THE October 2019 Volume 63 No.WORD 8 EDITORIAL Volume 63 No.8 October 2019

COVER: THE METROPOLITAN JOSEPH 3 EDITORIAL CH G WORD by Bishop JOHN AN 5 MINUTES OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE IS IMMINENT ANTIOCHIAN ORTHODOX CONTENTS CHRISTIAN ARCHDIOCESE BISHOP JOHN CONVENTION 15 FROM THESE STONES ­— THE DEPARTMENT OF MISSIONS AND EVANGELISM PEOPLE ARE MOVING AROUND MORE FREQUENTLY THAN EVER BEFORE. SOMETIMES by Archpriest Noah Bushelli 17 METROPOLITAN JOSEPH WE MOVE TO BE CLOSER TO FAMILY OR FRIENDS, SOMETIMES TO FIND A MORE ATTENDS STATE DEPARTMENT PLEASANT CLIMATE, OR BECAUSE OF A CHANGE IN EMPLOYMENT. REGARDLESS OF SUMMIT ON RELIGIOUS FREEDOM E 19 CARE FOR THE PLANET AND THE REASON, MOVING ALWAYS COMES WITH GREAT CHANGES. WE LEAVE FAMILIAR ALL CREATION: ’S FIRST MANDATE TO HUMANITY PLACES, OUR HOMES, FRIENDS, NEIGHBORS AND CHURCHES. 21 LIVING THE LITURGY — A PRACTICAL REFLECTION by Gregory Abdalah These changes cause us stress and engender anx- We enjoy not having to adjust. We are comforted 22 PRAY, FAST, GIVE by Maria Koropsak iety. What role does the church have in our many when we can predict how everything will be, and 25 TOWARDS A VISION OF transitions? Each of us is used to a particular parish, even how others will respond. This is true even when THE SPIRITUAL FORMATION with its unique , architecture, music and peo- our relationships are problematic: we think we know OF YOUTH ple. Sometimes these changes are relatively slight, as what to expect. All change, however, requires work, 28 STRENGTH THROUGH CHRIST when new people come into the church. Other times, as we constantly get new information. This is true by Ellaney Matarese the changes can be destabilizing, as when we adapt even when people we know and have known for a 30 ORTHODOX CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP CHOOSES NEW to a new parish. In both cases, the old-timers in the long time change. We need to adjust to the spiritual EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR parish and the newly transplanted parishioners have and intellectual growth of others as they mature. We 31 COMMUNITIES IN ACTION to adjust to each other. Every time anyone comes can find this difficult. When the people around us 35 ST. ATHANASIUS ACADEMY into a family system or moves out of it, the whole grow and repent, they are like new people. We need OFFERS ONLINE COURSES family needs to adjust. This certainly applies to the to make room for the changes. When we grow, too, FOR HOMESCHOOLERS by Fr. John Finley parish family that one leaves, as well as the parish our cohorts also need to adjust. God gives us op- into which one is finding one’s place. portunities to be born anew, and we all constantly Letters to the editor are welcome and should include the author’s full name and parish. Submissions for “Commu- The adjustment is often radical, and even painful. change in response. If we remember that even what nities in Action” must be approved by the local pastor. Both may be edited for purposes of clarity and space. All Sometimes the person moving out of a parish held is most familiar is constantly changing can allow us ­submissions e-mailed and provided as a Microsoft Word leadership positions, such as treasurer, choir director, to be deliberately flexible and open-minded. This text or editable PDF. Please do not embed artwork into the word documents. All art work must be high resolution: at or priest. This person moving into another parish may will help us minimize confusion, misunderstandings least 300dpi. have gifts and offerings that the community hadn’t and difficulties. The Church is a place of multifac- ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION: had before. Such a move can mean radical changes eted r­elationships. These relationships can help us, U.S.A. and Canada, $40.00 Foreign Countries, $50.00 in both the old and new parishes. Other moves may distress us, and allow us to grow in our relationship Single Copies, $3.00 offer less obvious, but still significant opportunities. with God. The WORD (USPS626-260) is published monthly, except It must be this way, because God has made each of To prepare for the reception of new members at July and August, by the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America at 358 Mountain Road, PO us unique. No one has each of our particular gifts and Pascha, the church prescribed a forty-day fast. This Box 5238; periodicals postage paid at Englewood, New experiences of life. A community made up of unique time of intense prayer and sacrifice allowed the com- Jersey 07631-5238 and at additional mailing offices. persons comes together in a way that is by nature ir- munity an opportunity to be deliberate about adjust- Postmaster send address changes to The WORD, 358 replaceable and irreproducible. How marvelous God ing to new members. We all need to be born anew Mountain Road, PO Box 5238, Englewood, NJ 07631- 5238 has made all things, each reflecting something spec- as the community reconstitutes itself with each new ISSN 0043-7964 tacular of the living God. What an opportunity, both person. Canada Post Publication Agreement No. 40043404 for the person moving and for the community, to ex- This is holy and natural. It is a gift from God, Return Canada address to American International Mail, STN A –­ BOX 697, Windsor pand our experiences of God! but still requires work, effort, patience and kindness. ON N9A 6N4, Canada I understand that many people don’t like change. Without this effort, we are not doing what we are

2 JanuaryOctober 2016 2019 The Word 3 called to do in God’s Church. In the Church we are not only called to do God’s work, we are called to do it His way. It is God who calls us to Himself and gives us each other. We need to open our hearts and minds to the opportunities that this avails us. We need to share the ministries of the parish, and share the opportunities to learn from each other and teach each other. Through this, through each member of the MINUTES OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY body of Christ who is new to us, we will learn more about God. The Most Reverend I understand that change is difficult. With so many radical changes in technol- ANTIOCHIAN ORTHODOX CHRISTIAN Metropolitan JOSEPH ogy, communications, work, social mores, politics, and globalization, church is the last th The Right Reverend ARCHDIOCESE CONVENTION Bishop BASIL place we want to see change. At least one day a week we can hope things will remain The Right Reverend relatively the same. I am not suggesting radical change in the parish, just openness Convened Bishop THOMAS and kindness as Christ continues to reveal Himself to us. He leads us to salvation, to- at the Amway Grand The Right Reverend gether with those whom God calls to walk with us today, with those who walked with Bishop ALEXANDER Plaza Hotel us before, and with those who will walk with us in future generations. Grand Rapids, The Right Reverend Michigan Bishop JOHN The Right Reverend Bishop ANTHONY The Right Reverend Bishop NICHOLAS Founded in Arabic as Al Kalimat in 1905 Thursday, July 25, 2019 – 11:07 AM Sergeants-at-Arms of the convention: Mr. Philip by Raphael (Hawaweeny) I. Opening Prayer Saliba, Mr. Elie Haig, Ms. Carol Laham, and Ms. Founded in English as The WORD in 1957 His Eminence the Most Rev. Metropolitan Karen Kinan. by Metropolitan ANTONY (Bashir) ­JOSEPH, Primate, opened the General Assembly V. Introduction of the Members of the Archdio- Editor in Chief Bishop JOHN with prayer and the Troparion of Holy Pentecost. cese Board of Trustees Assistant Editor Christopher Humphrey II. Roll5 Call and Quorum 4Fr. Zain acknowledged the officers of the -An Design Director Donna Griffin Albert Upon the call of Metropolitan JOSEPH, Rev. tiochian Archdiocese: Mr. Fawaz El-Khoury, Vice Editorial Board Fr. Michel Najim Archdeacon Emile Sayegh, Chancellor, declared Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Ms. Mary Win- Fr. Patrick O’Grady Fr. Thomas Zain the existence of a quorum and the qualification to stanley-O’Connor, Esq., Secretary of the Board of Fr. Andrew Damick conduct the business of the Archdiocese. Of a pos- Trustees, Mr. Salim Abboud, Treasurer and CFO of Fr. Nicholas Belcher Fr. John Oliver sible 780 delegates, 565 were present in person or by the Archdiocese, V. Rev. Fr. Michael Ellias, Secretary Fr. Chad Hatfield proxy, constituting 72% of the total possible votes. of the Archdiocese, V. Rev. Fr. Timothy F­ erguson, Kh. Erin Kimmet Peter Samore III. Introduction of North American Hierarchs Protosyngellos, Rev. Fr. Nicholas Belcher, Episcopal Ann Bezzerides His Eminence noted the absence of His Grace Assistant, and Rev. Archdeacon Emile Sayegh, Esq., Editorial Office: Bishop ALEXANDER because of illness. He in- Chancellor. The WORD 2 Lydia’s Path troduced Their Graces Bishop BASIL, Bishop Fr. Zain invited the members of the Archdiocese Westborough, MA 01581-1841 THOMAS, Bishop JOHN, Bishop ANTHONY, Board of Trustees who were present to ­introduce

e-mail: [email protected] and Bishop NICHOLAS. He asked for a stand- themselves: Mr. Daniel J. Abraham, Mr. Edwar­ d Subscription Office: ing ovation in recognition of their good work. His E. Assile, Mr. Richard Ayoub, Esq., Mr. Dr. David­ 358 Mountain Road PO Box 5238 Eminence also thanked Almighty God for the good G. Bojrab, Mr. Dan Braun, Mr. Roger David, Mr. Englewood, NJ 07631-5238 clergy of the Arch- George G. Darany [email protected] diocese. (Honorary), Ms. IV. Appointment Darlene Haddad, of Convention Dr. Elias K. He- Officers beka, Mr. Elie J. Metropolitan Haig, Mr. Khalil JOSEPH asked E. Kardous, Ms. Archpriest Thom- Karen Kinan, Ms. as Zain, Vicar Carol Laham,­ General, to an- Esq., Mr. Greg- nounce the ap- ory H. Laham, pointment of the Jr., Mr. William

4 October 2019 The Word 5 GENERAL ASSEMBLY MINUTES

Esq., Dr. George Madanat, Dr. Nicholas J. Massad, Fr. Ghattas Hajal moved to accept the report. Fr. posed Budget for Fiscal Years 2020 and 2021. Mr. Ms. Kelli Kouri Neagle, Mr. Majed J. Nesheiwat, Mr. Christopher Salamy seconded the motion. Gregory Abdalah seconded the motion. Alan Rossi, and Dr. George Thomas. Questions from the floor: Discussion on the Motion: VI. Minutes of the 53rd Archdiocese Convention, Fr. Michael Tassos noted Mr. Abboud’s not hav- Fr. Fouad Saba observed the absence of an amount Hollywood, Florida, July 2017 ing reported on an external audit. He thanked Mr. of receipts from the Miami Convention on page 1, Dr. Elias Hebeka moved to accept the Minutes Abboud for the innumerable hours of volunteer ­labor line C 5, Receipts for Archdiocese ­Convention from of the 53rd Archdiocese Convention held in Holly­ he has given. He also explained that the Department Host Parish. wood, Florida, in July 2017. Fr. Joseph Purpura has engaged an external auditor for a ­review of arch- The motion passed as amended by Fr. Saba’s ­seconded the motion, and the motion passed. diocesan finances and procedures. observation.­ Metropolitan JOSEPH noted in the minutes Kh. Claudia Zain expressed admiration for Mr. For the sake of transparency Mr. Abboud also that Fr. Michael Laffoon had requested a full report Abboud’s presentation and his dedicated work. provided an overview of the archdiocesan Balance on all endowment funds and how they are invested. Fr. Anthony Bahou asked about the line item for Sheet via slide presentation. Dr. Hebeka said it would be explained in his report Continuing Pastoral Education. Fr. Thomas Zain Dr. Elias Hebeka presented the report of the In- Metropolitan JOSEPH also asked about the goal clarified that the amount was the stipend for the vestment Committee via slide presentation. He re- of increasing the maximum stipend from the Retired form­er director of the St. Stephen’s Course of Stud- ported that the committee has consolidated many Clergy Housing Allowance Fund for retired clergy ies program, but those payments have discontinued accounts and has established an investment policy and widowed clergy wives. Fr. Ellias ­responded that under the new structure. statement of purpose and goal for each account and the main emphasis is now on increasing retirement Mr. Richard Power of Myrtle Beach, South Car- endowment as well as an investment strategy. He savings through the new 401(k) plan. olina, rose to say that he had sent a letter to Mr. Ab- addressed the question of Fr. Laffoon raised at the His Eminence recalled that His Grace Bish- boud outlining his concern for an external audit and Miami Convention. He reported on all fund per- op ANTOUN of thrice-blessed memory made a other issues. Mr. Abboud responded that Mr. Power formances. Total assets have grown by more than $6 f­inal and moving public appearance at the Archdio- had already received a response to his questions via million, while the expense ratio for advisory fees has cese Convention in Miami. He also celebrated the email which he had sent earlier in the day. significantly declined. memory of His Eminence Metropolitan PHILIP of Mr. Kardous thanked Mr. Abboud for an excel- Fr. Elia Shalhoub moved to accept the report, and thrice-blessed memory. lent and detailed report. He asked the Assembly to Fr. Joseph Rahal seconded the motion. The motion VII. Report of the Department of Finance consider if parishes would be willing to pay for an passed. A. Financial Report for Fiscal Year 2019 external audit which could be quite expensive. He The General Assembly adjourned at 12:58 PM Mr. Salim Abboud, CFO and Treasurer, present- noted that the Department is building a system so for lunch. ed the Financial Report for Fiscal Year 2019, which that an external audit would be possible and cost- The General Assembly reconvened at 2:15 PM. had previously been distributed to all the parishes effective. After the recess Mr. Abboud continued his re- and is appended hereto. He offered an overview of The motion passed and the report was approved view of the policy and practice of the Department. the archdiocesan finances for the last five years. unanimously. Technology and Policy Committee – Mr. Ab- Mr. Abboud acknowledged his co-workers at B. Proposed Budget for Fiscal Years 2020 and boud recognized the work of Rev. Deacon Christian the Archdiocese Headquarters: Mr. Sameh Khou- 2021 Manasseh, Chair, and states that there needs to be zam, Comptroller, Ms. Teresa Ruggiero, Ms. Jenni- At the recommendation of an external auditor, enhanced development of all archdiocesan commu- fer Huarcaya, Rev. Fr. Paul Matar, and Ms. Marlene the Department has begun working on a consolidat- nication venues. Ayoub. ed report for all the institutions of the Archdiocese in Legacy Project – Ms. Mary Winstanley- Mr. Abboud introduced the members of the var­ order to decide whether it is feasible and appr­ opriate O’Connor, Chair, is investigating an insurance ious committees and summarized each committee’s to apply Generally Accepted Accounting Principles ­program to insure potential donors so that the An- purpose and responsibilities. He emphasized that (GAAP) policy to archdiocesan finances. The Board tiochian Archdiocese would receive the death benefit­ the Department of Finance is making an effort to of Trustees has established a committee to deter- in order to facilitate long-term stability. include as many people and diverse perspectives as mine if it is appropriate to use GAAP principles. The Real Estate and Insurance Committee – Mr. Ed- possible in order to manage archdiocesan resources adoption of those principles could have implications ward Assile, Chair, has been requesting copies of the responsibly. He noted, however, that the Department for the audit of all parishes or a sampling of parishes. insurance policies of all parishes and institutions of still needs a communications committee in ­order Mr. Abboud, CFO and Treasurer, presented the the Archdioceses in order to assure that sufficient D. ­Morrison, Ms. Dianne O’Regan, Ms. Rebecc­ a to explain the operations of the Archdiocese with Proposed Budget for Fiscal Years 2020 and 2021. He coverage is in force; however, some churches have ­Pagani, Mr. Mansour O. Rayan, Mr. Philip N. Saliba, transparency. Mr. Abboud announced that his slide explained that the 2020 budget is conservative and not yet responded. Mr. Elias Shaheen, Mr. Douglas J. Skaff, Mr. Rami presentation would appear in The ORDW magazine, flat in order to examine the departmental expenses Mr. Elkhoury noted that not all church assets are Younes, and Mr. Dimitri C. Zeidan. and that Deacon Christian will post it on the arch- more closely. His presentation is appended hereto. in the name of the church. The committee has dis- Absent members were Mr. Michael Homsey, diocesan website. Fr. Maximos Saikali moved to approve the Pro- covered that some accounts are under name of the

6 October 2019 The Word 7 GENERAL ASSEMBLY MINUTES

pastor or another individual. There were 210 participants at the conference in Kh. Suzanne Murphy moved to accept the report, Food for Hungry People – Mr. Abboud con- Denver, Colorado, and he announced that the 2020 and Ms. Nancy Tanzaris seconded the motion. firmed that all funds are being disbursed from this conference will be in Austin, Texas. The Assembly received the report. program to legitimate causes. Ms. Anne Thomas and Mrs. Barbara Hebeka moved to accept the report. Mr. Roger David, National Chairman, presented Fr. Ted Pulcini are developing a new initiative to Ms. Angela Saliby seconded the motion. the report of the Order of St. Ignatius of Antioch. make grants to parishes for local distribution. For ac- Fr. Timothy Baclig noted that YAM’s predeces- Mr. Dan Abraham moved to accept the report, countability purposes the administrators will ask for sors had worked as a Pan-Orthodox movement to and Fr. Ghatas Hajal seconded the motion. pictures from events, financial statements, and other unite young people across jurisdictions. Ms. Mary Winstanley-O’Connor thanked Mr. documentation for review and in order to encourage Mr. Kal Kardoos asked how many YAM par- David on behalf of the more than 2200 members of additional or enhanced efforts. ticipants are attending this convention. Mr. Parr the Order and the Governing Council. VIII. Reports from Archdiocesan Departments responded that at least 81 were participating on a Fr. Joseph Rahal noted the Order’s on-going sup- and Organizations group text, and Convention Co-Chairman Alan port of clergy and camp scholarships. The Archdiocese office had previously submitted Abraham reported that there were at least 135 YAM NAC Teens and officers thanked the Order for electronic copies of departmental and organization- registrants. everything the Order has done. al reports to the parishes for review and comment. Ms. Marsha Nimr asked what happens to next The Assembly received the report. Those eportsr are available for viewing on the arch- age group beyond YAM, including the young mar- Ms. Karen Kinan introduced a program called diocesan website. ried population. Mr. Elkhoury responded that Fr. HOST (Helping Orthodox Students Thrive) with Outgoing President of NAC Teen SOYO, Eliz- Thomas Zain FTZ and others are in the process of the purpose of making sure that when students leave abeth Lengyel-Leahu, presented the organization’s generating programs for that demographic. home for college, there will be people and a place to report. Fr. Milad Selim thanked His Eminence Met- receive them. 1985 NAC Teen SOYO President, Fr. Michael ropolitan JOSEPH for the opportunity to work Fr. Christopher Salamy moved to accept the re- Nasser, moved to accept the report. Mr. Mike S­ imon with the young adults, and he stressed that YAM port. Fr. Joseph Purpura seconded the motion. seconded the motion. The Assembly received the was a movement of young adults striving to address Deacon Andrew Andrews suggested that HOST report.­ the church’s position on current issues across juris­ could dovetail with a local parish connection and Fr. Joseph Purpura, Chair, presented the report dictions. OCF Chapters. for the Department of Youth. He noted that this Fr. Michael Nasser noted that Tuesday’s clergy The Assembly received the report. year NAC Teen SOYO is celebrating its 50th an- meeting had the longest and most in depth discus- Questions and Comments regarding reports of niversary and shares that date with the first moon sion about the engagement of young people. departments and organizations. landing. New efforts include a grant for $100,000 Fr. Fouad Saba strongly recommended that YAM Fr. Nektarios Najjar asked the Department of for a parish mentoring program with a potential for be structured with a constitution and officers to cul- Christian Education for an update on a new cur- three additional years. tivate future leaders in the Archdiocese. Mr. Parr re- riculum. Ms. Carole Buleza, Chair, reported that an Fr. Purpura reported that 61 orators participated sponded that the young adults did not necessarily announcement will appear online, describing the in the Oratorical Festivals this year, and 57 partici- want officers, but it is an on-going discussion. production of new materials. Ms. Buleza is seek- pated last year. This year 123 teams participated in Metropolitan JOSEPH stressed the importance ing approval of a proposal for a new offering which the Bible Bowl. He announced that the Gospel of of this subject. He encouraged the faithful to be pa- would move from an informational curriculum to a John will be the topic for the Bible Bowl next year, tient and to give the youth the freedom to explore spiritual and formational curriculum. There would be and John 3:17 will be the topic for the Oratorical and find themselves. He stated that our love and lessons introducing students to Teen SOYO, YES, Festival. support are important and that YAM is only one tool camp counselors, and YAM, in order to help students Fr. Purpura concluded his report by announcing we are using to attract the youth back to the church take the next step on their journeys. She wants to that, to date, $277,500 have been awarded in schol- and to themselves. publish two grade levels at a time. arships from the Francis Maria Scholarship Fund, The Assembly received the report. Deacon Andrews noticed five reports in which and the fund now holds more than $400,000. Dianne O’Regan, President, presented the report Departments wanted to move forward but did not Fr. Antoun Araj moved to accept the report. 1990 of the North American Board of the Ant­ iochian have sufficient funds. He asked if there was insuf- NAC Teen SOYO President Ms. Julie Abboud sec- Women. ficient funding or if the Departments did not know onded the motion. The Assembly received the report. Ms. O’Regan introduced the incoming officers how to make a justifiable request. Several depart- Mr. Wayne Parr, Chair, presented the report for of the Antiochian Women: Kh. Suzanne Murphy ments outlined potential projects, and Mr. Salim Young Adult Ministry (YAM). Mr. Parr explained (President), Ms. Sheryl Vanderwagen (Vice Presi- Abboud assured the Assembly that there would be that YAM is largely a ministry for young adults un- dent), Ms. Dorothy Tampary (Recording Secretary), a continuing review of departmental functions and der the age of 35. YAM hosts a conference for young Ms. Laila Ferris (Treasurer), and Kh. Kelli Lynn requirements, and that all priorities would be taken professionals on the alternate year of the convention. Barberg (PR Director). into consideration.

8 October 2019 The Word 9 GENERAL ASSEMBLY MINUTES

The Assembly adjourned at 4:05 PM, following a its heart-filled greetings and love to our Father in ­Christian Archdiocesan Convention here in Grand Christian Archdiocesan Convention here in Grand prayer by His Grace Bishop BASIL. Christ, Patriarch JOHN X, and to the entire See of Rapids,­ Michigan; ­Rapids, Michigan; Friday, July 26, 2019, 11:00 AM the Great Church of Antioch; and AND WHEREAS, since his election as Arch- AND WHEREAS, in the recent past, we have Metropolitan JOSEPH opened the session WHEREAS the conflict in Syria has begun to bishop of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of all witnessed the sorrowful and tragic situation in with prayer at 11:10 AM and a reading from 1 wind down and the country regains its territorial in- America on August 19, 1999, His Eminence Arch- Ukraine concerning the unilateral actions of the ­Corinthians 4:9–13. tegrity, we reaffirm our commitment and support to bishop DEMETRIOS has served the Archdiocese, ­Ecumenical Patriarch, which have and continue to IX. Address of Metropolitan JOSEPH to the 54th assist the Patriarchate in the long, hard, and difficult as its Primate, with faith, zeal and devotion to our promote permanent division among all members of Archdiocese Convention task of the rebuilding of Syria; and Lord Jesus Christ and His Holy Orthodox Church; the Orthodox Church; (these actions represent a fail- The address of the Metropolitan will appear in WHEREAS this General Assembly further AND WHEREAS His Eminence Archbishop ure to constitute a single Orthodox Church in accor- the November 2019 issue of The ORDW magazine. commits its loyalty and support to His Beatitude, DEMETRIOS has been an exemplary model in X. Presentation of Proposed Resolutions – Rev. Patriarch JOHN X, in his ongoing efforts to re- working vigorously to preserve unity among all Or- Archdeacon Emile Sayegh, Chancellor and solve the canonical issue that continues between the thodox throughout the United States; Chairman of the Department of Legal Affairs ­Patriarchate of Antioch and that of the Patriarchate AND WHEREAS His Eminence Archbish- RESOLUTION OF APPRECIATION of Jerusalem concerning Qatar; and op DEMETRIOS has also served the Church in TO THE HOST PARISH WHEREAS this General Assembly offers its promoting learning and the Christian formation of WHEREAS St. Nicholas Antiochian Ortho- ­additional support and prayers to His Beatitude, ­clergy and laity as a respected scholar, author and dox Church, Grand Rapids, Michigan, has gracious- ­Patriarch JOHN X, for his leadership skills and professor; ly hosted the 54th Biennial Antiochian Orthodox continuing efforts as the catalyst of peace in the AND WHEREAS His Eminence Archbish- Christian Archdiocesan Convention at the historic resolution of the dispute between the Patriarchate op DEMETRIOS ended his tenure as Archbishop Amway Grand Plaza Hotel, Grand Rapids, Michi- of ­ and that of the Patriarchate of of America with his letter of resignation to His All gan, from July 21–28, 2019; ­Moscow regarding Ukraine, where the effects of this ­Holiness Patriarch BARTHOLOMEW; AND WHEREAS the Pastor, Very Rev. Fr. schism are being felt on these shores and in all the AND WHEREAS His Eminence Archbishop ­Michael Nasser, and the Convention Co-Chairper- Orthodox world; ELPIDOPHOROS was elected as the new P­ rimate sons, Allen Abraham and Kathy Abraham, togeth- NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America on er with their the entire Convention Committee, the this 54th Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdio- May 11, 2019, and enthroned on June 22, 2019; Parish Council, and all the faithful have worked tire- cese of North America Convention, duly assembled NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED lessly and spared no effort to assure the success of at Grand Rapids, Michigan, from July 22–29, 2019, that this 54th Archdiocese Convention, duly assem- this Convention, providing wonderful hospitality in unanimity and by acclamation, commits its love, bled at Grand Rapids, Michigan, from July 21–28, for our every need, family fellowship, and spiritual loyalty, support and prayers to our Mother Church 2019, in unanimity and by acclamation, express- growth; of the Great See of Antioch and to our Father in es its deep appreciation and love to His Eminence NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED Christ, Patriarch JOHN X, praying that Almighty Archbishop DEMETRIOS for his twenty years that this 54th Archdiocesan Convention, duly as- God continue to guide His Beatitude as he contin- of ­dedicated service in the vineyard of our Lord, sembled at Grand Rapids, Michigan, from July ues his efforts to bring peace and conciliation be- as ­Primate of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of ­21–28, 2019, in unanimity and by acclamation ex- tween the Patriarchates of Antioch and Jerusalem America; tends to the Host Pastor and the entire Convention and between the Patriarchates of Constantinople BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Committee its heartfelt thanks and appreciation for and Moscow. We extend our support and prayers for 54th Archdiocese Convention, duly assembled at an outstanding and extraordinary convention. the rebuilding of Syria and to its people. We off­ er Grand Rapids, Michigan, from July 21–28, 2019, RESOLUTION PLEDGING OUR ­SUPPORT our humble prayers for the good health of P­ atriarch in unanimity and by acclamation, offers its love and AND LOVE TO OUR JOHN X. Many years Master! prayers for the success of His Eminence Archbishop MOTHER CHURCH OF ­ANTIOCH RESOLUTION HONORING ­ELPIDOPHOROS as he begins his diakonia for us AND TO PATRIARCH JOHN X HIS EMINENCE ARCHBISHOP to advance together as the Body of Christ and body WHEREAS the hierarchs, clergy, Board of Trust- DEMETRIOS­ AND WELCOMING of believers, as a united Church. ees, and faithful, under the leadership of our beloved HIS EMINENCE RESOLUTION CALLING FOR dance with Her ecclesiological and canonical prin- Metropolitan JOSEPH, Primate of the ­Antiochian ARCHBISHOP ELPIDOPHOROS A SYNAXIS OF ALL ORTHODOX ciples, and brings harm to Her apostolic witness);­ Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America, OF THE GREEK ORTHODOX ­AUTOCEPHALOUS CHURCHES AND WHEREAS, as a result of these actions, having met in General Assembly at the 54th Biennial ­ARCHDIOCESE OF AMERICA BY THE ECUMENICAL PATRIARCH the Orthodox Church of broke off commu- Convention of the Antiochian Orthodox Christian WHEREAS the hierarchs, clergy and faith- WHEREAS the hierarchs, clergy, and faithful nion with the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constan- Archdiocese of North America on this 26th day of ful of this God-protected Antiochian Orthodox of this God-protected Antiochian Orthodox Arch- tinople, and we now experience the negative eff­ ects July, 2019, in Grand Rapids, Michigan; and Archdiocese of North America have met as the diocese of North America have met as the Gen- here in the United States and Canada as the Rus- WHEREAS this General Assembly conveys ­General Assembl­ y at the 54th Antiochian Orthodox eral Assembl­ y at the 54th Antiochian Orthodox sian Orthodox Church Outside Russia and the

10 October 2019 The Word 11 ­Moscow Patriarchate in North America no longer ­necessity of obtaining the prior agreement of all Or- prominent entertainer, Danny Thomas, the son of its life-saving medical treatment and services; share communion with Churches under the Ecu- thodox Autocephalous Churches; Lebanese immigrants to the United States, having AND WHEREAS, for almost 60 years, St. Jude menical ­Patriarchate; (examples of the unity which AND WHEREAS there is a necessity to re- early endured personal difficulties, sought refuge in Children’s Research Hospital has been a beacon of have been disrupted include pan-Orthodox services sort to the principle of unanimity and conciliation, prayer and made a vow to St. Jude (Thaddeus), the hope for countless innocent children who suffer from and participation in local Orthodox Clergy brother- concerning both our common Orthodox work and patron saint of lost causes, was heard saying “Show a myriad of diseases, and has been at the forefront of hoods, and so forth; these hinder our common wit- our unified positions on controversial issues; (this me my way in life and I will build you a shrine”; innovative and ground-breaking medical advances in ness to the faithful and to the local communities in unanimity and conciliation are true safeguards of AND WHEREAS, after successfully finding the treatment of childhood cancers and other life- which we exist); Orthodox­ unity); his way in life and in order to fulfill his promise and threatening diseases; AND WHEREAS, as a further result of this AND WHEREAS there is a necessity for spir- bring his vow to a reality, in 1957, Danny ­Thomas AND WHEREAS, for many years to come, St. ­division and disharmony, schismatic clergymen from itual vigilance regarding the stumbling block and founded the American Lebanese Syrian Associated Jude Children’s Research Hospital, with its world- uncanonical bodies in Ukraine could begin to serve snare of political entanglement, which history has Charities (ALSAC), whose sole mission was to help acclaimed faculty and staff, will continue to advance in canonical jurisdictions, thereby creating further shown only serves to weaken the Orthodox Church build St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, and raise the cause of finding cures and treatment options for disharmony and chaos here and in other parts of the and Her united witness; funds and awareness necessary for the oper­ ation and children around the world, as a testament to the faith world, where we would otherwise have fraternal par- NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, maintenance of the Hospital; and resilience of ALSAC, its founders, benefactors, ticipation in unity; that the General Assembly of this 54th Archdioc- AND WHEREAS Thomas’s vision became a supporters and staff; AND WHEREAS the appearance of disunity esan Convention, duly assembled at Grand Rapids, reality when St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED also occurs when the Orthodox Church is reduced Michigan, from July 21–28, 2019, calls upon His opened its doors on February 4, 1962, today one of that this 54th Archdiocesan Convention, duly assem- to one dimension of a “nationalistic distinction” All-­Holiness, the Ecumenical Patriarch, to convoke the world’s premier pediatric research institutions bled at Grand Rapids, Michigan, from July 21–28, (such as ethnic background, language, or affiliation), a Synaxis of the Primates of the Orthodox Auto- that treats children from all walks of life, regardless 2019, in unanimity and by acclamation, conveys its which in turn becomes the basis for the “ecclesias- cephalous Churches in order to discuss the current of race, color, creed or family’s ability to pay; deep gratitude, love, appreciation, and respect to St. tical” organization, thus resulting in a number of situation in Ukraine, to settle the issue of grant- AND WHEREAS St. Jude Children’s Research Jude Children’s Research Hospital, to the A­ merican bishops ­claiming pastoral responsibility for the same ing autocephaly to new Churches, to resolve wider­ Hospital leads the way in which the world under- Lebanese Syrian Associated Charities (ALSAC), to geographic region, as if they represented separate ­ecclesiological issues regarding primacy, and in stands, treats and defeats childhood cancer and ­other the faculty, its many supporters, benefactors, and en- Churches rather than the One, Holy, Catholic, and general to address our common problems through life-threatening diseases, and whose sole mission is tire staff. We commend you and salute you for your Apostolic Church; ­fraternal support, unity and participation. to save children, and to find and advance cures for wonderful dedication and the work you continue to AND WHEREAS, on the basis of its historic RESOLUTION HONORING pediatric cancers; do in this most worthy cause. We pray that Almighty primacy, the long-standing role of the Ecumenical ST. JUDE CHILDREN’S RESEARCH AND WHEREAS, through the direct efforts of God bless each and every one of you and that His Patriarchate, as a center in service of Orthodox unity, ­HOSPITAL AND AMERICAN LEBANESE ALSAC, and its tireless efforts and persistent fund- loving hand continue to guide you in all your work. is to lead and coordinate by bringing together, not to SYRIAN ASSO­ CIATED CHARITIES raising and awareness programs, the financial frame- The General Assembly approved all five resolu- act in a unilateral manner; (this primacy of honor is WHEREAS the hierarchs, clergy and faithful work to keep St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital tions by acclamation. exercised within the context of collegiality, conciliar- of this God-protected Antiochian Orthodox Arch- in existence has been assured for many, many years XI. Old Business ity and non-interference in the internal affairs of the diocese of North America have met as the Gen- to come; XII. New Business Local Churches); eral Assembl­ y at the 54th Antiochian Orthodox AND WHEREAS the current yearly budget A. Report on the 2021 Archdiocese Convention AND WHEREAS any approach for granting Christian Archdiocesan Convention here in Grand of St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, this year – St. George Cathedral, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania autocephaly must be in accordance with Ortho- Rapids,­ Michigan; alone, exceeds one billion dollars and continues to Mr. Raed Sweiss and Ms. Carole Jazzar, dox ecclesiology, and consequently must respect the AND WHEREAS, more than 80 years ago, grow, and still no patient or their family must pay for ­Co-Chairs, Department of Convention Planning,

12 October 2019 The Word 13 introduced Fr. Joshua Mackoul, Pastor of St. George O’Hare Airport Hotel. “FROM THESE STONES” Cathedral, Ms. Kweilin Nassar, and Dr. ­Stephen Fr. Joseph Purpura moved to accept the bid. Kh. DEPARTMENT OF MISSIONS AND EVANGELISM ­Esper. The committee announced a room rate of Hajal seconded the motion. The Assembly accepted $149 per night at the Wyndham Grand Hotel in the bid. Pittsburgh’s Golden Triangle. A video presentation D. Fr. Thomas Zain, Vicar General, announced highlighted many Pittsburgh attractions. that the Board of Trustees and the Governing Coun- COURAGE IN CHRIST Bishop THOMAS moved to accept the report. cil of the Order of St. Ignatius of Antioch would Archpriest Noah Bushelli Fr. John Salem seconded the motion. The Assembly meet in Brooklyn, October 18–20, 2019. Events that th (A homily given at the Archdiocesan Convention) received the report. weekend would mark the 125 anniversary of St. B. Report on Bids for the 2023 Archdiocese Nicholas and the 100th anniversary of its State Street Convention – St. George Church, Phoenix, Ar­ izona location. Mr. Sweiss and Ms. Jazzar introduced Fr. Chris- E. Report of the Nominating Committee for the e are enjoying such gracious The problem is that we have lost God as the center of our topher Salamy and Sub-deacon Gregory Abdalah to Board of Trustees – Archpriest Thomas Zain, Chair, hospitality and peace in Christ lives. represent St. George Church of Phoenix. They made presented the slate of candidates for the Archdiocese during this holy convention, Perhaps we are just simply weak and weary, iso- a video presentation and announced a room rate of Board of Trustees. but don’t forget: We are warriors! lated and satiated, distressed and distracted, leaving $185 per night at the JW Marriott Desert Ridge Prior to elections, Metropolitan JOSEPH ap- Our foes are fierce, the battle lines many of our parishes bleeding, infected, and on life- Hotel. pointed Mr. Gregory Laham as an honorary lifetime drawn, and casualties piled high. support. member of the Board of Trustees in recognition of America’s greatest generation beat the commu- No wonder we are considered successful when his long-time sacrificial service to the Archdiocese. nists on foreign shores. We won the Cold War. The we merely keep the doors open. No wonder we He then appointed Mr. Rami Younes to fulfill the time-bomb of atheistic Marxism, however, was snuck are tempted to betray the faith in shame, vanity, remaining two years of Mr. Laham’s full term. into our society through the academy and ­exploded and laziness.­ No wonder we stay silent, clinging to Metropolitan JOSEPH appointed Mr. Fawaz in the sexual revolution – Woodstock was fifty years ­society’s acceptance and our tax-exempt status. Elkhoury, Mr. Mansour Rayan, Ms. Mary Winstan- ago – undermining traditional church, family, and Let’s stop and ask ourselves: Have we laid aside ley-O’Connor, Ms. Kelly Khoury Nagle, and Mr. humanity. the great commission, like fishing nets, to jump into James Moses to full terms on the Board of Trustees. Marriage is mocked by divorce and debauch- the sea and swim with the fish? Have we become too Fr. Joseph Purpura moved that the Secretary cast ery. Babies are avoided and aborted. We outsource sophisticated for the Holy Fathers, allowing science­ one unanimous ballot for the submitted list of nom- inees. Dr. Elias Hebeka seconded the motion. The motion passed, and the Assembly elected the follow- ing nominees to the Archdiocese Board of Trustees: “I can do all things through Mr. Daniel Abraham Mr. Edward Assile Christ who strengthens me.” Mr. Richard Ayoub Mr. Dan Braun our loved ones to daycares, secular schools, nursing and shallow scholarship to supplant Scripture and Fr. Estephan of St. Mary’s Church in Pawtucket, Mr. Elie J. Haig homes, and funeral parlors. We bring anti-­Christian Tradition? Have we, like Esau, sold our birthright Rhode Island, had expressed interest in bidding for Ms. Darlene Haddad media into our homes to mesmerize and catechize for a bowl of lentils? this convention, but the committee viewed the bid Ms. Carol Lahalm us. Sixty percent of our children leave the faith. Why? We are warriors! Not against flesh and blood, but as premature due to a lack of hotel space in the city. Mr. Doughlas Skaff Perhaps we are the salt losing its saltiness. Per- against principalities, against powers, against the rul- They encouraged a future bid. Dr. George Thomas haps we are the city hiding behind the hill. Perhaps ers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts The Assembly accepted the bid of St. George Mr. Dimitri Zeidan we are forgetting our call as “a royal priesthood, a of wickedness in the heavenly places. The battle is for Church of Phoenix. XIII. Adjournment and Closing Prayer holy nation, a peculiar people.” Perhaps we have only the hearts and minds of our people. Do we have the C. Report on Bids for the 2025 Archdiocese Fr. Ghattas Hajal moved to adjourn the ­Assembly. half-renounced the world to begin with, and are torn courage of David, to step out against Goliath­ with Convention – St. George Church, Cicero, Illinois Fr. Demetri Darwish seconded the motion. The between our two masters. Perhaps we’re persuaded only a sling and a prayer? Ms. Sweiss and Ms. Jazzar announced that for the ­motion passed, and His Grace Bishop ­ANTHONY by the propaganda of our opponent, suggesting we I do. I have courage in Christ with you because of first time the Archdiocese was entertaining bids for closed the General Assembly with prayer at 1:07 replace dogma and holiness with accommodation the clergy and faithful in a forgotten California log- a convention six years in advance. Theyintr ­ oduced PM. and compromise. ging town, who introduced me, a spacy, self-center­ ed Fr. Fouad Saba and Ms. Darlene Haddad to make Respectfully submitted, Perhaps we need to listen to Elder Paisios, who flower-child, to the One who clothes the lilies of the the presentation for St. George Church of Cicer­ o, V. Rev. Fr. Michael Ellias, Secretary gives us the answer to anxiety by reframing the prob- field. I – we – have courage in Christ, who illumines ­Illinois. They announced a room rate of $189 per Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of lem: not drugs, alcohol, tranquilizers, psychiatric many, like us, hung-over from nihilism and narcis- night plus $10 per night for parking at the Hyatt North America treatment . . . yoga, new age or eastern meditation. sism, progressivism, and individualism. We have

14 October 2019 The Word 15 ANTIOCHIAN ORTHODOX CHRISTIAN ARCHDIOCESE OF NORTH AMERICA Office of Planning, Policy and Public Affairs “And the disciples were first called Christians in Antioch.” Acts 11:26

Top Left: His Eminence Metropolitan JOSEPH METROPOLITAN JOSEPH ATTENDS with U.S. Secretary of State, Michael Pompeo STATE DEPARTMENT Center Left: His Eminence Metropolitan JOSEPH with Alex Azar, U.S. SUMMIT ON RELIGIOUS FREEDOM Secretary of Housing and Human Services Bottom Left: His Eminence Metropolitan In July of this year, His Eminence Metropoli- JOSEPH attends the State courage in Christ under the ­protecting veil of our We have courage in Christ because He is tanPH JOSE was an honored guest at the State Department Ministerial to Advance Religious Free- Champion Leader, surrounded by the great cloud of • with us, receiving our repentance; ­Department Ministerial to Advance Religious Free- dom, July 2019 witnesses and the heavenly hosts. • honoring our intentions; dom, hosted by Secretary of State Michael Pompeo Top Right: State Depart- ment Ministerial to Ad- We have courage in Christ in today’s read- • inspiring our virtue; and in Washington, D.C. vance Religious Freedom, ings and : in our Lord’s healing the bleeding • crowning our success! Through this gathering, the State Department attended by His Eminence Metropolitan JOSEPH ­woman and calling us out of isolation; in St. Paul’s seeks to affirm international commitments to pro- We have courage in Christ because He is bear- Bottom Right: Ambas- reminder that, though enslaved to the world, in put- mote religious freedom for all, including persecuted sador Sam Brownback ing with us the hatred and persecution of Satan addressing the attendees ting on Christ we are redeemed, liberated, adopted Christians in the . There was a broad and his servants as we stand for truth. Our people, at the State Department by God; in St. Paraskeva of Rome, who dedicated range of attendees, including over a thousand senior Ministerial to Advance ­especially or youth, need clear, truly Orthodox ex- Religious Freedom, at- her wealth and beauty solely to God’s glory; in St. government representatives, religious leaders, and tended by His Eminence amples, instr­ uctions, and boundaries, regarding life, Jacob of ­Alaska, who overcame obstacles in language international organizations. This was one of the larg- Metropolitan JOSEPH marriage, procreation, sexuality, gender, theology, and and logistics, failing health, and fellow-­ministers to est gatherings in the history of ecclesiology. preach the gospel to his people. the State Department. Attend- We have courage in Christ because He is with We have courage in Christ in our convention ees met over a two-day period us, purifying, illumining, and deifying us in the theme (thank you, Sayidna, for your courageous to identify concrete ways to ­sacraments and asceticism. We have courage in leadership!), “I can do all things through Christ who combat religious persecution Christ because He is with us, right now, making this strengthens me.” This apostolic drumbeat, the very and discrimination, and to en- convention a turning point in our service to God, heartbeat of God, pulsing in His people’s steady sure greater respect for free- leading His people in a way of life that is pleasing march, is entrusted to us for transmission without dom of religion or belief. to Him. We have courage in Christ, knowing that improvisation to the next generation. During his time in Wash- He has already conquered sin, the devil, and death. ington, His Eminence also We have courage in Christ to keep our churches strong: We are warriors, rightly rejoicing with the saints and had individual meetings with • pulsing with prayer and repentance; ­angels at the victory banquet of Christ our Lord. Secretary of State Michael • surging with service and sacrifice; Stop the music a moment! The war may be won, ­Pompeo and Alex M. Azar II, • living in liturgy and community; and but our duty isn’t done. What about our brothers, Secretary of the Department of • existing for education and evangelism. the fallen, the wounded, still embattled and captive? Health and Human Services. They need us. A closing question to haunt us: I know We have courage in Christ to keep our churches strong: we have courage in Christ but do I – you – do we • not confused about biology, but constant in the have enough love for Christ to return to the bloody Bible;­ battlefield with the good news of His victor­ y? • not in conflict over rubrics and recipes, micro-tones To Him be all glory forever and ever. and bureaucracies, but cooperating to share the Archpriest Noah Bushelli medicine of immortality; St. Philip Church, Souderton, Pennsylvania • not content with institutional survival, but confi- dent in our Savior’s promises; and • not comfortably numb, but crucified with Christ.



Most conservative evangelicals believe that, if cli- (Genesis 1:26–28). The term dominion, together with mate change is really a problem, God will take care the phrase “fill the earth and subdue it,” has for centu- of it Himself; that He will not allow His creation ries – especially in the Industrial Age – been inter- to be destroyed. (See https://www.washingtonpost. preted by some to mean ‘control,’ ‘ownership,’ ‘mas- com/posteverything/wp/2017/06/02/why-dont- tery,’ and so on. It has been thought that the earth christian-conservatives-worry-about-climate- is here for us to do with as we please. The­ result change-god/?utm_term=.cb2b12bf3097). Thus, of this mindset? ­Species driven to some get the idea that Christians are not unnatural extinction, artificial/ concerned with climate change. As mutant species like “kill- with many other areas of theology, er bees,” over-farming this shows that these evangelicals which lead to the 1930s really don’t know the Bible, be- Dust Bowl, destroyed cause nothing can be further ecosystems, “killer­ from the truth. smog” in Do- Before Abraham, be- nora, Pennsyl­ fore Noah, before the com- vania­ in 1948 mandment concerning the and ­London in Fruit of the Tree, at the 1952, and climate very time of our creation, change. This year God gave humanity its marked the fif- first mandate: “Then God tieth anniversary said, ‘Let Us make man of the catching in Our image, ac- fire of Cleveland’s cording to Our Cuyahoga River, likeness; let an event that fi- them have nally started ­dominion people think- over…” ing about

18 October 2019 The Word 19 Come, let us worship


what we are doing to the planet. During the same time, we have to do things on our own to help keep period, on the legendary variety show Rowan and creation healthy. As the holy Apostle James said in LIVING THE LITURGY – Martin’s Laugh-In, a faux news scroll on the screen his Epistle: “If a brother or sister is naked and destitute announced that water had been discovered under of daily food, and one of you says to them, ‘Depart in Lake Erie, a reference to the Lake’s cesspool condi- peace, be warmed and filled,’ but you do not give them A PRACTICAL REFLECTION tion at the time. the things which are needed for the body, what does it Gregory Abdalah Had God truly reserved care for creation to profit?’” ( James 2:15–16). It is not enough to pray; PART 2 OF 10 Himself, would He have allowed us to cause all the we must also act. Laws can only go so far; what we damage – some irreparable, some fixable – we al- do in our daily lives matters much more. God will ready have? Probably not. Or would He have, at help us, but the responsibility is ours. Therefore, it Though we may go to a building in our city or have the food we need. In our last petition, we pray least, mystically cleaned it all up? Definitely. But it is every Orthodox Christians’ sacred obligation to a neighboring city when we go to church, some- for ourselves, asking God to “help us, save us, and was and is our responsibility and we abused it and care for creation and do what he or she can to miti- thing happens. As people, created in the image and have mercy on us.” After all that, we remember the continue to abuse it! It’s our mess to clean up… with gate, and, if possible, undo, the damage our ances- after the likeness of God, the community formed ­Theotokos and all the saints, setting them before His help! Just as a parent forces their child (who’s tors have done and we continue to do. within the Divine Liturgy becomes the backbone God as intercessors on our behalf. In other words, old enough to know better) who has recklessly We are allowed to make use of creation (Genesis for our other communities. The Liturgy teaches us, we ask them to put in a good word for us. Finally, ­broken something to deal with the consequences; so 2:16, 9:3; Ps. 103/104:14–15), but it must be in a guides us, and forms us. When we gather, we join we recognize that God is a good God, and that He God the Father does the same with us, His children. sustainable, non-destructive, humane, eco-friendly with other communities who are gathered, graft- loves us. We seem to be asking for a lot, which is ‘Dominion’ doesn’t mean ‘control’, it means way, one that benefits creation and not just human ing ourselves to one another within the Body of why we keep repeating, “Lord, have mercy.” Follow- ‘stewardship’, it is our realm or area of responsibil- beings. We show our love for God by showing our Christ. We are called out of the world in which we ing the opening ektenia, we ask the Theotokos to ity; a concept pre-Industrial-Age humanity under- loving care for His creation … all of it. Many of our live and work every day, into an alternate reality, so pray for us, and then we ask Christ, the Son of God, stood, and which traditional cultures, such as the monasteries are examples of this in action, raising that, ­having joined the Body of Christ, we might be who is Only-begotten, to save us. After all that, we Native Americans, still do. The consensus of the sheep for weaving (Holy Myrrhbearers, New York), transformed. “enter” into the Church. In the early days, the liturgy Church Fathers interprets the quote given above bees for honey and candles (St. John of San Fran- The Divine Liturgy begins with the words began with a procession through the city. The Gos- not only in terms of procreation, but also in terms of cisco, California), olives for olive oil (St. Paisius, “Blessed is the Kingdom…,” recognizing that when pel book was carried throughout the town and, once creation itself: “Be fruitful and multiply (in the fruits Arizona), making organic house-hold products we gather together, we join with the angels stand- they got to the front door of the church, the deacon of the Spirit), fill the earth (with the word of God) and (St. Xenia, Missouri). Some do similar things the ing before the Throne of God, praising Him. Every- would hold up the Gospel book and say, “Wisdom! subdue it (to His will),” That puts avery different same way, including subsistence living (St. Nilus, thing in the church is designed to remind us that we Let us attend!” Everyone would then sing, “Come, spin on things, doesn’t it? This is the Ortho- ­Alaska), all in pristinely maintained natural are standing in God’s presence. We stand in front of let us worship and fall down before Christ ...” and dox Christian view of creation. We pray surroundings which allow one to feel a throne and we bow, just like we would bow before then enter the church together. We see the last rem- at nearly every service, “for season- like St. Sergius (in the woods) a king. We have icons, which we call “windows into nants of this when we see a bishop serve. The bishop able weather, for the abundance or St. Mary of Egypt (in the heaven,” reminding us that we join the Saints who does not enter the altar until after the singing of the of the fruits of the earth and for desert), as though one is are present with us in the Kingdom, supporting Entrance Hymn – “Come, let us worship.” peaceful times” (Great Litany). in the wilderness. Some us, and praising God with us. The architecture, the This hymn, “Come, let us worship,” is an invita- If God had reserved the provide walking paths ­music, the incense, and even the priest’s vestments, tion. There is a comma after the word come. We are care of creation to Himself, with shrines to enhance all call us into an alternate reality, where something invited to be a part of the community gathered to- we wouldn’t have to ask, the experience (Dormi- big is happening. gether to worship God, and we have the choice to He’d just do it. Because tion, Michigan, and St. We begin with the words, “Blessed is the King- respond with “OK!” or “no way!” If we say “OK!” we we are responsible for cre- Tikhon, Pennsylva- dom,” a reminder that we enter into God’s King- belong to a community that is God’s, and ultimate- ation, however, we have nia). God promised He dom, His time, and stand before His throne. In the ly we belong to God. We are His. We often don’t to ask for His help on behalf would never again destr­ oy ancient times, when someone was given a chance to think of community in this way, but it’s inherent in of ­creation. “Ask rain from the all life or flood the earth meet the king, they would come and stand before the language that we use. What does it mean to be Lord in the season of (Genesis 8:21, 9:11). If it his throne, and humbly ask him for what they need. members of the Body of Christ? the spring rain, from happens again, it will be at We see this in movies and on TV all that time. We We say: “I belong to the football team”; “I be- the Lord Who makes our own hands. do the same thing, though we don’t always look at long to the math league”; “I belong to the YMCA”; the storm clouds, Reader Daniel Manzuk it this way. We say some petitions, asking God to and so on. If I belong to something, does that thing St. Mary’s Cathedral (OCA), Who gives men show- ­Minneapolis help us. We ask for all kinds of things: for the peace own me? What does this mean when we start talk- ers of rain, to everyone of the whole world, for the churches of God, for ing about social media and those communities? the vegetation in the field” our bishops and all the clergy, and for the leaders We’ll look at this next month. Gregory Abdalah, D.Min. (Zechariah 10:1; cf. James of our country. We pray for the environment, that 5:17–18). At the same the seasons will be as they should be, and that we

20 October 2019 PRAY, FAST, GIVE Maria Koropsak

Very Reverend Father Charles Baz led a retreat for Antiochian Women from the Eastern Dioceses (New York and Washington, D.C., Diocese, and Oakland, Charleston and-Mid Atlantic Diocese), March 28–30.

he topic for our Lenten retreat demonstrated how to make the koliva for Satur- was “Pray, Fast, Give,” and Fa- day’s Memorial service. It was a unique experience ther Charles Baz was our lead- for many of us new to the Orthodox faith. Koliva er. The liturgies, the Akathist, is made for memorials for the departed. The main ­. St. Theodore the Tyro, who had died you do not appear to men to be fasting, but to Vespers, Orthros, and learning ingredient, wheat, brings to mind the quote from in the early 300’s, appeared to the Patriarch of your Father who is in the secret place; and your from Father Charles’ teaching, John’s Gospel: “Unless a wheat of grain falls into the Constantinople, Eudoxios, in a dream, tell- Father who sees in secret will reward you open- all refreshed us. earth and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears ing him that Christians should just boil wheat ly (6:16–18). TThe retreat started off on Friday, March 29, much fruit” (John 12:24). from their homes and sweeten it with honey, to Fr. Charles, relying on St. Basil the Great, noted 2019, with the beautiful Akathist to the Mother Andrew Athanasiou’s article explains our tradi- avoid the polluted foods at the market. that “fasting is not abstaining from food only, but of God Service. I learned the following about the tion beautifully: Saturday morning, we had Divine Liturgy for also abstaining from sin. Fasting is the accuser of Akathist from Hieromonk Job Gumerov: this ser- Soul Saturday. As explained in the article, during sin, and the advocate of repentance, and the life Koliva is boiled wheat with (depending vice was written in honor of the Mother of God, this Liturgy we commemorate our hierarchs and worthy of angels and the salvation of humans.” on the recipe) a combination of some or all of and was sung standing all night, from Friday to Sat- loved ones departed from this life. Fr. Charles observed that Adam and Eve were the following ingredients: powdered , al- urday of the fifth week of , after the Or- Sunday morning started with Orthros and Di- exiled from Paradise because of their disobedience monds, ground walnuts, seeds, cinna- thodox victory over the Persians and Avars, under vine Liturgy (the Third Sunday of Lent) This was in eating the forbidden fruit. When Adam and Eve mon, seeds, raisins, , Shah Hosroes Sarvar, who attacked Constantinople followed by the Procession of the Holy Cross, a ate, they surely died. Death entered into the world and more. in 626 A.D. The imperial city had been surrounded beautiful veneration of the Holy Cross of our Lord. and they were separated from God and all their de- As Orthodox Christians we are awaiting the by sea and by land. The situation was hopeless. The Father Charles noted that his teachings were scendants, the entire human race. Their transgres- Second Coming and the General Resurrection Mother of God gave her miraculous help and the drawn from the teachings of Father Thomas Hopko sion entered into the human race by their mouths. of the dead, through Christ we have Life! But, city was saved. Out of thanksgiving for this inter- of blessed memory. Here are some of the things he As they were expelled from Paradise by the action remembering the memory of our deceased be- cession the feast of the Laudation of the Most Pure said that truly resonated with me. The three pillars of eating, we are invited back into Paradise by the loved ones is an opportunity to pray for the Mother of God (Saturday Akathist) was instituted. of the Great Fast of our Holy Orthodox Faith are action of eating, in the Holy Eucharist, a foretaste souls of the departed as well as a way to help us The word rejoice, heard repeatedly in the service, is outlined by our Lord Jesus Christ Himself, in his of the heavenly banquet. During the Great Fast we heal from the death. taken from the Gospels. This is how the Archangel Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 6:1–20): train and discipline our mouths both ways; by what Koliva is an important part for the begin- Gabriel greeted the Mother of God when he an- • We pray to God. we eat and by what we say. ning of Lent. The first Saturday of Lent and nounced that the Messiah who would be born of • We fast for ourselves. The Great Fast should be a joyous time. After the previous two Saturdays leading up to it her: “Rejoice, Thou are full of grace! The Lord is with • We give to others. a weary winter, we look forward in anticipation to are called the Saturdays of the Souls. Saturday, Thee. Blessed are thou among women” (Luke 1:28). To truly participate in Pascha, we must diligent- the coming of spring. As we journey through the year round, is a remembrance of the dead, but After dinner, we watched a wonderful mov- ly prepare by praying, fasting, and almsgiving. The blessed struggle of the Great Fast, we anticipate the these particular Saturdays the remembrance is ie called “Life is Beautiful,” an incredibly moving Orthodox Church is the Church of the Resurrec- joy of Pascha. intensified. According to tradition,Koliva ­ is story about love, family and the greatest love any- tion. Our ultimate goal is the resurrection. Jesus is On prayer, we hear the following from our Lord: one can give. Jesus said “Greater love has no one connected to Lent because of a miracle from th the only basis for “resurrection, life and hope.” And when you pray, you shall not be like the than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends” St. Theodore the Tyro. In the 4 Century On fasting, we read in Matthew’s Gospel, hypocrites. For they love to pray standing in the ( John 15:13). This set the tone for our retreat. We AD, Emperor Julian the Apostate knew that Moreover, when you fast, do not be like synagogues and on the corners of the streets, know that the greatest love in history is the love our Christians would be hungry after the first the hypocrites, with a sad countenance. For that they may be seen by men. Assuredly, I say Lord Jesus Christ showed in laying down his life for week of strict fasting, which would make them they disfigure their faces that they may appear to you, they have their reward. But you, when the salvation of the world. His love drives us to the go to the markets in Constantinople to buy to men to be fasting. Assuredly, I say to you, you pray, go into your room, and when you have three Lenten pillars of praying, fasting, and giving. food. Emperor Julian ordered blood from pa- they have their reward. But you, when you fast, shut your door, pray to your ­Father who is in the After the movie Friday evening, we gathered in gan ­sacrifices to be sprinkled on the food that anoint your head and wash your face, so that secret place; and your Father who sees in secret the lobby and Rula Khoury (our AWE President) was sold there, trying to force the Christians to

22 October 2019 The Word 23 PRAY, FAST, GIVE

will reward you openly. And when you pray, do St. John Chrysostom writes, “Almsgiving is not use vain repetitions as the heathen do. For greater than all virtues. It places its lovers by the TOWARDS A VISION OF they think that they will be heard for their side of the King Himself, and justly,” and, “feeding a many words. Therefore do not be like them. For hungry person is better than raising someone from your Father knows the things you have need of the dead.” The Greek word means “act of mercy.” THE SPIRITUAL before you ask Him (Matthew 6:5–8). We read in Matthew 25: 34–36, 40: To abstain from certain foods without an in- Then the King will say to those on His right FORMATION OF YOUTH creased prayer life and doing charitable works hand, ‘Come, you blessed of My Father, inherit (almsgiving) is futile. the kingdom prepared for you from the foun- THIS DOCUMENT IS INTENDED TO BE USED AS A GUIDE FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF A Father Charles made the following points: dation of the world: for I was hungry and you UNIFIED VISION OF ORTHODOX YOUTH SPIRITUAL FORMATION BY THE ASSEMBLY OF • Prayer is communication and communion with gave Me food; I was thirsty and you gave Me CANONICAL BISHOPS OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (“ASSEMBLY”). IT IS NOT drink; I was a stranger and you took Me in; I God. A FINAL STATEMENT OR DECISIVE ROADMAP FOR ACHIEVING THE VISION. INSTEAD, • The Lord Jesus Christ Himself was a man of was naked and you clothed Me; I was sick and prayer. you visited Me; I was in prison and you came IT IS AN OPENING OF A DISCUSSION ON HOW BEST TO DEVELOP AND ENACT A VI- • The Lord instructs us and teaches us to pray. to Me … SION OF SPIRITUAL FORMATION. WE NOTE THAT EACH JURISDICTION IS BEGINNING And the King will answer and say to them, • Whenever the disciples were in trouble or at a TO MAKE HEADWAY IN DEVELOPING A MORE COMPREHENSIVE APPROACH TO OR- loss, Jesus was praying. ‘Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it THODOX YOUTH SPIRITUAL FORMATION FROM BOTH THEOLOGICAL AND PRACTICAL • Every righteous person, male or female, in the to one of the least of these My brethren, you Holy Scriptures, Old and New Testament, did it to Me.” PERSPECTIVES. prayed. Fr. Charles noted that it is the only thing God • The Saints in heaven are in a continual state of will judge us for in the Last Judgement, hence, the prayer: We pray through them and they pray Gospel reading of Meatfare Sunday (Matthew for us. 25:31–46). He pointed out that “your salvation • We are to “pray without ceasing” (1 Thessalo- could be contained in that little 3x3-inch donation nians 5:17). box of Food for Hungry People.” Father went on to teach about the two forms of Father Charles concluded by saying that Ortho- prayer: the communal, or community, prayers – the doxy is above all the Church of the Resurrection, for Church; and personal or devotional prayer – the its very foundation is the Risen Christ, and He is individual in private. Both are important for the the only basis for Christian existence, life and hope. spiritual life. Father Charles explained that “you” Unfortunately, many of our people do not fully ex- is sometimes singular and sometimes plural in perience the profound joy of Pascha. This is because ­Matthew 6:5–8 and in the Lord’s Prayer; the singu- they fail to embrace fully a necessary time of prep- lar “you” applies to devotional prayer, and the plural aration. For without an ‘expectant preparation’ the “you” to communal prayer. deeper meaning of Pascha is lost. The Lord says this about almsgiving: The teaching of Father Charles brought about a deeper, spiritual understanding of the beautiful dis- Take heed that you do not do your chari- ciplines of our Holy Orthodox faith, as he brought table deeds before men, to be seen by them. together the meaning of these disciplines and the The Committee for Youth (“the Committee”) mented. While there have been significant efforts to ­Otherwise you have no reward from your reason why Mother Church gives them to us. They has drafted several initial attempts to define Ortho- minister to youth during their teen years, as well as ­Father in heaven. Therefore, when you do a are passed on for the health of our souls, so that we dox youth spiritual formation. These papers can be during college, the question remains, “What distin- charitable deed, do not sound a trumpet before may know how to prepare in anticipation for the accessed at guishes those who remain involved in the Church you as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and joyous moment when we meet the Lord in the ulti- workers/formation. This document summarizes those from those who reject the Church, either outright, in the streets, that they may have glory from mate, eternal Pascha in the heavenly kingdom. papers and is designed to present both a r­ationale for or simply by drifting away?” Although there may be men. Assuredly, I say to you, they have their re- All Glory be to God the Father, God the Son and acting, and actionable steps and r­ecommendations any number of contributing factors, at the most basic ward. But when you do a charitable deed, do God the Holy Spirit – The Blessed Holy Trinity! for furthering this work in a unified manner. level, the response often depends on whether or not not let your left hand know what your right Maria Koropsak hand is doing, that your charitable deed may be Religious Coordinator, Antiochian Women of the East the young person has a living, experiential relation- RATIONALE in secret; and your Father who sees in secret will ship with Christ. Current American culture pres- Himself reward you openly” (Matthew 6:1–4). The disturbing trend of young people leaving the ents a unique set of challenges to youth f­ormation Church as they enter adulthood has been well docu- that cannot be sufficiently addressed by trying to

24 October 2019 The Word 25 SPIRITUAL FORMATION OF YOUTH

diverse circumstances in which our youth live. the Divine Services, the Holy Fathers and Mothers 1. “Working Document of Spiritual Forma- What Is Orthodox Youth Spiritual Formation? throughout history, as well as this present day – a de- tion,” Antiochian Orthodox youth spiritual formation is, broadly liberate path forward in developing an Orthodox ap- Orthodox Christian speaking, the growth in spiritual maturity among our proach to Youth Formation. This approach, current Archdiocese Depart- young people that enables them to see themselves in and effective, will address the unique needs and cir- ment of Youth. 2. Rom. 12:2, Gal. 4:19. Christ, and to see Christ at work in them.1 As we cumstances of Orthodoxy in America. This dialogue 3. John Chrysostom, consider both the potential that our young people and direction should help educate youth workers. It “Homily II: Eutropi- have in Christ, and the spiritual dangers that con- should present concrete material on ways in which us having been found outside the Church front them, we are committed to building up young form, deeply and broadly, the identity of our young had been taken Cap- people as members of the Body of Christ. people as children of the light, working out their sal- tive,” Nicene and vation here in North America in the Twenty-First Post-Nicene Fa- thers of the Chris- PRACTICAL STEPS the Church Can Take to Century. tian Church, Vol. IV Support the Work of Orthodox Youth Spiritual For- The Committee for Youth believes that new tools (Grand Rapids, MI: mation and approaches to Orthodox spiritual formation are WM. B. Eerdmans crucially needed if we are to succeed in Christ’s call Publishing Compa- ­replicate models of Orthodox youth spiritual forma- spiritual formation; and 1. To truly care about the salvation of our youth, ny, 1975), 264. to pass on the message of salvation to our youth, and tion that have been successful in other historical and 3. to provide recommendations on ways in which and really seek to form them as children of 4. Gal. 5:22, p. to help them enter into life with Christ. geographic Orthodox contexts. We do not live in an the Assembly might move forward to discuss God – as disciples and leaders of the Church Spiritual formation is not separate from youth Orthodox-majority country, and only rarely live in our approach to Orthodox youth spiritual for- – we must take seriously that we are raising up ministry in general but is a broader description of tightly knit, Orthodox-minority co­ mmunities. mation, and how we might restructure it. a generation of disciples and leaders for Christ what youth ministry has as its true aim. We fall short Within the North American context, there is a and His Holy Orthodox Church. of the mark if we reduce youth spiritual formation great deal of diversity among Orthodox commu- GUIDING PRINCIPLES 2. We must actively invest in the development to youth ministry programs. Orthodox youth spir- nities, that results in a broad range of models of not just of our youth, but of those ministering We are guided by four key principles: itual formation should not be merely accidental. It ­Orthodox youth spiritual formation. In the past, and supporting our youth. This includes clergy, 1. A vision of Orthodox youth spiritual ­formation should be a deliberate effort to transform lives and many of our Orthodox communities have relied on families, youth workers, religious education in- must be theologically Orthodox. Its develop- save souls. Our youth are either “conformed to this Western Christian approaches for youth formation structors, and anyone else directly involved in ment and enactment need to reflect Orthodox world,” or they are “transformed by the renewing” that are not Orthodox in their ethos or praxis. These forming our youth. Christianity specifically, and not simply be of their minds, which can only happen as Christ is past approaches have had varying levels of success 3. We can develop accessible resources that are borrowed and repurposed from other groups. formed in them.2 Formation of our youth, as Saint and theological consistency. The challenges that the connected across ages, jurisdictions, and pro- 2. Orthodox youth spiritual formation is not a John Chrysostom reflects3, is about choosing to be American context presents for supporting our youth grams, and that appropriately support forma- singular event or activity, nor is it an individu- formed as a beautiful person from within. The gifts of require a distinctly Orthodox approach that attends tion of our youth. Our methods of teaching al program. Rather, it is a continuous and uni- the Holy Spirit (love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kind- to the particularities of this context, and which can need to become “cutting edge,” and at the same fied integration of our youth within the life of ness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-con- be applied and adapted across Orthodox commu- time bring with them the timeless wisdom of the Church. It is supported not only by parents, trol.”4) are essential in forming the identity of Chil- nities in America. It is not enough to be Orthodox the Church. clergy, and youth ministers, but also through dren of God. Our task is to help form disciples who by heritage, to know the teachings and practices of 4. We can promote the spiritual growth of the the entire body of the Church, on a daily basis are beautiful in their identity and personhood before the Faith, or to participate in youth ministry organ­ Church overall, and foster opportunities for and in all that we do. God and His people. It is also about developing in izations. To remain steadfast, the young Orthodox youth to learn from the witness of Orthodoxy 3. Orthodox youth spiritual formation must de- our youth the yearning for the very presence of the Christian on the threshold of adulthood must have in the lives of others. velop the faith, knowledge, and skills of our Lord – the yearning for the full establishment of the come to know Christ very early in his or her life, even 5. We can regularly experience the active involve- youth to engage the world around them, to the Kingdom of Heaven here and now – the yearning for from birth. Consequently, there is an essential need ment of our bishops in the daily lives of our glory of God. the end of the nonsense of this fallen world and the for the members of the Assembly purposefully to de- churches. 4. Orthodox youth spiritual formation must in- restoration of the Kingdom in all places. Not in the velop a vision of the spiritual formation of Orthodox clude the home and, more importantly, ­parents. sense of avoiding the world, but fully engaging the youth, and to support it. In many homes, parents may be no closer to BROADER RECOMMENDATIONS FOR world as a citizen of the Kingdom. a relationship with Christ than their children. MOVING FORWARD THE PURPOSE OF THIS DOCUMENT IS Orthodox youth spiritual formation, therefore, Ultimately, the Church in America needs to 1. to begin to define what is meant yb ­Orthodox must encompass the entire family. gather her bishops, priests, and lay leaders on the youth spiritual formation, and to affirm the 5. A vision of Orthodox youth spiritual f­ormation archdiocesan and diocesan levels, and the parents, principles which underlie it; must be accessible to all members of the Church. educators, youth workers, and young people to dive 2. to outline practical steps the Church might It needs to be communicated in a language our into the depths of Orthodoxy, and articulate anew – take to support the work of Orthodox youth youth can understand and be ­adaptable to the based on the Scriptures, the Fathers of the Church,

26 October 2019 The Word 27 to get dark. My brother later told us he was terri- It is important to remember what is most important STRENGTH THROUGH CHRIST fied and had started to panic because he didn’t know in the way you live your life, and not to get caught Judges’ Choice, the Oratorical Festival what to do. Finally, he decided to sit down and pray up in superficial or unimportant things. God gives for the Diocese of Los Angeles and the West to God. He said in that moment he heard the faint us the strength to resist temptations and maintain sound of one of us calling out his name. In his mo- our faith and love. Ellaney Matarese ment of fear, he was able to turn to God and God Numerous figures throughout Scriptures and helped him find his way home. extra-bibilical sources were given the strength to “I can do all things through Christ who will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Another meaning of Philippians 4:13 is that make ultimate sacrifices for the sake of spread- strengthens me” (Philippians 4:13). I first read this ­Jesus.” Through alleviating my worry through Christ gives us the strength to live by His example, ing God’s word. For example, for her salvation St. verse in a T-shirt shop at my prayer, I am strengthened by and the ability to inspire others to do the same. I try Mary of Egypt was willing to spend 47 years in the Junior Olympic track meet Christ, and given the ability to do this in my own life, with the goal of making desert in repentance. Not only was St. Athanasius two years ago. Since then it to conquer what lies ahead of the world a better place. As a competitive athlete, it ­exiled five times, and did he defend the Holy Trin- has been one of my favorite me. In the past I suffered with is easy to get caught up with the goal of winning, ity against Arianism (which denied the divinity of passages of Scripture. I have anxiety and OCD (obsessive- but whether I win or lose, I still try to be an exam- Christ), he struggled against emperors when the competed in the junior Olym- compulsive disorder). I felt ple to others. Although it may seem unlikely, I have faith demanded it. On Holy Saturday we remem- pics several times and have as though I were not truly in even become friends with my fiercest competitors; ber the three youths in the fire, who accepted a sen- come in second in the nation control of my own life; rather, I am always sure to congratulate them after a great tence to burn rather than deny their faith. Our Old and tenth in the nation in dif- the voice in my head was tell- race. Whether I win or lose, I try to be a good ex- Testament fathers were tortured, “had chains and ferent events. At these races, ing me what to do, and I was ample of sportsmanship, demonstrating the love of imprisonment, they were stoned, they were sawn in it’s traditional for competi- scared of what would hap- Christ. The more we love Christ, the more we can two, were tempted were slain with the sword . . . tors to get T-shirts with in- pen if I did not comply. My witness to His grace. While faith in itself is impor- . And all these, having obtained a good testimony spirational quotes printed on fears were irrational, and deep tant, it doesn’t mean anything without us living the through the faith, did not receive the promise, God them. I chose to put, “I can down I knew this, but I didn’t right way, too. We should live our lives following having provided something better for us, that they do all things through Christ have the strength to fight on Christ’s example, trying to do good in the world, should not be perfect apart from us.” We have to ask who strengthens me” on my my own. I felt as though I was and helping others and those in need. I have vol- ourselves, if given the opportunity, would we do the T-shirt. At that time, I inter- falling into a dark hole and, unteered at Childrens Hospital, Los Angeles, and same as the saints throughout history? This ques- preted the passage to mean each time I tried to climb out, also earned my Girl Scout Gold Award planning tion is difficult to answer, but we must remember that God could help me to I fell down deeper. When I and running a camp for the Boys and Girls Club that Christ will give us the strength to do all things. overcome the challenges I face, felt as though there was no es- of Monrovia. Helping children who are sick or who God loves us so much that He will not abandon particularly the grueling race to the finish line, and cape, I turned to God, to prayer, asking Him to give are in need has brought me great joy. I’ve learned us, no matter what the challenge. We hope that we through the pain of pushing past my previous phys- me strength. And although it was a long and diffi- you can do anything you put your mind to, but this won’t face many of the physical challenges of our ical limits. Now, however, I know it means so much cult journey, I gained strength through prayer, and means nothing unless you do it with love. “And al- forefathers, but the psychological and spiritual chal- more. Philippians 4:13 is significant in my own life I was able to overcome my struggles stronger than though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand lenges of our modern world may be just as diffi- because it empowers me to trust in God to over- before. In Matthew 17:20, Jesus tells His disciples, all mysteries and all knowledge, and though I have cult. In each case, and in many ways, our lives and come any challenge I may face, and to help others “If you have faith as a mustard seed, you will say all faith so that I could remove mountains, but have our ­actions preach the Gospel. As Francis of Assissi do the same. I know that I can release all my worries to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it not love, I am nothing” (1 Corinthians 14:5). When said, “Preach the Gospel; use words if necessary.” and trust in the Lord, finding peace and help from will move; and nothing will be impossible for you.” I am frustrated with my younger siblings or get- Lastly, Philippians 4:13 is significant in the God in prayer. From this, we can see that Philippians 4:13 truly ting upset over something essentially unimportant, sense that it reminds us that the Lord is always Furthermore, this verse helps me to know that means that, through trust in God, one can endure I pray to God to give me strength to be the big- present; He is there for us when we turn to Him. In I have the ability, the strength, to live following and accomplish all things. God will relieve you of ger person, to remember what is really important today’s society, psychologists and “wellness advisors” Christ’s example, and to inspire others to do the your worries when you don’t know what to do. “Cast in life, and to be full of love. In the Gospel of Mat- have developed various methods and tools to help same. Finally, I am reminded that the Lord is al­ ways all your care upon Him, for He cares for you” (1 thew, Christ says “Therefore I say to you, do not people deal with stress. One theory that is popu- present and can help me if I simply turn to him. Peter­ 5:7). worry about your life, what you will eat or what you lar right now is “mindfulness,” which is defined by Christ strengthens me through prayer by al- When my brother was nine years old, he went will drink; nor about your body, what you will put as a mental state achieved by focus- lowing me to let go of my anxiety and find peace. to a running camp in Mammoth. He was running on. Is not life more than food and the body more ing one’s awareness on the present moment, while This idea is almost perfectly captured in Philippians with his team on a trail in the mountains when he than clothing? Look at the birds of the air, for they calmly acknowledging and accepting one’s feelings ­4:5–9, which reads, “Be anxious for nothing, but in started to fall behind. When the group finished the ­neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns; yet your and thoughts. Rather than simply focusing on be- everything by prayer and supplication, with thanks- run, they realized he was not with them and imme- heavenly father feeds them…but seek first the king- ing present ourselves, however, it is so much more giving, let your requests be made known to God, and diately started searching for him. After half an hour dom of God and His righteousness, and all these powerful to focus on the fact that Christ is present the peace of God which surpasses all understanding­ , we still had not found him, and it was beginning things shall be added unto you” (Matthew 6:25–33). with us. Christ is and always will be there to give us Judges’ Choice

28 October 2019 The Word 29 Communities


strength when we need it: as He was for my brother ORTHODOX CHRISTIAN when he was lost in the forest at dusk; as He was COMMUNITIES IN ACTION for me when I was struggling with anxiety; as He FELLOWSHIP CHOOSES NEW is for all of us when we struggle with the challeng- EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR es of daily life. As in the “Footprints in the Sand” he remarked on the beauty of poem, Christ is there when we are most in need. Orthodox Christian Fellowship (OCF), the offi- the music that he said was “rare In the poem, there are two sets of footprints in the cial college ministry for all twelve jurisdictions of the in smaller churches.” Their sec- sand, representing Christ always walking next to Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops, has named ond priest, Archimandrite David­ the ­author during the course of his life. The author Rev. Deacon Marek Simon as Executive Director. Griffith, was unable to attend, of the poem asks Christ why, when at the times in He will begin his tenure on September 16, 2019. Dn. but sent greetings. Priest Isaac his life when he was most in need, there is only one Marek will be formally introduced to the dozens of Farha, now serving the parish, set of footprints on the sand. Did Christ abandon student leaders attending OCF’s Summer Leadership rejoiced that the spirit of renewal him then? Christ responds, “My precious child... Institute being held August 14–17 at the St. Iakovos was so strong. It was noted that during your times of trial and suffering, when you Retreat Center in Kansasville, Wisconsin. Fr. Isaac was once a parishioner see only one set of footprints, it was then that I After graduating from St. Vladimir’s Seminary in during his college years, com- carried you.” Christ is ever present with us and we 2001, Dn. Marek has been serving at Antiochian Vil- muting fifty miles every Sunday just need to remember that and trust in Him. lage Camp since 2002, where he oversees the develop- from Concordia, Kansas. While on the surface Philippians 4:13 may ment and advancement efforts of the camp. He also Thanks was also expressed for appear to be simple and straightforward, in real- serves as supervisor of the camp’s staff and manages its the support given by St. George ity there is so much meaning behind it. It shows team-building ropes course program. During this time, Cathedral and St. Mary Church, us that through faith in God and prayer, we have Dn. Marek remained committed to campus ministry, ALL SAINTS CHURCH, Wichita, Kansas, who were both the ­ability to conquer all of the challenges we face. serving as the advisor for OCF’s Student Leadership true sense that fresh growth was SALINA, CELEBRATES like the “parents” of the new Christ gives us the strength to live in His example Board from 2005–2009. on the vine, and many thanks was 25 YEARS community: a parish founded by and to be an example to others. Further, He will “I first learned about the scope of OCF’s work in given for its founding and hopes grant us the strength that He gave our forefathers, expressed for its future. those who sought only to be part 2002, and now I am both excited and honored to focus The year 1994 marked the two to make significant and even ultimate sacrifices for As a parish, All Saints has of the Church of the Apostles my efforts in hopes of advancing the ­mission, vision, hundredth anniversary of the ar- the sake of spreading God’s word. Finally, the pas- brought forth several priest- and who sacrificed much, with- and goals of OCF,” said Dn. Marek, speaking of his rival of the first Orthodox mis- sage reminds us that God is always present in our ly vocations, men now serving out counting the cost. long history and bright future with OCF. sionaries on the North American lives to help us. “I can do all things through Christ “I am passionate about working with young peo- the Archdiocese. There are also continent. In the year of this bi- ST. JAMES MISSION, who strengthens me. “Christ is in our midst!” In- ple as they navigate their journey into adulthood, ex- many people of various inter- centennial celebration there were BUFORD, GEORGIA deed, He is and ever shall be. perience college, explore vocation, and seek to grow national backgrounds who have many communities founded in WELCOMES BISHOP Ellaney Matarese passed through the parish over in their faith. I look forward to working with the staff the Archdiocese. One of these St. Michael Church, Van Nuys, California these past 25 years. Many con- NICHOLAS of OCF, college students, clergy, lay leaders, and other was All Saints Church in Salina, verts have been added to the Orthodox ministries to share the Good News of Christ Kansas. His Eminence, Metro- The weekend of June 1–2, 2019, household of faith, and many of throughout our college communities,” he added. politan PHILIP of blessed mem- was a momentous one for the pa- these have been part of found- Deacon Marek’s hiring is a significant part of the ory, gave them the name of “All rishioners of St. James Mission in ing new communities in other growth and restructuring of the organization cur- Saints” so that they would have Buford, Georgia. We were able ­areas of the country, including St. rently being conducted by OCF’s Board of Directors. the “entire company of heaven” to welcome our diocesan bish- Mary Magdalene Church, Man- “On behalf of our dedicated staff and the students we interceding as their patrons! op, Bishop NICHOLAS, for his hattan, Kansas. A fine former Air serve, I look forward to working with Dn. Marek as Like many new communities, first pastoral visit to the com- Force Base Chapel was quickly a colleague in realizing the Board’s vision of bringing planted where no other Ortho- munity. There had been several acquired and transformed into a Christ in His fullness to the col­ lege campus,” said Dn. dox parishes have been before, scheduling problems during the beautiful Orthodox Church, and ­Alexander Cadman, Board Chairman. there have been peaks and lows previous eight months, but finally by God’s mercy the mortgage was OCF transforms the lives of college students in the in their history. In small com- we were all able to accomplish it. burned earlier than expected. United States and Canada by guiding them along the munities, one or two moves or The congregation of St. James, Archpriest Chad Hatfield, the path to Jesus Christ through His Church, cultivating deaths can create real challeng- which now numbers around founding priest, now the Presi- a campus community of w­ orship, ­witness, service, fel- es. All Saints has been no excep- ninety adults and children, had dent of St. Vladimir’s Seminary lowship and education. You can learn more about the tion to this pattern, but on All seen one previous hierarchi- in New York, returned to Sali- ongoing work of this vital ministry by visiting ocf. Saints Sunday 2019 there was a cal visit a few years earlier, when net or emailing [email protected]. na for the anniversary, at which

30 October 2019 The Word 31 Communities


Bishop ANTOUN came calling. BISHOP ALEXANDER­ alongside the Assistant Pastor ners had a chance to congratulate Unfortunately, because of his ill- ORDAINS NEW Fr. Nektarios Najjar, assisted His him, his wife Caty and daugh- ness at the time, His Grace was DEACON­ AT Grace in the service. ter Lea, and to wish him a long unable to serve. This time the ST. ELIAS, OTTAWA Deacon Yakoub is married and and blessed ministry in Christ’s community was treated to full- has one daughter. Born in Trip- vineyard.­ On the Third Sunday of blown hierarchical Sunday ser- oli, , he graduated with We pray that the Lord may Great Lent, March 31, 2019, vices, challenging both choir and a degree in Business and Com- grant the new deacon and his His Grace Bishop ALEXAN- altar servers, most of whom are puter studies from the Lebanese family many years of holiness, DER visited St. Elias Cathedral new to episcopal visitations! University, and currently works at that he may be a fruitful servant in Ottawa, Canada and, with the Archpriest Steven Ritter, the the University of Ottawa. With of Christ’s ministry at the par- blessing of His Eminence Met- parish pastor, was ably joined his wife Caty and daughter Lea, ish of St. Elias and the in city of ropolitan JOSE­ PH, ordained in concelebration by the Dea- he moved to Ottawa in 2011. Ottawa.­ Axios! Gilbert Daoura, a parishioner con of St. James, ­Anthony They have been active since in the of St. Elias, to the holy diacon- ­Bridges, and visiting Archpriests parish life of St. Elias Cathedral. ST. MARY, ate. The new Deacon received George Makhlouf and Greg­ The parish held a reception in ­PAWTUCKET, the name Yakoub (Jacob) after ory Mathe­ wes-Green. Fr. Greg- the Church hall immediately af- ­WELCOMES NEW ­celebrated the 25th Anniversa- why did Fr. Joseph and his fam- the Hieromartyr Jacob of Hama- ory’s attendance was made more ter the service to celebrate the SUB-DEACON ry of the Very Reverend Fr. Jo- ily serve us? Quite simply, it was toura. The Cathedral’s Dean and ­meaningful, as his son ­David, seph Huneycutt’s ordination. I another example that they are ordination, and all the parishio- Pastor, Archpriest Ghattas Hajal, St. Mary Church, in Paw- whose family attends St. James, was telling my thirteen-year-old living icons of Christ. Their serv- tucket, Rhode Island, has a new was elevated to the rank of Sub- son that the Huneycutt family ing us was a proclamation that sub-deacon! On Great and Holy deacon. Also tonsured to the was hosting coffee hour and of- “the Son of Man did not come ­Saturday, April 27, with His degree of Reader was ­Joshua fering roasted pig and the “fixin’s” to be served, but to serve” (Mark Grace Bishop JOHN presid- Freeman; his family are also to the parish community. He re- 10:45). May God grant Fr. Joseph ing, Elijah (Porphyrios) Vollen- longstanding members of the sponded, “Why is he serving us? and his family many years! dorf was tonsured Sub-deacon at community. We should be serving him.” It’s a Christi Ghiz St. Joseph Orthodox Church, Houston, St. Mary Antiochian Orthodox The church, believed to be the great question, especially coming Texas Church in Pawtucket, Rhode Is- last congregation started by Met- from an egocentric adolescent. So ropolitan PHILIP of blessed land. Sub-deacon Elijah had pre- memory, back in 2013, current- viously been serving alongside ly resides in a rented warehouse, Father Elie Estephan as an ­altar with hopes of acquiring proper- server. Now the congregation ty soon. His Grace’s encourage- at St. Mary is happy to call him ment and spiritually uplifting Sub-deacon. conversations with the St. James In addition to serving behind membership were met with en- the alter, Elijah has been a Sun- thusiasm and a renewed desire day School teacher and Teen to establish yet another outpost SOYO adviser. “Elijah’s knowl- of the holy Orthodox faith in edge about Orthodoxy and ex- the Atlanta area. Many years, O citement to teach Sunday School Master!­ each week is quite outstanding,” Fr. Steven Ritter said Sunday School student, ­Nicole Balbaaki. “He is always FR. JOSEPH there for the teens, along with all ­HUNEYCUTT of St. Mary’s students! Elijah is ­CELEBRATES very humble, patient, dedicated, 25 YEARS A PRIEST and hard-working, and his ded- ication to the Orthodox Church In addition to celebrating the Inducted into the Order of St. Ignatius by Metropolitan JOSEPH on August 8, 2019, at St. reminds me of God’s work in the Ignatius Church Franklin, Tennessee, were Mark Evinger, Knight; Melinda Evinger, Dame; Kurt major feast of Pentecost, our Lytle, Knight; Matthew McElroy, Knight; Kip Perkins (upgrade) Knight Commander; Kristi Aleksei Korobovsky, age 9, a Cub Scout with Pack 99 and an altar server at St. George, South world.” Elijah is also the leader of ­Perkins (upgrade), Dame Commander; Angela Santana, Dame; and Mark Santana, Knight. Glens Falls, New York, earned the St. George Medal from the Eastern Orthodox Committee parish on Pentecost Sunday on Scouting (EOCS) on June 23, 2019. Fr. Gregory Potter, his pastor and award counselor, the parish’s pledge program, and presented him with his award.

32 October 2019 The Word 33 COMMUNITIES IN ACTION

has helped revamp St. Mary’s use of technology, including their website, directory, calendar, so- cial media, and a tailor-made mobile app that combines these and ­other features into one, con- venient platform. Elijah and his wife, Andrea, first came to Pawtucket in 2017 from Orlando, Florida. Both work in the tech industry, but have also managed to find ample time and energy for the Church. “I am grateful for the opportunity Columba’s, Lafayette, Colorado. after the Feast of the Exaltation of to give my time to our parish and His Grace Bishop JOHN per- the Cross as what are called “Em- the Orthodox Church. St. Mary formed the ordination on Sun- ber Days.” These days are very an- is my home,” said Sub-deacon day, August 11.The day before, cient, well-established ­before the Elijah. His Grace had presided over a time of the schism, probably in All others who call St. Mary double celebration at the Mon- the Fourth Century, during the ST. ATHANASIUS ACADEMY OFFERS home are very glad to share their astery of Our Lady, and St. Lau- pontificate of St. Siricius. Origi- spiritual abode with Elijah and rence in Canyon City, Colorado. nally, the days were designed to ­ONLINE COURSES FOR HOMESCHOOLERS Andrea. “Elijah and Andrea are In the morning, High Mass was sanctify the four seasons of the very involved in the life of our served by Abbot Theodore in the year, whence their Latin name, We are excited to announce that the St. Atha- The Old Testament, with Fr. David Bibeau community and we are so blessed presence of a relic of St. Laurence quatuuor tempora. (The designa- nasius Academy is now offering online Orthodox World History, with Fr. James Purdie to have them,” said Fr. Elie. “We which had been received at Ves- tion Ember dates from the Sev- studies for homeschooling families. For grades 6 to English, with Fr. Fred Shaheen congratulate Elijah and ourselves pers the evening before. In the enth Century, when the Roman 8, we are offering Virtues and Passions, with Fr. Paul Girgis for his tonsure, and may God afternoon His Grace dedicated rite was brought to England by The New Testament, with Fr. Joel Gillam Classes begin next month, so check out the de- continue to guide him into the a new mausoleum, the altar of St. Augustine of Canterbury, and Lives of the Saints, with Fr. Michael Heningham tails now at Please share this infor- path of the diaconate.” which is adorned by a number given the Anglo-Saxon name of Virtues and Passions, with Fr. Paul Girgis mation with all homeschooling families. In addition to Sub-deacon of icons. The central two depict imbrun, meaning “re-occurring” ​For high school, we are offering Fr. John Finley Elijah’s tonsuring, on Great and St. Gregory the Dialogist and St. – the days re-occur throughout Holy Saturday St. Mary also wel- Basil the Great, picked because of the year.) The September Em- comed two new members into the liturgies they composed and a ber Days sanctify the season of the Orthodox faith – Samira reminder of the unity of the East fall, and are connected to the and her son. “We congratulate and West in the patristic period, grape-harvest, which took place them and the St. Mary family for when the one Orthodox faith was in Rome around this time. Scrip- God’s blessings in growing in His expressed in a diversity of rites. It ture often speaks of the Church’s service under the guidance of our is such unity-in-diversity that the ministry in agricultural terms – Bishop JOHN,” said Fr. Elie. Archdiocese has recreated with for example, toiling in the vine- the Western Rite Vicariate. yard (Matthew 20:1–16). So it BISHOP JOHN Because of our unity, East and was only natural that the Ember ­ORDAINS PRIEST TO West often share the same liturgi- Days became connected with or- SERVE ST. COLUMBA, cal feasts. For example, in ­August dinations, something which dates LAFAYETTE we both keep the ­Dormition of from the Fifth Century and the the Theotokos and the Behead- time of Pope St. Gelasius. The Western Rite Vicari- ing of St. John the Forerunner. ate was blessed with the ordi- At other times, however, there are nation, in August, of Fr. David differences, as when in Septem- McCready, who takes over from ber the Western Rite keeps the Fr. Lester Bundy as Pastor of St. Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday Communities

34 October 2019 The Word 35 THE WORD 358 Mountain Road PO Box 5238 Englewood, NJ 07631-5238


Orthodox Christian combat veterans of OEF and OIF:

The dust remains on your boots and in your rucksacks.

Your fallen brothers remain in your hearts and minds.

Combat is a threshold that cannot be uncrossed.

Your stories are not easy to tell. Who can bear them?


Your Orthodox Military Chaplains

and some veteran clergy have planned a retreat.

No cost – just get to us, if you can. We’ll take care of the rest.


Columbus Day Weekend 2019 at the Antiochian Village Funding provided by the Order of Saint Ignatius of Antioch To register, contact Barli Ross at [email protected]