4,' >» - ', '*-m • \, 'I Today *>,'.(•) DIAL SH 1-0010 o«u* RED BANK, N. J., WEDNESDAY, JUNE 26, 1963 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE West Berliners Cheer President Kennedy Gets a Rousing Wekome BERLIN (AP) - President rade had brought out the people Gate can peer through its three East Berlin regime Friday to East Berlin of Soviet Kennedy came face to face the way the American President arches down Unter Den Linden, Premier Khrushchev. with the Communist world today did. the .governmental center of East curtail Kennedy's view into, the The President, landing after a when, with the cheers of a mil- The screaming, cheering, flag- East. The flags ostensibly were 110-mile flight over Communist lion West Berliners ringing in his waving, confetti - tossing raised in celebration of the visit East Germany, saluted West Ber- ears, he stood within a few feet come exceeded the mammoth re- lin's two million people for hold- of the dreaded Red WaU in Ber- ception West German crowds ing aloft the beacon of freedom lin. < gave Kennedy earlier this week. for the western world. The President arrived at the The President looked across in- Brandt Speaks Brandenburg gate—the symbol of to East Berlin from an 18-foot Kennedy's Air Force jet land- the division ol Berlin between observation platform about IS ed from Wiesbaden, West Ger- East and West-at 11:45 a.m. feet from the wall. West Berlin many, six minutes ahead of (6:45 a.m. EST) Mayor Willy Brandt and West schedule. Although Soviet Mig Mounts Platform German Chancellor Konrad Ade- fighter planes were reported in He mounted a platform and nauer stood at his side, as the vicinity of the central air looked at the concrete and barbed British officer showed the Pres- corridor used by the President, wire wall stretching in front of ident a chart of the principal they did not bother the Boeing him, to the left and to the right, points in East Berlin. 707 jet. and at the massive gate before Views Sign Greeting Mayor Willy Brandt him. N Facing him from the Commu- on his arrival, Kennedy said the He stayed four minutes and niu side of the wall was an East. "legendary morale and spirit of then headed for another point on German sign which said: the people of West Berlin have the wall—Checkpoint Charlie, the "In the agreement of Potsdam been a beacon for the free world." U.S.-manned crossing point for U. S. Presidents Roosevelt and Kennedy was accompanied by foreigners where Russian and Truman undertook retired Gen. Lucius D. Clay, mil- American tanks faced muzzle to "To uproot German militarism itary governor of West Germany muzzle less than two years ago. and nazism. in 1948 at the time of the Berlin The President reached the "To arrest war criminals and airlift and the President's spe- Brandenburg Gate after the bring them to judgment. cial representative in, the city during recent times of tension. CROWD SURROUNDS THE PRESIDENT — Only th* head of President Kennedy is greatest spontaneous welcome in "To prevent rebirth of German the memory of the former Ger- militarism. Kennedy said he was particu- visible as he it engulfed by the crowd in front of the: City Hall of Frankfurt follow- man capital. Old timers said not "To ban all militarists and naz- larly proud to be accompanied ing his arrival in the West German city. - (AP Wirephoto) even Hitler with his famous pa- ism propaganda. by Clay, "an old veteran of this "To ensure that Germany nev- frontier who in good times and er again menaces her neighbors bad has been identified with the and world peace. life of this city." "These pledges have been ful- Kennedy also said he was glad Plan a Big Show filled in the (East) German to be in Berlin in the company Mrs. Ryan's Democratic Republic. When will | of West German Chancellor Kon- these pledges be fulfilled in West rad Adenauer and to have an- Germany and West Berlin, Pres- other chance to discuss affairs For Khrushchev ident Kennedy?' with Mayor Brandt. His diplo- Kennedy read the sign but matic reference to both officials BERUN "(AP) - The East pledge of support for West Ber covered over a pre-visit tug-of- showed ho reaction. PRESIDENTIAL REVIEW —President Kennedy turns to German Communists are trying lin and Western Europe? Soviet guards came over from war ovar who would have the to drum up a big Show for Pre- Or would he make some move their war memorial to take pic look -at armored vehicles as he rides with Maj. Gen. honor of acoompanyiiw the Pres- Has Changed mier Khrushchev's visit to East thai would .launch a new crisis' tures. The memorial is in the John FL Pugh during inspection of U. S. Army and Air ident on his trip to Berlin. Berlin Friday in a bid to match Khrushchev could unveil the British seotor near the Branden- force units at Hatiau, West Germany, Gen. Pugh com- Brandt welcomed the Presi- BY HUGH MULLIGAN President Kennedy's reception in peace treaty he has been promis- burg Gate.. dent as "the leading man of the West Berlin. (See SHOW, Page 2) Visitors to the Brandenburg mands the U. S. Third Armored Dimion. (AP Photo) (See KENNEDY, Page 2) . DUNGANSTOWN, Ireland (AP) - Who threw the con- A million or more West Berlin- crete topping on Mrs. Ryan's barnyard? ers were expected to welcome "It's an American trick," most Irish newspapers said to- Kennedy today on his first presi- day. They blanied the U. S". government for the startling dential visit to the Communist changes at the ancestral homestead President Kennedy will surrounded city. visit tomorrow. Berlin experts predicted that, The Americans are denying everything and shifting the for Khrushchev's seventh visit, Monmouth County National Bank accusing finger toward the Irish government. East Berliners would heed Whoever is responsible for the changes, the old home- Communist appeal to "decorate stead won't be the same place Kennedy visited in-1947 when houses, streets, squares and'fac- he was a'congressman. , , tories with the Red flags of the The tidy but dirty barnyard, where the widow Ryan's 70 working class," but would do so chickens.and three cows once held sway, has. been covered sullenly. • Plans a New Red Bant Building with concrete and now resembles a parking lot. ' Front Page Appeal RED BANK—The Monmouth Architect Bernard Kellenyi It , ,Mr. Doremus said his client ren D. Fowler, a chiropractor The new facility would boast . A huge, manure heap has disappeared from the adjoin- 1 two drive-in windows — with ing field, where the President's helicopter will put down. The East German Communist County National Bank has pro- working on plans for a build- Has'rn*{l* every effort to com- and the other party of the con- tract, would be razed. space set aside for more—at A}l/the. farm animals have been shunted out of sight. Party organ, Neues DeutscWand, posed construction of a new ing of early American design ply'-wttfr'tbe'letter and the spirit made a front page an appeal to home office at Broad St. and and approximatelppy y double the of the new' ordinance which al- Mr. Bielitz said the tract the rear of the building. There There are no pigs in the pasture. would also be a walk-up win- • A concrete porch and an indoor tiled toilet—known lo- East Berliners to give their tra- Bergen PI. floors space of the existing lows certain non-retail busi- would be large enough for a ditional hospitality "to our great Expansion plans were re- main bank at Broad and Wal- nesses to locate in the P-l zone main bank of more than 12,000 dow, and, probably, four tell- cally as John's john-J>ave been added to the comfortable ers' windows inside. •; Ryan cottage. friend." leased to newspapers yesterday lace Sts. after reviews by the Planning square feet, parking - for 56 cars, and future construction. Face Broad St The cottage is a few yards from the humble tin-roofed It ran interviews with the may- and were the subject of an ap- Mi-. Kellenyi Is also chair- and Zoning Boards and Borough hut that Patrick Kennedy, the President's great-grandfather, or, a mechanic and a salesgirl plication for a special use per- man of the Planning Board and Council. The board of directors con- The bank would face Broad occupied before emigrating to the United. States. The hut extolling Khrushchev's visit. The mit submitted to the Planning stepped down during last night's The bank's application is the templates construction of an- St. and there would be built a is now a storage shed. East German Radio, also broad- Board last night. discussion as did member Fran- second under the P-l measure. other building' to the rear of Broad St. entrance driveway, cast interviews and commentar- the first in about five years. and Bergen PI. exist driveway, Mrs. Mary Ryan, a Kennedy before her marriage, is The Planning Board agreed cis X. Kennelly, who said his The first was the still-pending ies to whip up interest. It would house the: bank's util- and at the rear of the prop- the President's third cousin and his best-known relative in to let residents comment on the law firm has been associated application of the Post Office ity departments—a variety of erty allowing ingress and egress Ireland.
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