Board Minutes for 05-11-2020
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DRAFT COPY SUBJECT TO BD APPROVAL DRAFT COPY SPRINGFIELD BOARD OF EDUCATION MAY 11, 2020 REGULAR MEETING The Springfield Board of Education is committed to providing high quality, efficient educational programs through which all students achieve the New Jersey Core Curriculum Contents Standards. Every effort is made to ensure that the district’s certificated and support personnel are among the best in their fields. The staff and Board of Education are dedicated to maintaining excellence in the delivery of child- centered educational programs. Very simply stated, in Springfield…SCHOOLS ARE FOR KIDS! A Regular Meeting of the Board of Education of the Township of Springfield in the County of Union, New Jersey, was held at the Jonathan Dayton High School Instructional Media Center- First Floor on monday, May 11, 2020 at 5:08 P.M. President’s Statement: Pursuant to the New Jersey Open Public Meetings Act, Public Law 1975, Chapter 231, the Board Secretary caused notice of the meeting to be given to the public and the press on January 6, 2020 and revised on May 7, 2020. 1. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Board President, Mr. Marc Miller. Present: Mr. Anthony Delia, Mrs. Laura Gamarekian, Mr. Hector Munoz, Mrs. Meredith Murphy, Mrs. Kristy Rubin, Mrs. Paula Saha, Mr. Scott Silverstein, Mrs. Hilary Turnbull, Mr. Marc Miller Also Present: Mr. Michael Davino, Superintendent Mr. Matthew Clarke, Business Administrator/Board Secretary Mrs. Erica Scudero, Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum, Instruction & Assessment Mrs. Dana Kelly, Director of Human Resources 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. COMMUNICATIONS 1. NJSBA Annual Delegate Assembly postponed to June 27th , will be virtual. School Board Notes –April 29th and May 6th. Annual Conference- today’s notice that it will be held virtually, more information to follow this summer. 2. GSCS News and Notes- April 24th and May 1st. 3. NJSBA Mandated Training FY 2020 – You should have received and email from the Call Center regarding your online trainings for either Governance II, III or IV. 4. Also a reminder, BOE applications for Board member election in November are available thru the County Office (Board of Election). Applications are due to the county by Monday, July 27th at 4PM. The board will have 3 – 3 year seats. Springfield Board of Education Regular Meeting May 11, 2020 1 DRAFT COPY SUBJECT TO BD APPROVAL DRAFT COPY 4. MINUTES Moved by Mrs. Gamarekian, seconded by Mr. Munoz, to approve the following minutes: Executive Meeting - April 27, 2020 Regular Meeting - April 27, 2020 Present: Mr. Anthony Delia, Mrs. Laura Gamarekian, Mr. Hector Munoz, Mrs. Meredith Murphy, Mrs. Kristy Rubin, Mrs. Paula Saha, Mr. Scott Silverstein, Mrs. Hilary Turnbull, Mr. Marc Miller MOTION CARRIED 5. SUPERINTENDENT’S REPORT Moved by Mrs. Gamarekian, seconded by Mr. Munoz, to accept and approve the Superintendent’s Report as presented - 1. Student/Staff Recognitions WE have received guidance and documentation from the Commissioner’s Office, Department of Education regarding graduation of 2020. We’ve received additional guidance from the State of New Jersey Department of Law and Public Safety though the office of emergency management. That we can expect all forms of graduation will be virtual. June 18th High School graduation at 1pm, Middle School Moving Up Ceremony June 17th 4PM. There will be also Virtual award ceremony for middle school and senior awards and athletic awards for High School. 2. 1st half FY2020 EVVRS and ITP Report 3. HIB Report (The Board will go into closed session at the end of the meeting if specific clarification is needed.) 4. Building Usage Request 5. Fund Raiser Request 6. Fieldtrip Request 7. Contracts PL2015, Chapter 47 Yeas: Unanimous by all Members present. MOTION CARRIED 6. PUBLIC SESSION At this time, the public did not have any comments/questions regarding items on the Agenda or the Superintendent’s Report. 7. BILLS LIST Moved by Mrs. Rubin, seconded by Mrs. Gamarekian, approval of check numbers 046307 through 046348 and wire transfers 800187, 888496 and 888497 for a grand total of $1,918,608.34. Yeas: Unanimous by all Members present. MOTION CARRIED 8. TRANSFER Moved by Mrs. Rubin, seconded by Mrs. Gamarekian, approval of the transfer of funds from and to the following line item accounts as designated. (Attachment A) Yeas: Unanimous by all Members present. MOTION CARRIED 9. BOARD SECRETARY’S REPORT Moved by Mrs. Rubin, seconded by Mrs. Gamarekian, to approve the Board Secretary’s Report dated March 31, 2020 and that it be received and placed on file. Springfield Board of Education Regular Meeting May 11, 2020 2 DRAFT COPY SUBJECT TO BD APPROVAL DRAFT COPY Yeas: Unanimous by all Members present. MOTION CARRIED 10. TREASURER’S REPORT Moved by Mrs. Rubin, seconded by Mrs. Gamarekian, to approve the Treasurer’s Report dated March 31, 2020 and that it be received and placed on file. Yeas: Unanimous by all Members present. MOTION CARRIED 11. LEGAL MARCH 2020 Moved by Mrs. Rubin, seconded by Mrs. Gamarekian, “Pursuant to N.J.A.C. 6:20-2.13 (e) and after review of the Board Secretary’s and Treasurer’s monthly financial reports and upon consultation with the appropriate district officials, I move the Board certify that to the best of its knowledge as of March 31, 2020 no major account or fund has been over expended in violation of N.J.A.C. 6:20-2.13 (b) and that sufficient funds are available to meet the district’s financial obligations for the remainder of the fiscal year.” Yeas: Unanimous by all Members present. MOTION CARRIED 12. SPECIAL SALARIES, FEES AND COMPENSATION RATES 2020-2021 Moved by Mrs. Rubin, seconded by Mrs. Gamarekian, to approve the Special Salaries, Fees, and Compensation Rates for the 2020-2021 school year. (Attachment B) Yeas: Unanimous by all Members present. MOTION CARRIED 13. HORIZON BLUE CROSS & BLUE SHIELD MEDICAL COVERAGE Moved by Mrs. Rubin, seconded by Mrs. Gamarekian, approval to authorize the Business Administrator/Board Secretary to sign a contract with Horizon Blue Cross/Blue Shield of New Jersey to provide medical coverage per the Springfield Education Association Agreement, Article VII A, Insurance Protection for the 2020-2021 school year, the broker of record for the medical program to be Arthur J Gallagher & Co., Gallagher O'Gorman & Young. Yeas: Unanimous by all Members present. MOTION CARRIED 14. HORIZON BLUE CROSS & BLUE SHIELD PRESCRIPTION COVERAGE Moved by Mrs. Rubin, seconded by Mrs. Gamarekian, approval to authorize the Business Administrator/Board Secretary to sign a contract with Horizon Blue Cross/Blue Shield of New Jersey to provide prescription coverage per the Springfield Education Association Agreement, Article VII C, Insurance Protection for the 2020-2021 school year, the broker of record for the prescription program to be Arthur J Gallagher & Co., Gallagher O'Gorman & Young. The prescription plan is capped at $184,154.00 for SEA members pursuant to Article VII C. Yeas: Unanimous by all Members present. MOTION CARRIED 15. DELTA DENTAL COVERAGE Moved by Mrs. Rubin, seconded by Mrs. Gamarekian, approval to authorize the Business Administrator/Board Secretary to sign a contract with Delta Dental to provide dental coverage per the Springfield Education Association Agreement, Article VII B, Insurance Springfield Board of Education Regular Meeting May 11, 2020 3 DRAFT COPY SUBJECT TO BD APPROVAL DRAFT COPY Protection for the 2020-2021 school year, the broker of record for the dental program to be Arthur J Gallagher & Co., Gallagher O'Gorman & Young. Yeas: Unanimous by all Members present. MOTION CARRIED 16. TUITION RATES FOR 2020-2021 Moved by Mrs. Rubin, seconded by Mrs. Gamarekian, to approve the following 2020- 2021 tuition charges for those children residing out of the district who are enrolled in regular/special education classes in the Springfield School District, as provided in Springfield Board of Education Policy #5118: Preschool (half day) $ 6,959 Kindergarten (full day) $ 13,917 Grades 1 – 5 $ 15,324 Grades 6 – 8 $ 16,319 Grades 9 – 12 $ 17,022 LLD $ 37,918 PreK Dis PT $ 28,770. Yeas: Unanimous by all Members present. MOTION CARRIED 17. DISTRICT BANK ACCOUNTS FOR 2020-2021 Moved by Mrs. Rubin, seconded by Mrs. Gamarekian, to designate the following banks as depositories for school district funds, for the 2020 - 2021 school year a. Investors Savings Bank Springfield Board of Education General Account Payroll Account Payroll Agency Account Summer Savings Account UCI Trust Account Capital Projects Account Food Service Account Before and Aftercare Account Edward V Walton Student Activity Account James Caldwell Student Activity Account Thelma L Sandmeier Student Activity Account Florence M Gaudineer Student Activity Account Jonathan Dayton Student Activity Account Jonathan Dayton Athletic Activity Account b. State of New Jersey Cash Management Fund. Yeas: Unanimous by all Members present. MOTION CARRIED 18. PETTY CASH Moved by Mrs. Rubin, seconded by Mrs. Gamarekian, at the recommendation of the Superintendent, the Secretary of the Board be directed to establish petty cash funds for the 2020 - 2021 school year as follows, as required by statute: Superintendent/Administration $300.00 Jonathan Dayton High School 300.00 Springfield Board of Education Regular Meeting May 11, 2020 4 DRAFT COPY SUBJECT TO BD APPROVAL DRAFT COPY Florence M. Gaudineer School 200.00 Edward V. Walton School 150.00 James Caldwell School 150.00 Thelma L. Sandmeier School 150.00 Buildings and Grounds 150.00 Special Services 100.00 JDHS Athletic Dept. 100.00. Yeas: Unanimous by all Members present. MOTION CARRIED 19. INVESTMENT OF FUNDS Moved by Mrs. Rubin, seconded by Mrs. Gamarekian, to authorize, pursuant to 17:12B- 241, Mr. Matthew A. Clarke, School Business Administrator/Board Secretary, to invest school funds, and order wire transfers if necessary to complete the transaction, in one or more accounts in any insured bank whose principal office is located in New Jersey in any amount up to, but not exceeding, the amounts for which such accounts are insured.” Yeas: Unanimous by all Members present.