Congressional Record—Senate S744
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S744 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE February 6, 2017 disadvantage because non-U.S. compa- and I have requested and received writ- Following his coaching career, Bill nies do not have to make the same dis- ten confirmation to reinforce the com- turned his leadership talents in a new closures and the rule applies only to mitment he made at his hearing to up- direction. Fellow Pascagoula native public companies—not true. The U.S. hold laws that ban torture. As a mem- and former U.S. Senator Trent Lott law covers all oil, gas, and mining com- ber of the Senate Judiciary Com- first hired Bill as a field representa- panies listed on U.S. stock exchanges— mittee, I intend to exercise robust tive, and I was fortunate to bring him not simply companies based in the oversight to ensure that these laws are on my staff in 2008. United States. This includes BP, Shell, upheld. Bill has served my office and the peo- and Total, as well as leading state- I am opposed to torture. In 2007, I ple of Mississippi honorably and with owned oil companies from China and voted against Michael Mukasey for At- great dedication. Brazil, such as PetroChina and torney General because of his views on I am deeply grateful for having the Petrobras. waterboarding. In 2015, I voted to benefit of his excellent service to our Republicans also claim that this rule strengthen the legal prohibition on tor- State and Nation. increases prices at the pump—again, ture by limiting interrogation tech- f niques and requiring that the Red not true. Corruption costs oil and min- ADDITIONAL STATEMENTS ing companies millions of dollars every Cross has access to all detainees. I have year from instability and fragility in also introduced bipartisan legislation, resource-rich countries, which contrib- the Torture Victims Relief Act, to sup- TRIBUTE TO TOM BURAK utes to increased operating risks, port torture treatment programs in the ∑ Ms. HASSAN. Mr President, today I waste, inefficiency, and delays. United States and abroad to help tor- wish to ask my colleagues to join me in When leaders tap a country’s oil rev- ture survivors recover from their trau- recognizing Tom Burack and honoring enues to keep themselves in power, it ma and rebuild productive lives. his more than a decade of service to The 1984 United Nations Convention is called petro-authoritarianism. When the State of New Hampshire. As com- Against Torture has been ratified by the United States allows companies to missioner of the New Hampshire De- 157 countries, including the United secretly pay authoritarian govern- partment of Environmental Services, States. The world continues to look to ments for rights to their petroleum and he has been a strong advocate for our America for its steadfast leadership mineral resources, we become implicit State and our environment. in the resulting human poverty and and we must continue to fight against Our economic vitality as a State rights abuses. We cannot let that the practice of torture and other cruel hinges on our pristine lakes and rivers, stand, which is why we have this SEC and inhuman treatments. our clean air, and our strong protec- reporting requirement. f tion of these natural resources. Under I urged my colleagues to vote no on TRIBUTE TO WILLIAM ‘‘BILL’’ Tom’s leadership, the department has this effort to kill the important protec- CANTY focused on combating the serious chal- tions provided by the SEC rule regard- Mr. COCHRAN. Mr. President, I wish lenge of climate change and ensuring ing transparency for extractive indus- to recognize and commend William that New Hampshire citizens and visi- try payments to foreign governments. ‘‘Bill’’ Canty of Oxford, MS, on the oc- tors have access to clean air, water, We should be putting human rights in- casion of his retirement after a distin- and land while providing excellent cus- terests ahead of the financial interests guished 27-year career as a staff mem- tomer service—all of which is critical of a few powerful oil companies. That ber for the U.S. Senate. to our State’s economy and future suc- is why I urged my colleagues to vote Bill has earned my respect and that cess. This includes the development of against putting the profits of industry of the thousands of people in north the 2009 Climate Action Plan, New above the interests of our Nation and Mississippi who know him as a dedi- Hampshire’s entrance into the Re- lesser developed nations all over the cated field representative on my staff. gional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, world. I am confident that the tenacity, loy- RGGI, the creation of the MtBE Reme- f alty, and work ethic that characterized diation Bureau, and the formation of Bill’s work for me were forged early in the State Government Energy Com- CONFIRMATION OF MICHAEL mittee, among many others. POMPEO life with the lessons he learned as an outstanding student athlete. Tom has also led and facilitated a Ms. KLOBUCHAR. Mr. President, the Bill grew up in the shipbuilding town voluntary, informal network of State Senate recently voted to confirm Rep- of Pascagoula, MS, where he earned agency commissioners for 8 years, help- resentative Mike Pompeo to be the Di- letters in basketball, baseball, and ing to bring agencies together to im- rector of the CIA. While I do not agree football. As a college freshman at prove the operations of and drive inno- with many of the views that Congress- Furman University, he started at quar- vation and efficiency in State govern- man Pompeo has expressed in the past, terback for the Paladins and set school ment. He is a leader on the regional I have worked with him on legislation, records throughout his college football and national levels as well, including and I know that he is a dedicated and career, completing 215 passes for 2,460 envisioning and coleading an overall experienced public servant. I believe he yards and 24 touchdowns. He was elect- modernization of how environmental is qualified to lead the CIA at a critical ed unanimously in 1988 for induction protection services are delivered na- time in our country’s history. I was into the Furman University Hall of tionwide through a joint State-tribal- also extremely concerned about the na- Fame. Federal initiative known as E-Enter- ture of the President’s press conference Bill played professional football for prise for the Environment. All of these in front of the CIA memorial wall that the Toronto Argonauts, a Canadian actions and the many others that are honors those who lost their lives while Football League organization, but was too numerous to list have helped to in service. This press conference oc- soon called to serve his country. After strengthen our environment, protect curred before Representative Pompeo serving as an Army combat training of- public health, and combat climate was confirmed by the Senate, and it ficer, he began an extensive coaching change. provided an additional reason for put- career during which he earned a rep- New Hampshire’s natural resources ting seasoned leadership at the Agency utation for developing quarterbacks and scenic beauty must be protected, without delay. and strong passing offenses—first at and doing so requires strong collabora- Like many of my colleagues, I was Furman, then at Florida State Univer- tion. As commissioner, Tom embodied concerned about Congressman sity and the University of New Mexico. New Hampshire’s ‘‘all-hands-on-deck’’ Pompeo’s past views on torture. That In 1978, Bill returned home to Mis- spirit, working collaboratively with is why I personally asked Representa- sissippi to coach at the University of our neighboring States on issues like tive Pompeo about the use of torture, Mississippi. He is one of the only RGGI, local communities on issues like and as he did at his hearing, he stated coaches in the SEC to ever have been water quality and contamination, unequivocally that he would not use il- both the offensive and defensive coordi- other State agencies on issues like legal enhanced interrogation tech- nator in back to back seasons. Bill left State government energy efficiency, niques at the CIA. Senator FEINSTEIN coaching in 1987 and settled in Oxford. and partners at the Federal level. VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:48 Feb 07, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00060 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A06FE6.010 S06FEPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with SENATE February 6, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S745 New Hampshire and our country have Bob was an exemplary neighbor, onstration program to target home and com- benefitted enormously from Tom’s vi- friend, and leader. His lifelong efforts munity-based care to eligible Medicare bene- sion, energy, and leadership, and I to improve the quality of life for those ficiaries; to the Committee on Finance. By Mr. PORTMAN (for himself and Mr. thank Tom for his tireless dedication around him will impact generations of BENNET): to protecting our environment and his Kansans to come. I am thankful for my S. 310. A bill to clarify that nonprofit orga- immense contributions that have friendship with him and for his service nizations such as Habitat for Humanity may helped make New Hampshire a special to so many. Our prayers are with his accept donated mortgage appraisals, and for place to live, work, visit, and raise a wife and family. May he rest in peace.∑ other purposes; to the Committee on Bank- family.∑ ing, Housing, and Urban Affairs. f By Ms. KLOBUCHAR (for herself and f EXECUTIVE AND OTHER Ms. COLLINS): REMEMBERING BOB BOALDIN COMMUNICATIONS S.