The Springfield Board of Education is committed to providing high quality, efficient educational programs through which all students achieve the New Jersey Core Curriculum Contents Standards. Every effort is made to ensure that the district’s certificated and support personnel are among the best in their fields. The staff and Board of Education are dedicated to maintaining excellence in the delivery of child- centered educational programs. Very simply stated, in Springfield…SCHOOLS ARE FOR KIDS!

A Regular Meeting of the Board of Education of the Township of Springfield in the County of Union, New Jersey, was held at the Jonathan Dayton High School Instructional Media Center- First Floor on monday, May 11, 2020 at 5:08 P.M.

President’s Statement: Pursuant to the New Jersey Open Public Meetings Act, Public Law 1975, Chapter 231, the Board Secretary caused notice of the meeting to be given to the public and the press on January 6, 2020 and revised on May 7, 2020.

1. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Board President, Mr. Marc Miller.

Present: Mr. Anthony Delia, Mrs. Laura Gamarekian, Mr. Hector Munoz, Mrs. Meredith Murphy, Mrs. Kristy Rubin, Mrs. Paula Saha, Mr. Scott Silverstein, Mrs. Hilary Turnbull, Mr. Marc Miller Also Present: Mr. Michael Davino, Superintendent Mr. Matthew Clarke, Business Administrator/Board Secretary Mrs. Erica Scudero, Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum, Instruction & Assessment Mrs. Dana Kelly, Director of Human Resources


3. COMMUNICATIONS 1. NJSBA Annual Delegate Assembly postponed to June 27th , will be virtual. School Board Notes –April 29th and May 6th. Annual Conference- today’s notice that it will be held virtually, more information to follow this summer. 2. GSCS News and Notes- April 24th and May 1st. 3. NJSBA Mandated Training FY 2020 – You should have received and email from the Call Center regarding your online trainings for either Governance II, III or IV. 4. Also a reminder, BOE applications for Board member election in November are available thru the County Office (Board of Election). Applications are due to the county by Monday, July 27th at 4PM. The board will have 3 – 3 year seats.

Springfield Board of Education Regular Meeting May 11, 2020 1 DRAFT COPY SUBJECT TO BD APPROVAL DRAFT COPY 4. MINUTES Moved by Mrs. Gamarekian, seconded by Mr. Munoz, to approve the following minutes: Executive Meeting - April 27, 2020 Regular Meeting - April 27, 2020

Present: Mr. Anthony Delia, Mrs. Laura Gamarekian, Mr. Hector Munoz, Mrs. Meredith Murphy, Mrs. Kristy Rubin, Mrs. Paula Saha, Mr. Scott Silverstein, Mrs. Hilary Turnbull, Mr. Marc Miller MOTION CARRIED

5. SUPERINTENDENT’S REPORT Moved by Mrs. Gamarekian, seconded by Mr. Munoz, to accept and approve the Superintendent’s Report as presented - 1. Student/Staff Recognitions WE have received guidance and documentation from the Commissioner’s Office, Department of Education regarding graduation of 2020. We’ve received additional guidance from the State of New Jersey Department of Law and Public Safety though the office of emergency management. That we can expect all forms of graduation will be virtual. June 18th High School graduation at 1pm, Middle School Moving Up Ceremony June 17th 4PM. There will be also Virtual award ceremony for middle school and senior awards and athletic awards for High School. 2. 1st half FY2020 EVVRS and ITP Report 3. HIB Report (The Board will go into closed session at the end of the meeting if specific clarification is needed.) 4. Building Usage Request 5. Fund Raiser Request 6. Fieldtrip Request 7. Contracts PL2015, Chapter 47

Yeas: Unanimous by all Members present. MOTION CARRIED

6. PUBLIC SESSION At this time, the public did not have any comments/questions regarding items on the Agenda or the Superintendent’s Report.

7. BILLS LIST Moved by Mrs. Rubin, seconded by Mrs. Gamarekian, approval of check numbers 046307 through 046348 and wire transfers 800187, 888496 and 888497 for a grand total of $1,918,608.34.

Yeas: Unanimous by all Members present. MOTION CARRIED

8. TRANSFER Moved by Mrs. Rubin, seconded by Mrs. Gamarekian, approval of the transfer of funds from and to the following line item accounts as designated. (Attachment A)

Yeas: Unanimous by all Members present. MOTION CARRIED

9. BOARD SECRETARY’S REPORT Moved by Mrs. Rubin, seconded by Mrs. Gamarekian, to approve the Board Secretary’s Report dated 31, 2020 and that it be received and placed on file. Springfield Board of Education Regular Meeting May 11, 2020 2 DRAFT COPY SUBJECT TO BD APPROVAL DRAFT COPY

Yeas: Unanimous by all Members present. MOTION CARRIED

10. TREASURER’S REPORT Moved by Mrs. Rubin, seconded by Mrs. Gamarekian, to approve the Treasurer’s Report dated March 31, 2020 and that it be received and placed on file.

Yeas: Unanimous by all Members present. MOTION CARRIED

11. LEGAL MARCH 2020 Moved by Mrs. Rubin, seconded by Mrs. Gamarekian, “Pursuant to N.J.A.C. 6:20-2.13 (e) and after review of the Board Secretary’s and Treasurer’s monthly financial reports and upon consultation with the appropriate district officials, I move the Board certify that to the best of its knowledge as of March 31, 2020 no major account or fund has been over expended in violation of N.J.A.C. 6:20-2.13 (b) and that sufficient funds are available to meet the district’s financial obligations for the remainder of the fiscal year.”

Yeas: Unanimous by all Members present. MOTION CARRIED

12. SPECIAL SALARIES, FEES AND COMPENSATION RATES 2020-2021 Moved by Mrs. Rubin, seconded by Mrs. Gamarekian, to approve the Special Salaries, Fees, and Compensation Rates for the 2020-2021 school year. (Attachment B)

Yeas: Unanimous by all Members present. MOTION CARRIED

13. HORIZON BLUE CROSS & BLUE SHIELD MEDICAL COVERAGE Moved by Mrs. Rubin, seconded by Mrs. Gamarekian, approval to authorize the Business Administrator/Board Secretary to sign a contract with Horizon Blue Cross/Blue Shield of New Jersey to provide medical coverage per the Springfield Education Association Agreement, Article VII A, Insurance Protection for the 2020-2021 school year, the broker of record for the medical program to be Arthur J Gallagher & Co., Gallagher O'Gorman & Young.

Yeas: Unanimous by all Members present. MOTION CARRIED

14. HORIZON BLUE CROSS & BLUE SHIELD PRESCRIPTION COVERAGE Moved by Mrs. Rubin, seconded by Mrs. Gamarekian, approval to authorize the Business Administrator/Board Secretary to sign a contract with Horizon Blue Cross/Blue Shield of New Jersey to provide prescription coverage per the Springfield Education Association Agreement, Article VII C, Insurance Protection for the 2020-2021 school year, the broker of record for the prescription program to be Arthur J Gallagher & Co., Gallagher O'Gorman & Young. The prescription plan is capped at $184,154.00 for SEA members pursuant to Article VII C.

Yeas: Unanimous by all Members present. MOTION CARRIED

15. DELTA DENTAL COVERAGE Moved by Mrs. Rubin, seconded by Mrs. Gamarekian, approval to authorize the Business Administrator/Board Secretary to sign a contract with Delta Dental to provide dental coverage per the Springfield Education Association Agreement, Article VII B, Insurance Springfield Board of Education Regular Meeting May 11, 2020 3 DRAFT COPY SUBJECT TO BD APPROVAL DRAFT COPY Protection for the 2020-2021 school year, the broker of record for the dental program to be Arthur J Gallagher & Co., Gallagher O'Gorman & Young.

Yeas: Unanimous by all Members present. MOTION CARRIED

16. TUITION RATES FOR 2020-2021 Moved by Mrs. Rubin, seconded by Mrs. Gamarekian, to approve the following 2020- 2021 tuition charges for those children residing out of the district who are enrolled in regular/special education classes in the Springfield School District, as provided in Springfield Board of Education Policy #5118: Preschool (half day) $ 6,959 Kindergarten (full day) $ 13,917 Grades 1 – 5 $ 15,324 Grades 6 – 8 $ 16,319 Grades 9 – 12 $ 17,022 LLD $ 37,918 PreK Dis PT $ 28,770.

Yeas: Unanimous by all Members present. MOTION CARRIED

17. DISTRICT BANK ACCOUNTS FOR 2020-2021 Moved by Mrs. Rubin, seconded by Mrs. Gamarekian, to designate the following banks as depositories for school district funds, for the 2020 - 2021 school year a. Investors Savings Bank Springfield Board of Education General Account Payroll Account Payroll Agency Account Summer Savings Account UCI Trust Account Capital Projects Account Food Service Account Before and Aftercare Account Edward V Walton Student Activity Account James Caldwell Student Activity Account Thelma L Sandmeier Student Activity Account Florence M Gaudineer Student Activity Account Jonathan Dayton Student Activity Account Jonathan Dayton Athletic Activity Account

b. State of New Jersey Cash Management Fund.

Yeas: Unanimous by all Members present. MOTION CARRIED

18. PETTY CASH Moved by Mrs. Rubin, seconded by Mrs. Gamarekian, at the recommendation of the Superintendent, the Secretary of the Board be directed to establish petty cash funds for the 2020 - 2021 school year as follows, as required by statute: Superintendent/Administration $300.00 Jonathan Dayton High School 300.00 Springfield Board of Education Regular Meeting May 11, 2020 4 DRAFT COPY SUBJECT TO BD APPROVAL DRAFT COPY Florence M. Gaudineer School 200.00 Edward V. Walton School 150.00 James Caldwell School 150.00 Thelma L. Sandmeier School 150.00 Buildings and Grounds 150.00 Special Services 100.00 JDHS Athletic Dept. 100.00.

Yeas: Unanimous by all Members present. MOTION CARRIED

19. INVESTMENT OF FUNDS Moved by Mrs. Rubin, seconded by Mrs. Gamarekian, to authorize, pursuant to 17:12B- 241, Mr. Matthew A. Clarke, School Business Administrator/Board Secretary, to invest school funds, and order wire transfers if necessary to complete the transaction, in one or more accounts in any insured bank whose principal office is located in New Jersey in any amount up to, but not exceeding, the amounts for which such accounts are insured.”

Yeas: Unanimous by all Members present. MOTION CARRIED

20. PERSONNEL APPOINTMENTS Moved by Mrs. Gamarekian, seconded by Mr. Silverstein, at the recommendation of the Superintendent, approval of the appointment of personnel on the attachment. (Attachment C)

Yeas: Unanimous by all Members present. MOTION CARRIED

21. STAFF RENEWALS FOR 2020-2021 Moved by Mrs. Gamarekian, seconded by Mr. Silverstein, at the recommendation of the Superintendent, approval of certificated and non-certificated staff appointments for the 2020 - 2021 school year all such contracts being subject to future action on account of substantial reductions in State School Aid by virtue of the state of emergency and resulting Statewide Financial dislocation. (Attachment C1)

Yeas: Unanimous by all Members present. MOTION CARRIED

22. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT - PERSONNEL Moved by Mrs. Gamarekian, seconded by Mr. Silverstein, at the recommendation of the Superintendent, approval of the attached personnel travel for Professional Development.

Yeas: Unanimous by all Members present. MOTION CARRIED

23. SPECIAL EDUCATION PLACEMENTS Moved by Mrs. Gamarekian, seconded by Mr. Silverstein, at the recommendation of the Superintendent, that the Board of Education approve Special Education request for Related Services/Placements on the attachment. (Attachment E)

Yeas: Unanimous by all Members present. MOTION CARRIED

Springfield Board of Education Regular Meeting May 11, 2020 5 DRAFT COPY SUBJECT TO BD APPROVAL DRAFT COPY 24. TUITION GRANTS Moved by Mrs. Gamarekian, seconded by Mr. Silverstein, at the recommendation of the Superintendent, approval of the attached personnel for following courses as being eligible for Tuition Grant reimbursement and applicable for advancement on the guide. (Attachment F)

Yeas: Unanimous by all Members present. MOTION CARRIED

25. HIB REPORT Moved by Mrs. Gamarekian, seconded by Mr. Silverstein, the Board of Education affirms the HIB Report (070-1920-05) presented at the following Board meeting: April 27, 2020. Yeas: Unanimous by all Members present. MOTION CARRIED

26. HIB REPORT Moved by Mrs. Gamarekian, seconded by Mr. Silverstein, the Board of Education affirms the HIB Report (010-1920-11) presented at the following Board meeting: April 27, 2020.

Yeas: Unanimous by all Members present. MOTION CARRIED

27. HIB REPORT Moved by Mrs. Gamarekian, seconded by Mr. Silverstein, the Board of Education affirms the HIB Report (050-1920-02) presented at the following Executive Board meeting: April 27, 2020.

Yeas: Unanimous by all Members present. MOTION CARRIED

28. REVISED CURRICULUM Moved by Mrs. Gamarekian, seconded by Mr. Silverstein, at the recommendation of the Superintendent, to approve the following revised curriculum –

• Personal Finance - High School • Entrepreneurship - High School.

Yeas: Unanimous by all Members present. MOTION CARRIED

29. CURRICULA AND TEXTBOOKS Moved by Mrs. Gamarekian, seconded by Mr. Silverstein, at the recommendation of the Superintendent, to adopt the 2020-2021 Curricula and Textbooks for the 2020-2021 school year as per (Attachment G).

Yeas: Unanimous by all Members present. MOTION CARRIED

30. CALENDAR DAYS Moved by Mrs. Gamarekian, seconded by Mr.Silverstein, approval to designate June 19, 2020, June 22, 2020 and June 23, 2020 schools closed due to not having to utilize the three emergency days remaining. Further, the last day of school will be June 18, 2020.

Springfield Board of Education Regular Meeting May 11, 2020 6 DRAFT COPY SUBJECT TO BD APPROVAL DRAFT COPY Yeas: Unanimous by all Members present. MOTION CARRIED

31. JAMES CALDWELL BRICK FAÇADE PHASE 2 BID Moved by Mr. Delia, seconded by Mr. Munoz, approval to accept the bid from Pravco. Inc., Rahway, NJ, project number SP 202001, for James Caldwell Elementary School Brick Façade Phase 2 from all bidders as set in the following resolution: (Attachment H) RESOLUTION WHEREAS, there is planned a project to perform certain rehabilitations at the James Caldwell Elementary School Brick Façade Phase-2 for brick masonry façade repairs, steel lintel repairs, and flashing improvements to the high school exterior; and WHEREAS, a public advertisement for such construction services took place on February 13, 2020, and WHEREAS, a bid opening was duly held on March 12, 2020; and WHEREAS, bids were submitted by four companies; and WHEREAS, the bid submitted by Askari Construction was incomplete making it non- responsive; and WHEREAS, the bid submitted by Pravco, Inc. was found responsive to the specifications; and

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED the bid submitted by Pravco, Inc. is hereby awarded as presented totaling $328,000; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that, all funding for this project is from the Capital Reserve Account, and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that, upon consultation with Board counsel and the Board engineer, the Business Administrator be and hereby is authorized to take any and all action to commence a contract with Pravco, Inc.”

Yeas: Unanimous by all Members present. MOTION CARRIED

32. JAG VOLUNTEER PHYSICIAN FOOTBALL GAMES Moved by Mr. Munoz, seconded by Mr. Delia, at the recommendation of the Superintendent, to approve the following vendor to provide volunteer physicians for home football games on an as need basis for the 2020-21 school year - JAG Physical Therapy 2360 Morris Avenue, Union, NJ

Yeas: Unanimous by all Members present. MOTION CARRIED

33. JAG SUBSTITUTE TRAINER SERVICES Moved by Mr. Munoz, seconded by Mr. Delia, at the recommendation of the Superintendent, to approve the following vendor to provide substitute trainer services on an as need basis for the 2020-21 school year - JAG Physical Therapy - $55/hour 2360 Morris Avenue, union, NJ

Yeas: Unanimous by all Members present. MOTION CARRIED

Springfield Board of Education Regular Meeting May 11, 2020 7 DRAFT COPY SUBJECT TO BD APPROVAL DRAFT COPY 34. PUBLIC SESSION The following members of the public had questions or comments regarding Dayton Graduation Ceremony: • Laura Delia

35. NEW BUSINESS None to report at this time.

36. ADJOURNMENT Moved by Mrs. Gamarekian, seconded by Mr. Munoz, to adjourn the regular meeting at 5:41 PM.

Yeas: Unanimous by all Members present. MOTION CARRIED

Upcoming Meetings: 1. Regular Meeting – June 1, 2020 at 7:30 PM in the IMC at JDHS 2. Regular Meeting – June 15, 2020 at 7:30 PM in the IMC at JDHS

______Matthew A. Clarke Business Administrator/Board Secretary

Springfield Board of Education Regular Meeting May 11, 2020 8 Transfer Attachment (A) April 2020 Account Code Description To From 11-000-213-100-00-10 SALARIES HEALTH SERVICES - NUR 78,000.00 11-000-216-101-55-10 SALARIES SPEECH 78,000.00 11-000-221-102-00-10 SALARY CO-ORD OF INSTRUCTION 3,400.00 11-000-221-105-99-10 SALARY SEC CO-ORD INSTRU 3,400.00 11-000-261-420-94-05 CONTRACTED SERVICES/FACILITIES 10,000.00 11-000-261-420-94-05 CONTRACTED SERVICES/FACILITIES 11-000-261-610-94-05 BUILDING SUPPLIES 6,000.00 11-000-262-420-94-05 CONTRACTED SERVICES GROUNDS 4,000.00 11-000-270-420-96-03 PUPIL TRANS MAINT/REPAIR 4,600.00 11-000-270-420-96-03 PUPIL TRANS MAINT/REPAIR 11-000-270-600-96-03 TRANS.FUEL/OIL,TIRES,REP.PARTS 4,600.00 11-000-270-600-96-03 TRANS.FUEL/OIL,TIRES,REP.PARTS 11-105-100-101-00-10 SALARIES PRE-K 200.00 11-105-100-101-01-10 SUBSTITUTES PRE K 200.00 11-120-100-101-00-10 SALARIES TEACHERS 1-5 30,000.00 11-120-100-101-01-10 SUBSTITUTES 1-5 30,000.00

Springfield Board of Education Regular Meeting May 11, 2020 Attachment ( B )

Springfield Public Schools Springfield, New Jersey 07081 2020 - 2021 School Year Special Salaries, Fees, and Compensations 1 Bedside Instruction Rate $ 42.00 per hour 1a Interpreter/Translator (language) $ 42.00 per hour

2 Substitute and Part-time Clerks $ 14.50 per hour

3 Substitute Clerical Personnel (Retirees) $ 14.50 per hour Business Office Support $ 21.00 per hour

4 Custodial Substitutes/Maintenance Worker $ 14.50 per hour

5 Summer Student Help $ 12.00 per hour

6 Rate for Mileage $ 0.350 per mile

7 Substitute/School Bus Drivers $ 16.50 per hour

8 Charge for Copies of Materials $ 0.05 per/page standard $ 0.07 per/page legal

9 Bus Rental Fee $ 70.00 per hour

10 Subscription Busing $ 400.00 1 way $ 800.00 Roundtrip 11 Substitute Teacher a. County Certificate 1-19 days $ 93.00 20+ days $ 103.00 b. County Certificate/BA 1-19 days $ 98.00 20+ days $ 108.00 c. Regular Teaching Certificate 1. Cumulative days of service in current school year 1-19 days $ 103.00 20-39 days $ 108.00 * 40+ days $ 118.00 2. Cumulative days of service in same assignment & current school year 1-19 days $ 118.00 20+ days $ 140.00 ** d. County Certificate/Certified RN 1+ days $ 185.00 * After 50 days of cumulative service the previous year, the rate of pay will be $108.00 ** After 20 consecutive days in the same assignment, $140/diem retro-active to the 1st day.

Springfield Board of Education Regular Meeting May 11, 2020 Springfield Public Schools Attachment ( C ) Personnel

Replacement/ Additional Last Name First Name Position Location Guide/Step Salary Renewal/New Information Effective Date Certificated Staff STAFF I.D. 2515 ------TERMINATION IMMEDIATELY CHOMOKO KARYN Mentor JDHS --- $450.00 --- C. Cusick - (Amended Amount) 3/31/2020 - 6/30/2020 RANDOPLH MEGAN Teacher JDHS ------Leave 9/3/2020 - 1/5/2021 DORING WILLIAM Summer Curriculum Writing JDHS --- $42.23/hour --- Up to 15 hours/course 6/19/2020 - 6/24/2020 GAGNER DERRICK Summer Curriculum Writing JDHS --- $42.23/hour --- Up to 15 hours/course 6/19/2020 - 6/24/2020 GARROD WENDY Summer Curriculum Writing JDHS --- $42.23/hour --- Up to 9 hours 6/19/2020 - 6/24/2020 JACKSON NIA Summer Curriculum Writing JDHS --- $42.23/hour --- Up to 15 hours 6/19/2020 - 6/24/2020 MOORE ERICA Summer Curriculum Writing JDHS --- $42.23/hour --- Up to 15 hours 6/19/2020 - 6/24/2020 ZALE ALLISON Summer Curriculum Writing JDHS --- $42.23/hour --- Up to 9 hours 6/19/2020 - 6/24/2020 CIFELLI KARI Elementary Teacher EVW ------Extended Leave 3/9/20 - 10/30/2020 LYNCH JAMIE Elementary Teacher JCS ------Extended Leave 3/31/2020 - 11/27/2020 Replacement/ Additional Last Name First Name Position Location Guide/Step Salary Renewal/New Information Effective Date Substitute/Home instructor/Volunteer

Replacement/ Additional Last Name First Name Position Location Guide/Step Salary Renewal/New Information Effective Date Non-Certificated PANGO ARGJIRO Instructional 1:1 Aide JDHS ------Resignation ***

Replacement/ Additional Last Name First Name Position Location Guide/Step Salary Renewal/New Information Effective Date Before and After School Program/Childcare

“ A school district or charter school …..may employ….for a period not to exceed 90 days pending review by the school district providing all the following are satisfied: Applicant complied with providing list School district has no knowledge or information that the applicant would be required to dsclose under the law School district determines special or emergent circumstances exist that justify the temporary employment of this applicant" Springfield Board of Education Regular Meeting 5/11/2020 ***Resignation subject to the requirements provided by law

Springfield Board of Education Regular Meeting May 11, 2020 Page 1 Attachment ( C1 )

SCHOOL/DEPT. LAST NAME FIRST NAME START DATE CATEGORY Base Salary Stipends Longevity Total ADMINISTRATION BUDIS TRACY 7/1/05 ASST. TO BUS. ADMIN. 61,000 - - 61,000 ADMINISTRATION HUBER JEANNETTE 06/07/2004 BOOK Step Q - C 48,620 - 1,130 49,750 ADMINISTRATION SIGNORELLI KATHY 01/03/2006 BOOK Step T -C 46,743 - 1,130 47,873 ADMINISTRATION PROTO TERESA N. 10/18/2004 CLERK Step O - D 37,909 - 1,130 39,039 ADMINISTRATION RODRIGUEZ GENESIS 1/9/20 CONF 50,000 - - 50,000 ADMINISTRATION DAVITT SARAH 1/1/19 CONF 50,000 - - 50,000 ADMINISTRATION MANNINO PATRICIA 8/1/12 CONF 55,426 3,752 - 59,178 ADMINISTRATION OLIVEIRA ANN 10/1/18 CONF 67,000 - - 67,000 ADMINISTRATION RICCARDI DANIELA 5/22/96 COORDINATOR OF TECH 90,582 - - 90,582 ADMINISTRATION KELLY DANA 10/16/19 DIRECTOR OF HR 107,690 - - 107,690 ADMINISTRATION BOEHM TIFFANY 9/1/15 DIRECTOR OF STUDENT SUPPORT. 107,690 - - 107,690 ADMINISTRATION CARTER EDDIE 1/2/18 GR Step 2 - M 44,443 1,469 45,912 ADMINISTRATION GAMBUZZA CARMELO 01/09/2008 GR Step X 51,041 364 51,405 ADMINISTRATION LICATESE FRANCESCO 09/01/1998 GR Step S - M 53,976 1,469 713 56,158 ADMINISTRATION GRIMM RICHARD W 07/01/1992 MAINT Step M -M 58,279 - 1,077 59,356 ADMINISTRATION TRANQUILLI ROBERT A. 09/01/1997 MAINT Step R - M 54,578 - 1,077 55,655 ADMINISTRATION WUEST ADAM F. 01/04/1993 MAINT Step M -M 58,279 - 1,077 59,356 ADMINISTRATION KNORR WILLIAM 06/02/2008 B&G SUPERVISOR 99,162 - - 99,162 ADMINISTRATION DIAL NICHOLAS 12/4/18 TECH MGR. 62,000 - - 62,000 ADMINISTRATION FABI JORDAN 2/1/17 TECH MGR. 68,238 - - 68,238 ADMINISTRATION SALMON JOSEPH 12/4/19 TECH MGR. 62,000 - - 62,000

SPECIAL SERVICES FERRARA SHERRY 7/1/19 SEC Step 3/CST. 3 34,807 - - 34,807 SPECIAL SERVICES GIORDINO SUSAN 7/9/12 SEC Step 7 CST. 42,491 - - 42,491 SPECIAL SERVICES HOLLINGSWORTH JESSICA 9/1/19 SPEC Step 1/6th. 1 65,845 - - 65,845 SPECIAL SERVICES ROUSSO REGINE 09/01/2007 SPEC Step 10/6th. 10 75,988 - - 75,988

TRANSPORTATION LIES SUSAN 01/04/2010 COORDINATOR OF TRANSPORTATION 44,085 - - 44,085 TRANSPORTATION MONTEVERDE HECTOR A. 12/29/1998 Currier/Driver 42,837 1,173 - 44,010

WALTON SCHOOL PAOLINO CAMILLE 09/01/1991 SPEC Step Q/MA 94,137 - - 94,137 WALTON SCHOOL WEISS STACY 3/1/16 SPEC Step6/6th 55,389 - 55,389 WALTON SCHOOL BERGER DEBRA P 01/01/1997 TEACHER Step BB/6th 92,236 - - 92,236 WALTON SCHOOL CARIELLO JAMES 9/1/19 TEACHER Step 0/BA. 0 55,478 - - 55,478 WALTON SCHOOL CIFELLI KARI 9/1/16 TEACHER Step 2/MA 61,468 - - 61,468 WALTON SCHOOL COSTA DIANA 9/1/16 TEACHER Step 8/6th 72,506 - - 72,506 WALTON SCHOOL D'ALOISIO DORI 01/04/2010 TEACHER Step 7/MA 66,700 - - 66,700 WALTON SCHOOL DUSHECK MARISSA 9/1/19 TEACHER Step 0/BA. 0 55,478 - - 55,478 WALTON SCHOOL FEIGELES SUSAN B. 09/01/2002 TEACHER Step 13/MA 74,533 - - 74,533 WALTON SCHOOL FELTER SUSAN 09/01/2000 TEACHER Step HH/MA 79,087 - - 79,087 WALTON SCHOOL FORTNA VICTORIA 09/01/2008 TEACHER Step II/BA 72,767 - - 72,767 WALTON SCHOOL FRETZ DANA 9/1/12 TEACHER Step 7/MA 66,700 - - 66,700 WALTON SCHOOL FUNK COLLEEN 09/01/2002 TEACHER Step 14/MA 77,277 - - 77,277 WALTON SCHOOL GIGANTE LAUREN 9/1/14 TEACHER Step 5/MA 63,482 - - 63,482 WALTON SCHOOL GIULIANO ALISON 9/1/13 TEACHER Step 13/BA 69,952 - - 69,952

Springfield Board of Ediucation Regular Meeting May 11, 2020 Attachment ( C1 )

WALTON SCHOOL GREENE SUSAN 07/15/1992 TEACHER Step S/MA 92,352 - - 92,352 WALTON SCHOOL GRIFFIN MEGAN M. 09/01/2005 TEACHER Step 12/6th 79,278 - - 79,278 WALTON SCHOOL JONES MARISSA 9/1/10 TEACHER Step 8/BA 62,286 - - 62,286 WALTON SCHOOL KELLY MEGAN A. 09/01/1999 TEACHER Step GG/MA 79,987 - - 79,987 WALTON SCHOOL KINNEY KENDRA M. 09/01/1999 TEACHER Step EE/MA 82,437 - - 82,437 WALTON SCHOOL KIRNA ROBIN 09/01/2008 TEACHER Step 8/MA 67,319 - - 67,319 WALTON SCHOOL KRINNER CHELSEA 2/20/18 TEACHER Step 2/BA 56,735 - - 56,735 WALTON SCHOOL LEONARDIS DEANNA 09/01/2008 TEACHER Step 8/6th 72,506 - - 72,506 WALTON SCHOOL LEVINE PHOEBE H. 09/01/2001 TEACHER Step II/6th 84,115 - - 84,115 WALTON SCHOOL MAUL THERESA S. 09/01/2000 TEACHER Step HH/BA 73,667 - - 73,667 WALTON SCHOOL MCGOWAN CAITLIN 9/1/16 TEACHER Step 3/6th 67,102 - - 67,102 WALTON SCHOOL PERDOMO MARY SANCHEZ 09/01/1993 TEACHER Step Z/6th 93,387 - - 93,387 WALTON SCHOOL PERONE REBECCA A. 09/01/2004 TEACHER Step 13/MA 75,186 - - 75,186 WALTON SCHOOL REBIMBAS JACQUELINE 9/1/14 TEACHER Step 5/BA 58,672 - - 58,672 WALTON SCHOOL REILLY DONNA 9/1/12 TEACHER Step 7/BA 60,705 - - 60,705 WALTON SCHOOL RICARDO DEBORAH A 09/01/1989 TEACHER Step V/MA 89,406 - - 89,406 WALTON SCHOOL SALICETI CHRISTINE 1/2/13 TEACHER Step 6/MA 64,178 - - 64,178 WALTON SCHOOL SCHOCH LISA 09/01/1995 TEACHER Step Y/BA 82,006 - - 82,006 WALTON SCHOOL SUMMERS TAYLOR 9/1/16 TEACHER Step 3/MA. 3 62,107 - - 62,107 WALTON SCHOOL TURNER LAUREN M 02/02/2009 TEACHER Step 9/MA 68,489 - - 68,489 WALTON SCHOOL VARTAN JENNA 9/1/16 TEACHER Step 2/BA 56,735 - - 56,735 WALTON SCHOOL WEISS MELANIE S. 09/01/2001 TEACHER Step HH/6th 85,015 - - 85,015 WALTON SCHOOL ZIKA DANA L. 12/17/2001 TEACHER Step II/BA 72,767 - - 72,767 WALTON SCHOOL MATT PAIGE 9/1/17 TEACHER StepStep 0/BA 1/BA 56,117 - - 56,117

WALTON SCHOOL VACCARELLA LUCY 11/16/2000 BOOK Step Q - C 48,620 - 2,260 50,880 WALTON SCHOOL LUSTIG-KERR ALICE C. 07/01/2009 CLERK Step 8 -D 35,059 - - 35,059 WALTON SCHOOL DU BEAU MARIE A. 09/01/2006 SEC Step W - B 39,830 - 1,130 40,960

WALTON SCHOOL BALKE THEODORE W. 07/01/1999 CUST Step T 51,061 2,560 713 54,334 WALTON SCHOOL DUNLAP ALI 7/1/14 CUST Step 5 44,139 1,469 - 45,608 WALTON SCHOOL TAYLOR CLARENCE 7/1/14 CUST Step 5 44,139 1,469 - 45,608 WALTON SCHOOL WILLIAMS FREDDIE 6/3/13 CUST Step 7 45,472 1,469 - 46,941

CALDWELL ELEMENTARY RENNIE 7/1/06 PRINC J ELEM 125,842 8,840 2,466 137,148

CALDWELL ELEMENTARY BLANCHARD-SALMON KAREN 09/01/2004 NURSE Step DD/6 89,565 - - 89,565 CALDWELL ELEMENTARY ALTMAN RENEE D. 02/11/2002 SPEC Step 14/6th 83,205 - - 83,205 CALDWELL ELEMENTARY GLAZNER TRACI 01/01/2004 SPEC Step 12/MA 73,654 - - 73,654 CALDWELL ELEMENTARY ABBATE MICHAEL D. 09/01/2002 TEACHER Step 14/MA 77,277 - - 77,277 CALDWELL ELEMENTARY BAKER ERIN 9/1/12 TEACHER Step 6/MA 64,178 - - 64,178 CALDWELL ELEMENTARY BHASIN KANAK 09/01/2000 TEACHER Step GG/6th 85,915 - - 85,915 CALDWELL ELEMENTARY BIERLY LISA 09/01/1999 TEACHER Step GG/6th 85,915 - - 85,915 CALDWELL ELEMENTARY CAMPBELL DAVID 09/01/1995 TEACHER Step AA/MA 86,667 - - 86,667 CALDWELL ELEMENTARY CHANG LAUREN 09/01/2003 TEACHER Step GG/6th 85,915 - - 85,915 CALDWELL ELEMENTARY DAUBERT KELSEY 9/1/13 TEACHER Step 5/MA 63,482 - - 63,482 CALDWELL ELEMENTARY FRANKHOUSER KATHERINE 09/01/1993 TEACHER Step Z/6th 93,387 - - 93,387

Springfield Board of Ediucation Regular Meeting May 11, 2020 Attachment ( C1 )


CALDWELL ELEMENTARY LEONARDIS ROSA M 10/16/1989 SEC Step E - A 52,662 - 4,526 57,188

CALDWELL ELEMENTARY FELDMAN STEWART 10/01/1991 CUST Step L - C 17 56,183 2,560 1,077 59,820 CALDWELL ELEMENTARY MC NANNA DAVID T. 01/01/1994 CUST Step N 54,302 1,469 1,077 56,848 CALDWELL ELEMENTARY ALVARADO ISMEAL 2/12/20 CUST Step 3 42,717 1,469 - 44,186

SANDMEIER ELEMENTARY PLIAS MICHAEL 07/01/12 PRINC 6 ELEM 117,842 8,840 1,295 127,977


SANDMEIER ELEMENTARY FERREIRA SUSAN 8/26/13 SEC Step 6- A 34,813 - - 34,813

SANDMEIER ELEMENTARY GONCALVES MARIA 8/19/19 CUST Step 1 - C 1 41,679 1,469 - 43,148

Springfield Board of Ediucation Regular Meeting May 11, 2020 Attachment ( C1 )

SANDMEIER ELEMENTARY LEONE CHRISTOPHER 07/01/2009 CUST Step 8 - C 8 46,314 2,560 0- 48,874

GAUDINEER MIDDLE KIELTY TIMOTHY 09/01/2004 PRINC H MIDDLE 135,330 8,840 2,466 146,636 GAUDINEER MIDDLE LYNCH MATTHEW 7/1/15 FMG SUPV 83,292 9,393 - 92,685

GAUDINEER MIDDLE AMER NADA 9/1/19 TEACHER Step 0/BA. 0 55,478 - - 55,478 GAUDINEER MIDDLE BEST CRYSTAL 9/1/16 TEACHER Step 3/BA 57,373 - - 57,373 GAUDINEER MIDDLE BIRKMANN NICOLE 1/9/20 TEACHER Step 1/MA. 1 60,850 - - 60,850 GAUDINEER MIDDLE CARIANI JUDY S 09/01/1999 TEACHER Step GG/6TH 85,915 - - 85,915 GAUDINEER MIDDLE CHOU LILLIAN 09/01/2001 TEACHER Step DD/6th 89,565 - - 89,565 GAUDINEER MIDDLE CIOFFI JOSEPHINE 09/01/1999 TEACHER Step GG/MA 79,987 - - 79,987 GAUDINEER MIDDLE CLARK GILLIAN 9/1/19 TEACHER Step 0/MA. 0 60,212 - - 60,212 GAUDINEER MIDDLE COLLINS TRISH 9/1/12 TEACHER Step 6/MA 64,178 - - 64,178 GAUDINEER MIDDLE CONDON EILEEN 09/01/2004 TEACHER Step 12/MA 73,654 - - 73,654 GAUDINEER MIDDLE D'AMORE MICHELLE 09/01/2008 TEACHER Step 8/MA 67,319 - - 67,319 GAUDINEER MIDDLE D'ANGELO LAURE 9/1/12 TEACHER Step 7/BA 60,705 - - 60,705 GAUDINEER MIDDLE DAVID JOSEPH J 09/01/2005 TEACHER Step 12/MA 73,654 - - 73,654 GAUDINEER MIDDLE DAVID SARAH 09/01/2003 TEACHER Step 13/MA 75,186 - - 75,186 GAUDINEER MIDDLE FRIEDMAN JILL 9/1/16 TEACHER Step 10/6th 75,988 - - 75,988 GAUDINEER MIDDLE GABRIEL LEONARD 09/01/2005 TEACHER Step 13/6th 80,914 - - 80,914 GAUDINEER MIDDLE GAUGHAN JAIME 9/1/18 TEACHER Step 0/BA 55,478 - - 55,478 GAUDINEER MIDDLE GILLEN ALISON 09/01/1988 TEACHER Step O/MA 96,909 - - 96,909 GAUDINEER MIDDLE GOERGE MICHAEL 09/01/2007 TEACHER Step 9/BA 63,393 - - 63,393 GAUDINEER MIDDLE GRAY JANET H. 09/01/2009 TEACHER Step HH/6th 85,015 - - 85,015 GAUDINEER MIDDLE HAGGERTY DEVIN 09/01/2004 TEACHER Step 12/MA 73,654 - - 73,654 GAUDINEER MIDDLE HERNANDEZ STEPHANIE 09/01/2005 TEACHER Step 12/MA 73,654 - - 73,654 GAUDINEER MIDDLE HERRINGTON AMY W. 01/06/2006 TEACHER Step 11/6th 77,111 - - 77,111 GAUDINEER MIDDLE HILDEBRAND ROBERT A. 09/01/2005 TEACHER Step 11/6th 77,111 - - 77,111 GAUDINEER MIDDLE HILSER KATHLEEN 4/9/18 TEACHER Step 2/MA 61,468 - 61,468 GAUDINEER MIDDLE HILTON DAVID S. 09/01/2000 TEACHER Step HH/BA 73,667 - - 73,667 GAUDINEER MIDDLE KANTERMAN ROBIN 09/01/2007 TEACHER Step FF/6th 87,165 - - 87,165 GAUDINEER MIDDLE KRUPIT BENJAMIN 9/1/12 TEACHER Step 7/MA 66,700 - - 66,700 GAUDINEER MIDDLE LAGEMANN MELISSA 09/01/1993 TEACHER Step W/BA 83,061 - - 83,061 GAUDINEER MIDDLE LAURENCELLE LAURA 9/1/17 TEACHER Step 9/BA 63,393 - - 63,393 GAUDINEER MIDDLE LIBERTO MARY-CATHLEE 09/01/2001 TEACHER Step V/MA 89,406 - - 89,406 GAUDINEER MIDDLE MARX JULIE 09/01/2004 TEACHER Step 12/BA 68,209 - - 68,209 GAUDINEER MIDDLE MASTERSON KIMBERLY ANN 09/01/2001 TEACHER Step HH/6th 85,015 - - 85,015 GAUDINEER MIDDLE MIRABELLA MICHAEL J 09/01/1988 TEACHER Step 7/MA 66,700 - - 66,700 GAUDINEER MIDDLE MOJKA ALEXIS 9/1/15 TEACHER Step 4/MA 62,746 - - 62,746 GAUDINEER MIDDLE MOWCZAN RENEE 9/1/18 TEACHER Step 0/BA 55,478 - - 55,478 GAUDINEER MIDDLE OLIVE VIRGINIA K. 01/02/2002 TEACHER Step II/6th 84,115 - - 84,115 GAUDINEER MIDDLE PAZ KIMBERLY 9/1/16 TEACHER Step 10/MA 70,657 - - 70,657 GAUDINEER MIDDLE PERONE JASON 09/01/2006 TEACHER Step 10/BA 65,487 - - 65,487 GAUDINEER MIDDLE REYNDERS ALISON 9/1/17 TEACHER Step 1/BA 56,117 - - 56,117 GAUDINEER MIDDLE RODRIGUEZ CHRISTINA M 10/17/2006 TEACHER Step 3/BA 57,373 - - 57,373 GAUDINEER MIDDLE SANDFORD ROSALBA 01/01/2003 TEACHER Step 14/6th 83,205 - - 83,205

Springfield Board of Ediucation Regular Meeting May 11, 2020 Attachment ( C1 )

GAUDINEER MIDDLE SCHECKMAN SHARI L. 09/01/1998 TEACHER Step FF/6th 87,165 - - 87,165 GAUDINEER MIDDLE STROBER DANA 9/1/15 TEACHER Step 3/BA 57,373 - - 57,373 GAUDINEER MIDDLE TELESCA JONATHAN 09/01/2002 TEACHER Step 14/6th 83,205 - - 83,205 GAUDINEER MIDDLE WEAKLEY MAUREEN 11/13/17 TEACHER Step 2/BA 56,735 - - 56,735

GAUDINEER MIDDLE POCARO JESSICA 8/31/15 SEC STEP W clerk 35,162 - - 35,162 GAUDINEER MIDDLE WETZEL JENNIFER 10/1/18 SEC STEP 1 -B 34,568 - - 34,568

GAUDINEER MIDDLE BOYD RICKY 07/01/2005 CUST Step X 48,651 2,560 364 51,575 GAUDINEER MIDDLE MC CABE THOMAS 03/20/1995 CUST Step P 53,543 1,469 1,077 56,089 GAUDINEER MIDDLE ROCHA MARIA 11/14/16 CUST Step 4 43,357 1,469 - 44,826 GAUDINEER MIDDLE TURNER DARRELL 2/7/14 CUST Step 5 44,139 1,469 - 45,608

JONATHAN DAYTON FRANCIS NORMAN 7/1/15 PRINC I HIGH 143,950 8,840 2,500 155,290 JONATHAN DAYTON JACOBS LANCE 08/15/2006 SUPERVISOR 100,556 9,393 1,228 111,177 JONATHAN DAYTON SALMON GREGORY 7/1/16 SUPERVISOR 70,867 18,785 - 89,652 JONATHAN DAYTON SCHIANO CANDICE 7/1/15 SUPERVISOR 87,521 18,785 - 106,306 JONATHAN DAYTON SLATE RONALD S 7/1/07 SUPERVISOR 104,529 9,393 1,228 115,150

JONATHAN DAYTON SILBERTO-GRAHAM ROXANNE 01/25/2000 NURSE Step GG/6TH 85,915 - - 85,915 JONATHAN DAYTON ADAMS CHRISTOPHER 9/1/16 TEACHER Step 3/BA 57,373 - - 57,373 JONATHAN DAYTON BALLETTO BRYAN 9/1/13 TEACHER Step 6/BA 59,287 - - 59,287 JONATHAN DAYTON BATES LAURA 9/1/18 TEACHER Step 1/BA. 56,117 - - 56,117 JONATHAN DAYTON BAUERS ASHLEY 09/01/2006 TEACHER Step 10/BA 65,487 - - 65,487 JONATHAN DAYTON BEAL JENNIFER 9/1/13 TEACHER Step 6/BA 59,287 - - 59,287 JONATHAN DAYTON BELGROD TATIANA 02/01/2008 TEACHER Step HH/6th 85,015 - - 85,015 JONATHAN DAYTON BELLAROSA MANDEE M. 02/02/2003 TEACHER Step 14/MA 77,277 - - 77,277 JONATHAN DAYTON BREEN SUSAN 09/01/2003 TEACHER Step 13/MA 75,186 - - 75,186 JONATHAN DAYTON CARLSON STEPHANIE 02/01/2008 TEACHER Step 9/MA 68,489 - - 68,489 JONATHAN DAYTON CHOMKO KARYN L. 01/18/2000 TEACHER Step GG/MA 79,987 - - 79,987 JONATHAN DAYTON COKEING MARY E 09/01/1997 TEACHER Step EE/6th 88,365 - - 88,365 JONATHAN DAYTON COWARD GREGORY M. 09/01/2005 TEACHER Step 11/MA 71,682 - - 71,682 JONATHAN DAYTON CUGLIARI MARK 8/6/12 TEACHER Step 6/MA 64,178 - - 64,178 JONATHAN DAYTON CUSICK COLLEEN 9/1/19 TEACHER Step 0/6th +PHD. 0 65,207 1,895 - 67,102 JONATHAN DAYTON DAVISON BRYAN 09/01/2005 TEACHER Step AA/MA 86,667 - - 86,667 JONATHAN DAYTON DENICOLO ANTHONY 09/01/2008 TEACHER Step 8/MA 67,319 - - 67,319 JONATHAN DAYTON DEWINNE MORGAN 1/28/20 TEACHER Step 0/BA. 0 55,478 - - 55,478 JONATHAN DAYTON DI GANGI STEVEN B. 09/01/1992 TEACHER Step Y/6th 93,980 - - 93,980 JONATHAN DAYTON DIEZ SANDRA 09/01/2007 TEACHER Step 10/6th 75,988 - - 75,988 JONATHAN DAYTON DORING WILLIAM 09/01/2009 TEACHER Step 12/BA 68,209 - - 68,209 JONATHAN DAYTON GAGNER DERRICK 9/1/19 TEACHER Step 5/BA 5 58,672 - - 58,672 JONATHAN DAYTON GARROD WENDY 09/01/2002 TEACHER Step 12/BA 68,209 - - 68,209 JONATHAN DAYTON GENOVA MARIE 9/1/13 TEACHER Step 10/6th 75,988 - - 75,988 JONATHAN DAYTON GONZALEZ- SILVA DAVID 9/1/14 TEACHER Step 4/ BA 58,012 - - 58,012 JONATHAN DAYTON GRIFFIN SARAH 9/1/13 TEACHER Step 5/BA 58,672 - - 58,672 JONATHAN DAYTON GUTIERREZ TAMARA 09/01/2006 TEACHER Step 10/BA 65,487 - - 65,487

Springfield Board of Ediucation Regular Meeting May 11, 2020 Attachment ( C1 )

JONATHAN DAYTON HILL DARLENE 9/1/16 TEACHER Step 3/6TH 67,102 - - 67,102 JONATHAN DAYTON HOFMAN VERONICA M. 09/01/2006 TEACHER Step 11/6th 77,111 - - 77,111 JONATHAN DAYTON HUANG KEVIN 9/1/18 TEACHER Step 1/6th + Doc 65,845 1,895 - 67,740 JONATHAN DAYTON IANNACONE NICHOLAS 9/1/19 TEACHER Step 0/BA. 0 55,478 - - 55,478 JONATHAN DAYTON JACKSON NIA 9/1/19 TEACHER Step 1/MA. 1 60,850 - - 60,850 JONATHAN DAYTON KUSZMERSKI JENNIFER 09/01/2008 TEACHER Step 8/MA 67,319 - - 67,319 JONATHAN DAYTON LICO ADELINO 9/1/19 TEACHER Step 0/MA 60,212 - - 60,212 JONATHAN DAYTON/FMG MAGED JILLIAN 9/1/16 TEACHER Step 2/MA 61,468 - - 61,468 JONATHAN DAYTON MALINO JUDITH 11/1/16 TEACHER Step 13/MA 75,186 - - 75,186 JONATHAN DAYTON MARTIN ROBERT 09/01/2005 TEACHER Step EE/BA 77,017 - - 77,017 JONATHAN DAYTON MARTINEZ JENNIFER 9/1/16 TEACHER Step 9/BA 63,393 - - 63,393 JONATHAN DAYTON MOORE ERICA 9/1/15 TEACHER Step 6/MA 64,178 - - 64,178 JONATHAN DAYTON MORTENSEN JENNIFER 09/01/2004 TEACHER Step 12/MA 73,654 - - 73,654 JONATHAN DAYTON O'BRIEN MICHAEL 9/1/17 TEACHER Step 2/MA 61,468 - - 61,468 JONATHAN DAYTON ORNOVITZ IRENE 09/01/1999 TEACHER Step T/6th 97,029 - - 97,029 JONATHAN DAYTON POWERS MARY ELLEN 09/01/1991 TEACHER Step U/6th 96,206 - - 96,206 JONATHAN DAYTON QUINTANA-MARTIN MARIA C. 9/1/19 TEACHER Step II/MA. 15 78,187 - - 78,187 JONATHAN DAYTON RANDOLPH MEGAN 9/1/15 TEACHER Step 4/MA 62,746 - - 62,746 JONATHAN DAYTON REYNOLDS BARBARA 4/14/16 TEACHER Step 6/MA 64,178 - - 64,178 JONATHAN DAYTON RITTER JACQUELINE L 09/01/2001 TEACHER Step II/6th 84,115 - - 84,115 JONATHAN DAYTON ROONEY-KUHN ELIZABETH A. 09/01/1998 TEACHER Step FF/MA 81,327 - - 81,327 JONATHAN DAYTON SALADINO TRACEYELLEN 09/01/2005 TEACHER Step 11/BA 66,419 - - 66,419 JONATHAN DAYTON SALMON KATHERINE 9/1/10 TEACHER Step 7/6th 70,790 - - 70,790 JONATHAN DAYTON SCIMONE AGATINA 9/23/19 TEACHER Step 6/BA. 6 59,287 - - 59,287 JONATHAN DAYTON SIMON DANIELLE 2/5/18 TEACHER Step 9/MA 68,489 - - 68,489 JONATHAN DAYTON SISTA MARIA C. 03/05/2002 TEACHER Step 14/6th 83,205 - - 83,205 JONATHAN DAYTON SPANGLER IKE 08/15/2007 TEACHER Step 9/MA 68,489 - - 68,489 JONATHAN DAYTON STEINMAN DAVID 9/1/13 TEACHER Step 5/MA 63,482 - - 63,482 JONATHAN DAYTON STOLLER JACQUELINE L 9/1/19 TEACHER Step 5/6th. 5 68,505 - - 68,505 JONATHAN DAYTON VAN DEURSEN MATTHEW 9/1/11 TEACHER Step 7/MA 66,700 - - 66,700 JONATHAN DAYTON VECCHIONE ANTHONY 9/1/14 TEACHER STEP 4/MA 62,746 - - 62,746 JONATHAN DAYTON WHITE CHRISTOPHER 09/01/2004 TEACHER Step 13/6th 80,914 - - 80,914 JONATHAN DAYTON ZALE ALLISON 9//2017 TEACHER Step 1/BA 56,117 - - 56,117

JONATHAN DAYTON CIERI KIM 1/2/18 SEC Step 2 - G 35,184 - 35,184 JONATHAN DAYTON FERRETTI CINDY 7/1/15 SEC STEP 4-G 36,371 - - 36,371 JONATHAN DAYTON FINNE KAREN 08/25/2004 SEC Step V - B 39,948 - 1,130 41,078 JONATHAN DAYTON HANSELMANN GINA 8/18/15 SEC STEP W-A 36,489 - - 36,489 JONATHAN DAYTON LO SCHIAVO DEBRA A. 06/01/2000 SEC Step P - G 42,783 - 2,260 45,043

JONATHAN DAYTON DOUGHERTY DIXIE L. 07/01/2005 CUST Step X 48,651 3,812 364 52,827 JONATHAN DAYTON ELIJAH ROBERT 1/2/18 CUST Step 2 42,189 1,469 - 43,658 JONATHAN DAYTON BYNUM STEPHANIE 6/19/18 CUST Step 1 41,679 1,469 43,148 JONATHAN DAYTON HINTON MARY 7/1/16 CUST Step 3 42,717 2,560 441 45,718 JONATHAN DAYTON JOSEPH JEAN D. 09/03/1996 CUST Step Q 52,637 3,812 1,077 57,526 JONATHAN DAYTON PEREZ FELIX 08/01/1991 CUST Step L 56,183 1,469 1,077 58,729 JONATHAN DAYTON POUGH SAMUEL 9/1/17 CUST Step 3 42,717 1,469 - 44,186 JONATHAN DAYTON VAUGHAN ALAN 07/01/1975 CUST Step A 72,995 1,469 1,077 75,541

Springfield Board of Ediucation Regular Meeting May 11, 2020 Attachment ( D )


LAST NAME FIRST NAME SCHOOL DESCRIPTION LOCATION Funding DATE AMOUNT BOE APPROVED Manhattan College, Bronx 8/3- Gabriel Leonard JDHS AP Art History NY- Online 8/7/2020 $ 1,600.00 5/11/20 Rutgers Art & Design APSI Online University 7/20- Gabriel Leonard JDHS @Rutgers University Online 7/23/2020 $ 1,025.00 5/11/20

Springfield Board of Education Regular Meeting May 11, 2020 Special Education Request Attachment ( E ) Related Services/OOD Placements

1. RELATED SERVICES REQUEST Vendor Related Service Rate Hours/days/weeks Term Student

Vistas Service Braille/services $55 - 165.00 Per IEP 19-20SY Highland Park, NJ

2. OUT OF DISTRICT PLACEMENT REQUEST School/Placement Student Tuition Term Comments

Springfield Board of Education Regular Meeting May 11, 2020 Page 1 Attachment ( F )

Tuition Grants Spring 2020

Danielle Elia EDUC 510-902 Exploration of Classroom Inquiry Graduate

For approval at the May 11, 2020 BOE Meeting

Springfield Board of Education Regular Meeting May 11, 2020 Attachment ( G )



2020 ~ 2021

Springfield Board of Education Regular Meeting May 11, 2020



Grade Subject Area Book Title Publisher and Date

PreK Handwriting Handwriting Without Tears Handwriting Without Tears, 2008

Language Arts Literacy

The Creative Curriculum for Preschool Teaching Strategies, 2017



Grade Subject Area Book Title Publisher and Date

Kdg. Handwriting Handwriting Without Tears Handwriting Without Tears, 2013

Language Arts Literacy Reading Street Pearson Scott Foresman, 2013 My Sidewalks Pearson Scott Foresman, 2011 Big Book of Phonics, Rhymes & Poems Macmillan McGraw-Hill, 1993 The Wright Group/Leveled Books Creative Publications, 2003 See Attached List of Literature Titles

Math Everyday Mathematics (EM4) Wright Group/McGraw-Hill, 2015

Social Studies myWorld Interactive Pearson, 2019

Science Science Fusion Houghton Mifflin/Harcourt, 2013

All books on all lists at each grade level are used by special education students. Materials may be modified as per IEP.


Grade Subject Area Book Title Publisher and Date


Health Health and Fitness Harcourt, 2007

Language Arts Reading Street Pearson Scott Foresman, 2013 My Sidewalks Pearson Scott Foresman, 2011 Literacy The Wright Group/Leveled Books Creative Publications, 2003 See Attached List of Literature Titles

Math Everyday Mathematics (EM4) Wright Group/McGraw Hill, 2015


Science Science Fusion Houghton Mifflin/Harcourt, 2013

Social Studies/ Geography myWorld Interactive Pearson, 2019

All books on all lists at each grade level are used by special education students. Materials may be modified as per IEP.



Grade Subject Area Book Title Publisher and Date


Health Health and Fitness Harcourt, 2007

Language Arts Literacy Reading Street Pearson Scott Foresman, 2013 My Sidewalks Pearson Scott Foresman, 2011 The Wright Group/Leveled Books Creative Publications, 2003 See Attached List of Literature Titles Units of Study in Opinion, Information and Narrative Writing Heinemann, 2013

Math Everyday Mathematics (EM4) Wright Group/McGraw-Hill, 2015

Music Making Music Scott Foresman, 2002

Science Science Fusion Houghton Mifflin/Harcourt, 2013

Social Studies/ Geography myWorld Interactive Pearson, 2019

All books on all lists at each grade level are used by special education students. Materials may be modified as per IEP.



Grade Subject Area Book Title Publisher and Date

3 Handwriting Zaner-Bloser Handwriting Book 3 Zaner-Bloser, 1996

Health Health and Fitness Harcourt, 2007

Language Arts Literacy Reading Street Pearson Scott Foresman, 2013 My Sidewalks Pearson Scott Foresman, 2011

Math Everyday Mathematics (EM4) Wright Group/McGraw-Hill, 2015

Music Making Music Scott Foresman, 2002

Science Science Fusion Houghton Mifflin/Harcourt, 2013

Social Studies/ Geography myWorld Interactive Pearson, 2019

All books on all lists at each grade level are used by special education students. Materials may be modified as per IEP.



Grade Subject Area Book Title Publisher and Date

4 Handwriting Zaner-Bloser Handwriting Book 4 Zaner-Bloser, 1996

Health A Story of Life for All Ages Henry Holt & Company, Inc., 1982

Language Arts Literacy Reading Street Pearson Scott Foresman, 2013 My Sidewalks Pearson Scott Foresman, 2011

Math Everyday Mathematics (EM4) Wright Group/McGraw-Hill, 2015

Music Making Music Scott Foresman, 2002

Science Science Fusion Houghton Mifflin/Harcourt, 2013

Social Studies/ Geography Stories in Time: States and Regions Harcourt Brace, 1997 myWorld Interactive Pearson, 2019

All books on all lists at each grade level are used by special education students. Materials may be modified as per IEP.



5 Health Health and Fitness Harcourt, 2007

Language Arts Literacy Reading Street Pearson Scott Foresman, 2013 My Sidewalks Pearson Scott Foresman, 2011

Math Everyday Mathematics (EM4) Wright Group/McGraw-Hill, 2015

Music The World of Music Silver Burdett, 1988 Warner Brothers Jazz for Young People Free Press, 2002

Science Science Fusion Houghton Mifflin/Harcourt, 2013

Social Studies

myWorld Interactive Pearson, 2019

All books on all lists at each grade level are used by special education students. Materials may be modified as per IEP.



Subject Area Book Title Publisher and Date Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8 Language Arts Literacy myPerspectives Pearson, 2017 X X X See Attached List of Literature Titles

ESL Inside Hampton Brown, 2014 X X X


All books on all lists at each grade level are used by special education students. Materials may be modified as per IEP



Subject Area Book Title Publisher and Date Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8

Math Holt McDougal Larson Algebra 1 Holt McDougal, 2011 X X Geometry Pearson/Prentice Hall, 2004 X Big Ideas Math Advanced 1 Houghton Mifflin Hardcourt, 2017 X Big Ideas Math Accelerated 7 Houghton Mifflin Hardcoourt, 2017 X Big ideas in Math Modeling Real Life Cengage 2019 X

All books on all lists at each grade level are used by special education students. Materials may be modified as per IEP.




Subject Area Book Title Publisher and Date Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8

Science Science 2008 NJ Science version Harcourt School Publishers, 2008 X Life Science Glencoe/McGraw Hill, 2008 X Science Explorer: Physical Science Prentice Hall, 2002 X

Social Studies History of our World: The Early Ages Prentice Hall, 2005 X Don’t Know Much About World Myths Harper Collins, 2005 X World Explorer: People, Places, Prentice Hall, 2005 and Cultures X Nystrom Desk Atlas Nystrom, 2015 X


Civics Civics Prentice Hall, 2006 X Civics: Government & Economics Pearson, 2009 X Project Citizen We the People Foundation, Center For Civic Education, 1999 X We the People We the People Foundation, Center For Civic Education, 1999 X

All books on all lists at each grade level are used by special education students. Materials may be modified as per IEP.

11 Core Materials Grades PreK ~ 5

Book Grade Level Theme Will I Have A Friend? Pre-K A Color of His Own Pre-K Swimmy Pre-K Little Blue and Little Yellow Pre-K

The Mitten Pre-K Alexander & the Wind Up Mouse Pre-K Make Way for Ducklings Pre-K Corduroy Pre-K

Feast for 10 Pre-K Dandelion Pre-K The Little Engine That Could Pre-K Thanksgiving is for Giving Thanks Pre-K Mushrooms in the Rain Pre-K Where the Wild Things Are Pre-K Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs Pre-K How do Dinosaurs Say Goodnight? Pre-K

Mama Do You Love Me? Pre-K Charlie Caterpillar Pre-K Leo the Late Bloomer Pre-K Peter's Chair Pre-K

I Like Me Kindergarten How to Lose All Your Friends Kindergarten On Monday When It Rained Kindergarten Kissing Hand Kindergarten I Am a Leaf Kindergarten I Am An Apple Kindergarten The Crayon Box That Talked Kindergarten We Are All Alike, We Are All Different Kindergarten 12 My Many Colored Days Kindergarten Sea Shapes Kindergarten Ten Apples Up On Top Kindergarten

The Little House Kindergarten The Bear Snores On Kindergarten City Mouse, Country Mouse Kindergarten Rosie’s Walk Kindergarten A Stranger in the Woods Kindergarten We Are All Alike, We Are All Different Kindergarten Caps For Sale Kindergarten P. Bears New Year’s Party Kindergarten The Best Bug Parade Kindergarten

The Rainbow Fish Kindergarten Chrysanthemum Kindergarten Koala Lou Kindergarten William’s Doll Kindergarten Today I Feel Silly & Other Moods Kindergarten Picnic Kindergarten Rooster’s Off to See the World Kindergarten One Hundred Hungry Ants Kindergarten

Hattie and the Fox Kindergarten Little Red Hen Kindergarten The Great Kapok Tree Kindergarten The Doorbell Rang Kindergarten The Earth and I Kindergarten A Boy, A Dog and A Frog Kindergarten A Little Story About a Big Turnip Kindergarten How Big is a Foot? Kindergarten Inch by Inch Kindergarten

The Little School Bus Kindergarten 13 Fix- It Duck Kindergarten Plaidypus Lost Kindergarten Miss Bindergarten Takes a Field Trip with Kindergarten Kindergarten Julius Kindergarten Dig Dig Digging Kindergarten

Life in an Ocean Kindergarten Armadillo’s Orange Kindergarten Animal Babies in Grasslands Kindergarten Bear Snores On Kindergarten A Bed for the Winter Kindergarten Whose Garden Is It? Kindergarten

Little Panda Kindergarten Little Quack Kindergarten See How We Grow Kindergarten Farfallina and Marcel Kindergarten Seeds Kindergarten Hide, Clyde Kindergarten

Bunny Day Kindergarten My Lucky Day Kindergarten One Little Mouse Kindergarten Goldilocks and the Three Bears Kindergarten If You Could go to Antarctica Kindergarten Abuela Kindergarten

Max Takes the Train Kindergarten

14 Mayday! Mayday! Kindergarten Messenger, Messenger Kindergarten The Little Engine That Could Kindergarten On the Move! Kindergarten This Is the Way We Go to School Kindergarten

Homes Around the World Kindergarten Old MacDonald had a Woodshop Kindergarten Building Beavers Kindergarten The Night Worker Kindergarten The House That Tony Lives In Kindergarten Animal Homes Kindergarten

Chester's Way Grade 1 Julius, The Baby of the World Grade 1 Tailey Whaley Grade 1 Big Al Grade 1

Whoever You Are Grade 1 Hey, Little Ant Grade 1 Elmer Grade 1 Big Orange Splot Grade 1

Frog and Toad Are Friends Grade 1 Ira Sleeps Over Grade 1 Wilfred Gordon McDonald Partridge Grade 1 A Chair For My Mother Grade 1

The Very Hungry Caterpillar Grade 1 Miss Rumphius Grade 1 When I Was Little Grade 1 The Greedy Triangle Grade 1


A Kid’s Best Friend Grade 1 Animals, Tame, and Wild

Babies on the Go Grade 1 Animals, Tame, and Wild A City Grade 1 Communities A Frog in the Bog Grade 1 Communities Mr. George Baker Grade 1 Changes What Makes Seasons? Grade 1 Changes Out of the Ocean Grade 1 Treasures Wilfred Gordon McDonald Partridge Grade 1 Treasures Mrs. Chicken and the Hungry Crocodile Grade 1 Great Ideas Discover the Life of an Inventor: Orville & Wilbur Grade 1 Great Ideas Wright

The Recess Queen Grade 2 That's What Friends Are For Grade 2 The Brand New Kid Grade 2 Strega Nona Grade 2

The One in the Middle is the Green Kangaroo Grade 2 Thank You, Mr. Falker Grade 2 Before I Was Your Mother Grade 2 The Patchwork Quilt Grade 2

Amelia Bedelia Grade 2 True Story of the Three Little Pigs Grade 2 My Brother Martin: A Sister Remembers Grade 2 Aesop’s Fables Grade 2

Junie B. Jones is a Graduation Girl Grade 2 Dinosaurs Before Dark Grade 2 The Chocolate Touch Grade 2

The Tale of Pale Male Grade 2 Explorations From Me to You Grade 2 Working Together Farmer Splat’s Cat Grade 2 Creative Ideas 16 Turtle, Turtle Watch Out Grade 2 Our Changing World Animal Hospital Grade 2 Responsibility Magda’s Tortillas Grade 2 Traditions

Gooney Bird Green Grade 3 Individuality The Sneetches and Other Stories Grade 3 Individuality Freckle Juice Grade 3 Individuality Me I Am (Poem) Grade 3 Individuality

Duke : Piano Prince and His Orchestra Grade 3 Perseverance Stone Fox Grade 3 Perseverance Grandfather’s Journey Grade 3 Perseverance Fables Grade 3 Perseverance Try, Try Again (Poem) Grade 3 Perseverance

The Mountains of Tibet Grade 3 Possibilities Who Was Harry Houdini? Grade 3 Possibilities Accidents May Happen: Fifty Inventions Discovered Grade 3 Possibilities by Mistake The Garden of Abdul Gasazi Grade 3 Possibilities The Mysteries of Harris Burdick (Picture Prompts) Grade 3 Possibilities Decisions, Decisions (Poem) Grade 3 Possibilities

The Giving Tree Grade 3 Interdependence Stone Soup Grade 3 Interdependence Sarah, Plain and Tall Grade 3 Interdependence Oceans Grade 3 Interdependence

Weslandia Grade 4 Identity Because of Winn Dixie Grade 4 Identity When I Grow Up Grade 4 Identity

How the Camel Got His Hump (Short Story) Grade 4 Choices The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe Grade 4 Choices How the Camel Got His Hump (Poem) Grade 4 Choices The Sweetest Fig Grade 4 Choices

They Called Her Molly Pitcher Grade 4 Determination

17 New York's Bravest Grade 4 Determination Poppy Grade 4 Determination The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere Grade 4 Determination How Many Spots Does a Leopard Have? Grade 4 Determination

Things are Not Always Black or White Grade 4 Perspectives Seven Blind Mice Grade 4 Perspectives The Landry News Grade 4 Perspectives The Blind Men and the Elephant Grade 4 Perspectives Sector 7 Grade 4 Perspectives Mistakes That Worked Grade 4 Perspectives

The Whipping Boy (Novel) Grade 5 Respect Love That Dog (Poem) Grade 5 Respect Star-Spangled Banner (Supplemental Poem) Grade 5 Respect The Greedy Triangle (Wisdom) Grade 5 Respect Children of the West (Picture Prompt) Grade 5 Respect The Challenger Disaster (Short Story/Non-fiction) Grade 5 Respect

Tale of Desperaux (Novel) Grade 5 Compromise The Dream Keeper (Poems) Grade 5 Compromise Follow the Drinking Gourd (Wisdom) Grade 5 Compromise The Gettysburg Address (Non-fiction) Grade 5 Compromise A River of Ice (Short Story in Anthology) Grade 5 Compromise

Shiloh (Novel) Grade 5 Courage Casey at the Bat (Poem/Short Story) Grade 5 Courage Ira Sleeps Over (Wisdom) Grade 5 Courage Through My Eyes (Picture Prompt/Non-fiction/Short) Grade 5 Courage

Lily’s Crossing (Novel) Grade 5 Change O Captain, My Captain (Poem) Grade 5 Change Ming Lo Moves the Mountain (Wisdom) Grade 5 Change A River Ran Wild (Picture Prompt) Grade 5 Change The Pledge of Allegiance (Poem) Grade 5 Change 18 The Tell-Tale Heart (Short Story) Grade 5 Change

CORE MATERIALS Grades 6 – 10 Grade Level Theme Number the Stars 6 Childhood Devils Arithmetic 6 Childhood Ann Frank & Me 6 Childhood The Secret Garden 6 Childhood Where the Red Fern 6 Animal Allies Grows The Jungle Book 6 Animal Allies Marley and Me 6 Animal Allies Charlie and The Chocolate 6 Modern Factory Technology/Imagination A Wrinkle in Time 6 Modern Technology Romeo and Juliet Alive At 6 Imagination Last The Egypt Game 6 Imagination The Westing Game 6 Imagination Chasing Redbird 6 Imagination Around the World in 80 6 Exploration Days Al Capone Does My Shirts 6 Exploration Absolutely Normal Chaos 6 Exploration The Pigman 7 Generations Walk Two Moons 7 Generations James and the Giant Peach 7 A Starry Home “Harrison Bergeron” short 7 A Starry Home story Endurance:My Time in 7 A Starry Home Space The Outsiders 7 Turning Points Crater 7 A Starry Home Esperanza Rising 7 People and the Hatchet 7 People and the Planet Letters From Rifka 7 Facing Adversity 19 The Miracle Worker 7 Facing Adversity Boy in the Striped 7 Facing Adversity Pajamas Refugee 8 Rites of Passage American Born Chinese 8 Rites of Passage Diary of Anne Frank 8 The Holocaust Broken Memory: A Story 8 The Holocaust of Rwanda The Children’s Story 8 The Holocaust The Wave 8 The Holocaust Maus 8 The Holocaust The Giver 8 What Matters SLAM 8 What Matters Farewell to Manzanar 8 What Matters Animal Farm 8 What Matters Twelve Angry Men 8 What Matters Enders Game 8 Human Intelligence A Mango Shaped Space 8 Human Intelligence And Then There Were 8 Human Intelligence None Flowers for Algernon 8 Human Intelligence Time Machine 8 Invention The Invisible Man 8 Invention


20 Attachment ( G ) Domitila 6-8 Finding Your Own Place Novio Boy 6-8 Finding Your Own Place Pearl Harbor Is Burning! 6-8 Finding Your Own Place 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea 6-8 Water for Life Knights of the Round Table 6-8 Water for Life The Dragon Prince 6-8 Water for Life Hercules 6-8 Natural Forces Tornado 6-8 Natural Forces Bearstone 6-8 Natural Forces Frankenstein 6-8 Creepy Classics The Metamorphosis 6-8 Creepy Classics Othello 6-8 Creepy Classics Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde 6-8 The Drive to Discover Can You Feel the Thunder? 6-8 The Drive to Discover Breaking Through 6-8 The Drive to Discover The Time Machine 6-8 The Struggle for Freedom Letters from Rifka 6-8 The Struggle for Freedom Franklin D. Roosevelt 6-8 The Struggle for Freedom The War of the Worlds 6-8 Star Power Stargirl 6-8 Star Power The Man Who Went to the Far Side of the Moon 6-8 Star Power WJHC on the Air! 6-8 Art and Soul When Marian Sang 6-8 Art and Soul Sadako and the Thousand Paper Cranes 6-8 Art and Soul

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2020 - 2021

All books on all lists at each grade level are used by special education students. Materials may be modified as per an IEP

Springfield Board of Education Regular Meeting May 11, 2020 Attachment ( G ) BUSINESS EDUCATION

Title Author Publisher Year Course

Accounting Real-World Applications and Connections Guerrieri, Haver, Hoyt & Turner Glencoe 2007 Accounting 1 & 2 Business and Personal Finance 2007 Kapoor, Dlabay & Hughes Glencoe 2007 Personal Finance Entrepreneurship: Ideas In Action Greene Southwestern 2000 Entrepreneurship Law for Business and Personal Use 15E Mietus & Adamson Southwestern 2000 Business Law Learning Microsoft Office 2000 Deluxe Edition Fulton, Kaczmarczyk, Plumley, DDC Publishing 1999 Computer Essentials Wexel, Winter Management: Principles & Practices Holt Prentice Hall 1994 Business Management Marketing Practices and Principles Mason, Rath, Husted, Lynch Glencoe 1995 Marketing Ed 2 Microsoft Office 2000 Rutkosky Paradigam 2000 Intro to Microcomputer

Business and Personal Law Brown, Sukys Glencoe 2008 Business Law

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* Highlighted books are being utilized currently; others are suggested reading ENGLISH

Title Author Publisher Year Course

1984 Orwell, George Harcourt Brace 1977 English 3 AP 8 + 1 Cormier, Robert Bantam 1980 English 2/2H Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian, The Alexie, Sherman Little, Brown and Co. 2007 English 2/2H Accidental Tourist, The Tyler, Ann Ballantine Books 2002 English 3 AP Achieving Reading & Writing Competence 1-4 N/A CEO 1995 English 2/2H Active Voices III: A Writer's Reader Gr 10-12 Moffett Boynton/Cook 1987 English 1/1H Actor's Scenebook Schulman and Mekler Bantam 1984 Dramatics/Drama Workshop Adventures in American Literature N/A Harcourt Brace Jovanovich 1985 English 3/3 AP Adventures in English Literature N/A Harcourt Brace Jovanovich 1989 English 4/4 AP Adventures in World Literature N/A Harcourt Brace Jovanovich 1988 English 4 all levels Adventures of Huckleberry Fin Twain, Mark Viking 1985 English 3/3 AP Adventures of Tom Sawyer Twain, Mark English 3 After the First Death Cormier Bantam 1980 English 2/2H Age of Kings English 4/4 AP Alice in Wonderland Norton, W.W. & Company 1992 English 4/4 AP All Quiet on the Western Front Ballantine Books 1958 English 2H American Childhood, An Dilliard, Annie Harper Collins 1987 English 3 AP American Experience, The English 3 American Folklore Poulakis Scribner's 1990 English 1/1H American Holidays Klebanow, Flischer Pro Lingua Associates 1986 ESL American Hunger Wright, Richard Harper 1977 English 3/3 AP American Mosaic-Multicultural Readings in Context Rico, Barbara Roche/Mano,Sandra Houghton Mifflin 1991 English 3/3 AP American Short Stories Stegner, Ed. English 3 And Then There Was None Christie, Agatha Pocket Books 1967 English 4 Angela’s Ashes McCourt, Frank Simon & Schuster 1999 English 4 An Invisible Thread Laura Schroff Howard Books 2011 English 1/1H Anthem Rand Signet 1976 English 1/1H Anthology for Young Writers Meredith National Textbook Company 1975 English 2/2H Art of Writing: A Modern Rhetoric Ferrara, Cosmo Random House 1989 English 3/3 AP As I Lay Dying , William English 4 AP Assistant, The Malamud, Bernard English 3 Barrel Fever Sedaris Back Bay Books 1995 English 4 AP Bean Trees, The Kingsolver, Barbara Harper Collins 1988 English 3 Beans of Egypt, Maine, The Chute, Carolyn Harcourt Brace 1995 English 3/3 AP Beloved Morrison, Toni Plume 1998 English 4 AP

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Best of Off-Broadway: 8 Contemporary Obie Win Wetzsteon, Ross ed. Mentor 1994 English 3/3 AP Billy Bud English 3 Black Boy Wright Penguin 1976 English 2/2H Bless Me Ultima Anaya, Rudolfo English 1H Blue Highways: A Journey into America Least Heat Moon, William Fawcett 1989 English 3 Bluest Eye, The Morrison, Toni Penguin 1970 English 3/3 AP

Boy: Tales of Childhood Dahl Puffin 1984 English 1 H Brave New World Huxley, A. Harper & Row 1932 English 4 Bridge of San Luis Rey Wilder, Thorton English 4 Brighton Beach Memoirs Simon, Neil Dell 1990 English 2/2H Canterbury Tales Chaucer Bantam 1981 English 4/4AP Cat's Cradle Bantam 1974 English 3 Catch 22 Heller, Joseph Simon and Schuster 1961 AP English 3 Catcher in the Rye Salinger Bantam 1964 English 2/2H Ceremonies in Dark Old Men English 3 Ceremony Medoff, Mark English 2/2H Chicken Soup ~ Teenager Canfield, J. HCI Chicken Soup 1997 English 4 Chicken Soup ~ Writer’s Canfield, J HCI Chicken Soup 2000 English 4 Childhood’s End Silko, Leslie Penguin 1986 English 4/4AP Children of a Lesser God Clarke, Arthur English 2/2H Chocolate War, The Cormier Bantam 1988 English 2/2H Choice of Weapons, A Parks Viking 1989 English 1 H Circle of Children MacCracken Bantam 1988 English 1H Cliffs AP English Language and Composition, 2nd ed Swovelin John Wiley & Sons 2002 AP English 3 Color of Water, The McBride, James Riverhead Trade 1997 English 2/2H Colored People Gates, Henry Louis English 2/2H Collected Stories, The Taylor, Peter Penguin 1940 English 3AP Confederacy of Dunces, A Toole Grove Press 1980 English 4AP Congo Crichton, Michael Ballantine Books 1993 English 1H Contemporary Reader, The Goshgarian, Gary Longman, 7th ed 2002 English 1-4 Contemporary Short Stories English 3 Creative Nonfiction Gutkind, Lee (ed.) Creative Nonfiction Found 1995 English 4AP Crime & Punishment Dostoyevsky Random House 1950 English 4AP Crucible, The Miller Penguin 1982 English 3 Curious Case of Benjamin Button DVD 2009 English 4 Cyrano, de Bergerac Rostand, Edmond English 4 Daisy Miller James Penguin 1984 English 4/4AP Dawn Weisel, Elie Bantam 1978 English 2/2H Dead, The English 3AP/4AP Dead Poets Society Kleinbaum,NH Bantam 1989 English 2 Death Be Not Proud Gunther Perennial 1998 English 1

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Death in the Family Agee, James Bantam 1980 English 3H Death of a Salesman Miller Penguin 1990 English 3/3AP Death of Ivan Ilych Tolstoi, Leo English 3/3AP Demian Hesse, Hermann English 4 Designs in Fiction Scheld Macmillan 1985 English 1/1H Designs in Poetry Peterson English 1/1H Dispatches Herr, Michael Random House 1977 English 4 AP Down These Mean Streets Thomas, Piri Random House 1997 English 2/2H Dracula Stoken, Bram Signet 1984 English 4/4 AP Dubliners Joyce, James Viking 1976 English 4 Dune Herbert, Frank English 4 Eats, Shoots & Leaves Truss, Lynne Penguin Group 2006 English 1 Eight Great Comedies Various New American Library 1958 English 4 AP Eight Great Tragedies Various New American Library 1957 English 4 AP Eight Plays Isben, Henrick English 4 Eight Plus One Cormier English 2/2H End of the Affair, The Greene, Graham Penguin 2000 English 4/4 AP Eric Lund, Doris English 1/1H Ethan Frome Wharton Penguin 1989 English 3/3 AP Euripides: Four Plays Women English 3 AP/4 AP Fahrenheit 451 Bradbury, Ray Ballantine 1984 English 2/2H Farewell To Arms , E. Scribner's 1989 English 3/3 AP Fathers and Sons Turgenev, Ivan English 4 Feature Writing for Newspapers and Magazines Friedlander,Edward Jay & John Lee Harper Collins 1993 Journalism/Journalism Workshop Fences Wilson Penguin 1983 English 1/1H Ferrari in the Bathroom Shepard, Jean English 2H Fiction Writer’s Handbook Burnett, Hallie & Whit Burnett Harper Collins 1975 Creative Writing/Poetry Fight Club Palahnium, Chuck Henry Holt & Co., Inc. 1999 English 3 Film Scenes for Actors Karton, Joshua Bantam 1983 Drama/Drama Workshop Film Scenes for Actors II Karton, Joshua Bantam 1987 Drama/Drama Workshop Finding Forrester DVD 2000 English 4 Fire Next Time, The Baldwin, James Random House 1993 English 4/4 AP Fixer, The Malamud, Bernard Franklin Library 1966 English 3 AP For Poets Dunning,S/Eaton,MJoe/Glass,Malc Scholastic 1975 English 1 Forgiving August Delffs, Dudley English 2/2H Freedom Writers DVD 2007 English 1 Frankenstein Shelley, Mary Bantam 1989 English 4 AP French Lieutenant’s Woman English 4AP Fundamentals of Poetry Pamphlet English 3-4AP Girl With the Pearl Earring Chevalier, Tracy Plume 2001 English 2/2H Giver, The Lowry, Lois Laurel Leaf 1994 English 1/1H

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Glass Castle, The Walls, Jeannette Simon & Schuster 2006 English 4 Glass Menagerie, The Williams, Tennessee English 2/2 H Go Down Moses Faulkner, William English 3/3 AP God of Small Things, The Roy, Arundhati Harper Collins 1998 English 4/4 AP Good Will Hunting DVD 1997 English 4 Great American Short Stories Stegner, W & M (eds) Dell 1957 English 3 Great Expectations and David Copperfield , Charles Globe 1984 English 1H Great Gatsby, The Fitzgerald, F. Scott Simon & Schuster 1995 English 3 Great Short Works of Herman Melville, Herman English 3 Great Short Works of Nathaniel Hawthorne, Nathaniel English 3 Great Tales and Poems of Edgar Allen Poe, Edgar Allen English 3 Grendel Gardner, John Vintage Books 1989 English 4 Growing Up Female Cahill, Susan (ed) Mentro 1993 English 3/3 AP Gulliver's Travels Swift Norton 1970 English 4/4 AP Hamlet Washington Square Press 1958 English 4/4AP Hamlet, Case Studies in Contemporary Criticism Edited by Susanne L. Wofford St. Press 1994 English 4 AP Handmaid's Tale, The Atwood, Margaret Ballantine 1985 English 4 AP Health for our Times Halperin, Martha Book Lab 1992 ESL Heart is a Lonely Hunter, The McCullers, Carson English 2/2H Heart of Darkness Conrad, Joseph English 4 AP High Fidelity Hornsby, Nick Riverhead Trade 2000 English 4/4 AP Hiroshima Hersey, John English 2/2H Hobbit, The , JRR Houghton Mifflin 2002 English 1/1H Homeland & Other Stories Kingsolver, Barbara Haeper Perennial 1989 English 3 AP House of the Spirits Allende, Isabel Bantam Books 1986 English 4/4 AP How the Garcia Girls Lost Their Accent Alvarez, Julia Plume 1992 English 2/2H How to Find and Apply for a Job Kushner, John A Southwestern 1989 English 3 Hunger of Memory, The Rodriguez Bantam 1982 English 2/2H I am Malala Malala Yousafzai Little Brown & Co. 2013 English 2/2H I Know What You Did Last Summer Duncan, Lois Bantam 1990 English 1 I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings , Maya Bantam 1970 English 2/2H Iliad, The Viking 1972 English 2/2H Illustrated Man, The Bradbury Bantam 1965 English 3 Impact: Fifty Short Stories Safier Harcourt Brace Jovanovich 1986 English 1/1H Importance of Being Earnest Wilde, O. Harper Collins 1976 English 4 In Cold Blood , Truman Penguin 1982 English 3 In Country Mason, Bobbie Ann Harper and Row 1985 English 2H Inherit the Wind Lawrence and Lee Bantam 1975 English 1/1H Introduction to Myth Stillman Boynton/Cook 1985 English 1/1H Invitation to Poetry Parini, Jay Prentice-Hall 1987 English 4

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Iron and Silk Salzman, Mark Vintage 1986 English 4 AP Ironweed Kennedy, William Viking 1983 English 4 AP Jane Eyre Bronte Penguin 2003 English 4/4 AP Johnny Got His Gun Trumbo Bantam 1974 English 2/2H Joy Luck Club, The Tan, Amy Ballantine 1989 English 4 AP Jude the Obscure Hardy, Thomas English 4 Julius Caesar Shakespeare, William English 2/2H Kaplan Word Power, 2nd Ed Kaplan Simon and Schuster 2001 All English Courses King Lear Shakespeare Washington Square 1960 English 4 AP Kitchen God's Wife, The Tan Ivy Books 1991 English 3 AP Krik? Krak! Danticat, Edwidge Vintage Books 1996 English 4/4 AP Last of the Mohicans Cooper, James Fenimore English 3 Leaves of Grass and Selected Prose Whitman, Walt English 3 Let's Talk About Drugs and Alcohol Collins/Faucetta/Flaumenbaum/Il R Book Lab 1983 ESL Literature and the Writing Process, 6th ed. McMahain McMahain, et al 2002 English 4 AP Literature of the Supernatural English 2/2H Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner, The Sillitoe, Alan English 2/2H Long Goodbye, The Chandler, Raymond English 3 Lord of the Flies Golding, William Putnam Perigee 1954 Eng 1H/Eng 4 Lord of the Rings Tolkien, JRR Houghton Mifflin 2003 English 4/4 AP Lost in Place Salzman, Mark English 2/2H Love in the Time of the Cholera Marquez, Gabriel Garcia Knopf Pub Group 2003 English 4/4 AP Lovely Bones Sebolt, Alice Little, Brown & Company 2002 English 2/2H Lovey MacCracken Bantam 1985 English 2/2H Lucy Kincaid, Jamaica Penguin 1990 English 3 Macbeth Shakespeare Washington Square 1960 English 2/2H Madame Bovary , Gustave English 4 AP McDougall Littell Literature (Anthology) McDougall Holt 2006 English 2 Magnificent Myths of Man Clifford and Fay Globe 1978 English 1 Maltese Falcon, The Hammett Vintage 1957 English 2 Manchild of a Promised Land Brown, Claude Simon & Schuster 1999 English 2/2H Man for All Seasons Bolt Penguin 1962 English 4/4 AP Man the Myth Maker Jewkes, W.T. (eds) & Frye, N. Harcourt Brace 1973 English I Mario and the Magician Mann, Thomas English 4 AP Martian Chronicles, The Bradbury Bantam 1972 English 2/2H Massacre At Fall Creek West, Jessamyn Scribner's 1975 English 3 Master Harold and the Boys Fugard, Athol Penguin 1982 English 4/4 AP Matrix Reloaded, The DVD 2003 English 4 Mean Girls DVD 2004 English 1 Measure for Measure Shakespeare Oxford Univ Press 1994 English 4 AP Medea Euripides Dee, Ivan R. Publisher 2000 English 2/2H

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Member of the Wedding, The McCullers, Carson English 2/2H Metamorphosis Kafka, Franz English 4 Midsummer Night's Dream, A Shakespeare Washington Square 1960 English 2/2H Miss Lonelyhearts and the day of the Locusts West, Nathanael Vintage 1980 English 4 AP Mister Roberts Higgen, Logan English 2/2H Moby Dick Melville, Herman Signet Classic 1980 English 4 AP Mr. Holland’s Opus DVD 1995 English 1 Much Ado About Nothing DVD 1993 English 4 Multicultural Perspectives Applebee/Langer McDougal Littell 1993 English 2/2H Murder Is Easy Christie, Agatha St. Martin’s Press 2001 English 1H Murder of Roger Ackroyd, The Christie, Agatha Harper 1991 English 3 My Antonia Cather, Will English 3 My Darling, My Hamburger Zindel, Paul Bantam 1969 English 4 AP My Life as a Dog Jonsson, Reider English 1H My Own Worst Enemy McDonnell, Margot English 1 Mythology Hamilton Washington Square 1966 English 1/1H Myths & Folktales Around the World Potter & Robinson Globe 1984 English 1/1H Much Ado about Nothing Shakespeare, William Random House Publishing 1988 Senior Seminar Narrative of the Life of F. Douglass Douglass Signet 1968 English 3/3 AP Native Son Wright, Richard Harper & Bros 1940 AP English 3 Nectar in a Sieve Markandaya, Kamala English 4 AP News Reporting and Writing Mencher, Melvin William C. Brown 1987 Journalism/Jour Workshop Newswriting Stone, Gerald Harper Collins 1992 Journalism/Jour Workshop Nick Adams Stories Hemingway, Ernest Schribners 1972 English 2/2H Nickel and Dimed Barbara Ehrenreich Picador 2011 English 3/3AP Night Wiesel, E. Bantam 1988 English 4 Night Shift King, Stephen Dell 1986 English 2 Night Thoreau Spent in Jail English 3/3 AP Norton Anthology of Poetry English 1-2H/3-4 AP Notebook, The Sparks, Nicholas Warner Books 1998 English 1/1H Notes from the Underground Dostoievski, Feodor English 4 AP Odyssey of Homer Homer Vintage 1968 English 1/1H Odyssey Reader English 4 AP Of Human Bondage W. Somerset Maugham Penguin 1981 English 4 AP Of Mice and Men Steinbeck Penguin 1965 English 2 Old Man, The and The Sea Hemingway, E. MacMillan 1952 English 2 Oliver Twist Dickens, Charles English 4 AP Once and Future King, The White, T.H. Ace 1976 English 4/4 AP On Writing the Short Story Burnett,Hallie Harper Collins 1983 Creative Writing/Poetry One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich Solzhenitsyn, Alexander Bantam 1963 English 4/4 AP One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest Kesey Grove 1985 English 3/3 AP

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One Hundred Years of Solitude Marquez, Gabriel Garcia Harper and Row 1970 English 4 AP One True Thing Quindlan Dell Books 1998 English 3 Ordinary People Guest Penguin 1988 English 2/2H Othello Shakespeare Pocket Books 1957 English 4 Oryx and Crake Atwood, Margaret Knopf Doubleday Publishing 2004 Senior Seminar Other, The Tryon, Thomas Dell 1971 English 2 Our Town Wilder Harper & Row 1957 English 2 Ox-Bow Incident, The English 3 Pattern Recognition Gibson, William Mass Market Paperbound 2005 Senior Seminar Persepolis Marjane Satrapi Pantheon 2004 English 3AP Picture of Dorian Gray, The Wilde Signet 1996 English 2 Pigs in Heaven Kingsolver,Barbara Harper Collins 1993 English 4 AP Point of Departure Gold, Robert English 1/1H Points of View Moffett, Ed. English 3 Portrait of a Lady James, Henry English 3 Portrait of the Artist Joyce Penguin 1964 English 4 AP Portrait of the Artist Joyce Viking Critical Library 1968 English 4 AP Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, A Joyce Viking 1964 English 4 AP Portrait of the Artist Case Studies in Criticism Joyce ed. By R.B. Kershner St. Martins Press 1993 English 4 AP Power and the Glory, The Greene, Graham Penguin 1940 English 4 AP Practice of Poetry, The Behn and Twichell Harper 1992 Creative Writing/Poetry Prentice Hall Literature: Gold N/A Prentice Hall 1989 English 1/1H Prentice Hall Literature: The American Exper N/A Prentice Hall 1989 English 3/3 AP Pride and Prejudice Austen Penguin 1980 English 4/4 AP Proof Auburn, Dave Dramatists Play Service, Inc. 2001 English 3/3 AP Prose Reader Flachmann and Flachmann Prentice Hall 1990 English 4/4 AP Raisin in the Sun, A Hansberry, Lorraine Vintage Books 1994 English 1 Razor’s Edge English 4 Rebecca DuMaurier, Daphne Hearst 1971 English 1H Red and the Black Stendahl English 4 AP Research Skills for Students Joyce Kasman Valenza Library Video Co. 2004 English 1 Red Badge of Courage Crane, Stephen MacDougal, Littell 1985 English 3/3 AP Return of the Native Hardy English 4/ 4AP Richard III Shakespeare Pocket Books 1960 English 4 Richie English 2/2H Rhinoceros Ionesco, Eugene English 4 AP Romeo & Juliet Shakespeare Washington Square 1959 English 1/1H Salem’s Lot King, Stephen English 3 Scarlet Letter, The Hawthorne Bantam 1984 English 3/3 AP Secret Life of Bees, The Monk Kidd Penguin 2003 English 1 Secret Sharer, The Conrad, Joseph English 4

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Shakespeare in Love DVD 1998 English 4 Separate Peace, A Knowles Bantam 1980 English 2/2H Shakespeare of London English 4 Shinning, The King, Stephen English 2H/3 Siddharta Hesse, Hermann New Directions Publishing 1976 English 4 Silas Marner Eliot Bantam Classics 1981 English 4 Silence Endo Taplinger 1980 English 4 AP Six Degrees of Separation Guane, John 1st Vintage Book 1990 English 2/2H Six Modern American Plays Modern Library 1951 English 2 Six Plays by Henrick Isben English 4/4 AP Slaughterhouse Five Vonnegut, Kurt Dell Publishers 1991 English 4 Slueth Shaffer, Anthony English 4 Snow Falling on Cedars Guterson, David Vintage Books 1995 English 2/2H Snow of Kilimanjaro & Other Short Stories Hemingway, Ernest English 3 AP Song of Solomon Morrison, Toni Knopf 1977 English 4 AP Sons and Lovers D.H. Lawrence Penguin 1981 English 4 AP Sound and The Fury, The Faulkner Vintage Books 1946 English 4 AP Sound and Sense 8th Edition Perrine, Laurence Harcourt Brace 1992 English 4 AP Sound of Waves, The Mishima, Yukio Knopf 1956 English 1, English 1 H Spartina Casey, John Vintage Books 1985 English 3 AP Spoon River Anthology Masters, Edgar Lee English 2/2H Stage and the School Schanker, Ommanney McGraw-Hill 1989 Drama/Drama Workshop Stand and Deliver DVD 1988 English 1 Stepford Wives, The Levin, Ira Dell 1979 English 2 Stone from the River Hegi, Ursula Simon & Schuster 1997 English 4/4AP Story: Fictions Past and Present Various D.C. Heath & Co. 1985 English 4 AP Stranger Camus English 4 Stranger is Watching, A Clark, Mary Higgins Dell 1977 English 3 Streetcar Named Desire, A Williams Penguin 1976 English 3/3AP Sula Morrison, Toni Random House 1973 AP English Sun Also Rises Hemingway, Ernest English 3 AP Sundance Reader Connelly, Mark Thomson 2006 English 3 AP Talking Service: Readings for Civic Reflection Great Books Foundation 2008 English 1 Writing/Research Tale of Two Cities, A Charles Dickens Signet 1998 English 1H Tell Me a Riddle and Other Stories Olsen, Tillie English 3 AP Ten Modern Short Stories Sohn, David ed. English 3

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Ten Plays by Euripides Euripides Bantam 1950 English 4 AP Tenth Man Greene, Graham Simon & Schuster 1985 English 4 The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time Mark Haddon Vintage 2004 English 3 The Girl on the Train Paula Hawkins Riverhead Books 2015 English 2/2H

The Kite Runner Khaled Hosseini Simon & Schuster 2013 English 4/4AP The Language of Literature McDougal Littell 2006 English 2 The Hero with a Thousand Faces Campbell, Joseph New World Library 2008 Senior Seminar The Poisonwood Bible Barbara Kingsolver Brillance Audio 2014 English 4/4AP Thief of Time, A Hillerman, Tony Harper Collins 1988 English 1/1H Things Fall Apart Achebe, Chinua Penguin 1986 English 4 AP Things They Carried, The O'Brien, Tim Penguin 1990 English 4 AP Thinking for Yourself.... Mayfield, Marlys Wadsworth Pub Co 1991 English 4/4AP Three by Flannery O’Connor O’Connor, Flannery English 4/4AP Three Greek Plays Hamilton, Edith ed. Norton 1965 English 4 AP Time and Again Finney Simon & Schuster 1970 English 3 To Kill a Mockingbird Lee Bantam 1984 English 1/1H Travels with Charley Steinbeck, John Bantam 1967 English 1 Tree Grows in Brooklyn, A Smith, Betty Harper Trade 1998 English 1H Trial, The Kafka Random House 1964 English 4 Turn of the Screw & Other Short Novels, The James, Henry Signet Classics 1995 English 3 Underground Man, The MacDonald, Ross English 3 United States in Literature English 3 Up Your Score Berger/Mistry Rossi New Chapter Press 1990 S.A.T. Review V for Vendetta DVD 2006 English 4 View from the Bridge, A. Miller, Arthur English 3 Visions: 19 Short Stories Gallo, Donald R Dell 1987 English 2/2H Waiting for Godot Grove 1972 English 4 AP Watchmen Moore, Alan Trade Paper 1995 Senior Seminar Water is Wide, The Conroy, Pat English 1/1H Welcome to the Monkey House Vonnegut, Kurt Dell Publishing 1998 English 3/3 AP West Side Story Laurents Washington Square 1979 English 1/1H Western Wind – An Introduction to Poetry Nims, John Frederick Ransom House 1992 English 4 AP We Were Liars E. Lockhart Delacorte Press 2014 English 2/2H When The Legends Die Borland, Hal Bantam 1963 English 1H White Noise DeLillo, Don Penguin 1999 English 3 AP Wicked, The Life & Times of the Wicked Witch of the West Maguire, Gregory Harper Collins 1996 English 1/1H

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Wide Sargasso Sea Rhys, Jean Demco Media 2002 English 3 AP Winesburg, Ohio Anderson, Sherwood Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? Albee, Edward Pocket Books 1962 English 3 AP Woman Warrior, The Kingston Knopf 1976 English 3 AP Women’s Voices Harkins & Leick McDougLittell, HoughMifflin 2001 English 1-4 Wonderful Wizard of Oz, The Baum, Frank L. Dover Publications 1997 English 1/1H World According To Garp, The Irving, John Pocket Books 1982 English 3 AP World Masterpieces N/A Prentice Hall 1991 English 4/4 AP Writers Inc. Sebranek, Meyer and Kemper Write Source 1996 English 1-4, all levels Wuthering Heights Bronte, Emily New American Library 1993 English 4

Springfield Board of Education Regular Meeting May 11, 2020 Attachment ( G ) CULINARY ARTS

Title Author Publisher Year Course

Professional Cooking and Professional Baking Wayne Gisslen Willey Publishing 2011 Consumer Science

Springfield Board of Education Regular Meeting May 11, 2020 Attachment ( G ) HEALTH

Title Author Publisher Year Course

Driver Manuals: NJ Driver Manual NJ Motor Vehicle Division 2006 Driver Ed. 2 Health & Wellness Meeks, Heit Glencoe/McGraw Hill 2005 Health 1, 3 & 4 Health Teacher, Teaching Health Concepts & Skills Toucan Ed & Natural Advisory Brd Health Teacher & Toucan Ed. 2005 Health 1, 3 & 4 Responsible Driving American Automobile Assoc. Glencoe/McGraw Hill 1997 Driver Ed 2 Safe Driving, A Parents Guide to Teaching Teens NJ Motor Vehicle Division 2001 Driver Ed 2

Springfield Board of Education Regular Meeting May 11, 2020 Attachment ( G ) MATHEMATICS/COMPUTER SCIENCE

Title Author Publisher Year Course

Advanced Mathematical Concepts (Pre Calculus Gordon,Holiday,Cueras,Marks, Glencoe 2006 Math Analysis & Math Analysis w/Applications) McClure, Carter Honors Algebra 1 Larson, Boswell, Kenold, Stiff McDougal Littell 2008 Algebra 1 Holt McDougal Larson Algebra 1 Larson, Boswell, Kenold, Stiff Holt McDougal 2011 Algebra 1 Algebra 2 Larson, Boswell, Kenold, Stiff McDougal Littell 2004 Algebra 2 Honors & Algebra 2 Algebra and Trigonometry Stewart/Redlin/Watson /Cole 2007 College Algebra An Intro to Computer Science & Programming, 2nd ed Savitch, Walter Prentice Hall 2001 Intro to JAVA Calculus Anton, Howard John Wiley & Sons, Inc 1992 Calculus/AP Calculus Calculus, 5th ed Stewart, James Thompson, Brooks/Cole 2003 AP Calculus BC

Calculus: Graphical, Numerical, Algebraic Finney, Demana, Waits, Kennedy Addison Wesley Longman 1999 Calculus AP: AB & BC Calculus of a Single Variable, 7th Ed Larson, Hostetler, Edwards Houghton Mifflin Co. 2002 Calculus College Prep Math: Math 1 (Algebra), 2nd ed Ver6.1,Vol 1&2 Sallee, Kysh, Kasimatis & Hoey CPM Educational Program 2002 Algebra 1 College Prep Math: Math 3 (Algebra 2) Kysh, Sallee CPM Educational Program 2002 Algebra 2 Concepts Computing Fundamentals with JAVA Mercer, Rick Franklin, Beedle & Assoc 2000 Intro to JAVA Data Structures and the Java Collection Framework Collins, William McGraw-Hill 2002 Intro to JAVA Financial Algebra Gerver, Sgroi South-Western Cengage 2011 Financial Mathematics Learning Prentice Hall Geometry Bass, Charles, Hall, Johnson, Pearson Prentice Hall 2009 Geometry & Geometry Honors Kennedy Geometry Connections Dietiker, Kysh, Sallee, Huey CPM Educational Program 2006 Geometry Concepts Integrated Mathematics E. Keenan & I. Dressler Amsco School Publications 1981 Geometry Java How To Program, 4th ed Deitel, Harvey M. & Paul J. Prentice Hall 2002 AP Computer Science A Java Methods An Intro to Object-Oriented Programming Litvin, Maria & Litvin, Gary Skylight Publishing 2001 AP Computer Science Java Programming from the Beginning, plus CD King, K.N. Norton 2000 Intro to JAVA Math 3, Algebra 2 Hoey, Sallee, Kysh & Kasimatis CPM Educational Program 2002 Algebra 2 Concepts Object Oriented Structures Using Java Dale/Joyce/Weems Jones and Bartlett 2002 Intro to JAVA Official SAT Study Guide College Board College Board 2004 SAT Review Preparing for the Regents Examination, Geometry Amsco School Publications 2008 Geometry Review for the Computer Science AP Exam in JAVA Horwitz, Susan Addison-Wesley 2003 AP Computer Science The JAVA Tutorial, a Short Course on the Basics, 3rd ed. Camplone, Walrath & Huml Addison-Wesley 2000 Intro to JAVA Understanding Basic Statistics, 2nd ed. Brase, Charles & Corinne Houghton Mifflin Co. 2001 Statistics & Probability Honors Statistics in Action: Understanding a World of Data Watkins, Scheaffer & Cobb Key Curriculum Press 2008 AP Statistics

Springfield Board of Education Regular Meeting May 11, 2020 Attachment ( G ) SCIENCE

Title Author Publisher Year Course

Miller & Levine Biology Miller and Levine Pearson 2010 Biology Environmental Science Withgott Pearson 2011 Environmental Science Forensic Science for High School Ball-Deslich & Funkhouser Kendall/Hunt 2009 Forensics AP Chemistry Brown, LeMay, Bursten & Pearson/Prentice Hall 2009 AP Chemistry Murphy Chemistry Wilbraham et al Prentice Hall 2005 Chemistry Honors College Physics , 8th Edition Serway, Vuille & Faughn Brooks/Cole 2009 AP Physics Essentials of Human Anatomy & Physiology Marieb, E. N. Pearson/Benjamin Cumming 2009 Human Anatomy & Physiology Pearson Chemistry (Foundation Edition) Wilbraham et al. Pearson 2012 Chemistry Pearson Chemistry Wilbraham et al. Pearson 2012 Chemistry Honors Holt Physics Serway & Faughn Holt, Rinehart, Winston 2006 Physics Conceptual Physics Paul G. Hewitt Prentice Hall 2006 Conceptual Physics Modern Biology Postlethwait & Hopson Holt, Rinehart, Winston 2012 Biology Honors

Essentials of Oceanography 8th Edition Garrison Cengage 2018 Oceanography Campbell Biology in Focus Urry, et al. Pearson 2014 AP Biology Chemistry (AP Edition) 10th Edition Zumdahl, Zumdahl Brooks/Cole 2018 AP Chemistry

Springfield Board of Education Regular Meeting May 11, 2020 Attachment ( G ) SOCIAL STUDIES

Title Author Publisher Year Course

American History: A Survey, Ninth Ed. Brinkley, Alan McGraw Hill 1995 AP US History American Nation, The Paul Boyer and Sterling Stuckey Holt, Rinehart & Winston 2001 20th Century & Beyond/H Challenge of Diversity, The Croddy,Degelman,Hayes,VonBlum Constitutional Rights Founda 1999 Diversity Studies Criminal Justice Today Schmalleger, Frank Prentice Hall 2007 Criminal Justice Current Issues Close Up Foundation Close Up Publishing 2000 IPLE Economics Pennington, Robert Holt, Rinehart & Winston 2003 Intro to Economics Essential World History Brun, Henry Amsco 2006 Western Civilization/H Farewell to Manzanar Houston and Houston Bantam 1973 Diversity Studies Foundations of Economics 5th Edition Bade, Parkin Pearson 2011 AP Macro Economics Give Me Liberty Foner, Eric Norton, W&W Company 2010 AP US History Government in America: People, Politics & Policy Edwards, Wattenberg, Lineberry Pearson 2009 AP Gov’t & Politics History of a Free Nation Ritchie, Bragdon Glencoe 1994 US History to 1900 History of the Holocaust Botwinick Prentice Hall 1996 Holocaust & Genocide Holocaust & Genocide: A Search for Conscience Defamation League Holocaust & Genocide: 1983 Holocaust & Genocide Holocaust Furman, Reader Harry Anti Botwinick Holocaust & Genocide PrenticeSearch for Hall Conscience 1998 1 HolocaustConscience & GenocideFurman, Harry Interpretations of American History Grob and Billias Macmillan Furman, Harry Anti 1992983 AP US HistoryAnti Lanahan Readings in The American Polity Serow & Ladd Lanahan Publishers 2007 AP Gov’t & Politics Modern World History – Patterns of Interaction Beck, Roger McDougal Littell 2012Holocaus Western Civilizations Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass Douglass Signet 1968t & Diversity Studies Night Weisel, Elie McGraw-Hill 1981Genocid Holocaust -Genocide e People and a Nation Norton, Mary Beth, et al Houghton Mifflin 1994 US History to 1900

Perspectives: Readings on American History in 20th Cent Boorstin, D/Kelley, B. eds Prentice Hall 1992 20th Century & Beyond/H Psychology: Themes and Variations Weiten, Wayne Cengage Learning 2016 Psychology/AP Psychology Racial and Ethnic Groups Shafer Harper Collins 1993 Diversity Studies Rockin’ Out: Pop Music in USA Garofalo, Reebee Pearson 2008 Music & Modern History Sociology and You Glenco/McGraw-Hill 2008 Sociology The New Comparative World Atlas Hammond World Atlas Corp 2002 Variety of Classes Understanding Psychology Glenco/McGraw-Hill 2008 Psychology USA Since 1945: After Hiroshima Ganley, A, et al Longman 1993 20th Century & Beyond/H Western Heritage 1300 to present Hagel et al Pearson 2016 AP European History We The People Center for Civic Education US Dept of Education 1997 AP Government World History: Patterns of Civilization Beers, Burton F. Prentice Hall 1993 Western Civilizations

Springfield Board of Education Regular Meeting May 11, 2020 Attachment ( G ) VISUAL AND PERFORMING ARTS

Title Author Publisher Year Course

Adobe Photoshop Classroom in a book Version CS3 for Official Training Workbook from Adobe Systems 2007-08 Digital Photography Drafting for the Theatre D. Dorn & M. Shanda Southern IL Univ. Press 2002 Intro to Technical Theatre Gardner’s Art Through The Ages, 11th ed Kleiner, Mamya & Tansey Harcourt College Press 2001 AP Art History Gardner’s Art Through The Ages, 12th ed Kleiner, Mamya & Tansey Thomson Publishing 2004 AP Art History Harmony and Voice Leading, 3rd ed Schachter, Carl & Aldwell, E. Wadsworth Publishing 2002 AP Music Theory Light on the Subject D. Hays & P. Brook Hal Leonard Corp. 1989 Intro to Technical Theatre Mac Adobe Systems Play It Safe: Introduction to Theatre Safety DVD Intro to Technical Theatre Practical Technical Theatre Theatrefolk 2006 Intro to Technical Theatre Sound Reinforcement Handbook G. Davis Yamaha 1988 Intro to Technical Theatre Stage Design: A Practical Guide G. Thorne Trafalgar Square 2000 Intro to Technical Theatre Technical Theater for Non-Technical People D. Campbell Allworth Press 2004 Intro to Technical Theatre Television Production Kyker, Cuchy Greenwood Publishing 2004 Broadcasting

Harmonic Practice in Tonal Music workbook R. Gauldin W.W. Norton & Company 2004 Chorale

Barron’s AP Art History, 3rd Edition John B. Nici Barrons 8./2015 AP Art History Art Through the Ages: A Concise F. Kleiner Cengage 2009 AP Art History Global History, 2nd Edition Exploring Art: A Global, Thematic Approach M. Lazzari and Dona Schlesier Cengage 2015 AP Art History Gardner’s Art Through the Ages: A Global F. Kleiner Cengage 2016 AP Art History History, Volume 1, 15th Edition

Springfield Board of Education Regular Meeting May 11, 2020 Attachment ( G ) WORLD LANGUAGE

Title Author Publisher Year Course

Abriendo Paso Gramatica Diaz, Collins Heinle & Heinle 2000 Spanish 4, 5 Abriendo Paso Lecturas Diaz, Collins Heinle & Heinle 1995 Spanish 4, 5 Abriendo Puertos: Lenguaje Aruen, Judy McDougall Littell 2007 AP Spanish 5 Adesso! Danesi Heinle & Heinle 1996 Italian 1, 2, 3 Album Burgy, Joy Houghton Mifflin 2005 Native Speakers Andreuccio Da Perugia Boccaccio, Giovanni Sangill Grafisk Produktion 1972 Italian 4 AP Spanish: A Guide for The Language Course Couch,McCann,Rodriguez, Rubio Longman Publishing Grp 1996 AP Spanish Autour de la Litterature w/ CD Schofer & Donald Heinle & Heinle 1999 French 4 & AP Avancemos Level 1 Houghton Mifflin 2016 Spanish 1 Avancemos Level 2 Houghton Mifflin 2016 Spanish 2 Avancemos Level 3 Houghton Mifflin 2016 Spanish 3 Avancemos Level 4 Houghton Mifflin 2016 Spanish 4

Avventure in Citta Costantino, Mario & Heywood, W. Amsco School Publications 1987 Italian 5 Azulejo Anthology & Guide Colbert & Kanter Wayside Publishing 2012 AP Spanish Lit. & Culture Barron’s AP French examination Amiry Baron’s Educational Series 2013 AP French Barron's AP Spanish Springer Barron's Educational Series 1997 AP Spanish Basic Italian Conversation Mario Costantino McGraw Hill Italian 3,4 & AP Bien dit, Level 1 Houghton Mifflin 2018 French 1 Bien dit, Levels 2 & 3 Houghton Mifflin 2018 French 2 & 3 Edge Hampton Brown 2014 ESL 9-12 Gli Imbianchini Non Hanno Ricordi Fo, Sangill Grafisk Produktion 1977 Italian 4 Interacciones Spinelli-Garcis-Flood, 5th ed. Thomson Heinle 2005 Spanish 4, 5 Larousse Concise Spanish/English Dictionary Houghton Mifflin Spanish for Native Speakers Le Awenture Di Pinocchio Collodi, Carlo Sangill Grafisk Produktion 1972 Italian 4 Ouvertures Siskin John Wiley Publishers 2006 AP French 5 Le Petit Prince Saint-Exupery, Antoime de Harcourt Brace & Company 1943 French 4 Prego Graziana Lazzarino McGraw-Hill 2006 Italian 3 & 4 Rosetta Stone Language Learning Software Rosetta Stone Ltd. 2009 All World Languages Sur le Vif 3rd Ed. Tufts & Jarausch Heinle & Heinle 2001 French 4 & AP Sur le Vif cahier d’exercises ecrits et de laboratoire Tufts & Jarausch Heinle & Heinle 2001 French 4 & AP Tempi Moderni Burney Thomson Learning 1982 Italian 5 Triangulo Gatski, Barabara Way Side Publishing 2006 AP Spanish Tu Mundo Nuestro Mundo Houghton Mifflin Harcourt 2001 Spanish for Native Speakers Una vez mas, 2nd Ed. Couch,McCann,Rodriq,Rubio Longman Publishing Group 1993 AP Spanish Une Fois Pour Toutes Sturges, Nielsen, Herbst Prentice-Hall 1993 French 4 & AP

Springfield Board of Education Regular Meeting May 11, 2020 Attachment ( G ) Instructional Technology Programs/Software – (K-12)

• Academic Merit (9-12) • Pearson Success Net (K-5)

• Albert iO (9-12) • Quia (6-12)

• Atomic Learning (Prek-12) • Reading Eggs (PreK-2)

• Avancemos, Bien Dit! (6-12) • Reading Street – MySidewalks, MyPerspective (K-8)

• Conjugemos (9-12) • Rosetta Stone (K-12)

• Destiny (PreK-12) • TinkerCad

• Everyday Mathematics (EM4) (K-5) • Yabla (6-12)

• Explore Learning “Gizmos” • Xtramath.org

• GoAnimate • Prodigy Math (K-5)

• Harcourt Science Fusion and Social Studies (online leveled readers

& e-textbook)

• Imagine Learning (ESL PreK-12)

• iReady (K-8)

• iTunesU (9-12)

• IXL (6-8)

• Learning A-Z (Reading A-Z & Raz Kids) (K-8)

• Live Binders

• My World Interactive (K-5)

• National Geographic Edge (ESL 9-12)

• National Geographic Inside (ESL 6-8)

• OnCourse (PreK-12) Springfield Board of Education Regular Meeting May 11, 2020 Attachment ( H )

Bid Tabulation - JC Façade Rehab. Phase 2 Bid Opening - March 12, 2020 @ 3 PM Bid # 2020-01

Bidder Askari Construction Pravco, Inc. Punjab RestortationHear Construction BASE BID $ 314,000.00 $ 328,000.00 $ 370,050.00 $ 482,000.00

Springfield Board of Education Regular Meeting May 11, 2020