Tax Revision Urgent, Roosevelt Will Tell
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AVCEAQB OAILT UBOULATION w b A t h e b fM Um H ooUi ot Uotober, 19S1 i. PoTMMt ot U. 8. Weotkor Bsrtfoi:il Oondy, preboblj ooeoalooal Ugkt 6,014 roln tonlRht aod Sotnrdajr. Warmor. toolKlrt, mild tempmo iw o Bmtmtaf, eoUer Sondoy. MANCHESTER — A CITY OF VnXACE CHARM • w VO L. L V I U N O . 48 AdvartMac >■ MANCHESTER. CONN, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 26,1937 (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS CASH REGISTER Novel Aqiiarium to Bring Ocean Ashore SENATES FARM KAYOES BURGLAR blew Haven Policemen Notice TAX REVISION URGENT, BODY IN FAVOR Broken Dnijr Store Door— Investigate and Find Man OFWMONEY -TJnconscious Behind Coun ter. ROOSEVELT WILL TELL New Haven, Nov. 26.—(AP) Agriintltoral Conmuttee Has — A drug store cash register played an Important part today In Alexander Mergltlch’s bout Plan For On^Agency wlh he law, knocking out he 28-3Toar-oId Wallingford man In CONGRESS IN MESSAGE the first round.. Control ^0 Kcop Dollar Mergitlcb was found uncon scious behind h e store counter Stab3i^; Prices Too Low In h e early morning hours, h e Also To Ask For Moves To heavy cash register lying on 1,500 Soviet Planes h e floor beside him. Mergltlch Insisted he didn’t Private FmaB- Waahlngton, Nov. 26— (A P )— A ;know what had happened when recommendation for giving a ^ngle ■ two policemen, who noticed Massed In Siberia, cing O^ K g Housing Prt-^ Federal agrency power to adjuat and glass in h e store’s front door Htablltze the “value of the dollar” had been broken, found him. However, Patrolman Nicholas gram; Also To Snggest came today from the Senate A gri Stamo said it was evident that Says Japanese Paper culture Committee In its report on Mergltlch had tugged at he the “ ever-normal granary" bill. Aa- cash register, trying to open It, Cnt In Federal Expendi- aertlng that the fluctuating value of until It fell on him. Tokyo, Nov. 26— (AP)—The 'To-^here to wlhdraw on Dec. 15. the currency aa well aa crop pro kyo newspaper Hochl today publish Transportation facilities on he duction affected farm Income, the tnres For Road Bnildii^ ed a dispatch from Tsuruga assert trans-Siberian railway, main source committee report auggeated: The An Innovation :um construction, the huge under-water studios nearing completion at Harine- of supply for Soviet forces In h e preaent price level 'la too low and land, Fla., will recre latural ocean conditions for study and photography of marine life hrough ing h a t 1,500 Soviet airplanes had far east, 'krere reported being Iq- should be raised to at least the 1929 JAPS FORECAST portholes In h e walla h e tanks. Instead of segregation as In most aquaria, each of h e huge tanks been massed In h e maritime prov creased. Washington, Nov. 26.— (A p) levels.” shown In the artist’s visualization above will bouse a multitude of species, just as In h e open ocean. inces, h a t part of Siberia nearest (Reports that Soviet Russia waa -President Roose\Helt coupled Congress should concentrate all Japan. aasembllng a submarine fleet at today renewed advocacy^of tax powers over the “value of the dol The same source reported, 1,000 VaMIvostok and doing Its utmost to EARLY FALL OF revision— as soon as Cphgresa lar," In one agency and order the Russian bombing planes were enter Incrtaae h e capacity of Its railways agency “ to properly adjuat and reg ing China by way of Slanfu, capital across Siberia have been coming nut is ready—with thr^ other ulate the value of the dollar h e re LODGE PROPOSES of western Shensi province, presum of Siberia for hree or four years, BOLSTER MINISTRY GUARD moves designed to aid busi after to stabilize such adjusted CHIAN^REGIME ably to buttress China's resistance and In large measure have been con ness. / '• value." to Japan. firmed.) The Senate committee report was A NEW NEUTRALITY (Tsuruga Is a port on Japan's Reports of friction between Japa Listed at a preaa/confereaeB _ made public just aa the Hous: A g IN FRANCE’S PLOT PROBE western coast nornvally the termi nese and Soviet Russians on h e Is in reply to questions they ricultupe Committee formally ap Chinese Chief b Undamted, nus of steamer services to Vladivos land of Sakhalin, off h e coast of were: proved a new crop control bill, by tok. Japanese correspondents here Siberia, have reached Tokyo. A message to Uongress Mon a 16 to 7 vote, and prepared to start However; "We Are CW- Bay State Senator Woold frequently forward rumors of de The Domel (Japanese) news ag debate on the House floor Monday. Troops Pbced At AO Gates velopments In Siberia which are not ency In a dispatch from Toyobara, day on means of. stimulating Jones Works on Report confirmed. Latest reports have not on h e Japanese-owned portion ot private financing of a big hous Chairman Jones (D>Tex.) of the W s Real Friends ” Says LATE NEWS Have Congress, Not Pres placed the Russian air h e Island, sold Japanese police had ing program. / House committee Immediately be Of Important French Gov Far Ekuitero Siberia at more han decided to adopt a more stem at A message to Congress Tues gan writing a report asking the 700 or 800.) titude toward Russians. House to accept it. Representatives Leader Of The Invaders. ident, Invoke The Law. day recommending curtailment ernment Building; More FLASHES! TTie Hochl dispatch also said h e Several Japanese residents were Andresen, (R-MInn.) and Bolleau Russians were rushing submarine sentenced to serve 30 years In So 6f annual Federal contributiona (P-W ls.) said they would file minor parts to Vladivostok, where h o y viet prisons wlhout cause. Dome! to state road-building. This ity reports objecting to many fea Shanghai, Nov. 26— (A P )—Spear JA P S’nO H T E N GRIP Vashlngton, Nov. 26— (AP) — Caches Of Arms Found. were being assembled This report said, and Soviet officials halted slash* recimtly was suggested tures of the measure. head units of Japan’s Shanghai Shanghai, Nov. 27— (Satnrday) Senator Lodge (R., Maas.), proposed was repeated In a Harbin. Manchou- Japanese fishing boats. Japoaeae Reviewing administration mone by Secreury Morgenthau to armies tore Into h e heart o f Chi — (A P )—^apao tightened her grip today h a t Congress take from h e kuo, dispatch to h e Tokyo NIcbl border guards were instructed to tary moves, the Senate' committee Paris, Nov. 28.—(A P )—The cor on Shanghai today by taking -over Nlcbl. “ maintain h e strictest possible help barance the Treasury’a ’’ report said "cheapening of the col nese defenses today In a drive which President what he called " h e awe don of mobile guards which-French control of all communications fa The Harbin dispatch asserted h a t lookout for protection of Japanese budget. lar” by gold devaluation moves of h eir commander-ln-chlef declared cilities hlherto held by h e Chinese some power of peace and war" In h e Moscow government bad order and maintenance of Japanese pres- A letter to department beada auhorities threw about h e Minis the President, had stimulated pros would force speedy collapse o f Gen government In the International administering the Neutrality A c t ed h e staff of. Its consulate-general Uge." urging faster spending of a quoi^ perity by raising prices. “The eralissimo Chlang Kal-Shek’a re try of he Interior wlh he un- Settlement as w-ell as h e natlvp Hla resolution, providing that ter of/ a billion dollars available cheapening of the dollar was a de- gime. Field officers sent back word earhing of a gigantic conspiracy parts of the city. Congress could force or forbid h e for blaring supplies In h e remain , liberate government policy to raise to Japanese headquarters h a t h eir against h e Republic was strengh- TThe post offices, telegraph and chief executive to proclaim exist ing monha of h e fiscal year. h e prices of farm commodities,” troops had crossed Lake Tal, h e enod today as a "precaution." radio sdmlnlariatlonB and Broad ence of a state of war aiiywhere In H ^ Bopn tax revision mlgbt be h e report said. "The policy has great natural barrier between Troops were stationed Inside h e casting Stations XttHC and CUBA h e world, waa h e latest of several “ready” was not Immediately ap- worked." Shanghai and Nanking, for a push Congressional demand for changing CELLS IN NEW YORK JAIL ' at,' however. Cbelrman Via- against h e virtually evacuated m lnist^ courtyard and all gates to were placed nader Japaaeee role. Suspects DsUai's Rise Mhay of the prindpel oOloeB and h e neutraUfg |aw.- (D., Ky.) of a- House Tax sub- capital. - h ls Important govemmantJbaBdtng The rep ^ attHEuM he rsesat •Were batted. A ll have grown out of h a Sfiio- Immlttee said today be would bave General Iwane Matsul, commsmd- I— taHarioM of these serviees are tfecesslon to a rise la the value of The Surete Natlonale, he Na In the bforiutlonal Settlement. Jp.panese glludUon. Ihwsldent Roose I objection to bringing legialatiOB h e dollar since last march, adding: er of Japanese forces, proclaimed in NOT SEARCHED FOR ARMS lasing business tax burdens' before tional police organization hrough ^ • velt so Yar has refused to describe an Interview with h e Japanese “The con^mlttee la of h e opinion which the People’s Front govern the undeclared conflict as a state it he special session If it could be Shanghai United News h a t his EDITOR MURDERED and reports h a t to date we have ment sought to trace and wreck the w q r^ a decision that the present completed In time.- not cheapened h e dollar sufficlentiv armies might be forced to invade labyrinhlan ramifications of h e New Vorit, Nov.