English Common Orchid Names to Latin Names

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English Common Orchid Names to Latin Names English Common Orchid Names to Latin Names The Canadian Orchid Congress http://www.CanadianOrchidCongress.ca/ Compiled by Sydney H. Yearron, Victoria Orchid Society, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada English Common Names to Latin Names The Canadian Orchid Congress Compiled by Sydney H. Yearron, Victoria Orchid Society, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada Adam and Eve Aplectrum hyemale Adder's-mouth [Bog] Malaxis paludosa Adder's-mouth [Green] Malaxis uniflora Adder's-mouth [Narrow] Malaxis monophyllos var. brachypoda Adder's-mouth [Pale leaf] Malaxis monophyllos var. brachypoda Adder's-mouth [Tenderwort] Malaxis monophyllos var. brachypoda Adder's-mouth [White] Malaxis monophyllos var. brachypoda Alaska orchid Habenaria unalascensis Alaska piperia Habenaria unalascensis Alpine chicken orchid Amitostigma alpestre Angel without leaves Chilochista Angelfish orchid Dendrobium aduncum Ant orchid (Australia) Chiloglottis formicifera Antelope orchid (Australia) Dendrobium canaliculatum Aunty Rosie Dendrobium aurantiroseum Austral Ladies' Tresses (Australia) Spiranthes sinensis Azalea orchid Tainia shimadai Babe-in-a-Cradle (Australia) Epiblema grandiflora Baby orchid Chysis Bamboo orchid Arundiana bambusifolia Bamboo orchid Sobralia decora Bamboo-leaf orchid Cymbidium nagifolium Bamboo-leaf orchid [Green] Cymbidium javanicum var. aspidistrifolium Bamboo-leaf orchid [White] Cymbidium lancifolium Banana orchid (Australia) Cymbidium canaliculatum Banderitos (Little flags) (Columbia) Masdevallia coccinea Bat orchid Coryanthes speciosa Beaks [Brown] (Australia) Lyperanthus suaveolens Beaks [Rattle] (Australia) Lyperanthus seratica Beaks [Red] (Australia) Lyperanthus nigricans Beard orchid [Pale ] (Australia) Calochilus herbaceus Bearded bulbophylllum (Australia) Bulbophyllum barbigerum Bearded orchid [Leafless] Spiranthes lanceolata Beardie [Great] (Australia) Calochilus grandiflora Beards [Brown] (Australia) Calochilus robertsonii English Common Names to Latin Names 2 The Canadian Orchid Congress Beards [Copper] (Australia) Calochilus campestris Bedbug orchid Orchis chloriophora Bee (Bumble-bee) orchid Oncidium henekenii Bee orchid (Australia) Diuris carinata Bee orchid Luisia Bee orchid Ophrys apifera & var. trollii Bee swarm orchid Cyrtopodium punctatum Bee swarm orchid Oncidium luridum (inv.) (altissimum) Beech orchid (Australia) Dendrobium falcarostrum Beetle orchid Epidendrum porpax Beetles (Cucarrones) Stanhopea Bell orchid Grammatophyllum scriptum Bell orchid [Small] Vandopsis lissochiloides Big ears Listera borealis Bird orchid Arundina graminifolia Bird orchid [Alpine] (Australia) Chiloglottis pesscottiana Bird orchid [Autumn] (Australia) Chiloglottis reflexa Bird orchid [Broad lip] (Australia) Chiloglottis trapeziformis Bird orchid [Bronze] (Australia) Chiloglottis pesscottiana Bird orchid [Common] (Australia) Chiloglottis gunnii Bird orchid [Dockrill's] (Australia) Chiloglottis dockrillii Bird orchid [Green] (Australia) Chiloglottis cornuta Bird orchid [Large] (Australia) Chiloglottis gunnii Bird's head orchid Ornithocephalus cochleariformis Bird's nest orchid Neottia nidus-avis Bird's-bill orchid Goodyera velutina Bird-beak orchid Oncidium ornithorhynchum Birds mouth orchid (Australia) Orthoceras strictum Black man's potato (Tasmania) Gastrodia sesamoides Black orchid Bulbophyllum species Black orchid (Australia) Calanthe triplicata Black orchid Coelogyne pandurata Black orchid Cymbidium (Cymbidiella) humblotii Black orchid Masdevallia rolfeana Black orchid Pleurothallis immersa Black orchid Trichoglottis phillipinensis var. brachiata Black-tongued orchid Epigeneium amplum Blue China orchid (Australia) Caladenia gemmata Blue Fairies (Australia) Caladenia deformis Blue orchid Aganisia (Acacalia) cyanea Blue orchid Dendrobium victoriae-reginae Blue orchid Herschelia gramifolia English Common Names to Latin Names 3 The Canadian Orchid Congress Blue orchid Vanda coerulea Blunt-leaf orchid Habenaria obtusata Boat orchid Spathoglottis plicata Bog candle orchid Vanilla species Bog-orchid Hammerbya paludosa Bog-orchid [Boreal] Habenaria dilitata (Orchis d.) Bog-orchid [Green Flowered] Habenaria (Platanthera hyperborea) hyperbora Bog-orchid [Northern Small] Habenaria obtusata Bog-orchid [Slender] Habenaria saccata Bog-orchid [Tall White] Habenaria dilitata (Orchis d.) Bog-orchid [White-flowered] Habenaria dilitata var. leochostachys Botel Tobago orchid (Botel) Tuberolabium kotoense Bottle-brush orchid Arpophyllum giganteum Bottle-brush orchid (Australia) Dendrobium smilliae Bracted orchid (Long bracted orchid) Habenaria viridis var. bracteata Braided orchid Lockhartia Bridal veil orchid Dendrobium teretifolium Bucket orchid Coryanthes Bucket orchid Stanhopea Bug orchid Orchis coriophora ssp fragrans Bull orchid Dendrobium taurinum Bumble-bee (Bee) orchid Oncidium henekenii Bumble-bee orchid Ophrys bombylifera Burned apex orchid (China) Cymbidium rubrigemmum Burnt orchid (Burnt tip orchid) Orchis ustulata Buttercup orchid (Australia) Cymbidium madidum Buttercup orchid Spathoglottis pubescens Butterfly orchid Encyclia (Epidendrum) tampensis Butterfly orchid Epidendrum o'brienianum Butterfly orchid (Mexico) Epidendrum venosum Butterfly orchid Oncidium papilio Butterfly orchid (Temperate zone) Orchis papilionacea Butterfly orchid Psychopsis (Oncidium) kramerianum Butterfly orchid (Australia) Sarcochilus australis (parviflora) Butterfly orchid [Florida] Encyclia (Epidendrum) tampensis Butterfly orchid [Greater] Platanthera chlorantha (montana) Butterfly orchid [Lesser] Platanthera bifolia (Orchis b.) Butterfly orchid [White] Polyrrhiza lindeni Caladenia [Black Tongue] Caladenia congesta Caladenia [Bluebeard] (Australia) Caladenia deformis Caladenia [Bronze] (Australia) Caladenia iridescens Caladenia [Hooded] (Australia) Caladenia cucullata English Common Names to Latin Names 4 The Canadian Orchid Congress Caladenia [Musky] (Australia) Caladenia augustata Caladenia [Tailed] (Australia) Caladenia filamentosa Calypso Calypso bulbosa Camel's foot Cypripedium Captain King's Dendrobium (Australia) Dendrobium speciosum Cascading orchid Diploprora championii Cat's face (Australia) Diuris filifolia Cat's-tail orchid Aerides Cat's-tail orchid Dendrochilum Cat's-tail orchid Rhynchostylis Cat's-tail orchid Saccolabium Cedros bee Oncidium lanceanum Centipede Grass orchid Zeuxine strateumatica Centipede orchid Gastrochilus formosanum Chamisso's orchid Habenaria chorisianum (Pseudodiphryllum chorisiana) (Limnorchis chorisiana) Chatterbox orchid Epipactis gigantea Cherry orchid Mediocalcar sepikanum Chi-tou wind orchid Thrixspermum saruwatarii Chicken foot (Pate-de-gallo) (local) (Peru) Masdevallia veitchiana Chicken-feather orchid (Costa Rica) Epidendrum ciliare Chinese ground orchid Phaius (Phajus) tankervilliae Chive orchid (Taiwan) Cymbidium gracillimum Chocolate orchid Encyclia (Epidendrum) phoenicea Christmas bell orchid Dendrobium lawesii Christmas flower (local) Atorina (Epidendrum) erubescens Christmas lily Calanthe triplicata Christmas orchid Angraecum sesquipedale Christmas orchid Cattleya percivaliana Christmas orchid Cattleya trianaei Christmas star orchid Angraecum sesquipedale Cigar orchid Cyrtopodium punctatum Cinnamon Bells (Australia) Gastrodia sesamoides Clamshell orchid (Cockleshell orchid) Encyclia cochleata Clamshell orchid (Cockleshell orchid) Encyclia (Epidendrum) fragrans Clamshell orchid (Cockleshell orchid) Encyclia (Epidendrum) lancifolia Climbing orchid (Australia) Galeola cassythoides Climbing orchid [Great] (Australia) Galeola foliata Clown Spikes (Scandinavia) Orchis morio Club spur orchid Platanthera clavellata Coconut pie orchid Maxillaria tenuifolia Cold (Winter) orchid (Taiwan) Cymbidium kanran (linearsepalum) (purpureum-hiemale) Comb orchid [Golden] Bulbophyllum flaviflorum English Common Names to Latin Names 5 The Canadian Orchid Congress Comb orchid [Yellow] Bulbophyllum retusiusculum Comet orchid Angraecum sesquipedale Cooktown orchid Dendrobium bigibbum Copper Beards (Australia) Calochilus campestris Coral orchid Rodriguezia secunda Coral-root [Autumn (late)] Corallorhiza odontorhiza Coral-root [Early (pale)] Corallorhiza trifida Coral-root [Macrae's (Bigelow's)] Corallorhiza striata Coral-root [Many flowered (large)] Corallorhiza maculata Coral-root [Merten's] Corallorhiza mertensiana Coral-root [Northern] Corallorhiza trifida Coral-root [Spotted] Corallorhiza maculata Coral-root [Striped] Corallorhiza striata Coral-root [Toothed] Corallorhiza odontorhiza Coral-root [Western] Corallorhiza mertensiana Corral-root [Wister's] Corallorhiza wisteriana Cow horn orchid Cyrtopodium andersonii Cow horn orchid Cyrtopodium punctatum Cow horn orchid Schomburgkia (Laelia) tibicinis Cow's foot orchid Chloraea speciosa Cowslip orchid (Australia) Caladenia flava Cowslip orchid (Australia) Dendrobium nindii (tofftii) Cradle orchid Anguloa especially clowesii Crane orchid Pecteilis (Habenaria) radiata Crane orchid [Red] Phaius (Phajus) tankervilliae Crane orchid [Slender] Phaius (Phajus) gracilus Crane orchid [White] Calanthe triplicata Crane orchid [Yellow] Phaius (Phajus) flavus Cranefly orchid Tipularia discolor Creeping forest orchid (Australia) Townsonia viridis Creeping Goodyera Goodyera repens Crib of Venus Anguloa Cricket orchid Brassia caudata Crippled Crane Fly orchid Tipularia discolor Crooked spur Campyloscentrum pachyrrhizum Crucifix orchid Epidendrum radicans (ibaguense) Cucarrones (Beetles) Stanhopea Cucumber orchid Dendrobium cucumerinum Cut-grass orchid Cymbidium lancifolium Cylinder orchid [Large] Eria luchuensis
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