PORTLAND DAILY PRESS._ THREE CENTS. ESTABLISHED JUNE 23, 1862--VOL. 23. _PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 4, 1885._PRICE the ferry landing. Three dis- burg says: Lee has 380 and can- THE DOMINION. NOTICES. HINCELLANEOII8. THE PORTLAND DAILY PRESS, hundred and seventy-site city majority, IPEOIAL tricts Carr 40,010. Hill didates for the Legislature the same, a Published excepted) by the give Davenport 40,088. of 214 every day (Sundays THE Jones Democratic gain over 1884. The Fatal Results of the Cale. Ladies’ Meeting at Union Hall, Fer- ELECTIONST 61,957. ,. PORTLAND PUBLISHING COMPANY, C2JJ10, of the Committee at Two hundred and Brooklyn Secretary Republican twenty-six that 250 colored voters Halifax, Nov. 3.—A severe southeast ry Village, Last Evening. At 97 Exchange Street, Portland, Me. districts Hill 47,755, Davenport 38,025, Lynchburg telegraphs give in Third ward there in this last night. No Dollars a Yrear. To mail sub Jones were left in line the gale prevailed vicinity Terms—Eight 47,355, Carr 38,185. to vessels has been so far. scribers, Seven Dollars a Year, U paid in advance when the polls closed. damage reported Last Union Hall, Ferry Village, YOUR LIVER Nov. out of the 60 the storm Mrs. Briskirk and her 16 evening Buffalo, 3.—Thirty During Rates of Advertising—One inch ol space Nov. a—Portsmouth gives with ladies and districts of Buffalo city give Davenport 8943, Norfolk, Ya., old son were the bridge over was filled to overflowing the length of column, or twelve lines nonpareil That arc Not On the Whole Lee 535 a of 567 over the years crossing Secretes the bile and Is one of the most important Reports Hill 7738; a R over last year majority, gain the Sackville river, 10 miles from this city, to listen to remarks by constitutes a “square.” 'publican gain Cleveland vote. There are Democratic gentlemen, of 854. Tliis indicates a majori- large when were blown into the river. The Belli Bn.$pool$ian(ITi!>t $1.60 per square, dally, first week; 75 cents per Republican in Madison they the ladies and to take measures for a of the human Jaundice, Indiges- vote in the also organs system. week after; three insertions or less, $1.00, con- to Onr Side. ty of 2000 in the city. The Republican gains county, Orange, boy succeeded in getting his mother ashore, Pleasing falls 12 and Green counties, where the entire Demo- petition to the Commissioners for Appetite, tinuing every other day after first week, 50 cents. off 2 per cent and the Democratic per but she died soon afterwards. County tion, Dyspepsia, Foul Stomash, Variable or cratic is ONLY8CENTCPER SPOOL Half square, three insertions less, 76 cents; cent. ticket elected. a ferry landing on the Portland side. Before one week, 50 cents week after. returns Sallow and all the ills $1.00; per New' 3.—Five hundred and Richmond, Ya., Nov. 3.—Official the Band Complexion, Constipation special Notices, one-third additional. York, Nov. MATTERS. opening of the meeting Merriman’s Commencing Nov. 1st. we shall sell the from all the in Richmond give RAILROAD Under head of “Amusements” and "Auction twenty-three city districts give Davenport precincts entertained the with some selections. that are all indications of Liver Fitz Lee a of 2492, a net people best spool silk at 8 cents per spool, and accompany it, Sales," $2.00 per square per week; three inser- 50,126, Carr 50,203, Hill 90,203, Jones 88,321. Hugh majority a Word is Occa- Democratic of G09. Two hundred and The was called to order at 8 twist at 2 eents. This Is to give onr tions or less, $1.60. Though Cheering Two hundred and forty-seven Brooklyn gain THE BANGOK A PISCATAQUIS. meeting Complaint. twenty voting outside of Richmond o’clock and Mrs. H. A. Robinson was elected customers and the in general a THE MAINE STATE districts give Hill 51,903, Davenport 43,345, precincts The council last evening re- public with PRESS, show a net Democratic of 0468. Bangor city chance to the best make of silk “I had a severe case of Liver Complaint Received. Jones 51,334, Carr 42,751. gain president; Mrs. W. T. Studley, vice presi- buy very Published every Thursday Morning, at $2.60 sionally One outside districts So far as heard from, the Democrats have ceived a communication from Arthur Sewall, This is the a if in $2.00 a hundred and fifty-six Mrs. Dr. Mrs. Dr. at a great reduction. only would be good year; paid advance, year. last three members of the Legislature. of the Maine Railroad dent; Young. secretary; habitmd constipation; my appetite Advertisements inserted in the “Maine State give 32,958, Hill 26,013. They gained president Central silk In the market and running full Davenport Richmond Lee and the Democratic Mrs. D. D. Willard, Miss Margaret Press” (which lias a circulation in every year gave Blaine 37,520, Cleveland 29,063. city gives on what terms and condi- Young, When can one and the showed evi- large about Company, asking length in every letter. you day poor next, my eyes of tlie for for first in- One hundred and outside dis- ticket a majority of 2500, a gain of committee on of peti- part State) $1.00 per square seventy-nine the will sell or lease its interest Pillsbury, presentation buv this fine of silk at this low and 50 cents for each subse- Last 000, and returns four Democratic members to tions city grade I had a tired, uncomforta- sertion, per square tricts give Davenport 37,029, Hill 30,005. M. S. Mrs. L B. dence of Jaundice, and the The of in & tion ; Mrs. Small, treasurer; price, yon should buy in good quanti- quent insertion. Fine Weather bit a year tney gave Blaine 42,838, Cleveland 33,- Legislature. city Petersburg and ownership the Bangor Piscataquis Yesterday, Light of a Demo- Mrs. George Ome, Mrs. J. C. York, ties to'last some length of time, as this ble feeling; 1 bought one bottle of Brown’s Sarsa- Address ail communications to 784. gives a Republican majority GOO, railroad. The matter was referred to a com- Proctor, cratic is a great saving to the consumers of PORTLAND PUBLISHING CO. .Five hundred and forty-eight city districts gain of 029. Fauquier county gives mittee, with instructions te hear and to re- committee of arrangements. It liver and bowels so that Vote 1100 Democratic a Democratic loss silk and twist. There is no such stock parilla. regulated my Polled, give Davenport 58,702, Carr 58,951, Hill 95,- majority, to the council any proposition the the chair Mrs. Robinson ad- of 500. It a member to port city Upon taking in and are lower than 702, Jones 93,606. returns Democratic Maine Central Railroad may make Portland, prices their action is as good as ever. My general health THE WEATHER. the House. Company dressed the meeting as follows : other house In the City for same Two hundred and fifty-seven Brooklyn dis- looking to the leasing or buying of the city’s any I tliank you for the honor you confer upon me is now I owe it all to the use of Brown’s tricts give Hill 53,982, Davenport 45,021,Jones Alexandria, Va., Nov. 3.—The Gazette interest in the road. quality. N. H. STUDLEY, Manager, good. me as your chairman and I think I Washington, Nov. 4. 53,405, Carr 44,400. says that returns from all of the State by selecting 499 corner Brown, parts NORTH CONWAT & MT. KEARSARGE. can best serve interest by Immediately pro- No. Congress Street, show Democratic and indicate Lee’s your snWFAM Sarsaparilla. For Portland and vicinity—Fair, ■warmer Both New York and Carried The Herald bulletin says: “If the Demo- gains ceeding to business. Perhaps the object of this sepll Hon. B. B. Thomas, Virginia or six The North Conway & Mt. Kearsarge, cratic gain in the last 200 districts outside majority will be 20,000. Already five meeting Is pot plain to every one present, so I weather. accessions have been made to the Democratic which was last has survey- that It but emphasizes the eld Treas. Penobscot the city holds,- Hill’s majority will reach organized April, will simply say Co., The indications for New the of the House of and no losses “In Union there is strength,” and as England to-day by Democrats, 28,000. side Delegates ed and secured of way f«r its road adage the rights women are as much. If not more, interested In Me. are fair weather; stationary', followed Four hundred and outside dis- are reported. Chairman Barbour thinks Bangor, nearly thirty-one from North where it will connect a line than men, so they would tricts and wards Hill majority in the legislature will be fully as Conway, having good ferry by slowly rising temperature; rising followed give Davenport 94,059, not be found backward in rendering any assist- Me. E. one of the most mer- as' last year when they had two-thirds. with the Boston Sc Maine, to the summit of Cobb, prominent 81,592. Last year they gave Blaine 107,942, large ance to the end sought which I presume you in tiie western portion by falling barometer; Mahone’s own a gain Cleveland 91,683: a Democratic net gain of Southampton, county, gives Mt. Kearsarge, and also to a connection with all know ts to Induce the County Commissioners chants of Bangor, lias suffered from liver trouble to Democratic of 200. Pier. The westerly winds, and generally shifting Massachusetts and 3195. majority the Portland Sc Ogdensburg at Intervale.The to lay out for us a landing at Portland Pennsylvania Repub- 1 3.—A to in their haven't given any Mr. New York city complete give Davenport Petersburg, Va., Nov. despatch gentlemen petition, for two years. Cobb lias consulted good phy- southerly. road will be built in three viz: i< be a landing. We 75,446, Hill 123,714, Carr 76,880, Jones 121,299. Gen. Mahone from Portsmouth says: divisions, reason hy they should given Machine! will tell two or three reasons why we desire a Steam LOCAL WEATHER REPORT. lican ‘•The North Division” of six miles you Beatii or Hill over Jones over Cart 600 Conway Carpet taken various but little sicians, remedies, got by Large Majorities. Davenport 48,208; “The city has gone Democratic by majority. 1885. for contest.” ending: at all seasons of Portland, Me., Nov. 3, 44,419. Norfolk 300 Democratic. Bigchance to the common junction of the three divis- boat differ- Carpets Cleansed of Brown’s 1st—Because a doable-end requires no assistance until he began the use Five hundred and thirty-three outside dis- ions near Chatham Notch; “the Mountain and the year and all kinds of i~7A M ; 11 A M| 3 P M | 7 PM |11 TM At this hour (11 p. m.) Gen. Mahone sums ent accommodations from a small steamer, tricts and wards give Davenport 117,150, Hill Democrats division” of nine miles from said junction to make our boat a success in winter as well as weather, at [ Sarsaparilla. He says it is the best thing for Liv- Barometer.'29.633 29.678 29.718 up the situation as follows: The 103,822. Last year they gave Blaine 133,475, to the summit of Mt. and the summer we must have a different landing. Thermo’r.. 38.3 '47.5 40.7 39.4 38.2 have carried the State and legislative ticket Kearsarge, MASSACHUSETTS a Democratic net of oT 11 from said 2d—She was built for teams, as well as passen- er that ever came to Ills notice, and Point. 33.9 36.2 34.(1 31.4 31.7 Cleveland 116,425; gain use of the election machine- “Chatham division” miles Complaint Dew by unscrupulous her has no accommoda^ 62.8 73.0 77.2 3722. to North Chatham, N. H.; total 26 gers, and present landing DYE HOUSE Humidity.. 83.8 62.4 ry over which theylhave absolute control,and junction FOREST CITY freely recommends it to Ills friends. Wind.SW W W SW SW S. J. Campbell is elected to succeed S. S. miles. Mon for them. Cov. Robinson’s About which their last usurping are a of Cumberland county 11 6 7 Plurality jwas provided by 3d—As we part Velocity... 1 9 Cox in Congress from the 8th district. in Tiew. NOTES. the the “I was allout of tlx this said Mr. L. O. legislature expressly with this end and according to an act of Legislature and Carpet Beating Rooms, Spring,” Weather.. Clear Clear Clear Clear Fair 18,000. The Sun Bulletin Hill carries King’s to out» says: Nov. 3.—It has A large number of new steel rails will be County Commissioners are authorized lay and is Lynchburg, Va., just when know the some of Mean daily bar. ..29.6661 Maximum tlier....49.5 Nov. 3.—The vote of the of countv by 11,000 majority, certainly on New Brunswick and we believe they 13 PREBEE STREET. Oaks, merchant at Garland, Me. “I read Boston, city been announced at the Democratic head- laid the Railway. landing, will Mean daily ther. .44.1 Minimum thcr— 35.6 Governor is as follows: Robinson elected by more than 15,000 majority. He is disadvantages under which we labor they Boston for that Lee has carried The Maine Central Railroad Company It. Mean d’w Max. vel. wind...SW12 carries Schuyler where he was born, quarters every deem our but reasonable and grant Our Steam Process for Carpets is the testimonials, bought some of Brown’s Sarsap- daily pt.33.4 18,480, Prince 22,822. Prince’s plurality county, State its snow and for request Superheated Mean hum. 74,6 | Total precip.x— in this was county in the southwest part of the moving plows preparing How many times have our young ladles and cure moths. dally by 13. Blaine’s majority county unsurpassed and a sure for 4,336. will foot winter. A number of the plows are stored hired a or one and am better than and that Lee’s majority in tlie State working women, either conveyance no4 sneod4w arilla, took bottle, to-day Prince 577. it was x— Ten towns in the State give 824; the is safe each year, and on the commencement of cold walked liome. and because Inappreciable. The World’s bulletin says: Seven hun- up over 2000, and that legislature why? Simply Robinson 1635. The sameltowns in 1883 gave weather are distributed to different points. too for the boat to make her trips, so I have been for years. I recommend Brown's of the 712 districts of this Hill for the Democrats. stormy ferry Butler 1633. dred city give & railroad officials an- human endurance must accomplish what skill ana B. METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. Robinson2584; and The Boston Albany DR. E. REED; cities and towns outside of this a majority of 46,791. Richmond, Nov. 3.—Three hundred of to the steam, either conld not or would not, attempt. Sarsaparilla above all medicines I have as I know 10 P. Twenty nually offer two prizes $50 each to walk (Nov. 3, 1885, M.) Prince 2954. The New York. Nov. elec- twenty-nine precincts, including Richmond, How many times have we been compelled city give Robinson 5432; 3.—Midnight—The foremen of the various sections, one for the wnarf ? Observations taken at tlie same moment of time Robinson conducted show a net Democratic gain of 7,012. Calcu- over the Ice to and from the steamer to it to be good.” same cities and towns in 1883 give tion in this city today was quietly neatness in the care of the road bed, and the remain at at all stations. the remainder of the State the Some one may reply, women should and Botanic _ Butler 5475. and and of the 216,000 voters who lating by and us Clairvoyant Physician 8150; earnestly, other for excellency of switches, joints home in such weather. Ah, but some of are KEADEKI—If you have any trouble with your Thermo’ter Wind It was same ratio of gain, Lee’s majority. The cities and towns outside of Boston registered, 200,000 went to the bread winners aud must of throngh Fifty polls. indications at 1 a. in. are that the Democrats spikes. necessity plod Medical Rooms 592 Congress St., give Robinson 11,446: Prince 7045. Some admitted that if Hill could leave Mr. i). E. in of the all weathers. How many of us have stood in the kidneys you can find a certain relief for it by us- generally will have two-thirds of the Senate and 00 out McKee, engineer charge 03 O? towns in 1883 gave Robinson 17,967; Butler this county w ith 45,000 maiority his election International Railroad that cabiu in the winter with the water washing over ^ ■ © survey, reports .v, £ of 100 of the House of about? PORTLAND, ME. fc- ~ was assured. He secured that majority, and members Delegates. the work of the line will be com- our feet while the boat was wildly tossing “ Place of S 2 13,356. locating discomfort of 6 51 from added to the of his Hon. John S. Wise concedes a Democratic I think most of us could bear the o© •© 3 © 5 & ^2 Nov. 3.—Vote of Worcester: 15,000 King’s hopes pleted about the middle of December. The and Dr. Reed treats all chronic diseases that flesh is WoiiCESTEii, and wet garments better than the trepidation Observation. ^ £ % © 2 ^ His majority in New York victory. road itself will be finished inside of two such a as incurable © £ eg Robinson Prince 3173, Lotlirop 281, party. of mind upon trip. heir to: all cases that are given up BROWNS .C ? © tX) X 03^ 3890, anxiety consequent «- would indicate his Nov. 3.—At the Republican will be commenced at these the and homoepathic physicians. I a* £ 3 Sumner 7. A very small vote has been poll- King’s county election, Petersburg, years, and operations Now ladies If you wish never again to bear by allopathic x «« .= v the interior should some unusual Gen. Lee’s is estimat- those of who cross tueir case to treat and cure them. I find SS 3 and unless give headquarters majority once. There are about 2000 feet of bridging ills, (aud I’ve no doubt but you will take « fi > ® ed in the city coiuity. about four-fifths of the cases given up to die can 6 surprises. Intense local interest was mani- ed at 10,000 to 12,000. to be done at Moosehead Lake and Matta- the rerry daily know of others equally as un- Nov. 3.—Seventy-five cities and as I add be cured. Examination at a distance by letter, Boston, fested in the contest for sheriff. Returns wamkeag. The bridge will be about 500 feet endurable these have mentioned,) your towns outside of Boston eive Robinson 16.- i_ .— .1., 4-/-. of the and let the full name and of residence and names to the others petition with their place xa.wi —a " long. The of the style of bridge to be SARSAPARILLA New London i* Same towus in 1883 ■ hbi nvi«< plan commissioners see that the women are full as second 268. Prince gave one 2-cent stamp and *2.00. Examination 41 -2 W 20 Clear 10,734. be between J. Grant, candi- has not decided Boston, Mass 29.79 Hugh Tammany built across been upon. much Interested in having a reliable and per- sight and consultation free. jy Your money refunded if it does not do all 40 —11 SW Lt Clear Robinson 24,713, Butler 17,585. John W. Jacobus Andrew Eastport, Me 29.01 date, and (Rep.), manent line as the in. lo in. The Herald. Returns from the ferry gentlemen. Office Hours—'9 a. 9. p. my7sutf Mt Wash’t’u 29.76 10 —9 NW 60 Lt Snw (Ind.) says: J. White, the County Democracy candidate, Chicago, Nov. 3.—The election in this claimed. Lt at are meagre but consider- x lie CUIIU1IHICU UU Portland. Me 29.72 89 -2 SW Fair State large very decidedly in the rear. This ticket was and Cook has been for a The Ferry Landing. 41 x2 NW Lt in in- being city' county today Albany, N. Y 29.92 Cloudy ing the Democratic loss Boston (1245) and at the re- Cook which was Brown's is sold by all Druggists for 20 the last canvassed, midnight justice of the supreme court of county the Editor the Press: the following unanimously OVERCOATS Sarsaparilla New York... 29.99 43 xl NW Cloudy dications point to the election of Robinson To of 46 W Lt Gear sult is in doubt. -and a county commissioner. The contest Norfolk, Va. 30.12 ;-3 by a large majority. That was a colossal scheme which the passed: and Pressed for $1.00; 6 bottles for $5.00. AKA WARREN, 30.07 44 -0 NW 14 (Rep.) Nov. 3.—This Hill over the election of county commissioner was Cleansed or Dyed Ready Philadefpbia. Cloudy 134 cities ana towns including the cities of Albany, city gives Whereas. By the advent of the People’s Ferry 30.14 42 -0 B‘ Lt Gear the condition of the fi- Mayor unfolded to the city government on Into the Wear, at Washington.. Fall New Bedford 1858 plurality; a Democratic gain of 560. provoked by county Company new life and vigor Is] Infused Proprietor, Bangor, Me. 30.19 66 x7 SW Lt Clear Boston, Worcester. River, the and Atlanta, Ga.. Nov. J. Grant is nances and the declaration that present Monday evening, to furnish a landing for all business men and women of Ferry Village my27 codly-lstor4thpcF 30.20 65 xO Clm.... Clear Fitchburg, Gloucester, Haverhill, Chelsea New Yoke, 3.—Hugh and business are Charleston... management has been reckless and extrava- to accommodate Willard, new dwellings places .... Robinson for sheriff. He will have at least 7000 the pleasure Jacksonville. 30.17 54 —4 C|lm Clear and Brockton, give (Rep.) gov- elected The chief contest however is island^steamers, being erected and many of the old ones greatly CITY DYE Lt than gant. today our FOREST HOUSE, Savannah,Ga 30.18 54 —4 SE Clear ernor 59,496; Prince (Dem.) 50,822. over Jacobus, and more 10,000 travel the summer months. He inti- our water front is being built up, FOREIGN. Lt majority over the adoption or rejection of the election during improved, New Orleans 30.08 61 x3 SE Cloudy Late returns have caused many surprises over White. streets new sewers knllt and real estate 13 Preble Street. x2 Lt law framed at the last session of the Illinois mates that he may oppose a public landing improved, sneod4w Cincinnati, O 30.10 40 SE Clear in the election of members of the Senate and Six hundred and outside districts and advancing, therefore qqy4 29.95 60 x9 SB 9 Clear sixty The new law for small Memphis. has been car- Hill legislature. provides on Portland Pier, which is designed to build Resolved, That it is the imperative duty of every 41 x2 SW 7 House. In particular, Lynn wards give Davenport 135,789, 122,112. Pittsburg.. 30.15 Cloudy voting precincts, and is framed very closely woman and who has occasion to cross The Servian Ordered to Ad- ried the for the first time in Last year they gave Blaine 154,948, Cleve- and accommodate the business interests man, child, Army Buffalo, N.Y. 30.06 |38 xl W 6 Cloudy by Repbblicans after the New York law. The up river below Portland to patronize the INSURANCE. elects four out of the five a Democratic net of 2212. Republicans Fore bridge .. 30.12 38 xO SW 11 five and also land 139,059;' gain of vance Into Cleveland. Cloudy years and Independents favor the new law, while existing between our neighboring town People’s Ferry Line. Bulgaria. Detroit.30.10 44 xO SW Lt Cloudy In the Lowell Republican representatives. Bbooelyn, Nov. 3—Two hundred and fif- Democrats are its favor a 29.93 40 xl NW Lt the opposing adoption. Cape Elizabeth and the city, but would The following petition, bearing large LITTLE & Oswego. Cloudy senatorial district Lilley deteats Harden, a teen distries give Whitney (Dem.) for mayor, W.D. CO., Alpena,Mich 30.06 33 x2 W 6 Cloudy Democratic triumph, and Naphen has been Chicago, Nov. 3—9.35 p. m.—From returns a landing for island steamers for pleasure number of signatures, was read by Mrs. 29.99 46 x9 SE 12 Gear 40,905; Catlin (Rep.) 29,277; Woodward (Citi- of Clucago, Ills. elected to the Senate from the South Boston thus far received the Inter-Ocean figures the views EXCHANGE STREET, King Alfonso Spain Seriously 32 x2 SE 8 zen’s), 10,739. travel. But few seemed to share Robinson: 31 Duluth, Minn 29.97 Cloudy de- that the election law is undoubtedly car- —1 SW 7 district, another surprise. Alger (Dem.) The Latest. city Cum- III. Marquette... 30.02 31 Cloudy but other authorities are not so certain. of the Mayor, and the Common Council re- To the Honorable County Commissioners of Established in 1843. 29.97 41 x7 SE 8 Clear feats Chamberlain in the'Cambridge senato- ried. Milwaukee. Nov. for Democrats are fused to pass a vote opposing the location of berland County: 29.88 55 xl2 SE 17 Clear rial which is considered a great vic- Bisooklyn, 3.—Whitney (Dem.) It looks ns though the gaining St. Louis, Mo district, a on Portland Pier. The Mayor the women of Cape Elizabeth, Fire or in first 29.89 34 x4 E Lt the Democrats. Morse defeats Hart mayor, is elected by 12,000 majority. Every ground where the county commissioners are highway We, undersigned Reliable Insurance against Lightning St.Paul,Minn Cloudy tory by has not been backward in his administration Maine, with our fathers, husbands, brothers Neb. 29.85 41 x4 NW 14 Clear Democratic county ticket is elected, and of concerned. Join al Lowest Rates. Thebaw will Evade an Issue Omaha. in the first Norfolk district. The plurality and sons in your honorable body to lay class American and Foreign Co’s King 30.00 32 x4 N Lt 12 districts the Democrats have election for for the in favoring appropriations for celebrations petitioning Bismarck,Da Cloudy of Robinson for governor will prob- assembly Special congressman out and construct a landing suitable for a 32 x4 SE Lt HvSnw (Rep.) and like but when a im- ferry Life and Accident Insurance. with the British. St, Vincent.. 29.96 The of Fall carried 10. fifth district to fill the vacancy caused by the purposes, public end steam team boat at the end of Also ably reach over 20.000. city is asked for in the substantial double ferry Telephone 701. jel7snly G. Likbmann, River the labor vote was carried New Nov. 3.—Seven hundred and death of Reuben Elwood was very quiet. provement Portland Pier for the use of the People’s despite by Yoke, interests of the and to afford accom- Ferry Sergeant Signal Corps, U. S. A. districts and wards outside Hopkins, the Republican candidate,is ahead. people Company, believing that we have staunch, safe Robinson. fifty election give s found received a very vote. modations to the laboring classes, he and comfortable ferry accommodations—there Standard Howard Davenport 152,547, Hill 140,109. Last year Bishop (Dem.) light from ^ABMEITS London, Nov. 3.—Tlie says: Fall River, Nov. 3.—Robert every time posing against it. being a ladles’ cabin, jwe are secure alike Senator 43 they gave Blaine 175,216, Cleveland 159,450; Chicago, Nov. 3—Midnight.—Two hun- and the in- “The Servian army has been ordered to ad- MAINE. (Dein.) is elected by majority. A Taxpayer. the intrusion of intoxicated roughs Cleansed or Dyed, and Pressed a net Democratic gain of 3,328. dred thirty-seven precincts have sent in re- clemency of the weather; believing that we have into and that it is Springfield, Nov. 3.—Republican Sena- re- for at vance Bulgarian territory, turns which make it a certainty that the new a ferry boat that will make her regular trips, Ready Wear, tors are elected from Hampshire county and that the hours of use- the army will enter Bulgaria to- Penobscot Teachers. city election law is carried. Two MUSIC AND DRAMA. of ice and storms, expected North Berkshire and South Berkshire elect a NEW JERSEY. Republi- boat so often occur in cans and two Democrats have been elected fjardlessess waiting for a ferry that day.” Nov. 3.—The Penobscot county Democratic Senator. All Republican repre- winter—as of us know who have been Bangob, county commissioners. Other names on the the many Alfonso III. sentatives in county' were elected. THE GYPSY BAND. to walk around way of Portland bridge, King Teachers’ Association is holding a two days’ Hampshire in this ticket are still in doubt. obliged by Tkenton, Nov. 3.—The election of snow and sleet, at the very time of Forest House, 13 Preble St. Nov. Alfonso is serious- Berkshire elects seven Democratic represen- law The fifth and sixth entertainments in the Stock- unmindful CityJ Dye sneod4w Madrid, 3,—King session in the Orono Town Hall. This morn- State passed off very quietly, no serious dis- Now that it is known that the election all others when we should have been provided nov4 tatives and the Republicans. course will occur at Hall this after- ly ill. turbances being reported from any of the is carried popular interest has largely sub- bridge City proper passage; hoping that the old order of Burmah. ing opened clear and bright, and about oue Nov. 3.—The Journal e*»4|t>k England and Boston, (Rep.) polling places in the 21 counties. In seven sided. noon and evening. The Archduke Joseph’s Hun- tilings has passed away, and fully appr: hundred teachers arrived on the morning claims Gov. Robinson is re-elected by a prob- the we now for the first time have of Nov. 3.—Advices from counties—those of Bergon, Burlington, Cape Peoria, Nov. 3.—Kinzie (Rep.) carried this garian Gypsy Band will appear, assisted by the privilege London, Mandalay1 able over Prince of attending lectures in the in Portland with- state that the trains from different parts of the county. plurality 25,000. May, Hunterdon, Middlesex, Passaic and 200 a Farencz and Miss C. evening the capital of Burmah, Queen city today by over majority, Republican famous violinist' Garay Lydia out to pay five dollars in addition SILKS.’ With 10 small towns to hear from Massa- Sussex-state senators were elected. being compelled ‘WASH influence is The They of 1100. the future the of Burmah, who exercises great State Luce present. gain reader. This is the same band that ap- to the fare, and by Superintendent chusetts Robinson 100,162, Prince |82,- and will vote the Dunlap, regular Judging is in health, and her gives will serve three years upon we have no reason to expect any benefit ouer her husband, poor was delivered by President H. II. Sumner 2074. of in the course two seasons ago. There past, ART EMBROIDERERS that and the smell salutatory 381, Lothrop 4051, Plurality next United States senator who will succeed peared from the old and earnestly desiring the majesty declares fighting IOWA. the company, Oldtown. Robinson 17,781. are dis- will be a change of programme at evening our we MISLEAD- of gunpowder will be injurious to her. As Bryant of Gen. Sewall (Rep.) There 60assembly continuance of present ferry line, respect- are cautioned against Boston’s vote for State treasurer is: Cross, tricts in the State, and one member of the Tickets on sale at Stockbrldge’s honorable to grant unto us A she advises King Thebaw to temporarily Outfits Sold. performance. fully request your body IMITATIONS of Braincrd Newspaper Beard, 18,281. The corrected vote of was elected Des Moines, Nov. 3.—The first ten pre- the aforesaid landing, and so will ever pray. ING submit to the demands of the British, he 22,859; State House of Assembly today music store. The matinee will begin at 2.30 “Wash Silks,” now and from the of Boston is: Prince, 22,991; Robin- the Senate cincts show a net gain of 217. Armstrong’s will evade an issue with them at Saco, Nov. 3.—The type presses city from each district. Last year Republican o’clock. The petition has 31 signatures. man- probably 102. 10 of Iowa a in the market, of American office of the Maine Democrat and York son, 18,478: Lathrop 282; Sumner, was composed of 11 Republicans and Fifty precincts give Republican then made C. A. present. the and cities and of 730. The of Grinnell 220 The following will be the programme: Remarks were by Tilton, facture, that W1EE NOT WASH One hundred fifty-nine Democrats, and the Assembly of 36 Republi- gain city gives County Independent, once among tiie lead- in addition to those and a reliable AFTERNOON. Fred Harford, Henry Harford, Wm. Knighte, loss of color and injury to Organizing Against Boycotting. towns, including previ- cans and 24 Democrats, giving the Republi- Republican majority despatch without the was sold to- and Taunton there the has 320 ma- Waltz—Blue Danube..Strauss who which may ing newspapers of county, ously given, Springfield give cans a majority of 13 upon joint ballot. Nine from says county gone Dr. Moulton and Mrs. L. B. Proctor, the fabric upon they London, Nov. s.—The Irish Defence Overture—The Merry Wives of Windsor...Nicolay Goodwillie & dealers in Robinson (Rep.) for governor 69,272; Prince of the senators holding over are RepuMicans, jority for the Republican representatives to the and he worked. Union held its first meeting in London yes- day to Wyman, Beading—The Old Horse Wins the Bet—Holmes read a poem, all favorable project, (Dem.) 57,538. so will control that body at tire next and senator. method of ASIAT- terday. The Earl of Bandon was elected Boston, for about $300. they Miss Dunlap. amidst great en- The applying printers’ supplies, Last year’s vote throughout the State was: session if tbeir candidates were successful in One hundred and twenty-five precincts the meeting adjourned necessary to produce and an executive committee was about Waltz—Serenade.Metra IC DYES chairnjan, Botli papers discontinued publication Robinson (Rep.) 159,345; Endicott (Dem.) two of the seven districts in which sena- give Larrabee 15,703, Whiting 14,312; net Re- a SE- three four Mar- any Violin Solo. Garay thusiasm.__ fast color in silk fibre is chosen comprising Dukes, 24,363. 00. Farencz Earls and a score of Lords four years ago. 111,960; McCaffrey (N.) tors were elected today. publican gain, Garay. POSSESSED quises, fourteen The of Boston elects 19 One hundred and ninety in the Bajtar, The THE STATE. CRET?PCRCHASED, and and members of the city Republicans, precincts Hungarian Song—Aereberus Young ESED in America exclusively Viscounts, many Rockland’s New Water Works. 24 Democrats, one Independent Democrat State show a Republican gain of 1659. This Herdsman.Haim and House of Commons and other prominent Avoid worthless and and two to the PENNSYLVANIA. includes two wards in the city of Davenport. Cimbalo Solo.Yonas COL'STY. by ourselves. It was announced that Rockland, Nov. 3.—The Camden Independents legislature. Anon A.NDKOSCOGGIN gentlemen. large hundred and seven wards in the State Beading—Ship of Faith. taking only skeins the Worcester, Nov. 3.—The total vote of Two of Auburn has left imitations by sums of money had already been subscribed Rockland Water Company, which began net Re- Miss Dunlap, Mr. Albert H. Mitchell Silk. is: I and a give Larrabee 26,832, Whiting 24,477; bearing our ticket—“Wash without solicitation |for the suppression of of last June this county Robinson, 14,588; Prince, Republican Majority of 28,95 March—Kossuth.Erkel with Commissioner Ham for exhibition at work of laying pipes the middle 143. publican gain, 1288. 10,542; Lathrop, 1103; Sumner, Repub- Cain of 7727. _ EVENING. New an tea chest 2S0 years boycotting. a dis- Orleans, English __. ... a nilnmn /VITA A A from River Pond to all their Oyster Rockland, licans elect all their county officers, Kiallitis...Eberilug old. It was brought over from England on Ferdinand Ward’s Sen- Philadelphia, Nov. 3.—The election to- KANSAS. March—Budapest! THE MAIUKU JUUUUMNnr vv., Comments tance of seven miles, having completed it, senators and 22 of the 30 representatives. Waltz—Marrianna.Waldteufel about the time of the Revolutionary war by smallest since 1881. day off very quietly. The weather tence. water and the entire The vote is the passed Beading—Wooing of Henry V.Shakespeare one the great grandfather of let on the today, system was clear and cold. The only State office to Joseph Penly, YORK, BOSTON, PHILfl., Boston, Nov. 3.—Returns from all but Emporia, Ka., Nov. 3.—The election of Miss Dunlap. the present owner. The IJailv News an article cm will soon be tilled. A trial of hy- be filled was State treasurer and the candi- a inadar. BflLTO.^ publishes of pipes towns of the State tile fol- officers off and a light Hungarian Song—Banatosan zeng Serly JP in which it calls Ward the about eight give -were county passed quietly Auburn has a little boy, named Norris Ferdinand Ward, drants was satisfactory. Three lines dates Quay (Rep.) Day (Dem.) Spang- The indications are that the Fotpourl from Lucia.Verdi Highly lowing results: Robinson (Rep.) 100,162; Last vote was polled. Melodies.Garay who can boast of eleven grand- evil genius of Gen. and points out ler (Pro.) and Whitney (Gr.) (Labor.) The Violin Solo—Hungarian Eveleth, Grant, of hose were attached to one hydrant, throw- Priuce 82,361; Lothrop (Pro.) 4051; entire Republican ticket is elected. Farencz It comes about that Ills sentence was quite inadequate, as (Dem.) Blaine had a plurality of 81,000, and in Garay. fathers and grandmothers. Sumner 2070. Returns indicate the year of Emporia gives its usual Republican Cura...8erly and when his term shall have bean served he ing large streams of water over the highest (Gr.) 1884 when the last State treasurer was city Hungarian Song—Bitka in this way: He has two grandfathers READ. election of 28 Republican and 12 Democratic majority. Cimbalo Solo.Yonas will be at to his million of dol- The citizens are over chosen, the Republican candidate was two grandmothers, two great grandfathers liberty enjoy buildings. jubilant a Democratic of six Beading—How Huby Played.Anon Senators, being gain elected a of Oil. The com- Paola, Kan., Nov. 3.—The entire Repub- and two great grandmothers, two step great lars. introduction, the church bells The House will by majority 20, Miss Dunlap. the water’s over last year. probably of Miami is elected an uuu b*v*** b»~*— Eliza Case. parisons to-night will be made with the vote lican ticket county by Csardas—Hungarian Dance.Blaha glnuumuuici3, Jkop Armstrong’s is enthusiastic. stand 157 Republicans, 72 Democrats and six of 250. COE, rang loudly, and everybody of 1883. average majority March—Eakeczy—Hungarian War March, mother. The defence dosod their case this after- a Democratic Independents, making slight The interest in the Philadelnhia countv Fort Nov. 3.—The CTmupBun CUMBERLAND COUNTY. the to rrcivtin Tinner FI VP rpnrpspnt.jit.i VP rtis- Scott, Kan., Repub- noon. Justice Saper directed jury ___n EEET. election centered on the contest for sheriff. CABBIE SWAIN. The bam of Wm. Shurtleffe, at New render a verdist of not guilty as to one of the FELL EICHJY tricts are to be heard from. The election THE yet Rowan being the Republican and Senters of 700. The sale of seats for Carrie Swain’s performances Gloucester, was burned Saturday night, with defendants. Madame Elizabeth Coombs, of has been a very quiet one throughout the the Democratic condidate. Rowan was op- will at Portland Theatre this morning. Miss its contents, including hay and farming the Salvation who had testified she Dream of State. In little interest was Topeka, Kan., Nov. 3.—'The Republican begin Army, Terrible Fulfilment of the ;this Jcity Jbut the citizen committee of 100 which aud will draw tools. The barn was at such a distance from had acted under the directions of in the result and the ob- posed by ticket is elected in this (Shawnee) county by Swain is very popular in this city clearly an Ohio Slater. manifested general in the local election for house was not burned. HATTER, has been prominent about 1500 houses. she will as “Cad, the the house that the Bramwell Booth. servance of the lawr forbidding the sale of majority. good Friday appear some on the ground that he was new of of the was total. It was O., Nov. 3.—At Davison chapel, licensed inn- years past Tomboy,” and Saturday in her play “True The loss building has made special Mobbed Dayton, liquor on election day except by tlio of the “machine” which includes contents. a'ra?le1I]j?®"j Two Members of Parliament Miami Edward Moore, a served to representative politics. Blue.” insured for $600, with all tiie leading New City, yesterday, holders to dulv registered guests Rowan in 187G was defeated for sheriff by NEBRASKA. RENTZ-SANTLEY COMPANY. Nov. a.—On while slater, fell from the to the ground be- FltANKLIN COUNTY. Boston hat manufactuw** London. Sunday night, spire make the day unusually quiet. Wright (Deni.) fby 7,264 votes, although the and com- and members of a distance of eighty feet. Moore and The Rentz-Santley novelty burlesque A of make liis specialties, and will u**,* Messrs. O’Kelly Kenny, neath, electors the same day received 150,000 The Phillips Phonograph says: pair were another man were slating the spire, and, Hayes Omaha, Nov. 3.—The election throughout pany, which will appear Monday at the to S. orders for hats, in Silk, Stir- Parliament, leaving Dysart’s, Scotland, theatre, valuable two year old steers, belonging single men armed while Moore was on a scaffold, the CONNECTICUT. majority. the State was quiet and only a light vote was has been and is now stronger at satisfac- O'ey were attacked by a body of standing It is estimated will give a newly organized H. Eeedy and being pastured W. Phillips, or Soft, and guarantee with the ladder hurling him Pennsylvania cast. The State officers voted for are a with “ticks, who shouted, “To hell suddenly gave way, majority between 25,000 and 35,- than ever before. It contains twenty young died from eating Paris green. tion and superior workmanship “Three cheers for the down. As he struck the scaffold, he clutched Republican judge of the supreme court and two regents Nations.' League,” Republicans Have a Working Major- 000. ladies and some excellent specialty performers. KNOX COUNTY. without extra charge. Natlonalsts who were es- the scaffold and held it tightly. It was not of the university. All the counties will elect Fenians ,rUe in the wards in the city out of 31 In of the old-fashioned “first part," the made their fastened, and it went down with him. He ity Legislature. Twenty-three a full set of county officers. place There are at the present time 7T lime kilns corting the two members escape, Quay for State treasurer 7,238 majority, a new and lively *liU* ')®en struck the curbstone with his head, gasped Hartford, Nov. 8.—Returns from fifty give Nov. 3.—The election in this company now appears in pre- in this county, as follows: 68 in Rockland, 197 MIDDLE hut not before severs? pf tl*eJR ,ln: a Democratic gain of 4154. Thirty-seven Lincoln, lude entitled “Tnc Bal Masque.” This is followed Camden STREEJ retreated twice and died. towns in Connecticut elect 37 Republican State was of no and 7 in Thomaston, 12 in and Rockport. jured. Messrs. O’Kellv and Kenny comities outside of Philadelphia give a today special importance a series of novel and the per- for the Moore, in ins had a and 30 Democratic members of the Legisla- multi- by specialties The total production of these from June 1st to the where they remained Sunday night sleep, for Quay of 14,i)00, a Repub- passed oft' very quietly, though the formance concludes with a burlesque on “The village, of his death. He told a num- a Democratic of six over last year, majority (Rep.) to Oct. 24tn was 821,708 casks. night. ture, gain lican of 7584. Forty out of 67 counties plicity of local tickets brought out a good Mikado,” which is said to be the best travesty er of his friends that it to him in when the had 71 in the gain as been made oil the OPPORTUNITY ! Politics in France. Eresentiinent appeared Republicans majority a vote. The returns will come in slowly that has yet popular opera. WALDO COUNTY. RARE on the in the in the State indicate Republican majority his sleep that he was working spire House. Cleveland, for Senator First some have five local tickets and Sale of seats Friday. on reasonable terms held a of over counties At the late term of the S. J. Court in Bel- For sal c, at a bargain and Pah is, Nov. 3.—Thirty Radicals meeting he had to several times a 30,000. An animat- all night, and get up district, is elected, Democratic gain. none less than and it is not at M. Lockeroy’s liouscjast evening. Fifty-seven out of 67 counties in this State three, probable fast thirteen divorces were granted by Judge the night to get rid of the vision. towns, including Hartford, New definite information will be ob- ed discussion took place, lastiug till midnight. during Eighty-six including Philadelphia give Quay (Rep.) for that any for October THE were absent Moore had two children, who live at Indian- and Stamford, Meteorological Report Virgin. NEWS-TIMES, Although Clemenceau and his party Britain, Norwich, Bridgeport treasurer a net tained tonight although it may be taken for the 09 Democrats to the State 28,951 majority, Repub- KENNEBEC COUNTY, daily newspaper are of a between elect 61 and that the State ticket will Liebmann of the Service a four-page, twenty-four column, there increasing signs apolis. _ Republicans while loses 7733 In Republican Sergeant Signal and decidedunity favors of 16. lican gain of 7727, Quay Beautiful new memorial windows hare with double sheet on Saturdays factions. The programme upon Legislature, a Democratic gain of e elected. In this there was much furnishes the of meteor- of colo- 11 the city; his gains in the counties outside franted city following summary been in the Central church Augusta, reform in the administration, liquidation LABOR TROUBLES. The Senate stands 13 Republicans to scratching and the count will be slow. The placed and the abolition of the concodat. Philadelphia foot up 15,460. ological observations at the Portland station and memorial services were held. THE SOUTH JERSEY TIMES, nial affairs, Democrats; House, 15Republican majority; will possibly lose their candi- Sunday a new Nov. 3.—The election to-day Republicans The windows which have been taken are for an column, weekly news to the Bills. two Independents, one Labor, with Pittsburg, date for treasurer. in the month of October: eight-page, forty-eight Mrs. Langtry Forced Pay Creat Strike of In deceased B. paper—both papers now being published in the ’Longshoremen field to hear from which last year elected was tlie quietest known here for many years. mean barometer.30.027 the following persons: Betsey case of Mrs, Langtry, Monthly town of Vineland, N. .1.-together with tbe Power London, Nov. 8.—The Galveston. Democrat. No interest seemed to be taken in the event barometer, 8th.30.380 and R. T. Patter., 1794-1826,1799-1862; Deacon in- to household one COLORADO. Highest 1 Job Office and Heal Estate. Vineland offers who lias been sued for refusing pay office at 11 o clock and half the vote was polled. Re- Lowest barometer, 30th.29.240 Peleg 1800-1879; Dr. Israel Putnam. and while with her husband, Galveston, Tex., Nov. 2.—All the ’long- Returns at the Courant scarcely Sprague, ducements as one of the most healthful pro- debts contracted living to 10 about 8000 range of barometer. 1.14i 1804-1876: Deacon Charles 1807-1881; the court the wharves from all but four towns in the State show turns up o’clock indicate Monthly Clapp, towns in the Middle Atlantc States. came up today before Brompton county shoremen along employed mean temperature. 47.6 The window in gressive The struckby the next House to be as in county for Quay Denver, Nov. 3.—A comparatively light Monthly Caleb S. Jenks, 1805-1870. address Mrs Langtry did not appear. plaintiff the railroads and cotton presses have the complexion of majority Allegheny temperature, 1st 68.6 For further particulars, to con- for State treasurer. The entire vote was polled in this (Arnpahoe) county Highest memory of the pastors of the church is by showed that Mrs. Langtry had, previous because the refused to discharge follows: Republicans, 129; Democrats, 112; (Rep.) Repub- Lowest 29.8 of .Sir Allen employers is also elected. concede the election of temperature481st...:. the main entrance and on the glass is in- tracting the debts, a check Captain who had taken the places of white Independents, 2. The missing towns will lican county' ticket today. Republicans Range. 38.7 for a sum, tha negroes the entire scribed the "Church built in THEOS. FRENCH, Young, the Arctic explorer, large strike is under the control of not the result. The town Democrat-Independent county Greatest daily range of temperature, 10th. 24.8 following: called iff her for the amount ol strikers. The materially change 1000 to when the plaintiff is tie on the ticket by majorities ranging from Least daily range of temperature, 2d. 6.8 1847. Pastors: Rev. Rav Palmer, 1835-1860; Vineland,N. J. dlw she told the that slit the of Labor and is the most exten- of Marlborough Representative. oct29 Box453, her Indebtedness, plaintiff Knights MARYLAND. :sooo. Albert for supreme court judge, Mean range of 14.0 Rev. E. 1851-1868; Rev. Aug. F. to the hill, but known here. Four great cotton Last year these towns stood: Republicans, (Rep.), dally temperature. Whittlesey, was unable just at present pay sive ever 5000 Mean dew 42.4 Rev. 1879 to a date. traffic 84. Nov. 3. elec- is probably elected by majority. daily point. Beard, 1862-1878; Wm. Hart, would endeavor to do so at later Judg- presses have shut down and freight 100; Democrats, Baltimore, (Midnight)—The Mean relative 83.9 RATE D In twelve and resulted in a daily humidity. 1884; Rev. A. F. Dunnels, 1884—” THE CELEB ment was given for the plaintiff. has been suspended. Every industry in the Senatorial elections took place tion passed off quietly direction of wind South each Democratic ticket in Prevailing city is affected and serious results will cer- additional numbered districts and sweeping victory' for the DAKOTA. Total movement of wind, (miles). 4840 IN GENERAL. Foreign Notes. mak- all in at follow. Other railroad employes are party elects six of the twelve Senators, this city. Returns are not midnight Highest velocity wind and direction, 4th.... 26 S The Maine militia rules of rifle practice lias been informed tainly and a slow of 2 The Egyptian government to strike. ing the next Senate stand 13 Republicans as the length of the ticket necessitates N umber foggy days. as marksmen this as mas- also likely require all those qualifying that the Seuar garrison, recently reported Democrats. Last it was 17 but so far as heard from not a single St. Minn., Nov. to the Number of clear days. 12 PORK has 11 year Republi- count, Paul, 3.—Specials to make 20 out of a 25, FARM northwards and beet 13 year points possible CHAPEL has Number of fair sacred, escaped cans and seven Democrats. This gives the Fusion district candidate is elected. Indica- I’ioner Press from all parts of South Dakota days. joined by three Aral) tribes. N umber of cloudy C and sharp shooters a possible 90 out of 100, to coin WASHINGTON. a working majority in both tions point to Democratic success in nearly show that the Sioux Falls constitution has days. at Raised P. Lane, Esq.. Leeds Centre, Me., The North German Gazette, Ireferrtng Republicans Number of days on which rain or snow fell. 11 200, 300 and 500 yard ranges, 5 shots each by French Jesuits ar< branches. all of the counties which a working been carried and the Republican State ticket nial missions, says that only .Insure Dates of auroras, lltli, 31st. range. Each marksmen receives a silver bar, A. will be sold German Catholic! branches of the State is elected. Sioux Falls leads so far for Formerly sold by William Taylor, forbidden In German colonies. Public Lands. majority in both Leg capi- Dates of lunar halos, 26th. and a a bar and Maltese cross. on after sharpshooter ny us and and Protestants enjoy equal rights. NEW YORK. islature. lai location. Total snowfall during the month, inappre- men will Washington, Nov. 3.—The Secretary ol It is not believed that as many ciable. iu the State this as last, the TII1JRMDAV, NOVEMBER 5th. the Interior has confirmed the action of the MISSISSIPPI. Dates of frosts. 7th, 8th, 11th, 12th, 25th, qualify year New Nov. out oi On 4 standard THE NAVY. commissioner of the land office in restoring York, 3.—Seventy-five being higher. of land in the 712 election districts give Davenporl to the public domain a tract city COMPARATIVE MEAN TEMPERATURE. Carr Hill E. F. Jonas Aboui Nov. 3.—The election to- The Reunion of Southern California at the intersection of 8389, 8535, 10,191, 10,072 A Democratic Majority of Jackson, Miss., Inches. Inches. Legislators. the districts outside of New Yorli off and the vote was un- 6c Koss Financial Report of Department the Texas Pacific and Southern Pacific rail- Ten election I day passed quietly, 1872 .47.0 1879.56.5 Mr. J. F. the first assistant messen- Morrill 5,000. The were Chase, holds that the and King’s counties, give Davenport 1871, usually light. negros, generally, 1873 .49.8 1880.50.7 for the Year Ending June 30. road grants. The Secretary Nov. 3.—Staunton am of the House of includes such Hill 970, Bascour, 153. The same districts Staunton, Va., not voting. There was no ticket in the field 1874 .50.1 1881.61.1 ger present Representatives, of Fourtl Southern Pacific grant only 158 ma 671 CONGRESS ST., Washington, Nov. 3.—Tlie report Blaine Cleveland 1118 three adjoining precincts give Lee the regular Democratic State ticket. 1875 .48.2 1882.64.3 is a medal for the ex-members of June 3( lands as were not covered by other grants. last year gave 2157, except perfecting Auditor Shelley for the fiscal year ended a of 43. In where local dissatisfactions 1876 .46.9 1883.48.2 ST. d3t o St. John 52. jority, Republican gain few counties the and executive branch of the no2 STATE SQUARE. last shows the total on account 1884.50.6 Legislature expenditures One hundred election districts give Nov. 3.—Winchestei existed the vote is divided and a few Inde- 1877 .49.7 the to have been $17,164,000, and also tha city Winchester, Va., 1885.47.6 State at the coming reunion. navy SMALL POX. Carr a Democratn be elected to the 1878 .54.1 government, there was $233,708 in excess of the ap Davenport 11,128, 11,180, Hill 14,143 gives Lee 15 majority, being pendents may legislature expended las COMPARATIVE PRECIPITATIONS. It consists of a shield made of white metal, propriations. There was an unexpended balanc< Jones 13,680. gain of 08 over the presidential vote of and to county offices. Tablei Indies of $382,723 on certain appropriations, N. Nov. 3 —a circular has beci One hundred and twenty-five city districts year. Inches. I nickel plated and about the sire of a silver ASHTON’S in for Concord, H., of 1 are given, showing the course exchange of tlieUnited State: Carr 1872 .35.6 1879.1.43 dollar. On one side will be the coat of anus bil sent to the saHitary inspectors give Davenport 13,736, 13,836,|Hill 18,G3< Nov. 3.—The Republi INDIES. with the gain or loss upon every service at St. Kouse’i Petersburg, Va., WEST 1873 .6.16 1880.4.21 and on the left eign ports, murine hospital Albans, Jones 18,170, cans the 60 A des of the State inscribed: sold abroad. The amount of exchange was $1: Kichford and Island in carry city by majority. 1874 .1.23 1881.2.90 of Point. Newport, Pond, i; "William King, Governor, 1820;” on the on which there was a net 1088 $14 districts to Gen. Mahone says Sussex county 1875 .3.53 1882.2.90 798,779, structlng them to detain all Montreal baggage fo: Brooklyn,!Nov. 3.—Ninety-one patcli In a loss of m th« Internal Troubles Causing Anxiety 1876 .1.57 1883.3.61 right, "Frederick Robie, Governor, 1886.” Salt. (»48, as compared with $28,217 disinfection, and vaccinate all persons from tlia give Hill 19,947, Davenport 14,457, Jones 19, solid for the Republicans. that .5.66 1884.2.21 the coat of arms is to be the year. The Auditor suggests " ho mil to certificates from Carr Haytl. 1877 Surmounting Factory-Filled previous m ^ city possess physician: 795, 14,377. Alexandria, Va., Nov. 3.—Alexandra 1885.4.32 fiscal .4.48 and on reverse amount of bonds given by the agents to the No person will be per 1 1878 j inscription ^Prosperity,” the The amoui]hoj known inspectors. New York, Nov. 3.—Two hundred au( gives Lee 604 Massey run London, Nov. 3.—Internal troubles in DAIRY USE. don be the limit of advances made. mitted to leave the places designated without cer city majority. side of the medal, “A memento of the first UNEQUALLED the u a districts behind the ticket 34 votes. The Democrat 1 have caused the British and French _FOR to the navy pensioners dJirlng >eai tificates from the United States inspector. It i: thirty-six give Davenport 23,900 Hayti The Controversy Between Teemer reunion of the of held at paid for arrear Stuart, for tin 1 to Legislature Mainer SEND FOR CIRCULARS. 8743,000, of which $1061 was paid believed this order will prove sufficiently strin Carr 24,214, Hill 39,172, Jones 38,336. carry every ward in the city. representatives in that country telegraph 1886.” is left for and March 4, 1879 and i < and Hanlan. Augusta, January, Space under Acts of January 25 to make tlic on the border effect One hundred and city district House of Delegates, lias 561 majority their respective governments to sent men-oi- of has beei gent quarantine ninety-five the insertion of the name of the legislator Prize money to the amount *140.1o» ual. give Davenport 19,284, Carr 19,554, Hill 32,930 elected. war there at once to protect the foreign resi- In regard to the Associated Press dispatches distributed to 2007 claimants, and general claim who possesses the memento, and the Legisla- 11 Jones 32,050. Nov. 3.—The election ii dents. from Toronto stating that Hanlan had published he was a to tlie amount of .*552,078 have been adjusted Richmond, Va., _ ture of which member. A ribbon been e> in a Trunk election districts outside o Lieutenant Gov PATRICK & favor of 2300 persons; 045 claims have Another Body Travelling Thirty-six this State is for Governor, Teemer’s correspondence In which the latter offer and eagle bar will complete the medal, the GONANT, CO, of th New York and Daven of aiuined and The correspondence Sturgis. Mich.. Nov. 3.—A discovery whs mad King’s county give ernor, Attorney General, House Repre GENERAL NEWS. ed to sell out in the recent race, who was ribbon in three for the rejected. an 1; 6300. las Teemer, being colors,—red letters received, briefed on a and Indian railroad trail: port 8323, Hill The same districts Half of the Senate. I hi AGENTS, year shows 27,408 here Grand Rapids sentatives and one at “I wrote the executive ex-officers; white for ex-Senators; letters were uTlttei wit] Blaine 1 found McKeesport Monday, says: registered, and that 25,637 ; yesterday, which is believed to be connected year gave 9288, Cleveland 6935. Senators to be elected will replace sevei and blue for > 1 There is a nail throughout the west for the reason that llanlan would not row ex-Representatives. 229 COMMERCIAL ST., The Auditor recommends that nioney expeude ; another murder mystery. Shortly before the tral: Two hundred and fifty-six city district Republicans and 14 Democrats. panic letters be uP°b sick on account of the nailers’ strike. Nails are PORTLAND^ME under contracts shall only paid : reached here, the baggagemaster detected a give Davenport 25,861, Carr 26,120, Hill 42, to 7.30 in. fron , me unless I gave a guarantee that he should beat the accounting officer, i n the forwar ; Returns received up p. A Reunion. stated and allowed by cuing odor issuing from a trunk in 987, Jones 42,064. difficult to obtain at $3.25 per keg. When Teemer had been Family to the li me | about 40 voting including votini me.” making negotia. also suggests legislation protect part of the ear. With the assistance of train : precincts, a St. was had at the home report se. districts outside of New Yori counties I Mrs. Michael the wife of that oarsman A very pleasant time interests of the unknown heirs of deceased he at once forced up the lid of the trunk, an | Sixty-nine places In several of the doubtful Gallagher, tious w ith Hanlan made the require- of cieditoi and King’s counties 14,816 ■ 1500. Louis became the mother Mon- street In men and marines against the claims found within the of a man in an advance: I give Davenport show a net Democratic gain of about policeman, ments so that Teemer almost the of Wm. J. Bradford on Common body The of all The Imperative gave who as administrators endeavor to obtain stage of decomposition. No efforts were made t > Hill 11,879. same districts last yea re day night quadruplets, girls. and It HEADACHEI P^sseof 11 1 Alexandria, Va., Nov. 3.—Reports match up for hopeless, and when he Saco Saturday afternoon Sunday. SICK sion of all that be due to tlie estate the cause of the man’s deatl Blaine mother and the are well. proposed may ascertain gave 16,968, Cleveland 13,021. children doing lu probable celved at Democratic here indi reunion of the diseased. An amendment of section 308U. was to Grand its orig Three hundred and dis headquarters came home he was still Impressed with was the occasion of a family it taken through Rapids, twenty-four city members o E John a negro jockey who shot and greatly vised Statutes, is advised, tliat officers of tlie nay that th ; 1 cate the election of Democratic Bunch, of relatives in relieve Di& ; mil destination, The baggageman says tricts give Davenport 33,482, Carr 33,960, llil killed James the driver of Riehball, al the fact that Hanlan was stubborn in hls determ! Adams family. About a score They also and marine be reimbursed for lo»se was transferred car at 1 the in Fairfax, Culpeppei ltiley, corps may trunk tolijs Fort Wayn Legislature not whom were Alfred tress from Dyspepsia, or wifi 56,310. Jones 55,344. Homewood Park, Pa., last July, was yester- nation and would row him unless some suet all were present, among of dlotliing, etc., on ships sunk destroyed, from a Wabasii train. Orange, Norfolk and Portsmouth. Winches and their I n d e Btion and Too Sixty-nine outside districts give Daven convicted of murder in the sec. Woodman and wife of Portland, ig out having to await an appropriation. ter gives a of 10, th ) day morning guarantee was given him, After the match wa: Eating. Aper Hill 11.879. The same district Democratic majority who is connected with the Casco Hearty port 14,816, time in The indication ond degree. made Teemer said Hanlan went to Koss son Frank, feet remedy for Diszi- first many years. Wallaco Adams and wife Falmouth Portland. last year gave Blaine 16,968, Cleveland 13,021 I who was Bank, John |of Portland, Nausea, DrowBl- Hotel, are that Lee’s majority will largely cxeeei Both bases of the Andre monument al training Teemer, several times to havt from 1J him and a number of people Biddeford and Bad Taste in th< in the Late Storm. To meet the demand of the times transien t Brooklyn, Nov. 3.—Two hundred am that of Cleveland in the State. N. Y., was hlown a persuade Teenier to lose the race ami lei Damaged Tappau, up by dynamite Hanlan win Saco. It lias not been the custom for this Coated Tongue, five districts in Hill 43.5(8 last was broken in it. h, Provincetown, Mass.. Nov. 3.—Arrived ti have been at Brooklyn give Washington'. i cartridge night. Glass Hi hold reunions for a number of io the Side, &c. rates graded #2.00, $2,50, $3.0< Jones Carr N6v. 3.—Special despatche Mr. Volk, Teemer’s hacker, was seen later. family to 0 schooner Louis and Rosie of Portlam j' ; Pavejiport 34,342, 43,098, 33,988. to the count ; windows of houses a mile was the Bow- day, fishing and ap * Post from the Democratic away. said he knew nothing of the correspondence years, and the affair a total surprise to regulate She was in collision with schooner Isao e $3.50 $4.00 per day according to size an 5 l reports New York, Nov. 3.—Four hundred chairmen in 16 out of the 113 towns and citie The woman deserted at the hotel in Ports Teenier had written to Haulan without ins know Mr. and Mrs. Bradford. But notwithstand- 6 “revent Constt| six miles off Cod losm rooms. |1 Somers, Cape yesterday, location of Guests will please spec six city districts give Davenport 43,391, Hi of of mor 3 N. is the ol edge, He was of the that a certain clique entertained She will Also arrive H Virginia show Democratic gains mouth, II., Monday, daughter opinion ing this fact they their friends In inainboom. repair itere. l Carr Jones wanted to run Teemer and that it was a scheme came d fy upon registering grade of rooms they wis 07,945, 43,835, 66,84). than 2,000 over the presidential vote. Nathaniel F. Mace of Haverhill. Mass. Her fine In the future these occurrences today, schooner Ann Eliza, bad foresail One to lleeee him. llanlan never him to style. oft C. J wit hundred and one outside districts giv i friends will take care of her. Em approached celebrated awav yesterday Cape; Cod. Schooner to occupy. Hotel furnished throughout I Petersburg, Va., Nov. 3.—A despatc probably buy the race and to the best ot hls knowledge he will be annually.—[Biddelonl main Co j- Davenport 22,040, Hill 17,301. Last yea known in Haverhill. Ponford, carried away boom off Cape to Republican headquarters from Lyncl erson is well never approached Teemer. Journal. yesterday. She yvlll repair here, black walnut and carpeted with brussels. they gave Blaine 24,899, Cleveland 19,313. financial. AMUSEMENTS. CURRENT COMMENT. keeps the “points,” off comes the lid, out El'BNITVBE. _MWCEHAMEOPg' _ "tI-IK PRESS. comes the ivory point; in a moment a tiny drop of blood appears on the surface of the A masks; for ocb manufacture*. G ECO skin, the vaccine is moistened by the breath, WOODBURY & MOULTON, STO C K B rVd URSL WEDNESDAY MORNING, NOV. 4. Ban Francisco Bulletin. the matter rubbed off the lacerated upon 5th As a wheat-exporting country the United part and the job is done. and 6th Entertainment, States culminated. has probably Hence- Having finished with the passengers in the -Mis —AT— Wc do not read anonymous letters and comniun- ROOM! forth the of manufactures will cause the next filled en- MORE growth car, car, almost cations. Tlie name and address of the writer are smoking the home market to more than keep pace tirely with ladies, is visited by the Doc- BANKERS In all eases indispensable, not necessarily for pul>- with the aud a market must be found tor. Here ! CITY HALL, the American supply, those Watches begins fun; lication but as a guarantee of good faitli. for the products of our factories and machine tight-fitting sleeves cannot be pulled up; Cor. Middle and Exchange Street. Wc cannot undertake to return or preserve shops. There is none more promising than and mayhap the certificate lias been left at Our Business Demands It! Wednesday Afternoon and Evening, communications that are not used. this undeveloped, but growing agricultural home; yes, it has, honor bound, and only South American was Nov. 4tli„ State (the Argentine Re- two weeks ago, the ladv declares, she TIE public.) vaccinated by Dr. B. of 'Montreal. She will UK, JEWELLER, Choice Securities, suitable for Savings Demand It! Virginia joins the Solid South. TEXAS Our Customers by the Original Archduke Joseph’s AND WHISKEY. send and have that doctor send a certificate Has the and best selected stock of Watches in Solid Gold, Ladd, and Trust to the that won’t largest Banks Funds, constantly went Fort Worth, Tex., Gazette. examining physician. No, Filled and ever shown in this Perhaps tlie Mugwumps fishing. and the law must be with. A Boss, and Crown Silver Cases, City. on hand. Thera ara not above 2000 saloons in Texas do, complied at the sleeve, anoth- sell Watches lower than other dealer in Hrst-class Jan. not well this morn- where is sold at and we have tug tightly fitting jersey I will yon any ___eodtf Our are feeling whiskey retail, er the arm is bared a determined pull, and line of in Solid Cases from Hungarian of or more. Here it A beautiful Ladies’ Watches Gold Must ing. population 2,250,000 nearly to the elbow. “That will do,” says goods. AodOur ShippersSayThey requires 1125 persons to a saloon. Over to select where support the Doctor. Out comes the little knife and $20.00 to $75.00. 200 Watches from. Come T B. BROWN & SONS, to command success in One hundred persons in consume as Evidently tlie way Chicago and seconds later the Doctor as suit Watches much as 1100 in Texas. With one- point, thirty you can see the largest stock, I can surely you. sold New' Tork is not to deserve it. whiskey passes on, while the lady sinks back in her fourth our population, the of Illi- on installments. GYPSEY BAND metropolis seat with defiance flashing from her eye, and nois sustains three times as 13 in National Costume from did We wish we many drinking without doubt, that she Gypsies Hungary, Massachusetts nobly. If the inwardly vowing, the celebrated Fa- places as the entire State of Texas. man if BANKERS, assisted by Gypsey Violinist. will even with that horrid she the same of New York. get ALL OF US. renz II inn €\ Du Header. could say same of saloons to population ex- will. AND SO SAY WE Garay, Lyiiia ulap, proportion lives enough, that she Yauos Director. Matinee at isted in this State as in we would long Prouny, 2.30, Chicago, “I would not lie to you, indeed I would not No. 218 Middle Street. at 8. tickets 60 Matinee, It looks as if Hill was altogether more have places, instead of McKENNEYTthe Jeweller, Evening Evening cts.; 22,500 drinking said a pretty, brown-eyed damsel. “I 26 cts. Now on sale at Stockbiidge’s Music Store. 2000. sir,” and Continental popular with the New York Democrats than have been vaccinated,” and the eyes become Sterling Exchange Half fare on M. 0. R. R. Tickets good on any OF THE TARIFF. COMMENCING BUSINESS or Cleveland. ETniCS moistened and the cheeks quiver as with 547 CONGRESS SIGN OF SIDEWALK CLOCK. bought and Mold at wood favorable rntea. train during the day evening.nov2d3t Newark Advertiser. ST., suppressed emotion. But the old doctor is octl9