Politics Hit by Apathy Tax Drive by Trainer
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Officials Agree on Steps To Halt Vandalism Worry Town Committee, Board Representatives See Adult Supervisors as Cure to Teen-Age Program Ills VOL. XI—-NO. 17 FORDS, N. J., THURSDAY, APRIL 7, 1949 PRICE THREE CENTS WOODBRIDGE—From now on there will be sufficient adult supervision at recreation programs or school build- ings will not be opened. That was the stand taken by Com- mitteeman William Fitzpatrick, chairman of the Township Politics Hit Sad-Eyed Cocker is Now 'HappyjTax Drive Recreation program, to a committee from the Board of I Critical Editorial Basis Education, Thursday. He has 'Butch*- and Vice- Versa Ranks at Top •Present at the meeting in addi-1 — By Apathy By Trainer Of Action; Appearance tion to Mr. iFitzpatrick were An- tain had been damaged and a pl- drew Aaroe, president of the Board ano damaged to the extent that Promised Tomorrow of Education; Maurice P. Dunigan, it would cost $50 to have it re- Primary Near, Only Few ; Collector Puts on Heat "Hdwin Casey, William Denman paired. Mi". Aaroe said the cur- WOODBRIDGE—As the result and Joseph - McAndrews, of the tain had bean cleaned and ropes Trivial Contests Stir | To Bring'In Personal of an editorial in this newspapei Board: Harry Burke and Steven tightened but that the piano had •Ripple of Interest j Levy Delinquencies a week ago questioning its action Stumpf, of the Recreation Com' not been repaired as yet. He also in the Kinn-Chodosh gambling WOODBRIDGE—.With Primary 1 case, the Middlesex County Grand mission, Samuel Gioe, director of reported that James Catano, jan- WOODBRIDGE — Once again, j Jury has summoned Charles E. recreation • and an Independent- • itor at Sewaren School, had re- election- set a week and a half Tax Collector'Michael J. Trainer away—April' 19—very little or no I Gregory, publisher of The Inde- Leader reporter who was present ported improper supervision and is making an effort to collec.t de- pendent-Leader, to appear before on the invitation of Mr. Fitzpat- vandalism at his school. interest is being shown by either rick. linquent taxes on the books of it tomorrow moi-ning at 11:30. Mr. Gioe disclaimed any respon- j major political party, In response to the request for Prior to the conference, the as- sibility for the damage declaring The apathy undoubtedly is due the Township. to the fact that there are no con- i his appearance, Mr. Gregory sembly room contained many rec- "no one is allowed on the stage And this time, Mr. Trainer says, j promptly informed Prosecutor reation workers and teen-agers, except the scorekeeper during tests for the Township Committee he "means business." 4 and very few contests for the j Matthew F. Melko that he will • apparently converging because of basketball games."' He also said "If I do not get immediate ac- comply. false rumors the recreation pro- the damage was reported the day County Committee. - tion from notices I have been gram was to..be discontinued. Mr. after a Lions Club team in Fords Although both parties must elect sending' out during the past week," The editorial responsible for the Fitzpatrick instructed Mr. Gioe to had played, and that the audience chairmen the 'Monday after the he continued, "I will post notices Grand Jury action pointed out " tell the gathering there was no was " over 50 per cent adult." Primary, on April 25, there still with intent to sell." i that while an indictment had been ".truth in the rumors and that the Discussing the situation at Se- The response to the notices to returned against Harry Chodosh, private conference was called to waren School, Mr. Aaroe said the Andrew D. Desmond, Democratic date, the tax collector pointed of Carteret, for operating and '. find some way to eliminate vandal- crux of the situation was insuffi- leader, who has already notified out, has been excellent but there maintaining a gambling establish- his party that he will not accept ment, no action had been taken ism in school bxiildings in the cient adult supervision. Mr. Gioe still remains approximately $1,500 then stated Mr. Catano was get- the post again, is on vacation and on the books that he "would like ; against Paul Kinn, listed as owner future. | of Bud's Hut, or against his Aaroe Reviews Case ting paid $2 extra to help with his place -as magistrate is being to see cleaned up." the supervision, whereupon Mr. taken by Nathan Duff, local at- j daughter, Elizabeth Wukovets, on Mr. Aaroe reported the district' The notices sent to delinquents I whose person racing parapher- clerk had notified the board the Dunigan commented that "the torney. read as follows: "According to the James S. Wight, Republican nalia was alleged to have been janitor at School No. 14, Fords I janitor has enough to do at a records of this department you j found. ' had complained that an $800 cur- I (Continued on Page 6) leader who resigned due to ill are indebted to the Township of health, is still recuperating in Woodbridge for personal taxes as . "We are well aware of the fact," Florida. Mrs. John W. Boos, vice follows: . This is a legal tax said the editorial, "that grand chairman, is serving as acting assessed under the laws of the juries are exceedingly loath to in- '-Feat of Iselin Lad^ in Rescuing chairman until election. State of New Jersey and is right- diet in gambling cases, but in the The Democratic Candidates for fully due and payable by you. If current one we would like to know- the Township Committee are Wil- same is not paid on or before Dolores Lott is Listed on what basis a prima facie case Girl is Depicted in Magazine son J. Stockel, for mayor, who was i April 15, 1949, we will be com- could be found against Chodosh, i defeated two years ago by Mayor pelled to serve you with notice [ In Class Forefront on j but not a prima facie case against David Bouine, Boy Scout ing him toward him. As the officer F. Greiner; Committeeman Wil- of intent to sell and subsequently | (1» a woman on whose person was freed from the mud he was liam R. Fitzpatrick, First Ward; levy on stock now in your posses- I Basis -of Her Marks -bettin g paraphernali- a was found- -; able ' to 'bring the little girl to Committeeman Peter Schmidt, an( <2 agamst the Accorded New Laurels Second Ward and Lorenzo Alibani, sion so that the amount due the j WOODBRIDGE —Miss Dolores | ?, ' man who own- safety. ; Township may be satisfied. T,. .„, . _,, . „ ; ed the premises in which the gam- For Thrilling Exploit For his incredible courage, David Third Ward. -. "Guess I'll name him Happy, daddy, then maybe he won't Lott, 16-, daughter of Mr. and Mis. bling. was aIlegedly taking place received the commendation of the. The Republican candidates are look so sad," said Windsor "Butch" J. Lakis, Jr., son of our staff "In order to avoid the embar- ! Prederlck Lott] 31 Demarest Ave- and who was listed as the sub- A ISELIN—David M. Bourne, a photographer, when he received a cocker spaniel on his fourth rassment of posting notice upon i Palisades Park Police Chief and a Mayor Greiner, Robert Deter, nue, Avenel, ha? been declared tjie scriber of the telephone which Boy Scout, son of Mr. and Mrs. First Ward; Arthur W. Carlson, birthday a week ago yesterday. your establishment, it would be certificate of heroism from the appreciated? if you would immedi- highest ranking Senior at Wood- police (whose testimony wasn't Everett Bourne, Auth Avenue, who Scouts National Court of Honor. Second Ward and Albert A. Dis- The pup arrived aboard a TWA plane at Newark airport and heard) said was used for illegal won national attention last year cavage. Third Ward. was sent to "Butch" by Mr. and Mrs. Jack January, St. Louis, Mo. ately contact this department for bridge High School. Mr. January is Assistant Chief Photographer of .the St. Louis purposes." * for saving the life of a drowning Some Contests Appear > the purpose of settling your ac- In all, twenty Seniors were se- girl and a park policeman, even Post-Dispatch and was our staff photographer's "boss" during- the count." Egan Not Called -n the Democratic ranks for war. Mr. January was a warrant officer and Mr. Lakis a chief lected as top students on the basis though he couldn't swim, now finds Youth Bail $5,000 County Committee there are con- This newspaper's investigation petty officer in the Coast Guard during the war and the Lakis of their scholastic ability during of the case revealed that although himself pictured in the New Heroic tests in the First, Sixth and Tenth family made their home with the Januarys in St. Louis for about Comics Magazine, a "comic book" Districts of the Second Ward. their Junior year and the first se- Capt. John R. Egan of the local a year. - Ramblers Keeeiw mester of their Senior year. (department, who participated in which depicts true stories of young In Attempted Rape Contests in the Republican party The Januarys haven't seen "Butch." since he was a year and . "heroes. for County Committee are in the a half old. Above, "Butch" is shown receiving the puppy on its Miss Lott won first -honors ac- I the raid, intercepted during its The 'comics' show David walk- Perth Ainboy Resident Third District of the Second Ward arrival, from Capt. Jay Brandt, TWA pilot, who hails from Kansas Reports on Field ; cording to standards also set by progress telephone calls in which ing along Hessian Lake when he and in the Fifth District of the City, Kansas.