Johan Ling and Claes Uhnér

Rock Art and Metal Trade

Introduction In this paper, we argue that Nordic Bronze The supply of copper and tin to south- Age rock art was influenced by certain ern Scandinavia increased significantly European regions and networks, which sup- around 1600 BC (Vandkilde 1996, 2014), plied metal to Scandinavia, and that the and after this date started rock art motifs local figurative repertoire replied to chang- to appear which depicts metals and equip- ing metal sources and networks in a distinct ment communicating personal status and manner (fig. 1). non-domestic cosmopolitan features. First We attempt to exemplify this hypothesis weapons, oxhide ingots, chariots and repre- by comparing rock art and other stylistic sentations of the sun, and later armour and forms and features from different regions. mirrors (Kaul 1998; Coles 2005; Ling 2008). However, an important precondition is These figurative features articulated ex- new scientific evidence that shows that clusive ‘social codes’ or ‘core values’ which Scandinavian bronzes were produced with were shared over large parts of Europe (cf. non-local copper and tin, predominantly of Thrane 1990; Treherne 1995; Kaul 1998; Mediterranean and northern Alpine origin Fredell 2003; Harrison 2004; Coles 2005; (Ling et al. 2013, 2014). Kristiansen & Larsson 2005).

Figure 1. Prominent components of Scandinavian ideology comprising of moving metals, ships, celestial symbols and warrior iconography. Rock art panel from Ekenberg, Östergötland, . Documentation by Evers, source SHFA.

Adoranten 2014 23 Metal sources, ing 900 – 700 cal BC, although most of the networks and suppliers analysed objects have signatures consistent In order to recognise external influences with northern Tyrol during this last period. in Scandinavian rock art it is important to The following discussion of the relationship understand and give an account of the between Scandinavia and other European metal sources the region was connected regions, and the impact and influence this to during the Bronze Age. The lead iso- had on Scandinavian rock art, is structured tope and chemical composition of metal after these phases. artefacts provides essential information in this regard (see Ling et al. 2013, 2014 for a comprehensive review of the data and a 2000 – 1600 cal BC: LNII - Period1b detailed description of the methodology During this first phase when northern used). In general, artefacts dated to the Tyrol was the main supplier of copper to Early Bronze Age (2000 – 1600 cal BC) cor- Scandinavia figurative rock art was sparse relate with copper ores found in northern and mostly derive from the later part of Tyrol and a lesser extent the British Isles. In the phase (Ling 2008). Rock art is limited the subsequent period 1600 – 1300 cal BC to a few localities and the repertoire only most Scandinavian bronzes correlate with comprise of a small number of images and Cypriote ores and some to sources in the expressions such as axe depictions, ships, western Mediterranean. In the 1300 – 900 foot soles, cup marks and celestial symbols. cal BC interval western Mediterranean ores Imported metal probably reached Scandi- dominate and continues to be common dur- navia via groups belonging to the Central

Figure 2. The histogram shows which particular ore bearing regions that supplied copper to Sweden during various peri- ods of the Bronze Age.

24 Adoranten 2014 Figure 3. Map show- ing the major sources of copper and tin that supplied Scan- dinavia with metal in the Bronze Age. Copper deposits are marked with yellow stripes while sources of tin are marked with silver.

Figure 4. Early rock art depiction of an axe from Simris in eastern Scania juxtaposed with Anglo-Irish inspired axes from the Fjälkinge hoard (after Skoglund in prep.). Frottage: Gerhard Milstreu.

Adoranten 2014 25 Figure 5. Top left; Arreton axe. Bottom left; depictions of Arre- ton type axes from Simris. Right depictions of Arreton axes from Stonehenge (after Skoglund in prep).

European Únětice complex, but there are Stonehenge dated to the Arreton phase no clear-cut rock art motifs that show any (1750 – 1500 BC) and recently found axe- figurative or formative Únětice connections. carvings from the Simris site (Skoglund in This is a reverse situation from contempo- prep). rary Scandinavian bronzes, which are highly influenced by Únětice and Alpine forms. There are in fact several metal objects 1600-1300 cal BC: Period 1b-III found in Scandinavia that belongs to the This phase saw the first boom of Scandi- Únětice sphere (Vandkilde 1996; Kristiansen navian figurative rock art, and it is also at 1987). this time that Mediterranean copper was introduced in Scandinavia (Ling et al. 2013; Copper and finished alloys were also sup- 2014). It is important to emphasise that this plied to Scandinavia from the British Isles, copper was transported through a chain of although in less quantities than from the trade networks from the south to the north, continent (Forssander & Butler 1968; Vand- which was the case throughout the Bronze kilde 1996). There are both figurative and Age. It is likely that the motor for much of non-figurative rock art in Britain from this this trade was Nordic amber, which is a com- period (Bradley 2009), such as early depic- mon feature in European prestige contexts, tions of axes and halberds from including the eastern Mediterranean (Beck dated to 2000 – 1900 BC (Jones 2015). The et al. 1974; Beck & Shennan 1991; Kaul first depicted metal objects in Scandinavian 2013; Czebreszuk 2013). The most convinc- rock art are axes belonging to the British ing evidence that amber was traded for tradition, e.g. from Simris in south-eastern metal is finds of Baltic amber in the same Scania, which closely resemble two Anglo- regions as the copper deposits that were Irish inspired flange axes dated to 2000 – supplying metal to southern Scandinavia 1700 BC from the Fjälkinge hoard in eastern (Ling et al. 2014; cf. Harding 1984, 1990). Scania (Vandkilde 1996:81, 191). Another connection that needs to be stressed is the At the beginning of the phase, rock art similarities between axe depictions from was still rather sparse in Scandinavia with

26 Adoranten 2014 Figure 6. Copper and tin bearing regions with finds of Baltic amber marked with red circles.

ships being the most common subject. It is remarkable that the chronology of rock However, new motifs were also introduced art ship depictions correspond very well such as bulls and complex compositions of with potential oxhide images. bulls and ships. The bull image may have been introduced from the eastern Mediter- Other significant features on the panels ranean, where representations of bulls were in Torsbo and other sites in northern Bo- established ritual features (Hodder 2012). huslän are depictions of large bulls in close This hypothesis is supported by provenance proximity to ships. These compositions may studies, which show that some Scandinavian be an expression of the potency of the rock, bronzes dated between 1600 and 1300 BC and an extension of the transformation be- have clear consistencies with copper from tween stone/animal and ship (Ling & Row- Cyprus, both in terms of lead isotope and lands 2013). Ships may have been regarded trace elements (Ling et al. 2014). as almost living and partly fragile beings Furthermore, the most compelling ex- during the Bronze Age, and setting them pressions of these interactions are recent in stone and attributing them with strong finds of rock art oxhide ingot representa- features or symbols such as bulls may have tions in Scandinavia (Ling & Stos-Gale 2015). been done to ensure ship durability and Intriguingly, some of the sites with early safe journeys. Moreover, there may have representations of ships also have images been a metonymic relationship between of oxhide ingots. E.g. the first recognised rock art representing animal ship transfor- oxhide is from Torsbo in Bohuslän (panel mations and the social reality of ships with Kville 156:1), an area that is well-known for animal features, being sent on the ocean to rock panels with depictions of ships dated hunt. to 1600 – 1500 BC (Ling 2008). The shape of this particular ingot has the same char- About 1400 BC the horse takes over the acteristics as contemporary Late Minoan I transformative role of the bull in southern ‘Kissenbarren’ or pillow ingots from the Ha- Scandinavia and becomes an integral part gia Triada and Tylissos settlements on Crete of ship prows (Kaul 1998; Ling 2013). Shore (Gale 1991: 202, pl. 2a-c; cf. Buchholz 1959). line dating of rock art panels in various

Adoranten 2014 27 Figure 7. Rock art depictions of bulls and ships dated to 1600-1400 BC from Tanum & Kville in Bohuslän, western Sweden. Documentation by CClaesson, Rock Care, Evers and THU . Source SHFA. Aspeberget: Foto Gerhard Milstreu. regions in Scandinavia demonstrates that Period II (1500 – 1300 BC) when Nordic rock ships with horse-prows first occur around art reached a new level of complexity with this time (Ling 2013), which is also sup- horse drawn chariots, omega signs, weap- ported by contemporary bronze razors that ons and conical hats (Randsborg 1993). are adorned with horse heads. Kaul argues convincingly that horse representations on Another remarkable connection between Nordic razors as well as on Nordic rock art Scandinavia and the east Aegean is revealed ships are inspired by the shape of Myce- by provenance studies of 290 glass beads naean bronze razors (Kaul 2013). The shape from Danish Bronze Age graves dated to of Nordic razors differs, with one exception, around 1400 BC, which have provided unex- from European Middle Bronze Age razors, pected evidence of contact between Egypt, but have similarities with examples found Mesopotamia and (Varberg, in the Aegean. The resemblance is however Gratuze & Kaul 2015). It should be noted not exact; Nordic razors with horse heads that oxhide ingots are also depicted during are cast in one piece, whereas Aegean ra- this later phase, e.g. on the intriguing rock zors have handles made of wood, bone or art panel Östra Eneby 1:1 near Norrköping ivory secured by rivets (Kaul 2013:462). Figu- in eastern Sweden. The panel includes de- rative links to eastern Mediterranean ico- pictions of three ships, dated to 1400 – 1300 nography are also found on the stone slabs BC (Ling 2013: 85), with out-turned prows with rock art from the Kivik cairn in eastern ending in animal heads that have strong Scania, which belongs to the later part of similarities with Nordic horse-head razors.

28 Adoranten 2014 Figure 8. Left, right and top centre: oxhide ingots form Crete dated to 1600 – 1400 BC (photograph: Z. A. Stos-Gale). Bot- tom centre: depiction of an oxhide ingot from the rock art panel Kville 156:1 in Bohuslän (photograph: A. Mederos; after Ling & Stos-Gale 2015, fig. 8).

Figure 9. Ship depiction with an oxhide ingot onboard, Norrköping, eastern Sweden (photograph: Catarina Bertilsson; after Ling & Stos-Gale 2015, fig. 10).

Adoranten 2014 29 Figure 10. The rock art panel Tanum 311 with superimposed shore levels (documentation by Milstreu and Prøhl 1996), demonstrating the maritime association of the panel and the changing significance of bulls and horses in association with ships in Scandinavian rock art (after Ling 2008, figure 7.26).

Onboard the largest ship are two warriors 2005; Kaul 2013:462), demonstrating the and an object that strongly resembles an interconnectedness of , oxhide ingot. The ingot has two relatively with wide-ranging trade and interaction. straight sides and can be dated to about the same time as the ship, 1400 – 1200 BC (cf. Lo Turning back to the supply of copper to Schiavo et al. 2005: 405). As this area may Scandinavia, about 1500 BC and onwards have been an prominent meeting place dur- it appears that copper exchange networks ing the Bronze Age (Fredell 2003: 221), and along the Atlantic seaboard occupied a as several rock art areas in Scandinavia may dominant position. Nordic bronze swords have served as important maritime meet- and other Middle Bronze Age (1500 – 1100 ing grounds, it is likely that it was in these BC) artefacts share isotopic signatures with regions that metal was brought in and then British swords, which in turn are consistent distributed inland. with copper ores from the western Medi- terranean (Ling et al. 2014). Copper from To conclude, several Scandinavian rock this region may have been transported to art representations from this period appears the north either via the Garonne axis from to be inspired by east Aegean iconography, northern Iberia to the French Atlantic coast such as bulls, oxhide ingots, horse drawn and then northwards to , the British chariots, sun horses and other celestial sym- Isles and Scandinavia, or through south- bols (Thrane 1990; Kristiansen & Larsson western Iberia and northwards

30 Adoranten 2014 across the Celtic Sea to Brittany, Britain and Figure 11. Iberian type pal- Scandinavia. stave found in Lake Tåkern, Sweden (Göteborgs stads- museum). 1300-700 cal BC: Period IV – V. The Atlantic Bronze Age During this time, western Mediterranean ore sources, in particular from Iberia and Sardinia, were the main suppliers of copper to Scandinavia. Several flange hilted swords and the majority of contemporary daggers have a metal composition that corresponds with copper ores from southern while most of the socketed axes belonging to Period IV correlates with Nuragic (Sardin- ian) copper. Further evidence of Bronze Age trade contacts between Scandinavia and Iberia are finds of Baltic amber in the ore and constitute a vivid representation of bearing regions of the western Mediterra- pan European warrior symbolism (Harrison nean, which indicate that amber was traded 2004:60). for metals (Ling et al. 2014). This fits well with the dating of Scandinavian Bronze Age That two Herzsprung type shields from artefacts that matches western Mediter- Fröslunda in western Sweden are made ranean ore signatures. This circumstance of copper from the Ossa-Morena massif in is moreover emphasised by the find of a further accentuates this no- typical Galician palstave from Lake Tåkern tion. These so called U-notched Fröslunda in Sweden (Nordén 1925; cf. Monteagudo shields are dated to about 1100 – 800 BC 1977, pl. 86, 87 & 100). The importance of (Uckelmann 2012). Interestingly, there are this palstave and the similarities between 46 stelae with depictions of Herzprung Scandinavian and Iberian rock art (see shields from this particular phase de- below) were already mentioned by Artur picted in Extremaduran rock art (Harrison Nordén in the nineteen twenties (Nordén 2004:124). However, most of these are of 1925). Gordon Childe also expressed inter- the slightly earlier V-notched type, but est in the palstave and inquired the cura- there are at least two representations of tor at the Museum of Gothenburg about U-notched shields (cf. Uckelmann 2012:129, the find circumstances, noting that similar fig. 15b). The U-notched shields are in any examples have been found in southern Eng- case regarded as a close derivative of the land, western and Sardinia, and that V-notched type. Altogether, the distribu- the find from Tåkern constitutes the most tion of V- and U-notched Herzprung shields northern example of this type (Childe n.d.). has a clear Atlantic pattern, stretching from Similarities between depictions of bi- Iberia, via the British Isles to Scandinavia; horned warriors in Extremaduran rock art, although it has to be stressed the latter are Nuragic Late Bronze Age figurines and only of the U-notched type (Uckelmann stone statues from Sardinia and the horned 2012:50-62, 127-137, pl. 160; Gräslund bronze figurines from Grevensvænge in 1967). Denmark (fig. 12) should be seen against this background (Harrison 2004; Coles 2005; There are some other figurative cat- Vandkilde 2013). Even though these horned egories of interest when comparing Scan- anthropomorphic representations were dinavian and Extremaduran rock art from produced in far removed regions, they be- about 1200 – 800 BC. We have already long to the same 1200 – 800 BC time frame mentioned the similarities between Iberian and bear witness of long range interaction bi-horned warriors and the figurines from

Adoranten 2014 31 Figure 12. Rock art warrior depictions. Top row: warriors with horned helmets on Iberian stelae (after Harrison 2004). Second row: Scandinavian warriors with horned helmets from Tossene 926:1 (after Bengtsson 2009). Third row: warriors making similar gestures. Left: two Scandinavian figures from Bottna (source SHFA), middle: Iberian figure from Baixo Alemtejo (after Harrison 2004, C 89), right: horned figure from Bottna in a similar pose as the Iberian warriors in the top row (source SHFA). Bottom row: Nuragic stone sculptures/statues and the horned bronze figurines from Grevensvænge in Denmark

32 Adoranten 2014 Grevensvænge, but there are also parallels East and eastern Mediterranean where between Iberian and Scandinavian warrior they were employed as fast and prestigious depictions. Not only are several attributed military vehicles, first as mobile archery with similar horns, there are also obvious platforms and later in the Aegean to trans- similarities in gestures and weapon repre- port warriors who fought on foot (Littauer sentations. In general, the same categories & Crouwel 1983, 1996; Piggott 1983), and of weapons, shields, daggers, bows, spears it is clear that they were employed in Iberia and swords are depicted in both regions, and southern Scandinavia during the Late but not the same specific types. The great- Bronze Age, as well as in other regions of est difference between Iberian and Scandi- temperate Europe (Pare 2004). navian rock art is that the former portrays Depictions of mirrors may be another immobile images of warriors and weapons, feature that connects these remote regions. whereas the latter depicts scenes with ac- Iberian stelae have 42 mirror representa- tive warriors. tions, constituting the largest group in Europe (Harrison 2004:151). As they are rep- Chariot depictions from the two regions resented in a masculine martial setting they also have several similarities (Thrane 1990; can be understood as an element of the Harrison 2004). The chariot bodies, draught expression of warrior ideology (cf. Treherne poles and sometimes yokes and reins are 1995). According to our view, similar mirror depicted from above, whereas the wheels depictions are also found on at least three and draught horses are represented from a sites in Bohuslän in western Sweden (Kville side view perspective. Chariots were widely 216:1, Tossene 46:1 and Fredsjö 427:4 cf. used during the Bronze Age in the Near Bengtsson 2009), albeit in fewer numbers.

Figure 13. Distribution of Herzsprung shields. 1, V-notched shields. 2, U-notched shields. 3, uncertain U-notched shields. 4, Sardinian type (modified after Gräslund 1967, fig. 9).

Adoranten 2014 33 Figure 14. Gestures in figurative rock art, adorants from Sweden and Iberia. Top left: Iberian stelae C 65 from Olivenza (after Harrison 2004). Top right and bottom: Scandinavian figures from Askum 68:2 and 70:1 (after Bengtsson 2002).

Figure 15. Iberian and Scandinavian depictions of chariots. Left: Iberian stelae (after Harrison 2004, figure 7.16). Right, clockwise from centre: Askum 67:1 (after Bengtsson 2002), Brastad, Frännarp and Brastad (source SHFA).

34 Adoranten 2014 Figure 16. Iberian and Scandinavian mirror depictions. Left: Iberian stelae (after Harrison 2004, figure 7.18). Right, clock- wise from top left: Tossene 427:4 (after Bengtsson 2009), Kville 211 (after Fredsjö 1981), Tossene 46:1 (after Bengtsson 2009), Kville 211 (after Fredsjö 1981), Kville 212 (after Fredsjö 1981).

These mirror representations are as in Ibe- on the most easterly point of Kent on the ria found in close association with martial British Isles. The site is interpreted as a Late motifs such as warriors, bi-horned figures Bronze Age trading centre with findings and war canoes, and they are undoubtedly of bun ingots and Baltic amber. Some of a local articulation of pan European warrior the analysed individuals have clear Scandi- symbolism. navian or Mediterranean signatures that show that groups from these two regions However, the most concrete evidence of interacted with local people from Kent (Mc- interaction and contact comes from analysis Kinley et al. 2013). of strontium- and oxygen isotope signatures in human bone from the Isle of Thanet,

Adoranten 2014 35 Discussion: the nature of interaction 2001; McGrail 1993) and Scandinavian rock Against the background that several Nor- art and prehistoric boat finds document a dic bronzes have signatures corresponding long-term tradition of building sea-worthy with Iberian ores, and that certain codes vessels (Crumlin-Pedersen 2003; Kaul 2003; and core values were expressed in both Ling 2008). Similarities between the Hjort- regions, it is possible to make some infer- spring boat from 350 BC and rock art ship ences regarding the nature of interaction depictions show that this tradition probably between Scandinavia and Iberia. It is prob- stretches back to at least 1600 BC (Crumlin- able that boats were used for transporting Pedersen 2003; Ling 2008). Moreover, sea copper and amber along maritime networks tests of the Hjortspring boat replica have that followed the Atlantic seaboard. Sewn- demonstrated that it was a well-designed plank boats capable of long-distance sea and effective craft. With a skilled crew it journeys were developed already around could cover up to 100 km per day and carry 1800 – 1600 BC on the British Isles (Cunliffe a cargo of 700 kg (Crumlin-Pedersen 2003;

Figure 17. The strategic position of the Isle of Thanet for maritime trade between Scandinavia and Iberia along the Atlantic seaboard (after McKinley et al. 2014, fig. 6.1).

36 Adoranten 2014 Figure 18. Iconographic expression of pan European warrior symbolism. The Ervidel II stelae from Baixo Alemtejo, (after Harrison 2004, C 89). cf. Vinner 2003). Following the North Sea rope, such as the Isle of Scilly, Isle of Wight, coast and including stops to rest and resup- Plymouth, Southampton, Salcombe and the ply a similar boat could reach the west coast Thames estuary (cf. McGrail 1993; Needham of Sweden from south-eastern England in 2009; Needham et al. 2013). A key feature less than two weeks. in understanding the Bronze Age Atlantic Brittany and the British Isles occupied network system is the availability of tin, strategic midway positions in this maritime which probably was a main reason why network and it is worth to once again groups from both the north and south di- emphasise that interaction involving Nor- rected their trade routes via the British Isles. dic and Mediterranean people has been Traders were in all likelihood not searching substantiated by strontium- and oxygen separately for tin or copper, and the op- isotope signatures in human bone from the portunity obtain both or supplementing Isle of Thanet. There are of course several Iberian copper with British tin accentuates other places that may have been crucial the probability that locations on the British for trade along the coasts of Western Eu- Isles and in Brittany acted as transit centres

Adoranten 2014 37 Figure 19. Hypothetical European trade routes for the supply of copper and tin to Scandinavia during the Bronze Age. Copper bearing regions are marked in black while the tin bearing region in and a possible influx of tin from the east are marked with silver. within the Atlantic network system. An Throughout the Bronze Age, Scandina- important observation in this regard is lead via was involved in two general exchange isotope analysis of a Late Bronze Age tin networks: a dominant terrestrial that was ingot from Vårdinge in Sweden that cor- geared towards Central Europe,1 and an responds with ores found in Cornwall (Ling Atlantic system. It is this latter maritime et al. 2014). system that foremost inspired in Scandina- vian rock art with cosmopolitical features. Returning to Scandinavian rock art, even The Atlantic maritime networks funneled if this particular medium was noticeably in- precious metals in raw state, such as cop- fluenced by far removed regions in the At- per, gold and tin from the western Medi- lantic network, it is important to underline terranean and the British Isles in exchange that several similar iconographic elements, for Baltic amber (Harding 1984, Murillo- codes and core values were shared over Barosso& Martinón-Torres, 2012, Rowlands large parts of Europe, although expressed & Ling 2013). The agents that participated in other materials. In the following we at- in the Atlantic trade were probably part tempt to explain why Scandinavian rock art of a rather exclusive group of travelling was more influenced by southern regions traders and warriors (Kristiansen & Larsson involved in the Atlantic network system, 2005) who had more in common with simi- whereas Scandinavian bronzes, burial prac- lar groups in far removed regions within tices and houses had more in common with the Atlantic system than with local groups Central Europe. and customs. The focussed but occasional

38 Adoranten 2014 Figure 20. Left: aquatic birds influenced by Urnfield iconography on rock art from Tanum (source SHFA). Right: Urnfield iconography. Bird figure 6 is found on the Nackhälla shield from Halland in south-western Sweden, the antenna sword adorned with birds was found in Bothenheiligen, Kr. Langensalza in Central Germany (after Kaul 2004, fig. 50). trade in metal and amber in raw form thus (Earle 1997, 2002; Kristiansen & Earle 2015) generated a common identity, shared values were highly important for establishing net- and codes which were foremost expressed work relationships, the integration of staple in rock art. products made this system more influen- However, this interaction did not gener- tial, and the permanence was sustained by ate shared forms in metals, burial practices closer and more intense political interaction or housing as these were closely associated including marriage alliances, which in turn with more traditional domestic practices led to strong similarities in metal forms and mundane life. Due to the maritime and burial rites. As northern Alpine ore nature of the Atlantic system, which limited sources took on an increasing importance participation to a small segment of society relative to Iberian metal in the last stage with the organizational skills, knowledge of the Bronze Age, Scandinavian rock art and means to employ boats, this network was clearly influenced by Central European had a somewhat limited impact on local Urnfield bird iconography, emphasising the Scandinavian culture. This was instead influ- importance of metal trade as a vehicle for enced by an intense and more permanent cultural transmission. terrestrial system of networks with Central Europe. Small scale inter-regional exchange of prestige goods and some raw materials Conclusion between Scandinavia and the continent can Metal and mobility are pronounced fea- be traced back to the Neolithic (cf. Klassen tures in Bronze Age Scandinavian rock art, et al. 2011; Sherratt 1997; Vandkilde 2007), with numerous and sophisticated depictions but during the Bronze Age this exchange of ships, warriors, weapons, chariots and took on a much larger scale, encompassing oxhide ingots along with symbolic represen- a broad repertoire of both staple products tations. This Nordic figurative rock art was and high-value items - including finished introduced, persisted and vanished with the metal objects such as octagonal hilted Bronze Age, which underlines that the prac- swords, raw metals, textiles and amber, as tice was closely linked to a set of distinctive well as cattle and agrarian products (cf. conditions that prevailed during this period Kristiansen 1998; Earle & Kristiansen 2010; of European prehistory. Chief among these Kristiansen & Larsson 2005; Bergerbrant was the acquisition of copper and tin, as 2007). Although wealth-finance strategies bronze was of central importance in both

Adoranten 2014 39 economic production and social reproduc- Bengtsson, L. (ed.). 2009. Arkeologisk rap- tion (cf. Pare 2000; Kristiansen & Earle port 7. Tossene socken. Göteborg: Vitlycke 2015). Numerous rock art motifs that are museum. inspired by a pan- European ideology con- vey that Scandinavia was well integrated Bergerbrant, S. 2007. Bronze Age identities. in several European metal networks, which Costume, conflict and contact in Northern have now been substantiated by metal Europe 1600-1300 BC. Stockholm: Stock- provenance studies (Ling et al. 2013, 2014), holm University. and it is significant that the Scandinavian rock art repertoire regardless of period re- Bradley, R. 2009. Image and audience: re- sponded to these connections and networks thinking prehistoric art. Oxford: Oxford in a quite pronounced manner. University Press.

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