Children’s Library

What makes Pinocchio's story so special? Why is the journey of a talking wooden puppet to become a real boy, created in the XIX Century by Collodi, still amazing kids and inspiring adults today? To us, what makes Pinocchio's story so special is the journey itself, and mainly, the freedom and weight of the choices, even in his “life” as a wooden boy. Understanding that, we also realized that, more than just a reading space, Pinocchio's Library should be an architectonic route marked not only by elements and symbols of the story, but also given protagonism to the children choices in their way into the building and the learning that emerge in this process.



1º AXIS Three composition axis, connecting Built a footbridge over the river based In the second axis, over the river, land Definition of the way with exhibition Connect the points of interest Complete the volumetry with elevated the points of major interest of the near on the first axis, establishing a the central bar of the library, with large spaces, cafe, reception, auditorium established in the project through spaces, aligned to the set, focused on environment: the Pinocchio’s park, pedestrian path between Collodi views for the stone bridge and and other areas directly related to the volumes based on the third axis; comes the landscape views, such as the Collodi Foundation and “Piazza San Foundation and “Piazza San Pinocchio’s park library the connection with the Old Paper rootop cafe and the belvedere Bartolomeo” Bartolomeo” Factory

The Pinocchio children’s library conceived by us has an structured path in three main axis: The first one marks a path focused on “non-architecture”, bringing attention to an route that leads to the local landscape. It’s a general overview, symbolizing our admired eyes over the stories of fantasy, marked by the access to the library and the independent exposition spaces related to the connection between the city of Collodi and the story of Pinocchio as an product of Tuscany; The second axis, parallel to the first, is the axis that holds the route of the library on itself. A concrete and wood structure in the form of a bar, gently placed above the river, symbolizing an inversion of the fantasy view: it's an gaze from inside out for a world where the fantastic is the norm; if the first axis represents the admired look of the kids all over the world to Pinocchio this second axis symbolizes the way Pinocchio looks at children. Here, the reading and learning present itself on the most dierent ways and directions, being up to the child to decide which path to take. Dierent from Pinocchio’s story, here there are no right or wrong way, just like to the puppet, each choice takes to a new discovery. The third and last axis, perpendicular to the other, has its focus on the connection. As the first two, it is, above all, an alive and interactive route, but here the focus is to connect ideas, concepts and experiences. If on a level this axis makes connection between the central reading space and the less conventional learning areas, as the media-pace and “Land of Toys Gallery”; in another it makes connection with the old paper factory area with the new built areas, working as a bond between the past and present, real and fantasy. For the proper working of this spatiality concept it is fundamental that this three path are not unidirectional; For this, the route also develops in three main interconnected levels: a semi-underground that provides more introspective and reflective spaces and experiences; One at ground level on the old paper factory building, enriching the visuals and interactions with the surroundings; and one elevated level, also connected with the paper factory where the landscape perspective is featured, enriching the learning process.

Axis 2 - Inside View Old Paper Factory Building - Study Library - “Land of Toys” GalleryArea