Parliamentary Art Collection and links to the transatlantic slave trade

In response to the Black Lives Matter movement, the Parliamentary Art Collection is being reviewed to identify depictions of individuals and activities related to the British slave trade and the use of forced labour of enslaved Africans and others in British colonies and beyond.

British involvement in the transatlantic slave trade began in 1562, and by the 1730s Britain was the biggest slave-trading nation in the world. The abolition movement in Britain, and the acts of resistance and rebellion by enslaved Africans in the colonies, led to the abolition of first the trade, and then the use of enslaved labour in British colonies by Acts of Parliament in 1807 and 1833. However, many British people continued to have direct financial gain from the trading and use of enslaved labour and indentured labour in the West Indies, America, India and elsewhere.

This document lists works of art owned by the Parliamentary Art Collection which are related to the trading and the use of forced labour of enslaved men, women and children in British colonies and beyond. This includes works of art depicting individuals that;

• supported slavery and/or the slave trade • financially benefitted from the British slave trade or enslaved labour • had close family ties to slavery and/or the slave trade

It also lists those who fought for the abolition of trading and the use of forced labour of enslaved peoples.

This document is the second release which lists works of art identified in the review so far. The review will continue to publish updated versions of this list quarterly, as new works are discovered through additional research. Additional works of art within the scope of this review have been identified in this second release of data, and can be found in the table below.

The Parliamentary Art Collection is working with the rigorous academic research published by institutions such as University College London and Historic England, cross-referencing against works of art in our collection. Additional research from the History of Parliament Trust has also been utilised during the review.

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Where an individual has been listed in this document as having links to slavery and the slave trade, the source of this information has also been provided.

The Parliamentary Art Collection documents the history and work of Parliament, and includes works featuring 17th, 18th and 19th century parliamentarians. As many were wealthy landowners and businessmen, they or their families were often directly involved in, and profited from, the forced labour of enslaved peoples and the trading of those people. Today this is recognised as abhorrent. The intention of the Parliamentary Art Collection is not to venerate people who have supported and committed acts of atrocity, but to truthfully reflect the history of Parliament, our democracy and the people who played a part in it. The interpretation of these artworks is constantly under review. We will continue to explore ways to better explain and contextualise works in the Collection through our website and in other interpretive material.

The following list of artworks is not comprehensive, and this document will be updated as new research is undertaken, becomes available or acquisitions are made. There is no definitive list of MPs or Peers with close connections to the transatlantic trade, or those who had financial interests in the use of enslaved labour and indentured labour in the West Indies, America, India and elsewhere. However, they will be numerous, and some will be included in artworks on display in Parliament. There are also instances of Members whose views changed over their time in Parliament, for example those with economic interests in the use of enslaved peoples and the slave trade who later fought for abolition. Finally, this list of artworks does not include every instance where a figure may appear in a work of art, for example in the case of group portraits, but instead provides details for works where the subject is the sole or a major feature.

Not all works of art listed below are on display. Where works are on display, some are in areas accessible to the public, and others are in private areas.

Sources consulted by the Parliamentary Art Collection to date:

1) The Centre for the Study of the Legacies of British Slave-ownership at University College London has produced an online resource which enables users to search for people who financially benefitted from the transatlantic slave trade and slavery where they received compensation after the abolition: University College London Centre for the Study of the Legacies of British Slave-ownership website. 2) Hall, Catherine, et al. Appendix 4: List of MPs 1832–80 who appear in the compensation records. Legacies of British Slave-Ownership: Colonial Slavery and the Formation of Victorian Britain, Cambridge University Press, 2014. ProQuest Ebook Central, 3) Parliamentary History Volume 33, Issue S1, Special Issue: Texts & Studies Series 9: The Correspondence of Stephen Fuller, 1788‐1795: , the West India Interest at Westminster and the Campaign to Preserve the Slave Trade, Edited by M.W. McCahill (2014), Introduction. Parliamentary History, 33: 1-61. and, Appendix 1: Members of Parliament with West Indian Connections, 1780–96. Parliamentary History, 33: 229-233. doi:10.1111/1750-0206.12074

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4) Dresser, Madge and Hann, Andrew et al. Slavery and the British Country House, English Heritage, 2013.

Source Key:

UCL – Legacies of British Slave-ownership database HOPT – History of Parliament Trust research H E – Historic England’s Slavery and the British Country House HALL – Catherine Hall et al. Legacies of British Slave-Ownership: Colonial Slavery and the Formation of Victorian Britain P H - Parliamentary History Volume 33, Issue S1 (2014)

People who supported slavery, had financial or family interests in the transatlantic slave trade and slavery

Depicted WOA Artist Title Medium Year created Source Charles Abbot, Charles Abbot, 1st Lord Colchester UCL 1st Baron Picart, Mr Charles WOA 1173 SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE OF Print Colchester Northcote, James COMMONS 1802-17 HOPT (1757-1829) Charles Abbot, Baron Colchester 1757- WOA 2393 Buck, S. J. Drawing 1829 Speaker Lawrence, Sir Charles Abbot, Esqre. Speaker 1802-17 WOA 2715 Painting 1824 Thomas Baron Colchester 1757-1829 Lawrence, Sir Charles Abbot, Baron Colchester 1757- WOA 2725 Painting Thomas 1829 Speaker THE CASTING VOTE or the WOA 5849 Williams, Charles Print 1805 Independent Speaker [ 1805 ] Picart, Mr Charles The Right Honble Charles Abbot, WOA 719 Northcote, James Print Speaker of The House of Commons Abbot, Charles , Phillips, Thomas 1st Viscount Henry Addington, 1st Viscount WOA 2718 Copley, John Painting HOPT Sidmouth Sidmouth 1757-1844 Speaker Singleton (1754-1844) 25/01/2020, v2.0 3

Parker, Mr James The Right Honorable Henry Addington, WOA 171 Beechey, Sir Lord . One of His Print William Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State. Parker, Mr James Henry Addington, 1st Viscount WOA 3084 Beechey, Sir Sidmouth 1757-1844 Speaker 1789- Print William 1801, Prime Minister 1801-04 Dunkarton, Mr Henry Addington WOA 1178 Robert Copley, Print 1757-1844 Speaker John Singleton The Right Honorable Henry Addington, Dunkarton, Mr 1st Viscount Sidmouth, Prime Minister WOA 399 Robert Copley, Print 1801-1804 and Chancellor the the John Singleton Exchequer 1801-1804 Parker, Mr James The Rt. Hon.ble Henry Addington, First Beechey, Sir Lord of the Treasury & Chancellor of WOA 718 Print William the Exchequer 1st Viscount Sidmouth Addington, Henry 1757-1844 Sir Francis Baring, 1st From a Picture in the Possession of Sir WOA 130 Ward, James Print 1807 HALL Baronet Francis Baring Bart (1740 – 1810) Henry Bathurst, Lawrence, Sir 3rd Earl Bathurst WOA 6273 Henry Bathurst, 3rd Earl Bathurst Painting H E Thomas (1762-1834) WOA 2937 Kettle, Tilly William Beckford 1709-70 Lord Mayor Oil painting UCL

William Beckford 1765 H E (1709 – 1770)

P H Houston, Mr Beckford, Townsend and Sawbridge, WOA 278 Print Richard 1769

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Lord William UCL Henry Cavendish Murphy, Mr John William Henry Cavendish Bentinck, 3rd Bentinck, 3rd WOA 401 Reynolds, Sir Duke of Portland 1738-1809 Prime Print 1785 H E Duke of Portland Joshua Minister 1807-09 (1738-1809) HALL William Bromley Phillips, Thomas William Bromley, Esqre. Speaker 1710- WOA 2707 Painting HOPT (1663 – 1732) Dahl, Michael 13 1644-1732 William Bromley (1663-1732), Speaker WOA 6549 Dahl, Michael Painting of the House of Commons (1710-13) The Right Hon.ble William Bromley Esq. Smith, Mr John Speaker of ye Hon.ble House of WOA 706 Dahl, Michael Print Commons & one of Her Majestys most Bromley, William Hon.ble Privy Council 1644-1732 Smith, Mr John The Right Honble William Bromley Esq. WOA 1873 Print Dahl, Michael 1644-1732 Speaker 1710-13 Edmund Burke Reynolds, Sir MP WOA 4633 Edmund Burke M.P. 1729-1797 Photograph H E Joshua Unknown (1729-1797) WOA 41 Jones, John The Right Honble. Edmund Burke Print WOA 5827 Edmund Burke Print Northcote, James WOA 3066 Reynolds, Sir Edmund Burke 1729-1797 Painting Joshua Hardy, J. WOA 1462 Reynolds, Sir EDMUND BURKE 1729-1797 Print Joshua WOA S744 Foley, John Henry Statuette of Edmund Burke Sculpture Theed (the Edmund Burke 1729-97 Orator and WOA S16 Sculpture Younger), William statesman George Stevens Byng, 2nd Earl of WOA 3848 Gillray, James A HACKNEY MEETING Print 1796 HALL Stafford (1806-1886) 25/01/2020, v2.0 5

General Sir Dunkarton, Robert James Duff, 2nd Earl of Fife, M.P. James Duff WOA 1856 after Devis, Arthur Print P H 1729-1809 (1752-1839) William Henry Dundas, 1st Viscount Lawrence, Sir Henry Dundas, Viscount Melville 1742- WOA 4638 Photograph H E Melville Thomas 1811 (1742-1811) Smith, Mr John Henry Dundas, 1st Viscount Melville WOA 1737 Reynolds, Sir Print 1742-1811 Secretary of State Joshua Young, J. Henry Dundas 1st Viscount Melville WOA 1813 Print Romney, George 1742-1811 Turner, Mr Henry Dundas, 1st Viscount Melville WOA 2235 Charles Lawrence, Print 1742-1811 Secretary of State Sir Thomas Henry Dundas, 1st Viscount Melville WOA 3643 Hoppner, Mr John Painting 1742-1811 Turner, Mr HENRY DUNDAS 1742-1811 M.P. FOR WOA 1475 Charles Lawrence, Print MIDLOTHIAN 1st Viscount Melville Sir Thomas WOA 584 Henry Dundas Melville Print Young, J. Lord Viscount Melville Henry Dundas, WOA 1790 Print 1807 Turnerelli, Peter 1st Viscount Melville 1742-1811 Rt Hon Edward Stamped Ellice WOA M0636 Coventry : Ellice and Bulwer sculpture 1832 HALL (1783-1863) (token) Turner, Mr John Fuller WOA 946 Charles after John Fuller Print P H (1757-1834) Singleton, H Sir Alan Gardner Election WOA M0605 Unknown Westminster: Admiral Gardener 1796 P H (1742-1809) token

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Sir John Gladstone of The Rt. Hon. Viscount Gladstone 1854- WOA 1165 Spy Print UCL Fasque, 1st Bart 1930 (1764-1851) Sir Thomas Gladstone, 2nd WOA 6311 Hayter, Sir George Sir Thomas Gladstone of Fasque Painting HALL Bart (1804-1889) WOA 6981 Spy William Ewart Gladstone Print UCL (1809-1898) SCENES IN THE LIBERAL UNION No. 3 Merry, Tom St WOA 3455 CASUALS AT WORK St. Stephen's Print 1886 Stephen's Review Review 1886 The People's William ( W. E. Gladstone WOA 2051 Spy Print 1879 Vanity Fair 1879 ) Wyllie, William THE KIEL FETES: MR. GLADSTONE ON Morison Hall, WOA 5280 BOARD THE 'TANTALLON CASTLE' The Print Sydney Prior The Graphic Graphic Fowler, Sir Robert William Ewart Gladstone 1809-98 Prime WOA 2735 Nicholas Millais, Painting Minister Sir John Everett Dadd, Frank Gladstone: Sunday Morning at WOA 4082 Illustrated London Hawarden Illustrated London News Print 1880 News 1880 A DREAM OF THE PILLORY: Or, the Merry, Tom St WOA 3468 Right Man in the Right Place St. Print 1887 Stephen's Review Stephen's Review 1887 The Election Campaign: Mr. Gladstone Unknown in the Free Church Assembly Hall at WOA 4098 Illustrated London Print 1885 Edinburgh Illustrated London News News 1885 25/01/2020, v2.0 7

Unknown Mr. Gladstone in Midlothian Illustrated WOA 5062 Illustrated London Print London News News Unknown Mr. Gladstone Delivering his Address as WOA 4088 Illustrated London Lord Rector of the University of Print 1879 News Glasgow Illustrated London News 1879 Unknown The Election Campaign: Mr. Gladstone WOA 4094 Illustrated London at the Albert Hall, Edinburgh Illustrated Print 1885 News London News 1885 WOA S673 William Ewart Gladstone Metalwork WOA S582 William Ewart Gladstone Ceramic Unknown Mr. Gladstone at Birmingham WOA 5010 Illustrated London Print 1877 Illustrated London News 1877 News Barlow, Thomas WOA 192 Oldham Millais, Sir William Ewart Gladstone Print 1881 John Everett WOA S605 William Ewart Gladstone Ceramic Merry, Tom St A LIVING DOG IS BETTER THAN A WOA 3459 Print 1886 Stephen's Review DEAD LION' St. Stephen's Review 1886 Tried, Trusted, True Right Hon W. E. WOA T48 Textile Gladstone MP WOA S620 William Ewart Gladstone Ceramic WOA 6978 "Babble, Birth and Brummagem" Print WOA M0565 William Ewart Gladstone Medal WOA M0569 William Ewart Gladstone Medal WOA S571 William Ewart Gladstone Ceramic WOA S621 William Ewart Gladstone Ceramic Merry, Tom St WAKING' THE HOME RULE BILL St. WOA 3448 Print 1886 Stephen's Review Stephen's Review 1886 Merry, Tom St THE HOME RULE LEAP St. Stephen's WOA 5386 Print Stephen's Review Review Presentation Cartoon 1886

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Merry, Tom St Et Tu, Brute!' St. Stephen's Review WOA 5387 Print Stephen's Review Presentation Cartoon 1885 Merry, Tom Hogarth, Mr MARRIAGE A LA MODE NEW SERIES WOA 5389 Print William St No.5 St. Stephen's Review 1885 Stephen's Review Merry, Tom St Mr Gladstone and his clerks St WOA 4132 Print 1886 Stephen's Review Stephen's Review 1886 WOA S671 William Ewart Gladstone Sculpture Illustrated London Fifty Years of a Statesman's Life, WOA 6152 Print 1883 News Illustrated London News WOA 5743 Spy The people's William Print 1879 WOA S607 William Ewart Gladstone Ceramic WOA S624 William Ewart Gladstone Ceramic WOA S679 William Ewart Gladstone Ceramic WOA S623 William Ewart Gladstone Ceramic WOA S574 William Ewart Gladstone Ceramic WOA S629 William Ewart Gladstone Ceramic WOA 7007 William Ewart Gladstone Print WOA S680 William Ewart Gladstone Ceramic WOA S685 William Ewart Gladstone Ceramic William Ewart Gladstone 1809-98 Prime WOA 3113 Forbes, John Colin Print Minister WOA S539 William Ewart Gladstone Ceramic WOA S570 William Ewart Gladstone Ceramic WOA S649 William Ewart Gladstone Metalwork Merry, Tom St SHOOTING THE RAPIDS St. Stephen's WOA 3446 Print 1886 Stephen's Review Review 1886 Merry, Tom St A MOONLIGHT FLITTING St. Stephen's WOA 3467 Print 1886 Stephen's Review Review 1886 WOA S541 William Ewart Gladstone Ceramic Sargent, Mr Key WOA 372. Gladstone introducing WOA 374 Printed_text Frederick the Land Law (Ireland) Bill 25/01/2020, v2.0 9

Gladstonians in council or the plan of Merry, Tom St WOA 4189 the campaign St. Stephen's Review Print 1887 Stephen's Review 1887 WOA S652 William Ewart Gladstone Metalwork WOA P238 William Ewart Gladstone Photograph THE DISGRACE TO THE FAMILY OR, Merry, Tom St WOA 3460 THE TRUANT'S RETURN St. Stephen's Print 1886 Stephen's Review Review 1886 Illustrated London William Ewart Gladstone and The Mid WOA 6998 Print News Lothian Election 'The Grand Old Man' William Ewart WOA 3265 Spy Print 1887 Gladstone, M.P. Vanity Fair 1887 WOA S589 Rancoulet, Ernest William Ewart Gladstone Ceramic Sherwin & Cotton WOA S578 William Ewart Gladstone Ceramic Mendelssohn, H WOA S626 Bailey, J W William Ewart Gladstone Ceramic Middleport Pottery WOA S603 Burgess & Leigh William Ewart Gladstone Ceramic Ltd WOA 6962 William Ewart Gladstone Photograph William Ewart Gladstone & Benjamin WOA 6963 Photograph Disraeli WOA 6990 William Ewart Gladstone Photograph Walker, William William Ewart Gladstone 1809-1898 WOA 3108 Print 1845 Bradley, W. Prime Minister Middleport Pottery WOA S604 Burgess & Leigh William Ewart Gladstone Ceramic Ltd Merry, Tom St HOPELESS OUTCASTS St. Stephen's WOA 3457 Print 1886 Stephen's Review Review 1886 Merry, Tom St WELL DONE JOHN BRIGHT! St. WOA 3463 Print 1886 Stephen's Review Stephen's Review 1886

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Merry, Tom St A barefaced robbery St. Stephen's WOA 4190 Print 1886 Stephen's Review Review 1886 Merry, Tom St MEPHISTOPHELES AND HIS MINIONS WOA 3452 Print 1887 Stephen's Review St. Stephen's Review 1887 Von Lenbach, WOA 6938 Portrait of William Ewart Gladstone Painting 1886 Franz Mote, W. H. The Rt. Honourable William Ewart WOA 6363 Print Severn, Arthur Gladstone MP Sargent, Mr Mr Gladstone Introducing The Land WOA 2247 Print 1881 Frederick Law (Ireland) Bill 7th April, 1881 Thomson, J. WOA 3687 IN STRANGE WATERS Print 1885 Gordon The Home Rule Debate in House of Dickinson, Mr WOA 2943 Lords 1893 Gladstone second bill Painting Lowes Cato Foster rejected Marquess ofSalisbury speaking Merry, Tom St Counting the Chickens before they are WOA 5843 Print 1891 Stephen's Review hatched St Stephen's Review Wyon, Edward WOA S627 William Ewart Gladstone Ceramic William William Ewart Gladstone and David WOA S559 Ceramic Lloyd George Wilson, Thomas Mr. Gladstone Bringing Forward the WOA 3396 Walter Illustrated Irish Home Rule Bill in the House of Print 1893 London News Lords, Feb. 13, 1893 Lauder, Charles Gladstone Lying-in-State, Westminster WOA 2674 Drawing James Hall 1898 Merry, Tom St Policy hunting - hounds at fault St. WOA 4191 Print 1886 Stephen's Review Stephen's Review 1886 Sargent, Mr WOA 3733 William Ewart Gladstone 1809-98 Drawing Frederick Thomson, J. WOA 3685 THE RIVAL BALLOT SINGERS Print 1885 Gordon

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Wehrschmidt, Daniel Albert Gladstone 1809-98 Prime Minister with WOA 2890 Print 1890 Millais, Sir John grandson ? Everett The Rt. Hon. Viscount Gladstone 1854- WOA 1165 Spy Print 1930 Thomson, J. 'THE AGREEMENT;' OR, FIGHTING WOA 3690 Print 1885 Gordon MADE EASY. Boucher, William POOR JOHN BULL In his Last New and WOA 3423 Henry Judy Print Popular Character Judy 1872 Magazine WOA S236 Woolner, Thomas William Ewart Gladstone (1809-1898) Sculpture WOA 6980 Spy "The People's William" Print Tenniel, John THE TRIUMPH OF GREENWICH Judy or WOA 5377 Print 1871 Judy Magazine the London Serio-Comic Journal 1871 Wirgman, WOA 3484 William Ewart Gladstone Prime Minister Drawing Theodore Blake The Aged Reader - William Ewart WOA 7005 Print Gladstone Barlow, Thomas WOA 163 Oldham Millais, Sir William Ewart Gladstone Print 1881 John Everett Boehm, Sir Joseph WOA S713 Bust of Rt Hon William Ewart Gladstone Sculpture 1880 Edgar Chartran, Gladstone's Cabinet 1883 including WOA 1979 Print 1883 Theobald letters and signatures The Grand Old Man ( W. E. Gladstone WOA 2057 Spy Print 1887 Vanity Fair 1887 ] WOA 2315 Spy The Rt. Hon. Viscount Gladstone Print WOA 243 Ape Statesmen No. 2 Print 1869 Doulton & Co WOA S546 William Ewart Gladstone Ceramic (Ltd)

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Cleaver, Reginald I do believe we are approaching to a WOA 4339 Drawing Thomas period ... Gladstone WOA 6987 William Ewart Gladstone Print Caricature figure of William Ewart WOA S226 Gladstone 1809 - 98 Prime Minister Ceramic 1868 -74 1880 -86 and 1892 Meeting of Mr Gladstone and his WOA 4050 Unknown constituents Arrival of the Hustings at Drawing Blackheath 26 October 1871 WOA 5554 Unknown William Ewart Gladstone Print 3d perspective portrait of Gladstone WOA 6298 Unknown Print and Bright WOA M0643 Unknown S. W. Lancashire: Gladstone Medal WOA 3656 Unknown William Ewart Gladstone, Prime Minister Drawing Cleaver, Reginald William Ewart Gladstone 1809-98 Prime WOA 2938 Drawing Thomas Minister Pritchett, Robert WOA 217 Westminster Hall Drawing 1898 Taylor WHAT LIBERALS COULD RESIST US WOA 5354 Low, Sir David Drawing NOW? Gladstone Unknown The Election Campaign: Mr Gladstone WOA 3944 Illustrated London at the Albert Hall, Edinburgh Illustrated Print 1885 News London News 1885 Unknown Public Life and Character of Mr. WOA 5016 Illustrated London Gladstone (1809-1898) Illustrated Print 1880 News London News 1880 Unknown Mr. Gladstone in Midlothian scenes WOA 5056 Illustrated London Print 1879 Illustrated London News 1879 News Pomeroy, William Ewart Gladstone 1809-98 Prime WOA S39 Sculpture Frederick William Minister 1868-74 1880-5 1886 1892-4

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Palmerston in the House of Commons WOA 4489 Unknown and Gladstone and Salisbury in the Print Dickinson, Mr Key to The Home Rule Debate in House WOA 4160 Print 1893 Lowes Cato Foster of Lords 1893 second bill rejected WOA 1163 Harcourt, Lewis William Ewart Gladstone 1809-98 Photograph THE RIVAL CLOWNS: WAITING TO GO WOA 1412 Dalhean Print 1880 ON 1880 Artlett, R. A. after Henry Goulburn 1784-1856 Chancellor WOA 1549 Print 1851 HALL (1784-1856) Richmond, George of the Exchequer Sir Thomas Kneller, Sir Sir Thomas Hanmer, Bart. Speaker Hanmer WOA 2717 Painting HOPT Godfrey Bt 1713-14 1677-1746 (1677-1746) Bond, William SIR THOMAS HANMER Speaker of the WOA 1531 Kneller, Sir Print House of Commons 1677-1746 Godfrey Bt Robert Harley, Richardson, Robert Harley Earl of Oxford and Earl of Oxford WOA 2732 Painting HOPT Jonathan Mortimer 1661-1724 Speaker (1661-1724) Smith, Mr John Robert Harley, Earl of Oxford 1661- WOA 4341 Kneller, Sir Print 1724 Speaker Godfrey Bt Simon, John The Right Honoble Robert Earl of WOA 1875 Kneller, Sir Oxford & Earl Mortimer Robert Harley Print Godfrey Bt 1661-1724 Speaker and Lord Treasurer Smith, Mr John The Right Hono.ble Robert Earl of Kneller, Sir WOA 707 Oxford & Earl Mortimer, Baron Harley Print Godfrey Bt Harley, of Wigmore in the County of Hereford Robert HOPT Joseph Hume Hodgetts, Thomas Joseph Hume 1777-1855 Radical M.P. WOA 3122 Print 1823 (1777 – 1855) Graham, J. 1818-55 UCL

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Ritchie, Alexander Joseph Hume 1777-1855 Radical WOA S51 Sculpture Handyside politician James McGarel- 'Board of Works' Colonel James M. Hogg, 1st Baron WOA 4808 Spy Hogg, M.P. Vanity Fair 1873 Print H E Magheramorne

(1823 -1890) 'Board of Works' Colonel James M. WOA 2637 Spy Hogg, M.P. Vanity Fair 1873 Print 1873

Charles Jenkinson, 1st The Right Honourable CHARLES Earl of Liverpool Murphy, Mr John WOA 1139 LORD HAWKESBURY Earl of Liverpool Print P H (aka Lord after Romney 1727-1808 Hawkesbury) (1729-1808) Murphy, Mr John The Right Honourable Charles Lord WOA 977 Print after Romney Hawkesbury Robert Banks Jenkinson 2nd Earl of Liverpool Robinson, WOA 4519 Lord Liverpool Print HOPT (aka Lord H. after Lawrence Hawkesbury) (1770-1828) Robinson, WOA 4520 Lord Liverpool Print H. after Lawrence Henry Lascelles, 2nd Earl of Harewood WOA 1021 Earl of Harewood Print H E (1767-1841)

Edward Littleton, Election 1st Baron WOA M0613 Unknown Staffordshire: Walhouse (aka Littleton) HALL token Hatherton 25/01/2020, v2.0 15

(1791-1863) William JOHN BRIGHT AND W.A. MACKINNON Alexander Cruikshank, WOA 1162 IN THE DEBATES ON FRANCHISE Painting 1860 HALL Mackinnon George REFORM, JUNE 1860 (1789-1870) Sir Gerald Noel Rutland: Colonel Noel M.P. of the Noel, 2nd Bart WOA M0600 Unknown Medal 1780 HALL Rutland Fencibles (1759-1838) Turner, Mr Sir Gerard Noel Noel 1759-1838 M.P. WOA 1761 Charles Beechey, Print 1821 for Maidstone and Rutland Sir William Sir Richard Onslow, Baron Unknown Kneller, Sir Richard Onslow, Bart. Speaker 1708 WOA 2698 Painting HOPT Onslow Sir Godfrey Bt Baron Onslow 1654-1717 (1654-1717) Sir WOA S602 Sir Robert Peel Ceramic HOPT1 (1788-1850) WOA S622 Sir Robert Peel Ceramic Dickinson, William WOA 86 Sir Robert Peel Bart. M.P. Print Northcote, James WOA S569 Sir Robert Peel MP Ceramic WOA M0566 Sir Robert Peel Medal 1837 WOA M0574 Sir Robert Peel Medal WOA S608 Sir Robert Peel Ceramic WOA S609 Sir Robert Peel Ceramic Cousins, Samuel Sir Robert Peel, Bart. 1788-1850 Prime WOA 391 Lawrence, Sir Minister 1834-1835, 1841-1845 and Print 1850 Thomas 1845-1846

1 The History of Parliament Trust biography for Sir Robert Peel Senior, father of the Prime Minister Sir Robert Peel, outlines his links to the cotton trade, and his strong opposition to the abolition of slavery. The elder Peel helped secure a seat in the House of Commons for his son. The Younger Peel also inherited a fortune from his father. 25/01/2020, v2.0 16

Turner, Mr WOA 158 Charles Lawrence, Sir Robert Peel, 2nd Bart. M.P. Print 1841 Sir Thomas WOA S566 Sir Robert Peel Ceramic WOA S568 Sir Robert Peel Bart Ceramic Sir Robert Peel and Cobden- repeal of WOA S567 Ceramic the Lewis, Frederick Christian The Right Hon.ble Sir Robert Peel, Bart, WOA 162 Print 1841 Lawrence, Sir M.P. Thomas Scanlan, Robert WOA L673 Sir Robert Peel (1788-1850) Painting Richard WOA S562 Sir Robert Peel Ceramic The Champions of Reform Destroying WOA 2201 Gillray, James Print 1831 the Monster of Corruption Pickersgill, Henry Sir Robert Peel 1788-1850 Prime WOA L89 Painting William Minister 1834-5 1841-6 Leech, John WOA 6005 Punch's monument to Peel Print 1850 Punch Faed, James The Duke of Wellington and Sir Robert WOA 60 Winterhalter, Print 1851 Peel Franz Xaver WOA 534a ATN Sir Robert Peel Print A professor of strong languages Sir WOA 2062 ATN Print 1870 Robert Peel Vanity Fair 1870 Leech, John WOA 6012 Russell Following Peel Print Punch The Derby Dilly taken in tow by the WOA 5170 Doyle, John Print 1835 Patent Safety Peel Lord Derby WOA 5331 Heath, William A Change in the Peel 1830 Print 1830 WOA S617 Wedgwood Sir Robert Peel Ceramic WOA 3616 Doyle, John POLITICAL HARMONICS Print 1829 25/01/2020, v2.0 17

WOA 3604 Doyle, John Sir Robert Peel as a Knight Print 1830 Ward, George Raphael WOA 160 Sir Robert Peel, 2nd Bart.1788-1850 Print 1851 Pickersgill, Henry William Mr Peel Tours the Rural Districts - WOA 5327 Macpherson, D. Drawing 1906 Electioneering Sketches 1906 The Great Corn Doctor Operating on WOA 949 Heath, Henry Print John Bull Westmacott, WOA S533 Sir Robert Peel Ceramic 1850 James Sherwood Rt. Hon. Sir Robert Peel, Bart. 1788- WOA 2066 Essex, William B. Painting 1850 Prime Minister Unknown WOA 3790 Sir Robert Peel Print Unknown WOA S687 Noble, Mathew Sir Robert Peel Bart Sculpture 1850 Sir Robert 2nd Baronet Peel 1788-1850 WOA S66 Noble, Mathew Sculpture Prime Minister 1834-5 1841-5 1845-6 WOA 6966 Baxter, George Sir Robert Peel Print Linnell, John WOA 102 Sir Robert Peel Print 1838 Linnell, John Unknown Leaders of England in 1842 Peel, WOA 5288 Illustrated London Wellington, Melbourne, Victoria ... The Print 1892 News Illustrated London News 1892 Residence of the Late Sir Robert Peel, WOA 3110 Unknown Print 1850 Bart. Faed, James The Duke of Wellington and Sir Robert WOA 1824 Winterhalter, Print 1844 Peel 1844 Franz Xaver Sir John Rae Reid, 2nd Bart WOA 5962 Hayter, Sir George Sir John Rae Reid, Bt Painting 1833 HALL (1791-1862)

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Admiral Sir Dupont, Admiral Lord Rodney, K.B. 1719- George Rodney WOA 1816 Print 1788 P H Gainsborough 92 M.P. for Northampton (1718-1792) John Rolle, 1st Turner, Mr Baron Rolle Charles after WOA 974 John Rolle, 1st Baron Print P H (1750-1842) Lawrence, Sir Thomas George Henry P H Rose (Thought to be) Sir George Henry WOA 3216 Unknown Painting (1771 – 1855) Rose, Clerk of the Parliament 1818-55 HALL

William Court Unknown Gully, 1st The First Parliament of King Edward VII WOA 383 Dickinson, Mr Print 1901 UCL Viscount Selby , February 1901 Lowes Cato Foster (1835 – 1909) Spy 1st Viscount WOA 665 Selby, William Mr Speaker Print 1896 Court Gully William Court Gully, 1st Viscount Selby WOA 1973 Unknown Drawing 1835-1909 Speaker J. Russell & Sons 1st Viscount WOA 626 William Court Gully Photograph Selby, William Court Gully Unknown Sargent, WOA 377 The Government Side Photograph 1896 Mr Frederick Unknown House of Commons Lobby 1901 WOA 2243 Dickinson, Mr Print 1902 Speaker's procession Lowes Cato Dickinson, Mr WOA 3135 House of Commons 1899 Print 1899 Lowes Cato Foster WOA 1573 Castaigne, Andre House of Commons at Prayers 1903 Print 1903

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William Court Gully, Viscount Selby WOA 3224 Reid, Sir George Painting 1835-1909 Speaker Unknown The Fourteenth Parliament of Queen WOA 378 Dickinson, Mr Print 1899 Victoria 1895-1901 Lowes Cato Foster Mr. Speaker W. C. Gully 1835-1909 WOA 4262 Spy Print 1896 Vanity Fair 1896 The Autotype William Court Gully, 1st Viscount Selby WOA 2435 Company Wells, Print 1835-1909 Speaker Henry Tanworth The Rt. Honble Wm Court Gully WOA 1174 Unknown Print Speaker 1895-1905 Charles Talbot Houbraken, Charles Talbot, Lord Talbot of Hensol (1685-1737) WOA 2453 Jacobus Print 1739 H E 1685-1737 , 1733-7 Vandrebanc, Peter

People who campaigned for the abolition of the transatlantic slave trade and slavery

Year Depicted WOA Number Artist Title Medium created William William Wilberforce 1759-1833 M.P. 1780- Wilberforce WOA 4374 Rising, John Photograph 1825 MP Hodges, Charles WOA 3117 William Wilberforce 1759-1833 Print 1792 Howard Rising, John Holl, William Holl, F WOA 4736 William Wilberforce M.P. 1759-1833 Print Stewart, J Say, William Slater, WOA 4509 William Wilberforce M.P. 1759-1833 Print 1820 Joseph Cousins, Samuel WOA 159 William Wilberforce 1759-1833 Print 1834 Richmond, George WOA 1161 Richmond, George WILLIAM WILBERFORCE, M.P. 1759-1833 Drawing 1831

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WOA 2675 Richmond, George William Wilberforce 1759-1833 Painting WOA 6071 Richmond, George William Wilberforce M.P Painting 1833 Holl, William Holl, F WOA 96 William Wilberforce Print Lawrence, Sir Thomas Sir Thomas Unknown Briggs, Henry Sir Thomas Fowell Buxton, Bart. 1786- Fowell WOA 1714 Print Perronet 1845 M.P. for Weymouth 1818-37 Buxton MP Robinson, H. WOA 4588 Sir Thomas Fowell Buxton M.P. 1786-1845 Print Richmond, George Stephen Lushington WOA 6772 Wivell, Abraham Portrait of the Hon. Stephen Lushington Oil painting MP Thomas Turner, Mr Charles Thomas Clarkson 1760-1846 Slavery Clarkson WOA 1810 Print Chalon, Alfred Edward Abolitionist

The Earl of Mansfield Portrait of William Murray, 1st Earl of (William WOA 7549 Martin, David Oil painting Mansfield (1705-93) Murray MP)

William Camden William William Smith 1756-1835 Slavery WOA 1772 Edwards after org by Painting Smith MP Abolitionist Henry Thompson Capital Punishment Charles Charles Gilpin M.P. WOA 2620 Delfico, Melchiorre Colour lithograph 1873 Gilpin MP Vanity Fair 1873

1st Baron Brougham and Vaux WOA M0615 Mills, F Westmorland: Henry Brougham 1818 Stamped sculpture (Henry Brougham MP) 25/01/2020, v2.0 21

WOA M0614 Halliday, F Camelford: Henry Brougham: 1812 Stamped sculpture Murray, John George Henry Peter Brougham, Baron Brougham WOA 2520 Porter, John Bowyer, Print 1831-- and Vaux 1778-1868 Lord Chancellor Mr Robert Henry Peter Brougham Lord Brougham Meyer, Mr Henry WOA 1788 and Vaux 1778-1868 Lord Chancellor Print 1818-- Hoppner Ramsay, J. 1830-34 Henry Peter Brougham, Baron Brougham WOA 6200 Phillips, Thomas Painting and Vaux 1778-1868 Doyle, John A. Ducote THE CELEBRATED VAUX - HALL WOA 5229 Print 1834-- and Stephens PERFORMER ON THE TIGHT ROPE The Champions of Reform Destroying the WOA 2201 Gillray, James Print 1831-- Monster of Corruption WOA S751 Herbert, John Rogers Henry Brougham Sculpture Doyle, John McLean, WOA 5221 The Schoolmaster at Home Print 1830-- Thomas WOA 3658 Dickinson, J. A SKETCH. Taken in the House of Lords Print Henry Peter Brougham 1st Baron Brougham and Vaux 1778-1868 Defended WOA S14 Behnes, William Sculpture Queen Caroline at her trial Lord Chancellor 1830-4 WOA 966 Grierson, George Brougham Print Olaudah WOA S758 Symington, Christy OLAUDAH EQUIANO – African, slave, Sculpture 2006 Equiano author, abolitionist

Lord Derby 1842 (Edward Cousins, Mr Henry WOA 104 Edward Stanley Print Smith- Briggs, Henry Perronet Stanley MP) WOA S634 Unknown Edward Stanley, Earl of Derby Ceramic WOA M0579 Unknown Lord Derby Medal Lewis, Frederick 1842 WOA 161 The Right Hon.ble Lord Stanley M.P. Print Christian 25/01/2020, v2.0 22

WOA 1046 Unknown Lord Derby's Third Cabinet, 1867 Print Henry Vincent WOA 1753 Unknown Henry Vincent Chartist Agitator 1813-1878 Print

Sir Charles Manners Graves, Frederick Percy Charles Manners Sutton, Speaker Sutton, 1st WOA 2692 Pickersgill, Henry 1817 to 1834 Viscount Canterbury 1780- Painting Viscount William 1845 Canterbury MP Cousins, Samuel The Right Hon.ble Sir Charles Manners Pickersgill, Henry WOA 716 Sutton, G.C.B. Speaker of the House of Print William Manners- Commons Sutton, Charles Samuel Reynolds (the Elder), Whitbread WOA 183 Mr Samuel William Samuel Whitbread Print MP Opie, John Thomas William Tho.s William Coke Esq Turner, Mr Charles after Barber, Thomas Coke, 1st WOA 565 Print MP for Norfolk Earl of Leicester MP Turner, Mr Charles after Lawrence, Sir WOA 189 Thomas William Coke Thomas Print

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Other items related to the transatlantic slave trade and slavery in the Parliamentary Art Collection

Subject WOA Artist Title Medium Year created William Wilberforce WOA M0657 Unknown Yorkshire Election ticket Medal 1807 Abolitionist MP Anti-slavery WOA M0656 Unknown Anti-slavery token Medal token Depicts enslaved WOA S710 Unknown Speaker’s coach Sculpture c.1698 people

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