United States Patent Office Patented Feb
3,232,955 United States Patent Office Patented Feb. 1, 1966 2 oxygen oxidation of o-xylene or naphthalene which has 3,232,955 PRODUCTION OF PHTHALIC ANHYDRDE BY little or no sensitivity to sulfur. CATALYTEC OXDATION These and other objects are achieved by carrying out Helialist Nonnenmacher, Konstantin Andrussow, Max the oxydation of o-xylene or naphthalene to phthalican Appl, Anton Feinauer, and Juergen Haag, Ludwigs 5 hydride with oxygen or inert gases containing molecular hafen (Rhine), Alfred Helms, Ludwigshafen (Rhine)- Oxygen at a temperature of 250 to 420° C. by the use Edigheim, and Klaus Wiebusch, Ludwigshafen (Rhine), of a fluidized catalyst which comprises a highly porous car Germany, assignors to Badische Anilin- & Soda. rier material, especially silica gel having an inner sur Fabrik Aktiengesellschaft, Ludwigshafen (Rhine), Germany face of 200 to 400 m. per gram and a grain size of 10 NoDrawing. Filed Apr. 24, 1962, Ser. No. 189,701 O to 3,000 microns and which contains an active substance Clains priority, application Germany, Apr. 28, 1961, mixture of vanadium pentoxide, sodium pyrosulfate and Bg2,399; $62,310; Sept. 28, 1961, B 64,169; Nov.30, potassium pyrosulfate, the melting point of the mixture 1961, B 64,993 of sodium and potassium pyrosulfate being lower than - 9 Claims. (C. 260-346.4) that of potassium pyrosulfate and the said active sub 5 stance mixture being present in the pores of the carrier in This invention relates to the production of phthalic fused form under the reaction conditions. The total anhydride. More specifically it relates to the use of amount of vanadium pentoxide-pyrosulfate melt should catalysts which have not heretofore been used for the preferably be between 10 and 60% by weight of the Oxidation of naphthalene or xylene by means of air.
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