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Illicit Drugs and Their Impact on Cardiovascular Pathology

Illicit Drugs and Their Impact on Cardiovascular Pathology

Illicit drugs and their impact on cardiovascular pathology

ELISABETA BĂDILĂ1,2, MIHAELA HOSTIUC1,2, EMMA WEISS1,2, DANIELA BARTOŞ1,2 1“Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest, Romania 2“Floreasca” Emergency Clinical Hospital, Bucharest, Romania

The use of illicit drugs has dramatically increased during the past years. Consequently, the number of presentations at the emergency departments due to the adverse effects of the illicit drugs has also increased. This review discusses the cardiovascular effects of cocaine, opiates and opioids, cannabinoids, amphetamines, methamphetamines and hallucinogens as we consider that it is essential for a clinician to be aware of them and understand their mechanisms in order to optimize the therapeutic management. Key words: illicit drugs, cocaine, cardiovascular effects.

INTRODUCTION cells, thus leading to vasoconstriction [2, 3]. Cocaine also induces structural defects of the endothelial Whether light or dangerous, illicit drugs are barrier through increased permeability for low- increasingly used particularly among the young density lipoproteins, increased leucocyte migration population. Statistics show a 10.9% use for LSD and enhanced expression of endothelial adhesion and an 11% for MDMA (Ecstasy) [1]. Statistics molecules [4]. All these structural changes promote also show that 37% to 49% of the young population an accelerated atherosclerosis. has already used hallucinogenic substances on at Cocaine induces a procoagulant status due to least one occasion [1]. In most cases, the use of the activation of platelets, increased platelet aggre- hallucinogenic drugs eventually leads to usage of gation [5], increased release of α-granules from more dangerous drugs such as cocaine, morphine platelets [6], increased PAI-1 (plasminogen activator or heroine. Apart from their important social inhibitor) activity and increased levels of fibrinogen impact, such behaviors also have adverse medical and von Willebrand factor [7, 8]. effects on the users. Cocaine abuse also results in cardiac conduction This review discusses the cardiovascular effects abnormalities due to sodium channels blockage and of cocaine, opiates and opioids (morphine, heroine due to the blockage of rapid repolarizing inward and methadone), cannabinoids (marijuana, hashish), potassium channels (Ikr) coded by the hERG amphetamines, methamphetamines and hallucinogens (human-ether-related-a-go-go channel) gene [9]. (lysergic acid diethylamide – LSD,3,4-methylene- This leads to a prolonged QT interval and enlarged dioxymethamphetamine – MDMA better known as QRS complexes, resulting in an increased risk for malignant arrhythmias. The direct toxic effect of “ectasy”, etc.). cocaine on the myocardium results in decreased contractility, large complex arrhythmias, , COCAINE and arterial . Indirect toxicity is a consequence of the excess of catecholamine levels. Cocaine blocks the Cocaine is an alkaloid extract, naturally obtained reuptake of , and serotonin from Erythroxylon coca, a plant originating in at the site of preganglionic neurons. This causes South America. Its water soluble hydrochloride salt vasoconstriction and an increase in oxygen demand, is absorbed on mucous surfaces. Cocaine has both and, in case of chronic abuse, myocyte apoptosis acute and chronic cardio toxicity. It exerts its followed by cardiac remodeling [10]. cardiotoxicity both directly and indirectly. Cocaine also interacts with various genes. For Direct toxicity is manifested first of all at the example, it activates the gene for calmodulin site of the endothelium. Endothelial dysfunction is kinase II, which increases the release of calcium secondary to the increased endothelin and to the from the endoplasmic reticulum. Consequently, decreased nitric oxide production in endothelial intracellular calcium levels increase and this causes

ROM. J. INTERN. MED., 2015, 53, 3, 218–225

2 Illicit drugs and cardiovascular pathology 219 cardiomyocytesto hypertrophy, eventually resulting necrosis. It is also known as coagulative myo- in the development of . cytolysis or myofibrillar degeneration. This type of Cocaine users have an elevated concentration lesion appears in the reperfusion area of the of circulating catecholamine levels. The catechol- myocardium after angioplasty or after repeated amine having a significant effect on the heart is defibrillations. The difference between contraction norepinephrine, which acts as a neurotransmitter. band necrosis induced by ischemia and contraction Norepinephrine is released into the synaptic cleft band necrosis secondary to catecholamine excess when an impulse is transmitted. Impulse trans- can be observed by analyzing their distribution. In mission stops only when norepinephrine is pumped the latter, these lesions are distributed between back into the presynaptic nerve ending. Cocaine normal cells [10]. blocks the re-uptake of norepinephrine and, in this Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy has also been way, its effects are exacerbated. Un-metabolized noticed in cocaine users, as some patients have epinephrine flows into the systemic circulation and hearts weighing over 1200 g due to calmodulin acts as a hormone, binding to its receptors from kinase II stimulation secondary to the excess different organs. A mild stimulation of β2-receptors catecholamine levels [10]. In these cases, the nuclei in the heart improves cardiac function, whereas of hypertrophic myocytes become elongated and excessive stimulation induces dilated cardiomyo- squared. Microvascular disease is also present. pathy. Overstimulation of receptors Hypertrophy of the capillary wall is evident as results in myocyte apoptosis and in an exaggerated myofilaments are destroyed as a result of catechol- remodeling process [10]. amine-induced necrosis which form eosinophilic In cocaine users, an increased production of clumps. What is more, mitochondria are translocated atrial natriuretic factor and the activation of renin- and have distorted shapes [10]. angiotensin system have also been noticed [10]. Even though these histological changes have The existent excess of catecholamines in case been described in cocaine abusers they may also of acute or chronic cocaine abuse induces various occur in other circumstances such as secondary to histological changes in the myocardium. They are other toxic substances (amphetamines, epinephrine, easily distinguished from those produced by ischemia. etc.) or to other pathologic situations (myocardial The best-known modification is contraction band infarction, cerebral hemorrhage, cerebral death, etc.).

Table 1 Histological differences between ischemic and catecholamine necrosis Ischemic necrosis Catecholamine necrosis Affects many cells from the area supplied by a single vessel Focal lesion: necrotic cells surrounded by normal cells Unchanged myofilaments Destroyed myofilaments, forming eosinophilic clumps Mitochondria with uniform size Mitochondria with distorted shapes

CLINICAL PICTURE of sodium and potassium channels in the myo- cardium. Prolonged use of cocaine is associated Cocaine increases myocardial oxygen demand with left ventricular hypertrophy and prolonged as a result of the increased heart rate and increased deceleration time. Cocaine prolongs PR interval, blood pressure. These effects are dose-dependent QRS complex and QT interval. and result from α-adrenergic stimulation. Cocaine Clinical manifestations of cocaine abuse are decreases the oxygen supply via vasoconstriction, various and include: myocardial ischemia or thus reducing coronary flow and inducing , myocarditis, cardiomyopathy, microvascular disease which will further narrow coronary arteries diameter. Long-term cocaine use arrhythmias, coronary artery aneurism, aortic leads to endothelial dysfunction at the site of the dissection, stroke. coronary arteries making them more sensitive to catecholamine mediated vasoconstriction. Cocaine Chest pain produces microvascular disease, which is often Any patient with chest pain and recent associated with thrombosis. It also induces both cocaine use should be evaluated for myocardial systolic and diastolic dysfunction, arrhythmias and ischemia/infarction and aortic dissection. The risk accelerated atherosclerosis. Cocaine decreases con- of myocardial infarction is increased 24 fold in the tractility and ejection fraction due to the blockage first hour after cocaine use [8].

220 Elisabeta Bădilă et al. 3

Acute coronary syndromes are the most Coronary artery aneurisms are relatively common clinical manifestation of cocaine users. It frequently noticed in cocaine abusers who undertake is difficult to evaluate their real incidence because coronary angiography (30%) compared to nonusers, many users are cigarette smokers and/or have other in whom their incidence reaches only 1.5%. cardiovascular risk factors [11]. Cocaine users with Coronary artery aneurisms may become a potential acute coronary syndromes may associate dyspnea cause of myocardial infarctions [8]. and diaphoresis and rarely pleuritic pain, nausea, palpitations, syncope and vomiting. These mani- Myocarditis and cardiomyopathy festations often appear only a few hours after cocaine Myocarditis is common among cocaine users use, the highest risk being during the first hour. reaching an incidence of 20-30%. Its exact patho- The electrocardiogram is difficult to be logical mechanism is not known. It is supposed that interpreted in such patients because of the relative a hypersensibility reaction to catecholamine induced high incidence of repolarization abnormalities and toxicity is involved. In case of early diagnosis, left ventricular hypertrophy. Even so, 84% of cocaine myocarditis may be completely reversible under users with chest pain have ECG abnormalities. A treatment. Drugs with β-blocker activity are pathological Q wave can be observed in contraindicated in cocaine users [8]. approximately 50% of cases. There is an equal Dilated cardiomyopathy has been described distribution between anterior and inferior wall in cocaine users but an exact cause-effect relation myocardial infarction [8]. between them has not been established yet. Factors As far as cardiac biomarkers are concerned, most probably involved are: the toxic effect of troponin remains specific for myocardial injury in cocaine on the myocardium (myofilaments des- case of a myocardial infarction in cocaine users, truction, interstitial fibrosis), catecholamine excess while other biomarkers such as myoglobin, creatin- (which causes contraction band necrosis), infectious kinase and its cardiac specific isoform creatin- agents with cardiac tropism and chronic ischemia. kinase-MB, may be elevated even in the absence of Cessation of cocaine use can lead to complete myocardial infarction if the patient also associates remission of myocardial dysfunction. muscle trauma or rhabdomyolysis, or when the blood sample is taken after intense physical activity. Arrhythmias and conduction disturbances The cardiac biomarkers have a low specificity in These are not uncommon in cocaine abusers, cocaine users compared to nonusers [8]. Therefore, but the arrhythmogenic effect of cocaine is not the preferred biomarker remains troponin as it is completely understood. The excess catecholamine not influenced by recent cocaine use. levels induced by cocaine use can explain the The angiography in patients with myocardial exacerbation of arrhythmias and conduction dis- infarction reveals one-vessel or two-vessel disease turbance in certain circumstances. The most in 31-66% of cases, tree-vessel disease in 13-15% frequent arrhythmias are sinus , supra- of cases, normal coronary arteries in 18-45% and ventricular tachycardia and rarely atrial fibrillation. thrombus without obstructive disease in 24% of Cocaine acts through its local anesthetic effect, cases [8, 12, 13]. blocking the sodium channels the same way as The complications in patients with myocardial class I antiarrhythmic drugs: prolongs repolarization, infarction and cocaine abuse are: heart failure in prolongs the QT interval which predisposes to 7% of cases, sustained ventricular tachycardia in ventricular tachycardia or torsades de pointes (a 4% of cases, higher in-hospital mortality (8.3 major cause of sudden death). Other factors that versus 0.8%) [8, 14]. These complications often may predispose to arrhythmias in cocaine users are: occur within the first 12 hours after the onset of altered automatism by direct toxic effect, altered chest pain. autonomous balance secondary to catecholamine excess, ischemia that causes an electrical inhomo- Aortic dissection must also be taken into geneity and an anatomic background for reentrant consideration in cocaine users with chest pain. It arrhythmias. occurs more often in cocaine users with untreated or uncontrolled arterial . Cocaine use Endocarditis is involved in 0.5-1.8% of cases of patients with Endocarditis is a frequent complication among acute aortic dissection [15-17]. cocaine users. It has been noticed that a quarter of

4 Illicit drugs and cardiovascular pathology 221 drug abusers with fever have endocarditis, the Other antiplatelet agents such as clopidogrel and tricuspid valve being the most commonly affected glycoprotein IIb/IIIa or heparin can also be used heart valve. The common risk factors are: frequent [8]. injections, sometimes with non-sterile needles, and is a non-selective α-antagonist direct effects of cocaine (endothelial damage and used for hypertensive emergencies and it may be procoagulant status) [8, 18]. beneficial in cocaine users with myocardial ischemia. Phentolamine reverses the effects of cocaine on the Vascular manifestations myocardium (decreases heart rate and blood Other vascular manifestation in cocaine users pressure, increases coronary artery diameter, improves refer to mesenteric ischemia, acute peripheral coronary flow). Although its mechanism of action ischemia, renal infarction and . seems ideal, phentolamine has a limited clinical use These complications occur due to the accelerated because of its and short half life [8]. atherosclerosis and to the endothelial dysfunction Beta-blockers are contraindicated in cocaine [8]. users. Although their use in patients with myocardial In case of acute cocaine use an acute hyper- ischemia who are not using cocaine has numerous tensive crisis may occur secondary to the excess advantages (decreases mortality and the risk of catecholamine levels. Cocaine use has not been further cardiovascular events) the same cannot be related to chronic hypertension [19]. said for cocaine users. In these patients, the lack of an opposing alpha effect may lead to the inhibition Myocardial ischemia of concurrent , leading to aggravation The treatment of myocardial ischemia, of coronary spasm and hypertensive crisis. Studies regardless of its type, in cocaine users, uses the conducted on dogs with acute cocaine toxicity same therapeutic principles and doses. The only showed that worsened the seizure exception comes from the contraindication of using threshold and caused death [8, 20]. elevates drugs with β-blocking activity as they are not blood pressure levels, and carvedilol have recommended in the acute phase of the coronary few advantages as they block both α and β syndrome in cocaine users with recent abuse [8]. receptors. increases the risk of death in As far as benzodiazepines are concerned, diazepam cocaine users [8, 22]. administration prevents elevation of blood pressure Other pharmacological agents such as angio- levels, of heart rate, acidemia and hyperthermia tensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, angiotensin [20]. Benzodiazepines also relieve chest pain in a receptors blockers, statins and have not similar fashion to nitroglycerin. Diazepam should been well studied, but are not expected to counteract be administered intravenously. If this is not cocaine effects [8]. Morphine can reverse cocaine- followed by pain relief and there is evidence of induced vasoconstriction. , a myocardial damage other additional therapies are central , can prevent the elevation of needed. Nitroglycerin administered sublingually or blood pressure levels, heart rate and sympathetic intravenously attenuates chest pain in approximately activity induced by cocaine [8]. one half of cocaine users. Nitroglycerin reverses Primary percutaneous angioplasty and throm- coronary vasoconstriction induced by cocaine [21]. bolysis should be considered in cocaine users with It should be administered in patients with persistent chest pain and ST segment elevation. There is an chest pain after diazepam administration [8]. increased risk of intra-stent thrombosis in these Calcium channel blockers are used as second patients (5-7.6%) [8]. Fibrinolytic therapy is an line therapy for hypertension and coronary spasm. acceptable alternative when primary angioplasty Short-acting calcium channel blockers () cannot be performed. should not be used. Verapamil is indicated. Usually In the case of cocaine-induced cardiomyo- calcium channel blockers are indicated in patients pathy the most efficient therapy is illicit drug with ischemic chest pain and ST segment elevations cessation. The same is true to obtain improvement or depressions [8]. of heart failure symptoms. Use of β-blockers requires Aspirin is an important therapeutic agent for extreme caution and should be applied only after a the treatment of chest pain in cocaine users. detailed analysis of each case. Continued cocaine Cocaine predisposes to thrombus formation use may lead to loss of eligibility for cardiac secondary to platelet activation, increased platelet transplant in case of patients with dilated cardio- aggregation and increased thromboxane release. myopathy [8].

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Ventricular arrhythmias which may appear which the patient complains of abdominal pain and with acute use of cocaine due to sodium channel requires increasingly higher opioid doses. blockade should be treated with sodium bicarbo- Unspecific changes have been described in nate. When ischemia is the probable mechanism it the myocardium: coronary atherosclerosis, fibrosis, should be treated accordingly. Lidocaine should be cardiomyopathy (toxic, post-myocarditis) but cannot used with caution, as in specific circumstances it be linked exclusively to morphine or heroine, may potentiate the toxic effect of cocaine on the mainly because studied patients proved multidrug central nervous system. Class III antiarrhythmic abuse [10]. Morphine increases the production of drugs should be used with caution because they can nitric oxide [24] and of COX2, having a cardio- aggravate the cocaine induced QT interval pro- protective effect on ischemia-reperfusion lesions longation. [25].

Stroke Statistics show that cocaine abuse is an CANNABINOIDS (MARIJUANA, HASHISH) independently risk factor for stroke. In active cocaine users there is a high frequency of Cannabis is the most frequently used illicit hemorrhagic stroke. There is a slight increased risk substance in the world. Statistics estimate that of subarachnoid hemorrhage due of arterial approximately 160 million people aged 15 to aneurisms [8]. Tissue plasminogen activator has 64 years old have used cannabis at least once in been used in patients with stroke without com- their life [1]. These substances are obtained from plications [23]. Cannabis sativa. The dried leaves and flowers are called marijuana, and the dried resin from the flower’s surface is called hashish. This drug is OPIATES usually smoked and rarely ingested. Symptoms (somnolence, euphoria, increased sensory perception, The term refers to substances of natural or time and space distortion, feeling of unreality) synthetic origin that act on one of the three opioid usually last approximately two to four hours. receptors: µ, k, δ. Opioids can cause analgesia, may Common effects of marijuana are: mild tachy- depress the central nervous system or may cause cardia, , bronchodilation, euphoria. hyperemic conjunctiva, and disturbed motor Opioids include alkaloids extracted from the coordination. The effects of marijuana are dose poppy plant – morphine and codeine – and dependent. It is not clear if marijuana induces semisynthetic derivatives. The term does not accelerated atherosclerosis of coronary arteries. include the synthetic derivatives like oxycodone Observations show that when comparing marijuana and methadone. Morphine like other opioids can be users to non-users the relative risk for myocardial prescribed for pain relief. infarction in patients with ischemic coronary artery Heroine – a morphine derivative – is the disease increases after drug use to 4.8 fold in the opioid most commonly used injectable. Opium – first 60 minutes, 1.7 fold in the second hour, and extracted from the poppy plant is administered by then returns to equal levels. smoking. The effects of marijuana are mainly due to a There are also a number of opioid derivatives psychoactive component – – used in medical practice due to their analgesic that binds to a central specific receptor. There is no effect: oxycodone, hydrocodone (Vicodin, Lortab), antidote for cannabinoids. An antioxidant – acetyl- meperidine and . Used for non-medical cysteine, ( and nafazodone), purposes they may cause addiction. anticonvulsants (gabapentin 1200 mg/day) and Clinical manifestations in opioid users cannabinoid agonists (delta – 9 tetrahydro- include infectious processes: cellulitis, abscesses at cannabinol 10 mg, 5 times daily) have been used to the place of venous puncture, endocarditis, osteo- improve symptoms induced by cannabinoids. myelitis. There is also a high risk of HIV infection, hepatitis B or C secondary to administration in non- sterile conditions. Endocarditis usually involves the AMPHETAMINES tricuspid valve. Opioid-addicted users complain of pain with various locations (secondary to hyper- The class of amphetamines includes a large algesia) or narcotic bowel syndrome, a condition in category of derivatives from phenylethylamine,

6 Illicit drugs and cardiovascular pathology 223 such as methamphetamine, methylphenidate (Ritalin) mechanism can be antagonized with sedatives, and methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA – benzodiazepines (diazepam). If blood pressure Ecstasy). Amphetamine increases the release of control cannot be achieved, sodium nitroprusside or catecholamines, blocks their reuptake and interacts α-adrenergic blockers (phentolamine) should be directly on the catecholamine receptors. Some administered. Beta-blockers are not recommended amphetamine metabolites inhibit monoamine- because they increase coronary spasm and mortality. oxidase resulting in an increase of plasma con- – Catecholamine excess, cardiac remodeling centration of norepinephrine. Other derivatives may (hypertrophy, fibrosis) and ischemia (atherosclerosis, cause serotonin release, acting from the central microvascular disease) predispose to arrhythmias. receptors of serotonin. Supraventricular tachyarrhythmias should be treated Histologically, the effects of amphetamines with adenosine or calcium channel blockers. are similar to those of cocaine: hypertrophy, inter- – Other clinical manifestations are psychomotor stitial fibrosis, microvascular disease (hypertrophy agitation, hyperthermia, hyponatremia, serotonin of media of the arteries). Accelerated atherosclerosis syndrome (autonomic dysfunction, abnormal neuro- has been observed and linked to amphetamines, but muscular activity, and altered mental status), and their use is frequently associated with the use of disseminated intravascular coagulation. other drugs or with smoking [10]. Amphetamines induce calmodulin activation, increase the levels of thermic shock proteins, inhibit monoamine-oxidase OTHER HALLUCINOGENS and norepinephrine re-uptake. MDMA, also known for its use in drug- The popularity of these drugs reached its facilitated sexual assaults, has sensorial effects peak in the 1960s. From the 1980s these drugs such as alteration of color intensity or of the became popular again in the young population. perception of textures, euphoria, disinhibition and They refer to LSD, psilocybin, phencyclidine, and sexual arousal. The increased use of MDMA led to mescaline. numerous serious complications and death. Clinical LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide) is the most manifestations in case of MDMA abuse are: potent hallucinogen which acts as a 5HT2 (5 hydro- – Cardiovascular stimulation and cardiac xytryptamine). LSD produces sympthomimetic toxicity which may include severe arterial hyper- symptoms (important mydriasis, increases in heart tension, myocardial infarction, aortic dissection, rate, elevated blood pressure and temperature). In and arrhythmias. Hemorrhagic stroke may also occur. case of excessive sympathomimetic stimulation, – Myocardial infarction occurs less in MDMA benzodiazepines should be administered, and if users compared to cocaine users and may be due to necessary an additional sedative like . coronary atherosclerosis but also to vasospasm. Psilocybin is structurally related to LSD. The Chest pain in MDMA users must be evaluated onset of the symptoms begins approximately similarly to the chest pain in case of cocaine abuse. 30 minutes after ingestion of psilocybin containing Benzodiazepines, aspirin, nitroglycerin, oxygen mushrooms and the hallucinogen effect lasts for should be administered. Βeta-blockers are not four to six hours. Common effects are mydriasis, recommended. mild tachycardia, hyperreflexia, nausea and vomiting. – Tako-tsubo cardiomyopathy in case of Hyperthermia appears rarely [26]. metamphetamine use has first been reported in Mescaline is structurally related to am- 2007. Mechanisms possibly involved are catechol- phetamines. Mescaline acts as a 5-HT agonist, amine-mediated cardiac toxicity, microvascular being much weaker than LSD. Mescaline effects disease, coronary spasm, reduced metabolism of are abdominal discomfort, diaphoresis, vertigo, fatty acids [10]. nystagmus, ataxia, mydriasis, mild increase in heart – The mechanism of aortic dissection is not rate, blood pressure and temperature. Death may completely understood. The elevated plasmatic and occur after aberrant behavior under the influence of tissue concentrations of catecholamines lead to the drug [26]. endothelial lesions in large and small vessels Phencyclidine is a synthetic derivative of through the effects of free radicals: o-quinone piperidine, structurally related to ketamine. (aminochrome, dapachrome, adrenochrome, nora- Phencyclidine acts as a glutamic antagonist of drenochrome). N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors (NMDA). Clinical – Severe arterial hypertension is secondary to manifestations are myosis, nystagmus, blood both central and peripheral mechanisms. The central pressure elevations, sympathomimetic symptoms,

224 Elisabeta Bădilă et al. 7 anticholinergic and cholinergic effects. Medical such as phencyclidine, and was first developed in complications are common and consist of inducing 1962. Apart from its major medical use for starting coma (10.6%), seizures (3.1%), elevated creatine- and maintaining anesthesia, ketamine emerged as a kinase levels with or without acute renal failure, recreational drug in the early 1970s and there have , cerebral hemorrhage due to elevated been reports of its use in drug-facilitated sexual blood pressure, and hyperthermia. The treatment is assaults. Industrial-scale illicit ketamine is hard to based on supportive measures and specific treat- achieve due to its complexity of synthesis. It exerts ments of the possible occurring complications [26]. a direct dose-dependant negative inotropic effect Bufotenin (5-HO-DMT, N,N-dimethyl- on the myocardium leading to decreased con- serotonin) is a tryptamine related to serotonin. It is tractility and heart rate and elevated blood pressure an indole alkylamine with hallucinogenic effects. It levels [28]. There is no known effective antidote to may be found in compounds also containing toxic treat ketamine overdose, and thus therapy focuses cardioactive steroids with digoxin-like properties, on maintenance of respiratory and circulatory thus provoking severe toxic reactions and even function. death. Its name originates from the Bufo genus of toads, which includes several species of psycho- active toads (most notably Incilius alvarius) that CONCLUSION secrete it from their parotid glands. The admi- nistration of specific Fab antibodies for digoxin may be life-saving in patients poisoned with toad Illicit drugs have significant cardiovascular venom [26]. side effects, which have to be known by the clinician Ketamine is an NMDA receptor antagonist in order to optimize the therapeutic management. acting also on other sites (opioid receptors, mono- amine transporters) [27]. It is a dissociative agent Conflict of interest: none declared.

Utilizarea drogurilor a crescut alarmant în ultimii ani. Astfel că numărul de prezentări în cadrul departamentelor de primiri urgenţă datorate efectelor adverse ale acestora a crescut şi el. Acest articol tip review discută efectele asupra sistemului cardiovascular al cocainei, opioidelor, canabinoidelor, metamfetaminelor şi halucinogenelor deoarece clinicianul trebuie să le cunoască, să le înţeleagă mecanismul fiziopatologic pentru a îmbunătăţi abordarea terapeutică.

Correspondence to: Mihaela Hostiuc, “Floreasca” Clinical Emergency Hospital, Department of Internal Medicine, Calea Floreasca nr.8, Bucharest Tel.: 0726347183 E-mail: [email protected]


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Received May 31 2015