8 T RE MIRROR WEDNESDAY, J UNE 18,2003 Spurs take f'mals with fourth-quarter comeback Robinson; ' I was just trying to give us what energy we could '

Spurs from page 12 But the Ncts, with Kenyon Ma rtin the outside and blocking ever y pene· at his worst, m issed eight str.:tight fi e ld tration. 17 rebounds in his final N BA game. goals a nd tWO free throws, as the Spurs Robinson pumped his fi st repeat· "How could you walk away any be t· sped to the litle, e dly as time ra n Olll, and the Spurs ter than this?" Robinson sa id. "This is Martin, who cl'iliciz'cd Keith Van took their l'ightful place as the best in awesome," H o rn last year fo r poo r play in lhc the wo rld. The Spurs were aweso me indeed as Finals, was misera ble. He sho t three o f The NeLS did give the Spurs a big they overwhelm ed a gam e Ncl.'l team 23 and scored six poin ts. scare, wilh gelling with a stunning SO-po int fourth quar- led the Nets with 21 away with 10 points in the fi rst q uarter. ter. points and seven assists bu t might have MWC mig ht !l ot have the best They had th ree striking three played his linal game as a Net in his rcco l'd , but when it comeS to gUl.'l, po inte rs from beleaguered g uard frce-agent season. whe n it comes to just being gritt), and Stephen J ackson :m d a cripp ling 19-0 <; 1 can't (say I'll be back with the never giving up, there's not a team rUII , a." the Spurs ralli ed from a 69-59 n l セ I m Kidd said. MT he door is open. I be tte r than US,M J e ffe rson sa id. defi cit early in the fo urth quarter. have to play my free age ncy OLit. I have Mit's no t impossible, lhe situatio n

"We talked abolll j ust grinding it to look ;H all my o ptions. H that we're in," insi sted Nets coach O Ul," Robinson said. "I was just tryi ng T he Nets surprised the SPIII'S early Uyron SCOll. lO give us what energy we could. "nd led from the S(a rt. They took an Bu t. the NelS could never solve Everyone hung ill there, and, finally. e ig ht·poi nt lead ;:Iftcr one quarte r, led Duncan's do minance. They do ubled \\'C gO I so me Sh OlS to go in during the by three at hal ftime, by as many as 12 him constantly, and he found CUller fourth q uarter, and we just turned it midway through the third qllaner and for casy baskets, He stepped o utside arou nd. H by lO early in the fOllrth. fo r jU lIl pc rll,lIld sell t the NelS running It was it n:l11arkablc turnaround Duncan and Ro binson, who sc m fo r .'iOnH'Ont: 10 cover. The Spurs' shoots against the Nets' afle r three sluggish qua rters that had the Spurs to victory, clogged the mid· セ w ・ diehl 't want to Ic t it slip by," Sunday In the first quarter of the Spurs loo king at a scve lllh game. die. pushing the poor-s hooling NeL., to Duncan said . game 6 In t he NBA Fi nals.


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