Libertarianism by Llewelyn H

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Libertarianism by Llewelyn H Manifesto The Case for Paleo­ Libertarianism by Llewelyn H. Rockwell, Jr. Thirty years ago, an attempt was made to promote a fusion of libertarianism and conservativism. The attempt failed; Llewelyn H. Rockwell, Jr, thinks it is time to try again. "The conservative crack-up is near," writes Charles Krauthammer. HAs Communism unravels, so does ... the conservative alliance." Indeed, old-fashioned conserva­ tives (paleoconservatives) are splitting with statist neoconservatives. Patrick J. Buchanan argues that America should "come home": we are not "the world's policeman nor its politi­ This conservative crack-up presents not sufficient condition for the good soci­ cal tutor." Ben Wattenberg, a neocon ad­ an historic opportunity for the libertari­ ety, and they're right. Neither is it suffi­ vocate of what Clare Boothe Luce called an movement. The Cold War ruptured cient for the free society. We also need globaloney, denounces Buchanan as a the Right; now the healing can begin, for social institutions and standards that en­ "Neanderthal." Joseph Sobran then Lord Acton's axiom that "liberty is the courage public virtue, and protect the in­ notes that democracy is not a good in it­ highest political end of man" is at the dividual from the State. self, but only in so far as it restricts State heart not only of libertarianism but of Unfortunately, many libertarians­ power. Jeanne Kirkpatrick-a former the old conservatism as well. Many is­ especially those in the Libertarian Humphrey Democrat like most ofthe ne­ sues separate good conservatives from Party-see freedom as necessary and suf­ ocons-says none ofthese intellectual ar­ good libertarians, but their number is ficient for all purposes. Worse, they guments mean anything because the lessening and none of them is so broad equate freedom from State oppression neocons hold State power and don't in­ as to prevent il1telligent,exchange, and with freedom from cultural'norms,relig­ tend to let go. cooperation. ion, bourgeois morality, and social Despite Kirkpatrick, these intra-Right There have been more than ideologi­ authority. arguments are extremely significant, and cal disputes, however; culture has also In its 17-year history, the LP may more than foreign policy is involved. As separated us, and there is no more pow­ never have gotten 1% in a national elec­ the U.S.S.R. is revealed as a paper bear, erful unifier or divider. So divisive has it tion, but it has smeared the most glori­ been in this case that good libertarians good conservatives are returning to their ous political idea in human history with and good conservatives have forgotten Old Right roots in other areas as well. libertine muck. For the sake of that glori­ how to talk to each other. Conservatives are questioning not ous idea, it's time to get out the scrub For the sake of our common ideals only foreign intervention, but the entire brushes. we should restore the old concord. But New Deal-Great Society-Kinder Gentler Most Americans agree that aggres­ can we? In my view, not untillibertari­ apparatus. This worries the neocons sion against the innocent and their prop­ anism is deloused. even more, since-like their Svengali Ir­ erty is wrong. Although these millions ving Kristol-they give at most "two The Conservatives Are Right: are potential libertarians, they are put off cheers for capitalism" but a full three Freedom Isn't Enough by the Woodstockian flavor of the move­ cheers for the "conservative welfare Conservatives have always argued ment. Hair may have left Broadway long state." that political freedom is a necessary but ago, but the Age of Aquarius survives in 34 Liberty Volume 3, Number 3 Janu 1990 the LP. also distinguishes them from the neo­ vast majority of Americans and has The cultural anti-norms that mark cons. We have no parallel to the necons, helped keep libertarianism such a small the libertarian image are abhorrent; they but it is just as urgent for us to movement. have nothing to do with libertarianism distinguish libertarianism from per se; and they are deadly baggage. Un­ libertinism. The Conservative Attack on less we dump that baggage, we will Briefly, paleolibertarianism, with its Libertarianism miss the greatest opportunity in roots deep in the Old Right, sees: None ofthe conservative criticisms of decades. I. The leviathan State as the institu­ the political philosophy of libertarianism Americans reject the national Demo­ tional source ofevil throughout history. is persuasive. The same is not true, un­ cratic Party because they see it as dis­ IT. The unhampered free market as a fortunately, of the cultural critiques. daining bourgeois values. If they have moral and practical imperative. Russell Kirk is the conservative critic ever heard of the LP, they rebuff it for ITI. Private property as an economic libertarians find most offensive. He similar reasons. and moral necessity for a free society. The Libertarian Party is probably ir­ IV. The garrison State as a preemi­ reformable-and irrelevant even if it nent threat to liberty and social well The conservative crack-up weren't. Libertarianism is neither. But being. unless we cleanse libertarianism of its V. The welfare State as organized presents an historic opportu­ cultural image, our movement will fail as theft that victimizes producers and even­ nity for the libertarian move­ miserably as the LP has. We will contin­ tually even its "clients." ment. The Cold War ruptured ue to be seen as a sect that "resists au­ VI. Civil liberties based on property thority" and not just statism, that rights as essential to a just society. the Right; now healing can endorses the behaviors it would legalize, VII. The egalitarian ethic as morally begin, for Lord Acton's axiom and that rejects the standards of Western reprehensible and destructive of private that "liberty is the highest po­ civilization. property and social authority. Arguments against the drug war, no VIIT. Social authority-as embodied litical end of man" is at the matter how intellectually compelling, are in the family, church, community, and heart not only of libertarian­ undermined when they come from the other intermediating institutions-as party of the stoned. When the LP nomi­ helping protect the individual from the ism but of the old conserva­ nates a prostitute for lieutenant governor State and as necessary for a free and vir­ tism as well. of California and she becomes a much­ tuous society. admired LP celebrity, how can regular IX. Western culture as eminently wor­ Americans help but think that libertarian­ thy ofpreservation and defense. claims that the libertarian, "like Satan, ism is hostile to social norms, or that le­ X. Objective standards of morality, es­ can bear no authority, temporal or galization of such acts as prostitution pecially as found in the Judeo-Christian spiritual. He desires to be different, in means moral approval? There. could be tradition, as essential to the free and civil­ morals as in politics" as a matter of prin­ no more politically suicidal or morally ized social order. ciple. As a result, there "is no great gulf fallacious connection, but the LP has Is Paleolibertarianism fixed between libertarianism and liber­ forged it. tinism." With their counter-cultural beliefs, Libertarian? The libertarian must agree with the A conservative critic libertarians find many libertarians have avoided issues of first six points, but most activists would more congenial is Robert Nisbet. But he increasing importance to middle-class be outraged by the last four. Yet there is too worries that"a state of mind is devel­ Americans, such as civil rights, crime, nothing unlibertarian in them. oping among libertarians in which the and environmentalism. A critic might point out that libertari­ coercions of family, church, local com­ The only way to sever libertarian­ anism is a political doctrine with nothing munity, and school will seem almost as ism's link with libertinism is with a to say about these matters. In one sense, inimical to freedom as those of the politi­ cleansing debate. I want to start that de­ the critic would be right. The libertarian cal government. If so, this will most cer­ bate, and on the proper grounds. As G.K. catechist need know only one answer to tainly widen the gulf between Chesterton said, "We agree about the one question: What is the the highest libertarians and conservatives." evil; it is about the good that we should political end of man? The answer: Kirk and Nisbet are right about all tear each others eyes out." freedom. too many individual libertarians, but not A Culturally Effective But no political philosophy exists in a about the formal doctrine, as Rothbard, Libertarianism for America cultural vacuum, and for most people po­ Tibor Machan, and others have shown. If we are to have any chance of victo­ litical identity is only an abstraction from Yet this distinction between the doctrine ry, we must discard the defective cultural a broader cultural view. The two are sep­ and its practitioners is difficult to make for non-intellectuals. framework of libertarianism. I call my arate only at the theoretical level; in prac­ suggested replacement, with its ethically­ tice, they are inextricably linked. Anti-Christianism vs Freedom based cultural principles, "paleolibertari­ It is thus understandable and desira­ 94% of Americans believe in God, yet anism": the old libertarianism. ble that libertarianism have a cultural a poll by Green and Guth showed that I use the term as conservatives use tone, but not that it be anti-religious, only 27% of LP activist-contributors do. paleoconservatism: not as a new creed, modernist, morally relativist, and These political scientists comment: "Al­ but as a harking back to their roots which egalitarian.
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