Federal Register/Vol. 71, No. 216/Wednesday, November 8
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 216 / Wednesday, November 8, 2006 / Proposed Rules 65437 receive on this proposal on the TTB United States Geological Survey foot elevation point, section 13, T5N/ Web site. We may omit voluminous 1:24,000 scale topographic maps. They R4W, Mt. George Quadrangle; then attachments or material that we are titled: (12) Proceed west for 2.1 miles along consider unsuitable for posting. In all (1) Mt. George Quadrangle, California, Imola Avenue, crossing onto the Napa cases, the full comment will be available 1951, Photoinspected 1973; and map, to its intersection with the Napa in the TTB Information Resource Center. (2) Napa Quadrangle, California-Napa River at the Maxwell Bridge, T5N/R4W, To access the online copy of this notice Co., 1951, Photorevised 1980. Napa Quadrangle; and the submitted comments, visit (c) Boundary. The Tulocay (13) Proceed northerly (upstream) for http://www.ttb.gov/regulations_laws/ viticultural area is located in Napa 3.2 miles along the Napa River to its all_rulemaking.shtml. Select the ‘‘View County, California. The boundary of the intersection with Milliken Creek, T6N/ Comments’’ link under this notice Tulocay viticultural area is as described R4W, Napa Quadrangle; then number to view the posted comments. below: (14) Continue northerly (upstream) for 0.75 mile along Milliken Creek to its Regulatory Flexibility Act (1) The beginning point is on the Mt. George map at the 1,877-foot peak of Mt intersection with Monticello Road, T6N/ We certify that this proposed George, section 29, T6N/R3W; R4W, Napa Quadrangle; then regulation, if adopted, would not have (2) From the beginning point, proceed (15) Proceed northeasterly for 2.4 a significant economic impact on a 0.4 mile straight southeast to the miles along Monticello Road, crossing substantial number of small entities.
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