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TRADES DIRECTORY.] BUCKINGH Al\:1S HIRE. FAR 255 Hedges .rsph. Stewkley,Leightn.Bzzrd Horwood Rich. Edwd. Drmion, Tring Keene Charles Daniels, Hambleden, Bedges W.jun. Stewkly.':Lghtn.Iluzzard Hoskins John Arthur, Galley lane, Gt. Henley-on-Thames Hedges Wm. Gt. Linford,Nwprt.Pgnll Brickhill, Bletchley Station Keinch Thomas Bishop, Cnddington, Hedf:\'es Wm. Hillesden, Buckingham Howes Henry, Weston lJnderwood, Aylesbury & Bishopstone, Aylesbury Badges Wm. Littlecote, 'Winslow Newport Pagnell Kibble Edwin, :K'ol'th Ma'l'ston,WillSlw Heley Andrew, Ivinghoe, 'fring Hows William, Gheddington, Tring Kibble Edwin, Swanbourne, Winslow Heley Arthur Somes, jun. Burcot, Howson ""ltI'. Wa-rrington, Olney S.O Kibble George, Quainton, Aylesbury l..eighton Bm:zard Hubbard R. J. Akeley, Buckint;ham Kibble Thomas, Stewkley Dean, Ste"'k- Heley G. Stewkley, Leightn.Buzzard Hughes A. Barton Hartshorn,Bcknghm ley, Leighton Buzza.rd 1Il:'nley Thomas, Newton LongviIle, Hughes John Beecham, Hogshaw-cllm- Kibble Wm. Swanbourne, ",,~inslow Bletchley Station Fulbrook, Winslow Kidston F .M.Steeple Glaydon,Winslow lIens1nan'l'hos. G. Foxcott,Bucknghm Hughes Joseph, Hardwick, ~\ylesbury Kilby John, Marsh Gibbon, BicestiIT Hensman '1'homas George, Milton Hughes W. We. \Yycombe, H.Wycmbe Kilpin George, Stoke Goldington, Keynes, Newport Pagnell Humphreys Mrs. T. Brill, Thame Newport Pag'nell lIerrin~ Harry, Grendon, 'Under- Humphrey~ \Yilliam Geo. Owlswick, Kimber G. Hughenden, High Wycmb wood, Aylesbury Monks Risborough, Trin~ Kimble l'\atbnn, Gt.HdI'wood,WinslO1V Herring Henry, Rowsham, Aylesbury Hunt B. Lakes la. :Kewport Pagnell Kimble Nathan, Singleborough,Wmllw Herring John, Marsh Gibbon, Bicester Hunt James, Radna~e, Tetsworth Kinch G.Buoksbridge,Wendover, Tring Herring T. Grendon,Underwd.Aylsbry Hmit T. Common, Rudnage,Tetsworth Kinch Richard, Charndon, Bicestel' Biggins Hugh, jun. Stoke Goldingtoll' Hurst Abrahm. l'\earton End, 'Winslow King Geo. Naphill, High Wycombe Newport Pagnell Hurst 1. LilIingstone Dayrell,Bcknghm King George, ~a"Sh, Stony Stratford Higgs W. & Son, Willow I'd. Aylesbury Hurst Thos. Singleborough, Winslow King Henry, Chetwode, Iluckin~ham Hill Alfred, Ilmire, Tring Hurst W. Leckhampsted, Buckinghom King Henry, Marsh Gibbon, Bicester "Hill Edward, Quainton, Aylesbury Burst: Wm. T. Leckhamsted,Bcknghro King Henry, The Limes, v\7avendon, Hill Mrs. Elizabeth, Prospect house, Hutchings G. Hanslop, Stony Stratfrd Bletchley Station The Common, Amersham Hutt John, Iokford, Thume King John, Bierton, Aylesbury Hill George, Dinton, Aylesbury Hutt Joseph, Horton, Slough King O. Whaddon, Bletchley Station Hill J. Scrub wood, Ellesboro', Tring ruing Edwd. Little Horwood, 'Winslow King Reuben, Halmer Grn.Arrrel'-sham HIll John, :Bierton, Aylesbury llling John, Lit. IIorwood, Winslow King Richd. Gawcott, Buckingham lIill 'Rowland, Chadwell hill, Monk!! IlIing .John, jun. Spring grove, King Stephen, Meadle, Tring .Risborough, Tring Mur~ley, ·Winslow King Theodore,Xash, ,Stony Stratford H~lsdon W. Water Stratford,BcknghI1l Itlg T. Dove ho. Hllddenham, Thllme King 'rhos. Padbury, 'Buckingham B~ne James, :B.eaconsfie~d R. S. 0 Ing-ram Gearge "\-YiIliatn, Steeple Clay- Kin~ Thomas, 'Shenley :Brook end, H~ne Jas. !3~ermgton, 1'ewport Pagnll don, Winslow Bletchley Station Hmson. Wlllmm, Eakeley lanes, Stoke Inns Thomas (exdrs. of), Emberton, King W.Hol~well, ~a.sh,Stony ~trffrd ,Goldmgton, Newport Pagnell Petsae lod~e, Emberton, Newport King W. J. Little 'HOl'wood, Winslow H~nton Robert;, Long Crendon, T.hame Pagnell &; Longhton, Bletehley Stntn King Mrs. ·Wm. Denham, -cxbrid~e H~nton Wm. Salden, Mursley,~.~nslow Inns William, 'petsoe manor, :£mber- Kingham G-eorge, nmire, Tring H~nton W. H. East <?laydon, v"\Inslow ton, :Kewport PagnelI Kingham James, Longwick, Princes Hlfons Mrs. ~atherme & Son, East Ireland C. Water StratfMd, Iluckng'hm Risborou~h S.O H·~~rdo~, \~~flOW H 'Water Ireland J. Water Stratford,Bcknghm Kinghatn .rohn, Weedon• .Aylesbury ~~ tCOC Bl t ~llamSt. t'enry, Ives Frederick, J'lIl'udle, ll'ring Kingham T.Spring hl.Dinton,Aylsbry a o~~ eAc SelY haSl~n d t T' .Tames George Ttlbb, Great Hamp- Kingham WilIiam, Ford, Aylesbury Boare _urs. oug, aUn l' n. rmg d .. I K' G St k Tl ..... S 0 Hobbs James, Flint hall, Hambleden, en, ftmers lam. }ngross eor~,. 0 -e 1og'es A: . Henle -on-Thames .Tanes Boilz, Speen, Trmg" . Kmross John, Rldm~ Court ho, Kmg's- Hobb" John Hawridge court, Haw- .TImes J.C.Sympson,Bletchley StatIOn mead & Ditton Park farms, DatchBt. ri~e, Berkhamstead .Tanes T.homas, Weedo.n, -Aylesbury Windsor Hobbs M. Thornton, Stony Stratford .Tanes 1\.: ~oul~ury,LNghton 1JJlztard K~rby James, Oakley, Thame B:obbs Waiter Lane End High .Tane~ ~ lIhs, 1'orthall, Dunstable Kuby Thomas, OakIey, 'rhame Wycombe ' , .TarV'lS .Alfred, Hyde henth, Great Kirby William, 'Wheeler end, vres~ iIobbs W:illiam Amersham Missenden R.S.O Wycombe, High lYycombe Hodges &eorge, Briar hill, Steeple Jarvrs William,. Xewton Long-"llIe, Kir~land J. Arn~rov~, Boarstall, Bt'ill Clavdon Winslow Blptchley StatIOn Kmght W.Gt.BrlCkhIlI, Bletchlev Stn Bodges H~rry, Twyford, Iluckinghum Jefferson :Mrs.Eliza, "Sherington, 1\e",- Lacey D. Loudwater, l;Iigh. Wy~ombe H~ Pagne~ G.!~wknor-?~-Hill,Hlg'h)\ George. :Kashl Stony Stratford port Lacey ycmb Holden W. E. North Marston, Winslow .Tpffs John, :Blerton, Aylesbury Lacey vVllham, Fmmgs, Bolter -end, Holdom John, Swanbourne, ·Winslow .Tellis Charles, Pitstone, Tring Lane End, High Wycombe Holloway Mrs. Elizabeth, Soulbury, Jessop Stephen, Chilton. Thame Lambert T. Nth. -Crawley,Nwprt.Penll Leighton Buzzard Jessop ':Mrs. WiIliam, ThornIer hall, Lamborn R. Ludgershall, Aylesbury Holmes -e. Lavendon, Kewprt. Pagnell WorminghalI, Thame Lambourn Mrs. E.Biddlesden,Brackley Holt John &:, Thomas, Tetchwick, .Tohnson Alfred, Stoke 'Poges R.S.O Landou Henry, Aylesbury Lndg-ershall, Aylesbury Johnsoh G.Lavendon,~ewport Pagnel1 Lane F. J. Ashley gm. Be:rkhatngteud -Holt C. Ilarton Hartshorn,Buckinghm Johnson H. Lavendon,'Kewport Pag-nell Lane F. Q. Ashley gtn. Berkhatnstmld Holt Mrs. E. GrendonUnderwot>d, .Tohnson H.V.Lavendon,Newport Pgnl Langridge J. Eton Wick, Wind.sor Holt 1\11'3. Elizabeth, Grend<lll Under- .Tones T. & H. Edgeott, Aylesbury Lang-ston Jas. Gerrard's Gross R.S.O wood, Aylesbury .Tones David, Marsh Gibbon, Ilicester Lan~ston Thotna·s, Long Down, Great Holt :Mrs. James, Grendon Underwood, Jones J.Chilton grnds.Chilton, Tharoe Kimble, erring Aylesbnry Tones Josiah, Ludgershall, Aylesbury Larkin Frederick, Penn, Atnersham Holt Richard, Ohetwode, Buckingham .Tones Silvanus,- Horn street, Winslow Lamer-John, Stakenohur-eh, TElts,,"orth -Holt Richnrd, Whitchureh, Avlesbury Jones Stephen 1". Adstock, Winslow Llltham T. W. Shabbin'l'ton, Thltme Holt Richd. Head, Edgcott.. AylesbuI)l Jordan Geo. 'Wendayer Dean, trring Latner J. BelIin~don, Cht!Sham tR.S.O Holt T. Barton Hartshorn,Buckinghm Jordan W. X.Crawler, ~ewport Pgnl Law J. F. S. Gawcott, 'Bucldnghatn Holt rr. W. Grendon Underwd.Aylsbry Judd Isaac, Manor ho. Thornborough, 'Law WilIiam, Filgrov-e, Tyringham, Holton J. LUdgershalI, Aylesbury Buckingha~ Newport Pagnell Holton W. Lilli~stonll Lovll.Bck~hm Judge Geo. Marsh Gibbon, Ilicester Lee A. Harlimead, Newport PBgneIl Bolton Wm. Chetwode, Buckingham Judge J. "Seer grn. BeaconsfieldR.S.O Lee Alfd. Whaddon, Bletchley Station Honour 'Aubl'ey, Orrkley, Thame Judge W:illiam, Lee common, Wend- Le-e T. Htlghenden, High Wycombe Honour James, Beaconsfield R.S.O over, Tring Lepper Alfr~d, Cowh>-y, Bnckinglntm Hooten John, Shenley Brook End~ Keedle Thos. St. Leonards, Tring Lepper Alfd. HilIesden, Buckingham Jlletchley Station Kl:"'en Mrs. Eliza, Littlecote, Leighton Lepper Chas. Hillesd-en, Buckingham Born CHarles, Pitstone, Tring Buzzard LesIie G.Gt. Kingshill, High Wyctnbe Hflrn G. !)agnaIl, Gt. Bl'I'kham!'tead Keen Jmrres, The Clack, Stewkley, !.ester Ant. Middle -Claytlon, Winslow Bornby Benj. Ut. Mis~enden R.S.O Leighton Buzzard Lester F. W. Botolph Claydon, Winslw Home E. HoIlingdon, LeiglltonBuzzrd1 Keen In. Stewkley, Leighton Buzzard Lester L. Shipton Lee, Aylesbnry Horton Mrs. E. (aors. of), Dagnall, Keen Joseph, Aston Clinton, Tring Lllster O. Stoople Glaytlon, Winslow Great Berkhamstead Keen Richd. Stewkley,Leighton Buzzrd Lester T. G. Middle Glaydon, Winslow Horwood Mrs. E. Aston Clinton,Tring Keen Rolrert;, Chilton, Thame Lever William, Hitchatn, Maidenhe9d Hnrwood G. J. Brouehton, Aylesbury Keen Mrs. Stephen, Bledlaw Ridge. Lever W.Sheepcote,Woobum Gm.S.O Horwood John H. R. Dranon, Tring Princes Risborongh "S.O Line J"oseph, G1'OOt HOl'Wood,Winsiow Horwood Thomas, IHI'l'llow Ridge, Keene Alfrell, 'Rockwell end, Hatnble- Lines H. J.Wotton Unde"rwood.Aylslfry Princes Risbo1'o~gh '8)0 den, 'Henley-on-Thames Lines Ml's. M. HilIesden, Buckingham.