Officials Agree on Steps To Halt Vandalism Worry Town Committee, Board Representatives See Adult Supervisors as Cure to Teen-Age Program Ills VOL. XI—-NO. 17 FORDS, N. J., THURSDAY, APRIL 7, 1949 PRICE THREE CENTS WOODBRIDGE—From now on there will be sufficient adult supervision at recreation programs or school build- ings will not be opened. That was the stand taken by Com- mitteeman William Fitzpatrick, chairman of the Township Politics Hit Sad-Eyed Cocker is Now 'HappyjTax Drive Recreation program, to a committee from the Board of I Critical Editorial Basis Education, Thursday. He has 'Butch*- and Vice- Versa Ranks at Top •Present at the meeting in addi-1 — By Apathy By Trainer Of Action; Appearance tion to Mr. iFitzpatrick were An- tain had been damaged and a pl- drew Aaroe, president of the Board ano damaged to the extent that Promised Tomorrow of Education; Maurice P. Dunigan, it would cost $50 to have it re- Primary Near, Only Few ; Collector Puts on Heat "Hdwin Casey, William Denman paired. Mi". Aaroe said the cur- WOODBRIDGE—As the result and Joseph - McAndrews, of the tain had bean cleaned and ropes Trivial Contests Stir | To Bring'In Personal of an editorial in this newspapei Board: Harry Burke and Steven tightened but that the piano had •Ripple of Interest j Levy Delinquencies a week ago questioning its action Stumpf, of the Recreation Com' not been repaired as yet. He also in the Kinn-Chodosh gambling WOODBRIDGE—.With Primary 1 case, the Middlesex County Grand mission, Samuel Gioe, director of reported that James Catano, jan- WOODBRIDGE — Once again, j Jury has summoned Charles E. recreation • and an Independent- • itor at Sewaren School, had re- election- set a week and a half Tax Collector'Michael J. Trainer away—April' 19—very little or no I Gregory, publisher of The Inde- Leader reporter who was present ported improper supervision and is making an effort to collec.t de- pendent-Leader, to appear before on the invitation of Mr. Fitzpat- vandalism at his school. interest is being shown by either rick. linquent taxes on the books of it tomorrow moi-ning at 11:30. Mr. Gioe disclaimed any respon- j major political party, In response to the request for Prior to the conference, the as- sibility for the damage declaring The apathy undoubtedly is due the Township. to the fact that there are no con- i his appearance, Mr. Gregory sembly room contained many rec- "no one is allowed on the stage And this time, Mr. Trainer says, j promptly informed Prosecutor reation workers and teen-agers, except the scorekeeper during tests for the Township Committee he "means business." 4 and very few contests for the j Matthew F. Melko that he will • apparently converging because of basketball games."' He also said "If I do not get immediate ac- comply. false rumors the recreation pro- the damage was reported the day County Committee. - tion from notices I have been gram was discontinued. Mr. after a Lions Club team in Fords Although both parties must elect sending' out during the past week," The editorial responsible for the Fitzpatrick instructed Mr. Gioe to had played, and that the audience chairmen the 'Monday after the he continued, "I will post notices Grand Jury action pointed out " tell the gathering there was no was " over 50 per cent adult." Primary, on April 25, there still with intent to sell." i that while an indictment had been ".truth in the rumors and that the Discussing the situation at Se- The response to the notices to returned against Harry Chodosh, private conference was called to waren School, Mr. Aaroe said the Andrew D. Desmond, Democratic date, the tax collector pointed of Carteret, for operating and '. find some way to eliminate vandal- crux of the situation was insuffi- leader, who has already notified out, has been excellent but there maintaining a gambling establish- his party that he will not accept ment, no action had been taken ism in school bxiildings in the cient adult supervision. Mr. Gioe still remains approximately $1,500 then stated Mr. Catano was get- the post again, is on vacation and on the books that he "would like ; against Paul Kinn, listed as owner future. | of Bud's Hut, or against his Aaroe Reviews Case ting paid $2 extra to help with his place -as magistrate is being to see cleaned up." the supervision, whereupon Mr. taken by Nathan Duff, local at- j daughter, Elizabeth Wukovets, on Mr. Aaroe reported the district' The notices sent to delinquents I whose person racing parapher- clerk had notified the board the Dunigan commented that "the torney. read as follows: "According to the James S. Wight, Republican nalia was alleged to have been janitor at School No. 14, Fords I janitor has enough to do at a records of this department you j found. ' had complained that an $800 cur- I (Continued on Page 6) leader who resigned due to ill are indebted to the Township of health, is still recuperating in Woodbridge for personal taxes as . "We are well aware of the fact," Florida. Mrs. John W. Boos, vice follows: . . . This is a legal tax said the editorial, "that grand chairman, is serving as acting assessed under the laws of the juries are exceedingly loath to in- '-Feat of Iselin Lad^ in Rescuing chairman until election. State of New Jersey and is right- diet in gambling cases, but in the The Democratic Candidates for fully due and payable by you. If current one we would like to know- the Township Committee are Wil- same is not paid on or before Dolores Lott is Listed on what basis a prima facie case Girl is Depicted in Magazine son J. Stockel, for mayor, who was i April 15, 1949, we will be com- could be found against Chodosh, i defeated two years ago by Mayor pelled to serve you with notice [ In Class Forefront on j but not a prima facie case against David Bouine, Boy Scout ing him toward him. As the officer F. Greiner; Committeeman Wil- of intent to sell and subsequently | (1» a woman on whose person was freed from the mud he was liam R. Fitzpatrick, First Ward; levy on stock now in your posses- I Basis -of Her Marks -bettin g paraphernali- a was found- -; able ' to 'bring the little girl to Committeeman Peter Schmidt, an( <2 agamst the Accorded New Laurels Second Ward and Lorenzo Alibani, sion so that the amount due the j WOODBRIDGE —Miss Dolores | ?, ' man who own- safety. ; Township may be satisfied. T,. .„, . . . _,, . „ ; ed the premises in which the gam- For Thrilling Exploit For his incredible courage, David Third Ward. -. "Guess I'll name him Happy, daddy, then maybe he won't Lott, 16-, daughter of Mr. and Mis. bling. was aIlegedly taking place received the commendation of the. The Republican candidates are look so sad," said Windsor "Butch" J. Lakis, Jr., son of our staff "In order to avoid the embar- ! Prederlck Lott] 31 Demarest Ave- and who was listed as the sub- A ISELIN—David M. Bourne, a photographer, when he received a cocker spaniel on his fourth rassment of posting notice upon i Palisades Park Police Chief and a Mayor Greiner, Robert Deter, nue, Avenel, ha? been declared tjie scriber of the telephone which Boy Scout, son of Mr. and Mrs. First Ward; Arthur W. Carlson, birthday a week ago yesterday. your establishment, it would be certificate of heroism from the appreciated? if you would immedi- highest ranking Senior at Wood- police (whose testimony wasn't Everett Bourne, Auth Avenue, who Scouts National Court of Honor. Second Ward and Albert A. Dis- The pup arrived aboard a TWA plane at Newark airport and heard) said was used for illegal won national attention last year cavage. Third Ward. was sent to "Butch" by Mr. and Mrs. Jack January, St. Louis, Mo. ately contact this department for bridge High School. Mr. January is Assistant Chief Photographer of .the St. Louis purposes." * for saving the life of a drowning Some Contests Appear > the purpose of settling your ac- In all, twenty Seniors were se- girl and a park policeman, even Post-Dispatch and was our staff photographer's "boss" during- the count." Egan Not Called -n the Democratic ranks for war. Mr. January was a warrant officer and Mr. Lakis a chief lected as top students on the basis though he couldn't swim, now finds Youth Bail $5,000 County Committee there are con- This newspaper's investigation petty officer in the Coast Guard during the war and the Lakis of their scholastic ability during of the case revealed that although himself pictured in the New Heroic tests in the First, Sixth and Tenth family made their home with the Januarys in St. Louis for about Comics Magazine, a "comic book" Districts of the Second Ward. their Junior year and the first se- Capt. John R. Egan of the local a year. - Ramblers Keeeiw mester of their Senior year. (department, who participated in which depicts true stories of young In Attempted Rape Contests in the Republican party The Januarys haven't seen "Butch." since he was a year and . "heroes. for County Committee are in the a half old. Above, "Butch" is shown receiving the puppy on its Miss Lott won first -honors ac- I the raid, intercepted during its The 'comics' show David walk- Perth Ainboy Resident Third District of the Second Ward arrival, from Capt. Jay Brandt, TWA pilot, who hails from Kansas Reports on Field ; cording to standards also set by progress telephone calls in which ing along Hessian Lake when he and in the Fifth District of the City, Kansas. "Butch's" dad "shot" the picture which will also the Middle States Association of bets were laid down, that he was Third Ward." Colleges and Secondary Schools. not called to testify before the saw a young girl straggling in the Attacked Iselin Girl, appear in Sunday's edition of the Post-Dispatch. By the way, the RARITAN TOWNSHIP,— The water. Even though he couldn't County Committee Candidates pup was born in January. Other high ranking students, in grand jury. swim, the Iselin- lad jumped into According to Police are as follows: Republican, First Raritan Township Ranxblers A. C, ajphabeticaT o^'tet are Ralph An- In his letter to Mr. Gregory, the lake and after a desperate Ward: First District, Morris Pe- at its meeting Tuesday was in-; tosen Eleanor Austen, Elizabeth Prosecutor Melko wrote: WOODBRIDGE—Bruce Corbin. terson, 364 Eleanor Place; Sybilla | Bandies, Janet Cegledy, Benjamin lunge forward he reached the 17, 267 Smith Street, Perth Am- Bent, that Commisisoner William "Your editorial of last week was drowning girl and pulled her to (Continued on Page 6) Hospital Campaign for $600y 000 Colosky. Nancy Crane, Ernest called to the attention of Judge boy, was held under $2,500 bail P. Clarke, of the Department of Gere, Mary Ellen Grace, Jean 'the surface. for the grand jury on a com- Parks and Public Property had as- Kalteissen and Dr. William Mar- The colored pictures then show. plaint-of assasult with intent-to Hanson. Joan Klein, Clara Milko. j tin, Foreman of the Grand Jury. Opens; Big Jmprmemenis Slated,sured him. the Bloomfield tract ..on Helen -Mueller- Dorothy Mushih- David shouting for help and his rape when he appeared before Mroz-f. S* Report Amboy Avenue "will be in condition "Upon the-Foreman's suggestion cries heard by a policeman. But ski, Dolores Novak, Gloria Os- j Acting Magistrate Nathan Duff i Porcelain; A. V. Anderson, Rari- in time for the baseball season. the latter's rescue efforts were in this week. He was also held under New Wing, Additional It was also reported durine the borne. Nancy Palmer, Garcia Por- j the" ~GrandTJury on vain when he found himself sink- | tan Copper Works; Hon. John E. another $2,500 bond on a com- Asks Added Lights meeting that the club ths far has cellana, Eleanor Smolinski "•"and "| 8th, to glve whatev:er oai ing into mud. Somehow, David plaint of forcing entry into a Beds to be Afforded if Toolan; Marcus Leon, of Albert Pa t Tri° ° s , c in i Leon & Son; Isadore Greenspan, received no answer from the town- | you have in connection with a reached a rock, climbed up and Colonia home. Survey Made by Utility ship commissioners on its petition reached for the policema'n, pull- j gambling charge against Harry The first complaint was made Area Served Responds 1iley of ; FlagstafDr. Georgf Foodse C;. waiteSchicksr J, .hos- Rieii -*°, have a Permanent recreation Company as Reqpuested J Bonus * Extension Voted j chdj x woulh and d others. by the parents of an Iselin girl. PERTH AMBOY — The first ; administrator- Edwin G iifieldfie3d set asldasidee iinn tthh e CClarl a BartoBt n ' . ? . ET i I suggest that you ar- According to the police, the girl pitapitall administrator Edwin G section. 1 owns hip Employes \ range to be here at 11:30 a, m." Shows Existing Needs corps of volunteers to make a di- j has known Corbin for some time Frasel % insurance broker; Max The club announced that- it is W 0 a re Body of Sewaren reef appeal for funds during the j wurtzel, of Wagner & Wurtzel, a j- "L fl ^?o PP «ate it if you and the other day accepted a ride WOODBRIDGE—At Tuesday's current drive of the Perth Amboy and Postmaster John J. Quinn. selling opening day tickets to raise WOODBRIDGE — Pending I "Ouxu advise me if vou intend tn to Colonia where she had prom- session-of the Township Commit- General Hospital for building im- Setting the pae'e for other work-' funds for basebal- l equipment.._, . -„„ , study of municipal jobs PreUmi- jappea r so that the scnedule to settm a salary sched Hero is Returned ised to do some "baby sitting" for-| tee, Committeeman George Mroz, provements began yesterday, when ; ers tllese Board members will pre- date for the opening day game in "^ - ule, be arranged accordingly" ! tne ioiy friends of her family. She men- Third Ward, submitted a list of members of the Board of Gover- (Continued on Page 14) the Mid-County League •will be an Township Committee Tuesday - tioned that fact to Corbin, she told lights which will be erected this ridrs opened their solicitation. nounced shortly. It will be played granted an extension of the 20 per S./Sgl. Frank Pasluszak police. When they reached her month on the recommendation of This announcement was made on the Bloomfield tract. John cent'bonus for all employes, with JANKOWSKI LICENSE Killed in France in destination she alighted from the Public Service-.. representatives. today by Charles E. Gregory Gulya was named chairman of the the exception of the police depart- car, said good night and went in. Most of the lights.are in the Third President of the Board of GoverI Lions to Sponsor program book committee for the ment, for another three months. REVOKED IN RAHWAY '44; Parents Survive After the adults left the house, Ward. nors and campaign chairman, opening day game. The bonus, which has been a she related, Corbin returned and They will be located on the fol- who said tAat each one has been Frolic, June 3rd Two purchasing agents were ap- regular feature for several years, Sewaren Man Convicted. SEWAREN — Reburial services forced his way into the house. He lowing streets: Warwick Road and assigned a number of prospects pointed, Bernard Gockel, Softball, was only granted for three months for S/Sgt. Frank Pastuszak, son of was finally frightened away by Runnymede Road, Colonia; Lehigh and made their first calls Wednes- and Richard Bandies, baseball. It at the beginning of the year in- As Drunken Driver is Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Pastuszak, the girl who called to the young- j between Cornell; Cornell andDart- day. The first to be approached Proceeds to be Used was announced that uniforms will i stead of the usual 12-month period. Also Assessed $220 87 Old Road, were held Saturday sters who were upstairs. The mouth; Cornell; Cornell and Vassal- are individuals and business or- To Send Youngsters be purchased for the club's soft- i At least four citizens who served - at the Zylka Funeral Home, Perth children came down at her call between Cornell and the end of the ganizations who have made gener- ball team. Matthew Dwral was in as members o'f the budget advisory RAHWAY — James Jankowski, Amboy and at St. -Stephen's and Corbin fled. end of the street; Yale between ous contributions in the past. To 'Summer Camps charge of hosiptality. | committee will be asked to serve 53, 91 Woodbridge Avenue, Se- Church, that city, where a mass of Annoyed Children Cornell and Oak; Oak and Avenel; as a survey committee, evaluate waren. was fined $200 and 820 requiem was. sung. The goal to be reached is $600,- j RARITAN "TOWNSHIP — Plans Police today are busy searching j Maple between Homestead Avenue 000 and an extensive personal ap-| Sprina Frolic June 3 at the the jobs and "iron out the inequit- costs and his license revoked for Killed in action in France on for the driver of a car who fright- and end of street; Meinzer Street, for a 64-Year-Old Man Held ies in salaries."' two years by Magistrate Joseph M. September 1, 1944 at the age of proach campaign has been organ- Clara Barton School, were an- \ ened three children in the Port between Commercial and Rahway ized to cover the residents of the On Complaint of Girl Feinberg, when he pleaded guilty ' 29, S/Sgt. Pastuszak joined the Reading section Tuesday. They Avenues; Commercial and George nounced by the Raritan Township to drunken driving. Army on March 12, 1941. He was community but each business firm Lions Club at a meeting held Mon- told the authorities that the man Street, all in Avenel; Beech Avenue,- in operation here. ' RARITAN TOWNSHIP — A 64- Easter, Primary Cause Jankowski was arrested on Main a graduate of St. Stephen's Paro- in question stopped his car, asked near King George Road, Fords; day at The Pines. The proceeds will Heavily supported by coopera- be used to send underprivileged year-ol'd man charged with con- Shifts III ToiVll Calendar I Street, April 3 by Special Officer . chial School and the Middlesex for directions and then terrified Oak Avenue between Pine and tributing to the delinquency of a County Vocational School. Before tive advertising, a good will ges- children to summer camps. Ole Olsen, who said the defend- them. The youngsters were able end; Birch Street 'between. Daniel 14-year-old girl was lodged in the WOODBRIDGE — Due to the ant was driving erratically. Dr. entering the service he was em- and Marion Street; Carteret Road, ture on the part of local banks and A. committee composed or Arn- to give the police a fairly accurate merchants in their daily advertis- County jail in lieu of $500 bail, to Primary election, Tuesday. A. R. Communale prouonced Jan- ployed at the American Smelting description of the man. opposite Daniel; Carteret Road be- old Buck, chairman, assisted toy ing as well as car card space con- William McCord, Henry Metz and await the action of the Grand j April 19, which falls on the reg- kowski as unfit to drive. and Refining Company plant. Police Chief George E. Keating tween Daniel and Marion, all in Jui-y, after he was arraigned be- ular meeting date of the Town- Besides his parents, he is sur- tributed by the Public Service Cor- Fred Newman will arrange the Thirty-three speeders paid more urged parents to instruct their Port Reading; Central Avenue poration arid- the "United Advertis- show which will feature profes- fore Magistrate Christian J. Jor- ship Committee, the next meet- than $200 in fines but the court vived by a sister. Mrs. Stella Okl- and Carteret Road, Sewaren; tlu children to try and secure the ing'Corporation,and motion picture sional entertainment. gensen Monday. ing of that body will be held said that if drivers' ''persist in man. Avenel jand '5,e_Drotners. j iicense plate number of any per- Smtih Street between Rahway trailers at the Crescent Theatre, A boy and a girl will be selected The man, James Ward, Potters Wednesday, April 20. using- this city for a race course" Anton and Floyd, Sewaren and son committing such acts. Avenue arid Commercial Avenue, section of this Township, pleaded "Bill night" will be held by John, Avenel. the- professional leaders are ready from each school to go to the he Would start charging $1 a mile. In another case Monday, Alfred Cornell and Yale, Cornell and Le- to answer any and all questions. camps. Selections will-"be made by innocent and waived hearing. the Committee on April 14 since Under that system some drivers Blum, 35, 448 Park Avenue, Perth high, Woodbridge Avenue and In addition, as members of the a faculty member of each school A second man, King Micado. the regular date falls on Good_ are going to be fined anywhere Congregational Service Amboy, was held for the grand Prospect Street, all in Avenel. Board of Governors, they know-j assisted by a member of the whose last known address was also Friday. from §50 to $80. To Observe Palm Sunday jury without bail on a complaint Green Street between Elias and the problem facing the hospital [school's Parent-Teacher Associa- in Potters, is being sought by the All the offices in the Memorial of robbery. Blum is alleged to have Gorham Avenue. Woodbridge; and how best to correct it. FBI for questioning- in connection Municipal Building will be closed admitted breaking into and loot- Elias between Green and Thomas. I tion. with alleged violation of the Mann all day on Good Friday: Corn- Trinity Organist Lists WOODBRIDGE — The Festival Woodbridge; New Street, Sewaren; Also Assisting: | The members had their hearing Act. The girl admitted to police of the Palms Service will be con- ing a Liberty Street, Fords, home. | tested by an audiometer, a device mitteeman Thomas Stevens, Music for Palm Sunday ducted at the First Congregational Arrested in Hillside,' the Amboy Montrose and Rutgers, Colonia. Serving as members of this Ad-, j for determining defective hearing". having been to South Carolina j chairman of the Administration Church at the 11 o'clock service man has also been arraigned on The report indicated that a. 're- vance Gifts Committee in addition i The club is considering purchas- with Micado. Committee, announced today. robbery complaints in Cranford, | port on other lamps requested" by to the campaign chairman, are WOODBRIDGE—Special music Sunday. will be heard at the Palm Sunday The music program will he as Elizabeth and Raritan Township, j Mr. Mroz wiil be forthcoming soon. -Irving' Hansen, president of Fords j ^ated to thT township schools follows: Prelude: "We Praise- j to aid in detecting poor hearing services to be held Sunday at 11 Thee"; Anthems, "Hosanna" and I among the students. Traditional Seder to InaugurateA. M., at Trinity Episcopal Church. "Open the Gates of the Temple," 'Transformation' of Bird to Bunny Started Use j Raymond Z. Fans, of the Fahs- ! . j Mrs. Edna M. Neebe, organist, an- Junior and Senior Choirs. Mrs. (Matthews Hearing Aid Service, Jewish Passover on nounces the program as follows: Maxine- Wcstfall, a student at the | told ' the group that one out of j "The Palms," tenor solo, George New England Conservatory" of ten juvenile inmates of correc- WOODBRIDGE — Passover will I that freedom is the prerogative Leyonmark; processional, "All Music, Boston, Mass., will play a Of Symbols to Depict Joy, Promise of'Easter tional institutions are hard of be inaugurated by the Jewish resi- of every living person. It took Glory, Laud and Honor;" Introit, violin offertory. WOODBRIDGE—Those Easter chicks in Town- Early Christians consecrated eggs at Easter- hearing and that one out of four dents of the Township with the oceans of blood to wash away the traditional Seder or feast after "Give Ear Unto My Prayer," quar- The Junior Choir will assist in ship stores that you most likely will buy for little timc and stained them a deep red to. symbolize school -failures can be traced to stains of every human bondage. tet, Mi's. Allen Bennett, Mrs. the distribution of palms at the Johnnie and Mary and the eggs that mother will the blood of Christ. During the middle ages, an hearing- difficulties. Early detec- sunset on Wednesday. "In every land Jews were the tion of inadequate hearing can Cla ranee Davis. Mr. Leyonmark, conclusion of the service. carefully color have a long and colorful history* Easter gift of colored eggs came to denote affec- Rabbi Samuel Newberger. an- champions and vanguards of hu- Earl Rumpf; Kryie.. Gloria Tibi, reaching- back for many centuries. tion. Nobility exchanged artificial eggs of silver, do much to aid the child, he said, nounces that the order of services man rights and liberties They Gradual "GoiT So Lov d he * ,s * ft * , mother-of-pearl or bronze. in preventing personality and so- at Adath Israel Synagogue for were martyrs and sacrificed their If You're Mired in Mud cial disorders. World;" Laus Tibi, sermon Hymn, Even the word "Easter" is ancient. It conies Colored eggs proved rather impractical to send Passover will be as follows: April lives for the preservation of de- "Go to Dark Gethsemane;" offer- This May Be Good News from EostaL, beautiful pagan goddess of Spring any distance as Easter greetings, and in the He added that much has been 13 and 14, 6:30 P. M.; April 14 cency and righteousness. Their tory • anthem, "Ride in Majesty;" once worshipped throughout Europe. middle of the nineteenth century the people of done to conquer deafness through and 15, 9 A. M.; April 19 and 20, sacrifices were not in vain for a response, "All Things Come of WOODBRIDGE—The Town- Northern Europe Began exchanging Easter cards, school programs, use of sulfa 7:30 P. U., April 20 and 21, 9 new break of dawn has come for To delight children "long ago, the legend de- A. M'. Yizkor or Memorial Services Thee; Sursum Corda, Sanetus, ship is making preparation for usually of religious scenes. drugs and penicillin to prevent our martyred people." Agnus Dei, hymn, /'Jesus, Joy of clares, Eostra magically changed her pet bird Will be held April 21 at 10 A. M. Bible Story some extended road repair work into our familiar Easter Bunny. That's why Mr. mastoid infections and through Man's Desiring"; Dresden Amen, _ "Which, will be good news to many. Easter gifts apparently began in the late treatment of ear, nose and eye in- In his annual Passover Message The story of the first Passover recessional, "Ride On, Ride On in Hippety-Hop still builds birds' nests and lays in the Community Voice, the con- is as familiar to Christian readers On April 20, the Township colored eggs. 1400's. The "Privy Purse Expenses of Elizabeth fections. Majesty," postlude, "Passion Chor- Committee will receive sealed of York" for 1502 record gratuities to the officers Fred Newman, club president, gregation newspaper, Rabbi New- of the Bible as it is to Jews, for it- ale." .bids for the furnishing- and de- Fhiffy chicks and ducklings' personify the of the kitchen, saueery and scullery "at Ester." who has been away for several berger Wrote in part: 'Jewish op- is told in the Book of Exodus in livery of stone and road oil and breaking forth of new life in the Springtime. Later, English maidens recited a rhyme to their weeks because of sickness in Ills timism throughout the annals of i the Old Testament. for equipment for hire, The com- The Greeks, Gauls and Romans regarded the egg beloved on St. Valentine's Day, warning that in family, presided. Louis Nagy was our glorious history proved that The Passover observance usu-1 NUDIST CANDIDATE mittee, on the recommendation as the symbol of- creation. The Egyptians hung response for their affections ". . . you must pay inducted as a member. faith preserves a people. Shortly ally coincides with the Christian j WOODBRIDGE—Suitcases con- of Committeeman William War- ostrich eggs in their temples. a gift of gloves next Easter Day." Annoimcement was made the we will read in the Haggadah: festival of Easter. The reason for I taining clothing- valued at over ren, will also" receive bids for a According to Persian sun worshippers, the But English swains took their reveng-e. Travel- executive, committee will meet at (editor's note, a special prayer this is apparent, for the entrance! 5450 were stolen from a car owned •'Bay City shovel. Model 25, Ya- world was hatched from an egg on the vernal ing in gay groups at Eastertime, they "lifted" Fr-ed Newman's home on Player book used the first two nights of of Christ into Jerusalem—observed j by Jack Malvern, 43-25 43rd. yard. buckets with back hoe, equinox or the first day of Spring. So they cele- young ladies overhead three times in a berib- 1 Avenue on IVpril 13. Locan Lions Passover) "In every generation, on Palm Sunday—was for the pur- I Street, Sunnyside, L. I., N - Diesel power/' Specifications brated their New Tear's festival'at a •'time cor- boned chair, then demanded kisses all around as | were invited to attend a regional every Jew should regard himself j pose of attending- the Passover j which was" parked at the' Howard may "be ototainsd at the office of responding to our Easter, exchanging the first payment. i meeting to be held at the Cran- as though he went forth from | ceremonies. And the Last Supper, j Johnson Restaurant, Route 25 dyed eggs in history as good-luek cbarms. '-: .;.-.(Continued:oh Page 6) . , itiury Inn May 12. Egypt.' We express the thought (Continued on Page 6) j Sunday. The car was unlocked PAGE TWO THURSDAY, APRIL 7, 1949 RARTTAN TOWNSHIP' ANjD FORDS feEACON. COP Club to Elect any Win f Hzes KeJF Slate April 26 Wedding Date Set Dates to Register SEWAREN—A nominating com.-- By Miss. Balf our New Pupils Listed At Sewaren Party- mittee to select: a slate of officers SEWAREN—The Sewaren Dem- for, election was appointed at the SEWAREN;—Announcement has ocratic Club sponsored a card-pari- last meeting of. the Sewaren Re- been made by Mrs. Montgomery Supervising Principal ty in St. John's Parish House, publican Club, Inc., at the home- of Balfour, 597. West Avsnue, -of the- Sets Schedule to be Friday. Mrs. Harry O'Connor was D. V. Rush, West Avenue. engagement and approaching chairman, assisted by Mrs. Ber- The committee includes Mrs. marriage of. her daughter, Mora, Available to Parents nard Sullivan, Mrs. Lawrence Harry Carpenter, Mrs. Samuel L. to Eric J. isbister, son of Mrs. Ryan, Mrs. «Borge Petersen and Counterman, Frederick M.'Adams, James Isbister of Garden City, ' WOODBRIDGE — Supervising Mrs. Hubert Castle, Ralph Conard and William Baran.- Long Island. The- wedding wilt take Principal Victor C. Nieklas an- High score -winners were: Bridge, Election of officers' •will- take place on April 23. nounced today that dates for the Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Eyerkuss,place on April 26, the place of the i-egistration of beginning pupils in meeting to -be announced later. A. Miss Balfour was graduated Woodbridge Township schools for Mr. and. Mrs. John. J. Dowling, A. from Woodbridge High School and September have been set. W. Scheldt, Mrs. Harry A. Burke;, donation of $10 was made to thePratt Institute School of Home pinochle, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. -Sill-. Red Cross.. The schedule is as follows: No. Economies. Mr. Isbister is a grad- 1 School, Woodbridge, May 16-20, Hvan, Ray. Ali'oani, Samuel Hal-, C. A. Giroud,will be candidate uate of Polytechnic Preparatory pern, Mrs. Andrew Simonsen, Mrs. for county Republican, committee-- 10 A. M. until noon; 2 P. M. to 3 Country Day School, Brooklyn, P.M. Walter Wyckoff, Mr. and Mrs. Jo-man, it was reported. Stephen V. and, Massachusetts Institute of seph Turek, Mr. and Mrs. James R. Strong, state eommitteeman, Technology and is employed by fche- No. 2 School, Golonia, May 17, Cotter, Arthur: Jacobsen, George addressed the group. A social fol- Sperry Gyroscope Company, Inc. 18, 19, 9 A. M. to 11:30 A. M, and Mroz, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Mack, lowed the- meeting. 1 P. M. to 3 P. M. Mrs. Anna Mullen, J. c. Stanko- No. 3 School, Woodbridge, May wiez. ; Mrs. Sofield Hostess 24,'9-A. M-. to 3 P. M. • Rummy: Mrs. Arthur Hanie, Contract Owfe/.to Meet • No. 4. School, Avenel, May-2 to Mrs. A. G. Gargiulo, Mrs. J. C. At Bridge Club Session G, 3 A. M. to 3 P. M. Stankowicz, John Petersen, A. J. With. Mrs,. Smithies ' No. 6 School, Iselin, May 10, 9 Skefnngton, Joseph Hogan, 'Miss- SEWAREN—The Sewaren Con- SEWAREN — The Sewaren A. M. to 11 A. M. and 1 P. M, to on Big Alice Pend-er, Mrs. Daniel Bishop tract Club-met,at the home of Mrs. Bridge Club met at the home of 3 P. M,' and Mrs. Hubert Castle. Joseph Rusznak, Woodbridge Ave- Mrs. Albert F. Sofield, Brewster No. 7 School, Fords, May.. 16: lO'Tube Non-players: Mrs. Kenneth nue. Prizes were worf by Mrs'. Edna Place. 9 A. M. until noon, 1 P. M. to 3 Butler, Harry A. O'Connor and Magargal, Mrs. Vem Krog-h,*Mrs. Prizes for high score were wonP. M. Hubert Castle. The door prize went Dorothea Pocklembo and Miss by Mrs.. James Noel, Mrs. Herbert No. 8 School, Keasbey, May 26, to Thomas J. Moran. Irene Kr.ogtu Eyerkuss and Mrs. Samuel Henry. 9 A. M, to 3:30 P. M. Other guests were Mrs. Harold Mrs. George' Stillwell won the No. 9 School, Port Reading, May Wilson, Mrs.. Anton Magyar, Mrs. traveling prize. 10 and 11, 9 A. M. to 3 P. M. Sewaren Moles Eugene Magargal, Mrs. Henry Others present were Mrs. R. G. No. 10 School, Hopelawn, June Smithies, Mrs. Elmer Hobbs, Mrs. Crane, Mrs. W. S. Woqten, Mrs. 15, 9 A. M. to 11 A! M. and 1PM Charles Boelke and Miss Kay Floyd T. Howell, Mrs. Morrison to 2 P. M. —Mr. and Mrs. Samuel L." Freeman. Christie, Mrs. William Henry, Mrs. No. 12 School, Sewaren, May 3 Counterman, Sewaren Avenue, en- Mrs. Smithies will be hostess for Harper A. Sloan, Mrs. W. C. Ecker, and.4, 9 A. M. to 3 P. M. . . tertained Mr. and Mrs. Robert the next meeting at her home in Mrs. A. W. Scheldt, Mrs. Olive Van No. 14 School, Fords, May 18, Hauser and daughter, Evelyn Woodbridge, April 11. Iderstine, Mrs. George Urban and 9 A. M. until noon and'l P. M to Romayiie, Elizabeth, and Mrs. Ada Mrs. J. P. Ryan. 3 P. M. YO,U SAVE receiver Counterman, Wilkesbarre, -Pa., at The place of the next meeting No. 15 School, Iselin, May 12 dinner last Sunday. HONORED ON 1ST BIRTHDAY on April' 27 will be announced and 13, 9 A. M. to 11 A. M. and, WOODBRIDGE—Mr. and Mrs. 1 P. M. to 3 P. M. . . .. with —Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Giroud, later. Date Required utility shelf. 40.00 West Avenue, visited in Short, Arnold R. Houser entertained the Yes, two great forms of entertain- following guests, in. honor of the Eacli parent is- requested to Makes your plus excise iax, insiaJlaHon, one-year service con- Hills, Sunday. bring her child's birth certificate Crosley —Doren Stubbs, Waddington, first birthday of their daughter, Sewaren Political Club tract—Mo

67-69 ROOSEVELT AVENUE (Cor. Pershing) CARTERET N. J. TTER VALUES FO Phoae Carteret 8-5185 at JACKSON Santa Claus OABARDiNE SUITS Finely Tailored Gabardine, in Popular Shades of Grey, Blue, Brown and Tan. Sizes 12-18.

" J * - '~ - n J - ^ COMMUNION SUIT! FRIDAY^ and FRIDAY ONLY! - April 8th Navy Blue Cheviot, and Flannel Suits « It will be Christmas for you at Vivien's Kiddy Shop, To help you in Single and Doable-Breasted Models. (^ stretch your Easter shopping budget, You may deduct 10% from all clothing you purchase here,

Other Suits from $16.95 Here are the gayest clothes that ever entered


100% Wool Sport Coats in a A special group of Sport Outfits consist- Variety of Checks, Plaids and ing of a 100% Wool Sport Coat with /AJV Coats, Suits, Bonnets—that'll make you sing sonnets. Dresses of a wide variety—the Solids. Gabardine Slacks in Spring nei ht of contrasting Gabardine Slacks. Shades of Blue, Tan, Brown &@\ 8 fashion in "high" society for loddlers to teens—for young kings and Sizes—10 to 18 Value 22.00 and Grey. \\&\ ^ queens it'? Vivien's, gay Vivien's, in the Easier Parade, . .. Sizes—8 to 20 Positively no deposit merchandise on this day only. 9.95 now 16.95 FOR BETTER VALUES FOR BOYS AT' PRICES' TO- FIT YOUR. BUDGET OPEN FRIDAY IT PAYS 1 . FROM TO SHOP SHOP at 9:30 A.M. IN I /; TO . • • % JACKSO 9:00 P.. M. WOODBRIDGE 105 MAIN STREET % 146 SMITH STREET P.I. 44887- PERTH AMBOY WOODBBIDGE 1 S*«Sa£*S>5$iS*^^ p TkARITAN TOWNSHIP AND FORDS BEACON THU&SDAY, AP&IL 1] 1949 PAGE THREE First Baptist Church 24 at 3 P. M., at the First Presby- Humorist to Speak Muriel McLellan terian Church, Rahway Avenue, Sessions are Set OBITUARIES School Colleagues M'Elroy Completes Plans Choir Festival In charge are A, C. Chestnut, At Synagogue Meting president; Mibs Earline Jones, and MRS. ANGELINA TEBBANOVA . WOODBRIDGE — The Senior Mrs. Lenora Hall, secretaries; Mrs. By Church Circles ISELJN—Funeral services were Stauffer Bearers WOODBRIDGE—.Herman Dist- Township History To Wed on Sunday ler, huomrist and entertainer, will Choir of the First Baptist Church William Harris, treasurer and Mrs, held Tuesday morning from' the will sponsor a choir festival April Catheiine Brown, organist. WOODBR.IDGE—circles of the Greiner Funeral Home, 44 Green Prominent Teacher Dies be the guest speaker at a joint Period Between 1800- WOODBRIDGE — Miss Muriel" Women's Association of the First Street, Woodbridge, for Mrs. An- meeting- of the Sisterhood and McLellan, daughter of Dr. and Presbyterian Church will meet this gelina Terranova, 5 Outlook Ave- . At 51; Funeral is Held Men's Group of Congregation 1900 Covered; Early Mrs, Roy D. McLellan, Lillian afternoon and evening. nue. A high mass of requiem was Adath Israel Monday *at 8:30 P, M., Terrace, will be married Sunday The afternoon circles will meet celebrated in St. Cecelia^ Church, With Local Services in the Synagogue, School Street. Publication Planned in the First Unitarian Church,! Mr. Distle'r. an attorney from Plainfleld, to Herbert C. Roder, son as follows: No. 1, Mrs, Reid, chair- here. The celebrant was Rev. John WOODBRIDGE—After years of man, at 2 o'clock at the home of WOODBRIDGE—Funeral serv- Newark, is well known for dramatic pf Mrs.. Dan Seger, 489 Florida 1 M. Wilus, the deacon, Rev. Julius ices for Ralph F. Stauffer, 51, 188 research and writing, Leon E. Mc- Mrs. Martin P. Jaeger, Wedge- Rucki and sub-deacon Rev. Francis presentations of the humorous Grove Road, Hopelawn and the wood Avenue; No. 2, Mrs. Ernest Rowland JPlace, who died last side of folklore. From a modest be- Elroy, former Township Attorney, late Charles Roder. Janos. Thursday at the Perth Amboy has just completed and is ready to Glaucke, chairman, at 1:30 o'clock ginning as a hobby, his presenta- The bride-to-be was honored at Burial was in St. Gertrude's General Hospital after a long ill- tions . have earned him national publish a history of the Township at the home of Mrs. Kenneth Cemetery, Colonia. a shower given by Miss Dorothy Manning, Ridgedale Avenue; No. ness, were held Monday afternoon fame as a professional humorist. of Woodbridge. at the Greiner Funeral Home, 44 Roder, Perth Amboy and Mrs. 3, Mrs. 'Fred A. Briegs, chairman, JOHN M. GURZO All members and friends of the The book, to be entitled "A Seger at the latter's home. at 1:30 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Green Street. Rev. F. W. Poppy, congregation are invited. There Iypical American Community," is WOODBRIDGE—John Michael Guests were Mrs. Walter Roder Whitney C. Leeson, Railway Ave- Gurzo, 57, 358 Pulton Street, died pastor of the Methodist • Church, will be no admission charge and the story of the Township of nue. officiated. Burial was in Clover- there will be no solicitations. Ben- Woodbridge and environs, em- and Mrs. Robert Snowneld of Tuesday at Roosevelt Hospital bracing the period 1800-1900. It Avenel; Mrs Alvin Rymsha, Miss The evening circles will meet at after a long illness. He is survived leaf Park Cemetery^ jamin Rabinowitz is chairman. Mr. Stauffer was the head of Trill consist of 425,pages, with pic- Veronica. Plisko, Mrs. S. H. Hor- 8 o'clock as follows: No. 4, Mrs. by his widow, Elizabeth; three tures, and will be completely vath Miss Patricia Horvath, Mrs. Warwick'Felton, chairman, at the sons, John, Stelton and Paul and the physical education department of Perth Amboy High School and indexed. It will include the follow- Jack Mullen, Mrs. Roy D. McLel- home of Mrs. Robert Clark, Grove Kalman, Perth Amboy; also three Merck Chemist •ng subjects: Slavery, immigration, lan, 'Mrs. Agnette Andersen and Avenue; No. 5, Mrs. Clifford Hol- grandchildren. a member of the Perth Amboy Public School system for 26 years. turnpikes and railroads, water Mrs. William Hansen of town; .lenbeck, chairman, at the .home of Funeral services were held this •ransportation, clay and brick, Miss Ingrid Larsen, Mrs. John Mrs. Richard Randolph, Schoder morning at the E. A. Finn Funeral Honorary pall bearers were Dr. Addresses Club education, wars, religion, indus- Domejka and Mrs. Robert Horvath Avenue, and No. 6, Mrs. C. J. Home, 298 Amboy Avenue and at William C. McGinnis, James F. .ry, politics, inns and coaches, of Fords. Bruen, chairman, at the home of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Church. Chalmers, Fred •Strahl, Dr. Ira T. WOODBRJDGE—The Pickwick bridges and ferries, banking and Mrs. Robert Roder, Mrs. J. A. Mrs. Donald Westbrook, Church Burial was in St. James' Cemetery- Spencer, Stewart Sehoonover, Al- Club held its April meeting at the insurance, political subdivisions, fred Tyrell, Albert Bergen, Henry home of Mrs. Richard Randolph, gan, Mrs. Walter Tesch, Mrs. Street. medicine and doctors, trolleys, N. A. Nelson, Mrs. Edward Ander- Peterson and Marlin J. Bensinger. Schoder Avenue with Mrs. Freder- newspapers and miscellany. ick, M. Adams as co-hostess. Mrs. sen. Mrs. Roy Ferguson, Mrs. C. Miss Alice Storey Active pall bearers, all associates There is no history of Wood- J. Tygesen, Mrs. Thorvald Ander- Boy, 7. Struck by Car; of Mr. Stauffer in the Perth Am- Rose Marie Monaghan of Cran- ford, a native of Vienna, who is jridge with the exception of Dai- senand Mrs. Howard Mathiasen of boy School system, were Anthony ly's history which tells the story Perth Amboy; Mrs. William Wha- - Hospital Treats Hurls Feted at Shower Ceres, Von Roseboro. Stephen Sa- employed as a chemist by the Merck & Company Laboratories up to the end of the Revolutionary len and Miss Jeanne Whalen of AVENEL — Seven - year - old laky, Alfred Goldstein, Leo Klein War. As the edition was limited in Iselin and Mrs,. Albert Katona of WOODBRIDGE — Miss Alace and Gordon Koehjer. in Rahway, was the' guest speaker Richard Ludwig, 40 Madison Ave- Storey, 639 Ridgedale Avenue, was She illustrated talk on he first place, there are very few Hopelawn. nue, was injured Monday when he tendered a shower in honor of her Mr. Stauffer was bom in Ban- Austria, its customs, people and copies of Daily's history in exist- was struck by a car driven by approaching marriage to John gor, Pa., and was a graduate of its beauty. During the war, she ence. Harold A. Monson, 48, 76 Man- Byoris, Perth Amboy. The party Albright College, Reading, Pa., in served as an interpreter in Aus- Mr. McElroy's book, when pub- Selinsky's Leg Broken hattan Avenue, at the intersection was arranged- by her sister, Miss the class of 1918. tria. 'ished will record all the. import- In.Freak Auto Mishap of Madison Avenue and Avenel Martha Storey and Miss Eleanor He was a member of the board A donation was voted to the ant happenings of the period in Street. Lower Rahway, Perth Amboy, Sincovics and held at the Storey of directors of the Teachers' Credit Red Cross campaign. Mrs. Run- WOODBRIDGE—In a freak ac- The youngster was taken to the Union and the City Athletic Blazing Star (Carteret) Metuchen, home. yon Ernst, president, gave a re- cident yesterday morning, James Perth Amboy General Hospital by Others present were Miss Irene Council; a trustee of the Wood- port on the .library- project. Plans Bonhamtown, that part of the Monson and treated for contusions Borthwick, Miss Ann Byoris, Mrs. bridge Methodist Church and were musicale May 2 with the Township of Raritan formerly - a Seltnsky, 23, 191 Fulton Street, of the forehead and cheek, bone Louis Hansen, Mrs. Alex Beyers, member of Americus Lodge, No. mothers of members as guests part of Woodbridge, the Township was seriously injured and was and abrasions of the leg. He was Mrs. Peter Slanina, all of Perth 83. F. and A. M., of Woodbridge. The affair will be held at the as now constituted with divers taken to the Perth Amboy General released after treatment. Amboy; Mrs. Edward Gibson of He was a veteran of World War I home of Mrs. George H. Rhodes references to Newark, Elizabeth, Hospital. • » and served as a«bata!lion sergeant New Brunswick ant! the Raritan Avenel; Mrs. William; Selby of Green Street. River. According to Patrolmen John V PLAN SUPPER DANCE Highland Park; Mrs. Stanley Sera- major with the 51st Field Artillery.. . Tentative, plans were discussed Gavelitz and James Yuhasz, a car WOODBRIDGE—The Woman's fin, 'Mrs. Ronald Kidd and Mrs. He is survived by his widow, Mrs. for a buffet supper and campflre Because the "publication of a driven by Joseph Kaczmer, 26, '>• Club of Woodbridge will sponsor a Emma Coupland of Rahway; Mrs. Ruth Miller Stauffer; a daughter, sing June. 6 at the home of Mrs. work of this type has a limited Wagner Avenue, Perth Amboy. supper dance April 21 at Blue Hills George Markulin of Fords; Mrs. Mrs. Sally Thompson, Wood- Francis. Kath in Westfielcl. Audience, and because it is esti- collided with Selinsky's car on Plantation, --DuneHen. Reservations Anthony Beyers of Hopelawn. bridge; two sons. E. Eugene. New- Miss Dorothy Earley conducted mated that it will cost approxi- Carteret Road, near Lee Street. •>: may be made by contacting Mrs. Misses Florence Kijula, Anna ark and Ralph, Jr., Woodbridge; the meditations. Guests ivece Mrs. mately $5,000 to publish the book, Port Reading. Neither man was George Szabo, Green Street or Marie Prank, Agnes Bothwell, his parents, Rev. and Mrs. Edgar Bruce Raiikin of Sewaren, Mrs. Mr. McElroy is seeking pre-pub- injured but .the front bumpers of ; Mrs. John Schein, Railway Ave- J.ean Davis, Mrs. Frank, Decibus, E. Stauffer, Ocean Grove; two sis- Warwick Felton of Colonia and tication subscriptions. The publi- the cars were hooked. Selinsky, in nue. .•'••; Mrs. John Finn, Mrs. Alex Both- ters, Mrs. Del Roy White, Ocean Mrs. Robert Clark of town. Richard Polhamus, Emma Mor- an effort to unhook the bumpers, ard E., Hempstead, L. I., and Rev. was taken to the hospital by Kacz- Edgar E. Stauffer, Easton, Pa. ,' Cost of Building Here atomic plant to be built in mer and treated for possible frac- the Midwest, AEC reveals. ture of the leg. Township Sells 10 Lots, son and Goldfarb for Norman WOODBRIDGE — One hundred To Advertise 4 Others Tanzman, $450; Arthur Brown for and thirty-three building; permits Cape Cod Tourist Court, $800;; for construction valued at $290,- ECA is winning economic bat- Arizona fights to save rich land WOODBRIDGE—Ten parcels of Robert J., and Pauline G. Boyle, 425 were issued by Hamilton W. tle in Europe, youths are told. from reverting to desert. municipally-owned property were $800; Anthony J., and Josephine Billings; assistant building inspec- sold at public sale Tuesday and H. Benyola, $500; 'Norbert and tor, during March, according to only four parcels will be advertised Frances B. Lojewski, $250; Victor a report; submitted to the Town- for sale at the next Township and. Georgianna Cuntala. $250; ship Cimmittee Tuesday. meeting, Wednesday, April 20. George J. and 'Margaret Marczi, Of the permits issued. 40 were Purchasers Tuesday were as fol- $225; George and Elizabeth Dzyak, for new dwellings estimated to lows: Jacobson and Goldfarb for $200; Howard and Margaret Wes- cost $263,000, Permit- fees | Norman Tanzman, $3,675; Jacob- Iton, $150. amounted to $843.

BLOUSES # HATS SKIRTS® SHOES Pharmacy GSSUS' COATS "*14.-50 •91 Main St., Woodbridge WOODBRIDGE 8-0809

Here's that whisking "fly- away" look so important in this Easter's fashions ... as represented in our exciting new group of all-wool top- pers,, Some finger-tip length ... some longer and belted. All with perky verve and dash! In a large choice of Spring's fashion-best shades. Ladies, Here's A Misses' and women's sizes. Chance To Mind Your Husband's Business This Easter So you like him to wear the kind of shirts that are from full cut, sanforized and One of the happiest and most memorable mo- have noh-wilt collars. ments of her life . . . the day you give her a brcath-takingly lovely diamond as a token of Well, ladies, if you do it's your affection. Let us help you with this im- your business to pick up a portant choice. Our wide selection of flawless couple of them for him. blue white diamonds is reasonably priced". Better still, give them as an Easter gift. They're only We Carry a Complete Line of SLACKS • HATS $2.95 - $3.65 BULOVA, HAMILTON, ELGIN, GRUEN AND MANY SHIRTS • TIES OTHER NATIONALLY FAMOUS LADIES' AND MEN'S WATCHES.


Patten to be Speaker - BOY 9, SAVES 30 CHILDREN Recreation Committee 85tk Birthday Party Occasion g Imitionizatioii JPTA Plans •Career. SALISBURY, Coiin.">- The •At'.P-U Readin,g Function quick-thinking of Dickey Kenney, 9, has been credited witn averting Wind Up Season, Tomorrow Program is Urged PORT READING—A Palm Sun- Guidance: Parleys a bus crash when trie' v\\s driver day Communion Breakfast "Will be fainted at the wheel, pf 5a school held by ifre Port; Reading Fire : bus with 30 children aboard. Witn _/ Jk&nce,, Entertainment basketball trophies won by the Civic Club Asks Town Company Sunday at St. Anthony's Parents, All, Youngsters the driver in a dead faint, the bus All-Star Intermediate team and Church Hall, . : To be One of Many the Retrievers Junior team in the To Provide Service Graduating in June was heading toward a ditch and 1948-49. tournament and .individ- County Clerk Edward J< Patten poie. Dick, a fourth-g'i'ader, re- Features of Program Free; Study Promised the principal speaker. All If Grades Invited membering what his father had ual awards -will be presented. taught him about driving, grabbed WOODBRIDGE—A request for members of the Fire Company, the ' " IgELIN—The Iselin Recreation The older boys will receive gold Auxiliary and Holy Name Society WOODBRIDGE—Program plans the wheel and headed the bus tT-~ •jBfflnniittee will wind up a success- tie clasps with basketball emblems free immunization of uogs, a serv- have been completed for the ca- straight down the road for about ice offered by other communities, are requested to assemble at the - MT season in which the boys and and the younger boys will be firehouse in uniform at 7:15 A. M. reer guidance conference to be 400 yards and thsn deliberately ;_ .girls .will participate at a gala eve- awarded similar tie clasps in ster- was made to the Township Com- sponsored by. 'the Parent-Teacher swerved it into a snowbank. The mittee in a communication from and then proceed to the church for ToOig tomorrow night at School No.ling silver. These' awards have attendance at the 7:30 A. 3VI, Mass. Association of School No. 11 next boy said he knew the engine would " W.' been donated by the supervisors the Woman's Civic Club of Wosd- Wednesday evening in the School stall when it hit the snow, and, and referees associated with the bridge. The letter was turned over Auditorium". sure enough it did. No. one was in- ~- Instead of the regular teen-age to the Board of Health for action program of assorted activities, program. » Girl, 13, Unexcited Abeut All children graduating from jured. . •"•'-• - there will be a dance and enter- All . interested Iselin residents at its meeting next, Tuesday. grammar school in June and their ^ I tainmenfc with music furnished by are invited to attend the final Township Attorney B. W. Vogel Saving Youth From ley ^ parents are especially invited to —• -fljbe.-fDnree Kings of Iselin. program tomorrow night. reported that he had conferred attend. The meeting, however, is "j U. S. DEFICIT? ••••. with Central Railroad officials on PERTH AMBOY, N. 3.<— "'It open to anyone interested in in- J Barring unexpectedly large last- - ' -/ 'Also during: the program the At last Friday's session, the fol- wasn't anything to get excited the elimination of the grade v : formation on careers or wishing to | minute tax returns, the United io wing served as supervisors: Mrs. crossings at Port Reading. The about." . , . learn - more about high, school States Government may be $1,- ^l&elin Church Offers William Dangelir Mrs. Fred Mess, railroad, he said, wants the Town- This was the comment of. 13- courses. ! 200,000 in the red for this fiscal Mrs. Clarence Bower, Mrs. Rus- ship to turn over municipally - year-old Lillian Mingin, when it Harry I. Sechris.t, Woodbridge j year, "which ends on June 3Qth. Apecjal Service Sunday sell Furze, P. Hulick and'Stanley owned land to the railroad and.he was revealed that she had.rescued High School Guidance Director, | While spending is living up to the Nagrosst. Kenneth . Vangorder, 6,. of 689' Kos- will speak at 7:30 P. M., and will ISELIN—Rev. E. G. Klein, pjis- stated that he had informed its January estimate of §40,180,000.- representatives that it vvould have ciuszkp street, from drpwning in explain the courses of study now 000,. income is lagging, more than ' of" Trinity Church of Iselin a Columbus park skating pond. Bffered. in the high school. From jounces that special Palm Sun- PAROLED TO BOYS TOWN to be paid for in the same way and had been expected, being approxi- DENVER, Colo. — Jimmy Mel- manner as other properties owned Lillian went to the pond to see 8:30 to 9:30, speakers on various mately $600,000,000 under the services will be held at 11 A. by the Township. • if the ice was strong enough for careers will be heard in separate $39,58,000,000 estimate. ;&£„ Sunday. The sermon topic will ton, 13-year-old boy who was serv- ing^ a sentence of from twelve The State Department of Civil skating. Noting that the ice was class rooms. Programs listing the «bp, "Which Temple Are Ye." Service notified the Township too thin, she turned for home. Just individual .meetings and giving ne- 2~At 2:30 P. M. Rev, C. I. Quigley years to life in tne Colorado.State cessary information will be dis- Penitentiary, for killing his 16- Committee that unless recommen- then she saw a little boy on a sled i.<*±-~Mt. Zion Sanctuary, Elizabeth, dations were forthcoming within shoot rapidly down an embank- tributed at the meeting. Will give the anniversary sermon, year-old sister, has been paroled ment to the pond. A moment later . Specialists in the following fields j to Boys Town, Neb"., in the care .Peter Greiner, Sr., Green Street, one of the oldest businessmen the next two weeks, that the ten- speakers will be Dr. S. I. in the Township and foster-father of Mayor August F. Greiner, tative- classifications submitted to she saw the boy's hands above the present: Accounting, jour- Bible Fellowship Church, of Msgr. Nicholas Wegner, its di- celebrated his 85th birthday last week. Above, stahdingr, are the committee last January will WLter. She crawled to the spot and nalism, library, telephone operat- Rev. Herbert Freeman, rector. Jimmy has been living- at George Mazar, Louis Mazar, Mrs. Pauline Mazar, Steve Mazar be put into effect. The letter was managed, to grasp, his hands firm- ingydietetics,- nursing, U. S. Navy, .Eb'enezer Baptist Church, West the home of the 'Penitentiary and Alex Lajewski; seated, Mr. Greiner and Louis Mazar, Jr., -referred to the committee as a ly .and dragged him to shores . business machines and secretarial, • Tfew York and Rev. Albert Bowden, warden since his conviction. who attended an impromptu celebration of Mr. Greiner's birthday. The deed' done, Lillian' took her-, teaching, building trades, auto whole mechanics, fine arts, interior dec- Newark Gospel Hall. At 7:30 P. M. Referred to the engineer and self, and her skates home. Other Rev Bowden will deliver the ser- XJ. S. revising living-cost index 1 children, who knew Lillian, re- orating, commercial art, aviation, of the First Class and will be paid the committee * as a- whole was the photography and merchandising. . mon. to reflect post-war habits. Ordinance Sets Up the maximum, $3,600. request from the Colonia Earks ported the incident to a policeman* The new salary schedule is in Homes, Inc:, for permission to ex- Kenneth received hospital ' treat- accordance with an agreement tend a sanitary sewer at no ex- ment for shock and submersion. Senator George to expedite New: Cop Pay Scale made by the police with the Town- pense to the Township. Police Chief John.. F. Murray Trade Agreement Acts extension. ship Committee making the $200 • Oh the recommendation of Act- said he would recommend recogni- Call George Buck bonus a permanent part of the ing Building Inspector Hamilton tion of the rescue to the Perth Am- and he'll arrange For Happiness Hearing on Proposal to | salaries plus an increase of $300. Bililngs, the Township Clerk was boy Safety CouiScil and the Na- for you to ,;get Boost Salaries In All In return the patrolmen have instructed to notify Mrs. Joseph- tional 'Safety • Council. "'•'" E, H.. Albrecht's promised not to seek a 40-hour ine Gall that unless she received Ranks, Grades Agr. 20week. a building permit or filled in an REPAIR SHOP IN RECORD excavation she started last year, Astronomic Fact Is Now Known As Phone '.--,-.'. at WOODBRIDGE--An ordinance within 10 days, that the Township If the earth had no atmosphere, to "establish the titles and fix the •May 13 Deadline is Set would fill the excavation and as- the sky would always;look black. ., wo. 8-1848 salaries of all members of the Po- sess the expenses against the prop- The sun, moon and stars would'ap- For Submitting Essays erty pear to be shining in a great dark AlJifecfifs Key Shop for immediate action! lice Department was introduced : curtain. . ' : ' ' " on first reading at a meeting of yOODBRIDGE — The Lions TOOLS TAKEN And Is Located At EASTER the Township Committee Tuesday. Club of Woodbridge has announced WOODBRIDGE — Tools valued : 1 124 Washington Avenue Public hearing on the measure that it.will present a bond of $25 at $100 were stolen over the week- ROOFING' TROUBLE?; -" CAt,t, ' 87 MAIN STEEETv. will be held April 20. to the pupil m the- eighth grade end from a State Highway project Carteret 1-716.3 Xiieense 7G4. •„'::;; give • The ordinance fixes the salar- woh will -write the best essay on at the intersection of Route 100 ies as follows: Police chief, $5,- 'Citizenship?' A similar prize is and Inman Avenue, according to 'IERTH"AMHfft 4-0448, 300;. police captains, $4,200;. lieu- to be awarded in a High School a report made by Garland Tins- DIAMOND* ROOFIrfG contest. tenants,. $4,080;' sergeants, $3,900 ley,- 36 Park Avenue, Orange AND METAL WORKS 365 New Brunswick Ayfe.; Beaytiful and patrolmen of first class, $3,- Pupils in Schoo 1 No. 9, Port engineer for the contractors. ...:;. B'O.OKS FOR EASTEE-- I. 6Q0. Reading; School 11, Woodbridge; St. James' Parochial School and Children's Books, Educational Toys from 25e v All grades, such as Desk Ser- School No/ 15 Iselin will be elig- NOTICE OF REMOVAL Adult Books, Writing Paper and Notes from .,..,..:.::.. 50c S geants, Rounds Sergeants, Ser- ible to compete. geant-eierk, Traffic Sergeants and GAMES FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY" -;---- • ". . I """ The essays are limited to 500 Detective Sergeants have been BIBLES, HYMNS, TESTAMENTS _';'";" . % eliminated, in accordance with words and must be submitted no , EL EL Civil' Service recommendations. later than May 13. Dr. C. I. Hut- Easter Bunnies and Pull Carts froKi .: '...j.-.....^. 50c Q All men in that category will hold ner is chairman for the Lions Club. SURGEON CHIROPODIST CALL WOOBBRIDGE 8-1636 MUSICAL, ROCKING AND ROLLING BUNNIES $ the rank of sergeant. The meas- Formerly located at 1529 MAIN STREET, announces the ure makes it possible for the Po- Nothing can top, the happiness that a lice Chief tosassign any sergeant removal of his office to the — :E ASTER CARDS -—.. • | to any work done previously by NEW GROUND FLOOR LOCATION AT gift of flowers brings on Easter. Their a sergeant of permanent grade. CORNER BOOK SHOP: . | Thus, if the chief wishes he may 1492 MAIN STREET, RAHWAY, N. J. beauty, their sweetness, make them gifts assign a former detective sergeant 61 SMITH STREET, PERTH AMBOY, N. I. " § For Appointment Call Rahway 7-2375 • ' ••• • ' ' • •

Gives you COLDER COLD for faster food freezing—and, at the The most beautiful ivay to say Happy Easter same time, steady, safe cold for normal food-keeping. Get this and Right now we have a big variety of fresh flowers and many other great features in this plants just bursting with color. . .-. And you're sure new DeLuxe 91 to find the favorites of wife, mother, or sweetheart ready to express your affection and devotion. Let us send your Easter Flowers and plants this year. WE'VE hardly, words to ade- quately describe the charming Florist WE'VE BUILT A • elegance of our new Easter 900 St. Georges Avenue, Rahway, N. J. Phone Rahway 7-0711 & 7-0712 Suits, Coats and Dresses. NAME They're, soft, feminine and Our stock this year will be better than ever. So—avoid the last minute Easter morning rush and reserve your FOR DISCRIMINATION IN DIAMONDS beautifully curve conseioiis. Easter plants and cut flowers now. J We will be open evenings till 9 o'clock from April 13th Every Diamond we sell carries with it our Done in handsome fabrics until Easter. ^ most cherished possession: our reputa- and attention-compelling new SAY HAPPY EASTER TO, YOUR FRIENDS OUT OF TOWN WITH FLOWERS BY WIRE tion. We aim, therefore, to preserve that colors. reputation in all its shining clarity, by giving customers the finest that money v SIZES 12-20 AND 9-15 can buy. Ml NOW! 'ROBERTS & LIEBERMAN OMAT,fl.fl0 plus westerly alon^ center lin,e of Plain-" an.l Wooilbridge '''•! -A n.ihip at Frtrds, casts of preparing deed and adver- field a\enue to the center o£ tlie v% hef.e center line of AmBoy avenue by V. F. W* Post, Auxiliary tising this ?ale. Said lots in' said Middlesex and . Esses Turnpike; interaenls tiie sahif." thence w^esierly hloek, It sold on terms, will require LJience northeasterly along the cen- alo'ng. center line of Artboj avenue a down payment of-$ 15.00, the bal- 'ter of Li»e -Miadlefaex tuid lis^ea. lu a point ftlitfn the Mime inierseeta Carlson Reports $22$ Woodbridge Post; Harry Darwin ani/t ot. purchnKe- }>rice 10 be. paid in Turnpike to the Metuchen Borough Memchen BofouB"h l-i"" tlien run- Pins are Presented to of Metuchen, "member of Raritan e/i'unl ipontlily installnients of $10.00 Line; thence southeasterly and eusi- nine SOnmtt/un- IJimili tlieiife SOtctharly salF. or any tlate to which it may southerly along Main street to ti.e Program is Presented . Charles Sajben, Avenel, ^deputy Place of. Beginning. aluj.g l.onliiiniliiwn K<>ad and- thr> be adjourned, th« Towns'iip C'oiu- roud to the livldge over Red Hoot ISELIN; — A total of $225 has inspector; William Brown, South riiittf-e re.-.prves the rig'ht in itR,dis- Polling Place, Raritan Engine Co., No. 1, Ne.y Fireliousft, first fiuor, Creek to I lie liarilan ^.cr; th«lu:ti been collected in Iseiin to date for ISELIN—Iseiin Post, VFW and River> county councii commander; ..•rfriiim in reject any one or all uida r dnv n the !;»rfli"i 'o t;"= point whel'e and to >ell saivl lots in said block Plainfield and SiMpsoti Avenu«*, the 1949 Red Cross Drive, Arthur V S^' its auxiliary held joint installation DanIel LoWj Newark, State service Pisealawaytown. _, , i the line dividing nanfan Township W. Carlson, chairman, announced ceremoniepQvem.'vniasc .QSaturdaa tn rrld yv C\a tt thfh •&e posnnsft, _i p J_ ent± . officer. «- ; . Mrs-^ **>._ . Mar-» n-_ „,_y_ 10'such hirlder as it rhay select, due I a;nl Wuodlirlagri? Towns),Ip Jnter- —, .\ -.-...,> -; j",. '•. de artm regard heing given to terms a:id District V,.. 3 i spcts tl.e >:ime: tl t ncc northerly today. home, Lincoln Highway. Thorn, Carteret, Eighth District inu.nner of payment, in case one A-ll that part of Raritan. Township along tlie dividing" line bet wVen the or more minimum bids shall pe re- north of the follow ma- ucoci.t,^- r Townshi'i of naritan and the "Town- Mr. Carlson said today that Ise- Alfred Germann, Eighth Dis- president: Mrs. Helen Oshtofi', ceived. Uae: Be^ii.mns at a j.ulnt ln ,Tnfc trict Commander, installed the dividing line iietwet-n Uaritan ship of Woudbridge lo the place of tin residents should watch the Avenel, president of Avenel Post, I'pon acceptance of the minimum r-ownsliip and Woodbridge Tu\. n u. ^ini'Iiig. barometer in Petoletti's Drug officers of the post as follows: Ar- Mrs_ Anna chcbaj president of hit), or hid above minimum, by the ship, near Menlo Park, nifinivv LMe PAHIIIS" pl'ice, niara Rarton ^ Township Committee and the pay- Port Reading Railroad Aiwhoy avtnuc, Clara Barton. =,xore v.'indow to see how the drive *}!• thur M. Donnelly, commander; carteret Post me-nt thereof b,v the purchaser ac- intersects tiitr saiue, LiicHl't; lUiilt.liK ** CMCI ij Donald Freeman, senior vies com- The outg.o-ng commander and cording to the manlier, of. purchase, 1 osc.ut K.\rs, is progressing. The Fetolettis' have "m accordance with t^rms of sale on along Hie center line of the Foi;i Township Clerk. an outstanding Red Cross display mander; Milton Ashley, junior president' were presented with file, the Township will deliver a bar- Reidtng Kailroad tt i^r F. C. 1/7-1/1 l/f!i vice commander; El wood. S. Don-pins. After the ceremonies re- srain and pale d'eed for said premises. is intersected by the in their window at the present nelly, adjutant, Lester Bahr, ad-• , . and music fresnment s were sei ved j>ATE!>: -April 6th, 1040. erly, WK^teriy and sontlierly, along time. vocate and service officer; Victor was provided by Three Kings of w. .'] DL'Nlfi.AN. Toiviislijp Clerk. the center line.ot the New inifna.j Varany, chaplain; .Sanfofd"Luna, To be advertised April 7th, hoad; iheiice \»es erly along the A house-to-house canvass is be- Iseiin. - • f r quartermaster; Emil Cantemassa. ! i-tH April Htb, 1!M:I, in the .-enter J./ie <~ u,e NeT\ i>urhuiij ing made by the following wqrk- X The next meeting of the- post Forvi's Hoad lo rvnere the samp is iJittr- =rs: Mrs. Anfconius Steveni'ers, Jr., officer of the day;. George will be-held April 14 at 8 P. M.. seiaed V,y the line dividing Piscai- YftOR HFi upper Grem Street; Mrs. Paye Starr, public relations and Peter KI.IM'TI.QV a'\U\" Township and Uarittiii Tuwtl- . at post headquarters. iu't IC^l sllijll . I Dickinson, Star Eagle. Section; Kate, trustee for three years. Polling Place, Oak Tree School, , Mrs. Margaret Blodget, Iseiin Officers of the auxiliary in- IJEGAI, NOTICES TntvnKlilii of llurlinn Oak Tree Rudd. Oak Tree. I NSORANCE... stalled by Mrs. Elaine Hardy, New IMIIMAftY KMiJOVIOX District No, 4 ' Boulevard; Mrs- William. Gray, Notice is hereby siven tliat a Pri- Cbrreja Avenue: Mrs. Conrad Brunswick, Past Eighth District ^Refer to: W-7 Beginning at u point in the divid- \ mary >;iec-tion Tor all political par- ng line befveen lLaritan Tyvrn.-lui I Exactly what are your own Dobbs, Elmhurst Avenue and Ben- Jelly Making is fun—really fun, IMaking Orange Marmalade by president, were: Mrs. Clara Wheel- .\»>'KlCt: OF Plim-IC SALE Vies wil) he held in and lor the and Woodhridpe Township nea» | iamin Avenue; Mrs. Anna Calvert, the easy short-boil method using natural fruit pectin, now enables er, president; Mrs. Margaret Bahr, TO WHOM'lT MAY CONCERN: Township of Karl Ian on .Uenlo Park vvuere center line lit particular needs for life in- the housewife to make marmalade in just 15 minutes after the At a regular meeting of the TUESDAY, APIill^ 1.9, 1i)4!) Port Tleading" Railroad intersects surance? Just iiow would Triest and Wilson Streets; Mrs. vice president: Mrs. Dolores Bow- Township Committee of- tile To*«"h~" between the hours of 7 o'clock in the saine; thence running westerly your life insurance money Louis Dittler, Diaz and Piume fruit is prepared. en, junior vice president; Mrs. Khi.11 of VVoodbridge, tiphl Tuesday, the morning' and S o'clock in the along the center line of said rail- April "ith, lfllfl, I- was directed evening, for of ron- road to the point where same inter- be used? How much cash Streets; Mrs. Louis Faslier, -Mrs. By Frances Marton knife, cut remaining rind into fine Carla Luna, treasurer; Mrs. Ray-to advi-rtise tlie fact that 011 Wednes- ducling- a. Primary Kletition for the sects MetU'-hen Borough line; thence would there be in a lump U Randall, Auth. and Middlesex . If you didn't make jams and shreds, Add 1V cups water and Vsmond Klige, secretary; Mrs. day evening-, April 2'H.(f, l.'MIt, nomination ol" offices hereinafter running southerly and southwester- sum, in event of your death, Avenues; Mrs. Russell Furze, Son- 2 •tiie Townsiiiii Committee will meet desis'nated. ly along" the dividing line nn'-fi jellies last year—it's not too late! teaspoon stida. Bring to a boil and Catherine Dangell, (chaplain; Mrs. it ,S P. if. (KSTj in tll<- Cunmiittee One y Aiil 1 -brook, said ueBimi'i'S life income you will require? I Orange Marmalade can be made with all other details pertinent, said " ' oeing" also a corner in the ; aside until needed. Measure pre- Iseiin Couple Ilo&ts Park ByrougJi line; thence running by a new, easy short-boil method minimum price being flflruiu TJIUKI CE\EK.a 1 pared .fruit into a % quart kettle, d easterly to the center of said brook Ask yourself, these ques- I rather than the long-boil prepara- filling up last - cup or fraction of On Fifth Anniversary cusis of preparing' deed and adver- Notice is hereb'y given that a. to .where the same intersects the By Mrs. Russell Furze tion that grandma -often used. tising-" this sale. Saul lots in ""said Oi-neral Election will he held in line dividing the property of Mich- tions aboufc your Hfe insur- Phone Met. 6-X605W up with water if necessary; place block, if sold nn terms, will reiiaire- ilir Township of Ilaritan ael Jelin and the property known ance. Then—• Your marmalade will be both firm over high heat, Add powdered fruit ISELIN—Mr. and Mrs. Herbert a down pnymejnt nf $20.uo, the 1ml- TUESDAY, NOVEMBER S. 194!) as the Hill Tract; them-e continu- —Mrs. Walter Buchelli, Fiat and tender if you use the natural pectin, mix well, and continue stir- L. Williams, 84 Ridgeley Avenue, anfc t*L purchase price tu be paid belwesn the hours of T o'clock in ing: along" said dividing" line to the fruit pectin recipes below. entertained at dinner and bridge in equal monthly installments of tlip mnrning and S o'clock in the center of Piainfieid iremic; thence MARTIN IIANSEN tVenue, is visiting' relatives in ring until mixture comes to a hard $10 dfl plu.-i interest and other tfrms evening", for the purpose c>f con- lorthwesterly along the center of Sermany. boil. At once pour in sugar, stir- Friday in celebration of their fifth ^jovideU lor in contract of sale. ducting" a general election for the Piainfieid avenue to 1he center ot OFFICES LOCATED Orange Marmalade Take further notice that at ssl<3 election of offices hereinafter desig- m> cups prepared fruit ring constantly. (To reduce foam- wedding anniversary. nated. Che Middlesex and Essex Turnpike, •—Mrs. Fred Rapp, Kennedy Guests were: Mr. and Mrs. El-aale, or any date 'to which' it may thence northeasterly along the ctn- FIRST BANK & TRUST ?lace, spent the weekend with her 2V2 cups sugar / ing, V4 teaspoon butter may. be oe adjourned, the Township Com'- One Governor for the State of ter of the Middlesex and Essex wood -Neiier, Westfield; Mrs. Ber-mittee reserves the right in-lts dis- New Jersey. Turnpike to the Metuchen Borough laughter and son-in-law, Mr. and 1 box powdered fruit peitin added. Continue stirring, bring to cretion to reject any one or all bids Three .Members of the fienpral BUILDING : line; thence northwesterly along thp fa. Raymond Ketcham, Newark. To prepare "fruit. Remove skins sc full rolling boil and boil hard 2tha Hanna and Jean and Harold an^ d t_n sel__l sai^ d lot?_ ir in> sai__d u blocks Assembly. Mfctuchen Borough line to tiie cen- Suite 307 ' —Mrs. Salwa Shohfl and grand- in quarters from 5 medium oranges minutes. Remove from heat, skim, Hanna, all of Elmhurst Avenue, ,.io such bidder, as it may select, One County Clerk for the County ter of the New Durham Road; and Richard and Dorothy Shohfl, regard being given, to terms v ' 5Jiddlesex> tnence westerly nlonsr the center of PERTH AMEtOY, N. J. on, Rickie, Green Street, have re- and 1 medium lemon. Lay quarters pour quickly. Paraffin hot marma- mariner of payment, In case one 01 Two Members of the Board of the New Durham Road to the Pis- (Kirned home after spending two flat; shave off and discard about lade at once. Makes about .7 Green Street. nior.e minimum bids shall be 're- Chosen Freeholders for Middlesex cataway Town-sliip liri«: tn«inc£- ¥2 of white part. With a very sharp glasses (6 ounces each). ceived. County. i soutiierly and southwesterly a.ion« Representative of ' honths with relatives and friends Upon acceptance o! the minimum the Piscataway Township line to the- hid. or bid above minimum, by the The pbnipi? tftaoes ror the various n:. St. Augustine and Daytona ALL ILL WIND— Highland Park Burough line; tltence Township Committee and the pay.- wards and 'election districts of the southeasterly and easterly along the IORK LIFE Jeach, Fla. $50,000 TO BOYS TOWN ARMED FORCES - GREENSBORO, N. C. — When ment thereof by -the purchaser ac- Township of Rarit&n are as follows: Hig-hland Park Borough lin? to the cording: to the manner of purchase BOUKttARIEff OF iMSTRl'WS place of Beginning. .."'"'—Mrs. Carl Goldstein and WASHINGTON, D. C. — Mrs. The combined troop strength the fishing line of Joe Harrell In accordance with terms of "".Ale District . Sa. 1 INSURANCE COMPANY laughter, Carol, Correja Avenue, Ethel Barnett Armour, who died about 5,000 during January, bring- Leonard, Jr., 22, caught beneath on file, the Township will deliver Beginning- at a point on the north Polling" Place, , Stelton Seuool, here on January 21, left-a legacy a .bargain and sale deed for said -lank, of the Tlaxitan River where Elainfleld avenue, Stelton. ire vacationing in Balm Beach, ing to 1,663,600 on March the surface of a lake, he jerked pr^rn'*-"*"-•. the dividing- line of Highland Park ha., of $50,000 to Boys Town, Neb.,•1st, according to a report of the the line. The hook flew up and DAT "ED: April 6L.I1, 1949. and-the township intersects; thence founded by the late Father Flana- caught in his right eye, damaging P.. .{. DCN'IOAX. Township Clerk. northerly . along- said dividing: line —George • Britton, 13 Sonora National Military Establishment. To be advertised April :7th, 'o the' center line of Woodbridge gan as a haven for homeless youth. the eyeball §o badly that-the eye 1U4H, iintl April 14th, 19 + 9, in the avenue: thence running: easterly Avenue, has returned to his studies The reduction was scheduled by Fords Beacon. could, not be saved. However, docT along- the center, line, of Woodbridge it Miami University, Oxford, O. the military departments and an avenue to Bonliamtowri Corner; —Mr. and Mrs. John Goetz and SHOOTING RATS, HITS SELF even larger reduction will be ne-tors removed the undamaged cor- Kefer to: W--170 thence southerly along- the center laughter, Joan, Irving-ton, were cessary in the coming months if nea from Leonard's eye and sent XOTICE Ol' PUBLIC line of road leading from Bonham- BALTIMORE, Md. — While it, via an Eastern Air Line piape; j TO WHOMJT MAT CONCERN: Cown Corner, to bridgre over Red he Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. shooting rats at his home, using President "Truman's limits of 1,- regular meeting of the Root Creek, Raritan River, thence tussell.Furze, 138 Sonora Avenue. a .22-caliber sports rifle, William 621,000 for all the armed forces to New York for delivery to theTownship Committee of the Town- tip Raritan -River to place of. Begin- in 1950 it to be met. New York Eye Bank. Its use will ship of ."Woodbridge held Tuesday, ning. —Miss Margaret Britton, New Mathers, 22, accidentally shot April ."ith, 194i), 1 was rtirected Polling , Place, School Number 3, fork City, spent Sunday at the himself in the arm. give sight to some blind person. to advertise tlie fuct that on Wednes- Woodbrid,ge avenue, Piseata.way- lome of her brother and sister- When Hogs Grow Fast day ' evening, April' 2flth, 194!l, town. National builders group plans the Township Committee will meet > Oistrlct Ho. 3 n-law, Mr. and Mrs. Georg'e Brit- ter, Linda, East Orange, were • Thriftier growth arid faster gains economy houses to cut costs. at S P. M. (13ST) in the Commit'tee Beginning at Bonliamtown Corner on, 132 Sonora Avenue. Tuesday afternoon guests of Mrs. are made by hogs that are free from 'Chambers, Memorial Municipal »t tie. intersection of the center line, lice and, mange. Building, Woodbridge, New: Jersey, of Wooahrjdge avenue with the )—Mrs. William Volz and daugh- Ugo Betelli, 125 Sonora Avenue. LEGAL NOTICES and expose an'd' sell at public sale center line of Main street; and to the.highest bidder according running- along the center line of XOTTCK to terms of sale on file with the Woodbridge avenue to the center April 7th, 1949. Township Clerk open to inspection line-fcf. Duelos. Lane; thence north- PUBLIC XOTICI3 is hereby given and to he publicly read, prior to erly along- the center line of Kudos. that B. J. Alexander and i.ucile saie, I-OKS £1 to 23 inclusive in Block Lane to where Mill Brook crosses' Alexander, his wife, have offered :S7fi-D on tlie Woodbridjre Township the same; thence easterly up "JIi)I to purchase .from the Township of Assessment Map. Brook to where the - same. Inter-" I'tiiritan for the sum of Two hun- Take further notice that • the aecta the line dividing- the Property Here's real dred twenty-live ($22">.0u) .Dollars, Townsliip Committee' has, by reso- of Michael Jelin a.nd"the' property payable Fifty ($r>0.i)0) dollars in known as. the Hill Tract;" t^enee cash and the balance in monthly lution and pursuant to law, fixed a payments of Ten ($10.0(1) Dollars. Interest :it the . rate of 4% -per annum is to he chai'S'cd on the un- paid balance. Ya hi e L.otM 4 3-45 incl., Block 40 1, 13, .1. Alexander and Lucilu Alexander, -his wife. Township of Itaritan, County of Miihllesex, State of Jfew Jersey.- BEGrXNING in the Easterly line | nf Girard Avenue at « point, therein 1 distant Three Hundred Fifty-eight and Fifty - -eis'ht one - hundredth-s i:!."8.5S') feet Southerly from the intersection of tlie Easterly lin£ of U-irard Avi-nue with the Southerly line of .Rosalind Boulevard (some- times, known as the ruaci to Alt. I'h-asant); thence runniny (1) Fast- (.-rly at i-i^ht arsgies with tlie Kast- t-rl \- line- oi' Girnrd Avenue, One While you're building lluiulr.Ml (lOI(') feet; thence (2) SoiiLhisi-Iy parallel witli the Kast- crl\- line uf Clirard Avt-nne, Stivent>'- it's wise to decide where live (7.*/) feet: tiience 1-*) Westerly liamllcl with the first course, One you'll want telephones Hundred (lll(l') feet to the Kiisterly line of Girartl Avenue: thence X4) N'trtlfei-I y alon^- [he I''asterl\- line placed —and include of Uirard Avenue, .Seventy-live (!•<') iVei to the i>lace of Bpiiinnirm-. telephone-conduits in the plans. Bciny known nnd designated :is Lots 4 1, VI and 13 in Block V. :is Hh-o\sn on a certain map Jilcd in © These conduits—ordinary pipes—can be the. Miilitlf-scx Ciuinty Clerk's Of- fice-en titled "Section Two, Itosalindi Us 1 ales, liaritan Township, Middle-I easily and inexpensively placed in the walls sex Co., \. .)., near the citv of Plain- J liehl, June, 11)12." during construction. When your service is Heinjf :ilso known us Lots -l:i, -14| and 4r. in Block 4fi4 :ls shown on the. BaritMii Township Tax Map. installed, your telephones can be located tn addition -to the foregoing the x This Infant Industry puivhasfrr shall also be responsible where you want them with the wires concealed. for the cost of itdvertising- said sale iiJiil for (.he payment of a reasonable Flourishes in New Jersey charge Jor the preparation of tlie ® We will gladly give you information on deed or contract. The Bitartt of Commissioners of tin- Township of liaritnn, in the telephone conduits—just call your telephone Beads are among the earliest ornaments on record. Their County of Middle-sex has fixed Tues- day, April IL'th, 3 0 J ft, next at S:(« business office. durability makes them a medium through which history P. M. at tlie regular meeting- of the Board of Commissioners to be held can he traced, even back to times of which no written at the Town Hall for a heaving as to whether said offer of purchase records.exist. Cave women once decked themselves with slm)) be confirmed ami ratified. The Board of Commissioners reserves the N1W JERSEY BELL strings of gay beads and explorers long used them for barter ris-ht to reject said bid. or. in the event, a higher -or better terms shall' TILiFHONi COMPANY as they made their way into distant primitive places. be bid for said price or better terms shall be bid .for said property to • When the Second "World War closed foreign markets, aeeept the samp. OSCAR KAUS, manufacturers began making plastic beads. Though it Township Clerk. Custom - made to fit yqur windows e.xactly To be atvvertised in Uaritan Town- boasts but a half dozen years, this modem industry is ship-I'Virds Beacon on April 7, )!14!l expanding rapidly with shipments going to many countries. Columbia blinds are a best buy—they serve so well, so long. Value in all Here in New Jersey we have the world's largest nianufac? Columbia features—the smart metal headbox encloses the mechanism, turer of colored beads. Electricity is used to heat the raw protects it from dust for gliding action. Blinds can't slip down—the product, melting and softening and piercing it Then it IDGE STORES grinds, shapes and polishes the beads. Today's woman automatic stop holds them at any height you want • wears plastic beads with pride. METTALITE—STEONG STEEL SLATS—GALVANIZED, BONDERIZED Will Remain Open Till 9 P.M. from - A-75-49 RUST PROOF, EASY TO CLEAN. LONG LASTING ENAMEL FINISH. PATENTED AUTOMATIC STOPS KEEP BLIND. FROM SLIPPING. TUESDAY, APRIL 12 to FRIDAY, APRIL • 15 - for your EASTER SHOPPING Convenience. SPIVACK BROS. i .Woodbridge Businessmen's Assn.' "318 STATE ST. PERTH AMBOY TELEPHONE P. A. 4-1936 V PAGE SIX THURSDAY, APRIL 7, 1949 RAEITAN TOWNSHIP AND FORDS BEACON Politics Hit trict, L. Charles Mangione, 261 Campbell Street; Margaret L. Cat- Officials Agree Jk wish Passover Pastor Rounds Out 'Transformation'.- (Continued from Page 1) alano. 247 Green Street; Fifth (Continued from Page 1) (Continued from Page 1) (Continued from Page 1) Wilson. X0 Jean # Court;' Second District, Bernard F. Duniganl 146 recreation program without being foundation of the Sacrament of District, Mrs. Julia Stiglich, 69 Grove Avenue, Phoebe E. Levi, 552 The Easter sport for youngsters expected ,to aot as supervisor/' Holy Communion, was the Pass- 25. Years at Plant was "shoe seizing." To win forfeits, Albert Street; Third District, no Myr.tle Avenue; Sixth District, . Mr. Gioe said the • people had over meal or Seder. candidate filed; Fourth District, William Huber, 612 Watson Ave- little boys would steal the shoe "been, insulted by the comments The Jewish commemorative cere- buckles of little girls—or the whole Lester E. Stockel, 152 Dunham nue ; Margaret Kolibas, 24 Vesper in the paper" and that "the peo-mony is actually a retelling of the Local fllan Receives Gold TODAY THRU SATURDAY Place, Agnes C. Lund, 184 Grove Avenue.* • * .- • shoe, if they were quick enough. Avenue; Fifth District, Konrad ple expect that it is going: to cost ancient tale of the struggle for Watch in Recognition The girls would snatch the boys' Alan Ladd, Brenda Marshall, Second Ward; First Disti'ict, them something when they are freedom which culminated in the caps. Early English parsons la- Stern and Irene M. Stern, 548 John Bodniaiv Oakland Avenue, getting'so :much cheaply." At that Exodus—or the going. forth from Of Bakelite Service Robert Preston Myrtle Avenue; Sixth District, mented the inroads in their Sun- "WHISPERING SMITH" Whut Others Say: Fred Strahl, 623 Bamford Avenue, Keasbey, Mrs. Margaret Rychlicki, point Mr. McAndrews told Mr. Egypt. The Israelites had been in day School attendance, on Easter. and Gladys Heiselberg, 28 East Dahi.Avenue, Keasbey; Mrs. Helen Gioe incidents such as occurred Egypt a'ceording to the Biblical BOUND BROOK—Michael Pas- Easter has always been a time (In Technicolor) Read this in the Somerset Mes- Green Street. Bodnaz', Oakland Avenue, Keas- at Fords and Sewaren "were not record, for 430 years. They had tor, 44, of 525 Leon Ayenue, Wodd- for introducing Spring fashions, —Also— senger-Gazette and thought it so bey;. Second District, Anthony normal wear and tear," and show- come there on the invitation of the 1 bridge, and an employee of Bake- whether in bonnets or bustles. good I am passing it on to local Second Ward: First District, Benyola, 76 New Brunswick Ave- Pharaoh who then ruled the na- , Lilli Palmer, Margaret D. Zehrer, 28 Highland ed a lack of supervision. lite Corporation's River Road The custom goes back to the merchants: nue, Hopelawn;- Marie Stepheno, Gioe Contention j tion, for whom Joseph, one of the Spring processions of ancient Louis Jourdan Avenue, Keasbey; Second District, 54 Luther Avenue, Hopelawn; sons of Jacob, had served 'as plant, completed twenty-five years "NO MINOR VICES" -— If I -were a Storekeeper: John Jensen, 28 Clyde Avenue, Mr. Gioe in. answer claimed only Vizier. of service April 3, to become one China, when richly-gowned man- " I wouldn't follow a prospective Hopelawn; Borghild Lunde, 57 Third District. Ernest J. Blanch- a small can of sawdust was turned darins haughtily displayed their customer up one aisle and down Clyde Avenue, Hopelawn;. Third ard, 24 Louis Street, Fords; Flor- over at Sewaren School and "he But then came a day when the of the plant's youngest 25-year new robes. The American Indians Saturday Matinee Only ence Quadt, 54 Hoy Avenue, Fords; dynasties"' changed. A Pharaoh Old Timers. He will receive a gold the other, and I wouldn't let my District, John Nagy, 486 New wouldn't call that vandalism." In also ceremoniously donned new Final Chapter of . salespeople do it. Brunswick Avenue, Fords; Oscar Fourth District, no candidates; answer, Mr. Fitzpatriek stated came into power who 'knew not watch in recognition of this serv- apparel in the Spring. A. Wilson, 7 Clum Avenue, Fords;, Fifth District, Joseph Elko,5 Hall "this episode in Sewaren was defi- Joseph' and did not recognize his JUNIOR G-MEN" I'd change my 'window displays Street, Fords; Mrs. Helen Fodor, descendants, who had .multiplied ice at the annual Old Timers set- The most characteristic of all frequently despite the labor in- Elinor J. Balint, 61- Maxwell Ave- nitely oilr fault for "not having together. May 20, . - Easter customs, of course, is at- Pius Comedies and Novelties nue, Fords; Fourth District, no 117 Ford Avenue, Fords; Sixth adult supervision. The way I tremendously in number in the volved, _and now and then I'd District, ,-George E. Sedlak, 178 four centuries they had been there. Like many of the Bakelite Old tending church sei-vices. Surpliced mak« them a bit exciting. candidates filed; Fifth District, heard the story, it was not a small Timers, Pastor came to Bound choirs singf and the special music SUNDAY THRU TUESDAY I'd try aiid make every clerk in Mary B. Larson, 18 Summit Ave- Ridgeley Avenue, Iselin, Edward can of sawdust but a large box This Pharaoh lost no time in en- J. Keiiney, Juliet Street, Iselin and of oily sawdust, used for sweeping slaving the Israelites. Brook from Perth Amboy,. where of Holy Week rises to its climax Kobert Taylor, Ava Gardner the store happy to have me for a nue, Fords; Sixth District, Victor 1 he worked successively as kneader, in the resounding hosannahs of boss. G. Katen, Green Street, Iselin; Mrs. Faber Dickinson, 170 Auth floors, that was . overturned and Pleads in Vain roll operate' and packer: . • Easter morning. Charles Laughton : Mona M. Hamilton, Warwick Avenue, Iselin; Seven District. sprinkled all over, the .boys' rest As a leader of his people, who Vincent Price - John Hodiak • "I'd try and keep step with the Arriving in Bound Brook: before Early Christians worshipped in procession by finding out just Street, Iselin; Seventh District, Adolph Jaeger, Columbia Avenue room and toilets. It took the jani- 'heard the voice of the Ltord,' the plant was ready for-produc- "THE BRIBE" Hiram ' Tuttle, Colonia; Helen Colonia and Marion Abry, Berkley tor two hours to clean up the mess. Moses went to Pharaoh, accom- secret, without music or pageantry, what I haven't got that pulls trade tion, he pitched in -with the con-to avoid Roman persecution. At —Also— to outside places. Brown, St. George Avenue, Colo- Avenue, Colonia; Eighth District If further investigation shows we panied by his brother, Aaron, and struction men in readying for op- nia; Eighth District, Adolph. Pe- Matteo Garone, and Grace Ga- are responsible for the damage at pleaded for the. release of his peo- Eastertimei on the walls of the I'd remember that many push- eration.. . . catacombs, they drew crosses I Georfre Montgomery, Ruth cart businesses were built to great terson, Oak Tree Road, Iselin; , rone, Oak Tree Road, Iselin; Ninth Fords, we will pay for it.". During ple,, but in vain. It was then that Pastor later worked in the Ship- Roman, Rod Cameron Mary Mutzer, Zilzer Avenue, Ise- District, Leon L. Blarichard, 59 the conference, Mr. Gioe admitted God visited ten plagues upon the adorned with flowers. This cross-! " enterprises as the result of intelli- ping Department. He is presently with-flowers symbol is still one of! "BELLE STAR'S gent and consistent advertising. lin; Ninth District, Eleanor E. Liberty Street, Fords; Mrs. Sue only a high school girl was in Egyptians, the first of which was employed as. an oiler in Mainten- ; Smink, 560 Crows Mill Road,! Warren; 49 Moffett Street, Fords; charge at the time of the "saw-to turn all of Egypt's waters into the most popular designs on pres- , DAUGHTER" ' \- ance Department. ent-day Easter greeting cards. j Fords; Tenth District, Clayton A. Tenth District, Fred J. Sutter,, dust incident" and Mr. Fitzpat- blood and the last the death, of Mr. and Mrs. Pastor are the Mere and There: Nourse, East Street, Colonia; Idg, Richard Bolhamus, Emma Mor- riek averred now is the time to every -first born in every Egyptian parents of two children, Michael W. Kotvas, East Street, Colonia. \ rissey and Catherine Kennan, all "nip it in the: bud.*' household, including the home of Jr., 16, and a 'daughter, Evelyn, Wonder if Dr. Ralph Deutsch, Third Ward, Frances O'Neill, of RFD No. 1 Rahway. ' • • Pharaoh. 12. "It is dynamite when you do The Israelites had sacrificed a Township dentist, didn"t get a bit 41. School Street, Port Reading; | In Third Ward not have sufficient and proper excited when his partner at golf, Second District, William J. Roome, lamb and marked, the doorposts Dr. Philip L. Schwartz got a hole- Third Ward*: First District, Mi- supervision," Mr. Denman com- of their* homes 'with its blood, so XT. S. Navy develops the world's 6it Iifth 1Avenue, Avenel; Mary H. mented. .. ' : in-one at the .Forsgate ' Country Dauda, I Madison Avenue, Avenel; chael DaPrile, 26 Turner. Street, that,the Angel of.Death "passed fastest helicopter. Port Reading, Mrs. Anna Kai-pin- It was then agreed that in the over" their houses. Thus came the Club . . . You can expect special Third District, C. A. Giroud, 575 | future, no schools would be opened N music at the various churches in West Avenue, Sewaren; Catherine sky, Lee • Street, Port Reading; name "Passover," by which the the Township for Palm Sunday . . . E. Taggart, 383 Broad Street, Se- .Second District, Harry. W. Ken- for recreation programs unless festival, is known. Stricken with Understand that a Jewish War waren; Fourth District, Wade L. nedy, 17 Park Avenue, Avenel; adults were stationed at all key terror.'at the. great horrors which Veterans Post is being organized Brown, 135 Terrace Avenue, Wood- Ethel W. Cline, 16 Park Avenue, points. r had befallen his people, Pharaoh WHCTI0NE8Y in the Township. For information bridge; Ella Linn, 644 Ridgedale Avenel; '.Third*. District, Harry After the conference, Mr. Fitz- finally ordered the Israelites to O'Connor, 384 Broad Street, Se- patriek went into the assembly leave Egypt. The people made great g:«fc in touch with Sid Stern or Avenue, Woodbridge; Fifth Dis- FRIDAY, SATURDAY, BRINGS YOU A Ted Cohen . . . And if the weather trict, Joseph Rhodes, 59 Yale Ave- waren; Vera M. Ryan, 25. Brew- room and told those who had re- haste. Having no time to wait for is nice Easter Sunday you can ex-nue, Avenel; Julia M. O'Brien, ster Place, Sewaren; Fourth Dis- mained "that there- was no in- their bread to leaven, they were SUNDAY pect a full-fledged Easter, parade. 3 020 Rahway Avenue, Avenel; Lil- trict, Joseph P. Somers, Freeman tention on the part of the Board forced to eat unleavened bread. 2 Terrific Screen Hits! PARADISE Of Storekeepers _.are reporting a last- lian M. Elster, 53 Commercial Street, Woodbridge; Mae S. Jensen, of Education or the Recreation This is represented by the Matzos Cesar Romero, Judith Barrett, Avenue, Avenel; Sixth District, Leone -Street, Woodbridge; Fifth Committee to disband activities; of today—the unleavened bread Robert Wilcox i nMnuto shopping spree. . . . which is eaten by the Jews during ; Spencer F. Green, 42 Remsen Ave- District," Edward J. Ruth, 136 Wai-/ that the conference had only been "ARMORED CAR" nue, Avenel and Catherine Her- nut Street, Avenel; Helen Domsky, called to "prevent damage to pub- the eight-day Passover season. EASTER f« the Mailbag: bert, 156 Remsen Avenue, Avenel, 136 Walnut Street, Avenel; Sixth lic property in the future." —Also— .".•••."" . Democratic Party, First Ward: District, Elmer .Dragos," Demarest GLAD HE WAS HIT Jphh King, Constance Moore, SPECIALTIES "' From Washington, D. C, comes First District, John D. Milano, 20 Avenue, Avenel; Rose Dragos, Discourage the Rat PT. MUGU, Calif.—Serge. Paul William Lundigan " •word that the Men'ymakers Trio, Nielson Street; May G. Mayo, 98 Demorest Avenue, Avenel. Health officials, deploring the rat M. Miller is delighted that he was "STATE POLICE" consisting of Frankie Kreisel, Main Street; Second District, Jo- as a carrier of typhus fever and hit on the head accidentally, by —Plus- Jfackie Vincent and George Cipol- seph J. Biczo, 287 Smith Street, other deadly diseases, advise home a softball. The blow restored the Chapter #11 • HEIDE- Elizabeth Nagy, 69 Caroline Prospect of tax increase is re- owners to use galvanized steel gar- l^ne, all Woodbridge boys, have ported to be fading. hearing of the sergeant, who had "RIDERS OF DEATH been, held over "at the Merry-Land Street; Third District, James Mul- bage cans for refuse. These cans, been • deaf since. August 1, 1943, The Recognized Ctob. They will open in Atlantic len, 151 Bergen Street; Ann Ku- they point out, have close-fitting cov- when.-he. was shot' down over Ro- VALLEY" "'•••:-.. Quality jCity at the Chelsea. Hotel on April chie, 346 Main Street; Fourth Dis- Reversal is forecast in 30 days ers to keep rats from'getting to'their mania's Plosti oil fields while and : ,'15 ... As a benefit for the cam- of rise in idle. primary source of nourishment- serving' as a tail gunner on a B-24. COLOR CARTOONS paign for a Student Center at New scraps of discarded food. • JELLY Jersey College for Women the Middlesex and Union County The most modern cocktail lounge in the area Alumnae Clubs will sponsor a two- piano recital by Professor and Mrs. STATE THEATRE Vittorio Verse, Friday, April 22, WOODBRIDGE, N. J. at 8:30 o'clock in Elizabeth Rod- CLUB MAREAY FORDS, N. J. - P. A. 4-8348 man Voorhees Chapel, New -Bruns- now features TODAY THRU SATURDAY wick ... Loretta YOUNG - Robert CUMMINGS in THUKSDAY, FRIDAY AND - ' WALTER PAVLIK AND HIS TRIO . "THE ACCUSED" At The Typewriter: for your entertainment on Friday and Saturday. SATURDAY "LETTER TO THREE Plus Gloria JEAN - Ross FORD in From the Inman Avenue section "MANHATTAN ANGEL" ...... : SOMETHING NEW THIS YEAR of Colonia comes word that Fire WIVES" With Jeanne Cram, Linda SUNDAY THRU TUESDAY Commissioner Barbour's attorney ; • HEIDE has filed a brief in the now fa- Darnell and Ann Sothern Robert MITCHUM - Barbara BEL GEDDES in . mous (?) "interfering with a fire and '.fBLOOD ON THE MOON" apparatus" case. Mr. Barger, at- EASTERTIME MIX torney for Fire Chief !Frey will "ALASKA PATROL" Plus Dorothy LAMOUR - Georgre MONTGOMERY in now file his brief and then a deci- With Richard Davis and "THE GIRL FROM MANHATTAN" • Rabbits, Chicks, Roosters sion will be forthcoming from Mag- .Helen Westcott WEDNESDAY THRU SATURDAY , Ducks, Schmoos, etc. istrate Joseph M. Feinberg, Rail- (Extra Cartoon at Saturday Robert TAYLOR - Ava GARDNER in way, possibly iiext week . . . Mag- Matinee) istrate "Andy" Desmond has been "THE BRIBE" A Paradise of on vacation this week' and "Nate" Duff has been serving' as acting SUNDAY AND MONDAY Magistrate ... "THE ACCUSED" . EASTER Specialties With Loretta Young and Newseltes: Robert Cumming-s TODAY . made from Austin J. Totterdeli, former ad- "PLUNDERERS" Perth Amboy THRU WED., APRIL I3TH vertising manager of the old With Rod Cameron and Phone P. A. 4-.M.SS PETER'S Pure Milk Chocolate 'Leader-Journal," was visiting in Our Fine Cuisine Now Has Ilona Massey town yesterday. He is still with the CHICKEN-IN-A-BASKET—Southern Style A leading chocolate expert told us that Casey ' Jones School of Aviation. nowhere in the country has he seen a selec- ; . . . Approximately 270 High and many other fine foods served to < TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY School students will- take part in you in- a truly home-cooked style. "THE TIME OF YOUR tion of EASTER CANDY as large as ours. the Glee Club concert to be pre- —NEVER A COVEK OR MINIMUM— LIFE" sented tonight and tomorrow night in Woodbridge High School With James Cagncy and NOVELTY PACKAGES _____-....___,. 29c to 1 auditorium. The theme of the con- William Bendix cert will be "I Hear America Sing- CLUB MARKAY- "WINNER TAKE ALL" RABBITS, all sizes .•...:. 29c to 3;95 ing." Don't Miss It ... The Stu- Television and Entertainment Nightly dent Nurses Association of the With, Joe Kirkwood, Jr., and Chocolate Baskets .... 1.10 - 2.50 - 3.00.- 3.50 Perth Amboy General Hospital 1049 ROOSEVELT AVENUE CARTERET, N. J. Elyse Knox will hold a bazaar in the Nurses' TELEPHONE CARTERET 8-9.772 CHOCOLATE EGGS 29c to 89c Lounge, April 13, 2 P. M. Both Carteret and No. 62 Buses Stop at Our Door. (Also, the Bridal Rose Dinner- needlework and food will be on ware to the Ladies) Decorated Chocolate EGGS ...... 50c 10 9.50 sale. An added attraction will be PACKAGED GOODS SOLD DAILX a raffle for a cross-stitched land- Milk Chocolate Decorated scaped picture . . . CROSSES ..-95c-1:50-2.25 Cocoanut Cream EGGS .... 5c - 10c - 20c - 35 Last But Not Least: C It's a daughter for Mr. and Mrs. IT MAK Decorated Cocoamit Cream or William Cravens of Carteret Road •bom yesterday morning at Perth DIFFIRENCE... Fruit and Nut CREAM 39c - 89c -1.75 Amboy General Hospital. Mrs. Cravens is the former Roslyn Fancy STRAW BASKETS ..2.00 - 2,50 - 3.0C Pfeiffer, Prospect Street . . . Mrs. HOW UTTIS FEET ARE PROTECTED John Kish, Fords, is recuperating Red Goose Shoes are built for day long comforh Chuck full of EASTER Goodies up to • 15.0C at her home after an; operation performed at Perth Amboy General ... and» active wear. Stop in today... we will Hospital . . . The Keasbey War ALSO Monument Committee is busy these carefully fit your youngster in atrractive shoes. days planning for the dedication of the monument in honor of the Milk Chocolate Dolls, dead of botli wars on May 22 ... "Tacker" 'Bergen served as active mayor Tuesday in the absence of Chicks, .Roosters, Mayor August F. Greiner. "Tack- j gr"' did a good job. i ' Lambs, I TLASHT? SPECIAL I I 1-Sb. Assorted Chocolates . . . i.ic I Z-Sb. Assorted Chocolates . , . 2.1s I I

EXFEKTLY WE'VE, <3OT THE LATEST IN SPRING AND EASTER $4.25 PITTED m FASHIONS. to $6.45. BY X-RAY . HUMPHREY BOGART , . AND Confectionery WALTER HUSTON I mtnssHop RUTHAL'S CHILDREN'S STORE . . TIM HOLT "The Finest in Rome Made Candies'" WOODBRIDGE X ; v 1287 MADISON' AVENUE, 'PERTH AMBOY BRUCE BENNETT I Next to Woolworth's 192 Smith St. p. A. 4-022' BARITAN TOWNSHIP AND FORDS BEACON THURSDAY, APRIL 7, 1949 PAGE SEVEtf FORDS NEWS Raritan Township and Fords Beacon FORBS NEWS Last Rites Bride-to-Be Feted 'Two Fords Basketball Teams Completing Court Season at Top of Ladjder Red" Cross - Are Held At Surprise Party Drive _ Goes Miss Eleanor Boyarski To Wed Hopelawn Man For Marine May 1st, in Linden Over Top PFC. Albert N. Patten, HOPELAWN — Miss Bemice Oved $2,000 Collected Pavlik, 13 mmett Avenue, was Killed at Guam, 1944, hostess at a shower tendered Misj To Date in Fords Area Sleanor Boyarski at the Roose- Reburied in St. Mary's velt Inn, Metuchen. By Volunteer oWrkers FORDS—Reburial services for Miss Boyarski, daughter of Mr FORDS—Mrs. Arthur A. over- Marine PFC. Albert Niles Patten, and Mrs. Signiond Boyarski, 1004 gaard, fund chairman of the loeal- son of Mrs. Augusta Patten, 444 Mopsick Avenue, Linden, will be Red Cros s drive^. reported today Crows Mill Road and the late Pa- married to Francis J. Pavlik, Jr. that a total of $2,002 had ben sub- trolman Michael Patten, who for- of the local address, May 1, at St. scribed. The quota was $2,000. Elizabeth's Church' in Linden. merly resided at 385 Washington Totals of contributions were re- Street, Perth Ambzoy, were held Guests were: Mr. and Mrs. Sig- ceived from the different depart- Saturday momding- at 8:30 o'clock mond Boyarski and daughter Do- ments: Industry, $350; collections from the- residence, and at 9 lores of Linden: Mr. and Mrs. in the theatre, $46.22; small busi- o'clock at St. Mary's Church, Perth Rocky Stango and daughter Emilie ness, $192.50; hoiise-to-house can- Amboy, where a solemn high mass if Elizabeth; Mr. and Mrs. Louis vass, $1,077.34; school faculty, $19; was celebrated. Pavlik of Metuchen; Mr. and Mrs Sub-Junior Woman's Club tag day, Rev. James Harding was the Al Korieko and daughters Ann S22.50; Little Woman's tag" day, celebrant of the mass. Rev. John Marie and Patricia, Mrs. Rose Di $32.67; Lions Club basketball game, Petrie was deacon and Rev. Theo- Caro and son Anthony of New $21.67; organizations, $200. and dore Opdenacker was sub-deacon Brunswick, and Mr. and Mrs. Fred professional, $40. Rev. John E. Grimes, pastor of Greene of Carteret. Our Lad yof Peace Church was Mr. and Mrs. Michael Fritz anc Joseph A. Dambach, assisted also on the altar. daughter Frances, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Overgaard in the small Dusl- Burial was in St. Mary's ceme- John Pavlik and daughter Janet. ness collections. The chairman also tery with Father Petrie conduct- •Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Dubetsky announced that a few contribu- ing the ceremonies at the grave md daughter Audrey, Mrs. Ann tions are still being received and and a squad from Camp Kilmer /Viljos and daughter Caroline, Mrs. will be announce* later. ^ rendering full military honors. Ann Treb, Mr. and Mrs. Albert ' She has expressed her apprecia- Pallbearers were Bradford Deter, Totka, Mi-i and Mrs. Thomas Po- tion to all her volunteer workers Joseph'Gregory, Leon Burke, Wil- lak, Miss Dorothy Olsen and Mrs. who canvassed the community and Olga Ambrose all of Perth Amboy. to the residents who, through their liam O'Hara, Henry Lakomski and s Stephen Chizmadia. Miss Irene Kopko, Misses Stella generosity, helped make the cam- A student at St. Mary's Paro- and Helen Skarzenski, Mrs. Ann paign'a success. chial and -High School, Perth Am- Slicko, Mrs. Ethel Terebush, Mi\ boy, Patten enlisted in the service and Mrs. Edward Pavlik, Miss Ber- in June, 1942. He •was killed in nice Pavlik, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Mrs. Orosz Hostess action, July 22, 1944, at Guam. Goroczowski, Mr. and Mrs. Frank He held medal pavlik and son Richard and Fran- To Tumblers at Home cis Pavlik Jr., all of town. and the Presidential citation. KEASBEY—Mrs. -Helen Orosz, Surviving besides his mother, Warren Street, Fords, was hostess are four sisters, Mrs. Leslie War- Funeral Rites Held to the Tumblers Club Friday night. ren, Mrs. Frank Pease, Eloise and A plastic demonstration will be Carol Ann. for Hopelawn Woman Two Fords basketball teams are showing promise of championship material. At left is a picture of the Juniors. Standing: Einar Sondergaard, Richard Meyers, featured at the meeting fo the The Fords Junior Wildcats ended their season with a record of 12 wins and three Robert Ratajczk, Louis Kuhn; kneeling: John Powoski, Captain Dixie Krauss Jim club at the home of Mrs. Margaret HOPELAWN — Funeral services losses. They copped the Township Recreation League title and trophy by defeating Cougrhlin. At rigttt are the Intermediates. Standing: Richard Krauss, manager; Rychlicki, Dahl Avenue. xor Mrs. Katherine Henkel, 4b the Avenel Panther Juniors. The Fords Intermediates are also tops in their class Buddy Giesing, Herman Suppe, Tillman Laubach. Kneeling: Don Furdock, Micky PTA to Conduct Howard Street, were held Satur- and have to play one more game to decide the championship. Duffalo, mascot; Buster Sullivan, captain. Members present were: Mrs. day afternoon at 1 o'clock at the Mary Peterson, Mrs. Tillie Lavin, r'iynn and Son Funeral Home, Mrs. Betty Pinkowski and Mrs, 'Fathers' Night' Perth Amboy, and at 1:30 o'clock Miss_ Romig Entertains Fords Church Delegation Knitting Cluh to Meet Julia Orosz. ' at St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Goal Set. for Amboy Dr. Albert Jodien to Church. Rev. Charles H. Krahe, At Birthday Party At So. River Service With Mrs, Rose-Bdross pastor of the Charleston Reformed Funeral Services Held - FORDS—Miss Gywnne Romig, FORDS—A large delegation of KEASBEY—Mrs, Evelyn Sitch Be Guest Speaker at Church, S. I., officiated. Miss Em- Hospital Drive? Quadt Reveals 501 Crows Mill Road entertained ily Boos sang the service. Rolf men, members of Our Lady of entertained the Idle Hour Knitting For Hans Hansen, Fords Meeting on Wednesday pitals. This special type of corpo- at a party Saturday in celebration Peace Church attended the devo- Gunst was at the organ. Burial ration has no stock and pays no of her birthday. Club at. its meeting on Thursday. FORDS — Funeral services for • FORDS—Dr. Albert Jochsh, Di- was in Linden Hill Cemetery, $250,000 Federal Grant dividends. Its sole purpose is to tion services at Corpus Christi Hans C. Hansen of 206 Ford Ave- Brooklyn. Guests were: Misses Lois Beh- Church, South River, sponsored Mrs. Rose Boross will be hostess rector of Middlesex County Voca- Forthcoming if, Area serve the people in the community ringer, Dolores Deering and aBr- to the club at its next, meeting to- nue were held at the home. Bev. The pall bearers were Jack in which the hospital operates on by the Nocturnal Adoration Soci- i A. L. Kreyling, pastor,of Our Re- tional Schools, will be guest speak- bara Harned of Woodbridge; Lucy ety, These devotion services are night, at her home, Bingle Street, er at the "Fathers' Night" meeting Lindemann, Peter Henkel, -George Residents Cooperate a non-profit basis for the benefit Ciardieljo of Port -Reading; Marie deemer Lutheran Church, offici- and Philip Kreischer Si\, Nicholas of the ocmmunity. It is controlled held the first Friday of each Hopelawn. ated. Burial was in the Alpine of PTA of School No. 14, on Benyola of Hopelawn; Joan Mohr month....-.' Wednesday night at 8 o'clock, in Hermann and Philip Kreischer .. FORDS—Adolph Quadt, chair- by a Board of Governors who give and Rosemary Communale of Ise- / Other, members present .were: I cemetery. the school auditorium. Jr. man of the local drive for funds their .. services free of charge* so lin and Bettey Maney of town. The hour from" 12 midnight to Mrs. Ida Yunek, Mrs. Helen Ma- j Pallbearers were: John Kocegl, The parent-teacher conference to be used by the Perth Amboy that the community may have a 1 A.M. was prayer. The joros, Mrs. Marjorie Toth,, Mrs. ' John Peterson, * Howard 'Bailey, period will be held from 7:30 to 8 General Hospital for building ex- hospital service.'" NEW DAUGHTER first Friday in May the-.hour of Elizabeth Westcott, Mrs. Rose • Paul Sisolak, Emil Jedatchek and 3 Infants Christened 1 o'clock. pansion purposes, explained today Outstanding among its opera- FORDS—Mr. and Mrs. William prayer for the members of Our Boross and Mrs. Grace Yen-diet. Nels Jensen. Mrs. George Ferdinandsen, the At Fords Church Sunday some of the facts why the sum of tional figures is the amount of , Kupriek, 3.8 MacArthur Drive, are Lady of Peace Church will be from president, has announced an inter- $600,000 is needed to complete its free care extended to the public the parents of a daughter born at 1. to .2 "A. M. esting program has been prepared FORDS — Three infants were program. last year alone. This figure, totaled the Middlesex General Hospital, for the evening. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. christened in Our Lady of Peace Organizing a committee of $144,00.- New Brunswick. MUCH BETTER! Smith will be soloists. Church, with Rev. John Thomp- workers who will contact the vari- FORS—Vincent Farrington Jr., son, officiating. ous residents of Fords, Chan-man DAUGHTER IS BORN son of Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Far- 5 and 2 Club Plans Christine Clark, daughter of Quadt indicated that the hospital Holy Name to Receive FORDS—Mr. and Mrs." Stephen rington, 50 Hoy Avenue, is recu- LEVISION Mr. and Mrs. Harold Clark, 41 now in its sixtieth anniversary Communion on Sunday Kovacs, 106 Fifth Street, are the perating at home following a ton- Social on April 6th Moffett Street, was christened year has a commendable service parents of a daughter born, at the silectomy at the Perth Amboy Anthony O'Connell and Barbara record during that long period. FORDS—The members of the Perth Amboy General Hospital. General Hospital. FORDS—Mrs. Paul Schickling, O'Connell as sponsors. Six hundred and fourteen resi- Holy Name Society of Our Lady EST Cliff Street, entertained the 5 and The infant daughter of Mr. and dents from Fords were patients in of Peace Church will receive com- 2 Club at its meeting. Plans for Mrs. John Kovacs, 33 Wildwood 1948. munion in a body at the 8 o'clock a social to be held April 6 were Avenue, was baptized Joann. "First and foremost is the fast mass on Sunday. completed. The affair to be held at Sponsors were Mr. and Mrs. Al- that if we raise $600,000," the CALENDAR OF COMING EVENTS the home of Mrs. Schickling. The The regular meeting of the Holy fonso Casalino. chairman emphasized, "a grant Name Society willbe held Monday dark horse prize was awarded Mrs. Walter Zakupowski Jr., son ofr of $250,000 will be forthcoming Schickling. The next meeting will at 8 o'clock in the church audi- FORDS, HOPELAWN and KEASBEY Mr. and Mrs. Walter Zakupowski, from the government. In addition torium. be held at the home of Mrs. Wal-88 Lafayette Avenue, had as spon- this money, and this should be ter Eheaman, Dnnbar Avenue. sors, Alexander Zakupowski and clearly understood, will be used for . (NOTE: For. insertions in this calendar, call Mrs. Stephen A. Others present were: Mrs. Peter Elsie Novak. expansion purposes only and not Patricks Entertain Frost, Woodbridge 8-1710 or Perth Amboy 4-7111, before noon Rasmussen, Mrs. Sheaman, Mrs. for current expenses." On Son's 5th Birthday on Tuesday of each week.) Ben Juhl, Mrs. Milton Hansen, Very few people hase supported Mrs, Steve Balas and Mrs. John Bride is Honored this institution in its previous FORDS '— Mr. and Mrs. Peter MARCH Sullivan. At Surprise Shoiver drives yet the records show that it | Patrick Jr., Dunham Avenue, en- has taken its definite place in i tertained in honor of the fifth 31—Meeting Fathers' Committee PTA of Our Lady of Peace birthday of their son, Dennis. Parochial School in auditorium at 8 P. M. Egan-Tomaszeivski : FORDS—Miss Marion Lybeck, community life during its tenure of Ford Avenue, entertained at a sur- service. Guests included Jean Varga. 31—Meeting Home and School Association, Hopelawn School Engagement Announced prise miscellaneous shower in hon- Answering questions asked of Diane Kozban, Diane Schinder, Auditorium, 8 P. M. .„ FORDS—Mr." and Mrs. Edmund or of Mrs. Erwin Peterson, the him toy residents In the commun- Ronald Holled, Peggy Patrick, APRIL Tomaszewski, 186 Conlogue Ave- former Miriam Lorch, Colonia. ity the chairman pointed out that Dorothy and Carol Patrick, Mrs. 7—Installation Ladies' Auxiliary of Fords Memorial Post, VFW, nue, South Amboy, have an- Mr. and Mrs. Peterson were mar- few individuals know the full ex- Mary Holled, Mr. and Mrs. Ern- ried March 5. tent and operation of the institu- est Varga, Mr. and^Mvs. Michael in post building at 7:30 P. M. : nounced the engagement of their 11—Meeting Ladies' Auxiliary of Fords Memorial Post-, VFW, daughter, Rita, to Robert Egan, Guests were:;The Misses Evelyn ttion. Last year alone 1,600 chil- Kozban, Mrs. Horvath, Barbara Schoonover, Marilyn Hughes, dren were served there/with 1,500 Horvath and Mr. and Mrs/ John 8 P. M., VFW Building", Fords. son of Mr. and Mrs. John Egan of Kozban. 11—Installation of Officers—Mothers' Club of Troop 52 at the 788 King George -Road. Jeannette McEwen of Woodbridge; new babies being from. Approxi- home of Mi's. A. H. Feddersen, Mary Avenue, with Mrs. Miss Tomaszewski, a graduate Miss Gloria Swanson of Iselin; mately 4,100 operations were per- George Ferdinandsen co-hostess. of St. Mary's High School, Class Miss Charlotte Dingley of Rahway; formed and over forty thosand CORRECTION 11—Meeting Holy Name Society of Our Lady of Peace Church in of '47, is employed by the Pruden- Mrs. J. Russell Lorch of Colonia; laboratory examinations. »FORDS—In last week's issue it church auditorium, 8 P. M. Fords.. tial Insurance Company at its Miss Claire Gawronik and Mrs. The staff of the hospital num- was stated that the fire at the 12—'Meeting Ladies' Auxiliary of Fords American Legion, Legion home office in Newark. Her fiance Walter Lybeck. bers 100 doctors, 25 dentists, and S. S. Fords, Route 35, was caused rooms, 8 P. M. Fords. graduated from St. Mary's High 100 nurses and aides. Hospital em- by a field'fire that got out of con- 13—Woman's Club of Fords, 8 P. M. in library. Fords. School, Perth Amboy and is em- ATTEND CONFERENCE ployes total 300 people. trol. Anton J. Polack, chief of 13—''Fathers' Night" FTA School No. 14, in auditorium of School CROSLEY ployed toy the Peter J. Schweitzer FORDS—Mrs. George Ferdi- The allocation of the money to Hopelawn Fire Company, reports 8P.M. • •'..-' Company, Spotswood. nandsen, president, Mrs. Samuel be raised will erect a proposed new there was no field .fire and the fire 14—Annual Regional meeting Lions Clubs. The Pines, Metuchen: Now offers—ALL CHANNEL TELEVISION plus FM RADIO— Stratton, Mrs. Julius Mitruska, south wing, with four- floors, and started in the building, inside, the Lions Club- of Fords to combine its meeting with this Mrs. Joseph Elko, Mrs. Lafayette cement block wall which is being * affair. ' . . givin^ you bright, clear, steady pictures on a BIG lO-ineh FTA TO MEET an. additional floor on the present 18—Meeting of St. .John's First Aid Squad, Inc., Headquarters, PICTURE TUBE—for the amazingly low price of only Livingston, Mrs. Dorothy Elko and east wing. This will increase oper- constructed around the building. FORDS—A meeting of School Mrs. Jens Jensen represented the Police say the field fireoccuiTed 8 P. M. Fords.' .'.-•• • No. 7 PTA will be held this after- PTA of School No. 14 at the spring ating -room space and create 80 earlier in the day. 18—Meeting Fords Women's Democratic Club, Scandinavian noon at 3 o'clock instead of April conference of the N.- J. Congress addtional beds. Grill 8 P. M. : , • . ; 14 because of the holidays. A pro- of Parents and Teachers at the "The Perth Amboy General Hos- CLUBWOMEN TO MEET 18—Meeting Blue Jeans Girls Club at the home of Miss Joan gram will be presented by the third Central High .Schol, Trenton. pital is owned and. operated'by a FORDS—The Woman's Club of Nielsen, 46 Grant Avenue, Fords. grade pupils. private corporation," the chair- Fords will hold its regular meeting 19—Meeting Fords American Legion, Post 163, Legion rooms, man concluded; "under a special Wednesday in the Library at 8 8 P. M. Fords. Witness "the many television programs offered daily on a set act of the Legislature of the State 20—"Easter Bonnet Social" Moth-ears Club Troop,52. P. M. 21—Card Party—^Sodality of Our Lady of Peace Church in which we will install in your home for a few daj's on a FREE •PICK -. UP - DELIVERY of 'New Jersey permitting the oper- churcli auditorium. Fords. TRIAL DEMONSTRATION BASIS. ation of charitable, non-profit hos- 25—Meeting Lions Club of Fords, 6:30 P. M., Scandinavian Grill, call ' Fords. •.'..• Our SERVICE DEPARTMENT is fully equipped to INSTALL USED CAR SALE 25—Meeting La'dies' Auxiliary of Fords Memorial Post No. 6090 and SERVICE any make television set. Woodbridge 8-1735 '41 PLYMOUTH, Bus. Coupe VFW, 8 P. flVL, VFW Building, Fords. APPLIANCES AND '40 LINCOLN ZEPHYK, 4-door 25—Minstrel Fords Fire Company, School No. 14. R. Richard WE HAVE BUT ONE PURPOSE— or '4&5>NASH '600", 4-aoor sedan '38 DE SOTO, 4-door Sedun Krauss, Leonard Fiseher, co-chairmen. . •« ' XOUB COMPLETE SATISFACTION HOUSEWARES '38 PLYMOUTH Bus. Coupe 26—'Minstrel Fords Fire Company, School No. 14. R. Richard Perlli Aniboy 4-7538 '40 PONTIAC, Club Coupe Krauss, Leonard Fischer, co-chairmen. HOME MADE FLOWERS 26—Meeting Ladies' Auxiliary of Fords American Legion, 8 P. M. — ASK ABOUT ®UH EASY TERMS — '42 OLDSMOBILE, 4-Dr. Sedan Legion, rooms, Fords. . . - , AND BRIDAL DOLLS '32 DODGE, 4-Dr. Sedan 27—Meeting Junior Woman's Club of Fords in Library- '41 FORD, 2-door Sedan 27—Junior Woman's Club of Fords in Library at 8 P. M. ' MADE TO ORDER '38 DODGE, 4-door Sedan 28—Apron and Food Sale—American Home Department of '41 CHRYSLER, 4-door Sedan Woman's Club-of Fords, 1 to 4 P, M. in Library, Fords. •'••••.•=: FRANKS AND OTHERS Mrs..Charles Leuenberger, chairman. . . ORAHMANN'S Good Transportation— 28—PTA meeting Our Lady of Peace Parochial School in school Guaranteed, ' auditorium at 8 P. M. RADIO & TELEVISION Priced Right for Quick SaJe. 28—PTA St. John's Church, Hoy Avenue, at 8 OP. M. ' : 28—Luncheon, Ladies' Missionary Society of Grace Lutheran Terms if desired. Parish House, King Georges Road, Fords. Mrs. Jack Johnson, chairman. 463 NEW BRUNSWICK AVENUE FORDS, N. X METCHIK MOTORS, Inc. 28—Court of Honor and Charter Night, Troop 57, Hopelawn, in L . STORES school auditorium. . . • • .. ' P. A. 4-1067 YOUR Authorized 30—Old Fashioned Square Dance, Fathers' PTA of Our Lady WOODBRIDGE - FORDS De Soto - Plymouth Dealer. of Peace Parochial School. Walter Cook, caller. John • "OUR MECHANICS ARE FACTORY TRAINED" HOPELAWN AT PINELLI'S HATS 446 ST. GEORGE AVENUE Cosky, chairman. . .'....:.'• • OPEN TUESDAY AND FRIDAY EVENINGS RAHWAY, N. J. —: Editorials:— POTENT MEDICINE Opinions of Others

A WIDER HOKIZON vote for cloture in the event a Japan's first -National News- Dixiecrat filibuster against an Everyone's Out of Step' - but Mr. Gioe paper Week, which we had re- anti-poll tax bill. . . . cently, was a good chance for us The GOP senators need to re- Representatives of the Township Com- nate, Recreation Director Samuel Gioe. We to reflect on our fundamental read the civil rights plank of therl own 1948 platform' oppos- mittee ,rand the Board of Education are to right of freedom of speech. It have, in the past, found many opportuni- showed to me that one of the ing lynching and the poll tax, be commended most highly for meeting ties to laud Mr. Gioe but his performance most important and essential and favoring- the right Of equal head-on the.:problem, of eliminating van- blessings which newspapers con- opportunity to work. dalism to public property by some partici- in connection with the situation at hand tribute to a democratic society is on Pnae 11) their accurate and impartial in- pants in the municipal Recreation; Depart- makes us wonder seriously whether we have formation. ment programs, Committeeman Fitzpatriek been mistaken. We students, who have grown JUST and the Board delegation deserve a sincere instead of acknowledging the existence up during: the war period and educated under a system of compliment Jor the intelligent and straight- of a situation, which, required dispassionate thought control, and now living forward fashion in which they faced this thinking and action, Mr. Gioe elected to under circumstances of confusion, serious matter. . make counter-charges against —of all peo- and selfishness of a defeated Something Like country, have found ourselves Schoolboy asked to define ag- Because of this enlightened approach, we ple—us. Fortunately, our interest and con- very indifferent to international riculture: Agriculture is some- are certain that everything possible will be tributions in time and money toward the problems. thing like farming- only farming Recently .through, contact with, is doing it.—Answers. done to provide adequate supervision and leadership, • guidance and development of some American friends and a discipline, so that safeguards will be erected the youth of Woodbridge Township, are too chance to read an American Anybody against those few mischievous and destruc- well known to warrant any defense against newspaper, a group of my friends. The passing of a sellers' mar- and I came to realize that it was ket now is definite. At Moffat, tive youngsters who eannot be entrusted to Mr. Gioe's inconsiderate and reckless alle- not just enough to read news- Ont., a grocer who rescued a conduct themselves with reasonable deco- gations, ..-•"' papers. But in order to get a good citizen from a burning home ex- understanding of world events, it plained. "Anyone would have rum. We are now satisfied,, as we believe What his opinion may be of us or of any was necessary not only to study done it. He was a customer."— also is the community at large, that the their background but also to dis- Milwaukee Journal. other newspaper is, of course, of no concern cuss them. conference Thursday night was most bene- to anyone. What is of real concern, however, About 20 students now meet Here He Is! ficial and will go a long way toward obviat- is whether Mr. Gioe is too timid to face regularly once a month to discuss A Canadian,' knocked through ing any re-occurrence of the incidents de- facts which, thank heaven, we're not. current events concerning the a store window by a concrete- scribed in a report by school janitors. main problems of the world. We mixer truck, got up and walked In view of the action taken by the Town- use for the basis, of our discus- away. If the comic-strip artists We only wish that Mr. Fitzpatriek could ship Committee and Board of Education sion The Christian Science Moni- seek a new detective hero, this find a method whereby some of the excel- conferees to eliminate any repetition of tor, which is well known through- is- tb,eir boy.—Richmond Times- out the world for its excellent Dispatch. lent judgment and forthrightness which vandalism in the schools, Mr, Gioe has the coverage of international affairs. characterized his conduct in tackling the unusual distinction of being a minority of We choose a subject and each one Today's Variety of us reads about it and writes a The Senate- in Washington is problem could be imparted to- his subordi- one. We trust he will enjoy the' distinction. report. to consider a bill for the relief of Now, what a fine thing it would distressed owners of gold mines. be if many more such groups These are the new forty-njners On •• Being A Municipal Chairman could be organized in all parts and the rush this time iIat I . FARMERS—New Jersey farm- borro-w and Haines >are Repub- bones of hopes discarded and dreams out- cancer ana they are beginning to put their rented well under $50 a month i Li law ao prcbt-nt aliGu's luur licans, while Little, former presi- , • and to reclaim blighted city ii'ai KG ii Nt\: Jersey and vfiice ers are taking an active interest grown. We change and die every dawn and resources in science and education to work in politics this year. dent of the United' Milk Pro- rtreas by replacing sub-standard ..u jiieiicu .-hi(it i snex i <>-)• ducers, is a Democrat. eveiy sunset without dread," to conquer this disease. buildings with decent housing at /tin o-arden btate Park at Cam- Seeking- nominations in. .trie- April 19 primary election are- J. Little 'hopes to succeed Assem- Dr. Liebman knew that the change of ' The best scientific brains in the country low cost. blyman. Amos F. Dixon, of Still- Later in early fall the- Gover- " "c 1. W. H. Thornborrow, of Millville; now are trying to find out what causes C. William Haines, of Mason- water, -who has announced his growing, old is nothing to.fear—that the nor also plans to call the legis- ills, ville, and Clarence J. little, &i (Continued an Pitge 11\ transition we call death is a long-time cancer and a vast program of education is lators back for another special v3,ouo li project which actually begins the day we under way to tell us that cancer, if detected session to consider a serits of Mum bills calling for municipal = o~- aon are born. .: early, frequently'can be cured with surgery eminent jeionrii., whic-h wu'e i't a'poi.' '\rio lour oir.urn. This subject of old age is. fast becoming and radiation. recommended by the Faulkner i-ouuLtd ,>c, jbU.OTC ••&. the ~aew C02rn1i.t-.s101:-. o>\ .:hiva;:.ij'-yp.'. .' •

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Facial Tissues Ang«1 Soft Pkgof40021e

Fresh and studded with plump raisins, Jane Parker Boston Brown Bread is a grand value. And there are dozens of others in our Bakery Sold in the whole bean with its fresh, rich flavor Department. Naturally fresher . . . naturally Thanks to careful selection and refrigeration, sealed inside, A&P Coffee is freshly ground when better ... A&P's fresh fruits you're assured of country-fresh flavor whenever you buy it ... simply grand when you drink it. Hot Cr®ss Bints p*g- ^ 9 and vegetables are naturally mighty popular with you buy dairy foods at A&P. And thanks to our No wonder it's America's No. 1 favorite! folks who like sfey-high quality at down-to-earth policy of everyday low prices, you're assured of Marvel While Bread w « ^ 14« prices (and who doesn't?) hard-to-Beat buys, too. Mildandmellow 2ilb.bK<79c llb.bag40ff •> a * e m 3 Ib". bag 1.15 Marvel Rolls Frankfurter or Sandwich pkg. of 8 for 16c Crisp • 2 «t.n» 25 Pries Mednscedl Su yfiel«f fancy creamery English Muffins , » pkg. of 4 for 13c pkg. of 6 for 19c Fre®It Butter BH KicK and full-bodied 3 11b. bags Fresh Asparagttat 11b. bag 44ff as •" • a 31b. bag 1,27 Angel Food Rillg . a as s t> e • each39<5 Cheddar Cheese Food Washed Spinach CIWrt^f-rMdy-to-cdol; 10 oz. pka. 19* 9 m * 2 Ib.loaf ^5® Ginger Gem Cookies • a & e • - e w or C3ied-O-Bit Vigorous and winey 2 11b. bags Yellow Bananas When availabla 8>. 13^ Me!-O-Bit process chesss ib.45c Sliced American rib.bas47(f ass a . ' 31b. bag 1,35 Fresh Carrots From W«t«tn farms 2wh«19* Mel-O-lif. fc. 55c ST#Mf5; HOURS* Blended Swiss Crisp Radishes From Southern farm* 2 bunchM 7« Borden'j 6 oz. wsj 31« Creani Cheese New White Cahfiage From Southern farnis fe. f» Grated American Bordsn'S 4 ox. pkg. 25« Mixed Salad Greens S^dy.fe-Us« 8oz.pka.19e Fancy Wiiconiin each 45c Baby Goudas Calimyrna Figs Jumbo; of fingsr styls Soi.pkg.I9* Full cream Eicotta Cheese 3lb.wil.'19 Dried Apricots Cslifornis 11fa. csllo. bii 49« Cured fe.69« Sharp Cheddar Dried Mixea Fruit CSlifornli 11b. cells, bag 3$? tt es. tup 19e Cottage Oieese Prices Effective in Super Markets and Self-Service Stores Onlf tiried Proae* California flb,»MfesgJ|s PAGE THURSDAY, APRIL 7, 1949 KARITAN TOWNSHIP AND FORDS BEACON

Classified Advertising HEAt ISSTATB FOB. SAI.K SVOODBRIDGE FtrBIiISHIITG GO. BUY YOUR HOME IK 18 Greet Street, Woodbridge. S. J. Publishers of WOOBBR1DGE WOODBRIDGE INDEPENDENT- I'AItK AVE. AIVJ» CU.\TOK ST. LEADER Off Amboy A venae (HiRhnay 4-it) < v-ARTERET PRESS DOWN PAYMENT $290 , RARITAN TOWNSHIP-FORDS $62 MONTHLY FOR G.I. Host iittr.u-tive I dml % room liun- BEACON K.Uow, lagfi an'T dry Fwsemenl, ox- tmresioij altie, laii?e lot. A lew icatly lor lmniiMliatc oi/runani'l". ONE NEWSPAPER - Agent on Pi'enusps •Satin itav anil Sunday 2 to 5 1J. M. . Tims _: 10c per line .\t Model Home, Clinton Street i Times 9c per line YOUR i Times 8o per line I'K.VMV ,r. uoarcii, KKACTOR. \ Times - 7c per line 8')f W TfltHD AVENUH liOSEUE J-0f)2i or 4-8678 PATRONIZE THREE NEWSPAPERS S-3 7, 24, 31; 4-1 « Tims 15c per ltoe e H1S1J WA.KTED—SIAtiE » J Times 14c per line j Times . 13c Per Una Experienced Operators NG GUIDE t Times 12c per line On riiildreu'riild s DDresses OUR (YEARLY CONTRACT) Steady Work—Good Pay rlospitali^ation—Vacation With Paj* 300 lines—one paper 6c per line !00 lines—three papers lie per line Insurance Benefits i Minimum space ehargeH'—5 lines.) '.'51) ADVERTISERS Change of copy allowed monthly. CxlHTERET NOVELTY CO. »2 Wheeler A*en»e Vnrtervt RECTORY 25 letters to a line—five words. Vurteret 8-0370 2/3-21 VIA CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING payable In advance. Exceptions art K«H SA1.K marte for established accounts only Irregular insertions "will he i3!l iMLOJicritV Convertible Jfntur nharffed for at th? one-time rate. tn-ilcct $r.fli) t.tkes it. Ca.ll llali- Radio and Television Ads ordered four times and ay 7-U.S33-JI. 1-7 stopped before that time will he tor t/ie actual number ot PI BL.1C NOTICE Perth Amboy times the ad appeared, charging ai WOODBRIDGE RADIO the rate earned. HTANLMY SHKllMAN &c CKCH. Locksmith Co. AND TELEVISION • The W oodbriage Publishing Co IXTEUNATIONAL AND 77 SMITH STREET reserves the right to edit, revise or -VMKP.1CAN in'SiC SALES & SERVICE reject all copy submitted/and will I'lSIlTH AMBOY 4-S6L'u-J PERTH AMBOY ® Service Stations © aot be responsible for more than 3-1U, 17, 21, 31* P. A. 4-4405 ® Home and Auto Radios me Incorrect insertion of any adver- ® Amplifiers ® Television tisement. The co-operation of the Safe Expert, Locks and Door • Expert Servicing advertisers will be appreciated. Haiion's Television Sales Avenel Pharmacy Checks Repaired CLASSIFIED ADS ACCEPTED TO JOSEPH P. KOCSIK Andy's Esso Servicenter »>3O A. M. WEDJIESDAV Topped 375,000 Las! Year 1010 RAHWAY AVENUE Complete Auto Lock and WOODBRIDGE 8-1914 452 RAHWAY AVENUE LUBRICATION - TIRE REPAIRS WASHINGTON.—Output of tele- Key Service WOODBRIDGE 8-1710 vision receivers totaled more than WOODBRIDGE, N. J. Battery Charging. Expert Truck Telephone Woodbridge 8-1308 975,000 sets during 1948, bringing © Musloal Instruments and Auto Repairs BUSINESS DIRECTORY total television production since WHITMAN'S CANDIES ; 24-Hour Towing Service the end of the war to 1,160,000, ac- Cosmetics - Film Bailings cording to a report issued by the Headquarters for Quality Musical WOODBRIDGE 8-1549 UOITSEHOLD SERVICE! Greeting Cards Radio Manufacturers association. Instruments and Accessories. AVENEL,"N. J. on ROUTE 25 CURTAINS STRETCHHSD An additiona-1 25,000 to 30,000 un- We carry only leading brands: DECORATIVE WROUGHT IRON, assembled television kits were Selmer - Conn - Pan American - 25c and 50c Pair; Tablecloths 60c. RAYMOND JACKSON IRON AND ALLOY FENCES Free Picfe-up and Delivery* manufactured during the year. Buffet - Excelsior - Morescbl - About 44 per cent of the total The Dallape & Scandalli - Gibson. RAILINGS ?he Ue»t Curtain Sejrs>iec. AND SON WINDOW GUARDS 19 LIVINGSTON AVENUE, AVENEL was manufactured during the last Appliances DRUGGIST Eddie's Music Center CELLAR OO0HS Clarkson'n Phone Woodbridg-e 8,-1317-W quarter of 1948. In December ap- and Specify Requirements 2/3-21 proximately 39,000 television sets State Iron Works ESSO SERVICE MUSICAL were produced .weekly, but produc- 88 Main Street SCHOOL OF MUSIC 611-13 Slate Street tion was set back by holiday shut- General Appliances 357 STATE STREET Perth Ain1>oy, N. J. BETTEE USE® CARS" downs. Woodbridge, N. J. F. GtiZEWtCgC PRIVATE LESSONS Joseph Koncz, Jr., Prop. PERTH AMBOY, N. 3. Tel. P. A. 4-4572 Amboy Avenue and James Street TKUMPIOT - SAX Total production of radio sets m CLARINET r PIANU 1948 was estimated at more than REFRIGERATORS, WASHERS, Telephone: 8-0554 Phone P. A. 4-1290 Woodbridge, N. J. BERNIE AUTO SALES Master's Degree in Music Education 16,000,000 sets. However, with RANGES . Esposito's Music Shop © Real Estate -Insurance 405 AMBOY AVENUE P. WAROiV many radio manufacturers devot- (Both Gaa and Electric) WOr8-1514 !4(i AVENEL ST. WO-i-flljS-J Dog Kennels AUTHORIZES DEALER . 3-11) ti ing an increasingly larger share of RADIO Afti> TELEVISION Buescher, Selmer, Martin and WOODBBIDGE, N. J. their production capacity to tele- vision, output of radios was about 66 r,:«!N STREET GOING AWAY? Eupiphone. Wdge. 8-1020 —• 8-1031 a REAL EST,VTK FOR SALE e Woodbodge 8-1235 BOARD YOUR. DOGS Student and Professional William Greentvald 20 per cent below total production Instruments. SEWAIIEN — LOT 50x123, across in 1947, which was the second luuly. Weekly, Monthly Rates REAL ESTATE AND Geis Bros irom i>Lhool No. JJ on Sp^arpn highest in the history of the in- Washing and Stripping Musical Instruction on All Avenue. Any reasonable offer ac- Instruments. Army and Mavy Store ® < epted. liobert FullerLun, .".07A Mil- dustry. Store © Well Ventiia>*u INSURANCE Gidf Service diesox Avenue. Metuclien U-0^11. Best or 465 New Brunswick Avenue Jack Geis, John Dojcsak, Props. 3-'H tt Fords, N. J. 567 ROOSEVELT AVENUE Family Wash WASHING, GREASING , Carteret Surplus Store New Spick &Span Kennels Perth Amboy 4-6948 CARTERET VETERAN'S SPECIAL Hanging aE the articles in the Woodbridgs Headquarters for Box 216, Inman Avenue CARTERET 8-5636 . TIRES REPAIRED ARMY wool prnts, shirts.sweaters, family wash straight and by their a Cou&iplete Line of ONLY $200 TOTAfc CAtili Jtahway, N. J Pet Shop AMBOY; AVE. AND GREEN ST. arctics, flight boots, tents; U. S. reQuired to purchase nei\ homes In strongest parts -will make them last Men's Work Clothes, Shoes, RAHWAY 7-3938-M NAVY pea coats, sheep-lined Port Heading. Sportswear and Luggage. WOODBRIDGE, N. J. Monthly Pavments Apijroximately longer, look better and iron easier, pants, Combat shoes, Air Force $5 2.00 point out home economists. Woodbridge 8-0887 jackets, etc. Onl\ a Few Lcit. Army and Navy Donald T. -Manson Modern Hornet Opmieil on 97 ROOSEVELT AVENUE Hagcman Street Persian Custom' INSURAMCi: Saturday and Sunilay iioui Sales Stores Hotel For Dogs Near Hudson Street In ancient Persia, eggs were giv- 1 to 4 3d P. M. en to friends on New Year's day. 114 MAIN STREET CARTERET, N. J. BOH1.EN-S1 .\niO.\ Pedigreed cocker and collie pup- -174 Alaiu Street The Persians regarded the hatch- WOODBR1DGE, N. I. Holohan Brothers r pies. Boarding, bathing and trim- lUetyviien, ]N. J. ing of the eggs as symbolle of the WDGE. 8-3 Joe's Pet Shop GARAGE Phone Mat. U-lb2G or Caitcrut 1-7JU ming, also. Pels - Foods - supplies - HorseniFat Representing Boynton Brothers Standard Esso Products 3-21 t- beginning of a new lite. •«ii Daily - v. s. Govt inspected & Q Over 27 Years • MiSIwork & Screens Cero Meats - Galnes - Friskies O Phone 959 OLD LINCOLN HIGHWAY Birds - Cages - Supplies —T — Woodbridge 8-0064 and 8-0533 • 156 NEf BRUNSWICK AVENUE telephone Woodbridge 8-1592-J METUCHEN 6-2360 ' Cor. Amboy Avenue ana Bertolami Brothers PERTH AMBOY Tel. 4-3419 ] Second Street Lumber - Milhvork - Hardware Perth Aniboy Sates & Firestone1 Tires and Tubes Service Corp. Funeral Oirectors Piano Tuning Roofing and - SiEifng © Woodbridge, ,N. J. SCREENS MADE TO ORDER 564 LAURIE STREET- 783 CARTERET ROAD PERTH AMBOY, N. j. Joseph L. Cwiklik MINES ROOFING CO. SYNOWI-ECKI ilZ Meredith Street Gutters - Leaders - Skylights Taxi PORT READING "Authorised Hudson Deals?" Perth Amboy, N. J. Slate and Asphalt Roofs Telephone Carteret 1-6857 i». A. 4-6413 P. A. 4-6413 Funeral Home Piano Tuning - Voicing - Action Rubberbid Shingles Regulating - Repairing AH work covered by Workmen's WOODBRIDGE 46 Atlantic Street Telephone P. A. 4-2911-W Compensation and Liability Peps Sap Apostle Peter Carteret, N. J. Charges Reasonable Buried in "Eternal City" EXPERT WORK GUARANTEE!? ROME. — Pope Pius, in an ad- Telephone Carteret 8-5715 Highest Recommendations Mines Roofing Co. dress to 6,000 Rome students, said CARS WASHED Til XI 456 School Street, Woodbridge that the burial place of the Apostle WHILE YOU WAIT Furniture • Pony Ri WO-8-1077 Peter "is and was under the e-b'200 cupola of St. Peter's Church." Modern Auto Laundry BUY ON THE HIGHWAY AND Archaeological findings "demon- strate that," the Pontiff said. Lou Maty, Prop. SAVE Deter's Pony Ride Henry Jansen Sc Son DAY AND NIGHT SES.VICE Spring is the season for new It had been anticipated that the Simoniziiig, Blue Coral Treatment freshness. Our furniture is At Maple Tree Picnic Tinning and Sheet Metal Work METEREB RATES Pope, sooner or later, would af- 413-15 MARKET STREET fresh in design experienced .Roofing, Metal Ceilings and First M Mile 15c firm the truth of the tradition that BEST OF tHE now. We'll sho PERTH AMBQY, N. J. in quality. Grounds Furnace Work :acb Additional M Mile . . 10c St. Peter, martyred in Rome, was w OFFICE: 443 PEARL STREET buried on the site of the world's Perth Aiaboy 4-4851 Winter Brothers 588 Alden Street t largest Christian church. OPEN SATURDAY & SUNDAY WOO»BRH)GK. N. 5. Wayside Furniture Shop Woodbridge, N. J. However, he had been expected' Highway 25 Avenel, N. J. FROM 2 TO 6 P. M. to delay the disclosure until some- o Decoration Service © Open Daily 10 A. M. to 8 P.M. Telephone 8-1246 time during the Holy Year, open- Phone Woodbridge 8-1577 Tiling. m ing next Christmas Eve. Tins VICINITY'S LARGEST Radios The Pope made his statement DECORATION SERVICE "SINCE 1905" about St. Peter's burial place • Juvenile Furniture © T. HARMSEN E. W. NIER quite, casually, in the course of @ DuFont Faints New Jersey Roofing an address, whose topic was the • Imperial Washable Wallpaper Featuring the finest makes in "IN TELEVISION' • Columbia Venetian Blinds ART TILE CO. duty of the young to prepare them- STROLLERS, BABY CARRIAGES Company selves for "responsible offices" in • Tontine Window Shades IT'S ANDERSON Roofing - Brick Siding 454 RAHWAY AVENUE. Interior Decorator at Your Service AND JUVENILE FURNITURE later age. Storkline, Tliaycr, Hedstrom, FOE SERVICE AND SALES Metal Work WOODBRIDGE * He urged upon the students the SPIVACK BROS. Union, Whitney, -BiltRite Schwinn Guaranteed Expert Workmanship 309-313 NEW BRUNSWICK AVE. BATHS' KITCHENS study of Latin—"not a dead tongue and Roadmaster Bicycles PERTH AMBOY, N. J. "J STATE ST., TEKTH AMBOY RUBBER FLOORING but the key that opens the foun- Anderson Radio Tel. PE-4-0216 (QUALITY FIRST) tains of history'.'—as of Italian and Phone F. A. 4-1936 Mechanik's other modern languages. Visit Our Showrooms 286 HOBART STREET Hi Amboy Avenue, Perth Amboy Phoiies: WO-2927 PERTH AMBOY, N. J. Phone Perth Aniboy 4-3735 Rags P. A. 4-0674 WO-8-2368 Neighbors' Charity Puts V ! ; Opposite Sears llnebuck For Better Brakes ..- V :..::•" - ;J • Bry Cleaning WALL TO WALL 'Postmistress Out of Job Radio Repairs Tuxedss WALES, WIS. — Her neighbors' Lei An EXPERT Do Your Brake Work "Pleasing You is Our Business" ' ® Lumber and IViiSlwork ® We Are Equipped to charity has put Postmistress Mrs Our dry cleaning recaptures the Clean Wall to Wall Hazel B. Mason right out of a job. sparkling: fresh color of new gar- Have your rafiio repairs done by Phone P. A. 4-2991 The .residents of this Waufcesha 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE Y^C.:'' ments. Alterations are truly pro- a competent graduate technician. Carpeting and county village have sent so many fessional. Quick service. Shirts All work fully guaranteed. Only lJpt>«ln

Eddy in "His Excellency From ging business to pick'up, so he's Gloria Swanson declares, "I'llThe three are: "Only the Valiant," Bing Crosby will really be "Rid- Olivia de Havilland will join the Shirley Temple's iiexftv^ehicle; ;. Brazil?" The fans would love it. ' planning an independent venture have to be good in 'Sunset Strip,' "Bugles in the Afternoon"' and "A ing High," when he makes that ranks of Hollywood mothers in will be "Always Sweethfeatfe" for' ft to. make a picture in Africa. He or C. B. DeMille will .throw me Lion Is In The Street." picture. He gets four of the pretti- August, when she expects her first Warner Brothers. The Story is: aO-iv A newcomer to watch is,Joanne wants Charles. Bicfcford to join back to the lions." And. how! est girls in town to appear with baby. She and her husband, Mar- tually, "The StoryJ;of Seatoi§cu%W Dru, who is currently in "All thehim on the expedition. When Edgar Bergen returns him: Colleen Gray, Frances Gil- cus Goodrich, were married in under a riew title. : ,^;; ^';"'-r'; :::':;:: King's Men." She's being consid- Myrna Loy will recuperate from a vacation trip to Florida and ford, 'Marjorie Lord and Marjorie 1946. ered for "Broadway Bill," opposite Biily DeWolfe .went over so bigfrom her recent appendix opera- Hotsbelle. Bing Crosby. Formerly married to tion in southern France for theCuba, he plans to tour the nation's LIGHTNING ^ Paramount is about to do a at England's command perform- colleges and universities in search Jane Cowl, who haa so far ig- i: Dick Haymes, she says their mar- ance that President Truman asked next three or four months. While HAMBURG, :Germarryi^-:Wheii version of the life of Mack Ben- riage was broken up because "we there, her husband, Gene Markey, of bright young mm to help write, Elizabeth -Scott, Robert Cum- nored the screen, will make her lightning struck a.flock plSOO; snow* nett, using Gene Fowler's biogra- him to perform in Washington. his air shew. Bsrgen will be inmin-gs and.Diana Lynn have been motion-picture' debut opposite ! were too much alike." After that, he plans to return to plans to write'a screen play. geese, nearly 40: of ths & ^ phy of the producer of silent-film tough .competition next fall on tentatively scheduled for the lead- Robert. Montgomery, in "Come Be ped. dead .at. the: comedies, "Father Goose," as a Not having worked since he didHollywood to be with Fred Astaire Jimmy Cagney signed with CBS, since he will follow Jack ing roles in "Obsession," which Hal My Love/'-Miss Cowl will play tke background. an« Betty Hutton in "Little Boy grateful and surprised .villagers la '. =o well in "Johnny Belinda," Lew Warners after they. .promised to i Benny and Amos, n' Andy and pre- Wallis will produce later this year role of a society matron who isthe British zone, who nnjaediaMy . Ayers is tired of waiting for lag- Blue." cede Red Skelton. : Eddie Albert, one of the best of do three of the stories he owns.' for Paramount. . ' ' also a lawyer. • ."' prepared to enjoy goose drnners,:;/: ) comedians, who hasn't fared so well in Hollywood, is all set for the lead in Irving Berlin's and Bob Sherwood's "Miss Liberty," which goes into rehearsal on April 10, with Moss Hart directing. Wonder what's become of Joe Pasternak's ide'a of co-starring Jeanette MacDonald and Nelson Capitol Dome r Continued from Editorial Page' retirement at the endof his pres- ent term. Assemblymen Emmert R. "Wil- son, Stockton Republican, and SisisSH John B. Atkinson, Cincentown, mmmmm Democrat, are seeking re-election .•, No Guessing-Price Marked on the Item this year. They are considered the only two real farmers in the «II Legislature. JERSEY JIGSAW—Traffic ac- . And Receipt With Total Makes Re-checking iasy cident fatalities in New Jersey during January and February of this year totaled 91, or 28 more than in the same months last • You Pay Only Once for Your Total Purchases year . . . Farmers "will plant 16,000 acres of sweet potatoes this year in New Jersey, a 7 per cent increase over last year . . . Governor Alfred E. Driscoll -may take a mid-summer vacation trip, to Alaska this year . . . State Athletic Commissioner Abe J. Greene, a commissioner of the Open Every Friday Night Until 9 P. M. National Boxing Association, has asked other State Commissions to promote heavyweight compe- Compare These Acme Everyday Low Prices With Those You Are Now Paying tition to inspire youngsters to view for the title of heavyweight JUICES champion of the world ... In CANNEB VEGETABLES CANNEB .FRUITS ASCO Golden *% 20-ox. O~i IDEAL Sweet 07*. IDEAL or ASCO 1948 over 5,900 cases of disease Orange Juice 46-01. tan ** C 30c which are preventable were re- Corn Cream Style *• cans «** Y, C. 29-oz. can ported, including 3,067 cases of wholB K Orange Juice 2 "" 23c DEL MONTE Sliced , tuberculosis and 2,704 of whoop- Acme Com 20 r:L 19c and Halves 29-oz. can ing cough, according" to the New •SB Blended Juice 2^21 c Plume IDEAL PurPlB' Extra 30-oz. can Jersey Department of Health. . . Del Monte Peas':r 19c flil lilS Heavy Syrup New Jersey's 18,000 State em- Pineapple Juiced, 39c IDEAL ployees are in a dither about how Pork & Beans *£!,„„ 10c S Fruit Cocktail 30-oz. can much salary raises they will re- hls v/eek-end. IDEAL French Prune Juice ™U, 27c ceive this year . . The State Apple SauceFant Auditor must examine records of d Fecrtur Grape Juice ^r^,. 19c all State Departments and out- perfect slicing. p side auditors cannot be hired for Tomatoes who° 23c *% 12-or. *}Of. 3 © Vegetable *• tans »«3t< lifaby the purpose, according to a new ¥~O Juice Cocktail ruling by Attorney General The- Ideal Spinach L" 20c? LIBBY'S Pineapple ' £2/1™.- 29c odore D. Parsons . . . Warren 1 5 1 1 2 County is the first county in Escc Sauerkraut^ .2S: 23c Tomato Juice 2 IZ 25c Grapefruit " *" 2 c°r; 31c New Jersey In which electric service is available to every farmer . . . The month of April Devonshire Beechnut Armour's Holiday has been proclaimed by Governor ROME BEAUW. W C Browrtie Mix . Driscoll as Cancer Control. Month Jersey tars 10f rfc »"* Melba Toast Baby Foods TREET . . . Taxpayers would have, an ,tc* *^ 3-oz. Strained annual fall preview of the new fancy H°'"lda , package 16c r- 4ic 39c •year's tax picture in their muni- cipalities under the mayor- Cucumbeis council plan proposed for use in Fancy Lb. Jtm*? CANNED- FISH LENTEN SUGGESTIONS CRACKERS, CEREAL, ETC. •Mew Jersey, according to the a a T New Jersey Citizens Committee Tuna Fish%f £J, 7L. Spaghetti ir-an 2 :r-29c Nabisco GrahamsPS.28c on Municipal Government . . . 7 Frank E. Walsh, of East Orange, rushed fresh from 8 una risn i ked 6- . < G Sunshine Hydrox '^ 15c Tender green spears F D OI an Egg Noodles °Z*%3. 19c former State finance commis- 3 15" Robford Fancy Whole 1/»A* sioner, has been named to the Sardines In Oil t"' i\IC6 Grain 16-oz. pkg. »**«* Krispy Crackers "ST 15c Board of Managers of Annan- ln To So RANGER JOE HONEY-FLAVORED dale Reformatory . . . New Jeiv Sa rd ines T5-°oz ovai «n Tomato Soup ,K 10c v Wheat Puffs ":29c sey's "• outstanding examples in DEL MONTE Red 1 modern road and bridge con- Save! Sockeys 16-01. can HurfPs Soups 4 Sr.25c." CONVERTED have been selected for study -by Condensed Vegetable, Tomato, Asparagus b the Brooklyn Polytechnic Insti- much surplus fat before Pink Salmon """ ASC Uncle Ben's Rice PL g. 23c tute Civil Engineering Depart- Sav-U-Trim removes Peanut Butter ,° iar 35c BON Pur ment . . . The Third Annual Codfish Cakes .IKS'.: Celebrating National Peanut Week! Olive Oil L, ^e 15c Highway Beautification Contest Lb. held under the auspices of the Garden Club of New Jersey will meat'- P&G IVORY IVORY be held betwean May 1 and 15. Sou more CRISCO Sav-U-Trim Bone in. Acme can Laundry Soap FLAKES SNOW CAPITOL CAPERS — Mar- Lb. 3-lb. l Q 1214-oz. nn. 12T4-OI. •• On riages entered into Uy patients package X7w package &XV of feebleminded or, mental hos- pitals -while on visit or on escape, POR WILBERT'S NO-RUB must be considered as legal as a delicious^economjc ^b 45c Gravy Master bottle 2 those of any persons who have Serve Sausage ivieu. •• = CREAM WHITE . No Finer Coffee at Any Price Shoe White b":8ctr 15c good sense, Attorney General ib 69c Heat-Flo Roasted. A blend for every taste. WILBERT'S Black, Brown, Tan Theodore D. Parsons has ruled. Unk Sausage ^ ^ Shortening L 31c!* Sirloin. 2 8 . . . Governor Driscoll can see Mayonnaise HO""o^z.>, Asco Coffee '£, 44c «« * Shoe Paste •; 2:^17c no prospect of decontrol of rents Italian Sausage -^ wi bert s Np Rub in municipal areas, which is bad Veo! 1 RICHER BLEND. Ground fresh to your order. Wnv ' ' - "3^ «!*••' f&e* news to hard-hearted landlords. Strawberry SS! "^. ior Groui fresh Spareribs r^ ARMOUR'S c 2 16.f00. *. 19c 4 Wsncrest 2Ta3 40c 7)T T? UA Floor, pint bot. v^V bot. AW*- Beef Kidneys *• ^ Vienna Sausage LIGHTER BODIED, VIGOROUS FLAVOR. rOIlSO Furniture 8-oz. bottle *•! C Opinions of Others frying ChicKens Bacon Squares **** Dif Hand Cleaner 1 J '.' 1 ^*-~£.i.^~~. Vacuum Packed CC _ S U Wv« i* ^rfA^ I I W v (b. can or jar +f*w w (Continued from Editorial Page) DRAWN fRYlNG llp^dy for ,b - Blue-White ^4>^.27c How do the 'Republicans stand s &RUMPS Dif Powder 2 i; HEAVY BODIED. Tops them all'."Try it! KIRKM on civil rights.—St. Louis Post- Veal- k \b|3c Cleanser AN'S 2 """• ] 5c Dispatch. » Chucks Lamb ^ ^ Super Parson's • THE ELEMENTARY FUNCTION Thrifty Liquid Sweetheart The New York taxi strike, as Bologna .,bi;Qc Ammonia an employer-employe dispute, is Renuzit Starch Z?, 21c Saqp'slL i27c of local concern. The wage de- Midget Salami.j g37ct French Dry Cleaner $1 fiQ %sollM quart BATH SIZE SMOKED a. 47 c gallon can I <&7 bottle 37c bottle 20c 1c Sale mands may or may not be justi- Loaves *. 4c±s39c- fied. Strange a' conglomeration as District 50 of the United Mine "Workers may be, taxi drivers have a right to join it if they I^B? wish. What is required to qualify Suve mt PAIRY CEMTER ' this local as a bargaining agent is a matter of New York, not fed- eral law. MSLD COLORED CHEESE ib. 49c But the threat of violence im- COLD SEAL LARGE WHITE plicit in past experience and in Blu on Margarine 1>. pkg. oblique union warnings, and the Fresh Eggs :f^ '71c Peas 16-oz. pkg- With manner in which this city has LARGE MIXED COLOR>LORS Margarine""""""""" 23c Each P^9 prepared to meet the situation, Red Carton ifa are both matters of significance le in 5t0 S Gold Seal Eggs of 12 65c to citizens everywhere. Spiw •On =a- " Muenster Cheese 45c 1 sellins, LARGE GRADE B Mayor William O'Dwyer has Each p^ Frosted roods Carton stqn

ENTERTAIN FRIENDS • " Cotttn Acreage Streamlifte V?irifl£ Colonia PTA to Hear FORDS~-Mr: and ,Mrs. .Lloyd Blue Jeans Girls Club Acreage planted to cotton in the From two to jive miles of electri- Video News Analyst Rubin, 456 Crows Mill Road enter- To Hold 'Wetnxa? Roast United States lias dropped ifdm 42,- csl'wring ate "concealed in the walls By Margaret Scott tained Mr. and Mrs. Louis Rubin ($00,000 acres in the 1925-29 period to and ceilings of the average stream- COLONIA — The Colonia- Par- and Mr; and Mrs! Sam Rubin of FORDS" —- Plans . for a weinie around 20 to 23 million acres duiv line ."passenger car bailt by Pullman- ent-Teacher Association will "meet Brooklyn, Mr. and Mrs. Irving rdastc were discussed at the meet- ing thfe past few years. Standard .Car Manufacturing Co. —A successful square dance was and Mrs. Harry- Callas, Hillside. Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Tuesday April 12,.3 P. -M. set theWihterman and children, Gary ing of the Blue Jeans Girls Club held Saturday by the Colonia Vol- —Mr. and Mrs. Edward Dunigan, I Cubrahick, Keansburg and Mr. Colonia School. Robert Pfeifter, and Judy, Mr. and Mrs. aHrry held at the home pi Miss.Misak unteer Fire Company, at the fire- Runnymede 'Road, entertained at and Mrs. Oscar Eibeleshuser, Mr. news analyst and staff announcer, Rueben and song Allen and Ron- of Liberty Street. Miss Marie Scott house. Music was provided by a party in celebration of the flijst and Mrs. Edward Roll and Mr. and for television station WABB; will ald- of Highland Park and Mr. and presided. The largest assort- Uncle George and His Jersey birthday/ of their son, Dennis. Mrs. Edward Roll, Jr., Newark. speak on "The" United Nations." Mrs. Ralph Rubin of New Bruns- Miss Joan Nielsen, 46 Grant ment of -Easter Ramblers. The door prize was won Guests included Mr. and Mrs. —Mrs. Marian Van der Linden, Mr. Pfeiffer was formerly- the wick. Avenue will be hostess to the club by Lawrence Proehlich, and a spe- Prank O'Brien and children, Diane Fagan Place, and Mrs. Margaret official radio reporter for; the at its next meeting April 18. Also Flowers iii tlie ai"«a. cial award went to John Iorio. The and Gregory, New York; Mr. and Scott, Inman Avenue, Visited Mrs. present was Dolores Samonek. , triiited jfations. meetings.. There AT HAHNE PROGRAM committee in charge included An- Mrs. Michael Walsh and children, Mary Bixel, Woodbridge, Tuesday. will be the usual transportation Blooming ^pjsnts thony Belardino, John Markowski, Helene and James, Trenton; Mr. —Mr. and Mrs. William John- 'and baby sitter arrangements. • - FORDS—The following mem- PLAN COURT OF HONOR Robert Morrisey, James Taggai't, and 'Mrs. B. A. Dunigan, Mr. and son, Columbia Avenue, were hosts bers of the Woman's Cliib of Fords HOPELAWN—Boy Scout Troop •:;'"'".'. ;AZALE;AS—[•':..,. Charles Richroath, and Armando Mrs. Clair Bixel and son, David, to Mr. and Mrs. John Tonkin, Mr. attended Clubwoman's Day held in 57, sponsored by- the Home and Vesperino. The next meeting of Woodbridge; Thomas Cullinane, and Mrs. Harold Tonkin and son, VISITING IN DETROIT Hahne & Co., Newark on Friday: School Association and under the Small Trees in Bloom. the Fire Company will hs held to- Perth Amboy and Timothy Duni- John, Coldale, Pa; Oil 'Sunday Mr. ]*6ROS—Mrs. Thomas Alding- Mrs. Arthur Overgaard, president, leadership of Scoutmaster Andrew. ROSE BUSHES— 1 Blooming, Profusion. night, 8 o'clock at the firehouse. gan, Colonia. and Mrs. Johnson were the guests ton, Main Street; is visiting -''.'liar Mrs. Jacob L. Anderson, Miss Lise J. Krainer is making plans to hold of Mr. and Mrs. John . Ifwifr, Jensen, .Mrs. Ray Wilck, Mrs. a Court of Honor and Charter eiNERARIAS— —A puppet show, "Rumpelstils- —Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kotvas son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Kearny. _ s Howard Therklesen, Mrs. Margaret Night on Asirl 28 in the audi- Pastel Colors. kin," will be given Saturday after- and family, were recent visitors Mrs. Elmer .".Aldington, Detroit, noon, 2 o'clock at the- Civic Im- to Atlantic City. On Sunday they —The Colonia Estates Improve- Homesacli, Mrs. Kareii Anderson, torium Of the.Hopelawn School. ..HYDRANGEAS— provement clubhouse, Inman Ave- entertained Mr. and Mrs. Michael ment Association met Friday at Mich.- Mrs. George J; Urban Jr., and Mrs. Parents and friends are cordially ; W. Howard Jensen. " - invited to attend. • ' * Large Blossoms; nue. Tickets may be purchased at Dunk and children, Elizabeth. Mar hotter's- garage, Motttfoss Ave- ; the door. 1 —Mr, and Mrs. James Taggart nue, with the president, Baylor ASSORTED PLANTS— Szabo. The by-laws were read and ATTEND MEETING | . • " Decorated Boxes. —On Wednesday. April.20, the and family, West Street, Elizabeth, Wcsod bridge Holes MOTHERS* ettnS SESSION • FORDS —-• Mrs. Fred Popovich!. Knitting and Sewing "circle will were the guests on Sunday of his accepted. The next meeting will FORDS— The Mothers' Club of be held Friday, May 6, 8 P. ftf! T ana.. Mrs. Andrew Payti of.. Our f TULIPS sponsor a sauertoraten luncheon, parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward —^Mrs. Justin Marsh gave a Troop 52, Boy Scouts, will meet at Lady of Peace Parochial PTA at- j- GERANIUMS' - from 1-3 P. M. at the Civic Im- Taggart, Kearny. same place." All residents in that the .homeaf Mrs. Arthur tl. Fed- area are invited to attend. on Florida and illustrated her tails tended the board meeting- of the BEGONIAS provement clubhouse. Mrs. Edna —Mrs. Elizabeth Abbott has re- with colored slides at the chilr derson, Mary Avenue, on Monday New Brunswick ' Parochial PTAs I. Skibinski is chairman of this af- night at -8. o'clock. Mrs. George GARDENIAS turned to her home on West Street ON TRIP dren's hour held in.. the Barron held in New Brunswick. I EASTER LILIES fair. after spending a few days with Free Public Library; Members of Ferdinandsen will .be [ co-hostess. FORDS—Miss Ann Matochfi Installation of officers, will ta-ke : —The Women's Confraternity Mr.s Marian Devens, Union Beach. and Miss Eleanor Lavas are on an.Brownie Troop No. 24were guests. LISTS SERVICES "••• -•• • •• "• .--• o- ' of.. Christian Doctrine will meet Members of Brownie Troop No."28 place, and the first anniversary erf FORDS — Confessions in Our —Mr. and Mrs. John Markowski, extended trip throughout the west, the club will be celebrated; , Wednesday, 1:30'P. M., at the Mr. and Mrs. Marceli Koziorowski, making' California the main stop. were also guests in the library, at,a Lady of Peace Church will be /Cut Flowers ; heard every morning duriiig the home of Mrs. Jessie Oberdick, Mrs..Mary Woisnis, Amherst Ave- children's hour.- - V. ' • : Carnations - Snapdragons Raritan Township. . nue, were the guests on Sunday of UNEMPLOYED • . -.- CHANGE DATE 8 o'clock .mass this week- and until .; -^Thff Count A-Stitch Clutt/wTll Wednesday of next week. Iris - Jonquils - Sweet Peas —The Colonia Taxpayers Asso- Mr.' and Mrs. Walter Slowihski, The Bureau of Employment'Se- meet Monday at the-home of-Sirs. : FORDS-^Mi'S; Jack Johnson, ciation will meet tomorrow night, Gladioli Lavalette. curity reports that government Henry Zanzalari, Church Street. chairman of the luncheon: to be •• Supreme Court.says f ROSES—Many Colors and at the firehouse on Inraan Avenue. —Mr. and Mi's. Pasksl Merritt, payments to unemployed workers —The Senior Choir of the Sponsored by the Ladies Mission- lEtw'--is out on work abroad. —The Colonia Club held a well- and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Read, in February totaled $115,000,000 Methodist Church will mee-.t to- ai-y Society of the Grace'Lutheran Stem Lengths. attended covered dish supper Amherst Avenue, entertained at a the highest total in, three years. night at 8:30.o'clock at theJioma Parish House, annouftced. that the ASSORTED SPRING Monday at the Colonia Library. party Friday at the Merritt home. The checks workers whose date has been changed ;froni April FLOWERS Mrs. Mary Lavin was appointed : of Mrs. George B. McCuUa-gh, 21 to April 28.^ :' - Guests were: Mr. and Mrs. Wil-employers have been paying;-'into Grove Avenue. :. ;. chairman of a nominating com- liam. Williamson, Mr. and Mrsth. e Government's jobless insur- Corsages .. —An Easter" party will be held mittee, which will present a slate Arthur Sharpe, Elizabeth; Mr. ance fund and about 33;00O,OOOof m GARDENIAS. '• of officers at the next meeting, and Mrs. William Walker, Hill- the nation's working force of Saturday • morning- at 10 o'cloefe April 18, 8 P. M. at the Library. Fide; Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Leaden- around 60,000,000 are so covered^ at the Memorial Municipal Build- © 'ORCHIDS ••"•:•-•,:. • White goods is still needed for ham, Roselle; Mr. and Mrs. Law- iiig By. Brownie; Troop No. 28. ©•VIOLETS \ . cancer dressings which are made rence Vowall", Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Fairless says supply c-f steel .will ,; —irJvir'i• and-"Mrs; Chester Lewis, ©•ROSES- ; -•' •- r ' :. : by the club. Plans have been made Vowall, Cranfdrd. melt demand soon. .; - ^ : 60 Albert. Streeti are the parents ALSO : •••'•"• for an Easter egg hunt, which will —Mr.. and Mrs. William. Wels Rumanian culture 'seen- -domi- of a son .. born Sunday in Perth COMBINATION take- place on the grounds of the and sons, Norbert and Gilbert, nated by Russian influence. [•-. Affiboy General Hospital. .-.- ;.' AESANGEMENTS:- library, April 20, from 2 P. M. InWest Street, were the guests Sun- case of rain, it will be held the day of Mr. and Mrs. Bruno Roes- [Like Mothers Batter, be. sure next day. A number of mothers sler, Dover. i*oKcy lias the TREES;- SHRUBS -EVERGREENS will be present to act as, traffic chaperones. All children up to ten —Mi*, and Mrs. Jamss Black, / IF IT CROWS, WE HATE If; \ years of age are invited to attend. Patricia Avenue, entertained on DELIVERED TO TOUB Sunday Mr. and Mrs. William HOME FOR ONLY — WE TELEGRAPH FLOWERS — —The Coffee Club met Wednes- Soper, Scotch Plains and Miss day at the home of Mrs. Erha ...Per Vera Seaman. Rahway. BSTP. 1S12 Wels, West Street. Present were Mr. and Mrs. John Mackewitz, $6.00 Month Mrs. Martha Read, Mrs. Marie INSURANCE AND .REAL Cleveland Avenue, were the guests ; Sutter, Mrs. Catherine Oliphant, on Thursday of Mr. and Mrs. Os- - ESTATE SHO.RPE Mrs. Christina Taggart, Mrs. Mar- SINGER i car Eibelshuser, Newark. Due to tlielegailioIMay Good' Friday this-,--" 93 Main'Street . Telephone Woodbridge 8-1232 jorie Hughes, Mrs. Edna Skibinski, —The following children f2-om Mrs. Edith Scott, Mrs. Margaret Colonia took part in the annual CINTER • Wo-8-02^3 OCR OWN GKEENHCfUSES — WHOLESALE ANB RETAIL Scott. 169 Smith: St. P. A. 4-9741 dance recital held Friday at the Baiik will .'•''•"••-, V-:..; WOODBRIDGE, rV. 3. 540-546 Rahway Aveiiue WoodMidge —Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Brady, Ilderan Club, Rahway: Lyn Kim- OPEN FBHJAT NITE Gaywood Avenue, entertained on ball, Ellen Stover, June Frederick- Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Wil- •Jvf*--* »*• ,? son, Eva Damon, Jane Harahan. Thursday aftemoon from 4 'til 6 P. M.- •;•';.' $!$^S*^SS«^*^HSS*5*^^^^ cox, Avenel. —Miss Jacquelina Sparks, —Mr. and Mrs. Armand Van daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William der Linden, Fagan Place, were Sparks, 'Middlesex Road, is con- hosts at supper Sunday to Mrs.fined to her home with illness. Margaret Scott and daughters, —Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Suit Patricia, Carole and Maureen, In- and daughter, Helen, have re- : man Avenue, and Hugh McKit- turned to theh- home on West Woodbrictese National Bank trick, Union Beach. Street after spending a week with —Mr. and Mrs. George Scott, Mr. and Mrs. Cletus Suit, Blacks- Inman Avenue, entertained Mr. •burg, Virginia. On Monday eve- f 106 Main Street, Wbodbridge, N. J. and Mrs. Victor Taggart, Jersey ning Mr. and Mrs. Suit entertained City, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Traxler and —Judith and Steven Brady, family. South Plainfield. Member—Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. Gaywood Avenue, spent the week- —Mr. and Mrs. John Mackewitz, end with their grandparents, Mr. Cleveland Avenue, entertained on EPT. pecial event at iance



Stewart You More and Costs You Less

Come to


So. Amboy Clouter with Cleveland, Town's Top Light Senior Court Combine Tottenville Foes In Initial Contest te Feted, by Leading County Fans on June 18 Takes Elaborate plans have been made to honor Alfie The association's secretary. Edward Farrell, For Barron Outfit Clark, the county's contribution to major league anounced at last week's meeting that the .Tune baseball on June 18th at the Yankee Stadium, 18th date has been confirmed by the New York Strengthened by Return WOODBRIDGE — Coach Nick , wisen the South Amboy clouter will be given "a Yankees' Baseball Club and that the front office Priscoe will unveil his 1949 base- day." The ceremony is slated to take place before will cooperate in order to insure the success of Of Larson, Victory is ball team, tomorrow afternoon at the scheduled Cleveland-Yankee encounter. Alfie Clark Day. :;: ::= £ * Won Over Hungarians Fords Park when the Barroas play Clark, who was born in South Amboy, has been host to Tottenville in the season's ) The newly formed Alfie Clark Association of playing professional baseball since he left Hoff- WOODBRIDGE—The ..Freeman inaugural tilt. The game is sched- -Middlesex' County is headed by co-chairmen Wil- man High School in 1841. He started out with Boys, strengthened toy the. return uled to start at 3:30 in the fater- iiam O'Leary o£ South Amboy, and Bill Schwartz Eaton the same year and batted .325; After 70 ->f their top - scoring ace,. Hyer noon. 01 New Brunswick. Edward J. Farrell of South games henioved to Amsterdam and batted .368 in Larson, copped tha .Recreation Amboy will act as the organization's secretary. 20 encounters. From Amsterdam, he travelled to Light Senior Championship by Frank Sautaer, last season's Woodbridge Township has three separate com- Norfolk, and in 129 games hit .338, amassing 166 costing a 43-28 victory over the aiound ace, who compiled a record mittees functioning in the association. The Wood- hits, 24 doubles, eight triples, and eight home runs. Hungarian C. C. in the league play- if nine wins against three defeats, bridge group is composed of Senator Bernard W. The Newark Bears brought Clark up to the offs. The Hungarians, were the is Coach Priscoe's selection to hurl Vosei, Mayor August F. Greiner, George Van Tas- International League in 1943, where he played surprise of the second half elimi- the opener, Sautner appears to be sel, Larry Campion, Dave Calrkson, William Mes- 24 g-ames before beins tapped by Uncle Sam. He nation tournament when- they in top shape after tuning up his sick, Jack Eg&n, William Fiizpatrick, Andrew serfed with the United States Medical Corps from swept through all their games, arm m three of the Bed Blazers' Desmond, Charles IVIoInar, William Van Tassel, 1943 until 1945, and in 1946 returned to the Bears. which included a win over the practice games during the past Frank Boka, Henry Smithies, William Grausam He was close behind Jackie Robinson and Hank Freeman Bays who were previously two weeks. The young southpaw and Ciaire Bixel. Sauer, respectively, for the circuit batting- title in undefeated. has added a sneaky fastball to go Fort Reading- is represented by Dave Lynch, 194G and 194". along with his tantalizing curves, In the pay-off tilt for. the title, John O'Neill, John Salmons and Nick D'Aprile, Clark moved up to the big time late in the 1947 x The Barrons in-their four prac- it the versatile play, of Hyer with James Crowley and Stanley Chapman form- season when the Yankees brought him up for a tice encounters with Hoffman High Larson which proved to be. the de- ing the contingent from Avenel. William Warren, look at his lusty bat. In 24 games with the New School of South Amboy, Metuchen, Robert Handerhan, Charles Farrell and Peter York nine, he batted a .373 and wound up with a ciding factor in the. game. The Highland Park, and Rahway have Schmidt are the members of the Fords and Iselin perfect average in the field. Hungarians fought the, Freeman not appeared too impressive, which committee. Boys tooth and nail in the first is due to their of practice. - The combined committees in the association The South Amboy clouter went to Cleveland half in an effort to stave the off Then- chief fault has been afield hop;- to have 5,000 county residents on hand in in a deal involving- pitcher Red Embree and an the champs" deadly set shooting which can be attributed to the lack Yankee Stadium on June 18th when Alfie Clark, undisclosed amount of cash last season. In 81 which has been their biggest as- of cxnenenee of the new playsrs the first local ball player to be honored in New games he went to bat 271 times, ccored 43 runs, -°t in the recent; play-offs. Joe who moved up to the varsity to York's largest ball field, will be presented with laced out 84 hits, including five doubles, two Nagy and Artie Van Dalen hit the replace the five veterans lost numerous gifts in recognition of his outstanding- triples, and nine home runs. hoops for the Hungarians with fre-- through graduation. Coach Pris- ability and sportsmanship. The success of Alfie Clark Day in Yankee Sta- quent regularity in the second coe exptsts'his yearlings to Uve dium on June 18th will depend upon the cooper- period to keep their team within a good account of themselves once The price of an Alfie CJark Day ticket was set ation of every resident who is concerned with the hailing- distance of the Freeman the season gets underway. Boys at the halftime period. at S4.G0 by the committee. This figure includes a honor Clark has brought to Midlesex County. Bobbv Kopenvhats, the Red reserved seat for the Cleveland-Yankee game, Progress of the plans to fete the county's lone . The Freeman Boys pulled the i.hv'-.j'tlp wirif- "Oftn in tho -spr"1"^ Blazers' veteran shortstop, has transportation to and from the ball park, and representative in major league baseball will be been powdering the pill with au- yo-ur donation towards the grift. made in this newspaper each week. half and steadily. praleelCiWSFfefEf the Hungarian.^ wno vvtre aii-;jit; thority for the past two weeks, and to cops with Hyer Larson's shoot- is expected to have another bis ing from under backboards. year. The scrappy infielder has two Harts Booking Games , •17 •15 Mt Cannel Vets nitial period for the Midtowners Price control trsct-d in Baby- Rogalr heck o cut Avenel's lead to a ten to MTDTOWNERS (.18) lonia tablets to 3,800 years ago. ti \ ite Porklembo G Port Reailmt; Vets fitzpattuk 16J 147 Ifil even count at the end of theKulesza, C 2 Palko'.s Td\ein Boka Bohllre .uarter. Kbner, f 1 7S1 Totli, f 0 Results Both quintets fought nip and Burke, c 1 Rabbit Plagues Prove Costly MATER'S (2) Greiner, v. BK• as Breed Pocsaii John Dudik uck in the second period with iViullaney, g- To Australian Farst Programs Szelp.s BonalsKv Albrei-ht no ioth teams unable to open up their Ritter, g- SIDNEY.—Rabbits, long known Simpienrlotlei Dudik P»tr 3S ) tralia's worst plaguer are said to 'ZLzms-i clv.b briv_^ th2 chs- Dues^k 207 regation. At the conclusion of the j cost that country almost two mil- irt half, St. Andrew's was out dc*.v extinction closa to z famous lion dollars a year, offset in part ;"3C_arGf criminals that traces its ront toy 19-14 margin. by the fact that their skins and Beds Accused of Using lir.e. frcm-tha iii^e of the Naniian Kaltpnbarh \ VJiEXTlM-l PfRM BKIC'K CO. St. Andrew's stepped up the carcases sold to the United States Pajak invasion. 1WBR-K. 1\T I,L

Avenel Church Lists Township Man Air r --ie Mechanic Avenel Motes Holy Week Services Elizabeth Girl

—The building committee of the AVENEL — There will be two Weds.Avenelite Presbyterian Chm-ch will meet at idenjjjcal worship services at the the church next Monday at 8 P. M. First Presbyterian Church next . ELIZABETH — Charles Katko &r CHRISTENSEN'S - The Ladies' Aid Society will meet Sunday morning at 9:30 and 11 and his bride, the former. Miss ab 8 P. M. Tue&day, Mrs. A. J. A. M. Emma Mary Valerian, are honey- THE FRIENDLY STORE Veal, Potter Crossing, will be the On Easter . Sunday morning mooning in Florida following their guest speaker. there will also be twot. identical marriage, on Saturday. The bride's services, Rev. C. A. Galloway offi- —Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Tag- parents are Mr. and Mrs. Otto Val- ciating. On Holy Thursday at 8 erian, of 316. South Street, Mr. Brings You gart and children, Avenel Street, P. M. there will be a communion were guests of his parc.its. Rev. Katko is the son of Mrs. Julia service and reception of new mem- Katko. of Avenel, and the late Ste- and Mrs. T. R. Tagsart, Pibtman,' bers. . over the weekend. phen Katko. These Superb The primary, Junior and Junior -Mayor James T. Kirk performed —The Ladies' Auxiliary of the High classes of the Sunday.School the ceremony at 4 P. M. in the First Aid Squad will meet Wednes- will meet at the Avenel School at Arnet Room of the Elizabeth Car- day at the home of Mrs. O. H. 9:30 A. M. instead of at the church teret Hotel. A reception followed Students set to graduate from the Master Aviation Mechanics Wefe-rling. Clinton Place. at 9:45 A. M. The beginners will for members of the immediate course at Cal-Aero Technical Institute check over a final class - —Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lott, Miss meet at the manse as usual at 11 families. Mrs. Henry C. Triesh- project with Instructor Don Hnber. Left to right are: John L. Dolores Lott and Dilman BothweJl, A. M. Seniors, women's and men's mann and John Katko, brother of Gardner, Ayenel; Everett C. Hadley, Stoug-hton, Mass.; Clarence Demarost Avenue, were guests of the bridegroom, 'Were the- couple's Kichterkesssmg:,"Warrento, Mo.; Instructor Huber; and Bradford Bible classes will be omitted for Cora, Jr., Oakland City, Ind. Gardner is the son of John F. Mr, and Mrs. Joscprf Lott. Laurel, the next two Sundays. only attendants. , L. I., Sunday. Gardner, 31 Burnett Street, Avenel, and is a graduate of Wood- r "'The pride wore a Chantilly lace bridge Higli School. . . . But, then again, maj be you won't be surprised. After all, friendly —The Ladies' Auxiliary of Fire gown with finger-tip illusion veil Christensen's brings you value upon valuer week after week. . . . Still, Company NQ, 1 will meet at the attached to a bonnet of lilies of In completing the 50 week Civil firehouse Tuesday. An Easter Pa- the valley. She carried •. a bouquet Aeronautics Administration ap- Easter time is a special occasion and friendly Christensen's has managed rade will be held after the meet- icers of garde'-i'ias and stephanotis. The | proved course at Cal-Aero, Gard- 1 to pack its usually outstanding values with even more values. So, come ing. matron of honor was attired in | ner studied basic aircraft and me- in today to friendly Christensen's. —Mrs. William Falkenstem was nile green marauisette with tiered Aero Graduate' chanic problems, fabrication ana ruffled skirt and .•matching mitts. the i?uest of Mrs. Norman Aumach, repair of all types of aircraft, and WOODBRIDGE —Mrs. William She wore a natural straw open- Red Bank, last weak. overhaul and maintenance of air- H. Gardner was elected president er-own bonnet and carried a nose- Completes Course as craft engines, including jets. —The Junior Wrman's Clu',5 wf.l of the Tuesday Afternoon Study gay of yellow daisies. The bride All work was practical in nature FOR WOMEN meet Tuesday evening at the home Club at a luncheon meeting held was given in marriage by her Aviation Mechanic at with the young mechanic, actually of the councillor. Mrs. Prank at the home- of Mrs. Hampton father. Glenelale, Cal., School doing repaid work on the many LINGERIE Barth. Manhattan Avenue. Annual Cutter on Green Street. Mrs. Katko's travelling outfit types of aircraft and engines in HAND BAGS HOSIERY reports will be heard and election -Others elected were: Mrs. Lee wa sa biege gabardine suit with GLENDALE, Calif. — John F. j the school's shops. He is now by of officers will be hold. by B. Smith, vies, president; Mrs. beige and brown accessories. She Gardner, Jr., son of John F. Gard- ] qualified for positions in the com- —Mr. and Mis. Arthur Moore Claude W. Decker, secretary; Mrs. j is a graduate of Battin High School ner, 31 Burnett Street, Avenel, mercial, .military and personaj Barbizon Gotham and their guests, Mr. and Mrs. C. Ira T. Spencer, treasurer, and .Mrs.- and formerly was employed by this week will graduate from Cal- | plane maintenance or manufac- Berkshire : E. Cleveland, Rahway Avenue, William S. Neebe, music chairman, the Edgecomb Steel Corporation, Aero Technical Institute . as a ; turing field. Shar Loo Cannon spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. j Mrs. Neebe and Mrs. Albert R. Hilside. Master Aviation Mechanic, fully J Mr. Gardner is a graduate oi Hollis Evans. St. James, L. I. Bergen weue appointed as co-chair- Mr. Katko was graduated from qualified for the government air- ' Woodbriage High School, in Luxite Blendwell —The Tuesday Nienters met . men cf program for the annual the General Motors Institute, plane and engine license. l Woodbridge, New Jersey. Flint 45, 51, 54 Gauge this week with Mrs. William Hof- guest niaht, May 3. Mrs; Decker, . Mich., and while thsre was (Rayon and Nylons) gssans?, St. George's Avenue. and Mrs. George R. Merrill will"be! a member of phi Tau Alpha Fra- —Mrs. Elmer Dragos, Mrs. in_ charge of refreshments. ternity. He is employed as an in- 1.19 to 1.95 Frank Hacker, Mr. and Mr.s. Frank dustrial engineer aj General Mo- SLIPS 2.98to5.98 A comedy sketch was read by Swetits, town, and Mrs. John tors Corporation in Linden. I Mrs. G. Myron Walters and Mrs. Hacker, Woodbridge, attended a [Merrill. Mrs. Neebe- playsd two shower at the home of their niece HALF-SLIPS 1.49 to 3.98 piano selections, "Traumsrei" by in New York City. (Cotton and Rayon) 2.98 to 4.98 plus tax Schumann and "Simple Confes- Hospital Campaign COSTUME JEWELRY —Sst. Charles Swetits has re- sions" by Thome. .. The distributors of Flagstaff j mand, and the Flagstaff executives Exquisite and Charming turned to Erlanger, Germany, < Continued from Page 1) point out that shipments will be The next meeting April 19 will f the story- of the hospital's Fine Foods, sold at independent PANTIES • 79c-to 2.50 after spending a three months be held at the home of Mrs. Decker needs -to.tehir prospects. Two out-grocers all around town, have an- )made on a basis of first come, first FOUNDATIONS furlough, with hif parents, Mr. and nounced a sensational ^ premium served. Mrs. Carl Swetits, Hvatt Avenue. on Schroder Avenue- standing factors creating the Released by Flagstaff Foods by foundation for this drive to raise offer that will allow women to! 3.98 to 10,98 Formfit - Jantzen —The Ladies' Auxiliary; of .•S600,000 will be placed" before the build a complete set of. 96 pieces} V. F. W. Post No. 7164 will'mect Successful Card Party- or more of. original Rogers silver- j TEA IN AVENEL Playtex - Figurette tonight at post "headquarters, business leaders. First- and fore- plate almost as a gift. This recent- Zieler Avenue. most is . the information that all . AVENEL—The Avenel PTA will "LIFE" BRAS Held by Rosary Soicety the funds will be used for expan- ly- completed arrangement be- —Mrs. Prank Barth, Mrs. John tween the William Rogers Com-hold a silver tea and cake sale Ettershank, town and Mrs. Harold AVENEL—St.' Andrews' Rosary sion purposes and not for current pany, makers of the world-famous tomorrow from 2 to 8 P. M. at the 1.25 to 4.00 Grausam, Raritan Township, vis- Society held a very successful card expenses. original Rogers silverplate, and schoolhouse. The committee in' GLOVES :-1.00 to 3.98 ited Mrs. C. N. "Van Leer in Redparty in the church hall Thursday Of great importance is the gov- Flagstaff Fine Foods, makes avail- charge is Mrs. Frank Cenegy, Mrs. GIRDLES with Mrs. Simon Brokaw as chair- ernment grant of $250,000, serv- Stanley Kiseleski and Mrs. James In Red and Fabric Bank, Tuesofcf'. m as a able to women the special sculp- 2.50 to 18.50 —Mrs. Saetael Albrecht, Jr., man. Special award went to Mrs'.i §' " leverage to raise the tured lite design, a beautiful pat- Krutzler. president and Mrs. Michael De- Harold Handerhan and door needed $800,000. The proposed ex- tern that interior decorators say Stcfano, vice president, Rosary prizes went to Mrs. John Medvetz, pansion program calls for an ex-will beautify any table. Society of SX Andrews' Church Mrs. Walter Munzel, Mrs. Joseph tension to be built in the front represented tha society at the Boka and Miss Mary Masariek. of the hospital where the entrance As the start to a complete set Non-players prizes, went to now. This addition^will create of silverware, a woman receives Rosary Society meeting of St. An- four additional floors thus bring- three gorgeous teaspoons. These Blouses designed by. thony's Church, Port Reading, Herbert Head, Jr., Mrs. Fred Bitt- Yes, at our Flower Shop you Tuesday. man, Mrs. Crawford, Mrs. George ing out additional floor space for are secured by taking the labels Bilawsky, Mrs. Georse Ludwig and I operating-rooms bed rooms, supply from three cans of Flagstaff Foods can wire flowers faster r ms and al er Mrs. Fred Kalita. Winners at the l °2 n \ ^ administrative —all the same or 'all -different— than the fastest plane. For tables were: Mrs. Edward Ruth, ioffices ^eluding a new waiting adding only 50 cents in cash, 'Personality" Blouses - Batiste Eyelets - Rayons - 2.98 to 4.98 DO YDS KNOW™ Mrs. Walter Munzel, Mrs. Joseph1*001?1- A™e vlsitmg the hospite . wrapping the labels and the cash Telegraphic Flower Delivery Boka, Miss Martha Manaker. Mrs. I *™ tne hours so pointed will in a piece of paper on which the Anywhere Phone P.A. 4-3044 fln d mflux , Clemens Obropta, Mrs. John Scul- f % Qf • visitors creating woman's name and address have ly, Mrs. Handerhan and Samuel a traffic jam. Many wait on thebeen written, and then putting it FOR CHILDREN Albrecht, Jr. The society will hold | steps leading into the hospital and all in an envelope addressed to a STiflrrhPt.t.spaghettVi simiw-nsupper on n Rat.HrdaSaturdaVy ]Crowd the waiting room. Flagstaff, Walhngford. Connecti- Girls' Blouses evening, April' 23rd. New Floor Planned cut. The executives at the Flag- by Judy Kent and Mitzi Another floor is planned for the staff Company emphasized that COTTONS AND RAYONS east wing. It is planned .that this cash and not stamps was required, New type of camera magnifies space will be devoted to the Pedi- and that it was important for Short and Push-up Sleeves the second 1,250 times. atric Department with 27 beds; women to remember to include 1.98 to 2.98 and private and semi-private bed their name and address. rooms. The total increase in bed Thousands of sets of original FLOWEB.S TELEGRAPHED I DOES YOUR WATCH HAVE) space with the proposed improve- Rogers Silverplate have been or- EVERYWHERE SPRING" FEVER? ments will bring the total to ap-dered to meet the expected de- that about 18% of accidents ate proximately 300 or an additional Slips & Lace Trimmed caused by defective automobiles? seventy-five beds. Panties Viewing' the record during pre- With the average age of cars on vious campaigns the Board mem- 59c to 2.49 the road now 9 years, this high rate bers will strive to have their pros- can't be reduced unless owners pects pledge three time?: us nrnrth keep their old cars in good condi- CLEO and SOCKS AND ANKLETS tion. If your brakes grip unevenly, as the amount given in 1945 when by LcRoi have them adjusted; if your lights a goal of slightly more than $^uu,- are inadequate, have them fixed. 000 "was reached. 39c - 3 for 1.10 • 50c The hospital is now celebrating Announce the Opening of Their Boys' Pastel Jr. Shirts Investing in car repairs is an in- I Its sixtieth year of service to the —#— • by Kaynee 2.98 vestment in your own life. community. As a general hospital MITZI FROCKS • WASH SUITS I it belongs to everyone in the com- @ SPORT SHIRTS This message presented in the in- _ NEW RESTAURANT BOYS' JR. SLAGKS j it can happen any time! A( munity and should be supported 6 Months to IS Months • POLO SHIRTS feresf of our pof/cyfia/c/ers and all by each and everyone, according I to 3 - 4 to 6x - 7 to 12 by Spree Tog's ofhsr motorists of this community. '• spring: goes zing- and time / • SHORTS Checks - Plaids - Gabardines } ceases to exist for your watch. • to their individual means. . LOCATED AT 225 SMITH STREET by Kaynee HELEN RYAN j We have just the Right Tonic I 1.98 to 3.98 2.98 to 5.98 ; f sr this condition . . . and ex- / DAUGHTER FOB DARLINGS 1.19 to 2.98 Regular and Husky BURKE / perts to administer it. ' ) ' PERTH AMBOY, N. J. I'. A. SAT'li IHSK WI/DG. AVENEL—A daugnter was. born i*. A. 4-m;a-j Monday to Mr. and Mrs. Earl XV D B -It KREIELSHEIMER'S' Darling, Whittier Street, Rahway, -(FORMERLY MILLER'S) FOR MEN Representing 127 SMITH STREET at Rahway Memorial Hospital. IMTFOU OCCIDENT and INDEMNITY COMPANY 'PERTH AM3OY, N. J. Mrs. Darling was the former Alma NEAR PENN R. R. STATION SPORT COATS by McGregor (corduroy), all colors $22.50 Hartford, Connecticut i Wolf, daughter of Mrs. Bertha Established Since 1S88 Wolf, 40 Smith Street, Avenel. SLACKS $7.95 to $14.95 SHIRTS—TruVal, Arrow $2.25 to $3.95 TIES—Arrow, Botany, Wembley $1.00 to $2.00 SOCKS—Interwoven, Holeproof, Cooper 55c to $1.00 BELTS, SUSPENDERS, JEWELRY, by Hickok HATS—Adam, Cornell, Knox $5.00 to $8.00 And a Beautiful Selection of SPORT (Long Sleeves) McGEEGOE, B.V.D., TRUVAL, ARIIOW Smartest yet! All breezy 3,25 to 5,95 Spring colors! ZELAN JACKETS (McGregor - TruVal)—$6.45-$12,50

Perfection tailored single and douSste gobs FOOTWEAR FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY, and worsteds. Men and Boys ® Women • Children « Infants- afsoT''GOATS SUNDIAL ENNA JETTICK BUSTER BROWN The Most JARMAN Comfortable SUNDIAL SUNDIAL 'FORTUNE for Growing: Feet FLORSHEIM

STORE HOURS: 9-6 DAILY; 9-9 FRIDAY—OPEN TILL NOON WEDNESDAY Whole Outfits/One Stop"! OPEN TILL 9 P. M. APRIL 12, 13, 14, 15

Women's Men's Where Your Dresses . ... . $6.93 Sport Jackets . . . $7.98 Where Your SHOPPING Slacks, skirts . . 4.98 Shirrs...... -. 2.98 SHOPPING Blouses , . . . . 2.98 186 Smith St. Perth Amboy ISA SUPS • PETTICOATS Ties . $1. Hose . .35 IS A PLEASURE BRAS • PANTIES • HOSE Hats • Shoes • Underwear OPEN FRIDAY EVE. PLEASURE