Royal Vancouver Yacht Club Opening Day 2015

Flagship: Quantum Commodore: Paul Shield

May 8 & 9, 2015 Weekend Programme and Sailpast Instructions Opening Day 2015

kick off the boating season in style - participate in one of RVYC’s MOSt TREASURED TRADITIONS.

On Friday, May 8: Join Commodore Paul Shield & Susan Kidd OPening DAy Dinner & Dance

Cocktails: 6:00 pm / Dinner: 7:00 PM enjoy a special menu prepared by chef Patrick, then dance to the music of Faith & Desire

Dress CODE: men - blazers, Black tie, white and white shoes -or- Appropriate Formal Attire

LAdies - Long or short formal

Cost: $55 per person (+tax) RSVP with the Front Desk 604.224.1344

2 On Saturday, May 9: Celebrations ASHORE Jericho Station

0930 hrs Weather Decision: GO or NO GO (Channel 73) 1130 hrs Sailpast commences with the firing of the Commodore’s cannon 1400 hrs Garden Party on the Front Lawn and Patio 1430 hrs Commodore’s Receiving Line 1630 HRS End of the Garden Party 1700 hrs Sunset Ceremony: -Lowering of the Flags on the Front Lawn -Vancouver Fire & Rescue Service band And Honour Guard 1730 HRS Winners of the Seamanship awards to be Posted at the Front Desk

3 On Saturday, May 9:

KidsFEST Hastings Mill park

Activities to include: boat building with the Vancouver Maritime Museum Face Painting Kangaroo Game Kidsfest will take place at Hastings mill Park from 1400 hrs - 1600 hrs with boatloads of fun, and hands-on activities during the afternoon ceremonies.

(if the weather doesn’t cooperate, activities will take place inside the clubhouse)

Dress of the Day Men: Club blazer, black tie, white trousers, and white shoes Ladies: Club blazer, white or slacks, Club hat or white beret with crest, white blouse, white gloves, and white shoes While neat sailing attire on board is permitted, determination of the Seamanship awards is based in large part on yachts displaying the best “Dress of the Day” as outlined above. Parking Members are requested to park underground or o property. e open parking lot will be used by VIP guests, and parking in this area will be available only with a special Opening Day parking pass. ank you for your cooperation. 4 Flags All Members’ vessels should y the Canadian Ensign and RVYC burgee as outlined in “Flag Etiquette” in the Yearbook (page 221 in the 2014 edition, and page 217 in the 2015 edition). Vessels with signal ags are requested to “dress ship” after anchoring or docking at Jericho Station. Commodore’s and judges’ Vessels e Commodore’s Flagship is Quantum, the white powerboat shown on the cover of this programme. e Judges’ vessel Attitude will be anchored north of Quantum. SALUTING INSTRUCTIONS Skippers will organise crew when about ½ mile from the Flagship. Traditionally, ladies stand nearest the bow and are ranked from shortest to tallest working aft. Gentlemen stand aft of the ladies, ranked down from tallest to shortest.

All vessels will approach from the north to salute and will pass Attitude before Quantum. e Skipper will call “Ship’s Company, Attention” when about 100’ from Attitude. e crew will come to attention and this stance will be held until after passing Quantum.

e Salute: each vessel shall pass approximately 20’ astern the Flag- ship. As she begins to cross the Flagship’s transom, the Skipper only salutes, provided he or she is wearing the appropriate Club headwear. e Canadian Ensign is lowered (in the case of small dinghies, the headsail is let y). e salute is held while the Flagship’s Ensign is lowered, the Commodore returns the salute and the Flagship’s Ensign is raised again. At this point, the Skipper terminates the hand salute and the Ensign is raised. e Skipper then commands, “Ship’s Com- pany, Stand Easy.”

After saluting, vessels moored at Jericho may return to their slips. All other vessels may proceed to anchorage well clear of the Flagship. Do not anchor east of the breakwater. e entrance to the Jericho Marina must be kept clear for Group Victor vessels to manoeuvre. e Dining Room Dock is only to be used for the Group Victor vessels. 5 All mustering vessels are activity east of the bridge requested to stay west of the Cambie Bridge and to stay clear of Dragon Boat ( 10.5 ft) ( 12.1 ft) ( 3.6 ft) ( 14.8 ft) Orange Yellow 3 .2m 3.7 m 1.1 m 4.5 m 66’ and OVER 56’ – 65’ POWER CLASS V POWER CLASS IV 0 8 : 48 1 5 : 59 2 3 : 31 Green AREA ‘P’ 46’ – 55’ POWER CLASS III Tide RVYC Coal Harbour Blue Tide

36’ – 45’ 20 TIDES AT POINT ATKINSON Saturday May 9 , 201 5 (PDT) Low Tide 0 4 : 26 High Low High Tide POWER CLASS II Red

35’ and UNDER POWER CLASS I Granville Street Bridge Street Granville

¾ nm at 5kts= 8 min Kitsilano Barge Buoy POWER FLEET APPROACH 1½ nm at 5kts = 18 min Compass course ± 250°M

POWER FLEETS Approach speed to salute is 5kts over the bottom. between Creek near its centre line. Pass False Transit Creek the markers at entrance to False to a course of approximately at mid-point. Turn ±250°M, pass north of the Kits Barge Buoy and continue until the pair of orange marks north of the to Commodore’s vessel are nearing abeam. Turn port, pass between the orange gate marks and continue on to salute the Commodore. Hold course until thru the second set of orange gate marks and disperse to the east. COMMUNICATION All skippers to monitor Channel 73. please! Necessary communication only, Jericho Dock staff to monitor Channel 66A. AREA ‘S’

41’ AND OVER AND 41’

Red Red




Orange Orange

SAIL FLEET APPROACH FLEET SAIL Commodore and judges in east wind RVYC Jericho

33’ – 36’ – 33’

Green Green GREEN CLASS GREEN Pre- and Post- SALUTE MOVEMENTS Sailpast 201 5 Muster Stations Orange Orange and judges in west wind Commodore


36’ – 40’ – 36’


Pink GROUP GROUP VICTOR Anchoring Here SPECIAL BLUE CLASS BLUE GROUP VICTOR AND SAIL FLEETS Group Victor and Green Class will circulate clockwise (marks to starboard). One Design, Classes will Blue and Red Junior Fleet, Yellow, circulate counter clockwise (marks to port). Each fleet will alter course from the south bound side of its loop, or gybe otherwise maneouver to proceed the orange gate marks, pass between them and continue on to salute the Commodore. Hold course thru the second set of orange gate marks and disperse to the west. SAIL FLEET DISPERSAL Sailpast instructions Ocial Vessels:

Commodore: Paul Shield Quantum (30’ Tollycraft, white) Ocers of the Day Aoat: Iain Drummond Arcturus (30’ Carver, white) Harold Gordon American Beauty (31’ Chris Craft, white) Judges Vessel: Peter Powers Attitude (38’ Viking, white)

Patrol Chief: Hunter Lowden Whaler 7 (aluminium utility boat) Heavy Weather contingency Plan At 0930 hrs on Saturday May 9, the Ocer of the Day Aoat will decide as to whether Sailpast will proceed. In the event of unfavourable conditions, ag AP (this is a pennant with red and white vertical stripes) with two sound signals, will be displayed on the agpoles at Jericho and Coal Harbour to notify participants that Sailpast will not occur. Opening Day activities at Jericho Clubhouse will take place as scheduled. In addition, the Ocer of the Day Aoat will announce on VHF Channel 73 the status of the Sailpast as GO or NO GO. All skippers are encouraged to monitor their VHF radios at this time. Group Victor and Special Group 1100 hrs Rendezvous ½ mile north of the Flagship and west of the approach line 1130 hrs Vice Commodore John Robertson (Vessel: Bel Esprit) sails between the north pair of orange marks, salutes, continues through the south pair of orange marks and departs the area in an easterly direction. Group Victor and Special Group vessels will follow. Group Victor Tradition I PC David Rolfe Midnight Sun David Doig & Emma Stevens Deora PC Bill Botham Extra David & Ellan Bockus Shasta PC Geo Peretz Special Group HMCS Oriole, Vancouver City Police, Vancouver Fire & Rescue, Port Metro Vancouver, Steveston Lifeboat, visiting Commodores’ vessels, visiting Yacht Club vessels, RVYC Past Commodores’ vessels, followed by RVYC Flag Ocers’ vessels. 8 Sailing Vessel Orders 1100 hrs Rendezvous in areas designated on Muster Stations Plan (page 6 & 7). All vessels to form up line astern behind respective class leaders. Class lead vessels are identied by coloured pennants and last vessels by coloured ags.

Be prepared to use engine as necessary.

ere will be four courses set, with marks correspond- ing to Class colours. e marks for each course will be approximately one mile apart, on north/south axes, dening courses with two reaching legs. Patrol Chief will instruct lead vessels when to commence the approach to the Flagship. All sailboats are to pass between the rst orange marks, come to attention before passing the Judges, salute the Commodore, pass between the second two orange marks and disperse. Disperse to the west, unless returning directly to Jericho Marina, in which case, dispersal to the east is acceptable.

Classes, led by the Fleet Captain will sail past in the order listed below. Please follow Patrol Vessel instructions during approach to the Flagship. Lead vessel - Endless Summer Fleet Captain - James McDonald

Junior Fleet Lead Vessel 29er or Elliott 6 Calum Macdonald Last Vessel 29er Ryan Wood / Andrew Wood

One Design Lead Vessel blink (Star 8017) Bruce Long Last Vessel Marhenurh 5 Peter Wealick

Class I (under 32’) - Yellow Lead Vessel Ultraman II (yellow pennant) Jason Saunderson Last Vessel LRT (yellow ag) Robb Bassett & Danielle Roberts 9 Class II (33’ to 35’) - Green Lead Vessel Absolute Kaos (green pennant) Catherine & Reigh North Last Vessel Harlequin (green ag) George & James Dermer Class III (36’ to 40’) - Blue Lead Vessel Taranga (blue pennant) Kevin Mueller Last Vessel Marhenurh 4 (blue ag) Richard Wealick

Class IV (41’ and over) - Red Lead Vessel Miller Time (red pennant) Tim & Cheryl Saunders Last Vessel Spirit (red ag) Tim Meakin POWER Vessel Orders 1200 hrs Rendezvous in areas designated on Muster Stations Plan (page 6 & 7). Vessels gathering in False Creek must exercise extreme caution. Please keep a careful watch for dragon boats, other rowers, and for all small craft. All vessels to form up line astern behind respective Class leaders at a safe interval of approximately 1½ boat lengths. Lead vessels are identied by coloured pennants and last vessels by coloured ags. Classes will follow the Sta Captain in the order indicated below. Please do not lag behind or overtake. e last leg of the approach to the Saluting Area is at latitude N49° 17.03’. e axis of the Saluting Area is coincident with the west wall of the Jericho Breakwater, at longitude W123° 11.30’. e Flagship will be located a short distance south of the designated latitude and a very short distance east or west of the longitude. e Judges’ vessel will be a short distance north of the Flagship. ere will be two pairs of orange marks, set north and south of the Judges’ vessel and the Flagship. All power boats are to pass between the rst orange marks, come to attention before passing the Judges, salute the Commodore, pass between the second two orange marks, and disperse to the west.

10 Lead vessel - Thisldu Staff Captain - Mick McLennan

Class I (under 35’) - Red Lead Vessel Rumrunner (red pennant) Gord Lamont Last Vessel Chatham (red ag) Keith Jones Class II (36’ to 45’) - Blue Lead Vessel Goin’ Wild (blue pennant) Tina Hills Last Vessel To Mhara (blue ag) Bruce Littlejohn Class III (46’ to 55’) - Green Lead Vessel Cavokay (green pennant) J Derek Holmes Last Vessel Turning Tides (green ag) Andrew Jordan-Knox

Class IV (56’ to 65’) - Yellow Lead Vessel Perfect Lady I (yellow pennant) John Downie Last Vessel Nova Spirit (yellow ag) Jim Pattison Dispersal Instructions Immediately after Arcturus and American Beauty give the nal salute, Quantum will proceed to Jericho Station. e marina is closed to all vessels except those moored at Jericho, until such time as Group Victor has moored and a blue ag is hoisted at the NE corner of the Jericho breakwater. Please keep the harbour entrance clear for Group Victor to manoeuvre. Anchor west of the breakwater only.

No moorage is available at Jericho unless pre-arranged.

Shuttle Service Shuttle service to and from the junior dinghy dock (at the east end of south walk) is available from the end of Sailpast until 1800 hrs. use vhf channel 66a to hail Jericho shuttle.

11 Royal Vancouver Yacht Club Opening Day Sailpast 2015 Flag Ocer in Charge of Commodore Opening Day Paul Shield Vice Commodore John Robertson Protocol Ocer Honorary Photographers PC Russell B Fraser Lynn Gordon Dorothy Stau er Ocer of the Day Ashore/ John Tulip Duty Ocer Ashore Ben Remocker Seamanship Judges Lead Judge: Peter Powers Ocers of the Day Aoat Pat Robertson Iain Drummond Sam McFarlane Harold Gordon Maddy Williams Vince Alvernaz Patrol Chief Brenda Wood Hunter Lowden Visiting Judge: Neil Wood Master Gunner Opening Day Committee Paul Wagner Iain Drummond Parade Announcer PC Russell B Fraser Harold Gordon Fred Turner John Robertson Kidsfest Activities Fred Turner RVYC General Manager Carmen Derricott Sailing Director Hunter Lowden