Inside: Connected highways p40 Global Engineering Congress p72 New OCTOBER 2018

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his is an industry on the cusp of a technological rev- of the supply chain. Now, obviously, Crossrail is in the news this month. olution. Civils 4.0, as we have coined it in this issue, There are complex reasons behind the one year delay, as we report this focused around examining the extent to which we, as month (see p16). There are clearly questions to be answered around T an industry, are embracing technology and innovation. governance and the grilling its bosses have received from the London Now, this year has been an odd year for innovation. Assembly’s transport committee will only be the start. That it could Two of my leader articles this year have already talked about it, and have got to within six months of opening before, first, a £500M price both have been in relation to terrible bridge collapses. increase was announced and, now, a one year delay called, will be ex- The first was in May, after the Florida International University Bridge, amined in detail in the months and years to come by many a committee when six people were killed when the under- bridge and report. collapsed onto a live highway. This was a bridge where the university was pioneering its own Accel- erated Bridge Construction methodology and was also sold as the first What we must not lose sight of bridge in the world to be built using self-cleaning concrete. is what Crossrail has done for The second was the more recent and even more tragic collapse of the Polcevera viaduct in Genoa. Clearly it was a structure that should fostering innovation never, ever have collapsed. Anywhere in the world. And certainly not in a western European country such as Italy. It is a genuine tragedy, and massive lessons must be learned for sure. As with Florida and Genoa important lessons will have to be learned, Arguably one of the tragedies is that the bridge’s designer, Riccardo particularly with regard to systems integration. Morandi, was widely held as a genuine innovator and that his bridge But what we must not lose sight of is what Crossrail has done for fos- was a miracle in its day. That it got to the state it was in when it col- “tering innovation. Its Innovation Forum, which has now morphed into lapsed says more about what has happened since. i3P, has provided a £500,000 cash injection, match-funded by the tier Both collapses speak volumes about the support, both in design and one supply chain to make a total of £1M invested. delivery and then later, in operations and maintenance, that is needed Ideas that received funding ranged from practical aids, such as an to encourage innovation. Innovation is, by definition, doing the untried; augmented reality app to aid tunnelling and an initiative to reduce the the untested. Doing it is an inherently risky business and needs good risk of hand injuries, through to technology-led innovations such as support networks. lightweight concrete. But we need to do it. The art and the beauty of is to We now need the next mega-projects – Tideway, yes, but more innovate and to evolve. It is also what the government is demanding, as importantly High Speed 2 – to take up the mantle. Deliver well, while still we attempt to boost productivity in our sector. innovating. That is really the message. So who is helping us do it? And let’s not get too down on Crossrail – one year late and £500M This issue is published on the eve of New Civil Engineer’s annual over budget on a 10 year project that is genuinely attempting a world Festival of Innovation & Technology, which has been hugely support- first in signalling is not a disaster. Google Berlin Brandenberg Airport if ed by the Knowledge Transfer Network and its innovation platform i3P, you don’t believe me. This in turn was spun out of Crossrail’s efforts to draw innovation out l Mark Hansford is New Civil Engineer’s editor


03 Comment, 35 World View Report: Analysis & News CIvils 4.0

06 Lighthouse: Don’t miss out on the digital revolution

08 The Edit: HS2 phase 2 bill delayed

14 Analysis: Bridge maintenance sector faces challenges

15 Analysis: Is it worth dropping EU standards, post-Brexit?

20 The Interview: Landsec’s Beth West

22 ICE governance review

24 Your View: Polcevera lessons; Crossrail delays; sea level rise

16 Special Report: Crossrail Delay

Modern technology is set to drive a step change in construction productivity as more and more projects adopt drones, sensors and the Internet of Things. This report looks at new innovations, focusing on those being showcased in the NCE Accelerator and Techfest

36 Overview: How technological 44 The NCE Accelerator is a platform advances will boost construction for innovative SMEs productivity 50 Five highlights at the TechFest 16 In depth report on the reasons for 40 Costain is pioneering show in London the decision to delay Crossrail’s communications between vehicles 54 Debate: Post project value opening by 12 months and roads on the A2/M2 in Kent

4 NEW CIVIL ENGINEER OCTOBER 2018 New Civil Engineer Get news delivered daily Weekly Wrap and analysis delivered weekly with our newsletters. Sign-up at

28 Business 62 Tech Culture Excellence EDITORIAL TEAM EDITORIAL ENQUIRIES Email: [email protected]

Editor Mark Hansford (020) 3953 2821 mark.hansford

Deputy Editor Alexandra Wynne (020) 3953 2822 alexandra.wynne

Contributing Editor Jackie Whitelaw [email protected]

Associate Editor Emily Ashwell (020) 3953 2094 emily.ashwell

28 Sweco is helping a Scottish road 62 Engineers have developed a new News Editor network cut its carbon emissions wastewater treatment process to help Rob Horgan companies cut treatment costs and (020) 3953 2087 rob.horgan 30 SME profi le: Breheny reduce energy consumption Technical Reporter Katherine Smale (020) 3953 2044 katherine.smale

72 Global 77 ICE Chief Sub Editor Andy Bolton Congress Record (020) 3953 2823 | andy.bolton

Designer James McCarthy [email protected]

Graphic Artist Anthea Carter [email protected]

Technical Editor Emeritus Dave Parker dave.parker

CUSTOMER SERVICES [email protected]

72 Engineers are gathering to discuss 77 People’s Choice Award polling how they can help the world meet the gets underway; Review follows UN sustainable development goals Special General Meeting on ballot

OCTOBER 2018 NEW CIVIL ENGINEER 5 Lighthouse ICE VIEWPOINT Don’t miss out on the digital revolution

he pace of and digital twins. technological change The technological revolution The reality in recent years has can take unexpected directions of this T been enough to make but is moving at incredible pace. heads spin. Civil engineers, along with all other newest technological Twenty years ago it would have professions, need to be equipped to been inconceivable that one of the handle that change and make sure revolution is main forms of global communication that it creates positive outcomes. would be the offshoots of Friends BY ART WE This is why investigating the that it is happening Reunited and MySpace. But social MASTER progress and developments in “everywhere media – as we now know it – is used WHAT WOULD technology and particularly intelligent by governments, media outlets MASTER US assets is so important. In 2017, professionals to explore how and charities alike. These social the ICE’s asset management group artificial intelligence can enhance platforms have even changed the published a guidance paper on existing infrastructure. way we think about our politicians intelligent assets in which Sir John On September 25, ICE will host the and the world around us. Armitt said that infrastructure sensing Shaping a Digital World Conference It is not just communications is becoming simpler, cheaper, and bringing together asset owners, where the productive and often more versatile. Data can now be consultants, contractors, academics disruptive power of new digital readily collected, analysed in real and technology providers to technology is being felt. British time and compared across assets, debate the challenges associated companies are creating robotic companies and countries. with the digital transformation of surgical tools while autonomous We are rapidly moving toward a infrastructure. vehicles have gone from the realms world in which rail networks will The benefits of technology and of science fiction to the testing detect their own degradation, and intelligent assets are boundless. It tracks in no time at all. tunnels will record conditions, is important to make sure that we Civil engineers have not been communicate with trains and advise understand how they will affect left behind, integrating new on maintenance. work process, asset management digital technology into their This year, the President’s theme and most importantly, the lives of everyday lives through tools such engages directly with the important the millions of people who use the as building information modelling developments in technology and the infrastructure that is created by implications they have for improving embracing these new technologies. the lives of millions around the world. At times it can feel intimidating The And the ICE is doing all it can to think about the pace of change to keep abreast of the latest and it can often feel like progress technological developments. The Institution is happening somewhere else or has been undertaking a series of to someone else. However, the revolution can take workshops assessing the readiness reality of this newest technological of the infrastructure sector for revolution is that it is happening unexpected directions artificial intelligence. Most recently, everywhere, to everyone, and it is in conjunction with the Alan Turing happening now. but is moving at Institute, it brought together data l Send comments on the “incredible pace scientists and built environment Lighthouse to [email protected]



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CONNECT TO BETTER MORE NEWS HIGH SPEED 2 HIGH SPEED 2PHASE Sign up for TWO BILL FACES 12 The Edit New Civil MONTH DELAY AMID ESSENTIAL NEWS & INFORMATION Engineer’s SCOPE REVIEW FROM NEWCIVILENGINEER.COM Breaking, Daily and Legislation to build High Speed 2 (HS2) is set to be delayed by a year. Weekly news The Department for Transport (DfT) alerts at has confirmed the enabling bill for newcivil Phase 2b between Manchester and Leeds will now be tabled in 2020. The DfT confirmed that the bill was being paused to take account of Northern Powerhouse Rail linking Liverpool, Manchester, Leeds, Sheffield and Newcastle. A DfT spokesperson said: “In order to maximise the huge potential of HS2, it is important to make sure it takes full account of the emerging vision for the other transformative project of Northern Powerhouse Rail. Meanwhile, HS2 Ltd phase two managing director Paul Griffiths is stepping down to lead the programme management team on the £25bn Metrolink job in Toronto, Canada.

STRUCTURES HS2 Ltd due to announce KEY STATS JUDGE DISMAYED AFTER COLLAPSED winners of London station £1.65bn FLORIDA BRIDGE contracts in the autumn Value of RODS DESTROYED Euston Materials from the site of the High Speed HIGH SPEED 2 contracts last year. Industry insiders collapsed Florida International Two joint ventures (JVs) are in the have always claimed that Costain/ 2 station University (FIU) bridge in the United running for the lucrative High Speed 2 Skanska is favourite to land the contract States were destroyed after the (HS2) London stations contracts. New Euston contract, although Old Oak tragedy which killed six people (New Civil Engineer understands that Common was considered more of an Civil Engineer, May). A Miami circuit project promoter HS2 Ltd is in open contest. judge has demanded to know why 26 advanced talks with a Costain/ threaded steel rods were melted down Skanska joint venture and a JV after being removed from the site by between Spain’s Dragados and Mace one of the companies working on the for the £1.65bn Euston station job, bridge. Contractor Structural Group meaning that a Bam Nuttall/Ferrovial has admitted destroying the rods, will miss out. even though they had previously been For the £1.3bn Old Oak Common job, It would make “identified for preservation” along HS2 Ltd is said to be in final contract with a steel bolt. But a lawyer for the negotiations with a / Dragados group said that it was acting under Vinci/Systra JV, meaning that Bam the instructions of general contractor Nuttall/Ferrovial will again miss out, the sole Spanish MCM’s site supervisor. Judge Jennifer along with Bechtel. It would make Bailey said: “I’m dismayed, at this Dragados the sole Spanish representative still turn of events – given the time and representative still in the running for in the running for effort and detail that was put into the work on HS2, after Ferrovial and order regarding the disposition of the Acciona missed out on civils “ material from the bridge collapse.” the work


Sunderland’s £117M Northern Spire bridge has officially opened. The bridge across the River Wear, was designed by a joint venture of BuroHappold and Roughan O’Donovan and constructed by a Farrans/Victor Buyck joint venture in 36 months. It has a distinctive 105m tall central A-frame pylon. The bridge is part of the Sunderland Strategic Transport Corridor, with the next phase being construction of a dual carriageway link at the southern end of the bridge.

TRANSPORT TRANSPORT TRANSPORT NETWORK RAIL OXFORD TO KEY STATS RULES LISTS PRIVATE CAMBRIDGE ROAD OUT STONEHENGE FINANCE PROJECT LINK TO FOLLOW 40 minutes AND THAMES OPPORTUNITIES RAIL ROUTE Journey time CROSSING BIDS reduction Network Rail has revealed the The Oxford to Cambridge Galliford Try has ruled itself out of latest projects for which it is seeking Expressway will run alongside for motorists working on two of Highways England’s third party funding. The list is the the East West Rail line which is using Oxford complex infrastructure projects: second to be published as part of the currently under construction, it the Stonehenge Tunnel and Lower rail operator’s “Open for Business” has been revealed. Roads minister to Cambridge Thames Crossing. Both projects plan to open the industry to third Jesse Norman announced that the Expressway are likely to be private finance party investment. Listed are 45 expressway would be open by 2030, initiatives (PFIs) and construction projects, 43 of which have funding shaving 40 minutes off the current and investments chief executive opportunities and two of which have journey time between the two cities. Bill Hocking said the risk transfer, financing options. Also included The chosen route, Corridor B, was one “onerous” terms and conditions are 25 additional projects listed as of three under review by Highways and variable track record meant PFI already having funding, but which England. Norman said: “England’s projects do not fit its business model. could be used as “potentially pilot Economic Heartland, as it has been “We will not be going for jobs like contestable projects”. Opportunities called, already plays a crucial role in Stonehenge or the Lower Thames for third party financing are listed powering the UK’s growth, science Crossing in any guise, not as part of as the implementation of European and innovation, but there is no a joint venture or by ourselves. We Train Control Systems and traffic single route to connect Oxford and will stick to the frameworks, what we management on the East Coast Main Cambridge. This expressway will know we are good at, what we know Line South Digital Railway from enhance both transport connectivity we can perform well at and where we King’s Cross to Peterborough; and and growth across the region for the can make a profit. I’ve said we will not the Western Rail Link to Heathrow. benefit of the UK as a whole.” The do any fixed price, massive lump Projects on the list vary in value from detailed route design process will now sum jobs anymore and that’s exactly under £10M to over £100M. get under way. what PFI is.”


STRUCTURES ROADS TRANSPORT WIRING PROBLEMS SILVERSTONE KEY STATS RAIL FREIGHT HUB BLAMED BY MACE DELAYS TRIGGER DEVELOPMENT FOR TOTTENHAM RESURFACING 6 PROPOSED FOR STADIUM DELAYS REVIEW Number WOLVERHAMPTON of hours Mace has revealed the issues which is conducting a Silverstone Plans for an £8.5M, 282ha rail freight are holding up the opening of full review of its work on Silverstone’s hub on green belt land north of Tottenham Hotspur’s new £800M racetrack after standing water forced MotoGP Wolverhampton are to be examined stadium. Mace chief executive Mark the cancellation of the British MotoGP Grand Prix by the .Four Reynolds confirmed that problems Grand Prix in August. Race organsiser Ashes – a development consortium with the wiring for fire detection Dorna had to cancel the race for the was delayed headed by rail infrastructure systems identified during first time since 1980 after the start before being specialist Kilbride Holdings – has commissioning and testing work have was delayed by six hours while called off applied for a Development Consent pushed back the stadium’s October repeated efforts were made to clear Order to allow it to press ahead opening date. The delay has forced standing water. It will have to refund with its West Midlands Interchange Tottenham to reschedule matches. 56,000 ticket holders. Aggregate scheme. This involves developing Mace has been unable to put a Industries has come under fire as an intermodal rail freight terminal timescale on when the 62,000 capacity the contractor that carried out a and more than 732,000m² of stadium will now open. Reynolds said: full resurfacing of the circuit earlier warehouse space next to junction “Commissioning and testing of this year. “We will be making further 12 of the M6 at Gailey. The project systems at the stadium is ongoing and investigations into this matter consists of a freight terminal which our teams are working around the immediately to understand whether connects to the West Coast Main clock to rectify any issues identified to our newly resurfaced track played Line capable of handling 10 trains date.” The firm has been working a part in today’s inability to stage per day. Work will also include closely with the club to establish a races,” said Silverstone managing new road infrastructure to reduce new timeline. director Stuart Pringle. traffic flow.


The Arup-engineered V&A Dundee is now open to the public this weekend. The £80M three storey project was designed by Japanese architects Kengo Kuma & Associates, following an international competition. Consultant Arup provided civil, structural and electrical engineering, acoustic, fire, maritime and façade design services for client Dundee City Council. Precast concrete panels clad the concrete façade.


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Exclusive On the ground coverage of the Polcevera viaduct collapse FOLLOWED UP BY: BBC, ITV, CHANNEL 4, THE TELEGRAPH, DAILY MAIL, CNN

Exclusive Exclusive HS2 civils design deadline Revised Crossrail cost pushed back eight months to be revealed FOLLOWED UP BY: THE TIMES, FOLLOWED UP BY: THE GUARDIAN, FINANCIAL TIMES, CITY AM THE TIMES, EVENING STANDARD

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Exclusive Design row erupts over Europe’s tallest skyscraper FOLLOWED UP BY: THE SCOTSMAN, THE TIMES

DECEMBEROCTOBER 20182017 NEW CIVIL ENGINEER 13 Bridges Analysis NEAL BALDWIN Bridge maintenance sector faces challenges

ighways England’s effects, deterioration and durability pledge to review its is required of the bridge inspector bridge inspection 2009 and bridge maintenance teams. H regime in light of the Last serious “If a bridge has critical elements recent Polcevera or the cost of deterioration is high, viaduct collapse in Italy has bridge it makes sense to inspect more sparked fresh calls for more central collapse regularly. The skill engineers need to government funding. in the UK have now is being able to influence UK bridge maintenance specialists how budgets are spent,” adds in contact with New Civil Engineer resulting Ghose. said the “unsexy” nature of inspection from Bridge collapses in the UK are meant that this work has been a thankfully rare occurrence, starved of cash in recent years, with inspection suggesting the current system works Bridge politicians preferring to prioritise shortcomings well. The 2009 collapse of a railway headline-grabbing building projects. bridge near Stewarton in Ayrshire, collapses in the In turn, inspection contract decisions blamed on unidentified corrosion, are very often driven on price. is the only significant example of UK are a thankfully “The age-old problem is that systemic failure in recent years. maintenance isn’t a tangible thing, And while many in the sector rare occurrence, so the people with the money would often turn to the expensive much rather show off something Hammersmith Flyover remedial suggesting the current like a new school instead. It has work in 2012 as an example of “ always been the way, but not having industry failure, the evidence system works well adequate cash puts pressure on the suggests that long term and whole chain,” explains Waterman ongoing corrosion management Group regional operations director on the structure was ultimately an engineer. Amrit Ghose. inspection success story. WSP principal engineer Peter Ghose is co-author of the How inspection contracts are Howe said his experience in the oil Construction Industry Research written is one bone of contention, and gas industry have made him & Information Association’s however. One bridge engineer aware of weaknesses in land-based guidance on hidden bridge defects. says said some local authorities inspection regimes. He insists the current testing simply specify a “total number” of “The offshore industry wants approach generally works well, inspections for their bridges over rigorous testing because structures noting a gradual trend away from a set period, rather than insisting can deteriorate quickly. When the established two year and how many times each bridge needs things do fail you can look back six year cycles of general and inspection. and examine the whole picture. principal inspection towards risk “I’ve heard of cases where a Inspections for bridges on land are management. bridge will be inspected four times far more insular – it is very often “Inspections and testing are a year simply because it is close by difficult to look at a timeline and the being targeted where they may and easy. The numbers are ticked root causes of what is going wrong. have a greater effect. That means a off the contract and other bridges There is a real lack of investment in thorough understanding of loading don’t get inspected at all,” said the data management,” he said.

14 NEW CIVIL ENGINEER | OCTOBER 2018 Rail Analysis EMILY ASHWELL Is it worth dropping EU standards, post-Brexit?

etwork Rail’s decision working together. not to implement “A recent example of that is I believe European Union the European Railway Traffic that some N (EU) standards on all Management System (ERTMS) projects after Brexit collaboration agreement between structures may be has prompted a debate among HS1, Eurotunnel, SNCF Reseau and engineers about whether they Infrabel. more economical by should follow suit. “By working together it will make The rail body said that sometimes it easier to operate trains across adopting historic non- bypassing Eurocodes could avoid our railways, and will mean that we “ “unnecessary cost”. can deliver the benefits as cost- EU-specific codes of A spokesperson says: “We want effectively as possible.” the best of both worlds – trade that Other engineers said a departure practice enables us to realise the benefits of from Eurocodes could be beneficial low cost (standardised) supplied in some circumstances. products together with the freedom FJD Consulting director Simon commercially beneficial and should to not apply Euro standards where Moon says: “The impact of the be available for selection, with the they drive unnecessary cost into the design on the material quantities appropriate controls.” UK railway.” and techniques in the construction Arcadis director Will Waller says But not all rail operators agree costs could be reduced. Network Rail is right to consider its with Network Rail’s stance. “I believe that some structures options. London to Channel Tunnel may be more economical by “Evolved standards and operator High Speed 1 (HS1) adopting historic non-EU-specific different global trading depends on common standards codes of practice, such as British arrangements certainly have for the operation of international Standard BS5400 for bridges. The promise to enable better value Eurostar and freight services. opposite is also possible, in that outcomes,” he says. Head of asset management Joseph more economy is available in “For infrastructure clients, now Inniss says: “We are already working other forms of construction via the is the time to look at how these closely with other rail infrastructure Eurocodes. opportunities might come to be managers to incentivise “If the client or sponsor of the realised in practice, and ensure standardisation in our supply chains project is informed and able to state readiness in time for the UK’s formal stripand ad access ideas_Layout economies 1 6/7/18 of scale 11:47 by AM Page 2 their preference, either could be exit from the EU.”

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OCTOBER 2018 | NEW CIVIL ENGINEER 15 Special Report: Crossrail The complex systems engineering behind Crossrail delays

Emily Ashwell, ware. Testing has started but further time is required to complete the full Mark Hansford KEY STATS range of integrated tests.” Behind the simple statement lies a far more complicated picture. Cross- 2004 rossrail has confirmed rail is using a complex combination that Elizabeth Line First go-ahead of three separate signalling systems services between for the project trackside and on board its trains to C Paddington in central be able to interface with the systems London and Abbey 2009 used on the existing Network Rail Wood in the south east of the capital sections of the route. Start of will not open until autumn 2019. Between Stratford and Shenfield The line was originally scheduled construction it will use Network Rail’s Train Pro- to open this December and the delay tection & Warning System (TPWS). has been described by business 2015 Through the central section including groups as a “national embarrass- End of the south east spur – on its own dedi- ment” that will cause financial and cated tracks – it will use the Commu- tunnelling reputational damage to UK plc. nications-Based Train Control (CBTC) Crossrail said that the revised system, used as standard on metros schedule is needed to complete the 2019 worldwide, in conjunction with Auto- final infrastructure and testing, after Original matic Train Operation (ATO). the central tunnels fit out overran, date for full West of Paddington, including the CROSSRAIL’S NEW PLAN and because of delays to the devel- Heathrow spur, it will return to TPWS opening opment of railway systems software. - but is also working to interface with OPENING PHASE 2 bn It said it was not looking to single out the introduction by Network Rail of £15.4 Under review PADDINGTON – SHENFIELD Funding individual contracts or contractors. 2020 the more advanced European Train ENNFIELD EPPING FOREST BRENTWOOD

It means that the full service with Control System (ETCS) for the digital BARNET

Likely date for N AY 2020 HARROW L trains running from Reading in the railway programme. OMFOR D full opening HENFIELD R S

Likely to open FOR D west to Abbey Wood and Shenfield To maximise train throughput, the T SOUTH BUCKS

to the east is unlikely to begin until signalling transitions between the TRA S HAVERING ENHAM COURT ROAD RRINGDO N WHITECHAPE LIVERPOOL STREET SOUTH DDINGTON

2020. Crossrail said that it would be systems must be done while the train EST EALING FA


aiming to open the full route “as soon is moving – a genuine world first, as HA SLOUGH E as possible” but stressed that the F THURROCK

priority is to run a service that is safe WINDSOWINDSORR& & T123 READIN G T5 BEXLEY MAIDENHEAD T4 WICH

and reliable for passengers. W We are READING MAIDENHEAD In a statement it said: “The original BRACKNELL

FOREST WOOL CUSTOM HOUS DARTFORD CANARY WHAR programme for testing has been com- WOKINGHAM DELA YED ABBEY WOOD disappointed OPENING HEATHRO PHASE 1 pressed by more time being needed A utumn 2019 by contractors to complete fit-out HEATHROW – ABBEY WOOD and sorry about the OPENING PHASE 3 activity in the central tunnels and the 3 “As soon as possible” THE ELIZABE TH LINE - FULL OPERATION 3 development of railway systems soft- delay 16 NEW CIVIL ENGINEER | OCTOBER 2018 “ Siemens Rail Automation UK director André Schoen made clear at contract It’s probably award in November 2012: “This ‘dy- namic switchover’ will allow trains to equally as travel into different sections without complicated as having to stop and is a world first for the application of this technology, introducing a new blending mainline operations with mass transit performance.” Boeing or Airbus Siemens is supplying and installing the signalling system in a £50M joint “ venture with Invensys. It sounded good at the time. But further delayed the dynamic testing then chief executive Andrew Wol- of trains in the Crossrail tunnels from stenholme, offered a glimpse of the October last year to February this year. challenge in July 2017 when he high- All in all this has created a knock- lighted the complexity of the issues. on chain of delays which resulted in “Most of the work we’re doing Crossrail’s opening being put back by now is in laboratories, writing the up to a year. software, testing the software,” he At this stage, Crossrail bosses have told New Civil Engineer. “We have confirmed that they are still trying to trains [at the Melton Mowbray test work out a revised schedule for final track] going up and down and testing delivery. This involves joining up the three levels of signalling software surface sections when trains will run and we have software on the trains through from Maidenhead in the west themselves. It’s a very complex to Shenfield and Abbey Wood in the programme indeed and it’s probably east. equally as complicated as introducing Crossrail bosses were asked to at- a new Boeing or Airbus.” tend a special meeting of the London Wolstenholme left the project in Assembly to explain the delay. May as part of a “planned demobilisa- Crossrail chief executive Simon tion” of Crossrail’s delivery team. Wright cited the transformer failures Fitting out the signalling system as a key moment, adding that when was also complex. With ETCS, signals dynamic testing did start, it was “less along the line controlling the trains. than productive” because of incom- Balises – transponders alongside plete infrastructure and immature the rails – transmit instructions to software systems which are “still in passing trains. evolutionary stages”. Connections between signalling He confirmed that problems getting and trains can also be created over the three different signalling systems mobile networks. With CBTC, on the on the west, central and east parts other hand, communications are of the scheme to co-ordinate was the CROSSRAIL’S NEW PLAN based on a data network and signals major challenge. are transmitted by radio. Wright added that although there OPENING PHASE 2 The entire Crossrail central section had been some “good days” for test- bn £15.4 Under review PADDINGTON – SHENFIELD tunnel has to be fitted out with radio ing, which gave the team optimism, Funding ENNFIELD EPPING FOREST BRENTWOOD antennae. by July it had to tell the Crossrail

BARNET The major advantage of this system board the extent of the problems. His N AY 2020 HARROW L OMFOR D is that it produces more accurate team was ordered to make an assess- HENFIELD R S

Likely to open FOR D T information regarding each train’s ment and report back to an extraor- SOUTH BUCKS

TRA real-time location and speed, which dinary meeting of the Crossrail board S HAVERING ENHAM COURT ROAD RRINGDO N WHITECHAPE LIVERPOOL STREET SOUTH DDINGTON

EST EALING means that the intervals between in August. FA


HA trains can be safely reduced. The “When you’re in this situation you SLOUGH E F THURROCK disadvantage is that there is a lot of fight extraordinarily hard to maintain

WINDSOWINDSORR& & T123 kit to install. the schedule, because everybody READIN G T5 BEXLEY MAIDENHEAD T4 WICH

W There have also been hardware knows how important it is,” he said.

READING MAIDENHEAD BRACKNELL failures. Two voltage transformers “In June we started to feel that we

FOREST WOOL CUSTOM HOUS DARTFORD CANARY WHAR WOKINGHAM DELA YED ABBEY WOOD failed during the initial energisation of had a significant schedule challenge...

OPENING HEATHRO PHASE 1 electrical equipment at Pudding Mill but still thought we could deliver by A utumn 2019 HEATHROW – ABBEY WOOD Lane sub-station in east London last December.” OPENING PHASE 3 year. These were essential for supply- It was not until the extraordinary 3 “As soon as possible” THE ELIZABE TH LINE - FULL OPERATION 3 ing traction power to the trains and meeting of the Crossrail board in

OCTOBER 2018 | NEW CIVIL ENGINEER 17 Special Report: Crossrail

In June we started to CROSSRAIL TIMELINE feel that we had a significant schedule 22 JULY 2008 challenge... but still Hybrid Bill gains Royal Assent 15 MAY 2009 “ Construction starts thought we could 10 DECEMBER 2010 Main tunnelling contracts awarded deliver by December 20 OCTOBER 2010 11 JULY 2011 Budget cut from £15.9bn to Paddington station is first station £14.4bn to secure government August that the team finally admitted contract awarded support in Comprehensive that it was unable to deliver the line Spending Review in time for the 9 December deadline. Crossrail chairman Sir Terry 17 OCTOBER 2012 Morgan told Assembly members he 24 JANUARY 2014 Spoil conveyor collapse bringing was “disappointed and sorry” about Public spending watchdog National western section tunnelling to a halt the delay. He said that as the project Audit Office declares Crossrail to be mitigated one risk, others started to on schedule 12 NOVEMBER 2012 materialise, including the lack of pro- Siemens/Invensys Rail awarded ductivity in the testing programme. signalling system contract Ultimately the decision to delay 20 MAY 2015 was made on safety grounds, he said. Tunnel boring machines complete “The safe operating system on the central section 31 MAY 2017 railway was one that we concluded just Crossrail admits delay to introduction wasn’t possible to deliver,” he said. 13 JULY 2017 of new trains onto the existing Buying a full year for testing has Network Rail blamed as line between Liverpool Street and been broadly hailed by experts as station upgrades west of London Shenfield a wise course of action given the delayed by 18 months paramount importance of reliability 7 AUGUST 2017 and safety. Crossrail reveals a £1bn price hike in But it also provides a handy civils tunnelling contracts mask for construction delays. Some 24 JANUARY 2018 insiders have suggested that as few Crossrail reveals work running 20% as three central London stations over budget but remains on track for would have been ready for this year’s December opening 2 FEBRUARY 2018 9 December deadline. Morgan has Crossrail admits to design flaw after confirmed that “construction hadn’t two trackside voltage transformers been complete” when he appeared explode on energisation, delaying before the London Assembly. 13 MARCH 2018 dynamic testing This continued work will come Crossrail comes up with “revised at a cost. The project’s budget was delivery schedule” to save 9 December only revised in July, up from £14.8bn opening date 18 MARCH 2018 to £15.4bn. Crossrail and Transport Chief executive Andrew for London (TfL) have yet to confirm Wolstenholme’s departure what the impact of the delay on costs. announced and Transport for There will also be an effect on reve- London takes the lead on final testing nue, although TfL commissioner Mike and commissioning Brown said that the body would only 24 JULY 2018 lose £20M as a result of the delay. Government confirms that But with TfL already struggling Crossrail budget to increase financially there are concerns about from £14.8bn to £15.4bn due to 31 AUGUST 2018 future schemes. Brown insisted to the “engineering challenges” Crossrail confirms one year delay, Assembly that he would press ahead with central section between with Crossrail 2, despite the setback. Paddington and Abbey Wood to Yet rail minister Jo Johnson has re- open in autumn 2019 vealed that the government is looking into alternatives to the £30bn project.


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Size up the bene ts

PCL-18-420 Joint Advert_NCE 265 x 210mm.indd 1 30/08/2018 11:39 Beth West BY EMILY ASHWELL Clients must take the lead in driving project design

ser experience and long, about getting people from the perfection of it is point a to point b or to build things. the holy grail in in- Maybe you just haven’t had to think U dustries ranging from about it because people just come gaming to shopping. along and use stuff. But we’re really So, what can in a world where we have far more engineers learn from these indus- scarce resources and we really have tries which put so much effort to think about how we use what into understanding, attracting and we’re using,” she says.

The Interview The retaining their customers? West wants to see a modern The answer, according to devel- supply chain demonstrating good oper Landsec’s London portfolio practice in areas such as building head of development Beth West, information modelling, sustain- is a lot – from what the final piece ability, efficient waste recycling, of infrastructure feels like to how offsite construction – and the safety workers feel about constructing it. benefits reduced waste and rework “One of the really big reasons I shroud the store. Using this has led bring. joined Landsec, is that when work- to a better experience for locals as But she is also aware that as a ing in infrastructure I came to the on-site construction time has been client, Landsec plays a key role in conclusion that engineers do a lot shorter and there have been fewer driving this behaviour. It leads West of building assets without thinking deliveries. Before customers set to question whether clients can about the people who use them. foot inside, the retail site’s sense of work better together to drive best “And I came to the point of place – including features such as a practice. thinking that engineers should stop communal space for pop-up events “Contractors rarely spend any designing projects; we need people in front of the store and an open money on research and develop- who understand how people will roof – combine to create a better ment. Unlike consumer product use those assets before engineers experience. industries, who are always looking get involved,” she says. “Engineering has been, for so at what’s the next thing, construc- The experience that the John tion never has an iPad moment. Lewis store, in Oxford’s Westgate “The way in which we procure, shopping centre, has worked so drives you to a point where contrac- hard on – from the tone the lighting tors want clients to lead. Some have design creates to the choice of I came to said that if you want to do things stock – goes much deeper than the point differently you are going to specify what is immediately visible in the how you want them to do it. That final product. It started with the leaves it to us to be really clear on clean, efficient construction enabled of thinking that how we want to work in the future… by contractor Laing O’Rourke’s engineers should stop will clients work in a similar way offsite factory delivering the brick- that will push everyone in the faced precast concrete panels that “designing projects industry?” she says. 20 NEW CIVIL ENGINEER | OCTOBER 2018 Landsec’s Westgate retail development in Oxford

To improve construction efficiency, to be really mindful of the fact that Landsec has started to review its The way in the public is really looking at you and overall use of the supply chain, KEY FACTS it’s hard. It is a big challenge, and with a view to bringing the whole which we because of what my role was, having team in earlier. been commercial director and trying 2 At its 21 Moorfields office devel- 52,000m procure, drives you to engage the supply chain, I person- opment, which sits over an existing Size of 21 to a point where ally was in the public eye a lot so you London Underground station and just have to be really conscious of future Crossrail ticket hall, contrac- Moorfields contractors want what you’re saying and being consis- tors for disciplines such as steel development tent all the time,” she says. erection and cladding were brought “clients to lead She says Mace was “right to bring in before the main contractor so that that up” and says questioning the design challenges were brought to a 4,500 contract awards “is to be expected” resolution earlier. Number scrutiny because of the procurement but adds: “It was a hard time for West would like to see this happen- of the £170M Phase 2b development everybody because nobody wants ing more, particularly so that when of precast partner role. to go through that kind of situation, offsite construction is used on a proj- components One of the losing bidders, Mace, but it has all been resolved and it is ect, the design includes the concept used at had raised questions about potential cracking on.” from the start, so that contractors do conflicts of interest between staff who The day I meet West she is relaxed, not have to retrofit it. Westgate had moved between HS2 Ltd and win- jovial and clearly enjoying her experi- “I think where we as an industry are ning bidder CH2M. In the end CH2M ence at Landsec. bad is that we design something to a pulled out of the role, but throughout She tries to lead by example and point and then go ‘how do we retrofit HS2 Ltd stood up for the integrity of wants to see the industry doing the offsite?’, rather than going ‘let’s think its procurement process. West’s deci- same, including enabling all workers about how we’re going to build this sion to leave HS2 Ltd was not linked to have a better work/life balance and and how we’re going to build the to this issue. manage family commitments – seeing different components.” Given the added pressure this epi- the industry adopt more flexible She wants to see most elements sode put on West, one would think she working practices and ditching out- standardised for efficient production would have been relieved to have got moded attitudes to those who take and if a standard component cannot out of the metaphorical goldfish bowl. them up. be created, looking at easier ways West says she was used to being in “You need to not be there all the to produce it, such as 3D printing, the public eye, citing the time early time, in the first instance. People need without compromising the beauty of in her career at Transport for London to see you leaving on time if you want the space. when a board paper she wrote was that culture, and having that flexibil- West joined Landsec just over a leaked to London’s Evening Standard ity, and being vocal – ‘I’ve got sports year ago, after leaving her role as newspaper. But she describes her day today, I’m going to be in a bit late’ High Speed 2 Ltd commercial director experience at HS2 Ltd as “another and it being fine.” which included overseeing procure- dimension”. That way, she argues, working in ment. Just before she announced her “HS2 has always been controver- engineering and construction can be departyre, the body had been under sial, so everything you do, you have a better experience for everyone.



The summer months have seen much debate about the future process to be followed and the wider team to form part of the shape of the governance of the ICE. We have had a ballot review. Every effort will be made to engage with and listen to a and a Special General Meeting which focused on how the wide variety of voices during the consultation process in order Institution should be led, what structures are best to continue to understand widespread themes and issues, before defining our successes and how we should work with the wider recommended onward changes to the ICE’s governance membership to achieve this. system to meet the expectations and requirements of the The debate has been passionate, mature and constructive. majority of members. In June and July the ICE balloted its corporate members In terms of timescale, the review team will engage and to confirm views about proposed changes to the Institution’s consult through 2019, reporting regularly to Council, and will governance structure. Among these was a proposed change then make its recommendations by the end of next year. to the size of the Trustee Board from 44 to 12. In essence this Whatever the outcome of the comprehensive consultation would involve a formal transfer of trustee responsibilities and review, its focus is clear. It is paramount that the ICE from the 44- strong Council to a smaller group, similar to the has a modern governance system that is robust enough existing Executive Board. to engage with the modern world, that permits meaningful This was approved by 70% of the eligible members who engagement and debate, and which ultimately supports the voted and will therefore go ahead in November 2018. civil engineering community as it plays its part in tackling the However, a number of members felt that the process had many relevant challenges faced by the world today. been poorly communicated to the membership and called for l Lord Mair is ICE President a Special General Meeting before the ballot vote had closed. An SGM was therefore held at the end of July and the three resolutions tabled at the meeting were supported by between 130 and 140 members. Council then met in early September to give careful Council intends consideration to the SGM resolutions and discussion. After a lengthy debate, the elected Council has accepted that it to appoint an would be wise to implement a review of the ICE’s governance to ensure that the structures meet the needs of the Institution (see ICE News). This matches the specific request made by independent chair to those calling for the SGM. To give this process the proper rigour, Council intends to conduct the governance appoint an independent chair to conduct the governance review and will rely on them to define the terms of reference, “review 22 NEW CIVIL ENGINEER | OCTOBER 2018 Safety in numbers! We’re cutting timelines, deliveries and making these companies’ sites safer.

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*comparison with concrete pipe for a typical 1200mmØ pipe that the UK rate of mean sea level rise will increase over the next 82 years to 20mm/year for a 900mm rise and 64mm/year for a 2.7m rise (linear acceleration) – more than four times the rate of the last Your View deglaciation. Why is the range of prediction LETTERS TO THE EDITOR so large? What measured evidence AND COMMENTS ONLINE is there to predict these levels of increase? One wonders if there is not a hidden agenda based on political views, and hard evidence is ICE GOVERNANCE FLOODNG being sidelined for commercial gain. WE NEED CLARITY AND WHAT IS THE TRUTH Robin Whittle (M) robin.whittle@ ACCURACY ABOUT BEHIND SEA LEVEL CROSSRAIL GOVERNANCE VOTE @ RISE CLAIMS? CROSSRAIL CIVILS I was surprised and disappointed to In the article “Losing to Win” Greg WORK LET DOWN BY see the inaccurate reporting of the Guthrie of Royal HaskoningDHV Special General Meeting (SGM) and notes that the national average sea M&E COMPLEXITIES the governance vote in September’s level rise is approximately 4mm New Civil Engineer. Read more a year (New Civil Engineer, last To report the SGM was held after letters at month). He then continues “There is the ballot earlier that month “in www.newcivil strong evidence that climate change which more than 70% of corporate is happening in line with the current members voted in favour of bylaw projections, which could see 1m changes...” is incorrect. rise over the next 100 years.” In the It is an example of the misleading next article “Defence by Design”, the and inaccurate statements made subsection on London states that at the SGM and, in part, why the the flood risk management work is result of the SGM expressed its based on a relative sea level rise of disappointment at the conduct of 900mm by 2100 and is adaptable to the matter by the President and 2.7m by 2100. Council. The facts for East Anglia, one of The fact is that 6.3% of corporate Engineers need more M&E knowledge members voted in favour of the bylaw changes. I wonder if there is not a bigger That may be 70% of those who lesson to learn for civil engineers. voted in the ballot but it is not The complexities of some of the 70% of corporate members. There mechanical and electrical (M&E) were other similar intentionally systems required today may leave misleading statements made at the project managers with a civil SGM. engineering background floundering The concern of members who to understand the intricacies of M&E made the effort to attend the SGM installation and testing packages. is for a fair and open process with They are possibly lacking in good consultation and for the sufficient knowledge to challenge outcome to be representative of Sea level rise figures do not add up when things go wrong, and more the views of the Members. I trust importantly, do not take seriously the Council will have proper regard the highest relative sea level rise that seemingly enormous amount for the views of members when it (SLR) areas in Europe, are: of time M&E engineers initially want reconvenes. l Isostatic land subsidence is for testing, and which the civils team Howard Hughes (M) 1.47mm/year can so easily view as its own float if [email protected] The Editor, l UK mean (absolute) SLR is 1.4mm/ things don’t go quite right. Editor’s note: We have received New Civil year Of course there is a political several letters echoing Howard’s l Tidal range increase is 0.6mm/ downside for allowing long periods Engineer, point. We thought it was clearly year for testing. The project looks Telephone inferred that by saying 70% of the l The sum of these gives the mean complete and as far as the public membership we meant 70% of the House, high water springs sea level rise and politicians are concerned it membership that voted, and it was 69-77 Paul value of 3.47mm/year. should be open. certainly not our attempt to mislead. Street, London, I find it difficult to conceive of the Paul Arnold posted online on ICE president Lord Mair writes on p22 EC2A 4NQ changes within the time scale that article headed “Crossrail confirms of this issue further explaining the Email: nceedit@ the New Civil Engineer articles are delay of up to a year for Central ICE’s position and approach. intimating. We are asked to believe London section”


I read your Comment on the Polcevera viaduct collapse them. It is probably more worthwhile to concentrate on what is and agree with the general sentiments expressed regarding actually built on site. inspection and maintenance (New Civil Engineer, September Dennis Gedge (M) Newton Poppleford, Devon dennisgedge@ 2018). Main cable corrosion in UK suspension bridges was first detected in the cables at Forth Road Bridge during my time as chief engineer and Bridgemaster. The investigation at Forth Your Comment fails to mention the Medway Bridge was carried out in 2004/05 by Aecom and Weidlinger and, which was opened in 1963. It presented the world’s longest following the discovery of corrosion in the cables, the owners prestressed concrete span at the time of 152.4m. It is not cable- and operators of Humber and Severn were invited up to stayed and its articulation creates a statically determinate Forth to see the extent of the problem and, afterwards, made structure. After more than 50 years’ service it is in excellent arrangements to open up and inspect their cables. condition and was recently upgraded to take additional traffic At the time of opening up the cables at Forth there were lanes through additional post-tensioning and replacement of some dissenting voices concerning the need to do so. However, the concrete suspended span with a lighter steel structure. The we felt that it was not possible to carry out a “principal original specification called for a foundation system to stand inspection” of one of the most critical elements of the bridge for 200 years. without opening the cables up to inspect the bridge wires. Geoff Thornton (M) [email protected] We were also acutely aware of the problems experienced on several US bridges. Between each of the cable-stayed spans there was a Without that early intervention, it is likely that short suspended span which appears to be half the deterioration of the cables on Forth, Severn jointed. There was a similar short suspended span and Humber would have continued undetected between the collapsed cable stayed span and and the decision taken by all three owners to the approach viaduct. In the video across the install a system of cable dehumidification, rooftop (in heavy rain) that shows the mast and thus stabilise the loss of strength, may collapsing it appears that this suspended not have been made in time to prevent more span had already dropped before the mast serious damage occurring. collapsed. It could have been a half joint Barry Colford, [email protected] failure that initiated a progressive collapse. Nick Thoday Posted online on article headed Although the viaduct has been praised for its “Exclusive | Collapsed Italy Bridge investigators unusual and innovative design, therein lies the find corrosion on main stay cables” rub. Where novel and unusual design features are present there will be little in-service experience It now seems quite possible that the principal reason of structural resilience under the deleterious effects of, for behind this catastrophic failure was the designer’s decision, 50 example, fatigue, corrosion and often increased loading over years ago, to use steel tie bars clad in concrete as the bridge’s the operational life. main tension members. This was essentially a cable stayed Therefore specific engineering scrutiny is essential to assess bridge design in which the steel tension cables were wrapped the structure’s vulnerability to failure modes to specify an in concrete instead of paint (or a similar corrosion resisting inspection and surveillance plan which focuses on the unusual medium). The concrete wrapping provided no structural (and critical) components. This data, regularly updated, benefit to the bridge and instead went on to prevent the identifies deterioration rates and informs the integrity status ready inspection and maintenance of the main steel strength benchmarked to documented performance standards. members it enclosed. This should, of course, be instigated at the start of service Concrete is excellent for compressive loads but useless in life and subject to regular formal review throughout the tension. Steel is excellent for tensile and compressive loads but life cycle as part of the overarching structural integrity needs a protective coating to prevent corrosion. management strategy. Also it seems that there was also no redundancy in the Terry Rhodes (M) [email protected] structure – a single member failure could lead to total collapse. These are significant design failings in my view. The chilling report by Katherine Smale from the silent Ronald Drysdale, Posted online on article headed sunshine at the site of the awful bridge tragedy at Genoa must “Exclusive | Collapsed Italy Bridge investigators find have made all engineers reading it think of the mistakes that corrosion on main stay cables” we too, in all of our careers have made, and perhaps it is time now to stop worrying about “raising the profile of our Editor’s note: Read more comments on the Comment at profession”. Civil engineering facilitates things; it does not orchestrate engineers-skills-mark-hansford/


HOT HUBS no longer in positions to make such INTERCHANGES: BALANCING STAKEHOLDER DEMANDS judgements. I am a retired civil engineer conducting voluntary monthly visual checks on a 165 year old seven arch masonry viaduct we are hoping to reopen to the public as a heritage railway next year, but even I am aware of the responsibility this gives me to the travelling public, and as a bare minimum, the inability to sleep it would cause me if it collapsed on my watch. If our trade journal can’t even hold our colleagues to account, what hope is there for the public reputation of our profession, let alone find justice for the six we killed in Florida and the 43 in Genoa? I have just retired as head of stations The Euston for renewable energy (photovoltaic Tom Lloyd (M) for WSP and have led design teams High Speed 2 cells). [email protected] on many of the station projects masterplan had I consider we achieved this and mentioned in Jackie Whitelaw’s while I do not expect the masterplan to reconcile PROFESSION article in the August edition. I private to be strictly adhered to it provides concur that there are exciting and developers’ a framework for the Master ENGINEERS MUST challenging times ahead of us in demands Development Partner to work to in CONSIDER the design and construction of our maximising property value capture with design THE BIG PICTURE future transport hubs. and energy while not compromising the station However, these interchanges considerations environment. are expensive and involve many Promises which are unaffordable As usual, you have some good stakeholders, whose aspirations are must not be made to stakeholders letters in your latest edition (Your invariably unaffordable, particularly including the government; it is our View, August 2018). Perhaps if funded from the public purse. role as professionals to ensure Professor Blockley’s sums them all Attracting private investment that our clients and those who are up. What he describes as ‘systems- is therefore critical, but the need funding these mega-projects are thinking’ or ‘joined-up thinking’ is to maximise property value advised accurately at the start and no more than what I have always from over and adjacent site throughout project development of regarded as good engineering. development needs to be balanced what can and cannot be achieved If you aren’t looking at the bigger with the need for transforming within the constraints of budgetary, picture (John Tuson’s point, these interchanges into functional environmental, operational and, not perhaps?), the social and cultural but aesthetically, sustainable and least, safety requirements. context (Martin Knight’s?), and environmentally friendly places. Dave Darnell (M) thinking about the construction, not We must give the stakeholders [email protected] just some ‘wished-in-place’ wonder the opportunity to voice their views (Mike Franklin’s?), then you are through extensive consultation but not an engineer. You may have a STRUCTURES not go back for a second or third valuable role to play, contributing bite of the apple once agreements FINDING THE ANSWER to engineering work. But for an have been reached and, hopefully, FROM FLORIDA engineer, it is this bigger thinking an acceptable masterplan for that matters most. development has been accepted. Reading of the Florida bridge The details of analysis and The challenge the WSP/Wilkinson “experts”’ approval of 25mm+ wide conforming to rules (which may Eyre team had in producing cracks just three hours before the be past their use-by date), will such a masterplan for Euston fatal collapse defies belief (The Edit, always be secondary, no matter how station for High Speed 2 was last month), and demands more important their roles. balancing the aspirations for answers that New Civil Engineer Paul McCombie, admissions oversite and adjacent site must chase. Please tell us that tutor for civil engineering, development with natural light to over five months later, these civil Department of Architecture & Civil the station and sufficient roof space engineering “experts” are at least Engineering, University of Bath

26 NEW CIVIL ENGINEER | OCTOBER 2018 Water Management Knowledge | Product | Service Business Culture Low Carbon Leadership SHRINKING FOOTPRINTS An initiative to manage carbon on a major infrastructure project has resulted in an upfront emission reduction of more than 35%. Emily Ashwell reports.

hen consultant Renfrewshire Council’s City Deal has PAS 2080,” says Sweco UK technical Sweco was two elements: the Glasgow Airport director Lewis Barlow. appointed as KEY FACT Investment Area, including the The approach identified which engineer and realignment of Abbotsinch Road and SDGs would be tackled, either designer for the 10,000t a new bridge across the White Cart indirectly through the project infrastructure Water; and the Clyde Waterfront and being built, for example through development of Renfrewshire City Deal’s Renfrew Riverside, which includes a regeneration, as well as directly WCouncil’s £130M City Deal, it decided carbon new opening road bridge across the meeting the climate action SDG in to seize the initiative to apply the PAS baseline River Clyde and the Renfrew North terms of the whole-life carbon on the 2080 standard to its work. Development Road. The two areas project. The British Standard Institute’s 20% are geographically connected. “We said: ‘There’s a new standard “PAS 2080 – Carbon Management Amount When Sweco was bidding for the and this will be ideal for this project in Infrastructure” specification was contractors work, it was asked to put a price on to make sure that we’re really developed following the Treasury’s were asked the sustainability it could achieve and reducing carbon all the way through Infrastructure Carbon Review in 2013. to cut from explain its approach. it.’ We explained that to the client and It aims to encourage collaborative project’s “We decided to frame this it hadn’t heard of these things before, working to manage and reduce carbon approach around the United Nations but it understood the value,” says carbon in the infrastructure sector. baseline Sustainable Development Goals Barlow. To date, transport has been among (SDGs) and apply these through During the tender process Barlow the worst carbon emitters. But as the provided backed-up information on number of electric vehicles on the carbon reduction to give the client roads increases, reducing transport’s the knowledge that the project would carbon footprint, the relative be delivered in the most carbon- proportion of emissions caused by efficient way, using cutting-edge construction and operations in the You can reduce methodology. infrastructure sector will increase. Sweco also focused on designing One recommendation of the review most cost and the project to be resilient to future was that there should be a systematic carbon at the earliest climate change, for example looking way to lower carbon in infrastructure, at Environment Agency and Met and this became PAS 2080. stage of the project Office predictions. 28 NEW CIVIL ENGINEER | OCTOBER 2018 “ READ MORE BUSINESS CULTURE AT NEWCIVILENGINEER.COM

We have cut carbon from the outline design “baseline by 35% 10,000t. It developed a methodology for demonstrating carbon reduction, by drawing on what the team saw as the best bits of the carbon management models across the UK. “If we just said to contractors, ‘go away and reduce carbon by 20%’ they could do all sorts of things and we would have to spend half our time working out if they were right or not,” says Barlow. “I think this is the first time it has been spelt out to contractors [how it should be achieved].” The 20% figure aims to push contractors to reduce carbon, without pushing them to cut costs so far that the quality of the scheme was impacted, as there is a strong relationship between carbon and cost. Bidders have to demonstrate So, with the client on board, what Sweco is lead stages of the project. how they have already used the did Sweco do to fulfil its pledge on consultant on For example, it took traffic tools they are proposing for carbon carbon reduction, and eventually Renfrewshire modelling data from the new bridge management. The bidders’ carbon win the NCE100 Low Carbon Leader Council’s City across the River Clyde and translated score will be based on how far they Award as a result? Deal it to carbon data to demonstrate the can achieve that target – for example Applying the standard to the immediate improvements the scheme looking at how they can alter the bill scheme meant reducing carbon would bring in terms of air quality, of quantities, or the design, or by throughout its lifecycle: from the emission reduction and congestion using recycled materials or reducing design and construction process to mitigation. waste. This is currently still in the operations, and ultimately by cutting “We wouldn’t have known that if procurement process. end user emissions. the client hadn’t wanted us to have a Barlow is now awaiting the “acid “We have cut carbon from the spotlight on carbon,” says Barlow. test” of carbon reduction projections outline design baseline by 35%. You For the construction phase, carbon in final tenders from contractors, can reduce most cost and carbon at reduction by the supply chain started but he is optimistic about the supply the earliest stage of the project,” says with the procurement process. chain’s ability to step up to the bar. Barlow. However, there was no precedent for A contractor is expected to be Carrying out a detailed carbon measuring carbon reduction this way. appointed at the end of 2018, with accounting process during the Through research, the Sweco construction beginning in January specimen design stage and sharing team adapted the prequalification 2019 and completion in 2020. this feedback across all design teams questionnaire (PQQ) to include a Now the work is bearing fruit, ensured a focus on carbon reduction. section which looked specifically at Sweco is keen to share its learning The team used a detailed traffic contractors’ understanding of carbon with the industry. It is particularly modelling output analysis, which reduction in infrastructure and their keen for clients to follow Renfrewshire had information such as estimated understanding of PAS 2080. This Council’s lead in carbon reduction. type of vehicle, speed and distance of was given a 5% weighting during the “We can’t wait two years for people travel. Taking the Department for the tender assessment. to slowly get their heads around Environment, Food and Rural Affairs’ At the tender stage bidders were PAS 2080. The standard is best spreadsheet-based Emissions Factors asked to cut up to 20% of the carbon applicable to large projects and they Toolkit, Sweco translated traffic data from the project’s carbon baseline take years, but we don’t have years,” into carbon emissions at various life which Sweco worked out was around says Barlow. N

OCTOBER 2018 | NEW CIVIL ENGINEER 29 Business Culture Profile

There aren’t lots of people around, so the good people you get you “need to retain as best LOYALTY you can

business development manager Steve Dighton. More than 10% of the firm’s staff are professionally qualified, and Breheny runs an ICE-approved training BONUS scheme that develops engineering In a world where engineering firms are vying for pole technicians along with incorporated and chartered engineers. The firm has position in the race to become digitised, how does 49 EngTech qualified professionals, and says this puts it in the top 10 Breheny, a traditional civils firm, shape up for the future? companies in the UK ranked on volume of staff with this qualification. Emily Ashwell reports. It runs training schemes from apprentices straight from school at 16 to post-graduate degrees. This year it is working with Anglia Ruskin University on degree apprenticeships in civil engineering. It also employs SME most of its staff directly, ensuring that the training goes right through the Insight workforce. “We are a family business that is more traditional in the way we uffolk-based contractor build things, by using our own Breheny, a family-owned guys on the ground, with our firm established in 1963, own plant where possible, we’re is one of the businesses not particularly a management which built Britain. contractor,” says pre-contracts Over the decades it director Simon Burnside. has undertaken a steady stream of The investment in training certainly Sconstruction projects including roads seems to have paid off in terms of and rail. staff retention. Of its 425 staff, 168 But the traditional façade belies a have been with the firm more than 10 firm adept at combating its challenges years, 79 more than 20 years and 19 and gearing up to take opportunities more than 30 years. where it sees them. It is this commitment to training The challenge the firm faces is its that won Breheny the NCE100’s Talent rural location, with its headquarters Champion Award this year. in a small town in Suffolk. Many of The firm is currently in the process its other offices are in similar rural of setting up a new training facility, locations. So, it invests heavily in in conjunction with client developer training and development to attract Urban & Civic, at Alconbury Weald. and retain staff. Alconbury is a 575ha Cambridgeshire “There aren’t lots of people around, Cold War airfield currently being so the good people you get you need redeveloped to accommodate to retain as best you can and training 5,000 new homes and associated is a key part of that,” says group Burnside (left) and Dighton (right) infrastructure, including a railway

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With our guys we know their capability, because we have invested so much “training in them

repeat the recent growth spurt it has seen – increasing turnover from £53M in 2013 to £115M in 2017. Breheny has also set its sights on frameworks as a way to grow. Although many in civil engineering see the plethora of different frameworks as a bit of a lottery in terms of how much work they gain, Burnside (left) and Dighton this firm believes they are still worth (right) put a high value on the effort in terms of giving a steady staff retention pipeline of work. Burnside says: “We are very selective about what framework station and schools. roads, all the drains, all the bridges, we pursue because we’ve got to be Breheny is supporting the set up of KEY FACT the residential guys, their main focus confident that we can get on that a training centre, to be run by Urban is ‘when is my show home going up?’” framework, but also get some work & Civic, alongside an educational 425 Off the back of this demand, out of it, because you can be on provider and housebuilders. All Breheny has set up a new business every framework going but get very parties will use it for their training, Number of called Terrasite, which delivers little work due to what you can offer with Breheny using it for skills such Breheny staff housing and residential plots. It has clients and what work they have got as drainage and kerb laying. Students also set up a business called Networx coming through. will work on real sites such as open Utilities, so that it can put utilities “The actual clients that are putting trenches and manholes. 168 into developments, eliminating the frameworks together are looking for “When you are working on a Number of need to wait for utility companies to contractors of our size. They are site and you are under pressure to do this work. much more embracing, trying to get deliver that scheme for your client Breheny staff Dighton says: “We can effectively us involved, encouraging us to get it is not always easy to get a newly with the firm offer a one-stop-shop to housing involved. Three or four years ago, formed gang and put them on that job developers in two to three years’ there wasn’t quite that culture, it has because you have got to get it done. for more than time. We can put in the highways, changed.” Whereas if you have a custom-built 10 years drainage, structural infrastructure; we He adds: “You have got your tier training centre where they can be in can build plots up to slab level, and ones and your tier twos and we sit in the right environment, it’s a much put in utilities as well.” between. better approach,” says Burnside. These two new business arms are “When we are up against tier ones The experience gained at also part of Breheny’s strategy to tap in terms of quality of submission Alconbury could also offer the into the growth opportunities around and bid teams, we know can provide contractor another opportunity to its offices in Bicester and Huntingdon. and have the advantage financially grow and tap into the house building Last year the government announced with our own inhouse plant, our own market. that up to 1M new homes will be built direct staff,” says Burnside. Burnside explains: “For a long in the Cambridge-Milton Keynes- “With our guys we know their time, we’ve had clients saying they Oxford corridor by 2050. capability, and because we have would like us to deliver other aspects “We see that as being a major part invested so much training in them, of their work for them, particularly of our growth strategy. We’re really they are very good at what they some of the major residential guys. well placed with an office in Bicester, do and, again, that comes down to Can we deliver their plots? Can we and an office in Huntingdon – almost training and long service.” build their houses for them up until one at either end, and are ready to And that is where Breheny is groundworks? Because if you’re jump in,” says Burnside. hoping its increasing investment in putting all the infrastructure in, all the If all goes to plan, the firm could training will pay off. N

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OCTOBER 2018 NEW CIVIL ENGINEER 35 FUTURE PRESENT Modern technology is set to drive a step change in construction productivity as more and more projects adopt drones, sensors and the Internet of Things. Greg Pitcher reports.

World View of workstreams are underway to ensure the high profile new nuclear Civils 4.0 KEY FACTS power station benefits from emerging technology. £170M “We’re looking at a virtual reality ast October, a report project to support design validation produced by contractor Government of the control room, particularly from Mace made waves by investment in a human factors perspective,” she suggesting that 600,000 says. “This helps us anticipate the construction jobs could be Construction impact of design on the interaction replaced by technology in Sector of people with the building in a more the next two decades. The report Deal from precise way. Largues that the figures – although “We’ve also experimented with only projections – give a sense of Industrial augmented reality using Microsoft the talent pool that will have to be Strategy HoloLens to look at construction reskilled to allow the construction sequencing. The more we can de-risk Challenge 50% sector to move to “Industry 4.0” and the installation plan in advance the embrace productivity-improving Fund better.” Increase in output per worker technologies. EDF is also trialling a high-tech in manufacturing sector in last Industry 4.0 is the collective system that flags up differences decade term for a range of technologies £250M between site progress and design such as cloud computing, artificial Match intelligence, autonomous vehicles and sensors that many believe funding represent a fourth industrial offered by The ability revolution. The gains, Mace construction calculated, could be an extra £25bn a to become year for the UK economy. So, one year industry on, what progress has been made? to support more productive 0% One of those leading the charge to Construction using technology has Increase in output per these new ways of working is Maggie construction worker over the Brown who is innovation manager Sector Deal disrupted existing last decade on Hinkley Point C for project promoter EDF. She says a number “ business models

36 NEW CIVIL ENGINEER | OCTOBER 2018 If we are pour concrete on site.” Rolls Royce director of global moving towards manufacturing Hamid Mughal says the changes coming to the sector driverless cars, why will have a greater impact than Henry Ford’s moving assembly line does machinery on a production system. “We are on the threshold of construction site need something unbelievable,” he says. “ “Something that will transform to be operated by industry at a rate and pace that will be mind boggling.” people? Rolls Royce is working to take advantage of the revolution. models. “Our potential future factory “We are installing crane cameras will have self-correcting processes; and footage from these will be real time decision-making combined with drone footage to get a capability; intelligent automation; combined overview of what the site decentralised man-machine looks like on an hourly basis,” says interfaces; virtualisation through Brown. “That is linked to tracking a digital trail; interoperability; and progress against plan in an automated digital verification of products and way that is a lot more engaging processes using photonics, removing and simple to understand than a the need for final inspections. drawing.” “Basically the factories will be as Brown says the maturity of various close to waste-free as possible and technologies, and the testing of their the supply chain will be a logical application in construction, will extension of these factories. There radically alter the face of the industry. will be seamless partnering based on “The construction sector has to digital collaboration.” change or the usual suspects won’t The difference will be so profound be around,” she says bluntly. “The as to create new business models, likes of Costain, Skanska and Laing predicts Mughal. O’Rourke will need to compete with “It will be business as usual but on companies coming at delivery of steroids. The benefits will be huge, construction from a different angle. you will be able to guarantee quality “The ability to become more 100% of the time; meet delivery productive using technology has requirements absolutely; be lowest disrupted existing business models. cost; there will be design freedom Construction has a choice to either and a digital thread all the way to move with the times and make consumer service. best use of new technology – or be “We will create greater disrupted by externals.” functionality, adding value, delivering Brown uses the example of closer to the specification the Sidewalk Labs, which was set up by customer gives. So the market will Google with the vision of combining increase. Demand will rise.” people-centred urban design with Evolution of technology to take cutting-edge technology to achieve care of day-today operations will free new standards of sustainability, up management time to concentrate £25BN affordability, mobility, and economic on even more innovation, he says. opportunity. “Company culture will change, Extra value UK construction “Sidewalk Labs is effectively companies will compete on could deliver to the UK moving into infrastructure,” says innovation. This appeals to the DNA economy annually through Brown. “Everything it does will be of the UK. Innovation will beget more technology improvements driven and enabled by technology.” innovation. Evolving technology and its use by “The nation can exploit this new entrants to the market will make providing it is serious and does it construction projects very different with a real desire.” entities in future, says Brown. The construction industry will “If we are moving towards create structures in a different way and driverless cars, why does machinery enable them to be used and maintained on a construction site need to be more efficiently, Mughal says. 600,000 operated by people? Why do any “Construction will use Number of construction jobs repetitive tasks need to be done by manufacturing techniques – that could be automated by people? There will be a massive shift printing material on site to exact 2040 towards automation. requirements. Robots will build stuff. “There will also be more offsite There will be automation. Modular manufacturing – there is no need to structures. There are so many things

OCTOBER 2018 | NEW CIVIL ENGINEER 37 World View Civils 4.0

There will be fewer boots on the ground, more office-based, creative, “high-value roles £370BN Construction sector turnover in 2016, including contracting and professional services 21% Amount by which construction is less productive than the rest of the economy

the industry will use from digitisation. already have sensors on them, so it’s Amratia and his team of specialist “My projection is that construction not a stretch to think that there will mathematicians, artificial intelligence will reduce cost and lead time using be further information generated by experts and even a neuroscientist technology. Everything from bridges a larger number of mechanisms on claim to have an algorithm that can to homes will be modular built, assets on site.” read complex construction schedules and customised by configuration of This will inform a much smarter and understand them – and begin to modules.” approach – predictive maintenance learn from them. Meanwhile the Internet of Things rather than traditional planning After signing contracts with 17 will give owners more information regimes for example. companies from around the world on the condition of their assets – “There should be more certainty on – including Costain, Bam Nuttall allowing contractors to maintain site and better control of programme and Morgan Sindall – nPlan fed the structures more efficiently and if technology is implemented algorithm with 250,000 schedules proactively. correctly.” as well as monthly progress reports “Sensors can measure Someone who is heavily invested from the same projects. temperatures to operate air in using technology to create more “The algorithm learns where conditioning but also look at the programme certainty is Dev Amratia, problems usually occur,” says vitality of the building. Is there any chief executive of start-up firm nPlan. Amratia. ingress of water, for example? Brown “Experience is executing a plan, The system designed by nPlan is agrees that sensors and the Internet seeing a deviation and taking forward being deployed on two High Speed 2 of Things will also play a big role in revised assumptions. We think we can (HS2) packages, highlighting key risks the future industry. emulate the human planning process to programme and aiding the process “A lot of construction components into a machine learning algorithm.” of sequencing. N

38 NEW CIVIL ENGINEER | OCTOBER 2018 Inspirational engineers wanted to discover new innovations

Are you the engineer with big ambitions to improve the future? The innovations of Royal HaskoningDHV enable new challenges to be solved and help to shape the future of the industry. That is why we are looking for both experienced and young professionals with a natural drive to innovate. We want engineers who embrace the digital world and new technology and want to help us create innovations that have a positive impact on people and our living environment. Apply to join our team Enhancing Society Together The A2/M2 project is blurring the lines between technology JOINED UP and engineering THINKING Costain has bagged a first-of-its kind deal with Highways England to trial vehicle to road communications technology on the A2/M2. It is a glimpse into the future of transport technology, reports Rob Horgan.

World View Transport, Kent County Council and Transport for London to design, install Civils 4.0 KEY FACTS and implement the connected vehicle corridor. Trial vehicles will be fitted with ver since the Romans, 19km onboard technology to communicate building more roads Length of first with roadside units via 5G wireless has been the solution to stretch of the systems. Information about things increasing the capacity such as road works, traffic conditions, of the highway network. A2/M2 to temporary speed limits and time And that mantra has trial the new remaining before a traffic light turns to held society in pretty good stead – green will be sent to these vehicles. Eand lined the pockets of plenty of technology In return the vehicles’ speed and engineering firms – for hundreds of even carbon emissions could be years. Until now. tracked remotely. The government, Highways England Phase one of the project is due to and civil engineers alike have realised begin this November, initially covering that building our way out of capacity a 4km stretch of road, before a test problems has a limited shelf life. on a 19km section takes place next Now, the solution to increasing spring. Subject to a successful review capacity is technology. of this phase, a 55km trial will be Just as Network Rail is aiming to undertaken in 2020. The entire London increase rail capacity through digital signalling systems and automated train control, Highways England is looking to operate a “connected roads” system of motorways where This technology road and car communicate with one another. is a test bed In a first-of-its-kind deal, Costain has been awarded a deal by which can act as a Highways England to deliver roadside technology on the A2/M2 corridor stepping stone towards between London and Dover. autonomous vehicles The contractor will work with the roads operator, the Department for “ becoming a safe reality

40 NEW CIVIL ENGINEER | OCTOBER 2018 to Dover A2/M2 corridor could be The future of using the connected technology by the summer of 2020. infrastructure Costain managing director of infrastructure Darren James says projects will be a mix of the trial demonstrates the need for a new “diversity of thought” to be technology firms and developed. “We think that fundamentally engineers and that will infrastructure projects are going “ to have more and more technology benefit everyone at the heart of them,” he says. “We can’t continue to build our way out of infrastructure problems. such as Mott MacDonald, 4way “Improving reliability and capacity Consulting and transport research is a massive opportunity for body TRL. technology to help improve the way However the likes of technology we operate. firms Kapsch TrafficCom, Altran and “This technology is a test bed which Cohda Wireless, Telent Technology can act as a stepping stone towards Services and Telefonica are also autonomous vehicles becoming a safe involved with the trials, creating the reality. diversity of thought James refers to. “While that is still a long way off, And while some may view the the ability to communicate and gather increased presence of technology data from and between the road firms as a threat to the industry, and the car paves the way for future James says that collaboration modes of transport to work more between traditional IT firms and efficiently.” engineering companies is key to He adds: “That is why we want ensuring future success for the to centre ourselves as the best country’s infrastructure. technology savvy engineering firm. We “Technology firms being interested are not afraid to take a lead on this. in the infrastructure sector doesn’t “If I look at my time in the industry, mean that they want to do this on I have seen a significant shift in terms their own. In fact, it is quite the of the skillset that we have at Costain opposite,” he says. and in terms of what is needed. “Technology companies need us “What the technology has enabled as much as we embrace them. They is a diversity of thought which is quite need our expertise in rolling out their exciting to see in action.” technology. They don’t have the James’ words echo sentiments trusted relationships with industry laid down by Costain chief executive bodies such as Highways England that Andrew Wyllie who last month we do. explained that his firm is seeking “The future of infrastructure a new type of civil engineer as it projects will be a mix of technology ESSEX transforms itself for the digital age. firms and engineers and that will M25 A13 Wyllie said recruits must benefit everyone.” River Thames demonstrate a “wider skill set” as the The A2/M2 project is part of the Grays firm sets about turning itself into a Interoperable Corridors Initiative, smart infrastructure specialist to meet under which the UK is partnering with Dartford customer demand. the Netherlands, France and Belgium. A2 Gravesend He said: “We are developing a Highways England safety, strong team at Costain. We have to engineering and standards executive provide a range of services to our director Mike Wilson is driving it customers – advisory, consulting, from the UK perspective and has high A2/M2 Chatham M25 project delivery, operations and hopes. M20 maintenance. Customers are looking “Having the technology in place KENT for an integrated offering. to allow vehicles to connect to each M2 “We are taking on lots and lots of other and the road around them has civil engineers, but they are involved the potential to improve journeys, M26 in a much broader range of activities. making them safer and more reliable We are looking for a civil engineer with by providing real-time, personalised Maidstone M20 A228 a broader range of skills.” information directly to the driver. It Sevenoaks The blurring of the lines between could also help us manage traffic and A21 technology and engineering is there to respond to incidents,” he says A229 N Tonbridge 5km be seen in the companies involved on “The A2/M2 trial will test and the A2/M2 job. demonstrate how this may work in the Costain will work with traditional real world.” N construction firms and consultants

OCTOBER 2018 | NEW CIVIL ENGINEER 41 Take a fresh look Discover what makes MicroDrainage the UK and Ireland’s most widely used drainage design software

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MicroDrainage is part of the Innovyze water infrastructure Today’s MicroDrainage optimises the performance and software portfolio for modelling, simulation, operational effectiveness of traditional drainage and SuDS design. analytics, asset planning and drainage design & analysis. MicroDrainage 2018.1 delivers the benefit of BIM compliance with seamless Autodesk Civil 3D® integration & export to .IFC.

Take a fresh look at today’s MicroDrainage. 01635 582 555 [email protected] SEED SPEED The NCE Accelerator aims to provide a platform for innovative SMEs to prove their ideas. Mark Hansford reports.

Future Aerial’s Drone Cloud promises to deliver data in any format

programme management skills with outcomes for its clients. It will help World View digital technology capabilities. to identify the most promising KEY FACTS Across the industry there are plenty innovations and help their inventors Civils 4.0 of people with ideas about how to do develop them. this. Often they are smaller fi rms who “Digital technology is a vital enabler 1M struggle to get their voices heard. So to meeting the rapidly changing he civil engineering sector Number of New Civil Engineer has teamed up with demands of our customers,” explains is procuring billions of Costain to create the NCE Accelerator Costain highways sector director pounds of infrastructure SMEs in as a platform for small innovative Simon Ellison. and demanding innovation construction fi rms to pitch to, and be heard by, “They want to be able to make to increase productivity, industry the major industry clients that are informed decisions based on accurate reduce carbon emissions procuring this infrastructure. data that tells them how their assets and improve the health and safety of New Civil Engineer has made a are being used. And they need a Tworkers and the public. commitment to showcase the work range of digital tools to use those More signifi cant even, the solution of SMEs this year through its regular assets in the smartest way they to infrastructure reaching capacity SME profi les and the Trending20 can – from something as simple as or becoming life expired is not competition in the NCE100. smart metering in the water or energy necessarily to build more of it. And Costain is a technology-led sectors to entire stretches of smart In recent decades it has become solutions provider that is committed motorway and integrated journey clear that we cannot always build to supporting and nurturing SME planning systems,” he adds. our way out of our most complex talent to help it deliver better “Some of these digital technologies challenges. are already familiar, but for customers Clients are increasingly asking the to get the most benefi t from them, we industry to provide more intelligent need innovative new ways of thinking. infrastructure solutions that will Digital By combining end-to-end technology enable them to deliver smarter and and engineering capabilities, we are more effi cient services – whether they technology is a in a better position to innovate and to are in energy, water or transportation. challenge conventional thinking.” They want to understand how their vital enabler to meeting A case in point is Costain’s recent existing assets are operating, how those appointment as part of a consortium assets can be used more effi ciently, and the rapidly changing to deliver the A2/M2 Connected how they can maximise capacity. Corridor project (see page 50). It The best way to achieve this is by demands of our will work with Highways England, integrating traditional engineering and “ the Department for Transport, customers


Civils 4.0 NCE Accelerator

Our purpose at Costain is all about improving people’s lives through “deploying technology- based engineering solutions

Kent County Council and Transport for London to design, install and implement roadside technology for the connected vehicle corridor. Trial vehicles will be fi tted with on-board technology to communicate with roadside units via 5G wireless systems. Information such as road works, traffi c conditions, temporary MATtest provides automated speed limits and time remaining quality assurance for pavement before a traffi c light turns to green construction could be sent to vehicles. Other sectors have similar technology focuses. better way,” she says. “To do that you “Our purpose at Costain is all need to understand that asset and be about improving people’s lives able to use that data to optimise how THE ACCELERATOR through deploying technology-based it works, what it delivers, and when it engineering solutions,” says group needs an intervention to improve it or capabilities director Maxine Mayhew. maintain it.” New Civil Engineer has teamed up with Costain to “Our water ambition is very much Which means understanding create a platform for innovative SMEs to pitch their aligned to that – working with our technology advances through ideas to key clients. These clients will act as mentors customers to help create the future programmes like the NCE Accelerator to help develop the best ideas on live sites. of water. There are three major is crucial for a company like Costain. The mentors are: challenges facing the industry and innovation director Paul Doney they’re around capacity, resilience Tim Embley adds: “Costain has a very Innovation and continuous improvement director, and customer service, but that comes focused approach to introducing Highways England at a time when there’s a demand technology into infrastructure Charlotte Hill for decreasing cost, so as we work projects. Through the NCE Accelerator Innovation lead, business excellence, Tideway with our customers to meet these competition we are hoping to identify Joseph Osborne challenges through outcome-based SMEs from across a range of industries Strategy and performance manager, South West contracts, you get a real opportunity – be it construction, manufacturing or Water to innovate and integrate technology. IT – and provide major infrastructure Nader Saffari “Incremental change won’t bring the clients with new solutions. Profession head – earth structures and geotechnical, improvements that are needed across “SMEs have some great ideas Transport for London capacity, resilience and customer but just need the platform and Rikesh Shah service. What we need is a real step opportunity to share those ideas with Head of commercial innovation, Transport for London change in the solutions to drive the people who will invest in them. That is Rob Ewen outcomes.” what we want to do.” Delivery director, Heathrow Airport Ltd Understanding and optimising The focal point of the NCE Tim Smart assets is becoming increasingly Accelerator is a competition that Chief engineer, HS2 Ltd important, with data set to play a big was set to be a highlight of New Civil Tim Embley part in water companies’ thinking in Engineer’s Festival of Innovation Group innovation & knowledge manager, Costain Asset Management Programme 7. and Technology, TechFest on 19 Usman Shah “One key part of driving innovation September. This aimed to provide Innovation accelerator manager, Costain and better outcomes is about utilising a stage for fi ve small fi rms with big the assets that already exist in a ideas to pitch their solutions to some


Civils 4.0 NCE Accelerator

develop their concept. and deliberation we selected these Costain The opportunity to develop an eight to present to a selection of our innovation in a test-bed proved mentors ahead of the festival as we has a very strong, and an impressive 25 SMEs felt it impossible to decide between focused approach submitted entries, which were them at this stage.“ reviewed by a select team that “We look forward to hearing them to introducing included Embley, Mayhew, Ellison present, and can’t wait for the festival and Costain innovation accelerator where the final five will get to share technology into manager Usman Shah, who will work their innovative solutions with the “ with the winner and shortlisted firms industry at large,” he adds. projects to help them hone their ideas. “These eight prove that this is a They shortlisted eight of the entries, really exciting time for technology all of which presented extraordinary innovation to transform UK of the industry’s most pressing issues. ideas for how technology-led solutions infrastructure,” adds Embley. But which issues? can move the industry forward and “The firms selected in the shortlist To set the challenge, New Civil deliver value for clients and end users. are the ones to come and watch at Engineer brought together a panel of As New Civil Engineer went to press, TechFest. Their ideas will inspire, industry clients to identify an issue all eight were due to present their spark new thoughts and in so that they would like to see SMEs ideas to a selection of accelerator doing help other businesses bring helping to solve. More than that, panel mentors who face the agonising task innovations to their services. I’m members will work as mentors to of selecting the best five to present on looking forward to seeing who wins.” N the best SMEs that come up with the the TechFest main stage. brightest solutions. “We were really impressed by the Clients on the panel were keen to volume and the quality of the entries,” l Find out who won at keep the solutions real. They wanted says Shah. “After a morning of debate SMEs who have bold ideas in how to unlock data through the application of existing technologies. ACCELERATOR SHORTLIST They were looking for innovations that: l Use technologies that exist in The eight innovations construction industry, products being delivered to other sectors or in niche areas in the shortlisted are: removing the need for materials site. Co-You’s patent-pending construction industry technicians to conduct tests product is a novel packaging l Will provide much needed l Qualis Flow on site in potentially hazardous material that stably absorbs measurement of the construction Seeks to carry out real-time environments CO2 and bio-degrades process and health of the asset data analytics on data already l Are ready to be trialled in a live being collected to provide site l Gear Buddy l Beyond Green environment (on a real site or on real teams with actionable insights In partnership with BMW Its Arena17 will use existing data) to minimise adverse social Gear Buddy is leveraging datasets to provide real time l Will improve the construction and environmental impacts of existing technologies from the reporting of projects against process or offer benefit to end client, construction activity such as automotive sector to provide sustainability indicators end user, designer or constructor noise and dust. It aims to be real time health monitoring such as the UN Sustainable They also wanted innovations that a proactive tool that creates of plant and equipment and Development Goals that are could help: vibrant, healthy cities through machine learning transparent and standardised, l Deliver intelligent infrastructure predict breakdowns before they such that businesses can and smart cities l Future Aerial occur demonstrate progress and l Help build a digital asset base Its Drone Cloud promises to identify gaps l Deliver low carbon infrastructure deliver data in any format from l nPlan l Address the circular economy or 2D CAD to full 3D point clouds, Has patent-pending algorithms l Enable My Team are part of the sharing economy removing the need for expensive that will take data from past Has developed automated asset The winner will be presented with hardware and software to projects to predict the duration recognition from high resolution the prestigious TechFest Accelerator manage complex datasets. It has of activities on future projects. It images for rail assets. It will take award and then go onto a structured already been trialled on a modest claims to have already captured this data and through artificial accelerator programme, working project in Northern Ireland and data from 120,000 schedules intelligence and machine with Costain and some leading its developers are now seeking to covering 300M tasks learning detect potential faults infrastructure client mentors to test scale it up before they happen, allowing the concept. l Co-You rail engineers to spend more Selected runners up will also l MATtest More than a third of waste from time proactively mitigating risks be invited onto the accelerator Provides automated quality a construction project is derived rather than reactively fixing programme and will be able to work assurance to the pavement from materials used to package failures with Costain and industry clients to


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GET MORE DETAIL, VISIT MABEY.COM/MONITORING CONCRENE INNOVATION Ultra-high performance concrete CENTRAL Five visionary ideas are improving civils delivery now and in the future were set to be among those on show at TechFest in London. Alexandra Wynne reports.

and this has been the primary World View driver for the development of the KEY FACTS substance Concrene. Applying the Civils 4.0 latest advances in nanotechnology and nanoscience to concrete mixes nnovation ranges from the 146% to enhance their performance means disruptive game-changer to the Increase in concrete can be used in lower incremental advances deployed volumes. on projects day in day out. All compressive Concrete is the most commonly innovations have a key role to strength of used man made construction material play as the industry drive to globally. Made of coarse and fine improve productivity and value for the concrete when aggregates bound together by the Iend-user continues to intensify. Concrene is chemical reaction between cement The following schemes and ideas used and water, it is then reinforced with were set to be demonstrated at New steel bars to withstand bending and Civil Engineer’s TechFest event in compression stresses in the structural London, and are a sample of the 40km framework of any building. visionary ideas aiming to make civil Engineering concrete at the engineering work safer, more cost Length of nanoscale means its chemical and effective, and more robust. M42/M40/ physiomechanical properties can be A45/A46 altered and enhanced. CONCRENE, Concrene’s developer says its UNIVERSITY OF EXETER Connected innovative nanoengineered concrete There is a constant drive to develop Corridor ultra-high performance construction materials with modern engineering technologies. These materials have 80% to exhibit enhanced durability and Reduction in Engineering mechanical performance, and have to incorporate properties that satisfy track access concrete at multiple uses to be suitable for future time with emerging structural applications. the nanoscale, means This novel product is one of the Land Rover first aiming to use wonder-substance SIV its chemical and graphene to fundamentally change LAND ROVER SIV construction products fit for the future. physiomechanical Removes the need for hand pushed Cement and concrete manufacturing “ properties can be trolleys on the rail network account for a disproportionately high amount of global carbon emissions, altered and enhanced

50 NEW CIVIL ENGINEER | OCTOBER 2018 UK CITE A real-world Autonomous vehicle test bed laboratory for testing how connected and autonomous “vehicles can interact with communications infrastructure

demonstrates an unprecedented range of enhanced properties when compared to standard concrete. These include an increase of up to 146% in compressive strength and 79.5% in flexural strength, while also enhancing electrical and thermal performance.

UK CITE The UK Connected and Intelligent Transport Environment (UK CITE) is creating a real-world laboratory for testing how connected and autonomous vehicles can interact with communications infrastructure. BRIDGECAT The scheme is being developed as Mobile bridge part of a consortium of 11 partners inspection system led by Jaguar Land Rover and Visteon, including Highways England. It is focused on bringing together multiple technologies for the purpose of testing the technical and commercial viability of a 40km road network or “Connected Corridor” running 40km along the M42/M40/A45/A46 and through Coventry City. Using Highways England and Coventry City infrastructure, roadside cabinets will be installed, along with antennas, that will be connected to a back office system linked to Highways England and Coventry traffic management systems. These will communicate with vehicles fitted with communications technology that will allow the testing of several “Day 1 Use” cases. The project is part funded by Innovate UK and there are three technology aspects to the project. l Testing vehicle to vehicle and vehicle to infrastructure communications and interoperability between vehicle manufacturers and technology providers l Trialling the use of an intelligent transport system connected app for VIRTUAL REALITY SAFETY virtual roadside and driver messaging TRAINING l Testing street level wifi to Creates a more engaging understand if it is a viable technology safety training experience to provide convenience and or automotive related services.

OCTOBER 2018 | NEW CIVIL ENGINEER 51 World View Civils 4.0

The BridgeCat attributed to the training. The teams have developed bespoke

system has the storyboards to address key training LIVE JUDGING HUBS objectives then produced 360video capabilities to herald films of real on-site situations, carefully constructed to be as a new phase in bridge These are just five of the ideas and initiatives authentic as possible. The result is set to be presented in the Live Judging Hubs a powerfully immersive experience inspection making for the viewer, who watches the film at New Civil Engineer’s Festival of Innovation “ on a VR headset, and can experience bridge inspections and Technology is on 19 September at the “dangerous” situations in total safety. Grange Tower Bridge Hotel in London. This contrasts with the traditional quicker, and more approach of providing a site reliable induction for every new member In all 40 similarly visionary concepts will be of staff, operative or visitor. The people delivering these briefings and This collaboration has helped the presented with a view to winning prestigious inductions tend to rely on traditional project partners learn about how TechFest Awards. Watch the pitches live by communication methods: PowerPoint Highways England manages the securing your place today. slides, perhaps a short video or some strategic road network. multiple choice questions. It has also enabled Highways England to increase its understanding Find out who won by going to BRIDGECAT, of and capabilities in the field of GAIST SOLUTIONS vehicle and cellular communications, BridgeCat is a revolutionary mobile and the impact this will have on how bridge inspection system funded and it manages traffic. developed by the Department for Transport (DfT) in collaboration with LAND ROV ER R2R SIV, Cumbria County Council and Gaist. ASPIN GROUP During Winter 2015/16 Cumbria In 2015, Network Rail introduced a experienced its worst flooding in restriction on manually propelled recent years. As a result, many rolling platforms – commonly known bridges were damaged or destroyed, as link trolleys – carrying over 1t. causing widespread travel disruption The restriction means that heavy be formed in the cess. and triggering a major inspection geotechnical survey kit such as Access to the rail network is also and repair project incurring heavy track window sample rigs have to be easier as the vehicle can access most financial costs to the taxpayer. transported to site using three trolleys, step-free points or use approved foam Accordingly, a request was received adding cost and time to track works. track access platforms as well as from Cumbria, working with DfT, to Land Rover and Aspin Group have crossing off road agricultural terrain. design, build and prove the concept developed an innovation which Other safety measures include a for a mobile bridge inspection involves mounting a load bearing mast manual jack so sample tubes and system capable of safely and rapidly on the rear of the new Land Rover casings can be rescued in the event of assessing bridge scour. road-rail vehicle, avoiding the need for a breakdown and a retractable barrier The BridgeCat system is currently using manually propelled trolleys. that protects operatives during active in Cumbria in a trial phase This significantly reduces the time adjacent line open work. Having the and is ready for deployment in any and labour needed to collect essential rig on the vehicle also eliminates the situation where it might be required. ground investigation data and reduces risk of the rig toppling or parting the Current indications suggest the fatigue and risks for operators. Track trolleys when ramping the rig on and system has the capabilities to herald access time is reduced by as much off the trolleys. a new phase in bridge inspection as 80% and productivity can be more making bridge inspections quicker, than double. VIRTUAL REALITY SAFETY and more reliable. It has Network Rail approval and TRAINING, GALLIFORD TRY The Gaist-designed system was first used on the Huntingdon Contractor Galliford Try has comprises a Unimog vehicle with rear to Woodwalton Four Track Project partnered with external consultant mounted crane onto which a pan and in March last year. It has gone on 360safeVR to roll out pioneering tilt unit and sensing equipment is to deliver on many other works for virtual reality safety training to sites mounted. A cable reeler with integral Network Rail across the UK. across the UK. Phase one of the slip ring and a series of plug and The drilling rig was designed so initiative is underway and feedback play cables allow continuous power that it can be removed from the Land shows that this has been effective and and data transfer to the sensing Rover to increase the flexibility of the impactful with trainees citing specific equipment which includes a sonar, unit and enable exploratory holes to examples of behavioural changes underwater camera and altimeter. N

52 NEW CIVIL ENGINEER | OCTOBER 2018 a company

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20% 1M £170M Government Assets to be Government’s target for tagged by Crossrail budget for savings from for future data industry implementing collection modernisation BIM Level 2 via Industrial on its centrally Strategy procured work Challenge Fund t is no secret that technology is project,” Inniss says. “But in the past gaining an increasing foothold in the we have struggled to see data as being world of engineering. structured for the asset’s life.” Be it the use of building information He adds: “We can never say asset modelling (BIM) in design processes, management is complete, it is always about drones mapping out rail routes or continuously learning and improving. the ever-increasing presence of Elon Musk “While High Speed 2 is going to be Iboring us all to tears, technology has fantastic, there is already an awful lot of LONG TERM become an ever-present fixture that is here existing infrastructure that we need to be to stay. looking after and managing better. Closer to home, the change of focus has “So where BIM has massive value is in led Costain’s chief executive Andrew Wyllie structuring the way we maintain existing to change the way his company recruits. He data and assets, rather than just delivering is now prioritising engineers who are tech new projects.” savvy. Likewise, London Bridge Associates “Whether it’s Network Rail or Highways director David Sharrocks believes that the GAINS England or [clients] in the water sector, best potential use of BIM is as a post-project there are significant multi-million pound tool. Eglinton: Technology response is mixed spend profiles but all those major customers “If we are going to use BIM as a tool, which are saying the way in which their money is we are, then we’ve got to redefine what BIM just aren’t there. Take LU. Some projects are being spent is fundamentally different from is being used for not just for a project but for there, they get it, but go to another project the previous period, with technology at the an asset’s lifetime,” he says. and conceptually they are miles off.” heart of everything they are doing,” he says. While a large chunk of the construction Even within clients that are on board, “The use of technology is key to winning that industry understands and is willing to accept there are pockets where knowledge is work.” the potential that technology presents lacking, he adds. “That’s the biggest One of the main ways in which technology for improving asset management, there challenge: that there isn’t an appropriate can improve the UK’s infrastructure is not are pockets of resistance which remain level of awareness across the board.” while it is in design – which is already being stubbornly in the dark. Eglinton believes that BIM has enabled done well – but in the post-project phase. BIM4 Infrastructure UK chair Steven companies to embrace change. He says the As highlighted by the recent tragic Eglinton spends his working life helping people who understand BIM are on board for Polcevera viaduct collapse in Italy, the clients and contractors see eye to eye on entire digital transformation, especially in benefits to successful asset management and technology uptake. terms of asset management. monitoring could be life saving. While he admits that certain industry He now wants to see those who already London to Channel Tunnel rail link clients have been quick on the uptake and understand it demonstrate its success. operator High Speed 1 (HS1) head of asset “absolutely get it”, he says that many have “The challenge is the messaging,” he says. management Joseph Inniss says that no level of awareness whatsoever. “I don’t think we should be shouting louder delivering projects is just the start of an “In the client world there are some about the successes of BIM, I don’t think we asset’s life. It is how the asset is maintained who absolutely get it,” he says. “London are mature enough to get the wording right. post project which ultimately paves the way Underground (LU) gets it, they absolutely “Now is the right time to demonstrate the for its future success. get it. literal value of digital transformation.” “A lot of projects are really good at “And HS1 as well. When we were looking Bentley Systems vice president Mike providing information for delivering a at digital transformation HS1 is already Coldrick also believes that real examples shooting really high. of successful implementation must be “But unfortunately a lot of other projects showcased as best practice moving


The UK government mandated the use of BIM information, documentation and data to be Level 2 on all centrally procured public sector electronic, which supports efficient delivery at projects by 4 April 2016. the design and construction phases. At the design stage, designers, clients and The strategy highlighted BIM’s use as the end users can use BIM to work together to key to challenging existing industry business develop the most suited design and test it models and practices and driving greater before it is built. During construction BIM collaboration, efficiency, innovation and value enables the supply chain to share precise across all elements of the industry. information about components, reducing the BIM Level 2 requires all project and asset risk of errors and waste. Inniss: Delivery is just the start of an asset’s life

OCTOBER 2018 | NEW CIVIL ENGINEER 55 World View Civils 4.0


This report is based on a round table discussion which took place during New Civil Engineer’s UK Transport conference in London in June. The participants were:

Dave Beddell director of strategy and growth – transportation, Aecom Infrastructure & Environment UK Mike Coldrick vice president, Bentley Systems Steven Eglinton head, digital national Tavares: Focus on value away from cost asset register, Cabinet Office Coldrick: Crossrail Academy was vital Ian Gill, Mott MacDonald forwards. Satbir Gill, chairman, Crossrail was a high profi le early adopter London Technical Advisors Group It is not just putting of BIM and, despite its current issues, Manoj Gupta head of rail UK, a rail line in from Coldrick says it remains a blueprint for Waterman Group future asset delivery. Mark Hansford Editor, A to B, and therefore cost “We need to take more people with us New Civil Engineer to understand how important this topic is Stephen Holmes director, cannot be the only thing to and how important it is to the future of our Dragados UK industry,” he says. “Future collaboration, Rob Horgan News editor, take into consideration productivity, profi tability, all of these things New Civil Engineer “ can be gained out of a better understanding of Liz Hunter interim director of policy very hard to measure, and measuring the managing data from within the supply chain.” & strategy, West Yorkshire Combined performance of that piece of infrastructure is He adds: “I fi rmly believe one of the most Authority very diffi cult. important aspects of delivering Crossrail Joseph Inniss head of asset “Likewise with HS2, the business was getting all of the supply chain through the management, High Speed 1 plan starts to cater for everything from Crossrail Academy to understand why and Alex Lubbock head of digital environmental impact to disruption to how it was operating within the supply chain.” construction, Infrastructure & driving business in certain towns and cities. But it is not just about talking about Projects Authority It is not just putting a rail line in from A to B success stories. West Yorkshire Combined Subash Tavares, head of PMO, and therefore cost cannot be the only thing Authority head of transport policy Liz major projects directorate, to take into consideration, it just cannot Hunter believes there must be a way of Transport for London work like that.” capturing the monetary value of using BIM in David Sharrocks director, If making a solid business case for order for it to unlock future project funding. London Bridge Associates implementing BIM on new projects is “What I don’t see, and what needs to diffi cult, then how is it ever going to be used happen, is at the end of a project working In association with to monitor existing infrastructure? out how much using certain technology That is the question which is currently has saved a project and then embedding plaguing Tavares and LU. those stats in future business cases,” she “For LU, with such a diverse portfolio says. “I think by doing that you would drive where data has never been managed or awareness and adoption. collected in a consistent way, the question “I’m not seeing it at the start of projects at for us is how far back we go,” he says. “On the moment.” new major projects, moving forward we can Transport for London head of PMO, major establish something from the very beginning We need to take projects directorate Subash Tavares believes from A to B, but for us there are hardly any that focusing on value away from cost is projects where we don’t touch existing more people with the only way to accelerate BIM uptake. In infrastructure. us to understand how particular, this means promoting social value “So the question for us is how far back do above monetary savings. we go to establish the baseline and at the important this topic is and “It’s like our cycle superhighways. There end of the day it is all about money. is no business case for it, no tangible benefi t, “ I like the idea that new contracts must how important it is to the but we have an agenda to provide healthy implement this technology and I think we streets, encouraging people to ride their should hold the industry to that because “ bikes,” he says. “So the tangible benefi t is otherwise we can never make that change.” future of our industry

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Mabey has installed a road bridge in Puerto Rico in record time after a hurricane destroyed the original crossing. In partnership with Viateck and Construcciones José Carro, Mabey delivered the Rio Grande bridge in Arecibo in under three months. Commissioned by the Eastern Federal Lands Highway Division, it took Mabey 19 days to install the new 58m long modular bridge after the design phase was complete. The Mabey Compact 200 (C200) was installed with emergency ramps and integrated with existing concrete abutments.


UK suppliers are being sought for The Falkland Islands Government is works on Uganda’s international to press ahead with several airport in Holma. SBC (Uganda), a long-awaited transport UK-incorporated joint venture infrastructure projects after naming between Colas and SBI International Ramboll UK as its professional Holdings, want UK contractors to services framework contractor. A work on the UK government-backed small technical and professional project. The Ugandan government team from the firm will head out to has received a £250M project loan the South Atlantic later this month from the UK government’s Export to work alongside local engineering Finance department, the largest ever services company Ajax. Projects on loan to an African government. the agenda include new port Colas is now inviting UK suppliers to facilities, improvements to Stanley Contractors are being sought to deliver a new E12M (£11M) express interest in building a new Airport and the latest phase of memorial to those killed during the Normandy invasion of international airport. The airport works at Sapper Hill, where new 1944. The British Normandy Memorial will stand on an will be the second international homes are being constructed. imposing site at Ver-sur-Mer overlooking “Gold Beach” – a airport in Uganda and will initially Work is also scheduled to upgrade key site for British troops during the D-Day landings. support and service the oil and gas the terminal at the RAF’s Mount Work on the site will include installing foundations, sector and infrastructure Pleasant base, which serves as the constructing access roads and paths, drainage and development. Islands’ international airport. lighting. The 20ha memorial will open on 6 June, 2020.


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YII2018_AD_210x265_NCE_0718.indd 1 7/31/2018 9:52:48 AM BOOK YOUR TABLE INNOVATION IN MAINTENANCE & TUNNELLING PROJECT OF THE YEAR RENEWAL AWARD (OVER $1BN) TODAY! • Astaldi, Rehabilitation Italy’s Perugia-Ancona Road Tunnels • Astaldi Spa, Design and Build of Central Section of Metro Line 2 of • Atas / Arup, Ventilation Operation Optimisation, Eurasia Tunnel Warsaw City | • Costain & , M4 Brynglas Tunnels Refurbishment • Avenue2, A2 Maastricht 6 DECEMBER 2018 GRANGE TOWER BRIDGE HOTEL • Mosen, Installation of an Innovative Passive Fire Protection System for • China Communications Construction Company and Aecom Asia, Hong Moving Tunnel Joints Kong - Zhuhai - Macao Bridge Link, Immersed Tunnel and Artifi cial Islands INNOVATION IN TECHNICAL PRODUCT TUNNELLING TEAM OF THE YEAR OR EQUIPMENT AWARD • Aecom Asia and Dragages / Bouygues TP, Liantang TBM Team • Avenue2, Avenue2 Infra and Project bureau A2 Maastricht • Cambridge Centre for Smart Infrastructure and Construction (CSIC), • Bouygues Travaux Publics, MTR 1128 SHORTLIST REVEALED! Geocisa UK, Dragados and Transport for London, Fibre Bragg Grating • Ferrovial Agroman Laing O’Rourke JV, NLE Tunnels Team Based Real-Time and Low Maintenance Strain Monitoring of Existing Assets • Tata Projects, LKCC06 - Tunnelling Team • Dragados, The Orion, Bank Station Capacity Upgrade • tRIIO (Skanska & Morrison JV), Barhale, Mott MacDonald, • Senceive, FlatMesh Wireless Technology for Deformation Monitoring Gardiner & Theobald, Chelsea Battersea Team COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT AWARD INNOVATION IN INSTRUMENTATION & • UtterBerry, UtterBerry System, Crossrail at Barbican station • Costain and VINCI Construction Grands Projets JV, Shieldhall Tunnel MONITORING AWARD (DELIVERY TEAM) OUTSTANDING CONTRIBUTION TO THE INDUSTRY UNDERGROUND SPACE PROJECT OF THE YEAR • Ferrovial Agroman Laing O’Rourke JV, Defect Survey Process • Avenue2, A2 Maastricht • Ferrovial Agroman Laing O’Rourke JV, FLO Skills and Education • Atas / Arup, Tunnel Monitoring Enhancement to Improve Ventilation, • Robert Cornish, Southland Holdings Eurasia Tunnel • Ferrovial Agroman Laing O’Rourke JV, Northern Line Extension - Programme • Dave Harold, London Bridge Associates Step Plate Junctions • Cambridge Centre for Smart Infrastructure and Construction (CSIC), • Geotechnical Observations, Kennington Buildings - Step Plate Junction • Didier Jacques, Bouygues TP • Ramboll, Holmestrand Station Monitoring Geocisa UK, Dragados and Transport for London, Innovative Monitoring of Tunnelling-Induced Displacements and Strains, Bank Station Capacity • tRIIO (Skanska & Morrison JV), Barhale, Mott MacDonald, • Gulermak Agir Sanayi Insaat ve Taahhut A.S. Oddział w Polsce, Gardiner & Theobald, Chelsea to Battersea Pipeline Tunnel Project InfoPoint Pavilon Upgrade TUNNELLING PROJECT OF THE YEAR • MMC Gamuda KVMRT, Stem School Outreach Programme • Dragados & London Underground, The Orion, Bank Station Capacity (UNDER $100M) • Murphy Surveys, Murphy Surveys Community Engagement Initiative Upgrade YOUNG TUNNELLER OF THE YEAR • Severn Trent Water, Newark Customers and Communities First Initiative • Ferrovial Agroman Laing O’Rourke JV, Traditional and Digital Monitoring, • Joseph Gallagher, Nine Elms South Bank Cable Tunnel Northern Line Extension • Morgan Sindall, Southam Quarry A426 Crossing • Ana Aser, Ferrovial Agroman • Southland Holdings, Community Engagement for Kaneohe/Kailua Tunnel • Senthilnath G T, Geoconsult Asia Singapore Project • MMC Gamuda KVMRT, Measuring Pile Strain Profi les, Sungai Buloh- • Southland Holdings, Deep Rock Connector Tunnel Project Serdang-Putrajaya Klang Valley Mass Rapid Transit • tRIIO (Skanska & Morrison JV), Barhale, Mott MacDonald, • Liam Greaney, Ferrovial Agroman Laing O’Rourke JV • Murphy Surveys, Real-time Monitoring for Multiple Asset Protection, Gardiner & Theobald, Chelsea Battersea Pipeline Tunnel Project • Sam Huckle, Balfour Beatty HEALTH, SAFETY & WELLBEING INITIATIVE UKPN Battersea tunnel • Nick McCrossan, Mott MacDonald • Murphy Surveys, Innovative and Safer Tunnel Monitoring Techniques, • James Reilly, Bouygues Travaux Publics OF THE YEAR St John’s Woods TUNNELLING PROJECT OF • Alejandro Vazquez, Ferrovial Agroman Laing O’Rourke JV • Astaldi, Health & Safety Management, Chuquicamata Mine in Chile • Transport for London Engineering in partnership with Transmission THE YEAR ($100M TO $1BN) • Dragages / Bouygues TP, ROBY 850 Semi-Automatic Drilling Robot, Dynamics, Escalator Smart-Steps, Bank Station Capacity Upgrade • Airport Authority Hong Kong, China, Langfang Huayuan, Liantang/Hueng Yuen Wai Boundary Control point Black & Veatch, Cinotech, Hong Kong Internation Airport Three-Runway • Ferrovial Agroman Laing O’Rourke JV, Workforce Wellbeing and Mental System Project - Aviation Fuel Pipeline Diversion Works Health Awareness, Northern Line Extension INNOVATION IN INSTRUMENTATION & • Arup Singapore, Downtown Line 3 Contract 937 Fort Canning Station and • Mapei, Mapelastic TU (waterproofi ng) System MONITORING AWARD (PRODUCT SPECIALIST) Associated Tunnels • UtterBerry, UtterBerry System, Crossrail Tunnelling • Elpa, TBM Operational Data Real Time Monitoring, Red Line Metro, Tel Aviv • Costain and VINCI Construction Grands Projets, Shieldhall Tunnel • GeoSLAM, Real-Time Automated Measurements for Safer Sprayed • Ferrovial Agroman Laing O’Rourke JV, Northern Line Extension INNOVATION IN DESIGN & DELIVERY AWARD Concrete • Weston Williamson + Partners, Victoria Station Upgrade • Global Sensing Solutions, Testing Smart Segments, Liantang/Heung Yuen • WSP on behalf of the Well-Connected Alliance, Waterview Connection • Arup, The Asset Portal, Crossrail 2 Wai Boundary Control Point • Avenue2, Double-Decker Tunnel, Park Lane for A2 Maastricht • Pinssar, Harsh Environment - Real Time DPM Monitor • Capita & Costain, Pavement and Drainage Design, M4 Brynglas Tunnel • FlatMesh Wireless Technology for Deformation Monitoring Refurbishment Senceive, • SIXENSE , Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar, Crossrail Satellite • Dragages / Bouygues TP, Adapted Techniques for Large TBM Shaft InSAR monitoring Crossing, Tuen Mun-Chek Lap Kok Link • Worldsensing, Loadsensing Wireless Monitoring using LPWAN for TO BOOK YOUR TABLE: SPONSOR THE FESTIVAL: • Dragages / Bouygues TP, Deep Excavation Caterpillar-Shaped Co˜ erdam, Tunnel Construction Tuen Mun-Chek Lap Kok Link • Metro C, Bored-Pile Wall Trial Field in AMA area Rachael O’Rourke Francis Barham • Skanska, Dewatering Saline Intrusion Prevention, River Humber Gas Pipeline Replacement rachael.o’[email protected] [email protected] • Spie Batignolles Fondations UK, Small Diameter Deep Diaphragm Wall, Bypass Tunnel Outlet Shaft at Beckton STW for Tideway 020 3953 2114 020 3953 2912 @TunnellingFest # TunnellingFest BOOK YOUR TABLE INNOVATION IN MAINTENANCE & TUNNELLING PROJECT OF THE YEAR RENEWAL AWARD (OVER $1BN) TODAY! • Astaldi, Rehabilitation Italy’s Perugia-Ancona Road Tunnels • Astaldi Spa, Design and Build of Central Section of Metro Line 2 of • Atas / Arup, Ventilation Operation Optimisation, Eurasia Tunnel Warsaw City | • Costain & Capita, M4 Brynglas Tunnels Refurbishment • Avenue2, A2 Maastricht 6 DECEMBER 2018 GRANGE TOWER BRIDGE HOTEL • Mosen, Installation of an Innovative Passive Fire Protection System for • China Communications Construction Company and Aecom Asia, Hong Moving Tunnel Joints Kong - Zhuhai - Macao Bridge Link, Immersed Tunnel and Artifi cial Islands INNOVATION IN TECHNICAL PRODUCT TUNNELLING TEAM OF THE YEAR OR EQUIPMENT AWARD • Aecom Asia and Dragages / Bouygues TP, Liantang TBM Team • Avenue2, Avenue2 Infra and Project bureau A2 Maastricht • Cambridge Centre for Smart Infrastructure and Construction (CSIC), • Bouygues Travaux Publics, MTR 1128 SHORTLIST REVEALED! Geocisa UK, Dragados and Transport for London, Fibre Bragg Grating • Ferrovial Agroman Laing O’Rourke JV, NLE Tunnels Team Based Real-Time and Low Maintenance Strain Monitoring of Existing Assets • Tata Projects, LKCC06 - Tunnelling Team • Dragados, The Orion, Bank Station Capacity Upgrade • tRIIO (Skanska & Morrison JV), Barhale, Mott MacDonald, • Senceive, FlatMesh Wireless Technology for Deformation Monitoring Gardiner & Theobald, Chelsea Battersea Team COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT AWARD INNOVATION IN INSTRUMENTATION & • UtterBerry, UtterBerry System, Crossrail at Barbican station • Costain and VINCI Construction Grands Projets JV, Shieldhall Tunnel MONITORING AWARD (DELIVERY TEAM) OUTSTANDING CONTRIBUTION TO THE INDUSTRY UNDERGROUND SPACE PROJECT OF THE YEAR • Ferrovial Agroman Laing O’Rourke JV, Defect Survey Process • Avenue2, A2 Maastricht • Ferrovial Agroman Laing O’Rourke JV, FLO Skills and Education • Atas / Arup, Tunnel Monitoring Enhancement to Improve Ventilation, • Robert Cornish, Southland Holdings Eurasia Tunnel • Ferrovial Agroman Laing O’Rourke JV, Northern Line Extension - Programme • Dave Harold, London Bridge Associates Step Plate Junctions • Cambridge Centre for Smart Infrastructure and Construction (CSIC), • Geotechnical Observations, Kennington Buildings - Step Plate Junction • Didier Jacques, Bouygues TP • Ramboll, Holmestrand Station Monitoring Geocisa UK, Dragados and Transport for London, Innovative Monitoring of Tunnelling-Induced Displacements and Strains, Bank Station Capacity • tRIIO (Skanska & Morrison JV), Barhale, Mott MacDonald, • Gulermak Agir Sanayi Insaat ve Taahhut A.S. Oddział w Polsce, Gardiner & Theobald, Chelsea to Battersea Pipeline Tunnel Project InfoPoint Pavilon Upgrade TUNNELLING PROJECT OF THE YEAR • MMC Gamuda KVMRT, Stem School Outreach Programme • Dragados & London Underground, The Orion, Bank Station Capacity (UNDER $100M) • Murphy Surveys, Murphy Surveys Community Engagement Initiative Upgrade YOUNG TUNNELLER OF THE YEAR • Severn Trent Water, Newark Customers and Communities First Initiative • Ferrovial Agroman Laing O’Rourke JV, Traditional and Digital Monitoring, • Joseph Gallagher, Nine Elms South Bank Cable Tunnel Northern Line Extension • Morgan Sindall, Southam Quarry A426 Crossing • Ana Aser, Ferrovial Agroman • Southland Holdings, Community Engagement for Kaneohe/Kailua Tunnel • Senthilnath G T, Geoconsult Asia Singapore Project • MMC Gamuda KVMRT, Measuring Pile Strain Profi les, Sungai Buloh- • Southland Holdings, Deep Rock Connector Tunnel Project Serdang-Putrajaya Klang Valley Mass Rapid Transit • tRIIO (Skanska & Morrison JV), Barhale, Mott MacDonald, • Liam Greaney, Ferrovial Agroman Laing O’Rourke JV • Murphy Surveys, Real-time Monitoring for Multiple Asset Protection, Gardiner & Theobald, Chelsea Battersea Pipeline Tunnel Project • Sam Huckle, Balfour Beatty HEALTH, SAFETY & WELLBEING INITIATIVE UKPN Battersea tunnel • Nick McCrossan, Mott MacDonald • Murphy Surveys, Innovative and Safer Tunnel Monitoring Techniques, • James Reilly, Bouygues Travaux Publics OF THE YEAR St John’s Woods TUNNELLING PROJECT OF • Alejandro Vazquez, Ferrovial Agroman Laing O’Rourke JV • Astaldi, Health & Safety Management, Chuquicamata Mine in Chile • Transport for London Engineering in partnership with Transmission THE YEAR ($100M TO $1BN) • Dragages / Bouygues TP, ROBY 850 Semi-Automatic Drilling Robot, Dynamics, Escalator Smart-Steps, Bank Station Capacity Upgrade • Airport Authority Hong Kong, Atkins China, Langfang Huayuan, Liantang/Hueng Yuen Wai Boundary Control point Black & Veatch, Cinotech, Hong Kong Internation Airport Three-Runway • Ferrovial Agroman Laing O’Rourke JV, Workforce Wellbeing and Mental System Project - Aviation Fuel Pipeline Diversion Works Health Awareness, Northern Line Extension INNOVATION IN INSTRUMENTATION & • Arup Singapore, Downtown Line 3 Contract 937 Fort Canning Station and • Mapei, Mapelastic TU (waterproofi ng) System MONITORING AWARD (PRODUCT SPECIALIST) Associated Tunnels • UtterBerry, UtterBerry System, Crossrail Tunnelling • Elpa, TBM Operational Data Real Time Monitoring, Red Line Metro, Tel Aviv • Costain and VINCI Construction Grands Projets, Shieldhall Tunnel • GeoSLAM, Real-Time Automated Measurements for Safer Sprayed • Ferrovial Agroman Laing O’Rourke JV, Northern Line Extension INNOVATION IN DESIGN & DELIVERY AWARD Concrete • Weston Williamson + Partners, Victoria Station Upgrade • Global Sensing Solutions, Testing Smart Segments, Liantang/Heung Yuen • WSP on behalf of the Well-Connected Alliance, Waterview Connection • Arup, The Asset Portal, Crossrail 2 Wai Boundary Control Point • Avenue2, Double-Decker Tunnel, Park Lane for A2 Maastricht • Pinssar, Harsh Environment - Real Time DPM Monitor • Capita & Costain, Pavement and Drainage Design, M4 Brynglas Tunnel • FlatMesh Wireless Technology for Deformation Monitoring Refurbishment Senceive, • SIXENSE , Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar, Crossrail Satellite • Dragages / Bouygues TP, Adapted Techniques for Large TBM Shaft InSAR monitoring Crossing, Tuen Mun-Chek Lap Kok Link • Worldsensing, Loadsensing Wireless Monitoring using LPWAN for TO BOOK YOUR TABLE: SPONSOR THE FESTIVAL: • Dragages / Bouygues TP, Deep Excavation Caterpillar-Shaped Co˜ erdam, Tunnel Construction Tuen Mun-Chek Lap Kok Link • Metro C, Bored-Pile Wall Trial Field in AMA area Rachael O’Rourke Francis Barham • Skanska, Dewatering Saline Intrusion Prevention, River Humber Gas Pipeline Replacement rachael.o’[email protected] [email protected] • Spie Batignolles Fondations UK, Small Diameter Deep Diaphragm Wall, Bypass Tunnel Outlet Shaft at Beckton STW for Tideway 020 3953 2114 020 3953 2912 @TunnellingFest # TunnellingFest NVP’s modules can handle 500m3 of wastewater a day

Tech Excellence Wastewater

here there’s muck there is brass” has always been more of a saying than a SPECIAL statement of fact. But that is now changing with industrial producers Wand water companies actually saving hard currency by investing in an innovative form of anaerobic digestion (AD) that could transform wastewater treatment across the industrial and municipal sectors. Some of these are putting their TREATMENT faith in NVP Energy, an Irish start-up An Irish start-up using a pioneering system spun out of the National University of Ireland, Galway. It claims to offer a of low-temperature anaerobic digestion is set revolution in wastewater treatment to start transforming the way wastewater is by using innovative AD technology that reduces the amount of treated. Mark Hansford reports. wastewater pollutants requiring treatment while producing a high quality methane-based biogas by-product. Low operating costs and rapid installation, using prefabricated, offsite manufacturing have enabled NVP to sell its technology to the brewer with the promise of a return

62 NEW CIVIL ENGINEER | OCTOBER 2018 50x BET TER than the EN standard

High performance full retention oil separators for sites where the “industry standard” is just not good enough

Industry-leading effluent discharge: <0.1mg/l (Industry standard: <5mg/l) tested and approved to BSeN858

A range from Marsh Industries

Patent pending

[email protected] | 01933 654582 | INTELLIGENT Water TREATMENT

Macrete NCE 1-2 page March 2016-paths.indd 1 17/03/2016 11:11 Tech Excellence Wastewater

Our strategy the process produces high quality the waste chemicals into biogas, methane biogas, which will be used to ideally suited for heat and electricity KEY STAT will be to generate heat, reducing the site’s generation – enough to offset ABP energy consumption footprint. Foods’ gas usage on site by 40%. market and deploy 40% The low operating costs mean that This commission was followed by a typical customer should see a one for Arrabawn Dairies Group which systems ourselves on a Amount NVP return on investment within those has been operating for 18 months. has enabled three years. One such customer is The company targets the food and turnkey basis brewer Heineken. It is installing NVP drink and municipal water sectors ABP Foods to “ plant at its brewery in Hereford in because they tend to produce cut gas use two stages, with stage one now low-strength wastewater with lower undergoing commissioning. In this organic content than the waste streams on its investment within three years. first stage, one NVP Energy module, produced by other sectors such as For the brewing, dairy and meat 90% capable of handling up to 500m3 of agriculture. These low-strength processing industries, wastewater Amount of wastewater a day has been installed, wastewaters are ideally suited to NVP’s treatment is a major consideration. A alongside a 1,530m3 balancing tank energy-positive process. typical brewer, for example, produces chemical which will receive all effluent The focus is now firmly on the 2,000m3 of wastewater every day – oxygen discharges from site operations. water utilities clients, with the firm and, if it has no wastewater treatment demand the If commissioning is successful and currently installing a module for facilities on site, faces substantial the biogas produced is suitable for Welsh water company Dwr Cymru. trade effluent charges from the local NVP system combustion in the on-site boilers, “This is for one of its sites in Wales water company. removes from three more modules will be installed and will also be operational by the But treatment technologies are, in a rolling programme throughout end of the year,” says Murray. “That traditionally, capital intensive and wastewater 2019. will help us get into the municipal have high ongoing operational costs. NVP managing director Michael wastewater treatment market. That’s And it has been hard to find a system Murray is confident and expects his a market that has been slow to adopt which provided an acceptable firm to grow rapidly, built on a new technologies. It uses traditional payback period to warrant the initial technology that is now proven and AD, which is highly energy-intensive. investment. building a reputation largely through Our technology is attractive as it Enter NVP and its module – an positive feedback from clients. significantly reduces energy costs. expanded granular sludge bed reactor The company was formed in 2013 These projects mark important that covers granules with a new kind and spent the following three years milestones for NVP. “We had two of microbial coating. This kick starts scaling up the technology to meet projects back in 2017 – Arrabawn and the anaerobic digestion of the organic industrial standards. ABP – and we have now added a components in the wastewater The firm installed its first number of other blue-chip companies process at temperatures below 20˚C commercial-scale installation at an to our pipeline. We are deploying first- – a compelling development. operational site in County Armagh, of-its-kind technology in these key “The unique aspect of the Northern Ireland, at a meat market segments. technology is that it is able to work at processing site operated by Irish food “We received patent approval in the temperatures as low as 4˚C and processor ABP Group in April 2016. United States in September of last upwards,” says NVP managing ABP sustainability manager John year and European patent approval director Michael Murray. “Other Durkan, who oversaw the just recently. That means that we can systems only work at 30˚C to 35˚C and commissioning by NVP Energy of the move into these two key markets with require energy to drive them. Our flagship sludgeless wastewater patented technology. Our strategy system takes mid- to low-strength treatment plant, says its plant will be to market and deploy systems wastewater from production lines and delivered solid, reliable performance ourselves on a turnkey basis in the turns it into an energy source.” right from the outset. UK and Ireland and to work with The system, Murray explains, will “ABP is always on the look out to partners in the US, European Union consequently be able to remove 90% support and enable innovative and and other more distant markets.” N of chemical oxygen demand (COD) in technology-driven projects that will the water and 50% all the suspended solve problems, so this project ticked solids with minimal energy input. all our boxes,” he says. “It’s carbon This level of COD reduction will cut neutral, sustainable, odourless, the client’s annual trade effluent cutting edge technology, low cost of Treatment charges by over 60% because, treatment, no sludge production with although the water coming out of clean wastewater discharge. On top technologies NVP’s technology still needs further of that, it delivers high quality treatment, it is much cleaner – and methane gas for use on site.” are traditionally capital therefore cheaper for the water The treatment plant at Lurgan intensive and have company to treat. processes the entire flow of On top of that, as an added bonus, wastewater produced on site, turning high operating costs

64 NEW CIVIL ENGINEER | OCTOBER 2018 “ IN PARTNERSHIP WITH Tech Showcase ABBEY PYNFORD IN WITH THE NEW Specialist contractors are pioneering modern foundations solutions for new homes.

t is generally agreed that the large will also have an effect. governments’ target of building The fallout from the Grenfell tower over 300,000 new homes per fire will not just affect the processes year will only be achieved by associated with high-rise construction building on brownfield sites, and refurbishment and will not just be second-use sites, or those with a factor in ensuring fire safety, it will difficult access, geotechnical challenges affect everything we do, particularly in Ior which are prone to flooding. homes creation. The Campaign to Protect Rural The foundations industry is ready for England published “State of Brownfield the challenge ahead and recognises that 2018” which identified that there were things must be done differently, but to over 1M brownfield housing plots across do this clients and housebuilders must England that could be developed. be provided with knowledge and cost- Arguably, that’s three years supply effective solutions. of land. Foundation construction must not So why are developers reticent to lag behind other facets of modern build on and develop these sites? methods of construction but must CPRE research reveals three main be at the forefront. Quality, speed factors which influence this decision. of construction, and dealing with the l Fiscal skills shortage can all be remedied by l Planning adopting modern methods of foundation l Site conditions design and construction. The current fiscal conditions are Abbey Pynford is at the forefront of better than they have been for a this campaign and has an enviable range considerable period; planning decisions of systems for the construction of safe, are, arguably, being made quicker, cost effective and environmentally- with more care and consideration than friendly foundations and sub-structures previously; which leaves site conditions. for all kinds and types of building. The foundations industry has for Systems such as Housedeck and a long time had methods for dealing Comdeck provide design and construct with so-called “bad” sites, however foundations for Residential, Commercial it is only relatively recently that the Development are superseded by more modern and Industrial Buildings. Hybrid cost-effectiveness of these methods has pressures mean methods. variations, Treesafe and Floodsafe, started to emerge. that building on Decades ago concrete strips and accommodate the specific requirements And it does have to be said that brownfield sites trenchfill foundations replaced of building near trees and in flood unless ideas, methods and systems is increasingly shallow spread footings, usually stone susceptible areas. are cost effective they will not be common or corbelled brickwork. This was a Engineered foundations will become attractive. revolution and the foundations industry the norm and it is the industry’s Engineered foundations, once the faces another revolution of equal or responsibility to ensure that the preserve of the very bad ground site, greater magnitude. necessary levels of information are will, the industry argues, become the Building Control and warranty- available to assist developers, of norm. The days of traditional “dig-and- provider demands are increasing and speculative and social housing to be dump” foundations are numbered and the call for improved competency levels able to understand the benefits of may be that standard strip foundations throughout the construction industry at these methods.

OCTOBER 2018 | NEW CIVIL ENGINEER 65 IN PARTNERSHIP WITH Tech Showcase EJOT GRIPPING STORY Liebig anchors have wide variety of applications across the civil engineering sector.

hen global The Liebig fastener Ultraplus manufacturer anchor with EJOT became some of EJOT’s custodian to the automotive Liebig anchoring micro-screws brand, the group’s manufacturing Wportfolio expanded overnight. The physical size of Liebig anchors also added a new dimension – in particular, the Ultraplus undercut anchor. Undercut anchors present the The anchor strongest option for fixing into utilises the concrete. The name describes the full capacity process of “undercutting” a special of the flared cavity within the substrate. When concrete to in place, the anchor utilises the full resist loads capacity of the concrete to resist the application load. The Liebig Ultraplus design offers the highest tensile and shear performance at a hydro power plants, nuclear waste stack on a waste treatment plant in of any other undercut anchor on the KEY STATS and waste treatment plants, plus a the north of England. An immediate market, from 320KN tensile load and nuclear-powered submarine testing take up of load was required – which is beyond, so it is easy to appreciate bed. Papworth explains: “For the one of the Ultraplus anchor’s unique why structural engineers around the 320kN hydro power plant, M36 diameter application benefits. world respect this unique anchoring Ultraplus offers stainless steel Ultraplus anchors were “Special assembly M20 Ultraplus technology. the highest used to hold down a tunnel liner in the anchors were developed for a nuclear Diameters range from 10mm to tensile and shear main water inlet tunnel. Ultra-high submarine testing bed. Again, ultra-high 36mm with corresponding product performance performance anchors were needed here loads and significant failure risk drove names – M10 to M36. The modular of any other due to a significantly high rip force specification. These special anchors design means that lengths can be undercut anchor, that was created by the water passing were designed so that they could be bespoke to suit a particular application from 320KN through a 90˚ inlet. These massive installed permanently without relaxing – but there are many M36 variants in tensile load and forces had previously ripped up the the pretensioning when the testing beds place that measure up to 1.5m. beyond 25mm steel liner. were consequently removed.” “The nuclear waste plant utilised 1.2m There are of course the more regular ULTRAPLUS IN APPLICATION long M24 Ultraplus. Significantly high applications, for example replacing With European Technical Approvals load and safety factors, including risk of misplaced or misaligned cast-in anchors for cracked and uncracked concrete failure, were the driving factors behind for holding steel columns on more that includes seismic and load case fire, specification. The length of anchor traditional construction projects. The think of anywhere where structural and chosen meant that sub-level utilities Ultraplus anchor with its high loads, human safety is paramount. could be avoided. Anchor strength was ease of installation and immediate take Paul Papworth is EJOT UK’s Liebig also enhanced, providing extra strength. up of load is a quick and simple fix to specialist. Recent projects that he has “M36 diameter zinc plated Ultraplus overcome what otherwise would be a been engaged with include installations anchors were installed at a chimney costly re-work.

66 NEW CIVIL ENGINEER  OCTOBER 2018 IN PARTNERSHIP WITH Tech Showcase HOBEN INTERNATIONAL IT ’S IN THE BAG SoluForm supplies hand placed concrete solutions for wet and dry environments.

oluForm, a division of Hoben International, offers a range of cost effective, simple to use solutions for the hand placement of concrete. For placement in rivers and similar Sbodies of water, where there is a desire or need to place concrete cleanly and in an environmentally acceptable manner, this is achieved through the use of lined biodegradable bagwork. For general civil engineering applications, out of water placement or in low risk situations, this can be achieved with unlined bagwork. Such hand placed bagwork may be needed for scour protection, void filling, underpinning to a structure subject to scour, the formation of headwalls to culverts and bridges, or the creation and protection of riverbanks and walls. SoluForm is able to bag and distribute from its ISO accredited concrete The concrete comes in production and bagging facilities in biodegradable bags Derbyshire, eliminating the need for contractors to bag-up concrete themselves, on site. it can be carried and placed by hand. near-water, out of water or away from SoluForm’s bagwork products are It provides a cost effective means of watercourse placement, where bagwork prefilled with a choice of concrete placing concrete for a variety of civil is either pre-soaked or wetted following grades. It also supplies the bagwork engineering applications. placement, subject to regulatory control in a range of bagwork options. It is One particular advantage of hand or approval. SoluForm’s intention to increase its placed bagwork over other products is The bagwork, including liners, is fully range and capacity over the coming that it is highly adaptable, allowing site biodegradable and liners and outer year, to increase the number of design personnel the ability to adapt to changes hessian bagwork are made from natural, mixes it can offer. in design, install a solution despite limited renewable and sustainable resources. In addition to the bags, SoluForm information about the problem, or work Suitable for a range of civil also supplies ancillary steelwork for around unforeseen obstacles. engineering applications, either in water strengthening finished blockwork, or for Lined bagwork is ideal for hand with the use of lined bagwork, or out of placing lined bagwork underwater. placing concrete in watercourses in a water using unlined bagwork. safe and environmentally acceptable It is suitable for underpinning, void WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS? manner, in most cases without the need filling, riverbank works, constructing Hand placed bagwork is simple to use, for dewatering or temporary works. culvert headwalls and various scour no specialist skills are required and Unlined bagwork is suitable for protection works.

OCTOBER 2018 | NEW CIVIL ENGINEER 67 Tech Showcase Oil/Liquid Separators

Typical API gravimetric oil/liquid separator

Oil separation STANDARD compartment RESPONSE Inlet Marsh Industries technical sales director Stephen Le Tissier questions whether the current testing regime Sediment baffle within European Standard BS EN 858 still provides an Flow distribution acceptable level of pollutant after separation. baffle

he most common form of CURRENT EN STANDARD product. There has been no natural drive separation technology is a The European Standard, BS EN 858 to improve product performance. vessel designed to separate parts 1&2, was introduced in 2002 to The current class 1 standard of less than contaminants by gravity normalise design and regulate testing of 5mg/l of light liquid is only determined to a specific standard of products across Europe. This standard by test conditions. Marsh Industries’ discharge. settled on a two tier quality level – class experience in this field indicates that These systems are typically used in 1 and class 2. this standard is rarely met once a Tsurface water drainage systems for car l Class 1 – designed to achieve a product is installed. parks, petrol station forecourts and discharge concentration of less than other “at risk” locations. 5mg/l of oil in the discharge THE REALITY OF CURRENT Vessel design is calculated from l Class 2 – designed to achieve a STANDARDS the volume, flow rate of combined discharge concentration of less than With the current level of 5mg/l for a water, and the contaminant to ensure 100mg/l of oil in the discharge Class 1 discharge – the question is: “Are sufficient retention time for gravity Once testing is complete and approval Class 1 separators the very best that separation to occur. “Forced flow” achieved, manufacturers are free to manufacturers can offer?” separation can also be achieved by bring their products to market. Studies have shown that the majority adding a coalescing device within the of hydrocarbon pollutants entering vessel. THE EFFECTS OF CURRENT the water system stems from urban Between 1970 and 2000, STANDARDS developments. separator technology evolved from A good starting point for any product is Leaving aside the toxic effects of three chamber designs to include to set out relevant standards and levels contaminants on human and aquatic bypass flow designs with additional of quality in product build and product life, when a hydrocarbon molecule components such as coalescing performance. However, since the spreads to one molecule thick and given filters, automatic closure devices, introduction of BS EN 858 in 2002, enough surface area to spread, five litres alarms as well as contaminant product development in gravity oil/ of oil would be more than enough to recovery/removal systems liquid separation has remained static. contaminate five football pitches. allowing for recycling of light Manufacturers are only required In addition, most hydrocarbon liquids. to meet the testing standards to sell molecules are attached to silt particles;


The new Portapura oil separator from Marsh Industries

Oil skimmer Clear well High level alarm Stormwater Anti-flood valve Surge balance overflow control tank

Inlet Breather pipe

Outlet Outlet

Coalescing filter Oil retention chamber Oil retention baffle Nanofiltration technology

Toxic effects of stormwater contaminants where Stokes law proves that these THE SOLUTION Contami- Potential effect Recommended criteria particles will sink rather than float as Marsh Industries has developed the nant on humans conventional separators require. Portapura, an innovative separator Drinking water Aquatic life When mixed with other elements system that breaks the constraints of in real life scenarios, such as glycol, the current standards. Lead Nephritis 50 mg/litre 0.01 LC 50 standard gravity separators become less The Portapura takes advantage of

Zinc Metallic taste 5 mg/litre 0.01 LC50 efficient at contaminate removal. nanofiltration technology to produce Copper Liver damage 1 mg/litre 0.01 LC Marsh Industries believes that the discharge that is 50 times better 50 current testing standards covering than the EN standard; that is less Source: Krenkel and Novotny 1980 products within the gravity separator than 0.1mg/l – the standard only Example of Portapura 6 test results market are outmoded and fail to protect requires less than 5mg/l for a “class 1 Result GC in mg/litre the environment as they should. They discharge”. Sample (Industry standard <5mg/ do not reflect or address any “real-life” Testing was analysed for hydrocarbon litre) scenario where hydrocarbon pollution is content using infrared spectroscopy at prevalent. Geotaix Umwelttechnologie. NS 6-1 < 0.1 During the sampling period, five samples of 500ml were taken via the NS 6-2 < 0.1 The current sampling point. NS 6-3 < 0.1 The quality of discharge from the Portapura exceeded the NS 6-4 < 0.1 testing measurable level of the test equipment standards fail not to mention the current EN NS 6-5 < 0.1 standard. to protect the Full testing is now complete NS 6-6 < 0.1 for the entire Portapura separator range and the products are NS 6-7 < 0.1 environment as they undergoing their “release to sale” Average < 0.1 “ process. should



Network Rail Scotland has modelled its infrastructure with a track-based scanner for the fi rst time as it gears up for the arrival of new rolling stock. Engineers have been collecting high-resolution data about track and surrounding features such as bridges, platforms and parapets with the Trimble GEDOScan system. The information is used to create three-dimensional images for use in track clearance assessments of structures and tunnels. Network Rail Scotland has undertaken the surveys as it prepares for the introduction of new train classes, such as the LNER Azuma and class 158s.


Self-healing roads A new data sharing scheme manufactured offsite and could save High Speed 2 embedded with solar panels around £10M. Engineers have are the future of England’s been given a “call to arms” by major highways, making HS2 Ltd to make the industry roadworks and closures more effi cient by sharing more obsolete, according to Balfour early ground investigation Beatty’s Customer Driven data. Called “Dig to Share”, report. In the report the the project – organised by Highways England contractor Atkins, Morgan Sindall and Network Rail is using inspect a wide area of reveals its plan to “do away the British Geological Survey helicopters to inspect the infrastructure in a short space altogether” with roadworks, and supported by HS2 – aims south western rail network, in of time, Network Rail said. instead relying on self-healing to overhaul industry practice a bid to improve performance The helicopters are capable of materials, 3D printing and by encouraging engineers to without disrupting train covering the route from London offsite construction to be share information in a services. The helicopters use Waterloo station to Weymouth autonomous vehicle ready free-to-access central thermal and visual imaging station in Dorset in around and more customer focused. database. equipment to identify faults and three hours.

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[email protected] ICE 200 Global Engineering Congress

What is the significance of the Global Engineering Congress (GEC)? The GEC will bring together eminent engineers from around the world to discuss their collective efforts in progressing the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It is also an opportunity to raise the profile of the problems that are being addressed and the solutions TACKLING that are being developed.

How has the World Federation of Engineering Organisations (WFEO) identified the right topics and projects for the first GEC to tackle? The WFEO has a strategic objective to provide international leadership THE GOALS for engineers to develop The World Federation of Engineering Organisations frameworks and policies that progress the SDGs. Our aim for the president Marlene Kanga discusses how engineers GEC programme was to showcase the best of the projects that are being contribute to sustainable development ahead of the first undertaken around the world and to provide thought leadership on the Global Engineering Congress in October 2018 to be held critical issues. in partnership with the ICE. How is our changing climate and growing, urbanising population impacting infrastructure globally? There is a pressing need for better housing, roads and utilities, especially in developing countries. Providing sustainable solutions will be a challenge for engineers. The WFEO has developed a model code of practice to assess the impact of climate change on infrastructure and we will be speaking about some of these issues at the GEC.

What tools are at engineers’ disposal as they strive to create more resilient infrastructure? A risk-based approach is cost effective. However, every aspect of location, design, construction and maintenance requires review to achieve sustainable outcomes.

What role can digital transformation in engineering play in tackling the SDGs? Digital transformation can introduce new technologies that can enable developing countries to leapfrog development stages. For example, mobile payment systems can allow Kanga: WFEO is providing leadership to engineers working on the UN Sustainable Development Goals small farmers and entrepreneurs


in Asia and Africa to trade without a bank account. This can lead to EURELECTRIC VIEW the achievement of several SDGs – including education, better health and the alleviation of poverty.

What is required to support the engineering industry’s achievement A CREDIBLE REPLY TO of the SDGs? Government policy is needed to underpin the imperative for sustainable development. The technology for many solutions already exists but there may be THE CLIMATE CHALLENGE barriers, such as cost or community perceptions, that prevent implementation. For example, in some developed countries there is an aversion to Almost regardless of potable recycled water, which where people spent Any ambitious is an imperative in dry countries. this summer, they Recycling is often a more can recount stories decarbonisation sustainable alternative to of extreme weather. desalination, which is very A historic heatwave strategy will require a strong energy intensive. Government triggered wildfires in can establish policies that ensure Sweden and Greece. push for electrification integrated water management. Kristian Spain and Portugal Ruby saw heat records while How does WFEO Denmark suffered a “a shift in consumer behaviour but it comes play a role here? drought. with significant co-benefits, such as cleaner air, WFEO has a unique position The list continues. system synergies and energy efficiency. Electric in being the umbrella body for Global warming is beginning to bite and the vehicles are up to three times more energy nearly 100 professional engineering dire consequences are becoming apparent. efficient than conventional cars. They also institutions around the world. For a long time, the discussion on climate have electricity storage potential, which allows We can engage with international action was focused on the power sector. But it for better use of available grid and optimising bodies such as the UN to put is increasingly clear that a society-wide strategy integration of renewables. forward frameworks and is needed. Electrification rates in residential and strategies to implement solutions And clean electricity is the foundation of any commercial buildings are more advanced. Here, to various aspects of sustainable strategy to achieve a decarbonised society. more than one third of total energy consumption development. The WFEO Massive overall energy savings are needed comes from electric sources. However, reaching Engineering 2030 Plan sets out to achieve the long-term goals set by the Paris the goals already agreed by policy makers to achieve this objective. We will Agreement. Between 48% and 60% of the EU would require a 45% electrification rate. The be releasing the first report on economy should be electrified – an ambitious study explores the potential for electrification in the projects being undertaken target given electricity’s share of overall cooking and space and water heating systems. under the Plan at the GEC. European energy consumption is 22% today. Numerous solutions already exist, but they need But these objectives are attainable, especially time to take precedence. if we build on the momentum created by a Decarbonisation pathways will continue fast-paced digital transformation and continued to be influenced by several factors, including cost reductions for renewable generation resource availability, geography, industrial Digital technologies. specialisations and the commercial availability transformation Eurelectric’s study, Decarbonisation pathways, of key transition technologies. But any produced with the support of McKinsey, covers ambitious decarbonisation strategy will require 100% of final EU energy consumption and a strong push for electrification. By betting on can introduce new examines the most efficient ways to decarbonise electrification, Europe has a unique opportunity most end-use sectors. Transport is the sector to foster economic growth while delivering on technologies that can with the most urgent need for electrification. A the Paris goals. enable developing mere 1% of energy in transport is electric today. ● Kristian Ruby is Eurelectric secretary general. He This needs to rise to 65% to comply with the will speak at the Global Engineering Congress on “ most ambitious decarbonisation scenario. the transition to a sustainable, smart and energy countries to leapfrog This shift will require big investments and efficient society. development stages.

OCTOBER 2018 | NEW CIVIL ENGINEER 73 ICE 200 Global Engineering Congress BRIDGING THE GAPS This month’s Global Engineering Congress in London will focus on how engineers can help to deliver the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

here is a strong appetite With some of the identified priority will convene to agree a worldwide for action on the United SDGs, there was a notable difference response to deliver the SDGs. Nations Sustainable between the ratings of millennials KEY FACT The five SDGs identified as Development Goals and non-millennials. Nearly 70% of priorities by the research are also (SDGs) among engineers, millennial engineers rated climate those that were independently but efforts are hampered change as a priority SDG, compared 56% chosen to be focused on at the by a lack of effective means to with only around 50% of non- Percentage GEC. The congress will bring Tmeasure impact, according to new millennials. Around 90% of millennials of engineers together the engineering community research from the ICE and the Nathu indicated sustainable cities as a to agree and implement a practical Puri Institute. priority SDG, compared with less than saying the route map towards these goals The research revealed that 83% 80% of non-millennials. issues with by 2030. of engineers surveyed want to know “The majority of all engineering Baker explains: “Infrastructure more about the SDGs and what professionals see climate change and defining has always been essential for can be done to demonstrate success sustainable cities as key priority SDGs success are delivering economic growth and against the SDG 2030 targets. Seventy on which engineers can act,” says ICE the biggest societal wellbeing. The work that eight per cent do not believe in director of engineering knowledge engineers do is vital for meeting the “cherry-picking” SDGs for self-serving Nathan Baker. challenges SDGs, improving people’s quality of targets but instead, that profitable “But it appears these issues are for measuring life and preserving our planet. The growth should be balanced with a of greater importance to millennial worldwide engineering community longer-term view on global engineers. As they take their place SDG impact has the means to deliver real change SDG impacts. as the next generation of engineering and through the GEC, the ICE is Survey participants identified leaders, we can expect sustainability inviting policymakers, leaders and which SDGs should be a priority to become an even greater driving practitioners to take practical action.” for engineering firms, with 94% force within engineering, setting a The research further found that indicating SDG 6 (clean water and new agenda for infrastructure.” nearly nine out of 10 engineers want sanitation) as a clear priority, The research findings have to measure SDG impact on projects. 83% indicating SDG 7 (affordable been released ahead of the Global Despite this strong demand, only one and clean energy), 80% indicating Engineering Congress (GEC) third of engineering firms reported SDG 9 (industry, innovation and this month (see box). This will be that they have an effective means to infrastructure), 79% indicating SDG 11 hosted by the ICE together with the measure impact. (sustainable cities and communities), World Federation of Engineering When asked to identify the greatest and 57% indicating SDG 13 (climate Organisations. It will be a forum challenges for measuring SDG impact, change). where engineering professionals issues with defining success came out

74 NEW CIVIL ENGINEER | OCTOBER 2018 46% of engineers A necessary believe it is important next step to focus on outputs rather than outcomes is the creation of standardised tools “and key performance indicators to measure SDG performance on engineering projects

as the most popular answer (56%). This was closely followed by business priorities (55%), leadership (52%) GLOBAL ENGINEERING CONGRESS and a focus on outputs rather than outcomes (46%). “These responses suggest that a In October 2018, the ICE will host the first Wider discussions at the congress will necessary next step is the creation Global Engineering Congress (GEC) at ICE consider how infrastructure and engineering of standardised tools and key headquarters, One Great George Street in can help alleviate poverty, promote responsible performance indicators to measure London. consumption and production, work towards gender SDG performance on engineering equality and encourage worldwide health and projects,” says London South Bank The flagship event of the ICE’s bicentenary brings wellbeing. University and University College together the world’s best engineering minds The event is a unique gathering of the World London researcher Paul Mansell, who to agree a response to the pressing need for Federation of Engineering Organisations, the led the research. “The next phase of action on climate change, the delivery of clean American Society of Civil Engineers, the Canadian research will work with engineering water, sustainable energy and a connected world. Society of Civil Engineers, the European Council organisations to develop simple, Engineers will collaborate on the United Nations of Civil Engineers, the Commonwealth Engineers relevant and accessible frameworks Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) where Council, Engineers Australia and many more. As for reporting sustainability impact on they can make the most impact. the world’s oldest professional engineering body, projects.” The SDGs have been set to provide a blueprint the ICE’s role is to facilitate this global debate. The wider ongoing research to achieve a better and more sustainable future The GEC offers five full days of multi-streamed includes interviews with CEOs and for all people across the globe by 2030. They content from over 100 speakers, including heads of sustainability to better address global challenges, including those related National Infrastructure Commission chairman Sir understand their SDG priorities and to poverty, inequality, climate, and environmental John Armitt; United Nations Office for Project what they plan to do differently. Due degradation. Services director of infrastructure and project to be published in November, the full Over the next two years, the ICE wants to management Nick O’Regan; Netherlands Ministry research report is intended to identify build a practical route map with the engineering of Infrastructure and the Environment director areas of best practice across the community that allows the global profession general Michèle Blom; World Bank infrastructure sector and will be used by the ICE to collectively to turn knowledge into action. director Jordan Schwartz; and US Environmental inform post-GEC activity. Activities at the GEC will include workshops, Protection Agency office of ground water and round table discussions, and exhibitions, as drinking water director Peter Grevatt. l More information on the Global well as allowing networking opportunities and a The week-long congress runs from 22 to 26 Engineering Congress can be found governmental engagement programme. October. at



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GOVERNANCE People’s choice: The 2017 winner was the Review follows Jubilee Pool restoration project in Penzance Special General Meeting on ballot

ICE Council has announced a full governance consultation and review in response to the results of the Special General Meeting (SGM) in July. A majority of ICE members attending the SGM voted in favour of a resolution expressing disappointment with the ICE’s handling of the governance ballot and at the lack of consultation about governance changes (New Civil Engineer last month). The ballot carried out during June and July saw 70% of those who voted accepting the proposed governance changes. The review will consult PEOPLE’S CHOICE AWARD widely across the membership and interested parties and will report to Council throughout 2019 prior to framing recommendations. People’s Choice Award Speaking on behalf of Council, ICE President Lord Mair and vice president, public voice Rachel Skinner said: “Council has and polling gets underway continues to act scrupulously in accordance with the ICE’s bylaws. The ICE is inviting the public UK competitors include the competition, encouraging their “Under our bylaws, we are to vote for its People’s Choice Blyth Offshore Demonstrator friends and family to cast their compelled to introduce the Award, which celebrates Windfarm Project in the North vote.” governance changes accepted the best civil engineering East, Scotland’s Queensferry The full list of short listed by the membership in July. projects that have made a Crossing and the Shieldhall projects can be found at www. “At the same time, we have positive impact for their local sewer system; Yorkshire’s listened to and accepted the communities. Tadcaster Bridge; and the Tate Voting is open until 5pm on 28 results of the SGM. The award was previously St Ives art gallery in the South September. All voters will be “In particular, we recognise only open to projects in the West. entered into a prize draw to win that there were concerns over UK, but this year the shortlist ICE director of UK regions a Fitbit Charge 2. communications, engagement includes international schemes Wendy Blundell said: “Civil There will be updates and process in how those for the first time to mark the engineering directly transforms on social media using the proposals were brought to the ICE’s bicentenary. people’s everyday lives and #ICEPeopleschoice hashtag and members. These include the Harbour safeguards our future. The 2018 the winner will be announced on “Our next step will be to Area Treatment Scheme in Hong People’s Choice Award shortlist 6 November. appoint an independent chair Kong, which has restored the includes some of the finest In 2017, more than 16,000 to lead this review. They will water quality of Hong Kong’s examples of projects which people across the UK voted develop terms of reference, form Victoria Harbour, and the Nepal have made a difference to their for one of their favourite civil a diverse and inclusive working rural access programme whose local community. It’s now up engineering projects, with the group and collate an onward infrastructure has improved the to the general public to decide top prize going to the Jubilee programme for Council approval lives of the poorest people in their favourite and I would ask Pool restoration project in in December.” remote areas of the country. all members to support the Penzance, Cornwall.

OCTOBER 2018 | NEW CIVIL ENGINEER 77 Institution of Civil Engineers Record

ENGINEERING SUPERHEROES The Engineering Superheroes exhibition is aimed at inspiring young people to take up civil Superheroes show engineering careers goes to Belfast Special Northern Ireland edition of the Engineering Superheroes show targets people passing through Belfast City Airport

Northern Ireland’s Invisible the planet from dangers such Superheroes exhibition has as climate change and flooding. celebrated six months at “Civil engineers really are Belfast City Airport, reaching the invisible superheroes who out to the 11,000 people protect our safety, our health travelling in and out of and our wellbeing every day,” Northern Ireland each day. said ICE Northern Ireland Part of the ICE 200 regional director Richard Kirk. celebrations, the superheroes “Much of civil engineering is landed in Belfast in February unseen, but still critical to our this year and the exhibition quality of life.” will remain open to the public As well as characters who Structura, based on engineer themed activity packs for until January. feature in the London version Vera Donnelly from Graham, children passing through the The exhibition explains of the exhibition, including and Doctor Sensora, based on airport. The packs include how civil engineers help Thomas Telford as Colossus, researcher Myra Lydon from fun facts about civil transform lives and features the Belfast exhibition includes Queens University Belfast. engineering, brain teasers real-life engineers as cartoon two new and exclusive The ICE also produced 5,000 and games to inspire the next superheroes, battling to save superheroes: The Amazing free Invisible Superheroes- generation to consider careers

FLOODING ICE 200 ICE 200 ICE 200 ICE SuDS group Engineering Late event Australian ICE ICE and Hungarian seeking comments for to be held at Great hosts Australasia engineers hold joint Route Maps updates George Street conference in Sydney Budapest conference

The ICE sustainable drainage Engineering Late returns to Australian ICE members The Hungarian Chamber of systems (SuDS) task group is One Great George Street on hosted the ICE 200 Australasia Engineers (MMK) and the seeking comments, suggestions Friday 19 October when the Conference on 6 and 7 ICE have launched the Civil and updates from engineers ICE throws its doors open September in Sydney. The Engineer 200 conference about issues affecting their to the public. Tideway chief conference showcased and exhibition in Budapest. installation. The group is led executive Andy Mitchell ways civil engineering is The joint event included the by David Smoker of ACO and will lead the line-up of talks, transforming the way people signing of a memorandum will reconvene this autumn celebrating civil engineering. live and examined the skills, of understanding between to review and update the Interactive activities will technologies, policies and the two institutions. The SuDS Route Maps. The SuDS include virtual reality projects that will shape the exhibition celebrates civil Route Maps were launched experiences and a “fight the global engineering profession. engineering and aims to in 2018 and explain how to flood” challenge. There will ICE past president Tim Broyd inspire more young people ensure SuDS is included in be live jazz, food and drinks, opened the conference. to join the profession. The project designs and delivered as well as after-hours access Speakers included senior ICE has provided Invisible effectively. Feedback or to the Invisible Superheroes executives and industry Superheroes-themed exhibits. updates should be emailed to exhibition. To register and leaders from engineering The Duke of York, who is also [email protected] by 1 learn more, visit and projects and delivery agencies ICE’s Royal patron, opened October. search “Engineering Late”. across the Asia Pacific region. Civil Engineer 200.



Technology changes the way we live. The As a profession, we need Octopus card – a to be flexible and work plastic smartcard which can hold pay- collaboratively with others to as-you-go credit – was introduced in Hong best shape smart infrastructure Eva Kong in 1997 and has to meet our society’s needs in civil engineering. Kong substantially replaced Kirk said: “Invisible the use of cash for low “ Superheroes is all about value transactions. technology which are changing how assets are educating the public about the Like London’s Oyster planned, constructed, operated and maintained. important role civil engineers Card, Octopus is used to pay for transport fares Big data is the other key component driving play and inspiring the next but in Hong Kong, it is also a widely accepted smart assets. The deployment of smart generation.” form of payment in shops and parking facilities. motorway technology can actively manage traffic China has moved even further towards a flows and optimise the motorway network. cashless society with mobile phones replacing With data sharing between different modes of cash and credit cards. Even beggars are transport, it is possible to further coordinate and accepting street donations via QR code. optimise routes and schedules and make public PASS LISTS, BYLAW 15 Just as technology has altered consumers’ transportation more efficient. Ultimately, with lives, it is also increasingly transforming the development of driverless vehicles and the As New Civil Engineer is now infrastructure. The next generation of assets can use of big data, public transport systems may published monthly, the names inform the engineer of their condition and status be drastically transformed into a point-to-point of candidates recently awarded a and when they need to be repaired or replaced. service for the individual. professional qualification with ICE Already, some of our critical infrastructure – like Project owners have a critical role in will only be published online at Hong Kong’s Tsing Ma Bridge – have built-in integrating different expertise and investigating smart sensors and fibre optics to monitor how to incorporate technology to achieve the icenews. They will no longer be structural performance. best asset functionality from the start of project published in the print edition. Smart assets can also optimise energy use and planning.

reduce operation and maintenance costs. Many Funders need to understand the opportunities The pass lists will also be published cities have implemented smart street lighting and risks technology brings. Engineers need to on ICE’s website, along with the systems. Sensors can dim and switch off lights proactively incorporate technology into design names of all candidates applying automatically or enable remote control from a and construction. Integrating technology –which for professionally qualified central operations room. The performance of normally has a short design life and rapid membership (Bylaw 15). Both each light across a city can also be monitored advancement – into infrastructure assets with a can be viewed at remotely without the need for manual design life of 50 to 100 years presents a challenge bylaw15 under “newest qualified inspection. Based on the performance data, an to project participants. As a profession, we need member”. Lists will remain on the operator can then predict the residual life of to be flexible and work collaboratively with site for 28 days. To view lists on lighting and carry out proactive maintenance. others to best shape smart infrastructure to the New Civil Engineer website, Virtual reality, artificial intelligence, robotics meet our society’s needs. visit and 3-D printing are other examples of ● Eva Kong is the ICE’s Hong Kong regional director latest/icenews

OCTOBER 2018 | NEW CIVIL ENGINEER 79 Institution of Civil Engineers Record

CHRIMES WATCH New Civil Engineer 4th Floor, Telephone House 69-77 Paul Street, London EC2A 4NQ

MARKETING SOLUTIONS Head of Sales | Francis Barham TODAY’S ENGINEERS NEED (020) 3953 2912 | Francis.barham ONLINE ACCESS ENQUIRIES Email: [email protected]

EDITORIAL ADVISORY BOARD WINDOWS ON THE PAST Rachel Skinner (chair), Bill Grose, Alan Clucas, Andrew Mylius, Martin Knights, Mike Napier, Miles Ashley, Rob Naybour, Tim Chapman, Tony Gates, Zakiyya Adam, Aimi Elias, John Dillon, David Caiden, Fay Bull, Sophie McPhilips, Stephen Wells, Jennifer Cooke, Simon Creer For several years, a stroll along the Tyne Our understanding of Magazine of the quays has provided a historic assets relies on Institution of Civil Engineers lively cityscape of old 1 Great George Street, London SW1P 3AA and new engineering access to archival resources, 020 7222 7722 | and architecture. However, this ICE MEMBERS’ ADDRESS old drawings and specifi cations CHANGES/ SUBSCRIPTIONS Mike summer the whole of QUERIES Chrimes Newcastle has had a to update your great buzz about it, “ address quickly online. For subscription thanks to the Great queries, please phone 020 7665 Exhibition of the North. of the National Libraries, the ICE was able to 2227, or email [email protected] Throngs were to be expected at the major acquire six contract drawings for the Lancaster SUBSCRIPTIONS venues, with the welcome return of the Rocket Canal at auction this summer. For subscription queries contact; locomotive to the North East. However, the The canal is a prime example of volunteer-led Ltd, 3 Queensbridge, numbers of families visiting small venues like infrastructure renewal that has enabled the canal Northampton NN4 7BF the North of England Institute of Mining and network to thrive as a leisure resource over the Telephone: 01604 828 705 Mechanical Engineers (NEIMME) showed what last 30 years. The original canal stretched from All rights reserved © 2018 New Civil broad appeal the exhibition has had. The South Lancashire to Kendal, and the northern Engineer. Published by EMAP a member NEIMME library featured exhibits sponsored section is currently under restoration. The Keer of the Metropolis Group. Metropolis by the ICE and the other national professional aqueduct survives as a listed structure and is Group respects the privacy of every engineering institutions. The smiles of the typical of the small span aqueduct bridges on person for whom we have personal children, parents, and grandparents in the canal. data. We comply with data protection attendance would suggest engineering still has The Lancaster Canal was one of John Rennie’s legislation such as the Data Protection a trans-generational appeal among Geordies and fi rst canal projects, commencing in 1792 Act 1998 and the General Data Protection Regulation which regulates the tourists alike. The efforts of those involved in when he was only 30 years old. The contract processing of data and ensures that your the Year of Engineering and ICE 200 are being drawings, signed in many cases by Rennie and data is processed fairly and lawfully, is rewarded. the contractor, mostly date from 1794. The kept secure and only that data necessary The Great Exhibition of the North skilfully contractor, John Pinkerton, was one of the most for any processing is kept. You can see our blends the heroic technological achievements successful of the early contractors. privacy policy at of the past with a vision of the future. With a Having survived in a chest in a Lancaster privacy number of bridges and viaducts in service after house for nearly 200 years, the drawings will more than a century, Newcastle provides many be made available by the ICE to engineers Printed by Precision Colour Printing Ltd, examples of the enduring nature of Britain’s civil and historians. As always with early contract Telford. Registered as a newspaper with the Post Offi ce ISSN 0307-7683; Issue engineering heritage. But our understanding documentation, they demonstrate how little No: 2062 Statements made or opinions of these assets relies on access to archival guidance was provided to the masons and expressed in New Civil Engineer do resources, old drawings and specifi cations, and builders of the canals and early railways. They not necessarily refl ect the views of ICE maintenance reports, as well as modern digital are testament to Rennie’s ability as a young man, Council or ICE committees monitoring techniques. making the transition from millwright to civil Eighteenth century records are rare but engineer. thanks to fi nancial support from the Friends ● Mike Chrimes is an engineering historian


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