Anuover Townsman
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4 coutewplutlnn cir 1111I' h e 5. 15 III I' sire, is II I FOR YOUP II ,,,:m Its-(' not I long hose k il`ligt• a 5 81 only f E sill,''. I C AP i'1 . 111,11,1 11'S SVI{US ANUOVER TOWNSMAN EDWAIH) NEWTON VOL I ',,AE 62, NUMBER 36 ANDOVER, MASSACHUSETTS, JUNE 23, 1949 PRICE, 5 CENTS eu'FORD f June Drought Sets PARTS Three New Records 61- 4, SHAWSHEEN At Pumping Station MOTOR MART Prolonged Hot Spell Places Added 'our Andover Ford Dealer 7 Haverhill St., Shawsheen Load On Water System — More Than Tel. 767—Imw. 5035 16 Million Gallons Pumped In Week The worst June drought in re- cent years, which caused wide- No Separate Tax spread crop damage in all New England states, placed an extra IARCIPE On Television Sets load on the local water service and Video Just One of Many saw three all-time records broken AASS. id the pumping station on Lowell • Items In The Personal street last week. It was a happy group of y gsters from the West Parish church Sunday school also went to Cobbetts' i I last week to he annual school outing. Here they are as they prepare to board the bus for their trip to the New Hampshire pond. Property Tax Return In the period of June 11 to 17, (Look Photo) Shanty of the complaints being Inclusive, the total number of 4CLUDING registered with the assessors by gallons pumped soared to a new WEST CHURCH various taxpayers against what high of 16,264,000. Prior to that Oppose Automatic New Water Line they term "a tax on television the weekly record had never BOTTOM VIEWS SCHOOL HOLDS sets" have been due chiefly to a reached 16 million gallons. Gates At Crossing In Canterbury St. misunderstanding of the personal Another new record was estab- The first of this year's new property tax. lished Monday the 13th when the OF Scores of Ballardvale residents ANNUAL PICNIC MPLETEI,Y water installations under the $20,- Television sets are not taxed highest single (lay of pumping have signed the petitions being cir- The annual picnic of the West 000 appropriation voted at the separately. They are included as totalled 2,750,000 gallons with culated there protesting the instal- church Sunday school was held THE last town meeting was started an item under the heading of the pumps in operation 22 hours lation of automatic gates at the An- last Saturday at Belle Vista beach, Tuesday when employees of the "household furniture and effects" and 55 minutest. The previous dover street crossing In that dis- Cobbetts' pond, N. Ft. About 75 board of public works began oper- in the personal property tax re- single days record was 2,507,000. a ITIONED" trict. children and adults enjoyed the NEWS ations on a 100-foot extension on turns. The daily average on a yearly sports, both on the shore and in .s Pleasant as Sponsored by the Ballardvale Canterbury street. The personal property tax is basis is about 1,700,000. By LEONARD F. JAMES the water. PTA the movement against the Other water installations in the oldest in Maaachusette, the On the 17th the station topped The list of events with the win- e Beach! It is high time that the Ameri- proposed plats of the Boston & streets already designated will be assessors point out. The law re- its previous record for pumping ners follows: 15-yard dash, pre- ,in Medical association ended its Maine railroad to replace the man- made soon after the Canterbury quires that each owner of personal the largest number of gallons per school age, won by Eleanor San- double-talk and got down to ually-operated gates and the gate- street work is completed. They property make a returns of this minute when an average of 2423 in blessed comfort be- tuccio; boys, 10-12 years, James honest discussion of medical in- man by the newer type of signals are Gould road, Flint circle, Bea- property on or before January 31. wits set for the 17 hours and 30 Clegg, ' Glenn Peatman, David oned store. It has taken surance. The pace set by the as- and gates has received spontaneous con street, High Plain road and Personal property includes a minutes the pumps were in opera- Haartz; girls, 10-15 years, Eliza- sociation can do much to help or backing from parents. Princeton road. great number of items. Among tion. One day earlier in the week sd install this marvelous beth Sarkesian, Marjorie Stewart, hinder the problem. The present Oppositions to the propolial is Under the article adopted at the them ate hooks, pictures, rugs, an average of - 2250 was attained refreshing air in EVERY Joan Silva; boys 6-9 years, Neil approach does little more than based chiefly to their concern for town meeting no work on water works of art, silver, dishes; also but previously the average had Morgan, Arthur Clegg, Frank FLOORS summer cloud the issue. The AMA damns the safety of children who use the installations is to be started until musical instruments including never reached 2001) willow'. Monette; girls, 6-9 years, Pauline thful, the socialized medicine and Praises crossing in going to and coming approved by the board of public pianos, photographs, radios and It was reported at the station Boutwell, Norma Jean Peatman, health plans. But its praise re- from school, and doing errands in works, the selectmen and the fi- videos with their equipment; that although the hot, dry smell 3 mountain top in sum- Betty Nicholas. flects the exaggerated claims ' of the stores near the crossing. nance committee. watches, jewelry, precious stones Boys and girls 3-legged race ins (continued on Page Sevens) OL Bon Marche' the frontier snake-oil salesman. and metals; garage and stable the 10-15 age group was won by The danger is that what the AMA equipment, and many other items. Geraldine Boutwell and Barbara appears to offer on the label may Town Playgrounds Local Boys Going None of there are taxed sepa- Williams, Gail Marland and Bessie Sherman To Direct not be found in the bottle. rately, and this applies to televi- To Open Monday Haartz. Boys 25-yard dash, 6-9 To "Boys' State" slots as well as all other items. It is assumed that when the years, was won by James Clegg, Andover's five playgrounds will Two local boys will leave to- The returns is for the information Mass. Hoover Unit president of the AMA speaks, he John Santuccio and Lester Dixons. open for the seasons Monday under morrow to take part in the Boys' of the assessor to assist hies ins de- Edward A. Sherman of Melrose, does so for the association. Such a Winners ins the tug of war were supervision of the Recreation State program sponsored by the termining the tax, if any. former director of personnel for the deduction is fair enough in tine David Haartz, Betty Heinz, Ger- committee and its staff of super- American Legion at the Univer- The personal property tax in Massachusetts department of pub- light of recent AMA actions in aldine Boutwell, Elizabeth Sar- visors headed by James D. Doher- sity of Massachusetts, Amherst. Andover this year relieves the lic works, has been named execu- ordering the editor of their Journ- kesian, Marienne Garaisidian, al to cease speaking on contro- ty. Donald F. Mudgett of 411 An- tive director of the Massachusetts Ernest Clegg, Marcia Belding, dover st., and John M. Belka of (Continued on Page Seven) committee for action sins federal re- versial subjects, give no inter- Playground hours are from 10 Lester Dixon and Frank Monette. views except of scientific matters, a. m. until 5 p. m. five days a 58 Red Spring rd., juniors at organization, ex-Gov. Joseph B. Ely, and submit all editorials for ap- week, Monday through Friday. Punchard High school, have been Pomp's To Open chairman, announced recently. proval. Presumably, other officials However, the liallardvale play- Pastor To Make selected as part of the group of A veteran of both World Wars, will reflect tile association's views. ground will remain opens each eve- 474 boys throughout the state to Mr. Sherman began his military attend this unique session. Season Monday A recent debate its a national snag- ning until 7:30 p. m. On account Trip To Ireland The bathing beach at Pomp's service with the 2nd Division, nine offers a good example of of the holiday there will be no During their stay until July 3 A.E.F., in 1918. Between wars he The Rev. Thomas P. Fogarty, the town boys will study town pond will open Monday for super- AMA double-talk. Examination of sessions July 4. vised swimming and classes in life was attached to the Massachusetts O.S.A., was tendered a farewell government, the city boys city TS tatements made will reveal what saving. national guard and, at the outbreak The assignments of instructors Party Monday evening in St. Au- government. All will study county may be politely termed a nodding have been announced as follows: Donald D. Dunn, head life of World War II, was commissioned acquaintance with facts. gustine's school lsssll prior to' his government, take part in the elec- a captain in the Army of the United Central playground: Mrs. Shirley leaving next Sunday morning for tions of their own officers and con- guard, will have a staff this sea- Government Insurance Or Tax? sons cumin-Nine Jut-k Arabian, Jo- States.