111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 0101000008



Hapo,IJ;mi My3ej ,3aje-qap"

,D,en. 6poj ----"-oL!.


BnajKOBHneBa 3 11 000 Eeorpa,IJ;

TIPE,li;MET: CarnacHOCT 3a HOMHHa:o;Hjy C!laee 3a YHECKO-By Perrpe3eHTaTHBHY JIHCTY HeMaTepHjanHor KynTypHor Hacnelja "'OBe"laHCTBa

Hapo,IJ;HH My3ej y 3aje-qapy crrpoBO,IJ;H HH3 aKTHBHOCTH y lJ,H.JbY o"lyBallia pa3HOBpcHor H 6oraTor KYJITypHor Hacnelja Ha TepHTOpHjH 3aje-qapa H HCTO"'He Cp6Hje.

fipy)KaMO rro,IJ;prnKy HOMHHa:o;HjH C!laee 3a Perrpe3eHTaTHBHY JIHCTY HeMaTepHjanHor KYJITypHor Hac.rrelja "'OBe"laHCTBa, HMajyhH y BH_ny ,IJ;a je rrpocnaBJbalbe rropOllM"lHOr cBeua 3aiUTHTHHKa mnneBeKOBHa Tpa,IJ;H:UMja, Koja ce rrpeHocH c reHepa:o;Hje Ha reHepa:o;Hjy.

HapO,II;HH My3ej y 3aje-qapy, rrope,IJ; CBOjHX CBOjHX pe,IJ;OBHHX aKTHBHOCTH KaO IllTO cy HCTpa:!KHBaibe, IIpHKyrr.Jballie ,IJ;OKYMeHT3lJ,Hje H rrpe,IJ;CTaB.Jbaibe KYJITypHor Hacnelja, OpraHH3yje H ,IJ;Oraljaje H M3HH

Ha,IJ;aMo ce .n;a heMo cBojHM aKTHBHOCTHMa .n;orrpHHeTH yrrHcy C!laee Ha YHECKO-By JIHCTY HeMaTepHjaJIHOr KYJITypHOr HaCJielja H O"lyBaiby OBOr 3Ha"lajHor cerMeHTa HalJ,HOHaJIHOr H,IJ;eHTHTeTa.

C IIOillTOBalbeM,

Eopa )J,HMHTpHjeBHh

HapoAHH MyJej ,3ajeqap", )J;paroCJiaBa Cpejoanlla 2, 19000 3ajeqap ClJl!U National Museum ,Zajecar", 2 Dragoslava Sr·ejovica Street, 19000 Zajecar tel. +381(0)19 422 930, +381(0)19 440 839, Fax +381(0)19 440 838 E-mail: [email protected] Web: www.muzejzajecar.org IIHE:100586913 MaTn'IHH 6poj: 07218729 IIIHijlpaAe;iaTnocTn: 9102 TIN:100586913 Registration Number·: 07218729 Code of Activity: 9102 HAPO,lUIH MY3EJ ,3AJE~" NATIONAL MUSEUM "ZAJECAR"

------~---~-~------~ ---

Hapo.n:mr My3ej ,3ajeL£ap" l(en. 6poj --""(3-=o--~ 06.03.2013. rO.IJ:MHe rpa.n: 3ajeL£ap

MINISTRY OF CULTURE AND INFORMATION National Committee for Intangible Cultural Heritage

3 Vlajkoviceva Street 11000 Beograd

Re: Approval for the nomination of for the UNESCO Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage ofHumanity

The National Museum in Zajecar is carrying out a number of activities in order to preserve the diversity and rich cultural heritage on the territory of Zajecar and eastern .

t ;~rcbv, we provide support for ti1e nomination of Sfava for the Representative List of the I

With regards,

Bora Dimitrijevic Director of the National Museum "Zajecar"

Hapo~nn MyJej ,3ajeqap", JJ:paroCJiaBa CpejoBnlia 2, 19000 3ajeqap C8W National Mnsenm ,Zajeear", 2 Dragoslava Srejoviea Str·eet, tel. +381(0)19 422 930, +381(0)19 440 839, Fax +381(0)19 440 838 E-mail: [email protected] Web: www.muzejzajecar.org JIHE:100586913 MaTH'IHH 6poj: 07218729 IIIni!Jpa ~CJmTHOCTn: 9102 TIN:100586913 Registration Number: 07218729 Code of Activity: 9102 HapooHu My3ej, Tp2 C6emo2 Ca6e 2, 36000 KpCUbe6o meRkpaKc 0361315-350, 315-351 e-MauJl muzejkraljevo@gmail. com


llPE)l,MET: CamacnocT 3a HOMIIHa:o;IIjy CJzaee 3a YHECKO-By Perrpe3eHTaTIIBHY JIIICTY neMaTepiijannor KYJITypnor nacnel)a LJOBeLJaHCTBa


ITpy)KaMo rro,n:piiiKY HOMIIHa:o;IIjii CJzaee 3a Perrpe3eHTaTIIBHY JIIICTY neMaTepiijannor Kymypnor nacnel)a LJOBeLJancTBa, IIMajyhii y BII.IJ:Y ,n:a je rrpocnaBJbatbe rropo,n:IILJHOr cBe:ua 3ailiTHTHHKa jenaH 0.[( HajrrpHCYTHIIjiiX H Haj3HaLJajHIIjiiX o6wmja y OKBIIpy ,n:pyiiiTBCHIIX o6IILJaja, piiTyana II cBeLJaHIIX ,n:oral)aja KpameBaLJKOr Kpaja.

Hapo,n:HII My3ej y KpameBy, Kao IIHCTIITY:UIIja Koja ce y OKBIIpy cBojiix pe,n:oBHIIX aKTIIBHOCTII 6aBII IICTpa)KIIBalbeM, 3aiiiTIITOM II rrpe,n:cTaBJbalheM KynTypnor nacnel)a, rroce6ny rra)KlhY IIOCBenyje opraHII30Balby e,n:yKaTIIBHIIX rrpe,n:aBalba, C :UIIJbCM YII03HaBalha IIIIIpe jaBHOCTII Ca o6IILJajiiMa II Tpa.IJ:II:UIIjOM. Y OKBIIpy OBIIX rrpe,n:aBalba, IIOCC6HO 3HaLJajHO MCCTO IIMajy rrpe,n:aBalha o C;zaeu Kao BeMa Ba)KOM cerMeHTY ,n:pyiiiTBenor )KIIBOTa, KaKo y ceocKoj, TaKo II

• 0 0 • y rpa,n:cKOJ cpe,n:IIHII, KOJII ce BeKOBIIMa rrpenocii c renepa:UIIJe na renepa:o:IIJY·

Ha,n:aMo ce ,n:a heMo cBojiiM aKTIIBHOCTIIMa .n:orrpiiHCTII yrriicy CJzaee na YHECKO-By JIIICTY neMaTepiiJannor KYJITpynor nacnel)a II oLJyBalhy oBor 3HaLJajnor cerMenTa na:o;IIOHaJIHor II.IJ:CHTIITCTa.

C IIOIIITOBalbeM, HapooHu My3ej, Tpz Ceemoz Caee 2, 36000 KpaJbeeo me.n/rjJaKc 0361315-350, 315-351 e-Mau.!l [email protected]

MINISTRY OF CULTURE AND INFORMATION National Committee for Intangible Cultural Heritage 3 Vlajkoviceva 11000 Belgrade

Consent of Nomination of Slava (Celebration of the Family St. Patron's Day) for the UNESCO Representative List ofthe Intangible Cultural Heritage ofHumanity

Dear Sirs,

Hereby we express our support to nomination of the Slava for the UNESCO Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity, bearing in mind that the Celebration of the Family St. Patron's Day is one of the most important and widely spread social practice, rituals and festive events in the region ofKraljevo.

As the institution whose regular activities include research, safeguarding and presentation of cultural heritage, the National Museum in Kraljevo pays special attention to organization of educational lectures aimed at informing the broad public about customs and traditions. Especially important among these are lectures about the Slava as a very significant segment of the social life in both rural and urban communities that has been passed down through generations for centuries.

We hope that our activities will contribute to inscription of the Slava on the UNESCO List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity, and to preservation of this important segment of the national identity. c]/,rel

Drag a Directo lipoj: 01-256 ,l(aHa: 15.03.2013

MHHMCTAPCTBC~ 5:\T~i]TYPE II i-in.:;;OPMliCAlhA HauHOHaJl:HH KG~~;:;rn·-r J2l !H!Ml:'TepHja.'iiE0 ~:y:'l-~7 pfw uac.:;::-~!}t~

ii:r;.;i:-:0.:;:.~~;.::.:.:' :. : i fiOU ~.::-;::

ilPE!(lv!F T.


IIpeX(MeTH Be3a~:r~-;. ca ~.J1aBy 7 I<:Io tt~T,-.. cy: :.:e=u:~.HpH .:.ipf:~1:~-t·:...~T;-; r;2 OBifX .36VrpKl:l ~=:- : tyt;)~-~KtrB:~}i}; ~~ . :-'i·~ ~-8.!-'(·~;-; ;.T_ E;~t ''~\·_~ ~/'.;.-\'_' !'":;

1 BojBOLIHHe: t ."!' . '-''G twcmc;:o:::l BojuoO';_,ufu

MY1tJ - . . 50-Hx ro;_.J:-I~~:~t 5:-L::(~~~JHC :pal~!?t

"""~· .-...... r ~ ·---- ~ ·- ·---~-~ ~ npincyr;.beH21 ~:_ y t)l

TaKo]Je je Ba:IKHO penH ,::~,a cy Konere eTHOIT03H TaTjana EyrapcKH H AnKcan,n:ap ITeTHjeBnn y oKBHpy rrpojeKTa llopoou'lue mpaow{uje y Bojeoow·:h 1

CxBaTajynH3Haqaj cmmc H aKTHBHO yqecTByjynH y <)liyBafhy IheHHX M:nepH_~aJIHHX H JJ.YXOBHHx Bpe,~HOCTH HCKpeHo 110JJ.p)KaBaMo aKTHBHOCT Fmorpa¢cKor My3ej3. na fbCHOM )'KJbyq}mamy Ha YHECKO-By Penpe3eHTaTHBHY nncTy neMaTepnjannor KympyHor Hacnel)a.

( HOlliTOBafbeM,


:Gpoj: 01-256 ,l(aHa: 15.03.2013

MHHHCTAPCTBO 1\Y.JlTYPE H HH~OPMMCAibA Han.noHaJ""IHH KO!\'ii!He!· 1a !.H~MaTepHjamiil) E<~y.'iT:fpHo Hac~H:~ijt~

: 1 nov

IIPEL(MET. 3!).:

My3ej BojBO,riJIHe Kao Ma1J-t~nru ~,..j~/3~1 Ja Tep:txrGr;frf_t)r ~r.HTaBe BojB{.\lJ.:tiHe l·6cttt.:I-.£1 j--t:-:;..-.t tvJy3eOJ10IIIKH~ a:K1'I-IBHOCTH ·y lli1JL)7 CaKJTIJI>atba, O(~}~a~J.e 11- Jlpesefr£:t:J1ZJ.~~s fu1:3i"![:r3pC.Rt:; eTHOJTOillKe rpal}e Be3aHe 3a Mitfe}h;)·;,:_iflf} 11 ,n:yXOB#O Hac.e~n:e\fe CB11X O::T.Hii-:iK~l~,., IJ)VTin. _y BojBO.LJJIHH.

Pa.u ETrt0JIOIIIKOr~i -·a. e ,..... , t"'T'O~::'~ TTH ,...... ,...... ~ .. r-·-r""'-.::•...... r...it.~r. .. ~\jJO'l-#•···:-·~.1~"·--- ...... l" ...... ,...... ")r;::::".,...._...... _ ' rrp... OJq BaTh Hclv;al,_,i-'J~jfu:. .... Ch r..)'.'.~-~-~·r•t!V .. .r-:ih.... Jh,... ~J~ "!'·.~·: ·~.1-} ... :..· .• _i:.-:~'· E-:!.J".!.\..r.t_~o,_:•C.L~ ...Jl:•!.1:}J~-a 3.8. _::-;t:~f.;~;r~~. H .1lPYliiTBem~ :~.HBUT H o6i-F<:lje. V OI\:8!1py GEE:· ~6Hp.K,;:;, t::oja 6pnj~'!' 0~<,Q ~ :J(i(.i D:[)fC.TI,Mi.· ;::~, "tJ~yBaj)' ce r<~,)~::t~J:r_~T~J~ rrpe)J,MeTa B~2:.~n;:rx· ~a c.:iasc~fe· -~~;6.1f-~-~~~(~. Krt(r lliTt~- ~:y·: ·;r_:~p8_1Jiirre ~~ CJiaBCKe KOJ1i:t~e - 110CKypF&all;tl .. ~c!"ROJ-I~? Jia C'Trif.;.rr;>~ cnaEC·.J(~ ···ififUe ·11 t}!T:aliJt" ~ f"h:;p~~.J. 'j~;·~~pi:_,~ ~a .uyxoBHH H ,.u:py:ruTBeHH )KHBOT ti o6E>:faje :v..: y .I~:pyrHM 36:llpKanm 0I£e~-nei:>:::. "-!)' jj:;_;} <:.(: rrpe.uMeTH Be3aHrr ea cnaBy, rmmpH ~~a. af~;Ji:J';' CBf.hlb&IIH H .1p. Iipe. .J::v.i~Ti-1 i-13 OBHX 36HpKH ~y _1Iy6JlMKOBai-iH ~~ . ~~:~.I;!a;-'HJ-~-"' ~B: CT8!!H~Jj_. ~J .T~~~~r;r~~:iiTvi. v.:·1 !J{_?;:f{6a.. i:.,J!l- fv1y·•t:r!-: Bo~BO~HHe: Crnaiif!~ noc~a~a :lit.lY37j~ 'J?ojBO)l.HHe, T~tv1,~0~Ka,-M3.!;~~::t-:6l:l H:-u.:.c~e :-w. ;.n-:~.-~!:UiY 1, Bo___;aoouNu ayTop.a LV.~.apHJe t•a:tiGKE·*· ... [[;:?~ ·.7-:t:urna ·· · Cll:f.J)v::c~ .. Y· ::e..-~:

'3 17• l"l"'\'>"'l"j;j'' <'11- ...... "II' ... ~ ...... , ... h:..'!" .. ,.!, ... r ...... ,...... <'): !:::::\- r- - -;-.... ~;.,!:-;:-. tJ .. ; ;- ;"' ...-- • .. . a HC ~ Pe:!.rb.:nB.::t~e CJiclHv'':~J.~- \:.:"::·z~ _q~!a· tsp~J.;.;H~ .J~ ::~. !O::_f;cH~l,,Ci ._J.• i~~H~!O·.~-·.<..•,J)- ,~ .. ~~.. ~.:~oi)t::~~CKI-! My3ej ca:r~y:rr_H.\~ .-I!J!{<;•l'.:i CTHOllUl.UKJ~A ii'"~r.p.H~fE.B!.liML~Y~~friJr~;~g.-rB~a c.:.t.f0~~: 1?.JI~~"i!~~;:-~. ;:.~/ fi~f'~ C(T;. 50-I-ix ro,rt~:H-:a 20. ~e:B:a no_n; p}-;~r,;:;·:::4~I~~.r.,r ~JJ fv·11!.T1~:·;--r(~:~: ~

IIV6JUWKOBa:t-m (::~ :_;rJT;"'HH pa,UnB.H' : .. · :·- . ., . ' .. , ...... ~ .' ~


~~ VOJVOD!NE • VAJDASAGI MU:Z:.EVM • MVZEUM VOJYOD!NY ~ l\1UZEVL VOJVODlNI o Srbija • 21 ()()() Novi Sad • Dunavska 35 • Tel.: +381 (0)21. 520-135, 42()-)pp_ ~ poset:l: +38 1 www.muzcjvojvodine.org.rs. muzcjvojvodin~~ns~aGle.. nct • rn~tz~jvojvodi~~-el@ns~abl~.rict" Milenk<:i S. Filipovic,. Razlifita etnoloska grada iz V~jvodine., Prilozi i. grada 1, Vojvodanski 111uzej, Novi Sad,J962;

B~pa l\4HJIYTHHOBHn; KpcHa cJiaea y jyzoucmO'lHOJH Ea'fiamy, PBM,, 3, HoaH Ca,u, 1954'; ..

Beci:Ia MapjaHoBHh, KpcHa cJiaea, cpncKu nopodu'lHU pumyaJI y . .KOHmeKcmy caKpaJIHoz u npocjJaHoz, Pci.n; My3eja Bojao,n;HHe, 53, Hoan Ca,n;, 2011. Tmwlje je Ba)l

C IIOlliTOBa!heM,

EJ VOJVODINE · VAJDASAGI l\rlJZEUM · MUZEUIVI VOJVODINY · MUZEUL VOJVODINI · M~73Efi SCG • 21000 Nuvi Sad • Dunavska 35-37 • Tel: +381 (0)21 420-566, 26-555 "Fax: + 381 (0)21 520-135 \V\v'\v.tnuzej,·o\·odine.or . 'U • muzeivoivodine1 !@n~r<>hl?' nr>t- • ,.,..,,~=;",,; • ._ . ..]; __ ,-,,.-:::, ' ' Number: 01-:L56 Day: 15.03.2013.

MINISTRY OF CULTURE AI'iD lNFC:!?J\.IATICYN National Commi!.~ee for Intangibk Culturc>.i Heritage 3 Vlajkoviceva 11 000 Belgrade

SUBJECT: S:uppo;-cing inscripti0E ·:::t the Si.::·,:a <:J1 lne Intangible Cuitur8J Heritage ofHumanity

i\s tl1e princip~~-~ -~::-~J.ISeum for (he ~J~hol~ :_\f \/')J \:ri)dlria~ the, fvlu~;ei_nn ol \-' Gj"\:"0(-i~::-Pa ;_,:r!g-agt;S :_;; 8_ series of activilies to collect process Emd present a variety nf ethnologic

, D " .. h 1 . d1 • • • • • • • • • • r, " · Tne epartmen! c-r bt mo ogy iBn~ les :naners rr.:!3l:ng :.c- ·:~.1~ectWfiS, iECit:.ul:-:g E:.c ·~\!:!ectJC·n of Spiritual ar:.d S::cjal_ L.ife and (~usi01'l1S .. \Vh1ch is of partic11lar iiTtJ=:Orta:r:c r:~lt s~ud~~ u1 intangibie culnFal i1eritage. Thi.; ~olifctim:. ':if 2on:..~ 1.5~);) objects iE·::l'..Kl-:s ·:c,lk·::cie::r:s c·±' items concerni ;}J ..;: Slava praqi..:.~s such as pcsK:urnjaci, wooJen S:.:!al~ fr,r !he .'>'iavo cakes, icons on gla:-:.;:. Siava glasses ;_~nd bor~les, etc. In additiu11 (;3 th;:: Cnilf:ction of Spirit;;,l] and Social i_jfe and ~~~1<~stums~ othe1 cn1lec·tio.r.ts alslJ !n~ludt :~t~:;.r~.s a~SOt~:i::it~d '"v\·it]! .)f,Jva, ~~u.cb_ as towels for i(·u:•" ca.ndlestick:c:. eh· Irerm. from the<:>::: ':~~llection::i ft8'-'"" oubii~,):<:::d aw1 displayed in th-: p0rmanent exhi:Jj~io.Jl! a:;· wdi 110 ·in the1nati" -exh·•i:•itious L'i UH.: ivl:lf.!.·urn r.f

"i ojvodina: F:f?"ffJGnent Exht}:itz:}.~i ~:;f th_~ JYi.;ls~tUYl of\/' ~~; 1•. :e:di~;a= the thz~na.tic exhibit!,Jn

The materiaL t!:e ~.:n3e'lm of V•.:]Vodm1 .::oilectc:d in tht> .::v~r.se of ethnc1grc:;:;!Ji:~ f1eld studL::; JS valua1Jle cor~lrH-y:~:_!~~Jn to the st:J.d\ ::f:he Sio.va· {;U:.;tofn::;. -fh~ <{~starch p.riJJ:..~~.~i·.s h=~\~:~ :ri the J 950s alre~~dy under the clrectil•n uf ~viilenh: Fiilpov1~ PhD. S1g:0lh':arn !J:<::E~rial ha:-: b'.:'cn collected as p~~x~ datet C{_:lle~~t1on fJ.r tht~ !:;,tlrn~Jlut~~c;~.l of ~~;-ll(SO~I~\'i;l Th~ \A/r:r}<. ~:a~

'-f;.,...i .. , .-. ··o-;:•1 '" .-.+ th•-" .,. "'0 ..- .. ,a~--i- ,.,,.~ continu-Pd.. ... ·' eyer.' : ·~' in··"_ ...... ,~. .Papers . ' ' p. ..t·•·n·~~ ;...:; .n...... (,.!.. _. ~ ..~ r•,., .. \..Il •..}." -.. ~J.."l!.<·.."n.... ~·-~"'}'.,..- 1'-;.r --.·.,y~-.!_·~-'-l',..'...--::.;,.-! .. ·r .. .!:\..·!t.!~\.:.. .-.;.,_..,,. 1\/Iilerrk·:: ": I7-ilip(Yvic {ed<:=· Fh1lJ.:.--~:sk;; Hzt e. jJ :~-~~;,~ in -B?l~~~l L .}\:;se:hna \/ 0~1vodjanskc·g .:;-: :~7/~.ia:. 1'Jo·vi ?r·,Jliler~i~t~ :=_:. l-'ilJpo .../ic.

M Vera !vhlutinovic, Krsna slava u jugoisrocno,r; B1t1wtu [Patron Samt' s Day ir Southeastern Banat], RVM, 3, Novi Sad, 1954; Vesna Marjanovic, Krsna slava, srpski poroair:ni ritual u kontekstu sakralnog I profanog [The Slava, a Serbian Family Ritual in the Com~xt of the Sacred and the Profane]. Rad Muzeja Vojvodine, 53, Novi Sad, 2011.

It is also important to say that as part of the project Family Tradition in Vojvodina as Intangible Heritage, our colleagues, ethnologists Tatjana I~ugarski and Aleksandar Petijevic. conducted several field studies, during which they ccllected considerable data, related to the Slava rituals in \' ojvodina. Realizing the importance Jf the Slava and acti'vely p::trli::i;:mting in the saf.;;guardiug c-t' i.t:' material and spiritual values vve support the acjvi~y of :h~ Ethnographic Museum in Be~g:ade to inscribe it on UJ':ESCO's Representative List 'Jfthe l:Jtangible Cultural Her!tage.


Number: 01-256 Day: 15.03.2013.

MINISTRY OF CULTURE AND INFOFJ\1ATION National Committee for Intangible Culturai Heritage 3 Vlajkoviceva 11 000 Belgrade

SUBJECT: S]lpporting inscription 0f the: Slava on the lD\iESCO Represent

As the principal iuuseum for the _,-vhoi~ :jf Vojvodirta, the Museum oi \/ojvod~rm t~ng.aw:s ~n a series of activities to collect process· a.1id present a ·variety of ~thnological raateri.al rcluted to the material and spiritual heritage of aU ethnic groups in \7ojyodina.

The Department of Ethnology handles matters relating tt· ·=~Alections, including th~ Co!lectian of Spiritual m:.d s~cial Life and Customs. vvhich is of panie•:dar importanoe f(-,r the study of T' · · •• · · · · 1 • • •· • •• • •• mtang1· ·bl e cu1 tura 1 'nentage. · ~ P.13 conectlOE or~ some i ,:::•·n~ .ll.J oojects, mcluaes caH-c·;:;trons or items conceming tlte Slava prat;:tict(s·s~1Ch q.5 prs.kurrz.iaci, .• woode;n.se~ls fr,r tht::Slavo cakes, icons on glas\the Slava glasses,;.-:.nd bottles, etc. In addition to the Collection of Spirit•;;OJ] and Social Life and Customs, other coll~t;l:io:o.s also 1nclude it~rns assooiat~;::d with lh;--: Slava, sucb as towels for ·icon:>, candlestick'>., etc. Iterrll• from these (:o11ections h8:vt;: he:~n pubihl:.;d ;:;.nd .th"' P.X.lil.hJtl.'"-11 ,,,. "'Pl~ ..,,,·in •he~m"'+;f' ...~1(•11 h-·-tJ'qn<·. ,_,.::. 't-flf' -1.., ·I "sf-'1.-t·~· dl.spl·aved_ ,J . 1'n·... :."":'".':" ._,..,ermanent .P.... :-.. 'lo..'. ::.l- :.:u-:-_U.J v;".:· ..... ·-'7·.·- .. o..~ ...... ~,: ...~ '":.&·"'····'1;-1'-~----:-·~."-'-J. ·:-·__ :v~.... ·~~o;- ....._-t .... 1J r.-t·.o

"\r ·"' .... d' . 7•1,.... :-;0 _ · f E ; ;l_;~·r.--- ...... -:C "--1- ~- 1~ ..; ..... c:c.- r. -+- 'l; --:· ... 7r; ..J!~ - ...h ...... i_ ....,. .. -~,,.. ·.!:.- ~ _.. :1- ·~_:., _ v OJ vo 1na. i rlt::, r ~rrtzanen. X:1t,ntZ,_~n. ~:J .z,.t_~:;, J.:V.~!J"..:;;l~J:i t;. v ~:.J vl.:Uf;1a., t. c t.~~~·~·alh... cX!1uJl ~.ioh

7 • T T • 1• ' • .,. • • • ·~ • • -~· -· • . ~ • ·]T' .. ~ J,carts on G t(l.~: .... : Jl''. ".. ~'~Jvoalna, c~JrnJ:p~t'lf ~/ .th.e t·rh~-'ai -- ltcn: n·1 LTl•.;£' r··~r; /)\.'if1,a[s " 1 ~, .,~,'> ac-~" ,..,.,..,;_,ll~""d. -~-, ''1P''<.;; .• ~···l' ...1.;.,:., .. .., Ever)···d· ., a;• .- · :!""' -·:.!!,.,.;..:. :.£..~ • 1-'i..:.. 1th·,l. -_....,...,.. evh1_1-Jl'tl.on..::.(U.s'-.· h-' u..!."" '-'\.Jl...O.~~~U.•. IV 'o• y f-!J.• .. • ~..! .... J.•~}~l~ \..,d. ._C~l.' t:,.:.

The materia1.the ~.11s~um ofV!::tJVD~~n~c.9llcctyd in the .q;1,tr,se.of e:thn,qgraphicfit;i<;i studio;;s iS

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\1l,'ZEJ VOJVODINE • VAJDASAGI MCr?:EUM • MtJZEUM VOJVODINY • MUZEUL Srbija • 2100.0 NQvi S<1d <()_ul)avska 35 •:Tel:: -1-381 (0)21 520- 1i20-%6 wvvw.muzcjvojv>odinc.org.\··~ • [email protected] • muzcjvojvodin.cl Vera Milutinovic, Krsna slava u jugoisrocnmr. Banatu [Patron Saint's Day ir Southeastern Banat], RVM, 3, Novi Sad, 1954; Vesna Marjanovic, Krsna slava, srpski porodicni ritual u kontekstu sakralnog i profahog\The Slava, a Serbian Family Ritual in the Context of the Sacred and the Profane], Rad Muzeja Vojvodine, 53, Novi Sad, 2011.

It is also important to say that as part of the project Family Tradition in Vojvodina as Intangible Heritage, our colleagues, ethnologists Tatja'la Bugarski and Aleksandar Petijevic, conducted several field studies, during which they collected. considerable data, related to the Slava rituals in Vojvodina. Realizing the importance .of the Slava and actively parti.-;;ipating in the safeguarding of its material and spiritual values we support the activity of the Ethnographic Museum in Belgrade to inscribe it on UNESCO's Representative List of the I::-1tangible Cultural Heritage.

liiLTZEJ VOfVODINE · Vi\JDASAGI IVnJZEUM · IviUZEUM VOJVODlNY · i\1UZEUL VOJVODINI · MV3EI~I BO(lBO;'J1 Hll . SCG • 21000 Novi Sad • Dunavska 35-37 • Tel: +381 (0)21 420-566, 26-555 • Fax: +381 (0)21 520-135 '"''"''v.muzejvojvodine.org. yu • n1uzeivoivodinel @nscable.net • mn7PivnivnriinP?0'incr,f...J.., "'~'- CpnCKIII My3ej xne6a- JepeMHja Epahe Bu)J,aKosuha 83 22 410 llehuHI~u, Cp6uja E-mail: [email protected] TeJI: 022 436 141


IIPE~MET: CamacHocT 3a HOMHHau:Hjy Cnaee 3a YHECKO-By Perrpe3eHTaTHBHY JIHCTY HCMaTepHjaJIHOr KYJITypHOr Hacnel)a qoBeqaHCTBa


0BHM )KCJIHMO .IJ:a HCKa:>KeMo Harny rro.IJ:piiiKY 3a HOMHHau:Hjy Cnaee Ha YHECKO-By Perrpe3eHTaTHBHY JIHCTY HeMaTepHjanHor KynTypHor Hacnel)a qoBeqaHCTBa.

3Halha o cnaBCKOM Konaqy - 3Haqajy, yno3H, rrpHrrpeMalhy, o6pe.IJ:HOM ceqefhy - crra)J;ajy y Ba:>KHe eneMeHTe O.IJ:p)Kafha Cwee, Te je ThHXOBO 6eJie)Kelhe, oqyBalhe H rrpeHornelhe O.IJ: rroce6Hor 3Haqaja.

My3ej xne6a y ITehHHU:HMa, ocHoBaH 1995. rO.IJ:HHe, HacTao je Kao pe3ynTaT .IJ:yroro.IJ:HIIITher HCTpa)KHBaqKo - CaKyiiJbaqKor pa)J;a H y OKBHpy CBOjHX 6oraTHX 36HpKH IIOCe)J;yje 3HaqajHy KOJICKU:Hjy o6pC.IJ:HHX XJIC60Ba (96 pa3JIHqHTHX BpCTa), o6HMHY )J;OKYMCHTaU:Hjy 0 o6pe)J;HHM XJie60BHMa, KaO H KOJICKU:Hjy YMCTHHqKHX )J;CJia CJIHKapa JepeMHje Ca TCMOM CJiaBe H o6pe)J;HOr CJiaBCKOr KOJiaqa.

3aXBaJbyjynH TOMe, My3ej rrpe.IJ:CTaBJba Ba)l{HY HHCTHTYU:Hjy, KaKO 3a CTHU:alhe KOHKpCTHHX 3Halha 0 pa3JIHqHTHM BpCTaMa CJiaBCKOr o6pC.IJ:HOCr XJie6a, ThCrOBHX JIOKaJIHHX CIICU:H<}HfqHOCTH H rrperrJIHTalha pa3JIHqHTHX yTHu:aja, TaKo H 3a rrpeHornelhe 3Halha o Cnaeu, Kao o611qajy.

OpraHH3yjhH CTpyqHe cKyrroBe, rrpoMOU:Hje, pa3JIHqHTe yMeTHHqKe pa.IJ:HOHHU:e, a rroce6Ho Kpo3 pa)J; ca .IJ:CU:OM IIIKOJICKOr H rrpe)J;IIIKOJICKOr y3pacTa, My3ej OCTBapyje BCJIHKY ynory y rrpeHOIIICThY 3Halha, aJIH H o6oranHBalhy TypHCTHqKe rrpe3CHTaU:Hje HCMaTepHjaJIHOr Hacnel)a.

Ha.IJ:aMo ce .IJ:a heMo CBOjHM aKTHBHOCTHMa .IJ:OrrpHHCTH yrrHcy Cnaee Ha YHECKO-By JIHCTY HCMaTepHjaJIHOr KYJITypHor Hacnel)a.

C IIOIIITOBalheM, !) 1-eM~ d{J--VvutjA\ vI /1 1. O Cno6o.IJ:aH JepeMHh Jepe~Hja 1 The Serbian Museum of Bread- Jeremija Brace Vidakovica 83 22 410 Pecinci, Serbia E-mail: [email protected] Tel: 381 22 436 141

MINISTRY OF CULTURE AND INFORMATION National Committee for Intangible Cultural Heritage 3 Vlajkoviceva 11 000 Belgrade

SUBJECT: Consent of Nomination of Slava (Saint Patron's Day) for the UNESCO Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage ofHumanity

Dear Sirs,

Hereby we want to express our support for the nomination of Slava for the UNESCO Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.

Knowledge about the slava bread - the significance, role, preparation, the bread cutting ritual - is an important element in the maintenance of the Slava ritual, thus it is especially important to record, preserve and spread that knowledge.

The Museum of Bread in Pecinci, founded in 1995 as a result of long-tenn researching and collecting, owns a significant collection (96 various types) and extensive documentation about ritual breads as well as assembly of paintings of artist Jeremija, within its rich assortment. Having this in mind, the Museum is an important institution in terms of acquiring specific knowledge about different types of the Slava ritual bread, its local specifics and various influences, as well as for spreading the knowledge about Slava as a custom.

By organizing professional meetings, promotions, various art workshops, and especially working with pre-school and school-aged children, the Museum plays a big role in the transfer ofknowledge, as well as in enrichment of the tourist presentation of the intangible heritage.

We hope that our activities will contribute to inscription of Slava on the UNESCO List of Intangible Heritage.


Slobodan Jeremic~dH Jeremija '1 019.808.146 019.807.707 * *

HaiJ,HOHaJlHn tWMnTeT 3a HeMaTepnja.lHO KYJITypHo HaCJtel}e


0BI1M )J,Oil11COM 1KeJII1MO )J,a )J,Ollp11HeceMO 3aWTI1TI1 11 OLJyBa~bY OOW-Jaja Be3aHI1X 3a npocnaBJbal-be Cnaee, Kao je)J,I1HCTBeHor, 1K11sor Hacnel)a y OKBI1PY JJ,pywTBeHI1X o6wmja, p11Tyana 11 cseLJaHI1X )J,Oral)aja, He caMo Ha no.upyLJjy no.uyHaBJba, Hero 11 uene Cp611je. DI10JII10TeKa ,UeHTap 3a KYIITypy" Kna.uoso, Kao ycTaHoBa Koja je npen03HaT~'bi1Ba no spno 6oraToj aKTHBHOCTH ycMepeHoj, KaKo Ka npoMOBHCalliy 11 yHanpe})I1Bal-by KYJITYPHI1X speJJ,HOCTl1, TaKo 11 Ha npeHowei-~>e 3Hallia o 3HaLJajy concTBeHor HeMaTepHjanHor KynTypHor Hacnel)a, Kp03 MaHl1Cj)eCTauHjy ,06HLJajH ca ,UyHasa", Kao jeAH11M OJl nporpaMa KojH OCTBapyje y capaA!-bl1 ca penesaHTHI1M HHCTYITYUHjaMa 113 o6nacTI1 3aWTI1Te Hacnel)a, HacTOjl1 Aa nosena BI1A~'bl1BOCT KynTypHe 6awTHHe 11 yKmKe MorynHOCTI1 I-~>erie o,LI,p)KHBOCT. Ha.uaMo ce JJ,a t1eMo csojHM aKTI1BHOCT!1Ma, a.lH 11 osaKBHM l1Hl1UHjaTl1BatvJa, JJ,onpl1HeTH yn11cy CwGe Ha YHECKO-sy miCTY HeMaTepHjanHor KymypHor HaCJlel)a.

C llOWTOBal-beM,

/1; i En6mwTeKa ,ll,eHTap 3a J(YJITYP9ft!\Jia)J,OB/) // ,; JJ upel{mBpK(l, 4 / ~'/KaKnuitit.f[ttKOJZUh

Y KJzaooey oaHa 14. JlUtpma 2013. zoouHe Epoj: 56 * 19320 Kna,D,oso * "22. cenTeM6ap 6p.4" * 019.808.146 * 019.807.707 * 808.690 * 840- 527668 67 Y npasa 3ajasHa nnaha1-+>a * TII-113: 100696511 * Man1LJHI1 6poj: 17116720 * * W11cjJpa ,D,enaTHOCTl1: 9101 * e-mail:

National Committee for Intangible Cultural Heritage 3 Vlajkoviceva 11000 Belgrade

Dear Sirs,

Hereby we vvould like to contribute to the safeguarding and preservation of customs related to the Slava as unique, living heritage in the sphere of social practices, rituals and festive events, not only in the Danube region, but also through Serbia. The Kladovo Center for Culture is known for its rich activities aimed at promoting cultural values as well as transferring knowledge about the importance of one's own cultural heritage. Through the event entitled "Traditions of the Danube", one of the programs carried out in cooperation with relevant institutions in the field of heritage safeguarding, the Center seeks to increase the visibility of cultural heritage and to point possibilities for its sustainability. We hope that our activities will contribute to inscription of the Slava (Celebration of the Family St. Patron's Day) on the UNESCO List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.


Kladovo, 14 03.2013. No: 56 ·):)\\0!\\rtlir ~~ .._.,$-v. e:,t,v..~1t"4o IJEHTAP 3A EKOHOMHKY J(OMA11HHCTBA §~ ,J(aHulJa ByKcaHoeun"- JlecKoea1J,IlapmU3aHcKa 7 ~'l' ~"'~~~"; .€1 016/ 212961;212890 213541; paKc:232310 1/f(KOY>" [email protected]; [email protected]

3aBe,IJ:eHO IIO,IJ: 6p: 84-01 Y fleCKOBQy 12.03.2013. fO,IJ:.

MIIHMCTAPCTBO KYJITYPE M MHOPMMCAlbA HaQuonaJIHH KOMHTeT Ja ueMaTepujaJiuo KyJirypuo uacJielje BnajKOBHhesa 3 11 000 Eeorpa,IJ:

llPE,II;MET: CamacHocT 3a HOMHHaQnjy CJwee 3a YHECKO-By Penpe3eHTaTHBHY JIHCTY HeMaTepHjaJIHOf KymypHOf HaCJielja qoBeqaHCTBa


ITOTBpljyjeMo camacHocT ,IJ:a ce C;zaea HOMHHyje 3a YHECKO-By Penpe3eHTaTHBHY JIHCTY HeMaTepnjanHor KymypHor Hacnelja qoseqaHCTBa.

L(eHTap 3a eKOHOMHKY ,IJ:OMahHHCTBa ,,l(aHHQa ByKcaHOBHn" H3 necKOBQa Kp03 MaHHcpeCTaQHjy ,KpcHa CJiaBa, HerrpeKHHYTa CpiiCKa Tpa,IJ:HQHja" BHIIIe O,IJ: ,IJ:Be ,IJ:eQeHHje aKTHBHO ,IJ:OIIpHHOCTH e,IJ:yKaQHjH H rrpOMOBHCalhy OBOf BeOMa Ba:>I

Ha,IJ:aMO ce ,IJ:a neMO CBOjHM aKTHBHOCTHMa ,IJ:OIIpHHeTH ynncy C!laee Penpe3aHTaTHBHY JIHCTY HeMaTepnjanHor KYJITpyHor Hacnelja qyBeqaHCTBa.

C IIOLIITOBalheM, '?HTAP 3A EKOHOMHKY DOMA1iHHCTBA aHutJa ByKcaHoeun"- JlecKoeatJ,IlapmU3aHcKa 7

016/ 212961;212890 213541; paKc:232310 [email protected]; centar. ekonomika@gmail. com

3aBe.n:eHo rro.n: 6p:84 Y JieCKOB:O:Y 12.03.2013.

MINISTRY OF CULTURE AND INFORMATION National Committee for Intangible Cultural Heritage 3 Vlajkoviceva 11 000 Belgrade

SUBJECT: Consent of Nomination of Slava (Saint Patron's Day) for the UNESCO Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity

Dear Sirs,

Hereby we confirm our consent to nominate Slava for the UNESCO Representative List ofthe Intangible Cultural Heritage ofHumanity.

Through the event entitled "Krsna Slava, an Unbroken Serbian Tradition", the Leskovac­ based Center for Household Economy has been actively contributing to education and promotion of this very important segment of the national and family identity for more than two decades. By transfer of specific knowledge about the Slava customs, preparation of traditional Slav a meals, organization of competitions and exhibitions of the best Slav a bread, the Center seeks to ensure better visibility of the intangible cultural heritage, especially the Slava celebration, as well as to point to sustainability of the tradition as a whole and its individual elements.

We hope that our activities will contribute to inscription of Slava on the UNESCO List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.

Sincerely, ' v .d.Directora, B6jan ~tankovic l7l~' . 20. M3pT3 2013.

M111HII1CT3pCTBO KynType 111 111HcpopM111C31-b3 H3U,II10H3nHII1 KOMII1TeT 33 HeM3Tep111j3nHO KynTypHO H3Cnef]e Bn3jKOBII1fleB3 3 11 000 5eorp3A noWTOB3H111,

C3 33AOBOJbCTBOM noTspf]yjeM c3rn3CHOCT A3 ce Cnaaa HOMII1Hyje 33 YHECKO-sy Penpe3eHT3T111BHY n111CTY HeM3Tep111j3nHor KynTypHor H3cnef]3 L!OBeY3HCTB3.

KpcHy cn3sy CseTor AHApej3 npso3B3Hor, cn3BY Kp31beBcKor AOM3 K3p3f]opf]eBII1f13, MOj3 nopOA111U.3, npocn3BJb3 s111we OA jeAHOr seK3, npeHocef1111 je c reHep3U,111je H3 reHep3U,II1jy 111 YYB3jyf1111 nopOA111YHY TP3A111U,111jy 111 06111Y3je. npocn3BJb31-be Cnaae 111 y H3jTe>Kit1M OKOnHOCTII1M3 npeACT3BJb3nO je He C3MO H3YII1H A3 ce oYyB3 nopoA1114HII1 111AeHTII1TeT 111 H3cnef]e, sen 111 np111n3AHOCT KynTyp111 111 TP3A111LJ,II1jll1 H3WII1X npeA3K3.

CM3Tp3MO A3 6111 yn111c Cnaae, K30 jeAHOr OA H3WII1X H3jnpeno3H3TJbii1B111jll1x eneMeHT3T3 HeM3Tep111j3nHor KynTypHor H3cnef]3 H3 YHECKO-sy Penpe3eHT3TII1BHY n111cTy HeM3Tep111j3nHor KynTypHor H3cnef]3 YOBeY3HCTB3, AOnp111Heo A3 nopeA nii1YHor, nopOA111YHor 111 H3U,1110H3nHor 3H3Y3j3, Cnaaa A06111je 111 W111py, Mef]yH3POAHY B111AJbii1BOCT.

C nOWTOB31-beM,

1-b.K.B. npeCTOnOH3CneAH111K AneKC3HA3P II 20 March 2013

Ministry of Culture and Information National Committee for Intangible Cultural Heritage Vlajkoviceva 3 11 000 Belgrade

Dear Sirs,

It is out pleasure to confirm our agreement to nominate the S/ava (patron saint's day) for inscription on the UNESCO Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.

My family has been celebrating the Day of Saint Andrew the First-Called, the Patron Saint of the Royal House of Karadjordjevic, for over a century, passing it down from generation to generation and preserving the family traditions. Even under the harshest of circumstances, the celebration of the Slava has been a way not only to preserve the family identity and heritage, but also a sense of belonging to our ancestors' culture and traditions.

We believe that, in addition to its personal, family and national importance, inscription of the S/ava, one of the most recognizable elements of our intangible cultural heritage, on the UNESCO Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity, would contribute to broader international visibility of the S/ava.


HRH Crown Prince Alexander II



IIPE,IJ;MET: CarnacHOCT 3a HOMHHaiJ,Hjy CJlaee 3a YHECKO-By Perrpe3eHTaTHBHY nHcTy HeMaTepHjanHor KymypHor Hacnelja qoBeqaHCTBa

IlOIIITOBaHH, ca HeH3MepHHM 3a.D,OBOJOCTBOM ,n:ajeMo carnacHOCT ,n:a CJlaea 6y,n:e HOMHHOBaHa 3a YHECKO­ BY Perrpe3eHTaTHBHY nHcTy HeMaTepHjanHor KymypHor Hacnelja qoBeqaHCTBa.

Y.n:p)')Kelhe KoJlo cpncKux cecmapa, o.n: OCHHBaiba, 1903, y CBOM rrporpaMy rroce6Ho Heryje oqyBalhe HaiJ,HOHMHOr H,[(eHTHTeTa, HMajynH y BH,[(y 3Haqaj Tpa,n:HIJ,Hje, IIOCe6HO Ka,n:a je peq 0 Mna,n:oM HapaiiiTajy.

Kpo3 opraHH30Balhe jaBHHX rrpe,n:aBalha, rro.n: Ha3HBOM ,Beqe ca KonoM ... ", y ETHOrpaQ:>cKOM My3ejy, KoJlo cpncKux cecmapa rrpe,n:aHo pa,n:H Ha oqyBalhy Tor cjajHor KynTypHor Hacnelja, Kao H Ha rrpeHOIIIelhy 3Halha 0 3Haqajy Tpa,n:HIJ,Hje H HeroBalha 06HqajHe pa3HOBpCHOCTH.

Ilope,n: e,n:yKaiJ,Hje o 3Haqajy KpcHe cnaBe, Kao je,n:HHCTBeHor o6Hqaja y Cp6a, Kalla cpncKux cecmapa, y OKBHpy CBOjHX pe,[(OBHHX XyMaHHTapaHHX aKTHBHOCTH, ,[(OIIpHHOCH 3aiiiTHTH H oqyBalhy CJlaee o6e36eljynH Q:>HHaHCHjCKY IIOMOll, 3a rrpocnaBy, OHHM IIOpO.[(HIJ,aMa KOjHMa je Ta IIOMOll HeOIIXO,[(Ha.

YBepeHe CMO ,n:a 6H yrrHc CJlaee Ha YHECKO-By Penpe3eHTaTHBHY nHcTy HeMaTepHjaJIHor KynTypHOr Hacnelja, YMHOrOMe ,[(OIIpHHeO ,n:a HOCHOIJ,H, a HapoqHTO Mna,n:H JOY.[(H, CXBaTe B3)KHOCT COIICTBeHe Tpa,[(HIJ,Hje H H,[(eHTHTeTa, MH H pa3yMeBalha, Meljy pa3nHqHTHM 3aje,n:HHIJ,aMa.

Ha,n:aMO Ce ,[(a lleMO CBOjOM IIO,[(piiiKOM IIOMOllH ,n:a, IIOpe,n: H3y3eTHOr HaiJ,HOHMHOr 3Haqaja, Ca CJlaeoM, Kao je,n:HOM o.n: rroce6HOCTH, 6y,n:e yrro3HaTa H IIIHpa Meljy»apo,n:Ha jaBHOCT.

C IIOIIITOBalheM, cp,n:aqHO, KOI\0 CPOCKHX C€CTC\P(\ AHeKc CO Bpaqap I-berowesa 77a, 11000 Eeorpau, Tenj

SUBJECT: Consent of Nomination of Slava (Saint Patron's Day) for the UNESCO Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage ofHumanity

Dear Sirs,

It is with great pleasure that we confirm our consent to nominate Slava for the UNESCO Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.

Since its establishment in 1903, the association Kola srpskih sestara (Circle of Serbian Sisters) has been particularly exerting efforts to preserve national identity, given the importance of tradition, especially when it comes to the younger generations.

Through the organization of public lectures, dubbed "An Evening with the Circle", held in the Ethnographic Museum in Belgrade, the Circle of Serbian Sisters has been devoted to preserving the great cultural ·heritage, as well as to communicating knowledge about the importance of tradition and to fostering custom diversity.

In addition to teaching about the importance of Slava, as a unique Serbian custom, the Circle of Serbian Sisters contributes to the protection and preservation of Slava as a part of its regular humanitarian efforts by providing financial assistance for celebrating Slava, to families in need of such help.

We are confident that the inscription of Slava on the UNESCO Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage would greatly help individuals, especially young people, to understand the importance of their own tradition and identity and mutual understanding of different communities.

We hope that our support and consent will help Slava, to be introduced to the broad international public, apart from its exceptional national importance.

Sincerely, Mila Viktorovic JosaH Mv1nii1HKOBII1li LJnaHOBII1 nopo,L\1111..\e: JosaH, cynpyra LJapHa 111 CII1H "bopf]e Hos111 Ca,LI 12. 3. 2013. rO,L\111He y HOBOM Ca,L\y

Hawa nopO,L\1111..\a Mll1nii1HKOBII1li Koja je nopeKnoM 1113 laL\Ka (XepL\erGBII1Ha), cnasy o6ene)J(aBa 111 cnas111 no o6w-1aj111Ma O,L\ ,[\aBHII1Ha. Je,L\aH ,[leo nopo,L\1111..\e ce Tp111,[1eceTII1X r0,[\111Ha npecen111o 111 HacTaH111o y BojBO,L\111HY y onwTII1HY TeMep111H. Ca co6oM cy noHenll1 111 csecT o Herosal-by Tpa,[\111L\111je KOja ce O,[\HOCII1 Ha 04yBal-be 111MeHa CB. CTecpaHa KOjll1 je ,[\0 ,[\aHaWI-bii1X ,[\aHa 3aWTII1THII1K yKyliaHa 111 nopO,L\1111..\e. Cnasa ce cnas111 O,L\ po,L\OHa4enHII1Ka nopo,L\1111..\e Mll1nii1HKa no KOMe cy cs111 KaCHII1je noHenll1 npe3111Me Mll1nii1HKOBII1li. leHepaL\111jaMa, oTaL\ npeHOCII1 csecT o o6ene)J(aBal-by cnase Ha csor CII1Ha 111n111 CII1HOBe. CnasJbel-be cnase 111Ma csoje 3Ha4el-be y ,L\YXOBHOM CMII1Cny. BepyjeMo ,[Ia cseTII1TeJb L\ene ro,L\111He 4ysa nopO,L\1111..\Y Koja ra cnas111, Kao 111 l-bii1XOB ,[\OM. nope,L\ 111KOHe cs. CTecjJaHa Koja ce Hana3111 Ha 3111,1:\y yHyTap Kylie, je,LIHOM rG,L\111WI-be 9. jaHyapa ce o6ene)J(aBa ,[\aH My4eHII14KOr cTpa,L\al-ba noMeHyTor cseTII1TeJba KOjll1 je Mef]y npB111M Xp111CTOBII1M anoCTOnii1Ma cTpa,[lao 3a sepy 111 3aTO npo3BaH npsoMy4eHII1K. Ha Taj ,[\aH ce ,,LIII1)J(e Kona4" cseTII1TeJby 3a 3,[\pasJbe L\enoKynHe nopo,L\1111..\e. np111npeMe 3a cnasy no41111-bY nap ,[\aHa npe noMeHyTor ,[laTyMa. no,[\ np111npeMaMa ce no,[lpa3yMesa 3Bal-be csewTeHII1Ka KOjll1 ,[\ona3111 KO,L\ yKyliaHa TPII1-4eT111p111 ,[\aHa npe cnase 111 KOjll1 cseTII1 BO,L\1111..\Y, Ka,L\111 Kyliy 111 6naroc111Jba yKyliaHe. Ta BO,L\1111..\a ce 4ysa 111 yo4111 cnase, Ka,[\a ,L\OMaliii1Lia Mecll1 cnascKII1 Kona4, OHa ce ,L\O,Liaje y TecTo. CnascKII1 Kona4 111Ma sen111Ko ,L\yxosHo 3Ha4el-be. OH ce yKpawasa o6nii1L\111Ma KOjll1 ce npase O,L\ TecTa. YrnaBHOM cy TO o6nii1L\111 rpo)j(f]a, rony6a, L\Belia 111 cse WTO CII1M6on1113yje sepy, M111p, 3,[\pasJbe, Jby6as. Ha cpe,L\111HY Kona4a ce y o6n111Ky KpcTa pef]ajy ne4aTI-baL\111 KOjll1 ce TaKof]e npase O,L\ TecTa. ne4aTI-baL\111 Ha ce6111 111Majy CKpalieHII1L\Y rp4Ke pe4111 V1cyc Xp111CTOC H111Ka- V1cyc Xp111CTOC no6ef]yje. nope,[\ cnaBCKOr Kona4a npas111 ce 111 KysaHo )1(111TO - KOJbii1BO Koje ce TaKof]e MO)J(e, an111 111 He Mopa yKpawasaTII1. Ha ,[\aH cnaBe Hawa nopO,L\1111..\a HOCII1 Ha n111Typr111jy y L\PKBY KOna4, )1(111TO, CBeliy 111 BII1HO. Y L\PKBY ce HOCe ,[\Be cselie, je,[IHa Mal-ba Koja je 3a6o,[leHa y KOJbii1BO 111 ,L\pyra selia. Mat-ba cselia ce Ba,L\111 1113 )1(111Ta 111 ocTasJba ynaJbeHa Ha MecTy r,[\e ce cselie nane y L\PKBII1. Belia cselia ce ca cnaBCKII1M KOna4eM 111 KOJbii1BOM Bpalia Kyli111. CBeWTeHII1K OCBeTII1 cnaBCKII1 KOna4, KOJbii1BO 111 CBeliy. 3aje,[\HO ca CBeWTeHII1KOM KOna4 ce ,[1111)J(e y BII1C 111 OKpelie ,[\OK CBII1 neBaMO Tponap CBeTII1TeJby. nocne Tora csewTeHII1K ca ,L\OMaliii1HOM noMII1 Kona4 111 Tp111 nyTa ra Jby6e. nopo,L\1111..\a ce MOnll1 ,[Ia cs. CTecjJaH 4ysa yKyliaHe 111 ,[Ia noMeHyTII1 111Majy 3,[\pasJbe, M111p, Jby6as 111 ,Lip. Cnasy cnas111Mo je,LiaH ,[\aH, csaKor 9. jaHyapa. Y rocTe HaM ,[\Ona3e 4naHOBII1 cjJaM111n111je, KYMOBII1 Kao 111 cs111 ,L1par111 np111jaTeJb111. Taj ,LiaH je csaKo ,LI06po,[lowao y Haw ,[\OM. Cnasa ce y Hawoj nopo,L\1111..\111 npocnasJba O,L\ noMeHyTor npe,L\Ka ,L\O ,[\aHawl-ber ,[\aHa 111 HII1Ka,[\a Hll1je npeKII1,L\aHo 1-beHo cnasJbel-be. 36or Tora MII1Cnii1MO ,[Ia je yn111c111Bal-be cnase Ha Penpe3eHTaTII1BHY nll1cTy HeMaTep111janHor KynTypHor Hacnef]a YHECKO 1113Y3eTHO 3Ha4ajHo ,[Ia 6111 ce osa Tpa,L\111L\111ja HacTaBII1na. M111cn111MO ,[Ia je npocnasJbal-be nopO,L\1114HOr cBeL\a 3aWTII1THII1Ka np111Mep KaKo IbY,L\111 caMII1 O,Lip)J(asajy csojy Tpa,L\111L\111jy 111 ,[Ia 6111 yn111c cnase jow s111we nO,L\CTaKao Jby,L\e ,[Ia Heryjy csoje o61114aje.

Mll1nii1HKOBII1lif.( I Jovan Milinkovic Family members: Jovan, his wife Carna, his son Djordje Novi Sad March 12, 20 13

The Milinkovic family, originating from Gacko (Herzegovina), has celebrated the Slava (patron saint's day) according to old customs. In the 1930s, part of the family moved and settled in the Municipality ofTemerin, Vojvodina. They brought with them the awareness of fostering tradition pertaining to the preservation of the name of St. Stephen that to this day remained protector of the family. The Slava has been celebrated since the days of Milinko, the founder of our family from whose name our last name, Milinkovic, was derived. Knowledge of the Slava celebration is passed down through the generations from father to son. The Slava celebration has its spiritual significance.

We believe that the patron saint celebrated by the family protects the family and the family home throughout the year. In addition to having the icon of St. Stephen located on a wall inside the house, once a year, on January 9, the family celebrates the day of the saint that is called the Proto martyr as having first suffered death because of the faith. On that day, the cake is offered to the saint to provide health to the entire family.

Preparations for the Slava celebration commence several days beforehand. This means that a priest is asked to come to the house three or four days before the Slava and perform the service of blessing of water, cense house, and bless the family members. Holy water is kept until the eve of the Slava when it is used to prepare the Slava cake. The Slava cake has great spiritual significance. It is decorated with ornaments made from dough in the shape of grapes, birds, flowers and anything symbolizing faith, peace, health, love. The center of the cake's top surface is decorated with the cross-shaped seals, which are also made from dough. The seals bear ICXC, NIKA, a Greek abbreviation for "Jesus Christ Conquers." In addition to the cake, the Slava wheat ("koljivo") is prepared from boiled wheat, which also may or may not be decorated. On the day of the Slava, our family brings cake, wheat, wine and a candle to the church. Two candles, the smaller one embedded into the Slava wheat, and the bigger one, are brought to the church. The smaller candle is extracted from the wheat and left lit in the church. The bigger candle is brought back home along with the Slava cake and wheat. The priest performs the service of blessing the Slava cake, wheat, and the candle. Together with the priest, we all turn the cake and sing the hymn to the saint. After that, the priest and the host break the cake and kiss it three times. The family prays to St. Stephen to protect the family members and to give them health, peace, love, etc. We celebrate the Slava for one day, on January 9 each year. Family members, godparents and all dear friends come to our home. On that day, everyone is welcome to join us at our home.

Our family has celebrated the Slava from the days of the aforementioned ancestor to the present day and has never stopped celebrating. Therefore, we believe that the entry of a Slava on the UNESCO Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage is extremely important to continue this tradition. We believe that the celebration of the family patron saint is an example of how people manage to preserve their own traditions and inscription of the Slava would further encourage people to foster their traditions.

Jovan Milinkovic CBeTo3ap Kaqap LienapeBo Omnnma Ea'-IKa ITanaHKa 10. MapT 2013 y LienapeBy

ITopo,IJ,IIUa Kaqap cJiaBII CBeTOr HIIKony, y napo,IJ,y na3Banor HIIKOJb,IJ,aH (19. ,IJ,eu;eM6ap). Mojii npeu;II, KOjii noTII'-IY II3 EocancKor ITeTpoBua, yBeK cy cnammii cBojy Kpcny CJiaBy. CJiaBy cy CJiaBIIJIII ,Il,O ~pyror CBeTCKOr paTa II OHl(a cy npei

1 yrace. HaKOH OBOr IIO'-IliFbC pyqaK, TOKOM KOr pa3rOBapaMO II py'-IaK Tpaje JJ:O OKO 8 CaTII. ITocne HcrrpahaMo KyMa II JJ:apyjeMo MY ja6yKy.

ITorrno je rrpocnaBJbaFbe rropoJJ:II'-IHOr CBeu;a 3arnTIITHIIKa ( cnaBa) 3Haq~jHo 3a MHore rropOJJ:IIU:e y Cp6Hjii, MII IIOTIIIICaHII rroJJ:p:>ImBaMo yrriic Ha UNESCO Perrpe3eHTaTIIBHY JIIICTY HeMaTepiija.rmor KynTypHor Hacnelja '-IOBe'-IaHCTBa. MIICJIIIMO JJ:a he yrriic y BeJIIIKoj Mepii JJ:a rroMome oqyBaFby oBor o6II'-Iaja, rrornTo je OH rroce6Ho 3Ha'-IajaH 3a Meljyco6Ho pa3yMeBaFbe Meljy JbYJJ:IIMa y cpeJJ:IIHaMa Kao IIlTO je BojBOJJ:IIHa r)J:e :>I

CBeTo3ap Kaqap

HoBKa Kaqap

2 Svetozar Kacar Celarevo, Backa Palanka Municipality

Celarevo, March 10,2013

The Kacar family celebrates St. Nicholas on December 19. My ancestors, who came from Bosanski Petrovac, have always celebrated their Slava (patron saint's day). They celebrated the Slava until the Second World War and then they stopped. My father Jovo and my uncle Drago joined the partisans, while my grandfather Jovan died before World War II, so the family stopped celebrating the Slava. After the Second World War, my family was resettled in Celarevo in 1946. In 1962, when my father Jovo died, my grandmother Smiljana brought the tradition of celebrating the Slava back into the Kacar family. When in 1993 I married Novka, who came from the Sipovo region where each family celebrated the Slava, we renewed the tradition of celebrating the Slava. Since I grew up with my grandmother, she used to talk about how the Slava was celebrated in Bosanski Petrovac. And today we celebrate the Slava in the same fashion. The Kacar family consists of three members Novka, my wife, Jovo, my son, and me [Svetozar]. We celebrate modestly, and our only guest is our kum [Either best man of a godfather to a child]. We serve lenten foods, paying more attention to the ritual, with less emphasis on the feast. We celebrate St. Nicholas as protector of home and family. A week before the Slava the priest comes to our home to say a prayer and perform the service of blessing of water that is used to prepare the Slava cake. The day before the Slava my wife Novka bakes the Slava cake in a traditional way. She makes a sign of cross on the tope of the cake using a glass. She then prepares the Slava wheat (koliva) from boiled wheat sweetened with . On the morning of the Slava, as a host, I light the vigil light located below the icon and at 9 o'clock I go to church bringing the cake, wheat and wine to be sanctified. In terms of food, two lenten pies are prepared, a potato pie and an apple pie. We also serve fried fish, according to the local custom we adopted here, in Vojvodina. The potato salad with onions comes as a side dish with fish. Before the kum arrives, we put on traditional costumes of our homeland. The kum arrives at half past three, bringing gifts, coffee, juice and biscuits. He is given the obligatory apple; in the past, he got a towel and socks, while today he gets a package with a range of the dishes cooked for the occasion. The ritual begins at four o'clock. The table is already set: the cake, wheat, wine, candles and the incense burner are laid on the table. Three candles are lit - a symbol of Serbianhood and Orthodoxy. It is a duty of the host to light the candles and incense burner, and cense everyone, candles, icon, and everything on the table. During this time, everyone stands beside the table. After that, they cross themselves three times. Then I also cense myself, make the sign of cross, and say the Lord's Prayer. After that, the kum reads from Slavarica, the collection of prayers, hymns and songs dedicated to , which is the tradition of our ancestors. Words "Vaislavu i cest" and the sign of cross follow each prayer. It is a blessing that mentions all ancestors, as well as a wish, expressed through song, that everyone in the family be blessed and prosperous. Then, my son and I turn the Slava cake from right to left, during which the kum sings "Holy Martyrs". After that, my son and I break the cake. My son gives half of his piece to his mother, while I give half of mine to the kum. Then we all have some koliva and a little wine.

1 This completes the ritual and candles may be put out. After that, we talk over lunch that lasts until eight o'clock. Then we see off the kum and give him an apple.

Since the celebration of the Slava is important to many families in Serbia, we, the undersigned, support inscription of the Slava on the UNESCO Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. We believe that it will greatly help to preserve this tradition, as it is particularly important to promote mutual understanding among people in areas such as Vojvodina inhabited by people of different nationalities.

Svetozar Kacar

Novka Kacar


Ja, IlerKOBHn EpaTHcnaB, OBHM rronmcyjeM cBojy camacHocr, )KenenH ,IJ,a rro,D,p)KHM yrrHc C!laee Kao o611qaja H3 Cp611je Ha YHECKO-By JIHCTY HeMarepHjanHor KynrypHor Hacnel)a qoBeqaHCTBa.

KpcHy CJiaBy, CBeTH noTije Moja rropo,D,HIJ,a rrpocJiaBllia Ben reHepaiJ,HjaMa H CMaTpaMO je BmKHHM ,IJ,eJIOM HaiJ,HOHaJIHOr H IIOpO,Il,HqHor H,IJ,eHTHTeTa, H CTOra Ce rpy,D,HMO ,IJ,a ra rrpeHeCeMO MJiatjHM reHepaiJ,HjaMa.

Ha,IJ,aMo ce ,IJ,a neMo cBojoM camacHoiiiny rroMonH ,IJ,a ce ocHmKH rrpew10r 3a yrrHc C!laee Ha YHECKO-By JIHCTY cBeTcKor HeMarepHjanHor KynrypHor Hacnel)a.


I, Petkovic Bratislav, herewith sign this consent form, wishing to support inscription of the Celebration of the Family St. Patron's Day (Slava) to the UNESCO List of intangible cultural heritage ofhumanity.

Celebration of the St. George, as our family patron's Day, my family has celebrated for generations. We consider it an important part of national and family identity and therefore we try to pass it to the younger generations.

I hope that my endorsement will help enlisting Slava in the UNESCO List of intangible cultural heritage. Krusevac,

Bratislav Petkovic CArJIACHOCT

Ja, ITerKOBHll JaBopKa, OBHM IJOTnHcyjeM CBojy carnacHOCT, )KenenH ,D,a no,D,p)KHM ynHc CJZaee Kao o6Hqaja H3 Cp6Hje Ha YHECKO-By JIHCTY HeMaTepHjanHor KymypHor Hacnelja qoBeqaHCTBa.

KpcHy cnaBy, CB. ApxaHrna MHxaHna Moja nopo,D,Hu,a npocnaB.Jba Ben reHepau,HjaMa II cMaTpaMo je Ba)KHHM ,D,eJIOM HaU,HOHaJIHOf H nopO,D,IIqHOf H,D,eHTIITera, II CTOra Ce Tpy,D,IIMO ,D,a ra npeHeCeMO MJial)HM reHepaU,IIJaMa.

Ha,D,aMo ce ,D,a neMo cBojoM carnacHoiiiny noMotm ,D,a ce ocHa)KII npe,D,nor 3a ynHc CJZaee Ha YHECKO-By JIHCTY CBercKor HeMaTepiijanHor KYJITypHor Hacnel)a.


I, Petkovic Javorka, herewith sign this consent form, wishing to support inscription of the Celebration of the Family St. Patron's Day (Slava) to the ul--JESCO List of intangible cultural heritage ofhumanity.

Celebration of the St. Michael Day, as our family patron's Day, my family has celebrated for generations. We consider it an important part of national and family identity and therefore we try to pass it to the younger generations.

I hope my endorsement will help empower this proposal to the UNESCO List of intangible cultural heritage. CArJ1ACHOCT


CMarpaM .n:a je C!zaea je,n:Ha o.n: HajBmKHHjHx KapaKTepHCTHKa cprrcKor H,n:eHTHTeTa H 3HaqajaH rropo.IJ:HqHH rrpa3HHK y KojeM yqecTByjy CBH qnaHOBH rropo.n:m~e.

Moja rropo,n:m.~a H ja rrpocnaB.JbaMo CBeTor CTeBaHa, HacTOjellli: ,n:a oqyBaMo o6Hqaje Koje CMO Hacne,n:Hmr o.n: cTapHje reHep~Hje, Kao H ,n:a HX rrpeHeceMo MnaljHM reHepa~HjaMa.

Ha,n:aM ce ,n:a ny CBOjOM carnaCHOIIIllY IIOMOllli: ,n:a ce OCHa)l


To whom it may concern

I consider Celebration of the Family St. Patron's Day (Slava) to be one ofthe main characteristics ofthe Serbian identity and significant celebration that includes all family members.

My family and I celebrate St Steven with endeavor to preserve the costumes wich we inherited and to pass them to younger generation.

I hope that my endossement will help enlisting Slava in the UNESCO List of intangible cultural heritage.


Ja, MHnynm I1aBJIOBHn, OBHM rronmcyjeM cBojy camacHocT, )KenenH .JJ,a rro.D,p)KHM yrmc CJZaee Kao o6Hqaja H3 Cp6Hje Ha YHECKO-By JIHCTY HeMaTepHjanHor KYJITypHor Hacnel)a qoBeqaHCTBa.

KpcHy cJiaBy, CBeTH ApxaHren MHxaHJIO Moja nopo.D,HIJ,a npocJiaB.Jna Ben reHepau:HjaMa H cMaTpaMo je BmKHHM .JJ,eJIOM HaiJ,HOHaJIHOr H nopo.D,HqHor H.JJ,eHTHTeTa, H CTora ce TPY.JJ,HMO .JJ,a ra rrpeHeceMo MJial)HM reHepaiJ,HjaMa.

Ha.JJ,aMO ce )J,a neMO CBOjOM camaCHOlliDY IIOMODH .JJ,a ce OCHa)KH npe.D,JlOI' 3a ynHC CJZaee Ha YHECKO-By JIHCTY csercKor HeMaTepHjaJIHor KYJITypHor Hacnel)a.


I, Milutin Pavlovic, herewith sign this consent form, wishing to support inscription of the Celebration of the Family St. Patron's Day (Slava) to the UNESCO List of intangible cultural heritage ofhumanity.

Celebration of the St. Michael Day, as our family patron's Day, my family has celebrated for generations. We consider it an important part of national and family identity and therefore we try to pass it to the younger generations.

I hope that my endorsement will help enlisting Slava in the UNESCO List of intangible cultural heritage.



CMaTpaM ,n:a je CJZa6a je,n:Ha o,n: HajBa:>KHHjHx KapaKTepHCTHKa cprrcKor H,n:eHTHTeTa I1 3HaqajaH rropo,n:HqHH rrpa3HHK y KojeM yqecTByjy CBH qrraHOBH rropo,n:Ho;e.

Moja rropo,n:nu:a Hja rrpocrraBJbaMo cB. HHKorry, HacTojenH,n:a oqyBaMo o6Hqaje Koje cMo Hacrre,n:HJIH o,n: cTapHje reHepao;Hje, Kao I1 ,n:a HX rrpeHeceMo Mrral)HM reHepao;HjaMa.

Ha,n:aM ce ,n:a ny cBojoM carrracHolllny rroMonH ,n:a ce ocHa)KH rrpe,n:rror yrrHca CrraBe, Kao Bpe,n:He 3aocTaBIIlTHHe qoBeqaHCTBa, Ha YHECKO-By JIHCTY cBeTcKor HeMaTepHjarrHor KymypHor Hacrrel)a.

Y)KHQe, MapT 2013.


To whom it may concern

I consider Celebration ofthe Family St. Patron's Day (Slava) to be one of the main characteristics of the Serbian identity and significant celebration that includes all family members.

My family and I celebrate St. Nicolas Day with endeavor to preserve the costumes wich we inherited and to pass them to younger generation.

I hope that my endossement will help enlisting Slava in the UNESCO List of intangible cultural heritage.

Uzice, March 2013 flOWTOBaHH,

CMaTpaM ,IJ,a je CJZaea je,IJ,Ha O,IJ, HajBa)KHHjHx KapaKTepHCTHKa cprrcKor H,IJ,eHTHTeTa H 3HaqajaH ITOpO,Il,H'-lHH ITpa3HHK y KOjeM yqeCTByjy CBH '-lJiaHOBH IIOpO,Il,HIJ,e.

Moja ITOpO,Il,HIJ,a H ja rrpocnaBJbaMO CB. JoBaHa KaO Harner 3aWTHTHHKa, HaCTOjenH ,IJ,a O'-lyBaMO o6HYaje Koje cMo Hacne,IJ,HnH o,IJ, cTapnje reHepau,Hje, Kao H ,IJ,a HX rrpeHeceMo MnaljHM reHepau,HJaMa.

Ha,IJ,aM ce ,IJ,a ny cBojoM carnacHoiiiny rroMonH ,IJ,a ce ocHmKH rrpe,IJ,nor yrrHca CJZaee, Kao Bpe,IJ,He 3aocTaBWTHHe '-lOBe'-laHCTBa, Ha YHECKO-sy nHCTY cBeTcKor HeMaTepHjanHor KynTypHor Hacnelja.


Ja, .lJ:parnKo AneKcl1h, OBHM nonmcyjeM csojy carnacHOCT, :1Keneh11 ,IJ,a no,IJ,p:IK11M yn11c C!zaee Kao o6wmja 113 Cp611je Ha YHECKO-By JII1CTY HeMaTep11jaJIHor KymypHor Hacneija L£OBe'-laHCTBa.

Moja nopo.D,11u,a npocnaBJba c;wey Ben reHepau,l1jaMa 11 cMaTpaMo je Ba:IKHHM ,IJ,enoM Hau,HoHanHor 11 nopo.D,H'mor 11.IJ,eHTHTeTa, 11 cTora ce TPY.IJ,HMO .IJ,a ra rrpeHeceMo MJiaijHM reHepau,HjaMa.

Ha.IJ,aMo ce .IJ,a heMo csojoM carnacHornhy noMohH .IJ,a ce ocHa:IKH npe.D,nor 3a yn11c CJZaee Ha YHECKO-By JIHCTY CBeTcKor HeMaTepHjanHor KynTypHor Hacneija. CONTSENT

I consider Celebration ofthe Family St. Patron's Day (Slava) to be one of the main characteristics of the Serbian identity and significant celebration that includes all family members.

My family and I celebrate St. John with endeavor to preserve the costumes wich we inherited and to pass them to younger generation.

I hope that my endossement will help enlisting Slava in the UNESCO List of intangible cultural heritage.

Belgrade, March 2013

Drasko Aleksic I13JABA

Harna rropo,ll,I1IJ,a JoBaHOBI1h 113 cena OcTpy)l

ApxaHtjena M11xa11na (ApaHtjenoB,UaH) 21. HOBeM6pa. Y Harnoj nopO,ll,I1IJ,I1 cnaBa ce

rrpocnaBJha Beh 'fPI1 reHepau,Hje H npeHOCH ce ca ou,a Ha CHHa.

CnaBy cnaBI1MO je,ll,aH ,ll,aH. 3a cnaBy ce crrpeMa: Konaq Ue,ll,aH), cBena, )IG1TO H BHHO. Y u,pKBY ce ,ll,~ece :>KI1TO ,Ua ce ocBeTH. KoJ1a4 ce JlOMI1 rrpe,ll, pyYaK Ka,ll,a ce 11CKyrre rocTH. Mel)y rocTHMa je H YOBeK

KOjl1 ,,ll,I1:>Ke CJlaBy" ( OH 411Ta, ,ll,OMahHH Kyhe ceqe KOJlaq I1 JlOMH ra Ca Hajrrpe4!1M

fOCTI1Ma 113 cpaMI1J111je). fOCT KOjl1 JIO:VIH KOJlaq !13 ,ll,eCHe pyKe ,ll,aje KOJlaq ,ll,OManOIJ,l1 I1

OHara rrp11XBaTa y CI1TO Y3 pe411 ,f1rn:emi4HI1 BJlaT KO y ,ll,OJIH6a4e BpaT". focTy KjH je

,,ll,l13aO CJlaBy" 11 fOCTY KOjl1 J10MI1, ,ll,OMaflHIJ,a ,ll,aje ITOKJlOH (Hajqerune ja6yKy). f1oc:re ce

rrocny:>Ke rocTH :>KHTOM n BI1HOM. C1aBCKI1 KOJlaY ce 11ceqe H nocny)KH 3a BpeMe pyYKa.

3a,ll,p:>KaH je o6HYaj ,ll,a ce CBHM rocTHMa rrpH rronacKy KyhH ,ll,aje ce ,crrpeMa" (,KaKaB

,ll,aH, TaKaB YaCT" 3Ha4H aKO je MpCHO TOpTa H MCCO a aKO je ITOCHH ,ll,aH pH6a I1 KOJ1a4H).

ITo,ll,p:>KaBaMo yrrHc cnaBe Kao o6ene:>Kje Harner, cpncKor tmpo,ll,a, y ,Penpe3eHTaTHBHY

JlHCTY HCMaTepHjaJlHOf KynTypHOf Hacnel)a 40BC4aHCTBa'';.

3a ITOpO,ll,HIJ,Y JoBai-IOBHn



Our family, the Jovanovices from the village of Ostruzanj, Municipality Osecina, celebrates St. Michael, the Archangel Day (Arandjelovdan) on November 21. The Slava (patron saint's day) has been passed down from father to son through three generations in our family already. It is a one-day event in our family. We prepare one Slava cake, candle, Slava wheat [koliva], and wine for the Slava. Koliva is brought to the church to be sanctified. The Slava cake is broken before lunch, when all guests arrive, including a man who participates in the Slava ritual (he prays while the host cuts and breaks the cake with the most important family members). The guest who breaks the cake gives it to the hostess who accepts it and holds it in a sieve while saying, Let a wheat leaf be broad as the neck of our oldest guest." The hostess gives gifts (usually apples) to both guest who prayed and the one who broke the cake. Guests then have some koliva and wine. The Slava cake is sliced and served during lunch. We have kept the custom of giving the "sprema" [gift] to each guests when they leave (cake and meat, or fish and cakes during the fasting periods).

We suppmi inscription of the Slava, a characteristic of our, Serbian people, on the UNESCO Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.

On behalf of the Jovanovic family

Ljubisav Jovanovic

Slavka Jovanovic

1;! {ov 1b f(/1 l:bjaBa CBeTOMHp )JytMH1'pHjesnh Kocumo CeJlO Jaro,ll,HHa 2. MapT 2013.

Mn cJlaBHMO cnaBy CBeTor HHKOJiy, 19. ,11,eu,eM6pa. CnaBy caM Hacne,ll,HO 0,11, ou,a H ,ll,e)l,e, a cnaBH ce o,ll,aBHHHa. KoJIHKO ja 3aM H ,11,e,11,HH ,11,e,11,a je CJlaBHO. Cnasy cnaBHMO je,11,aH ,11,aH. PaHHje, Ka,ll,a caM 6Ho MJialjH, a 3HaM H3 npwm cTapHjHX cJiaBHJIO ce yseqe. Cm je cnpeMaH Ben npe no,11,He. llpe 12 caTH ce nanH cBena H ceqe KoJiaq ca Haj6nmKHM yKynaHHMa, npBeHCTBCHO ca CHHOM. KoJiaq ce ceqe Ha qeTHpH ,ll,eJia yHaKpCT. Ha CBaKy qernpTHHY ce KaHe no nap KanH U,pBCHOf BHHa, a OH)l,a Ce TO H3pyqH Ha3a)1, y qarny. 0Kpene Ce npeKO CTOJia H yHaKpCT Ca CHHOM npeJIOMHMO KOJiaq Ha nona. 0H)l,a Ce TaKO npeJIOMJbeH KOJiaq npHCJIOHH Ha ,ll,OlliH ,11,e0 H r,11,e je O,ll,JIOMJbeH H nOJby6H Ce Y3 peqH: ,Y HMe Ou,a (OH,ll,a CHH noHOBH), CHHa (oneT CHH noHoBH), H CseTor ,ll,yxa- AMHH!". 3aTHM ce Ta ,ll,Ba ,ll,ena noraqe yKpcTe ca ocTaJIHM yKyhaHHMa H npenoMH Ha qeTHpH ,11,ena. fne,11,a ce KOMe npHna,ll,a HajBenH ,11,e0, TOMe ne ,11,a 6y,11,e HajycnelllHHja fO,ll,HHa. IJapqHfiH Ce CTaBJbajy y CHTO. CB. HHKOJia je 3HMCKa cnasa H yseK je nocHo. 3HaqH, cnpeMa ce nocHa xpaHa, ymaBHOM pH6a, 6o60Be nHXTHje, nOCHH ryCTH nacyJb KaO H nOCHH KOJiaqH, lliTO Ce THqe fOCTHjy, )1,0Jla3H )')Ka Q:laMHJIHja, MOjH Haj6JIH)KH, Haj60JbH npHjaTeJb ca nopO,ll,HIJ,OM H 0)1, )KeHHHHX 6paT ca nopO,ll,HU,OM. He )1,0Jia3e CBH y HCTO BpeMe, jep HeKH 0)1, HalllHX fOCTHjy H,ll,y KO,ll, ,ll,pyrHX Ha HCTY CJiaBy. ,l.(pyrH 36or nOCJia ,ll,Oljy MaJIO KaCHHje. 3a CBaKora ce noce6HO nOCTaBJba CTO. ,l.(oMallHH CJI~ fOCTe, a IIOMa)Ky MY yKynaHH. ,l.(OManHH He cMe ,11,a ce,ll,He ,11,oK ce cselia He yracH. CnaBH ce ,11,0 KacHo y Hon.

3a Ham ,ll,OM je npocnaBJbaH.e cnase seoMa pa,ll,OCTaH ,11,aH H 3aTo no,ll,p)KaBaMo ,11,a ce cnasa ynHrne Ha YHECKO JIHCTY HeMaTepHjanHor Ky1ITypHor Hacnelja jep he OH,ll,a 3a osy Harny ,11,06py 1'pa,ll,HIJ,Hjy ,11,a ce Ca3Ha y IJ,eJIOM CBeTy.

(ca nopO,ll,HIJ,OM) Svetomir Dimitrijevic Kocino Selo Jagodina March 2, 2013

We celebrate St. Nicholas on December 19. I inherited the Slava (patron saint's day) from my father and my grandfather, and it has been celebrated since the days of yore. As far as I know, my grandfather's grandfather celebrated the Slava. We celebrate for one day. Earlier, when I was younger, my elders told me, it was celebrated in the evenings.

The table is already set in the morning. The candle is lit before noon and the Slava cake cut with the closest members of the household, primarily with my son. The cake is cut crosswise into four pieces. A couple of drops of red wine is poured over each piece, and then poured back to the glass. We turn the Slava cake above the table and then my son and I break the cake in half. Then I kiss the cake on the bottom part and say while my son repeats after me: "In the Name of the Father- and of the Son- and ofthe Holy Spirit- Amen." The two halves of the cake are then shared with the others and broke into four parts. The person who gets the biggest slice will have the most successful year. Pieces are placed into the sieve.

St. Nicholas Day is the winter Slava and the food served is always lenten. Dishes include fish, broad-bean jelly, thick bean soup, and lenten cookies.

Guests include close family members, my closest, best friend with his family, and my wife's brother and his family. They do not all come at the same time as some of our guests visit other people celebrating the same Slava. Some come later, after work. The table is set again for each of them. The host serves the guests, and is assisted by family members. The host cannot sit down until the candle goes out. The Slava is celebrated late into the night.

The Slava celebration is a very joyous occasion for our family and that is why we support inscription of the Slava on the on the UNESCO List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity, because then this good tradition of ours will be known throughout the world.

(on behalf of the family)