANTED TO RENT 1962 COMET - F22. Automatic traM- THE BOATMAN'S SHOP Smith's Farm, Hwy. 36. Keyport. 264- ORK—VanDeman's PLEASURE BAY LUCITE mla.101., radio, heater.,?"°w "«4"° MANOR EAST 24 Whart Ave. 7U-5780 Red Bank. 1064 af ter 6 p .m. ^_^^ ' [ARINA, 580 Patton Ave., Lon Wall Paint — By DuPont 741-1900 "1-7200 GETTING MORE AND MORE PROS- hp Low mileage. COO. 671-1308. Open Sundays and Holidays 9 am-1 pm ranch. FREE No dilp. DRIES In 30 minutes. NO 'ECTS — For three-bedroom rental THINNING. Stays on your bruin. 22 FURNISHED — Newly decorated fou omes. List any rental for faat action. T96J 1 CADILLAC SEDAN DeVILLE - 1863 SCOTT OUTBOARD MOTORS now IHOE SALESMAN — EXPERIENCED Oold with matchlng^lnterior Full y slock! — Also Polyester Resin only EMPLOTMENT $39.95 lovely colors. Regular (7.46. room apartment near bus line, wes MATTHEW J. GULL AGENCY, 714 R_ jjr con* 1OOD PAY. APPLY IN PER80N End section of Long Branch. Cf 35. Mlddletown. 671-3200. jeered ler gal. Bottom paint, rope, HELP WANTED-FEMALE FOOTCRAFT BHOES, Bt BROAD ST. ALUMINUM COMBINATION, DOOR 222-7449 or 222-G734. anchors, etc JACOBS HARD- RED BANK. With the purchase of 10 welded corner $6.79 _ CO., Bergen Place A Shrews Alcoa- Aluminum Combination windows STUDIO APARTMENT—Living room FURNISHED ROOMS bury Ave.. Red Bank. 747-3654. WAITRESSES •ART TIME SALESMAN — Sm: tt H2.03 each. Total price for (39.95 bedroom. Full kitchen, private bath appliances. Experienced only. Houn loor and 10 windows 1129.60. LIMITED PR OWN entrance, all utilities. Yearly. Unfu LET ME PAINT and reflnlsh your 6-10 p,rn., Monday - Friday, one nlghl 32 Broad St. Red Bank 741-7500 KEANSBURG — Furnished room, gen- 1956 FORD — Ford-CMetlc V-8. Ex- Counter - Dining Room >FFER. No money down, llrst pay- nlshed. (83 ma Newly furnished (IOC boat. Highly experienced. Call off per week, Saturday, 1-10 p.m. J.M. jentment December. 747-3770. , leman preferred. Snt condition. Good rubber. Pluf 222-OS77 Experienced Only FIELDS, INC., Hallel. TOMATO STICKS - 5' long, 10c each, 787-3*98 two mounted anew Urea, Radio, beat- PROWN'S or 12 for (1. Pick em up! At RED NEW — Two and three-bedroom apart er. (295. 542-2368. .. FLYING FIN. 70 h.p. Mercury Over 21 Years BALL BOYS WANTED — Jackpot Oolf BANK LUMBER, 9 Wall St.. Red Bank. menu, unfurnishedfur nl she , available immedl JINGLE ROOMS - Clean and com- motors, electric starter, fully equip- Call 3J Broad St. Red Bank 741-7600 Call 787-7107, Attel ortable. Reasonable ratis. Gentlemen idol "klLLMA^ N MIN- - - X_.^ —_ White con- ped. Call 222-93(2^ MAHER'S 747-4091 PIANOS - Save (100 or more olf list ately. Keai.nsburg. preferred. F. Wallace St. 8H 1-5392. verliblt. mult aell. 1999. . BIQ BARGAIN — Color TV 1863 price, brand new 88-note console pi- Saturday and Sunday, 222-4219. 7*7-5432 TRAILER — Good condition, for 14- Boardwalk - Long Branch "ART-TIME BARTENDER WANTED— lodel (398 complete. Come In for • anos. 10-year guarantee. Come see, 314 AND iV, ROOM APARTMENTS— ATLANTIC HIGLANDS — Single and 16' boat, has winch, lights, newly Vrlte "A.A.," Bo* 511, •ee demonstration. ACE TV Hwy. 36. save. Rent, c-ptlon to buy, Tenzer'a double rooms. Kitchen privileges If de- •1957 TR 3 — Red, needs some body painted, J120. 741-2069. PLANNING A VACATIONf Be an Avon Ked Bank Music Store, 308 Main St., Lakewood. Available July 1. Molly Pitcher Vil- ilred. 34 Prospect Ave., 291-9437. . work, best B.^ Representative and start earning for leptune City. 775^082. lage, Branch and Madison Aves., He: that trip Immediately. Call 741-4343 PERSONNEL ASSISTANT — Between 3EBK8 *U up, FILES (12.60 up, tables, Bank. Call 741-9115. SLOOP - EXCELLENT BUY or write Mra. Margaret Oulotta, P.O. 25-50. Must have previous Industrial hairs, adding machines, typewriters, AIR CONDITIONERS LARGE EIGHT ROOMS — Three bee I960 CHBVROtBT - TwiMtoorisedan, 16' mahogany hull, fiberglas, shelter Box 190, Red Bank. personnel or employment agency ex- REAL ESTATE FOR SALE •hlit 25,000 mllei, excellent, *9S0. CsJI >frice equipment, etc, at bargain prices, ELECTRIC FANS. DISCOUNTS. rooms, three baths. On first floor will cabin sleeps two; roller reefing, un- lerlence. 165 plu». "A.M." Bo» Ml lew or used. AAC DESK OUTLET, ample yard. Atlantic Highlands. Re 2J7 slnkable and fast, like new. Includes SPANISH ENGLISH SECRETARY-Red Red Bank. HOUSES FOR SALE motor, days 532-2140, or 775-7800. Bank area, small attractive office, con- Me. 35, Oakhurst. {31-3990. "Rainbow" TV & Hardware duced rent for managing apartmenl C0NVERTIBLI1 H3LUTAN —,Ex«p genial atmosphere, experience neces- EXPERIENCED CARPENTER -Yea 291 4M tlonal condlUon. white,, new blacktop. ound employment, good pay. (across Acme lot) Broad, Red Bank -' ' sary, salary open. Write qualllcatloni HAMMOND ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS — Nice Ul SACRIFICE SALE whiteTTftlls. radio, healer, »T» or best 25' HANS PEDERSON cabin cruiser. to "A. X.". Box 5U, Red BanH. 747-9383 OVERBAD GARAGE DOORS—Three o«er. 946-4589. 8x12' doors with roller springs, bar* [umlahed three rooma. Private homi Head, two bunks. Chrysler marine en- WOMAN FOR small olflclce In the Att- METAL BPRAY PAINTER — Exper ORGAN STUDIO Separate entrance. Utilities. 291-1697. 1857 DESOTO — Four-door sedanledan,. Flre- Klne In water, nice condition. Will WOM gain. Call 747-5819 after 6 p.m. bargain hunters should run to see antic HihlHighlandd s area. General officoffice enced, day or night woik. Call 482- FURNISHED — Three-room apartmer this terrific four-bedroom home with dome. Excellent condition. 1400. demonitrste. »l,8Df>. 291-1S60 or 2S1- Box 611, Re 3400. OF ASBURX PARK FRIGIDAIRE ELECTRIC RANGE — work. Reply to "A.V." USED ORGANS all utilities paid. Couple only, no pen a two-car garage, a full finished base- Bank. MALE HELP - Any age over 1 Double oven. 108 Catherine St., Red Bank ment, plus a beautiful billlt-ln swim- 1957 CEVROLET — Four-door auto 12' ALUMINUM BOAT 4>/4 h.p. BEAUTICIAN - Experienced. Yei 'ood counter work, seasonal througt Hammond Speaker % 95. ming pool. Many other plus features. malic transmission. Reasonable. motor, $100. A-l. Call .bor Day. Apply NNICKERSON'S, Plel Hammond Chord Organ 450. TWO ROOMS FURNISHED — All util • A BARGAIN AT 741-7131 741-924( round paid vacation, live day week, Lowrey Starlet 475. JUST WASTED TIME GOING ELSE- ties Included. On first floor. Prlval nice clientele. Inquire STEPHEN HAIR. and Boardwialk, Kei:anarjurg. Hammond Chord Organ WHERE—Our prices so Ic-w and our entrance. 222-6949. ' " DUMP TRUCKS DUMP TRUCKS PENN YAN BOAT — ,Wlth Mercury DRESSERS, 518 Main St., Belford. Baidwin~~8p!n"et"OrganT~. 650, quality so high. Free delivery, tele- $16,500 MAN WANTED — To take tickets phone service, charge accounts. Call FOUR ROOMS AND BATH — With al 1S5S FORD F* 3-yard body 30 h.p. Plus skis and tanks, first class ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CLERK $80 Ighu weekly. Apply alter 7. Thurada: Conn Spinel Organ .....: .650. Qualified Vets No money down. 1955 GMC 3-yard body condition, phone 842-0274, 1-5 p.m. and Friday night. EATONTOWI Tansen Piano w/organo _...595, now Improvements. First floor, centrally FHA Only $000 down. ASSEMBLERS $1.40 hour cated in Red Bank. $95. Call 741-50; 1950 FORD FS wUh snow plow and BOOKKEEPER PAYROLL 11.60 houi DRIVE-IN, Eatontown. Hammond Extravoice -450. Subject to mortgage approval. 4-yard body. SAILBOATERS — Take a look at the Open Dally Till 9 — Saturday Till 6:30 PROWN'S mornings. new Voo Doo Cat. It is a Iff catamaran, CLERK TYPIST To $65 RESSER — Experienced, dry clc». ST COOKMAN AVE. AND MAIN ST. 32 Broad St. Red Bank 7(1-7500 FIVE-ROOM APARTMENT on I SNYDER REALTORS Maurice Schwartz & Sons carrying; 100 so., ft. o[ sail. Has 7' SECRETARY — Dictaphone Ing- shop. RUM8ON CLEANERS, 3: 7T5-93O0 beam. Ideal [amily boat. Particularly SECRETARY — Stenos To no West River Rd., Rumson. 842.0312. river, best residential section. (125 141 W. Front St., Red Bank 747-O76T SWITCHBOARD OPERATOR RUMMAGE SALE—Owner moving, sell- month. Call between 7-10 p.m., 84M29 adapted to local sailing conditions. Full To $65 rYPIfiWtUliaHS, AUIIINU machines. Ing miscellaneous Items. Come, browse. orlce J795. Complete with sails. For ACE EMPLOYMENT AGENCY All makes now or used. Guaranteed. 32 Timothy Lane, New Shrewsbury. UNFURNISED - Four large room AUTOS & TRUCKS demonstration call 741-0766 linanclng 12 Broad St. 747-3494 Red Bank HELP WANTED-Male - Femali x>n as (29. Serplco'a I'll Monmouth and • bath. 57 Madlaon Ave., arranged. it. Next to theater, 747-0485. OHAIR ELEVATOR — Excellent con- RIVERFRONT PBX SWITCHBOARD OPERATOR — dition. Call Branch, N. J. 222-6491. 17' PENN YAN with 35 h.p. Evinrude Must be experienced, age 30-40. 40 TYPIST E AIR CONDITIONER — % ton. 842-0288 ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS—Unturnlshi motor, excellent condition. Call hours Including Saturday and Sunday rlardly used. (76 cash. Price firm. 4W-room apartment In fine resldentli High oh a bluff, five bedrooms, 2H 222-5577 Apply in person Room 214, 640 Mai Must be excellent typist preferably 12x16 fiber rug, (15. Call 842-2229. after ALTENBURG PIANO HOUSE section. 6 Third Ave., 291-9237. bath home with family room. 281' on tlson Ave., Asbury Park. familiar with electric typewriter. Do river. 1^ acres, many hemlock, fir, CIRCLE 14» RUNABOUT — Forward controls, not apply unless you can type ' p.m. FOUR-ROOM APARTMENT—(Two bee OIRL FOR GENERAL 1NSURANC Rent A Piano $12 per Month dogwood, and hickory trees. Fl«hln_ excellent condition, J100. Call between words per minute. Work aval|ab rooms). Bath, year-round. Unfurnished and boating In river. Short walk to 10-12 a-m. 22*0561. OFFICE—Experience preferred. Sal- both day and night shift*. Detail! GUTTER TALK KNABK. MASON-HAM-IN. SOHMER with refrigerator. (70 monthly. 787-458I ry open. Call 542-2400 between 9:30 CABLE-NELSON. EVERETT. 8T-CK grammar school, five minutes to Red PENGUIN — li&' sailboat. No. 6754, in first letter, write "A. Z." Box 511, There 1» nothing like WHITE ALCOA 3ank fltatlon. Just reduced to $31,500. HAS THE nd 5:30. Red Bank. Cockmen Ave. - Mala St. Aitoury Pk. RUMSON—Four-room furnished apar one year old. Larson sail, race lights, ALUMINUM GUTTERS. Alcoa Gutter Open dally tin 9 Sat till 5:30 ment. heat, water. Single or coup! See It today. ROLSTON WATER- fittings. Call 747-4370. SHOE SALESLADY — EXPERIENCE) REAL ESTATE SALESMEN WANTED System Is the strongest ever offered. 775-9301 $85. Year lease. B42-1765. BURY Realtor, 16. W. Front St. GOOD PAY. APPLY IN PERSON Let us explain the difference. Remem- Red Bank. 747-3SOO. WANTED — Used set of — New Jersey's largest real estate FOOTCRAFT BHOES, 8» BROAD ST. broker has openings for real estati ber Alcoa ,032 gauge metal Is It ! Any NORGE AUTOMATIC WASHER — Two LONG BRANCH — Four-room duple: Comet class sailboat. Call other lighter aluminum is Just throw- years old, excellent condition, (50. 787- near bus, track, Fort Monmouth. Adull BEST MS 5-5954 RED BANK. salesmen. Why settle for just a Job, COLTS NECK any Job? Enter the profeislon that li Ing your money away. Call now. 7533. only, no pels. 222-8204. 12' OUTBOARD RUNABOUT — 1958 FOUNTAIN HELP the basis of all wealth — real estate. ALL MY BEAUTIFUL FURNITURE FURNISHED APARTMENT — $80 P When buying or selling; in the Colts Evinrude IB h.p. Both good shape. No experience necessary; we will tralr PROWN'S MUST GO—By July 14. Take one, take month. All utilities supplied. Inquire Neck area consult. Bteerlng and forward controls. Wind- Experienced Only you and offer excellent commissions 32 Broad St. Red Bank 741-7500 all. Come see at 57 Madison Ave., Recreation PI., Highlands. shield, cushions, and all necessities. Call Over 21 Years and opportunity with us In real estate, Long Branch. 222-6491. S4M550 alter 6:30 p.m. "^art-time and full-time men and wom- TRADE IN your old rurniture with no KEANSBURG ™ Apartment five room George V. Illmensee MAHER'S ~n. Call now for appointment. Ask fol down payment and get a new parlor heat supplied. No pets. Available Aui REALTOR 14' SAILBOAT — Fllte- Fish. Good ir dining room set at sale prices. Wil- SHOP BY PHONE ust 1. (120 per month. Adults — 462-3172 Rt. 34 Colts Neck condition. $25. Call after 6 p.m. 747- Harry Wenzer. THE BER3 AGENCY Boardwalk - Long Branch Mlddletonn. 671-1000. liam Le- Furniture Inc., Hwy 35. Free quick dally delivery In Red Bank Call 787-5017 evenings. i NEED IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY? 2747. Mlddletown. 8H 1-3213. open evenings area. Outlying districts Wednesday! EXPERIENCED NURSES AIDE—Apply FOUR-ROOM APARTMENT — T\ Here it is! Price and terms satisfying 195D MERCURY MARK 15 — Tank and BAJIB liMPLOXMENT AOHNCl till 9 p. m, and Saturdays. Discount prices. for any buyer. Three bedroom home In In person, day Jhllt Five days. HILL Qualified Personnel For Quality Ordel bedrooms, furnished, second floor, 1 hoaer excellent condition. WASHING MACHINE — Automatic. PROWN'S 32 Broad St., 741-7500. monthly. You pay utilities and oil he splendid condition, nicely landscaped „ 842-2675. TOP NURSING HOME, Klngi Hwy 210 Broad Long Branch 222-47' Mlddletown Westlnghouse. Purchased 1959 like new. Foarn Rubber Adults only, no pets. Holmdcl Villa; acre grounds. Near shopping and ex- 16" LAPSTRAKE BOAT — Inboard ACS UMPLUHMENT AOHNCV. Call 711-4134 evenings only. MATTRES3E3 - Twln-Full-Queen-Klng vicinity. Alex Llpert, 016-4332. press city buses. Owner's mortgage MATURE WOMAN to care for tw. Every jrder * spDllcant iur special) sizes. Foamart. Hwy. 35. Eatontown. may be assumed for approximately outboard, seaworthy, $100. Call 842 STICKLEY CHERRY end table, both (3200 with monthy payments of (138. 2675. school age children In motherless horn 12 Broad St. Red Bank 747-341 542-0477. live In, own room. Liberal vacatk 25'A" high; one square (24y» top); COMMERCIAL RENTALS Offered at (18,500. WALKER 4 WALK- NEW FAD — From 49th State! Wow! periods. Reply stating qualifications t EDWARDS EMPLOYMENT AGKNC ilher circular 22" In diameter. Really FRIGIDAIRE REFRIGERATOR—Good ER, Realtors, Hwy. 35, 1000' south of 13' Kayak, excellent condition. B.D." Box Bll, Red Bank. Executlve-Sales-Ofilce-Domeatlo 'Ine furniture, 747-4062 after 3 p.m. condition, (30. Call after 5:30 p.m. Lily-Tulip Co., Mlddlotown. PHONE 671- 842-0702 Sincerity and ability svltD nigh etaic 842-0957. 3311. Multiple Listings and trade-Ins. EXPERIENCED CASHIER—Day wor! STORES f 60 Broad St. 747-05T7 Red Ban! SWIMMING POOLS :end for catalog. Open 7 days. 26 1954 JERSEY SHELTER FISHING MARTINI'S DINER. Hwy. 36, ar COIN OPERATED — Pepsi Cola vend- Amite St. — Best location, redecoi SKIFF — 130 h.p. Chris Cralt. Head. Euclid Ave., East Keanaburg. MATURE COUPLE - To manag. ing machine. Reasonable. small motel, live, on premises. AND SUPPLIES tton completed, small or targe space :i'AC10US NINE-ROOM COLONIAL Sink. Ice box. Good condition. 842-3189. 747-4343 suit your requirement. 747-1100. RANCH — Nice trees, screened porch. SECRETARY — Full or part tim 787-8776 DOUOHBOY AND BUSTER CRABBE Four twin size bedrooms, 2tt baths, 150 H.P. MACK engine cabin cruiser, Five-day week. STORE FOR RENT - Next to Mayfa sleeps four, 34' Pierce built, asking 234-0107 POOLS. Easy charge on above ground WE HELP YOU separate dining room, deluxe kitchen $3,000. Call 741-0115 alter 8 p.m. and pools, Chemic-ls, pool service and sup- Super Market, Newman Springs Rd with dishwasher, 13x21 living room, SECRETARY — Legal, temporary, SITUATIONS WANTED, Femal Dlles All your pool needs in stock, Select the correct curtain rods. All Red Bank Call days SH 1-9509. av center hall, den, 13x24 paneled family Saturday, Sunday. kinds. Klmch rods In a larger variety. nings 741-5013. FEE CHARGED "r" delivery. SWIMMING RIVER Call 141-7500 now. Oet fast delivery. | room, bnsement, attached garage, all 1961 PICNIC 17' FIBRE GLAB CABIN ACE EMPLOYMENT AGENCY 16 YEAR OLD GIRL wishes stead; POOLS SALES. Hwy. 38, Eatontown, for only (24,900. ELWOOD A. ARM- SAILBOAT — Aluminum spars, dacron 12 Broad St. 747-3491 • Red Ban: summer employment. Experienced ^ mils south of Monmouth Shopping PROWN'S OFFICE SPACE STRONG AGENCY, Realtor, 555 Pros- sails, foam cushions, head, and com- babysitting. Call 747-060I. Center. 542-1777. pect Ave., Llltle Silver. 74H5O0. plete equipment Including Johnson 10 BEAUTICIAN WANTED—Experience! 32 Broad St. Red Bank Heat furnished, will redecorate to si h.p. outboard and custom trailer. Cost Full time. PRACTICAL NURSE - Excellent re HOMART P1PELESB FURNACE - your requlrments. Beat location, w, MID AUGUST OCCUPANCY - Owner $2500. Best offer over $1800. SH 7-9050. 261-fKKM erences. Private, Call 5-B p.m. 29: Good condlUon. Reansonable. Call after 8PLIT RAIL FENCE — $2.85 per sec- aub-dlvlde If necessary. See and cor must sell newly decorated four-bedroom 0022. 129-2007. tion. Free delivery on ten or more pare. 741-1100. three-bath split. Oversize paneled rec- 8' PRAM — Oars, oarlocks. Good con- WOMAN WANTED — Will supply sections. RED BANK LUMBER, 9 Wall room bungalow on premises In exchanl LEGAL SECRETARY — Experience, TAPPAN OAS RANGE—With oven and LODGE ROOM for rent. Center reation room, all electric kitchen, base- dition. Call desires part-time work, Hazlet arei St., Red Bank. 741-5500. ment, two-car garage, on large land- Tor domeitlc help. Wages, referenci broiler, aide storage, four burners, In town. Could be used also for oftl scaped lot. (27,500. 4',49i mortgage. 741-93B0 required. Call 842-2173 after 6 p. Call 244-0556. good condition, five years old, (50. CONTRACTORS—Know "USED" brick? apace. Approximately 2.400 so. ft. Wr 14' RUNABOUT — 30 h.p. Evinrude, r Call 5(2-1782 after 7:30. COLLEGE-HIGH SCHOOL — Mother' WILL HELP OUT with private partle •42-1313. Try new "Used" -brick. Truck loads •LODGE Box 511. Red Bank. Tee Nee trailer, painted, fully equipped, dinners or other occasions. Call 8H 5S/M. TURNER BUILDERS INC., Sea $375. 223-3162. helper, driver's license, partly live VENETIAN BLINDS COMMERIOAL BUILDING — For 3 $25 week. Locust. 2M-26B7. 8881. Girt, evenings 741-9311. or lease. 5,500 sq. ft. (former lumbe: (More Classified Ada OERMANip*id tram. PRICE CHANGE , SEXTON Oil CUSTODIAN — Parttlm and confortable every hour of the Home Improvement- 'il CADILLAC Best references. Write "A.J.," Box 61 day and night for most of the year. Antiques Wanted Piano—Organ Tuning E I d o r a do convertible. •62 CHEVROLET (-Hi -..41681 Red Dank. Call for free estimate. '62 CHEVY II •01 CHEVROLET Bel Air - .11477 Blue with matching top Old Dolls, gum, lowelry, cut glass, FINISHED BASEMENTS, remodel- Interior. Fully pow- '61 COltVAIR Monza »15M PROWN'S Ini,. plumbing, electric wiring, ma- PIANOS-ORGANS Station wagon. Radio, healer, '01 CHEVROLET Impaln Uiilp. 11088 furniture, civil War books. Appraisal! Tuned - Repaired — Regulstod frert. one owner. PER- FINANCIAL 32 Broad St. Red Bank 741-7500 made. Oilman. 747-1141. sonry and painting. For free estimate Raymond Bonworth 741-7853 six-cylinder standard. FECT FOR SUMMER . . '60 OLD8MOBILE SS Hdtp I16«O call 7(7-1672. and winter tool '60 BTIJDEBAKER Lark Wgn. ..I 888 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES NATIONAL CASH REGISTER - Sight- Instruction 60 PODGE 4-llr - »109t> ly iiaed. Can !>fi bought for leas than Appliance Repalrt WORKING) MAN'S contractor—Alter- PATRICIA HYAN •60 CHEVROLET Bel Air 4-ilr. 11277 PACKAGE LiqUOR STORE — TH half price. Two lady mannlQulns size ations additions, painting, masonry, Piano - Organ '59 IMPALA '60 CORVAIR Sedan - 11188 DOWSTRA AOBNCV, 01 East Froi 14, one fur safe. 3x5'. 2(7 Bridge Ave., nnd all those little Jobs. Evenings 22 Monmouth Blvd. Oceunport 221M82J •60 CHEVROLET Impala Hdtp, »1<55 St., Red Bank, 741-8700. fled Bank. APPLIANCE REPAIR and Installa- Four-door. Radio, hseter, pow- Venlum ltarrltop »ew car or truck, Low LOUIB CABBAN - Painter, decorator, Our Mlh year in business. 741-7500. '60 FORD Hardtop .4 299 0.5. HE 6-0060- Nights and weekeml vasei, (76. Household Hems for (1-3. rntnfl. Maple Ave,, Red Hank 74T- paperhanger 25 years eiperlence, 43 S5 KOItD Hardtop I 260 CO 4-3161. 741-7IM 03O8. T74-O-14. Bally 7 a.m.—1(1 p.m. lnnulntlnn A Siding Corp. Certified JALOUSIES - Five. WUh screens and L. II HILL, — Painter .Interior and JohnsManvllit contractor. I'll B-MOI CIRCLE I1.&00 busy soda fountain, short on exterior. No lolis loo large or loo or AiUm Ltnimayer 2U1-OJ02. Transport Specials oualnmi completD with stock now •torm sasl) Reasonable. Call nftrr o Building Contractor amn i Very reasonable. Cull M7-lfd30. operation. Call 711-110J or 77S-174O. p.m. 7(1-43111. Chapln Ave. 741-1708 afltr 6 p.m. Ol.SON CO INC.-Roofing, Biding 4 Chevrolet Co. lioHTON HOCKBH — Black nnd gold, .iUlLD—K - Now homes, room ad- Innulntlrtn. Installed and guaranteed •\)\L l.WAHW - AintTlcan Oil Co. I for 10 years, 775-O705—201-051(1. FROM $33 lervlce ntatlon for leaia In Ileil ilai nicellnil condition. Aakltig IIh. Call ditions, haaemenl and attic rooms, CARL 9. JONBB - Painting and Ill Map!. Ave. Red Bank area. Financial assistance avallnli 811 1-4U4. kitchens, gnrage repalrl and alter decorating. Full Insurance coverage. 158 1st Avo,, AH, IHvJilnnd Call Kl 1-5121 or writs "AC". Bi atlons. Herbert Eltenrauch. 741-9201. For free asllmate call 747-3041. Tel. Answering Service 611, Red Rank. BIG DISCOUNTS Him is'.^i, .Sunn ,,f iu it,, A. J PICONB - Ceramlo tile con- PAHTNEI1 WANTED — For newspap Factory oliaruics sale. Men'i socki, tractor for quality, prlot, and prompt PAINTINO AND PAPJIR HANOINO- LET IJB BID your iMrttftry. No need SH 1-3130 291 1101 • (Ipr-n lil 9 p.m...... deliver. .y. service. Afternoons. Th... r liarrln prices. MONMOUTH HOBIBItlf service. Free •lilmata, am JW-Jl* For a good eUaa lob. reasonable. to ml«s calls. 34 hottr ans—arlng I hours, mxc.llent Incomt, Will also -all MILLS, 447 Broad Bt., Shrewsbury. or Ml-MTT. Call K7 ;M91, Ed Zlnser. service. 741-4700. II outright. CO 4-33M. Monday-Frldayi • a.m.-4:30 p.m. PD« SALE HOUSES 70ft SALE BED BANK REGISTER W«2n**i*y, Jua* 26,19fiJ~-27 STEVE ROPER By 8AVNDER8 md OVERCAW

HOUSES COR SALE HOUSES SAXJE UttU SHVM OU MUST SEE . . . *~ ""^ 10 PUT POOR, SICK MR M0MD COLONIAL RANCH BRIGADOON SOUTH of H» muctf , (Under Conitruetion) ; MIDDLETOWN, N. J. 'Thi» sptclMU btdroonu, two fuN bubs, huts living item witi firtyXws. lo«mM_ dtotaf room, Iwn kitting,, bl| Iimlly l room, Cuttom-Built Homes Priced UXlt isilsl tore*. Mil buuntM, tttuhM jirjruiu . From $24,900 'our Bedrooms ' 2^ Baths PRICPRICE $27,500 30 DIFFERENT CUSTOM DESIGNED HOMES TO OH0O8B FROM Other choice loti at thii location. •L-SHAPED RANCHES •BI-LEVBL RANCHES •SIDE TO giUE SPLITS •TWO STORIES Will build to suit! ETC. FOB INPORMMION CAIi TW-396J LIBERAL CONVENTIONAL FINANCING Custom-Builr Homes . . . Realistically Priced! SCHWARZ AND KARPEL IIRECTIONS: Rt«. 36 souiti to Mlddletown—turn right on Twin Brooks Custom Home Builders Ave. {First strut before Howud Johnson's Restaurant.) Follow signs to mods) tomu, HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE DEVON BUILDERS, INC. 671-17*0 1 YEAR'S BEST BUYI TWO STARS40W TAXES HOUSES FOR SALE -LEGAL NOTICE- "WOLF HILL MANOR" PoUntlal Hotmdei biulntu «>U com- ADVERTISEMENT FOB BIDK bined with rrsolou* llvlni. Newly LOW DOWN PAYMENT CHA-B8-A Only seven left! Choose from modernized tbrej-btdioom, , opt-bith fllver Plaza Caps Cod. Perfect condl (7-S2) distinctive Colonial Cape Cod, Iiriir Amsrlcs.ii on lovely onewre, :lon, eight years «ld, three bedrooms ProifeSl No. A.P.W.N.J. 260 ranch and split-levels. Three bed- tr««-Hiid(4 lot. All new copper plumb- (room for fourth). Basement, lovely bounty of Monmouui ln», new heulnj system, Imulated yard. FKA tppralHl for (14.900. (450 Owner rooms, l'/2 baths, recreation hroushtmt, eipannble. Multiple listed down. Asking HJ.OOO, Mr. Cozens, Separate sealed bids for the Becon- rpom, full basement, double hung ippralstl of JlI.MQ li owner's uklng H-7SB4 or K2-MB0. tructlon and other appurtenant work price. Call now. r Section No. 2 ot the Stone Sea windows, and many other out- IBLFORD —: Bungalow, four rooms, ail on the North Be&ch In the Bor- ittnding features. Paved streets, porch, 60x100 lot. Owner selling, 111. ugh of Sea Bright, N. J. will be Navesink Associates Inquire 74 10th SL ecelved by the Board of Chosen Free- tldewalks and curbs in and paid lolders of Monmouth County at the of- ior. Low tax area. Starting at Realtors Ice of said Board at the Hall of SOt Hwy. 36 Mlddletown LOTS AND ACREAGE lecords, Freehold, N. J, at two o'clock $)6,990. (71-0600 •.M.. D.S.T., July 17, 1963, and then Member Red Bin* Multiple Lilting and UNCROFT — Half Mils Road. 125x175. it said office publicly opened and read SAMUEL TEICHER A&ENCY Northern Monmojlh Multiple Listing 4,700.. loud. ' Exclusive Agents 481-3150 The Information for bidden, Form o d, Form of Contract, Plans, Specifi- ' ' 287 Oceanport Ave., Oceanport MVERFRONT — 280' on river. High cations, and Forms ot Bid Bond and 542-3500 ANY QUALIFIED S.I. md dry. Suitable'for basement. Lovely Performance Bond may be examined rees, shrubs and lawns. Private dock. t the following: County Sngloeer'i Salesman on ptemlaei Saturday Only $35 Application Fee Only (10,000. ELWOOD A. ARM- ifflce, Halt of Records, Freehold ..." and Sunday afternoons. STRONG AGENCY, Realtor, 6N Pros [. J.—Department o£ Conservation ft pect Ave., Little Silver. 741-4500. nd approximately (69 per month conomic Development, Navigation Bu- By LEE FALK payj all and you arc living like a LOTS — Three building lots on Prilcll- 'eau, 137 East Btats Btreet, Trenton, HE PHANTOM KIM} In thii modtrn two-bedroom la Dr.. Llncroft. 125x175 will sell separ- N. J.—and at the office of Otis R. • RIVERFRONT anch having a lull large lite dining Beaman, 489 Broadway, Long Branch, ately. Call 741-5883 evenings 747-4037 Sm THRWBOF *oom. House In top condition through- owner. AFTiR A HARROWING WP-THBUOHSO WARRIORS NEWSSFIRCABSmsr THRU THE Colonial, with dock, leven rooms, (our nil. Nice lawn and shrubs. Close Copies may bo obtained tt the of. REACH HOME-WiTHNEWS OF mfflrURE JUNGLE-ALL WE WAY 70 THE m 6H0ST WNO WAU<$! tcdrooms, very iiibatanlM construe- .o everything. Immediate possession Ice of Otis R. Seaman located at, 485 DEEP WOODS tlon, convenient to Red Bank, Mlddle< m Title, already approved, and all iroadway, Lone Branch, N. J. upon BURNING- FENCE-- ' town area. (29,500. #360. :or only. COMMERCIAL PROPERTY layment of $25.00 lor each set. Any mccessful bidder, upon returning such GfANT VOICE- $12,700 FOR BALE OR RENT — Home 71 let promptly and In good condition .PHILIP J. BOWERS & CO. "latontown. Suitable for florist or iny vlll be refunded his payment, and any WALTER 8. OVKBTON light commercial business, 542-0040, or ion-bidder upon so returning such 531-4230. it vlll be refunded WOO, DIAL 741-7200 BEACH AGENCY 14D0 Hwy 35 MlddletowB The Engineers or the Board of Cho- ' REAL ESTATE BINCB IBM BUSINESS PROPERTY in Freeholders reserve the right to re- 10 Wnlte 8t Rel Bank OS 1-2727 Itllre a complete financial and expe. rienoe statement from prospective bid- Dally to > p.m. Saturday, Sunday to FOR SALS OR LEASE ers before furnishing proposal form Licensed Retl Estate Broker Cornw Lot lOOxUSO Shrewsbury AV«, Inquire at 336 Shrewsbury Ave. R.Bo,f specifications or before awardlni RANCH HOMB—iAcr» plus landscaped contract In accordance with R. S. 40:- 14x94 living room, 12xM dining room FAIR HAVEN 50*. in* right Is alio reserved to rt- fireplace, three large bedtonu, 1',! REAL ESTATE WANTED ect any or all bids, or to waive any baths, 20x40 iwimmlng pool, 14x3: CARRIAGE HOUSE informalities, where such Informality Is family room, double faragi. (32,900. not detrimental to the best Interests LIST YOUR HOME f the County. The right is also re< Charming remodeled carriage hous served to Increase or decrease th* SCHANCK AGENCY In beautiful area with river rlgtui. wlta us lor prompt service. Memoir quantities In the manner designated in Realtor Living room has wide plank floor* and lultlpls LtstUf Service. R0L3T0N the Specifications. I Linden PI. Red Bank *ton« fireplace. Gracious dining room, IT/IT&RBURV, Rtlltors since 1929, tl modern kitchen plus breakfast nook. W. Tront St., Red Bank. 7«7-350O. Each bidder must deposit with his 747-0397 Den and three lovely bedroomi. 1H bid security In the amount, form and Member Multiple Listing bathi, Screened porch, tool house, WB NEED — Five or six, 2-3 bedroom subject to the conditions provided In MARK TRAIL By ED DODD homes, furnished or unfurnished, from the Information for Bidders. RED BANK HOME-JUH oft Broad Beautl ful ibade tree*. Reduced t »lid to *m per month for Incoming It Seven rooms, two baUii, ureplace, fM00 exerutlves. THE BEP.O AOENCY, Rt Attention of bidders Is particular! •unporch. in excellent condition. Quiet 35. Mlddletown, 671-1000. called to the requirements as to con THOSE DEVILS THAT COOLO MEAN. ttreet Walking distance to shopping, CROWELL AGENCY, Realto dltlons of employment to be observec ARE GETTING ALOW ORCUNS FLOCK OF BLMK AND THEEE-SABAR schools and trains. (17.890. Call us to- WANT THREE OR FOUR — Bedroom nd minimum wage rates to be pali CLO9ER...JMJCH JUSTBENeATH day. ROL8TOM WATERBURX, Real- louse In Red Bank to buy or rent start- under the contract, WBIE BBDB BRIN98 A 8RMJK d» HOPH tors. 16 W. Front St., Red Bank. ;l E. Front St. Red Bin:fag August IS, Call 2W-MO7 atter No bidder may withdraw his bl< CUOSER._AND U TO MARK BI H» DSPEWiTE aiWTKN TVE SURFACE/ 147-3500. 741-4030 p.m. within 30 days after thi actual dat I CANT FIGHT WE NEED TOUR HOMB f the opening thereof. THE TIDE MUCH UIDDLETOWN-RED BANK ABBA - OuY 12 salespeople have clients wait- By Order of ths Board o( Chosen U5N3ER/ Builder's closeout. Six-room lunch, two ing (or your llitlnj. They need ranches, Freeholders of ths County of Mon- full baths, three bedroom!, attached split levels, two stories; also Invest- louth. garage. (16,B90. Call 741-1795. MIDDLETOWN Church St. New bi-level. Eight rooms, ment property. Call us for a Quick Dated: June 26, 1B63 RUMBON MVHRVIEW - 2U year ltt baths, two blocki from public sale. Two offices serving you. JOSEPH O, IRW1N, Director. Old ranch, Immaculate condition. Three- and parochial schools, corner to WALKER 4 WALKER WILLIAM L, ULRICH, Clerk. bedrooms, tllsj batn, wldtf board, 105x145, Immediate occupancy. Prlci Realtors pegged floors. Walking distance to $16,790. Call now.. Shrewsbury Office Mlddletown Offia Juna n, July 3 tM. ocean, school*, churches and ihops. 741-5212 671-JJ1 Only $15,800. Call lor appointment J. J. HARRINGAN & CO. LAND OR OLDER LARQE HOUSE — NOTICE KOLSTON-WATERBv'RX,, R««ltorl, 1( PA 1-7500 Possible conversion to two-family. Im- 1-306 West Front St., Rei Bank. 747-3600. mediate occupancy, send picture. Good SHERIFF'S SALE NSW SHREWSBURY — First time o TWO-BEDROOM HO USB—Living room, neighborhood. Write "A.U.", Box 511, MONMOVTH COUNTY COURT fered. Four-bedroom ranch, two baths, Red Bank. kitchen, balii with mower, oil but. basement, garage % acre. Asking JIT,. LAW DIVISION Large corner lot, two blocks silt ol 800. Owner 747-5576. Broad St., 741-1599. Docket No. 124S8 RANCH — Three bedrooms, porch -LEGAL. NOTICE Anthony M. BmtOwuio, Plslntl NKW SHHEWBBURX — Colonial, loui reoreaUon room, carport, owner trans By JIM BURNETT and GEORGE CREJSSHAW bedrooms, all large rooms, KB.SOI. ax- vs: Thomas R, Walker and Marl NUBBIN eellent condition. Owner. 747-S3S0. lerred, many extras. 116,200. 264-OOU8 K. Walker, Defendant* ATTRACTIVE NOTICE By virtue of a writ of execution HUUJdRN — Newly constructed, two- IN MIDDLETOWtf 134L [he above stated action to me ( bedroom ranch house and garage, (12,- SPLIT LEVEL, THREE LARO: RHERIFFS SALE ected, I ihall expose for sale at pu 100. Call 767-1815 atter 5 p.m. BEDROOMS, 1!4 BATItf, LABG! SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY lie vendue, at the Court House In th COLTS «J5UK - HOLMDBL FAMILY ROOM, PATIO. MANY EX CHANCERY DIVISION Borough of Freehold, County of Mon J. U. Roche Agency TRAS. CLOSE TO PARK. SHOPPING MONMOUTH COUNTY mouth. New Jersey, on Monday th Long Bridge lid., Colts Neck BUY DIRECT, MUST BELL. Reduced Docket No. P 22H342 15th day of July, 1963, at 2 o'clock to S17.M0. 071-3161. BROADWAY BANK AND TRUST ?. M. Prevailing Time. COMPANY, a Bulking Corporation AIL the defendants' right, title ani FREEHOLD — Six-room ranch. For- ATLANTIC HIOKLAN.DS — Two-be the Stale of Kew Jersey, Plaintiff Interest, If any, in and to the folio1 m-i dining room, eat4n kitchen, tin- room Cape Cod, expansion attic, ol MURRAY B. BARNETT, et als. De- ing: ls..ej basement. 2% yens old. Beauti- steam heat, full basement, .sewer: fendants All that tract or Dare el of lam ful «ri». over {20,000. Excellent oppor- Reasonable. Call 231-2803. Owner, By virtue ot & writ of execution li tu..iy. 402-4353; situate, lying and being In the Tow: MIDDLETOWN —. Taiee-bedroom the above it&ted action to me dl ship of Mlddletown,' In the County < blM SHREWSBURY — Four-bedrooi ranch. 1^-aore land. Excellent loca- rected, I BhaU expose for sale _ Monmouth In the Slate of New Je: b-attluw. call at 93 William St. be-tion for children. Three minutes I public vendue, at the Court House lr iey: tween 13, noon and 4 p.m. railroad station. Six minutes to Ex the Borough of Freehold, County o: 114 parkway. 179 Her Dr., 122.900 Monmouth, New Jersey, on Monda] Being all ot Lot No. 17 as show- t'AiR HAVEN - Six rooms, 114 blocks Owner has Immediate tranBfcr. 671-042: (he 8th day of July, 1063, at 2 o'clock on Map of On'entree, Mlddletow: from mopping center, bus and schoo P, M. Prevailing Time. Townahlp, Llncroft, Monmouth Countj Phone. 741-0920 tiler 3 p.m. ATTRACTIVE — Three-bedroom rani N. J., which map wU filed In tH in lovely Applebrook Nfr- 1. Immediai ALL that tract or parcel ot land, County Clerk's office of Monmoul HOLJI UKOUS AKKA — 1'our bedrooms, occupancy. (22,000. 671-2116. situate. lying and being In the Town- County on March 22, 1S5S, aa Cat nwuern kitchen, convenient to beaches, ship ot Raritan, In the County of Moa- Number 49, Map Sheet No. 22. buses and jchool, Just reduced (15,501 ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS — New cm mouth, In the State of New Jersey; Being commonly known" and desl| fct>£i£NiSY AOENUY, Realtors, P. O, lorn-built jlx-room ranch. Tile bail BEING known and designated as Lo lated as No. 46 Greentree Terras Bldg., Sea Bright. 842-1492. full cellar) I15,«00. 291-1697. 50 as shown and laid down on marLfncroft, New Jersey. entitled; "Woodland Park Section One, .BJAIONTOWN — New three-bedroom FAIR HAVBN COLONIAL. Excellel Township of Raritan, Monmouth Coun The approximate amount of the Judj »plit level with unllnlahed fourth, IVi location and entire house In lmmacu ty, New Jersey, September 30, 1005"ment to be satisfied by said eale By WALT KELLY liiu baths, family room, garage. Good late condition. Large living room, fain filed In the Office or the Clerk of M ihe sum Df $4,000.00 together with I POGO location. J18.WO, 671-2723. lly sized dining room, powder room, mouth County on January 5, 1B66 iosts of this sale. beautiful large kitchen with built Map NO. 47-20." JOSEPH A. SHAFTO, Sheriff. btlADU AND SECLUSION — Almost range, dishwasher and lovely breakfc Dated June 4, 1063 an acre on charming deadend lane, area. Four large bedrooms and t1 BEING the iam« premises conveyed Sidney J. Melstrtch Atty. four-bedroom Rumfion colonial. l',i boautlful baths upstairs. Full basemen) by BART CONSTRUCTION CO. ' June 19, 23, July 3, 10 $38 'baths, 21-n. living room, formal dining Many luxury features such as maste MURRAY B. BARNBTT and ELflA- room, (ull basement. Add a rew minor NOR BARNETT, his wile, by D«ti electric switch panel In master bee dated October 30, 1958 and recorded repairs and a garage and you have an room, dressing alcove and walk-In cl( NOTICE excellent investment. Olteped at oni: set, sliding glass doors on rear, bui October 31. 195B In Book 2S74 ot Deed (25,000. Look at It now! HALL BROS in china cabinet In dining room, the: Page 72., Commonly known ta 3 Iiwt 1-336 Realtors, 813 River Rd., ralr Haven mopane windows. Asking 141,900, RUI Place, Hazlet. N. J. SHERIFF'S SALE 741-7688. SELL M. BORUS Realtors, 600 Rlvi The approximate amount of the Judf SUFERIOIl COURT OF NEW JKItSE Rd., Fair Haven. 747-4032. Memb ment to be satisfied by said salt CHANCERY DIVISION LINCROW — Early American decor Multiple Listing Service. the sum of $16,600.00 tofether with . Split-level on large corner plot, rear MONMOVTH COUNTY the costs of thin sale. Docket No. F lMt-fl! yard fenced lor privacy, a pleasing OWNER MUST SELL attractive four Dated May 31, 1PC3 living room 12x21, kitchen with pine room home with garage, only fll.OOC JOSEPH A. SHAFTO, (Sheriff. THE BOWERY SAVINGS BANK, service counter, dining area with plm Broker, John Trab a chlno 568-1731 Edward Feld, Atty, Savings Bank of the State of Ni «ado. Colorrul den with bookcases, art! June 12. 19, 26, July 3 $i6. York, Plaintiff vs: WALTHBR flclal Ureplace. Three bedrooms, lilei NEW SHREWSBURY —Imme dlate oi MAILLET, et ux, Defendants bath. Screened porch. Attached garage cupancy. Four bedrooms, 2^ bathi By virtue of a writ of execution ,*19,S00. LAWRENCE J. SCHILLING two-car garage. 29 RIveredge Rd NOTICE the above stated action to me i Realtor, 16 Spring St., Red Bank. 747 I -248 rected, I shall expose for sale at pul 4121. MEMBER MULTIPLE LISTING, LITTLE SILVER COLONIAL — 1: SHEIUFFH BALE He vendue, at the Court House maculate and spacious. Living rooi MONMOUTH COUNTV COURT (he Borough of Freehold, County RANCH — Three bedrooms, two baths, with bay window, large dining room OF NEW JERSEY Monmouth, New Jersey, on Mond large living room with [ireplace ai oversized kitchen with double ovei LAW DIVISION the 6th day of July, 1963, at 3 o'cloc tnirrored wall, dining room, spacioi range, paneled den, three twin si bedrooms, nine closets, basement, hi MONMOUTH COUNTY P. M. Prevailing Time. kitchen, new wall-to-wall carpeting, 12} Docket No. 13917 ALL that tract or parcel of tan< SO screened porch. On one acre Witt water heat, garage, tall trees. Soutl MONMOUTH LUMBER COMPANY large trees, dead-end street; five min bound owner asking 118,500. ELWOO situate, lying and being In the Bo; By ALLEN SAU1SDERS and KEN ERNST A. ARMSTRONG AGENCY, Realto: a New Jersey Corporation, Plaintlt ough of New Shrewsbury, In the Coui MARY WORTH liics from railroad station. 741-8503, vs: JOSEPH W. 8COTT, JR.. t-i ty of Monmouth, in the State of 555 Prospect Ave., Little Silver. 741-45C SCOTT BUILDERS Defendant BUY THIS DUPLEX — And live renl Jersey: free. Each side has three bedroomi, 4W% MORTGAGE AVAILABLE By virtue of a writ of execution li BEING known as Lot No. 52 wnrrH rniiKF \ RI6HT AWAY, MR. May be assumed with approximate! the above stated action to me direct shown on map entitled "Map of Ran living room, dining room, kitchen anc 1 m«F von IKI TMF H HARTEW.'—m GET bath, owners apartment has 1H bath! $112 monthly payments. 1958 three-bet eel I shall expose for sale at publ Manor, Newman Springs Road. Ne room ranch with paneled recreatlc vendue, at the Court House In th Shrewsbury Boro, N. J.'1 dated Fehn WEUMttTU«*\THAT WILL KEEP H THE PROSPECT CARDS Two-car garage. House In excelle Borough ot Freehold, County of Mon condition. $19,900. CHAFFIN REAL £ room with built-in bar, 1!4 bath iry 21. 1952, made by Henry F. L; THH FORIUNCH EVERYN THE H0JR5 TATB AOENCY, Hwy. 35, Eatontow BASEMENT, attached garage and co- mouth, New Jersey, on Monday thi brecque, Surveyor. Red Bank, N. J 542-1153. ored pRlio wllh privacy. CITY SEW 8tti day of July, 1063, at 2 o'cloc and duly filed In the Monmouth Com DAY. MURIEU-AT OUR j FROM 5EEM|Na ERS. Few blocks to schools and exprei P, M. Prevnlllnc Time. ty Clerk's Office November 12, 1D53 MiDDLETOWN — Eight-room corm city buses. Immediate occupancy . tab All the defendant's right, title and lase No. 22-28. LITTLE SECRET JL ENDLK5, •pllt. Five year* old. Four bedroom! over NOW! New price $18,950. WALK Interest, if any. In and to the follow Being commonly known Rnd deal Patio with privacy. Peach trees. Lan SR ft WALKER. Realtors, Hwy. 1 Ing: nated aa No. 28 Howard Avenue. Ne scaped. 787-4388 owners 1000' south of Liiy-Tullp Co., Mlddl All that certain lot, tract, or parcel Shrewsbury, New Jersey. town. PHONE 671-3311. Multiple Llslli of land together with the buildings IN FREEHOLD—Three-bedroom ranc The approximate amount of the Juii and trade-Ins. Send for catalog. Opei thereon and the appurtenances thereto ment to be satisfied by laid sale Beautifully landscaped. Every moderi 7 days. pertaining, hereinafter particularly d< convenience. Finished basement. IV the Hum of $12,000,00 together w scribed, situate, lying and being H the costs of thin sale. baths. Attached garage. Enclosed patl FOUR BEDROOM — Two-story Duti ths Borough of New Shrewsbury In th with glass ,doors. Outside awning cov Colonial. Assume 414 per cent ( County of Monmouth and Stale of Dated Mny 27, 1M3 ered patio. Awnings, screens, gorgeoui mortgage with I3.G00 cash. 201-2147. Jersey. JOSEPH A. SHAFTO, Sheriff. fireplace. Must be seen. $24,900. 4<>2-34i Samuel Sleber, Atty. SEVBN-nOOM SPLIT _ Oarage, ce BEINO a portion of Lot 0 In Blocl June 12, IB, 2fl. July 3 *39. BELFORD — Builder special. Ne lar, large lot, like new, South Flair V as shown on a certain map e house, seven-room split. Lot 75 x 199 field. 753-5730. titled "Map of Hance Park, owned b; Price (16,500. 671-2751. George Hance Patterson, located oi NOTICE MODERN TWO-BEDROOM RANCH Shrewsbury Avenue near Red Bank 1-328 MIDDLETOWN VILLAGE Forced air gas hent. Near Lily Tul New Jariey," made by Ensley M SUPERIOR, COUKT OF NEW JERSE Jersey custom home embracing form and Bell Labs. $12,900, 787-3101. White, Surveyor, June A. 1923 whtcl CHANCERY DIVISION Living room, formal dining room, d< mtp Is on file In the Monmouth Coun MONMOUTIl COUNTY luxe kitchen, delightful family den wl FOUR ROOM CO-OPERATIVE - Vl ty Clerk's Office and which said po fireplace, three twin size bedrooms, 1 Homes, oil heat. Docket Nn. F46134I 542-0G10 tlon of laid lot Is more particular] ORITANI SAVINGS AND LOAN bathB, recreation basement. Attach) bounded and described ax follows: 8OCIAT7ON. a savings and loan a RIVETS By GEORGE S1XTA garage, country landscaping with all BY OWNER — Little Silver three-bed BEGINNING at a point In the nort aocis^lon, Pi&lntlff vs: JOB*]I'll town conveniences. Priced at $28,500. room ranch, don, two tiled bnthii, twe erly line of Orchard Street distant I RANIERI and JOAN P, RANIERI, WALKBRAWALKER, Realtor, Hwy. 35,car garage, Inrpr rooms. Halt fl.cn feet eastfrly measured along the nort wife-, Defendants Shrewsbury. 741-5212. 31-Hour Service. Pretty area. 711-8270. eriy line of Orchard Street from By virtue of a writ of execution I SAV HES SOT monument at the point of Inlcrsectloi the above stated action to me HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE of the northerly line of Orchard Stree rectert, I shall expose for sals &t p A NOSE VDU CANY with the easterly line of Springda lie vrmlufi. at Ihi; Court House In ti FOOL-/// AW Avenue thence (1) norlherly In Borough of Freehold, Count/ of Mn ONCE IN AWHILES straight line 130 feet more or less an mouth, New Jersey, on Mondny tl VOU CAN PUT J WEATHER...' be the distance what It mnv to th 8th day of July, lf>63, at 2 o'cloc FAIR HAVEN north west corner of Lot 10, flectlo P. M. Prevailing Time, SOMETHING \ F upon Iho an Id map; thence ( All the following tract or parcel OV6R OW HI/A... ) weitwardly and along the norther! land and the premises hprelnnfter r line of Lot 9 and the southerly lln tlcularly described, situ&te, lying m of Lot A on (said map, 40 feet to th being In th^ Township of Mldilletow north easterly corner ol Lot 8; thenc In the County of Monmouth and 81a (3) southerly and along the eaiterl of Now Jerapy: linen oT ljots S and S, 120 fe.pt nior BEING known ami designated an or less to a point In thn northerly Hn 138 li lock 7 as sliown on a certn of Orchard fitreet and thence; I map pntltlfd "Mnp of Bectlon 2, Mn easterly and along the northerly line ion Manor. Fnlrvl«w, Middled Orchard Street 40 fpol to the pol Township, Monmouth County, N. or place of BEGINNING. dated March 10th. M.M" which mi ALL THAT ccrlnln lot, tract, or pft WRJ filed In tho Monmouth Coun1 eel of land together with the bur Olerk'B Office Nttvpinlifr 3, li>54 Ings thereon mid the appiirti*nan> Map No. ^1-2T. thereto pertain, rig, hereinafter partlci The alori'Haiil denerllipil prpmlnes n mrly ilpscrllipd, situate, lying ana bi also known aa S Hnldln Place, Ml Ing In the Ilorough of New Shrew dletown. New Jersey. bury In the County ol Monmouth and Also Included In this mortgage ai Btnte of New Jersey, mndf1 n pan hirror, arc the follti Unusually spacious ranch style home, with lower level open- KNOWN find demounted nfl Lotn 2 Itpmn: Hulk In Oven mid Pin THE RYATTS By CAL ALLEY ing onto beautiful lawn, sloping to picturesque lake in the and 4 Block F, as ntiown on a cer- nKtMhpr with nil mntcrlnln, furnl tain map entitled "Map or Hmico <, pqulpnu'iit, or oilier prope rear. Paneled living room with fireplace, paneled dining Park, own&


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