TAS TALKS THE WEEKLY NEWSLETTER OF THE ARMIDALE SCHOOL Wednesday 4 September, 2013 Term 3 Week 8 House on Duty White, 0439 041 330


HSC Creative Arts and Night of Song

A big audience in Hoskins was thoroughly entertained last Thursday evening as our HSC Art, Drama and students presented the fruits of their Year 12 work. The diversity and quality of works was impressive indeed and the obvious emotional investment in them made it a very personal and intimate event. The Creative Arts and D&T are the only areas that cause students to present their work for the enjoyment and inevitable judgement of their peers, family and friends and this makes the experience of these subjects special and memorable. I offer thanks and congratulations to all those students who shared their work last week. The entertainment continued on Monday evening as the Chapel Choir, TAS Singers and a number of aspiring staff vocalists joined the for our annual celebration of singing. Performing in front of an audience of some 400 adults is quite an experience for our youngest students and it was clearly great fun for them. Our Music Department deserves congratulations and thanks for putting on such a fine show.

da Vinci Decathlon

This week TAS will host three days of intellectual contest as we host the inaugural Northern NSW da Vinci Decathlon. Each day around 150 students from across our will come together to tackle challenges drawn from the spirit of da Vinci’s own diverse interests. The teams from each school have been selected with the complexity of the tasks in English, Science, the Arts, engineering and creative invention in mind and it is obvious that there is some real intellectual grunt in the Hall this morning. The da Vinci Decathlon is the invention of Knox College and it has grown a fine reputation since its inception in 2005. Knox has licensed TAS to host the Northern NSW event as part of an expansion of the competition that will see it operate as far afield as Milan later this year. As part of the connection to Knox, four of their 2012 leaving year are here in Armidale for the week to run much of the tournament. These young men have been a part of the Decathlon at Knox since Year 7 and I am grateful to them for coming away from the studies for the week to assist us. We are privileged to be a part of this and I offer thanks to Knox Headmaster John Weeks for his generosity in enabling TAS to present this opportunity to schools in our region. Special thanks are also due to our da Vinci organisers and Ms Catherine Boydell in particular who has led the initiative from the start.

phone: 6776 5800 fax 6776 5830 web: www.as.edu.au email: [email protected] Headmaster contd...

Mountain Biking

Congratulations are due to Year 9 student Michael Harris (pictured right) who competed in the final of seven races in the Mid North Coast Mountain Biking Series over the weekend. Rather than compete in his own age group, Michael entered in the elite men’s category. This category is, of course, the most competitive and longest, but this seemed to cause no concern for Michael who broke the lap record in his first lap of the 4.5km technical track and eventually finished third ,behind two older and very experienced riders.


Term 3 Week 10 Term 3 Week 8/9 Saturday 14 September Wednesday 4 September Myall Canoe Classic Da Vinci Decathlon (Years 7 and 8) Sunday 15 September 6.30pm Evening Prayer 6.30pm Rugby Dinner in Hoskins, 1st & 2nd XV Thursday 5 September Da Vinci Decathlon (Years 9 and 10) Monday 16 September MTA Assessment Day (11/12) Year 11 Primary Industries work placement 6.30pm Football Dinner in Hoskins Friday 6 September Da Vinci Decathlon (Years 5 and 6) Tuesday 17 September 1.30pm Rugby departs for , Year 11 Primary Industries work placement Board Meeting

Saturday 7 September Wednesday 18 September Rugby vs Newington in Sydney Year 11 Primary Industries work placement Japanese Continuers HSC Oral Exam (Coffs 6.30pm Evening Prayer Harbour) 7.30pm Touring production in Hoskins “RU4ME” Sunday 8 September Thursday 19 September

Year 11 Primary Industries work placement Monday 9 September Year 12 Day Boy Dinner Newie Year 11 End-of-Course exams TERM ENDS Tuesday 10 September Friday 20 September Year 11 End-of-Course exams Yr 11 Primary Industries work placement ends Wednesday 11 September Boarders depart Year 11 End-of-Course exams Staff Day 6.30pm Evening Prayer Art/French trip to France departs Valedictory Day Thursday 12 September Year 12 Formal Year 11 End-of-Course exams HSC Music Performance exams in Hoskins

Friday 13 September Year 11 End-of-Course exams conclude TAS function in Scone TAS TALKS 2 CHAPLAIN, RICHARD NEWTON The Bible - John 1:12

Father’s Day, an important day. Now breakfast in bed and foot massages are all fine, but let’s see something tangible, something I can sell on ebay and get a reasonable return for, the presents… I’m not talking about the shower of undies and socks that your father enjoyed, but those gifts that were made and crafted at school under the close supervision of the teacher come master chef or carpenter. They may not be Jamie Oliver but they take our kids to master class with every rocky road and penholder.

My son brought home this fine piece of carpentry and proudly handed it over. He’s six and made this with his own hands, then decorated it with colours he knows I love and handed it over, insisting that I display it on my desk so that all may see, this fine… car… sure it looks like a car but in fact it's an iphone holder – genius!

God has given us a gift… to become children of God, the amazing gift of the right to call God Father – an intimate close relationship has been given. This is the most amazing Father’s Day gift, and its given that we might even have a father, a father in heaven. A gift given to would be children. A father who is 1000 trustworthy, one who would never let us down.

As a father, I would like to think I would do anything for my children. But I do forget, I do change my mind, I don't always keep my promises. Yet our Father in heaven has made promises right from the beginning of his interaction with his creation, we have been keeping an eye on these promises and how we might see him keeping them. Well in Jesus, this light that came into the world, is the fulfilment of God’s promise that he would bring blessing to all nations, he does this by giving those who would put their trust in him the right to become his children, children with an inheritance that will never fade. God the promise maker, has become God the promise keeper, but we can do better and call him Father.


I never cease to be amazed at the high quality of work submitted in the creative and performing arts for the HSC. Last week the Hoskins Centre was the venue for a celebration of these abilities, the culmination of many months of work, practice and gradual refinement for many. There was an air of pride and a deep sense of accomplishment. Students knew what they had achieved and enjoyed being themselves in the process of presentation. For some the celebration included a realisation that they had identified their passion, a way of personal expression that will continue to be a part of their lives or maybe even the path they intend to follow occupationally. It is the stuff of later stories when life at school is remembered.

How poor our lives would be without the creative and performing arts. Perhaps not all of us are willing to embrace the creativity that is within us. Perhaps fear holds us back – the fear of failure or of criticism. And yet taking the leap can be transformational for us, revealing depths to our natures that have lain dormant. It is a good thing to explore all the faces of the diamond that make up our personal lives. It is deeply human to reach for the unknown, to give expression to the germ of an idea until it takes form, and to work with it until something that has never existed before is brought into the light of day.

Life is to be lived to the full. Go for it. Find the inner springs of creativity, do the work, celebrate the outcome.


Summer Uniform will be available for purchase from 9 September. Trading Hours over the end of term and beginning of Term 4 are as follows: Last trading day of Term 3 is Wednesday 18 September from 1:30pm until 5:30pm During the holidays the shop will be open on Wednesday 2 October from 9:00am until 5:00pm Term 4 - Monday 7 October from 9:00am until 5:00pm - Tuesday 8 October from 1:30pm until 5:30pm - Wednesday 9 October - from 1:30pm until 5:30pm

TAS TALKS 3 P&F ASSOCIATION, SANDRA KAYNES - PRESIDENT TAS Christmas Puddings We are looking for both donations and helpers to make our famous TAS puddings this year. If anyone could spare some time on Saturday 19 October to help make the puddings please contact Viv Tearle at [email protected] or Heather McPhie at [email protected] with your availability. We are looking for donations of Brandy to lower our costs; any donations can be left at TAS Reception.

Catering The P&F has been invited to cater morning tea for Australian Garden History Society’s 2013 National Conference on Sunday 20 October. The conference is being held in the Hoskins Centre so if you are able to bake a slice, cake or savoury item and help serve morning tea please contact Sandra Kaynes at [email protected] Cup Cakes and Craft is running a Cupcake and Craft stall at this year’s RazzamaTAS fete. So we were wondering if the crafty folks... people who can knit, crochet, sew... could start to think about creating lovely things for us to sell at our stall. I’m sure there are Grandma’s, mums, aunts, dads(maybe!) who can make us something - now is the time to start. Contact Felicity Pennington for more information via 6776 5835

Tombola Jars Wanted Filled or Unfilled Year 4 is organising the Tombola stall at the RazzamaTAS fete and they are looking for donations of jars, with or without contents. They can be left at TAS Reception or contact Cressida Mort 0417 271 835

Fete 2013 - Donations of Wine, Champagne or Beer Year 5 are raffling a wheelbarrow full of wine/champagne and a separate raffle of a wheelbarrow full of different types of beer. As such we are calling upon the kind generosity of all TAS parents. Please help by donating either a bottle or two of your favourite wine, champagne or beer. All donations can be left at the main TAS Reception.

TAS TALKS 4 Lob a Choc Junior School Year 2 would love donations of chocolates for their Lob a Choc stall They have left an eskay in the JS Reception area for the donations to be placed. For additional information contact Ingrid Evans on 0428 966 842


Middle School So we looking for Co-ordinators donations of sweet and Wendy and Millie are savoury delights. running a cake stall For more information OR high tea for the please contact Wendy RazzamaTAS Fete. 0427 720 396 or Millie on 0439 780 723.

Recycled Clothing Stall

Having had a few years break, we have returned energised and enthused about running the Recycled Clothing Stall. Please clean out your children’s wardrobes, your wardrobes, and your friends wardrobes and bring your clothing to Reception. We will check Reception every day, and will even iron the items as well!!!! Two fussy mums Jen and Kath 02 6772 9366


da Vinci Decathlon

As TAS TALKS is published this week, we will be in the throws of competition. Year 7 and 8 will compete on Wednesday 4 September with 144 competitors, Years 9 and 10 on Thursday 5 September with 152 competitors and Years 5 and 6 on Friday 6 September with 112 competitors. Parents are most welcome to join us for the awards presentation at the end of the day from 2:45pm in the Memorial Hall.

Good luck to each of the TAS teams competing in the first Northern NSW academic da Vinci Decathlon, competing in Maths, Chess, English, Science, Philosophy, Cartography, Art and Poetry, Engineering, Creative Producers, Code Breaking and General Knowledge.

Japan Study Tour

There are still a few vacancies available for the September 2014 Japan Study Tour so contact Allan Moore at [email protected]. au or David Toakley at [email protected] if you are interested. Bookings are to be made soon so don’t miss out on participating on this amazing trip. Deposits will need to be made by Monday 9 September.


UAC Applications Year 12, now is the time to make your university application, through UAC (for NSW ) on the website http://www.uac. edu.au/.

For Queensland universities: http://www.qtac.edu.au/ and Victorian universities: http://www.vtac.edu.au/

Applications are due by Friday 27 September, although I suggest you have them done in the next few weeks, prior to Week 10.

Southern Cross University SCU early entry is known as the Star Entry Scheme and is conducted as an online application: http://www.scu.edu.au/ futurestudents/index.php/29/

Applications Now Open for 2014 AIEF-BHP Billiton Tertiary Scholarships The AIEF-BHP Billiton Tertiary Scholarships are available for outstanding Indigenous students curerntly or prospectively studying an eligible engineering or other eligible mining-related degree in 2014. The Australian Indigenous Education Foundation (AIEF) and BHP Billiton are working together to identify enthusiastic, capable and driven Indigenous students interested in successfully completing a degree in an eligible engineering or mining-related discipline, with a motivation to work for BHP Billiton in the future.

Important: Applications for 2014 are now open and will close on Friday, 27 September 2013. For more information please visit our website at www.aief.com.au or contact us at [email protected]

TAS TALKS 6 Bond University Law Experience Day Date: Tuesday 24 September, 2013 at Bond University campus, Gold Coast, Queensland Schedule: Depart Sydney airport for the Gold Coast at 7.10am – return to Sydney at 6.35pm that evening Program: You will spend approximately 6 hours on campus Cost: $90 per person, which includes the following: · Return airfare from Sydney to the Gold Coast (fully escorted) · Transfers to and from the campus · Lunch and light refreshments · Briefings and interactive sessions with the Law faculty staff and students · Campus tour · Information pack Registration: Places are strictly limited to the first 30 students (15 from NSW and 15 from VIC) so please register early. You can register online at www.bond.edu.au/bond-law-experience and must pay the registration fee at the time of booking.

The Hawker Scholarship The Hawker Scholarship is worth considering for outstanding scholars. Recent TAS Old Boys who received the scholarship were Matthew Coulton and Ashoor Khan. Please check out the website: http://www.hawkerscholarship.org/


All Cadets - A large number of boys have not returned their passing-out parade uniform (polyester shirt and trousers, slouch hat, belt, keepers, boots and sash for SGTs).

This should have been completed last week.

Please arrange with SGT Ball to return the kit by Thursday. You will not be able to just leave it unattended at the Q Store or Training Office as the gear needs to be checked off your issue record.


Tennis News - NCIS in Grafton Last Wednesday 28 August, TAS had three teams competing in the NCIS Tennis Championships held in Grafton. This fixture was held much earlier than in previous years due to the heat and this was a most welcome change! The primary team (up to Year 6) consisted of Joe Gordon (Year 5), Ben Simmonds (Year 5), Duncan Chalmers (Year 6) and Hugh Fletcher (Year 6). The primary team had great success on the day, with Duncan, Joe and Hugh all winning their respective pools, with Ben coming runner up to Joe in the same pool. Joe Gordon won this division with Duncan Chalmers being runner up. Our junior team (U14s) had a terrific day of tennis and should be congratulated for their efforts. The U14s team were Tom Simmonds, Oscar McBean, Angus Apps and Sam Wright. TAS also entered a senior team which consisted of Will Waterson, Eric Chung and Lachlan Apps. This team also had great success, with Will Waterson winning his division and Eric Chung being runner up. Well done to all the boys on a fantastic day. Thanks to Clare Gordon, Anthea Chalmers, Jane Simmonds and Heather Apps for transporting and looking after all the boys on the day.

Luke Polson - MIC Tennis

Pictured right are Joe Gordon and Duncan Chalmers, two very happy and successful tennis players

Football News - Semi Finals weekend - 7 September With the football season drawing to a close, many TAS sides will compete in the upcoming semi-finals. Congratulations to all the teams who have made it this far. Details below of all semi-final times and venues. Please check the local ADFA website for the most up to date draws, as these may be subject to change. For some teams, last weekend was the conclusion of the football season for them and I offer my congratulations to those teams on their commitment and enthusiasm throughout the season. My thanks also to the coaches and parents of students in these teams. All football for 10 years and under will continue this weekend as per the draw. It would be fantastic to see as much TAS support at these semi-finals and we wish them all the best.

1st Grade TAS First XI vs Glen Innes Highlanders 3:00pm 7th September Wilson Park 1 Glen Innes 16s Div 1 TAS vs Demon Knights Shields 8:30am 7th September TAS Adamsfield 16s Div 2 TAS vs North Armidale Titans 8:30am 7th September Rologas 2 14s Div 1 TAS vs Guyra Pumas 10:10am 7th September TAS Adamsfield 14s Div 3 TAS vs Uralla United Glory 10:00am 7th September Rologas 12 14s Div 3 TAS Blue vs Demon Knights Thunderbolts 10:10am 7th September Rologas 2 12s Div 1 TAS vs North Armidale Waratahs 11:20am 7th September TAS Adamsfield 12s Div 2 TAS vs Guyra Titans 11:20am 7th September Rologas 2 12s Div 3 TAS vs North Armidale Vikings 9:00am 7th September Phil Wheaton Oval

Luke Polson - MIC Football TAS TALKS 8 Football and Hockey Semi Finals We wish all our football and hockey teams the best of luck this weekend as they fight it out in the semi finals of our local competitions. This opportunity comes on the back of a successful season for these boys thanks to great coaching and an impressive work ethic over the past six months. Hockey U13s - With a full complement once again, the 13s showed some of the talent that has been getting them some good results of late. The boys have really begun to gel and all players can be relied upon to give their best and implement skills and drills learnt at trainings. Despite some good resistance from their City opponents, our boys played strongly throughout and took out the game 3-0. Despite this, unfortunately due to a slow start earlier in the season, the 13s did not make the finals series this year and therefore have no further games for the season. I would like to sincerely thank all of the boys and their parents, friends and supporters for doing such a great job and playing with sportsmanship on every occasion. There will be no further training for the 13s this season.

A Grade - In the final round match for the season, TAS played City despite having already won enough points to scrape through to the minor semi-final. The City team were not going home without a decent match, however, and soon put themselves in front through a great strike from right to left by their forward Mark Lowe. The TAS defence was once again solid, despite this hiccup, and Mike Ball worked well with Matt Kaukiainen and Tim Moffatt to transfer the ball well to the midfield and forwards. A short corner late in the first half saw TAS equalise and spirits were positive in the shed at the break. With the heat playing a factor, the subs were rolled on with regularity and this was an effective ploy to keep the pace of the game up. City soon after slotted a second goal past Hossell and time was running out. Some great movement in the forwards set up a couple of good chances for us to get the goal back, however none were fruitful, until a sneaky ball squeezed past the City backs to allow Portell to milk a short corner from an untidy attempted tackle. Ben Moffatt pushed the ball out with pace before it was cleanly trapped and drag flicked with precision from captain Michael Young into the back of the net. The score at 2 - 2 remained until the final bell. TAS will now play third place Servies in the minor semi for a chance to further our grand final campaign. Hopefully we will end up with more than the eight players that showed last time we met Servies.

Rugby at Newington All our teams will head to Newington on Friday night and will be accommodated at the school. We will join in their 150 year celebrations on Saturday as a part of their ‘Back to New Day’ and all TAS teams will stay to watch our 1st XV play their final game in what has been a most successful season for them. All buses will therefore depart Newington at about 2.15pm. I expect us to be back before 10pm on the Saturday night.

Congratulations to Morgan Broadbent-Wicks Lachlan Mack and Tom Lane (pictured right) who have completed the Endorsement of their Level 1 Referee Course.

Night of Song

Congratulations to our music staff in what was an extraordinary celebration of singing in the school at all levels. I make particular mention of Mr Nik Glass for his leadership in this area and of Tom Henderson for his inspiring efforts toward TAS Music holistically.


‘West Side Story’ Auditions Underway It’s certainly not too late to book an audition and students of all ages are encouraged to attend. Further information about the requirements can be found here: http://teams.as.edu.au/groups/hoskins/wiki/2bb17/West_Side_Story.html or on the Hoskins Centre Facebook page. In 2014 TAS collaborates with NEGS, PLC and OCC to bring you

TAS TALKS 10 More laughs at Hoskins in the next touring production! Perfect for an end of term treat

Missed the recent comedy show 'I Heart Bunnings'? Then you missed seeing a bunch of grown ups cry. With laughter. But no worries - there's more! 'RU4ME' is the next touring production we've brought to Hoskins. One of 's most accomplished actresses Annie Byron brings all her charm and humour to Connie, a woman of a certain mature age who wants to believe that finding a romantic love is not the impossible dream others might believe. Bravely she enters the on- line dating jungle and soon discovers that what you see is probably not what you get. Based on the Andee Jones bestselling book, Kissing Frogs, RU4ME brings a humorous twist to those pressing questions about love such as, why is it so hard to find and even harder to keep? Is romantic love a hopeless belief? And how do you know Mr Right even when you think you’ve found him? Directed by former STC Artistic Director Wayne Harrison, this heart-warming and funny performance explores the sensitive hazards of social network dating in a laughter-filled show, perfect for a fun night out. It’s on 18 September at 7.30pm Bookings: www.trybooking.com/DAYV or 6776 5878


Night ofTAS Song Music- a celebration Department of Song and Junior School proudly presents

The TAS community was treated to a celebration of song last Monday, at our third annual Night of Song. Presented as a collaboration between Junior School and the Music Department, this year’s vocal extravaganza was a huge success. With around 200 performers involved including a large number of staff and parents, Night of Song once again proved that with sustained focus and commitment the musical possibilities are endless.

Students from Transition to Year 5 performed in class groups as well as in their K-2 and 3-5 Choirs. TAS Singers and Chapel Choir also thrilled the audience with a nice balance of both classical and contemporary repertoire. However, one of the highlights of the evening was, without a doubt, the Massed Choir consisting of all 3-5 students, TAS Singers, Chapel Choir, parents and about 15 TAS staff members. The Massed Choir performed Adiemus from Karl Jenkins' Songs of Sanctuary. The musical outcome was breathtaking and reinforced the purpose of the concert - to bring the TAS community together to celebrate the joy of song.

Of course an event of this magnitude would not have been possible without the commitment and creative vision of our Music team as well as the support of the JS staff and all those that worked hard behind the scenes.

Thank you to everyone that contributed to the success of this years Night of Song!

Music Scholarships at TAS

Students are invited to audition for a Music Scholarship at TAS. Applications are due in by Friday 20 September.

TAS offers a range of Music Scholarships each year:

- The TAS Foundation Music Scholarships provide up to 50% remission of tuition fees. These scholarships are available to students entering Years 7 to 11. This Scholarship will be awarded to a student who displays excellence in Music, with favourable consideration given to students who display combined vocal and instrumental talents.

- The Wigan Music Scholarships are valued at $2,000.00 per annum and awarded annually.

Further information regarding TAS Music Scholarships including an enrolment form can be found on the Music page of the TAS Website. http://teams.as.edu.au/groups/music/wiki/6f4ea/Music_Scholarhsips.html

Music related enquiries are to be directed to [email protected]. All other enquiries are to be directed to the Enrolments Office.


I only did that to get your attention – now I’ll finish the sentence:…to make boys realize that actual swearing is cheap, too easy to do and amazingly lazy when communicating. The boys in Middle School are wonderful to work with, being invariably up to some creative and adolescent mischief, often enjoying themselves, always ready for a chat and, to be honest, I’m lucky that they’re around. However, when they think we’re not, rather too many of them swear and they can do it with consummate ease too. Left uninterrupted’, this issue could fast become a problem and I want to avoid the problem. This issue of indiscriminate swearing was spoken about at today’s Town Meeting. Effectively, boys were told in no uncertain terms that it’s not all right to swear, even (and especially) when their excuse for having done so is “I wouldn’t have done if I’d known you (being code for adult) were around”. As well you know, it’s an old, very adolescent, tale that when you’re no longer a teenager decrepitude insidiously sets in and in no time at all, hearing loss is just one of the many manifestations of this state of ‘being’. No disrespect intended, but if your boy comes home or back to his boarding house incensed that he’s going to be detained for swearing, I not only want your support of the detention but also your endorsement of the action. Normally I loathe detentions, but if they’re the only sanctions that make boys think before swearing, then I’ll activate them. Unless you can arrive at a more appropriate sanction and can tell me about it, I have no choice here but to start giving them.

Laptops (again)

They’re expensive, they’re amazing and they’re omniscient around this School. Well-used they’re wonderful, accurate, time saving and, generally, reliable. Boys need to be encouraged to take great care of them and to use them sensibly. I’m pleased to report that staff have commented on the effects of Fiona McCormack’s talk to the boys about their responsible use. These comments are encouraging. But, the boys are young and they will, I suspect, need regular reminders about such use and I thank you in anticipation of your support on the home front. The staff have spoken again about ways in which we can assist the boys and their families with laptops and I can confirm that it is our intention to provide you with information that enables all of us to synchronize our collective efforts. Given the opportunity and appropriate advice I believe the boys will use these devices more responsibly in future. da Vinci Decathlon

And finally it begins…I want to wish the many Middle School boys who’ve entered all the best this week. So many have entered this year that Catherine Boydell has, as indicated, had to organize ‘seconds’ teams. Again, on your behalf I want to thank Catherine for her many hours of ‘behind scenes’ organisation. Amongst others who will adjudicate, mark and oversee, Alison Evans deserves special mention. She has worked so hard to make this a success for TAS. In readiness for the many schools that will send students to TAS from tomorrow until Friday, final preparations are underway today. It is so good to note the variety that constitutes part of the ‘diet’ of TAS boys and they are very lucky to be supported by staff mentors in so many endeavors. Tomorrow will allow the boys to exercise their skills honed for many weeks now and I know they will be pitting them against others, equally well prepared, and I’m hoping to see them for at least some of the time that they represent the School.


As indicated earlier in the term, assessment blocks have arrived again. While I believe all boys have been working well, I’m also aware that they’re increasingly weary. My best advice is to humor them and look after them. Third term is an amazingly busy one and assessment work combines with demanding sporting schedules so that the last few weeks are difficult to manage. We’re ‘nearly there now’, thank goodness.

Mark Harrison


From Ian Lloyd

A busy couple of days….

For all those able to attend the Junior School’s Night of Song, Grandparents’ Day celebrations and the Junior School Concert, I am sure you will agree that our students did an absolutely fantastic job. The Night of Song was particularly special, bringing together students and staff from across the school for a notable choral occasion. Grandparents Day, in the classroom, the playground and the Hoskins Centre was enlightening and fun, exciting and busy, providing a wonderful opportunity to come together under the TAS banner. But it was the celebration that accompanied these occasions that caught my attention, the buzz of excitement that was brought to Junior School. Having staff and students of all ages come together in such a manner was a result of a combined effort from the staff from both the Music Department and the Junior School and their efforts shone. I would also like to thank all those who provided the technical, catering and grounds support for such an undertaking. These tasks are always fulfilled so competently and selflessly. I would like to extend my sincere thanks to you all.

TAS TALKS 14 daVinci Decathlon

For the first time outside Sydney and away from Knox Grammar, this high-powered competition comes to TAS. There has been an enormous amount of organisation for the event by Ms Catherine Boydell, and of the children attending by Mrs Anne Hine, and I thank them for their thoughtful preparations. To our competitors, Cotter Litchfield, Jack Nivison, Angus Alford, Thomas Wu, Oliver Fletcher, Matthew Wark, Albie Woodhouse and Alistair le Surf, we wish you well.

Class absence register - sign out/in sheets

You will have noticed mentioned on this week’s homework sheets that Junior School has implemented a new system for recording the movements of students to and from class during the day. So that a record can be maintained in accordance with the expectations of the Board of Studies this operates when students need to travel off campus after arriving at school. The form outlines the information required and the register is kept on the reception desk in Junior School.

TEZ photos on Wiki

Under the heading News and Events on the Junior School webpage, you will find new photos recently posted from the visit from Tezukayama. We will be posting more photos from the Grandparents’ Day activities soon - http://teams.as.edu.au/groups/ juniorschoolnewsandevents/

EdAlive Software Order forms

The EdAlive order forms you will have received are due back at school by the end of this week please. Information relating to this excellent selection of software for home use has been distributed and I commend it to you to, with many of the titles reduced by as much 95%. More information or another order form may be found at www.edalive.com

Looking Ahead

Wednesday 4 September Kindergarten Assembly Friday 6 September Da Vinci Wednesday 11 September Year 4 Assembly Dance Club at Assembly Friday 13 September TAS Social Monday 16 September Parent Teacher Interviews Tuesday 17 September Parent Teacher Interviews Wednesday 18 September Year 1 Assembly Thursday 19 September Years 4 & 5 to wear formal uniform for Lining of the Drive Term 3 concludes 3.30pm Friday 20 September Valedictory Day Staff Day Lucy Schneider and Sam Bugden Practicum concludes

Term 4 Tuesday 8 October Classes resume Wednesday 9 October No Assembly Thursday 10 October Dance Club starts

TAS TALKS 15 Happy Birthday

We wish a very happy birthday to Peter Evans and Ryan Sharkey who celebrate their birthdays this week.

Art calendars orders are due back at school this Friday please!

Parent Direct and Chalk

The Parent Direct and Chalk fundraising catalogues have been sent home.

These catalogues contain a wide range of new and, exclusive branded toys. These toys inspire creativity, learning and family fun at unbeatable prices. Simply complete the order form and return to us with your payment. Orders will be individually packaged ad labelled, returned back to the School for collection. Parents Direct and Chalk will issue the School with a fundraising voucher for 20% of the value of orders. We use these vouchers to purchase needed resources. If we collect enough parent orders, we will receive a fantastic Educational Game Pack worth over $500!

Please return all orders to the School by 13 September. This will allow the holiday break for orders to be collated and returned to the School the first week of Term 4.

If you would like to place a large order and receive it early, please return your order to Junior School reception, ensuring this information is clearly labelled.

Year 4/5 to wear formals on Thursday 19 September

Thursday 19 September is the Year 12 Valedictory Day. This is a very important day for all Year 12 students as it marks their final day as the leaders in our School, and is equally special for the Year 11 students as it marks the beginning of their new leadership role. Part of this day includes students lining the drive at the front of School as a sign of respect to the Year 12 students and the contributions they have made to the School for up to the past 14 years. Years 4 & 5 will join with all students from Years 6 to 11 to line the driveway for the Valedictory procession. Could all Year 4 and 5 students wear their formal uniforms on this day please?

Holiday Reading

If any children would like to borrow extra books from the Library during the holidays, please fill out the permission note below and forward it to the Library Office.

Permission to borrow Library books during the holidays:

I give permission for my child …………………………...... … in Year ……… to borrow six books from the TAS Library during the holiday period, and will return these books in good condition in the first week of Term 4, 2013.

Should the books not be returned, or are returned damaged, I agree to the purchase cost of the replacement books being charged to my child’s school account.

Signed …………………………………………...... … Date ……………………….. TAS TALKS 16 TAS TALKS 17 Christmas Child Appeal

Dear Families,

This week for Christmas Child you need to bring in something for school. This could be a pen, pencil, ruler, eraser, textas, coloured pencils or possibly a pencil case. We have loved all the donations that every family has brought in so far. Just remember that you need to bring in the extra $9 for postage. You can send in everything at the one time, not just bringing in everything in every week. Remember to wrap your boxes up and to put your donations in. Please put in this donation because these children are very poor and only get one box in a school life time. It is a worthwhile cause so please give some gifts to these children. The Christmas Child is still on so bring in everything you need before week 10.

Year 5 Christmas Child Committee - (Cotter Litchfield)


Summer Sports forms are due back at school this Friday please. You should have received an email from your class teacher. If you did not receive the form please let Mrs Brunsdon know on [email protected] and I’ll send out another.

Sports training

Week 9 - on as normal Week 10 - there is NO sport on this week

Hockey Last Saturday, TAS U11s girls hockey team played PLC in the second last competition round of the season. This game was for double points, meaning the first half and the second half were treated as two separate 25 minute games. In the first game, PLC went to an early lead, scoring first. TAS followed quickly with a goal from Isabel McBean to level the scores 1-1. The goals from TAS quickly followed with Nikki Simmons scoring two and Olivia Strelitz scoring one. TAS scored a decisive win over PLC in the first game, 4-1. PLC again scored early in the second half, with TAS quick to reply with goals from Olivia Strelitz, Nikki Simmons and Sophia Rutledge. However, PLC managed to put away three quick goals in the last minutes of the game, winning the second game 4-3. Chloe Moore did a sensational job as our goalie this week. All of the girls did a fabulous job, and we are looking forward to our final game of the season this Saturday. Our final game will be Saturday at 11.30am against Duval Blue. Luke Polson - Coach

U11s White - Friday saw the mighty Whites take on City Wasps in a contest which was at times a little overwhelming for our boys, however they did themselves proud, never giving up until the final siren. City were indeed a strong team with some excellent ball handlers, and this, combined with the four on three short corner format, saw them regularly drawing and beating their TAS opponent to really open up scoring opportunities. Cassidy Williams, again offering to keep goals, did a great job, making numerous great saves over the afternoon, but unfortunately City came out on top. TAS White will play City Stingers this Friday at 4.15pm on T1b before the final game to be held next week.

Finals Series All Under 9s and 11s teams will be playing this weekend and next. TAS have control duty on both Fridays so please help out if you can. C Grade - will play the minor semi-final this Sunday 8 September at 10am on T2 A Grade - will play the minor semi-final this Sunday 8 September at 12.50pm on T2

Please come and support our TAS Hockey teams where possible.

TAS TALKS 18 Soccer

TAS Tonkas v Walcha United Wizards - Matt Meehan This week the TAS Tonkas weren't at all spellbound by the Wizards and played valiantly. Lachlan Costello enjoyed playing in his home territory. Beatrice Henzell showed great commitment to travel all the way to Walcha given her gymnastic commitments as well. Josh Pongrass and Catherine Alcorn served their team admirably. Solomon Layton was ever reliable and tough. Alex Webber did not let a goal through all game. Many thanks to Mr Neil Smart for bringing along Oliver Smart and Conor Doherty from the Transformers to assist the Tonkas. Sam Meehan had a blinder of a game plus scored the winning goal. Sam was awarded player of the week. Well done Sam. Coach not playing favourites!!! Final score Tonkas 1 Wizards 0.

General Information about Summer Sports (available to Junior School students for Summer 2013/2014) Shortly Junior School students will be choosing their summer sport. With this in mind, a description of the various options appears below. Junior School Policy re Participation in Sport All students in Year 3 and above will participate in sport, unless special exemption for exceptional circumstances, is granted in writing, by Mrs Kirsty Brunsdon (JS Sports Co-ordinator) and Mr Ian Lloyd. Students in Year 2 and below do not have to participate but are encouraged to do so. If students in Year 2 or below do participate they will commit to the sport (including training sessions) for the duration of that season. Students currently in Years 3, 4 and 5 will normally attend two trainings per week (usually after school on Mondays and Wednesdays, 3:45 to 4:45pm). Students in Year 2 and below will only attend one training per week, on Mondays.

Description of Sports available:

Cricket: To make enjoyable and fun, different age groups play according to different rules. All games are played on Saturday mornings. Registration and insurance fees apply. See separate cricket groups for costings. The different competitions are: Milo In 2 Cricket/‘Kanga’ for U6s: ‘Milo In 2 Cricket’ (skills development) will be conducted up until Christmas. This will be played on TAS Cricket Oval between 9:15am and 10:15am. It will mainly be for 5 and 6 year olds with the option of 7 year olds playing if they wish. Term 4 is usually working on skills and Term 1, 2014 will be starting games. Kanga Cricket is played between two teams on two adjacent ‘fields’ (still on TAS Cricket Oval) so that both innings go on at the same time. Games start at 9:00am and finish around 10:30am. Teams consist of 12 players (24 over game). At any one time there should be 2 batting on Field 1, 8 fielding on Field 2 and 2 preparing to bat. Players bat in pairs for 4 overs. Children turning 7 and 8 years of age are encouraged to play U9s cricket, rather than Kanga, if they have the desire and ability. Training will be Mondays. Cost will be approx $86 for the season. ‘Average Cricket’ for U9s: (players must be under 9 on 1 September 2013) Teams consist of 8 players per side. Games start at 9:00am and finish by 11:10am (2 hour games). Each team faces 16 overs. The team’s score is determined by dividing the number of runs scored by the number of wickets lost, plus one. The higher average score wins the match. Each player must bowl two overs. Training will be Mondays. Cost will be approx $86 for the season. ‘One-day matches’ for U11s: (players must be under 10 or under 11 on 1 September 2013) Teams consist of 11 players per side. Games start at 9:00am and finish by 12:10pm. The first innings is limited to 25 six-ball overs per team. No more than 50 overs shall be bowled in a match. Each player must bowl a minimum of two overs with a maximum of three overs. A batsman must retire when his score reaches 20. Trainings will be Mondays and Wednesdays. Costs will be approx $97 for the season. ‘Two-day matches’ for 12s: (players must be under 12 on 1 September 2013) Teams consist of 11 players per side. Games start at 9:00am and finish by 12:10pm. A team’s innings consists of 50 overs, with each team batting and bowling for 25 overs on each of the two days. Each player must bowl a minimum of one over with a maximum of four overs. A batsman must retire when his score reaches 50. Trainings will be Monday and Wednesdays. Costs will be approx $97 for the season.

Swimming: This is not for beginners. In choosing this sport, children should be able to competently swim at least two laps of the TAS pool (preferably in all four strokes). (Parents wanting ‘Learn to Swim’ lessons for their children are encouraged to contact the TAS Sports Centre, tel 6776 5866, to arrange lessons). There have been changes to training days. All swimmers will train in the TAS pool on Thursdays from 3:45pm to 4:45pm. They must then choose another day to swim with squads. TAS TALKS 19 They can choose from Level 5 at 4–4:45 or 4:45-5:30pm, Club 1 at 4–5pm or Club 2 at 5–6:30pm on Mondays, Wednesdays or Fridays. If unsure of which level to enter your child we can help out. The instructor concentrates on stroke correction and improving fitness. Additionally, students are expected to join the TAS based ‘Alligators Swim Club’ (approx $75 for the season) which holds Club nights every Friday night at the TAS pool from 6:30pm to 7:30pm. These are not only good opportunities to improve fitness and speed but are good social occasions as well. Costs will be $10 per week and the Alligators membership.

Basketball: It is anticipated that Armidale Association will run two competitions: one for combined Yr 5/6 teams and one for combined Yr 3/4 teams. Games will be held at The Indoor Recreation Centre at Armidale High School from 5:00pm for Years 3/4 and from 6pm for Years 5/6 on Mondays. Trainings will be on Wednesdays. Registration fees are approx $110 per season.

Gymnastics: Held at the Armidale Gymnasium. There will sessions on Mondays from 3:50 – 4:50pm run by qualified Level 1 coaches provided by Armidale Gymnastics Club. The cost involved will be dependent on the number willing to take up this option and it is open to all children from K – 3. The cost is expected to be about $11 per session so will be approximately $190 for the season depending on the number of sessions each term. The children will travel by TAS minibus to and from the gym with staff members supervising the sessions and travel.

Tennis: Students will participate in the MLC Tennis Hot Shots, led by Justin Sheriff. There will be three levels of the program offered. The red stage will be for beginners, and suited to students aged 5-8. This will be held on a Monday afternoon from 3.45pm - 4.45pm. Students in the Red stage play on a smaller court, use a larger ball, which doesn't bounce as high. The cost of this program will be approximately $150 for the season. This program will primarily be offered to students up to Year 2. Students in Years 3 and above will participate in either the Orange or Green stages. Training will be held on a Monday and Wednesday afternoon, from 3.45 - 4.45pm. The Orange stage of the program is also on a reduced court size and the ball has less compression. The Green stage is on a full size court, with the ball having 75% compression of a yellow tennis ball. The cost of this program will be approximately $190 for the season. More information on the MLC Tennis Hot Shots program, is available at: http://hotshots.tennis.com.au/ Those students who wish to take Tennis as a sport and not participate in the Hot Shots program, need to liaise directly with the MIC of Tennis, Mr Luke Polson and Mrs Kirsty Brunsdon, JS Sports Co-ordinator. Competition opportunities exist for Junior School students to participate in a graded competition on a Friday night, from 5.30pm. Additional costs apply. Please contact the MIC of Tennis, if you wish to join this competition, as this isn't compulsory for JS students.

Note that boys who move into Year 6 at TAS in 2014 will continue to play the above sports for Term 1, 2014.